We going to install other packages with vitest. We will use them with together vitest.
npm i - D vitest
npm i - D jsdom @testing - library / react @testing - library / jest - dom
npm i - D @testing - library / user - event
In the above commands we installed certain packages
jsdom (for implementing browsers dom Api)
react-testing-library (for testing React components)
user-event (for event handling)
"compilerOptions" : {
// ...
"types" : [ "vitest/globals" ] ,
} ,
"include" : [ "src" , "**/*.ts" , "**/*.tsx" , "**/*.test.ts" , "**/*.test.tsx" ]
// ...
Create setup.ts file first before configure vite.config.ts which is looks like this:
import "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest" ;
import { cleanup } from "@testing-library/react" ;
import { afterEach } from "vitest" ;
afterEach ( ( ) => {
// e.g, clearing jsdom
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) ;
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { defineConfig } from "vite" ;
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react-swc" ;
export default defineConfig ( {
plugins : [ react ( ) ] ,
test : {
globals : true ,
environment : "jsdom" ,
css : true ,
setupFiles : "./src/test/setup.ts" ,
} ,
} ) ;
"scripts" : {
"test" : "vitest"
} ,
🎯️ For extra info visit these links: