", Library="refprop_wrapper");
+ end getCritProp_REFPROP;
+ function setCrit
+ extends partialCritREFPROP;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:] "Mass fractions";
+ output Real Tc(unit="K") "critical temperature K";
+ // output Real pc(unit="kPa") "critical pressure, kPa";
+ // output Real dc(unit="mol/l") "critical molar density, mol/L";
+ // output MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ algorithm
+ getCritProp_REFPROP(
+ fluidnames,
+ critprops,
+ X,
+ errormsg);
+ assert(critprops[1] == 0, "Error in REFPROP wrapper function: " + errormsg + "\n");
+ Tc:=critprops[1];
+ // pc:=critprops[2];
+ // dc:=critprops[3];
+ // Z:=critprops[4:4+nX-1];
+ end setCrit;
+ function setState_dqX "Calculates medium properties from d,q,X"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Density d "Pressure";
+ input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction q "quality (vapor mass fraction)";
+ input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
+ input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ // input String fluidnames;
+ input PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice=PartialDersInputChoice.none;
+ input Boolean calcTransport=false;
+ output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ algorithm
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_dqX(" + String(d) + ","
+ + String(q) + ",X)...");
+ end if;
+ state := setState(
+ "dq",
+ d,
+ q,
+ X,
+ phase,
+ partialDersInputChoice,
+ calcTransport) ",fluidnames)";
+ end setState_dqX;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+REFPROPMedium is a package that delivers REFPROP data to a model based on and largely compatible to the Modelica.Media library.
+It can be used to model two-phase mixtures of all fluids whose data is delivered with REFPROP. It has been developed and tested only in Dymola up to 2012 FD01.
+All files in this library, including the C source files are released under the Modelica License 2.
+The installation basically consists in copying 2 files and changing one line in this package:
+This package needs the package PartialMixtureMediumTwoPhase which should be included in the parent package.
+As it is based on Modelica.Media, the usage is little different from the usage of the two-phase water model:
+Create an instance of REFPROPMedium and specify the mixture by passing the names of the medium components (medium names are the names of the .fld files in the
+%REFPROP%\\fluids directory):
+ package Medium = REFPROPMedium (final substanceNames={\"nitrogen\",\"argon\"});
+Create an Instance of REFPROPMedium.Baseproperties:
+ Medium.BaseProperties props;
+You can then use the BaseProperties model to define the actual medium composition (via Xi or X), to define the thermodynamic state and calculate the corresponding properties.
+ props.p = 1e5;
+ props.T = 300;
+ props.Xi = {.8};
+ d = props.d;
+ h = props.h;
+Any combination of the pressure, temperature, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and density (p,T,h,s,d) can be used to define a
+thermodynamic state. Explicit functions for all combinations exist in REFPROP and likewise in the REFPROPMedium package.
+The calculation of all variables of a thermodynamic state, however, is by default done by setState_phX, so p and h have to be
+calculated from the given combination of two variables first. Actually, by doing this, REFPROP already calculates all variables
+of the thermodynamic state, but they cannot be used directly. This is a limitation of DYMOLA, as it is not able to invert a function
+returning an array.
+You can change the set of variables the property model is explicit for by setting the string variable explicitVars e.g. to \"pT\" or \"dT\":
+package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={\"water\"}, final explicitVars = \"pT\");
+All calculated values are returned in SI-Units and are mass based.
+Verbose mode can be switched on globally by setting the variable debugmode to true. This leads to many status messages from the modelica functions
+ as well as from the compiled library. The latter only appear are only seen in only seen when the dymola.exe is run directly in the command window.
+ In order to take advantage of REFPROP's capability of calculating two-phase mixtures a new Medium template had to be created by merging
+ Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMixtureMedium and Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium of the Modelica Standard Library 3.1.
+ Alternatively, there is a version of this package limited to single-substance fluids (REFPROPMediumPureSubstance) which uses the standard
+ template Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.
+ All property functions contain a definition of their inverses. So, in many cases no numerical inversion by the solver is needed because
+ explicit REFPROP functions are used (meaning, numerical inversion happens in REFPROP instead).
+ Example: When explicitVars are set to \"ph\" and p and T are given, the specificEnthalpy is calculated first using the inverse function of
+ Temperature_phX --> specificEnthalpy_pTX. With p and h known all other variables are calculated by setstate_phX.
+ Created by
+Henning Francke
+Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
+GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
+Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
+", revisions="
+end REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium;
diff --git a/Interfaces/package.mo b/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f5c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica;
+package Interfaces "Interfaces for dummy implementations"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/Interfaces/package.order b/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f06915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/Media/MethaneEthane.mo b/Media/MethaneEthane.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf76cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/MethaneEthane.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package MethaneEthane "MethaneEthane mixture by REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(
+ final substanceNames={"methane","ethane"},
+ final debugmode=false);
+end MethaneEthane;
diff --git a/Media/NH3_Water.mo b/Media/NH3_Water.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911aed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/NH3_Water.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,1922 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package NH3_Water "Ammonia and water mixture by REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(
+ final substanceNames={"ammoniaL","water"},
+ final debugmode=false);
+ replaceable function DynamicViscosityLiquid = dynamicViscosity_LIQconde constrainedby
+ partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ replaceable function DynamicViscosityVapor = dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke constrainedby
+ partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ replaceable function ThermalConductivityLiquid = thermalConductivity_LIQConde
+ constrainedby
+ partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ replaceable function ThermalConductivityVapor = thermalConductivity_VAPWilke constrainedby
+ partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ type ViscLiq = enumeration(
+ Conde "Conde 2006",
+ ElSayed "El-Sayed 1988",
+ HdbKaltetechnik "Handbuch der Kältetechnik",
+ SteccoDesideri "Stecco and Desideri 1991",
+ TejaRice "Teja and Rice (in Poling 2001)",
+ TejaRiceSassen "Teja and Rice using Sassen critical props",
+ TejaRiceFit "Teja and Rice (fit others with psi=1.6)")
+ "Liquid viscosity methods";
+ constant ViscLiq viscLiq = ViscLiq.Conde annotation(evaluate=true);
+ type ViscVap = enumeration(
+ Wilke "Wilke (in Poling 2001)",
+ Reichenberg "Reichenberg (in Poling 2001)",
+ Chung "Chung et al. (in Poling 2001)",
+ ChungErrorWeight
+ "Chung et al. incl. mole-fraction avg. error correction (in Poling 2001)")
+ "Vapor viscosity methods";
+ constant ViscVap viscVap = ViscVap.Wilke;
+ type CondLiq = enumeration(
+ Conde "Conde 2006",
+ ElSayed "El-Sayed 1988",
+ Filippov "Filippov (in Poling 2001)",
+ Jamieson "(in Poling 2001)") "Liquid conductivity methods";
+ constant CondLiq condLiq = CondLiq.Conde;
+ type CondVap = enumeration(
+ Average "Mole-fraction average (suggested in Poling 2001)",
+ MasonSaxena "Mason and Saxena (in Poling 2001)",
+ Chung "Chung et al. (in Poling 2001)",
+ ChungErrorWeight
+ "Chung et al. incl. mole-fraction avg. error correction (in Poling 2001)")
+ "Vapor conductivity methods";
+ constant CondVap condVap = CondVap.Average;
+ function criticalProperties
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Density dc "critical density";
+ output MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ protected
+ Real[3 + 1*nX] critprops;
+ String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx", 64), "");
+ package Internal
+ function InternalFunction
+ input String fluidnames;
+ input Real[:] critprops;
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
+ input String errormsg;
+ output Real val;
+ external "C" val= critprops_REFPROP(
+ fluidnames,
+ critprops,
+ X,
+ errormsg,
+ debugmode) annotation (Include="#include ", Library="refprop_wrapper");
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end InternalFunction;
+ end Internal;
+ algorithm
+ Internal.InternalFunction(
+ fluidnames,
+ critprops,
+ X,
+ errormsg);
+ Tc:=critprops[1];
+ pc:=critprops[2];
+ dc:=critprops[3];
+ Z:=critprops[4:4+nX-1];
+ annotation(Inline=true,LateInline=true);
+ end criticalProperties;
+ redeclare function dynamicViscosity
+ "Return dynamic viscosity, LIQ=CONDE, VAP=WILKE"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ algorithm
+ if state.q<=0.01 then // liquid
+ eta := DynamicViscosityLiquid(state);
+ elseif state.q>=0.99 then // vapor
+ eta := DynamicViscosityVapor(state);
+ else // twophase
+ eta:=1e-6;
+ end if;
+ end dynamicViscosity;
+ redeclare function thermalConductivity
+ "Return thermal conductivity, LIQ=Jamison, VAP=MOLE FRACTION AVG"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda "thermal conductivity";
+ algorithm
+ if state.q <= 0.01 then
+ // liquid
+ lambda :=ThermalConductivityLiquid(state);
+ elseif state.q >= 0.99 then
+ // vapor
+ lambda :=ThermalConductivityVapor(state);
+ else
+ // twophase
+ lambda := 1e-6;
+ end if;
+ end thermalConductivity;
+ function criticalProperties_sassen1990
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ // output Modelica.SIunits.Density dc "critical density";
+ output MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ protected
+ constant Real Mw=18.0153; // Molar mass of water, g/mol
+ constant Real Ma=17.0305; // Molar mass of ammonia, g/mol
+ algorithm
+ Z[1] :=X[1]/(X[1] + (Ma*(1 - X[1])/Mw));
+ Z[2] :=(1 - X[1])/((1 - X[1]) + ((X[1]*Mw)/Ma));
+ Tc :=647.14 - 199.822371*Z[1] + 109.035522*Z[1]^2 - 239.626217*Z[1]^3 + 88.689691*Z[1]^4;
+ pc :=220.64*1e5 - 37.923795*1e5*Z[1] + 36.424739*1e5*Z[1]^2 -41.851597*1e5*Z[1]^3 -63.805617*1e5*Z[1]^4;
+ annotation(Inline=true,LateInline=true);
+ end criticalProperties_sassen1990;
+ partial function partialDynamicViscosityLiquid
+ end partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQconde "Conde 2006"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a = 405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w = 647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_w;
+ Real F1;
+ Real F2;
+ Real F12;
+ Real F21;
+ Real F_x;
+ Real DELTAeta;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ Tcorr_a := max(195.5,state.T*Tc_a/Tc) "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := max(273.16,state.T*Tc_w/Tc) "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" + String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ state_a :=setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc_a-1,Tcorr_a),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ state_w :=setState_TqX(
+ min(Tcorr_w,Tc_w-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ mu_a :=state_a.eta;
+ mu_w :=state_w.eta;
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (mu_a,mu_w,lambda_a,lambda_w), (" + String(mu_a) + "," + String(mu_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ mu_a := mu_a*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ mu_w := mu_w*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ F_x :=6.38*((1 - Z[1])^(1.125*Z[1]))*(1 - exp(-0.585*Z[1]*(1 - Z[1])^0.18))*
+ log((mu_a^0.5)*(mu_w^0.5));
+ DELTAeta:=(0.534 - 0.815*(state.T/Tc_w))*F_x;
+ eta :=exp(Z[1]*log(mu_a) + (1 - Z[1])*log(mu_w) + DELTAeta);
+ eta := eta/1e6; // convert to Pa.s
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQconde;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed
+ "El-Sayed 1988 (correct equations by Thorin 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a = 405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w = 647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_w;
+ Real F1;
+ Real F2;
+ Real F12;
+ Real F21;
+ Real F_x;
+ Real F_t;
+ Real DELTAeta;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ Tcorr_a := max(195.5,state.T*Tc_a/Tc) "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := max(273.16,state.T*Tc_w/Tc) "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" + String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ state_a :=setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc_a-1,Tcorr_a),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ state_w :=setState_TqX(
+ min(Tcorr_w,Tc_w-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ mu_a :=state_a.eta;
+ mu_w :=state_w.eta;
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (mu_a,mu_w,lambda_a,lambda_w), (" + String(mu_a) + "," + String(mu_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ mu_a := mu_a*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ mu_w := mu_w*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ F_x:=(Z[1]*Z[2] - 0.125*(Z[1]^2)*Z[2])*((log(mu_a*mu_w))^0.5);
+ F_t:=4.219 - 3.7996*(state.T*(9/5)/492) + 0.842*(state.T*(9/5)/492)^2;
+ F12:=F_t*F_x;
+ eta :=(exp(Z[1]*log(mu_a) + Z[2]*log(mu_w) + F12));
+ eta := eta/1e6; // convert to Pa.s
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK "Handbuch der Kältetechnik"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ algorithm
+ eta :=(10^(10^((2000/(500 + state.T - 273.15)) - 4.41 + 0.925*state.X[1] - 1.743*
+ state.X[1]^2 + 0.021*state.X[1]^3)) - 1)*1e-3;
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice "Teja and Rice (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState states[2];
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_actual "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_actual "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity etas[2];
+ Real yi,yj,psi_ij,epsilon_i,epsilon_j,Vc_ij,Vcm, Tc_ij, Tcm, T_i, T_j, M_m, epsilon_m;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_actual,pc_actual,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi := Z[1];
+ yj := Z[2];
+ psi_ij := 1;// 8 as suggested by el-sayed???
+ epsilon_i := Vc[1]^(2/3)/(Tc[1]*MM[1])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ epsilon_j := Vc[2]^(2/3)/(Tc[2]*MM[2])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ Vc_ij := (Vc[1]^(1/3) + Vc[2]^(1/3))^3/8;
+ // "9-13.23"
+ Vcm := yi*yi*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Vc_ij; // "9-13.19"
+ Tc_ij := psi_ij*(Tc[1]*Tc[2]*Vc[1]*Vc[2])^0.5/Vc_ij; // "9-13.24"
+ Tcm := (yi*yi*Tc[1]*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Tc[2]*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Tc_ij*Vc_ij)/Vcm; // "9-13.19"
+ T_i := max(195.5,Tc[1]/Tcm*state.T);
+ T_j := max(273.16,Tc[2]/Tcm*state.T);
+ states[1] := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc[1]-1,T_i),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ states[2] := setState_TqX(
+ min(T_j,Tc[2]-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ etas[1] := states[1].eta;
+ etas[2] := states[2].eta;
+ M_m :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2]; // "9-13.21"
+ epsilon_m :=Vcm^(2/3)/(Tcm*M_m)^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ eta :=exp(yi*log(etas[1]*epsilon_i) + yj*log(etas[2]*epsilon_j))/epsilon_m; // "9-13.25"
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay "Stecco and Desideri 1991"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState states[2];
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_actual "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_actual "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity etas[2];
+ Real yi,yj,psi_ij,epsilon_i,epsilon_j,Vc_ij,Vcm, Tc_ij, Tcm, T_i, T_j, M_m, epsilon_m;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_actual,pc_actual,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi := Z[1];
+ yj := Z[2];
+ psi_ij := 8;// 8 as suggested by el-sayed???
+ epsilon_i := Vc[1]^(2/3)/(Tc[1]*MM[1])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ epsilon_j := Vc[2]^(2/3)/(Tc[2]*MM[2])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ Vc_ij := (Vc[1]^(1/3) + Vc[2]^(1/3))^3/8;
+ // "9-13.23"
+ Vcm := yi*yi*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Vc_ij; // "9-13.19"
+ Tc_ij := psi_ij*(Tc[1]*Tc[2]*Vc[1]*Vc[2])^0.5/Vc_ij; // "9-13.24"
+ Tcm := (yi*yi*Tc[1]*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Tc[2]*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Tc_ij*Vc_ij)/Vcm; // "9-13.19"
+ T_i := max(195.5,state.T);
+ T_j := max(273.16,state.T);
+ states[1] := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc[1]-1,T_i),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ states[2] := setState_TqX(
+ min(T_j,Tc[2]-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ etas[1] := states[1].eta;
+ etas[2] := states[2].eta;
+ M_m :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2]; // "9-13.21"
+ epsilon_m :=Vcm^(2/3)/(Tcm*M_m)^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ eta :=exp(yi*log(etas[1]*epsilon_i) + yj*log(etas[2]*epsilon_j))/epsilon_m; // "9-13.25"
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSassensTcrit
+ "Teja and Rice using Sassen critical props"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState states[2];
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_actual "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_actual "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity etas[2];
+ Real yi,yj,psi_ij,epsilon_i,epsilon_j,Vc_ij,Vcm, Tc_ij, Tcm, T_i, T_j, M_m, epsilon_m;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_actual,pc_actual,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi := Z[1];
+ yj := Z[2];
+ epsilon_i := Vc[1]^(2/3)/(Tc[1]*MM[1])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ epsilon_j := Vc[2]^(2/3)/(Tc[2]*MM[2])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ Vc_ij := (Vc[1]^(1/3) + Vc[2]^(1/3))^3/8; // "9-13.23"
+ Vcm := yi*yi*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Vc_ij; // "9-13.19"
+ Tcm:=Tc_actual;
+ T_i := max(195.5,state.T*Tc[1]/Tc_actual)
+ "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ T_j := max(273.16,state.T*Tc[2]/Tc_actual)
+ "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ states[1] := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc[1]-1,T_i),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ states[2] := setState_TqX(
+ min(T_j,Tc[2]-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ etas[1] := states[1].eta;
+ etas[2] := states[2].eta;
+ M_m :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2]; // "9-13.21"
+ epsilon_m :=Vcm^(2/3)/(Tcm*M_m)^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ eta :=exp(yi*log(etas[1]*epsilon_i) + yj*log(etas[2]*epsilon_j))/epsilon_m; // "9-13.25"
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSassensTcrit;
+ function dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceFit
+ "Teja and Rice (fit others with psi=1.6)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState states[2];
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_actual "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_actual "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity etas[2];
+ Real yi,yj,psi_ij,epsilon_i,epsilon_j,Vc_ij,Vcm, Tc_ij, Tcm, T_i, T_j, M_m, epsilon_m;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_actual,pc_actual,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi := Z[1];
+ yj := Z[2];
+ psi_ij := 1.6;// 8 as suggested by el-sayed???
+ epsilon_i := Vc[1]^(2/3)/(Tc[1]*MM[1])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ epsilon_j := Vc[2]^(2/3)/(Tc[2]*MM[2])^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ Vc_ij := (Vc[1]^(1/3) + Vc[2]^(1/3))^3/8;
+ // "9-13.23"
+ Vcm := yi*yi*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Vc_ij; // "9-13.19"
+ Tc_ij := psi_ij*(Tc[1]*Tc[2]*Vc[1]*Vc[2])^0.5/Vc_ij; // "9-13.24"
+ Tcm := (yi*yi*Tc[1]*Vc[1] + yj*yj*Tc[2]*Vc[2] + 2*yi*yj*Tc_ij*Vc_ij)/Vcm; // "9-13.19"
+ T_i := max(195.5,Tc[1]/Tcm*state.T);
+ T_j := max(273.16,Tc[2]/Tcm*state.T);
+ states[1] := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc[1]-1,T_i),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ states[2] := setState_TqX(
+ min(T_j,Tc[2]-1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ etas[1] := states[1].eta;
+ etas[2] := states[2].eta;
+ M_m :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2]; // "9-13.21"
+ epsilon_m :=Vcm^(2/3)/(Tcm*M_m)^0.5; // "9-13.18"
+ eta :=exp(yi*log(etas[1]*epsilon_i) + yj*log(etas[2]*epsilon_j))/epsilon_m; // "9-13.25"
+ end dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceFit;
+ partial function partialDynamicViscosityVapor
+ end partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ function dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg "Reichenberg (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a = 405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w = 647.096;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_a = 11333000;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_w = 22064000;
+ constant Real Mw=18.0153; // Molar mass of water, g/mol
+ constant Real Ma=17.0305; // Molar mass of ammonia, g/mol
+ constant Real mu_1 = 1.470; // dipole moment
+ constant Real mu_2 = 1.855; // dipole moment
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_w;
+ Real Tr_1;
+ Real Tr_2;
+ Real Tr_12;
+ Real mu_r1;
+ Real mu_r2;
+ Real mu_r12;
+ Real U_1;
+ Real U_2;
+ Real C_1;
+ Real C_2;
+ Real H_12;
+ Real K_1;
+ Real K_2;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ // it will always be vapor or supercritical!
+ state_a :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc_w-1 then //
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_w :=setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p,sat_w.psat-1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_w :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ eta_a :=state_a.eta;
+ eta_w :=state_w.eta;
+ eta_a:=eta_a*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ eta_w:=eta_w*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ Tr_1 := state.T/Tc_a "Reduced temperature of ammonia";
+ Tr_2 := state.T/Tc_w "Reduced temperature of water";
+ Tr_12 := state.T/(sqrt(Tc_a*Tc_w));
+ mu_r1:=52.46*(((mu_1^2)*pc_a)/Tc_a^2);
+ mu_r2:=52.46*(((mu_2^2)*pc_w)/Tc_w^2);
+ mu_r12:=sqrt(mu_r1*mu_r2);
+ U_1:=(((1 + 0.36*Tr_1*(Tr_1 - 1))^(1/6))/sqrt(Tr_1))*(((Tr_1^3.5) + (10*
+ mu_r1)^7)/((Tr_1^3.5)*(1 + (10*mu_r1)^7)));
+ U_2:=(((1 + 0.36*Tr_2*(Tr_2 - 1))^(1/6))/sqrt(Tr_2))*(((Tr_2^3.5) + (10*
+ mu_r2)^7)/((Tr_2^3.5)*(1 + (10*mu_r2)^7)));
+ C_1:=(Ma^(1/4))/sqrt(eta_a*U_1);
+ C_2:=(Mw^(1/4))/sqrt(eta_w*U_2);
+ H_12:= (sqrt((Ma*Mw)/32)/((Ma+Mw)^(3/2)))*(((1+0.36*Tr_12*(Tr_12-1))^(1/6))/sqrt(Tr_12))*((C_1+C_2)^2)*(((Tr_12^3.5)+(10*mu_r12)^7)/((Tr_12^3.5)*(1+(10*mu_r12)^7)));
+ K_1:=(Z[1]*eta_a)/(Z[1]+eta_a*(Z[2]*H_12*(3+2*(Mw/Ma))));
+ K_2:=(Z[2]*eta_w)/(Z[2]+eta_w*(Z[1]*H_12*(3+(2*Ma/Mw))));
+ eta:=(K_1*(1+H_12^2*K_2^2)+K_2*(1+2*H_12*K_1+H_12^2*K_1^2));
+ eta := eta/1e6; // convert to Pa.s
+ end dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg;
+ function dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke "Wilke (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a = 405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w = 647.096;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_a = 11333000;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_w = 22064000;
+ constant Real Mw=18.0153; // Molar mass of water, g/mol
+ constant Real Ma=17.0305; // Molar mass of ammonia, g/mol
+ Real F12,F21;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_w;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ // it will always be vapor or supercritical!
+ state_a :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc_w-1 then //
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_w :=setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p,sat_w.psat-1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_w :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ mu_a :=state_a.eta;
+ mu_w :=state_w.eta;
+ mu_a:=mu_a*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ mu_w:=mu_w*1e6; //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ F12 := ((1 + (sqrt(mu_a/mu_w)*((Mw/Ma)^0.25)))^2)/sqrt(8*(1 + (Ma/Mw)));
+ F21 := F12*(mu_w/mu_a)*(Ma/Mw);
+ eta:= ((mu_a*Z[1])/(Z[1] + (F12*Z[2]))) + ((mu_w*Z[2])/(Z[2] + (F21*Z[1]))); // Mixture vapour dynamic visc., microPa s, Thorin, 2001
+ eta := eta/1e6; // convert to Pa.s
+ end dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke;
+ function dynamicViscosity_VAPChung "Chung et al. (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ // constant Real DM[2] = {1.470,1.855}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real DM[2] = {1.5,1.8}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real omega[2] = {0.2558,0.3443}; // accentric factor
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ constant Real kappa[2] = {0.0,0.076}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_dum "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_dum "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ Real yi,yj;
+ Real sigma_i,sigma_j,sigma_ij,sigma_m;
+ Real epsilon_i_K,epsilon_j_K,epsilon_ij_K,epsilon_m_K;
+ Real M_ij,M_m,omega_ij,omega_m;
+ Real DM_m, Vcm, Tcm, DM_rm, kappa_m, F_cm, T_star_m, OMEGA_v;
+ Real MMm, rho, y, G1, G2, eta_star_star, eta_star;
+ Real E[10];
+ constant Real a[10] = {6.324,1.210e-3,5.283,6.623,19.745,-1.900,24.275,0.7972,-0.2382,0.06863};
+ constant Real b[10] = {50.412,-1.154e-3,254.209,38.096,7.630,-12.537,3.450,1.117,0.06770,0.3479};
+ constant Real c[10] = {-51.680,-6.257e-3,-168.48,-8.464,-14.354,4.985,-11.291,0.01235,-0.8163,0.5926};
+ constant Real d[10] = {1189.0,0.03728,3898.0,31.42,31.53,-18.15,69.35,-4.117,4.025,-0.727};
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_dum,pc_dum,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi :=Z[1];
+ yj :=Z[2];
+ sigma_i:=0.809*Vc[1]^(1/3); // "9-5.32";
+ sigma_j:=0.809*Vc[2]^(1/3); // "9-5.32"
+ sigma_ij:=(sigma_i*sigma_j)^0.5; // "9-5.33"
+ sigma_m :=(yi*yi*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*sigma_ij^3)^(1/3); // "9-5.24"
+ epsilon_i_K :=Tc[1]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_j_K :=Tc[2]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_ij_K :=(epsilon_i_K*epsilon_j_K)^0.5; // "9-5.35"
+ epsilon_m_K :=(yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^3 + 2*
+ yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.27"
+ M_ij :=2*MM[1]*MM[2]/(MM[1] + MM[2]); // "9-5.40"
+ M_m :=((yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^2*MM[1]^0.5 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^2*
+ MM[2]^0.5 + 2*yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^2*M_ij^0.5)/(epsilon_m_K*sigma_m^2))
+ ^2; // "9-5.28"
+ omega_ij:=(omega[1] + omega[2])/2;
+ omega_m :=(yi*yi*omega[1]*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*omega[2]*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*
+ omega_ij*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.29"
+ DM_m :=(sigma_m^3*(yi*yi*DM[1]^4/sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*DM[2]^4/sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*
+ yj*DM[1]^2*DM[2]^2/sigma_ij^3))^(1/4); // "9-5.30"
+ Vcm :=(sigma_m/0.809)^3; // "9-5.44"
+ Tcm :=1.2593*epsilon_m_K; // "9-5.42"
+ DM_rm :=131.3*DM_m/(Vcm*Tcm)^0.5; // "9-5.43"
+ kappa_m :=yi*yi*kappa[1] + yj*yj*kappa[2] + 2*yi*yj*(kappa[1]*kappa[2])^0.5; // "9-5.31"
+ F_cm :=1 - 0.275*omega_m + 0.059035*DM_rm^4 + kappa_m; // "9-5.41"
+ T_star_m := state.T/epsilon_m_K;
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star_m^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star_m) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star_m); // "9-4.3"
+ // eta :=26.69*F_cm*(M_m*state.T)^0.5/(sigma_m^2*OMEGA_v); // "1e-6 poise unit = 1-7 " "9-5.24"
+ // eta := eta/10^7; // from "mu poise" to "Pa s"
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got OMEGA_v = " + String(OMEGA_v));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got sigma_m = " + String(sigma_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got epsilon_m_K = " + String(epsilon_m_K));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got M_m = " + String(M_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got omega_m = " + String(omega_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got DM_rm = " + String(DM_rm));
+ // "extention to dense (high pressure)"
+ MMm :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2];
+ // we always have liquid or vapor, no two-phase
+ // if state.q <= 1 and state.q>=0 then // two-phase state
+ // rho :=state.sat.dv/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6); // from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // //rho = state.dv / (MMm * 1e-3 [kmol/mol]) / (1e6 [cm^3/m^3])
+ // //{rho=0.000001}
+ // else
+ rho:=state.d/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6);// from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // end if;
+ y :=rho*Vcm/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y)/(1 - y)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:10 loop
+ E[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega_m + c[i]*DM_rm^4 + d[i]*kappa_m;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(E[1]*((1 - exp(-E[4]*y))/y) + E[2]*G1*exp(E[5]*y) + E[3]*G1)/(E[1]*E[4] +
+ E[2] + E[3]); // "9-6.22"
+ eta_star_star :=E[7]*y^2*G2*exp(E[8] + E[9]*T_star_m^(-1) + E[10]*T_star_m^(-2)); // "9-6.23"
+ eta_star :=T_star_m^0.5/OMEGA_v*F_cm*(G2^(-1) + E[6]*y) + eta_star_star; // "9-6.19"
+ eta := eta_star*36.344*(M_m*Tcm)^0.5/Vcm^(2/3); // "9-6.18"
+ eta := eta/10^7; // from "mu poise" to "Pa s"
+ end dynamicViscosity_VAPChung;
+ function dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight
+ "Chung et al. incl. mole-fraction avg. error correction (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialDynamicViscosityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ // constant Real DM[2] = {1.470,1.855}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real DM[2] = {1.5,1.8}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real omega[2] = {0.2558,0.3443}; // accentric factor
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ constant Real kappa[2] = {0.0,0.076}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_dum "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_dum "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ Real yi,yj;
+ Real sigma_i,sigma_j,sigma_ij,sigma_m;
+ Real epsilon_i_K,epsilon_j_K,epsilon_ij_K,epsilon_m_K;
+ Real M_ij,M_m,omega_ij,omega_m;
+ Real DM_m, Vcm, Tcm, DM_rm, kappa_m, F_cm, T_star_m, OMEGA_v;
+ Real MMm, rho, y, G1, G2, eta_star_star, eta_star;
+ Real E[10];
+ constant Real a[10] = {6.324,1.210e-3,5.283,6.623,19.745,-1.900,24.275,0.7972,-0.2382,0.06863};
+ constant Real b[10] = {50.412,-1.154e-3,254.209,38.096,7.630,-12.537,3.450,1.117,0.06770,0.3479};
+ constant Real c[10] = {-51.680,-6.257e-3,-168.48,-8.464,-14.354,4.985,-11.291,0.01235,-0.8163,0.5926};
+ constant Real d[10] = {1189.0,0.03728,3898.0,31.42,31.53,-18.15,69.35,-4.117,4.025,-0.727};
+ ThermodynamicState state_2,state_1;
+ SaturationProperties sat_2;
+ Real eta_1,eta_2, eta_1actual,eta_2actual;
+ package Pure
+ function eta
+ input Real DM;
+ input Real Vc;
+ input Real Tc;
+ input Real omega;
+ input Real kappa;
+ input Real MM;
+ input Real T;
+ input Real rho;
+ output Real eta;
+ protected
+ Real DM_r,F_c,T_star, y, G1, G2, eta_star_star, eta_star, OMEGA_v;
+ Real E[10];
+ constant Real a[10] = {6.324,1.210e-3,5.283,6.623,19.745,-1.900,24.275,0.7972,-0.2382,0.06863};
+ constant Real b[10] = {50.412,-1.154e-3,254.209,38.096,7.630,-12.537,3.450,1.117,0.06770,0.3479};
+ constant Real c[10] = {-51.680,-6.257e-3,-168.48,-8.464,-14.354,4.985,-11.291,0.01235,-0.8163,0.5926};
+ constant Real d[10] = {1189.0,0.03728,3898.0,31.42,31.53,-18.15,69.35,-4.117,4.025,-0.727};
+ algorithm
+ // "! pure values used for error weighting"
+ DM_r :=131.3*DM/(Vc*Tc)^0.5; // "9-4.12"
+ F_c :=1 - 0.2756*omega + 0.059035*DM_r^4 + kappa; // "9-4.11"
+ T_star :=1.2593*T/Tc; // "9-4.9"
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star); // "9-4.3"
+ y :=rho*Vc/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y)/(1 - y)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:10 loop
+ E[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega + c[i]*DM_r^4 + d[i]*kappa;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(E[1]*((1 - exp(-E[4]*y))/y) + E[2]*G1*exp(E[5]*y) + E[3]*G1)/(E[1]*E[4] +
+ E[2] + E[3]); //"9-6.22"
+ eta_star_star :=E[7]*y^2*G2*exp(E[8] + E[9]*T_star^(-1) + E[10]*T_star^(-2)); // "9-6.23"
+ eta_star :=T_star^0.5/OMEGA_v*F_c*(G2^(-1) + E[6]*y) + eta_star_star; // "9-6.19"
+ eta :=eta_star*36.344*(MM*Tc)^0.5/Vc^(2/3); // "9-6.18"
+ eta := eta/10^7; // from "mu poise" to "Pa s"
+ end eta;
+ end Pure;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_dum,pc_dum,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi :=Z[1];
+ yj :=Z[2];
+ sigma_i:=0.809*Vc[1]^(1/3); // "9-5.32";
+ sigma_j:=0.809*Vc[2]^(1/3); // "9-5.32"
+ sigma_ij:=(sigma_i*sigma_j)^0.5; // "9-5.33"
+ sigma_m :=(yi*yi*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*sigma_ij^3)^(1/3); // "9-5.24"
+ epsilon_i_K :=Tc[1]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_j_K :=Tc[2]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_ij_K :=(epsilon_i_K*epsilon_j_K)^0.5; // "9-5.35"
+ epsilon_m_K :=(yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^3 + 2*
+ yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.27"
+ M_ij :=2*MM[1]*MM[2]/(MM[1] + MM[2]); // "9-5.40"
+ M_m :=((yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^2*MM[1]^0.5 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^2*
+ MM[2]^0.5 + 2*yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^2*M_ij^0.5)/(epsilon_m_K*sigma_m^2))
+ ^2; // "9-5.28"
+ omega_ij:=(omega[1] + omega[2])/2;
+ omega_m :=(yi*yi*omega[1]*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*omega[2]*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*
+ omega_ij*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.29"
+ DM_m :=(sigma_m^3*(yi*yi*DM[1]^4/sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*DM[2]^4/sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*
+ yj*DM[1]^2*DM[2]^2/sigma_ij^3))^(1/4); // "9-5.30"
+ Vcm :=(sigma_m/0.809)^3; // "9-5.44"
+ Tcm :=1.2593*epsilon_m_K; // "9-5.42"
+ DM_rm :=131.3*DM_m/(Vcm*Tcm)^0.5; // "9-5.43"
+ kappa_m :=yi*yi*kappa[1] + yj*yj*kappa[2] + 2*yi*yj*(kappa[1]*kappa[2])^0.5; // "9-5.31"
+ F_cm :=1 - 0.275*omega_m + 0.059035*DM_rm^4 + kappa_m; // "9-5.41"
+ T_star_m := state.T/epsilon_m_K;
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star_m^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star_m) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star_m); // "9-4.3"
+ // eta :=26.69*F_cm*(M_m*state.T)^0.5/(sigma_m^2*OMEGA_v); // "1e-6 poise unit = 1-7 " "9-5.24"
+ // eta := eta/10^7; // from "mu poise" to "Pa s"
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got OMEGA_v = " + String(OMEGA_v));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got sigma_m = " + String(sigma_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got epsilon_m_K = " + String(epsilon_m_K));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got M_m = " + String(M_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got omega_m = " + String(omega_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got DM_rm = " + String(DM_rm));
+ // "extention to dense (high pressure)"
+ MMm :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2];
+ // we always have liquid or vapor, no two-phase
+ // if state.q <= 1 and state.q>=0 then // two-phase state
+ // rho :=state.sat.dv/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6); // from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // //rho = state.dv / (MMm * 1e-3 [kmol/mol]) / (1e6 [cm^3/m^3])
+ // //{rho=0.000001}
+ // else
+ rho:=state.d/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6);// from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // end if;
+ y :=rho*Vcm/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y)/(1 - y)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:10 loop
+ E[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega_m + c[i]*DM_rm^4 + d[i]*kappa_m;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(E[1]*((1 - exp(-E[4]*y))/y) + E[2]*G1*exp(E[5]*y) + E[3]*G1)/(E[1]*E[4] +
+ E[2] + E[3]); // "9-6.22"
+ eta_star_star :=E[7]*y^2*G2*exp(E[8] + E[9]*T_star_m^(-1) + E[10]*T_star_m^(-2)); // "9-6.23"
+ eta_star :=T_star_m^0.5/OMEGA_v*F_cm*(G2^(-1) + E[6]*y) + eta_star_star; // "9-6.19"
+ eta := eta_star*36.344*(M_m*Tcm)^0.5/Vcm^(2/3); // "9-6.18"
+ eta := eta/10^7; // from "mu poise" to "Pa s"
+ // error weighting
+ // get corresponding values of pure components
+ state_1 :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc[2]-1 then //
+ sat_2 := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p,sat_2.psat-1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ // if state.p < 22064000 then
+ // sat_2 := setSat_pX(state.p, {0,1});
+ // state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ // state.p,
+ // max(state.T,sat_2.Tsat+0.1),
+ // {0,1},
+ // calcTransport=true);
+ // else
+ // state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ // state.p,
+ // state.T,
+ // {0,1},
+ // calcTransport=true);
+ // end if;
+ eta_1 :=Pure.eta(
+ DM[1],
+ Vc[1],
+ Tc[1],
+ omega[1],
+ kappa[1],
+ MM[1],
+ state.T,
+ rho); // using mixture rho to do the averaging
+ eta_2 :=Pure.eta(
+ DM[2],
+ Vc[2],
+ Tc[2],
+ omega[2],
+ kappa[2],
+ MM[2],
+ state.T,
+ rho); // using mixture rho to do the averaging
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got eta_1 = " + String(eta_1));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got state_1.eta = " + String(state_1.eta));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got eta_2 = " + String(eta_2));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got state_2.eta = " + String(state_2.eta));
+ eta := eta + (state_1.eta-eta_1)*yi + (state_2.eta-eta_2)*yj;
+ end dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight;
+ partial function partialThermalConductivityVapor
+ end partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ function thermalConductivity_VAPWilke "Mason and Saxena (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ constant Real Mw=18.0153;
+ // Molar mass of water, g/mol
+ constant Real Ma=17.0305;
+ // Molar mass of ammonia, g/mol
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu_w;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ Real F12;
+ Real F21;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ // it will always be vapor or supercritical!
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc_w - 1 then
+ //
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p, sat_w.psat - 1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ mu_a := state_a.eta;
+ mu_w := state_w.eta;
+ mu_a := mu_a*1e6;
+ //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ mu_w := mu_w*1e6;
+ //convert to (1e-6 Pa.s)
+ F12 := ((1 + (sqrt(mu_a/mu_w)*((Mw/Ma)^0.25)))^2)/sqrt(8*(1 + (Ma/Mw)));
+ F21 := F12*(mu_w/mu_a)*(Ma/Mw);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ lambda := ((lambda_a*Z[1])/(Z[1] + (F12*Z[2]))) + ((lambda_w*Z[2])/(Z[2] + (
+ F21*Z[1])));
+ // Mixture vapour th. cond., W/(m K), Thorin, 2001
+ end thermalConductivity_VAPWilke;
+ function thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling
+ "Mole-fraction average (suggested in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ // it will always be vapor or supercritical!
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc_w - 1 then
+ //
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p, sat_w.psat - 1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ lambda := lambda_a*Z[1] + lambda_w*Z[2];
+ end thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling;
+ function thermalConductivity_VAPChung "Chung et al. (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ // constant Real DM[2] = {1.470,1.855}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real DM[2] = {1.5,1.8}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real omega[2] = {0.2558,0.3443}; // accentric factor
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ constant Real kappa[2] = {0.0,0.076}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Real Cv[2]; // ideal gas specfic volume
+ constant Real beta[2] = {1.08^(-1),0.78^(-1)}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_dum "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_dum "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ Real yi,yj;
+ Real sigma_i,sigma_j,sigma_ij,sigma_m;
+ Real epsilon_i_K,epsilon_j_K,epsilon_ij_K,epsilon_m_K;
+ Real M_ij,M_m,omega_ij,omega_m;
+ Real DM_m, Vcm, Tcm, DM_rm, kappa_m, F_cm, T_star_m, OMEGA_v;
+ Real MMm, rho, y_m, G1, G2, q, PSI_m, alpha_m, beta_m, Z_m, C_vm;
+ Real B[7];
+ Real eta_m0, lambda_m0;
+ constant Real a[7] = {2.4166,-0.50924,6.6107,14.543,0.79274,-5.8634,91.089};
+ constant Real b[7] = {0.74824,-1.5094,5.6207,-8.9139,0.82019,12.801,128.11};
+ constant Real c[7] = {-0.91858,-49.991,64.76,-5.6379,-0.69369,9.5893,-54.217};
+ constant Real d[7] = {121.72,69.983,27.039,74.344,6.3173,65.529,523.81};
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_dum,pc_dum,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi :=Z[1];
+ yj :=Z[2];
+ // first mix visc
+ sigma_i:=0.809*Vc[1]^(1/3); // "9-5.32";
+ sigma_j:=0.809*Vc[2]^(1/3); // "9-5.32"
+ sigma_ij:=(sigma_i*sigma_j)^0.5; // "9-5.33"
+ sigma_m :=(yi*yi*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*sigma_ij^3)^(1/3); // "9-5.24"
+ epsilon_i_K :=Tc[1]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_j_K :=Tc[2]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_ij_K :=(epsilon_i_K*epsilon_j_K)^0.5; // "9-5.35"
+ epsilon_m_K :=(yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^3 + 2*
+ yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.27"
+ M_ij :=2*MM[1]*MM[2]/(MM[1] + MM[2]); // "9-5.40"
+ M_m :=((yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^2*MM[1]^0.5 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^2*
+ MM[2]^0.5 + 2*yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^2*M_ij^0.5)/(epsilon_m_K*sigma_m^2))
+ ^2; // "9-5.28"
+ omega_ij:=(omega[1] + omega[2])/2;
+ omega_m :=(yi*yi*omega[1]*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*omega[2]*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*
+ omega_ij*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.29"
+ DM_m :=(sigma_m^3*(yi*yi*DM[1]^4/sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*DM[2]^4/sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*
+ yj*DM[1]^2*DM[2]^2/sigma_ij^3))^(1/4); // "9-5.30"
+ Vcm :=(sigma_m/0.809)^3; // "9-5.44"
+ Tcm :=1.2593*epsilon_m_K; // "9-5.42"
+ DM_rm :=131.3*DM_m/(Vcm*Tcm)^0.5; // "9-5.43"
+ kappa_m :=yi*yi*kappa[1] + yj*yj*kappa[2] + 2*yi*yj*(kappa[1]*kappa[2])^0.5; // "9-5.31"
+ F_cm :=1 - 0.275*omega_m + 0.059035*DM_rm^4 + kappa_m; // "9-5.41"
+ T_star_m := state.T/epsilon_m_K;
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star_m^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star_m) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star_m); // "9-4.3"
+ eta_m0 := 26.69*F_cm*(M_m*state.T)^0.5/(sigma_m^2*OMEGA_v) * 1e-7; // "1e-6 poise unit = 1-7 " "9-5.24"
+ // second mix cond
+ Cv[1] :=(4.238 - 4.215e-3*state.T + 2.041e-5*state.T^2 - 2.126*1e-8*state.T^3 +
+ 0.761e-11*state.T^4)*8.314 - 8.314;
+ Cv[2] :=(4.395 - 4.186e-3*state.T + 1.405e-5*state.T^2 - 1.564*1e-8*state.T^3 +
+ 0.632e-11*state.T^4)*8.314 - 8.314;
+ C_vm :=yi*Cv[1] + yj*Cv[2]; // "10-6.6"
+ alpha_m :=C_vm/8.314 - 1.5;// "10-3.14"
+ //beta_m = 0.7862 - 0.7109*omega_m + 1.3168*omega_m^2 "10-3.14"
+ /*
+ For polar materials beta is specific for each compound; Chung, et al. (1984) list values for a few materials. If the compound is polar and
+ is not available,use a default value of (1.32)^(-1)=0.758
+ "! how to deal with beta_m for polar mixtures???????"
+ "! I would choose similar mixture rules as for sigma, epsilon and kappa how to deal with beta_m for polar mixtures???????"
+ */
+ beta_m :=yi*yi*beta[1] + yj*yj*beta[2] + 2*yi*yj*(beta[1]*beta[2])^0.5;
+ Z_m :=2 + 10.5*(state.T/Tcm)^2; // "10-3.14"
+ PSI_m :=1 + alpha_m*(0.215 + 0.28288*alpha_m - 1.061*beta_m + 0.26665*Z_m)/(0.6366
+ + beta_m*Z_m + 1.061*alpha_m*beta_m); // "10-3.14"
+ lambda_m0 :=3.75*PSI_m/(C_vm/8.314)*eta_m0*C_vm/(M_m*1e-3); // "10-3.14"
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got OMEGA_v = " + String(OMEGA_v));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got sigma_m = " + String(sigma_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got epsilon_m_K = " + String(epsilon_m_K));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got M_m = " + String(M_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got omega_m = " + String(omega_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got DM_rm = " + String(DM_rm));
+ // "extention to dense (high pressure)"
+ MMm :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2];
+ // //this is just to make sure calculation is done right (is gas) if two-phase..
+ // if state.q <= 1 and state.q>=0 then // two-phase state
+ // rho :=state.sat.dv/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6); // from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // //rho = state.dv / (MMm * 1e-3 [kmol/mol]) / (1e6 [cm^3/m^3])
+ // //{rho=0.000001}
+ // else
+ rho:=state.d/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6);// from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // end if;
+ y_m :=rho*Vcm/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y_m)/(1 - y_m)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:7 loop
+ B[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega_m + c[i]*DM_rm^4 + d[i]*kappa_m;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(B[1]*((1 - exp(-B[4]*y_m))/y_m) + B[2]*G1*exp(B[5]*y_m) + B[3]*G1)/(B[1]*B[4] +
+ B[2] + B[3]); // "9-6.22"
+ q :=3.586e-3*(Tcm/(M_m*1e-3))^0.5/Vcm^(2/3);
+ lambda :=31.2*eta_m0*PSI_m/(M_m*1e-3)*(G2^(-1) + B[6]*y_m) + q*B[7]*y_m^2*(state.T/
+ Tcm)^0.5*G2; // "10-5.5"
+ end thermalConductivity_VAPChung;
+ function thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight
+ "Chung et al. incl. mole-fraction avg. error correction (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityVapor;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc[2] = {405.560,647.096}; // critical T, K
+ constant Real MM[2]= {17.0305,18.0153}; // Molar mass, kg/kmol
+ // constant Real DM[2] = {1.470,1.855}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real DM[2] = {1.5,1.8}; // dipole moment, debye
+ constant Real omega[2] = {0.2558,0.3443}; // accentric factor
+ constant Real Vc[2] = {75.6889,55.9536}; // critical volume, mol/cm3
+ constant Real kappa[2] = {0.0,0.076}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Real Cv[2]; // ideal gas specfic volume
+ constant Real beta[2] = {1.08^(-1),0.78^(-1)}; // hydrogen bonding or hydrogen association factor
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_dum "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_dum "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ Real yi,yj;
+ Real sigma_i,sigma_j,sigma_ij,sigma_m;
+ Real epsilon_i_K,epsilon_j_K,epsilon_ij_K,epsilon_m_K;
+ Real M_ij,M_m,omega_ij,omega_m;
+ Real DM_m, Vcm, Tcm, DM_rm, kappa_m, F_cm, T_star_m, OMEGA_v;
+ Real MMm, rho, y_m, G1, G2, q, PSI_m, alpha_m, beta_m, Z_m, C_vm;
+ Real B[7];
+ Real eta_m0, lambda_m0;
+ constant Real a[7] = {2.4166,-0.50924,6.6107,14.543,0.79274,-5.8634,91.089};
+ constant Real b[7] = {0.74824,-1.5094,5.6207,-8.9139,0.82019,12.801,128.11};
+ constant Real c[7] = {-0.91858,-49.991,64.76,-5.6379,-0.69369,9.5893,-54.217};
+ constant Real d[7] = {121.72,69.983,27.039,74.344,6.3173,65.529,523.81};
+ ThermodynamicState state_1,state_2;
+ SaturationProperties sat_2;
+ Real lambda_1,lambda_2,lambda_1actual,lambda_2actual;
+ package Pure
+ function lambda
+ input Real DM;
+ input Real Vc;
+ input Real Tc;
+ input Real omega;
+ input Real kappa;
+ input Real MM;
+ input Real T;
+ input Real rho;
+ input Real Cv;
+ input Real beta;
+ output Real lambda;
+ protected
+ Real DM_r,F_c,T_star, y, G1, G2, eta_star_star, eta_star, OMEGA_v;
+ Real B[7];
+ Real eta_0,lambda_0,PSI,Z,alpha,q;
+ constant Real a[7] = {2.4166,-0.50924,6.6107,14.543,0.79274,-5.8634,91.089};
+ constant Real b[7] = {0.74824,-1.5094,5.6207,-8.9139,0.82019,12.801,128.11};
+ constant Real c[7] = {-0.91858,-49.991,64.76,-5.6379,-0.69369,9.5893,-54.217};
+ constant Real d[7] = {121.72,69.983,27.039,74.344,6.3173,65.529,523.81};
+ algorithm
+ // "! pure values used for error weighting"
+ DM_r :=131.3*DM/(Vc*Tc)^0.5; // "9-4.12"
+ F_c :=1 - 0.2756*omega + 0.059035*DM_r^4 + kappa; // "9-4.11"
+ T_star :=1.2593*T/Tc; // "9-4.9"
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star); // "9-4.3"
+ eta_0 :=(40.785*F_c*(MM*T)^0.5/(Vc^(2/3)*OMEGA_v))*1e-7; // "1e-6 poise unit = 1-7 " "9-4.10"
+ //"! Then thermal conductivity by Chung"
+ alpha :=Cv/8.314 - 1.5;
+ Z :=2 + 10.5*(T/Tc)^2;
+ PSI:=1 + alpha*(0.215 + 0.28288*alpha - 1.061*beta + 0.26665*Z)/(0.6366 +
+ beta*Z + 1.061*alpha*beta);
+ lambda_0 :=3.75*PSI/(Cv/8.314)*eta_0*Cv/(MM*1e-3); // "10-3.14"
+ /*
+For polar materials beta is specific for each compound; Chung, et al. (1984) list values for a few materials. If the compound is polar and
+is not available,use a default value of (1.32)^(-1)=0.758
+ y :=rho*Vc/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y)/(1 - y)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:7 loop
+ B[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega + c[i]*DM_r^4 + d[i]*kappa;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(B[1]*((1 - exp(-B[4]*y))/y) + B[2]*G1*exp(B[5]*y) + B[3]*G1)/(B[1]*B[4] +
+ B[2] + B[3]); //"9-6.22"
+ q :=3.586e-3*(Tc/(MM*1e-3))^0.5/Vc^(2/3);
+ lambda :=31.2*eta_0*PSI/(MM*1e-3)*(G2^(-1) + B[6]*y) + q*B[7]*y^2*(T/Tc)^0.5*
+ G2; // "10-5.5"
+ end lambda;
+ end Pure;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc_dum,pc_dum,Z) :=criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ yi :=Z[1];
+ yj :=Z[2];
+ // first mix visc
+ sigma_i:=0.809*Vc[1]^(1/3); // "9-5.32";
+ sigma_j:=0.809*Vc[2]^(1/3); // "9-5.32"
+ sigma_ij:=(sigma_i*sigma_j)^0.5; // "9-5.33"
+ sigma_m :=(yi*yi*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*sigma_ij^3)^(1/3); // "9-5.24"
+ epsilon_i_K :=Tc[1]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_j_K :=Tc[2]/1.2593; // "9-5.34"
+ epsilon_ij_K :=(epsilon_i_K*epsilon_j_K)^0.5; // "9-5.35"
+ epsilon_m_K :=(yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^3 + 2*
+ yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.27"
+ M_ij :=2*MM[1]*MM[2]/(MM[1] + MM[2]); // "9-5.40"
+ M_m :=((yi*yi*epsilon_i_K*sigma_i^2*MM[1]^0.5 + yj*yj*epsilon_j_K*sigma_j^2*
+ MM[2]^0.5 + 2*yi*yj*epsilon_ij_K*sigma_ij^2*M_ij^0.5)/(epsilon_m_K*sigma_m^2))
+ ^2; // "9-5.28"
+ omega_ij:=(omega[1] + omega[2])/2;
+ omega_m :=(yi*yi*omega[1]*sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*omega[2]*sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*yj*
+ omega_ij*sigma_ij^3)/sigma_m^3; // "9-5.29"
+ DM_m :=(sigma_m^3*(yi*yi*DM[1]^4/sigma_i^3 + yj*yj*DM[2]^4/sigma_j^3 + 2*yi*
+ yj*DM[1]^2*DM[2]^2/sigma_ij^3))^(1/4); // "9-5.30"
+ Vcm :=(sigma_m/0.809)^3; // "9-5.44"
+ Tcm :=1.2593*epsilon_m_K; // "9-5.42"
+ DM_rm :=131.3*DM_m/(Vcm*Tcm)^0.5; // "9-5.43"
+ kappa_m :=yi*yi*kappa[1] + yj*yj*kappa[2] + 2*yi*yj*(kappa[1]*kappa[2])^0.5; // "9-5.31"
+ F_cm :=1 - 0.275*omega_m + 0.059035*DM_rm^4 + kappa_m; // "9-5.41"
+ T_star_m := state.T/epsilon_m_K;
+ OMEGA_v:=1.16145*T_star_m^(-0.14874) + 0.52487*exp(-0.77320*T_star_m) + 2.16178
+ *exp(-2.43787*T_star_m); // "9-4.3"
+ eta_m0 := 26.69*F_cm*(M_m*state.T)^0.5/(sigma_m^2*OMEGA_v) * 1e-7; // "1e-6 poise unit = 1-7 " "9-5.24"
+ // second mix cond
+ Cv[1] :=(4.238 - 4.215e-3*state.T + 2.041e-5*state.T^2 - 2.126*1e-8*state.T^3 +
+ 0.761e-11*state.T^4)*8.314 - 8.314;
+ Cv[2] :=(4.395 - 4.186e-3*state.T + 1.405e-5*state.T^2 - 1.564*1e-8*state.T^3 +
+ 0.632e-11*state.T^4)*8.314 - 8.314;
+ C_vm :=yi*Cv[1] + yj*Cv[2]; // "10-6.6"
+ alpha_m :=C_vm/8.314 - 1.5;// "10-3.14"
+ //beta_m = 0.7862 - 0.7109*omega_m + 1.3168*omega_m^2 "10-3.14"
+ /*
+ For polar materials beta is specific for each compound; Chung, et al. (1984) list values for a few materials. If the compound is polar and
+ is not available,use a default value of (1.32)^(-1)=0.758
+ "! how to deal with beta_m for polar mixtures???????"
+ "! I would choose similar mixture rules as for sigma, epsilon and kappa how to deal with beta_m for polar mixtures???????"
+ */
+ beta_m :=yi*yi*beta[1] + yj*yj*beta[2] + 2*yi*yj*(beta[1]*beta[2])^0.5;
+ Z_m :=2 + 10.5*(state.T/Tcm)^2; // "10-3.14"
+ PSI_m :=1 + alpha_m*(0.215 + 0.28288*alpha_m - 1.061*beta_m + 0.26665*Z_m)/(0.6366
+ + beta_m*Z_m + 1.061*alpha_m*beta_m); // "10-3.14"
+ lambda_m0 :=3.75*PSI_m/(C_vm/8.314)*eta_m0*C_vm/(M_m*1e-3); // "10-3.14"
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got OMEGA_v = " + String(OMEGA_v));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got sigma_m = " + String(sigma_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got epsilon_m_K = " + String(epsilon_m_K));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got M_m = " + String(M_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got omega_m = " + String(omega_m));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got DM_rm = " + String(DM_rm));
+ // "extention to dense (high pressure)"
+ MMm :=yi*MM[1] + yj*MM[2];
+ // this is just to make sure calculation is done right (is gas) if two-phase..
+ // if state.q <= 1 and state.q>=0 then // two-phase state
+ // rho :=state.sat.dv/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6); // from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // //rho = state.dv / (MMm * 1e-3 [kmol/mol]) / (1e6 [cm^3/m^3])
+ // //{rho=0.000001}
+ // else
+ rho:=state.d/(MMm*1e-3)/(1e6);// from kg/m3 to mol/cm3
+ // end if;
+ y_m :=rho*Vcm/6; // "9-6.20"
+ G1 :=(1 - 0.5*y_m)/(1 - y_m)^3; // "9-6.21"
+ for i in 1:7 loop
+ B[i] :=a[i] + b[i]*omega_m + c[i]*DM_rm^4 + d[i]*kappa_m;
+ end for;
+ G2 :=(B[1]*((1 - exp(-B[4]*y_m))/y_m) + B[2]*G1*exp(B[5]*y_m) + B[3]*G1)/(B[1]*B[4] +
+ B[2] + B[3]); // "9-6.22"
+ q :=3.586e-3*(Tcm/(M_m*1e-3))^0.5/Vcm^(2/3);
+ lambda :=31.2*eta_m0*PSI_m/(M_m*1e-3)*(G2^(-1) + B[6]*y_m) + q*B[7]*y_m^2*(state.T/
+ Tcm)^0.5*G2; // "10-5.5"
+ // error weighting
+ // get corresponding values of pure components
+ state_1 :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ if state.T < Tc[2]-1 then //
+ sat_2 := setSat_TX(state.T, {0,1});
+ state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ min(state.p,sat_2.psat-1),
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_2 :=setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ state.T,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ lambda_1 :=Pure.lambda(
+ DM[1],
+ Vc[1],
+ Tc[1],
+ omega[1],
+ kappa[1],
+ MM[1],
+ state.T,
+ rho,
+ Cv[1],
+ beta[1]);
+ lambda_2 :=Pure.lambda(
+ DM[2],
+ Vc[2],
+ Tc[2],
+ omega[2],
+ kappa[2],
+ MM[2],
+ state.T,
+ rho,
+ Cv[2],
+ beta[2]);
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got eta_1 = " + String(eta_1));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got state_1.eta = " + String(state_1.eta));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got eta_2 = " + String(eta_2));
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got state_2.eta = " + String(state_2.eta));
+ lambda_1actual:=state_1.lambda;
+ lambda_2actual:=state_2.lambda;
+ lambda := lambda + (state_1.lambda-lambda_1)*yi + (state_2.lambda-lambda_2)*yj;
+ end thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight;
+ partial function partialThermalConductivityLiquid
+ end partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ function thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed "El-Sayed 1988"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ Tcorr_a := state.T*Tc_a/Tc "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := state.T*Tc_w/Tc "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" +
+ String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(
+ Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ state_a := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc_a - 1, Tcorr_a),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ state_w := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tcorr_w, Tc_w - 1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ lambda := lambda_a*Z[1] + lambda_w*Z[2];
+ end thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed;
+ function thermalConductivity_LIQConde "Conde 2006"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ Real rho_p1;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ Tcorr_a := state.T*Tc_a/Tc "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := state.T*Tc_w/Tc "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" +
+ String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(
+ Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ state_a := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tc_a - 1, Tcorr_a),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ state_w := setState_TqX(
+ min(Tcorr_w, Tc_w - 1),
+ 0,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got first lambda = " + String(lambda_a));
+ rho_p1 := state_a.d*Z[1]^0.425;
+ state_a := setState_dqX(
+ max(rho_p1, 225),
+ 0,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got second lambda = " + String(lambda_a));
+ lambda := lambda_a*Z[1] + lambda_w*Z[2];
+ end thermalConductivity_LIQConde;
+ function thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov "Filippov (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ SaturationProperties sat_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_a=11333000;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_w=22064000;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ if state.T < Tc_a - 2 then
+ //
+ sat_a := setSat_TX(state.T, {1,0});
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ max(state.p, sat_a.psat + 10),
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ max(pc_a + 10, state.p),
+ Tc_a - 2,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ // the water will always be liquid
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ min(state.T, Tc_w - 2),
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ lambda := state.X[1]*lambda_a + state.X[2]*lambda_w - 0.72*state.X[1]*state.X[
+ 2]*max(lambda_a - lambda_w, lambda_w - lambda_a);
+ end thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov;
+ function thermalConductivity_LIQJamie "Jamieson (in Poling 2001)"
+ extends partialThermalConductivityLiquid;
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
+ output ThermalConductivity lambda;
+ protected
+ ThermodynamicState state_w;
+ ThermodynamicState state_a;
+ SaturationProperties sat_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_a=11333000;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc_w=22064000;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(state.X);
+ if state.T < Tc_a - 2 then
+ //
+ sat_a := setSat_TX(state.T, {1,0});
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ max(state.p, sat_a.psat + 10),
+ state.T,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ else
+ state_a := setState_pTX(
+ max(pc_a + 10, state.p),
+ Tc_a - 2,
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ end if;
+ // the water will always be liquid
+ state_w := setState_pTX(
+ state.p,
+ min(state.T, Tc_w - 2),
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ lambda_a := state_a.lambda;
+ lambda_w := state_w.lambda;
+ if lambda_a > lambda_w then
+ lambda := state.X[1]*lambda_a + state.X[2]*lambda_w - (lambda_a -
+ lambda_w)*(1 - sqrt(state.X[1]))*state.X[1];
+ else
+ lambda := state.X[1]*lambda_a + state.X[2]*lambda_w - (lambda_w -
+ lambda_a)*(1 - sqrt(state.X[2]))*state.X[2];
+ end if;
+ end thermalConductivity_LIQJamie;
+ function surfaceTensionTX
+ "Return surface tension, ideal solution based on corresponding temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Temperature T;
+ input MassFraction X[nX]
+ "bulk mass fraction to determine critical T and p";
+ output SurfaceTension sigma "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ SaturationProperties sat_a;
+ SurfaceTension sigma_w;
+ SurfaceTension sigma_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a = 405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w = 647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TNH3min=195.5;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(X);
+ Tcorr_a := T*Tc_a/Tc "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := T*Tc_w/Tc "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" + String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ sat_a := setSat_TX(
+ max(TNH3min,Tcorr_a),
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(
+ Tcorr_w,
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ sigma_a :=sat_a.sigma;
+ sigma_w :=sat_w.sigma;
+ sigma:= sigma_a*Z[1] + sigma_w*Z[2];
+ end surfaceTensionTX;
+ redeclare function surfaceTension
+ "Return surface tension, ideal solution based on corresponding temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input SaturationProperties sat;
+ output SurfaceTension sigma "Dynamic viscosity";
+ protected
+ SaturationProperties sat_w;
+ SaturationProperties sat_a;
+ SurfaceTension sigma_w;
+ SurfaceTension sigma_a;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc "critical temperature";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure pc "critical pressure";
+ Modelica.SIunits.MoleFraction[nX] Z "mole fraction";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_a=405.560;
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tc_w=647.096;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_a "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tcorr_w "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TNH3min=195.5;
+ algorithm
+ (Tc,pc,Z) := criticalProperties_sassen1990(sat.X);
+ Tcorr_a := sat.Tsat*Tc_a/Tc "Corresponding temp. for ammonia, K";
+ Tcorr_w := sat.Tsat*Tc_w/Tc "Corresponding temp. for water, K";
+ if debugmode then
+ Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("got (Tc,pc,Tcorr_a,Tcorr_w), (" +
+ String(Tc) + "," + String(pc) + "," + String(Tcorr_a) + "," + String(
+ Tcorr_w) + ")");
+ end if;
+ sat_a := setSat_TX(
+ min(Tc_a - 1, max(TNH3min, Tcorr_a)),
+ {1,0},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ sat_w := setSat_TX(
+ min(Tcorr_w, Tc_w - 1),
+ {0,1},
+ calcTransport=true);
+ sigma_a := sat_a.sigma;
+ sigma_w := sat_w.sigma;
+ sigma := sigma_a*Z[1] + sigma_w*Z[2];
+ end surfaceTension;
+end NH3_Water;
diff --git a/Media/Pentane/package.mo b/Media/Pentane/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a94c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/Pentane/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package Pentane "Pentane from REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(final substanceNames = {"pentane"});
+end Pentane;
diff --git a/Media/Pentane/package.order b/Media/Pentane/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Media/R410.mo b/Media/R410.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102fd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/R410.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package R410 "R410 defined as pseudo pure in REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(final substanceNames = {"R410"});
+end R410;
diff --git a/Media/R410mix/package.mo b/Media/R410mix/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6965ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/R410mix/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package R410mix "R410 defined as mixture in REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(final substanceNames = {"R32","R125"}, reference_X = {0.697615,0.302385});
+end R410mix;
diff --git a/Media/R410mix/package.order b/Media/R410mix/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Media/Water/package.mo b/Media/Water/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2242ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/Water/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Media;
+package Water "Water from REFPROP library"
+ extends Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(final substanceNames = {"water"});
+end Water;
diff --git a/Media/Water/package.order b/Media/Water/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Media/package.mo b/Media/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0947ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica;
+package Media
+end Media;
diff --git a/Media/package.order b/Media/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cee419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Media/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FixedPhase.mo b/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FixedPhase.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d17485..0000000
--- a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FixedPhase.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium;
-type FixedPhase = Integer(min=0,max=2)
- "phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g. interactive use";
diff --git a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FluidLimits.mo b/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FluidLimits.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e3532b..0000000
--- a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/FluidLimits.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium;
-record FluidLimits "validity limits for fluid model"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
- Temperature TMIN "minimum temperature";
- Temperature TMAX "maximum temperature";
- Density DMIN "minimum density";
- Density DMAX "maximum density";
- AbsolutePressure PMIN "minimum pressure";
- AbsolutePressure PMAX "maximum pressure";
- SpecificEnthalpy HMIN "minimum enthalpy";
- SpecificEnthalpy HMAX "maximum enthalpy";
- SpecificEntropy SMIN "minimum entropy";
- SpecificEntropy SMAX "maximum entropy";
- annotation(Documentation(
- info="
- The minimum pressure mostly applies to the liquid state only.
- The minimum density is also arbitrary, but is reasonable for techical
- applications to limit iterations in non-linear systems. The limits in
- enthalpy and entropy are used as safeguards in inverse iterations.
- "));
-end FluidLimits;
diff --git a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.mo b/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b703e1..0000000
--- a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture;
-partial package PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium "Template class for two phase medium of a mixture of substances "
- extends Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMixtureMedium;
-// constant Boolean smoothModel "true if the (derived) model should not generate state events";
- constant Boolean onePhase = false
- "true if the (derived) model should never be called with two-phase inputs";
- redeclare replaceable record extends FluidConstants
- "extended fluid constants"
- /* Temperature criticalTemperature "critical temperature";
- AbsolutePressure criticalPressure "critical pressure";
- MolarVolume criticalMolarVolume "critical molar Volume";
- Real acentricFactor "Pitzer acentric factor";
- Temperature triplePointTemperature "triple point temperature";
- AbsolutePressure triplePointPressure "triple point pressure";
- Temperature meltingPoint "melting point at 101325 Pa";
- Temperature normalBoilingPoint "normal boiling point (at 101325 Pa)";
- DipoleMoment dipoleMoment
- "dipole moment of molecule in Debye (1 debye = 3.33564e10-30 C.m)";
- Boolean hasIdealGasHeatCapacity=false
- "true if ideal gas heat capacity is available";
- Boolean hasCriticalData=false "true if critical data are known";
- Boolean hasDipoleMoment=false "true if a dipole moment known";
- Boolean hasFundamentalEquation=false "true if a fundamental equation";
- Boolean hasLiquidHeatCapacity=false
- "true if liquid heat capacity is available";
- Boolean hasSolidHeatCapacity=false
- "true if solid heat capacity is available";
- Boolean hasAccurateViscosityData=false
- "true if accurate data for a viscosity function is available";
- Boolean hasAccurateConductivityData=false
- "true if accurate data for thermal conductivity is available";
- Boolean hasVapourPressureCurve=false
- "true if vapour pressure data, e.g. Antoine coefficents are known";
- Boolean hasAcentricFactor=false "true if Pitzer accentric factor is known";
- SpecificEnthalpy HCRIT0=0.0
- "Critical specific enthalpy of the fundamental equation";
- SpecificEntropy SCRIT0=0.0
- "Critical specific entropy of the fundamental equation";
- SpecificEnthalpy deltah=0.0
- "Difference between specific enthalpy model (h_m) and f.eq. (h_f) (h_m - h_f)";
- SpecificEntropy deltas=0.0
- "Difference between specific enthalpy model (s_m) and f.eq. (s_f) (s_m - s_f)";
- */
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end FluidConstants;
-constant FluidConstants[nS] fluidConstants "constant data for the fluid";
-redeclare replaceable record extends ThermodynamicState
- "Thermodynamic state of two phase medium"
- FixedPhase phase(min=0, max=2)
- "phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g. interactive use";
- Density d_l(start=300) "density liquid phase";
- Density d_g(start=300) "density gas phase";
- MassFraction X_l[nX] "Mass fraction of NaCl in kg/kg";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
-//MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fraction of NaCl in kg/kg"
-end ThermodynamicState;
- replaceable record SaturationProperties
- "Saturation properties of two phase medium"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
- AbsolutePressure psat "saturation pressure";
- Temperature Tsat "saturation temperature";
- MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end SaturationProperties;
- redeclare replaceable partial model extends BaseProperties
- "Base properties (p, d, T, h, s, u, R, MM, sat) of two phase medium"
- // Temperature T(start=300);
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- SaturationProperties sat "Saturation properties at the medium pressure";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end BaseProperties;
- replaceable partial function setDewState
- "Return the thermodynamic state on the dew line"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation point";
- input FixedPhase phase(min = 1, max = 2) = 1 "phase: default is one phase";
- output ThermodynamicState state "complete thermodynamic state info";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setDewState;
- replaceable partial function setBubbleState
- "Return the thermodynamic state on the bubble line"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation point";
- input FixedPhase phase(min = 1, max = 2) = 1 "phase: default is one phase";
- output ThermodynamicState state "complete thermodynamic state info";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setBubbleState;
- redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_dTX
- "Return thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi"
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_dTX;
- redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_phX
- "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi"
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_phX;
- redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_psX
- "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi"
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_psX;
- redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_pTX
- "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi"
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_pTX;
- replaceable function setSat_TX
- "Return saturation property record from temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "temperature";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- output SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- algorithm
- sat.Tsat := T;
- sat.psat := saturationPressure(T,X);
- sat.X := X;
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setSat_TX;
- replaceable function setSat_pX
- "Return saturation property record from pressure"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "pressure";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- output SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- algorithm
- sat.psat := p;
- sat.Tsat := saturationTemperature(p,X);
- sat.X := X;
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setSat_pX;
- replaceable partial function bubbleEnthalpy
- "Return bubble point specific enthalpy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hl
- "boiling curve specific enthalpy";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end bubbleEnthalpy;
- replaceable partial function dewEnthalpy
- "Return dew point specific enthalpy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hv "dew curve specific enthalpy";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dewEnthalpy;
- replaceable partial function bubbleEntropy
- "Return bubble point specific entropy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy sl "boiling curve specific entropy";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end bubbleEntropy;
- replaceable partial function dewEntropy "Return dew point specific entropy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy sv "dew curve specific entropy";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dewEntropy;
- replaceable partial function bubbleDensity "Return bubble point density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Density dl "boiling curve density";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end bubbleDensity;
- replaceable partial function dewDensity "Return dew point density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Density dv "dew curve density";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dewDensity;
- replaceable partial function saturationPressure
- "Return saturation pressure"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "temperature";
- input MassFraction X[:]={1} "fluid composition as mass fractions";
- output AbsolutePressure p "saturation pressure";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationPressure;
- replaceable partial function saturationTemperature
- "Return saturation temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "pressure";
- input MassFraction X[:]={1} "fluid composition as mass fractions";
- output Temperature T "saturation temperature";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationTemperature;
- replaceable function saturationPressure_sat "Return saturation temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output AbsolutePressure p "saturation pressure";
- algorithm
- p := sat.psat;
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationPressure_sat;
- replaceable function saturationTemperature_sat
- "Return saturation temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Temperature T "saturation temperature";
- algorithm
- T := sat.Tsat;
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationTemperature_sat;
- replaceable partial function saturationTemperature_derp
- "Return derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "pressure";
- output Real dTp "derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationTemperature_derp;
- replaceable function saturationTemperature_derp_sat
- "Return derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output Real dTp "derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure";
- algorithm
- dTp := saturationTemperature_derp(sat.psat);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end saturationTemperature_derp_sat;
- replaceable partial function surfaceTension
- "Return surface tension sigma in the two phase region"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output SurfaceTension sigma "Surface tension sigma in the two phase region";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end surfaceTension;
- /* redeclare replaceable partial function extends molarMass
- "Return the molar mass of the medium"
- algorithm
- MM := fluidConstants[1].molarMass;
- end molarMass;*/
- replaceable partial function dBubbleDensity_dPressure
- "Return bubble point density derivative"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output DerDensityByPressure ddldp "boiling curve density derivative";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dBubbleDensity_dPressure;
- replaceable partial function dDewDensity_dPressure
- "Return dew point density derivative"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output DerDensityByPressure ddvdp "saturated steam density derivative";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dDewDensity_dPressure;
- replaceable partial function dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure
- "Return bubble point specific enthalpy derivative"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output DerEnthalpyByPressure dhldp
- "boiling curve specific enthalpy derivative";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure;
- replaceable partial function dDewEnthalpy_dPressure
- "Return dew point specific enthalpy derivative"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SaturationProperties sat "saturation property record";
- output DerEnthalpyByPressure dhvdp
- "saturated steam specific enthalpy derivative";
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end dDewEnthalpy_dPressure;
- redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pTX
- "Return specific enthalpy from pressure, temperature and mass fraction"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy at p, T, X";
- algorithm
- h := specificEnthalpy(setState_pTX(p,T,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
- redeclare replaceable function temperature_phX
- "Return temperature from p, h, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Temperature T "Temperature";
- algorithm
- T := temperature(setState_phX(p,h,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end temperature_phX;
- redeclare replaceable function density_phX
- "Return density from p, h, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Density d "density";
- algorithm
- d := density(setState_phX(p,h,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end density_phX;
- redeclare replaceable function temperature_psX
- "Return temperature from p, s, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Temperature T "Temperature";
- algorithm
- T := temperature(setState_psX(p,s,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end temperature_psX;
- redeclare replaceable function density_psX
- "Return density from p, s, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Density d "Density";
- algorithm
- d := density(setState_psX(p,s,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end density_psX;
- redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_psX
- "Return specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- algorithm
- h := specificEnthalpy(setState_psX(p,s,X,phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end specificEnthalpy_psX;
- replaceable function setState_pT "Return thermodynamic state from p and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_pTX(p,T,fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_pT;
- replaceable function setState_ph "Return thermodynamic state from p and h"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_phX(p,h,fill(0, 0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_ph;
- replaceable function setState_ps "Return thermodynamic state from p and s"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_psX(p,s,fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_ps;
- replaceable function setState_dT "Return thermodynamic state from d and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "density";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_dTX(d,T,fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_dT;
- replaceable function setState_px
- "Return thermodynamic state from pressure and vapour quality"
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
- output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_ph(
- p,
- (1 - x)*bubbleEnthalpy(
- MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat_pX(p)) + x*
- dewEnthalpy(MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat_pX(p)),
- 2);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_px;
- replaceable function setState_Tx
- "Return thermodynamic state from temperature and vapour quality"
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures.");
- state := setState_ph(
- saturationPressure_sat(
- MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat_TX(T)),
- (1 - x)*bubbleEnthalpy(
- MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat_TX(T)) + x*
- dewEnthalpy(MediaTwoPhaseMixture.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat_TX(T)),
- 2);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end setState_Tx;
- replaceable function vapourQuality "Return vapour quality"
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
- constant SpecificEnthalpy eps = 1e-8;
- algorithm
- x := min(max((specificEnthalpy(state) - bubbleEnthalpy(setSat_pX(pressure(state),state.X)))
- /(dewEnthalpy(setSat_pX(pressure(state),state.X)) - bubbleEnthalpy(setSat_pX(pressure(state),state.X))
- + eps), 0), 1);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end vapourQuality;
- replaceable function density_ph "Return density from p and h"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Density d "Density";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use density_phX() instead!");
- d := density_phX(p, h, fill(0,0), phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end density_ph;
- replaceable function temperature_ph "Return temperature from p and h"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Temperature T "Temperature";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use temperature_phX() instead!");
- T := temperature_phX(p, h, fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end temperature_ph;
- replaceable function pressure_dT "Return pressure from d and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "Density";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use pressure_dTX() instead!");
- p := pressure(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0,0),phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end pressure_dT;
- replaceable function specificEnthalpy_dT
- "Return specific enthalpy from d and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "Density";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use specificEnthalpy_dX() instead!");
- h := specificEnthalpy(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0,0),phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end specificEnthalpy_dT;
- replaceable function specificEnthalpy_ps
- "Return specific enthalpy from p and s"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use specificEnthalpy_psX() instead!");
- h := specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,reference_X);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end specificEnthalpy_ps;
- replaceable function temperature_ps "Return temperature from p and s"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Temperature T "Temperature";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use temperature_psX() instead!");
- T := temperature_psX(p,s,fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end temperature_ps;
- replaceable function density_ps "Return density from p and s"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Density d "Density";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use density_psX() instead!");
- d := density_psX(p, s, fill(0,0), phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end density_ps;
- replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pT
- "Return specific enthalpy from p and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- algorithm
- assert(nX==1,"This function is not allowed for mixtures. Use specificEnthalpy_pTx() instead!");
- h := specificEnthalpy_pTX(p, T, fill(0,0),phase);
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end specificEnthalpy_pT;
- replaceable function density_pT "Return density from p and T"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Density d "Density";
- algorithm
- d := density(setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0,0),phase));
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end density_pT;
-replaceable function specificEnthalpy_dTX
- "Return specific enthalpy from d, T, and X or Xi"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "Pressure";
- input Temperature T "Specific entropy";
- input MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- h := specificEnthalpy(setState_dTX(d,T,X,phase));
-end specificEnthalpy_dTX;
-redeclare replaceable function pressure
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- p:=state.p;
-end pressure;
-redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- h:=state.h;
-end specificEnthalpy;
-replaceable function density_liq
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l;
- d_l:=state.d_l;
-end density_liq;
- replaceable function dynamicViscosity_liq "Viscosity of liquid phase"
- // extends dynamicViscosity; Warum funzt das nicht? Er sagt "multiple algorithms"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
- /*protected
- Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p_sat = max(state.p,saturationPressure(state.T, {1}));
- ThermodynamicState state_l=state "liquid state";
- state_l.d:=state.d_l;
- state_l.p:=p_sat;
- eta := dynamicViscosity(state_l);
-// eta := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.dynamicViscosity(state.d_l, state.T, p_sat, 1);
-// Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(String(p_sat));
- end dynamicViscosity_liq;
- replaceable function dynamicViscosity_gas "Viscosity of liquid phase"
- // extends dynamicViscosity; Warum funzt das nicht? Er sagt "multiple algorithms"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
- /*protected
- Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p_sat = min(state.p,saturationPressure(state.T, {1}));
- ThermodynamicState state_g=state "gaseous state";
- state_g.d:=state.d_g;
- state_g.p:=p_sat;
- eta := dynamicViscosity(state_g);
- */
- // eta := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.dynamicViscosity(state.d_g, state.T, p_sat, 1);
- end dynamicViscosity_gas;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
- PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium
- This is a template for two phase medium of a mixture of substances and is used by REFPROPMedium.
- It has been created by merging PartialMixtureMedium and PartialTwoPhaseMedium from Modelica.Media.Interfaces.
- Created by
-Henning Francke
-Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
-GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
-"), uses(Modelica(version="3.1")));
-end PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium;
diff --git a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.order b/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.order
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ccc947..0000000
--- a/PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium/package.order
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/StrJoin.mo b/REFPROPMedium/StrJoin.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index f44713b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/StrJoin.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function StrJoin "Converts an Array of Strings into a string separated by |"
- input String[:] s_in;
- input String delimiter;
- output String s_out;
- s_out :=s_in[1];
- for i in 2:size(s_in,1) loop
- s_out :=s_out + delimiter + s_in[i];
- end for;
-end StrJoin;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/density_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/density_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index ccfa89b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/density_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function density_ThX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
-end density_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/density_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/density_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9267e..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/density_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function density_TsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end density_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/density_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/density_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 54ac0a2..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/density_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function density_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end density_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/density_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/density_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d4338d..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/density_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function density_pqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-/* annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p=pressure_dqX(d,q,X,phase),
- q=quality_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));*/
-end density_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index ecdb4dc..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function getProp_REFPROP
- "calls C function with property identifier & returns single property"
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevars;
- input String fluidnames;
- input Real[:] props;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- input String errormsg;
-// input Integer debug=1;
- output Real val;
- external "C" val = props_REFPROP(what2calc, statevars, fluidnames, props, statevar1, statevar2, X, phase, REFPROP_PATH, errormsg, debugmode);
-annotation (Include="#include ", Library="REFPROP_wrapper");
-end getProp_REFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo b/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a2e02..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function getProp_REFPROP_check
- "wrapper for getProp_REFPROP returning 1 property value with error check"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevars;
-// input String fluidnames;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Real val;
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
-// Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Calc "+what2calc);
- val :=getProp_REFPROP(what2calc,statevars,fluidnames,props,statevar1,statevar2,X,phase,errormsg)
- "just passing through";
-// Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("ERR("+String(props[1])+"):"+errormsg);
- assert(props[1]==0,"Errorcode "+String(props[1])+" in REFPROP wrapper function:\n"+errormsg +"\n");
-end getProp_REFPROP_check;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3849893..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function getSatProp_REFPROP
- "calls C function with property identifier & returns single property"
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevar;
- input String fluidnames;
- input Real[:] props;
- input Real statevarval;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input String errormsg;
- output Real val;
-// input Integer debugmode=1;
- external "C" val = satprops_REFPROP(what2calc, statevar, fluidnames, props, statevarval, X, REFPROP_PATH, errormsg, debugmode);
- annotation (Include="#include ", Library="REFPROP_wrapper");
-end getSatProp_REFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo b/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f6441..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function getSatProp_REFPROP_check
- "wrapper for getSatProp_REFPROP returning 1 property value with error check"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevar;
-// input String fluidnames;
- input Real statevarval;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- output Real val;
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
- val :=getSatProp_REFPROP(what2calc,statevar,fluidnames,props,statevarval,X,errormsg)
- "just passing through";
-//Error string decoding in wrapper-c-function
- assert(props[1]==0 or props[1]==141,"Errorcode "+String(props[1])+" in REFPROP wrapper function:\n"+errormsg +"\n");
- if props[1]==141 then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Saturation properties cannot be calculated, because P > p_crit!...");
- val :=-999;
- end if;
-end getSatProp_REFPROP_check;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/package.mo b/REFPROPMedium/package.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c88db5..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/package.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture;
-package REFPROPMedium "Two Phase Mixture Medium whose property functions are supplied by REFPROPR (via wrapper for refprop.dll)"
-constant Boolean debugmode = false
- "print messages in functions and in refpropwrapper.lib (to see the latter, start dymosim.exe in command window)";
-constant String explicitVars = "ph"
- "set of variables the model is explicit for, may be set to all combinations of p,h,T,d,s,d, REFPROP works internally with dT";
-final constant String fluidnames= StrJoin(substanceNames,"|");
-extends PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(
- mediumName="REFPROP Medium",
- final reducedX = true,
- final singleState=false,
- reference_X=cat(1,fill(0,nX-1),{1}),
- fluidConstants = rpConstants);
-//"mediumName is being checked for consistency at flowports"
- constant FluidConstants[nS] rpConstants(
- each chemicalFormula = "REFPROP Medium",
- each structureFormula="REFPROP Medium",
- each casRegistryNumber="007",
- each iupacName="REFPROP Medium",
- each molarMass=0.1,
- each criticalTemperature = 600,
- each criticalPressure = 300e5,
- each criticalMolarVolume = 1,
- each acentricFactor = 1,
- each triplePointTemperature = 273.15,
- each triplePointPressure = 1e5,
- each meltingPoint = 1,
- each normalBoilingPoint = 1,
- each dipoleMoment = 1);
-redeclare record extends ThermodynamicState
- "a selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state"
-/* AbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
- Temperature T "Temperature of medium";
- MassFraction X[nX] "Composition (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";*/
- MolarMass MM "Molar Mass of the whole mixture";
- Density d(start=300) "density";
- Density d_l(start=300) "density liquid phase";
- Density d_g(start=300) "density gas phase";
- Real x "vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass]";
- SpecificEnergy u "Specific energy";
- SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure cp;
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantVolume cv;
- VelocityOfSound c;
- MolarMass MM_l "Molar Mass of liquid phase";
- MolarMass MM_g "Molar Mass of gas phase";
- MassFraction X_l[nX] "Composition of liquid phase (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";
- MassFraction X_g[nX] "Composition of gas phase (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";
-// Real GVF "Gas Void Fraction";
-end ThermodynamicState;
- redeclare model extends BaseProperties "Base properties of medium"
- equation
- u = h - p/d
- "state.u - calculated anyway by REFPROP, but this way the expression can be derived symbolically";
- MM = state.MM;
- R = 1 "Modelica.Constants.R/MM";
- //ph-explicit
- if explicitVars=="ph" or explicitVars=="hp" then
- state = setState_phX(p,h,X,0) " ,fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_phX(p,h,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if T is given";
- // T = state.T "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- d = density_phX(p,h,X) "double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- //d = state.d "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="pT" or explicitVars=="Tp" then
- //pT-explicit
- state = setState_pTX(p,T,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- //h = state.h "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X)
- "state.s double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- d = density_pTX(p,T,X)
- "state.d double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- //d = state.d "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="dT" or explicitVars=="Td" then
- //Td-explicit
- state = setState_dTX(d,T,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- h = specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- //h = state.h "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X)
- "state.s double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- p = pressure_dTX(d,T,X)
- "state.d double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- // p = state.p "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="ps" or explicitVars=="ps" then
- state = setState_psX(p,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_psX(p,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X);
- d = density_psX(p,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="pd" or explicitVars=="pd" then
- state = setState_pdX(p,d,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_pdX(p,d,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X);
- s = specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hT" or explicitVars=="Th" then
- state = setState_ThX(T,h,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_ThX(T,h,X);
- s = specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X);
- d = density_ThX(T,h,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="sT" or explicitVars=="Ts" then
- state = setState_TsX(T,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_TsX(T,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X);
- d = density_TsX(T,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hd" or explicitVars=="hd" then
- state = setState_hdX(h,d,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_hdX(h,d,X);
- s = specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X);
- T = temperature_hdX(h,d,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hs" or explicitVars=="sh" then
- state = setState_hsX(h,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_hsX(h,s,X);
- T = temperature_hsX(h,s,X);
- d = density_hsX(h,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="sd" or explicitVars=="ds" then
- state = setState_dsX(d,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_dsX(d,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X);
- T = temperature_dsX(d,s,X);
- end if;
- sat.psat = p;
- sat.Tsat = saturationTemperature(p,X);
- sat.X = X;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
- The baseproperties model is explicit for one set of 2 variables, which can be chosen to be ph, pT, ps, pd, Th, dT, Ts, hd, hs, ds (set explicitVars when calling this package or in package).
- That means, that if only one of these variables is explicitly given, the other one is calculated by inverting its property function.
- Then alle state variables are calculated using the corresponding setstate_XX function.
- In order to avoid numerical inversion by the solver, 3 state variables are set explicitly using their respective property function, which has its inverses defined.
- Example: So for p and h as explicit variables a state given by p and T is calculated by first calculating h with specificEnthalpy_pTX (inverse function of temperature_phX),
- then calculating the other variables using setState_phX. s and d, however, are then calculated, although they are already known in the state variable.
- Knowing this, the baseproperty model can be adapted to your calculation needs to decrease computation time:
- - Choose the explicitVars to the combination occurring most often in your model. (The combination dT might be favorable, because it is used by REFPROP's internal algorithm.)
- - if you are sure, that it won't be needed, in BaseProperties replace explicit calculation of T/s/d/h with definition as state (commented line)
- "));
- end BaseProperties;
-redeclare function extends saturationPressure
-// extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
-// p := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("p", "T", fluidnames,T,X);
- p := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("p", "T", T,X);
-end saturationPressure;
-redeclare function extends saturationTemperature
-// extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
-// T := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("T", "p", fluidnames,p,X);
- T := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("T", "p", p,X);
-end saturationTemperature;
- redeclare function extends specificEntropy
- "Return specific entropy - seems useless, but good for compatibility between PartialMedium and PartialMixedMediumTwoPhase"
- algorithm
- s := state.s;
- end specificEntropy;
- redeclare replaceable function extends density
- "returns density from state - seems useless, but good for compatibility between PartialMedium and PartialMixedMediumTwoPhase"
- algorithm
- d := state.d;
- end density;
-redeclare function extends dewEnthalpy "dew curve specific enthalpy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- hv := getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", sat.psat,1,sat.X,1);
-end dewEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends dewEntropy "dew curve specific entropy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- sv := getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq", sat.psat,1,sat.X,1);
- end dewEntropy;
- redeclare function extends dewDensity "dew curve specific density of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- dv := getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq", sat.psat,1,sat.X,1);
- end dewDensity;
- redeclare function extends bubbleEnthalpy
- "boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- hl := getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", sat.psat,0,sat.X,1);
- end bubbleEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends bubbleEntropy
- "boiling curve specific entropy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- sl := getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq", sat.psat,0,sat.X,1);
- end bubbleEntropy;
- redeclare function extends bubbleDensity
- "boiling curve specific density of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- dl := getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq", sat.psat,0,sat.X,1);
- end bubbleDensity;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends molarMass
- "Return the molar mass of the medium"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- MM:=state.MM;
-end molarMass;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_phX
- "Calculates medium properties from p,h,X"
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ph",p,h,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_phX;
- redeclare function density_phX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X
- "composition defined by mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- // p="+String(p)+",h="+String(h)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
- end density_phX;
- redeclare function temperature_phX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_ThX(T,h,X,phase)));
- end temperature_phX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_pTX
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pT",p,T,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pTX;
- redeclare function density_pTX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- // input String fluidnames;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
- end density_pTX;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_pTX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- // input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- /*protected
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- // p="+String(p)+",T="+String(T)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_ThX(T,h,X,phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
- redeclare function specificEntropy_pTX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
- end specificEntropy_pTX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_psX
- "Calculates medium properties from p,s,X"
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ps",p,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_psX;
- redeclare function temperature_psX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
- end temperature_psX;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_psX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- // input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- /*protected
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_psX;
- redeclare function density_psX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
- end density_psX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_dTX
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("dT",d,T,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_dTX;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_dTX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- // input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- // h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "dT", fluidnames,d,T,X,phase);
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "dT", d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_dTX;
-redeclare function extends dynamicViscosity
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running dynamicViscosity");
- end if;
- eta := getProp_REFPROP_check("v", "Td",state.T,state.d,state.X,state.phase);
-end dynamicViscosity;
-redeclare function extends thermalConductivity
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running thermalConductivity");
- end if;
- lambda := getProp_REFPROP_check("l", "Td",state.T,state.d,state.X,state.phase);
-end thermalConductivity;
- redeclare function vapourQuality "Return vapour quality"
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
- algorithm
- x := state.x;
- annotation(Documentation(info=""));
- end vapourQuality;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCp
- algorithm
- cp:=state.cp;
- end specificHeatCapacityCp;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCv
- algorithm
- cv:=state.cv;
- end specificHeatCapacityCv;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
-REFPROPMedium is a package that delivers REFPROP data to a model based on and largely compatible to the Modelica.Media library.
-It can be used to model two-phase mixtures of all fluids whose data is delivered with REFPROP. It has been developed and tested only in Dymola up to 2012 FD01.
-All files in this library, including the C source files are released under the Modelica License 2.
-The installation basically consists in copying 2 files and changing one line in this package:
-This package needs the package PartialMixtureMediumTwoPhase which should be included in the parent package.
-As it is based on Modelica.Media, the usage is little different from the usage of the two-phase water model:
-Create an instance of REFPROPMedium and specify the mixture by passing the names of the medium components (medium names are the names of the .fld files in the
-%REFPROP%\\fluids directory):
- package Medium = REFPROPMedium (final substanceNames={\"nitrogen\",\"argon\"});
-Create an Instance of REFPROPMedium.Baseproperties:
- Medium.BaseProperties props;
-You can then use the BaseProperties model to define the actual medium composition (via Xi or X), to define the thermodynamic state and calculate the corresponding properties.
- props.p = 1e5;
- props.T = 300;
- props.Xi = {.8};
- d = props.d;
- h = props.h;
-Any combination of the pressure, temperature, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and density (p,T,h,s,d) can be used to define a
-thermodynamic state. Explicit functions for all combinations exist in REFPROP and likewise in the REFPROPMedium package.
-The calculation of all variables of a thermodynamic state, however, is by default done by setState_phX, so p and h have to be
-calculated from the given combination of two variables first. Actually, by doing this, REFPROP already calculates all variables
-of the thermodynamic state, but they cannot be used directly. This is a limitation of DYMOLA, as it is not able to invert a function
-returning an array.
-You can change the set of variables the property model is explicit for by setting the string variable explicitVars e.g. to \"pT\" or \"dT\":
-package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={\"water\"}, final explicitVars = \"pT\");
-All calculated values are returned in SI-Units and are mass based.
-Verbose mode can be switched on globally by setting the variable debugmode to true. This leads to many status messages from the modelica functions
- as well as from the compiled library. The latter only appear are only seen in only seen when the dymola.exe is run directly in the command window.
- In order to take advantage of REFPROP's capability of calculating two-phase mixtures a new Medium template had to be created by merging
- Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMixtureMedium and Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium of the Modelica Standard Library 3.1.
- Alternatively, there is a version of this package limited to single-substance fluids (REFPROPMediumPureSubstance) which uses the standard
- template Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium.
- All property functions contain a definition of their inverses. So, in many cases no numerical inversion by the solver is needed because
- explicit REFPROP functions are used (meaning, numerical inversion happens in REFPROP instead).
- Example: When explicitVars are set to \"ph\" and p and T are given, the specificEnthalpy is calculated first using the inverse function of
- Temperature_phX --> specificEnthalpy_pTX. With p and h known all other variables are calculated by setstate_phX.
- Created by
-Henning Francke
-Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
-GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
- revisions="
-"), uses(Modelica(version="3.2")));
-end REFPROPMedium;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/package.order b/REFPROPMedium/package.order
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f6c45..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/package.order
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/partialREFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMedium/partialREFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e63fed0..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/partialREFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-partial function partialREFPROP "Declaration of array props"
-//used by getSatProp_REFPROP_check() and getProp_REFPROP_check()
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- Real[16+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",64),"")
- "Allocating memory, string will be written by C function, doesn't work for strings longer than 40 bytes";
-end partialREFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 110c086..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_ThX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_phX(p,h,X,phase)));
-end pressure_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0493d86..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_TqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- //T=quality_pTX(p,T,X,phase)
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_TqX("+String(T)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Tq",T,q,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_pqX(p,q,X,phase)));
-end pressure_TqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b56a2..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_TsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s = specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dTX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dTX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e8664f0..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dTX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_dTX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "dT",d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));
-end pressure_dTX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index c02f8b5..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_dsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "ds",d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- d=density_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e35dba0..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_hdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));
-end pressure_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b5ad2..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/pressure_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function pressure_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 487ee63..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState "Calculates medium properties"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String statevars;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
-// Real[:] props=getProps_REFPROP_check(statevars, fluidnames,statevar1, statevar2, X, phase);
- Real[16+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",64),"")
- "Allocating memory, string will be written by C function";*/
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
- getProp_REFPROP("",statevars,fluidnames,props,statevar1,statevar2,X,phase,errormsg);
- assert(props[1]==0,"Error in REFPROP wrapper function: "+errormsg +"\n");
-/* If q = 990 Then Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(msg+String(z)) end if;
- If q = 998 Then Quality = Trim2("Superheated vapor with T>Tc")
- If q = 999 Then Quality = Trim2("Supercritical state (T>Tc, p>pc)")
- If q = -998 Then Quality = Trim2("Subcooled liquid with p>pc")*/
- state := ThermodynamicState( p= props[2],
- T= props[3],
- X= X,
- MM= props[4],
- d=props[5],
- d_l=props[6],
- d_g=props[7],
- x=min(max(props[8],0),1),
- u=props[9],
- h=props[10],
- s=props[11],
- cv=props[12],
- cp=props[13],
- c=props[14],
- MM_l=props[15],
- MM_g=props[16],
- X_l=props[17:16+nX],
- X_g=props[17+nX:16+2*nX],
- phase=if (props[8]>0 and props[8]<1) then 2 else 1);
-end setState;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d180d0..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_ThX "Calculates medium properties from T,h,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("Th",T,h,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index eca8fb9..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_TsX "Calculates medium properties from T,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("Ts",T,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 83781be..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_dsX "Calculates medium properties from d,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "Temperature";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ds",d,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index bcadcf4..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_hdX "Calculates medium properties from h,d,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input Density d "Temperature";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("hd",h,d,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa1127..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_hsX "Calculates medium properties from h,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running ("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("hs",h,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dafcda..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_pdX "Calculates medium properties from p,d,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Density d "Density";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pd",p,d,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/setState_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/setState_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5199d57..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/setState_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function setState_pqX "Calculates medium properties from p,q,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction q "quality (vapor mass fraction)";
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pq",p,q,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 171e0c7..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEnthalpy_TsX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s = specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 548cd1b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEnthalpy_dsX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
-// h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "ds", fluidnames,d,s,X,phase);
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "ds", d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X,phase),
- d=density_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index abb5bb6..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEnthalpy_pdX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
-// h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pd", fluidnames,p,d,X,phase);
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pd", p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6abfc..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEnthalpy_pqX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_hqX(h,q,X,phase),quality_phX(p,h,X,phase)));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
-// h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", fluidnames,p,q,X,phase);
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", p,q,X,phase);
-end specificEnthalpy_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 168b2a8..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_ThX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h = specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_dTX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_dTX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index f18a891..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_dTX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_dTX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "dT",d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_TsX(T,s,X,phase),
- T=temperature_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_dTX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4de6f..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_hdX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_hsX(h,s,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5401d50..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_pdX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pd",p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_phX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_phX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 61652e1..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_phX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_phX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- // p="+String(p)+",h="+String(h)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_phX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5de1d4b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/specificEntropy_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function specificEntropy_pqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific entropy"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_sqX(s,q,X,phase),q=quality_psX(p,s,X,phase));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- s :=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-end specificEntropy_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/temperature_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c220fc..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function temperature_dsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ds",d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- d=density_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
-end temperature_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index debe323..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function temperature_hdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
-end temperature_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4864bb4..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function temperature_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
-end temperature_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e03d68b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function temperature_pdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_psX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "pd",p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
-end temperature_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a382a..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMedium/temperature_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium;
-function temperature_pqX
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input MassFraction q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_TqX(T,q,X,phase),q=quality_pTX(p,T,X,phase));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-end temperature_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/StrJoin.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/StrJoin.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 632a94b..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/StrJoin.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function StrJoin "Converts an Array of Strings into a string separated by |"
- input String[:] s_in;
- input String delimiter;
- output String s_out;
- s_out :=s_in[1];
- for i in 2:size(s_in,1) loop
- s_out :=s_out + delimiter + s_in[i];
- end for;
-end StrJoin;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index cbdecc1..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function density_ThX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
-end density_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index f305235..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function density_TsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end density_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 812b528..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function density_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end density_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d493d76..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/density_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function density_pqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific density"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-/* annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p=pressure_dqX(d,q,X,phase),
- q=quality_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));*/
-end density_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d9ae73..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function getProp_REFPROP
- "calls C function with property identifier & returns single property"
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevars;
- input String fluidnames;
- input Real[:] props;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- input String errormsg;
-// input Integer debug=1;
- output Real val;
- external "C" val = props_REFPROP(what2calc, statevars, fluidnames, props, statevar1, statevar2, X, phase, REFPROP_PATH, errormsg, debugmode);
-annotation (Include="#include ", Library="REFPROP_wrapper");
-end getProp_REFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e383f..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getProp_REFPROP_check.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function getProp_REFPROP_check
- "wrapper for getProp_REFPROP returning 1 property value with error check"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevars;
-// input String fluidnames;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Real val;
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
-// Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Calc "+what2calc);
- val :=getProp_REFPROP(what2calc,statevars,fluidnames,props,statevar1,statevar2,X,phase,errormsg)
- "just passing through";
-// Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("ERR("+String(props[1])+"):"+errormsg);
- assert(props[1]==0,"Errorcode "+String(props[1])+" in REFPROP wrapper function:\n"+errormsg +"\n");
-end getProp_REFPROP_check;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index becabb7..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function getSatProp_REFPROP
- "calls C function with property identifier & returns single property"
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevar;
- input String fluidnames;
- input Real[:] props;
- input Real statevarval;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input String errormsg;
- output Real val;
-// input Integer debugmode=1;
- external "C" val = satprops_REFPROP(what2calc, statevar, fluidnames, props, statevarval, X, REFPROP_PATH, errormsg, debugmode);
- annotation (Include="#include ", Library="REFPROP_wrapper");
-end getSatProp_REFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 935173d..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/getSatProp_REFPROP_check.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function getSatProp_REFPROP_check
- "wrapper for getSatProp_REFPROP returning 1 property value with error check"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String what2calc;
- input String statevar;
-// input String fluidnames;
- input Real statevarval;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- output Real val;
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
- val :=getSatProp_REFPROP(what2calc,statevar,fluidnames,props,statevarval,X,errormsg)
- "just passing through";
-//Error string decoding in wrapper-c-function
- assert(props[1]==0 or props[1]==141,"Errorcode "+String(props[1])+" in REFPROP wrapper function:\n"+errormsg +"\n");
- if props[1]==141 then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Saturation properties cannot be calculated, because P > p_crit!...");
- val :=-999;
- end if;
-end getSatProp_REFPROP_check;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e96e706..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture;
-package REFPROPMediumPureSubstance "Two Phase single component two-phase medium whose property functions are supplied by REFPROP (via wrapper for refprop.dll). Extends PartialTwoPhaseMedium."
-/*To create this package, REFPROPMedium has been copied and the following things have been changed:
--"extends PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium" -> "extends Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium"
--redeclare record SaturationProperties
--added preset X to saturationTemperature() and saturationPressure()
--added s and sat in BaseProperties
--add p,T,X in ThermodynamicState
--for specificEnthalpy_dTX: redeclare function -> function
--remove X from ThermodynamicState and SaturationState
-redeclare record extends SaturationProperties
-// MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fractions";
-end SaturationProperties;
-redeclare function extends saturationPressure
-// extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
-// input MassFraction X[:]={1} "fluid composition as mass fractions";
- p := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("p", "T",T,reference_X);
-end saturationPressure;
-redeclare function extends saturationTemperature
-// extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
-// input MassFraction X[:]={1} "fluid composition as mass fractions";
- T := getSatProp_REFPROP_check("T", "p",p,reference_X);
-end saturationTemperature;
-constant Boolean debugmode = false
- "print messages in functions and in refpropwrapper.lib (to see the latter, start dymosim.exe in command window)";
-constant String explicitVars = "ph"
- "set of variables the model is explicit for, may be set to all combinations of p,h,T,d,s,d, REFPROP works internally with dT";
-final constant String fluidnames= StrJoin(substanceNames,"|");
-extends Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium(
- mediumName="REFPROP Medium",
- final singleState=false,
- fluidConstants=rpConstants);
-//"mediumName is being checked for consistency at flowports"
- constant FluidConstants[nS] rpConstants(
- each chemicalFormula = "REFPROP Medium",
- each structureFormula="REFPROP Medium",
- each casRegistryNumber="007",
- each iupacName="REFPROP Medium",
- each molarMass=0.1,
- each criticalTemperature = 600,
- each criticalPressure = 300e5,
- each criticalMolarVolume = 1,
- each acentricFactor = 1,
- each triplePointTemperature = 273.15,
- each triplePointPressure = 1e5,
- each meltingPoint = 1,
- each normalBoilingPoint = 1,
- each dipoleMoment = 1);
-redeclare record extends ThermodynamicState
- "a selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state"
- AbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
- Temperature T "Temperature of medium";
-// MassFraction X[nX] "Composition (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";/**/
- MolarMass MM "Molar Mass of the whole mixture";
- Density d(start=300) "density";
- Density d_l(start=300) "density liquid phase";
- Density d_g(start=300) "density gas phase";
- Real x "vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass]";
- SpecificEnergy u "Specific energy";
- SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure cp;
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantVolume cv;
- VelocityOfSound c;
-// MolarMass MM_l "Molar Mass of liquid phase";
-// MolarMass MM_g "Molar Mass of gas phase";
-// MassFraction X_l[nX] "Composition of liquid phase (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";
-// MassFraction X_g[nX] "Composition of gas phase (Mass fractions in kg/kg)";
-// Real GVF "Gas Void Fraction";
-end ThermodynamicState;
- redeclare model extends BaseProperties "Base properties of medium"
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- SaturationProperties sat "Saturation properties at the medium pressure";
- equation
- u = h - p/d
- "state.u - calculated anyway by REFPROP, but this way the expression can be derived symbolically";
- MM = state.MM;
- R = 1 "Modelica.Constants.R/MM";
- //ph-explicit
- if explicitVars=="ph" or explicitVars=="hp" then
- state = setState_phX(p,h,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_phX(p,h,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if T is given";
- // T = state.T "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- d = density_phX(p,h,X) "double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- //d = state.d "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="pT" or explicitVars=="Tp" then
- //pT-explicit
- state = setState_pTX(p,T,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- //h = state.h "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X)
- "state.s double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- d = density_pTX(p,T,X)
- "state.d double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- //d = state.d "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="dT" or explicitVars=="Td" then
- //Td-explicit
- state = setState_dTX(d,T,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- h = specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X)
- "double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- //h = state.h "can be used instead";
- s = specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X)
- "state.s double calculation, but necessary if s is given";
- // s = state.s "can be used instead";
- p = pressure_dTX(d,T,X)
- "state.d double calculation, but necessary if d is given";
- // p = state.p "can be used instead";
- elseif explicitVars=="ps" or explicitVars=="ps" then
- state = setState_psX(p,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_psX(p,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X);
- d = density_psX(p,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="pd" or explicitVars=="pd" then
- state = setState_pdX(p,d,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- T = temperature_pdX(p,d,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X);
- s = specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hT" or explicitVars=="Th" then
- state = setState_ThX(T,h,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_ThX(T,h,X);
- s = specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X);
- d = density_ThX(T,h,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="sT" or explicitVars=="Ts" then
- state = setState_TsX(T,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_TsX(T,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X);
- d = density_TsX(T,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hd" or explicitVars=="hd" then
- state = setState_hdX(h,d,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_hdX(h,d,X);
- s = specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X);
- T = temperature_hdX(h,d,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="hs" or explicitVars=="sh" then
- state = setState_hsX(h,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_hsX(h,s,X);
- T = temperature_hsX(h,s,X);
- d = density_hsX(h,s,X);
- elseif explicitVars=="sd" or explicitVars=="ds" then
- state = setState_dsX(d,s,X,0) ",fluidnames)";
- p = pressure_dsX(d,s,X);
- h = specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X);
- T = temperature_dsX(d,s,X);
- end if;
- sat.psat = p;
- sat.Tsat = saturationTemperature(p);
- // sat.X = X;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
- The baseproperties model is explicit for one set of 2 variables, which can be chosen to be ph, pT, ps, pd, Th, dT, Ts, hd, hs, ds (set explicitVars when calling this package or in package).
- That means, that if only one of these variables is explicitly given, the other one is calculated by inverting its property function.
- Then alle state variables are calculated using the corresponding setstate_XX function.
- In order to avoid numerical inversion by the solver, 3 state variables are set explicitly using their respective property function, which has its inverses defined.
- Example: So for p and h as explicit variables a state given by p and T is calculated by first calculating h with specificEnthalpy_pTX (inverse function of temperature_phX),
- then calculating the other variables using setState_phX. s and d, however, are then calculated, although they are already known in the state variable.
- Knowing this, the baseproperty model can be adapted to your calculation needs to decrease computation time:
- - Choose the explicitVars to the combination occurring most often in your model. (The combination dT might be favorable, because it is used by REFPROP's internal algorithm.)
- - if you are sure, that it won't be needed, in BaseProperties replace explicit calculation of T/s/d/h with definition as state (commented line)
- "));
- end BaseProperties;
- redeclare function extends specificEntropy
- "Return specific entropy - seems useless, but good for compatibility between PartialMedium and PartialMixedMediumTwoPhase"
- algorithm
- s := state.s;
- end specificEntropy;
- redeclare replaceable function extends density
- "returns density from state - seems useless, but good for compatibility between PartialMedium and PartialMixedMediumTwoPhase"
- algorithm
- d := state.d;
- end density;
-redeclare function extends dewEnthalpy "dew curve specific enthalpy"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- hv := getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", sat.psat,1,reference_X,1);
-end dewEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends dewEntropy "dew curve specific entropy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- sv := getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq", sat.psat,1,reference_X,1);
- end dewEntropy;
- redeclare function extends dewDensity "dew curve specific density of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- dv := getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq", sat.psat,1,reference_X,1);
- end dewDensity;
- redeclare function extends bubbleEnthalpy
- "boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- hl := getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq", sat.psat,0,reference_X,1);
- end bubbleEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends bubbleEntropy
- "boiling curve specific entropy of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- sl := getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq", sat.psat,0,reference_X,1);
- end bubbleEntropy;
- redeclare function extends bubbleDensity
- "boiling curve specific density of water"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- algorithm
- dl := getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pq", sat.psat,0,reference_X,1);
- end bubbleDensity;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends molarMass
- "Return the molar mass of the medium"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- MM:=state.MM;
-end molarMass;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_phX
- "Calculates medium properties from p,h,X"
- // input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ph",p,h,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_phX;
- redeclare function density_phX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X
- "composition defined by mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- // p="+String(p)+",h="+String(h)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
- end density_phX;
- redeclare function temperature_phX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_ThX(T,h,X,phase)));
- end temperature_phX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_pTX
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pT",p,T,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pTX;
- redeclare function density_pTX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- // input String fluidnames;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
- end density_pTX;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_pTX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- // input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- /*protected
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- // p="+String(p)+",T="+String(T)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_ThX(T,h,X,phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
- redeclare function specificEntropy_pTX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pTX("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pT",p,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
- end specificEntropy_pTX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_psX
- "Calculates medium properties from p,s,X"
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ps",p,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_psX;
- redeclare function temperature_psX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
- end temperature_psX;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_psX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- // input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- /*protected
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_psX;
- redeclare function density_psX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns density"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0
- "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- algorithm
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running density_psX("+String(p)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- d :=getProp_REFPROP_check("d", "ps",p,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
- end density_psX;
-redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_dTX
-// input String fluidnames;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("dT",d,T,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_dTX;
-redeclare function extends dynamicViscosity
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running dynamicViscosity");
- end if;
- eta := getProp_REFPROP_check("v", "Td",state.T,state.d,state.X,state.phase);
-end dynamicViscosity;
-redeclare function extends thermalConductivity
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running thermalConductivity");
- end if;
- lambda := getProp_REFPROP_check("l", "Td",state.T,state.d,state.X,state.phase);
-end thermalConductivity;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCp
- algorithm
- cp:=state.cp;
- end specificHeatCapacityCp;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCv
- algorithm
- cv:=state.cv;
- end specificHeatCapacityCv;
-redeclare function pressure "Return pressure from state record"
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p "Vapour quality";
- p := state.p;
-end pressure;
-redeclare function specificEnthalpy
- "Return specific enthalpy from state record"
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h "Vapour quality";
- h := state.h;
-end specificEnthalpy;
-redeclare function vapourQuality "Return vapour quality"
- input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
- output MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
- x := state.x;
-end vapourQuality;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
-REFPROPMediumPureSubstance is a package that delivers REFPROP data to a model based on and compatible to the Modelica.Media library.
-It can be used to calculate two-phase states of all fluids whose data is delivered with REFPROP. It has been developed and tested only in Dymola up to 2012 FD01.
-All files in this library, including the C source files are released under the Modelica License 2.
-The installation basically consists in copying 2 files and changing one line in this package:
-This package needs the package PartialMixtureMediumTwoPhase which should be included in the parent package.
-Being based on Modelica.Media, it is used like the two-phase water model:
-Create an Instance of REFPROPMediumPureSubstance and pass the components.defines the medium components (medium names are the names of the .fld files in the %REFPROP%\\fluids directory):
- package Medium = REFPROPMediumPureSubstance (final substanceNames={\"nitrogen\"});
-Create an Instance of REFPROPMediumPureSubstance.Baseproperties:
- Medium.BaseProperties props;
-You can then use the Baseproperties model to define the thermodynamic state and calculate the corresponding properties.
- props.p = 1e5;
- props.T = 300;
- d = props.d;
- h = props.h;
-Any combination of the pressure, temperature, specific enthalpy, specific entropy and density (p,T,h,s,d) can be used to define a
-thermodynamic state. Explicit functions for all combinations exist in REFPROP and likewise in the REFPROPMedium package.
-The calculation of all variables of a thermodynamic state, however, is by default done by setState_phX, so p and h have to be
-calculated from the given combination of two variables first. Actually, by doing this, REFPROP already calculates all variables
-of the thermodynamic state, but they cannot be used directly. This is a limitation of DYMOLA, as it is not able to invert a function
-returning an array.
-You can change the set of variables the property model is explicit for by setting the string variable explicitVars e.g. to \"pT\" or \"dT\":
-package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={\"water\"}, final explicitVars = \"pT\");
-All calculated values are returned in SI-Units and are mass based.
- All property functions contain a definition of their inverses. So, in many cases no numerical inversion by the solver is needed because
- explicit REFPROP functions are used (meaning, numerical inversion happens in REFPROP instead).
- Example: When explicitVars are set to \"ph\" and p and T are given, the specificEnthalpy is calculated first using the inverse function of
- Temperature_phX --> specificEnthalpy_pTX. With p and h known all other variables are calculated by setstate_phX.
Created by
-Henning Francke
-Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
-GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
- revisions="
-end REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.order b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.order
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a5597f..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/package.order
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/partialREFPROP.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/partialREFPROP.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1211a40..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/partialREFPROP.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-partial function partialREFPROP "Declaration of array props"
-//used by getSatProp_REFPROP_check() and getProp_REFPROP_check()
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- Real[16+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",64),"")
- "Allocating memory, string will be written by C function, doesn't work for strings longer than 40 bytes";
-end partialREFPROP;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d976431..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_ThX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_phX(p,h,X,phase)));
-end pressure_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbbf7c..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_TqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- //T=quality_pTX(p,T,X,phase)
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_TqX("+String(T)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Tq",T,q,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T=temperature_pqX(p,q,X,phase)));
-end pressure_TqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index ce0e7ef..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_TsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s = specificEntropy_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dTX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dTX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c5b99..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dTX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_dTX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "dT",d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- T=temperature_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));
-end pressure_dTX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e45c9..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_dsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "ds",d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_pdX(p,d,X,phase),
- d=density_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d3cb16..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_hdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_pdX(p,d,X,phase)));
-end pressure_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df7c7d..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/pressure_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function pressure_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns pressure"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running pressure_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- p :=getProp_REFPROP_check("p", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X,phase)));
-end pressure_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index a28d557..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState "Calculates medium properties"
- extends partialREFPROP;
- input String statevars;
- input Real statevar1;
- input Real statevar2;
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
-// Real[:] props=getProps_REFPROP_check(statevars, fluidnames,statevar1, statevar2, X, phase);
- Real[16+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",64),"")
- "Allocating memory, string will be written by C function";*/
- assert(size(X,1)>0,"The mass fraction vector must have at least 1 element.");
- getProp_REFPROP("",statevars,fluidnames,props,statevar1,statevar2,X,phase,errormsg);
- assert(props[1]==0,"Error in REFPROP wrapper function: "+errormsg +"\n");
-/* If q = 990 Then Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(msg+String(z)) end if;
- If q = 998 Then Quality = Trim2("Superheated vapor with T>Tc")
- If q = 999 Then Quality = Trim2("Supercritical state (T>Tc, p>pc)")
- If q = -998 Then Quality = Trim2("Subcooled liquid with p>pc")*/
- state := ThermodynamicState( p= props[2],
- T= props[3],
- MM= props[4],
- d=props[5],
- d_l=props[6],
- d_g=props[7],
- x=min(max(props[8],0),1),
- u=props[9],
- h=props[10],
- s=props[11],
- cv=props[12],
- cp=props[13],
- c=props[14],
- phase=if props[8]>0 and props[8]<1 then 2 else 1);
- X= X,
- X_l=props[17:16+nX],
- X_g=props[17+nX:16+2*nX],
-end setState;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d166644..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_ThX "Calculates medium properties from T,h,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("Th",T,h,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index a4da8af..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_TsX "Calculates medium properties from T,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Temperature T "Temperature";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("Ts",T,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 057f7ed..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_dsX "Calculates medium properties from d,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Density d "Temperature";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("ds",d,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb2425..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_hdX "Calculates medium properties from h,d,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input Density d "Temperature";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("hd",h,d,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ea017..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_hsX "Calculates medium properties from h,s,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running ("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("hs",h,s,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index ce95e6a..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_pdX "Calculates medium properties from p,d,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Density d "Density";
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pd",p,d,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 10556ac..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/setState_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function setState_pqX "Calculates medium properties from p,q,X"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction q "quality (vapor mass fraction)";
- input Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "Mass fractions";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
-// input String fluidnames;
- output ThermodynamicState state "thermodynamic state record";
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running setState_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)...");
- end if;
- state := setState("pq",p,q,X,phase) ",fluidnames)";
-end setState_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 786c847..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_TsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEnthalpy_TsX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_TsX("+String(T)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "Ts",T,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s = specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_TsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dTX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dTX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index de59101..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dTX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEnthalpy_dTX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "dT",d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_dTX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c85d5..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEnthalpy_dsX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "ds",d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_hdX(h,d,X,phase),
- d=density_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c9c9ef..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEnthalpy_pdX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
- //does not extend existing function from PartialMedium because there the algorithm is already defined
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pd",p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_phX(p,h,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hdX(h,d,X,phase)));
-end specificEnthalpy_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 858f068..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEnthalpy_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEnthalpy_pqX
- "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific enthalpy"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_hqX(h,q,X,phase),quality_phX(p,h,X,phase)));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEnthalpy_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- h :=getProp_REFPROP_check("h", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-end specificEnthalpy_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_ThX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_ThX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index eff9438..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_ThX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_ThX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_ThX("+String(T)+","+String(h)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "Th",T,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h = specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X,phase),
- T=temperature_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_ThX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_dTX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_dTX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index b676dc0..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_dTX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_dTX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_dTX("+String(d)+","+String(T)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "dT",d,T,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_TsX(T,s,X,phase),
- T=temperature_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_dTX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bc5bbe..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_hdX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_hsX(h,s,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index edf6224..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_pdX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pdX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pd",p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d = density_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dsX(d,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_phX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_phX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb508f..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_phX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_phX
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
-// input String fluidnames;
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- Real[14+2*nX] props;
- String errormsg=StrJoin(fill("xxxx",10),"");*/
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_phX("+String(p)+","+String(h)+",X)...");
- // p="+String(p)+",h="+String(h)+", X={"+String(X[1])+","+String(X[2])+"}");
- end if;
- s:=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "ph",p,h,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h=specificEnthalpy_psX(p,s,X,phase),
- p=pressure_hsX(h,s,X,phase)));
-end specificEntropy_phX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c5bf2..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/specificEntropy_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function specificEntropy_pqX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns specific entropy"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Real q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_sqX(s,q,X,phase),q=quality_psX(p,s,X,phase));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running specificEntropy_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- s :=getProp_REFPROP_check("s", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-end specificEntropy_pqX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_dsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_dsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e7893..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_dsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function temperature_dsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_dsX("+String(d)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "ds",d,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_dTX(d,T,X,phase),
- d=density_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
-end temperature_dsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index e58dfc9..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function temperature_hdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_hdX("+String(h)+","+String(d)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "hd",h,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
-end temperature_hdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hsX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hsX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c447e9..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_hsX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function temperature_hsX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_hsX("+String(h)+","+String(s)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "hs",h,s,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(s=specificEntropy_ThX(T,h,X,phase),
- h=specificEnthalpy_TsX(T,s,X,phase)));
-end temperature_hsX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pdX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pdX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d5b91..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pdX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function temperature_pdX "calls REFPROP-Wrapper, returns temperature"
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_psX("+String(p)+","+String(d)+",X)...");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "pd",p,d,X,phase);
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(d=density_pTX(p,T,X,phase),
- p=pressure_dTX(d,T,X,phase)));
-end temperature_pdX;
diff --git a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pqX.mo b/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pqX.mo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f5549a..0000000
--- a/REFPROPMediumPureSubstance/temperature_pqX.mo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance;
-function temperature_pqX
-extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input MassFraction q;
- input MassFraction X[:]=reference_X "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T;
-// annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(p = pressure_TqX(T,q,X,phase),q=quality_pTX(p,T,X,phase));
- if debugmode then
- Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Running temperature_pqX("+String(p)+","+String(q)+",X)");
- end if;
- T :=getProp_REFPROP_check("T", "pq",p,q,X,phase);
-end temperature_pqX;
diff --git a/Testers/AmmoniaWater.mo b/Testers/AmmoniaWater.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43090ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/AmmoniaWater.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+package AmmoniaWater
+ model NH3_Water_setSatModel
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState dewstate;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState bubstate;
+ Medium.SaturationProperties satL;
+ Medium.SaturationProperties satL2;
+ Medium.SaturationProperties satV;
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[2];
+ Real A[3];
+ Real B[2];
+ Real sigma;
+ equation
+ (A[1],A[2],A[3],B) = Medium.criticalProperties(X);
+ p=100e5;
+ X={0.5,0.5};
+ satL = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X,kph=1,calcTransport=false);
+ satL2 = Medium.setSat_TX(satL.Tsat,X,kph=1,calcTransport=false);
+ bubstate = Medium.setBubbleState(satL);
+ satV = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X,kph=2,calcTransport=false);
+ dewstate = Medium.setDewState(satV);
+ sigma = Medium.surfaceTension(satL);
+ end NH3_Water_setSatModel;
+ model NH3_Water_setStateModel
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ // Medium.SaturationProperties sat;
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[2];
+ Medium.Density d;
+ Medium.MassFraction Xdef[Medium.nX]=Medium.X_default;
+ Real q;
+ Real dddh_pX;
+ Real dddp_hX;
+ Real dddh_pX_num;
+ Real dddp_hX_num;
+ //Real dddX_ph_num;
+ equation
+ p=100e5;
+ h=3e5 + time*25e5;
+ X={0.5,0.5};
+ state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X,calcTransport=false,partialDersInputChoice=3);
+ q = Medium.vapourQuality(state);
+ d = Medium.density(state);
+ dddh_pX = Medium.density_derh_p(state);
+ dddh_pX_num = Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(p,h+1,X))-d;
+ dddp_hX = Medium.density_derp_h(state);
+ dddp_hX_num = Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(p+1,h,X))-d;
+ // dddX_ph_num = (Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(p,h,cat(1,{X[1]+0.0001},{X[2]-0.0001})))-d)/0.0001;
+ end NH3_Water_setStateModel;
+ model NH3_Water_setState_plus_setSat
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ Medium.SaturationProperties sat;
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[2];
+ Medium.MassFraction Xdef[Medium.nX]=Medium.X_default;
+ //Real dddX_ph_num;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState dewstate;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState bubstate;
+ equation
+ p=150e5;
+ h=3e5 + time*25e5;
+ X={0.5,0.5};
+ state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X,calcTransport=false,partialDersInputChoice=3);
+ sat = state.sat;
+ bubstate = Medium.setBubbleState(sat);
+ dewstate = Medium.setDewState(sat);
+ // sat = if state.q<=0 then Medium.setSat_pX(p,X,kph=1) elseif state.q>=1 then Medium.setSat_pX(p,X,kph=2) else state.sat;
+ end NH3_Water_setState_plus_setSat;
+ model NH3_Water_setStateModel_test_partial_inputs
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ //package Medium2 = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ // Medium.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.none;
+ // Medium2.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice2 = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.pTX_numeric;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state2;
+ // input PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice=PartialDersInputChoice.none;
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[2];
+ parameter Medium.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice0 = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.none;
+ parameter Medium.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice1 = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.phX_numeric;
+ parameter Medium.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice2 = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.phX_pseudoanalytic;
+ parameter Medium.PartialDersInputChoice partialDersInputChoice3 = Medium.PartialDersInputChoice.pTX_numeric;
+ equation
+ p=50e5;
+ h=3e5+time*100e3;
+ X={0.5,0.5};
+ state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ state2 = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X,partialDersInputChoice=3);
+ end NH3_Water_setStateModel_test_partial_inputs;
+ package NH3Water_MUXvsPHXvsPTX
+ model Volume_MUX "NH3 Water"
+ replaceable package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water constrainedby
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Volume V=1;
+ parameter Real hstart=3500e3;
+ parameter Real pstart=50e5;
+ parameter Real X1start=0.5;
+ Medium.Density d(start = Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(pstart,hstart,{X1start,1-X1start})));
+ Medium.SpecificInternalEnergy u(start = hstart-pstart/Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(pstart,hstart,{X1start,1-X1start})));
+ // Real X1(start=X1start);
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[Medium.nX](start={X1start,1-X1start});
+ Medium.Temperature T(start=400);
+ Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPort_a port(redeclare package Medium=Medium)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-10},{70,10}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort "Thermal port"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}}, rotation=0),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}})));
+ equation
+ // Mass conservation
+ V * der(d) = port.m_flow;
+ // species conservation
+ V * (X[1]*der(d) + d*der(X[1])) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.Xi_outflow[1]);
+ X[2] = 1-X[1];
+ // energy cons
+ V * (d*der(u) + u*der(d)) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.h_outflow) + heatPort.Q_flow;
+ // Thermodynamic properties
+ state = Medium.setState_dTX(d,T,X);
+ // sat = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X[:]);
+ // u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state);
+ u = h - p/d;
+ //T = Medium.temperature(state);
+ h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state);
+ // d = Medium.density(state);
+ p = Medium.pressure(state);
+ // port connections
+ h = port.h_outflow;
+ X[1] = port.Xi_outflow[1];
+ // X[2] = port.Xi_outflow[2];
+ p = port.p;
+ T = heatPort.T;
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+ end Volume_MUX;
+ model Volume_phX "ideal gas mixture"
+ replaceable package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water constrainedby
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Volume V=1;
+ parameter Real hstart=3500e3;
+ parameter Real pstart=50e5;
+ parameter Real X1start=0.5;
+ Medium.Density d;
+ Medium.SpecificInternalEnergy u;
+ // Real X1(start=X1start);
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p(start=pstart);
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h(start=hstart);
+ Medium.MassFraction X[Medium.nX](start={X1start,1-X1start});
+ Medium.Temperature T;
+ Real dddt;
+ // Real dhdt;
+ // Real dddX[Medium.nX];
+ // Real dddX_num;
+ // Real dddX_num_check;
+ Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPort_a port(redeclare package Medium=Medium)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-10},{70,10}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort "Thermal port"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}}, rotation=0),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}})));
+ equation
+ // derivative transformations
+ dddt = Medium.density_derh_p(state)*der(h) + Medium.density_derp_h(state)*der(p) + state.dddX_ph*der(X[1]);
+ // dddX = Medium.density_derX(state);
+ // dhdt = Medium.h_TX_der(T=T,X=X,dT=der(T),dX={der(X[1]),-der(X[1])}) "h is function of T and X only... and not p";
+ // Mass conservation
+ V * dddt = port.m_flow;
+ // species conservation
+ V * (X[1]*dddt + d*der(X[1])) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.Xi_outflow[1]);
+ X[2] = 1-X[1];
+ // energy cons
+ V * (d*der(h) + h*dddt - der(p)) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.h_outflow) + heatPort.Q_flow;
+ // der(u)=0;
+ // der(d)=0;
+ // der(X1)=0;
+ // // Thermodynamic properties
+ // state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ // sat = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X[:]);
+ // u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state);
+ // T = Medium.temperature(state);
+ // h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state);
+ // d = Medium.density(state);
+ // p = Medium.pressure(state);
+ // Thermodynamic properties
+ state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X,partialDersInputChoice=3);
+ // sat = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X[:]);
+ // u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state);
+ u = h - p/d;
+ T = Medium.temperature(state);
+ // h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state);
+ d = Medium.density(state);
+ // p = Medium.pressure(state);
+ // port connections
+ h = port.h_outflow;
+ X[1] = port.Xi_outflow[1];
+ // X[2] = port.Xi_outflow[2];
+ p = port.p;
+ T = heatPort.T;
+ // additional sum test.. This shows that dddX[1] - dddX[2] is equal to dddX_num with both mass fractions varied...
+ // dddX_num = (Medium.density(state_dX)-d)/0.0001;
+ // dddX_num_check = dddX[1] - dddX[2];
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+ end Volume_phX;
+ model Volume_pTX "ideal gas mixture"
+ replaceable package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water constrainedby
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Volume V=1;
+ parameter Real hstart=3500e3;
+ parameter Real pstart=50e5;
+ parameter Real X1start=0.5;
+ Medium.Density d(start=Medium.density(Medium.setState_phX(pstart,hstart,{X1start,1-X1start})));
+ Medium.SpecificInternalEnergy u;
+ // Real X1(start=X1start);
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p(start=pstart);
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h(start=hstart);
+ Medium.MassFraction X[Medium.nX](start={X1start,1-X1start});
+ Medium.Temperature T(start=Medium.temperature(Medium.setState_phX(pstart,hstart,{X1start,1-X1start})));
+ Real dddt;
+ Real dhdt;
+ Modelica.Fluid.Interfaces.FluidPort_a port(redeclare package Medium=Medium)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-10},{70,10}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort "Thermal port"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}}, rotation=0),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-20,50},{20,70}})));
+ equation
+ // derivative transformations
+ dddt = state.dddT_pX*der(T) + state.dddp_TX*der(p) + state.dddX_pT*der(X[1]);
+ dhdt = state.dhdT_pX*der(T) + state.dhdp_TX*der(p) + state.dhdX_pT*der(X[1]);
+ // Mass conservation
+ V * dddt = port.m_flow;
+ // species conservation
+ V * (X[1]*dddt + d*der(X[1])) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.Xi_outflow[1]);
+ X[2] = 1-X[1];
+ // energy cons
+ V * (d*dhdt + h*dddt - der(p)) = port.m_flow*actualStream(port.h_outflow) + heatPort.Q_flow;
+ // der(u)=0;
+ // der(d)=0;
+ // der(X1)=0;
+ // // Thermodynamic properties
+ // state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ // sat = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X[:]);
+ // u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state);
+ // T = Medium.temperature(state);
+ // h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state);
+ // d = Medium.density(state);
+ // p = Medium.pressure(state);
+ // Thermodynamic properties
+ state = Medium.setState_pTX(p,T,X,partialDersInputChoice=4);
+ // sat = Medium.setSat_pX(p,X[:]);
+ // u = Medium.specificInternalEnergy(state);
+ u = h - p/d;
+ // T = Medium.temperature(state);
+ h = Medium.specificEnthalpy(state);
+ d = Medium.density(state);
+ // p = Medium.pressure(state);
+ // port connections
+ h = port.h_outflow;
+ X[1] = port.Xi_outflow[1];
+ // X[2] = port.Xi_outflow[2];
+ p = port.p;
+ T = heatPort.T;
+ // additional sum test.. This shows that dddX[1] - dddX[2] is equal to dddX_num with both mass fractions varied...
+ // dddX_num = (Medium.density(state_dX)-d)/0.0001;
+ // dddX_num_check = dddX[1] - dddX[2];
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+ end Volume_pTX;
+ model system_MUX_sp
+ Volume_MUX volume(V=0.01, hstart=3000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-10},{-12,10}})));
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ nPorts=1,
+ use_h_in=false,
+ m_flow=0,
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ h=3000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-46,30},{-26,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,36},{-68,48}})));
+ equation
+ connect(boundary.ports[1], volume.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,34},{66,34},{66,0},{-16,0}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-67.4,42},{-56,42},{-56,40},{-46,40}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine.y, boundary.m_flow_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{24.6,36},{30,36},{30,42},{38,42}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(fixedHeatFlow.port, volume.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,40},{-24,40},{-24,6},{-22,6}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics));
+ end system_MUX_sp;
+ model system_MUX_tp
+ Volume_MUX volume(V=0.01, hstart=1500e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-10},{-12,10}})));
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ nPorts=1,
+ use_h_in=false,
+ m_flow=0,
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ h=2000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-46,30},{-26,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,36},{-68,48}})));
+ equation
+ connect(boundary.ports[1], volume.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,34},{66,34},{66,0},{-16,0}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-67.4,42},{-56,42},{-56,40},{-46,40}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine.y, boundary.m_flow_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{24.6,36},{30,36},{30,42},{38,42}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(fixedHeatFlow.port, volume.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,40},{-24,40},{-24,6},{-22,6}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics));
+ end system_MUX_tp;
+ model system_phX_sp
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ use_h_in=false,
+ nPorts=1,
+ m_flow=0,
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ h=3000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Volume_phX volume(
+ V=0.01,
+ hstart=3000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-8},{-16,12}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,28},{-20,48}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-74,34},{-62,46}})));
+ equation
+ connect(volume.port, boundary.ports[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,2},{32,2},{32,0},{78,0},{78,34},{58,34}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-61.4,40},{-50,40},{-50,38},{-40,38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(volume.heatPort, fixedHeatFlow.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,8},{-18,8},{-18,38},{-20,38}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine.y, boundary.m_flow_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{24.6,36},{30,36},{30,42},{38,42}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={
+ {-100,-100},{100,100}})));
+ end system_phX_sp;
+ model system_phX_tp
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ use_h_in=false,
+ nPorts=1,
+ m_flow=0,
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ h=2000e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Volume_phX volume(
+ V=0.01,
+ hstart=1500e3,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-8},{-16,12}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,28},{-20,48}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-74,34},{-62,46}})));
+ equation
+ connect(volume.port, boundary.ports[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,2},{32,2},{32,0},{78,0},{78,34},{58,34}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-61.4,40},{-50,40},{-50,38},{-40,38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(volume.heatPort, fixedHeatFlow.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,8},{-18,8},{-18,38},{-20,38}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine.y, boundary.m_flow_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{24.6,36},{30,36},{30,42},{38,42}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={
+ {-100,-100},{100,100}})));
+ end system_phX_tp;
+ model system_pTX_sp
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ use_h_in=false,
+ nPorts=1,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water,
+ m_flow=0,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ h=3000e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2,
+ startTime=0)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Volume_pTX volume(V=0.01, hstart=3000e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-8},{-16,12}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,28},{-20,48}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-74,34},{-62,46}})));
+ equation
+ connect(volume.port, boundary.ports[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,2},{32,2},{32,0},{78,0},{78,34},{58,34}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-61.4,40},{-50,40},{-50,38},{-40,38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(volume.heatPort, fixedHeatFlow.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,8},{-18,8},{-18,38},{-20,38}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(boundary.m_flow_in, sine.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,42},{34,42},{34,38},{24.6,38},{24.6,36}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={
+ {-100,-100},{100,100}})));
+ end system_pTX_sp;
+ model system_pTX_tp
+ Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_h boundary(
+ use_h_in=false,
+ nPorts=1,
+ redeclare package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water,
+ m_flow=0,
+ X={0.8,0.2},
+ use_m_flow_in=true,
+ h=2000e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,24},{58,44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(
+ freqHz=5,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.2,
+ startTime=0)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,30},{24,42}})));
+ Volume_pTX volume(V=0.01, hstart=1500e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-10},{-16,12}})));
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow fixedHeatFlow
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,28},{-20,48}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine1(
+ freqHz=1,
+ amplitude=-5000000,
+ offset=0,
+ startTime=100)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-74,34},{-62,46}})));
+ equation
+ connect(volume.port, boundary.ports[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20.4,1},{32,1},{32,0},{78,0},{78,34},{58,34}},
+ color={0,127,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sine1.y, fixedHeatFlow.Q_flow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-61.4,40},{-50,40},{-50,38},{-40,38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(volume.heatPort, fixedHeatFlow.port) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-27,7.6},{-18,7.6},{-18,38},{-20,38}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(boundary.m_flow_in, sine.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,42},{34,42},{34,38},{24.6,38},{24.6,36}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={
+ {-100,-100},{100,100}})));
+ end system_pTX_tp;
+ end NH3Water_MUXvsPHXvsPTX;
+package TransportPropsTest
+ model MassFractionSweep_visc_vap
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p=100e5;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=325 + 273.15;
+ Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[2];
+ package MediumWilke = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke);
+ MediumWilke.ThermodynamicState state=MediumWilke.setState_pTX(
+ p,
+ T,
+ X,
+ calcTransport=false);
+ package MediumReich = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg);
+ package MediumChung = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung);
+ package MediumChungErrorWeight = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight);
+ //Real eta_reich,eta_chung,eta_chungErrorWeight;
+ Real eta_wilke;
+ Real eta_reich;
+ Real eta_chung;
+ Real eta_chungErrorWeight;
+ equation
+ X = {time,1 - time};
+ eta_wilke = MediumWilke.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_reich = MediumReich.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_chung = MediumChung.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_chungErrorWeight = MediumChungErrorWeight.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end MassFractionSweep_visc_vap;
+ model EnthalpySweep_visc_vap
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p=150e5;
+ // parameter Medium.Temperature Tstart=50+273.15;
+ parameter Medium.Temperature Tend=500+273.15;
+ parameter Medium.MassFraction X[2]={0.5,0.5};
+ parameter Real hstart = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pqX(p,1,X));
+ parameter Real hend = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pTX(p,Tend,X));
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ Real h;
+ Real eta_chung,eta_chungWeight,eta_wilke,eta_reichenberg;
+ package MediumWilke = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke);
+ package MediumReich = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg);
+ package MediumChung = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung);
+ package MediumChungErrorWeight = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight);
+ equation
+ h=hstart + (hend-hstart)*time;
+ eta_chung = Medium.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung(state);
+ eta_chungWeight = Medium.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight(state);
+ eta_wilke = Medium.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke(state);
+ eta_reichenberg = Medium.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end EnthalpySweep_visc_vap;
+ model MassFractionSweep_visc_liq
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p=50e5;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=50 + 273.15;
+ Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[2];
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state=Medium.setState_pTX(
+ p,
+ T,
+ X,
+ calcTransport=false);
+ Real eta_conde,eta_elsayed,eta_HDK,eta_TejaRice,eta_TejaRiceStecco,eta_TejaRiceSassensTcrit;
+ package MediumConde = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQconde);
+ package MediumElSayed = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed);
+ package MediumHdbKaltetechnik = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK);
+ package MediumSteccoDesideri = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay);
+ package MediumTejaRice = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice);
+ package MediumTejaRiceSassen = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSassensTcrit);
+ equation
+ X = {time,1 - time};
+ eta_conde = MediumConde.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_elsayed = MediumElSayed.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_HDK = MediumHdbKaltetechnik.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_TejaRiceStecco = MediumSteccoDesideri.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_TejaRice = MediumTejaRice.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_TejaRiceSassensTcrit = MediumTejaRiceSassen.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end MassFractionSweep_visc_liq;
+ model EnthalpySweep_visc_liq
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p=100e5;
+ parameter Medium.Temperature Tstart=50+273.15;
+ parameter Medium.MassFraction X[2]={0.5,0.5};
+ Real h;
+ parameter Real hstart = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pTX(p,Tstart,X));
+ parameter Real hend = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pqX(p,0,X));
+ Real eta_conde,eta_elsayed,eta_HDK,eta_TejaRiceStecco;
+ package MediumConde = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQconde);
+ package MediumElSayed = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed);
+ package MediumHdbKaltetechnik = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK);
+ package MediumSteccoDesideri = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function DynamicViscosityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay);
+ equation
+ h=hstart + (hend-hstart)*time;
+ eta_conde = MediumConde.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_elsayed = MediumElSayed.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_HDK = MediumHdbKaltetechnik.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ eta_TejaRiceStecco = MediumSteccoDesideri.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end EnthalpySweep_visc_liq;
+ model MassFractionSweep_cond_vap
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p=100e5;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=325 + 273.15;
+ Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[2];
+ package MediumAverage = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling);
+ MediumAverage.ThermodynamicState state=MediumAverage.setState_pTX(
+ p,
+ T,
+ X,
+ calcTransport=false);
+ package MediumMasonSaxena = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke);
+ package MediumChung = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung);
+ package MediumChungErrorWeight = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight);
+ Real lambda_wilke,lambda_polingLin,lambda_chung,lambda_chungErrorWeight;
+ equation
+ X = {time,1 - time};
+ lambda_wilke = MediumAverage.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_polingLin = MediumMasonSaxena.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_chung = MediumChung.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight = MediumChungErrorWeight.thermalConductivity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end MassFractionSweep_cond_vap;
+ model EnthalpySweep_cond_vap
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p=150e5;
+ // parameter Medium.Temperature Tstart=50+273.15;
+ parameter Medium.Temperature Tend=500 + 273.15;
+ parameter Medium.MassFraction X[2]={0.5,0.5};
+ parameter Real hstart=Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pqX(
+ p,
+ 1,
+ X));
+ parameter Real hend=Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pTX(
+ p,
+ Tend,
+ X));
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state=Medium.setState_phX(
+ p,
+ h,
+ X);
+ Real h;
+ Real lambda_wilke;
+ Real lambda_chung;
+ Real lambda_chungErrorWeight;
+ Real lambda_polingLin;
+ package MediumAverage = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling);
+ package MediumMasonSaxena = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke);
+ package MediumChung = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung);
+ package MediumChungErrorWeight = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityVapor =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight);
+ equation
+ h = hstart + (hend - hstart)*time;
+ lambda_wilke = MediumAverage.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_polingLin = MediumMasonSaxena.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_chung = MediumChung.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight = MediumChungErrorWeight.thermalConductivity(
+ state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end EnthalpySweep_cond_vap;
+ model MassFractionSweep_cond_liq
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p=50e5;
+ parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=50 + 273.15;
+ Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction X[2];
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state = Medium.setState_pTX(p,T,X,calcTransport=false);
+ package MediumConde = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQConde);
+ package MediumElSayed = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed);
+ package MediumFilippov = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov);
+ package MediumJamieson = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQJamie);
+ Real lambda_elsayed,lambda_conde,lambda_filipov,lambda_jamieson;
+ equation
+ X={time,1-time};
+ lambda_conde = MediumConde.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_elsayed = MediumElSayed.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_filipov = MediumFilippov.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_jamieson = MediumJamieson.thermalConductivity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end MassFractionSweep_cond_liq;
+ model EnthalpySweep_cond_liq
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state = Medium.setState_phX(p,h,X);
+ parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p=100e5;
+ parameter Medium.Temperature Tstart=50+273.15;
+ parameter Medium.MassFraction X[2]={0.5,0.5};
+ Real h;
+ parameter Real hstart = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pTX(p,Tstart,X));
+ parameter Real hend = Medium.specificEnthalpy(Medium.setState_pqX(p,0,X));
+ Real lambda_elsayed,lambda_conde,lambda_filipov,lambda_jamieson;
+ package MediumConde = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQConde);
+ package MediumElSayed = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed);
+ package MediumFilippov = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov);
+ package MediumJamieson = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water (
+ redeclare function ThermalConductivityLiquid =
+ REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQJamie);
+ equation
+ h=hstart + (hend-hstart)*time;
+ // h=hstart + (2e6-hstart)*time;
+ lambda_conde = MediumConde.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_elsayed = MediumElSayed.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_filipov = MediumFilippov.thermalConductivity(state);
+ lambda_jamieson = MediumJamieson.thermalConductivity(state);
+ annotation (experiment(Interval=0.01));
+ end EnthalpySweep_cond_liq;
+ model MassFractionSweepSurfaceTension
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ Medium.SaturationProperties sat;
+ Real T;
+ Medium.MassFraction X[2];
+ Real sigma;
+ equation
+ X={time,1-time};
+ sat = Medium.setSat_TX(T,X,calcTransport=true);
+ T=350+273.15;
+ sigma = Medium.surfaceTension(sat);
+ end MassFractionSweepSurfaceTension;
+package TestCore
+ model liquid_viscosity_sweep
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Integer n=101;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state50[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state90[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state130[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Real x1[n] = linspace(0,1,n);
+ Real eta_conde50[n];
+ Real eta_elsayed50[n];
+ Real eta_HDK50[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRice50[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRiceStecco50[n];
+ Real eta_conde90[n];
+ Real eta_elsayed90[n];
+ Real eta_HDK90[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRice90[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRiceStecco90[n];
+ Real eta_conde130[n];
+ Real eta_elsayed130[n];
+ Real eta_HDK130[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRice130[n];
+ Real eta_TejaRiceStecco130[n];
+ equation
+ p=50e5;
+ for i in 1:n loop
+ state50[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(p,50+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_conde50[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQconde( state50[i]);
+ eta_elsayed50[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed( state50[i]);
+ eta_HDK50[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK( state50[i]);
+ eta_TejaRice50[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice(state50[i]);
+ eta_TejaRiceStecco50[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay(state50[i]);
+ state90[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(p,90+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_conde90[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQconde( state90[i]);
+ eta_elsayed90[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed( state90[i]);
+ eta_HDK90[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK( state90[i]);
+ eta_TejaRice90[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice(state90[i]);
+ eta_TejaRiceStecco90[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay(state90[i]);
+ state130[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(p,130+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_conde130[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQconde(state130[i]);
+ eta_elsayed130[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQelsayed(state130[i]);
+ eta_HDK130[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQHDK(state130[i]);
+ eta_TejaRice130[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRice(state130[i]);
+ eta_TejaRiceStecco130[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_LIQTejeRiceSteccoWay(state130[i]);
+ end for;
+ end liquid_viscosity_sweep;
+ model vapor_viscosity_sweep
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Integer n=101;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_325_050[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_325_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_525_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_425_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ // Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Real x1[n] = linspace(0,1,n);
+ Real eta_reich_325_050[n];
+ Real eta_reich_325_100[n];
+ Real eta_reich_525_100[n];
+ Real eta_reich_425_100[n];
+ Real eta_wilke_325_050[n];
+ Real eta_wilke_325_100[n];
+ Real eta_wilke_525_100[n];
+ Real eta_wilke_425_100[n];
+ Real eta_chung_325_050[n];
+ Real eta_chung_325_100[n];
+ Real eta_chung_525_100[n];
+ Real eta_chung_425_100[n];
+ Real eta_chungWeight_325_050[n];
+ Real eta_chungWeight_325_100[n];
+ Real eta_chungWeight_525_100[n];
+ Real eta_chungWeight_425_100[n];
+ equation
+ for i in 1:n loop
+ // state_315_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,315+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_315_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_315_100[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_315_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_315_100[i]);
+ //
+ // state_330_125[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(125e5,330+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_330_125[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_330_125[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_330_125[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_330_125[i]);
+ //
+ // state_345_150[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(150e5,345+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_345_150[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_345_150[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_345_150[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_345_150[i]);
+ // state_325_050[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(050e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_325_050[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_325_050[i]);
+ // eta_chung_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_325_050[i]);
+ //
+ // state_325_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_325_100[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_325_100[i]);
+ // eta_chung_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_325_100[i]);
+ //
+ // state_375_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,375+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_375_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_375_100[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_375_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_375_100[i]);
+ // eta_chung_375_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_375_100[i]);
+ //
+ // state_425_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,425+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ // eta_reich_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_425_100[i]);
+ // eta_wilke_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_425_100[i]);
+ // eta_chung_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_425_100[i]);
+ state_325_050[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(050e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_reich_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_325_050[i]);
+ eta_wilke_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_325_050[i]);
+ eta_chung_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_325_050[i]);
+ eta_chungWeight_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight( state_325_050[i]);
+ state_325_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_reich_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_325_100[i]);
+ eta_wilke_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_325_100[i]);
+ eta_chung_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_325_100[i]);
+ eta_chungWeight_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight( state_325_100[i]);
+ state_425_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,425+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_reich_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_425_100[i]);
+ eta_wilke_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_425_100[i]);
+ eta_chung_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_425_100[i]);
+ eta_chungWeight_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight( state_425_100[i]);
+ state_525_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,525+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ eta_reich_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPReichenberg( state_525_100[i]);
+ eta_wilke_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPWilke( state_525_100[i]);
+ eta_chung_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChung( state_525_100[i]);
+ eta_chungWeight_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.dynamicViscosity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight( state_525_100[i]);
+ end for;
+ end vapor_viscosity_sweep;
+ model liquid_conductivity_sweep
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Integer n=101;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state50_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state90_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state130_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Real x1[n] = linspace(0,1,n);
+ Real lambda_elsayedLin50_100[n];
+ Real lambda_filipov50_100[n];
+ Real lambda_jamieson50_100[n];
+ Real lambda_conde50_100[n];
+ Real lambda_elsayedLin90_100[n];
+ Real lambda_filipov90_100[n];
+ Real lambda_jamieson90_100[n];
+ Real lambda_conde90_100[n];
+ Real lambda_elsayedLin130_100[n];
+ Real lambda_filipov130_100[n];
+ Real lambda_jamieson130_100[n];
+ Real lambda_conde130_100[n];
+ equation
+ for i in 1:n loop
+ state50_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,50+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_elsayedLin50_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed( state50_100[i]);
+ lambda_filipov50_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov( state50_100[i]);
+ lambda_jamieson50_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQJamie( state50_100[i]);
+ lambda_conde50_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQConde( state50_100[i]);
+ state90_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,90+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_elsayedLin90_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed( state90_100[i]);
+ lambda_filipov90_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov( state90_100[i]);
+ lambda_jamieson90_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQJamie( state90_100[i]);
+ lambda_conde90_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQConde( state90_100[i]);
+ state130_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,130+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_elsayedLin130_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQLinearMoleElsayed( state130_100[i]);
+ lambda_filipov130_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQFilipov( state130_100[i]);
+ lambda_jamieson130_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQJamie( state130_100[i]);
+ lambda_conde130_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_LIQConde( state130_100[i]);
+ end for;
+ end liquid_conductivity_sweep;
+ model vapor_conductivity_sweep
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.NH3_Water;
+ parameter Integer n=101;
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_325_050[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_325_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_425_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_525_100[n] annotation(hideResult=true);
+ // Medium.AbsolutePressure p;
+ Real x1[n] = linspace(0,1,n);
+ Real lambda_polingLin_325_050[n];
+ Real lambda_polingLin_325_100[n];
+ Real lambda_polingLin_425_100[n];
+ Real lambda_polingLin_525_100[n];
+ Real lambda_wilke_325_050[n];
+ Real lambda_wilke_325_100[n];
+ Real lambda_wilke_425_100[n];
+ Real lambda_wilke_525_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chung_325_050[n];
+ Real lambda_chung_325_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chung_425_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chung_525_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chungErrorWeight_325_050[n];
+ Real lambda_chungErrorWeight_325_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chungErrorWeight_425_100[n];
+ Real lambda_chungErrorWeight_525_100[n];
+ equation
+ for i in 1:n loop
+ state_325_050[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(050e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_polingLin_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling( state_325_050[i]);
+ lambda_wilke_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke( state_325_050[i]);
+ lambda_chung_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung(state_325_050[i]);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight_325_050[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight(state_325_050[i]);
+ state_325_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,325+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_polingLin_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling( state_325_100[i]);
+ lambda_wilke_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke( state_325_100[i]);
+ lambda_chung_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung(state_325_100[i]);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight_325_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight(state_325_100[i]);
+ state_425_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,475+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_polingLin_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling( state_425_100[i]);
+ lambda_wilke_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke( state_425_100[i]);
+ lambda_chung_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung(state_425_100[i]);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight_425_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight(state_425_100[i]);
+ state_525_100[i] = Medium.setState_pTX(100e5,525+273.15,{x1[i],1-x1[i]});
+ lambda_polingLin_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPLinearMolePoling( state_525_100[i]);
+ lambda_wilke_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPWilke( state_525_100[i]);
+ lambda_chung_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChung(state_525_100[i]);
+ lambda_chungErrorWeight_525_100[i] = Media.NH3_Water.thermalConductivity_VAPChungPureErrorWeight(state_525_100[i]);
+ end for;
+ end vapor_conductivity_sweep;
+end TestCore;
+end TransportPropsTest;
+end AmmoniaWater;
diff --git a/Testers/PentaneTester.mo b/Testers/PentaneTester.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8cce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/PentaneTester.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+model PentaneTester "Evaporation of pentane at 1 bar"
+ package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.Pentane (debugmode=true);
+ Medium.BaseProperties props(h(start=300e3), d(start=1));
+ Real drhodtime_num;
+ Real drhodtime_ana;
+ Real factor1;
+ Real factor2;
+ Real check1;
+ Real check2;
+ Real deltap;
+ Real deltah;
+ Real ddddp_num;
+ Real ddddp_RP;
+ Real ddddp_ana;
+ Real ddddh_num;
+ Real ddddh_RP;
+ Real ddddh_ana;
+ deltap = 5;
+ deltah = 5;
+ props.p = 10e5;//1e5+3*time*4e5*(sin(20*time)+1)*0.5;
+ props.h = -3e5 + time*7e5;
+ // get derivatives for checking
+ factor1 = der(props.p);
+ factor2 = der(props.h);
+ drhodtime_num = ddddp_num*factor1 + ddddh_num*factor2;
+ ddddp_num = (Medium.density_phX(
+ props.p + 0.5*deltap,
+ props.h,
+ props.X) - Medium.density_phX(
+ props.p - 0.5*deltap,
+ props.h,
+ props.X))/deltap;
+ ddddh_num = (Medium.density_phX(
+ props.p,
+ props.h + 0.5*deltah,
+ props.X) - Medium.density_phX(
+ props.p,
+ props.h - 0.5*deltah,
+ props.X))/deltah;
+ drhodtime_ana = ddddp_ana*factor1 + ddddh_ana*factor2;
+ -1 = ddddp_ana*1/(props.state.dhdp_rho)*props.state.dhdrho_p;
+ ddddh_ana*props.state.dhdrho_p = 1;
+ check1 = abs(ddddp_num - props.state.drhodp_h)/abs(ddddp_num)*100
+ "difference of derivatives in percent";
+ check2 = abs(ddddh_num - props.state.drhodh_p)/abs(ddddh_num)*100
+ "difference of derivatives in percent";
+ ddddh_RP = props.state.drhodh_p "drho/dh at constant pressure";
+ ddddp_RP = props.state.drhodp_h "drho/dp at constant enthalpy";
+end PentaneTester;
diff --git a/Examples/PropsMixture.mo b/Testers/PropsMixture.mo
similarity index 83%
rename from Examples/PropsMixture.mo
rename to Testers/PropsMixture.mo
index 8345f7f..f120c58 100644
--- a/Examples/PropsMixture.mo
+++ b/Testers/PropsMixture.mo
@@ -1,61 +1,54 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.Examples;
-model PropsMixture
-//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"isobutan"});
-//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"R12"});
-package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"isobutan","propane"});
-// ",final explicitVars = "pd"";
-//package Medium = MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"CO2","water"});
- Medium.BaseProperties props;
- Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat=Medium.saturationPressure(300);
-/* Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h=Medium.specificEnthalpy_pTX(1e5,293,{.5,.5});
- Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
- Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tsat;
- Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat;
- */
-Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p=Medium.pressure(props.state);
-// Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass MM;
-/*Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta = Medium.dynamicViscosity(props.state);
-Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_l = Medium.dynamicViscosity_liq(props.state);
-Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_g = Medium.dynamicViscosity_gas(props.state);
- Real q = Medium.vapourQuality(props.state);
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv=Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
- Medium.ThermodynamicState state=Medium.setState_phX(props.p,props.h,props.X);
- props.p = 1e5;
- props.h = 0+time*8e5;
- // props.s = 5.88105;
-// props.T = 400;
-// props.state.x = 0.5;
-// props.Xi = {.5};
-// props.X = {.1,.9};
- props.Xi = {.5};
- // d = props.d;
- //h = props.h;
- //h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
- //d = Medium.density(props.state);
- //s = specificEntropy(props.state);
- //s = props.state.s;
-// MM = Medium.molarMass(props.state);
- Tsat = Medium.saturationTemperature(props.p,props.X);
-// Tsat = Medium.temperature_pqX(props.p,0.5,props.X);
- psat = Medium.saturationPressure(props.T,props.X);
-// psat = Medium.pressure_TqX(props.T,0.5,props.X);
-// h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
-// s = Medium.dewEntropy(props.sat);
- s = Medium.bubbleEntropy(props.sat);
-// d = Medium.dewDensity(props.sat);
- d = Medium.bubbleDensity(props.sat);
-end PropsMixture;
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+model PropsMixture
+//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"isobutan"});
+//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"R12"});
+package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium (
+ final substanceNames={"isobutan","propane"});
+// ",final explicitVars = "pd"";
+//package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"CO2","water"});
+ Medium.BaseProperties props;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat=Medium.saturationPressure(300);
+/* Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h=Medium.specificEnthalpy_pTX(1e5,293,{.5,.5});
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d;
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tsat;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat;
+ */
+Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p(min=10,max=10e6)=Medium.pressure(props.state);
+// Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass MM;
+/*Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta = Medium.dynamicViscosity(props.state);
+Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_l = Medium.dynamicViscosity_liq(props.state);
+Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta_g = Medium.dynamicViscosity_gas(props.state);
+ Real q = Medium.vapourQuality(props.state);
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv=Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state=Medium.setState_phX(props.p,props.h,props.X);
+ props.p = 1e5;
+ props.h = 0+time*8e5;
+ // props.s = 5.88105;
+// props.T = 400;
+// props.state.x = 0.5;
+// props.Xi = {.5};
+// props.X = {.1,.9};
+ props.Xi = {0.5};
+ // d = props.d;
+ //h = props.h;
+ //h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
+ //d = Medium.density(props.state);
+ //s = specificEntropy(props.state);
+ //s = props.state.s;
+// MM = Medium.molarMass(props.state);
+ Tsat = Medium.saturationTemperature(props.p,props.X);
+// Tsat = Medium.temperature_pqX(props.p,0.5,props.X);
+ psat = Medium.saturationPressure(props.T,props.X);
+// psat = Medium.pressure_TqX(props.T,0.5,props.X);
+// h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
+// s = Medium.dewEntropy(props.sat);
+ s = Medium.bubbleEntropy(props.sat);
+// d = Medium.dewDensity(props.sat);
+ d = Medium.bubbleDensity(props.sat);
+end PropsMixture;
diff --git a/Testers/PropsMixtureTwo.mo b/Testers/PropsMixtureTwo.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77bdb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/PropsMixtureTwo.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+model PropsMixtureTwo
+package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium (
+ final substanceNames={"isobutan","propane"});
+ Medium.BaseProperties props;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat=Medium.saturationPressure(300);
+Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p(min=10,max=10e6)=Medium.pressure(props.state);
+ Real q = Medium.vapourQuality(props.state);
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv=Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state=Medium.setState_phX(props.p,props.h,props.X);
+ Medium.SaturationProperties sat = REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.setSat(
+ props.p,props.X);
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hl = Medium.bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hv = Medium.dewEnthalpy(sat);
+ Medium.Density dl = Medium.bubbleDensity(sat);
+ Medium.Density dv = Medium.dewDensity(sat);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_l=Medium.setState_pqX(props.p,0,props.X);
+ Medium.ThermodynamicState state_v=Medium.setState_pqX(props.p,1,props.X);
+ props.p = 1e5;
+ props.h = 0+time*8e5;
+ props.Xi = {0.5};
+end PropsMixtureTwo;
diff --git a/Examples/PropsPureSubstance.mo b/Testers/PropsPureSubstance.mo
similarity index 86%
rename from Examples/PropsPureSubstance.mo
rename to Testers/PropsPureSubstance.mo
index 1637ec0..e23b4a8 100644
--- a/Examples/PropsPureSubstance.mo
+++ b/Testers/PropsPureSubstance.mo
@@ -1,55 +1,49 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture.Examples;
-model PropsPureSubstance
-//package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph;
-//package Medium = MediaTwoPhaseMixture.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
-//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"water"}, final explicitVars = "pT");
-//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"ammonia"});
-//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"co2"});
-package Medium = MediaTwoPhaseMixture.REFPROPMediumPureSubstance (final substanceNames={"butane"});
-//package Medium = REFPROPMediumPureSubstance(final substanceNames={"water"});
-//package Medium = REFPROPMediumPureSubstance(final substanceNames={"ammonia"}, final explicitVars = "ph");
- Medium.BaseProperties props;
-// Modelica.SIunits.Density d=Medium.density_phX(props.p,props.h);
-// d = Medium.bubbleDensity(props.sat);
-// d = Medium.density_pTX(1e5,300);
-// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
-// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
-// Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=props.T;
- Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat=Medium.saturationPressure(300);
-// Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass MM;
- Real q= Medium.vapourQuality(props.state);
-// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure cp;
-// Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda= Medium.thermalConductivity(props.state);
-// Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta = Medium.dynamicViscosity(props.state);
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv=Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
- Medium.SaturationProperties sat=Medium.SaturationProperties(1e5,300);
- props.p = 1e5 "sine_p.y";
- props.h = 0+time*722774;
-// props.s = 5.88105;
-// props.T = 350;
-// props.Xi = fill(0,0);
- //d = props.d;
- //h = props.h;
- //h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
- //d = Medium.density(props.state);
- //s = specificEntropy(props.state);
- //s = props.state.s;
-// MM = Medium.molarMass(props.state);
-// Tsat = Medium.saturationTemperature(props.p,props.X);
-// Tsat = Medium.temperature_pqX(props.p,0.5,props.X);
-// psat = Medium.saturationPressure(props.T,props.X);
-// psat = Medium.pressure_TqX(props.T,0.5,props.X);
-// h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
-// s = Medium.dewEntropy(props.sat);
-// s = Medium.bubbleEntropy(props.sat);
-// d = Medium.dewDensity(props.sat);
- annotation (experiment(StopTime=10, NumberOfIntervals=1000),
- __Dymola_experimentSetupOutput);
-end PropsPureSubstance;
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+model PropsPureSubstance
+//package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph;
+//package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"water"}, final explicitVars = "pT");
+//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"ammonia"});
+//package Medium = REFPROPMedium(final substanceNames={"co2"});
+package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.REFPROPMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(final substanceNames={"butane"},debugmode=true);
+//package Medium = REFPROPMediumPureSubstance(final substanceNames={"water"});
+//package Medium = REFPROPMediumPureSubstance(final substanceNames={"ammonia"}, final explicitVars = "ph");
+ Medium.BaseProperties props;
+// Modelica.SIunits.Density d=Medium.density_phX(props.p,props.h);
+// d = Medium.bubbleDensity(props.sat);
+// d = Medium.density_pTX(1e5,300);
+// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEntropy s;
+// Modelica.SIunits.Temperature T=props.T;
+ Modelica.SIunits.Pressure psat=Medium.saturationPressure(300,{1});
+// Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass MM;
+ Real q= Medium.vapourQuality(props.state);
+// Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure cp;
+// Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda= Medium.thermalConductivity(props.state);
+// Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity eta = Medium.dynamicViscosity(props.state);
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity cv=Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
+ Medium.SaturationProperties sat=Medium.SaturationProperties(1e5,300,{1});
+ props.p = 1e5 "sine_p.y";
+ props.h = 0+time*722774;
+// props.s = 5.88105;
+// props.T = 350;
+// props.Xi = fill(0,0);
+ //d = props.d;
+ //h = props.h;
+ //h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
+ //d = Medium.density(props.state);
+ //s = specificEntropy(props.state);
+ //s = props.state.s;
+// MM = Medium.molarMass(props.state);
+// Tsat = Medium.saturationTemperature(props.p,props.X);
+// Tsat = Medium.temperature_pqX(props.p,0.5,props.X);
+// psat = Medium.saturationPressure(props.T,props.X);
+// psat = Medium.pressure_TqX(props.T,0.5,props.X);
+// h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
+// s = Medium.dewEntropy(props.sat);
+// s = Medium.bubbleEntropy(props.sat);
+// d = Medium.dewDensity(props.sat);
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=10, NumberOfIntervals=1000),
+ __Dymola_experimentSetupOutput);
+end PropsPureSubstance;
diff --git a/Testers/R410mixTester.mo b/Testers/R410mixTester.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c28c7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/R410mixTester.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+model R410mixTester "Density of saturated R410 vapour"
+package Medium = REFPROP2Modelica.Media.R410mix(debugmode=true);
+ Medium.BaseProperties props;
+ Medium.Density d;
+ Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h(start=300e3);
+ Medium.AbsolutePressure p = Medium.pressure(props.state);
+ Medium.SpecificHeatCapacity cv = Medium.specificHeatCapacityCv(props.state);
+ props.p = 101325;
+ h = Medium.dewEnthalpy(props.sat);
+ props.h = h+0.2*h*0.5*(sin(5*time)+1);
+ props.d = d;
+ props.Xi = {0.697615};
+end R410mixTester;
diff --git a/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT.mo
similarity index 88%
rename from Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.mo
rename to Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT.mo
index 5aa7ebd..deb20fd 100644
--- a/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.mo
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT.mo
@@ -1,319 +1,286 @@
-within MediaTwoPhaseMixture;
-package Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT "(incomplete) Water model from Modelica.Media compatible to PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium (Example use)"
- extends PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(
- final mediumName="TwoPhaseMixtureWater",
- final substanceNames={"water"},
- final reducedX = true,
- final singleState=false,
- reference_X=cat(1,fill(0,nX-1),{1}),
- fluidConstants = BrineConstants);
-// final extraPropertiesNames={"gas enthalpy","liquid enthalpy"},
- constant Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass M_H2O = 0.018015 "[kg/mol] TODO";
- redeclare model extends BaseProperties "Base properties of medium"
- Real GVF=q*d/d_g "gas void fraction";
- Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_T(T);
- Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_T(T);
- /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_p(p);
- Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_p(p);*/
- /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_p(p);
- Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_p(p);*/
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_l = bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
- Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_g = dewEnthalpy(sat);
- Real q = min(max((h - h_l)/(h_g - h_l+ 1e-18), 0), 1)
- "(min=0,max=1) gas phase mass fraction";
- // Integer phase_out "calculated phase";
- //END no gas case
- equation
- u = h - p/d;
- MM = M_H2O;
- R = Modelica.Constants.R/MM;
- //End GVF
- // q = vapourQuality(state);
- d = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.density_ph(p,h);
- // d = d_l/(1-q*(1-d_l/d_g));
- h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X);
- /*
- if (p_H2O>p) then
- h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p,T,1);
- else
- h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dewEnthalpy(Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.setSat_p(p));
- end if;
- h_gas_dissolved = 0;
- Delta_h_solution = solutionEnthalpy(T)
- "TODO: gilt nur bei gesättigter Lösung";
- //assert(abs(((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g-h)/h) < 1e-3,"Enthalpie stimmt nicht! h_calc="+String((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g)+"<>h="+String(h));
- s=0 "TODO";
- state = ThermodynamicState(
- p=p,
- T=T,
- X=X,
- X_l=X,
- h=h,
- q=q,
- s=0,
- d_g=d_g,
- d_l=d_l,
- d=d,
- phase=0) "phase_out";
- sat.psat = p "TODO";
- sat.Tsat = T "saturationTemperature(p) TODO";
- sat.X = X;
- annotation (Documentation(info=""),
- Documentation(revisions="
- end BaseProperties;
- redeclare function specificEnthalpy_pTX
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- /* input MassFraction q "(min=0,max=1)";
- input Real y "molar fraction of gas in gas phase";*/
- // input Real[3] TP;
- output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p,T);
- algorithm
- // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("specificEnthalpy_pTXqy("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X,"+String(q)+","+String(y)+")");
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T = temperature_phX(p=p,h=h,X=X,phase=phase)));
- end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
- redeclare function temperature_phX
- "numerically inverts specificEnthalpy_liquid_pTX"
- input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
- input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.temperature_ph(p,h);
- algorithm
- // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("temperature_phX");
- annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p=p,T=T,phase=phase,X=X)));
- end temperature_phX;
-redeclare record extends ThermodynamicState
- "a selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state"
-/* AbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
- Temperature T(unit="K") "Temperature of medium";
- MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fraction of NaCl in kg/kg";*/
- SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
- SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- Density d(start=300) "density";
- Real GVF "Gas Void Fraction";
- Density d_l(start=300) "density liquid phase";
- Density d_g(start=300) "density gas phase";
- Real q "vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass]";
- annotation (Documentation(info="
-end ThermodynamicState;
- redeclare function extends dewEnthalpy "dew curve specific enthalpy of water"
- algorithm
- hv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hv_p(sat.psat);
- end dewEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends bubbleEnthalpy
- "boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
- algorithm
- hl := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hl_p(sat.psat);
- end bubbleEnthalpy;
- redeclare function extends saturationTemperature
- algorithm
- //T := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(p);
- T := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationTemperature(p);
- end saturationTemperature;
- redeclare function extends dynamicViscosity
- algorithm
- eta := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dynamicViscosity(state);
- end dynamicViscosity;
-redeclare function extends specificEntropy "specific entropy of water"
- s := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.s_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase);
-end specificEntropy;
-redeclare function specificEnthalpy_ps
- "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
- h := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
-end specificEnthalpy_ps;
-redeclare function extends setState_psX
- "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and s"
- state := ThermodynamicState(
- d=density_ps(p,s),
- T=temperature_ps(p,s),
- phase=0,
- h=specificEnthalpy_ps(p,s),
- p=p,
- X=X,
- s=s,
- q=-1,
- GVF=-1,
- d_l=-1,
- d_g=-1);
-end setState_psX;
- redeclare function extends temperature "return temperature of ideal gas"
- algorithm
- T := state.T;
- end temperature;
- redeclare function extends density "return density of ideal gas"
- algorithm
- d := state.d;
- end density;
-redeclare function extends setState_pTX
- "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and T"
- state := ThermodynamicState(
- d=density_pT(p,T),
- T=T,
- phase=0,
- h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,s),
- p=p,
- X=X,
- s=specificEntropy_pT(p.T),
- q=-1,
- GVF=-1,
- d_l=-1,
- d_g=-1);
-end setState_pTX;
-redeclare function specificEntropy_pTX
- "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
- extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
- input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
- input SpecificEntropy T "Specific entropy";
- input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
- input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
- output SpecificEnthalpy s "specific enthalpy";
- h := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
-end specificEntropy_pTX;
- redeclare function extends thermalConductivity
- "Thermal conductivity of water"
- algorithm
- lambda := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.thermalConductivity(
- state.d,
- state.T,
- state.p,
- state.phase);
- end thermalConductivity;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCp
- "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
- algorithm
- if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
- cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_dT(
- state.d,
- state.T,
- state.phase);
- elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
- cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_pT(state.p, state.T);
- else
- cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_ph(
- state.p,
- state.h,
- state.phase);
- end if;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
- liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
- "));
- end specificHeatCapacityCp;
- redeclare function extends saturationPressure
- algorithm
- p := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationPressure(T);
- end saturationPressure;
- redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCv
- "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
- algorithm
- if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
- cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_dT(
- state.d,
- state.T,
- state.phase);
- elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
- cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_pT(state.p, state.T);
- else
- cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_ph(
- state.p,
- state.h,
- state.phase);
- end if;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
- In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
- liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
- "));
- end specificHeatCapacityCv;
- annotation (Documentation(info="
- Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT
- This is a an example use of PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.
- It is a (incomplete) water model using the template PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium. It uses the property functions from Modelica.Media.Water.
- Created by
-Henning Francke
-Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
-GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
-end Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers;
+package Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT
+ "(incomplete) Water model from Modelica.Media compatible to PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium (Example use)"
+ extends REFPROP2Modelica.Interfaces.PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium(
+ final mediumName="TwoPhaseMixtureWater",
+ final substanceNames={"water"},
+ final reducedX = true,
+ final singleState=false,
+ reference_X=cat(1,fill(0,nX-1),{1}),
+ fluidConstants = BrineConstants);
+// final extraPropertiesNames={"gas enthalpy","liquid enthalpy"},
+ constant Modelica.SIunits.MolarMass M_H2O = 0.018015 "[kg/mol] TODO";
+ redeclare model extends BaseProperties "Base properties of medium"
+ Real GVF=q*d/d_g "gas void fraction";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_T(T);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_T(T);
+ /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_p(p);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_p(p);*/
+ /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_p(p);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_p(p);*/
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_l = bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_g = dewEnthalpy(sat);
+ Real q = min(max((h - h_l)/(h_g - h_l+ 1e-18), 0), 1)
+ "(min=0,max=1) gas phase mass fraction";
+ // Integer phase_out "calculated phase";
+ //END no gas case
+ equation
+ u = h - p/d;
+ MM = M_H2O;
+ R = Modelica.Constants.R/MM;
+ //End GVF
+ // q = vapourQuality(state);
+ d = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.density_ph(p,h);
+ // d = d_l/(1-q*(1-d_l/d_g));
+ h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,T,X);
+ /*
+ if (p_H2O>p) then
+ h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p,T,1);
+ else
+ h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dewEnthalpy(Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.setSat_p(p));
+ end if;
+ h_gas_dissolved = 0;
+ Delta_h_solution = solutionEnthalpy(T)
+ "TODO: gilt nur bei gesättigter Lösung";
+ //assert(abs(((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g-h)/h) < 1e-3,"Enthalpie stimmt nicht! h_calc="+String((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g)+"<>h="+String(h));
+ s=0 "TODO";
+ state = ThermodynamicState(
+ p=p,
+ T=T,
+ X=X,
+ X_l=X,
+ h=h,
+ q=q,
+ s=0,
+ d_g=d_g,
+ d_l=d_l,
+ d=d,
+ phase=0) "phase_out";
+ sat.psat = p "TODO";
+ sat.Tsat = T "saturationTemperature(p) TODO";
+ sat.X = X;
+ annotation (Documentation(info=""),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+ end BaseProperties;
+ redeclare function specificEnthalpy_pTX
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ /* input MassFraction q "(min=0,max=1)";
+ input Real y "molar fraction of gas in gas phase";*/
+ // input Real[3] TP;
+ output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p,T);
+ algorithm
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("specificEnthalpy_pTXqy("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X,"+String(q)+","+String(y)+")");
+ annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(T = temperature_phX(p=p,h=h,X=X,phase=phase)));
+ end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
+ redeclare function temperature_phX
+ "numerically inverts specificEnthalpy_liquid_pTX"
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.temperature_ph(p,h);
+ algorithm
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("temperature_phX");
+ annotation(LateInline=true,inverse(h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p=p,T=T,phase=phase,X=X)));
+ end temperature_phX;
+redeclare record extends ThermodynamicState
+ "a selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state"
+/* AbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
+ Temperature T(unit="K") "Temperature of medium";
+ MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fraction of NaCl in kg/kg";*/
+ SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
+ SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
+ Density d(start=300) "density";
+ Real GVF "Gas Void Fraction";
+ Density d_l(start=300) "density liquid phase";
+ Density d_g(start=300) "density gas phase";
+ Real q "vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass]";
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+end ThermodynamicState;
+ redeclare function extends dewEnthalpy "dew curve specific enthalpy of water"
+ algorithm
+ hv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hv_p(sat.psat);
+ end dewEnthalpy;
+ redeclare function extends bubbleEnthalpy
+ "boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
+ algorithm
+ hl := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hl_p(sat.psat);
+ end bubbleEnthalpy;
+ redeclare function extends saturationTemperature
+ algorithm
+ //T := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(p);
+ T := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationTemperature(p);
+ end saturationTemperature;
+ redeclare function extends dynamicViscosity
+ algorithm
+ eta := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dynamicViscosity(state);
+ end dynamicViscosity;
+redeclare function extends specificEntropy "specific entropy of water"
+ s := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.s_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase);
+end specificEntropy;
+redeclare function specificEnthalpy_ps
+ "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
+ input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
+ input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
+ h := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
+end specificEnthalpy_ps;
+redeclare function extends setState_psX
+ "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and s"
+ state := ThermodynamicState(
+ d=density_ps(p,s),
+ T=temperature_ps(p,s),
+ phase=0,
+ h=specificEnthalpy_ps(p,s),
+ p=p,
+ X=X,
+ s=s,
+ q=-1,
+ GVF=-1,
+ d_l=-1,
+ d_g=-1);
+end setState_psX;
+ redeclare function extends temperature "return temperature of ideal gas"
+ algorithm
+ T := state.T;
+ end temperature;
+ redeclare function extends density "return density of ideal gas"
+ algorithm
+ d := state.d;
+ end density;
+redeclare function extends setState_pTX
+ "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and T"
+ state := ThermodynamicState(
+ d=density_pT(p,T),
+ T=T,
+ phase=0,
+ h=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p,s),
+ p=p,
+ X=X,
+ s=specificEntropy_pT(p.T),
+ q=-1,
+ GVF=-1,
+ d_l=-1,
+ d_g=-1);
+end setState_pTX;
+redeclare function specificEntropy_pTX
+ "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
+ input SpecificEntropy T "Specific entropy";
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase=0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output SpecificEnthalpy s "specific enthalpy";
+ h := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
+end specificEntropy_pTX;
+ redeclare function extends thermalConductivity
+ "Thermal conductivity of water"
+ algorithm
+ lambda := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.thermalConductivity(
+ state.d,
+ state.T,
+ state.p,
+ state.phase);
+ end thermalConductivity;
+ redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCp
+ "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
+ algorithm
+ if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
+ cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_dT(
+ state.d,
+ state.T,
+ state.phase);
+ elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
+ cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_pT(state.p, state.T);
+ else
+ cp := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_ph(
+ state.p,
+ state.h,
+ state.phase);
+ end if;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
+ liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
+ "));
+ end specificHeatCapacityCp;
+ redeclare function extends saturationPressure
+ algorithm
+ p := Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationPressure(T);
+ end saturationPressure;
+ redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCv
+ "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
+ algorithm
+ if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
+ cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_dT(
+ state.d,
+ state.T,
+ state.phase);
+ elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
+ cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_pT(state.p, state.T);
+ else
+ cv := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_ph(
+ state.p,
+ state.h,
+ state.phase);
+ end if;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+ In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
+ liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
+ "));
+ end specificHeatCapacityCv;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+ Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT
+ This is a an example use of PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium.
+ It is a (incomplete) water model using the template PartialMixtureTwoPhaseMedium. It uses the property functions from Modelica.Media.Water.
+ Created by
+Henning Francke
+Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
+GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
+Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
+end Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/BaseProperties.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/BaseProperties.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b1ef47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/BaseProperties.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+model extends BaseProperties "Base properties of medium"
+ Real GVF = q * d / d_g "gas void fraction";
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_T(T);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_T(T);
+ /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhol_p(p);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.rhov_p(p);*/
+ /* Modelica.SIunits.Density d_l = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_p(p);
+ Modelica.SIunits.Density d_g = Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_p(p);*/
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_l = bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
+ Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h_g = dewEnthalpy(sat);
+ Real q = min(max((h - h_l) / (h_g - h_l + 1e-18), 0), 1)
+ "(min=0,max=1) gas phase mass fraction";
+ // Integer phase_out "calculated phase";
+ //END no gas case
+ u = h - p / d;
+ MM = M_H2O;
+ R = Modelica.Constants.R / MM;
+ //End GVF
+ // q = vapourQuality(state);
+ d = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.density_ph(p, h);
+ // d = d_l/(1-q*(1-d_l/d_g));
+ h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p, T, X);
+ /*
+ if (p_H2O>p) then
+ h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p,T,1);
+ else
+ h_H2O_g = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dewEnthalpy(Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.setSat_p(p));
+ end if;
+ h_gas_dissolved = 0;
+ Delta_h_solution = solutionEnthalpy(T)
+ "TODO: gilt nur bei ges�ttigter L�sung";
+ //assert(abs(((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g-h)/h) < 1e-3,"Enthalpie stimmt nicht! h_calc="+String((1-q)*h_l + q*h_g)+"<>h="+String(h));
+ s = 0 "TODO";
+ state = ThermodynamicState(p= p, T= T, X= X, X_l= X, h= h, GVF= GVF, q= q, s= 0, d_g= d_g, d_l= d_l, d= d, phase= 0)
+ "phase_out";
+ sat.psat = p "TODO";
+ sat.Tsat = T "saturationTemperature(p) TODO";
+ sat.X = X;
+ annotation(Documentation(info = ""), Documentation(revisions = "
+end BaseProperties;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/ThermodynamicState.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/ThermodynamicState.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e4c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/ThermodynamicState.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+record extends ThermodynamicState
+ "a selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state"
+ /* AbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
+ Temperature T(unit="K") "Temperature of medium";
+ MassFraction X[nX] "Mass fraction of NaCl in kg/kg";*/
+ SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
+ SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
+ Density d(start = 300) "density";
+ Real GVF "Gas Void Fraction";
+ Density d_l(start = 300) "density liquid phase";
+ Density d_g(start = 300) "density gas phase";
+ Real q "vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass]";
+ annotation(Documentation(info = "
+end ThermodynamicState;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/bubbleEnthalpy.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/bubbleEnthalpy.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42d2b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/bubbleEnthalpy.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends bubbleEnthalpy "boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
+ hl:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hl_p(sat.psat);
+end bubbleEnthalpy;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/density.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/density.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dee4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/density.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends density "return density of ideal gas"
+ d:=state.d;
+end density;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/dynamicViscosity.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/dynamicViscosity.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e67604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/dynamicViscosity.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends dynamicViscosity
+ eta:=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dynamicViscosity(state);
+end dynamicViscosity;
diff --git a/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order
similarity index 94%
rename from Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order
rename to Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order
index 9510fbd..72b850c 100644
--- a/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/package.order
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationPressure.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationPressure.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6848b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationPressure.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends saturationPressure
+ p:=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationPressure(T);
+end saturationPressure;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationTemperature.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationTemperature.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be8c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/saturationTemperature.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends saturationTemperature
+ //T := Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(p);
+ T:=Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.saturationTemperature(p);
+end saturationTemperature;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_pTX.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_pTX.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c42d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_pTX.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends setState_pTX
+ "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and T"
+ state:=ThermodynamicState(d= density_pT(p, T), T= T, phase= 0, h= specificEnthalpy_pTX(p, s), p= p, X= X, s= specificEntropy_pT(p.T), q= -1, GVF= -1, d_l= -1, d_g= -1);
+end setState_pTX;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_psX.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_psX.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c1ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/setState_psX.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends setState_psX
+ "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p and s"
+ state:=ThermodynamicState(d= density_ps(p, s), T= temperature_ps(p, s), phase= 0, h= specificEnthalpy_ps(p, s), p= p, X= X, s= s, q= -1, GVF= -1, d_l= -1, d_g= -1);
+end setState_psX;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_pTX.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_pTX.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e4e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_pTX.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function specificEnthalpy_pTX
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T;
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_NaCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ /* input MassFraction q "(min=0,max=1)";
+ input Real y "molar fraction of gas in gas phase";*/
+ // input Real[3] TP;
+ output Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.specificEnthalpy_pT(p, T);
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("specificEnthalpy_pTXqy("+String(p)+","+String(T)+",X,"+String(q)+","+String(y)+")");
+ annotation(LateInline = true, inverse(T = temperature_phX(p= p, h= h, X= X, phase= phase)));
+end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_ps.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_ps.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f8a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEnthalpy_ps.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function specificEnthalpy_ps
+ "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
+ input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
+ input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output SpecificEnthalpy h "specific enthalpy";
+ h:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
+end specificEnthalpy_ps;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46807ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends specificEntropy "specific entropy of water"
+ s:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.s_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase);
+end specificEntropy;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy_pTX.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy_pTX.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f54f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificEntropy_pTX.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function specificEntropy_pTX
+ "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
+ input SpecificEntropy T "Specific entropy";
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output SpecificEnthalpy s "specific enthalpy";
+ h:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase);
+end specificEntropy_pTX;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCp.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCp.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ed244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCp.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends specificHeatCapacityCp
+ "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
+ if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
+ cp:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase);
+ elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
+ cp:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_pT(state.p, state.T);
+ else
+ cp:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cp_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase);
+ end if;
+ annotation(Documentation(info = "
In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
+ liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
+ "));
+end specificHeatCapacityCp;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCv.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCv.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf961e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/specificHeatCapacityCv.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends specificHeatCapacityCv
+ "specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
+ if Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.dT_explicit then
+ cv:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase);
+ elseif Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.pT_explicit then
+ cv:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_pT(state.p, state.T);
+ else
+ cv:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.cv_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase);
+ end if;
+ annotation(Documentation(info = "
+ In the two phase region this function returns the interpolated heat capacity between the
+ liquid and vapour state heat capacities.
+ "));
+end specificHeatCapacityCv;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365dcf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends temperature "return temperature of ideal gas"
+ T:=state.T;
+end temperature;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature_phX.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature_phX.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beef10d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/temperature_phX.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function temperature_phX "numerically inverts specificEnthalpy_liquid_pTX"
+ input Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p;
+ input Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy h;
+ input MassFraction X[:] "mass fraction m_XCl/m_Sol";
+ input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
+ output Modelica.SIunits.Temp_K T = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_base.temperature_ph(p, h);
+ // Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("temperature_phX");
+ annotation(LateInline = true, inverse(h = specificEnthalpy_pTX(p= p, T= T, phase= phase, X= X)));
+end temperature_phX;
diff --git a/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/thermalConductivity.mo b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/thermalConductivity.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3264a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT/thermalConductivity.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica.Testers.Water_MixtureTwoPhase_pT;
+function extends thermalConductivity "Thermal conductivity of water"
+ lambda:=Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.thermalConductivity(state.d, state.T, state.p, state.phase);
+end thermalConductivity;
diff --git a/Testers/package.mo b/Testers/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878288f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+within REFPROP2Modelica;
+package Testers
+end Testers;
diff --git a/Testers/package.order b/Testers/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f27931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testers/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_dll.H b/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_dll.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 080a91c..0000000
--- a/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_dll.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-// Definitions of the Refprop types
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ABFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ABFL2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ACTVYdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_AGdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CCRITdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CP0dllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CRITPdllTYPE)(double *,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CSATKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CV2PKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CVCPKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_CVCPdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DBDTdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DBFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DBFL2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DDDPdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DDDTdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DEFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DHD1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DHFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );//added by Henning Francke
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DHFL2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );//added by Henning Francke
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DHFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DIELECdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DOTFILLdllTYPE)(long &,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPDD2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPDDKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPDDdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPDTKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPDTdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DPTSATKdllTYPE)(long &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DSFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DSFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );//added by Henning Francke
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_DSFL2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );//added by Henning Francke
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ENTHALdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ENTROdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_ESFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_FGCTYdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double *);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_FPVdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_GERG04dllTYPE)(long &,long &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_GETFIJdllTYPE)(char*,double *,char*,char*,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_GETKTVdllTYPE)(long &,long &,char*,double *,char*,char*,char*,char*,long ,long ,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_GIBBSdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_HSFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_INFOdllTYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_LIMITKdllTYPE)(char*,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_LIMITSdllTYPE)(char*,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_LIMITXdllTYPE)(char*,double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_MELTPdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_MELTTdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_MLTH2OdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_NAMEdllTYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PDFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PDFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PEFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PHFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PQFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PREOSdllTYPE)(long &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PRESSdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PSFL1dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PSFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PUREFLDdllTYPE)(long &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_QMASSdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double *,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_QMOLEdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double *,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATDdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATEdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATHdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATPdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATSdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SATTdllTYPE)(double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETAGAdllTYPE)(long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETKTVdllTYPE)(long &,long &,char*,double *,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETMIXdllTYPE)(char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,double *,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETMODdllTYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETREFdllTYPE)(char*,long &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETUPdllTYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SPECGRdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SUBLPdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SUBLTdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SURFTdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SURTENdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TDFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TEFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_THERM0dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_THERM2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_THERM3dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_THERMdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_THFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TPFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TPFL2dllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );//added by Henning Francke
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TPRHOdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TQFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TRNPRPdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_TSFLSHdllTYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_VIRBdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_VIRCdllTYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_WMOLdllTYPE)(double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_XMASSdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double &);
-typedef void (__stdcall *fp_XMOLEdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double &);
-//Define explicit function pointers
-fp_ABFL1dllTYPE ABFL1dll;
-fp_ABFL2dllTYPE ABFL2dll;
-fp_AGdllTYPE AGdll;
-fp_CP0dllTYPE CP0dll;
-fp_CV2PKdllTYPE CV2PKdll;
-fp_CVCPdllTYPE CVCPdll;
-fp_DBDTdllTYPE DBDTdll;
-fp_DBFL1dllTYPE DBFL1dll;
-fp_DBFL2dllTYPE DBFL2dll;
-fp_DDDPdllTYPE DDDPdll;
-fp_DDDTdllTYPE DDDTdll;
-fp_DHD1dllTYPE DHD1dll;
-fp_DHFL1dllTYPE DHFL1dll; //added by Henning Francke
-fp_DHFL2dllTYPE DHFL2dll; //added by Henning Francke
-fp_DPDD2dllTYPE DPDD2dll;
-fp_DPDDdllTYPE DPDDdll;
-fp_DPDTdllTYPE DPDTdll;
-fp_DSFL1dllTYPE DSFL1dll; //added by Henning Francke
-fp_DSFL2dllTYPE DSFL2dll; //added by Henning Francke
-fp_FPVdllTYPE FPVdll;
-fp_GERG04dllTYPE GERG04dll;
-fp_INFOdllTYPE INFOdll;
-fp_MLTH2OdllTYPE MLTH2Odll;
-fp_NAMEdllTYPE NAMEdll;
-fp_PDFL1dllTYPE PDFL1dll;
-fp_PHFL1dllTYPE PHFL1dll;
-fp_PSFL1dllTYPE PSFL1dll;
-fp_SATDdllTYPE SATDdll;
-fp_SATEdllTYPE SATEdll;
-fp_SATHdllTYPE SATHdll;
-fp_SATPdllTYPE SATPdll;
-fp_SATSdllTYPE SATSdll;
-fp_SATTdllTYPE SATTdll;
-fp_THERM0dllTYPE THERM0dll;
-fp_THERM2dllTYPE THERM2dll;
-fp_THERM3dllTYPE THERM3dll;
-fp_TPFL2dllTYPE TPFL2dll;//added by Henning Francke
-fp_VIRBdllTYPE VIRBdll;
-fp_VIRCdllTYPE VIRCdll;
-fp_WMOLdllTYPE WMOLdll;
diff --git a/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_wrapper.cpp b/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_wrapper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 22897e8..0000000
--- a/_REFPROP-Wrapper/Version 0.5/REFPROP_wrapper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
- wrapper code for a static library containing functions from the dynamic library refprop.dll
- to be used from Modelica
- This file is released under the Modelica License 2.
- Coded in 2010 by
- Henning Francke
- francke@gfz-potsdam.de
- Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
- GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
- needs
- REFPROP_dll.H - header for REFPROP.DLL slightly modified from %REFPROPDIR%\Examples\CPP.ZIP
- refprop_wrapper.h - header for static REFPROP_wrapper.lib, also needed by Dymola
- compile with Visual C++ Compiler:
- cl /c REFPROP_wrapper.cpp
- lib REFPROP_wrapper.obj
- copy REFPROP_wrapper.lib "%DYMOLADIR%\bin\lib\"
- copy refprop_wrapper.h "%DYMOLADIR%\Source\"
-//#define DEBUGMODE 1
-#include "REFPROP_wrapper.h"
-#include "REFPROP_dll.h"
-// Some constants...
-const long filepathlength=1024;
-const long errormessagelength=255+filepathlength;
-const long lengthofreference=3;
-const long refpropcharlength=255;
-const long ncmax=20; // Note: ncmax is the max number of components
-char *str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace, long *count) {
- int i,n_ret;
- int newlen = strlen(replace);
- int oldlen = strlen(search);
- char *ret;
- *count = 0;
- //count occurrences of searchstring
- for (i = 0; oldlen && str[i]; ++i)
- if (strstr(&str[i], search) == &str[i]){ // if walk through is at searchstr
- ++*count, i+=oldlen - 1;
- }
- ret = (char *) calloc(n_ret = (strlen(str) + 1 + *count * (newlen - oldlen)), sizeof(char));
- if (!ret){
- printf("Could not allocate memory");
- return "";
- }
- if (!*count){
- strncpy(ret,str,n_ret);
- //if (DEBUGMODE) printf("RET: %i %s\n",oldlen,str);
- }else{
- i = 0;
- while (*str)
- if (strstr(str, search) == str)
- strncpy(&ret[i], replace,n_ret-i-1),
- i += newlen,
- str += oldlen;
- else
- ret[i++] = *str++;
- ret[i] = '\0';
- }
- return ret;
-int init_REFPROP(char* fluidnames, char* REFPROP_PATH, long* nX, char* herr, HINSTANCE* RefpropdllInstance, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE){
-// Sets up the interface to the REFPROP.DLL
-// is called by props_REFPROP and satprops_REFPROP
- char DLL_PATH[filepathlength], FLD_PATH[filepathlength];
- long ierr=0;
- if (strlen(REFPROP_PATH)>filepathlength){
- sprintf(errormsg,"REFPROP_PATH too long (%i > %i)\n",strlen(REFPROP_PATH),filepathlength);
- return 0;
- }
- if (REFPROP_PATH[strlen(REFPROP_PATH)-1]=='\\'){ //if last char is backslash
- strcat(DLL_PATH, "refprop.dll");
- strcat(FLD_PATH, "fluids\\");
- }else{//add missing backslash
- strcat(DLL_PATH,"\\refprop.dll");
- strcat(FLD_PATH, "\\fluids\\");
- }
- *RefpropdllInstance = LoadLibrary(DLL_PATH);
- if (!*RefpropdllInstance){
- sprintf(errormsg,"ERROR in opening REFPROP.DLL at \"%s\"",DLL_PATH);
- return 100;
- }
- char hrf[lengthofreference+1],hfmix[filepathlength+1+7];
- //char hf[refpropcharlength*ncmax];
- char *hf;
- //parse fluid composition string and insert absolute paths
- char replace[filepathlength+6];
- strcpy(replace,".fld|");
- //if (DEBUGMODE) printf("REPLACE: %s\n",replace);
- strncat(replace, FLD_PATH,filepathlength-strlen(replace));
- int hf_len = strlen(fluidnames)+ncmax*(strlen(replace)-1)+4;
- hf = (char*) calloc(hf_len, sizeof(char));
- strncpy(hf,FLD_PATH,hf_len);
- strncat(hf,str_replace(fluidnames, "|", replace, nX),hf_len-strlen(hf)); //str_replace returns the number of delimiters -> nX, but components are one more ...
- if (++*nX>ncmax){ //...that's why nX is incremented
- sprintf(errormsg,"Too many components (More than %i)\n",ncmax);
- return 0;
- }
- strncat(hf,".fld",hf_len-strlen(hf));
- if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Fluid composition string: \"%s\"\n",hf);
- strncpy(hfmix,FLD_PATH,filepathlength+1);//add absolute path
- strncat(hfmix,"hmx.bnc",filepathlength+1+7-strlen(hfmix));
- strcpy(hrf,"DEF");
- //...Call SETUP to initialize the program
- SETUPdll = (fp_SETUPdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(*RefpropdllInstance,"SETUPdll");
- //printf("hf:%s\n hrf: %s\n hfmix: %s\n",hf,hrf,hfmix);
- if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Running SETUPdll...\n");
- SETUPdll(*nX, hf, hfmix, hrf, ierr, herr,
- hf_len,filepathlength+1+7,
- lengthofreference,errormessagelength);
- if (DEBUGMODE) printf("SETUPdll run complete (Error no: %i)\n",ierr);
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error code processing...\n");
- switch(ierr){
- case 101:
- //strcpy(errormsg,"error in opening file");
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 101\n");
- sprintf(errormsg,"error in opening file %s",hf);
- break;
- case 102:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 102\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"error in file or premature end of file");
- break;
- case -103:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error -103\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"unknown model encountered in file");
- break;
- case 104:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 104\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"error in setup of model");
- break;
- case 105:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 105\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"specified model not found");
- break;
- case 111:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 111\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"error in opening mixture file");
- break;
- case 112:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 112\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"mixture file of wrong type");
- break;
- case 114:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Error 114\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"nc<>nc from setmod");
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- default:
-// if (DEBUGMODE) printf("Unknown error\n");
- strcpy(errormsg,"Unknown error");
- //strcpy(errormsg,"Setup was successful!");
- strncpy(errormsg,herr,errormessagelength);
- break;
- }
- free(hf);
- return ierr;
-double props_REFPROP(char* what, char* statevars_in, char* fluidnames, double *props, double statevar1, double statevar2, double* x, int phase, char* REFPROP_PATH, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE){
-/*Calculates thermodynamic properties of a pure substance/mixture, returns both single value and array containing all calculated values (because the are calculated anyway)
- what: character specifying return value (p,T,h,s,d,wm,q,e,w) - Explanation of variables at the end of this function
- statevars: string of any combination of two variables out of p,T,h,s,d
- fluidnames: string containing names of substances in mixtured separated by |, substance names are identical to those of *.fld-files in REFPROP program directory
- statevar1,statevar2: values of the two variables specified in statevars
- x: array containing the mass fractions of the components of the mixture
- REFPROP_PATH: string defining the path of the refprop.dll
- return value: value of variable specified by the input variable what
- props: Array containing all calculated values (props[0] containing error number)
- errormsg: string containing error message
- char statevars[3];
- double p, T, d, val, dl,dv,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,wm,wmliq,wmvap,eta,tcx;
- long nX,ierr=0; //zero means no error
- char herr[errormessagelength+1];
- HINSTANCE RefpropdllInstance;// Then have windows load the library.
- if (DEBUGMODE) printf("\nStarting function props_REFPROP to calc %c...\n", what[0]);
- //initialize interface to REFPROP.dll
- if(props[0]=(double)init_REFPROP(fluidnames, REFPROP_PATH, &nX, herr, &RefpropdllInstance, errormsg, DEBUGMODE)){
- printf("Error no. %g initializing REFPROP: \"%s\"\n", props[0], errormsg);
- return 0;
- }
- WMOLdll = (fp_WMOLdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"WMOLdll");
- WMOLdll(x,wm);
-// sprintf(errormsg," %10.4f, %10.4f, %10.4f,",x[0],x[1],wm);
- wm /= 1000; //g/mol -> kg/mol
- //identify and assign passed state variables
- statevars[0] = tolower(statevars_in[0]);
- statevars[1] = tolower(statevars_in[1]);
- statevars[2] = '\0';
- if (statevars[0]!='\0'){
- if (statevars[0]==statevars[1]){
- props[0] = 3;
- sprintf(errormsg,"State variable 1 is the same as state variable 2 (%c)",statevars[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- for (int ii=0;ii<2;ii++){
- val = (ii==0?statevar1:statevar2);
- switch(statevars[ii]){
- case 'p':
- p = val/1000; //Pa->kPa
- break;
- case 't':
- T = val;
- break;
- case 's':
- s = val*wm; //J/(kg·K) -> kJ/(mol·K)
- break;
- case 'h':
- h = val*wm; //J/kg --> kJ/mol
- break;
- case 'd':
- d = val/wm/1000; //kg/m³ -> mol/dm³
- break;
- case 'q': //vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass] (q=0 indicates saturated liquid, q=1 indicates saturated vapor)
- q = val;
- break;
- default:
- props[0] = 2;
- sprintf(errormsg,"Unknown state variable %i: %c",ii+1 ,statevars[ii]);/**/
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
-//...If phase j is known, call TPRHOdll:
- long j=2; //phase definition(j=1: Liquid, j=2: Vapor)
- long tmp_int=0;
- TPRHOdll = (fp_TPRHOdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TPRHOdll");
- TPRHOdll(t,p,x,j,tmp_int,d,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
-//...If phase is not known, call TPFLSH
- double xliq[ncmax],xvap[ncmax],f[ncmax];
- long kq=2;/* additional input--only for TQFLSH and PQFLSH
- kq--flag specifying units for input quality
- kq = 1 quality on MOLAR basis [moles vapor/total moles]
- kq = 2 quality on MASS basis [mass vapor/total mass]*/
-// sprintf(errormsg,"Huhu! %s %d", statevars, ierr);
- if (ierr==0){
- if (strcmp(statevars,"pt")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"tp")==0){
-// strcat(errormsg,"Bin in TP!");
- if (phase==2){ //fluid state is known to be two phase
- TPFL2dll = (fp_TPFL2dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TPFL2dll");
- TPFL2dll(T,p,x,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else{
- TPFLSHdll = (fp_TPFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TPFLSHdll");
- TPFLSHdll(T,p,x,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"ph")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"hp")==0){
-/* if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- PHFL1dll = (fp_PHFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHFL1dll");
- PHFL1dll(p,h,x,liqvap,T,d,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- if (liqvap==1) dl=d; else dv=d;
- }else{*/
- PHFLSHdll = (fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHFLSHdll");
- PHFLSHdll(p,h,x,T,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
-// }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"pd")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"dp")==0){
- if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- PDFL1dll = (fp_PDFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PDFL1dll");
- PDFL1dll(p,d,x,T,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else{
- PDFLSHdll = (fp_PDFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PDFLSHdll");
- PDFLSHdll(p,d,x,T,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"ps")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"sp")==0){
-/* if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- PSFL1dll = (fp_PSFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PSFL1dll");
- PSFL1dll(p,s,x,kph,T,d,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- if (liqvap==1) dl=d; else dv=d;
- }else{*/
- PSFLSHdll = (fp_PSFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PSFLSHdll");
- PSFLSHdll(p,s,x,T,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
-// }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"pq")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"qp")==0){
- PQFLSHdll = (fp_PQFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PQFLSHdll");
- PQFLSHdll(p,q,x,kq,T,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
-// strcat(errormsg,"Bin in PQ!");
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"th")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"ht")==0){
-/* if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- THFL1dll = (fp_THFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"THFL1dll");
- THFL1dll(T,h,x,Dmin,Dmax,d,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else{*/
- THFLSHdll = (fp_THFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"THFLSHdll");
- long kr = 2;
-/* kr--phase flag: 1 = input state is liquid
- 2 = input state is vapor in equilibrium with liq
- 3 = input state is liquid in equilibrium with solid
- 4 = input state is vapor in equilibrium with solid */
- THFLSHdll (T,h,x,kr,p,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
-// }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"td")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"dt")==0){
- TDFLSHdll = (fp_TDFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TDFLSHdll");
- TDFLSHdll(T,d,x,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"ts")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"st")==0){
- TSFLSHdll = (fp_TSFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TSFLSHdll");
- long kr = 2;
- TSFLSHdll (T,s,x,kr,p,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"tq")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"qt")==0){
- TQFLSHdll = (fp_TQFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TQFLSHdll");
- TQFLSHdll(T,q,x,kq,p,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,e,h,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"hd")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"dh")==0){
- switch(phase){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- case 1:
- DHFL1dll = (fp_DHFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DHFL1dll");
- DHFL1dll(d,h,x,T,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- break;
- case 2:
- DHFL2dll = (fp_DHFL2dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DHFL2dll");
- DHFL2dll(d,h,x,T,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- break;
- default:
- DHFLSHdll = (fp_DHFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DHFLSHdll");
- DHFLSHdll(d,h,x,T,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,s,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"hs")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"sh")==0){
- HSFLSHdll = (fp_HSFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"HSFLSHdll");
- HSFLSHdll(h,s,x,T,p,d,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else if (strcmp(statevars,"ds")==0 || strcmp(statevars,"sd")==0){
- switch(phase){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
- case 1:
- DSFL1dll = (fp_DSFL1dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DSFL1dll");
- DSFL1dll(d,s,x,T,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- break;
- case 2:
- DSFL2dll = (fp_DSFL2dllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DSFL2dll");
- DSFL2dll(d,s,x,T,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- break;
- default:
- DSFLSHdll = (fp_DSFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"DSFLSHdll");
- DSFLSHdll(d,s,x,T,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,q,e,h,cv,cp,w,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- }else
- sprintf(errormsg,"Unknown combination of state variables! %s", statevars);
- }
- switch(tolower(what[0])){ //CHOOSE RETURN VARIABLE
- case 'v': //dynamic viscosity uPa.s
- case 'l': //thermal conductivity W/m.K
- TRNPRPdll = (fp_TRNPRPdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TRNPRPdll");
- TRNPRPdll (T,d,x,eta,tcx,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- switch(ierr){
- case 1:
- sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f < Tmin",T);
- break;
- case 4:
- sprintf(errormsg,"P=%f < 0",p);
- break;
- case 5:
- sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f and p=%f out of range",T,p);
- break;
- case 8:
- strcpy(errormsg,"x out of range (component and/or sum < 0 or > 1)");
- break;
- case 9:
- sprintf(errormsg,"x or T=%f out of range",T);
- break;
- case 12:
- sprintf(errormsg,"x out of range and P=%f < 0",p);
- break;
- case 13:
- sprintf(errormsg,"x, T=%f and p=%f out of range",T,p);
- break;
- case 16:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPFLSH error: p>melting pressure");
- break;
- case -31:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity",T);
- break;
- case -32:
- sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity",d);
- break;
- case -33:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity",T,d);
- break;
- case -41:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for viscosity",T);
- break;
- case -42:
- sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for viscosity",d);
- break;
- case -43:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for viscosity",T,d);
- break;
- case -51:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",T);
- break;
- case -52:
- sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",d);
- break;
- case -53:
- sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",T,d);
- break;
- case 39:
- sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for thermal conductivity");
- break;
- case 49:
- sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for viscosity");
- break;
- case 50:
- sprintf(errormsg,"ammonia/water mixture (no properties calculated)");
- break;
- case 51:
- sprintf(errormsg,"exactly at T=%f, rhoc for a pure fluid; k is infinite",T);
- break;
- case -58:
- case -59:
- sprintf(errormsg,"ECS model did not converge");
- break;
- case 211:
- sprintf(errormsg,"TPFLSH bubble point calculation did not converge: [SATTP error 1] iteration failed to converge");
- case 239:
- sprintf(errormsg,"THFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",h);
- break;
- case 248:
- sprintf(errormsg,"DSFLSH error: Iteration did not converge with d=%f and s=%f",d,s);
- break;
- case 249:
- sprintf(errormsg,"PHFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",h);
- break;
- case 271:
- sprintf(errormsg,"TQFLSH error: T=%f > Tcrit, T-q calculation not possible",T);
- break;
- case 291:
- sprintf(errormsg,"PQFLSH error: p=%f > pcrit, p-q calculation not possible",T);
- break;
- default:
- strncpy(errormsg,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- if (ierr==0){
- WMOLdll(xliq,wmliq);
- wmliq /= 1000; //g/mol -> kg/mol
- WMOLdll(xvap,wmvap);
- wmvap /= 1000; //g/mol -> kg/mol
- //printf("%d,%s\n%s\nP,T,D,H,CP %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",nX,hf,hfmix,p,t,d,h,wm);
- d *= wm*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
- dl *= wmliq*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
- dv *= wmvap*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
- e /= e/wm; //kJ/mol -> J/kg
- h /= wm; //kJ/mol -> J/kg
- s /= wm; //kJ/(mol·K) -> J/(kg·K)
- cv /= wm;
- cp /= wm;
- p *= 1000; //kPa->Pa
- if (nX>1 && abs(q)<990) q *= wmvap/wm; //molar bass -> mass basis
- eta/=1e6; //uPa.s -> Pa.s
- }
- props[0] = ierr;//error code
- props[1] = p;//pressure in Pa
- props[2] = T; //Temperature in K
- props[3] = wm; //molecular weight
- props[4] = d; //density
- props[5] = dl; //density of liquid phase
- props[6] = dv; //density of liquid phase
- props[7] = q; //vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass] (q=0 indicates saturated liquid, q=1 indicates saturated vapor)
- props[8] = e; //inner energy
- props[9] = h; //specific enthalpy
- props[10] = s;//specific entropy
- props[11] = cv;
- props[12] = cp;
- props[13] = w; //speed of sound
- props[14] = wmliq;
- props[15] = wmvap;
- for (int ii=0;ii kg/mol
- //identify and assign passed state variables
- statevar[0] = tolower(statevar[0]);
- if (statevar[0]!='\0'){
- switch(statevar[0]){
- case 'p':
- p = statevarval/1000; //Pa->kPa
- break;
- case 't':
- T = statevarval;
- break;
- case 'd':
- d = statevarval/wm/1000; //kg/m³ -> mol/dm³
- break;
-/* case 's':
- s = statevarval*wm; //J/(kg·K) -> kJ/(mol·K)
- break;
- case 'h':
- h = statevarval*wm; //J/kg --> kJ/mol
- break;
-*/ default:
- props[0] = 2;
- sprintf(errormsg,"Unknown state variable: %c", statevarval);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- double xliq[ncmax],xvap[ncmax],f[ncmax];
- long j=2,kr;
-/* j--phase flag: 1 = input x is liquid composition (bubble point)
- 2 = input x is vapor composition (dew point)
- 3 = input x is liquid composition (freezing point)
- 4 = input x is vapor composition (sublimation point)
- if (ierr==0)
- if (~strcmp(statevar,"t")){
- SATTdll = (fp_SATTdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATTdll");
- SATTdll(T,x,j,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- }else if (~strcmp(statevar,"p")){
- SATPdll = (fp_SATPdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATPdll");
- SATPdll(p,x,j,T,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- switch(ierr){
- case 2:
- strcpy(errormsg,"P < Ptp");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcpy(errormsg,"P < 0");
- break;
- }
- //sprintf(errormsg,"p=%f, h=%f",p ,statevar2);
- }else if (~strcmp(statevar,"d")){
- SATDdll = (fp_SATDdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATDdll");
- SATDdll(d,x,j,kr,T,p,dl,dv,xliq,xvap,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
- switch(ierr){
- case 2:
- strcpy(errormsg,"D > Dmax");
- break;
- }
- }
- switch(ierr){
- case 0:
- strcpy(errormsg,"Saturation routine successful");
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f < Tmin",T);
- break;
- case 8:
- strcpy(errormsg,"x out of range");
- break;
- case 9:
- strcpy(errormsg,"T and x out of range");
- break;
- case 10:
- strcpy(errormsg,"D and x out of range");
- break;
- case 12:
- strcpy(errormsg,"P and x out of range");
- break;
- case 120:
- strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
- break;
- case 121:
- strcpy(errormsg,"T > Tcrit");
- break;
- case 122:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
- break;
- case 123:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
- break;
- case 124:
- strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case -125:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
- break;
- case -126:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
- break;
- case -127:
- strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case 128:
- strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case 140:
- strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
- break;
- case 141:
- strcpy(errormsg,"P > Pcrit");
- break;
- case 142:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
- break;
- case 143:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
- break;
- case 144:
- strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case -144:
- strcpy(errormsg,"Raoult's law (mixture initial guess) did not converge");
- break;
- case -145:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
- break;
- case -146:
- strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
- break;
- case -147:
- strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case 148:
- strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
- break;
- case 160:
- strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
- break;
- case 161:
- strcpy(errormsg,"SATD did not converge");
- break;
- default:
- strncpy(errormsg,herr,errormessagelength);
- }
- /*SATHdll = (fp_SATHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATHdll");
- SATEdll = (fp_SATEdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATEdll");
- SATSdll = (fp_SATSdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SATSdll");*/
- if (ierr==0){
- WMOLdll(xliq,wmliq);
- wmliq /= 1000; //g/mol -> kg/mol
- WMOLdll(xvap,wmvap);
- wmvap /= 1000; //g/mol -> kg/mol
- //printf("%d,%s\n%s\nP,T,D,H,CP %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",nX,hf,hfmix,p,t,d,h,wm);
- d *= wm*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
- dl *= wmliq*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
- dv *= wmvap*1000; //mol/dm³ -> kg/m³
-/* e /= e/wm; //kJ/mol -> J/kg
- h /= wm; //kJ/mol -> J/kg
- s /= wm; //kJ/(mol·K) -> J/(kg·K)
-*/ p *= 1000; //kPa->Pa
- }
- props[0] = ierr;//error code
- props[1] = p;//pressure in kPa->Pa
- props[2] = T; //Temperature in K
- props[3] = wm; //molecular weight
- props[4] = d; //density
- props[5] = dl; //density of liquid phase
- props[6] = dv; //density of liquid phase
- props[7] = 0;
- props[8] = 0; //inner energy
- props[9] = 0; //specific enthalpy
- props[10] = 0;//specific entropy
- props[11] = 0;
- props[12] = 0;
- props[13] = 0; //speed of sound
- props[14] = wmliq;
- props[15] = wmvap;
- for (int ii=0;ii
-//#include "refprop_density_fixgas.h"
-#include "refprop_wrapper.h"
-//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t, double* x, char* REFPROP_PATH);
-//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t);
-//double density(double p, double t);
-//char *str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace, long *count);
-void main(int argc, char* argv[]){
- double p,t,d;
- char fluidname[255];
- char errormsg[255+1024];
- double* x;
- double *props;
- double sumx;
- int i;
- int nX = argc-5;
- if (argc<5){
- printf("usage: refpropwrappertest.exe statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"isobutan|propane\" 1e5 293 \"d:\\Programme\\REFPROP\\\" .1");
- return;
- }
- x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
- props=(double*) calloc(16+2*nX,sizeof(double));
- sumx = 0;
- for (i=0;i
+#include "../src/refprop_library.h"
+#include "../src/refprop_wrapper.h"
+#include "cpp_wrapped.h"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ char errormsg[255];
+ double* x;
+ double *props;
+ double *ders;
+ double *trns;
+ int DEBUG = 1;
+ int transport = 0;
+ int partialDersInputChoice= 3;
+ int kph=1; // concentration is liquid
+ double *satprops;
+ double *critprops;
+ double *transprops;
+ int nX=2; // Number of components
+# if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+ char thepathChar[255] = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Refprop";
+ char theSepChar[2] = "\\";
+# elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ char thepathChar[255] = "/opt/refprop";
+ char theSepChar[2] = "/";
+# endif
+ // Allocate space for objects
+ x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
+ props = (double*) calloc(20+2*nX,sizeof(double));
+ ders = (double*) calloc(12,sizeof(double));
+ trns = (double*) calloc(4,sizeof(double));
+ satprops = (double*) calloc(10+2*nX,sizeof(double));
+ critprops = (double*) calloc(3+nX,sizeof(double));
+ transprops = (double*) calloc(2,sizeof(double));
+ char fluidname[255] = "ammoniaL|water";
+ x[0] = 0.5;
+ x[1] = 1.0 - x[0];
+ double p = 50.e5;
+ double h = 3.0e5;
+ double dh = 1500e3;//2.5e6;
+ int N = 2; // steps in enthalpy
+ int M = 1; // repetitions
+ double res = 0.0;
+ double h_in = 0.0;
+ // Format the output properly
+ char buffer [100];
+ int limit = 105;
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << std::endl;
+ // Get the time, calculate and get the time again
+ time_t tstart, tend;
+ tstart = time(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
+ for (int count = 0; count < N; count++) {
+ h_in = h + dh * count / (N - 1);
+ res = props_REFPROP((char*)"u", (char*)"ph", fluidname, ders, trns, props, p, h_in, x, 0, thepathChar, errormsg, DEBUG, transport, partialDersInputChoice);
+ if (N*M
+#elif __APPLE__
+# define __ISAPPLE__
+#elif __linux
+# define __ISLINUX__
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+# define CALLCONV __stdcall
+# define SETUPdll SETUPdll
+# define WMOLdll WMOLdll
+# define XMOLEdll XMOLEdll
+# define PHFLSHdll PHFLSHdll
+# define TDFLSHdll TDFLSHdll
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+# define CALLCONV
+# define SETUPdll setupdll_
+# define WMOLdll wmoldll_
+# define XMOLEdll xmoledll_
+# define PHFLSHdll phflshdll_
+# define TDFLSHdll tdflshdll_
+typedef void (CALLCONV *SETUPdll_POINTER)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *WMOLdll_POINTER)(double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *XMOLEdll_POINTER)(double *,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *PHFLSHdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *TDFLSHdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+extern SETUPdll_POINTER SETUPdll;
+extern WMOLdll_POINTER WMOLdll;
+extern XMOLEdll_POINTER XMOLEdll;
diff --git a/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.cpp b/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f2d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+#include "cpp_wrapped2.h"
+//#include "../src/refprop_library.h"
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ // Allocate space for objects
+ int nX=2; // Number of components
+ double* x;
+ x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
+ x[0] = 0.25;
+ x[1] = 1.0 - x[0];
+ double href[ncmax];
+ href[0] = 8295.6883966232;
+ href[1] = 14873.1879732343;
+ char thepathChar[255] = "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Refprop";
+ char theSepChar[2] = "\\";
+ char hf[refpropcharlength*ncmax], hrf[lengthofreference+1],
+ herr[errormessagelength+1],hfmix[refpropcharlength+1];
+ long i=0, ierr=0;
+ HINSTANCE RefpropdllInstance;
+ RefpropdllInstance = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\REFPROP\\REFPROP.dll");
+ TDFLSHdll = (TDFLSHdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"TDFLSHdll");
+ PHFLSHdll = (PHFLSHdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHFLSHdll");
+ SETUPdll = (SETUPdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SETUPdll");
+ WMOLdll = (WMOLdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"WMOLdll");
+ XMOLEdll = (XMOLEdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"XMOLEdll");
+ RMIX2dll = (RMIX2dll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"RMIX2dll");
+ RDXHMXdll = (RDXHMXdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"RDXHMXdll");
+ PHIXdll = (PHIXdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHIXdll");
+ PHI0dll = (PHI0dll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHI0dll");
+ PRESSdll = (PRESSdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PRESSdll");
+ ENTHALdll = (ENTHALdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"ENTHALdll");
+ CRITPdll = (CRITPdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"CRITPdll");
+ XMASSdll = (XMASSdll_POINTER) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"XMASSdll");
+ // new fluid
+ strcpy(hf,thepathChar);
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"fluids");
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"methane.fld|");
+ strcat(hf,thepathChar);
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"fluids");
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"ethane.fld");
+ strcpy(hfmix,thepathChar);
+ strcat(hfmix,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hfmix,"fluids");
+ strcat(hfmix,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hfmix,"HMX.BNC");
+ strcpy(hrf,"DEF");
+ strcpy(herr,"Ok");
+ i = nX;
+ //...Call SETUP to initialize the program
+ SETUPdll(i, hf, hfmix, hrf, ierr, herr,refpropcharlength*ncmax,refpropcharlength,lengthofreference,errormessagelength);
+ printf("ierr = %ld\n",ierr);
+ double wm,xkg[ncmax];
+// WMOLdll(x,wm);
+ XMASSdll(x,xkg,wm);
+ printf("mass fraction [0] = %2.10f\n",xkg[0]);
+ printf("mass fraction [1] = %2.10f\n",xkg[1]);
+ printf("molecular weight = %2.10f\n\n",wm);
+// here derivatives start
+ int n = 2; // derivative wrt component n
+ double xn[ncmax],xp[ncmax];
+ double delx = 0.00001;
+ double delx2 = 2 * delx;
+ for (i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
+ xn[i] = x[i];
+ xp[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ xn[n-1] = xn[n-1] - delx;
+ xp[n-1] = xp[n-1] + delx;
+ double t = 250;
+ double d = 15;
+ long im1=-1;
+ long i0=0;
+ long ip1=1;
+ double R, t0, d0, phi01, phi10, phig10, tau, delta;
+ double pn,pp,dpdxi1,hn,hp,dhdxi1,hrn,hrp,dhrdxi1;
+ double dpdxi2;
+ double dhdxi2;
+ double hrefdiff;
+ // test pressure equation..
+ PRESSdll(t,d,x,pn);
+ printf("PRESSdll, p = %f\n",pn);
+ RMIX2dll(x, R);
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,x,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, x,phi01);
+ pn = d * R * t * (1 + phi01);
+ printf("Definition, p = %f\n",pn);
+ // test enthalpy equation..
+ ENTHALdll(t,d,x,hn);
+ printf("ENTHALdll, h = %f\n",hn);
+ RMIX2dll(x, R);
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,x,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, x,phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, x,phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, x, phig10);
+ hrefdiff = hn;
+ hn = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01);
+ hrefdiff = hrefdiff - hn;
+ printf("Definition, h = %f\n",hn);
+ printf("hrefdiff = %5.10f\n",hrefdiff);
+ // new test with new computed enthalpy reference from above at another temperature..
+ t=t+50;
+ ENTHALdll(t,d,x,hn);
+ printf("ENTHALdll, h = %f\n",hn);
+ RMIX2dll(x, R);
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,x,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, x,phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, x,phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, x, phig10);
+ hn = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + x[0]*href[0] + x[1]*href[1];
+ printf("Definition, h = %f\n",hn);
+ t=250; // set back tempereture
+ d=15;
+ printf("\n definitions work, proceed with numerical derivatives\n\n");
+ // negative increment
+ RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xn,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xn, phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, xn, phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, xn, phig10);
+ pn = d * R * t * (1 + phi01);
+ hrn = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+ hn = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + xn[0]*href[0] + xn[1]*href[1];
+ // positive increment
+ RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xp,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xp, phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, xp, phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, xp, phig10);
+ pp = d * R * t * (1 + phi01);
+ hrp = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+ hp = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + xp[0]*href[0] + xp[1]*href[1];
+ // derivatives..
+ dpdxi2 = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+// dhrdxi2 = (hrp - hrn) / delx2;
+ dhdxi2 = (hp - hn) / delx2;
+ printf("dpdx2 = %f\n",dpdxi2);
+// printf("dhrdxi = %f\n",dhrdxi2);
+ printf("dhdx2 = %f\n",dhdxi2);
+ n = 1; // derivative wrt component n
+ for (i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
+ xn[i] = x[i];
+ xp[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ xn[n-1] = xn[n-1] - delx;
+ xp[n-1] = xp[n-1] + delx;
+ // negative increment
+ RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xn,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xn, phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, xn, phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, xn, phig10);
+ pn = d * R * t * (1 + phi01);
+ hrn = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+ hn = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + xn[0]*href[0] + xn[1]*href[1];;
+ // positive increment
+ RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xp,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =d / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xp, phi01);
+ PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, xp, phi10);
+ PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, t, d, xp, phig10);
+ pp = d * R * t * (1 + phi01);
+ hrp = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+ hp = R * t * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + xp[0]*href[0] + xp[1]*href[1];;
+ // derivatives..
+ dpdxi1 = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+// dhrdxi1 = (hrp - hrn) / delx2;
+ dhdxi1= (hp - hn) / delx2;
+ printf("dpdx1 = %f\n",dpdxi1);
+ //printf("dhrdxi = %f\n",dhrdxi1);
+ printf("dhdx1 = %f\n",dhdxi1);
+ printf("dpdx1-dpdx2 = %f\n",dpdxi1-dpdxi2);
+ printf("dhdx1-dhdx2 = %f\n",dhdxi1-dhdxi2);
+ // ' calculate d(p)/d(xi) and d(h)/d(xi) at constant T and V and
+ // ' The following do not work because R in d*R*T is changed as a function of x
+ double xnn[ncmax],xpp[ncmax];
+ double dpdxi12,dhdxi12;
+ xpp[0] = x[0]+delx;
+ xpp[1] = x[1]-delx;
+ xnn[0] = x[0]-delx;
+ xnn[1] = x[1]+delx;
+ PRESSdll(t,d,xnn,pn);
+ PRESSdll(t,d,xpp,pp);
+ ENTHALdll(t,d,xnn,hn);
+ ENTHALdll(t,d,xpp,hp);
+ dpdxi12 = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+ printf("dpdx1-dpdx2 using PRESSdll = %f\n",dpdxi12);
+ dhdxi12 = (hp - hn) / delx2;
+ printf("dhdx1-dhdx2 using ENTHALdll = %f\n",dhdxi12);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" lets try mass basis, i.e. compute xmol from xkg +/- increments\n");
+ printf(" NOTE that when we want to keep density on mass basis constant, then the molar density mol/L must be corrected when computing +/- increments\n");
+ printf(" This is because when concentration (mass or mole) changes, so does molecular weight \n");
+ printf(" (i.e. either moler density or mass density must change when keeping the other constant)\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ // ' calculate d(p)/d(xi) and d(h)/d(xi) at constant T and V and
+ // ' The following do not work because R in d*R*T is changed as a function of x
+ double xkgn[ncmax],xkgp[ncmax],wmn,wmp;
+ XMASSdll(x,xkg,wm);
+ XMASSdll(x,xkgn,wm);
+ XMASSdll(x,xkgp,wm);
+ xkgp[0] = xkg[0]+delx;
+ xkgp[1] = xkg[1]-delx;
+ xkgn[0] = xkg[0]-delx;
+ xkgn[1] = xkg[1]+delx;
+ XMOLEdll(xkgn,xnn,wmn);
+ XMOLEdll(xkgp,xpp,wmp);
+ // diff dxdz numerically
+ double dxdz_num = (xkgp[0]-xkgn[0])/(xpp[0]-xnn[0]);
+ printf("dxdz_num = %f\n",dxdz_num);
+ printf("dpdx_num = %f\n",(dpdxi1-dpdxi2)/dxdz_num);
+ printf("wmn = %f\n",wmn);
+ printf("wmp = %f\n",wmp);
+ printf("xkgp[0] = %f\n",xkgp[0]);
+ printf("xkgp[1] = %f\n",xkgp[1]);
+ printf("xkgn[0] = %f\n",xkgn[0]);
+ printf("xkgn[1] = %f\n",xkgn[1]);
+ printf("xpp[0] = %f\n",xpp[0]);
+ printf("xpp[1] = %f\n",xpp[1]);
+ printf("xnn[0] = %f\n",xnn[0]);
+ printf("xnn[1] = %f\n",xnn[1]);
+ //double dpdxi12;
+ double dn=d;//*wm/wmn; // mass density should be kept constant even through we change concentration..
+ PRESSdll(t,dn,xnn,pn);
+ double dp=d;//*wm/wmp; // mass density should be kept constant even through we change concentration..
+ PRESSdll(t,dp,xpp,pp);
+ dpdxi12 = (pp - pn) / (delx2);
+// printf("pn = %f\n", pn);
+// printf("pp = %f\n", pp);
+ printf("dpdx1 - dpdx2 using PRESSdll = %f\n",dpdxi12);
+// try do the conversion your self...
+ double wm1;
+ xkgp[0] = 1;
+ xkgp[1] = 0;
+ WMOLdll(xkgp,wm1);
+ printf("wm1 = %f\n",wm1);
+ double wm2;
+ xkgp[0] = 0;
+ xkgp[1] = 1;
+ WMOLdll(xkgp,wm2);
+ printf("wm2 = %f\n",wm2);
+ printf("wm = %f\n",wm);
+// printf("ratio %f\n",dpdxi12/(dpdxi1-dpdxi2));
+ /*
+ printf("x[0] = %f\n",x[0]);
+ printf("x[1] = %f\n",x[1]);
+ printf("xkg[0] = %f\n",xkg[0]);
+ printf("xkg[1] = %f\n",xkg[1]);
+ printf("dpdxi1 = %f\n",dpdxi1);
+ printf("dpdxi2 = %f\n",dpdxi2);
+ */
+ double dxdz1,dxdz2,dzdx1,dzdx2;
+ dxdz1=wm1*x[1]*wm2/(wm*wm); // this one from maple
+ dzdx1=wm1*wm2*xkg[1]/((xkg[0]*wm2+xkg[1]*wm1)*(xkg[0]*wm2+xkg[1]*wm1));
+ printf("dxdz1 = %f\n",dxdz1);
+ printf("1/dzdx1 = %f\n",1/dzdx1);
+ dxdz2=wm1*x[0]*wm2/(wm*wm); // this one from maple
+ dzdx2=wm1*wm2*xkg[0]/((xkg[0]*wm2+xkg[1]*wm1)*(xkg[0]*wm2+xkg[1]*wm1));
+ printf("dxdz2 = %f\n",dxdz2);
+ printf("1/dzdx2 = %f\n",1/dzdx2);
+ printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1/dzdx1-dpdxi2/dzdx2);
+ printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1/dxdz1-dpdxi2/dxdz2);
+ printf("dpdxhmm = %f\n",(dpdxi1-dpdxi2)/(dxdz1-dxdz2)/2);
+ dxdz1 = wm1/wm - x[0]*wm1*(wm1-wm2)/(wm*wm);
+ dxdz2 = wm2/wm - x[1]*wm2*(wm2-wm1)/(wm*wm);
+ printf("dxdz1 = %f\n",dxdz1);
+ printf("dxdz2 = %f\n",dxdz2);
+ printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1*dxdz1-dpdxi2*dxdz2);
+ printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1/dxdz1-dpdxi2/dxdz2);
+ printf("\n");
+// printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1*wm1/wm-dpdxi2*wm2/wm);
+// printf("dpdx = %f\n",dpdxi1*wm/wm1-dpdxi2*wm/wm2);
+// printf("\n");
+// printf(" I expect that dpdxi1 and dpdxi2 have some small error when transforming to mass basis, due to that molecular weight is changed when performing these numerical derivatives");
+ double p;
+ double h;
+ PRESSdll(t,d,x,p);
+ ENTHALdll(t,d,x,h);
+ printf("\n try something else \n\n");
+ n=2;
+ for (i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
+ xkgn[i] = xkg[i];
+ xkgp[i] = xkg[i];
+ }
+ xkgn[n-1] = xkgn[n-1] - delx;
+ xkgp[n-1] = xkgp[n-1] + delx;
+ xnn[0] = xkgn[0] *wm/wm1;
+ xnn[1] = xkgn[1] *wm/wm2;
+ xpp[0] = xkgp[0] *wm/wm1;
+ xpp[1] = xkgp[1] *wm/wm2;
+ printf("xkgp[0] = %f\n",xkgp[0]);
+ printf("xkgp[1] = %f\n",xkgp[1]);
+ printf("xkgn[0] = %f\n",xkgn[0]);
+ printf("xkgn[1] = %f\n",xkgn[1]);
+ printf("xpp[0] = %f\n",xpp[0]);
+ printf("xpp[1] = %f\n",xpp[1]);
+ printf("xnn[0] = %f\n",xnn[0]);
+ printf("xnn[1] = %f\n",xnn[1]);
+ // XMOLEdll(xkgn,xnn,wmn);
+ // XMOLEdll(xkgp,xpp,wmp);
+ RMIX2dll(x, R);
+ double Rkg=R/wm;
+ double dkg=d*wm;
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xnn,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =dkg/wmn / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xnn, phi01);
+ pn = dkg * Rkg * t * (1 + phi01);
+ // positive increment
+ //RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xpp,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =dkg/wmp / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xpp, phi01);
+ pp = dkg * Rkg * t * (1 + phi01);
+ // derivatives..
