A robot, dadbot, warnbot, cool guy, invite him to your server here
Bot web dashboard: WikiBot.tech
Searches Wikipedia for given query in desired language
?wiki query
Gives a definition for a given query from urban dictionary
?urban query
Random post from given subreddit
?hot|meme subreddit
Searches YouTube for given query and sends a video
?yt query
Bot responds with response
if message is equal to keyword
(can be multiple words, case insensitive)
?addresponsestatic|ars keyword
Bot responds with response
if message contains keyword
(can be multiple words, case insensitive)
?addresponsedynamic|ard keyword
Remove a static (rrs
) or dynamic (rrd
) response
?rrs|rrd response
Gives an example for a given query from urban dictionary
?urbanexample query
?8ball question
Changes source subreddit for an empty ?hot|meme comamnd
?hotsource|memesource subreddit
Searches copypasta for given query
?cp|copypasta query
?warn @user
Lists warnings for given user
?warns @user
(Your own warns if left blank)
Changes language for Wikipedia search PER USER
?wikilang language
?archivepins|ap #source channel
#target channel
Fill in your API keys, your Discord Account ID(for DM feedback) and run bot.py