Supports point & range queries and set operations with other intervals (union, intersection, difference).
Furthermore, a parser for ISO 80000-2 / ISO 31-11 interval
notation is provided. See
With version 3.0.0 the API has been updated to be largely functional rather than
OOP, with all static (and most instance) Interval
methods converted into
standalone functions. The only class methods remaining are to implement these
standard interfaces: ICompare
, IContains
, ICopy
, IEquiv
import * as i from "@thi.ng/intervals";
// [0 .. +∞] (fully closed)
const a = i.withMin(0);
// [-∞ .. 1) (open on RHS)
const b = i.withMax(1, true);
const c = i.intersection(a, b);
// [0 .. 1)
// parse from string
i.interval("[0 .. 1)")
// Interval { l: 0, r: 1, lopen: false, ropen: true }
i.contains(c, 1);
// or
// false (because interval is open on RHS)
i.contains(c, 0.999999);
// true
// classify interval relative to point (true if RHS < x)
i.isBefore(c, -1)
// false
i.isBefore(c, 1)
// true
// classify interval relative to point (true if LHS > x)
i.isAfter(c, -1);
// true
i.isAfter(c, 1);
// false
// grow interval to include 2 => [0 ... 2]
const c2 = i.include(c, 2);
// sort order: LHS -> RHS
i.compare(c, c2);
// -1
// classify WRT given interval arg
// returns Classifier enum
i.classify(c, i.infinity());
// 3 (aka Classifier.SUBSET)
// create transformed interval
// (here scaled around centroid)
i.transform(c, (x) => x + (x - i.centroid(c)) * 2).toString();
// [-1 .. 2)
// iterator of decimated interval values
[...i.values(c, 0.25)];
// [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ]
// close RHS
c.ropen = false;
// iterator of 0.25-spaced values in interval
[...i.values(c, 0.25)];
// [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 ] => now includes 1
// iterator of n equidistant samples
[...i.samples(c, 4)]
// [ 0, 0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666, 1 ]
// constrain values to interval (taking openness into account)
i.max(i.interval("(0..1)"), -2)
// 0.000001
// if given value is outside interval, uses opt epsilon value
// to return closest inside value (default: 1e-6)...
i.max(i.interval("(0..1)"), -2, 1e-3)
// 0.001
i.min(i.interval("(0..1)"), 2, 1e-3)
// 0.999
// clamp on both sides
i.clamp(i.interval("[0..1)"), -2, 1e-3)
// 0
i.clamp(i.interval("[0..1)"), 2, 1e-3)
// 0.999