+ dpdxi2 = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+ printf("dpdx2 = %f\n",dpdxi2);
+ n=1;
+ for (i = 0; i < nX; i++) {
+ xkgn[i] = xkg[i];
+ xkgp[i] = xkg[i];
+ }
+ xkgn[n-1] = xkgn[n-1] - delx;
+ xkgp[n-1] = xkgp[n-1] + delx;
+ // double t = 250;
+ // XMOLEdll(xkgn,xnn,wmn);
+ // XMOLEdll(xkgp,xpp,wmp);
+ xnn[0] = xkgn[0] *wm/wm1;
+ xnn[1] = xkgn[1] *wm/wm2;
+ xpp[0] = xkgp[0] *wm/wm1;
+ xpp[1] = xkgp[1] *wm/wm2;
+ // negative increment
+ //RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xnn,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta = dkg/wmn / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xnn, phi01);
+ pn = dkg * Rkg * t * (1 + phi01);
+ // positive increment
+ // RMIX2dll(x, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+ RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,xp,t0,d0,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ tau = t0 / t;
+ delta =dkg/wmp / d0;
+ PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, xp, phi01);
+ pp = dkg * Rkg * t * (1 + phi01);
+ // derivatives..
+ dpdxi1 = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+ printf("dpdx1 = %f\n",dpdxi1);
+ printf("dpdx1-dpdx2 = %f\n",dpdxi1-dpdxi2);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.h b/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e0737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/cpptest/cpp_wrapped2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#ifndef CPP_WRAPPED_H
+#define CPP_WRAPPED_H
+//#include "../src/refprop_library.h"
+// Some constants for REFPROP... defined by macros for ease of use
+#define refpropcharlength 255
+#define refpropcharlong 10000
+#define filepathlength 255
+#define lengthofreference 3
+#define errormessagelength 255
+#define ncmax 20 // Note: ncmax is the max number of components
+#define numparams 72
+#define maxcoefs 50
+/* Define some new functions to access low-level refprop routines.
+ *
+ * The new functions should be used to compare the speed of the wrapper to the speed
+ * of the Fortran code and the Matlab implementation.
+ */
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)
+# define __ISWINDOWS__
+# include
+#elif __APPLE__
+# define __ISAPPLE__
+#elif __linux
+# define __ISLINUX__
+# define CALLCONV __stdcall
+# define SETUPdll SETUPdll
+# define WMOLdll WMOLdll
+# define XMOLEdll XMOLEdll
+# define PHFLSHdll PHFLSHdll
+# define TDFLSHdll TDFLSHdll
+# define RMIX2dll RMIX2dll
+# define RDXHMXdll RDXHMXdll
+# define PHIXdll PHIXdll
+# define PHI0dll PHI0dll
+# define PRESSdll PRESSdll
+# define ENTHALdll ENTHALdll
+# define CRITPdll CRITPdll
+# define MASSdll MASSdll
+typedef void (CALLCONV *SETUPdll_POINTER)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *WMOLdll_POINTER)(double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *XMOLEdll_POINTER)(double *,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *PHFLSHdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *TDFLSHdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *RMIX2dll_POINTER)(double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *RDXHMXdll_POINTER)(long *,long *,long *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *PHIXdll_POINTER)(long *,long *,double &,double &,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *PHI0dll_POINTER)(long *,long *,double &,double &,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *PRESSdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *ENTHALdll_POINTER)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+typedef void (CALLCONV *CRITPdll_POINTER)(double *,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+typedef void (CALLCONV *XMASSdll_POINTER)(double *,double *,double &);
diff --git a/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.c b/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd009c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// EX_C2.c written by:
+// Ian Bell
+// Herrick Labs
+// Purdue University
+// ibell@purdue.edu
+// August 31, 2010
+// heavily based on example file EX_C1.cpp by
+// Chris Muzny
+// N.I.S.T.
+// Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory
+// Physical and Chemical Properties of Fluids Division
+// (303) 497-5549
+// chris.muzny@nist.gov
+//This program demonstrates explicitly linking the subroutines available in
+// refprop.dll. In order to link this code refprop1.h
+// must be available in the current directory. When executing refprop.dll must be in the dll
+// search path (current directory and $PATH).
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+#include "refprop_c.h"
+// Some constants...
+#define refpropcharlength 255
+#define filepathlength 255
+#define lengthofreference 3
+#define errormessagelength 255
+#define ncmax 20 // Note: ncmax is the max number of components
+#define numparams 72
+#define maxcoefs 50
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ int count;
+ clock_t myt;
+ double dh;
+ int N=500;
+ double* T_save;
+ double* h_in;
+ char *FLD_PATH;
+ double x[ncmax],xliq[ncmax],xvap[ncmax],f[ncmax],xmol[ncmax];
+ long i,ierr=0;
+ char hf[refpropcharlength*ncmax], hrf[lengthofreference+1],
+ herr[errormessagelength+1],hfmix[refpropcharlength+1];
+ double wm,ttp,tnbp,tc,pc,dc,zc,acf,dip,rgas;
+ long info_index=1;
+ double t=100.0;
+ double p,dl,dv;
+ long j=1;
+ double d=0.0,q=0.0,e=0.0,h=0.0,s=0.0,cv=0.0,cp=0.0,w=0.0,b=0.0,c=0.0,
+ dpdrho,d2pdd2,dpdt,dhdt_d,dhdt_p,dhdp_t,dhdp_d,
+ sigma,dhdd_t,dhdd_p,eta,tcx,pp,tt,hjt,h1,dd;
+ long tmp_int=0;
+ long kr=1;
+ //xkg = (double*) calloc(ncmax,sizeof(double));
+ //double xkg[ncmax];
+ //double wmix;
+ double hmol,pkpa;
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+ RefpropdllInstance = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\REFPROP\\refprop.dll");
+ PHFLSHdll = (fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"PHFLSHdll");
+ SETUPdll = (fp_SETUPdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"SETUPdll");
+ XMOLEdll = (fp_XMOLEdllTYPE) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,"XMOLEdll");
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ RefpropdllInstance = dlopen("librefprop.so", RTLD_LAZY);
+ PHFLSHdll = (fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE) dlsym(RefpropdllInstance, "PHFLSHdll");
+ SETUPdll = (fp_SETUPdllTYPE) dlsym(RefpropdllInstance, "SETUPdll");
+ XMOLEdll = (fp_XMOLEdllTYPE) dlsym(RefpropdllInstance, "XMOLEdll");
+// Now use the functions.
+// Refprop variables that need to be defined
+// nc = Number of components in the mixture
+// x[NumberOfComponentsInMixtures] = Mole fraction of each component
+// ierr = An integer flag defining an error
+// hf[] = a character array defining the fluids in a mixture
+// hrf[] = a character array denoting the reference state
+// herr[] = a character array for storing a string - Error message
+// hfmix[] a character array defining the path to the mixture file
+ //Exlicitely set the fluid file PATH
+# if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+ FLD_PATH = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\REFPROP\\fluids";
+ char theSepChar[2] = "\\";
+# elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ FLD_PATH = "/opt/refprop/fluids";
+ char theSepChar[2] = "/";
+# endif
+// strcpy(hf,FLD_PATH);
+// strcpy(hfmix,FLD_PATH);
+ //...initialize the program and set the pure fluid component name
+ //i=1;
+ //strcpy(hf,"nitrogen.fld");
+ //strcpy(hfmix,"hmx.bnc");
+ //strcpy(hrf,"DEF");
+ //strcpy(herr,"Ok");
+//...For a mixture, use the following setup instead of the lines above.
+ // Use "|" as the file name delimiter for mixtures
+ i=2;
+ strcpy(hf,FLD_PATH);
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"ammoniaL.fld|");
+ strcat(hf,FLD_PATH);
+ strcat(hf,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hf,"water.fld");
+ strcpy(hfmix,FLD_PATH);
+ strcat(hfmix,theSepChar);
+ strcat(hfmix,"HMX.BNC");
+ strcpy(hrf,"DEF");
+ strcpy(herr,"Ok");
+ x[0]=.5; //Air composition
+ x[1]=.5;
+ //x[2]=.2096;
+ //...Call SETUP to initialize the program
+ SETUPdll(&i, hf, hfmix, hrf, &ierr, herr,
+ refpropcharlength*ncmax,refpropcharlength,
+ lengthofreference,errormessagelength);
+ //long ,char*,char*,char*,long ,char*,long ,long ,long ,long
+ if (ierr != 0) printf("%s\n",herr);
+ p=50e5;
+ h=3e5;
+ //wmix=1;
+ //xkg=1;
+ //XMOLEdll (x,&xkg,&wmix);
+ XMOLEdll (x,xmol,&wm);
+ //WMOLdll(x,&wm);
+ //printf("WM, %10.4f\n",wm);
+ hmol = h*wm/1000;
+ pkpa = p/1000;
+ printf("hmol, pkpa %10.4f, %10.4f\n",hmol,pkpa);
+ PHFLSHdll (&pkpa,&hmol,xmol,&tt,&dd,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, Pkpa, hmol from PHFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,dd,pkpa,hmol);
+ dh=25e5;
+ T_save = (double*) calloc(N,sizeof(double));
+ h_in = (double*) calloc(N,sizeof(double));
+ // Get the time, calculate and get the time again
+ time_t tstart, tend;
+ tstart = time(0);
+ for (count = 0; count < N; count++)
+ {
+ h_in[count] = (h+dh*count/(N-1))*wm/1000;
+ PHFLSHdll (&pkpa,&h_in[count],xmol,&tt,&dd,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ T_save[count] = tt;
+ //printf("T=%f [K]\n",T_save[count]);
+ }
+ tend = time(0);
+ int deltat = difftime(tend, tstart)*1e3;
+ printf("Time per call: %8.4f milliseconds\n", deltat/(N*1.0));
+ INFOdll(&info_index,&wm,&ttp,&tnbp,&tc,&pc,&dc,&zc,&acf,&dip,&rgas);
+ printf("WM,ACF,DIP,TTP,TNBP %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",wm,acf,dip,ttp,tnbp);
+ printf("TC,PC,DC,RGAS %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tc,pc,dc,rgas);
+//...Calculate molecular weight of a mixture
+// wm=WMOLdll(x)
+//...Get saturation properties given t,x; for i=1: x is liquid phase
+//..... for i=2: x is vapor phase
+ i=1;
+ SATTdll(&t,x,&i,&p,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("P,Dl,Dv,xl[0],xv[0] %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",p,dl,dv,xliq[0],xvap[0]);
+ i=2;
+ SATTdll(&t,x,&i,&p,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("P,Dl,Dv,xl[0],xv[0] %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",p,dl,dv,xliq[0],xvap[0]);
+//...Calculate saturation properties at a given p. i is same as SATT
+ i=2;
+ SATPdll(&p,x,&i,&t,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T,Dl,Dv,xl(1),xv(1) %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,dl,dv,xliq[0],xvap[0]);
+//...Other saturation routines are given in SAT_SUB.FOR
+ t=300.0;
+ p=20000.0;
+//...Calculate d from t,p,x
+//...If phase is known: (j=1: Liquid, j=2: Vapor)
+ TPRHOdll(&t,&p,x,&j,&tmp_int,&d,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T,P,D %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,p,d);
+//...If phase is not known, call TPFLSH
+//...Calls to TPFLSH are much slower than TPRHO since SATT must be called first.
+//.....(If two phase, quality is returned as q)
+ TPFLSHdll(&t,&p,x,&d,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&h,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T,P,D,H,CP %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,p,d,h,cp);
+//...Calculate pressure (p), internal energy (e), enthalpy (h), entropy (s),
+//.....isochoric (cv) and isobaric (cp) heat capacities, speed of sound (w),
+//.....and Joule-Thomson coefficient (hjt) from t,d,x
+//.....(subroutines THERM2 and THERM3 contain more properties, see PROP_SUB.FOR)
+ THERMdll(&t,&d,x,&p,&e,&h,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&hjt);
+//...Calculate pressure
+ PRESSdll(&t,&d,x,&p);
+//...Calculate fugacity
+ FGCTYdll(&t,&d,x,f);
+//...Calculate second and third virial coefficients
+ VIRBdll (&t,x,&b);
+ VIRCdll (&t,x,&c);
+ printf("F,B,C %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",f[0],b,c);
+//...Calculate the derivatives: dP/dD, d^2P/dD^2, dP/dT (D indicates density)
+//...(dD/dP, dD/dT, and dB/dT are also available, see PROP_SUB.FOR)
+ DPDDdll (&t,&d,x,&dpdrho);
+ DPDD2dll (&t,&d,x,&d2pdd2);
+ DPDTdll (&t,&d,x,&dpdt);
+ printf("dP/dD,d2P/dD2,dP/dT %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",dpdrho,d2pdd2,dpdt);
+//...Calculate derivatives of enthalpy with respect to T, P, and D
+ DHD1dll(&t,&d,x,&dhdt_d,&dhdt_p,&dhdd_t,&dhdd_p,&dhdp_t,&dhdp_d);
+ printf("Enthalpy derivatives %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",
+ dhdt_d,dhdt_p,dhdd_t,dhdd_p/1000.0,dhdp_t);
+//...Calculate surface tension
+ SURFTdll (&t,&dl,x,&sigma,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T,SURF. TN. %10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,sigma);
+//...Calculate viscosity (eta) and thermal conductivity (tcx)
+ TRNPRPdll (&t,&d,x,&eta,&tcx,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("VIS.,TH.CND. %10.4f,%10.4f\n",eta,tcx*1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of t,d,x
+ TDFLSHdll (&t,&d,x,&pp,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&h1,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from TDFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,d,pp/1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of p,d,x
+ PDFLSHdll (&p,&d,x,&tt,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&h1,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from PDFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,d,p/1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of p,h,x
+ PHFLSHdll (&p,&h,x,&tt,&dd,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from PHFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,dd,p/1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of p,s,x
+ PSFLSHdll (&p,&s,x,&tt,&dd,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&h1,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from PSFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,dd,p/1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of d,h,x
+ DHFLSHdll (&d,&h,x,&tt,&pp,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from DHFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,d,pp/1000.0);
+//...General property calculation with inputs of t,h,x
+// kr--flag specifying desired root for multi-valued inputs:
+// 1=return lower density root
+// 2=return higher density root
+ THFLSHdll (&t,&h,x,
+ &kr,&pp,&dd,&dl,&dv,xliq,xvap,&q,&e,&s,&cv,&cp,&w,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("T, D, P from THFLSH %10.4f,%10.4f,%10.4f\n",t,dd,pp/1000.0);
+//...Other general property calculation routines are given in FLSH_SUB.FOR
+//...and FLASH2.FOR
+//...Calculate melting pressure
+ t=100.0;
+ MELTTdll (&t,x,&p,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("Melting pressure(MPa) %10.4f,%10.4f\n",p/1000.0,t);
+//...Calculate melting temperature
+ MELTPdll (&p,x,&tt,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("Melting temperature(K)%10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,p/1000.0);
+//...Calculate sublimation pressure
+ t=200.0;
+ SUBLTdll (&t,x,&p,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("Sublimation pr.(kPa) %10.4f,%10.4f\n",p,t);
+//...Calculate sublimation temperature
+ SUBLPdll (&p,x,&tt,&ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+ printf("Sublimation temp.(K) %10.4f,%10.4f\n",tt,p);
+//...Get limits of the equations and check if t,d,p is a valid point
+//...Equation of state
+// call LIMITK ('EOS',1,t,d,p,tmin,tmax,Dmax,pmax,ierr,herr)
+//...Viscosity equation
+// call LIMITK ('ETA',1,t,d,p,tmin,tmax,Dmax,pmax,ierr,herr)
+//...Thermal conductivity equation
+// call LIMITK ('TCX',1,t,d,p,tmin,tmax,Dmax,pmax,ierr,herr)
+//...Other routines are given in UTILITY.FOR
+ return 0;
diff --git a/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.h b/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0f266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/cpptest/refprop_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)
+# define __ISWINDOWS__
+# include
+#elif __APPLE__
+# define __ISAPPLE__
+#elif __linux
+# define __ISLINUX__
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+HINSTANCE RefpropdllInstance;
+// For C calling conventions, replaced all "double &" with "double *", and "long &" with "long *"
+typedef void (__stdcall *fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,long *,char*,long );
+typedef void (__stdcall *fp_SETUPdllTYPE)(long *,char*,char*,char*,long *,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+typedef void (__stdcall *fp_XMOLEdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double *);
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+void *RefpropdllInstance;
+// For C calling conventions, replaced all "double &" with "double *", and "long &" with "long *"
+typedef void ( *fp_PHFLSHdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,long *,char*,long );
+typedef void ( *fp_SETUPdllTYPE)(long *,char*,char*,char*,long *,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+typedef void ( *fp_XMOLEdllTYPE)(double *,double *,double *);
+//Define explicit function pointers
diff --git a/_wrapper/cpptest/refpropwrappertest.cpp b/_wrapper/cpptest/refpropwrappertest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18c5cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/cpptest/refpropwrappertest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#include "refprop_wrapper.h"
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t, double* x, char* REFPROP_PATH);
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t);
+//double density(double p, double t);
+//char *str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace, long *count);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ double p,t,d;
+ char fluidname[255];
+ char errormsg[255];
+ double* x;
+ double *props;
+ double *ders;
+ double *trns;
+ double sumx;
+ int i;
+ int nX = argc-5;
+ int DEBUG = 1;
+ if (argc<5){
+// printf("usage: refpropwrappertest.exe statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"isobutan|propane\" 1e5 293 \"d:\\Programme\\REFPROP\\\" .1");
+ printf("usage: refpropwrappertest statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: ./bin/refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"ISOBUTAN|PROPANE\" 1e5 293 \"/opt/refprop/\" .1\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
+ props=(double*) calloc(16+2*nX,sizeof(double));
+ ders=(double*) calloc(21,sizeof(double));
+ trns=(double*) calloc(3,sizeof(double));
+ sumx = 0;
+ for (i=0;i
+#include "../src/refprop_library.h"
+#include "../src/refprop_wrapper.h"
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t, double* x, char* REFPROP_PATH);
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t);
+//double density(double p, double t);
+//char *str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace, long *count);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ double p,t,d;
+ char fluidname[255];
+ char errormsg[255];
+ double* x;
+ double *props;
+ double *ders;
+ double *trns;
+ double sumx;
+ int i;
+// int nX = argc-5;
+ int DEBUG = 0;
+ int transport = 0;
+ int partialDersInputChoice= 3;
+ int count;
+ printf ("This program was called with \"%s\".\n",argv[0]);
+ if (argc > 1)
+ {
+ for (count = 1; count < argc; count++)
+ {
+ printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", count, argv[count]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("The command had no other arguments.\n");
+ }
+printf("argc is %li \n",argc);
+ if (argc<5){
+ printf("usage: refpropwrappertest.exe statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"isobutan|propane\" 1e5 293 \"d:\\Programme\\REFPROP\\\" .1");
+// printf("usage: refpropwrappertest statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: ./bin/refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"ISOBUTAN|PROPANE\" 1e5 293 \"/opt/refprop/\" .1\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+// usage
+// refpropwrappertest "pT" "isobutan|propane" 1e5 293 "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\REFPROP" .1
+int nX=2;
+ x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
+ props=(double*) calloc(16+2*nX,sizeof(double));
+ ders=(double*) calloc(21,sizeof(double));
+ trns=(double*) calloc(3,sizeof(double));
+x[0] = 0.5;
+x[1] = 1.0-x[0];
+//x[2] = 1-x[1];
+ sumx = 0;
+ for (i=0;i
+#elif __APPLE__
+# define __ISAPPLE__
+#elif __linux
+# define __ISLINUX__
+// Do some manual changes to the function names
+// if needed, uses CoolProp platform detection.
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+// Define compiler specific calling conventions
+// for the shared library.
+# define CALLCONV __stdcall
+// Do not redefine function names for the shared library,
+// in this case it is the REFPROP.dll and no special
+// names are needed. Macros still need a value for the
+// name function used below.
+# define RPVersion RPVersion
+# define SATSPLNdll SATSPLNdll
+# define SETPATHdll SETPATHdll
+# define ABFL1dll ABFL1dll
+# define ABFL2dll ABFL2dll
+# define ACTVYdll ACTVYdll
+# define AGdll AGdll
+# define CCRITdll CCRITdll
+# define CP0dll CP0dll
+# define CRITPdll CRITPdll
+# define CSATKdll CSATKdll
+# define CV2PKdll CV2PKdll
+# define CVCPKdll CVCPKdll
+# define CVCPdll CVCPdll
+# define DBDTdll DBDTdll
+# define DBFL1dll DBFL1dll
+# define DBFL2dll DBFL2dll
+# define DDDPdll DDDPdll
+# define DDDTdll DDDTdll
+# define DEFLSHdll DEFLSHdll
+# define DHD1dll DHD1dll
+# define DHFL1dll DHFL1dll
+# define DHFL2dll DHFL2dll
+# define DHFLSHdll DHFLSHdll
+# define DIELECdll DIELECdll
+# define DOTFILLdll DOTFILLdll
+# define DPDD2dll DPDD2dll
+# define DPDDKdll DPDDKdll
+# define DPDDdll DPDDdll
+# define DPDTKdll DPDTKdll
+# define DPDTdll DPDTdll
+# define DPTSATKdll DPTSATKdll
+# define DSFLSHdll DSFLSHdll
+# define DSFL1dll DSFL1dll
+# define DSFL2dll DSFL2dll
+# define ENTHALdll ENTHALdll
+# define ENTROdll ENTROdll
+# define ESFLSHdll ESFLSHdll
+# define FGCTYdll FGCTYdll
+# define FPVdll FPVdll
+# define GERG04dll GERG04dll
+# define GETFIJdll GETFIJdll
+# define GETKTVdll GETKTVdll
+# define GIBBSdll GIBBSdll
+# define HSFLSHdll HSFLSHdll
+# define INFOdll INFOdll
+# define LIMITKdll LIMITKdll
+# define LIMITSdll LIMITSdll
+# define LIMITXdll LIMITXdll
+# define MELTPdll MELTPdll
+# define MELTTdll MELTTdll
+# define MLTH2Odll MLTH2Odll
+# define NAMEdll NAMEdll
+# define PDFL1dll PDFL1dll
+# define PDFLSHdll PDFLSHdll
+# define PEFLSHdll PEFLSHdll
+# define PHFL1dll PHFL1dll
+# define PHFLSHdll PHFLSHdll
+# define PQFLSHdll PQFLSHdll
+# define PREOSdll PREOSdll
+# define PRESSdll PRESSdll
+# define PSFL1dll PSFL1dll
+# define PSFLSHdll PSFLSHdll
+# define PUREFLDdll PUREFLDdll
+# define QMASSdll QMASSdll
+# define QMOLEdll QMOLEdll
+# define RESIDUALdll RESIDUALdll
+# define SATDdll SATDdll
+# define SATEdll SATEdll
+# define SATHdll SATHdll
+# define SATPdll SATPdll
+# define SATSdll SATSdll
+# define SATTdll SATTdll
+# define SETAGAdll SETAGAdll
+# define SETKTVdll SETKTVdll
+# define SETMIXdll SETMIXdll
+# define SETMODdll SETMODdll
+# define SETREFdll SETREFdll
+# define SETUPdll SETUPdll
+//# define SPECGRdll SPECGRdll // not found in library
+# define SUBLPdll SUBLPdll
+# define SUBLTdll SUBLTdll
+# define SURFTdll SURFTdll
+# define SURTENdll SURTENdll
+# define TDFLSHdll TDFLSHdll
+# define TEFLSHdll TEFLSHdll
+# define THERM0dll THERM0dll
+# define THERM2dll THERM2dll
+# define THERM3dll THERM3dll
+# define THERMdll THERMdll
+# define THFLSHdll THFLSHdll
+# define TPFLSHdll TPFLSHdll
+# define TPFL2dll TPFL2dll
+# define TPRHOdll TPRHOdll
+# define TQFLSHdll TQFLSHdll
+# define TRNPRPdll TRNPRPdll
+# define TSFLSHdll TSFLSHdll
+# define VIRBdll VIRBdll
+# define VIRCdll VIRCdll
+# define WMOLdll WMOLdll
+# define XMASSdll XMASSdll
+# define XMOLEdll XMOLEdll
+# define RMIX2dll RMIX2dll
+# define RDXHMXdll RDXHMXdll
+# define PHIXdll PHIXdll
+# define PHI0dll PHI0dll
+# define DQFL2dll DQFL2dll
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__) // defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+// Define compiler specific calling conventions
+// for the shared library.
+# define CALLCONV
+// Define function names for the shared library,
+// in this case it is the librefprop.so and the
+// names might change on some systems during
+// the compilation of the Fortran files.
+// Possible other branches for this code could be:
+// # if !defined(_AIX)
+// # if !defined(__hpux)
+// # if defined( _CRAY
+// However, I cannot test that and therefore do not include it.
+# define RPVersion rpversion_
+# define SATSPLNdll satsplndll_
+# define SETPATHdll setpathdll_
+# define ABFL1dll abfl1dll_
+# define ABFL2dll abfl2dll_
+# define ACTVYdll actvydll_
+# define AGdll agdll_
+# define CCRITdll ccritdll_
+# define CP0dll cp0dll_
+# define CRITPdll critpdll_
+# define CSATKdll csatkdll_
+# define CV2PKdll cv2pkdll_
+# define CVCPKdll cvcpkdll_
+# define CVCPdll cvcpdll_
+# define DBDTdll dbdtdll_
+# define DBFL1dll dbfl1dll_
+# define DBFL2dll dbfl2dll_
+# define DDDPdll dddpdll_
+# define DDDTdll dddtdll_
+# define DEFLSHdll deflshdll_
+# define DHD1dll dhd1dll_
+# define DHFL1dll dhfl1dll_
+# define DHFL2dll dhfl2dll_
+# define DHFLSHdll dhflshdll_
+# define DIELECdll dielecdll_
+# define DOTFILLdll dotfilldll_
+# define DPDD2dll dpdd2dll_
+# define DPDDKdll dpddkdll_
+# define DPDDdll dpdddll_
+# define DPDTKdll dpdtkdll_
+# define DPDTdll dpdtdll_
+# define DPTSATKdll dptsatkdll_
+# define DSFLSHdll dsflshdll_
+# define DSFL1dll dsfl1dll_
+# define DSFL2dll dsfl2dll_
+# define ENTHALdll enthaldll_
+# define ENTROdll entrodll_
+# define ESFLSHdll esflshdll_
+# define FGCTYdll fgctydll_
+# define FPVdll fpvdll_
+# define GERG04dll gerg04dll_
+# define GETFIJdll getfijdll_
+# define GETKTVdll getktvdll_
+# define GIBBSdll gibbsdll_
+# define HSFLSHdll hsflshdll_
+# define INFOdll infodll_
+# define LIMITKdll limitkdll_
+# define LIMITSdll limitsdll_
+# define LIMITXdll limitxdll_
+# define MELTPdll meltpdll_
+# define MELTTdll melttdll_
+# define MLTH2Odll mlth2odll_
+# define NAMEdll namedll_
+# define PDFL1dll pdfl1dll_
+# define PDFLSHdll pdflshdll_
+# define PEFLSHdll peflshdll_
+# define PHFL1dll phfl1dll_
+# define PHFLSHdll phflshdll_
+# define PQFLSHdll pqflshdll_
+# define PREOSdll preosdll_
+# define PRESSdll pressdll_
+# define PSFL1dll psfl1dll_
+# define PSFLSHdll psflshdll_
+# define PUREFLDdll pureflddll_
+# define QMASSdll qmassdll_
+# define QMOLEdll qmoledll_
+# define RESIDUALdll residualdll_
+# define SATDdll satddll_
+# define SATEdll satedll_
+# define SATHdll sathdll_
+# define SATPdll satpdll_
+# define SATSdll satsdll_
+# define SATTdll sattdll_
+# define SETAGAdll setagadll_
+# define SETKTVdll setktvdll_
+# define SETMIXdll setmixdll_
+# define SETMODdll setmoddll_
+# define SETREFdll setrefdll_
+# define SETUPdll setupdll_
+//# define SPECGRdll specgrdll_ // not found in library
+# define SUBLPdll sublpdll_
+# define SUBLTdll subltdll_
+# define SURFTdll surftdll_
+# define SURTENdll surtendll_
+# define TDFLSHdll tdflshdll_
+# define TEFLSHdll teflshdll_
+# define THERM0dll therm0dll_
+# define THERM2dll therm2dll_
+# define THERM3dll therm3dll_
+# define THERMdll thermdll_
+# define THFLSHdll thflshdll_
+# define TPFLSHdll tpflshdll_
+# define TPFL2dll tpfl2dll_
+# define TPRHOdll tprhodll_
+# define TQFLSHdll tqflshdll_
+# define TRNPRPdll trnprpdll_
+# define TSFLSHdll tsflshdll_
+# define VIRBdll virbdll_
+# define VIRCdll vircdll_
+# define WMOLdll wmoldll_
+# define XMASSdll xmassdll_
+# define XMOLEdll xmoledll_
+# define RMIX2dll rmix2dll_
+# define RDXHMXdll rdxhmxdll_
+# define PHIXdll phixdll_
+# define PHI0dll phi0dll_
+# define DQFL2dll dqfl2dll_
+#else // #elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+// Set some dummy names for the compiler
+# define CALLCONV
+# define RPVersion NOTAVAILABLE
+# define SATSPLNdll satsplndll
+# define SETPATHdll setpathdll
+# define ABFL1dll abfl1dll
+# define ABFL2dll abfl2dll
+# define ACTVYdll actvydll
+# define AGdll agdll
+# define CCRITdll ccritdll
+# define CP0dll cp0dll
+# define CRITPdll critpdll
+# define CSATKdll csatkdll
+# define CV2PKdll cv2pkdll
+# define CVCPKdll cvcpkdll
+# define CVCPdll cvcpdll
+# define DBDTdll dbdtdll
+# define DBFL1dll dbfl1dll
+# define DBFL2dll dbfl2dll
+# define DDDPdll dddpdll
+# define DDDTdll dddtdll
+# define DEFLSHdll deflshdll
+# define DHD1dll dhd1dll
+# define DHFL1dll dhfl1dll
+# define DHFL2dll dhfl2dll
+# define DHFLSHdll dhflshdll
+# define DIELECdll dielecdll
+# define DOTFILLdll dotfilldll
+# define DPDD2dll dpdd2dll
+# define DPDDKdll dpddkdll
+# define DPDDdll dpdddll
+# define DPDTKdll dpdtkdll
+# define DPDTdll dpdtdll
+# define DPTSATKdll dptsatkdll
+# define DSFLSHdll dsflshdll
+# define DSFL1dll dsfl1dll
+# define DSFL2dll dsfl2dll
+# define ENTHALdll enthaldll
+# define ENTROdll entrodll
+# define ESFLSHdll esflshdll
+# define FGCTYdll fgctydll
+# define FPVdll fpvdll
+# define GERG04dll gerg04dll
+# define GETFIJdll getfijdll
+# define GETKTVdll getktvdll
+# define GIBBSdll gibbsdll
+# define HSFLSHdll hsflshdll
+# define INFOdll infodll
+# define LIMITKdll limitkdll
+# define LIMITSdll limitsdll
+# define LIMITXdll limitxdll
+# define MELTPdll meltpdll
+# define MELTTdll melttdll
+# define MLTH2Odll mlth2odll
+# define NAMEdll namedll
+# define PDFL1dll pdfl1dll
+# define PDFLSHdll pdflshdll
+# define PEFLSHdll peflshdll
+# define PHFL1dll phfl1dll
+# define PHFLSHdll phflshdll
+# define PQFLSHdll pqflshdll
+# define PREOSdll preosdll
+# define PRESSdll pressdll
+# define PSFL1dll psfl1dll
+# define PSFLSHdll psflshdll
+# define PUREFLDdll pureflddll
+# define QMASSdll qmassdll
+# define QMOLEdll qmoledll
+# define RESIDUALdll residualdll
+# define SATDdll satddll
+# define SATEdll satedll
+# define SATHdll sathdll
+# define SATPdll satpdll
+# define SATSdll satsdll
+# define SATTdll sattdll
+# define SETAGAdll setagadll
+# define SETKTVdll setktvdll
+# define SETMIXdll setmixdll
+# define SETMODdll setmoddll
+# define SETREFdll setrefdll
+# define SETUPdll setupdll
+//# define SPECGRdll specgrdll // not found in library
+# define SUBLPdll sublpdll
+# define SUBLTdll subltdll
+# define SURFTdll surftdll
+# define SURTENdll surtendll
+# define TDFLSHdll tdflshdll
+# define TEFLSHdll teflshdll
+# define THERM0dll therm0dll
+# define THERM2dll therm2dll
+# define THERM3dll therm3dll
+# define THERMdll thermdll
+# define THFLSHdll thflshdll
+# define TPFLSHdll tpflshdll
+# define TPFL2dll tpfl2dll
+# define TPRHOdll tprhodll
+# define TQFLSHdll tqflshdll
+# define TRNPRPdll trnprpdll
+# define TSFLSHdll tsflshdll
+# define VIRBdll virbdll
+# define VIRCdll vircdll
+# define WMOLdll wmoldll
+# define XMASSdll xmassdll
+# define XMOLEdll xmoledll
+# define RMIX2dll rmix2dll
+# define RDXHMXdll rdxhmxdll
+# define PHIXdll phixdll
+# define PHI0dll phi0dll
+# define DQFL2dll dqfl2dll
+#endif // else branch
+// Only continue if function names have been defined.
+// We might want to include some more tests here...
+#if defined(RPVersion)
+// define new macros for function names
+// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195975/how-to-make-a-char-string-from-a-c-macros-value
+#define STR_VALUE(arg) #arg
+#define FUNCTION_NAME(name) STR_VALUE(name)
+// Prepare the strings to be used by the functions that
+// handle the library later on.
+#define RPVersion_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(RPVersion)
+#define AGdll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(AGdll)
+#define CP0dll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(CP0dll)
+#define DHD1dll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(DHD1dll)
+#define GERG04dll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(GERG04dll)
+//#define SPECGRdll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(SPECGRdll) // not found in library
+#define PHI0dll_NAME FUNCTION_NAME(PHI0dll)
+// I'll try to follow this example from:
+// http://www.gershnik.com/tips/cpp.asp
+// function type: typedef void [compiler stuff] func_t(int, float);
+// function declaration: func_t func;
+// pointer type: typedef func_t * func_ptr;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+ typedef void (CALLCONV RPVersion_TYPE)( char* );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETPATHdll_TYPE)( const char* );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATSPLNdll_TYPE)(double *,long &,char*,long );
+ //
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ABFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ABFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ACTVYdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV AGdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CCRITdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CP0dll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CRITPdll_TYPE)(double *,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CSATKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CV2PKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CVCPKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV CVCPdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DBDTdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DBFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DBFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DDDPdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DDDTdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DEFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DHD1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DHFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DHFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DHFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DIELECdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DOTFILLdll_TYPE)(long &,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPDD2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPDDKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPDDdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPDTKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPDTdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DPTSATKdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DSFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DSFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DSFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ENTHALdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ENTROdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV ESFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV FGCTYdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double *);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV FPVdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV GERG04dll_TYPE)(long &,long &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV GETFIJdll_TYPE)(char*,double *,char*,char*,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV GETKTVdll_TYPE)(long &,long &,char*,double *,char*,char*,char*,char*,long ,long ,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV GIBBSdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV HSFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV INFOdll_TYPE)(long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV LIMITKdll_TYPE)(char*,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV LIMITSdll_TYPE)(char*,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV LIMITXdll_TYPE)(char*,double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV MELTPdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV MELTTdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV MLTH2Odll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV NAMEdll_TYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PDFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PDFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PEFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PHFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PHFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PQFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PREOSdll_TYPE)(long &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PRESSdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PSFL1dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PSFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PUREFLDdll_TYPE)(long &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV QMASSdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double *,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV QMOLEdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double *,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV RESIDUALdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATDdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATEdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATHdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATPdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATSdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,long &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SATTdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETAGAdll_TYPE)(long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETKTVdll_TYPE)(long &,long &,char*,double *,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETMIXdll_TYPE)(char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,double *,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETMODdll_TYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETREFdll_TYPE)(char*,long &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SETUPdll_TYPE)(long &,char*,char*,char*,long &,char*,long ,long ,long ,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SPECGRdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SUBLPdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SUBLTdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SURFTdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV SURTENdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TDFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TEFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV THERM0dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV THERM2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV THERM3dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV THERMdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV THFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TPFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TPFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TPRHOdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,long &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TQFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TRNPRPdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV TSFLSHdll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV VIRBdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV VIRCdll_TYPE)(double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV WMOLdll_TYPE)(double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV XMASSdll_TYPE)(double *,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV XMOLEdll_TYPE)(double *,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV RMIX2dll_TYPE)(double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV RDXHMXdll_TYPE)(long *,long *,long *,double *,double &,double &,long &,char*,long );
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PHIXdll_TYPE)(long *,long *,double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV PHI0dll_TYPE)(long *,long *,double &,double &,double *,double &);
+ typedef void (CALLCONV DQFL2dll_TYPE)(double &,double &,double *,long &,double &,double &,double &,double &,double *,double *,long &,char*,long );
+ //
+// Disabled because we prefer pointers here!
+// // Declare the functions for direct access,
+// RPVersion_TYPE RPVersion;
+// ABFL1dll_TYPE ABFL1dll;
+// ABFL2dll_TYPE ABFL2dll;
+// AGdll_TYPE AGdll;
+// CP0dll_TYPE CP0dll;
+// CV2PKdll_TYPE CV2PKdll;
+// CVCPdll_TYPE CVCPdll;
+// DBDTdll_TYPE DBDTdll;
+// DBFL1dll_TYPE DBFL1dll;
+// DBFL2dll_TYPE DBFL2dll;
+// DDDPdll_TYPE DDDPdll;
+// DDDTdll_TYPE DDDTdll;
+// DHD1dll_TYPE DHD1dll;
+// DHFL1dll_TYPE DHFL1dll;
+// DHFL2dll_TYPE DHFL2dll;
+// DPDD2dll_TYPE DPDD2dll;
+// DPDDdll_TYPE DPDDdll;
+// DPDTdll_TYPE DPDTdll;
+// DSFL1dll_TYPE DSFL1dll;
+// DSFL2dll_TYPE DSFL2dll;
+// FPVdll_TYPE FPVdll;
+// GERG04dll_TYPE GERG04dll;
+// INFOdll_TYPE INFOdll;
+// MLTH2Odll_TYPE MLTH2Odll;
+// NAMEdll_TYPE NAMEdll;
+// PDFL1dll_TYPE PDFL1dll;
+// PHFL1dll_TYPE PHFL1dll;
+// PSFL1dll_TYPE PSFL1dll;
+// SATDdll_TYPE SATDdll;
+// SATEdll_TYPE SATEdll;
+// SATHdll_TYPE SATHdll;
+// SATPdll_TYPE SATPdll;
+// SATSdll_TYPE SATSdll;
+// SATTdll_TYPE SATTdll;
+//// SPECGRdll_TYPE SPECGRdll; // not found in library
+// THERM0dll_TYPE THERM0dll;
+// THERM2dll_TYPE THERM2dll;
+// THERM3dll_TYPE THERM3dll;
+// TPFL2dll_TYPE TPFL2dll;
+// VIRBdll_TYPE VIRBdll;
+// VIRCdll_TYPE VIRCdll;
+// WMOLdll_TYPE WMOLdll;
+ //
+ // Define explicit function pointers
+ typedef RPVersion_TYPE * RPVersion_POINTER;
+ typedef ABFL1dll_TYPE * ABFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef ABFL2dll_TYPE * ABFL2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef ACTVYdll_TYPE * ACTVYdll_POINTER;
+ typedef AGdll_TYPE * AGdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CCRITdll_TYPE * CCRITdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CP0dll_TYPE * CP0dll_POINTER;
+ typedef CRITPdll_TYPE * CRITPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CSATKdll_TYPE * CSATKdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CV2PKdll_TYPE * CV2PKdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CVCPKdll_TYPE * CVCPKdll_POINTER;
+ typedef CVCPdll_TYPE * CVCPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DBDTdll_TYPE * DBDTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DBFL1dll_TYPE * DBFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DBFL2dll_TYPE * DBFL2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DDDPdll_TYPE * DDDPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DDDTdll_TYPE * DDDTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DHD1dll_TYPE * DHD1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DHFL1dll_TYPE * DHFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DHFL2dll_TYPE * DHFL2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DPDD2dll_TYPE * DPDD2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DPDDKdll_TYPE * DPDDKdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DPDDdll_TYPE * DPDDdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DPDTKdll_TYPE * DPDTKdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DPDTdll_TYPE * DPDTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef DSFL1dll_TYPE * DSFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DSFL2dll_TYPE * DSFL2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef ENTROdll_TYPE * ENTROdll_POINTER;
+ typedef FGCTYdll_TYPE * FGCTYdll_POINTER;
+ typedef FPVdll_TYPE * FPVdll_POINTER;
+ typedef GERG04dll_TYPE * GERG04dll_POINTER;
+ typedef GIBBSdll_TYPE * GIBBSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef INFOdll_TYPE * INFOdll_POINTER;
+ typedef MELTPdll_TYPE * MELTPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef MELTTdll_TYPE * MELTTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef MLTH2Odll_TYPE * MLTH2Odll_POINTER;
+ typedef NAMEdll_TYPE * NAMEdll_POINTER;
+ typedef PDFL1dll_TYPE * PDFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef PHFL1dll_TYPE * PHFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef PREOSdll_TYPE * PREOSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef PRESSdll_TYPE * PRESSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef PSFL1dll_TYPE * PSFL1dll_POINTER;
+ typedef QMASSdll_TYPE * QMASSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef QMOLEdll_TYPE * QMOLEdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATDdll_TYPE * SATDdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATEdll_TYPE * SATEdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATHdll_TYPE * SATHdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATPdll_TYPE * SATPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATSdll_TYPE * SATSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SATTdll_TYPE * SATTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SETUPdll_TYPE * SETUPdll_POINTER;
+// typedef SPECGRdll_TYPE * SPECGRdll_POINTER; // not found in library
+ typedef SUBLPdll_TYPE * SUBLPdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SUBLTdll_TYPE * SUBLTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef SURFTdll_TYPE * SURFTdll_POINTER;
+ typedef THERM0dll_TYPE * THERM0dll_POINTER;
+ typedef THERM2dll_TYPE * THERM2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef THERM3dll_TYPE * THERM3dll_POINTER;
+ typedef THERMdll_TYPE * THERMdll_POINTER;
+ typedef TPFL2dll_TYPE * TPFL2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef TPRHOdll_TYPE * TPRHOdll_POINTER;
+ typedef VIRBdll_TYPE * VIRBdll_POINTER;
+ typedef VIRCdll_TYPE * VIRCdll_POINTER;
+ typedef WMOLdll_TYPE * WMOLdll_POINTER;
+ typedef XMASSdll_TYPE * XMASSdll_POINTER;
+ typedef XMOLEdll_TYPE * XMOLEdll_POINTER;
+ typedef RMIX2dll_TYPE * RMIX2dll_POINTER;
+ typedef PHIXdll_TYPE * PHIXdll_POINTER;
+ typedef PHI0dll_TYPE * PHI0dll_POINTER;
+ typedef DQFL2dll_TYPE * DQFL2dll_POINTER;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+} // extern "C"
+#endif // __cplusplus
+#endif // defined(RPversion)
+#endif // REFPROP_LIB_H
diff --git a/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.cpp b/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381622c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3122 @@
+ This is a wrapper file for the Refprop library. It does not include
+ any functionality besides providing the connection to Refprop.
+ The current version was developed by Jorrit Wronski (jowr@mek.dtu.dk)
+ based on Henning Francke's (francke@gfz-potsdam.de) wrapper. A little
+ inspiration also came from Ian Bell's (ian.h.bell@gmail.com) wrapper
+ used in CoolProp - http://coolprop.sourceforge.net/
+ Compatible to the Modelica interface developed by Henning Francke
+ (francke@gfz-potsdam.de) and his first wrapper class that you can
+ find in the folder with version 0.5 for Windows systems.
+ * Here are the included files
+ */
+#include "refprop_library.h"
+#include "refprop_wrapper.h"
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+#define pathSep STR_VALUE(\\)
+#define libName STR_VALUE(refprop.dll)
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+#define pathSep STR_VALUE(/)
+#define libName STR_VALUE(librefprop.so)
+#elif defined(__ISAPPLE__)
+#define pathSep STR_VALUE(/)
+#define libName STR_VALUE(librefprop.dylib)
+// Some constants for REFPROP... defined by macros for ease of use
+#define refpropcharlength 255
+#define refpropcharlong 10000
+#define filepathlength 255
+#define lengthofreference 3
+#define errormessagelength 255
+#define ncmax 20 // Note: ncmax is the max number of components
+#define numparams 72
+#define maxcoefs 50
+ * Define pointer to library as well as the
+ * strings we need to determine whether a
+ * call to SETUPdll is needed.
