Here you can find the documentation of the app. If you think something should be documented and is not, open an issue.
Know which APIs this app uses and provides. - Categories
This app categorizes plants into different categories. Different platforms use different categories. This explains where the categories come from and how to add new ones. - Setup
If you like to start developing the app, this explains how to set it up. - Sources
The app uses different sources for different locations in the world. This is because it crosses communities which are strong in one country or the other. Help us find communities and possible collaboration partners.- Proxies
Describes how to make the APIs available for old Androids.
- Proxies
- Style
Guides you on how to apply the icon and the app colors. - Translations
This explains how we translate and how to manage translations. - Usage
This explains how to use the app and what features are built in. - Privacy Policy
This documents which data is shared with wich service.