+ */
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+HINSTANCE RefpropdllInstance= NULL;
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+void *RefpropdllInstance = NULL;
+#elif defined(__ISAPPLE__)
+void *RefpropdllInstance = NULL;
+void *RefpropdllInstance = NULL;
+std::string loadedFluids;
+ * Here we define the fluid's properties. These values get updated after each
+ * call to Refprop and are used for caching values. I decided to use the
+ * Refprop units for internal data storage Be careful when converting
+ * properties using the molecular weight. It is stored in g/mol.
+ */
+ long kq = 2; // all qualities are calculated on a mass basis
+static const double noValue = 0;
+//static const std::string FLUIDS_PATH = "fluids";
+//static const std::string LIN_LIBRARY = "librefprop.so";
+//static const std::string WIN_LIBRARY = "refprop.dll";
+//Poco::Path FLD_PATH(true);
+// static const double noFactor = 1e+0;
+// static const double presFactor = 1e+3;
+// static const double viscFactor = 1e+6;
+// static const double molwFactor = 1e-3;
+// double energyFactor = noValue; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+// double densityFactor[3] = {noValue}; // mol/l * g/mol = g/l = kg/m3 for all phases
+// double fractionFactor[ncmax] = {noValue}; // xkgi = xmi * mwi * mw (array)
+// double qualityFactor = noValue; // qmass = qmole * mw_vap / mw
+bool debug; // set the debug flag
+bool calcTrans;
+//bool calcTwoPhaseNumDers;
+//bool calcTwoPhasePsuedoAnalDers;
+//bool dynstatesTPX;
+int PartialDersInputChoice;
+//long lerr; // Error return mechanism
+double dhelp = noValue;
+// Properties for setSat functions
+double dxmolsat[ncmax], dwmsat, dpsat, dtsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,
+ dxmollsat[ncmax],dxmolvsat[ncmax],dhlsat,dslsat,
+ dwlsat,dhvsat,dsvsat,dwvsat,ddsat;
+ * Most of the fluid properties are stored here. There are arrays for
+ * composition information as well as single values for the other
+ * properties.
+ * The flush function gets called when the state changes and the
+ * previously calculated are not valid anymore.
+ */
+double dt, dp, de, dh, ds, dqmol, dd, dxmol[ncmax], ddl,
+ ddv, dxmoll[ncmax], dxmolv[ncmax], dCv, dCp, dw, dwliq, dwvap,
+ dhjt, dZ[ncmax], dA, dG, dxkappa, dbeta,
+ dhl,dhv,dsl,dsv,dsigma,dts;
+double *dxkg;
+double dxkg_old[ncmax];
+double dx1kg_old;
+double dx1molsat_old;
+// viscosity and thermal conductivity
+double deta, dtcx;
+// partial derivatives
+double ddddp_h, ddddh_p, ddddX_ph,
+ ddddp_T, ddddT_p, ddddX_pT,
+ ddhdp_T, ddhdT_p, ddhdX_pT;
+int flushProperties(){
+ dt=noValue;
+ dp=noValue;
+ de=noValue;
+ dh=noValue;
+ ds=noValue;
+ dqmol=noValue;
+ dd=noValue;
+ dxmol[0]=noValue;
+ ddl=noValue;
+ ddv=noValue;
+ dhl=noValue;
+ dhv=noValue;
+ dsl=noValue;
+ dsv=noValue;
+ dxmoll[0]=noValue;
+ dxmolv[0]=noValue;
+ dCv=noValue;
+ dCp=noValue;
+ dw=noValue;
+ dwliq=noValue;
+ dwvap=noValue;
+ dhjt=noValue;
+ dZ[0]=noValue;
+ dA=noValue;
+ dG=noValue;
+ dxkappa=noValue;
+ dbeta=noValue;
+ deta=noValue;
+ dtcx=noValue;
+ dsigma=noValue;
+ ddddX_ph=noValue;
+ ddddp_h=noValue;
+ ddddh_p=noValue;
+ ddddp_T=noValue;
+ ddddT_p=noValue;
+ ddddX_pT=noValue;
+ ddhdp_T=noValue;
+ ddhdT_p=noValue;
+ ddhdX_pT=noValue;
+ if (debug) printf ("Finished flushing normal fluid properties.\n");
+ return 0;
+ * Properties that are constants for pure fluids. Hence, the flushing
+ * function gets called when a new fluid is loaded. In case of a mixture,
+ * a change of composition also triggers a flushing since this also
+ * changes those that also exist for mixtures.
+ * A change of composition or fluid always leads to a flushing of the
+ * other properties.
+ */
+long lnc; // number of components
+double dwm, dttp, dtnbp, dtc, dpc, ddc, dZc, dacf, ddip, drgas;
+int flushConstants() {
+ //lnc = -1;
+ dwm = noValue;
+ dttp = noValue;
+ dtnbp = noValue;
+ dtc = noValue;
+ dpc = noValue;
+ ddc = noValue;
+ dZc = noValue;
+ dacf = noValue;
+ ddip = noValue;
+ drgas = noValue;
+ if (debug) printf ("Finished flushing fluid/mixture \"constants\".\n");
+ return flushProperties();
+char hfmix[] = "HMX.BNC";
+char hrf[] = "DEF";
+ * Define functions as pointers and initialise them to NULL
+ * Declare the functions for direct access
+ */
+RPVersion_POINTER RPVersion;
+CP0dll_POINTER CP0dll;
+// SPECGRdll_POINTER SPECGRdll; // not found in library
+ * Helper function to split strings the
+ * Python way. Taken from CoolProp.
+ */
+std::vector strsplit(std::string s, char del) {
+ int iL = 0, iR = 0, N;
+ N = s.size();
+ std::vector v;
+ // Find the first instance of the delimiter
+ iR = s.find_first_of(del);
+ // Delimiter not found, return the same string again
+ if (iR < 0) {
+ v.push_back(s);
+ return v;
+ }
+ while (iR != N-1) {
+ v.push_back(s.substr(iL,iR-iL));
+ iL = iR;
+ iR = s.find_first_of(del,iR+1);
+ // Move the iL to the right to avoid the delimiter
+ iL += 1;
+ if (iR == (int)std::string::npos) {
+ v.push_back(s.substr(iL,N-iL));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11635/case-insensitive-string-comparison-in-c
+bool strCompare(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2) {
+ if (str1.size() != str2.size()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (std::string::const_iterator c1 = str1.begin(), c2 = str2.begin(); c1 != str1.end(); ++c1, ++c2) {
+ if (tolower(*c1) != tolower(*c2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void useSATSPLN(long lerr, char* errormsg) {
+ // need to check the composition if old .
+ if (lnc>1) {
+ if (dxkg[1]>0 && dxkg[1]<1) {
+ if (dx1kg_old!=dxkg[1]) {
+ SATSPLNdll(dxmol,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("\n\n USING SATSPLN, because we have new composition\n\n");
+ printf("dx1kg_old = %f\n", dx1kg_old);
+ printf("dxkg[1] = %f \n", dxkg[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ dx1kg_old=dxkg[1];
+ }
+ }
+ * Just a helper function control the output of
+ * an array. Used to debug the handling of the
+ * composition arrays.
+ */
+std::string printX(double arr[], long nc) {
+ std::string ret = std::string("(");
+ int stop = nc-1;
+ char buffer [10];
+ for(int i = 0; i <= (stop); i++) {
+ sprintf(buffer, "%1.4f", arr[i]); // four decimals
+ ret.append(buffer);
+ }
+ ret.append(")");
+ return ret;
+ * Resolves Refprop error numbers and returns meaningful error message
+ * INPUT:
+ * in1: character specifying input
+ * lerr: error as a long value
+ * errormsg: string containing error message
+ * std::string: the same as errormsg
+ */
+std::string resolve_error(std::string in1, long lerr, char* errormsg) {
+ switch(lerr){
+ case 0:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"Calculation successful");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f < Tmin",dt);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (!in1.compare("p")){
+ sprintf(errormsg,"P=%f < Ptp",dp);
+ } else if (!in1.compare("d")){
+ sprintf(errormsg,"D=%f > Dmax",dd);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(errormsg,"unknown error");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (!in1.compare("p")){
+ sprintf(errormsg,"P=%f < 0",dp);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(errormsg,"unknown error");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f and p=%f out of range",dt,dp);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x out of range (component and/or sum < 0 or > 1):%s",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str());
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s or T=%f out of range",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dt);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"D and x out of range");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s out of range and P=%f < 0",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dp);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s, T=%f and p=%f out of range",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dt,dp);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPFLSH error: p>melting pressure");
+ break;
+ case -31:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -32:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -33:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -41:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -42:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -43:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -51:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -52:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -53:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for thermal conductivity");
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for viscosity");
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"ammonia/water mixture (no properties calculated)");
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"exactly at T=%f, rhoc for a pure fluid; k is infinite",dt);
+ break;
+ case -58:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"unknown error");
+ break;
+ case -59:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"ECS model did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"error in opening fluid file");
+ break;
+ case 102:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"error in file or premature end of file");
+ break;
+ case -103:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"unknown model encountered in file");
+ break;
+ case 104:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"error in setup of model");
+ break;
+ case 105:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"specified model not found");
+ break;
+ case 111:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"error in opening mixture file");
+ break;
+ case 112:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"mixture file of wrong type");
+ break;
+ case 114:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"nc<>nc from setmod");
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"T > Tcrit");
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -125:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -126:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -127:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"P > Pcrit");
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 143:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -144:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"Raoult's law (mixture initial guess) did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -145:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -146:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -147:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"SATD did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"TPFLSH bubble point calculation did not converge: [SATTP error 1] iteration failed to converge");
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"THFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",dh);
+ break;
+ case 248:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"DSFLSH error: Iteration did not converge with d=%f and s=%f",dd,ds);
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"PHFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",dh);
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"TQFLSH error: T=%f > Tcrit, T-q calculation not possible",dt);
+ break;
+ case 291:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"PQFLSH error: p=%f > pcrit, p-q calculation not possible",dt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"unknown error");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("Error code: %ld \n",lerr);
+ printf("Yields message: %s \n", errormsg);
+ }
+ return std::string(errormsg);
+ * Load the library and handle all the
+ * platform specific stuff.
+ */
+double loadLibrary(std::string sPath) {
+ if (RefpropdllInstance == NULL) { // Refprop is not loaded
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+#if defined(UNICODE)
+ sPath.append((LPCWSTR)pathSep);
+ sPath.append((LPCWSTR)libName);
+ RefpropdllInstance = LoadLibraryW(sPath.c_str());
+ sPath.append((LPCSTR)pathSep);
+ sPath.append((LPCSTR)libName);
+ RefpropdllInstance = LoadLibrary(sPath.c_str());
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ RefpropdllInstance = dlopen(libName, RTLD_LAZY);
+#elif defined(__ISAPPLE__)
+ RefpropdllInstance = dlopen (libName, RTLD_LAZY);
+ throw NotImplementedError("We should not reach this point.");
+ RefpropdllInstance = NULL;
+ if (RefpropdllInstance == NULL) { // Still NULL after loading
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+ printf("Library problem: ");
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ fputs(dlerror(), stderr);
+#elif defined(__ISAPPLE__)
+ fputs(dlerror(), stderr);
+ throw NotImplementedError("You should not be here.");
+ printf("Could not load %s\n\n", libName);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ if (debug) printf ("Library was loaded successfully.\n");
+ return OK;
+ } else { // Refprop was already loaded
+ if (debug) printf ("Library was already loaded, doing nothing.\n");
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return FAIL;
+ * Multiplatform pointer handling
+ * Not very neat, but works.
+ */
+void *getFunctionPointer(char * name) {
+#if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
+ return (void *) GetProcAddress(RefpropdllInstance,name);
+#elif defined(__ISLINUX__)
+ return dlsym(RefpropdllInstance, name);
+ throw NotImplementedError("This function should not be called.");
+ return NULL;
+ * Moved pointer handling to a function, helps to maintain
+ * an overview and structures OS dependent parts
+ */
+double setFunctionPointers() {
+// if (RefpropdllInstance != NULL) {
+// printf("You only need to define the pointers once, ");
+// printf("please revise your code.\n");
+// return FAIL;
+// } else { // set the pointers
+// if (loadLibrary() != OK) {
+// printf("Refprop library %s cannot be loaded, make sure you ",libName);
+// printf("installed it properly.\n");
+// return FAIL;
+// }
+ if (RefpropdllInstance == NULL) {
+ printf("Refprop library %s is not loaded, make sure you ",libName);
+ printf("referenced and installed it properly.\n");
+ return FAIL;
+ } else { // set the pointers
+ // set the pointers, platform independent
+ RPVersion = (RPVersion_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) RPVersion_NAME);
+ SATSPLNdll = (SATSPLNdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATSPLNdll_NAME);
+ ABFL1dll = (ABFL1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ABFL1dll_NAME);
+ ABFL2dll = (ABFL2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ABFL2dll_NAME);
+ ACTVYdll = (ACTVYdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ACTVYdll_NAME);
+ AGdll = (AGdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) AGdll_NAME);
+ CCRITdll = (CCRITdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CCRITdll_NAME);
+ CP0dll = (CP0dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CP0dll_NAME);
+ CRITPdll = (CRITPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CRITPdll_NAME);
+ CSATKdll = (CSATKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CSATKdll_NAME);
+ CV2PKdll = (CV2PKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CV2PKdll_NAME);
+ CVCPKdll = (CVCPKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CVCPKdll_NAME);
+ CVCPdll = (CVCPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) CVCPdll_NAME);
+ DBDTdll = (DBDTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DBDTdll_NAME);
+ DBFL1dll = (DBFL1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DBFL1dll_NAME);
+ DBFL2dll = (DBFL2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DBFL2dll_NAME);
+ DDDPdll = (DDDPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DDDPdll_NAME);
+ DDDTdll = (DDDTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DDDTdll_NAME);
+ DEFLSHdll = (DEFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DEFLSHdll_NAME);
+ DHD1dll = (DHD1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DHD1dll_NAME);
+ DHFLSHdll = (DHFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DHFLSHdll_NAME);
+ DIELECdll = (DIELECdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DIELECdll_NAME);
+ DOTFILLdll = (DOTFILLdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DOTFILLdll_NAME);
+ DPDD2dll = (DPDD2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPDD2dll_NAME);
+ DPDDKdll = (DPDDKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPDDKdll_NAME);
+ DPDDdll = (DPDDdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPDDdll_NAME);
+ DPDTKdll = (DPDTKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPDTKdll_NAME);
+ DPDTdll = (DPDTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPDTdll_NAME);
+ DPTSATKdll = (DPTSATKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DPTSATKdll_NAME);
+ DSFLSHdll = (DSFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DSFLSHdll_NAME);
+ ENTHALdll = (ENTHALdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ENTHALdll_NAME);
+ ENTROdll = (ENTROdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ENTROdll_NAME);
+ ESFLSHdll = (ESFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) ESFLSHdll_NAME);
+ FGCTYdll = (FGCTYdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) FGCTYdll_NAME);
+ FPVdll = (FPVdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) FPVdll_NAME);
+ GERG04dll = (GERG04dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) GERG04dll_NAME);
+ GETFIJdll = (GETFIJdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) GETFIJdll_NAME);
+ GETKTVdll = (GETKTVdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) GETKTVdll_NAME);
+ GIBBSdll = (GIBBSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) GIBBSdll_NAME);
+ HSFLSHdll = (HSFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) HSFLSHdll_NAME);
+ INFOdll = (INFOdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) INFOdll_NAME);
+ LIMITKdll = (LIMITKdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) LIMITKdll_NAME);
+ LIMITSdll = (LIMITSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) LIMITSdll_NAME);
+ LIMITXdll = (LIMITXdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) LIMITXdll_NAME);
+ MELTPdll = (MELTPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) MELTPdll_NAME);
+ MELTTdll = (MELTTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) MELTTdll_NAME);
+ MLTH2Odll = (MLTH2Odll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) MLTH2Odll_NAME);
+ NAMEdll = (NAMEdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) NAMEdll_NAME);
+ PDFL1dll = (PDFL1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PDFL1dll_NAME);
+ PDFLSHdll = (PDFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PDFLSHdll_NAME);
+ PEFLSHdll = (PEFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PEFLSHdll_NAME);
+ PHFL1dll = (PHFL1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PHFL1dll_NAME);
+ PHFLSHdll = (PHFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PHFLSHdll_NAME);
+ PQFLSHdll = (PQFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PQFLSHdll_NAME);
+ PREOSdll = (PREOSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PREOSdll_NAME);
+ PRESSdll = (PRESSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PRESSdll_NAME);
+ PSFL1dll = (PSFL1dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PSFL1dll_NAME);
+ PSFLSHdll = (PSFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PSFLSHdll_NAME);
+ PUREFLDdll = (PUREFLDdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PUREFLDdll_NAME);
+ RESIDUALdll = (RESIDUALdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) RESIDUALdll_NAME);
+ QMASSdll = (QMASSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) QMASSdll_NAME);
+ QMOLEdll = (QMOLEdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) QMOLEdll_NAME);
+ SATDdll = (SATDdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATDdll_NAME);
+ SATEdll = (SATEdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATEdll_NAME);
+ SATHdll = (SATHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATHdll_NAME);
+ SATPdll = (SATPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATPdll_NAME);
+ SATSdll = (SATSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATSdll_NAME);
+ SATTdll = (SATTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SATTdll_NAME);
+ SETAGAdll = (SETAGAdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETAGAdll_NAME);
+ SETKTVdll = (SETKTVdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETKTVdll_NAME);
+ SETMIXdll = (SETMIXdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETMIXdll_NAME);
+ SETMODdll = (SETMODdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETMODdll_NAME);
+ SETREFdll = (SETREFdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETREFdll_NAME);
+ SETUPdll = (SETUPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SETUPdll_NAME);
+// SPECGRdll = (SPECGRdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *)SPECGRdll_NAME); // not in library
+ SUBLPdll = (SUBLPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SUBLPdll_NAME);
+ SUBLTdll = (SUBLTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SUBLTdll_NAME);
+ SURFTdll = (SURFTdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SURFTdll_NAME);
+ SURTENdll = (SURTENdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) SURTENdll_NAME);
+ TDFLSHdll = (TDFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TDFLSHdll_NAME);
+ TEFLSHdll = (TEFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TEFLSHdll_NAME);
+ THERM0dll = (THERM0dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) THERM0dll_NAME);
+ THERM2dll = (THERM2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) THERM2dll_NAME);
+ THERM3dll = (THERM3dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) THERM3dll_NAME);
+ THERMdll = (THERMdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) THERMdll_NAME);
+ THFLSHdll = (THFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) THFLSHdll_NAME);
+ TPFLSHdll = (TPFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TPFLSHdll_NAME);
+ TPRHOdll = (TPRHOdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TPRHOdll_NAME);
+ TQFLSHdll = (TQFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TQFLSHdll_NAME);
+ TRNPRPdll = (TRNPRPdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TRNPRPdll_NAME);
+ TSFLSHdll = (TSFLSHdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) TSFLSHdll_NAME);
+ VIRBdll = (VIRBdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) VIRBdll_NAME);
+ VIRCdll = (VIRCdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) VIRCdll_NAME);
+ WMOLdll = (WMOLdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) WMOLdll_NAME);
+ XMASSdll = (XMASSdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) XMASSdll_NAME);
+ XMOLEdll = (XMOLEdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) XMOLEdll_NAME);
+ RMIX2dll = (RMIX2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) RMIX2dll_NAME);
+ RDXHMXdll = (RDXHMXdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) RDXHMXdll_NAME);
+ PHIXdll = (PHIXdll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PHIXdll_NAME);
+ PHI0dll = (PHI0dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) PHI0dll_NAME);
+ DQFL2dll = (DQFL2dll_POINTER) getFunctionPointer((char *) DQFL2dll_NAME);
+ if (debug) printf ("Function pointers set to macro values.\n");
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return FAIL;
+ * Make sure the library is loaded
+ * properly and set pointers.
+ */
+double initRefprop(std::string sPath) {
+ //std::string rPath = std::string(sPath);
+ if (RefpropdllInstance == NULL) {
+ if (debug) printf ("Library not loaded, trying to do so.\n");
+ if (loadLibrary(sPath) != OK) {
+ printf("Refprop library %s cannot be loaded, make sure you ",libName);
+ printf("installed it properly.\n");
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ if (setFunctionPointers() != OK) {
+ printf("There was an error setting the REFPROP function pointers, ");
+ printf("check types and names in header file.\n");
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ // Set the desired equation of state, consult the Refprop
+ // documentation for more details.
+ // 0 : use default values
+ // 2 : force Peng-Robinson
+ long eosSwitch = 0;
+ PREOSdll(eosSwitch);
+ return OK;
+ } else {
+ if (debug) printf ("Library loaded, not doing anything.\n");
+ return OK;
+ }
+ return FAIL;
+ * Construct the fluid string with the full path
+ * from the simple names, needed for Linux version.
+ * Call setupdll if necessary to define the fluid
+ * or mixture for subsequent calls to flash routines.
+ */
+double setFluids(std::string sPath, std::string sFluids, char* error){
+ // sPath: "/opt/refprop" or "C:\Program Files\Refprop"
+ // sFluids: "pentane|butane" or "air"
+ //std::string rPath = std::string(sPath);
+ if (initRefprop(sPath) != OK){
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: library not loaded.\n";
+ std::terminate();
+ }
+ long ierr=999;
+ char hf[refpropcharlength*ncmax];
+ std::string RefString;
+ std::string fdPath = std::string(sPath);
+ fdPath.append((char *)pathSep);
+ fdPath.append("fluids");
+ fdPath.append((char *)pathSep);
+ if (loadedFluids.compare(sFluids)) { // The fluid is not already loaded
+ std::vector components_split = strsplit(sFluids,'|');// Split into components
+ RefString.clear(); // Flush out fluid string
+ // Build new fluid string
+ for (unsigned int j=0;jncmax){
+ sprintf(error,"Too many components (More than %i)\n",ncmax);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ // Prepare strings and call SETUP to initialise the program
+ strcpy(hf,RefString.c_str());
+ char* hfm = (char*) calloc(refpropcharlength+8, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(hfm,fdPath.c_str());
+ strcat(hfm,hfmix);
+ //...Call SETUPdll to set the fluids
+ if (debug) {
+ printf ("Running SETUP...\n");
+ printf ("No. of components: %li \n", lnc);
+ printf ("Fluid files: %s \n", RefString.c_str());
+ printf ("Mixture file: %s \n", hfmix);
+ }
+ SETUPdll(lnc, hf, hfm, hrf, ierr, error,
+ refpropcharlength*ncmax,refpropcharlength,
+ lengthofreference,errormessagelength);
+ free (hfm);
+ if (ierr != 0) {
+ printf("REFPROP setup gives this error during SETUP:\n %s\n",error);
+ printf("Further information:\n %s\n",resolve_error("",ierr,error).c_str());
+ return FAIL;
+ } else { //Copy the name of the loaded fluid
+ loadedFluids = std::string(sFluids);
+ int flush = flushConstants();
+ if (debug) printf("Loading a new fluid, flushing constants: %i.\n",flush);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } // Fluid was already loaded
+ if (debug) printf("Fluid was already loaded.\n");
+ return OK;
+bool isInput(std::string in1, std::string in2, std::string def){
+ // if the first equals the first
+ if ( strCompare(in1, def.substr(0,1)) ) {
+ if ( strCompare(in2, def.substr(1,1)) ) return true;
+ } else if ( strCompare(in2, def.substr(0,1)) ) {
+ if ( strCompare(in1, def.substr(1,1)) ) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+double getT_refprop(double t) {
+ // t--temperature [K]
+ return t*1.;
+double getP_refprop(double p) {
+ // p--pressure [kPa]
+ return p/1000.0;
+double getD_refprop(double d) {
+ // d--bulk molar density [mol/L]
+ return d/dwm; // kg/m3 = g/l / g/mol = mol/l
+double getE_refprop(double e) {
+ // e--internal energy [J/mol]
+ return e*dwm/1000.; // J/kg * g/mol * kg/(1000g) = J/mol
+double getH_refprop(double h) {
+ // h--enthalpy [J/mol]
+ return h*dwm/1000.; // J/kg * g/mol * kg/(1000g) = J/mol
+double getS_refprop(double s) {
+ // s--entropy [[J/mol-K]
+ return s*dwm/1000.; // J/(kg.K) * g/mol * kg/(1000g) = J/(mol.K)
+ * Convert to SI units
+ */
+double getT_modelica() {
+ // t--temperature [K]
+ return dt;
+double getP_modelica() {
+ // p--pressure [kPa]
+ return dp*1000.0;
+double getD_modelica() {
+ // d--bulk molar density [mol/L]
+ return dd*dwm; // mol/l * g/mol = g/l = kg/m3
+double getE_modelica() {
+ // e--internal energy [J/mol]
+ return de/dwm * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getH_modelica() {
+ // h--enthalpy [J/mol]
+ return dh/dwm * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getS_modelica() {
+ // s--entropy [[J/mol-K]
+ return ds/dwm * 1000.0; // J/(mol.K) / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/(kg.K)
+double getWM_modelica(){
+ //molecular weight
+ return dwm/1000; // g/mol to kg/mol
+double getDL_modelica(){
+ //density of liquid phase
+ return ddl*dwliq; // mol/l * g/mol = g/l = kg/m3
+double getDV_modelica(){
+ //density of gaseous phase
+ return ddv*dwvap; // mol/l * g/mol = g/l = kg/m3
+double getHL_modelica(){
+ //density of liquid phase
+ return dhl/dwliq * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getHV_modelica(){
+ //density of gaseous phase
+ return dhv/dwvap * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getSL_modelica(){
+ //density of liquid phase
+ return dsl/dwliq * 1000.0; // J/molK / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kgK
+double getSV_modelica(){
+ //density of gaseous phase
+ return dsv/dwvap * 1000.0; // J/molK / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kgK
+double getQ_modelica(){
+ if (lnc>1 && abs(dqmol)<990) { // maintain special values
+ if (dwvap==noValue) WMOLdll(dxmolv,dwvap);
+ return dqmol*dwvap/dwm; // TODO can you show a case where this function is called more than once?
+ } else {
+ return dqmol;
+ }
+double getCV_modelica(){
+ return dCv/dwm * 1000.0;
+double getCP_modelica(){
+ return dCp/dwm * 1000.0;
+double getW_modelica(){
+ //speed of sound
+ return dw;
+double getWML_modelica(){
+ if (dwliq==noValue) WMOLdll(dxmoll,dwliq);
+ return dwliq/1000.;
+double getWMV_modelica(){
+ if (dwvap==noValue) WMOLdll(dxmolv,dwvap);
+ return dwvap/1000.;
+//double* getXL_modelica(){
+// double dxlkg[ncmax];
+// XMASSdll(dxmoll,dxlkg,dwliq);
+// return dxlkg;
+//double* getXV_modelica(){
+// double dxvkg[ncmax];
+// XMASSdll(dxmolv,dxvkg,dwvap);
+// return dxvkg;
+double getETA_modelica(){
+ return deta/1e6;
+double getTCX_modelica(){
+ return dtcx;
+double getHJT_modelica() { // isenthalpic Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/kPa]/1000Pa*kPa = K/Pa
+ return dhjt/1000;
+//double* getZ_modelica() { // compressibility factor (= PV/RT) [dimensionless]
+// return dZ;
+double getA_modelica() { // Helmholtz energy [J/mol]
+ return dA/dwm * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getG_modelica() { // Gibbs free energy [J/mol]
+ return dG/dwm * 1000.0; // J/mol / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg
+double getXKAPPA_modelica() { // isothermal compressibility (= -1/V dV/dP = 1/rho dD/dP) [1/kPa] /1000Pa*kPa = 1/Pa
+ return dxkappa / 1000. ;
+double getBETA_modelica() { // volume expansivity (= 1/V dV/dT = -1/rho dD/dT) [1/K]
+ return dbeta;
+double getDPDD_modelica() { // derivative dP/drho [kPa-L/mol] * 1000Pa/kPa * mol/g = Pa.m3 / kg
+ return ddpdd * 1000. / dwm;
+double getD2PDD2_modelica() { // derivative d^2P/drho^2 [kPa-L^2/mol^2] * 1000Pa/kPa * mol/g * mol/g = Pa m6 / kg2
+ return dd2pdd2 * 1000. / dwm / dwm;
+double getDPDT_modelica() { // derivative dP/dT [kPa/K] * 1000Pa/kPa = Pa/K
+ return ddpdt * 1000.;
+double getDDDT_modelica() { // derivative drho/dT [mol/(L-K)] * g/mol = kg/m3 / K
+ return ddddt * dwm;
+double getDDDP_modelica() { // derivative drho/dP [mol/(L-kPa)]
+ return ddddp*dwm/1000.; // mol/(l.kPa) * g/mol * 1kPa/1000Pa = kg/(m3.Pa)
+double getD2PDT2_modelica() { // derivative d2P/dT2 [kPa/K^2] * 1000Pa/kPa = Pa/K2
+ return dd2pdt2 * 1000.;
+double getD2PDTD_modelica() { // derivative d2P/dTd(rho) [J/mol-K] / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg.K
+ return dd2pdtd/dwm*1000.;
+double get_dhdt_d_modelica() { //dH/dT at constant density [J/(mol-K)] / g/mol * 1000g/kg = J/kg.K
+ return noValue;//ddhdt_d/dwm*1000;
+double get_dhdt_p_modelica() { //dH/dT at constant pressure [J/(mol-K)]
+ return noValue;//ddhdt_p/dwm*1000;
+double get_dhdd_t_modelica() { //dH/drho at constant temperature [(J/mol)/(mol/L)] * mol/g * 1000g/kg / g/mol = (J/kg) / (kg/m3)
+ return noValue;//ddhdd_t /dwm*1000. / dwm;
+double get_dhdd_p_modelica() { //dH/drho at constant pressure [(J/mol)/(mol/L)]
+ return noValue;//ddhdd_p /dwm*1000. / dwm;
+double get_dhdp_t_modelica() { //dH/dP at constant temperature [J/(mol-kPa)] /dwm*1000. / (1000Pa/kPa) = J/kg.Pa
+ return noValue;//ddhdp_t / dwm;
+double get_dhdp_d_modelica() { //dH/dP at constant density [J/(mol-kPa)]
+ return noValue;//ddhdp_d / dwm;
+// Derivatives
+// Derivative of density with respect to enthalpy at constant pressure
+double get_dddX_ph_modelica(){
+// double dxmoltmp[ncmax],dwm1;
+// dxmoltmp[0]=1;
+// dxmoltmp[1]=0;
+// WMOLdll(dxmoltmp,dwm1); // TODO this must be molecular weight of species 1 instead of vap... Take a look at how ddddX_pt is computed!!!
+ return ddddX_ph;//*dwm*dwm/dwm1; // [mol/l * mol/mol1] * g/mol * g/mol * mol1/g1 * 1e-3kg/g / 1e-3 m3/L = kg/m3 * g/gi
+double get_dddh_p_modelica(){
+ return ddddh_p*dwm*dwm/1000.; // [mol/l * mol/J] * g/mol * g/mol * 1e-3kg/g * 1e-3kg/g / 1e-3 m3/L = kg/m3 * kg/J
+// Derivative of density with respect to pressure at constant enthalpy
+double get_dddp_h_modelica(){
+ return ddddp_h*dwm/1000; // [mol/l * 1/kPa) * g/mol * 1e-3kg/g / 1e-3 m3/L / 1e-3 kPa/Pa = kg/(m3.Pa)
+ * Checks if the provided variables match the currently active
+ * state. Needs the current values of the state properties as
+ * well as the new ones. Additionally, the mole based composition
+ * has to be provided with the number of components.
+ * Changing the amount of components or the fluids itself should
+ * be covered by the flushing routines above.
+ */
+bool isState(double var1, double val1, double var2, double val2, double xmol[], long nc){
+ if (debug) printf ("\nChecking state.\n");
+ if (var1!=val1) return false;
+ if (var2!=val2) return false;
+ //if (lnc!=nc) return false;
+ // If we have a mixture, we need to check the composition.
+ if (nc>1) {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nc; i++ ) {
+ if (dxmol[i]!=xmol[i]) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) printf ("Going to return \"true\".\n");
+ return true;
+double getValue(std::string out) {
+ if (debug) printf("\nChecking for %s \n",out.c_str());
+ if ( strCompare(out, "p") ) {
+ if (dp!=noValue) return getP_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "t") ) {
+ if (dt!=noValue) return getT_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "m") ) {
+ if (dwm!=noValue) return getWM_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "d") ) {
+ if (dd!=noValue) return getD_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "e") ) {
+ if (de!=noValue) return getE_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "h") ) {
+ if (dh!=noValue) return getH_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "s") ) {
+ if (ds!=noValue) return getS_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "w") ) {
+ if (dw!=noValue) return getW_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "v") ) {
+ if (deta!=noValue) return getETA_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "l") ) {
+ if (dtcx!=noValue) return getTCX_modelica();
+ }
+ return noValue;
+int updateDers(double *ders, long lerr){
+/* ders[0] = lerr;//error code
+ ders[1] = getHJT_modelica(); // isenthalpic Joule-Thompson coefficient [K/Pa]
+ ders[2] = getA_modelica(); // Helmholtz energy [J/kg]
+ ders[3] = getG_modelica(); // Gibbs free energy [J/kg]
+ ders[4] = getXKAPPA_modelica(); // isothermal compressibility (= -1/V dV/dP = 1/rho dD/dP) [1/Pa]
+ ders[5] = getBETA_modelica(); // volume expansivity (= 1/V dV/dT = -1/rho dD/dT) [1/K]
+ ders[6] = getDPDD_modelica(); // derivative dP/drho [Pa-m3/kg]
+ ders[7] = getD2PDD2_modelica(); // derivative d^2P/drho^2 [Pa-m6/kg2]
+ ders[8] = getDPDT_modelica(); // derivative dP/dT [Pa/K]
+ ders[9] = getDDDT_modelica(); // derivative drho/dT [kg/(m3-K)]
+ ders[10] = getDDDP_modelica(); // derivative drho/dP [kg/(m3-kPa)]
+ ders[11] = getD2PDT2_modelica(); // derivative d2P/dT2 [Pa/K2]
+ ders[12] = getD2PDTD_modelica(); // derivative d2P/dTd(rho) [J/kg-K]
+ ders[13] = get_dhdt_d_modelica(); // dH/dT at constant density [J/(kg-K)]
+ ders[14] = get_dhdt_p_modelica(); // dH/dT at constant pressure [J/(kg-K)]
+ ders[15] = get_dhdd_t_modelica(); // dH/drho at constant temperature [(J/kg) / (kg/m3)]
+ ders[16] = get_dhdd_p_modelica(); // dH/drho at constant pressure [(J/kg) / (kg/m3)]
+ ders[17] = get_dhdp_t_modelica(); // dH/dP at constant temperature [J/(kg-Pa)]
+ ders[18] = get_dhdp_d_modelica(); // dH/dP at constant density [J/(kg-Pa)]
+ ders[19] = get_dddh_p_modelica(); // dD/dh at constant pressure [kg/m3 * kg/J]
+ ders[20] = get_dddp_h_modelica(); // dD/dp at constant enthalpy [kg/(m3.Pa)]
+ // TODO - I have reduced the variables thrown back.. Why us jtc, a, g derivatives here?
+ ders[0] = lerr;//error code
+ ders[1] = getXKAPPA_modelica(); // isothermal compressibility (= -1/V dV/dP = 1/rho dD/dP) [1/Pa]
+ ders[2] = getBETA_modelica(); // volume expansivity (= 1/V dV/dT = -1/rho dD/dT) [1/K]
+ ders[3] = get_dddX_ph_modelica(); // dD/dX at constant p,h
+ ders[4] = get_dddh_p_modelica(); // dD/dh at constant pressure [kg/m3 * kg/J]
+ ders[5] = get_dddp_h_modelica(); // dD/dp at constant enthalpy [kg/(m3.Pa)]
+ ders[6] = ddddp_T*dwm/1000; // (mol/L * 1/kPa) * g/mol / 1000 g/kg * 1000L/m3 / 1000 Pa/kPa
+ ders[7] = ddddT_p*dwm; // (mol/L * 1/K) * g/mol / 1000 g/kg * 1000L/m3
+ ders[8] = ddddX_pT;// Done in function *dwm*dwm/dw1; // [mol/l * mol/molvap] * g/mol * g/mol * moli/gi * 1e-3kg/g / 1e-3 m3/L = kg/m3 * g/gi
+ ders[9] = ddhdp_T/dwm; // (J/mol * 1/kPa) / g/mol * 1000 g/kg / 1000 Pa/kPa
+ ders[10] = ddhdT_p/dwm*1000; // (J/mol * 1/K) / g/mol * 1000 g/kg
+ ders[11] = ddhdX_pT;// Done in function /dwm*1000*dwm/dw1; // (J/mol * mol/molvap) / g/mol * 1000 g/kg * g/mol * molvap/gvap = J/kg * g/gvap
+ return 0;
+int ders_REFPROP(double *ders, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE){
+ debug = false;
+ if (DEBUGMODE) debug = true;
+ long lerr = 0;
+ double spare3,spare4,spare5,spare6,spare7,spare8,spare9,spare10,spare2[ncmax],spare1[ncmax];
+ double spare11,spare12,spare13,spare14,spare15,spare16,spare17,spare19,spare18,spare20,spare21;
+ if ((dd!=noValue)&&(dt!=noValue)) {
+ // THERM2dll(dt, dd, dxmol, spare5, spare6, spare9, spare10, dCv, dCp, dw,dZ, dhjt, dA, dG, dxkappa, dbeta, ddpdd, dd2pdd2, ddpdt, ddddt,ddddp, dd2pdt2, dd2pdtd, spare3, spare4);
+ // we want to get props depending on quality below..
+ if (PartialDersInputChoice==4) { // use TPX numeric derivs
+ if (dqmol < 0. || dqmol > 1.) { // single-phase region
+ if (debug) printf ("Using single-phase derivatives.\n");
+ if (debug) printf("Calling THERM3 with T=%f and rho=%f.\n",dt,dd);
+ THERM3dll (dt,dd,dxmol,dxkappa,dbeta,spare5,spare6,spare7,spare8,spare9,spare10,spare11,spare12);
+ // analytical derivatives of density:
+ ddddT_p = -dbeta*dd;
+ ddddp_T = dxkappa*dd;
+ // analytical derivatives of enthalpy:
+ ddhdT_p = dCp;
+ ddhdp_T = (1-dt*dbeta)/dd;
+ // numerical derivatives wrt. independent mass fraction,
+ double dxmolnew[ncmax], dxkgnew[ncmax], dwmnew;
+ double dnew,hnew;
+ //XMASSdll(dxmol,dxkgnew,dwmnew);
+ dxkgnew[0] = dxkg[0]+1e-7;
+ dxkgnew[1] = dxkg[1]-1e-7;
+ XMOLEdll(dxkgnew,dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hnew,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddX_pT = (dnew*dwmnew-dd*dwm)/1e-7; // this is on mass basis, due to the above mass change
+ ddhdX_pT = (hnew/dwmnew*1000-dh/dwm*1000)/1e-7; // this is on mass basis, due to the above mass change
+// double n;
+// double href[ncmax],dpdz_tv[ncmax],dhdz_tv[ncmax];
+// href[0] = 28945.714499977374; // ammoniaL
+// href[1] = 45957.1914944204584; // water
+// double delx=1e-7,delx2,R,dxmoln,dxmolp,t0,d0,tau,delta,phi01,phi10,phig10,pn,hn,pp,hp;
+// long im1=-1, i0=0, ip1=1;
+// int i;
+// for (n = 0; n < lnc; n++) {
+// //double n=1;// derivative wrt component n
+// for (i = 0; i < lnc; i++) {
+// dxmoln[i] = dxmol[i];
+// dxmolp[i] = dxmol[i];
+// }
+// dxmoln[n-1] = dxmoln[n-1] - delx;
+// dxmolp[n-1] = dxmolp[n-1] + delx;
+// // negative increment
+// RMIX2dll(dxmol, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+// RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,dxmoln,t0,d0,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// tau = t0 / dt;
+// delta =dd / d0;
+// PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, dxmoln, phi01);
+// PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, dxmoln, phi10);
+// PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, dt, dd, dxmoln, phig10);
+// pn = dd * R * dt * (1 + phi01);
+// //hrn = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+// hn = R * dt * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + dxmoln[0]*href[0] + dxmoln[1]*href[1];;
+// // positive increment
+// //RMIX2dll(dxmol, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+// RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,dxmolp,t0,d0,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// tau = t0 / dt;
+// delta =dd / d0;
+// PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, dxmolp, phi01);
+// PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, dxmolp, phi10);
+// PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, dt, dd, dxmolp, phig10);
+// pp = dd * R * dt * (1 + phi01);
+// //hrp = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+// hp = R * dt * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + dxmolp[0]*href[0] + dxmolp[1]*href[1];;
+// // derivatives..
+// dpdz_tv[n-1] = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+// //dhrdxi1 = (hrp - hrn) / delx2;
+// dhdz_tv[n-1] = (hp - hn) / delx2;
+// }
+ } else { // two-phase region, get derivative of density
+ // numerical derivative wrt. Temperature:
+ double dnew,hnew,dtnew;
+ dtnew=dt+1e-4;
+ TPFLSHdll(dtnew,dp,dxmol,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hnew,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddT_p = (dnew-dd)/1e-4;
+ ddhdT_p = (hnew-dh)/1e-4;
+ // numerical derivative wrt. Pressure:
+ double dpnew=dp+1e-3; // this is a change in 1 Pa
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dpnew,dxmol,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hnew,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddp_T = (dnew-dd)/1e-3; // /1;
+ ddhdp_T = (hnew-dh)/1e-3; // /1;
+ // numerical derivative for independent mass fraction
+ double dxmolnew[ncmax], dxkgnew[ncmax], dwmnew;
+ //XMASSdll(dxmol,dxkgnew,dwmnew);
+ dxkgnew[0] = dxkg[0]+1e-7;
+ dxkgnew[1] = dxkg[1]-1e-7;
+ XMOLEdll(dxkgnew,dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hnew,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddX_pT = (dnew*dwmnew-dd*dwm)/1e-7; // this is on mass basis, due to the above mass change
+ ddhdX_pT = (hnew/dwmnew*1000-dh/dwm*1000)/1e-7; // this is on mass basis, due to the above mass change
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dqmol < 0. || dqmol > 1.) { // single-phase region
+ if (debug) printf ("Using single-phase derivatives.\n");
+ if (debug) printf("Calling THERM3 with T=%f and rho=%f.\n",dt,dd);
+ THERM3dll (dt,dd,dxmol,dxkappa,dbeta,spare5,spare6,spare7,spare8,spare9,spare10,spare11,spare12);
+ // analytical derivatives
+ ddddp_h = (-dt*dbeta*dbeta + dbeta + dxkappa*dd*dCp)/dCp;
+ ddddh_p = -dbeta*dd/dCp;
+ //using PHFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddX_ph
+ double dxmolnew[ncmax], dxkgnew[ncmax], dwmnew, dnew;
+// XMASSdll(dxmol,dxkg,dwmnew);
+ dxkgnew[0] = dxkg[0]+1e-7;
+ dxkgnew[1] = dxkg[1]-1e-7;
+ XMOLEdll(dxkgnew,dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ double dhin = dh*dwmnew/dwm; // this is needed because h in mass basis is constant..
+ PHFLSHdll(dp,dhin,dxmolnew,spare14,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddX_ph = (dnew*dwmnew-dd*dwm)/1e-7; // mass basis
+// // numerical derivative for ddddzi
+// double dpdT_zv,dpdv_Tz,dhdT_vz,dhdv_Tz;
+// dpdT_zv = dbeta/dxkappa;
+// dpdv_Tz= -dd/dxkappa;
+// dhdT_vz = dCv+dbeta/(dd*dxkappa);
+// dhdv_Tz = (dt*dbeta/dxkappa - 1/dxkappa);
+// double href[ncmax],dpdz_tv[ncmax],dhdz_tv[ncmax],dvdz_ph[ncmax],ddddX_ph_tmp[ncmax];
+// //href[0] = 28945.714499977374; // ammoniaL
+// //href[1] = 45957.1914944204584; // water
+// href[0] = 8295.6883966232; //methane
+// href[1] = 14873.1879732343; //ethane
+// double delx=1e-7,delx2,R,dxmoln[ncmax],dxmolp[ncmax],t0,d0,tau,delta,phi01,phi10,phig10,pn,hn,pp,hp;
+// long im1=-1, i0=0, ip1=1;
+// delx2=delx*2;
+// for (int n = 1; n < lnc+1; n++) {
+// //double n=1;// derivative wrt component n
+// for (int i = 0; i < lnc; i++) {
+// dxmoln[i] = dxmol[i];
+// dxmolp[i] = dxmol[i];
+// }
+// dxmoln[n-1] = dxmoln[n-1] - delx;
+// dxmolp[n-1] = dxmolp[n-1] + delx;
+// // negative increment
+// RMIX2dll(dxmol, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+// RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,dxmoln,t0,d0,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// tau = t0 / dt;
+// delta =dd / d0;
+// PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, dxmoln, phi01);
+// PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, dxmoln, phi10);
+// PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, dt, dd, dxmoln, phig10);
+// pn = dd * R * dt * (1 + phi01);
+// //hrn = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+// hn = R * dt * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + dxmoln[0]*href[0] + dxmoln[1]*href[1];;
+// // positive increment
+// //RMIX2dll(dxmol, R); // R must be constant for some reason?
+// RDXHMXdll(&im1,&i0,&i0,dxmolp,t0,d0,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// tau = t0 / dt;
+// delta =dd / d0;
+// PHIXdll(&i0,&ip1, tau, delta, dxmolp, phi01);
+// PHIXdll(&ip1,&i0, tau, delta, dxmolp, phi10);
+// PHI0dll(&ip1, &i0, dt, dd, dxmolp, phig10);
+// pp = dd * R * dt * (1 + phi01);
+// //hrp = R * t * (1 + phi10 + phi01);
+// hp = R * dt * (1 + phig10 + phi10 + phi01) + dxmolp[0]*href[0] + dxmolp[1]*href[1];;
+// // numerical derivatives..
+// dpdz_tv[n-1] = (pp - pn) / delx2;
+// dhdz_tv[n-1] = (hp - hn) / delx2;
+// // expression from jacobian matrix transformation
+// dvdz_ph[n-1] = (dpdT_zv*dhdz_tv[n-1] - dhdT_vz*dpdz_tv[n-1]) / (dpdT_zv*dhdv_Tz - dhdT_vz*dpdv_Tz);
+// ddddX_ph_tmp[n-1] = -dd*dd*dvdz_ph[n-1]; // this is still in refprop units, so X is moli/moltot..
+// }
+// //printf("dhdz_tv[0] = %f\n",dhdz_tv[0]);
+// //printf("dhdz_tv[1] = %f\n",dhdz_tv[1]);
+// double dxmolnew[ncmax],dwmnew[ncmax];
+// dxmolnew[0] =1;
+// dxmolnew[1] =0;
+// WMOLdll(dxmolnew,dwmnew[0]);
+// dxmolnew[0] =0;
+// dxmolnew[1] =1;
+// WMOLdll(dxmolnew,dwmnew[1]);
+//// ddddX_ph_tmp[0] = ddddX_ph_tmp[0]*dxmol[0]/dxkg[0]*dwm;
+//// ddddX_ph_tmp[1] = ddddX_ph_tmp[1]*dxmol[1]/dxkg[1]*dwm;
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[0] = ddddX_ph_tmp[0]*1/(dwmnew[0]/dwm)*dwm;
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[1] = ddddX_ph_tmp[1]*1/(dwmnew[1]/dwm)*dwm;
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[0] = ddddX_ph_tmp[0]*dwm;
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[1] = ddddX_ph_tmp[1]*dwm;
+// double dxdz1 = dwmnew[0]/dwm - dxmol[0]*dwmnew[0]*dwmnew[0]/(dwm*dwm);
+// double dxdz2 = dwmnew[1]/dwm - dxmol[1]*dwmnew[1]*dwmnew[1]/(dwm*dwm);
+// //double ddmassddmol = dd*(dwmnew[0]*)
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[0] = ddddX_ph_tmp[0]*(dwmnew[0]*dxmol[1]*dwmnew[1]/(dwm*dwm))*dwm;
+// //ddddX_ph_tmp[1] = ddddX_ph_tmp[1]*(dwmnew[0]*dxmol[0]*dwmnew[1]/(dwm*dwm))*dwm;
+// ddddX_ph = (ddddX_ph_tmp[0] - ddddX_ph_tmp[1])/(dxdz1+dxdz2)*dwm;
+// // this does not work...
+// */
+// double dpdz_td,dhdz_td;
+// //double dxmolnew[ncmax],dwmnew;
+// double pnew,hnew;
+// double dvdz_ph;
+// // numerical derivative for independent mass fraction
+// double dxmolnew[ncmax], dxkgnew[ncmax], dwmnew;
+// //XMASSdll(dxmol,dxkgnew,dwmnew);
+// dxkgnew[0] = dxkg[0]+1e-5;
+// dxkgnew[1] = dxkg[1]-1e-5;
+// XMOLEdll(dxkgnew,dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+// double din;
+// din=dd*dwm/dwmnew;
+// PRESSdll (dt,din,dxmolnew,pnew);
+// ENTHALdll (dt,din,dxmolnew,hnew);
+// dpdz_td = (pnew-dp)/1e-5;
+// dhdz_td = (hnew/dwmnew-dh/dwm)*dwm/1e-5;
+// // expression from jacobian matrix transformation
+// dvdz_ph = -(dpdT_zv*dhdz_td - dhdT_vz*dpdz_td) / (dpdT_zv*dhdv_Tz - dhdT_vz*dpdv_Tz); // the minus in front comes from ders wrt z is a change in both concentrations
+// ddddX_ph = -dd*dd*dvdz_ph;
+// ddddX_ph = ddddX_ph*dwm; // this is already per X due to the above change in mass fraction and conversion..
+ } else { // two-phase region, get derivative of density
+ // These are not computed in two-phase!
+ dxkappa=noValue;
+ dbeta=noValue;
+ if (PartialDersInputChoice==3) { // Using phX Analytical twophase derivatives
+ if (debug) printf ("Using Analytical twophase derivatives\n");
+ // // TODO the below analytical derivs are wrong since saturated liquid and vapor concentrations change along evaporation..
+ /* j--phase flag: 1 = input x is liquid composition (bubble point)
+ 2 = input x is vapor composition (dew point)
+ 3 = input x is liquid composition (freezing point)
+ 4 = input x is vapor composition (sublimation point)
+ */
+ //compute saturated vapor state at const p
+ long kph2 = 2;
+ double dt_v,ddv_p,dCv_v,dCp_v,dwm_v,dxkappa_v,dbeta_v,h_v,s_v;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kph2,dt_v,spare3,ddv_p,spare2,spare1,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ENTHALdll(dt_v,ddv_p,dxmol,h_v);
+ //compute saturated liquid state at const p
+ long kph1 = 1;
+ double dt_l,ddl_p,dCv_l,dCp_l,dwm_l,dxkappa_l,dbeta_l,h_l,s_l;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kph1,dt_l,ddl_p,spare3,spare2,spare1,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ENTHALdll(dt_l,ddl_p,dxmol,h_l);
+ // compute partials
+ double dvdh_p,dTdp_clasius, dhdpL,dhdpV,dvdpL,dvdpV,dxdp_h,dvdp_h;
+ // compute drhodh_p
+ dvdh_p = (1/ddv_p - 1/ddl_p)/(h_v-h_l);
+ ddddh_p = -dd*dd*dvdh_p;
+ // get other sat props at const T,p,x
+ THERM2dll(dt, ddv, dxmolv, spare3, spare4, h_v, s_v, dCv_v, dCp_v, dwm_v,spare2, spare10, spare11, spare12, dxkappa_v, dbeta_v, spare13, spare14, spare15, spare16,spare17, spare18, spare19, spare20, spare21);
+ THERM2dll(dt, ddl, dxmoll, spare3, spare4, h_l, s_l, dCv_l, dCp_l, dwm_l,spare2, spare10, spare11, spare12, dxkappa_l, dbeta_l, spare13, spare14, spare15, spare16,spare17, spare18, spare19, spare20, spare21);
+ //ddv_v = ddv;
+ //ddl_l = ddl;
+ // compute drhodp_h
+ //dTdp_clasius = (1/ddv - 1/ddl)/(s_v-s_l);
+ dTdp_clasius = dt*(1/ddv - 1/ddl)/(h_v-h_l);
+ dhdpL = 1/ddl*(1-dbeta_l*dt_l)+dCp_l*dTdp_clasius;
+ dhdpV = 1/ddv*(1-dbeta_v*dt_v)+dCp_v*dTdp_clasius;
+ dvdpL = dbeta_l*1/ddl*dTdp_clasius-dxkappa_l*1/ddl;
+ dvdpV = dbeta_v*1/ddv*dTdp_clasius-dxkappa_v*1/ddv;
+ dxdp_h = (dhdpL + dqmol * (dhdpV-dhdpL))/(h_l-h_v);
+ dvdp_h = dvdpL+dxdp_h*(1/ddv-1/ddl)+dqmol*(dvdpV-dvdpL);
+ ddddp_h = -dd*dd*dvdp_h;
+ // analytical derivative for ddddzi
+ double dhdz_tp, dvdz_tp;
+ double dxkgv[ncmax],dwmv,dxkgl[ncmax],dwml;
+ XMASSdll(dxmolv,dxkgv,dwmv);
+ XMASSdll(dxmoll,dxkgl,dwml);
+ dhdz_tp = (h_v/dwmv*1000-h_l/dwml*1000)/(dxkgv[0]-dxkgl[0]);
+ dvdz_tp = (1/(ddv*dwmv)-1/(ddl*dwml))/(dxkgv[0]-dxkgl[0]);
+ dvdh_p = dvdh_p/dwm*dwm/1000;
+ ddddX_ph = -dd*dwm*dd*dwm*(-dvdh_p*dhdz_tp+dvdz_tp);
+ //dhdz_tp = (h_v-h_l)/(dxmolv[0]-dxmoll[0]);
+ //dvdz_tp = (1/ddv_v-1/ddl_l)/(dxmolv[0]-dxmoll[0]);
+ //ddddX_ph = -dd*dd*(-dvdh_p*dhdz_tp+dvdz_tp);
+// // numerical derivative for ddddzi, that ensures xmol is between 0 and 1
+// double HA,HB,smooth,DX,dxmolnew[ncmax],dlow,dhigh;
+// HA = 0.925*(h_v-h_l)+h_l;
+// HB = 0.975*(h_v-h_l)+h_l;
+// /*
+// // using PHFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddzi
+// DX=0.005;
+// if (dh < HA) {
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix, but refprop needs sum(x)=1
+// PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmolnew,spare14,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// ddddX_ph = (dlow-dd)/DX;
+// } else if (dh > HB) {
+// DX=-DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix, but refprop needs sum(x)=1
+// PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmolnew,spare14,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// ddddX_ph = (dhigh-dd)/DX;
+// } else {
+// smooth=(dh-HA)/(HB-HA);
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+// PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmolnew,spare14,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// DX = -DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+// PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmolnew,spare14,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// ddddX_ph = (dlow-dd)/(-DX)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(dhigh-dd)/(DX);
+// }
+// */
+// // Using TPFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddzi
+// double dhdT_pX, dddT_pX,hlow,hhigh,dddX_pT,dhdX_pT;
+// dhdT_pX = (h_v - h_l)/(dt_v-dt_l);
+// //dvdT_p = (1/ddv_v - 1/ddl_l)/(dt_v-dt_l);
+// dddT_pX = -dd*dd*(1/ddv_v - 1/ddl_l)/(dt_v-dt_l);
+// DX=0.0025;
+// if (dh < HA) {
+// //DX = DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix, but refprop needs sum(x)=1
+// TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// dddX_pT = (dlow-dd)/(DX);
+// dhdX_pT = (hlow-dh)/(DX);
+// } else if (dh > HB) {
+// DX = -DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+// TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// dddX_pT = (dhigh-dd)/(DX);
+// dhdX_pT = (hhigh-dh)/(DX);
+// } else { // something smooth
+// smooth=(dh-HA)/(HB-HA);
+// //DX = DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+// TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// DX = -DX;
+// dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+// dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+// TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// dddX_pT = (dlow-dd)/(-DX)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(dhigh-dd)/(DX);
+// dhdX_pT = (hlow-dh)/(-DX)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(hhigh-dh)/(DX);
+// }
+// ddddX_ph = -(dddT_pX*dhdX_pT-dhdT_pX*dddX_pT)/dhdT_pX;
+ } else if (PartialDersInputChoice==2) { // Using phX Numerical twophase derivatives
+ if (debug) printf ("Using Numerical two phase derivatives\n");
+ // in the following HA and HB are points in two-phase, where the numerical derivative changes "the sign of change", e.g dT into -dT smoothly (linearly)
+ //using PHFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddp_h
+ double dnew,dpnew;
+ dpnew = dp +1e-3; // change in 1 Pa
+ PHFLSHdll(dpnew,dh,dxmol,spare14,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddp_h = (dnew-dd)/1e-3;
+ //using PHFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddh_p
+ double dhnew;
+ dhnew = dh +(1*dwm/1000); // change in 1 J/kg*K
+ PHFLSHdll(dp,dhnew,dxmol,spare14,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddh_p = (dnew-dd)/(1*dwm/1000);
+ //using PHFLSH to get numerical derivative ddddX_ph
+ double dxmolnew[ncmax], dxkgnew[ncmax], dwmnew;
+// XMASSdll(dxmol,dxkg,dwmnew);
+ dxkgnew[0] = dxkg[0]+1e-7;
+ dxkgnew[1] = dxkg[1]-1e-7;
+ XMOLEdll(dxkgnew,dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ double dhin = dh*dwmnew/dwm; // this is needed because h in mass basis is constant..
+ PHFLSHdll(dp,dhin,dxmolnew,spare14,dnew,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,spare13,spare7,spare8,spare11,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ ddddX_ph = (dnew*dwmnew-dd*dwm)/1e-7; // mass basis
+ double HA,HB,dxmolnew[ncmax],Tnew,pnew,dlow,dhigh,hlow,hhigh,h_l,h_v;
+ //double ddq,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx[ncmax],ddy[ncmax];
+ ENTHALdll (dt,ddl,dxmoll,h_l);
+ ENTHALdll (dt,ddv,dxmolv,h_v);
+ HA = 0.025*(h_v-h_l)+h_l;
+ HB = 0.075*(h_v-h_l)+h_l;
+ double DT,DP,DX,smooth,dddT_pX,dhdT_pX,dddP_TX,dhdP_TX,dddX_pT,dhdX_pT;
+ DT=0.5;
+ DP=-25;
+ DX=0.002;
+ if (dh < HA) {
+ // DT
+ //DT=DT;
+ Tnew= dt+DT;
+ //this function does not work?
+ //(t,p,z,Dl,Dv,x,y,q,ierr,herr)
+ //TPFL2dll (Tnew,dp,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",Tnew,dp,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(Tnew,dp,dxmol,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddT_pX = (dlow-dd)/(DT);
+ dhdT_pX = (hlow-dh)/(DT);
+ // DP
+ //DP=DP;
+ pnew = dp+DP;
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,pnew,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,pnew,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,pnew,dxmol,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddP_TX = (dlow-dd)/(DP);
+ dhdP_TX = (hlow-dh)/(DP);
+ // DX
+ //DX = DX;
+ dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+ dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix, but refprop needs sum(x)=1
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,dp,dxmolnew,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,dp,dxmolnew[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ double dwmnew;
+ WMOLdll(dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ dddX_pT = (dlow/dwmnew-dd/dwm)*dwm/(DX);
+ dhdX_pT = (hlow/dwmnew-dh/dwm)*dwm/(DX);
+ } else if (dh > HB) {
+ // DT
+ DT = -DT;
+ Tnew= dt+DT;
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",Tnew,dp,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(Tnew,dp,dxmol,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddT_pX = (dhigh-dd)/(DT);
+ dhdT_pX = (hhigh-dh)/(DT);
+ // DP
+ DP = -DP;
+ pnew=dp+DP;
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,pnew,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,pnew,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,pnew,dxmol,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddP_TX = (dhigh-dd)/(DP);
+ dhdP_TX = (hhigh-dh)/(DP);
+ // DX
+ DX = -DX;
+ dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+ dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,dp,dxmolnew,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,dp,dxmolnew[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ double dwmnew;
+ WMOLdll(dxmolnew,dwmnew);
+ dddX_pT = (dhigh/dwmnew-dd/dwm)*dwm/(DX);
+ dhdX_pT = (hhigh/dwmnew-dh/dwm)*dwm/(DX);
+ } else { // something smooth
+ smooth=(dh-HA)/(HB-HA);
+ // DT
+ //DT = DT;
+ Tnew= dt+DT;
+ //TPFL2dll (Tnew,dp,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",Tnew,dp,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(Tnew,dp,dxmol,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ DT=-DT;
+ Tnew= dt+DT;
+ //TPFL2dll (Tnew,dp,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (Tnew,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",Tnew,dp,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(Tnew,dp,dxmol,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddT_pX = (dlow-dd)/(-DT)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(dhigh-dd)/(DT);
+ dhdT_pX = (hlow-dh)/(-DT)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(hhigh-dh)/(DT);
+ // DP
+ //DP = DP;
+ pnew=dp+DP;
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,pnew,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,pnew,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,pnew,dxmol,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ DP = -DP;
+ pnew=dp+DP;
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,pnew,dxmol,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,pnew,dxmol[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,pnew,dxmol,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddP_TX = (dlow-dd)/(-DP)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(dhigh-dd)/(DP);
+ dhdP_TX = (hlow-dh)/(-DP)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(hhigh-dh)/(DP);
+ // DX
+ //DX = DX;
+ dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+ dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,dp,dxmolnew,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dlow = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hlow = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,dp,dxmolnew[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dlow,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hlow,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ DX = -DX;
+ dxmolnew[0]=dxmol[0]+DX; // Be carefull when comparing.. keeping X2 const is not the same as keeping z2 const ??? or..
+ dxmolnew[1]=dxmol[1]-DX; // This is wrong as you may show that x2 should be eheld constant for an ideal gas mix
+ //TPFL2dll (dt,dp,dxmolnew,ddl_l,ddv_v,ddx,ddy,ddq,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //dhigh = 1/(ddq/ddv_v + (1-ddq)/ddl_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddl_l,ddx,h_l);
+ //ENTHALdll (dt,ddv_v,ddy,h_v);
+ //hhigh = ddq*h_v + (1-ddq)*h_l;
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSHdll with T=%f and P=%f. and xmol[0]=%f\n",dt,dp,dxmolnew[0]);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmolnew,dhigh,spare3,spare4,spare1,spare2,spare5,spare6,hhigh,spare7,spare8,spare11,spare12,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ dddX_pT = (dlow-dd)/(-DX)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(dhigh-dd)/(DX);
+ dhdX_pT = (hlow-dh)/(-DX)*(1-smooth) + smooth*(hhigh-dh)/(DX);
+ }
+ ddddh_p = dddT_pX/dhdT_pX;
+ ddddp_h = (dddP_TX*dhdT_pX-dhdP_TX*dddT_pX)/dhdT_pX;
+ ddddX_ph = -(dddT_pX*dhdX_pT-dhdT_pX*dddX_pT)/dhdT_pX;
+ ddddX_ph = ddddX_ph*dwm;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // We have a problem!
+ printf("Derivatives and transport properties calculations called at the wrong time: rho=%f and T=%f\n",dd,dt);
+ }
+ switch(lerr){
+ case 4:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"P=%f < 0",dp);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x out of range (component and/or sum < 0 or > 1):%s",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str());
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s out of range and P=%f < 0",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dp);
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"PHFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",dh);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return updateDers(ders, lerr);
+int updateTrns(double *trns, long lerr){
+ trns[0] = lerr;//error code
+ trns[1] = getETA_modelica(); // dynamic viscosity in Pa.s
+ trns[2] = getTCX_modelica(); // thermal conductivity in W/m.K
+ trns[3] = dsigma;
+ return 0;
+int trns_REFPROP(double *trns, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE){
+ debug = false;
+ if (DEBUGMODE) debug = true;
+ long lerr = 0;
+ if ((dd!=noValue)&&(dt!=noValue)) {
+ // call explicit functions in d and T
+ // compute transport properties
+ if (debug) printf("Getting transport properties from T=%f and rho=%f.\n",dt,dd);
+ TRNPRPdll(dt,dd,dxmol,deta,dtcx,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (debug) printf("Thermal conductivity is lambda=%f W/m.K.\n",dtcx);
+ if (debug) printf("Dynamic viscosity is eta=%fµPa.s.\n",deta);
+ } else { // We have a problem!
+ printf("Derivatives and transport properties calculations called at the wrong time: rho=%f and T=%f\n",dd,dt);
+ }
+ switch(lerr){
+ case -31:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -32:
+ printf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -33:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -41:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -42:
+ printf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -43:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -51:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -52:
+ printf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -53:
+ printf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ printf(errormsg,"model not found for thermal conductivity");
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ printf(errormsg,"model not found for viscosity");
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ printf(errormsg,"ammonia/water mixture (no properties calculated)");
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ printf(errormsg,"exactly at T=%f, rhoc for a pure fluid; k is infinite",dt);
+ break;
+ case -58:
+ printf(errormsg,"ECS model did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -59:
+ printf(errormsg,"ECS model did not converge");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return updateTrns(trns, lerr);
+int updateProps(double *props, long lerr){
+ double dxlkg[ncmax], dxvkg[ncmax];
+ XMASSdll(dxmoll,dxlkg,dwliq);
+ XMASSdll(dxmolv,dxvkg,dwvap);
+ props[0] = lerr;//error code
+ props[1] = getP_modelica(); //pressure in Pa
+ props[2] = getT_modelica(); //Temperature in K
+ props[3] = getWM_modelica(); //molecular weight
+ props[4] = getD_modelica(); //density
+ props[5] = getDL_modelica(); //density of liquid phase
+ props[6] = getDV_modelica(); //density of liquid phase
+ props[7] = getQ_modelica(); //vapor quality on a mass basis [mass vapor/total mass] (q=0 indicates saturated liquid, q=1 indicates saturated vapor)
+ props[8] = getE_modelica(); //inner energy
+ props[9] = getH_modelica(); //specific enthalpy
+ props[10] = getS_modelica(); //specific entropy
+ props[11] = getCV_modelica();
+ props[12] = getCP_modelica();
+ props[13] = getW_modelica(); //speed of sound
+ props[14] = getWML_modelica();
+ props[15] = getWMV_modelica();
+ props[16] = getHL_modelica(); //h of liquid phase
+ props[17] = getHV_modelica(); //h of vapor phase
+ props[18] = getSL_modelica(); //s of liquid phase
+ props[19] = getSV_modelica(); //s of vapor phase
+ props[20] = dts; //saturation temperature
+ for (int dim=0; dim1) flushConstants();
+ else flushProperties();
+ if (debug) printf("Loading a new state, flushed state. \n");
+ * //TODO Is this really nescesary? I think the possibility of dymola calling with same state twice is almost none (it will call for other states to compute, in between)..
+ bool knownState = isState(var1,val1,var2,val2,dxmoltmp,lnc); // dummies to force recalculation
+ double result = getValue(out);
+ bool valueExists = (result!=noValue);
+ if (!knownState) {
+ if (lnc>1) flushConstants();
+ else flushProperties();
+ if (debug) printf("Loading a new state, flushed state. \n");
+ } else { // We have calculated it before.
+ if (valueExists) {
+ if (debug) printf("Working with old state, returning value for %s: %f.\n",out.c_str(),result);
+ updateProps(props, lerr); // TODO Why only props? Are ders,trns, and props not already known?
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we get to this point, the requested value was not part of an earlier
+ * calculation and we have to proceed to determine it via the Refprop library.
+ */
+ // ( strCompare(Poco::Environment::osName(), "linux") )
+ // Set variables to input values
+ if ( strCompare(in1, in2) ) {
+ sprintf(errormsg,"State variable 1 is the same as state variable 2 (%s)\n",in1.c_str());
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ memcpy(dxmol, dxmoltmp, sizeof(dxmoltmp)) ;
+ //dxmol = dxmoltmp;
+ dwm = dwmtmp;
+ double dqkg;
+ for (int ii=1;ii<3;ii++){
+ if (ii==1) {
+ tmpVar = in1;
+ tmpValue = statevar1;
+ } else if (ii==2) {
+ tmpVar = in2;
+ tmpValue = statevar2;
+ }
+ // loop through possible inputs
+ if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "p") ) {
+ dp = getP_refprop(tmpValue);
+ } else if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "T") ) {
+ dt = getT_refprop(tmpValue);
+ } else if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "s") ) {
+ ds = getS_refprop(tmpValue);
+ } else if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "h") ) {
+ dh = getH_refprop(tmpValue);
+ } else if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "d") ) {
+ dd = getD_refprop(tmpValue);
+ } else if ( strCompare(tmpVar, "q") ) {
+ dqkg = tmpValue;
+ } else {
+ lerr = 2;
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Unknown state variable %i: %s",ii ,tmpVar.c_str());
+ return lerr;
+ }
+ if (debug) printf("Checked input variable: %s\n",tmpVar.c_str());
+ }
+ if (lerr==0){
+ if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("tp"))){
+// if (phase==2){ //fluid state is known to be two phase
+// TPFL2dll(dt,dp,dxmol,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+// }else{
+ if (debug) printf("Calling TPFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dt,dp);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmol,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //if (debug) printf("Getting dd: %f\n",dd);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ TPFLSHdll(dt,dp,dxmol,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+// }
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("ph"))){
+// if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
+// PHFL1(p,h,x,liqvap,T,d,ierr,herr,errormessagelength);
+//// if (liqvap==1) dl=d; else dv=d;
+// }else{
+ if (debug) printf("Calling PHFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dp,dh);
+ PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmol,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ PHFLSHdll(dp,dh,dxmol,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+// }
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("pd"))){
+ if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
+ PDFL1dll(dp,dd,dxmol,dt,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ PDFL1dll(dp,dd,dxmol,dt,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ }else{
+ if (debug) printf("Calling PDFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dp,dd);
+ PDFLSHdll(dp,dd,dxmol,dt,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ PDFLSHdll(dp,dd,dxmol,dt,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ }
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("sp"))){
+/* if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
+ PSFL1(p,s,dxmol,kph,T,d,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (liqvap==1) dl=d; else dv=d;
+ }else{*/
+ if (debug) printf("Calling PSFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dp,ds);
+ PSFLSHdll(dp,ds,dxmol,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ PSFLSHdll(dp,ds,dxmol,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,dh,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+// }
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("pq"))){
+ if (debug) printf("Calling PQFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dp,dqkg);
+ PQFLSHdll(dp,dqkg,dxmol,kq,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0 || ddl<=ddv) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ PQFLSHdll(dp,dqkg,dxmol,kq,dt,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ WMOLdll(dxmolv,dwvap);
+ dqmol = dqkg*dwm/dwvap;
+// strcat(errormsg,"Bin in PQ!");
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("dq"))){
+ if (debug) printf("Calling DQFL2 with %f and %f.\n",dd,dqkg);
+ DQFL2dll(dd,dqkg,dxmol,kq,dt,dp,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0 || ddl<=ddv) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ DQFL2dll(dd,dqkg,dxmol,kq,dt,dp,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ // (d, q, z, kq, t, p, Dl, Dv, x, y ,ierr,herr)
+// strcat(errormsg,"Bin in PQ!");
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("th"))){
+/* if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
+ THFL1(T,h,dxmol,Dmin,Dmax,d,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }else{*/
+ long kr = 2;
+/* kr--phase flag: 1 = input state is liquid
+ 2 = input state is vapor in equilibrium with liq
+ 3 = input state is liquid in equilibrium with solid
+ 4 = input state is vapor in equilibrium with solid */
+ if (debug) printf("Calling THFLSH with %f and %f.\n",dt,dh);
+ THFLSHdll(dt,dh,dxmol,kr,dp,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ THFLSHdll(dt,dh,dxmol,kr,dp,dd,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dqmol,de,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+// }
+ }else if (isInput(in1,in2,std::string("td"))){
+ /*
+ if (phase==1){ //fluid state is known to be single phase
+ if (debug) printf("Calling THERM with %f and %f.\n",dt,dd);
+ THERMdll(dt,dd,dxmol,dp,de,dh,ds,dCv,dCp,dw,dhjt);
+ long kphsatp=1;
+ double dtl;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dtl,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ kphsatp=2;
+ double dtv;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dtv,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (dt/dtl < dt/dtv) { // liquid
+ dqmol=0;
+ } else {
+ dqmol=1;
+ }
+ for (int ii=0;ii 1):%s",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str());
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s or T=%f out of range",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dt);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s out of range and P=%f < 0",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dp);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x=%s, T=%f and p=%f out of range",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str(),dt,dp);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPFLSH error: p>melting pressure");
+ break;
+ case -31:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -32:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -33:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -41:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -42:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -43:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case -51:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt);
+ break;
+ case -52:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dd);
+ break;
+ case -53:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Temperature T=%f and density d=%f out of range for conductivity and viscosity",dt,dd);
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for thermal conductivity");
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"model not found for viscosity");
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"ammonia/water mixture (no properties calculated)");
+ break;
+ case 51:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"exactly at T=%f, rhoc for a pure fluid; k is infinite",dt);
+ break;
+ case -58:
+ case -59:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"ECS model did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 211:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"TPFLSH bubble point calculation did not converge: [SATTP error 1] iteration failed to converge");
+ break;
+ case 239:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"THFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",dh);
+ break;
+ case 248:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"DSFLSH error: Iteration did not converge with d=%f and s=%f",dd,ds);
+ break;
+ case 249:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"PHFLSH error: Input value of enthalpy (%f) is outside limits",dh);
+ break;
+ case 271:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"TQFLSH error: T=%f > Tcrit, T-q calculation not possible",dt);
+ break;
+ case 291:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"PQFLSH error: p=%f > pcrit, p-q calculation not possible",dt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //strncpy(errormsg,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ break;
+ }
+ // my fancy way of ensuring things are computed right at the liquid and vapor saturation
+ double dqmolLIM;
+ if (dqmol<=0) {
+ dqmolLIM=0;
+ } else if (dqmol>=1) {
+ dqmolLIM=1;
+ } else {
+ dqmolLIM=dqmol;
+ }
+ //printf("dqmol %f\n",dqmol);
+ //printf("dp %f\n",dp);
+ //printf("dxmol %f,%f\n",dxmol[0],dxmol[1]);
+ double pcrit,tcrit,dcrit;
+ CRITPdll(dxmol,tcrit,pcrit,dcrit,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ //printf("tc %f\n",tcrit);
+ //printf("pc %f\n",pcrit);
+ //printf("dc %f\n",dcrit);
+ if (dp >= pcrit-0.01) { // critical T or p or both
+ ENTHALdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmol,dhl);
+ ENTROdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmol,dsl);
+ dhv=dhl;
+ dsv=dsl;
+ dts=tcrit;
+ ddl=dcrit;
+ ddv=dcrit;
+ } else {
+ if (dqmolLIM == 0.) { // liquid region
+ long kphsatp=1;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dts,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0 || ddl<=ddv) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dts,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ ENTHALdll(dts,ddl,dxmoll,dhl);
+ ENTROdll(dts,ddl,dxmoll,dsl);
+ ENTHALdll(dts,ddv,dxmolv,dhv);
+ ENTROdll(dts,ddv,dxmolv,dsv);
+ } else if (dqmolLIM == 1.) { // vapor region
+ long kphsatp=2;
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dts,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0 || ddl<=ddv) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ useSATSPLN(lerr, errormsg);
+ SATPdll(dp,dxmol,kphsatp,dts,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ ENTHALdll(dts,ddl,dxmoll,dhl);
+ ENTROdll(dts,ddl,dxmoll,dsl);
+ ENTHALdll(dts,ddv,dxmolv,dhv);
+ ENTROdll(dts,ddv,dxmolv,dsv);
+ } else { // two-phase region
+ ENTHALdll(dt,ddl,dxmoll,dhl);
+ ENTROdll(dt,ddl,dxmoll,dsl);
+ ENTROdll(dt,ddv,dxmolv,dsv);
+ ENTHALdll(dt,ddv,dxmolv,dhv);
+ dts=dt;
+ }
+ }
+ // some linear interpoltion to avoid strange cp on liquid/vapor lines
+ if (dqmol>=0 && dqmol<=1) { // two-phase
+ double dcp_l,dcp_v,spare;
+ CVCPdll(dt,ddl,dxmoll,spare,dcp_l);
+ CVCPdll(dt,ddv,dxmolv,spare,dcp_v);
+ dCp = dcp_l + (dcp_v-dcp_l)*dqmol;
+ if (calcTrans) {
+ SURTENdll (dt,ddl,ddv,dxmoll,dxmolv,dsigma,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ } else {
+ dsigma =0;
+ }
+ } else { // single-phase
+ dsigma = 0;
+ }
+ updateProps(props, lerr);
+ if (PartialDersInputChoice!=1) {
+ int outVal = ders_REFPROP(ders,errormsg,debug);
+ if ( 0 != outVal || ders[0] != 0 ) printf("Error in derivative function, returned %i\n",outVal);
+ } else { // compute beta and kappa anyway in single-phase region
+ if (dqmol < 0. || dqmol > 1.) {
+ if (debug) printf("Calling THERM3 with T=%f and rho=%f.\n",dt,dd);
+ double spare5,spare6,spare7,spare8,spare9,spare10,spare11,spare12;
+ THERM3dll (dt,dd,dxmol,dxkappa,dbeta,spare5,spare6,spare7,spare8,spare9,spare10,spare11,spare12);
+ } else {
+ dxkappa=noValue; //TODO why is this not flushed?
+ dbeta=noValue;
+ }
+ updateDers(ders, lerr);
+ }
+// updateProps(props, lerr);
+ if (calcTrans) {
+ int outVal = trns_REFPROP(trns,errormsg,debug);
+ if ( 0 != outVal || trns[0] != 0 ) printf("Error in transport property function, returned %i\n",outVal);
+ }
+ if ( strCompare(out, "p") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getP_modelica());
+ return getP_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "t") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getT_modelica());
+ return getT_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "m") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getWML_modelica());
+ return getWM_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "d") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getD_modelica());
+ return getD_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "q") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getQ_modelica());
+ return getQ_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "e") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getE_modelica());
+ return getE_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "h") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getH_modelica());
+ return getH_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "s") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getS_modelica());
+ return getS_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "w") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getW_modelica());
+ return getW_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "v") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getETA_modelica());
+ return getETA_modelica();
+ } else if ( strCompare(out, "l") ) {
+ if (debug) printf("Returning %s = %f\n",out.c_str(),getTCX_modelica());
+ return getTCX_modelica();
+ } else {
+ return -1.0;
+ }
+double satprops_REFPROP(char* what, char* statevar_in, char* fluidnames, double *satprops, double statevarval, double* x, int kph, char* REFPROP_PATH, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE, int calcTransport){
+/*Calculates thermodynamic saturation properties of a pure substance/mixture, returns both single value and array containing all calculated values (because the are calculated anyway)
+ what: character specifying return value (p,T,h,s,d,wm,q,e,w) - Explanation of variables at the end of this function
+ statevar: string of 1 variable out of p,T,h,s,d
+ fluidnames: string containing names of substances in mixtured separated by |, substance names are identical to those of *.fld-files in REFPROP program directory
+ statevarval: values of the variable specified in statevar
+ x: array containing the mass fractions of the components of the mixture
+ REFPROP_PATH: string defining the path of the refprop.dll
+ return value: value of variable specified by the input variable what
+ props: Array containing all calculated values
+ errormsg: string containing error message
+ long lerr = 0;
+ long dkph = kph;
+// DEBUGMODE = 1;
+ if (DEBUGMODE) debug = true;
+ if (calcTransport) calcTrans = true; else calcTrans = false;
+ std::string out = std::string(what).substr(0,1);
+ std::string in1 = std::string(statevar_in).substr(0,1);
+ std::string fluids = std::string(fluidnames);
+ std::string rPath = std::string(REFPROP_PATH);
+ /*
+ * Call method to initialise the library and check for new fluids.
+ * Afterwards, the fluids have been processed and the constants might
+ * have been flushed.
+ */
+ if (debug) printf("\nStarting function satprops_REFPROP to calculate %s.\n", out.c_str());
+ if (setFluids(rPath,fluids,errormsg) != OK) {
+ printf("Error initialising REFPROP: \"%s\"\n", errormsg);
+ return -FAIL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Here should be the state checking to avoid unnecessary calculations. when
+ * working with mixtures, the constants also have to be flushed if the
+ * composition changes.
+ */
+ bool knownState = false; // dummies to force recalculation
+ bool valueExists = false;
+// TODO This is out-commented for props_refprop function
+// TODO - why do we want to flush properties for the setState functions here when setsat is called?
+ if (!knownState) {
+ if (lnc>1) flushConstants();
+ else flushProperties();
+ if (debug) printf("Loading a new state, flushed state. \n");
+ } else { // We have calculated it before.
+ if (valueExists) {
+ if (debug) printf("Working with old state, returning value for %i: %f.\n",what[0],-1.0);
+ return -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we get to this point, the requested value was not part of an earlier
+ * calculation and we have to proceed to determine it via the Refprop library.
+ */
+ // Convert mass-based composition to mole fractions and set molecular weight.
+// double* dxkg;
+ dxkg = x;
+ XMOLEdll(dxkg,dxmolsat,dwmsat);
+ // dwm = dwm / 1000; // from g/mol to kg/mol //keep refprop units..
+ // loop through possible inputs
+ if ( strCompare(in1, "p") ) {
+ dpsat = getP_refprop(statevarval);
+ } else if ( strCompare(in1, "t") ) {
+ dtsat = getT_refprop(statevarval);
+ } else if ( strCompare(in1, "d") ) {
+ ddsat = getD_refprop(statevarval);
+ } else {
+ lerr = 2;
+ sprintf(errormsg,"Unknown state variable: %s\n", in1.c_str());
+ return lerr;
+ }
+ if (debug) printf("\nstatevar %s checked\n",in1.c_str());
+ /*
+ c kph--phase flag: 1 = input x is liquid composition (bubble point)
+ c 2 = input x is vapor composition (dew point)
+ c 3 = input x is liquid composition (freezing point)
+ c 4 = input x is vapor composition (sublimation point)
+ */
+ double pcrit,tcrit,dcrit;
+ CRITPdll(dxmolsat,tcrit,pcrit,dcrit,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr==0) {
+ if ( strCompare(in1, "t") ) {
+ if (dtsat >= tcrit-1) { // critical
+ ENTHALdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmolsat,dhlsat);
+ ENTROdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmolsat,dslsat);
+ dhvsat=dhlsat;
+ dsvsat=dslsat;
+ dtsat=tcrit;
+ ddlsat=dcrit;
+ ddvsat=dcrit;
+ for (int ii=0;ii1) {
+ if (dxmolsat[1]>0 && dxmolsat[1]<1) {
+ if (dx1molsat_old!=dxmolsat[1]) {
+ SATSPLNdll(dxmolsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("\n\n USING SATSPLN, because we have new composition\n\n");
+ printf("dx1molsat_old = %f\n", dx1molsat_old);
+ printf("dxmolsat[1] = %f \n", dxmolsat[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ dx1molsat_old=dxmolsat[1];
+ }
+ }
+ SATTdll(dtsat,dxmolsat,dkph,dpsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,dxmollsat,dxmolvsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dhlsat);
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dhvsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dslsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dsvsat);
+ }
+ } else if ( strCompare(in1, "p") ) {
+ if (dpsat >= pcrit-0.01) { // critical
+ ENTHALdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmolsat,dhlsat);
+ ENTROdll(tcrit,dcrit,dxmolsat,dslsat);
+ dhvsat=dhlsat;
+ dsvsat=dslsat;
+ dtsat=tcrit;
+ ddlsat=dcrit;
+ ddvsat=dcrit;
+ for (int ii=0;ii1) {
+ if (dxmolsat[1]>0 && dxmolsat[1]<1) {
+ if (dx1molsat_old!=dxmolsat[1]) {
+ SATSPLNdll(dxmolsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("\n\n USING SATSPLN, because we have new composition\n\n");
+ printf("dx1molsat_old = %f\n", dx1molsat_old);
+ printf("dxmolsat[1] = %f \n", dxmolsat[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ dx1molsat_old=dxmolsat[1];
+ }
+ }
+ SATPdll(dpsat,dxmolsat,dkph,dtsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,dxmollsat,dxmolvsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dhlsat);
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dhvsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dslsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dsvsat);
+ switch(lerr){
+ case 2:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"P < Ptp");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"P < 0");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //sprintf(errormsg,"p=%f, h=%f",p ,statevar2);
+ } else if ( strCompare(in1, "d") ) {
+ long dkphsatD=2;
+ SATDdll(ddsat,dxmolsat,dkphsatD,dkph,dtsat,dpsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,dxmollsat,dxmolvsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (lerr!=0 || ddlsat<=ddvsat) { // compute phase envelope if error occurs, and try again
+ if (lnc>1) {
+ if (dxmolsat[1]>0 && dxmolsat[1]<1) {
+ if (dx1molsat_old!=dxmolsat[1]) {
+ SATSPLNdll(dxmolsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ if (debug) {
+ printf("\n\n USING SATSPLN, because we have new composition\n\n");
+ printf("dx1molsat_old = %f\n", dx1molsat_old);
+ printf("dxmolsat[1] = %f \n", dxmolsat[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ dx1molsat_old=dxmolsat[1];
+ }
+ }
+ SATDdll(ddsat,dxmolsat,dkphsatD,dkph,dtsat,dpsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,dxmollsat,dxmolvsat,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ }
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dhlsat);
+ ENTHALdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dhvsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddlsat,dxmollsat,dslsat);
+ ENTROdll(dtsat,ddvsat,dxmolvsat,dsvsat);
+ switch(lerr){
+ case 2:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"D > Dmax");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch(lerr){
+ case 0:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"Saturation routine successful");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f < Tmin",dt);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"x out of range, %s",printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str());
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ sprintf(errormsg,"T=%f and x=%s out of range",dt,printX(dxmol,lnc).c_str());
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"D and x out of range");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"P and x out of range");
+ break;
+ case 120:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 121:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"T > Tcrit");
+ break;
+ case 122:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 123:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 124:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -125:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -126:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -127:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 128:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 140:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 141:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"P > Pcrit");
+ break;
+ case 142:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-liquid did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 143:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO-vapor did not converge (pure fluid)");
+ break;
+ case 144:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"pure fluid iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -144:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"Raoult's law (mixture initial guess) did not converge");
+ break;
+ case -145:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for parent ph (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -146:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"TPRHO did not converge for incipient (mix)");
+ break;
+ case -147:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"composition iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 148:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"mixture iteration did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 160:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"CRITP did not converge");
+ break;
+ case 161:
+ strcpy(errormsg,"SATD did not converge");
+ break;
+ default:
+ //strncpy(errormsg,herr,errormessagelength);
+ break;
+ }
+ double dsigma;
+ if (calcTrans) {
+ SURTENdll (dtsat,ddlsat,ddvsat,dxmollsat,dxmolvsat,dsigma,lerr,errormsg,errormessagelength);
+ } else {
+ dsigma =0;
+ }
+ double dxlkg[ncmax], dxvkg[ncmax];
+ XMASSdll(dxmollsat,dxlkg,dwlsat);
+ XMASSdll(dxmolvsat,dxvkg,dwvsat);
+ satprops[0] = lerr;//error code
+ satprops[1] = dtsat; //Temperature in K
+ satprops[2] = dpsat*1000; //pressure in kPa->Pa
+ satprops[3] = ddlsat*dwlsat; //density of liquid phase mol/L ->g/L (kg/m3)
+ satprops[4] = ddvsat*dwvsat; //density of vapor phase mol/L ->g/L (kg/m3)
+ satprops[5] = dhlsat/dwlsat*1000; //enthalpy of liquid J/mol -> J/g e-3 -> J/kg
+ satprops[6] = dhvsat/dwvsat*1000; //enthalpy of vapor J/mol -> J/g e-3 -> J/kg
+ satprops[7] = dslsat/dwlsat*1000; //entropy of liquid J/molK -> J/gK e-3 -> J/kgK
+ satprops[8] = dsvsat/dwvsat*1000; //entropy of vapor J/molK -> J/gK e-3 -> J/kgK
+ satprops[9] = dsigma; //surface tension
+// satprops[12] = dwlsat/1000; //molecular weight g/mol -> kg/mol
+// satprops[13] = dwvsat/1000; //molecular weight g/mol -> kg/mol
+ for (int ii=0;ii strsplit(std::string s, char del);
+//std::string get_REFPROP_fluid_path(std::string rpPath);
+//std::string resolve_error(std::string in1, long lerr, char* errormsg);
+//bool load_REFPROP(char* error);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+ EXPCONV double props_REFPROP(char* what, char* statevars, char* fluidnames, double *ders, double *trns, double *props, double statevar1, double statevar2, double* x, int phase, char* REFPROP_PATH, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE, int calcTransport, int partialDersInputChoice); //declaration;
+ EXPCONV double satprops_REFPROP(char* what, char* statevar, char* fluidnames, double *satprops, double statevarval, double* x, int kph, char* REFPROP_PATH, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE,int calcTransport); //declaration;
+ EXPCONV double critprops_REFPROP(char* fluidnames, double *critprops, double* x, char* REFPROP_PATH, char* errormsg, int DEBUGMODE); //declaration;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.lib b/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd941b
Binary files /dev/null and b/_wrapper/src/refprop_wrapper.lib differ
diff --git a/_wrapper/src/refpropwrappertest.cpp b/_wrapper/src/refpropwrappertest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483f5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_wrapper/src/refpropwrappertest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#include "refprop_wrapper.h"
+#include "refprop_library.h"
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t, double* x, char* REFPROP_PATH);
+//double density(char* fluidname_in, double p, double t);
+//double density(double p, double t);
+//char *str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace, long *count);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ double p,t,d;
+ char fluidname[255];
+ char errormsg[255];
+ double* x;
+ double *props;
+ double *ders;
+ double *trns;
+ double sumx;
+ int i;
+// int nX = argc-5;
+ int DEBUG = 0;
+ int count;
+ printf ("This program was called with \"%s\".\n",argv[0]);
+ if (argc > 1)
+ {
+ for (count = 1; count < argc; count++)
+ {
+ printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", count, argv[count]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("The command had no other arguments.\n");
+ }
+printf("argc is %li \n",argc);
+ if (argc<5){
+ printf("usage: refpropwrappertest.exe statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"isobutan|propane\" 1e5 293 \"d:\\Programme\\REFPROP\\\" .1");
+// printf("usage: refpropwrappertest statevars fluidname1|fluidname2|... statevar1 statevar2 REFPROPdir massfractionComponent1 \nexample: ./bin/refpropwrappertest \"pT\" \"ISOBUTAN|PROPANE\" 1e5 293 \"/opt/refprop/\" .1\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+// usage
+// refpropwrappertest "pT" "isobutan|propane" 1e5 293 "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\REFPROP" .1
+int nX=2;
+ x = (double*) calloc(nX,sizeof(double));
+ props=(double*) calloc(16+2*nX,sizeof(double));
+ ders=(double*) calloc(21,sizeof(double));
+ trns=(double*) calloc(3,sizeof(double));
+x[0] = 0.5;
+x[1] = 1.0-x[0];
+//x[2] = 1-x[1];
+ sumx = 0;
+ for (i=0;i
-Documentation is found in the packages. Installation directions are found in both REFPROP packages.
- Contact
-Henning Francke
-Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
-GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
-Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam