From 72ddc50142a7a1812d21cc6783e4b593ffd72c50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SlimSlam <> Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 18:32:50 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 01/62] Fland Reporters Room (#34408) changed the command checkpoint to a reporters room. --- Resources/Maps/fland.yml | 826 ++++++++++++++-------------- Resources/Prototypes/Maps/fland.yml | 1 + 2 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 407 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/fland.yml b/Resources/Maps/fland.yml index 2165e648668..3e413f0a2d7 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/fland.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/fland.yml @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ entities: chunks: -1,-1: ind: -1,-1 - tiles: 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- - 0 - uid: 10901 components: - type: Transform @@ -96276,6 +96307,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 78.61583,-18.435736 parent: 13329 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitJournalist + entities: + - uid: 2243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.469791,2.582446 + parent: 13329 - proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitLawyerBlack entities: - uid: 26094 @@ -97125,12 +97163,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring entities: - - uid: 1980 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,1.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 2215 components: - type: Transform @@ -97375,14 +97407,16 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 59.5,44.5 parent: 13329 -- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords +- proto: ComputerMassMedia entities: - - uid: 1981 + - uid: 303 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,0.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords + entities: - uid: 9648 components: - type: Transform @@ -97601,12 +97635,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,58.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 23629 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-1.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 27813 components: - type: Transform @@ -99304,6 +99332,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.667912,48.69122 parent: 13329 +- proto: CurtainsGreenOpen + entities: + - uid: 54 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,1.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: d20Dice entities: - uid: 32795 @@ -99550,13 +99590,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - type: NavMapBeacon text: Conference - - uid: 26701 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - - type: NavMapBeacon - text: Checkpoint - uid: 29163 components: - type: Transform @@ -99845,6 +99878,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 50.5,-40.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconReporter + entities: + - uid: 35935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconRND entities: - uid: 26317 @@ -100231,6 +100271,12 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: DisposalBend entities: + - uid: 59 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 960 components: - type: Transform @@ -100322,12 +100368,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1619 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 1623 components: - type: Transform @@ -102097,18 +102137,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1620 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1621 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 1622 components: - type: Transform @@ -109159,6 +109187,12 @@ entities: tag: Trash - proto: DisposalTrunk entities: + - uid: 58 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 950 components: - type: Transform @@ -109201,12 +109235,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1618 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 1764 components: - type: Transform @@ -109658,6 +109686,11 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: DisposalUnit entities: + - uid: 57 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 941 components: - type: Transform @@ -109693,11 +109726,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1740 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 1741 components: - type: Transform @@ -111389,13 +111417,13 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: FaxMachineBase entities: - - uid: 1988 + - uid: 1628 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,2.5 parent: 13329 - type: FaxMachine - name: Command Checkpoint + name: News Room - uid: 4540 components: - type: Transform @@ -111700,15 +111728,15 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: filingCabinetRandom entities: - - uid: 1977 + - uid: 2211 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-0.5 + pos: -7.5,-10.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 2211 + - uid: 2241 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-10.5 + pos: -8.5,0.5 parent: 13329 - uid: 4539 components: @@ -111917,7 +111945,6 @@ entities: - 1758 - 1759 - 1760 - - 1973 - 2200 - 2204 - uid: 4589 @@ -113380,11 +113407,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,46.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1973 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 2048 components: - type: Transform @@ -155222,27 +155244,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,3.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 299 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 300 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 301 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 302 components: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,0.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 303 + - uid: 301 components: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,1.5 @@ -162009,11 +162016,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.2316008,34.45331 parent: 13329 - - uid: 10988 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.436715,-1.5007612 - parent: 13329 - uid: 11782 components: - type: Transform @@ -162309,17 +162311,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 71.5,58.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 35871 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: holopad (Command - Post) - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - - type: Label - currentLabel: Command - Post - - type: NameModifier - baseName: holopad - proto: HolopadCommandBridgeHallway entities: - uid: 35850 @@ -162909,6 +162900,13 @@ entities: currentLabel: Service - Library Meeting - type: NameModifier baseName: holopad +- proto: HolopadServiceNewsroom + entities: + - uid: 35936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen entities: - uid: 1440 @@ -168026,12 +168024,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,21.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 10986 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 11764 components: - type: Transform @@ -169411,11 +169403,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: PottedPlant12 entities: - - uid: 1979 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.487109,1.2179638 - parent: 13329 - uid: 9443 components: - type: Transform @@ -179378,36 +179365,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1626 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1627 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1628 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1629 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1630 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,1.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 2055 components: - type: Transform @@ -184629,15 +184586,6 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 1492: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1976 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1975: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 4523 components: - type: Transform @@ -186024,6 +185972,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,42.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: SignNews + entities: + - uid: 35871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: SignNosmoking entities: - uid: 18472 @@ -190238,6 +190193,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-25.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: SpawnPointReporter + entities: + - uid: 35934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,1.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: SpawnPointResearchAssistant entities: - uid: 26703 @@ -191809,17 +191771,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand entities: - - uid: 10985 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Arrivals Command Post - uid: 30181 components: - type: Transform @@ -194420,6 +194371,12 @@ entities: id: Perma North - proto: SurveillanceCameraService entities: + - uid: 1627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-0.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 10975 components: - type: Transform @@ -194685,8 +194642,22 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 100.5,30.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredEntertainment + entities: + - uid: 10986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-0.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableEntertainment entities: + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-1.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 29511 components: - type: Transform @@ -197173,35 +197144,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,10.5 parent: 13329 - - uid: 1972 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1982 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1983 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1984 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 1985 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 2199 components: - type: Transform @@ -198061,6 +198003,11 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: TableWood entities: + - uid: 55 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 213 components: - type: Transform @@ -198493,6 +198440,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 37.5,26.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 10987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 10988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,1.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 11712 components: - type: Transform @@ -199890,11 +199847,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.578018,13.515272 parent: 13329 - - uid: 10987 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.48359,-1.3913862 - parent: 13329 - uid: 11672 components: - type: Transform @@ -201191,91 +201143,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: WallReinforced entities: - - uid: 47 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 48 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 49 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 50 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 51 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 52 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 53 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 54 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 55 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,0.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 56 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,1.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 57 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,2.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 58 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 59 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 60 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 61 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 62 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,3.5 - parent: 13329 - - uid: 63 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 265 components: - type: Transform @@ -215628,6 +215495,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 62 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 66 components: - type: Transform @@ -216403,6 +216276,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,42.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-1.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,1.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 860 components: - type: Transform @@ -216738,6 +216623,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,6.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 1629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 1761 components: - type: Transform @@ -216813,6 +216715,89 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-3.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 1972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-0.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,3.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-0.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-1.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-2.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 2040 components: - type: Transform @@ -225172,6 +225157,13 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -8.5,27.5 parent: 13329 +- proto: WindoorSecure + entities: + - uid: 56 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - proto: WindoorSecureArmoryLocked entities: - uid: 8649 @@ -225329,11 +225321,6 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: WindoorSecureCommandLocked entities: - - uid: 1974 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-2.5 - parent: 13329 - uid: 30210 components: - type: Transform @@ -225596,6 +225583,11 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: Window entities: + - uid: 60 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 310 components: - type: Transform @@ -225909,6 +225901,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 93.5,41.5 parent: 13329 + - uid: 23629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,1.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 28818 components: - type: Transform @@ -225963,6 +225960,21 @@ entities: parent: 13329 - proto: WindowFrostedDirectional entities: + - uid: 1620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 + - uid: 1625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,0.5 + parent: 13329 - uid: 18854 components: - type: Transform diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/fland.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/fland.yml index b5c6fe9007d..1528cbfbf39 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/fland.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/fland.yml @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Chaplain: [ 1, 1 ] Librarian: [ 1, 1 ] ServiceWorker: [ 2, 2 ] + Reporter: [ 1, 1 ] #engineering ChiefEngineer: [ 1, 1 ] AtmosphericTechnician: [ 3, 3 ] From 8bc4c35aae39dbdee981542132e40ec035e4a385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 23:33:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 02/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 15 +++++++-------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index e69cabe433d..dffb428529f 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,12 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: EmoGarbage404 - changes: - - message: Firesuits are now worse at keeping in heat and winter clothes make you - get warmer quicker. - type: Tweak - id: 7302 - time: '2024-09-07T05:37:17.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: Boaz1111 changes: - message: The maple wing marking for moths now have a secondary color palette. @@ -3937,3 +3929,10 @@ id: 7801 time: '2025-01-12T16:38:41.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: SlimSlam + changes: + - message: News Room + type: Add + id: 7802 + time: '2025-01-12T23:32:51.0000000+00:00' + url: From 606e45243381230cb71800aaad7bc482df8f7eb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Booblesnoot42 <> Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 18:40:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 03/62] Add a high-capacity water tank to the janitor's closet of Oasis (#34366) added high capacity water tank --- Resources/Maps/oasis.yml | 41 +++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml index 88724ae67cf..34410772ff2 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml @@ -12629,7 +12629,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -9228.058 + secondsUntilStateChange: -9760.914 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -14550,7 +14550,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -31280.232 + secondsUntilStateChange: -31813.088 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -15401,7 +15401,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130108.836 + secondsUntilStateChange: -130641.695 state: Opening - uid: 6934 components: @@ -15413,7 +15413,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130111.47 + secondsUntilStateChange: -130644.33 state: Opening - uid: 6935 components: @@ -15425,7 +15425,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130110.32 + secondsUntilStateChange: -130643.18 state: Opening - uid: 6936 components: @@ -15436,7 +15436,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130109.54 + secondsUntilStateChange: -130642.4 state: Opening - proto: AirlockTheatreLocked entities: @@ -79207,7 +79207,7 @@ entities: - uid: 8684 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.562342,-6.1567516 + pos: 19.565006,-6.1101065 parent: 2 - uid: 10965 components: @@ -96269,7 +96269,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -121432.82 + secondsUntilStateChange: -121965.68 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 18275 @@ -142217,7 +142217,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -158264.66 + secondsUntilStateChange: -158797.52 state: Opening - uid: 5211 components: @@ -166748,7 +166748,7 @@ entities: - uid: 3070 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.532429,-4.4938884 + pos: 24.54314,-4.5250664 parent: 2 - uid: 3071 components: @@ -192805,6 +192805,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 9675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 - proto: WaterVaporCanister entities: - uid: 8886 @@ -193047,18 +193052,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-31.5 parent: 21002 -- proto: WetFloorSign - entities: - - uid: 9675 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 22.803389,-2.1261864 - parent: 2 - - uid: 9676 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 22.303389,-2.1366029 - parent: 2 - proto: Windoor entities: - uid: 1463 @@ -193346,7 +193339,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -9230.891 + secondsUntilStateChange: -9763.747 state: Opening - type: Airlock autoClose: False @@ -194780,7 +194773,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,2.5 parent: 21002 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -503469.3 + secondsUntilStateChange: -504002.16 state: Opening - uid: 28863 components: From 91bc1f8cac8b9361ee0f9ae6c0465342ac9796e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: frobnic8 Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 19:24:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 04/62] Darkened Service job interface icons for better contrast (#34270) * Darkened Service job interface icons for better contrast * Fixed Botanist job interface icon dark handle hole * Change to new, darker, service color in all resource yml files * Revert Map file service color changes * Use new darker service color on id cards * Revert Service color change in mapping_actions.yml * Revert salvage difficulties service color * Redo service ID and job colors to match advanced palette * Revert all service color yml file changes * Switch icons to use existing service pallete colors from advanced pallete * Update meta.json for darkened service icons --------- Co-authored-by: Erskin Cherry --- .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Bartender.png | Bin 188 -> 4722 bytes .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Botanist.png | Bin 194 -> 4965 bytes .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Chef.png | Bin 185 -> 4721 bytes .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Reporter.png | Bin 163 -> 4729 bytes .../Misc/job_icons.rsi/ServiceWorker.png | Bin 209 -> 4724 bytes .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Zookeeper.png | Bin 183 -> 4728 bytes .../Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idbartender.png | Bin 169 -> 4748 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idbotanist.png | Bin 175 -> 4753 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idchaplain.png | Bin 171 -> 4750 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idcook.png | Bin 197 -> 4763 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idcurator.png | Bin 170 -> 4750 bytes .../Misc/id_cards.rsi/idheadofpersonnel.png | Bin 233 -> 4806 bytes .../Misc/id_cards.rsi/idintern-service.png | Bin 200 -> 4762 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idjanitor.png | Bin 189 -> 4762 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idlawyer.png | Bin 179 -> 4766 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idreporter.png | Bin 190 -> 4756 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idzookeeper.png | Bin 245 -> 4769 bytes .../Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- 19 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Bartender.png b/Resources/Textures/Interface/Misc/job_icons.rsi/Bartender.png index d6e59ad74b820597e9de0f309c6dee424ab41fdb..b422c6599add0bcc3b069edbb21aa5a6d18e0f3d 100644 GIT binary patch literal 4722 zcmeHKe{dAl9p4L*kYK=wQNXI3GYo{dx4UE(6K90H-FF#TD2fDtyIg8rdY8Q)4sjSkIU#x zCsXNPc{6*v`+eW<=Y7AQ_j&v7ZFiTfOix>whGAH`(_t?|_gU&SD;fO`&OO?y-WolX zN*RdY!H_IUK8Py~L5RbsBw|?f1Hb#j^kewV*S$M-Zn|gw{H@uZ&yw%zOWwU?d*iKN zeB3kV!rOhFk!U&|JiDva)82LV*O|MYxHa8hye)4Zkb*C5EniNwi+|rZJW{cBsK2cI z2fAVy0k6#d{^`EFw(D67mlZ79dS``M%V_@i-20Ue*1q{(#-Y0}FRA~eW_{b_*wrj=I9+Z&^=O;-pI5)C+E9CjTfRJdFMLdz zC*N|y_d)Xc4d-U%zPWVRI{XXg9oZZIbmZLdo#$WpP11?Br=R&eZ(U2}ef0-_Kd@h@ z9UK~buwp1@%^QvTLubzIuc+N$S32@qaP^w1PuT8^?4NC0KLXw(+aJh!ctP8DW_J~AzHn{e-)FD-x?g+ehfm#Bf}JLJUZK-k>YK#V>yAEt z*N+>LZt85xef8o?rcGZi{`4P*Znq^}JKWUz*F!H}&^-0s{Ix0R(wpea@eaEg>FI~B`_pM)k_2E#*M|0254xMUSm2^Lb z&CQpPzA9a-SYGz)fFN^F7xf2`@GvZISu_avwNSx1=#>IC?d4bcw74YLv=19ylq*;W zYa~Zw2$naNc=*P(yj9RH%TLRTvIxKr6@W+mzCf6b+O#oT7CozGQj5o2l(jZ(rOS;M z${~m|Iz~qkMNz3)1FiJ&>Y1RlqeVpM&xx>}Cp3R!VQwCqOv^VFd(u zs6rudorG`2 z1fs=A6A;h{il+>Om9ub!$O}BsQ$`-rTntL!*H3b1KcNrAfPM2AQ6!*T_vY|>_fNpCS3DU-ospbX4}(?c*6MoLsMX-a1> z#d_3fVNo%NSfJ_@0mSU67Pc@1fg*=Ivh1^I)s%2Ga=hDxmXiP!UAJ;u;N{O4G4H4`g)AYb<8e(gA`1HS>T|_N{D(65)3e!2`dj60zld<3ZelB zqvVaFhhQ)2tpd${+=jLww4;&Z zTiU2Bkm_z^8(mR1atIus9%M@VPSZ6_*OVBTlJm5>rs}pF)<@pra~`VRMeDm*!V;mw=2Ziqln;@~I{z zlUfKrUNekL6;AsK&-@`?sIIOKIv@JiiA^&vJhQ&F{p6ymi+#O&@foNc+tWMmX0_!! zdEb1s-MzZ;ME~G&tUt3~+1HcW(ck>rruV;Bu6g++b-b;mHx=u=e8<5z8m^&3K887q LO6&&;s+<1HB*K~yMH zWBmXBKSS*fxBm=SK(og#M#h@$uK$(Iguwy{Ld(JQf_IT%`tGT>3`}4a9spMW(+vX1 uY=S1RKxr_5*^LZP6d)T7Q%t~{yBGl;KpmXV1Uq8@0000f|8^*HKb9}X*yztc4|xwtu?78{_1z{0AZS$ z4pYrv?9ATozVCaV?|Yy3-uJtETfN0AZ%#*Yii}~APXgYD=N!dnUp_N$X?#P%PCuMR8$ zMQyX))u;QHb_*%I_PfRT=?mV_dTVn2l6TMS_QX|7l83+27E~`f^vso>OIKHKu~h~K z$_`IIJN$0FBk9qe?B*+JpD)XqyCpF-*|IkwvizAqen!Vjgr6APuRrGP&{Vpv>@ zlAG&w=jM*agQD2Gq1{z@)H`p}s?wiZQWG;yu 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TsjipTsjip | StationAi resprite to 8x8 size by lunarcomets | Service Worker resprite by anno_midi (Discord) and spanky-spanky (Github)", + "copyright": "Taken from | Brigmedic icon made by PuroSlavKing (Github) | Zombie icon made by RamZ | Zookeper by netwy (discort) | Rev and Head Rev icon taken from and edited by coolmankid12345 (Discord) | Mindshield icon taken from | Admin recolored from MedicalIntern by TsjipTsjip | StationAi resprite to 8x8 size by lunarcomets | Service Worker resprite by anno_midi (Discord) and spanky-spanky (Github) | service icons darkened by frobnic8 (Discord and Github)", "size": { "x": 8, diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idbartender.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/id_cards.rsi/idbartender.png index 435ea39ad6a9fa9b404b430eb7c0cad0887b7d61..04fa5203026071a4442149f6bbd32e1fd67670aa 100644 GIT binary patch literal 4748 zcmeHKeNYtV8DFKqg+!zcY4Bs}c0)uu?(OZ~?%nOe9bX4>(UTJpQA5Mt?z^yhcYE9} 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Moved Vents Around (#34410) * Moved all vents around, made some small changes * Finished work * Removed insuls spawner since they're not merged yet --- Resources/Maps/amber.yml | 6821 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 4013 insertions(+), 2808 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/amber.yml b/Resources/Maps/amber.yml index 3ebff01c25a..acaebac8aab 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/amber.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/amber.yml @@ -81,59 +81,59 @@ entities: chunks: -1,-1: ind: -1,-1 - tiles: CQAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAACCQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAABCQAAAAABDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAADCQAAAAACCQAAAAADCQAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAADCQAAAAACDwAAAAAADwAAAAABDwAAAAABCQAAAAADCQAAAAADCQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAAADwAAAAACDwAAAAAADwAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAACCQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAADDgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAABGgAAAAACCQAAAAACCQAAAAACCQAAAAADCQAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAADwAAAAADDwAAAAABDwAAAAABCQAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAABGgAAAAADCQAAAAACCQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAA + tiles: CQAAAAADCQAAAAABCQAAAAADCQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAABCQAAAAABCQAAAAABDgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAAGwAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAABCQAAAAADCQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAADCQAAAAABDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAACDwAAAAADDwAAAAAADwAAAAACCQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAADDwAAAAACDwAAAAAADwAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAADCQAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAABCQAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACDgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAACGgAAAAACCQAAAAABCQAAAAACCQAAAAAACQAAAAAADgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABDgAAAAAACQAAAAADDwAAAAABDwAAAAADDwAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAABCQAAAAADDgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAAAGgAAAAADCQAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAACCQAAAAACDgAAAAAAGwAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAADCQAAAAACDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAABCQAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAAACQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAACQAAAAACCQAAAAADDgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAADgAAAAAA version: 6 -1,-2: ind: -1,-2 - 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1: 32768 + 2: 32768 -2,-15: 0: 64435 -2,-14: 0: 65339 -2,-17: 0: 13119 - 1: 2048 + 2: 2048 -1,-15: 0: 65328 - 1: 8 + 2: 8 -1,-14: 0: 65295 -1,-16: - 1: 59392 + 2: 59392 0,-15: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 0: 65280 0,-14: 0: 65295 0,-13: 0: 65535 -4,-18: - 1: 59592 + 2: 59592 -5,-18: - 1: 40960 + 2: 40960 -5,-17: - 1: 255 + 2: 255 -4,-20: - 1: 51400 + 2: 51400 -4,-21: - 1: 51404 + 2: 51404 -4,-19: - 1: 51400 + 2: 51400 -3,-18: - 1: 12288 + 2: 12288 0: 34952 -3,-21: - 1: 18575 + 2: 18575 -3,-20: 0: 2176 -3,-19: 0: 34952 -2,-20: 0: 4913 - 1: 34816 + 2: 34816 -2,-19: 0: 15347 -2,-18: 0: 45875 - 1: 136 + 2: 136 -2,-21: 0: 4096 - 1: 17203 + 2: 17203 -1,-19: 0: 16 -1,-17: @@ -12133,7 +12179,7 @@ entities: 0: 43688 -4,1: 0: 62259 - 2: 128 + 3: 128 -5,1: 0: 43690 -4,2: @@ -12147,14 +12193,14 @@ entities: -4,4: 0: 21759 -3,1: - 2: 513 - 1: 8208 + 3: 513 + 2: 8208 -3,2: 0: 65280 - 1: 8 + 2: 8 -3,3: 0: 13119 - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 -3,4: 0: 47283 -2,1: @@ -12162,37 +12208,37 @@ entities: 5: 1092 -2,2: 0: 65280 - 1: 10 + 2: 10 -2,3: 0: 13 - 1: 61696 + 2: 61696 -1,1: - 2: 1365 + 3: 1365 -1,2: 0: 65280 - 1: 10 + 2: 10 -1,3: 0: 15 - 1: 5120 + 2: 5120 -2,4: - 1: 8 + 2: 8 0: 16176 -1,4: 0: 61420 0,0: 0: 15 - 1: 3328 - 2: 512 + 2: 3328 + 3: 512 0,1: 6: 273 - 2: 3276 + 3: 3276 0,2: 0: 65280 - 1: 6 - 2: 8 + 2: 6 + 3: 8 0,3: 0: 19663 - 1: 256 + 2: 256 -5,4: 0: 62395 -4,5: @@ -12200,29 +12246,29 @@ entities: -5,5: 0: 8079 -4,6: - 1: 50272 + 2: 50272 -3,5: 0: 8099 -3,6: 0: 119 - 1: 53248 + 2: 53248 -3,7: - 1: 4401 + 2: 4401 -3,8: - 1: 4401 + 2: 4401 -2,5: 0: 13104 - 1: 2184 + 2: 2184 -2,6: 0: 63 - 1: 6144 + 2: 6144 -1,6: 0: 3311 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 -1,5: 0: 61038 -1,7: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 0,4: 0: 65535 0,5: @@ -12231,31 +12277,29 @@ entities: 0: 36863 -8,-4: 0: 15 - 1: 768 - -8,-5: - 0: 61543 + 2: 768 -9,-4: 0: 26239 -8,-3: 0: 44782 -9,-3: 0: 34958 - 1: 12288 + 2: 12288 -8,-2: 0: 65034 -9,-2: 0: 64904 - 1: 3 + 2: 3 -8,-1: 0: 60942 -9,-1: 0: 35037 - 1: 12288 + 2: 12288 -8,0: 0: 26190 -7,-4: - 0: 17487 - 1: 256 + 0: 17479 + 2: 256 -7,-3: 0: 65535 -7,-2: @@ -12268,7 +12312,7 @@ entities: 0: 65359 -6,-4: 0: 15 - 1: 2304 + 2: 2304 -6,-3: 0: 53727 -6,-2: @@ -12276,7 +12320,7 @@ entities: -6,-1: 0: 65422 -6,-5: - 0: 61695 + 0: 64511 -6,0: 0: 60931 -8,-8: @@ -12291,6 +12335,8 @@ entities: 0: 62079 -8,-6: 0: 3826 + -8,-5: + 0: 1639 -9,-6: 0: 62071 -9,-5: @@ -12359,28 +12405,28 @@ entities: 0: 65262 -8,-17: 0: 24576 - 1: 206 + 2: 206 -7,-15: - 1: 256 + 2: 256 -7,-16: - 1: 238 + 2: 238 -7,-14: 0: 58470 -6,-16: - 1: 17663 + 2: 17663 -6,-14: 0: 48043 -6,-17: - 1: 17663 + 2: 17663 -6,-15: - 1: 196 + 2: 196 0: 32768 -8,-20: 0: 1 - 1: 512 + 2: 512 -8,-21: 0: 4096 - 1: 32 + 2: 32 -9,-20: 0: 61423 -9,-19: @@ -12388,26 +12434,26 @@ entities: -9,-18: 0: 61423 -8,-18: - 1: 40960 + 2: 40960 -9,-17: 0: 65519 -7,-17: - 1: 511 + 2: 511 -7,-18: - 1: 40960 + 2: 40960 -6,-18: - 1: 40960 + 2: 40960 -9,0: 0: 59528 - 1: 34 + 2: 34 -8,1: 0: 6 - 1: 24576 + 2: 24576 -9,1: 0: 52462 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 -8,2: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 0: 61056 -9,2: 0: 60668 @@ -12441,115 +12487,115 @@ entities: 0: 62990 -8,6: 0: 7 - 1: 1792 + 2: 1792 -9,6: - 1: 52288 + 2: 52288 -8,7: - 1: 4224 + 2: 4224 -8,8: - 1: 18163 + 2: 18163 -9,7: - 1: 64716 + 2: 64716 -7,5: 0: 26159 -7,6: - 1: 4368 + 2: 4368 -7,7: - 1: 4369 + 2: 4369 -7,8: - 1: 55569 + 2: 55569 -6,5: 0: 3903 -6,6: - 1: 16454 + 2: 16454 -6,7: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 0: 35968 -6,8: - 1: 4978 + 2: 4978 -5,6: 0: 4369 - 1: 16452 + 2: 16452 -5,7: 0: 14128 - 1: 8 + 2: 8 -5,8: 0: 1 - 1: 2248 + 2: 2248 -9,8: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 -8,9: - 1: 8 + 2: 8 -7,9: - 1: 19038 + 2: 19038 -7,10: - 1: 136 + 2: 136 -6,9: - 1: 61440 + 2: 61440 -6,10: - 1: 116 + 2: 116 -5,9: - 1: 61440 + 2: 61440 -5,10: - 1: 196 + 2: 196 -4,8: - 1: 29456 + 2: 29456 -4,9: - 1: 23118 + 2: 23118 -4,10: - 1: 50 + 2: 50 -12,-4: - 1: 3712 - 2: 57344 + 2: 3712 + 3: 57344 -13,-4: 0: 48896 - 2: 7 - 1: 8 + 3: 7 + 2: 8 -12,-3: 0: 1 - 1: 62126 + 2: 62126 -13,-3: 0: 11 - 2: 59136 - 1: 6144 + 3: 59136 + 2: 6144 -12,-2: - 2: 59185 - 1: 2254 + 3: 59185 + 2: 2254 -13,-2: - 2: 140 - 1: 2114 + 3: 140 + 2: 2114 -12,-1: - 2: 140 - 1: 34816 + 3: 140 + 2: 34816 -11,-4: - 1: 1841 - 2: 61440 + 2: 1841 + 3: 61440 -11,-3: - 1: 61759 + 2: 61759 -11,-2: - 1: 5 + 2: 5 0: 36352 -12,0: - 1: 35562 + 2: 35562 -11,-5: - 1: 8048 + 2: 8048 -11,-1: 0: 34958 - 1: 8704 + 2: 8704 -10,-4: 0: 59647 - 2: 4096 + 3: 4096 -10,-3: - 1: 61633 + 2: 61633 -10,-2: 0: 65280 - 1: 12 + 2: 12 -10,-1: 0: 13311 - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 -10,0: 0: 13105 - 1: 34816 + 2: 34816 -12,-8: 0: 64991 -12,-9: @@ -12560,17 +12606,17 @@ entities: 0: 56349 -13,-7: 0: 51404 - 1: 17 + 2: 17 -12,-6: 0: 52701 -13,-6: 0: 3838 -12,-5: - 2: 305 - 1: 4800 + 3: 305 + 2: 4800 -13,-5: - 2: 60552 - 1: 4672 + 3: 60552 + 2: 4672 -11,-8: 0: 65535 -11,-7: @@ -12587,7 +12633,7 @@ entities: 0: 61695 -10,-5: 0: 3087 - 1: 256 + 2: 256 -10,-9: 0: 65287 -12,-12: @@ -12598,7 +12644,7 @@ entities: 0: 61058 -12,-11: 0: 4367 - 1: 1024 + 2: 1024 -13,-11: 0: 34958 -12,-10: @@ -12607,7 +12653,7 @@ entities: 0: 49080 -13,-9: 0: 52424 - 1: 272 + 2: 272 -11,-10: 0: 65399 -11,-13: @@ -12616,7 +12662,7 @@ entities: 0: 61152 -11,-11: 0: 14 - 1: 1024 + 2: 1024 -10,-12: 0: 32738 -10,-11: @@ -12626,7 +12672,7 @@ entities: -10,-13: 0: 65294 -12,-15: - 1: 3 + 2: 3 0: 30464 -12,-14: 0: 30576 @@ -12636,173 +12682,173 @@ entities: 0: 60629 -11,-15: 0: 7936 - 1: 10 + 2: 10 -11,-14: 0: 56799 -10,-15: 0: 3968 - 1: 2 + 2: 2 -10,-14: 0: 61166 -10,-16: - 1: 16384 + 2: 16384 -10,-20: - 1: 4 + 2: 4 0: 3072 -10,-21: - 1: 16512 + 2: 16512 -10,-19: 0: 12 - 1: 1024 + 2: 1024 -10,-18: - 1: 4 + 2: 4 0: 3072 -10,-17: 0: 12 -9,-21: 0: 64170 -12,1: - 1: 65416 + 2: 65416 -13,1: - 1: 65392 + 2: 65392 -12,2: - 2: 3840 - 1: 61440 + 3: 3840 + 2: 61440 -13,2: - 2: 43008 - 1: 21026 + 3: 43008 + 2: 21026 -12,3: - 2: 3855 - 1: 61440 + 3: 3855 + 2: 61440 -13,3: - 2: 43016 - 1: 21026 + 3: 43016 + 2: 21026 -12,4: - 2: 3855 - 1: 61440 + 3: 3855 + 2: 61440 -11,1: - 1: 63265 + 2: 63265 0: 8 -11,3: - 1: 34560 - 2: 2048 + 2: 34560 + 3: 2048 -11,0: 0: 52416 -10,1: 0: 51 - 1: 47104 - 2: 16384 + 2: 47104 + 3: 16384 -10,3: - 2: 49408 - 1: 4096 + 3: 49408 + 2: 4096 0: 140 -11,4: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 -10,2: - 1: 290 + 2: 290 0: 32960 -10,4: - 1: 8471 - 2: 3816 + 2: 8471 + 3: 3816 -13,4: - 2: 43016 - 1: 21026 + 3: 43016 + 2: 21026 -12,5: - 2: 8207 - 1: 53760 + 3: 8207 + 2: 53760 -13,5: - 2: 8200 - 1: 53794 + 3: 8200 + 2: 53794 -12,6: - 2: 21872 - 1: 8706 + 3: 21872 + 2: 8706 -12,7: - 2: 85 - 1: 61986 + 3: 85 + 2: 61986 -12,8: - 1: 127 + 2: 127 -13,7: - 1: 61986 - 2: 85 + 2: 61986 + 3: 85 -11,5: - 1: 61952 + 2: 61952 -11,7: - 1: 61440 + 2: 61440 -11,8: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 -11,6: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 -10,5: - 1: 5760 + 2: 5760 0: 57344 -10,7: - 1: 61440 + 2: 61440 -10,8: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 -10,6: - 1: 6 + 2: 6 -13,8: - 1: 127 + 2: 127 -16,-4: 0: 65327 -16,-5: 0: 61440 - 1: 145 + 2: 145 -16,-3: 0: 65327 -17,-4: 0: 62578 -16,-2: - 1: 240 + 2: 240 -16,-1: - 1: 35071 + 2: 35071 -17,-1: - 1: 255 + 2: 255 -15,-1: - 1: 9215 + 2: 9215 -16,0: - 1: 34952 + 2: 34952 -15,-4: 0: 24576 - 1: 12 + 2: 12 -15,-3: - 1: 60416 + 2: 60416 -15,-2: - 1: 55720 + 2: 55720 -15,-5: - 1: 59561 + 2: 59561 -15,0: - 1: 8995 + 2: 8995 -14,-4: 0: 65280 - 1: 14 + 2: 14 -14,-3: 0: 15 - 1: 43776 + 2: 43776 -14,-2: - 1: 32682 + 2: 32682 -14,-1: - 1: 23 + 2: 23 -14,-5: - 1: 43695 + 2: 43695 -16,-8: - 1: 10098 + 2: 10098 -16,-7: - 1: 8995 + 2: 8995 -16,-6: - 1: 4083 + 2: 4083 -17,-6: - 1: 36848 + 2: 36848 -17,-5: - 1: 72 + 2: 72 -16,-9: - 1: 12848 + 2: 12848 -15,-8: 0: 32631 -15,-6: - 1: 14196 + 2: 14196 -15,-7: - 1: 10240 + 2: 10240 -14,-8: 0: 30711 -14,-7: @@ -12810,105 +12856,105 @@ entities: -14,-6: 0: 4095 -16,-12: - 1: 16369 + 2: 16369 -16,-13: - 1: 4369 - 2: 8738 + 2: 4369 + 3: 8738 -17,-12: - 1: 49137 + 2: 49137 -16,-11: - 1: 12850 + 2: 12850 -16,-10: - 1: 5272 - 2: 49668 + 2: 5272 + 3: 49668 -15,-12: - 1: 4083 + 2: 4083 -15,-10: - 1: 39248 - 2: 160 + 2: 39248 + 3: 160 -15,-13: - 1: 4352 - 2: 8208 + 2: 4352 + 3: 8208 0: 8 -14,-12: - 1: 3888 + 2: 3888 0: 8 -14,-10: - 2: 816 - 1: 1 + 3: 816 + 2: 1 0: 34944 -15,-9: - 1: 8 + 2: 8 -14,-9: - 1: 273 - 2: 2 + 2: 273 + 3: 2 -14,-13: 0: 52428 -16,-16: - 1: 319 + 2: 319 -16,-17: - 1: 12288 + 2: 12288 -17,-16: - 1: 20991 - 2: 8192 + 2: 20991 + 3: 8192 -16,-15: 0: 287 - 2: 4096 - 1: 8192 + 3: 4096 + 2: 8192 -16,-14: - 2: 12337 - 1: 450 + 3: 12337 + 2: 450 -17,-15: - 1: 33045 - 2: 12834 + 2: 33045 + 3: 12834 -17,-14: - 1: 361 - 2: 45200 + 2: 361 + 3: 45200 -17,-13: - 2: 43690 - 1: 4369 + 3: 43690 + 2: 4369 -15,-16: - 1: 15 + 2: 15 0: 57344 -15,-15: 0: 239 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 -15,-14: - 1: 1 + 2: 1 0: 61120 -14,-16: - 1: 63 + 2: 63 0: 53248 -14,-15: 0: 3295 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 -14,-14: 0: 57308 -13,-16: - 1: 33843 + 2: 33843 0: 4096 -13,-15: 0: 22387 -20,-4: - 1: 52428 + 2: 52428 -20,-5: - 1: 52424 + 2: 52424 -20,-3: - 1: 52428 + 2: 52428 -20,-2: - 1: 2252 + 2: 2252 -19,-4: - 1: 29184 + 2: 29184 -19,-3: - 1: 31744 + 2: 31744 -19,-2: - 1: 29596 + 2: 29596 -19,-1: - 1: 206 + 2: 206 -18,-2: - 1: 39188 + 2: 39188 -18,-1: - 1: 255 + 2: 255 -18,-4: 0: 25792 -18,-3: @@ -12916,118 +12962,116 @@ entities: -17,-3: 0: 628 -17,-2: - 1: 34928 + 2: 34928 -19,-5: - 1: 31891 + 2: 31891 -19,-6: - 1: 32448 + 2: 32448 -18,-6: - 1: 40944 + 2: 40944 -18,-5: - 1: 1113 + 2: 1113 -21,-16: - 1: 52460 + 2: 52460 -21,-17: - 1: 57344 + 2: 57344 -21,-15: - 1: 52428 + 2: 52428 -21,-14: - 1: 52428 + 2: 52428 -21,-13: - 1: 50252 + 2: 50252 -21,-12: - 1: 61164 + 2: 61164 -20,-16: - 1: 159 - 2: 32768 + 2: 159 + 3: 32768 -20,-14: - 1: 722 - 2: 32800 + 2: 722 + 3: 32800 -20,-17: - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 -19,-16: - 1: 4607 - 2: 40960 + 2: 4607 + 3: 40960 -20,-15: - 2: 34952 + 3: 34952 -19,-15: - 1: 273 - 2: 47786 + 2: 273 + 3: 47786 -19,-14: - 2: 45072 - 1: 481 + 3: 45072 + 2: 481 -20,-13: - 2: 34952 + 3: 34952 -19,-13: - 1: 4369 - 2: 43690 + 2: 4369 + 3: 43690 -19,-17: - 1: 45056 + 2: 45056 -19,-12: - 1: 49137 + 2: 49137 -18,-16: - 1: 4607 - 2: 40960 + 2: 4607 + 3: 40960 -18,-15: - 1: 273 - 2: 47786 + 2: 273 + 3: 47786 -18,-14: - 2: 45072 - 1: 481 + 3: 45072 + 2: 481 -18,-13: - 1: 4369 - 2: 43690 + 2: 4369 + 3: 43690 -18,-17: - 1: 45056 + 2: 45056 -18,-12: - 1: 49073 + 2: 49073 -17,-17: - 1: 45056 + 2: 45056 1,-4: 0: 1136 - 1: 57344 + 2: 57344 1,-2: 0: 61440 - 2: 238 + 3: 238 1,-1: 0: 65535 1,-5: 0: 65535 1,-3: - 1: 226 - 2: 57344 + 2: 226 + 3: 57344 1,0: 0: 15 - 1: 18176 + 2: 20224 2,-4: 0: 119 - 1: 28672 + 2: 28672 2,-3: - 1: 25173 + 2: 25173 2,-2: - 0: 61440 - 1: 236 + 0: 61568 + 2: 100 2,-1: 0: 32631 2,-5: 0: 65535 2,0: - 0: 15 - 2: 30464 + 0: 2063 + 2: 1792 3,-4: 0: 4090 3,-3: 0: 43963 3,-2: - 1: 16 - 0: 21952 + 0: 21968 3,-1: 0: 4016 3,-5: 0: 16383 3,0: - 0: 52445 - 1: 4352 + 0: 56797 4,-4: 0: 8157 4,-3: @@ -13099,9 +13143,9 @@ entities: 4,-9: 0: 16175 0,-16: - 1: 43520 + 2: 43520 1,-16: - 1: 45056 + 2: 45056 1,-15: 0: 65248 1,-14: @@ -13128,64 +13172,63 @@ entities: 0: 2240 1,-17: 0: 12 - 1: 2048 + 2: 2048 1,-18: 0: 32768 - 1: 136 + 2: 136 1,-20: - 1: 34816 + 2: 34816 2,-19: 0: 61182 2,-21: - 1: 7918 + 2: 7918 0: 16384 2,-20: 0: 20196 2,-18: 0: 61166 3,-21: - 1: 39167 + 2: 39167 3,-18: - 1: 58600 + 2: 58600 3,-20: - 1: 34952 + 2: 34952 4,-20: - 1: 4112 + 2: 4112 3,-19: - 1: 34952 + 2: 34952 4,-19: - 1: 4112 + 2: 4112 4,-18: - 1: 62960 - 2: 2560 + 2: 62960 + 3: 2560 1,1: - 2: 16657 - 1: 1028 + 3: 16657 + 2: 1028 1,2: 0: 65280 - 2: 4 - 1: 8 + 3: 4 + 2: 8 1,3: 0: 14207 1,4: 0: 65535 2,1: - 2: 32775 - 1: 31488 + 3: 1911 2,2: - 1: 1 0: 65280 - 2: 2 + 2: 4 2,3: 0: 49359 - 1: 256 + 2: 256 2,4: 0: 65535 3,1: - 1: 17 + 2: 4113 0: 52416 3,2: 0: 65484 + 2: 1 3,3: 0: 63679 3,4: @@ -13218,25 +13261,25 @@ entities: 0: 30719 3,7: 0: 7 - 1: 17408 - 2: 32768 + 2: 17408 + 3: 32768 3,8: - 1: 36452 - 2: 136 + 2: 36452 + 3: 136 4,4: 0: 47568 4,5: 0: 16369 4,6: 0: 13107 - 1: 8 + 2: 8 4,7: 0: 887 - 2: 12288 - 1: 16384 + 3: 12288 + 2: 16384 4,8: - 2: 307 - 1: 16068 + 3: 307 + 2: 16068 5,-4: 0: 44987 5,-3: @@ -13283,7 +13326,7 @@ entities: 0: 15291 5,-8: 0: 13311 - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 5,-7: 0: 32627 5,-6: @@ -13292,9 +13335,9 @@ entities: 0: 7974 6,-8: 0: 35067 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 6,-7: - 1: 1 + 2: 1 0: 65416 6,-6: 0: 65520 @@ -13344,7 +13387,7 @@ entities: 0: 12275 7,-13: 0: 4113 - 1: 50176 + 2: 50176 8,-12: 0: 65520 8,-11: @@ -13364,50 +13407,50 @@ entities: 6,-14: 0: 15295 6,-16: - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 7,-16: - 1: 14476 - 0: 32768 + 2: 14476 + 3: 32768 7,-15: 0: 64432 7,-14: 0: 53247 7,-17: - 1: 19596 + 2: 19596 8,-16: - 0: 4096 + 3: 4096 8,-14: 0: 3838 8,-13: - 1: 36906 + 2: 36906 4,-21: - 1: 4112 + 2: 4112 5,-18: - 1: 62974 - 2: 2048 + 2: 62974 + 3: 2048 5,-19: - 1: 51200 + 2: 51200 6,-19: - 1: 4990 + 2: 4990 6,-18: - 1: 62960 - 2: 512 + 2: 62960 + 3: 512 6,-20: - 1: 51200 + 2: 51200 7,-20: - 1: 65530 - 2: 4 + 2: 65530 + 3: 4 7,-19: - 1: 17487 + 2: 17487 7,-18: - 1: 30068 - 2: 512 + 2: 30068 + 3: 512 7,-21: - 1: 64256 + 2: 64256 8,-20: - 1: 29456 + 2: 29456 8,-19: - 1: 2255 + 2: 2255 5,1: 0: 65522 5,2: @@ -13445,7 +13488,7 @@ entities: 6,5: 0: 36848 6,6: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 0: 34952 6,7: 0: 140 @@ -13453,17 +13496,17 @@ entities: 0: 40952 7,6: 0: 221 - 1: 24576 + 2: 24576 7,7: 0: 1 - 1: 2 + 2: 2 8,4: 0: 65523 8,5: 0: 4369 8,6: 0: 3327 - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 9,-4: 0: 30583 9,-3: @@ -13478,7 +13521,7 @@ entities: 0: 65339 10,-4: 0: 49425 - 1: 192 + 2: 192 10,-3: 0: 8191 10,-2: @@ -13491,7 +13534,7 @@ entities: 0: 48682 11,-1: 0: 59 - 1: 12288 + 2: 12288 11,-4: 0: 59946 11,-3: @@ -13500,13 +13543,13 @@ entities: 0: 61175 12,-4: 0: 4367 - 1: 52224 + 2: 52224 12,-3: 0: 4353 - 1: 1028 + 2: 1028 12,-2: 0: 4353 - 1: 52420 + 2: 52420 9,-8: 0: 60943 9,-7: @@ -13523,9 +13566,9 @@ entities: 0: 47291 10,-7: 0: 14 - 1: 25600 + 2: 25600 10,-5: - 1: 33376 + 2: 33376 11,-8: 0: 25328 11,-7: @@ -13536,7 +13579,7 @@ entities: 0: 58976 12,-8: 0: 4415 - 1: 51200 + 2: 51200 12,-7: 0: 65489 12,-6: @@ -13550,25 +13593,25 @@ entities: 9,-10: 0: 61408 9,-13: - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 10,-12: 0: 4368 10,-10: 0: 48952 10,-13: - 1: 4368 + 2: 4368 0: 140 10,-11: - 1: 8736 + 2: 8736 11,-11: 0: 21776 11,-10: 0: 28455 11,-12: - 1: 5456 + 2: 5456 12,-12: 0: 13107 - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 12,-11: 0: 56785 12,-10: @@ -13576,27 +13619,27 @@ entities: 12,-9: 0: 16157 8,-15: - 1: 1634 + 2: 1634 9,-14: 0: 61439 9,-15: - 1: 17 + 2: 17 0: 60620 9,-16: 0: 52364 9,-17: 0: 51336 - 1: 32 + 2: 32 10,-16: 0: 56704 - 1: 2 + 2: 2 10,-15: 0: 57309 10,-14: 0: 57297 10,-17: - 2: 34816 - 1: 576 + 3: 34816 + 2: 576 11,-16: 0: 65520 11,-15: @@ -13606,8 +13649,8 @@ entities: 11,-13: 0: 127 11,-17: - 2: 62208 - 1: 3104 + 3: 62208 + 2: 3104 12,-16: 0: 56712 12,-15: @@ -13617,36 +13660,36 @@ entities: 12,-13: 0: 47935 9,-19: - 1: 62736 - 2: 2082 + 2: 62736 + 3: 2082 9,-20: - 2: 3136 + 3: 3136 9,-18: - 1: 2126 + 2: 2126 10,-20: - 1: 1792 + 2: 1792 10,-18: - 1: 25862 + 2: 25862 11,-20: - 2: 13056 - 1: 50304 + 3: 13056 + 2: 50304 11,-19: - 2: 30583 - 1: 8 + 3: 30583 + 2: 8 11,-18: - 2: 375 - 1: 17920 + 3: 375 + 2: 17920 11,-21: - 1: 6513 - 2: 142 + 2: 6513 + 3: 142 12,-20: - 2: 13107 + 3: 13107 12,-19: - 1: 5633 - 2: 24610 + 2: 5633 + 3: 24610 12,-18: - 1: 17425 - 2: 8366 + 2: 17425 + 3: 8366 9,1: 0: 8083 9,2: @@ -13655,7 +13698,7 @@ entities: 0: 65339 10,1: 0: 9010 - 1: 2176 + 2: 2176 10,2: 0: 56575 10,3: @@ -13665,38 +13708,38 @@ entities: 11,0: 0: 32624 11,1: - 1: 16 + 2: 16 0: 57344 11,2: 0: 65535 11,3: 0: 271 12,0: - 1: 51393 + 2: 51393 0: 768 - 2: 1024 + 3: 1024 12,1: - 1: 49665 + 2: 49665 12,2: 0: 30577 12,3: 0: 7 - 1: 17408 + 2: 17408 9,6: 0: 119 - 1: 8192 + 2: 8192 9,5: 0: 28398 10,4: 0: 62256 - 1: 128 + 2: 128 10,5: 0: 511 - 1: 49152 + 2: 49152 10,6: - 1: 3 + 2: 3 11,4: - 1: 80 + 2: 80 0: 61440 11,5: 0: 44799 @@ -13704,661 +13747,661 @@ entities: 0: 170 12,4: 0: 61440 - 1: 68 + 2: 68 12,5: 0: 241 - 1: 24576 + 2: 24576 12,-1: - 1: 4 + 2: 4 13,-4: 0: 1 - 1: 64 + 2: 64 13,-2: - 1: 4080 + 2: 4080 13,-5: 0: 62451 14,-2: - 1: 20478 + 2: 20478 14,-5: 0: 12336 14,-1: - 2: 43690 - 1: 17476 + 3: 43690 + 2: 17476 14,0: - 2: 1038 - 1: 19264 + 3: 1038 + 2: 19264 15,-2: - 1: 20478 + 2: 20478 15,-1: - 2: 43690 - 1: 17476 + 3: 43690 + 2: 17476 15,0: - 2: 1038 - 1: 19264 + 3: 1038 + 2: 19264 16,-2: - 1: 20478 + 2: 20478 13,-8: 0: 3 - 1: 17476 + 2: 17476 13,-7: 0: 62448 13,-6: 0: 65523 13,-9: - 1: 16388 + 2: 16388 0: 257 14,-7: 0: 12336 14,-6: - 1: 8224 + 2: 8224 13,-12: - 1: 64512 + 2: 64512 13,-11: 0: 65520 13,-10: 0: 4607 - 1: 49152 + 2: 49152 13,-13: 0: 13075 - 1: 2176 + 2: 2176 14,-12: - 1: 36864 + 2: 36864 0: 238 14,-11: 0: 4368 - 2: 19656 - 1: 32768 + 3: 19656 + 2: 32768 14,-10: 0: 17 - 2: 2188 - 1: 64 + 3: 2188 + 2: 64 14,-13: 0: 58606 15,-11: - 2: 401 - 1: 4710 + 3: 401 + 2: 4710 15,-10: - 2: 48 - 1: 3784 + 3: 48 + 2: 3784 15,-12: - 1: 8712 + 2: 8712 15,-13: - 1: 52832 + 2: 52832 16,-12: - 1: 8435 - 2: 35328 + 2: 8435 + 3: 35328 16,-11: - 2: 10937 - 1: 36864 + 3: 10937 + 2: 36864 0: 1024 16,-10: - 2: 383 - 1: 2176 + 3: 383 + 2: 2176 12,-17: 0: 34880 - 1: 162 + 2: 162 13,-16: 0: 4353 - 1: 17408 + 2: 17408 13,-15: 0: 12561 - 1: 2116 + 2: 2116 13,-14: 0: 48123 13,-17: 0: 4096 - 2: 16 - 1: 230 + 3: 16 + 2: 230 14,-14: 0: 65535 14,-16: - 1: 28 + 2: 28 0: 8192 14,-17: - 1: 4096 - 2: 2 + 2: 4096 + 3: 2 14,-15: 0: 57890 15,-16: - 1: 32775 - 2: 2176 + 2: 32775 + 3: 2176 15,-14: 0: 10016 15,-15: - 1: 28360 + 2: 28360 15,-17: - 1: 34944 + 2: 34944 16,-16: - 2: 61105 - 1: 14 + 3: 61105 + 2: 14 16,-15: - 2: 119 + 3: 119 16,-13: - 1: 4098 + 2: 4098 12,-21: - 1: 20480 - 2: 8977 + 2: 20480 + 3: 8977 13,-18: - 2: 8448 - 1: 4096 + 3: 8448 + 2: 4096 14,-19: - 1: 14540 + 2: 14540 14,-18: - 1: 21789 - 2: 2 + 2: 21789 + 3: 2 14,-20: - 1: 60416 - 2: 192 + 2: 60416 + 3: 192 15,-19: - 2: 57102 - 1: 8192 + 3: 57102 + 2: 8192 15,-18: - 2: 19 - 1: 32780 + 3: 19 + 2: 32780 15,-21: - 2: 7680 + 3: 7680 0: 64 15,-20: - 2: 3686 + 3: 3686 16,-20: - 2: 63235 - 1: 2216 + 3: 63235 + 2: 2216 16,-19: - 2: 48031 + 3: 48031 16,-18: - 2: 139 - 1: 31744 + 3: 139 + 2: 31744 16,-17: - 2: 49022 - 1: 16384 + 3: 49022 + 2: 16384 13,0: - 1: 20288 + 2: 20288 13,2: - 1: 65280 + 2: 65280 14,2: - 1: 65348 - 2: 10 + 2: 65348 + 3: 10 14,1: - 2: 43694 - 1: 17472 + 3: 43694 + 2: 17472 14,3: - 1: 14 + 2: 14 15,2: - 1: 65348 - 2: 10 + 2: 65348 + 3: 10 15,1: - 2: 43694 - 1: 17472 + 3: 43694 + 2: 17472 15,3: - 1: 14 + 2: 14 16,0: - 1: 19264 - 2: 1038 + 2: 19264 + 3: 1038 16,2: - 1: 65348 - 2: 10 + 2: 65348 + 3: 10 12,6: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 16,-1: - 2: 43690 - 1: 17476 + 3: 43690 + 2: 17476 17,-2: - 1: 20478 + 2: 20478 17,-1: - 2: 43690 - 1: 17476 + 3: 43690 + 2: 17476 17,0: - 2: 1038 - 1: 19264 + 3: 1038 + 2: 19264 17,-3: - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 18,-3: - 1: 14316 + 2: 14316 18,-2: - 1: 59185 + 2: 59185 18,-1: - 1: 34956 + 2: 34956 18,-4: - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 19,-4: - 1: 14316 + 2: 14316 19,-3: - 1: 1 + 2: 1 19,-1: - 1: 4407 + 2: 4407 18,0: - 1: 44456 - 2: 512 + 2: 44456 + 3: 512 19,0: - 1: 13105 + 2: 13105 19,-2: - 1: 60544 + 2: 60544 19,-5: - 1: 32896 + 2: 32896 20,-2: - 1: 311 + 2: 311 20,-7: - 2: 24576 + 3: 24576 19,-7: - 1: 32768 + 2: 32768 20,-6: - 1: 16912 - 2: 36078 + 2: 16912 + 3: 36078 19,-6: - 1: 200 + 2: 200 20,-5: - 1: 784 - 2: 60552 + 2: 784 + 3: 60552 20,-4: - 2: 18022 + 3: 18022 21,-6: - 2: 18367 - 1: 2048 + 3: 18367 + 2: 2048 21,-5: - 2: 55735 - 1: 8 + 3: 55735 + 2: 8 21,-8: - 1: 546 - 2: 34952 + 2: 546 + 3: 34952 21,-7: - 2: 34958 - 1: 512 + 3: 34958 + 2: 512 21,-4: - 2: 31612 + 3: 31612 21,-9: - 2: 36352 - 1: 231 + 3: 36352 + 2: 231 22,-8: - 2: 57339 - 1: 4 + 3: 57339 + 2: 4 22,-7: - 2: 4271 - 1: 57600 + 3: 4271 + 2: 57600 22,-6: - 2: 60621 - 1: 16 + 3: 60621 + 2: 16 22,-5: - 1: 1 - 2: 65534 + 2: 1 + 3: 65534 22,-9: - 2: 40908 - 1: 16434 + 3: 40908 + 2: 16434 22,-4: - 2: 15031 - 1: 8 + 3: 15031 + 2: 8 23,-8: - 2: 65295 + 3: 65295 23,-7: - 1: 13056 - 2: 52462 + 2: 13056 + 3: 52462 23,-6: - 2: 34511 - 1: 2096 + 3: 34511 + 2: 2096 23,-5: - 2: 52215 - 1: 12288 + 3: 52215 + 2: 12288 0: 1024 23,-9: - 2: 60943 + 3: 60943 0: 144 23,-4: - 2: 4 - 1: 336 + 3: 4 + 2: 336 24,-8: - 2: 4899 + 3: 4899 24,-7: - 2: 4371 + 3: 4371 24,-6: - 2: 275 - 1: 4640 + 3: 275 + 2: 4640 16,1: - 2: 43694 - 1: 17472 + 3: 43694 + 2: 17472 16,3: - 1: 14 + 2: 14 17,2: - 1: 65348 - 2: 10 + 2: 65348 + 3: 10 17,1: - 2: 43694 - 1: 17472 + 3: 43694 + 2: 17472 17,3: - 1: 14 + 2: 14 18,2: - 1: 65416 + 2: 65416 18,1: - 1: 34952 + 2: 34952 19,1: - 1: 4369 + 2: 4369 19,2: - 1: 13073 + 2: 13073 18,3: - 1: 8 + 2: 8 19,3: - 1: 3 + 2: 3 24,-9: - 2: 12545 + 3: 12545 0: 16 4,-24: - 1: 13107 + 2: 13107 4,-25: - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 3,-24: - 1: 224 - 2: 12567 + 2: 224 + 3: 12567 4,-23: - 1: 4915 + 2: 4915 3,-23: - 2: 4415 - 1: 34816 + 3: 4415 + 2: 34816 4,-22: - 1: 4369 + 2: 4369 3,-22: - 1: 35016 - 2: 1 + 2: 35016 + 3: 1 8,-21: - 1: 4352 + 2: 4352 17,-12: - 2: 53248 - 1: 11980 + 3: 53248 + 2: 11980 17,-11: - 2: 40129 - 1: 24588 + 3: 40129 + 2: 24588 17,-10: - 1: 199 + 2: 199 17,-13: - 1: 17476 + 2: 17476 18,-12: - 2: 61426 - 1: 4096 + 3: 61426 + 2: 4096 18,-11: - 2: 30591 + 3: 30591 18,-10: - 1: 112 + 2: 112 18,-13: - 1: 51336 + 2: 51336 19,-12: - 2: 65520 + 3: 65520 19,-11: - 2: 32766 - 1: 32768 + 3: 32766 + 2: 32768 19,-13: - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 19,-10: - 2: 2 + 3: 2 20,-12: - 2: 4352 - 1: 8940 + 3: 4352 + 2: 8940 20,-11: - 2: 32784 - 1: 14790 + 3: 32784 + 2: 14790 11,-23: - 2: 49152 + 3: 49152 11,-22: - 2: 43148 - 1: 1088 + 3: 43148 + 2: 1088 12,-23: - 2: 4096 + 3: 4096 12,-22: - 2: 273 + 3: 273 -4,-24: - 2: 238 - 1: 19456 + 3: 238 + 2: 19456 -4,-25: - 2: 57344 + 3: 57344 -4,-23: - 1: 52292 - 2: 128 + 2: 52292 + 3: 128 -4,-22: - 1: 52428 + 2: 52428 -3,-24: - 1: 487 - 2: 63000 + 2: 487 + 3: 63000 -3,-23: - 2: 51071 - 1: 4096 + 3: 51071 + 2: 4096 -3,-25: - 1: 11840 - 2: 49152 + 2: 11840 + 3: 49152 -3,-22: - 2: 4 - 1: 34816 + 3: 4 + 2: 34816 -2,-24: - 2: 49147 + 3: 49147 -2,-23: - 2: 49416 - 1: 13024 + 3: 49416 + 2: 13024 -2,-22: - 1: 13106 - 2: 68 + 2: 13106 + 3: 68 -2,-25: - 2: 34816 - 1: 640 + 3: 34816 + 2: 640 -1,-24: - 2: 65535 + 3: 65535 -1,-23: - 1: 248 - 2: 39426 + 2: 248 + 3: 39426 -1,-22: - 1: 48 - 2: 32974 + 2: 48 + 3: 32974 -1,-25: - 2: 7492 - 1: 178 + 3: 7492 + 2: 178 0,-24: - 2: 30481 - 1: 35054 + 3: 30481 + 2: 35054 0,-23: - 1: 58 - 2: 57284 + 2: 58 + 3: 57284 0,-22: - 2: 29439 + 3: 29439 -16,8: - 1: 204 + 2: 204 -16,7: - 1: 51336 + 2: 51336 -15,8: - 1: 31 + 2: 31 -15,7: - 1: 61713 + 2: 61713 -14,8: - 1: 127 + 2: 127 -14,7: - 1: 61986 - 2: 85 + 2: 61986 + 3: 85 -3,9: - 1: 18 + 2: 18 -16,2: - 1: 52360 + 2: 52360 -16,3: - 1: 52364 + 2: 52364 -16,4: - 1: 52364 + 2: 52364 -16,1: - 1: 34952 + 2: 34952 -15,1: - 1: 65315 + 2: 65315 -15,2: - 1: 61713 - 2: 2048 + 2: 61713 + 3: 2048 -15,3: - 1: 61713 - 2: 2056 + 2: 61713 + 3: 2056 -15,4: - 1: 61713 - 2: 2056 + 2: 61713 + 3: 2056 -14,1: - 1: 65280 + 2: 65280 -14,2: - 2: 36608 - 1: 28672 + 3: 36608 + 2: 28672 -14,3: - 2: 36623 - 1: 28672 + 3: 36623 + 2: 28672 -14,4: - 2: 36623 - 1: 28672 + 3: 36623 + 2: 28672 0,-21: - 2: 2 + 3: 2 0,-25: - 1: 43679 - 2: 256 + 2: 43679 + 3: 256 1,-24: - 1: 547 - 2: 60620 + 2: 547 + 3: 60620 1,-23: - 2: 52730 + 3: 52730 1,-22: - 1: 96 + 2: 96 1,-25: - 1: 8449 - 2: 50910 + 2: 8449 + 3: 50910 2,-24: - 2: 61438 + 3: 61438 2,-23: - 2: 32552 + 3: 32552 2,-22: - 2: 231 - 1: 60928 + 3: 231 + 2: 60928 2,-25: - 2: 24576 - 1: 3329 + 3: 24576 + 2: 3329 24,-10: - 2: 4096 + 3: 4096 23,-10: - 1: 52851 - 2: 12288 + 2: 52851 + 3: 12288 -16,5: - 1: 52364 + 2: 52364 -16,6: - 1: 34956 + 2: 34956 -15,5: - 1: 46353 - 2: 16392 + 2: 46353 + 3: 16392 -15,6: - 1: 4373 + 2: 4373 -14,5: - 2: 8207 - 1: 53760 + 3: 8207 + 2: 53760 -14,6: - 2: 21872 - 1: 8706 + 3: 21872 + 2: 8706 -13,6: - 2: 21872 - 1: 8706 + 3: 21872 + 2: 8706 20,-13: - 1: 12850 - 2: 257 + 2: 12850 + 3: 257 20,-10: - 1: 35879 - 2: 8 + 2: 35879 + 3: 8 21,-12: - 1: 52851 + 2: 52851 21,-11: - 1: 264 - 2: 4096 + 2: 264 + 3: 4096 21,-10: - 2: 33 - 1: 29124 + 3: 33 + 2: 29124 22,-12: - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 22,-11: - 1: 52851 + 2: 52851 22,-10: - 1: 52792 + 2: 52792 23,-11: - 1: 4096 + 2: 4096 16,-21: - 2: 48058 + 3: 48058 16,-14: - 1: 2 + 2: 2 17,-16: - 1: 1 - 2: 65534 + 2: 1 + 3: 65534 17,-15: - 2: 34021 - 1: 25360 + 3: 34021 + 2: 25360 17,-17: - 2: 65505 + 3: 65505 17,-14: - 1: 17612 + 2: 17612 18,-16: - 2: 62463 - 1: 3072 + 3: 62463 + 2: 3072 18,-15: - 2: 45055 - 1: 20480 + 3: 45055 + 2: 20480 18,-14: - 1: 35226 + 2: 35226 18,-17: - 2: 63482 + 3: 63482 19,-16: - 1: 4352 + 2: 4352 19,-15: - 2: 273 + 3: 273 0: 4096 - 1: 25088 + 2: 25088 19,-14: - 1: 2671 - 2: 128 + 2: 2671 + 3: 128 20,-14: - 1: 12816 - 2: 256 + 2: 12816 + 3: 256 17,-20: - 2: 34989 - 1: 22032 + 3: 34989 + 2: 22032 17,-19: - 1: 34055 - 2: 2240 + 2: 34055 + 3: 2240 17,-18: - 1: 28417 - 2: 16 + 2: 28417 + 3: 16 17,-21: - 2: 56817 - 1: 4 + 3: 56817 + 2: 4 18,-20: - 2: 65527 + 3: 65527 18,-19: - 2: 56784 + 3: 56784 18,-18: - 1: 1999 - 2: 61440 + 2: 1999 + 3: 61440 18,-21: - 2: 12544 + 3: 12544 19,-19: - 2: 4384 + 3: 4384 19,-18: - 1: 4097 - 2: 34 + 2: 4097 + 3: 34 19,-17: - 1: 256 + 2: 256 16,-22: - 1: 3168 - 2: 32768 + 2: 3168 + 3: 32768 17,-22: - 2: 12288 + 3: 12288 20,-3: - 1: 60544 - 2: 8 + 2: 60544 + 3: 8 21,-3: - 2: 127 - 1: 256 + 3: 127 + 2: 256 22,-3: - 2: 37 + 3: 37 -1,-26: - 1: 24576 + 2: 24576 0,-26: - 1: 52352 + 2: 52352 1,-26: - 1: 4672 - 2: 60416 + 2: 4672 + 3: 60416 2,-26: - 2: 29440 - 1: 35856 + 3: 29440 + 2: 35856 3,-25: - 1: 768 + 2: 768 -20,-12: - 1: 36848 + 2: 36848 uniqueMixes: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 @@ -14376,10 +14419,10 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - volume: 2500 - immutable: True + temperature: 235 moles: - - 0 - - 0 + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -14391,7 +14434,7 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.15 + immutable: True moles: - 0 - 0 @@ -14406,10 +14449,10 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - volume: 2500 - temperature: 235 + temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -14529,8 +14572,8 @@ entities: id: docking287 localAnchorB: 19,29.5 localAnchorA: 20,29.5 - damping: 33.95499 - stiffness: 304.7793 + damping: 33.954987 + stiffness: 304.77927 - proto: AcousticGuitarInstrument entities: - uid: 10313 @@ -14676,7 +14719,10 @@ entities: - 1557 - 1563 - 15143 - - 17575 + - 682 + - 13955 + - 13168 + - 14030 - uid: 81 components: - type: Transform @@ -14684,8 +14730,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 2074 - - 2146 + - 7482 + - 13609 - 15394 - 15393 - uid: 409 @@ -14696,17 +14742,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 14078 - - 14080 - - uid: 708 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 14325 - - 14473 - - 1921 + - 17441 - uid: 2395 components: - type: Transform @@ -14735,8 +14771,8 @@ entities: - 8014 - 15007 - 10963 - - 6529 - - 3721 + - 23103 + - 23104 - 11007 - 1537 - 1533 @@ -14757,8 +14793,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 20727 - - 7574 + - 18580 + - 15134 - uid: 2697 components: - type: Transform @@ -14766,8 +14802,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 19969 - - 7998 + - 7245 + - 16263 - 10682 - 678 - 690 @@ -14784,8 +14820,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 8787 - - 8468 + - 15099 + - 23085 - uid: 3722 components: - type: Transform @@ -14844,24 +14880,25 @@ entities: - 15201 - 15200 - 15199 - - 13411 - - 13410 - - 13412 + - 646 + - 15118 + - 9456 - 15879 - - 15912 - - 7925 + - 19045 + - 23130 - 21424 - 21423 - - 21420 + - 23129 - 21421 - - 21422 - - 21425 + - 15133 + - 23131 - 8008 - 8119 - 5945 - 15192 - 15193 - 15194 + - 23125 - uid: 7632 components: - type: Transform @@ -14871,7 +14908,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 10520 - - 13243 + - 7478 - 13680 - 151 - 14089 @@ -14905,8 +14942,8 @@ entities: - 14385 - 1258 - 11990 - - 12054 - - 11988 + - 8445 + - 8298 - 19001 - 14382 - 14368 @@ -14918,11 +14955,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 8498 - - 7976 - - 7482 - - 9525 - - 8146 + - 23174 + - 634 + - 23172 + - 23175 + - 23171 - 9311 - uid: 9147 components: @@ -14946,7 +14983,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 588 - - 592 + - 23056 - uid: 9309 components: - type: Transform @@ -15048,17 +15085,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 16263 + - 12107 - 6941 - - 16247 - - 16243 - - 16242 - - 16246 - - 16262 + - 11988 + - 12178 + - 12054 + - 670 + - 656 - 10416 - 2394 - 10103 - 7420 + - 8453 + - 8464 + - 9141 + - 8468 - uid: 12518 components: - type: Transform @@ -15109,11 +15150,11 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 13599 - - 13610 + - 15119 - 13617 - - 13601 - - 13609 - - 13611 + - 17437 + - 22588 + - 15120 - 13619 - 13618 - uid: 13612 @@ -15201,12 +15242,6 @@ entities: - 15429 - 15430 - 4410 - - uid: 13652 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-35.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 13653 components: - type: Transform @@ -15294,12 +15329,12 @@ entities: - 1006 - 2591 - 1005 - - 10802 + - 23060 - 1004 - 1016 - - 1003 + - 23058 - 1021 - - 1017 + - 23059 - uid: 13793 components: - type: Transform @@ -15329,6 +15364,8 @@ entities: - 15396 - 15394 - 15393 + - 23143 + - 23142 - uid: 13800 components: - type: Transform @@ -15382,8 +15419,8 @@ entities: - 15638 - 15639 - 4456 - - 5609 - - 5596 + - 23091 + - 23090 - uid: 14019 components: - type: Transform @@ -15391,12 +15428,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 14018 - - 14016 + - 23101 + - 23102 - 9572 - 2693 - 15626 - 15625 + - 23098 + - 23099 - uid: 14047 components: - type: MetaData @@ -15473,9 +15512,9 @@ entities: - 14597 - 14589 - 14574 - - 13086 + - 89 - 14878 - - 4640 + - 621 - uid: 14733 components: - type: Transform @@ -15492,8 +15531,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 14983 - - 14984 + - 23105 + - 23106 - 1809 - 20277 - 15168 @@ -15504,6 +15543,9 @@ entities: - 15860 - 20393 - 6322 + - 682 + - 6272 + - 10963 - uid: 14915 components: - type: Transform @@ -15515,7 +15557,7 @@ entities: - 7662 - 14055 - 14054 - - 14057 + - 14157 - 14058 - 14059 - 14063 @@ -15534,9 +15576,27 @@ entities: - 11233 - 13236 - 13367 - - 22345 - - 22358 + - 19969 + - 14880 - 22381 + - 5609 + - 13086 + - uid: 14984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23143 + - 1585 + - 1569 + - 23142 + - 15394 + - 15393 + - 15396 + - 15395 - uid: 15139 components: - type: Transform @@ -15548,14 +15608,16 @@ entities: - 15169 - 15168 - 15166 - - 5473 - - 15118 - - 11279 - - 11277 + - 11385 + - 11465 + - 11259 + - 682 - 15165 - 15164 - 15150 - - 17575 + - 15080 + - 13168 + - 15137 - uid: 15205 components: - type: Transform @@ -15564,8 +15626,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 9455 - - 22225 + - 12188 + - 12377 - uid: 15287 components: - type: Transform @@ -15645,8 +15707,8 @@ entities: devices: - 14884 - 15870 - - 14885 - - 14887 + - 11181 + - 11024 - 14886 - uid: 15875 components: @@ -15655,7 +15717,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 14902 - 14900 - uid: 15894 components: @@ -15668,8 +15729,8 @@ entities: - 15876 - 3378 - 3375 - - 6581 - - 3376 + - 13607 + - 6501 - 15933 - 15934 - 15936 @@ -15693,9 +15754,11 @@ entities: - 15910 - 13781 - 15920 - - 9406 + - 20727 - 15911 - - 9381 + - 16139 + - 23139 + - 15113 - uid: 16062 components: - type: Transform @@ -15827,8 +15890,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 17444 - - 17443 + - 23203 + - 5318 - uid: 17576 components: - type: Transform @@ -15837,8 +15900,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 15137 - - 15136 - - 15135 + - 15115 + - 23108 - 15150 - 15165 - 15164 @@ -15935,7 +15998,7 @@ entities: - 22252 - 22251 - 22253 - - 22259 + - 23132 - 22258 - 22270 - 22254 @@ -15972,8 +16035,6 @@ entities: - 22392 - 22410 - 22395 - - 22387 - - 22388 - 22389 - uid: 22439 components: @@ -16005,8 +16066,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 14159 - - 14158 + - 2598 + - 15126 - uid: 22600 components: - type: Transform @@ -16015,12 +16076,35 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 22578 - - 22579 - - 22597 + - 6256 + - 13582 + - 13411 - 22598 - - 22596 + - 13410 - 22599 + - uid: 23067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23082 + - 23078 + - 23083 + - uid: 23193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 32.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23195 + - 15172 + - 15171 + - 23202 - proto: AirCanister entities: - uid: 790 @@ -16048,11 +16132,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -34.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12320 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 14315 components: - type: Transform @@ -16073,6 +16152,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 - proto: Airlock entities: - uid: 5908 @@ -16700,46 +16784,62 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 6419: + 23144: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 6419 + - uid: 10382 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 5 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 6101: + 22563: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 8772 + 23150: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 22563 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,1.5 + pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 4 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 10382: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 10382 + 23150: + - DoorStatus: Open + - uid: 23144 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,0.5 + pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 8772: + 6101: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 23150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 22563: + - DoorStatus: Open + 10382: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked entities: @@ -18098,6 +18198,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3286 components: - type: Transform @@ -18153,11 +18258,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 9887 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 10143 components: - type: Transform @@ -18858,6 +18958,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: AirSensor entities: + - uid: 89 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14595 - uid: 151 components: - type: Transform @@ -18866,6 +18974,40 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 7632 + - uid: 634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8983 + - uid: 656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11724 + - uid: 670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11724 + - uid: 682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15139 + - 58 + - 14795 - uid: 1005 components: - type: Transform @@ -18877,7 +19019,7 @@ entities: - uid: 1006 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-30.5 + pos: 6.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: @@ -18906,14 +19048,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 14795 - - uid: 1921 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,0.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 708 - uid: 2591 components: - type: Transform @@ -18946,6 +19080,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 2583 + - 14795 - uid: 6941 components: - type: Transform @@ -18975,22 +19110,30 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 14915 - - uid: 7925 + - uid: 8119 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-38.5 + pos: 13.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 7178 - - uid: 8119 + - uid: 8453 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-43.5 + pos: -25.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 11724 + - uid: 8464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11724 - uid: 8993 components: - type: Transform @@ -19031,14 +19174,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15421 - - uid: 9525 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 8983 - uid: 9572 components: - type: Transform @@ -19063,6 +19198,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 2583 + - 14795 - uid: 11000 components: - type: Transform @@ -19100,27 +19236,15 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 16446 - - uid: 13086 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,11.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14595 - uid: 13168 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 13410 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-37.5 - parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 15139 + - 58 - uid: 13418 components: - type: Transform @@ -19148,7 +19272,6 @@ entities: - uid: 13618 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork @@ -19157,7 +19280,6 @@ entities: - uid: 13619 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 40.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork @@ -19293,6 +19415,22 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15331 - 15937 + - uid: 15118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 + - uid: 15133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 - uid: 15137 components: - type: Transform @@ -19301,6 +19439,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 17576 + - 15139 - uid: 15138 components: - type: Transform @@ -19387,22 +19526,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 9309 - - uid: 16262 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11724 - - uid: 16263 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-11.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11724 - uid: 16304 components: - type: Transform @@ -19475,23 +19598,22 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 17351 - - uid: 17575 + - uid: 17582 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-39.5 + pos: 0.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 58 - - 15139 - - uid: 17582 + - 17576 + - uid: 19045 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-32.5 + pos: 7.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 17576 + - 7178 - uid: 20738 components: - type: Transform @@ -19545,14 +19667,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 7178 - - uid: 21425 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-44.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 7178 - uid: 21808 components: - type: Transform @@ -19694,6 +19808,40 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 22600 + - uid: 23083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23067 + - uid: 23125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 + - uid: 23142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13796 + - 14984 + - uid: 23143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13796 + - 14984 - proto: AltarConvertMaint entities: - uid: 9055 @@ -20393,6 +20541,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,18.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 44.5,15.5 + parent: 2 - proto: APCElectronics entities: - uid: 2246 @@ -27179,6 +27333,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 - proto: AtmosFixFreezerMarker entities: - uid: 7764 @@ -28345,17 +28509,16 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: BoxingBell entities: - - uid: 1813 + - uid: 1003 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 53.5,-39.5 + pos: -46.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 4687 + - uid: 1813 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -46.5,-55.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 53.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - proto: BoxLatexGloves entities: @@ -28759,6 +28922,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 - proto: ButtonFrameExit entities: - uid: 1561 @@ -29429,6 +29598,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-12.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 1017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 36.5,14.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 1029 components: - type: Transform @@ -29734,6 +29908,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,9.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 1646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 36.5,13.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 1658 components: - type: Transform @@ -29839,6 +30018,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,-58.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 1830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 1835 components: - type: Transform @@ -30079,6 +30263,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,20.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2192 components: - type: Transform @@ -31449,11 +31638,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,13.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 5720 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,10.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 5726 components: - type: Transform @@ -31634,11 +31818,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6501 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,11.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6502 components: - type: Transform @@ -31674,6 +31853,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,28.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6619 components: - type: Transform @@ -32184,6 +32368,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8163 components: - type: Transform @@ -39454,26 +39643,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 19023 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 19024 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 19045 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 19046 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 19090 components: - type: Transform @@ -42074,6 +42243,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,-31.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22277 components: - type: Transform @@ -42409,6 +42583,91 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 44.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 43.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 43.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 42.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 41.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 40.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 37.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 38.5,14.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CableApcStack entities: - uid: 1898 @@ -42962,6 +43221,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -48.5,12.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 1736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 1785 components: - type: Transform @@ -43002,6 +43271,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.5,27.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 1921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2093 components: - type: Transform @@ -43027,6 +43301,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-17.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2165 components: - type: Transform @@ -43302,11 +43586,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2704 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2731 components: - type: Transform @@ -43352,26 +43631,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2760 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 2761 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 2762 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 2763 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2769 components: - type: Transform @@ -43872,21 +44131,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 5068 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 5070 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 5081 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 5200 components: - type: Transform @@ -44122,11 +44366,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6247 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6258 components: - type: Transform @@ -44252,11 +44491,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,6.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6549 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-13.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6586 components: - type: Transform @@ -44267,6 +44516,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-17.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6659 components: - type: Transform @@ -44532,6 +44791,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8311 components: - type: Transform @@ -47652,6 +47916,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-36.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CableHVStack entities: - uid: 3391 @@ -53876,6 +54145,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,-34.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22606 components: - type: Transform @@ -53966,6 +54240,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-38.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 44.5,15.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CableMVStack entities: - uid: 3393 @@ -54090,6 +54379,48 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 46.52114,-27.47892 parent: 2 + - uid: 23133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.282763,-53.18984 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.261919,-53.742306 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.6778,-53.763153 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.521473,-53.16899 + parent: 2 +- proto: CandleSmall + entities: + - uid: 23137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.417253,-53.575523 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.564152,-53.481705 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.855467,-53.86739 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.146782,-53.888237 + parent: 2 - proto: CannabisSeeds entities: - uid: 226 @@ -56126,11 +56457,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 1821 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 41.5,3.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 1822 components: - type: Transform @@ -56867,6 +57193,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,-42.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 4504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 4505 components: - type: Transform @@ -57886,21 +58218,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 45.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8784 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 42.5,2.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8788 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 41.5,1.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8789 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 41.5,0.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8790 components: - type: Transform @@ -58172,16 +58489,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 56.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 9177 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-44.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 9178 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-45.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 9179 components: - type: Transform @@ -58440,11 +58747,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 11181 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 11195 components: - type: Transform @@ -59715,26 +60017,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 21157 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 21158 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 21159 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 21160 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 21161 components: - type: Transform @@ -59750,11 +60032,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 21164 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 21166 components: - type: Transform @@ -60275,6 +60552,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-24.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 42.5,1.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2992 components: - type: Transform @@ -60844,6 +61127,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 21813 components: - type: Transform @@ -60868,15 +61157,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 22702 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 22703 + - uid: 22574 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - uid: 22704 components: @@ -62819,7 +63104,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16221 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.430853,-59.5613 + pos: 24.373571,-59.52213 parent: 2 - proto: ClothingNeckCloakGay entities: @@ -64236,6 +64521,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-5.5 parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEmergencyInternalsLarge + entities: + - uid: 22581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CrateEmptySpawner entities: - uid: 14 @@ -64368,6 +64660,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,15.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar entities: - uid: 19547 @@ -64487,6 +64794,37 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: CrateFreezer entities: + - uid: 2597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: + fix1: + shape: !type:PolygonShape + radius: 0.01 + vertices: + - -0.4,-0.4 + - 0.4,-0.4 + - 0.4,0.29 + - -0.4,0.29 + mask: + - Impassable + - HighImpassable + - LowImpassable + layer: + - BulletImpassable + - Opaque + density: 50 + hard: True + restitution: 0 + friction: 0.4 + - type: EntityStorage + open: True + removedMasks: 20 + - type: PlaceableSurface + isPlaceable: True - uid: 3241 components: - type: Transform @@ -64523,11 +64861,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -51.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12681 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -52.5,-36.5 - parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - uid: 13179 components: - type: Transform @@ -65706,6 +66057,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 31.5,-21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 9892 components: - type: Transform @@ -66063,6 +66420,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-28.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 4345 components: - type: Transform @@ -68337,12 +68699,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -13.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12178 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -23.5,-20.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12208 components: - type: Transform @@ -70381,6 +70737,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DisposalTagger tag: Trash + - uid: 7623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalTagger + tag: Trash - uid: 8300 components: - type: Transform @@ -70831,6 +71194,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -26.5,-38.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22766 components: - type: Transform @@ -71079,6 +71447,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,19.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22547 components: - type: Transform @@ -71260,7 +71633,12 @@ entities: - uid: 6694 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.484085,-52.344112 + pos: 19.321447,-52.238968 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.665367,-52.405754 parent: 2 - proto: DrinkCafeLatte entities: @@ -71621,6 +71999,25 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -6.5131397,17.855957 parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkWineBottleFull + entities: + - uid: 2553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.457584,-7.327772 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkWineGlass + entities: + - uid: 23168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.71813,-7.4320116 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.21788,-7.4007397 + parent: 2 - proto: ElectricGuitarInstrument entities: - uid: 4740 @@ -72391,6 +72788,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 4183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 5429 components: - type: Transform @@ -72448,11 +72850,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 17636 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 20761 components: - type: Transform @@ -72627,7 +73024,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: FaxMachine - name: HoP + name: HoP's Office - uid: 8716 components: - type: Transform @@ -72656,13 +73053,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: FaxMachine name: Bridge - - uid: 20243 +- proto: FaxMachineCaptain + entities: + - uid: 4161 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - - type: FaxMachine - name: Captain - proto: FigureSpawner entities: - uid: 3832 @@ -73659,6 +74056,12 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 14047 - 14019 + - uid: 2704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2919 components: - type: Transform @@ -74338,18 +74741,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -35.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 15130 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 15141 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 15143 components: - type: Transform @@ -74471,24 +74862,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 32.5,-54.5 parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23193 - uid: 15172 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 15175 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-47.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 15176 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-47.5 - parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23193 - uid: 15181 components: - type: Transform @@ -74923,6 +75308,7 @@ entities: - 81 - 13796 - 3816 + - 14984 - uid: 15394 components: - type: Transform @@ -74934,6 +75320,7 @@ entities: - 81 - 13796 - 3816 + - 14984 - uid: 15395 components: - type: Transform @@ -74945,6 +75332,7 @@ entities: - 13793 - 13796 - 15415 + - 14984 - uid: 15396 components: - type: Transform @@ -74956,6 +75344,7 @@ entities: - 13793 - 13796 - 15415 + - 14984 - uid: 15429 components: - type: Transform @@ -76445,8 +76834,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,4.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - proto: GasPipeBend entities: + - uid: 645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 672 components: - type: Transform @@ -76615,6 +77020,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2910 components: - type: Transform @@ -76690,6 +77110,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 4879 components: - type: Transform @@ -76728,6 +77155,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 5473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 5596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5633 components: - type: Transform @@ -76741,6 +77184,22 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 28.5,-44.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 6248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 6553 components: - type: Transform @@ -76793,6 +77252,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 7608 components: - type: Transform @@ -76816,14 +77283,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8248 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -9.5,-13.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 8582 components: - type: Transform @@ -76871,6 +77330,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 8789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9286 components: - type: Transform @@ -76887,6 +77353,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 41.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9518 components: - type: Transform @@ -76894,6 +77368,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 9525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 36.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9534 components: - type: Transform @@ -76913,11 +77394,11 @@ entities: - uid: 9673 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9957 components: - type: Transform @@ -77272,6 +77753,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14143 components: - type: Transform @@ -77295,6 +77784,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14599 components: - type: Transform @@ -77327,14 +77823,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14626 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,0.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14672 components: - type: Transform @@ -77390,6 +77878,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15006 components: - type: Transform @@ -77398,56 +77894,56 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15097 + - uid: 15086 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-40.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15110 + - uid: 15097 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-41.5 + pos: 31.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15113 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15110 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-41.5 + pos: 28.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15128 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15123 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-36.5 + pos: 37.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15129 + - uid: 15130 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-36.5 + pos: -4.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15133 + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15136 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15134 + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15141 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-33.5 + pos: -30.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -77474,6 +77970,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16244 components: - type: Transform @@ -77482,6 +77985,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 27.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16311 components: - type: Transform @@ -77575,21 +78094,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 17437 + - uid: 17444 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 29.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 17878 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-13.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 17883 components: - type: Transform @@ -77598,6 +78110,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 19981 components: - type: Transform @@ -77629,14 +78149,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22227 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 17.5,-49.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22242 components: - type: Transform @@ -77683,14 +78195,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22386 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 22406 components: - type: Transform @@ -77738,59 +78242,154 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22572 + - uid: 22575 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -36.5,-54.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22574 + - uid: 22591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23064 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -36.5,-51.5 + pos: 5.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22575 + - uid: 23065 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -36.5,-55.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22576 + - uid: 23066 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -36.5,-52.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22589 + - uid: 23079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23080 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -37.5,-54.5 + pos: 27.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22590 + - uid: 23081 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -40.5,-54.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22591 + - uid: 23088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23127 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -41.5,-55.5 + pos: 6.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -77838,6 +78437,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8856 components: - type: Transform @@ -77845,6 +78451,20 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 9177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9417 components: - type: Transform @@ -77908,6 +78528,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14451 components: - type: Transform @@ -77936,6 +78563,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15091 components: - type: Transform @@ -78058,14 +78692,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 89 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -33.5,-51.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 103 components: - type: Transform @@ -78085,11 +78711,11 @@ entities: - uid: 114 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 128 components: - type: Transform @@ -78153,35 +78779,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 528 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -27.5,-25.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 539 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 616 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 621 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 628 components: - type: Transform @@ -78194,15 +78796,7 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 634 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-15.5 + pos: 7.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -78222,30 +78816,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 645 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 646 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 682 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 692 components: - type: Transform @@ -78262,6 +78832,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 716 components: - type: Transform @@ -78490,13 +79068,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 1646 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 1648 components: - type: Transform @@ -78554,10 +79125,10 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -50.5,-22.5 + pos: -23.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 1776 components: - type: Transform @@ -78641,6 +79212,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 1821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 1887 components: - type: Transform @@ -78945,6 +79524,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2092 components: - type: Transform @@ -79021,13 +79608,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2135 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 2136 components: - type: Transform @@ -79044,6 +79624,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2147 components: - type: Transform @@ -79060,14 +79648,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#03FCD3FF' - - uid: 2155 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2182 components: - type: Transform @@ -79076,14 +79656,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2183 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,-24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2186 components: - type: Transform @@ -79133,8 +79705,16 @@ entities: - uid: 2370 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -20.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -79296,14 +79876,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2598 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 2599 components: - type: Transform @@ -79328,22 +79900,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2613 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -32.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 2617 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -31.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 2623 components: - type: Transform @@ -79522,6 +80078,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 3238 components: - type: Transform @@ -79575,22 +80139,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 3449 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -20.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 3503 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -20.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 3526 components: - type: Transform @@ -79874,14 +80422,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 4504 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -25.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4521 components: - type: Transform @@ -80060,6 +80600,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 4928 components: - type: Transform @@ -80078,19 +80626,11 @@ entities: - uid: 4986 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -33.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 4988 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -30.5,-16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5028 components: - type: Transform @@ -80143,6 +80683,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 5081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 5082 components: - type: Transform @@ -80185,27 +80733,19 @@ entities: - uid: 5172 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5212 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 5216 + - uid: 5212 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5302 components: - type: Transform @@ -80307,6 +80847,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 5724 components: - type: Transform @@ -80411,19 +80959,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6248 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -25.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 6249 + - uid: 6262 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-16.5 + pos: -35.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -80626,6 +81166,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 6583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6590 components: - type: Transform @@ -80741,30 +81289,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6649 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 6650 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 6651 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 6656 components: - type: Transform @@ -81097,14 +81621,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7245 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -19.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 7246 components: - type: Transform @@ -81136,6 +81652,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 7510 components: - type: Transform @@ -81163,19 +81686,19 @@ entities: - uid: 7575 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -19.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 7703 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-57.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 7712 components: - type: Transform @@ -81253,6 +81776,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 8003 components: - type: Transform @@ -81370,6 +81909,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 8248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8253 components: - type: Transform @@ -81398,14 +81945,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8464 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 8469 components: - type: Transform @@ -81428,21 +81967,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8490 + - uid: 8494 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -24.5,-5.5 + pos: 34.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8494 + - uid: 8498 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-36.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8501 components: - type: Transform @@ -81631,6 +82170,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8745 components: - type: Transform @@ -81639,6 +82186,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8804 components: - type: Transform @@ -81693,19 +82248,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9141 + - uid: 9176 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 33.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9176 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9178 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 33.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -81958,14 +82513,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9456 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 18.5,-47.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9459 components: - type: Transform @@ -81982,14 +82529,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9461 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 19.5,-47.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9462 components: - type: Transform @@ -82171,6 +82710,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9929 components: - type: Transform @@ -82234,6 +82781,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10166 components: - type: Transform @@ -82252,19 +82806,26 @@ entities: - uid: 10200 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-16.5 + pos: -18.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10201 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -30.5,-31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 10239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10262 components: - type: Transform @@ -82321,6 +82882,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 10537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10538 components: - type: Transform @@ -82337,6 +82906,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 10540 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10544 components: - type: Transform @@ -82497,6 +83074,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 10668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10670 components: - type: Transform @@ -82550,6 +83135,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 10895 components: - type: Transform @@ -82712,21 +83304,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11259 + - uid: 11276 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-31.5 + pos: -6.5,-67.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11276 + - uid: 11277 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-67.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 11300 components: - type: Transform @@ -82811,6 +83403,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 11431 components: - type: Transform @@ -82859,11 +83459,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11465 + - uid: 11468 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-28.5 + pos: -9.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -82883,6 +83482,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 11517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11592 components: - type: Transform @@ -82928,6 +83534,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 11641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 11642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11645 components: - type: Transform @@ -82963,10 +83584,11 @@ entities: - uid: 11826 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 11893 components: - type: Transform @@ -82989,6 +83611,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11949 components: - type: Transform @@ -83114,13 +83744,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12188 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-57.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12189 components: - type: Transform @@ -83179,6 +83802,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 12305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 12388 components: - type: Transform @@ -83843,6 +84474,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13254 components: - type: Transform @@ -83897,7 +84544,8 @@ entities: - uid: 13353 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-40.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -83915,6 +84563,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13358 components: - type: Transform @@ -84855,14 +85511,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13582 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 41.5,-9.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13583 components: - type: Transform @@ -84903,6 +85551,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13589 components: - type: Transform @@ -84950,6 +85605,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13604 components: - type: Transform @@ -84974,19 +85637,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13607 + - uid: 13608 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 36.5,-4.5 + pos: -27.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13608 + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13610 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 37.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -85059,6 +85722,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13714 components: - type: Transform @@ -85099,14 +85770,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13722 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 30.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13731 components: - type: Transform @@ -85727,15 +86390,15 @@ entities: - uid: 14007 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-51.5 + pos: -6.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14009 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-51.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -85755,6 +86418,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14022 components: - type: Transform @@ -86215,11 +86893,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14157 + - uid: 14159 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 29.5,10.5 + pos: -28.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -86761,6 +87439,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14429 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14441 components: - type: Transform @@ -86902,44 +87588,34 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14474 + - uid: 14473 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,-66.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14487 + - uid: 14474 components: - type: Transform - pos: -39.5,1.5 + pos: -34.5,-66.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14488 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14487 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -25.5,-4.5 + pos: -39.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14489 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14490 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -27.5,-4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14491 components: - type: Transform @@ -86952,7 +87628,7 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-4.5 + pos: -22.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -87376,7 +88052,7 @@ entities: - uid: 14631 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-16.5 + pos: -8.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -87859,10 +88535,11 @@ entities: - uid: 14742 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,-52.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14743 components: - type: Transform @@ -87988,19 +88665,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14880 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -44.5,-21.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14883 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -42.5,-21.5 + pos: -26.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -88148,6 +88817,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14991 components: - type: Transform @@ -88211,10 +88888,11 @@ entities: - uid: 15076 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-40.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15077 components: - type: Transform @@ -88240,8 +88918,7 @@ entities: - uid: 15081 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-42.5 + pos: -29.5,-46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -88253,27 +88930,27 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15084 + - uid: 15083 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-40.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15085 + - uid: 15084 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-40.5 + pos: -10.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15086 + - uid: 15085 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-40.5 + pos: -9.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -88403,50 +89080,18 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15114 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-41.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15115 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-39.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15117 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-39.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15121 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-36.5 + pos: -14.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15122 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-36.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15123 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-37.5 + pos: -29.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -88466,19 +89111,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15126 + - uid: 15127 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-35.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15127 + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15129 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-37.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -88486,7 +89131,7 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-34.5 + pos: -7.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -88498,6 +89143,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15159 components: - type: Transform @@ -88514,6 +89167,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15255 components: - type: Transform @@ -88730,27 +89399,34 @@ entities: - uid: 16240 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-10.5 + pos: -30.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16241 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-7.5 + pos: 7.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16248 + - uid: 16247 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16249 components: - type: Transform @@ -88778,8 +89454,8 @@ entities: - uid: 16252 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -89021,6 +89697,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16790 components: - type: Transform @@ -89053,11 +89736,33 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 17136 + - uid: 16897 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-49.5 + pos: -30.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -89587,14 +90292,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 17441 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 17442 components: - type: Transform @@ -89627,29 +90324,44 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 17888 + - uid: 17575 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-14.5 + pos: -26.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 18551 + - uid: 17878 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-43.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 18580 + - uid: 17888 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 32.5,-10.5 + pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 18581 components: - type: Transform @@ -89704,6 +90416,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 19024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 19290 components: - type: Transform @@ -89766,6 +90494,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 28.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 20518 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 21054 components: - type: Transform @@ -89886,6 +90630,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 21191 components: - type: Transform @@ -89958,6 +90710,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 21422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 21948 components: - type: Transform @@ -89990,13 +90750,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22229 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-48.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22238 components: - type: Transform @@ -90368,14 +91121,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22379 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 23.5,22.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22384 components: - type: Transform @@ -90384,14 +91129,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22385 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 27.5,23.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 22390 components: - type: Transform @@ -90623,122 +91360,386 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22563 + - uid: 22573 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -35.5,-51.5 + pos: -35.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22571 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22578 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -34.5,-51.5 + pos: -4.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22573 + - uid: 22584 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -35.5,-54.5 + pos: -39.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22581 + - uid: 22585 components: - type: Transform - pos: -37.5,-53.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22582 + - uid: 23062 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -38.5,-54.5 + pos: 7.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22583 + - uid: 23063 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -39.5,-54.5 + pos: 6.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22584 + - uid: 23071 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -39.5,-55.5 + pos: 28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22585 + - uid: 23073 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -37.5,-55.5 + pos: 30.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22586 + - uid: 23074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23094 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -38.5,-54.5 + pos: -18.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22587 + - uid: 23097 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -38.5,-53.5 + pos: -16.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22588 + - uid: 23100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23113 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -38.5,-52.5 + pos: -7.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22592 + - uid: 23115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23173 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -40.5,-55.5 + pos: 28.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-56.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22593 + - uid: 23178 components: - type: Transform - pos: -41.5,-54.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,-56.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22594 + - uid: 23179 components: - type: Transform - pos: -41.5,-53.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-56.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22595 + - uid: 23180 components: - type: Transform - pos: -40.5,-53.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-59.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - uid: 129 @@ -90801,21 +91802,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 1736 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,-24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 1753 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -27.5,-24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 1778 components: - type: Transform @@ -90824,13 +91810,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 1830 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 1924 components: - type: Transform @@ -90885,13 +91864,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2371 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 2391 components: - type: Transform @@ -90924,14 +91896,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2597 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-36.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 3042 components: - type: Transform @@ -90948,14 +91912,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 4041 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-38.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 4174 components: - type: Transform @@ -90964,13 +91920,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 4247 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4249 components: - type: Transform @@ -91103,14 +92052,28 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 5318 + - uid: 4988 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-38.5 + pos: -4.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 5068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 5528 components: - type: Transform @@ -91150,6 +92113,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6270 components: - type: Transform @@ -91189,27 +92159,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6582 + - uid: 6584 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-16.5 + pos: -24.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 6583 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6584 + - uid: 6651 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -91305,22 +92267,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 7478 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7479 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-3.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 7483 components: - type: Transform @@ -91393,13 +92339,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8293 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 8413 components: - type: Transform @@ -91478,14 +92417,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8733 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -48.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8734 components: - type: Transform @@ -91502,21 +92433,21 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8737 + - uid: 8744 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 30.5,-8.5 + pos: 14.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8744 + - uid: 9406 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-44.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9418 components: - type: Transform @@ -91540,6 +92471,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 9455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9466 components: - type: Transform @@ -91618,6 +92557,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 10769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10987 components: - type: Transform @@ -91670,18 +92617,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11298 + - uid: 11279 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-55.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11385 + - uid: 11298 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -91693,30 +92641,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11430 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -32.5,-51.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11468 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -28.5,-28.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11517 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -34.5,-54.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11590 components: - type: Transform @@ -91733,13 +92657,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11929 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-0.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11993 components: - type: Transform @@ -91756,6 +92673,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 12373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 32.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12395 components: - type: Transform @@ -91834,6 +92767,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12683 components: - type: Transform @@ -91898,22 +92838,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13242 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -47.5,-22.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13357 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-38.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13365 components: - type: Transform @@ -92046,13 +92970,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13588 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 40.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13595 components: - type: Transform @@ -92085,6 +93002,12 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 13613 components: - type: Transform @@ -92100,6 +93023,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 13722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13824 components: - type: Transform @@ -92223,6 +93153,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14216 components: - type: Transform @@ -92247,6 +93185,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14341 components: - type: Transform @@ -92285,14 +93231,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14429 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14440 components: - type: Transform @@ -92304,8 +93242,16 @@ entities: - uid: 14450 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 40.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' @@ -92484,26 +93430,25 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14958 + - uid: 14885 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-47.5 + pos: -37.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15080 + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 14887 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,-42.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15083 + - uid: 14958 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-40.5 + pos: 10.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -92523,6 +93468,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15161 components: - type: Transform @@ -92586,6 +93538,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16431 components: - type: Transform @@ -92601,6 +93569,20 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 16953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 17136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 17362 components: - type: Transform @@ -92647,6 +93629,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 17795 components: - type: Transform @@ -92663,14 +93653,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 17880 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-14.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 17881 components: - type: Transform @@ -92774,14 +93756,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22343 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 21.5,22.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 22363 components: - type: Transform @@ -92870,20 +93844,36 @@ entities: - uid: 22577 components: - type: Transform - pos: -37.5,-52.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22580 + - uid: 23116 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -38.5,-55.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPort entities: + - uid: 122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 1849 components: - type: Transform @@ -92981,14 +93971,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10537 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 29.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 12135 components: - type: Transform @@ -93247,48 +94229,45 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: GasVentPump entities: - - uid: 592 + - uid: 621 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -37.5,-14.5 + pos: -20.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 9278 + - 14595 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 666 + - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 31.5,-9.5 + pos: 10.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15421 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 690 + - 7178 + - uid: 666 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -39.5,-3.5 + pos: 31.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 2697 + - 15421 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 1003 + - uid: 690 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-31.5 + pos: -39.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13665 + - 2697 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 1004 @@ -93333,6 +94312,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13796 + - 14984 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2034 @@ -93345,17 +94325,6 @@ entities: - 13549 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 2146 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 81 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2173 components: - type: Transform @@ -93378,6 +94347,16 @@ entities: - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22510 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 3201 components: - type: Transform @@ -93421,17 +94400,6 @@ entities: - 29 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 4640 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,10.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14595 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4689 components: - type: Transform @@ -93476,25 +94444,25 @@ entities: - 13793 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5473 + - uid: 5318 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-39.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15139 + - 17445 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5609 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-46.5 + pos: 27.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14004 + - 14943 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5945 @@ -93508,26 +94476,14 @@ entities: - 7178 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6529 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-52.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 2583 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6581 + - uid: 6256 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -30.5,-24.5 + pos: -41.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15894 + - 22600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6613 @@ -93585,6 +94541,17 @@ entities: - 13657 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 81 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 7862 components: - type: Transform @@ -93596,15 +94563,14 @@ entities: - 22071 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8146 + - uid: 8298 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 30.5,-33.5 + pos: -14.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 8983 + - 8606 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8410 @@ -93619,25 +94585,14 @@ entities: - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8468 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,-25.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 3489 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8498 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-33.5 + pos: -29.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 8983 + - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9161 @@ -93662,17 +94617,6 @@ entities: - 14085 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9406 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -28.5,-32.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15937 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9438 components: - type: Transform @@ -93681,17 +94625,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9455 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 19.5,-48.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15205 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9861 components: - type: Transform @@ -93747,15 +94680,14 @@ entities: - 9393 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11277 + - uid: 11181 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-38.5 + pos: -44.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15139 + - 15869 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11354 @@ -93769,14 +94701,47 @@ entities: - 13658 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15139 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15139 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11988 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 8606 + - 11724 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12170 @@ -93801,6 +94766,17 @@ entities: - 2583 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15205 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12397 components: - type: Transform @@ -93858,15 +94834,15 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13412 + - uid: 13410 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-38.5 + pos: -37.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 22600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13433 @@ -93955,25 +94931,15 @@ entities: - 13612 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13610 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 41.5,-10.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13600 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 13611 + - uid: 13607 components: - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13600 + - 15894 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13617 @@ -94044,6 +95010,9 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -18.5,-41.5 parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 58 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13993 @@ -94057,17 +95026,6 @@ entities: - 14004 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14018 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -16.5,-52.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14019 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14021 components: - type: Transform @@ -94090,17 +95048,6 @@ entities: - 14915 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14057 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -49.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14915 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14063 components: - type: Transform @@ -94112,17 +95059,6 @@ entities: - 14915 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14080 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 37.5,1.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 409 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14144 components: - type: Transform @@ -94134,26 +95070,15 @@ entities: - 16098 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14158 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,10.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 22510 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14325 + - uid: 14157 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -28.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 708 + - 14915 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14385 @@ -94275,47 +95200,26 @@ entities: - 15862 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14884 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -43.5,-24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15869 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14885 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -44.5,-20.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15869 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14902 + - uid: 14880 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -35.5,-23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15875 + - 14943 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 14984 + - uid: 14884 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-44.5 + pos: -43.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14795 + - 15869 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15007 @@ -94339,37 +95243,37 @@ entities: - 13089 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15136 + - uid: 15119 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 40.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 17576 + - 13600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15279 + - uid: 15134 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,-62.5 + pos: -20.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15287 + - 2670 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 15912 + - uid: 15279 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-39.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-62.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 15287 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16128 @@ -94405,26 +95309,15 @@ entities: - 9309 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 16246 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11724 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 16247 + - uid: 16263 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11724 + - 2697 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16267 @@ -94535,15 +95428,15 @@ entities: - 17352 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 17443 + - uid: 17441 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,17.5 + pos: 37.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 17445 + - 409 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 17560 @@ -94557,17 +95450,6 @@ entities: - 13655 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 19969 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -28.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 2697 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19984 components: - type: Transform @@ -94579,12 +95461,12 @@ entities: - uid: 20727 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 2670 + - 15937 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 20834 @@ -94620,17 +95502,6 @@ entities: - 3722 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 21422 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-45.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 7178 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 21423 components: - type: Transform @@ -94740,88 +95611,246 @@ entities: - 21678 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22345 + - uid: 22395 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14943 + - 22438 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22388 + - uid: 22431 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,24.5 + pos: 33.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22438 + - 22432 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22395 + - uid: 22440 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 31.5,18.5 + pos: 40.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22438 + - 22439 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22431 + - uid: 22450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22439 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13600 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22590 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 33.5,24.5 + pos: -3.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22432 + - 9278 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22440 + - uid: 23060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13665 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23078 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 40.5,20.5 + pos: 25.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22439 + - 23067 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22450 + - uid: 23085 components: - type: Transform - pos: 47.5,21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22439 + - 3489 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22579 + - uid: 23086 components: - type: Transform - pos: -38.5,-51.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22600 + - 14004 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 22597 + - uid: 23099 components: - type: Transform - pos: -41.5,-52.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-51.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22600 + - 14019 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14019 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2583 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14795 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17576 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15937 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8983 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 28.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8983 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 30.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23193 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasVentScrubber @@ -94909,17 +95938,6 @@ entities: - 13665 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 1017 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-27.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13665 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 1163 components: - type: Transform @@ -94940,17 +95958,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13796 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 2074 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 81 + - 14984 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 2176 @@ -94995,17 +96003,6 @@ entities: - 15894 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 3376 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15894 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 3486 components: - type: Transform @@ -95016,17 +96013,6 @@ entities: - 2583 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 3721 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,-52.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 2583 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 4246 components: - type: Transform @@ -95071,15 +96057,12 @@ entities: - 13665 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 5596 + - uid: 5216 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-45.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14004 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 5823 @@ -95093,6 +96076,17 @@ entities: - 5030 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 6501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15894 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 6545 components: - type: Transform @@ -95147,59 +96141,35 @@ entities: - 13654 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7420 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,-9.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11724 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7482 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 30.5,-35.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 8983 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7574 + - uid: 7245 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -19.5,-4.5 + pos: -29.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 2670 + - 2697 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7976 + - uid: 7420 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-35.5 + pos: -29.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 8983 + - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 7998 + - uid: 7478 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -30.5,-5.5 + pos: -50.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 2697 + - 7632 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 8008 @@ -95222,15 +96192,14 @@ entities: - 2583 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 8787 + - uid: 8445 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-25.5 + pos: -12.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3489 + - 8606 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9131 @@ -95244,14 +96213,15 @@ entities: - 15421 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9381 + - uid: 9141 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15937 + - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9450 @@ -95262,6 +96232,15 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 9456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7178 - uid: 9627 components: - type: Transform @@ -95283,15 +96262,14 @@ entities: - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 10802 + - uid: 11024 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-33.5 + pos: -42.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13665 + - 15869 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 11155 @@ -95316,25 +96294,25 @@ entities: - 9393 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11274 + - uid: 11259 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-72.5 + pos: -9.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5030 + - 15139 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11279 + - uid: 11274 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-39.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-72.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15139 + - 5030 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 11333 @@ -95373,11 +96351,12 @@ entities: - uid: 12054 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 8606 + - 11724 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 12169 @@ -95391,6 +96370,28 @@ entities: - 14210 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 12178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11724 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 12377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 17.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15205 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 12378 components: - type: Transform @@ -95461,25 +96462,26 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13243 + - uid: 13086 components: - type: Transform - pos: -47.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7632 + - 14943 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13411 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-36.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 22600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13448 @@ -95515,22 +96517,22 @@ entities: - 13612 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13599 + - uid: 13582 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 40.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-54.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13600 + - 22600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13601 + - uid: 13599 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 41.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 40.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: @@ -95540,11 +96542,11 @@ entities: - uid: 13609 components: - type: Transform - pos: 37.5,-3.5 + pos: -11.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13600 + - 81 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 13614 @@ -95630,17 +96632,6 @@ entities: - 14004 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14016 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -18.5,-52.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14019 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14020 components: - type: Transform @@ -95657,6 +96648,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-41.5 parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 58 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14054 @@ -95724,17 +96718,6 @@ entities: - 16098 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14159 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,11.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 22510 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14378 components: - type: Transform @@ -95757,16 +96740,6 @@ entities: - 18900 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14473 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-0.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 708 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 14588 components: - type: Transform @@ -95887,59 +96860,81 @@ entities: - 15869 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14887 + - uid: 14900 components: - type: Transform - pos: -42.5,-20.5 + pos: -38.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15869 + - 15875 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14900 + - uid: 15080 components: - type: Transform - pos: -38.5,-23.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15875 + - 15139 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 14983 + - uid: 15099 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,-44.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14795 + - 3489 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15118 + - uid: 15113 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-38.5 + pos: -26.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 15139 + - 15937 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 15135 + - uid: 15115 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-33.5 + pos: -8.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 17576 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 38.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13600 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 15126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22510 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 15180 components: - type: Transform @@ -95982,48 +96977,37 @@ entities: - 7931 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16164 + - uid: 16139 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -33.5,-48.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 9309 + - 15937 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16166 + - uid: 16164 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -33.5,-57.5 + pos: -33.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 9309 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16242 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11724 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16243 + - uid: 16166 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-57.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11724 + - 9309 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 16260 @@ -96119,15 +97103,14 @@ entities: - 17352 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 17444 + - uid: 17437 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,17.5 + pos: 40.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 17445 + - 13600 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 17561 @@ -96141,33 +97124,43 @@ entities: - 13655 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 19983 + - uid: 18580 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -12.5,-13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-5.5 parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2670 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 21067 + - uid: 19969 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-56.5 + pos: 23.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3722 + - 14943 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 21420 + - uid: 19983 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-41.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 21067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-56.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7178 + - 3722 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 21421 @@ -96212,17 +97205,6 @@ entities: - 14085 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22225 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-49.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 15205 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22232 components: - type: Transform @@ -96245,17 +97227,6 @@ entities: - 22255 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22259 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-41.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 22255 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22270 components: - type: Transform @@ -96277,26 +97248,6 @@ entities: - 21678 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22358 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,23.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 14943 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22387 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,23.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 22438 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 22392 components: - type: Transform @@ -96347,25 +97298,153 @@ entities: - 22439 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22578 + - uid: 23058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13665 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13665 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 26.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23067 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14004 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14019 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14019 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2583 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23106 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -38.5,-52.5 + pos: -5.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22600 + - 14795 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 22596 + - uid: 23131 components: - type: Transform - pos: -40.5,-52.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 22600 + - 7178 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22255 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8983 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8983 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23193 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF1212FF' + - uid: 23203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17445 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#FF1212FF' - proto: GasVolumePump @@ -96945,11 +98024,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 656 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 664 components: - type: Transform @@ -104207,6 +105281,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,27.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22834 components: - type: Transform @@ -104228,6 +105308,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 94.5,-14.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 - proto: GrilleBroken entities: - uid: 1127 @@ -106033,10 +107125,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: HolopadCommandRd entities: - - uid: 20518 + - uid: 23170 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-34.5 + pos: 29.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - proto: HolopadCommandVault entities: @@ -107203,6 +108295,18 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 2010: - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 23155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2010: + - Pressed: Toggle + 15216: + - Pressed: Toggle - proto: LockableButtonBar entities: - uid: 18917 @@ -108534,6 +109638,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -50.5,-47.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 - proto: LootSpawnerIndustrial entities: - uid: 9651 @@ -108546,6 +109655,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 57.5,-60.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 - proto: LootSpawnerIndustrialFluff entities: - uid: 394 @@ -108563,11 +109677,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8314 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8324 components: - type: Transform @@ -108578,11 +109687,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.5,21.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10239 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 11114 components: - type: Transform @@ -108819,11 +109923,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: LootSpawnerScienceMinor entities: - - uid: 122 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-48.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 11845 components: - type: Transform @@ -108844,6 +109943,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-30.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 25.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22759 components: - type: Transform @@ -108989,6 +110093,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,16.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - proto: MachineFrameDestroyed entities: - uid: 456 @@ -109353,11 +110462,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-95.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16897 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 17875 components: - type: Transform @@ -109388,6 +110492,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.5,-63.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 19046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 25.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 20131 components: - type: Transform @@ -109647,6 +110756,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 37.5,10.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22646 components: - type: Transform @@ -110165,16 +111279,22 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 45.5,-51.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + intervalSeconds: 720 - uid: 1890 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-20.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + chance: 0.2 - uid: 2566 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,10.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + intervalSeconds: 840 - uid: 5862 components: - type: Transform @@ -110183,13 +111303,17 @@ entities: - uid: 7092 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-36.5 + pos: 4.5,-37.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + chance: 0.2 - uid: 9136 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-53.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + intervalSeconds: 720 - uid: 12128 components: - type: Transform @@ -110200,26 +111324,37 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-52.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + chance: 0.2 + - uid: 17636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + chance: 0.2 - uid: 20634 components: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,19.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + intervalSeconds: 720 - uid: 22636 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,25.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 22645 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -37.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + chance: 0.2 - uid: 22786 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-24.5 parent: 2 + - type: TimedSpawner + intervalSeconds: 600 + chance: 0.2 - proto: Multitool entities: - uid: 3370 @@ -110372,15 +111507,15 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: NoticeBoard entities: - - uid: 4942 + - uid: 2760 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-35.5 + pos: -21.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 15841 + - uid: 4942 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-17.5 + pos: -9.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - uid: 20234 components: @@ -110669,7 +111804,7 @@ entities: [color=#ff0000][head=2] PARENT FORM: PRF07 [/head] -- This document is tied to Child Forms:-- [/color] [head=3]NotATrasen[/ head] - [color=#1b67a5]█▄ █ ▀█▀ [head=3]Author: Command Secretary[/head] █ ▀█     █     + [color=#1b67a5]█▄ █ ▀█▀ [head=3]Author: Command Secretary[/head] █ ▀█     █ (* = A Required Field) @@ -110777,10 +111912,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8445 + - uid: 8314 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-18.5 + pos: -23.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - uid: 13750 components: @@ -110937,7 +112072,7 @@ entities: - uid: 15185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5215175,-57.367905 + pos: 2.5298765,-55.385803 parent: 2 - uid: 19939 components: @@ -111045,7 +112180,7 @@ entities: - uid: 13493 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.065586,-18.367483 + pos: -22.96386,-18.45458 parent: 2 - uid: 14162 components: @@ -111092,7 +112227,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16192 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.127619,-18.398756 + pos: -20.46611,-15.44072 parent: 2 - uid: 22272 components: @@ -111407,11 +112542,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8294 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8362 components: - type: Transform @@ -111508,10 +112638,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 4909 + - uid: 22229 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-8.5 + pos: 29.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - proto: PosterContrabandGreyTide entities: @@ -112102,6 +113232,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -6.5,23.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6541 components: - type: Transform @@ -112263,18 +113398,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -32.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 23011 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -31.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 23012 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -20.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - proto: Poweredlight entities: - uid: 173 @@ -112375,6 +113498,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -28.5,-63.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 4041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 4257 components: - type: Transform @@ -112615,12 +113744,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -51.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10769 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 10942 components: - type: Transform @@ -112868,11 +113991,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12107 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12803 components: - type: Transform @@ -113783,6 +114901,18 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,-53.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2205 components: - type: Transform @@ -113849,6 +114979,11 @@ entities: - type: PointLight softness: 1.5 energy: 0.5 + - uid: 4247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 4508 components: - type: Transform @@ -114110,22 +115245,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -21.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 11641 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-47.5 - parent: 2 - - type: PointLight - color: '#FFA54FFF' - - uid: 11642 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -16.5,-48.5 - parent: 2 - - type: PointLight - color: '#FFA54FFF' - uid: 11657 components: - type: Transform @@ -114297,24 +115416,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 18.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 15099 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-58.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 15119 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-58.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 15120 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-58.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 15682 components: - type: Transform @@ -114572,6 +115673,11 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -63.5,-59.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22374 components: - type: Transform @@ -114645,11 +115751,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 23041 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,2.5 - parent: 2 - proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty entities: - uid: 9504 @@ -114981,6 +116082,36 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 43.5,8.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 22545 components: - type: Transform @@ -115187,6 +116318,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-35.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3720 components: - type: Transform @@ -115231,11 +116368,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 4183 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-57.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 4188 components: - type: Transform @@ -115404,21 +116536,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-96.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8298 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8331 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-29.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8453 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8514 components: - type: Transform @@ -115587,12 +116709,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,23.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12305 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -30.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12358 components: - type: Transform @@ -115679,11 +116795,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14760 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -50.5,-36.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 15187 components: - type: Transform @@ -115952,6 +117063,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,15.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 - proto: RadioHandheld entities: - uid: 3964 @@ -116557,6 +117685,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-39.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - proto: RailingCorner entities: - uid: 1546 @@ -116570,6 +117727,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -11.5,12.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 7376 components: - type: Transform @@ -117108,6 +118270,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-55.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 15849 components: - type: Transform @@ -117118,11 +118285,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16139 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-32.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 16140 components: - type: Transform @@ -117577,6 +118739,16 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -23.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 15128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 16119 components: - type: Transform @@ -121965,6 +123137,18 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 28.5,29.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 - proto: RemoteSignaller entities: - uid: 4210 @@ -122209,11 +123393,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,3.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16681 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 16685 components: - type: Transform @@ -122288,6 +123467,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-46.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 - proto: SecurityTechFab entities: - uid: 19546 @@ -123995,6 +125179,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: SignDirectionalSolar entities: + - uid: 7925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 9126 components: - type: Transform @@ -126083,6 +127272,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: SpawnMobBee entities: + - uid: 3449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 17321 components: - type: Transform @@ -126115,6 +127309,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -18.5,30.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 17326 components: - type: Transform @@ -127382,6 +128581,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.355778,-9.333347 parent: 2 + - uid: 8490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.055944,-19.08416 + parent: 2 - uid: 8882 components: - type: Transform @@ -127665,13 +128870,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,22.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10154 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Medical Substation - - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12610 components: - type: MetaData @@ -127712,6 +128910,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,19.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22589 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical North Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - proto: SubstationBasicEmpty entities: - uid: 15399 @@ -127827,7 +129032,7 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -54.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 19204 + - uid: 22571 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-57.5 @@ -129113,11 +130318,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 4161 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-18.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 4162 components: - type: Transform @@ -129831,6 +131031,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 18.5,-15.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 21445 components: - type: Transform @@ -131438,11 +132644,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10668 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 11969 components: - type: Transform @@ -131501,6 +132702,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,-41.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 - proto: ToiletDirtyWater entities: - uid: 2278 @@ -131598,11 +132805,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.4601429,-37.34924 parent: 2 - - uid: 10540 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -30.529837,-18.358828 - parent: 2 - uid: 15360 components: - type: Transform @@ -131907,11 +133109,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7623 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,-4.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8887 components: - type: Transform @@ -131957,7 +133154,7 @@ entities: - uid: 12676 components: - type: Transform - pos: -50.456078,-36.383743 + pos: -52.53492,-36.398506 parent: 2 - proto: TreasureCoinGold entities: @@ -133097,11 +134294,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 47.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 670 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform @@ -134060,11 +135252,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-65.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2553 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-32.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2557 components: - type: Transform @@ -134390,16 +135577,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 3210 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-30.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 3211 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-33.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 3215 components: - type: Transform @@ -135753,16 +136930,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-61.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6256 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 6262 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6286 components: - type: Transform @@ -136725,6 +137892,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 47.5,1.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8774 components: - type: Transform @@ -136750,6 +137922,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,24.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8796 components: - type: Transform @@ -140512,6 +141689,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -58.5,-49.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8746 components: - type: Transform @@ -140728,12 +141910,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 55.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 11024 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -29.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 11033 components: - type: Transform @@ -142313,6 +143489,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.5,13.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 23036 components: - type: Transform @@ -142325,6 +143512,17 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 23112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 - proto: WallSolid entities: - uid: 11 @@ -145662,11 +146860,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -50.5,-51.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16923 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 16924 components: - type: Transform @@ -145677,16 +146870,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16928 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 16929 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 16938 components: - type: Transform @@ -145712,11 +146895,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -44.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16953 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-17.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 17011 components: - type: Transform @@ -146085,6 +147263,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,10.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 22572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - proto: WallSolidRust entities: - uid: 2745 @@ -147477,6 +148660,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: WaterTankFull entities: + - uid: 4640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6329 components: - type: Transform @@ -147487,11 +148675,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.5,8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12373 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-50.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 13093 components: - type: Transform @@ -147616,6 +148799,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: WeldingFuelTankFull entities: + - uid: 2617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3088 components: - type: Transform @@ -147631,11 +148819,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12377 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-49.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12738 components: - type: Transform @@ -148604,6 +149787,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 30.5,-33.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2249 components: - type: Transform @@ -149070,6 +150259,22 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 71.5,-42.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 21157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - proto: Wirecutter entities: - uid: 7428 @@ -149207,7 +150412,7 @@ entities: - uid: 12677 components: - type: Transform - pos: -50.518612,-36.425438 + pos: -52.48281,-36.374268 parent: 2 - uid: 15383 components: From b00bf40e6407da085e4f4a5bbcb9eb73dac3990c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Southbridge <> Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 23:28:20 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 06/62] Insuls Spawner (#34407) * Added insuls spawner, time to test * adjusted whitespace since that was causing issues * Update Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> --------- Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> --- .../Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml | 29 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml index 6a22da58eb9..be26279365e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml @@ -382,3 +382,32 @@ - Spaceshroom chance: 0.6 offset: 0.0 + + +- type: entityTable + id: InsulsTable + table: !type:GroupSelector + children: + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellowBudget # budget insuls + weight: 85 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellow # true insuls + weight: 10 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesFingerlessInsulated # fingerless + weight: 4 + - id: ClothingHandsGlovesConducting # conducting + weight: 1 + +- type: entity + name: Maint Loot Spawner + id: MaintenanceInsulsSpawner + suffix: Insuls, safe + parent: MarkerBase + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Clothing/Hands/Gloves/Color/yellow.rsi + state: icon + - type: EntityTableSpawner + table: !type:NestedSelector + tableId: InsulsTable From ac0a8d1f6056ca7dba28979bd0c57bf78a3a6e12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Deerstop Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:07:29 +1100 Subject: [PATCH 07/62] Manual Valves Resprite (#34378) * resprited manual valves to be colourblind friendly * Update Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json Co-authored-by: Errant <> --------- Co-authored-by: Errant <> --- .../Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValve.png | Bin 489 -> 540 bytes .../Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValveOn.png | Bin 493 -> 543 bytes 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json index 14a5a244bf6..632c7bcf5be 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/meta.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "y":32 }, "license":"CC-BY-SA-3.0", - "copyright":"Taken from at commit 57cd1d59ca019dd0e7811ac451f295f818e573da. Signal valve is a digital valve modified by deltanedas.", + "copyright":"Taken from at commit 57cd1d59ca019dd0e7811ac451f295f818e573da. Signal valve is a digital valve modified by deltanedas. Manual valve modified by Deerstop at", "states":[ { "name":"pumpDigitalValve", diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValve.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValve.png index 7b26302cc5cebe626c9aab0ed431e27c34f6e3f8..055c6176abd8ccf0ede0dd462483d13d79ad082f 100644 GIT binary patch delta 501 zcmV&55E-?nDjUPe*htb5JCtcgb+dqX&Oq~NBOO( zs<)wZ`dg|U=W&dA9IJLOjV`}(003ZFT3-$w{!#%r2O1v$sr2}%efh)kI`RT#{Oace z#^d8_RD3=_lV9l;*n}aL0A>K*rqiR0Z58PBORoT6mu{cG{P{faeJp_NfI=1M^h>XR ze15*D+$6gF(g7&S&*#fcqT8=@3;dR!uL7NZr2tfYKER}(=L1wH(si8l6G*#`lZs62 rzxuVj4g=M`64&h~gb+dqA?Lt1PCO;E%7C^100000NkvXXu0mjfOs(;` delta 450 zcmV;z0X_bl1nC2iF@K{;L_t(|obB2%Y63wN#__)zPq3wdSfm#51cEt8oC{c_u}PIi zkQ82EN#O}nM-UGnVl5&>%RPapDWXP5K;N?CLiYQWyTkj2VON)#2O=UOB9cwHO9uu) zu)B0@6h#-;O*{X_GKr^F>+G1w&; z&d-^!IGMz4sbnpiTE6KO zm@O9E?I!{7lF#!znZRUnybtg;o$?R_meQ%^o1TEr`J5pzaE?*6%KLW9s9I&<9K-#6 zfX7P3Qa06m^M5O_agIV5vaZztSl4P4!jO$~$1%&*%33zHeDlA+=_I=FD;)fM2l&c2 zFTmk3qh9~Hc(`^2N#|$&OHf2aL_|bHL_{QGV(p#%wLf>weYhm^W1S7c_wmz56nQ-c zyGDNIcZJm-V4Z~e12}&^?^}}jUit%kN;=<5e}FGO@;kls2l(P6-%EdhPf6#;`Vl;L sKJQzS`RWh2bl`ve5)=^;5fRC#FOD)}xodwbr2qf`07*qoM6N<$f&l8+ZvX%Q diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValveOn.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pump.rsi/pumpManualValveOn.png index 54ec7249c7670124e048c0889cf7aac604a2584f..71e9811ad0f0f7a7bc89df04d809329243d73db4 100644 GIT binary patch delta 504 zcmVM;1e*o z^9Bw)fwKt@LE=CHt%+rDAx#rx>?^bmNG+tA-u13k`u$ATKX;$nq`91^ zbP_@&+3hHbl*Um-r~g#7<1C6Wiz3zTrP1YA4gdfarS;{|;eRg`z%kJH0M2AiKAe2= z_M4m#P57k(0Dy<#aN8J-_O}5%j>odYNu%3e=n)V?B-xZ#VTc8QDS+q61gkKV7RzAL zUw96mW$? z4dOU$XZM@Hlz+eQB>1t}r0uTbV4gYFbsXaXnDQ42VE1a-O+@P;z=dU{$4&oulYXgp z=1=e8EOmSbROKgx5JCtcgb+dqA%qY@{yB}W3#hLT$f45p0h;{M0RY=dY_=rbbsSu^ z+W_+aCEa(0PQOwBp6jCT`|0+r@1qCcF6Z1EAygEV`EjKKIIPbP;y7Kba7a&f@EZKm z0p!)^=eCW|vhccG$_^)uZokqa@LPSpit4ORzfu5IuMaTkZ~S+F@`ZG4JArqebZk2* ua$$efuVuMBQ0>Z$y8VO@LI@$`82ALik|Im6GWX~J0000sd;g_{cXc0KhCs0Dox5F#sQ>68$Iw;JQ|` zmNUybzkJFh+Hp+BIl4eUiuRM)34&l_d1Uj5cQ z@=dS6EJ?W9P6FVuT;^dqh3RyEAD|aK6AUgbrE|+SJpu3YIU```9OE$Lb-iXBh76r! zw7n0|dbzWd&3`rD{0gj`qY}p~>vaH@^*WU}X64*|On)%2md!2S{4a1gi7xyK2S48d zzVgiruzSpCG=47buAM>F`Gx-y6cG^-5fKp)5h<9H_Rjv=pF8J1T$cGKoejeG@zdh% z)9W$VIr0m?E3Ezi>m<}4!142W-?Gg2(jVYc*7;ug13!H6k?*BHz!x9+Uit%k$~ym~ wAHiei^S))7ul|6v1OMxnpooZwh)6+w0VPmpYo2Ve_5c6?07*qoM6N<$f{AtE3jhEB From f2cd615512bebdf8471d392c55f893e08af0f869 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 07:08:37 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index dffb428529f..dbed09f8535 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Boaz1111 - changes: - - message: The maple wing marking for moths now have a secondary color palette. - type: Tweak - id: 7303 - time: '2024-09-07T05:48:40.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: lzk228 changes: - message: Bottle and syringe names are remade into labels. @@ -3936,3 +3929,10 @@ id: 7802 time: '2025-01-12T23:32:51.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Deerstop + changes: + - message: Improved the readability of the manual valve sprite. + type: Tweak + id: 7803 + time: '2025-01-13T07:07:30.0000000+00:00' + url: From 9cf4cba346e26393c06daf96100885e4f99c2b9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TytosB <> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 01:17:08 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 09/62] loop station door access fixes and air sink (#34414) small fixes --- Resources/Maps/loop.yml | 728 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 337 insertions(+), 391 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/loop.yml b/Resources/Maps/loop.yml index de0df379648..39ee85fc583 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/loop.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/loop.yml @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ entities: version: 6 0,-1: ind: 0,-1 - tiles: HwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAA + tiles: HwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAHwAAAAAAIgAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAAHQAAAAAA version: 6 -2,0: ind: -2,0 @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ entities: version: 6 0,-2: ind: 0,-2 - 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-1,-1: - 0: 10103 0,-4: 2: 29491 0,-5: - 2: 16159 + 2: 14111 + 0: 2048 -1,-4: 2: 64716 0,-3: @@ -3290,11 +3289,11 @@ entities: 0: 13107 2: 34952 3,-3: - 0: 13107 + 0: 8755 2: 34952 3,-2: - 0: 3 2: 32648 + 0: 34 3,-5: 2: 36815 4,-4: @@ -3431,6 +3430,8 @@ entities: 0: 47104 -2,-5: 2: 63880 + -1,-1: + 0: 1911 -1,-5: 2: 64716 -4,-8: @@ -3722,7 +3723,7 @@ entities: 4,7: 0: 64989 5,0: - 0: 65535 + 0: 65534 5,1: 0: 65311 5,2: @@ -3730,26 +3731,25 @@ entities: 5,3: 0: 65521 5,-1: - 0: 65527 + 0: 65248 5,4: 0: 65535 6,0: - 0: 4369 - 6,1: 0: 30583 - 6,2: - 0: 63351 + 6,1: + 0: 26151 6,3: - 0: 65534 + 0: 48056 6,-1: - 0: 4368 - 2: 192 + 0: 30576 + 6,2: + 0: 58982 6,4: - 0: 65535 + 0: 48059 7,0: - 2: 29809 + 2: 29813 7,-1: - 2: 4369 + 2: 21847 7,2: 2: 17988 7,1: @@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ entities: -16,4: 0: 57598 -15,0: - 0: 65535 + 0: 61439 -15,1: 0: 4095 -15,2: @@ -3932,7 +3932,7 @@ entities: 5,11: 0: 30471 6,9: - 0: 63351 + 0: 63359 6,10: 0: 47871 6,11: @@ -3940,8 +3940,7 @@ entities: 6,12: 0: 221 7,9: - 0: 4151 - 6: 8 + 0: 4159 2: 2048 7,10: 0: 12307 @@ -3989,7 +3988,7 @@ entities: 0: 65532 -13,12: 0: 4351 - 7: 57344 + 6: 57344 -12,9: 0: 56783 -12,10: @@ -3998,7 +3997,7 @@ entities: 0: 65500 -12,12: 0: 60639 - 7: 4096 + 6: 4096 -11,9: 0: 56605 -11,10: @@ -4016,8 +4015,7 @@ entities: -10,12: 0: 3822 -9,9: - 0: 47367 - 6: 512 + 0: 47879 -9,10: 0: 56723 -9,11: @@ -4025,11 +4023,9 @@ entities: -9,12: 0: 36319 -8,9: - 0: 37151 - 6: 16384 + 0: 53535 -8,10: - 0: 4505 - 6: 3140 + 0: 7645 -8,11: 0: 65535 -20,4: @@ -4038,14 +4034,14 @@ entities: 0: 63247 -20,5: 0: 61166 - -21,6: - 2: 50252 -20,6: - 2: 61440 + 2: 35056 + -21,6: + 2: 204 -19,4: - 0: 30479 + 0: 32527 -19,5: - 0: 32631 + 0: 30583 -19,6: 2: 12832 -19,3: @@ -4053,14 +4049,9 @@ entities: -19,7: 2: 3618 -18,4: - 0: 64303 - 6: 1024 + 0: 65327 -18,5: - 8: 528 - 9: 4352 - 10: 32 - 0: 60420 - 11: 192 + 0: 65524 -18,6: 0: 4082 -18,7: @@ -4109,8 +4100,7 @@ entities: -20,0: 0: 65311 -20,-1: - 0: 63724 - 6: 2 + 0: 61678 -21,0: 0: 52224 2: 256 @@ -4126,7 +4116,7 @@ entities: 2: 256 -21,3: 0: 61440 - 2: 16 + 2: 112 -19,0: 0: 30479 -19,1: @@ -4134,7 +4124,7 @@ entities: -19,2: 0: 30583 -19,-1: - 0: 28799 + 0: 29271 -18,0: 0: 65535 -18,1: @@ -4144,7 +4134,7 @@ entities: -18,-1: 0: 65359 -17,-1: - 0: 56591 + 0: 56583 -4,9: 0: 65327 -5,9: @@ -4192,8 +4182,7 @@ entities: -8,12: 0: 21845 -7,9: - 0: 53263 - 6: 8192 + 0: 61455 -7,10: 0: 8191 -7,11: @@ -4232,10 +4221,10 @@ entities: 0: 143 2: 57856 -12,13: - 7: 1 + 6: 1 0: 65484 -13,13: - 7: 14 + 6: 14 0: 65280 -12,14: 0: 65535 @@ -4404,9 +4393,10 @@ entities: -17,18: 0: 14779 -16,19: + 2: 3073 0: 768 - 2: 3072 -17,19: + 2: 8 0: 16179 -15,17: 0: 12272 @@ -4474,7 +4464,7 @@ entities: -18,17: 0: 52733 -18,18: - 0: 46079 + 0: 45311 -18,19: 0: 35771 -17,20: @@ -4486,6 +4476,7 @@ entities: 0: 65520 -11,18: 0: 15 + 2: 512 -10,17: 0: 26238 -10,18: @@ -4502,8 +4493,8 @@ entities: 4,14: 2: 119 3,14: - 2: 64748 - 0: 16 + 2: 64652 + 0: 112 4,15: 2: 4369 3,15: @@ -4518,7 +4509,7 @@ entities: 1,13: 0: 56829 1,14: - 0: 36817 + 0: 36825 1,15: 0: 48059 1,16: @@ -4526,14 +4517,14 @@ entities: 2,13: 0: 30711 2,14: - 0: 30705 + 0: 30704 2,15: 0: 65399 2,16: 0: 62463 3,13: - 0: 48 - 2: 64716 + 0: 112 + 2: 64652 3,16: 0: 28774 0,17: @@ -4547,8 +4538,7 @@ entities: 0,19: 0: 15243 -1,19: - 0: 65305 - 12: 4 + 0: 65309 0,20: 0: 12287 1,17: @@ -4804,7 +4794,7 @@ entities: -19,-3: 2: 17487 -19,-2: - 0: 65280 + 0: 63232 2: 4 -18,-3: 2: 15 @@ -4813,7 +4803,7 @@ entities: -17,-3: 2: 15 -17,-2: - 0: 65520 + 0: 30576 -16,-3: 2: 34959 -16,-2: @@ -4911,11 +4901,11 @@ entities: 5,-3: 0: 30576 5,-2: - 0: 30576 + 0: 26208 6,-2: 2: 15 7,-2: - 2: 4369 + 2: 22289 -11,21: 2: 2288 -11,23: @@ -5089,21 +5079,6 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.14975 - moles: - - 20.078888 - - 75.53487 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - volume: 2500 temperature: 235 moles: @@ -5119,81 +5094,6 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.14926 - moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.14902 - moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.1495 - moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.14975 - moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.15 - moles: - - 21.6852 - - 81.57766 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 chunkSize: 4 - type: GasTileOverlay - type: RadiationGridResistance @@ -7299,7 +7199,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -44884.766 + secondsUntilStateChange: -46417.484 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -7441,16 +7341,57 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,27.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 13970 + - uid: 16894 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,37.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Brig - - - Engineering - - - Security +- proto: AirlockExternalCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,74.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1200: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 1200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 215: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 2280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,87.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5219: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 5219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,85.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2280: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalEngineeringLocked entities: - uid: 3669 @@ -7556,20 +7497,16 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked entities: - - uid: 5936 + - uid: 1953 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,57.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Salvage - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 + invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 16895: + 1952: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 16431 components: @@ -7583,21 +7520,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,75.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 16895 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,57.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Salvage - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 5936: - - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked entities: - uid: 354 @@ -7647,33 +7569,29 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 3822: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 4797 + - uid: 7337 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,53.5 + pos: 3.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Engineering - - - Salvage - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 + invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 16894: + 2714: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 7337 + - uid: 7452 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 2714: + 17580: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 8100 components: @@ -7730,63 +7648,63 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 14633: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 16894 + - uid: 17561 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,53.5 + pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Engineering - - - Salvage - type: DeviceLinkSink invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 4797: + 8100: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 17561 + - uid: 17580 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 8100: + 7452: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 1200 + - uid: 1952 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,77.5 + pos: 14.5,57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1953: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 2673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,53.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Command - type: DeviceLinkSink invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 5219: + 14035: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 5219 + - uid: 14035 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,74.5 + pos: 14.5,53.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Command - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 3 + invokeCounter: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1200: + 2673: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 15778 components: @@ -7915,41 +7833,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -93.5,55.5 parent: 2 -- proto: AirlockExternalLocked - entities: - - uid: 215 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -14.5,85.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Command - - - External - - - ResearchDirector - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 5225: - - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 5225 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,87.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Command - - - External - - - ResearchDirector - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 5 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 215: - - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalShuttleLocked entities: - uid: 15471 @@ -8509,21 +8392,16 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -33.5,7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14026 + - uid: 4797 components: - type: Transform - pos: -36.5,14.5 + pos: 5.5,53.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14035 + - uid: 14026 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,53.5 + pos: -36.5,14.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Engineering - - - Salvage - proto: AirlockMaintLocked entities: - uid: 1735 @@ -8735,12 +8613,8 @@ entities: - uid: 13967 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,37.5 + pos: -8.5,33.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Medical - - - Security - proto: AirlockMaintRnDLocked entities: - uid: 14067 @@ -8816,37 +8690,23 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: AirlockMedicalMorgueLocked entities: - - uid: 1952 + - uid: 5936 components: - - type: MetaData - name: morgue - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,36.5 + pos: -11.5,39.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Medical - - - Security - - uid: 1953 +- proto: AirlockMedicalMorgueMaintLocked + entities: + - uid: 13969 components: - - type: MetaData - name: morgue - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,39.5 + pos: -8.5,36.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Medical - - - Security - - uid: 13969 + - uid: 16895 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,33.5 + pos: -14.5,37.5 parent: 2 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Medical - - - Security - proto: AirlockQuartermasterGlassLocked entities: - uid: 14040 @@ -13901,16 +13761,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 3600 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 3601 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-10.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 3607 components: - type: Transform @@ -14401,11 +14251,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7452 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-9.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 7814 components: - type: Transform @@ -21821,6 +21666,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,73.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 13211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 13302 components: - type: Transform @@ -24251,6 +24101,36 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 17682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CableApcStack entities: - uid: 5976 @@ -36741,6 +36621,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -70.5,6.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3629 components: - type: Transform @@ -36958,11 +36844,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -46.5,7.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 4907 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,1.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 5465 components: - type: Transform @@ -38528,10 +38409,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,11.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 17580 + - uid: 17680 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 2 - proto: Cautery @@ -43400,7 +43281,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,51.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -292640.3 + secondsUntilStateChange: -294173.03 state: Opening - uid: 6747 components: @@ -43408,7 +43289,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,51.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -292641.03 + secondsUntilStateChange: -294173.75 state: Opening - uid: 6749 components: @@ -43416,7 +43297,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,51.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -292639.6 + secondsUntilStateChange: -294172.3 state: Opening - uid: 6750 components: @@ -43424,7 +43305,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,51.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -292638.97 + secondsUntilStateChange: -294171.7 state: Opening - proto: CyberPen entities: @@ -52900,6 +52781,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 16.5,9.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 5755 components: - type: Transform @@ -70213,11 +70100,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 3497 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-9.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 3502 components: - type: Transform @@ -79946,7 +79828,7 @@ entities: - uid: 13012 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,12.5 + pos: -16.5,13.5 parent: 2 - uid: 13013 components: @@ -81187,6 +81069,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,49.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3973 components: - type: Transform @@ -81521,12 +81409,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,52.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 13211 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,75.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 13212 components: - type: Transform @@ -81877,6 +81759,23 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -59.5,-6.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 17685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,74.5 + parent: 2 - proto: PrefilledSyringe entities: - uid: 17244 @@ -82304,7 +82203,8 @@ entities: - uid: 16937 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - uid: 17183 components: @@ -85086,11 +84986,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 3589 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-9.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 3604 components: - type: Transform @@ -87649,6 +87544,66 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -70.5,50.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 17691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,64.5 + parent: 2 - proto: SecurityTechFab entities: - uid: 404 @@ -87978,7 +87933,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16935 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.4516945,-7.4342813 + pos: 11.433092,-7.530607 parent: 2 - uid: 16938 components: @@ -93440,11 +93395,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraEngineering nameSet: True id: Atmos Front - - uid: 17682 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,20.5 - parent: 2 - proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral entities: - uid: 13564 @@ -93471,8 +93421,14 @@ entities: - uid: 13566 components: - type: Transform - pos: -51.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,29.5 parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Dorms-Med hall - uid: 13567 components: - type: Transform @@ -93698,35 +93654,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraGeneral nameSet: True id: Entrance hall - - uid: 17680 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -81.5,71.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 17681 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -43.5,30.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 17683 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -59.5,66.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 17684 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -54.5,65.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 17685 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -48.5,68.5 - parent: 2 - proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical entities: - uid: 13791 @@ -99858,11 +99785,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,37.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2280 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2281 components: - type: Transform @@ -101103,6 +101025,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,15.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3498 components: - type: Transform @@ -101183,11 +101111,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 3567 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 3568 components: - type: Transform @@ -101203,6 +101126,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,74.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 3589 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 3593 components: - type: Transform @@ -102022,6 +101951,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 4907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 4908 components: - type: Transform @@ -102132,6 +102067,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -18.5,76.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 5225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,37.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 5226 components: - type: Transform @@ -104916,6 +104856,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-0.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 17681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 - proto: WallSolid entities: - uid: 19 @@ -106715,11 +106661,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,52.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2673 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,53.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2674 components: - type: Transform @@ -108982,6 +108923,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -63.5,9.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 13970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,53.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14001 components: - type: Transform From 182f0c0bcee5c5116a7499f11d20471b87a77ea2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hyperDelegate Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 01:06:30 -0900 Subject: [PATCH 10/62] Raise syndicate kobold reinforcement HP crit threshold from 75 to 100 to match monkey. (#34409) kobold ops have 100 health --- Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml index b9374d15ea3..e71902db6b0 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/animals.yml @@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ - type: MobThresholds thresholds: 0: Alive - 75: Critical + 100: Critical 200: Dead - type: NpcFactionMember factions: From 423e48a9f2eeb1ce3e84d22e734b647026334def Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JustinWinningham Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 02:06:57 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/62] Anomaly dragging exploit fix and QOL changes (#34280) * Wood wall is now built from barricade congraph and on top of a barricade instead of using rods * APE dragging exploit fix --- .../Entities/Structures/Specific/Anomaly/anomalies.yml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/Anomaly/anomalies.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/Anomaly/anomalies.yml index 62025f668ee..60980cb6fcf 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/Anomaly/anomalies.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Specific/Anomaly/anomalies.yml @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ radius: 0.35 density: 50 mask: - - MobMask + - FlyingMobMask layer: - - MobLayer + - FlyingMobLayer - type: Sprite noRot: true drawdepth: Effects #it needs to draw over stuff. From 25a01b00b6a58e84de528025207ed4c6f11646e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zHonys <> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 07:07:18 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 12/62] Fixed doors being blocked with mousetraps, and other Collidable items (#34045) * Changed SharedDoorSystem.GetColliding() to allow non-LowImpassible mask entities to stay in the door while it closes * Update Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs Clarifies comment of how the mask is used Co-authored-by: Centronias --------- Co-authored-by: Centronias --- Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs index 69905d1bd6b..ef9d28e4ef7 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Doors/Systems/SharedDoorSystem.cs @@ -589,8 +589,8 @@ public IEnumerable GetColliding(EntityUid uid, PhysicsComponent? phys if (otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.GlassLayer || otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.GlassAirlockLayer || otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.TableLayer) continue; - //If the colliding entity is a slippable item ignore it by the airlock - if (otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionLayer == (int) CollisionGroup.SlipLayer && otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionMask == (int) CollisionGroup.ItemMask) + // Ignore low-passable entities. + if ((otherPhysics.Comp.CollisionMask & (int)CollisionGroup.LowImpassable) == 0) continue; //For when doors need to close over conveyor belts From de78bedc5f1d1362c89be80fb586163ccc511c37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Coolsurf6 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:07:33 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 13/62] Fixed Jazz Instrument for Electric Guitars (#33363) * fixed jazz midi program byte * swapped around jazz and clean in instrumentList --- .../Entities/Objects/Fun/Instruments/instruments_string.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Instruments/instruments_string.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Instruments/instruments_string.yml index 3e2f02f8283..ed1520ff998 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Instruments/instruments_string.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Fun/Instruments/instruments_string.yml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - type: SwappableInstrument instrumentList: "Clean": {27: 0} - "Jazz": {25: 0} + "Jazz": {26: 0} "Muted": {28: 0} - type: Sprite sprite: Objects/Fun/Instruments/eguitar.rsi From b308589428cc65fa8a2ba637cd08617c63247eb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 10:08:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 14/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 48 ++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index dbed09f8535..fb9ad037388 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,27 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: lzk228 - changes: - - message: Bottle and syringe names are remade into labels. - type: Tweak - id: 7304 - time: '2024-09-07T05:51:36.0000000+00:00' - url: -- author: Ian321 - changes: - - message: The AgriChem kit now links to the botanical chemicals guidebook. - type: Tweak - - message: The botanical chemicals guidebook has been expanded. - type: Tweak - id: 7305 - time: '2024-09-07T06:23:01.0000000+00:00' - url: -- author: Lank - changes: - - message: The Antimov and Overseer law boards are no longer available roundstart. - type: Remove - id: 7306 - time: '2024-09-07T08:45:51.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: lzk228 changes: - message: Books cannot longer be inserted in crates as paper labels @@ -3936,3 +3913,28 @@ id: 7803 time: '2025-01-13T07:07:30.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: JustinWinningham + changes: + - message: Anomalies no longer block players or APES (or other objects) from passing + through them + type: Tweak + - message: Players can no longer move anomalies with unanchored furniture, closets, + etc. + type: Fix + id: 7804 + time: '2025-01-13T10:06:57.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: zHonys + changes: + - message: Items with collisions (like mousetraps) won't kept doors form opening + type: Fix + id: 7805 + time: '2025-01-13T10:07:18.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: Coolsurf6 + changes: + - message: The "Jazz" style for the Electric Guitar now uses the correct soundfont. + type: Tweak + id: 7806 + time: '2025-01-13T10:07:33.0000000+00:00' + url: From 6c41d967e5ca4f08573c73f03f8975580fd9f7eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Southbridge <> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 13:49:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 15/62] Porting Pride-O-Mat to Upstream (#34412) * Pride-O-Mat (#1322) * Added Pride-O-Mat * Yep * Updated license to the correct one * Added more lines, reconfigured settings a bit, also added cloaks to inventory, set coder socks to emag inventory * Removed bunny ears, fixed typo * Made requested changes Webedit lmao --------- Co-authored-by: Dorragon <> --- .../en-US/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl | 7 ++++ .../VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml | 34 ++++++++++++++++++ .../VendingMachines/advertisements.yml | 6 ++++ .../Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml | 6 ++++ .../Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml | 33 +++++++++++++++++ .../VendingMachines/pride.rsi/broken.png | Bin 0 -> 1719 bytes .../VendingMachines/pride.rsi/meta.json | 31 ++++++++++++++++ .../pride.rsi/normal-unshaded.png | Bin 0 -> 912 bytes .../VendingMachines/pride.rsi/off.png | Bin 0 -> 1439 bytes .../VendingMachines/pride.rsi/panel.png | Bin 0 -> 190 bytes 10 files changed, 117 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/broken.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/meta.json create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/normal-unshaded.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/off.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/panel.png diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..042291ba8e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +advertisement-pride-1 = Be gay do crime! +advertisement-pride-2 = Full of colors! +advertisement-pride-3 = You are valid! +advertisement-pride-4 = The first pride was a riot! +thankyou-pride-1 = Slay! +thankyou-pride-2 = Knock 'em dead! +thankyou-pride-3 = What a glow up! diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e93c27c041a --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +- type: vendingMachineInventory + id: PrideDrobeInventory + startingInventory: + ClothingNeckLGBTPin: 3 + ClothingNeckAromanticPin: 3 + ClothingNeckAsexualPin: 3 + ClothingNeckBisexualPin: 3 + ClothingNeckGayPin: 3 + ClothingNeckIntersexPin: 3 + ClothingNeckLesbianPin: 3 + ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin: 3 + ClothingNeckPansexualPin: 3 + ClothingNeckTransPin: 3 + ClothingNeckAutismPin: 3 + ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin: 3 + PlushieSharkBlue: 2 + PlushieSharkPink: 2 + PlushieSharkGrey: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakAce: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakAro: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakBi: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakEnby: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakGay: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakIntersex: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakLesbian: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakPan: 2 + ClothingNeckCloakTrans: 2 + ClothingHeadHatXmasCrown: 2 + BedsheetRainbow: 2 + ClothingNeckHeadphones: 2 + ClothingHeadHatFlowerWreath: 2 + ClothingUniformColorRainbow: 2 + ClothingUnderSocksCoder: 2 + ClothingUnderSocksBee: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml index 6dc004dd1bb..6967c97f5ae 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml @@ -279,3 +279,9 @@ values: prefix: advertisement-medibot- count: 17 + +- type: localizedDataset + id: PrideDrobeAds + values: + prefix: advertisement-pride- + count: 4 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml index 47da3b3dc60..61ccc2b044c 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml @@ -111,3 +111,9 @@ values: prefix: thankyou-syndiedrobe- count: 5 + +- type: localizedDataset + id: PrideDrobeGoodbyes + values: + prefix: thankyou-pride- + count: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml index f66c58f199a..92a88c6d06b 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml @@ -2100,6 +2100,39 @@ - type: AccessReader access: [["Kitchen"], ["Theatre"]] +# Pride Vending Machine + +- type: entity + parent: VendingMachine + id: VendingMachinePride + name: Pride-O-Mat + description: A vending machine containing pride. + components: + - type: VendingMachine + pack: PrideDrobeInventory + offState: off + brokenState: broken + normalState: normal-unshaded + - type: Advertise + pack: PrideDrobeAds + - type: SpeakOnUIClosed + pack: PrideDrobeGoodbyes + - type: Speech + - type: PointLight + radius: 1.5 + energy: 1.3 # reduced energy since the color is pure white + color: "#FFFFFF" + - type: Sprite + sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi + layers: + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.Base"] + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.BaseUnshaded"] + shader: unshaded + - state: panel + map: ["enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel"] + # Gas Tank Dispenser - type: entity diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/broken.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/broken.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b506b41a54344ba1c30369b66a59a258b09a797b GIT binary patch literal 1719 zcmV;o21xmdP)%RrblsP`IK8$ZQ;+Oyno)uhFR zsJhPYV^0M^1rrbobXy`&NYA6qsNlC}(pbXbk*DLlD{itJ+J|%uuGMC+?l!SEs@VA5 zFHoBrm4}|;@`^+4hGIRV5p{GBwYO*F3u^5q>7(YFo=EqOg^5}PK_~WyS zG{_WYXqkv`Xfmsb#4~6yfe1;WkA4eP3!9B_`F@*BRPsKOY#==UU7U~DJxvuS4tEGl z-NiNGa}QQx3ebgMPfvvN&n&S2vk`8JJw#L`wkh$n5Rn7Dpz9Ep$gGLCTVkyX#A=TB z^$V2DByYDmsAZ2_Rt4h(>mtyiA-o2Yy68SurHe2Gk%&fn)+2)Arlx4}7Pu;Us3OX` zR>7^kI;*wyyjq~p>2jo?Y8wha6v z(33AP_fx+C8N3UE3AhT8a{A5Ad(oe4SRlL|DByy~_zHBiwPLx7bUIxC zPN&l)ujiF%Z)pbLzVlDOd4O?0%dm}*!32U8P=N9YOwU{*(bY*T79*Wb-v*xO>SSVa z3h-3|`1?0s;`G;^=l(CB^|P$ZAT&1+s_ZThPH{qeOEVLbQ}p(91AYzU#}kuNq|<38 zCZ~wSVgMXG^H51R^JD9{;ov?HtUySjVqpLd?7x?}`Gt~9W3d<$lT!uB0h0ZFB>Vd? z41<~1ALH!jFYxj94gl_|*dn6sWC?^o>9<#HoK5w!t1a7 zjg!eC05o|4A#Mah1=fIa6;{SA1YEhbUXVS%@AH}Gx8jG3^W@QCPBL7KXE-2t&(XMV=6dcS+th9ekSFo8e?Tw9U8QS5}t{yygB z7Z@EIXLPLi-oW5cVVvmdq`jq?Z-4(syzuw{FECI{D7gO0E1)?7BjX<)9c`^8zTTd0 zdV9J{RLR%Ez~B&uVUS29NF)+P0+xe+t=*;qjt4h$3M%~?xMN>4pZVk`Xm9b)gM453 zFsb&IX8!tSirLv&CMG6I;^i_q|K_}10wE!YYDL$`$Sb_@#+v}_ZEEDjKb*s|EE*ab zNTpJIaBYc~@lVPit9No3D!hFHXy8`(!#}_BQs65)v1%9eGQMB}rofGbV8wqteE2Yn zi;Ft~jmP7RjEwlAa6&G9N8B5@bGZSvy}!f_$Vl&fB-L4yh1H5 zE)tK&nVg*57J+y?UaFXa;0xLRxD_k2=t`whq*AGEfd^VS^s)q84>x1+{GAHjR(Mw( za9s2|6@-CG9jZ-O%D`PAwlXwbTDT!v$wykDb5B@+XZVx*%-ksf?+1(kWJRcbL&YZ*f z-h1}mI}G=LAP9mW2*Mdf`8hmz^hEdcT&MBUMc-iGc6LdnmY8_@*f(xaqSmkWb8y5v zJ1(D?Ep7ORN!0r1f;gGtN_j5lx$PGPQR@5704KPz8w!|Q$hfw9eHH*(2Ut&K;?*xO zR-o^j0A)0u+XJ^^ZLWQCAq~JtuZ1T3B$)b&!uY0UIr{zyFobVyex#$tqW;$&0N=N^ zK*2^f1Ij|_6GN4SDl%|o-e`OME6UOjv{UV2ZoX}6 z3xL|}CUjq^tT!jhXI&CojBk1k!`7f0WW z?F?EQV%p;q6yF)(1XUUm&Fv&KSk-koqg6-dOB$Nn88JEbYZNdYKg#bQ;U}S(zIj!u@1Fo$xPJ8m00)U_c2<_j#E)26{>iI! zE(vWH)+3n#f2$AhE`g%6BLIQx0}kirh;6U);>}z1#6zYNafa{QBrzQ)w!IFAvu@`? zC&K!GUl-@eNwDW2w9@(j|Ksrz0!CdQ0QRA%QzQ{WeSm*~gncC!7a`VN+$q*gGMUWl zXjr&|()okbp8Lq_13Jb=NdupgN%mQV>;YB#@E$ndHAo|aXQMt~sCA4XK(&ItacqH`Ep5ClQ^r}zWRT7?*&OZzzh0000lFT5iz{K8| zEWA<>UWBat0Ab;kz>AQDF=QhM7;ME55(Emuk3cXc3}~Z8zzMbykr`WK1rlkHWgBKB zjbN1ZHsM*W!E^7JMLid&~nRsH`tRduSakRwkW8dCsOB@u|Mpn#$zS|l+O z2tJ8I+%RZnz*w|lkyP-ThM~wH&Jh9u7Jx6R|BzlRFOPul!Eau!Gdbm*EpebVyPg!PUTxSILrHT>eqYculEBmQw12 zY;zs}lglbIj5R`r%4LdUWrlo@X%zy%nhkcD1wwC?qNF?+j#8{d*s@?s0d|i?$6;eP zT%JjYN``MSG;-nl5HLrj5ItV>yuf7ic$e;PFV6X#`v5Grr0n~Q{IS4 zCYo#jaiVyWj<8@!t{MJ&AVpUl&Bh=EtYAwXZdb@eX)o(0Ljs{#v^>^u6j5$lq|4H0reN>RO$$`(m+|Z%5m3dXj(x}T2X)IT z@Vi`#-TY=h`!ksQQ;<&}Q>2*zh8JEr&g|?AyC)~Um&(nxbuM09o1a}RXj}wAdrH&)AD``{J``+@_lH@R;*@cXE^lJC%bL?hS6{A_CfSHhHN-wsm-_( zT%@OLwQu$Vxb(|6`1^;?aNy*7En^UaxLl|{O8^qJ*IzaZ9e`a%K(%fA@dv+#4*))D zd09vhGYA3QoRJPd=^)b6ReI{5z4|x)d1sk3vCrcB$MA+D#AbsKP$X>)kR0Hyw62@$ zFReQS;Luyobxjxkuu4|Q&ja~;z%yvM(1FgEJ$sJFAA16T{X=z% zc910yLH+z)+XcQ^@68rJdHOVP`kp?$w#a%?%bhDf0!fChZM5|c1l7V(X5ja+kCPn{ zP+xFk<{p79IdbI4j=<;V=ezXyF1Y-wpkFEm=e1A4^71m3N`(s-F6@XvrBdmRm~OvC z?@z!A8n#Uf3kxhPEbIt8SMKwa>hmCRWKql?_9%X$xRn&r41bS80T}jSG=!TG?Dwcg zO+q8cXb4S#h9b3?IB?uJs3ZlDKAWKLkI5ge2RH}Df#Sd_W}Q~*@(lO}nkD#7$g%!(fWVO{{UT>A1mRYQKSF>002ovPDHLkV1h$nohSeR literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/panel.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pride.rsi/panel.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0032751ff4ffedd3d0ecc00eaf4e0ab459929e9f GIT binary patch literal 190 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnE1|*BCs=ffJR!TD@E@bvU_NvA($#wnr(!Xc+! zxY-SW0LU@E^H5*bg578Khv|+_lg$sW*?jCvdBeJOdWZj3DYB`nt4B%rOPnz=`)6-p h#&6~hvQUMA!DX(Lkd@zrT|fshc)I$ztaD0e0svz&KxzO0 literal 0 HcmV?d00001 From 2bebaa753a217992b319b0ae5260eb483eead0c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:50:09 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 16/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index fb9ad037388..f3191f672c7 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: lzk228 - changes: - - message: Books cannot longer be inserted in crates as paper labels - type: Fix - id: 7307 - time: '2024-09-07T13:22:11.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: qwerltaz changes: - message: Reduced wall closet range. It's now much easier to not close yourself @@ -3938,3 +3931,10 @@ id: 7806 time: '2025-01-13T10:07:33.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: southbridge-fur + changes: + - message: The Pride-O-Mat vending machine has been ported to upstream. + type: Add + id: 7807 + time: '2025-01-13T18:49:02.0000000+00:00' + url: From 8e7f4402432f18f1ed1322249d4b0a5ffda1977c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ArtisticRoomba <> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 23:59:15 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 17/62] Oasis Power Rebalance + Misc fixes (#34425) * balance oasis power as a stopgap * change waste color to proper waste color --- Resources/Maps/oasis.yml | 3718 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 1854 insertions(+), 1864 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml index 34410772ff2..6326e2d5321 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/oasis.yml @@ -12629,7 +12629,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -9760.914 + secondsUntilStateChange: -10670.9795 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -14550,7 +14550,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -31813.088 + secondsUntilStateChange: -32723.152 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -15401,7 +15401,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130641.695 + secondsUntilStateChange: -131551.77 state: Opening - uid: 6934 components: @@ -15413,7 +15413,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130644.33 + secondsUntilStateChange: -131554.39 state: Opening - uid: 6935 components: @@ -15425,7 +15425,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130643.18 + secondsUntilStateChange: -131553.25 state: Opening - uid: 6936 components: @@ -15436,7 +15436,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -130642.4 + secondsUntilStateChange: -131552.47 state: Opening - proto: AirlockTheatreLocked entities: @@ -96269,7 +96269,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -121965.68 + secondsUntilStateChange: -122875.75 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 18275 @@ -99734,63 +99734,63 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8631 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8632 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8633 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8634 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8635 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8636 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8637 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8638 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasFilterFlipped entities: - uid: 15676 @@ -100043,7 +100043,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8844 components: - type: Transform @@ -100199,7 +100199,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 896 components: - type: Transform @@ -100207,7 +100207,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 898 components: - type: Transform @@ -100223,7 +100223,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3737 components: - type: Transform @@ -100246,7 +100246,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5547 components: - type: Transform @@ -100254,7 +100254,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7356 components: - type: Transform @@ -100302,7 +100302,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8220 components: - type: Transform @@ -100318,7 +100318,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8561 components: - type: Transform @@ -100338,7 +100338,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8572 components: - type: Transform @@ -100388,7 +100388,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8666 components: - type: Transform @@ -100417,7 +100417,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8753 components: - type: Transform @@ -100425,7 +100425,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8800 components: - type: Transform @@ -100448,7 +100448,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8842 components: - type: Transform @@ -100479,7 +100479,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8943 components: - type: Transform @@ -100503,14 +100503,14 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9111 components: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9114 components: - type: Transform @@ -100539,14 +100539,14 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9390 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9397 components: - type: Transform @@ -100554,7 +100554,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9405 components: - type: Transform @@ -100585,7 +100585,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11525 components: - type: Transform @@ -100600,7 +100600,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12991 components: - type: Transform @@ -100608,14 +100608,14 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13154 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13240 components: - type: Transform @@ -100623,7 +100623,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13241 components: - type: Transform @@ -100631,14 +100631,14 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13242 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13243 components: - type: Transform @@ -100646,7 +100646,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13439 components: - type: Transform @@ -100654,7 +100654,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13563 components: - type: Transform @@ -100678,7 +100678,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13660 components: - type: Transform @@ -100694,14 +100694,14 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13706 components: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13721 components: - type: Transform @@ -100724,7 +100724,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13742 components: - type: Transform @@ -100740,7 +100740,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13744 components: - type: Transform @@ -100754,7 +100754,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13746 components: - type: Transform @@ -100777,14 +100777,14 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13752 components: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13753 components: - type: Transform @@ -100807,7 +100807,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13756 components: - type: Transform @@ -100821,7 +100821,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13758 components: - type: Transform @@ -100829,7 +100829,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13766 components: - type: Transform @@ -100858,7 +100858,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13776 components: - type: Transform @@ -100874,7 +100874,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13855 components: - type: Transform @@ -100882,7 +100882,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13859 components: - type: Transform @@ -100906,7 +100906,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13896 components: - type: Transform @@ -100914,7 +100914,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13898 components: - type: Transform @@ -100922,7 +100922,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13899 components: - type: Transform @@ -100938,7 +100938,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13902 components: - type: Transform @@ -100954,7 +100954,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13906 components: - type: Transform @@ -100970,7 +100970,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13908 components: - type: Transform @@ -100978,7 +100978,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13909 components: - type: Transform @@ -101002,7 +101002,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13912 components: - type: Transform @@ -101010,7 +101010,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13914 components: - type: Transform @@ -101026,7 +101026,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13917 components: - type: Transform @@ -101042,7 +101042,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13919 components: - type: Transform @@ -101058,7 +101058,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13942 components: - type: Transform @@ -101073,7 +101073,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13948 components: - type: Transform @@ -101081,7 +101081,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14027 components: - type: Transform @@ -101129,7 +101129,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14042 components: - type: Transform @@ -101137,7 +101137,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14043 components: - type: Transform @@ -101145,7 +101145,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14044 components: - type: Transform @@ -101153,7 +101153,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14045 components: - type: Transform @@ -101161,7 +101161,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14062 components: - type: Transform @@ -101169,7 +101169,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14068 components: - type: Transform @@ -101191,7 +101191,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14154 components: - type: Transform @@ -101199,7 +101199,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14235 components: - type: Transform @@ -101215,14 +101215,14 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14279 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14303 components: - type: Transform @@ -101237,14 +101237,14 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14400 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14406 components: - type: Transform @@ -101260,7 +101260,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14425 components: - type: Transform @@ -101275,7 +101275,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14428 components: - type: Transform @@ -101299,7 +101299,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14520 components: - type: Transform @@ -101307,7 +101307,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14533 components: - type: Transform @@ -101315,7 +101315,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14558 components: - type: Transform @@ -101370,7 +101370,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14728 components: - type: Transform @@ -101378,7 +101378,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14729 components: - type: Transform @@ -101393,7 +101393,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14735 components: - type: Transform @@ -101416,7 +101416,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14881 components: - type: Transform @@ -101440,7 +101440,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14930 components: - type: Transform @@ -101455,7 +101455,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14984 components: - type: Transform @@ -101469,7 +101469,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14986 components: - type: Transform @@ -101477,7 +101477,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15083 components: - type: Transform @@ -101485,7 +101485,7 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15107 components: - type: Transform @@ -101509,7 +101509,7 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15126 components: - type: Transform @@ -101532,7 +101532,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15245 components: - type: Transform @@ -101540,7 +101540,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15285 components: - type: Transform @@ -101555,7 +101555,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15292 components: - type: Transform @@ -101571,7 +101571,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15338 components: - type: Transform @@ -101579,7 +101579,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15346 components: - type: Transform @@ -101587,7 +101587,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15446 components: - type: Transform @@ -101595,7 +101595,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15456 components: - type: Transform @@ -101610,7 +101610,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15459 components: - type: Transform @@ -101618,7 +101618,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15469 components: - type: Transform @@ -101634,7 +101634,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15488 components: - type: Transform @@ -101642,7 +101642,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15492 components: - type: Transform @@ -101650,7 +101650,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15505 components: - type: Transform @@ -101674,7 +101674,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15666 components: - type: Transform @@ -101689,14 +101689,14 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15721 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15726 components: - type: Transform @@ -101704,7 +101704,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15729 components: - type: Transform @@ -101726,7 +101726,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15807 components: - type: Transform @@ -101757,14 +101757,14 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15837 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15866 components: - type: Transform @@ -101787,7 +101787,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15923 components: - type: Transform @@ -101795,7 +101795,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15924 components: - type: Transform @@ -101817,7 +101817,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16124 components: - type: Transform @@ -101840,14 +101840,14 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16143 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16144 components: - type: Transform @@ -101862,7 +101862,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16235 components: - type: Transform @@ -101877,14 +101877,14 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16255 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16256 components: - type: Transform @@ -101907,7 +101907,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16322 components: - type: Transform @@ -101931,7 +101931,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16352 components: - type: Transform @@ -101968,7 +101968,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16419 components: - type: Transform @@ -101976,7 +101976,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16420 components: - type: Transform @@ -101998,7 +101998,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16445 components: - type: Transform @@ -102006,7 +102006,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16461 components: - type: Transform @@ -102014,14 +102014,14 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16471 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16488 components: - type: Transform @@ -102029,7 +102029,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16540 components: - type: Transform @@ -102045,7 +102045,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16791 components: - type: Transform @@ -102075,7 +102075,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17608 components: - type: Transform @@ -102083,7 +102083,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18051 components: - type: Transform @@ -102106,7 +102106,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18434 components: - type: Transform @@ -102129,7 +102129,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18461 components: - type: Transform @@ -102137,7 +102137,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18736 components: - type: Transform @@ -102152,7 +102152,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19078 components: - type: Transform @@ -102208,7 +102208,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22201 components: - type: Transform @@ -102216,7 +102216,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22274 components: - type: Transform @@ -102254,7 +102254,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23497 components: - type: Transform @@ -102284,7 +102284,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23541 components: - type: Transform @@ -102292,7 +102292,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23672 components: - type: Transform @@ -102308,7 +102308,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23705 components: - type: Transform @@ -102316,7 +102316,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23896 components: - type: Transform @@ -102332,7 +102332,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24293 components: - type: Transform @@ -102543,7 +102543,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29694 components: - type: Transform @@ -102559,7 +102559,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29700 components: - type: Transform @@ -102589,7 +102589,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29878 components: - type: Transform @@ -102597,7 +102597,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeFourway entities: - uid: 666 @@ -102606,7 +102606,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 667 components: - type: Transform @@ -102690,14 +102690,14 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13152 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13182 components: - type: Transform @@ -102711,49 +102711,49 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13216 components: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13268 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13317 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13387 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13459 components: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13479 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13518 components: - type: Transform @@ -102767,7 +102767,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13536 components: - type: Transform @@ -102781,7 +102781,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13854 components: - type: Transform @@ -102802,14 +102802,14 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14298 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14316 components: - type: Transform @@ -102823,7 +102823,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14477 components: - type: Transform @@ -102844,7 +102844,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14790 components: - type: Transform @@ -102858,7 +102858,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14811 components: - type: Transform @@ -102872,7 +102872,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15619 components: - type: Transform @@ -102886,14 +102886,14 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15656 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15677 components: - type: Transform @@ -102907,7 +102907,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15745 components: - type: Transform @@ -102921,7 +102921,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16019 components: - type: Transform @@ -102979,7 +102979,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - uid: 46 @@ -103004,7 +103004,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 50 components: - type: Transform @@ -103055,7 +103055,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 881 components: - type: Transform @@ -103063,7 +103063,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 882 components: - type: Transform @@ -103071,7 +103071,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 883 components: - type: Transform @@ -103079,7 +103079,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 895 components: - type: Transform @@ -103087,7 +103087,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 900 components: - type: Transform @@ -103111,7 +103111,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1093 components: - type: Transform @@ -103119,7 +103119,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1636 components: - type: Transform @@ -103159,7 +103159,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2252 components: - type: Transform @@ -103183,7 +103183,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2658 components: - type: Transform @@ -103191,7 +103191,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2761 components: - type: Transform @@ -103221,7 +103221,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3205 components: - type: Transform @@ -103237,7 +103237,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3586 components: - type: Transform @@ -103307,7 +103307,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5456 components: - type: Transform @@ -103323,7 +103323,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6240 components: - type: Transform @@ -103338,7 +103338,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7360 components: - type: Transform @@ -103346,7 +103346,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7665 components: - type: Transform @@ -103442,7 +103442,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8181 components: - type: Transform @@ -103958,98 +103958,98 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8640 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8641 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8642 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8643 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8644 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8645 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8646 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8647 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8648 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8649 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8650 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8651 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8653 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8664 components: - type: Transform @@ -104103,7 +104103,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8678 components: - type: Transform @@ -104111,7 +104111,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8679 components: - type: Transform @@ -104119,7 +104119,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8681 components: - type: Transform @@ -104127,7 +104127,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8682 components: - type: Transform @@ -104150,7 +104150,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8701 components: - type: Transform @@ -104198,7 +104198,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8707 components: - type: Transform @@ -104365,112 +104365,112 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8733 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8734 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8735 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8736 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8737 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8741 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8742 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8743 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8744 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8745 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8746 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8747 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8748 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8749 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8750 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8751 components: - type: Transform @@ -104478,7 +104478,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8752 components: - type: Transform @@ -104486,7 +104486,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8756 components: - type: Transform @@ -104494,7 +104494,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8757 components: - type: Transform @@ -104502,7 +104502,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8759 components: - type: Transform @@ -104518,7 +104518,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8762 components: - type: Transform @@ -104526,7 +104526,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8763 components: - type: Transform @@ -104534,7 +104534,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8764 components: - type: Transform @@ -104542,7 +104542,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8765 components: - type: Transform @@ -104550,7 +104550,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8766 components: - type: Transform @@ -104558,7 +104558,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8767 components: - type: Transform @@ -104566,14 +104566,14 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8772 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8773 components: - type: Transform @@ -104667,14 +104667,14 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8832 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8839 components: - type: Transform @@ -104721,7 +104721,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8856 components: - type: Transform @@ -104729,7 +104729,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8859 components: - type: Transform @@ -104857,7 +104857,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9122 components: - type: Transform @@ -104918,7 +104918,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9391 components: - type: Transform @@ -104926,7 +104926,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9392 components: - type: Transform @@ -104934,7 +104934,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9408 components: - type: Transform @@ -104957,77 +104957,77 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9414 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9415 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9416 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9417 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9418 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9420 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9421 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9611 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9613 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9614 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9620 components: - type: Transform @@ -105047,7 +105047,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9624 components: - type: Transform @@ -105066,7 +105066,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9628 components: - type: Transform @@ -105082,7 +105082,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9631 components: - type: Transform @@ -105118,7 +105118,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10183 components: - type: Transform @@ -105142,7 +105142,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10390 components: - type: Transform @@ -105248,7 +105248,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12299 components: - type: Transform @@ -105264,7 +105264,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12787 components: - type: Transform @@ -105392,7 +105392,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13163 components: - type: Transform @@ -105400,7 +105400,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13164 components: - type: Transform @@ -105408,7 +105408,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13165 components: - type: Transform @@ -105416,7 +105416,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13167 components: - type: Transform @@ -105424,7 +105424,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13168 components: - type: Transform @@ -105432,7 +105432,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13169 components: - type: Transform @@ -105440,7 +105440,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13171 components: - type: Transform @@ -105448,7 +105448,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13172 components: - type: Transform @@ -105456,7 +105456,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13173 components: - type: Transform @@ -105464,7 +105464,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13174 components: - type: Transform @@ -105472,7 +105472,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13176 components: - type: Transform @@ -105480,7 +105480,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13179 components: - type: Transform @@ -105488,7 +105488,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13181 components: - type: Transform @@ -105496,7 +105496,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13183 components: - type: Transform @@ -105504,7 +105504,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13184 components: - type: Transform @@ -105512,7 +105512,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13185 components: - type: Transform @@ -105520,7 +105520,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13186 components: - type: Transform @@ -105528,7 +105528,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13188 components: - type: Transform @@ -105536,7 +105536,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13189 components: - type: Transform @@ -105544,7 +105544,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13190 components: - type: Transform @@ -105552,7 +105552,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13191 components: - type: Transform @@ -105560,7 +105560,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13193 components: - type: Transform @@ -105568,7 +105568,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13195 components: - type: Transform @@ -105576,7 +105576,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13196 components: - type: Transform @@ -105584,7 +105584,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13197 components: - type: Transform @@ -105592,7 +105592,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13198 components: - type: Transform @@ -105600,7 +105600,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13199 components: - type: Transform @@ -105608,7 +105608,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13203 components: - type: Transform @@ -105688,7 +105688,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13215 components: - type: Transform @@ -105790,14 +105790,14 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13233 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13234 components: - type: Transform @@ -105805,7 +105805,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13235 components: - type: Transform @@ -105813,7 +105813,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13236 components: - type: Transform @@ -105821,7 +105821,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13237 components: - type: Transform @@ -105829,7 +105829,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13238 components: - type: Transform @@ -105837,7 +105837,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - 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type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13311 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13312 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13314 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13315 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13316 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13318 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13319 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13320 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13321 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13322 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13323 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13325 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13326 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13328 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13329 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13330 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13331 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13332 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13333 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13334 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13336 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13337 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13340 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13341 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13342 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13343 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13344 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13346 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13348 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13349 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13352 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13353 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13354 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13355 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13356 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13357 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13358 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13359 components: - type: Transform @@ -106465,7 +106465,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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uid: 13440 components: - type: Transform @@ -106961,7 +106961,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13442 components: - type: Transform @@ -106969,7 +106969,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13443 components: - type: Transform @@ -106977,7 +106977,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13444 components: - type: Transform @@ -106985,7 +106985,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13445 components: - type: Transform @@ -106993,7 +106993,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13446 components: - type: Transform @@ -107001,7 +107001,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13447 components: - type: Transform @@ -107009,7 +107009,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13449 components: - type: Transform @@ -107017,7 +107017,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13452 components: - type: Transform @@ -107025,7 +107025,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13453 components: - type: Transform @@ -107033,7 +107033,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13454 components: - type: Transform @@ -107041,7 +107041,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13455 components: - type: Transform @@ -107049,7 +107049,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13456 components: - type: Transform @@ -107057,7 +107057,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13457 components: - type: Transform @@ -107065,7 +107065,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13458 components: - type: Transform @@ -107073,7 +107073,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13460 components: - type: Transform @@ -107369,7 +107369,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13520 components: - type: Transform @@ -107377,7 +107377,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13523 components: - type: Transform @@ -107385,7 +107385,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13525 components: - type: Transform @@ -107393,7 +107393,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13526 components: - type: Transform @@ -107401,7 +107401,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13527 components: - type: Transform @@ -107409,7 +107409,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13528 components: - type: Transform @@ -107417,7 +107417,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13529 components: - type: Transform @@ -107425,7 +107425,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13530 components: - type: Transform @@ -107433,7 +107433,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13534 components: - type: Transform @@ -107441,7 +107441,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13535 components: - type: Transform @@ -107449,7 +107449,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13537 components: - type: Transform @@ -107457,7 +107457,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13538 components: - type: Transform @@ -107465,7 +107465,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13539 components: - type: Transform @@ -107473,7 +107473,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13540 components: - type: Transform @@ -107481,7 +107481,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13541 components: - type: Transform @@ -107489,7 +107489,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13542 components: - type: Transform @@ -107497,7 +107497,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13543 components: - type: Transform @@ -107505,7 +107505,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13547 components: - type: Transform @@ -107513,7 +107513,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13548 components: - type: Transform @@ -107521,7 +107521,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13549 components: - type: Transform @@ -107529,7 +107529,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13550 components: - type: Transform @@ -107537,7 +107537,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13551 components: - type: Transform @@ -107545,7 +107545,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13552 components: - type: Transform @@ -107553,7 +107553,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13553 components: - type: Transform @@ -107561,7 +107561,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13554 components: - type: Transform @@ -107707,7 +107707,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13591 components: - type: Transform @@ -107715,14 +107715,14 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13592 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13594 components: - type: Transform @@ -107730,7 +107730,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13596 components: - type: Transform @@ -107842,7 +107842,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13621 components: - type: Transform @@ -107850,7 +107850,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13622 components: - type: Transform @@ -107858,7 +107858,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13623 components: - type: Transform @@ -107866,7 +107866,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13624 components: - type: Transform @@ -107874,7 +107874,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13625 components: - type: Transform @@ -107882,7 +107882,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13626 components: - type: Transform @@ -107890,7 +107890,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13627 components: - type: Transform @@ -107898,7 +107898,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13628 components: - type: Transform @@ -107906,7 +107906,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13631 components: - type: Transform @@ -107914,7 +107914,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13633 components: - type: Transform @@ -107922,7 +107922,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13634 components: - type: Transform @@ -108010,7 +108010,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13647 components: - type: Transform @@ -108018,7 +108018,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13648 components: - type: Transform @@ -108026,7 +108026,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13649 components: - type: Transform @@ -108034,7 +108034,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13650 components: - type: Transform @@ -108042,7 +108042,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13651 components: - type: Transform @@ -108050,7 +108050,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13652 components: - type: Transform @@ -108058,7 +108058,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13654 components: - type: Transform @@ -108066,7 +108066,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13655 components: - type: Transform @@ -108074,7 +108074,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13658 components: - type: Transform @@ -108082,7 +108082,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13659 components: - type: Transform @@ -108105,7 +108105,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13670 components: - type: Transform @@ -108185,7 +108185,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13680 components: - type: Transform @@ -108193,7 +108193,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13681 components: - type: Transform @@ -108201,7 +108201,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13682 components: - type: Transform @@ -108209,7 +108209,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13683 components: - type: Transform @@ -108217,7 +108217,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13684 components: - type: Transform @@ -108225,7 +108225,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13685 components: - type: Transform @@ -108233,14 +108233,14 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13686 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13687 components: - type: Transform @@ -108263,7 +108263,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13690 components: - type: Transform @@ -108287,7 +108287,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13693 components: - type: Transform @@ -108295,7 +108295,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13694 components: - type: Transform @@ -108303,7 +108303,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13695 components: - type: Transform @@ -108311,7 +108311,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13696 components: - type: Transform @@ -108398,70 +108398,70 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13712 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13713 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13714 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13715 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13716 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13717 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13718 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13719 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13720 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13726 components: - type: Transform @@ -108477,7 +108477,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13728 components: - type: Transform @@ -108564,7 +108564,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13769 components: - type: Transform @@ -108580,7 +108580,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13771 components: - type: Transform @@ -108596,7 +108596,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13779 components: - type: Transform @@ -108604,7 +108604,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13780 components: - type: Transform @@ -108612,7 +108612,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13781 components: - type: Transform @@ -108620,7 +108620,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13782 components: - type: Transform @@ -108628,7 +108628,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13783 components: - type: Transform @@ -108644,7 +108644,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13785 components: - type: Transform @@ -108652,7 +108652,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13786 components: - type: Transform @@ -108660,7 +108660,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13787 components: - type: Transform @@ -108668,7 +108668,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13788 components: - type: Transform @@ -108676,7 +108676,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13790 components: - type: Transform @@ -108684,7 +108684,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13791 components: - type: Transform @@ -108692,7 +108692,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13792 components: - type: Transform @@ -108700,7 +108700,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13794 components: - type: Transform @@ -108708,7 +108708,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13795 components: - type: Transform @@ -108716,7 +108716,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13796 components: - type: Transform @@ -108724,7 +108724,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13797 components: - type: Transform @@ -108732,7 +108732,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13799 components: - type: Transform @@ -108740,7 +108740,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13800 components: - type: Transform @@ -108748,7 +108748,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13801 components: - type: Transform @@ -108756,7 +108756,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13804 components: - type: Transform @@ -108764,7 +108764,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13805 components: - type: Transform @@ -108772,7 +108772,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13806 components: - type: Transform @@ -108780,7 +108780,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13807 components: - type: Transform @@ -108788,7 +108788,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13808 components: - type: Transform @@ -108796,7 +108796,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13809 components: - type: Transform @@ -108892,7 +108892,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13821 components: - type: Transform @@ -108916,7 +108916,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13824 components: - type: Transform @@ -109052,7 +109052,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13844 components: - type: Transform @@ -109060,7 +109060,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13845 components: - type: Transform @@ -109068,7 +109068,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13846 components: - type: Transform @@ -109076,7 +109076,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13847 components: - type: Transform @@ -109084,7 +109084,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13848 components: - type: Transform @@ -109100,7 +109100,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13851 components: - type: Transform @@ -109108,7 +109108,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13852 components: - type: Transform @@ -109116,7 +109116,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13853 components: - type: Transform @@ -109124,7 +109124,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13856 components: - type: Transform @@ -109132,7 +109132,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13857 components: - type: Transform @@ -109140,7 +109140,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13858 components: - type: Transform @@ -109164,7 +109164,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13866 components: - type: Transform @@ -109172,14 +109172,14 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13877 components: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13878 components: - type: Transform @@ -109194,14 +109194,14 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13880 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13881 components: - type: Transform @@ -109215,7 +109215,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13883 components: - type: Transform @@ -109229,21 +109229,21 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13885 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13886 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13889 components: - type: Transform @@ -109251,7 +109251,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13890 components: - type: Transform @@ -109283,7 +109283,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13895 components: - type: Transform @@ -109312,28 +109312,28 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13923 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13924 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13926 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13927 components: - type: Transform @@ -109354,14 +109354,14 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13930 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13935 components: - type: Transform @@ -109377,7 +109377,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13940 components: - type: Transform @@ -109385,7 +109385,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13941 components: - type: Transform @@ -109401,7 +109401,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13944 components: - type: Transform @@ -109409,7 +109409,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13945 components: - type: Transform @@ -109433,7 +109433,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13950 components: - type: Transform @@ -109473,7 +109473,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13955 components: - type: Transform @@ -109481,7 +109481,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13956 components: - type: Transform @@ -109489,7 +109489,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13957 components: - type: Transform @@ -109497,7 +109497,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13958 components: - type: Transform @@ -109505,7 +109505,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13959 components: - type: Transform @@ -109513,7 +109513,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13963 components: - type: Transform @@ -109545,7 +109545,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13967 components: - type: Transform @@ -109553,7 +109553,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13968 components: - type: Transform @@ -109561,7 +109561,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13970 components: - type: Transform @@ -109593,7 +109593,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13974 components: - type: Transform @@ -109601,7 +109601,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13975 components: - type: Transform @@ -109609,7 +109609,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13976 components: - type: Transform @@ -109689,7 +109689,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13991 components: - type: Transform @@ -109697,7 +109697,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13992 components: - type: Transform @@ -109753,7 +109753,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13999 components: - type: Transform @@ -109761,7 +109761,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14000 components: - type: Transform @@ -109769,7 +109769,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14001 components: - type: Transform @@ -109777,7 +109777,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14002 components: - type: Transform @@ -109785,7 +109785,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14004 components: - type: Transform @@ -109793,7 +109793,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14007 components: - type: Transform @@ -109808,7 +109808,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14009 components: - type: Transform @@ -109840,7 +109840,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14013 components: - type: Transform @@ -109856,7 +109856,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14015 components: - type: Transform @@ -109864,7 +109864,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14016 components: - type: Transform @@ -109872,7 +109872,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14017 components: - type: Transform @@ -109880,7 +109880,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14019 components: - type: Transform @@ -109888,7 +109888,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14021 components: - type: Transform @@ -109984,7 +109984,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14039 components: - type: Transform @@ -110000,7 +110000,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14046 components: - type: Transform @@ -110008,7 +110008,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14047 components: - type: Transform @@ -110016,7 +110016,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14048 components: - type: Transform @@ -110024,7 +110024,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14049 components: - type: Transform @@ -110032,7 +110032,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14050 components: - type: Transform @@ -110040,7 +110040,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14051 components: - type: Transform @@ -110048,7 +110048,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14053 components: - type: Transform @@ -110115,28 +110115,28 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14070 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14071 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14072 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14077 components: - type: Transform @@ -110144,7 +110144,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14078 components: - type: Transform @@ -110152,7 +110152,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14079 components: - type: Transform @@ -110160,7 +110160,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14082 components: - type: Transform @@ -110181,28 +110181,28 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14085 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14086 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14087 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14090 components: - type: Transform @@ -110286,98 +110286,98 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14102 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14103 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14104 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14105 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14106 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14107 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14108 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14109 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14110 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14111 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14112 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14113 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14114 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14118 components: - type: Transform @@ -110401,7 +110401,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14122 components: - type: Transform @@ -110409,7 +110409,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14123 components: - type: Transform @@ -110417,7 +110417,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14124 components: - type: Transform @@ -110425,7 +110425,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14125 components: - type: Transform @@ -110433,14 +110433,14 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14126 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14127 components: - type: Transform @@ -110520,63 +110520,63 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14142 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14143 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14144 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14145 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14146 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14147 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14148 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14149 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14150 components: - type: Transform @@ -110591,7 +110591,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14156 components: - type: Transform @@ -110599,7 +110599,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14157 components: - type: Transform @@ -110607,7 +110607,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14158 components: - type: Transform @@ -110615,7 +110615,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14159 components: - type: Transform @@ -110646,21 +110646,21 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14163 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14164 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14224 components: - type: Transform @@ -110674,49 +110674,49 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14226 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14227 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14228 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14229 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14231 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14252 components: - type: Transform @@ -110808,7 +110808,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14257 components: - type: Transform @@ -110832,7 +110832,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14260 components: - type: Transform @@ -110840,7 +110840,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14261 components: - type: Transform @@ -110856,42 +110856,42 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14269 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14270 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14271 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14272 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14274 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14280 components: - type: Transform @@ -110899,7 +110899,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14281 components: - type: Transform @@ -110907,7 +110907,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14282 components: - type: Transform @@ -110915,7 +110915,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14283 components: - type: Transform @@ -110923,7 +110923,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14284 components: - type: Transform @@ -110931,7 +110931,7 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14285 components: - type: Transform @@ -110939,7 +110939,7 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14286 components: - type: Transform @@ -110947,7 +110947,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14287 components: - type: Transform @@ -110955,7 +110955,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14290 components: - type: Transform @@ -110963,7 +110963,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14291 components: - type: Transform @@ -110971,7 +110971,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14292 components: - type: Transform @@ -110979,7 +110979,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14293 components: - type: Transform @@ -110987,7 +110987,7 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14294 components: - type: Transform @@ -110995,7 +110995,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14295 components: - type: Transform @@ -111003,7 +111003,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14296 components: - type: Transform @@ -111011,7 +111011,7 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14297 components: - type: Transform @@ -111019,7 +111019,7 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14301 components: - type: Transform @@ -111166,21 +111166,21 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14332 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14333 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14335 components: - type: Transform @@ -111188,7 +111188,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14336 components: - type: Transform @@ -111196,7 +111196,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14337 components: - type: Transform @@ -111204,7 +111204,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14401 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14402 components: - type: Transform @@ -111558,7 +111558,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14407 components: - type: Transform @@ -111566,7 +111566,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14408 components: - type: Transform @@ -111574,7 +111574,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14409 components: - type: Transform @@ -111582,7 +111582,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14410 components: - type: Transform @@ -111590,7 +111590,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14412 components: - type: Transform @@ -111648,35 +111648,35 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14420 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14421 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14422 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14423 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14424 components: - type: Transform @@ -111684,7 +111684,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14430 components: - type: Transform @@ -111780,7 +111780,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14443 components: - type: Transform @@ -111788,7 +111788,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14444 components: - type: Transform @@ -111796,7 +111796,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14445 components: - type: Transform @@ -111804,7 +111804,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14446 components: - type: Transform @@ -111812,7 +111812,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14447 components: - type: Transform @@ -111820,7 +111820,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14448 components: - type: Transform @@ -111828,7 +111828,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14449 components: - type: Transform @@ -111836,7 +111836,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14450 components: - type: Transform @@ -111844,7 +111844,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14451 components: - type: Transform @@ -111852,7 +111852,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14456 components: - type: Transform @@ -111860,7 +111860,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14457 components: - type: Transform @@ -111891,21 +111891,21 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14462 components: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14534 components: - type: Transform @@ -112284,7 +112284,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14535 components: - type: Transform @@ -112292,7 +112292,7 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14536 components: - type: Transform @@ -112300,7 +112300,7 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14537 components: - type: Transform @@ -112308,7 +112308,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14538 components: - type: Transform @@ -112316,7 +112316,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14539 components: - type: Transform @@ -112324,7 +112324,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14540 components: - type: Transform @@ -112332,7 +112332,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14541 components: - type: Transform @@ -112340,7 +112340,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14542 components: - type: Transform @@ -112348,7 +112348,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14544 components: - type: Transform @@ -112664,70 +112664,70 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14593 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14594 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14595 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14596 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14597 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14598 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14599 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-51.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14600 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14601 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14602 components: - type: Transform @@ -112735,7 +112735,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - 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type: Transform pos: 23.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14620 components: - type: Transform @@ -112871,7 +112871,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14633 components: - type: Transform @@ -112919,7 +112919,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14639 components: - type: Transform @@ -112927,7 +112927,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14640 components: - type: Transform @@ -112935,7 +112935,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14641 components: - type: Transform @@ -112943,7 +112943,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14642 components: - type: Transform @@ -112951,7 +112951,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - 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type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14702 components: - type: Transform @@ -113356,7 +113356,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14711 components: - type: Transform @@ -113364,7 +113364,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14713 components: - type: Transform @@ -113372,7 +113372,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14714 components: - type: Transform @@ -113380,7 +113380,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14715 components: - type: Transform @@ -113388,7 +113388,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14716 components: - type: Transform @@ -113396,7 +113396,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14717 components: - type: Transform @@ -113441,7 +113441,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14727 components: - type: Transform @@ -113449,7 +113449,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14730 components: - type: Transform @@ -113457,7 +113457,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14731 components: - type: Transform @@ -113465,7 +113465,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14732 components: - type: Transform @@ -113473,7 +113473,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14733 components: - type: Transform @@ -113481,7 +113481,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14736 components: - type: Transform @@ -113541,21 +113541,21 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14746 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14747 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14750 components: - type: Transform @@ -113571,7 +113571,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14752 components: - type: Transform @@ -113595,14 +113595,14 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14757 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14758 components: - type: Transform @@ -113630,7 +113630,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14770 components: - type: Transform @@ -113782,7 +113782,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14801 components: - type: Transform @@ -113790,7 +113790,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14802 components: - type: Transform @@ -113798,7 +113798,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14803 components: - type: Transform @@ -113806,7 +113806,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14807 components: - type: Transform @@ -113814,7 +113814,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14809 components: - type: Transform @@ -113822,7 +113822,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14810 components: - type: Transform @@ -113830,7 +113830,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14812 components: - type: Transform @@ -113838,7 +113838,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14814 components: - type: Transform @@ -113846,7 +113846,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14815 components: - type: Transform @@ -113854,7 +113854,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14816 components: - type: Transform @@ -113862,7 +113862,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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type: Transform pos: 16.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14918 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14919 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14920 components: - type: Transform @@ -114528,7 +114528,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14932 components: - type: Transform @@ -114568,7 +114568,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14937 components: - type: Transform @@ -114576,7 +114576,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14940 components: - type: Transform @@ -114584,7 +114584,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14941 components: - type: Transform @@ -114640,7 +114640,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14948 components: - type: Transform @@ -114648,7 +114648,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14949 components: - type: Transform @@ -114656,7 +114656,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14950 components: - type: Transform @@ -114664,7 +114664,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14951 components: - type: Transform @@ -114672,7 +114672,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14956 components: - type: Transform @@ -114704,7 +114704,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - 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type: Transform pos: -55.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15100 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15101 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15102 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15103 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15104 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15111 components: - type: Transform @@ -115289,7 +115289,7 @@ entities: pos: -53.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15112 components: - type: Transform @@ -115297,7 +115297,7 @@ entities: pos: -52.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15113 components: - type: Transform @@ -115305,7 +115305,7 @@ entities: pos: -51.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15114 components: - type: Transform @@ -115313,7 +115313,7 @@ entities: pos: -50.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15115 components: - type: Transform @@ -115336,7 +115336,7 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15120 components: - type: Transform @@ -115344,7 +115344,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15122 components: - type: Transform @@ -115360,7 +115360,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15124 components: - type: Transform @@ -115368,7 +115368,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,1.5 parent: 2 - 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type: Transform @@ -115704,7 +115704,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15183 components: - type: Transform @@ -115712,7 +115712,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15184 components: - type: Transform @@ -115768,7 +115768,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15193 components: - type: Transform @@ -115776,7 +115776,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15194 components: - type: Transform @@ -115784,7 +115784,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15195 components: - type: Transform @@ -115792,7 +115792,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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uid: 15219 components: - type: Transform @@ -115946,7 +115946,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15220 components: - type: Transform @@ -115954,21 +115954,21 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15221 components: - type: Transform pos: -37.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15222 components: - type: Transform pos: -37.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15223 components: - type: Transform @@ -115976,7 +115976,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15224 components: - type: Transform @@ -115984,7 +115984,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15225 components: - type: Transform @@ -115992,7 +115992,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15226 components: - type: Transform @@ -116000,7 +116000,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15227 components: - type: Transform @@ -116024,7 +116024,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15234 components: - type: Transform @@ -116032,7 +116032,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15235 components: - type: Transform @@ -116040,7 +116040,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15236 components: - type: Transform @@ -116048,7 +116048,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15238 components: - type: Transform @@ -116080,7 +116080,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15248 components: - type: Transform @@ -116094,21 +116094,21 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15253 components: - type: Transform pos: -37.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15254 components: - type: Transform pos: -37.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15255 components: - type: Transform @@ -116151,7 +116151,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15263 components: - type: Transform @@ -116159,7 +116159,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15264 components: - type: Transform @@ -116167,7 +116167,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15265 components: - type: Transform @@ -116183,7 +116183,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15271 components: - type: Transform @@ -116239,7 +116239,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15278 components: - type: Transform @@ -116247,7 +116247,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15279 components: - type: Transform @@ -116255,7 +116255,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15280 components: - type: Transform @@ -116263,7 +116263,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15281 components: - type: Transform @@ -116291,7 +116291,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15294 components: - type: Transform @@ -116299,7 +116299,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15295 components: - type: Transform @@ -116307,7 +116307,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15296 components: - type: Transform @@ -116315,7 +116315,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15297 components: - type: Transform @@ -116323,7 +116323,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15298 components: - type: Transform @@ -116331,7 +116331,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15299 components: - type: Transform @@ -116371,7 +116371,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15306 components: - type: Transform @@ -116379,7 +116379,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15307 components: - type: Transform @@ -116387,7 +116387,7 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15308 components: - type: Transform @@ -116395,7 +116395,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15309 components: - type: Transform @@ -116403,7 +116403,7 @@ entities: pos: -50.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15310 components: - type: Transform @@ -116459,7 +116459,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15317 components: - type: Transform @@ -116467,7 +116467,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15322 components: - type: Transform @@ -116491,7 +116491,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15327 components: - type: Transform @@ -116507,7 +116507,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15329 components: - type: Transform @@ -116515,7 +116515,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15330 components: - type: Transform @@ -116523,7 +116523,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15332 components: - type: Transform @@ -116571,7 +116571,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15340 components: - type: Transform @@ -116579,7 +116579,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15341 components: - type: Transform @@ -116587,7 +116587,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15342 components: - type: Transform @@ -116595,7 +116595,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15343 components: - type: Transform @@ -116603,7 +116603,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15344 components: - type: Transform @@ -116611,7 +116611,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15347 components: - type: Transform @@ -116619,7 +116619,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15348 components: - type: Transform @@ -116627,7 +116627,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15349 components: - type: Transform @@ -116717,7 +116717,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15366 components: - type: Transform @@ -116725,7 +116725,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15367 components: - type: Transform @@ -116733,7 +116733,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15368 components: - type: Transform @@ -116741,7 +116741,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15369 components: - type: Transform @@ -116749,7 +116749,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15370 components: - type: Transform @@ -116757,7 +116757,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15371 components: - type: Transform @@ -116765,7 +116765,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15372 components: - type: Transform @@ -116773,7 +116773,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15373 components: - type: Transform @@ -116837,7 +116837,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15382 components: - type: Transform @@ -116860,35 +116860,35 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15389 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15390 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15392 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15393 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-51.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15394 components: - type: Transform @@ -116916,7 +116916,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15398 components: - type: Transform @@ -116924,7 +116924,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15399 components: - type: Transform @@ -116932,7 +116932,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15400 components: - type: Transform @@ -116940,7 +116940,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15405 components: - type: Transform @@ -116971,7 +116971,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15409 components: - type: Transform @@ -116979,7 +116979,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15410 components: - type: Transform @@ -116987,7 +116987,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15411 components: - type: Transform @@ -116995,7 +116995,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15412 components: - type: Transform @@ -117003,7 +117003,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15413 components: - type: Transform @@ -117051,7 +117051,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15431 components: - type: Transform @@ -117059,7 +117059,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15432 components: - type: Transform @@ -117067,7 +117067,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15434 components: - type: Transform @@ -117075,7 +117075,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15435 components: - type: Transform @@ -117083,7 +117083,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15442 components: - type: Transform @@ -117098,35 +117098,35 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15448 components: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15449 components: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15450 components: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15451 components: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15452 components: - type: Transform @@ -117147,7 +117147,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15460 components: - type: Transform @@ -117155,7 +117155,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15462 components: - type: Transform @@ -117254,7 +117254,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15479 components: - type: Transform @@ -117262,7 +117262,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15480 components: - type: Transform @@ -117270,7 +117270,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15481 components: - type: Transform @@ -117278,7 +117278,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15482 components: - type: Transform @@ -117286,28 +117286,28 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15485 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15486 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15487 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15489 components: - type: Transform @@ -117315,7 +117315,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15490 components: - type: Transform @@ -117323,7 +117323,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15491 components: - type: Transform @@ -117331,7 +117331,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15513 components: - type: Transform @@ -117347,7 +117347,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15566 components: - type: Transform @@ -117379,7 +117379,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15598 components: - type: Transform @@ -117387,7 +117387,7 @@ entities: pos: 55.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15599 components: - type: Transform @@ -117395,7 +117395,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15604 components: - type: Transform @@ -117403,7 +117403,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15605 components: - type: Transform @@ -117411,7 +117411,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15606 components: - type: Transform @@ -117531,7 +117531,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15629 components: - type: Transform @@ -117539,7 +117539,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15630 components: - type: Transform @@ -117547,7 +117547,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15631 components: - type: Transform @@ -117555,7 +117555,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15632 components: - type: Transform @@ -117563,7 +117563,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15633 components: - type: Transform @@ -117571,35 +117571,35 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15634 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15635 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15636 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15637 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15638 components: - type: Transform @@ -117635,7 +117635,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15643 components: - type: Transform @@ -117643,7 +117643,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15644 components: - type: Transform @@ -117651,7 +117651,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15645 components: - type: Transform @@ -117659,7 +117659,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15646 components: - type: Transform @@ -117667,7 +117667,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15647 components: - type: Transform @@ -117675,7 +117675,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15648 components: - type: Transform @@ -117715,7 +117715,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15658 components: - type: Transform @@ -117747,14 +117747,14 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15662 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15664 components: - type: Transform @@ -117762,7 +117762,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15665 components: - type: Transform @@ -117786,7 +117786,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15669 components: - type: Transform @@ -117794,7 +117794,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15670 components: - type: Transform @@ -117802,7 +117802,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15671 components: - type: Transform @@ -117810,7 +117810,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15672 components: - type: Transform @@ -117818,7 +117818,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15675 components: - type: Transform @@ -117833,21 +117833,21 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15682 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15683 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15684 components: - type: Transform @@ -117876,7 +117876,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15690 components: - type: Transform @@ -117884,7 +117884,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15691 components: - type: Transform @@ -117892,7 +117892,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15692 components: - type: Transform @@ -117900,7 +117900,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15695 components: - type: Transform @@ -117940,7 +117940,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15700 components: - type: Transform @@ -117948,7 +117948,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15701 components: - type: Transform @@ -117956,7 +117956,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15702 components: - type: Transform @@ -117964,7 +117964,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15703 components: - type: Transform @@ -118012,7 +118012,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15709 components: - type: Transform @@ -118020,7 +118020,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15715 components: - type: Transform @@ -118035,7 +118035,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15719 components: - type: Transform @@ -118043,14 +118043,14 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15722 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15723 components: - type: Transform @@ -118058,7 +118058,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15724 components: - type: Transform @@ -118066,7 +118066,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15725 components: - type: Transform @@ -118074,7 +118074,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15727 components: - type: Transform @@ -118098,7 +118098,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15731 components: - type: Transform @@ -118106,7 +118106,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15732 components: - type: Transform @@ -118114,7 +118114,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15733 components: - type: Transform @@ -118122,7 +118122,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15734 components: - type: Transform @@ -118152,14 +118152,14 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15746 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15747 components: - type: Transform @@ -118215,7 +118215,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15755 components: - type: Transform @@ -118223,7 +118223,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15757 components: - type: Transform @@ -118231,7 +118231,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15758 components: - type: Transform @@ -118239,7 +118239,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15759 components: - type: Transform @@ -118247,7 +118247,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15760 components: - type: Transform @@ -118255,7 +118255,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15762 components: - type: Transform @@ -118263,7 +118263,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15763 components: - type: Transform @@ -118271,7 +118271,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15765 components: - type: Transform @@ -118335,7 +118335,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15774 components: - type: Transform @@ -118343,7 +118343,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15777 components: - type: Transform @@ -118375,7 +118375,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15781 components: - type: Transform @@ -118383,7 +118383,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15782 components: - type: Transform @@ -118415,7 +118415,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15786 components: - type: Transform @@ -118423,7 +118423,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15793 components: - type: Transform @@ -118447,7 +118447,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15799 components: - type: Transform @@ -118455,7 +118455,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15800 components: - type: Transform @@ -118463,7 +118463,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15801 components: - type: Transform @@ -118471,7 +118471,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15802 components: - type: Transform @@ -118479,7 +118479,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15804 components: - type: Transform @@ -118511,7 +118511,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15816 components: - type: Transform @@ -118527,7 +118527,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15818 components: - type: Transform @@ -118535,7 +118535,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15819 components: - type: Transform @@ -118543,7 +118543,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15821 components: - type: Transform @@ -118604,28 +118604,28 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15834 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15835 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15836 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15838 components: - type: Transform @@ -118667,28 +118667,28 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15845 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15846 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15847 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15859 components: - type: Transform @@ -118696,7 +118696,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15860 components: - type: Transform @@ -118704,7 +118704,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15861 components: - type: Transform @@ -118751,63 +118751,63 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15868 components: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15869 components: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15870 components: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15871 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15872 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15873 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15874 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15875 components: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15876 components: - type: Transform @@ -118842,28 +118842,28 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15881 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15882 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15883 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15884 components: - type: Transform @@ -118915,7 +118915,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15891 components: - type: Transform @@ -118923,7 +118923,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15892 components: - type: Transform @@ -118931,7 +118931,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15893 components: - type: Transform @@ -118939,7 +118939,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15895 components: - type: Transform @@ -118947,7 +118947,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15896 components: - type: Transform @@ -118991,14 +118991,14 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15910 components: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15914 components: - type: Transform @@ -119022,7 +119022,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-57.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15919 components: - type: Transform @@ -119030,7 +119030,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-58.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15920 components: - type: Transform @@ -119038,7 +119038,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-59.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15921 components: - type: Transform @@ -119046,7 +119046,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15926 components: - type: Transform @@ -119054,7 +119054,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15927 components: - type: Transform @@ -119286,7 +119286,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-61.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15959 components: - type: Transform @@ -119294,7 +119294,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-80.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15960 components: - type: Transform @@ -119302,7 +119302,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-79.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15961 components: - type: Transform @@ -119310,7 +119310,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-78.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15962 components: - type: Transform @@ -119318,7 +119318,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-77.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15963 components: - type: Transform @@ -119326,7 +119326,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-76.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15964 components: - type: Transform @@ -119334,7 +119334,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-75.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15965 components: - type: Transform @@ -119342,7 +119342,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-74.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15966 components: - type: Transform @@ -119350,7 +119350,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-73.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15967 components: - type: Transform @@ -119358,7 +119358,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-72.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15969 components: - type: Transform @@ -119366,7 +119366,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-70.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15970 components: - type: Transform @@ -119374,7 +119374,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-69.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15971 components: - type: Transform @@ -119382,7 +119382,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-68.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15972 components: - type: Transform @@ -119390,7 +119390,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-67.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15973 components: - type: Transform @@ -119398,7 +119398,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-66.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15974 components: - type: Transform @@ -119406,7 +119406,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-65.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15975 components: - type: Transform @@ -119414,7 +119414,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-64.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15976 components: - type: Transform @@ -119422,7 +119422,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-63.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15977 components: - type: Transform @@ -119430,7 +119430,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-62.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15978 components: - type: Transform @@ -119438,7 +119438,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-61.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15979 components: - type: Transform @@ -119446,7 +119446,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-62.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15980 components: - type: Transform @@ -119454,7 +119454,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-63.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15981 components: - type: Transform @@ -119462,7 +119462,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-64.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15982 components: - type: Transform @@ -119470,7 +119470,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-65.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15983 components: - type: Transform @@ -119478,7 +119478,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-66.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15984 components: - type: Transform @@ -119486,7 +119486,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-67.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15985 components: - type: Transform @@ -119494,7 +119494,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-68.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15986 components: - type: Transform @@ -119502,7 +119502,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-69.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15987 components: - type: Transform @@ -119510,7 +119510,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-70.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15989 components: - type: Transform @@ -119518,7 +119518,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-72.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15990 components: - type: Transform @@ -119526,7 +119526,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-73.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15991 components: - type: Transform @@ -119534,7 +119534,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-74.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15992 components: - type: Transform @@ -119542,7 +119542,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-75.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15993 components: - type: Transform @@ -119550,7 +119550,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-76.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15994 components: - type: Transform @@ -119558,7 +119558,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-77.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15995 components: - type: Transform @@ -119566,7 +119566,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-78.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15996 components: - type: Transform @@ -119574,7 +119574,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-79.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15997 components: - type: Transform @@ -119582,7 +119582,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-80.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15998 components: - type: Transform @@ -119758,7 +119758,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16022 components: - type: Transform @@ -119766,7 +119766,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16023 components: - type: Transform @@ -119774,7 +119774,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16024 components: - type: Transform @@ -119782,7 +119782,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16025 components: - type: Transform @@ -119798,7 +119798,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16029 components: - type: Transform @@ -119806,7 +119806,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16117 components: - type: Transform @@ -119846,7 +119846,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16122 components: - type: Transform @@ -119854,7 +119854,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16127 components: - type: Transform @@ -119862,7 +119862,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16128 components: - type: Transform @@ -119870,7 +119870,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16129 components: - type: Transform @@ -119878,7 +119878,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16130 components: - type: Transform @@ -119926,7 +119926,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16139 components: - type: Transform @@ -119934,7 +119934,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16140 components: - type: Transform @@ -119957,21 +119957,21 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16146 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16147 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16151 components: - type: Transform @@ -120067,7 +120067,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16163 components: - type: Transform @@ -120075,7 +120075,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16164 components: - type: Transform @@ -120083,7 +120083,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16165 components: - type: Transform @@ -120091,7 +120091,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16166 components: - type: Transform @@ -120099,7 +120099,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16167 components: - type: Transform @@ -120107,7 +120107,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16168 components: - type: Transform @@ -120115,7 +120115,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16169 components: - type: Transform @@ -120123,7 +120123,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16170 components: - type: Transform @@ -120131,7 +120131,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16171 components: - type: Transform @@ -120139,7 +120139,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16173 components: - type: Transform @@ -120160,14 +120160,14 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16178 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16181 components: - type: Transform @@ -120175,7 +120175,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16182 components: - type: Transform @@ -120183,7 +120183,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16183 components: - type: Transform @@ -120191,7 +120191,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16184 components: - type: Transform @@ -120199,7 +120199,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16185 components: - type: Transform @@ -120255,7 +120255,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16194 components: - type: Transform @@ -120263,7 +120263,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16195 components: - type: Transform @@ -120271,7 +120271,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16196 components: - type: Transform @@ -120279,7 +120279,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16197 components: - type: Transform @@ -120287,7 +120287,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16198 components: - type: Transform @@ -120295,7 +120295,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16199 components: - type: Transform @@ -120303,7 +120303,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16200 components: - type: Transform @@ -120311,7 +120311,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16201 components: - type: Transform @@ -120319,7 +120319,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16202 components: - type: Transform @@ -120327,7 +120327,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16203 components: - type: Transform @@ -120335,7 +120335,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16204 components: - type: Transform @@ -120343,7 +120343,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16205 components: - type: Transform @@ -120423,7 +120423,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16223 components: - type: Transform @@ -120431,7 +120431,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16224 components: - type: Transform @@ -120439,7 +120439,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16225 components: - type: Transform @@ -120447,7 +120447,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16230 components: - type: Transform @@ -120495,7 +120495,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16241 components: - type: Transform @@ -120503,7 +120503,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16243 components: - type: Transform @@ -120511,7 +120511,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16244 components: - type: Transform @@ -120519,7 +120519,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16245 components: - type: Transform @@ -120527,7 +120527,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16246 components: - type: Transform @@ -120567,7 +120567,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,26.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16257 components: - type: Transform @@ -120583,7 +120583,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16259 components: - type: Transform @@ -120599,7 +120599,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16261 components: - type: Transform @@ -120631,7 +120631,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16271 components: - type: Transform @@ -120646,7 +120646,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16273 components: - type: Transform @@ -120654,7 +120654,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16277 components: - type: Transform @@ -120662,7 +120662,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16278 components: - type: Transform @@ -120670,7 +120670,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16279 components: - type: Transform @@ -120678,7 +120678,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16280 components: - type: Transform @@ -120686,7 +120686,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16281 components: - type: Transform @@ -120694,7 +120694,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16282 components: - type: Transform @@ -120764,7 +120764,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16294 components: - type: Transform @@ -120772,7 +120772,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16295 components: - type: Transform @@ -120780,7 +120780,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16296 components: - type: Transform @@ -120811,7 +120811,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16304 components: - type: Transform @@ -120819,7 +120819,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16305 components: - type: Transform @@ -120851,7 +120851,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16311 components: - type: Transform @@ -120891,7 +120891,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16317 components: - type: Transform @@ -120899,7 +120899,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16318 components: - type: Transform @@ -120907,7 +120907,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16319 components: - type: Transform @@ -120915,7 +120915,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16323 components: - type: Transform @@ -120923,7 +120923,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16324 components: - type: Transform @@ -120931,7 +120931,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16325 components: - type: Transform @@ -120939,7 +120939,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16326 components: - type: Transform @@ -120947,7 +120947,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16327 components: - type: Transform @@ -120955,7 +120955,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16328 components: - type: Transform @@ -120963,7 +120963,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16329 components: - type: Transform @@ -121010,7 +121010,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16339 components: - type: Transform @@ -121032,7 +121032,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16344 components: - type: Transform @@ -121088,7 +121088,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16354 components: - type: Transform @@ -121096,7 +121096,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16355 components: - type: Transform @@ -121104,7 +121104,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16356 components: - type: Transform @@ -121112,7 +121112,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16359 components: - type: Transform @@ -121120,7 +121120,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16360 components: - type: Transform @@ -121128,7 +121128,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16361 components: - type: Transform @@ -121136,7 +121136,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16362 components: - type: Transform @@ -121144,7 +121144,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16363 components: - type: Transform @@ -121152,7 +121152,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16364 components: - type: Transform @@ -121160,7 +121160,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16365 components: - type: Transform @@ -121168,7 +121168,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16368 components: - type: Transform @@ -121294,7 +121294,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16390 components: - type: Transform @@ -121302,7 +121302,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16391 components: - type: Transform @@ -121310,7 +121310,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16392 components: - type: Transform @@ -121318,7 +121318,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16393 components: - type: Transform @@ -121326,7 +121326,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16395 components: - type: Transform @@ -121334,7 +121334,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16396 components: - type: Transform @@ -121342,7 +121342,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16398 components: - type: Transform @@ -121364,14 +121364,14 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16405 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16408 components: - type: Transform @@ -121427,7 +121427,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16421 components: - type: Transform @@ -121451,7 +121451,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16424 components: - type: Transform @@ -121459,7 +121459,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16425 components: - type: Transform @@ -121467,28 +121467,28 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16426 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,48.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16427 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16428 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16429 components: - type: Transform @@ -121565,7 +121565,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16443 components: - type: Transform @@ -121573,7 +121573,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16446 components: - type: Transform @@ -121581,7 +121581,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16452 components: - type: Transform @@ -121653,7 +121653,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16462 components: - type: Transform @@ -121661,7 +121661,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16463 components: - type: Transform @@ -121669,7 +121669,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16464 components: - type: Transform @@ -121677,7 +121677,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16465 components: - type: Transform @@ -121685,7 +121685,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16466 components: - type: Transform @@ -121693,7 +121693,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,22.5 parent: 2 - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16480 components: - type: Transform @@ -121760,7 +121760,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16494 components: - type: Transform @@ -121768,7 +121768,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16502 components: - type: Transform @@ -121776,7 +121776,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16517 components: - type: Transform @@ -121815,7 +121815,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16802 components: - type: Transform @@ -121838,7 +121838,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16953 components: - type: Transform @@ -121846,7 +121846,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16983 components: - type: Transform @@ -121854,7 +121854,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17108 components: - type: Transform @@ -121878,7 +121878,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18033 components: - type: Transform @@ -121926,7 +121926,7 @@ entities: pos: 57.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18381 components: - type: Transform @@ -121934,7 +121934,7 @@ entities: pos: 58.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18382 components: - type: Transform @@ -121942,7 +121942,7 @@ entities: pos: 59.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18383 components: - type: Transform @@ -122046,7 +122046,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18402 components: - type: Transform @@ -122102,7 +122102,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18403 components: - type: Transform @@ -122110,7 +122110,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18404 components: - type: Transform @@ -122118,7 +122118,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18413 components: - type: Transform @@ -122206,7 +122206,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18424 components: - type: Transform @@ -122214,7 +122214,7 @@ entities: pos: 55.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18425 components: - type: Transform @@ -122222,7 +122222,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18426 components: - type: Transform @@ -122230,7 +122230,7 @@ entities: pos: 57.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18427 components: - type: Transform @@ -122238,21 +122238,21 @@ entities: pos: 58.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18428 components: - type: Transform pos: 60.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18429 components: - type: Transform pos: 60.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18908 components: - type: Transform @@ -122260,21 +122260,21 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19075 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19076 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - 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type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22364 components: - type: Transform @@ -122675,7 +122675,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22365 components: - type: Transform @@ -122683,7 +122683,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22398 components: - type: Transform @@ -122691,7 +122691,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22450 components: - type: Transform @@ -122830,7 +122830,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22661 components: - type: Transform @@ -122958,7 +122958,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23073 components: - type: Transform @@ -122974,7 +122974,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 2 - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23113 components: - type: Transform @@ -123109,7 +123109,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23114 components: - type: Transform @@ -123117,7 +123117,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23115 components: - type: Transform @@ -123125,7 +123125,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23116 components: - type: Transform @@ -123133,7 +123133,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23117 components: - type: Transform @@ -123141,7 +123141,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23118 components: - type: Transform @@ -123149,7 +123149,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23119 components: - type: Transform @@ -123157,7 +123157,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23120 components: - type: Transform @@ -123165,7 +123165,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23121 components: - type: Transform @@ -123173,7 +123173,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23122 components: - type: Transform @@ -123181,7 +123181,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23127 components: - type: Transform @@ -123189,7 +123189,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23203 components: - type: Transform @@ -123302,7 +123302,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23873 components: - type: Transform @@ -123512,7 +123512,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23874 components: - type: Transform @@ -123520,7 +123520,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23875 components: - type: Transform @@ -123528,7 +123528,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23876 components: - type: Transform @@ -123536,7 +123536,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23877 components: - type: Transform @@ -123544,7 +123544,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23878 components: - type: Transform @@ -123552,7 +123552,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28543 components: - type: Transform @@ -124327,7 +124327,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28546 components: - type: Transform @@ -124335,7 +124335,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,28.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28547 components: - type: Transform @@ -124343,7 +124343,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28548 components: - type: Transform @@ -124351,7 +124351,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28549 components: - type: Transform @@ -124359,7 +124359,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28551 components: - type: Transform @@ -124367,7 +124367,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28558 components: - type: Transform @@ -124468,7 +124468,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28828 components: - type: Transform @@ -124575,28 +124575,28 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28971 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28972 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28973 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29684 components: - type: Transform @@ -124604,7 +124604,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29687 components: - type: Transform @@ -124612,7 +124612,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29688 components: - type: Transform @@ -124620,7 +124620,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29689 components: - type: Transform @@ -124628,7 +124628,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29691 components: - type: Transform @@ -124649,7 +124649,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-51.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29695 components: - type: Transform @@ -124657,7 +124657,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-52.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29697 components: - type: Transform @@ -124697,7 +124697,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29703 components: - type: Transform @@ -124705,7 +124705,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29704 components: - type: Transform @@ -124713,7 +124713,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29705 components: - type: Transform @@ -124721,7 +124721,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29728 components: - type: Transform @@ -124776,7 +124776,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - uid: 17 @@ -124786,7 +124786,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 47 components: - type: Transform @@ -124802,7 +124802,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2170 components: - type: Transform @@ -124810,7 +124810,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2172 components: - type: Transform @@ -124841,7 +124841,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3054 components: - type: Transform @@ -124857,7 +124857,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3284 components: - type: Transform @@ -124865,7 +124865,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3285 components: - type: Transform @@ -124921,7 +124921,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5423 components: - type: Transform @@ -124929,7 +124929,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5633 components: - type: Transform @@ -124945,14 +124945,14 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5635 components: - type: Transform pos: -34.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5639 components: - type: Transform @@ -124968,7 +124968,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6673 components: - type: Transform @@ -124983,7 +124983,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7343 components: - type: Transform @@ -124999,7 +124999,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7347 components: - type: Transform @@ -125007,7 +125007,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7354 components: - type: Transform @@ -125015,7 +125015,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7664 components: - type: Transform @@ -125071,7 +125071,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8739 components: - type: Transform @@ -125079,14 +125079,14 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8768 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8769 components: - type: Transform @@ -125094,7 +125094,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8797 components: - type: Transform @@ -125223,7 +125223,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9128 components: - type: Transform @@ -125262,7 +125262,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9612 components: - type: Transform @@ -125270,7 +125270,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9630 components: - type: Transform @@ -125278,7 +125278,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9730 components: - type: Transform @@ -125330,7 +125330,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11239 components: - type: Transform @@ -125361,7 +125361,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11526 components: - type: Transform @@ -125377,7 +125377,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11908 components: - type: Transform @@ -125385,7 +125385,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11968 components: - type: Transform @@ -125401,7 +125401,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12300 components: - type: Transform @@ -125409,7 +125409,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12305 components: - type: Transform @@ -125417,7 +125417,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12306 components: - type: Transform @@ -125441,7 +125441,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12935 components: - type: Transform @@ -125456,7 +125456,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-44.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13030 components: - type: Transform @@ -125464,7 +125464,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13031 components: - type: Transform @@ -125487,7 +125487,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13166 components: - type: Transform @@ -125518,7 +125518,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13178 components: - type: Transform @@ -125532,14 +125532,14 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13192 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13194 components: - type: Transform @@ -125547,7 +125547,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13201 components: - type: Transform @@ -125555,7 +125555,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13202 components: - type: Transform @@ -125594,7 +125594,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13246 components: - type: Transform @@ -125602,14 +125602,14 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13247 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13256 components: - type: Transform @@ -125617,7 +125617,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13259 components: - type: Transform @@ -125625,7 +125625,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13270 components: - type: Transform @@ -125641,7 +125641,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13273 components: - type: Transform @@ -125657,7 +125657,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13289 components: - type: Transform @@ -125713,7 +125713,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13338 components: - type: Transform @@ -125752,7 +125752,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13381 components: - type: Transform @@ -125760,14 +125760,14 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13383 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13389 components: - type: Transform @@ -125781,7 +125781,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13402 components: - type: Transform @@ -125796,7 +125796,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13411 components: - type: Transform @@ -125811,7 +125811,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13420 components: - type: Transform @@ -125855,7 +125855,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13451 components: - type: Transform @@ -125879,7 +125879,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13482 components: - type: Transform @@ -125887,14 +125887,14 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13491 components: - type: Transform pos: -44.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13494 components: - type: Transform @@ -125902,7 +125902,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13495 components: - type: Transform @@ -125910,7 +125910,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13499 components: - type: Transform @@ -125932,7 +125932,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13544 components: - type: Transform @@ -125978,7 +125978,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13707 components: - type: Transform @@ -125994,7 +125994,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13709 components: - type: Transform @@ -126010,7 +126010,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13738 components: - type: Transform @@ -126024,7 +126024,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13750 components: - type: Transform @@ -126048,7 +126048,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13789 components: - type: Transform @@ -126056,7 +126056,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13793 components: - type: Transform @@ -126064,7 +126064,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13798 components: - type: Transform @@ -126072,7 +126072,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13802 components: - type: Transform @@ -126080,7 +126080,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13803 components: - type: Transform @@ -126088,7 +126088,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13825 components: - type: Transform @@ -126112,7 +126112,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13850 components: - type: Transform @@ -126120,7 +126120,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13888 components: - type: Transform @@ -126159,7 +126159,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13925 components: - type: Transform @@ -126167,14 +126167,14 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13932 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13939 components: - type: Transform @@ -126182,7 +126182,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13986 components: - type: Transform @@ -126198,7 +126198,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14003 components: - type: Transform @@ -126214,7 +126214,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14034 components: - type: Transform @@ -126230,7 +126230,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14061 components: - type: Transform @@ -126262,14 +126262,14 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14115 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14119 components: - type: Transform @@ -126285,7 +126285,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14152 components: - type: Transform @@ -126301,7 +126301,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14230 components: - type: Transform @@ -126309,7 +126309,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14243 components: - type: Transform @@ -126325,7 +126325,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14273 components: - type: Transform @@ -126333,14 +126333,14 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14276 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14278 components: - type: Transform @@ -126348,21 +126348,21 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14288 components: - type: Transform pos: 50.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14289 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14299 components: - type: Transform @@ -126392,7 +126392,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14338 components: - type: Transform @@ -126400,7 +126400,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14345 components: - type: Transform @@ -126408,7 +126408,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14350 components: - type: Transform @@ -126440,7 +126440,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14364 components: - type: Transform @@ -126456,7 +126456,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14380 components: - type: Transform @@ -126471,7 +126471,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-24.5 parent: 2 - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14571 components: - type: Transform @@ -126573,7 +126573,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14622 components: - type: Transform @@ -126589,7 +126589,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14677 components: - type: Transform @@ -126613,7 +126613,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14724 components: - type: Transform @@ -126621,7 +126621,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14726 components: - type: Transform @@ -126645,7 +126645,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14772 components: - type: Transform @@ -126661,7 +126661,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14794 components: - type: Transform @@ -126669,7 +126669,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14795 components: - type: Transform @@ -126701,7 +126701,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14808 components: - type: Transform @@ -126709,7 +126709,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14813 components: - type: Transform @@ -126717,7 +126717,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14834 components: - type: Transform @@ -126725,7 +126725,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14848 components: - type: Transform @@ -126756,7 +126756,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14890 components: - type: Transform @@ -126764,7 +126764,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14891 components: - type: Transform @@ -126779,7 +126779,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14929 components: - type: Transform @@ -126794,7 +126794,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14969 components: - type: Transform @@ -126809,7 +126809,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,-0.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15020 components: - type: Transform @@ -126825,7 +126825,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15055 components: - type: Transform @@ -126841,7 +126841,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,-2.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15177 components: - type: Transform @@ -126849,7 +126849,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15178 components: - type: Transform @@ -126865,7 +126865,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15205 components: - type: Transform @@ -126889,7 +126889,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15233 components: - type: Transform @@ -126897,7 +126897,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15260 components: - type: Transform @@ -126905,7 +126905,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15261 components: - type: Transform @@ -126921,7 +126921,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15270 components: - type: Transform @@ -126943,7 +126943,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-30.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15321 components: - type: Transform @@ -126951,7 +126951,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15331 components: - type: Transform @@ -126966,7 +126966,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15351 components: - type: Transform @@ -126988,7 +126988,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15384 components: - type: Transform @@ -127011,7 +127011,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-49.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15391 components: - type: Transform @@ -127033,7 +127033,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-12.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15470 components: - type: Transform @@ -127071,7 +127071,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15681 components: - type: Transform @@ -127085,7 +127085,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15694 components: - type: Transform @@ -127108,7 +127108,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15740 components: - type: Transform @@ -127124,7 +127124,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-29.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15750 components: - type: Transform @@ -127132,7 +127132,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15756 components: - type: Transform @@ -127148,7 +127148,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15767 components: - type: Transform @@ -127172,7 +127172,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15815 components: - type: Transform @@ -127188,7 +127188,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15833 components: - type: Transform @@ -127196,7 +127196,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15840 components: - type: Transform @@ -127252,7 +127252,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15894 components: - type: Transform @@ -127260,7 +127260,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15916 components: - type: Transform @@ -127268,7 +127268,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-60.5 parent: 2 - 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type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16242 components: - type: Transform @@ -127361,14 +127361,14 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,27.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16264 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16266 components: - type: Transform @@ -127376,7 +127376,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16274 components: - type: Transform @@ -127391,7 +127391,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,31.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16287 components: - type: Transform @@ -127399,7 +127399,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16288 components: - type: Transform @@ -127421,7 +127421,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16308 components: - type: Transform @@ -127436,7 +127436,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16315 components: - type: Transform @@ -127450,7 +127450,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16373 components: - type: Transform @@ -127466,7 +127466,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,45.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16397 components: - type: Transform @@ -127489,7 +127489,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16406 components: - type: Transform @@ -127497,7 +127497,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,42.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16407 components: - type: Transform @@ -127505,7 +127505,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,43.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18431 components: - type: Transform @@ -127606,7 +127606,7 @@ entities: pos: 59.5,15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18432 components: - type: Transform @@ -127621,7 +127621,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19546 components: - type: Transform @@ -127629,7 +127629,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21166 components: - type: Transform @@ -127652,7 +127652,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21742 components: - type: Transform @@ -127720,7 +127720,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,25.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23085 components: - type: Transform @@ -127736,7 +127736,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-40.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23101 components: - type: Transform @@ -127744,7 +127744,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23125 components: - type: Transform @@ -127760,7 +127760,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23495 components: - type: Transform @@ -127773,14 +127773,14 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24165 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,22.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24284 components: - type: Transform @@ -127788,7 +127788,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24289 components: - type: Transform @@ -127865,7 +127865,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28557 components: - type: Transform @@ -128023,7 +128023,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8771 components: - type: Transform @@ -128031,7 +128031,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8799 components: - type: Transform @@ -128097,7 +128097,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,3.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23543 components: - type: Transform @@ -128105,7 +128105,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24296 components: - type: Transform @@ -128434,7 +128434,7 @@ entities: - type: GasValve open: False - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8809 components: - type: Transform @@ -128452,7 +128452,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - 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type: Transform @@ -130833,7 +130833,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8128 components: - type: Transform @@ -130866,7 +130866,7 @@ entities: - 28611 - 29904 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9156 components: - type: Transform @@ -130877,7 +130877,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 30092 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10876 components: - type: Transform @@ -130888,7 +130888,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18258 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13281 components: - type: Transform @@ -130899,7 +130899,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18501 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13559 components: - type: Transform @@ -130910,7 +130910,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18570 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13560 components: - type: Transform @@ -130921,7 +130921,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 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color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13725 components: - type: Transform @@ -130994,7 +130994,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29905 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13735 components: - type: Transform @@ -131005,7 +131005,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29883 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13763 components: - type: Transform @@ -131016,7 +131016,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18287 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13767 components: - type: Transform @@ -131026,7 +131026,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18287 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13860 components: - type: Transform @@ -131034,7 +131034,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-9.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13872 components: - type: Transform @@ -131042,35 +131042,35 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-14.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - 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uid: 16337 components: - type: Transform @@ -132321,7 +132321,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29902 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16345 components: - type: Transform @@ -132332,7 +132332,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29789 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16358 components: - type: Transform @@ -132343,7 +132343,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29792 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16402 components: - type: Transform @@ -132353,7 +132353,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 9410 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16410 components: - type: Transform @@ -132364,7 +132364,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 9410 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16432 components: - type: Transform @@ -132374,7 +132374,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18553 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16449 components: - type: Transform @@ -132385,7 +132385,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29899 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16450 components: - type: Transform @@ -132395,7 +132395,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29900 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16474 components: - type: Transform @@ -132406,7 +132406,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29794 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16475 components: - type: Transform @@ -132417,7 +132417,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29796 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16482 components: - type: Transform @@ -132428,7 +132428,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18288 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16483 components: - type: Transform @@ -132438,7 +132438,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18288 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16490 components: - type: Transform @@ -132449,7 +132449,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18273 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16491 components: - type: Transform @@ -132460,7 +132460,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18270 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16496 components: - type: Transform @@ -132471,7 +132471,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18271 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16498 components: - type: Transform @@ -132481,7 +132481,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18303 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16503 components: - type: Transform @@ -132491,7 +132491,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18305 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16512 components: - type: Transform @@ -132499,7 +132499,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16522 components: - type: Transform @@ -132510,7 +132510,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18336 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16529 components: - type: Transform @@ -132521,7 +132521,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18366 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16531 components: - type: Transform @@ -132532,7 +132532,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 10169 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16543 components: - type: Transform @@ -132543,7 +132543,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18263 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16546 components: - type: Transform @@ -132554,7 +132554,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18247 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16556 components: - type: Transform @@ -132565,7 +132565,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18499 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16794 components: - type: Transform @@ -132576,7 +132576,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18567 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18304 components: - type: Transform @@ -132586,7 +132586,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18663 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18330 components: - type: Transform @@ -132597,7 +132597,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23235 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18408 components: - type: Transform @@ -132608,7 +132608,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18440 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18409 components: - type: Transform @@ -132618,7 +132618,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18443 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18412 components: - type: Transform @@ -132629,7 +132629,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29864 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18655 components: - type: Transform @@ -132640,7 +132640,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18658 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18936 components: - type: Transform @@ -132648,7 +132648,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19074 components: - type: Transform @@ -132659,7 +132659,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29869 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19116 components: - type: Transform @@ -132667,7 +132667,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20617 components: - type: Transform @@ -132677,7 +132677,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 20717 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21183 components: - type: Transform @@ -132714,7 +132714,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22202 components: - type: Transform @@ -132722,7 +132722,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22490 components: - type: Transform @@ -132764,7 +132764,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23075 components: - type: Transform @@ -132775,7 +132775,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 2121 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23077 components: - type: Transform @@ -132785,7 +132785,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 2121 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23703 components: - type: Transform @@ -132793,7 +132793,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,46.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23707 components: - type: Transform @@ -132804,7 +132804,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23682 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23899 components: - type: Transform @@ -132812,7 +132812,7 @@ entities: pos: 58.5,-15.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 25223 components: - type: Transform @@ -132872,7 +132872,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-13.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 26474 components: - type: Transform @@ -132891,7 +132891,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29880 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29732 components: - type: Transform @@ -132902,7 +132902,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18285 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29740 components: - type: Transform @@ -132913,7 +132913,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18287 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29741 components: - type: Transform @@ -132924,7 +132924,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18286 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29743 components: - type: Transform @@ -132934,7 +132934,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18286 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29813 components: - type: Transform @@ -132944,7 +132944,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 29819 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29879 components: - type: Transform @@ -132954,7 +132954,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18663 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 29996 components: - type: Transform @@ -132964,7 +132964,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 3714 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasVolumePump entities: - uid: 8939 @@ -142217,7 +142217,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -158797.52 + secondsUntilStateChange: -159707.58 state: Opening - uid: 5211 components: @@ -163421,45 +163421,32 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-38.5 parent: 2 -- proto: SMESBasic +- proto: SMESAdvanced entities: - - uid: 2494 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: SE Solars - - type: Transform - pos: 42.5,-45.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6414 components: - - type: MetaData - name: AME - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,38.5 + pos: 32.5,38.5 parent: 2 - uid: 6415 components: - - type: MetaData - name: AME - type: Transform pos: 33.5,38.5 parent: 2 - uid: 6416 components: - - type: MetaData - name: AME - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,38.5 + pos: 34.5,38.5 parent: 2 - uid: 6455 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,45.5 + pos: -5.5,45.5 parent: 2 - uid: 6737 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,45.5 + pos: -3.5,45.5 parent: 2 - uid: 6738 components: @@ -163468,24 +163455,27 @@ entities: parent: 2 - uid: 7341 components: - - type: MetaData - name: Main Engine - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,42.5 + pos: 14.5,42.5 parent: 2 - uid: 7342 components: - - type: MetaData - name: Main Engine - type: Transform pos: 13.5,42.5 parent: 2 - uid: 7371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SMESBasic + entities: + - uid: 2494 components: - type: MetaData - name: Main Engine + name: SE Solars - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,42.5 + pos: 42.5,-45.5 parent: 2 - uid: 10731 components: @@ -193339,7 +193329,7 @@ entities: lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -9763.747 + secondsUntilStateChange: -10673.8125 state: Opening - type: Airlock autoClose: False @@ -194773,7 +194763,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,2.5 parent: 21002 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -504002.16 + secondsUntilStateChange: -504912.22 state: Opening - uid: 28863 components: From 13edd308bf19a8d432b7edd19a99398c54297a0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Myra Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 21:38:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 18/62] Fix IPIntel causing frequent errors with the cleanup job. (#34428) Co-authored-by: Pieter-Jan Briers --- Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs | 11 +++++++++-- Content.Server/Connection/IPIntel/IPIntel.cs | 8 +++++--- Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs | 5 ++++- 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs b/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs index 927ebf5f6f2..ab27553f446 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs @@ -94,9 +94,16 @@ public void AddTemporaryConnectBypass(NetUserId user, TimeSpan duration) time = newTime; } - public void Update() + public async void Update() { - _ipintel.Update(); + try + { + await _ipintel.Update(); + } + catch (Exception e) + { + _sawmill.Error("IPIntel update failed:" + e); + } } /* diff --git a/Content.Server/Connection/IPIntel/IPIntel.cs b/Content.Server/Connection/IPIntel/IPIntel.cs index 033cdb5cd12..51a0b74089d 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Connection/IPIntel/IPIntel.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Connection/IPIntel/IPIntel.cs @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public IPIntel(IIPIntelApi api, _sawmill = logManager.GetSawmill("ipintel"); cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.GameIPIntelEmail, b => _contactEmail = b, true); + cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.GameIPIntelEnabled, b => _enabled = b, true); cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.GameIPIntelRejectUnknown, b => _rejectUnknown = b, true); cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.GameIPIntelRejectBad, b => _rejectBad = b, true); cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.GameIPIntelRejectRateLimited, b => _rejectLimited = b, true); @@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ internal struct Ratelimits // CCVars private string? _contactEmail; + private bool _enabled; private bool _rejectUnknown; private bool _rejectBad; private bool _rejectLimited; @@ -273,12 +275,12 @@ private bool ShouldLiftRateLimit(in Ratelimits ratelimits, TimeSpan liftingTime) return _rejectBad ? (true, Loc.GetString("ipintel-suspicious")) : (false, string.Empty); } - public void Update() + public async Task Update() { - if (_gameTiming.RealTime >= _nextClean) + if (_enabled && _gameTiming.RealTime >= _nextClean) { _nextClean = _gameTiming.RealTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_cleanupMins); - _db.CleanIPIntelCache(_cacheDays); + await _db.CleanIPIntelCache(_cacheDays); } } diff --git a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs index cedf369d508..8ab2df88b3c 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs @@ -1774,8 +1774,11 @@ public async Task CleanIPIntelCache(TimeSpan range) { await using var db = await GetDb(); + // Calculating this here cause otherwise sqlite whines. + var cutoffTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(range); + await db.DbContext.IPIntelCache - .Where(w => DateTime.UtcNow - w.Time >= range) + .Where(w => w.Time <= cutoffTime) .ExecuteDeleteAsync(); await db.DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); From 786d4d555783b271d26f637244145e72261107f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Killerqu00 <> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:34:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 19/62] craftable pet carrier (#34431) * craftable pet carrier * epic integration test fail * Update Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> * Update Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> * Update Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> * Update Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> * extra tab begone * epic linter fail * how did linter not see this??? --------- Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> --- .../Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml | 7 ++++++- .../Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml | 16 ++++++++++++++++ .../Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml | 13 +++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml index 2d65f851d7d..725db6731f6 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Misc/pet_carrier.yml @@ -63,4 +63,9 @@ - type: ItemSlots - type: Item size: Ginormous - sprite: Objects/Storage/petcarrier.rsi \ No newline at end of file + sprite: Objects/Storage/petcarrier.rsi + - type: Construction + graph: PetCarrier + node: petCarrier + containers: + - entity_storage diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..670930fca9d --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/Graphs/storage/pet_carrier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +- type: constructionGraph + id: PetCarrier + start: start + graph: + - node: start + edges: + - to: petCarrier + steps: + - material: Plastic + amount: 5 + doAfter: 7 + - material: MetalRod + amount: 4 + doAfter: 3 + - node: petCarrier + entity: PetCarrier diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml index c87f4eb3d20..55ffdf5176f 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Crafting/improvised.yml @@ -227,3 +227,16 @@ icon: sprite: Objects/Tools/rolling_pin.rsi state: icon + +- type: construction + name: pet carrier + id: PetCarrier + graph: PetCarrier + startNode: start + targetNode: petCarrier + category: construction-category-misc + objectType: Item + description: Allows large animals to be carried comfortably. + icon: + sprite: Objects/Storage/petcarrier.rsi + state: icon From 198dd820f1064a9dfa38e31e7f1d3bb1a9155a24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 22:35:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 20/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 15 +++++++-------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index f3191f672c7..c770773775b 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,12 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: qwerltaz - changes: - - message: Reduced wall closet range. It's now much easier to not close yourself - inside by accident. - type: Tweak - id: 7308 - time: '2024-09-07T23:44:29.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: Ilya246 changes: - message: Reagents that make you flammable no longer extinguish you. @@ -3938,3 +3930,10 @@ id: 7807 time: '2025-01-13T18:49:02.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Killerqu00 + changes: + - message: Pet carriers can now be crafted. + type: Add + id: 7808 + time: '2025-01-14T22:34:04.0000000+00:00' + url: From a967fc748613fd34a9f6144ef6f702e30fb4f1a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Julian Giebel Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:41:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 21/62] Adds omnisexual pin (#34439) * Make important change (#7) This is to help julian test his bot * Omnibus * Remove random test file from testing a gh bot * Add pin to vendor, spawners and loadout --------- Co-authored-by: nikthechampiongr <> --- .../Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml | 1 + .../Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/pins.yml | 13 ++++++++++++- .../Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml | 1 + .../Loadouts/Miscellaneous/trinkets.yml | 6 ++++++ Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml | 1 + .../Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/meta.json | 9 ++++++++- .../Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni-equipped-NECK.png | Bin 0 -> 183 bytes .../Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni.png | Bin 0 -> 287 bytes 8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni-equipped-NECK.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni.png diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml index e93c27c041a..d4ffe6be33d 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pride.yml @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ClothingNeckLesbianPin: 3 ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin: 3 ClothingNeckPansexualPin: 3 + ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin: 3 ClothingNeckTransPin: 3 ClothingNeckAutismPin: 3 ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/pins.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/pins.yml index a7dcf03f28c..155bb9a82f3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/pins.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Neck/pins.yml @@ -111,6 +111,17 @@ - type: Clothing equippedPrefix: pan +- type: entity + parent: ClothingNeckPinBase + id: ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin + name: omnisexual pin + description: Be omni do crime. + components: + - type: Sprite + state: omni + - type: Clothing + equippedPrefix: omni + - type: entity parent: ClothingNeckPinBase id: ClothingNeckTransPin @@ -121,7 +132,7 @@ state: trans - type: Clothing equippedPrefix: trans - + - type: entity parent: ClothingNeckPinBase id: ClothingNeckAutismPin diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml index be26279365e..96cf75d9351 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/maintenance.yml @@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ - id: ClothingNeckLesbianPin - id: ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin - id: ClothingNeckPansexualPin + - id: ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin - id: ClothingNeckTransPin - id: ClothingNeckAutismPin - id: ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/Miscellaneous/trinkets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/Miscellaneous/trinkets.yml index b4e2cecf8b1..8e998d602fb 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/Miscellaneous/trinkets.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/Miscellaneous/trinkets.yml @@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ back: - ClothingNeckPansexualPin +- type: loadout + id: ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin + storage: + back: + - ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin + - type: loadout id: ClothingNeckTransPin storage: diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml index 990c6f41bb1..b35fcef66f7 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Loadouts/loadout_groups.yml @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ - ClothingNeckLesbianPin - ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin - ClothingNeckPansexualPin + - ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin - ClothingNeckTransPin - ClothingNeckAutismPin - ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/meta.json index 0619f962df3..bb1013b21a0 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/meta.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "version": 1, "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", - "copyright": "PixelTK leaves his mark on upstream, BackeTako made the gay, autism pins by Terraspark", + "copyright": "PixelTK leaves his mark on upstream, BackeTako made the gay, autism pins by Terraspark, omnisexual pin by juliangiebel", "size": { "x": 32, "y": 32 @@ -90,6 +90,13 @@ { "name": "trans-equipped-NECK", "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "omni" + }, + { + "name": "omni-equipped-NECK", + "directions": 4 } ] } diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni-equipped-NECK.png b/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni-equipped-NECK.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af88fc50ae0d00e160b511c4808ac29d8d1958f0 GIT binary patch literal 183 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I1|(Ny7TyC=jKx9jP7LeL$-D$|3O!vMLn`LH zy|9s!DNw}a;?Eh{WeExF+-+tlIUwlV#tq^x+G*4ML*d1|-~*{MSQr=*nxgU-^i4nY zbuQ25Er+-5{+@fcd3xk^rPVgY=asj=l-*z-zV}$lK2N{h--_9Rw!p#v=giAX1zB#n R`GQ=+;OXk;vd$@?2>>4%KzaZG literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni.png b/Resources/Textures/Clothing/Neck/Misc/pins.rsi/omni.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fea907514486de1ab77f0bb25e3b607f457e1ba6 GIT binary patch literal 287 zcmV+)0pR|LP)Px#*-1n}R9J=Wl)nxEK@f+(6AE%6QQ$NbYPE)!@DK{MO080Byn~leUF`{I?)*s< z2!&!5myjh9vx!j5*X(8{^PAu9W(O2SQIsF!xfYty+*m@xj+2(S=-#;O+lkG|$w*pi zfawl`EO3Hq_7RUR5MRV{BDbbCGf8vo=1(TPRrh0Ek%0_3<5LBoK>a0uV9Ak)E9Z}O zQxXH;Ky(AGrZGW~>`Rr`{B{j-4B^82&J(;d;nEx&enGpJtd*i2&+nlDgngNw^B@{b lj5UbHec8zsMNyQ$;RYI9HmtYj?H>RD002ovPDHLkV1gGNdAtAs literal 0 HcmV?d00001 From ca96aeb0ec020a6fb8634fdf2c313c638974dd8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:31:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 22/62] Fix bad Rider analysis error in AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs (#34213) --- Content.Client/Access/UI/AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Client/Access/UI/AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Access/UI/AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs index ba087718583..092a0071fb7 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Access/UI/AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs +++ b/Content.Client/Access/UI/AccessOverriderWindow.xaml.cs @@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ public void UpdateState(IPrototypeManager protoManager, AccessOverriderBoundUser button.Disabled = !interfaceEnabled; if (interfaceEnabled) { - button.Pressed = state.TargetAccessReaderIdAccessList?.Contains(accessName) ?? false; - button.Disabled = (!state.AllowedModifyAccessList?.Contains(accessName)) ?? true; + // Explicit cast because Rider gives a false error otherwise. + button.Pressed = state.TargetAccessReaderIdAccessList?.Contains((ProtoId) accessName) ?? false; + button.Disabled = (!state.AllowedModifyAccessList?.Contains((ProtoId) accessName)) ?? true; } } } From 47042cc8ddb76a1decf3d0a7ac4a29b52c83097f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:43:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 23/62] Disable meta-atlas for big rare RSIs (#33643) --- Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/honkmother.rsi/meta.json | 1 + Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/narsie.rsi/meta.json | 1 + Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/ratvar.rsi/meta.json | 9 +++++---- .../Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Tabletop/Battlemaps/moonbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Tabletop/Battlemaps/sandbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Tabletop/Battlemaps/shipbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Tabletop/Battlemaps/snowbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Fun/Tabletop/backgammon_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Fun/Tabletop/chessboard_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Objects/Fun/Tabletop/parchis_tabletop.rsi/meta.json | 1 + .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_1.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_2.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_3.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_4.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_5.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Generation/Singularity/singularity_6.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- 17 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/honkmother.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/honkmother.rsi/meta.json index cdc51860cd8..e56bed5206f 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/honkmother.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/honkmother.rsi/meta.json @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ }, "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "copyright": "Created by Alekshhh for SS14.", + "metaAtlas": false, "states": [ { "name": "honkmother", diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/narsie.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/narsie.rsi/meta.json index 61fcea8ab55..7fa472d05a9 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/narsie.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/narsie.rsi/meta.json @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ }, "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at", + "metaAtlas": false, "states": [ { "name": "narsie", diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/ratvar.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/ratvar.rsi/meta.json index 3d85e4a650c..cd399160754 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/ratvar.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Demons/ratvar.rsi/meta.json @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ "x": 512, "y": 512 }, + "metaAtlas": false, "states": [ { "name": "ratvar", @@ -39,19 +40,19 @@ 0.25, 0.25, 1, - + 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, - + 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, - + 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, @@ -60,4 +61,4 @@ ] } ] -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json index 5f3f5ea29eb..ad851cfb0db 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Fun/Tabletop/Battlemaps/grassbm_tabletop.rsi/meta.json @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ "x": 288, "y": 288 }, + "metaAtlas": false, "states": [ { "name": "tabletop" diff --git 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b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Power/Generation/Singularity/singularity_6.rsi/meta.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"version":1,"size":{"x":352,"y":352},"copyright":"Taken from","license":"CC-BY-SA-3.0","states":[{"name":"singularity_6","directions":1,"delays":[[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1]]}]} +{"version":1,"size":{"x":352,"y":352},"copyright":"Taken from","license":"CC-BY-SA-3.0","metaAtlas": false,"states":[{"name":"singularity_6","directions":1,"delays":[[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1]]}]} From c2e050ced02b41785ddafc1057ce08a2d353ba90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:46:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 24/62] Persist deadmin to database, add admin suspension system (#34048) --- .../Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs | 19 +- .../20241223235939_AdminStatus.Designer.cs | 2084 +++++++++++++++++ .../Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.cs | 40 + .../PostgresServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs | 8 + .../20241223235932_AdminStatus.Designer.cs | 2007 ++++++++++++++++ .../Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.cs | 40 + .../SqliteServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs | 8 + Content.Server.Database/Model.cs | 10 + .../Administration/Managers/AdminManager.cs | 46 +- .../Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs | 7 +- Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs | 14 + Content.Server/Database/ServerDbManager.cs | 16 + .../Administration/PermissionsEuiState.cs | 3 + Content.Shared/Players/ContentPlayerData.cs | 6 - .../administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl | 1 + 15 files changed, 4284 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.Designer.cs create mode 100644 Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.cs create mode 100644 Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.Designer.cs create mode 100644 Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.cs diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs index 4cddf8887ee..fe1237d4c90 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs +++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs @@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ private void SaveAdminPressed(EditAdminWindow popup) } var title = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(popup.TitleEdit.Text) ? null : popup.TitleEdit.Text; + var suspended = popup.SuspendedCheckbox.Pressed; if (popup.SourceData is { } src) { @@ -139,7 +140,8 @@ private void SaveAdminPressed(EditAdminWindow popup) Title = title, PosFlags = pos, NegFlags = neg, - RankId = rank + RankId = rank, + Suspended = suspended, }); } else @@ -152,7 +154,8 @@ private void SaveAdminPressed(EditAdminWindow popup) Title = title, PosFlags = pos, NegFlags = neg, - RankId = rank + RankId = rank, + Suspended = suspended, }); } @@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ private void SaveAdminRankPressed(EditAdminRankWindow popup) { Id = src, Flags = flags, - Name = name + Name = name, }); } else @@ -351,6 +354,7 @@ private sealed class EditAdminWindow : DefaultWindow public readonly OptionButton RankButton; public readonly Button SaveButton; public readonly Button? RemoveButton; + public readonly CheckBox SuspendedCheckbox; public readonly Dictionary FlagButtons = new(); @@ -381,6 +385,12 @@ public EditAdminWindow(PermissionsEui ui, PermissionsEuiState.AdminData? data) RankButton = new OptionButton(); SaveButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-save-button"), HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right }; + SuspendedCheckbox = new CheckBox + { + Text = Loc.GetString("permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-suspended"), + Pressed = data?.Suspended ?? false, + }; + RankButton.AddItem(Loc.GetString("permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-no-rank-button"), NoRank); foreach (var (rId, rank) in ui._ranks) { @@ -488,7 +498,8 @@ public EditAdminWindow(PermissionsEui ui, PermissionsEuiState.AdminData? data) { nameControl, TitleEdit, - RankButton + RankButton, + SuspendedCheckbox, } }, permGrid diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.Designer.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..364ded06d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,2084 @@ +// +using System; +using System.Net; +using System.Text.Json; +using Content.Server.Database; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion; +using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.Metadata; +using NpgsqlTypes; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Content.Server.Database.Migrations.Postgres +{ + [DbContext(typeof(PostgresServerDbContext))] + [Migration("20241223235939_AdminStatus")] + partial class AdminStatus + { + /// + protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) + { +#pragma warning disable 612, 618 + modelBuilder + .HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "8.0.0") + .HasAnnotation("Relational:MaxIdentifierLength", 63); + + NpgsqlModelBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumns(modelBuilder); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("AdminRankId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + b.Property("Deadminned") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("deadminned"); + + b.Property("Suspended") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("suspended"); + + b.Property("Title") + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("title"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_admin"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminRankId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_admin_rank_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminFlag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_flag_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("AdminId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("admin_id"); + + b.Property("Flag") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("flag"); + + b.Property("Negative") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("negative"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_flag"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_flag_admin_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Flag", "AdminId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("admin_flag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Id") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_log_id"); + + b.Property("Date") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("date"); + + b.Property("Impact") + .HasColumnType("smallint") + .HasColumnName("impact"); + + b.Property("Json") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("jsonb") + .HasColumnName("json"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("Type") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("type"); + + b.HasKey("RoundId", "Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_log"); + + b.HasIndex("Date"); + + b.HasIndex("Message") + .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:TsVectorConfig", "english"); + + NpgsqlIndexBuilderExtensions.HasMethod(b.HasIndex("Message"), "GIN"); + + b.HasIndex("Type") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_log_type"); + + b.ToTable("admin_log", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLogPlayer", b => + { + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("LogId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("log_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.HasKey("RoundId", "LogId", "PlayerUserId") + .HasName("PK_admin_log_player"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_log_player_player_user_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_log_player", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminMessage", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_messages_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("Dismissed") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("dismissed"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("character varying(4096)") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Seen") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("seen"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_messages"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_messages_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_messages_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_messages", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("NotDismissedAndSeen", "NOT dismissed OR seen"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminNote", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_notes_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("character varying(4096)") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Secret") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("secret"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_notes"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_notes_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_notes_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_notes", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_rank"); + + b.ToTable("admin_rank", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRankFlag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_flag_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("AdminRankId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + b.Property("Flag") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("flag"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_rank_flag"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminRankId"); + + b.HasIndex("Flag", "AdminRankId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("admin_rank_flag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminWatchlist", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("admin_watchlists_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("character varying(4096)") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_watchlists"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_watchlists_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_watchlists_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_watchlists", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Antag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("antag_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("AntagName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("antag_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_antag"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "AntagName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("antag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AssignedUserId", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("assigned_user_id_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("UserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("user_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_assigned_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.HasIndex("UserName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("assigned_user_id", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.BanTemplate", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("ban_template_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("AutoDelete") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("auto_delete"); + + b.Property("ExemptFlags") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("exempt_flags"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("Length") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("length"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.Property("Title") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("title"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_ban_template"); + + b.ToTable("ban_template", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Blacklist", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_blacklist"); + + b.ToTable("blacklist", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("connection_log_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Address") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("inet") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("Denied") + .HasColumnType("smallint") + .HasColumnName("denied"); + + b.Property("ServerId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + b.Property("Time") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("time"); + + b.Property("Trust") + .HasColumnType("real") + .HasColumnName("trust"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("UserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("user_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_connection_log"); + + b.HasIndex("ServerId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_connection_log_server_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Time"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("connection_log", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("AddressNotIPv6MappedIPv4", "NOT inet '::ffff:' >>= address"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Job", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("job_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("JobName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("job_name"); + + b.Property("Priority") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("priority"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_job"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "JobName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.HasIndex(new[] { "ProfileId" }, "IX_job_one_high_priority") + .IsUnique() + .HasFilter("priority = 3"); + + b.ToTable("job", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.PlayTime", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("play_time_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("PlayerId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + b.Property("TimeSpent") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("time_spent"); + + b.Property("Tracker") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("tracker"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_play_time"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerId", "Tracker") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("play_time", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("FirstSeenTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("first_seen_time"); + + b.Property("LastReadRules") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_read_rules"); + + b.Property("LastSeenAddress") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("inet") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_address"); + + b.Property("LastSeenTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_time"); + + b.Property("LastSeenUserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_user_name"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_player"); + + b.HasAlternateKey("UserId") + .HasName("ak_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("LastSeenUserName"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("player", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("LastSeenAddressNotIPv6MappedIPv4", "NOT inet '::ffff:' >>= last_seen_address"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Preference", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("preference_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("AdminOOCColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("admin_ooc_color"); + + b.Property("SelectedCharacterSlot") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("selected_character_slot"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_preference"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("preference", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Age") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("age"); + + b.Property("CharacterName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("char_name"); + + b.Property("EyeColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("eye_color"); + + b.Property("FacialHairColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("facial_hair_color"); + + b.Property("FacialHairName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("facial_hair_name"); + + b.Property("FlavorText") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("flavor_text"); + + b.Property("Gender") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("gender"); + + b.Property("HairColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("hair_color"); + + b.Property("HairName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("hair_name"); + + b.Property("Markings") + .HasColumnType("jsonb") + .HasColumnName("markings"); + + b.Property("PreferenceId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("preference_id"); + + b.Property("PreferenceUnavailable") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("pref_unavailable"); + + b.Property("Sex") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("sex"); + + b.Property("SkinColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("skin_color"); + + b.Property("Slot") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("slot"); + + b.Property("SpawnPriority") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("spawn_priority"); + + b.Property("Species") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("species"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile"); + + b.HasIndex("PreferenceId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_profile_preference_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Slot", "PreferenceId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("profile", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadout", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("LoadoutName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("loadout_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileLoadoutGroupId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_group_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_loadout"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileLoadoutGroupId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_loadout", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_group_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("GroupName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("group_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileRoleLoadoutId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_role_loadout_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_loadout_group"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileRoleLoadoutId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_loadout_group", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_role_loadout_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.Property("RoleName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("role_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_role_loadout"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_role_loadout", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.RoleWhitelist", b => + { + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("role_id"); + + b.HasKey("PlayerUserId", "RoleId") + .HasName("PK_role_whitelists"); + + b.ToTable("role_whitelists", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("ServerId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + b.Property("StartDate") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("start_date"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_round"); + + b.HasIndex("ServerId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_round_server_id"); + + b.HasIndex("StartDate"); + + b.ToTable("round", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Server", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server"); + + b.ToTable("server", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Address") + .HasColumnType("inet") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("AutoDelete") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("auto_delete"); + + b.Property("BanTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("ban_time"); + + b.Property("BanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("banning_admin"); + + b.Property("ExemptFlags") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("exempt_flags"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_ban"); + + b.HasIndex("Address"); + + b.HasIndex("BanningAdmin"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("AddressNotIPv6MappedIPv4", "NOT inet '::ffff:' >>= address"); + + t.HasCheckConstraint("HaveEitherAddressOrUserIdOrHWId", "address IS NOT NULL OR player_user_id IS NOT NULL OR hwid IS NOT NULL"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanExemption", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("Flags") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("flags"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_server_ban_exemption"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban_exemption", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("FlagsNotZero", "flags != 0"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanHit", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_hit_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("ConnectionId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("connection_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_ban_hit"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_hit_ban_id"); + + b.HasIndex("ConnectionId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_hit_connection_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban_hit", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_role_ban_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Address") + .HasColumnType("inet") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("BanTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("ban_time"); + + b.Property("BanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("banning_admin"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("interval") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("role_id"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_role_ban"); + + b.HasIndex("Address"); + + b.HasIndex("BanningAdmin"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_role_ban_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_role_ban_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_role_ban", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("AddressNotIPv6MappedIPv4", "NOT inet '::ffff:' >>= address"); + + t.HasCheckConstraint("HaveEitherAddressOrUserIdOrHWId", "address IS NOT NULL OR player_user_id IS NOT NULL OR hwid IS NOT NULL"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("role_unban_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("UnbanTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("unban_time"); + + b.Property("UnbanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("unbanning_admin"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_role_unban"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("server_role_unban", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("unban_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("UnbanTime") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("unban_time"); + + b.Property("UnbanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("unbanning_admin"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_unban"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("server_unban", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Trait", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("trait_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.Property("TraitName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("trait_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_trait"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "TraitName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("trait", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.UploadedResourceLog", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("uploaded_resource_log_id"); + + NpgsqlPropertyBuilderExtensions.UseIdentityByDefaultColumn(b.Property("Id")); + + b.Property("Data") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("bytea") + .HasColumnName("data"); + + b.Property("Date") + .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") + .HasColumnName("date"); + + b.Property("Path") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("text") + .HasColumnName("path"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_uploaded_resource_log"); + + b.ToTable("uploaded_resource_log", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Whitelist", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("uuid") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_whitelist"); + + b.ToTable("whitelist", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("PlayerRound", b => + { + b.Property("PlayersId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("players_id"); + + b.Property("RoundsId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("rounds_id"); + + b.HasKey("PlayersId", "RoundsId") + .HasName("PK_player_round"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundsId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_player_round_rounds_id"); + + b.ToTable("player_round", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", "AdminRank") + .WithMany("Admins") + .HasForeignKey("AdminRankId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_admin_rank_admin_rank_id"); + + b.Navigation("AdminRank"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminFlag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Admin", "Admin") + .WithMany("Flags") + .HasForeignKey("AdminId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_flag_admin_admin_id"); + + b.Navigation("Admin"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany("AdminLogs") + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLogPlayer", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminLogs") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_player_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", "Log") + .WithMany("Players") + .HasForeignKey("RoundId", "LogId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_player_admin_log_round_id_log_id"); + + b.Navigation("Log"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminMessage", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminNote", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminNotesReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRankFlag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", "Rank") + .WithMany("Flags") + .HasForeignKey("AdminRankId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_rank_flag_admin_rank_admin_rank_id"); + + b.Navigation("Rank"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminWatchlist", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Antag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Antags") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_antag_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Server", "Server") + .WithMany("ConnectionLogs") + .HasForeignKey("ServerId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_connection_log_server_server_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ConnectionLogId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("connection_log_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("bytea") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ConnectionLogId"); + + b1.ToTable("connection_log"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ConnectionLogId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_connection_log_connection_log_connection_log_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("Server"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Job", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Jobs") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_job_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "LastSeenHWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("PlayerId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("bytea") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("last_seen_hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("PlayerId"); + + b1.ToTable("player"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("PlayerId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_player_player_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("LastSeenHWId"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Preference", "Preference") + .WithMany("Profiles") + .HasForeignKey("PreferenceId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_preference_preference_id"); + + b.Navigation("Preference"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadout", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", "ProfileLoadoutGroup") + .WithMany("Loadouts") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileLoadoutGroupId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_loadout_profile_loadout_group_profile_loadout_group~"); + + b.Navigation("ProfileLoadoutGroup"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", "ProfileRoleLoadout") + .WithMany("Groups") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileRoleLoadoutId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_loadout_group_profile_role_loadout_profile_role_loa~"); + + b.Navigation("ProfileRoleLoadout"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Loadouts") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_role_loadout_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.RoleWhitelist", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("JobWhitelists") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_role_whitelists_player_player_user_id"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Server", "Server") + .WithMany("Rounds") + .HasForeignKey("ServerId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_round_server_server_id"); + + b.Navigation("Server"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerBansCreated") + .HasForeignKey("BanningAdmin") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_player_banning_admin"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerBansLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_round_round_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ServerBanId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("bytea") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ServerBanId"); + + b1.ToTable("server_ban"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ServerBanId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_server_ban_server_ban_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanHit", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", "Ban") + .WithMany("BanHits") + .HasForeignKey("BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_hit_server_ban_ban_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", "Connection") + .WithMany("BanHits") + .HasForeignKey("ConnectionId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_hit_connection_log_connection_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + + b.Navigation("Connection"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerRoleBansCreated") + .HasForeignKey("BanningAdmin") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_player_banning_admin"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerRoleBansLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_round_round_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ServerRoleBanId") + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasColumnName("server_role_ban_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("bytea") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("integer") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ServerRoleBanId"); + + b1.ToTable("server_role_ban"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ServerRoleBanId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_server_role_ban_server_role_ban_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", "Ban") + .WithOne("Unban") + .HasForeignKey("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", "BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_unban_server_role_ban_ban_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", "Ban") + .WithOne("Unban") + .HasForeignKey("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", "BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_unban_server_ban_ban_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Trait", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Traits") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_trait_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("PlayerRound", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("PlayersId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_round_player_players_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundsId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_round_round_rounds_id"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.Navigation("Flags"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.Navigation("Players"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", b => + { + b.Navigation("Admins"); + + b.Navigation("Flags"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.Navigation("BanHits"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.Navigation("AdminLogs"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesReceived"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesReceived"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerBansCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerBansLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerRoleBansCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerRoleBansLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsReceived"); + + b.Navigation("JobWhitelists"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Preference", b => + { + b.Navigation("Profiles"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.Navigation("Antags"); + + b.Navigation("Jobs"); + + b.Navigation("Loadouts"); + + b.Navigation("Traits"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.Navigation("Loadouts"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.Navigation("Groups"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.Navigation("AdminLogs"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Server", b => + { + b.Navigation("ConnectionLogs"); + + b.Navigation("Rounds"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.Navigation("BanHits"); + + b.Navigation("Unban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.Navigation("Unban"); + }); +#pragma warning restore 612, 618 + } + } +} diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8444cead4ef --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/20241223235939_AdminStatus.cs @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Content.Server.Database.Migrations.Postgres +{ + /// + public partial class AdminStatus : Migration + { + /// + protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "deadminned", + table: "admin", + type: "boolean", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: false); + + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "suspended", + table: "admin", + type: "boolean", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: false); + } + + /// + protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "deadminned", + table: "admin"); + + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "suspended", + table: "admin"); + } + } +} diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/PostgresServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/PostgresServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs index ef0a7bcb254..e528cb70fe8 100644 --- a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/PostgresServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Postgres/PostgresServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs @@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ protected override void BuildModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + b.Property("Deadminned") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("deadminned"); + + b.Property("Suspended") + .HasColumnType("boolean") + .HasColumnName("suspended"); + b.Property("Title") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("title"); diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.Designer.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.Designer.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f5f556ca1b --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.Designer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,2007 @@ +// +using System; +using Content.Server.Database; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Content.Server.Database.Migrations.Sqlite +{ + [DbContext(typeof(SqliteServerDbContext))] + [Migration("20241223235932_AdminStatus")] + partial class AdminStatus + { + /// + protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) + { +#pragma warning disable 612, 618 + modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "8.0.0"); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("AdminRankId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + b.Property("Deadminned") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("deadminned"); + + b.Property("Suspended") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("suspended"); + + b.Property("Title") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("title"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_admin"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminRankId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_admin_rank_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminFlag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_flag_id"); + + b.Property("AdminId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("admin_id"); + + b.Property("Flag") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("flag"); + + b.Property("Negative") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("negative"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_flag"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_flag_admin_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Flag", "AdminId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("admin_flag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Id") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_log_id"); + + b.Property("Date") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("date"); + + b.Property("Impact") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("impact"); + + b.Property("Json") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("jsonb") + .HasColumnName("json"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("Type") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("type"); + + b.HasKey("RoundId", "Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_log"); + + b.HasIndex("Date"); + + b.HasIndex("Type") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_log_type"); + + b.ToTable("admin_log", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLogPlayer", b => + { + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("LogId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("log_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.HasKey("RoundId", "LogId", "PlayerUserId") + .HasName("PK_admin_log_player"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_log_player_player_user_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_log_player", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminMessage", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_messages_id"); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("Dismissed") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("dismissed"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Seen") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("seen"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_messages"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_messages_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_messages_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_messages", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("NotDismissedAndSeen", "NOT dismissed OR seen"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminNote", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_notes_id"); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Secret") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("secret"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_notes"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_notes_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_notes_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_notes", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_rank"); + + b.ToTable("admin_rank", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRankFlag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_flag_id"); + + b.Property("AdminRankId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + + b.Property("Flag") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("flag"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_rank_flag"); + + b.HasIndex("AdminRankId"); + + b.HasIndex("Flag", "AdminRankId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("admin_rank_flag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminWatchlist", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("admin_watchlists_id"); + + b.Property("CreatedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_at"); + + b.Property("CreatedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("created_by_id"); + + b.Property("Deleted") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("deleted"); + + b.Property("DeletedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_at"); + + b.Property("DeletedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("deleted_by_id"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("Message") + .IsRequired() + .HasMaxLength(4096) + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("message"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_admin_watchlists"); + + b.HasIndex("CreatedById"); + + b.HasIndex("DeletedById"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_watchlists_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_admin_watchlists_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("admin_watchlists", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Antag", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("antag_id"); + + b.Property("AntagName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("antag_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_antag"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "AntagName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("antag", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AssignedUserId", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("assigned_user_id_id"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("UserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_assigned_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.HasIndex("UserName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("assigned_user_id", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.BanTemplate", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("ban_template_id"); + + b.Property("AutoDelete") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("auto_delete"); + + b.Property("ExemptFlags") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("exempt_flags"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("Length") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("length"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.Property("Title") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("title"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_ban_template"); + + b.ToTable("ban_template", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Blacklist", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_blacklist"); + + b.ToTable("blacklist", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("connection_log_id"); + + b.Property("Address") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("Denied") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("denied"); + + b.Property("ServerId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + b.Property("Time") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("time"); + + b.Property("Trust") + .HasColumnType("REAL") + .HasColumnName("trust"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("UserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_connection_log"); + + b.HasIndex("ServerId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_connection_log_server_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Time"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId"); + + b.ToTable("connection_log", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Job", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("job_id"); + + b.Property("JobName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("job_name"); + + b.Property("Priority") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("priority"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_job"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "JobName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.HasIndex(new[] { "ProfileId" }, "IX_job_one_high_priority") + .IsUnique() + .HasFilter("priority = 3"); + + b.ToTable("job", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.PlayTime", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("play_time_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + b.Property("TimeSpent") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("time_spent"); + + b.Property("Tracker") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("tracker"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_play_time"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerId", "Tracker") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("play_time", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + b.Property("FirstSeenTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("first_seen_time"); + + b.Property("LastReadRules") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_read_rules"); + + b.Property("LastSeenAddress") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_address"); + + b.Property("LastSeenTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_time"); + + b.Property("LastSeenUserName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_user_name"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_player"); + + b.HasAlternateKey("UserId") + .HasName("ak_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("LastSeenUserName"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("player", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Preference", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("preference_id"); + + b.Property("AdminOOCColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("admin_ooc_color"); + + b.Property("SelectedCharacterSlot") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("selected_character_slot"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_preference"); + + b.HasIndex("UserId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("preference", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.Property("Age") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("age"); + + b.Property("CharacterName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("char_name"); + + b.Property("EyeColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("eye_color"); + + b.Property("FacialHairColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("facial_hair_color"); + + b.Property("FacialHairName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("facial_hair_name"); + + b.Property("FlavorText") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("flavor_text"); + + b.Property("Gender") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("gender"); + + b.Property("HairColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("hair_color"); + + b.Property("HairName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("hair_name"); + + b.Property("Markings") + .HasColumnType("jsonb") + .HasColumnName("markings"); + + b.Property("PreferenceId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("preference_id"); + + b.Property("PreferenceUnavailable") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("pref_unavailable"); + + b.Property("Sex") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("sex"); + + b.Property("SkinColor") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("skin_color"); + + b.Property("Slot") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("slot"); + + b.Property("SpawnPriority") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("spawn_priority"); + + b.Property("Species") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("species"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile"); + + b.HasIndex("PreferenceId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_profile_preference_id"); + + b.HasIndex("Slot", "PreferenceId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("profile", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadout", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_id"); + + b.Property("LoadoutName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("loadout_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileLoadoutGroupId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_group_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_loadout"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileLoadoutGroupId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_loadout", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_loadout_group_id"); + + b.Property("GroupName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("group_name"); + + b.Property("ProfileRoleLoadoutId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_role_loadout_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_loadout_group"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileRoleLoadoutId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_loadout_group", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_role_loadout_id"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.Property("RoleName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("role_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_profile_role_loadout"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId"); + + b.ToTable("profile_role_loadout", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.RoleWhitelist", b => + { + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("role_id"); + + b.HasKey("PlayerUserId", "RoleId") + .HasName("PK_role_whitelists"); + + b.ToTable("role_whitelists", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("ServerId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + b.Property("StartDate") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("start_date"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_round"); + + b.HasIndex("ServerId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_round_server_id"); + + b.HasIndex("StartDate"); + + b.ToTable("round", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Server", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_id"); + + b.Property("Name") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server"); + + b.ToTable("server", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_id"); + + b.Property("Address") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("AutoDelete") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("auto_delete"); + + b.Property("BanTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("ban_time"); + + b.Property("BanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("banning_admin"); + + b.Property("ExemptFlags") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("exempt_flags"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_ban"); + + b.HasIndex("Address"); + + b.HasIndex("BanningAdmin"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("HaveEitherAddressOrUserIdOrHWId", "address IS NOT NULL OR player_user_id IS NOT NULL OR hwid IS NOT NULL"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanExemption", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.Property("Flags") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("flags"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_server_ban_exemption"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban_exemption", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("FlagsNotZero", "flags != 0"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanHit", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_hit_id"); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("ConnectionId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("connection_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_ban_hit"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_hit_ban_id"); + + b.HasIndex("ConnectionId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_ban_hit_connection_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_ban_hit", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_role_ban_id"); + + b.Property("Address") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("address"); + + b.Property("BanTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("ban_time"); + + b.Property("BanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("banning_admin"); + + b.Property("ExpirationTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("expiration_time"); + + b.Property("Hidden") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("hidden"); + + b.Property("LastEditedAt") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_at"); + + b.Property("LastEditedById") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("last_edited_by_id"); + + b.Property("PlayerUserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("player_user_id"); + + b.Property("PlaytimeAtNote") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("playtime_at_note"); + + b.Property("Reason") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("reason"); + + b.Property("RoleId") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("role_id"); + + b.Property("RoundId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("round_id"); + + b.Property("Severity") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("severity"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_role_ban"); + + b.HasIndex("Address"); + + b.HasIndex("BanningAdmin"); + + b.HasIndex("LastEditedById"); + + b.HasIndex("PlayerUserId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_role_ban_player_user_id"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_server_role_ban_round_id"); + + b.ToTable("server_role_ban", null, t => + { + t.HasCheckConstraint("HaveEitherAddressOrUserIdOrHWId", "address IS NOT NULL OR player_user_id IS NOT NULL OR hwid IS NOT NULL"); + }); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("role_unban_id"); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("UnbanTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("unban_time"); + + b.Property("UnbanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("unbanning_admin"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_role_unban"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("server_role_unban", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("unban_id"); + + b.Property("BanId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("ban_id"); + + b.Property("UnbanTime") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("unban_time"); + + b.Property("UnbanningAdmin") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("unbanning_admin"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_server_unban"); + + b.HasIndex("BanId") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("server_unban", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Trait", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("trait_id"); + + b.Property("ProfileId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("profile_id"); + + b.Property("TraitName") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("trait_name"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_trait"); + + b.HasIndex("ProfileId", "TraitName") + .IsUnique(); + + b.ToTable("trait", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.UploadedResourceLog", b => + { + b.Property("Id") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("uploaded_resource_log_id"); + + b.Property("Data") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("BLOB") + .HasColumnName("data"); + + b.Property("Date") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("date"); + + b.Property("Path") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("path"); + + b.Property("UserId") + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("Id") + .HasName("PK_uploaded_resource_log"); + + b.ToTable("uploaded_resource_log", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Whitelist", b => + { + b.Property("UserId") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("TEXT") + .HasColumnName("user_id"); + + b.HasKey("UserId") + .HasName("PK_whitelist"); + + b.ToTable("whitelist", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("PlayerRound", b => + { + b.Property("PlayersId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("players_id"); + + b.Property("RoundsId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("rounds_id"); + + b.HasKey("PlayersId", "RoundsId") + .HasName("PK_player_round"); + + b.HasIndex("RoundsId") + .HasDatabaseName("IX_player_round_rounds_id"); + + b.ToTable("player_round", (string)null); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", "AdminRank") + .WithMany("Admins") + .HasForeignKey("AdminRankId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_admin_rank_admin_rank_id"); + + b.Navigation("AdminRank"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminFlag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Admin", "Admin") + .WithMany("Flags") + .HasForeignKey("AdminId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_flag_admin_admin_id"); + + b.Navigation("Admin"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany("AdminLogs") + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLogPlayer", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminLogs") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_player_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", "Log") + .WithMany("Players") + .HasForeignKey("RoundId", "LogId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_log_player_admin_log_round_id_log_id"); + + b.Navigation("Log"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminMessage", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminMessagesReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_messages_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminNote", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminNotesLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminNotesReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_notes_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRankFlag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", "Rank") + .WithMany("Flags") + .HasForeignKey("AdminRankId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_rank_flag_admin_rank_admin_rank_id"); + + b.Navigation("Rank"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminWatchlist", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsCreated") + .HasForeignKey("CreatedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_created_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "DeletedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsDeleted") + .HasForeignKey("DeletedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_deleted_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("AdminWatchlistsReceived") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_player_player_user_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_admin_watchlists_round_round_id"); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("DeletedBy"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Antag", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Antags") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_antag_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Server", "Server") + .WithMany("ConnectionLogs") + .HasForeignKey("ServerId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_connection_log_server_server_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ConnectionLogId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("connection_log_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("BLOB") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ConnectionLogId"); + + b1.ToTable("connection_log"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ConnectionLogId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_connection_log_connection_log_connection_log_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("Server"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Job", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Jobs") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_job_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "LastSeenHWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("PlayerId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("player_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("BLOB") + .HasColumnName("last_seen_hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("last_seen_hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("PlayerId"); + + b1.ToTable("player"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("PlayerId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_player_player_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("LastSeenHWId"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Preference", "Preference") + .WithMany("Profiles") + .HasForeignKey("PreferenceId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_preference_preference_id"); + + b.Navigation("Preference"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadout", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", "ProfileLoadoutGroup") + .WithMany("Loadouts") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileLoadoutGroupId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_loadout_profile_loadout_group_profile_loadout_group_id"); + + b.Navigation("ProfileLoadoutGroup"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", "ProfileRoleLoadout") + .WithMany("Groups") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileRoleLoadoutId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_loadout_group_profile_role_loadout_profile_role_loadout_id"); + + b.Navigation("ProfileRoleLoadout"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Loadouts") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_profile_role_loadout_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.RoleWhitelist", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "Player") + .WithMany("JobWhitelists") + .HasForeignKey("PlayerUserId") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_role_whitelists_player_player_user_id"); + + b.Navigation("Player"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Server", "Server") + .WithMany("Rounds") + .HasForeignKey("ServerId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_round_server_server_id"); + + b.Navigation("Server"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerBansCreated") + .HasForeignKey("BanningAdmin") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_player_banning_admin"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerBansLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_round_round_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ServerBanId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_ban_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("BLOB") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ServerBanId"); + + b1.ToTable("server_ban"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ServerBanId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_server_ban_server_ban_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBanHit", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", "Ban") + .WithMany("BanHits") + .HasForeignKey("BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_hit_server_ban_ban_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", "Connection") + .WithMany("BanHits") + .HasForeignKey("ConnectionId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_ban_hit_connection_log_connection_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + + b.Navigation("Connection"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "CreatedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerRoleBansCreated") + .HasForeignKey("BanningAdmin") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_player_banning_admin"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", "LastEditedBy") + .WithMany("AdminServerRoleBansLastEdited") + .HasForeignKey("LastEditedById") + .HasPrincipalKey("UserId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.SetNull) + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_player_last_edited_by_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", "Round") + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_round_round_id"); + + b.OwnsOne("Content.Server.Database.TypedHwid", "HWId", b1 => + { + b1.Property("ServerRoleBanId") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("server_role_ban_id"); + + b1.Property("Hwid") + .IsRequired() + .HasColumnType("BLOB") + .HasColumnName("hwid"); + + b1.Property("Type") + .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasDefaultValue(0) + .HasColumnName("hwid_type"); + + b1.HasKey("ServerRoleBanId"); + + b1.ToTable("server_role_ban"); + + b1.WithOwner() + .HasForeignKey("ServerRoleBanId") + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_ban_server_role_ban_server_role_ban_id"); + }); + + b.Navigation("CreatedBy"); + + b.Navigation("HWId"); + + b.Navigation("LastEditedBy"); + + b.Navigation("Round"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", "Ban") + .WithOne("Unban") + .HasForeignKey("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleUnban", "BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_role_unban_server_role_ban_ban_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", "Ban") + .WithOne("Unban") + .HasForeignKey("Content.Server.Database.ServerUnban", "BanId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_server_unban_server_ban_ban_id"); + + b.Navigation("Ban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Trait", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Profile", "Profile") + .WithMany("Traits") + .HasForeignKey("ProfileId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_trait_profile_profile_id"); + + b.Navigation("Profile"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("PlayerRound", b => + { + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Player", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("PlayersId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_round_player_players_id"); + + b.HasOne("Content.Server.Database.Round", null) + .WithMany() + .HasForeignKey("RoundsId") + .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) + .IsRequired() + .HasConstraintName("FK_player_round_round_rounds_id"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Admin", b => + { + b.Navigation("Flags"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminLog", b => + { + b.Navigation("Players"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.AdminRank", b => + { + b.Navigation("Admins"); + + b.Navigation("Flags"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ConnectionLog", b => + { + b.Navigation("BanHits"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Player", b => + { + b.Navigation("AdminLogs"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminMessagesReceived"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminNotesReceived"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerBansCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerBansLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerRoleBansCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminServerRoleBansLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsCreated"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsDeleted"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsLastEdited"); + + b.Navigation("AdminWatchlistsReceived"); + + b.Navigation("JobWhitelists"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Preference", b => + { + b.Navigation("Profiles"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Profile", b => + { + b.Navigation("Antags"); + + b.Navigation("Jobs"); + + b.Navigation("Loadouts"); + + b.Navigation("Traits"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileLoadoutGroup", b => + { + b.Navigation("Loadouts"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ProfileRoleLoadout", b => + { + b.Navigation("Groups"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Round", b => + { + b.Navigation("AdminLogs"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.Server", b => + { + b.Navigation("ConnectionLogs"); + + b.Navigation("Rounds"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerBan", b => + { + b.Navigation("BanHits"); + + b.Navigation("Unban"); + }); + + modelBuilder.Entity("Content.Server.Database.ServerRoleBan", b => + { + b.Navigation("Unban"); + }); +#pragma warning restore 612, 618 + } + } +} diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ac08aa246ec --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/20241223235932_AdminStatus.cs @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; + +#nullable disable + +namespace Content.Server.Database.Migrations.Sqlite +{ + /// + public partial class AdminStatus : Migration + { + /// + protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "deadminned", + table: "admin", + type: "INTEGER", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: false); + + migrationBuilder.AddColumn( + name: "suspended", + table: "admin", + type: "INTEGER", + nullable: false, + defaultValue: false); + } + + /// + protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) + { + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "deadminned", + table: "admin"); + + migrationBuilder.DropColumn( + name: "suspended", + table: "admin"); + } + } +} diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/SqliteServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/SqliteServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs index 14516a01221..370fcc13ca3 100644 --- a/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/SqliteServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Migrations/Sqlite/SqliteServerDbContextModelSnapshot.cs @@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ protected override void BuildModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) .HasColumnType("INTEGER") .HasColumnName("admin_rank_id"); + b.Property("Deadminned") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("deadminned"); + + b.Property("Suspended") + .HasColumnType("INTEGER") + .HasColumnName("suspended"); + b.Property("Title") .HasColumnType("TEXT") .HasColumnName("title"); diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs index 25283cacc99..885bba0ffc2 100644 --- a/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs @@ -610,6 +610,16 @@ public class Admin [Key] public Guid UserId { get; set; } public string? Title { get; set; } + /// + /// If true, the admin is voluntarily deadminned. They can re-admin at any time. + /// + public bool Deadminned { get; set; } + + /// + /// If true, the admin is suspended by an admin with PERMISSIONS. They will not have in-game permissions. + /// + public bool Suspended { get; set; } + public int? AdminRankId { get; set; } public AdminRank? AdminRank { get; set; } public List Flags { get; set; } = default!; diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/AdminManager.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/AdminManager.cs index 2e2ebd31baa..05dacdc577a 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/AdminManager.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/AdminManager.cs @@ -91,14 +91,29 @@ public void DeAdmin(ICommonSession session) _chat.SendAdminAnnouncement(Loc.GetString("admin-manager-self-de-admin-message", ("exAdminName", session.Name))); _chat.DispatchServerMessage(session, Loc.GetString("admin-manager-became-normal-player-message")); - var plyData = session.ContentData()!; - plyData.ExplicitlyDeadminned = true; + UpdateDatabaseDeadminnedState(session, true); reg.Data.Active = false; SendPermsChangedEvent(session); UpdateAdminStatus(session); } + private async void UpdateDatabaseDeadminnedState(ICommonSession player, bool newState) + { + try + { + // NOTE: This function gets called if you deadmin/readmin from a transient admin status. + // (e.g. loginlocal) + // In which case there may not be a database record. + // The DB function handles this scenario fine, but it's worth noting. + await _dbManager.UpdateAdminDeadminnedAsync(player.UserId, newState); + } + catch (Exception e) + { + _sawmill.Error("Failed to save deadmin state to database for {Admin}", player.UserId); + } + } + public void Stealth(ICommonSession session) { if (!_admins.TryGetValue(session, out var reg)) @@ -151,8 +166,7 @@ public void ReAdmin(ICommonSession session) _chat.DispatchServerMessage(session, Loc.GetString("admin-manager-became-admin-message")); - var plyData = session.ContentData()!; - plyData.ExplicitlyDeadminned = false; + UpdateDatabaseDeadminnedState(session, false); reg.Data.Active = true; if (!reg.Data.Stealth) @@ -208,13 +222,13 @@ public async void ReloadAdmin(ICommonSession player) curAdmin.IsSpecialLogin = special; curAdmin.RankId = rankId; curAdmin.Data = aData; - } - if (!player.ContentData()!.ExplicitlyDeadminned) - { - aData.Active = true; + if (curAdmin.Data.Active) + { + aData.Active = true; - _chat.DispatchServerMessage(player, Loc.GetString("admin-manager-admin-permissions-updated-message")); + _chat.DispatchServerMessage(player, Loc.GetString("admin-manager-admin-permissions-updated-message")); + } } if (player.ContentData()!.Stealthed) @@ -381,10 +395,8 @@ private async void LoginAdminMaybe(ICommonSession session) if (session.ContentData()!.Stealthed) reg.Data.Stealth = true; - if (!session.ContentData()!.ExplicitlyDeadminned) + if (reg.Data.Active) { - reg.Data.Active = true; - if (_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.AdminAnnounceLogin)) { if (reg.Data.Stealth) @@ -430,6 +442,7 @@ private async void LoginAdminMaybe(ICommonSession session) { Title = Loc.GetString("admin-manager-admin-data-host-title"), Flags = AdminFlagsHelper.Everything, + Active = true, }; return (data, null, true); @@ -444,6 +457,12 @@ private async void LoginAdminMaybe(ICommonSession session) return null; } + if (dbData.Suspended) + { + // Suspended admins don't count. + return null; + } + var flags = AdminFlags.None; if (dbData.AdminRank != null) @@ -466,7 +485,8 @@ private async void LoginAdminMaybe(ICommonSession session) var data = new AdminData { - Flags = flags + Flags = flags, + Active = !dbData.Deadminned, }; if (dbData.Title != null && _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.AdminUseCustomNamesAdminRank)) diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs index 7c2d2cbaf20..7923740c29b 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Administration/UI/PermissionsEui.cs @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ public override EuiStateBase GetNewState() Title = p.a.Title, RankId = p.a.AdminRankId, UserId = new NetUserId(p.a.UserId), - UserName = p.lastUserName + UserName = p.lastUserName, + Suspended = p.a.Suspended, }).ToArray(), AdminRanks = _adminRanks.ToDictionary(a => a.Id, a => new PermissionsEuiState.AdminRankData @@ -255,6 +256,7 @@ private async Task HandleUpdateAdmin(UpdateAdmin ua) admin.Title = ua.Title; admin.AdminRankId = ua.RankId; admin.Flags = GenAdminFlagList(ua.PosFlags, ua.NegFlags); + admin.Suspended = ua.Suspended; await _db.UpdateAdminAsync(admin); @@ -335,7 +337,8 @@ private async Task HandleCreateAdmin(AddAdmin ca) Flags = GenAdminFlagList(ca.PosFlags, ca.NegFlags), AdminRankId = ca.RankId, UserId = userId.UserId, - Title = ca.Title + Title = ca.Title, + Suspended = ca.Suspended, }; await _db.AddAdminAsync(admin); diff --git a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs index 8ab2df88b3c..c1a52447b79 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbBase.cs @@ -751,6 +751,20 @@ public async Task UpdateAdminAsync(Admin admin, CancellationToken cancel) existing.Flags = admin.Flags; existing.Title = admin.Title; existing.AdminRankId = admin.AdminRankId; + existing.Deadminned = admin.Deadminned; + existing.Suspended = admin.Suspended; + + await db.DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancel); + } + + public async Task UpdateAdminDeadminnedAsync(NetUserId userId, bool deadminned, CancellationToken cancel) + { + await using var db = await GetDb(cancel); + + var adminRecord = db.DbContext.Admin.Where(a => a.UserId == userId); + await adminRecord.ExecuteUpdateAsync( + set => set.SetProperty(p => p.Deadminned, deadminned), + cancellationToken: cancel); await db.DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancel); } diff --git a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbManager.cs b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbManager.cs index 76e74bdb139..9fee2c021bd 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbManager.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Database/ServerDbManager.cs @@ -217,6 +217,16 @@ Task AddConnectionLogAsync( Task AddAdminAsync(Admin admin, CancellationToken cancel = default); Task UpdateAdminAsync(Admin admin, CancellationToken cancel = default); + /// + /// Update whether an admin has voluntarily deadminned. + /// + /// + /// This does nothing if the player is not an admin. + /// + /// The user ID of the admin. + /// Whether the admin is deadminned or not. + Task UpdateAdminDeadminnedAsync(NetUserId userId, bool deadminned, CancellationToken cancel = default); + Task RemoveAdminRankAsync(int rankId, CancellationToken cancel = default); Task AddAdminRankAsync(AdminRank rank, CancellationToken cancel = default); Task UpdateAdminRankAsync(AdminRank rank, CancellationToken cancel = default); @@ -674,6 +684,12 @@ public Task UpdateAdminAsync(Admin admin, CancellationToken cancel = default) return RunDbCommand(() => _db.UpdateAdminAsync(admin, cancel)); } + public Task UpdateAdminDeadminnedAsync(NetUserId userId, bool deadminned, CancellationToken cancel = default) + { + DbWriteOpsMetric.Inc(); + return RunDbCommand(() => _db.UpdateAdminDeadminnedAsync(userId, deadminned, cancel)); + } + public Task RemoveAdminRankAsync(int rankId, CancellationToken cancel = default) { DbWriteOpsMetric.Inc(); diff --git a/Content.Shared/Administration/PermissionsEuiState.cs b/Content.Shared/Administration/PermissionsEuiState.cs index 4aa622f45e3..77fdad5fa7a 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Administration/PermissionsEuiState.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Administration/PermissionsEuiState.cs @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ public struct AdminData public NetUserId UserId; public string? UserName; public string? Title; + public bool Suspended; public AdminFlags PosFlags; public AdminFlags NegFlags; public int? RankId; @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public sealed class AddAdmin : EuiMessageBase public AdminFlags PosFlags; public AdminFlags NegFlags; public int? RankId; + public bool Suspended; } [Serializable, NetSerializable] @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ public sealed class UpdateAdmin : EuiMessageBase public AdminFlags PosFlags; public AdminFlags NegFlags; public int? RankId; + public bool Suspended; } diff --git a/Content.Shared/Players/ContentPlayerData.cs b/Content.Shared/Players/ContentPlayerData.cs index 16b6ace3a1f..edf0228df2e 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Players/ContentPlayerData.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Players/ContentPlayerData.cs @@ -32,12 +32,6 @@ public sealed class ContentPlayerData [ViewVariables, Access(typeof(SharedMindSystem), typeof(SharedGameTicker))] public EntityUid? Mind { get; set; } - /// - /// If true, the player is an admin and they explicitly de-adminned mid-game, - /// so they should not regain admin if they reconnect. - /// - public bool ExplicitlyDeadminned { get; set; } - /// /// If true, the admin will not show up in adminwho except to admins with the flag. /// diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl index 60283deb616..228f40f8286 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-title-edit-placeholder = Custom title, leave b permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-no-rank-button = No rank permissions-eui-edit-admin-rank-window-name-edit-placeholder = Rank name permissions-eui-edit-admin-title-control-text = none +permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-suspended = Suspended? permissions-eui-edit-no-rank-text = none permissions-eui-edit-title-button = Edit permissions-eui-edit-admin-rank-button = Edit From 99580e0118a4f097373ca23687b4768e2b52c208 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:47:51 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 25/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml | 11 +++++++++++ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml index 97589cabf3e..d1b720c260f 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml @@ -695,5 +695,16 @@ Entries: id: 86 time: '2025-01-12T19:41:26.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: PJB3005 + changes: + - message: Deadmin status is now synchronized to database, making it persistent + across server restarts and between multiple game servers. + type: Tweak + - message: Admins can now be suspended via the permissions panel. This effectively + removes their admin status without completely deleting their record. + type: Add + id: 87 + time: '2025-01-14T23:46:45.0000000+00:00' + url: Name: Admin Order: 1 From 2dead48280126753876ce9a6809f78f6acbdc8cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 01:07:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 26/62] STAThread client content start (#34212) --- Content.Client/Program.cs | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Content.Client/Program.cs b/Content.Client/Program.cs index f48c1e73c31..0404e825cff 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Program.cs +++ b/Content.Client/Program.cs @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace Content.Client { internal static class Program { + [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { ContentStart.Start(args); From e885a8f1cec3ac13325c4da0c74161fc10000684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 01:08:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 27/62] Minor client packaging changes (#33787) --- Content.Packaging/ClientPackaging.cs | 10 ++++++++-- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Packaging/ClientPackaging.cs b/Content.Packaging/ClientPackaging.cs index a66d4ec5b91..6d0a4627907 100644 --- a/Content.Packaging/ClientPackaging.cs +++ b/Content.Packaging/ClientPackaging.cs @@ -61,7 +61,13 @@ public static async Task WriteResources( var graph = new RobustClientAssetGraph(); pass.Dependencies.Add(new AssetPassDependency(graph.Output.Name)); - AssetGraph.CalculateGraph(graph.AllPasses.Append(pass).ToArray(), logger); + var dropSvgPass = new AssetPassFilterDrop(f => f.Path.EndsWith(".svg")) + { + Name = "DropSvgPass", + }; + dropSvgPass.AddDependency(graph.Input).AddBefore(graph.PresetPasses); + + AssetGraph.CalculateGraph([pass, dropSvgPass, ..graph.AllPasses], logger); var inputPass = graph.Input; @@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ await RobustSharedPackaging.WriteContentAssemblies( new[] { "Content.Client", "Content.Shared", "Content.Shared.Database" }, cancel: cancel); - await RobustClientPackaging.WriteClientResources(contentDir, pass, cancel); + await RobustClientPackaging.WriteClientResources(contentDir, inputPass, cancel); inputPass.InjectFinished(); } From 771278df5495b717b6ad9ce60100bd64b68b3937 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: themias <> Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 19:10:39 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 28/62] Fix muzzle accent (#34419) --- .../Components/MumbleAccentComponent.cs | 7 ++++++ .../EntitySystems/MumbleAccentSystem.cs | 25 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml | 3 +-- 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Content.Server/Speech/Components/MumbleAccentComponent.cs create mode 100644 Content.Server/Speech/EntitySystems/MumbleAccentSystem.cs diff --git a/Content.Server/Speech/Components/MumbleAccentComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Speech/Components/MumbleAccentComponent.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0681ebab2f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/Speech/Components/MumbleAccentComponent.cs @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +namespace Content.Server.Speech.Components; + +[RegisterComponent] +public sealed partial class MumbleAccentComponent : Component +{ + +} diff --git a/Content.Server/Speech/EntitySystems/MumbleAccentSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Speech/EntitySystems/MumbleAccentSystem.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..757f31ad9ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/Speech/EntitySystems/MumbleAccentSystem.cs @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +using Content.Server.Speech.Components; + +namespace Content.Server.Speech.EntitySystems; + +public sealed class MumbleAccentSystem : EntitySystem +{ + [Dependency] private readonly ReplacementAccentSystem _replacement = default!; + + public override void Initialize() + { + base.Initialize(); + + SubscribeLocalEvent(OnAccentGet); + } + + public string Accentuate(string message, MumbleAccentComponent component) + { + return _replacement.ApplyReplacements(message, "mumble"); + } + + private void OnAccentGet(EntityUid uid, MumbleAccentComponent component, AccentGetEvent args) + { + args.Message = Accentuate(args.Message, component); + } +} diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml index 8317f8af897..5a742a20e7d 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Clothing/Masks/masks.yml @@ -319,8 +319,7 @@ unequipDelay: 3 - type: IngestionBlocker - type: AddAccentClothing - accent: ReplacementAccent - replacement: mumble + accent: MumbleAccent - type: Construction graph: Muzzle node: muzzle From bb1a3c42edece62ce3313703fc62cb0a3a78e10b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:11:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 29/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index c770773775b..e92295d4410 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Ilya246 - changes: - - message: Reagents that make you flammable no longer extinguish you. - type: Fix - id: 7309 - time: '2024-09-07T23:44:58.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: LucasTheDrgn changes: - message: Restored functionality to the Industrial Reagent Grinder @@ -3937,3 +3930,10 @@ id: 7808 time: '2025-01-14T22:34:04.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: themias + changes: + - message: Fixed muzzles not working on some characters (e.g. dwarves) + type: Fix + id: 7809 + time: '2025-01-15T00:10:39.0000000+00:00' + url: From 87779250ee6d8973822a20e66211fcae52588464 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Palladinium Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 11:32:24 +1100 Subject: [PATCH 30/62] Add Discord webhook on watchlist connection (#33483) --- .../Managers/IWatchlistWebhookManager.cs | 23 +++ .../Managers/WatchlistWebhookManager.cs | 143 ++++++++++++++++++ Content.Server/Entry/EntryPoint.cs | 4 + Content.Server/IoC/ServerContentIoC.cs | 1 + Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Discord.cs | 16 +- .../en-US/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl | 14 ++ 6 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 Content.Server/Administration/Managers/IWatchlistWebhookManager.cs create mode 100644 Content.Server/Administration/Managers/WatchlistWebhookManager.cs create mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/IWatchlistWebhookManager.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/IWatchlistWebhookManager.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6be4805365f --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/IWatchlistWebhookManager.cs @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +using Content.Server.Administration.Notes; +using Content.Server.Database; +using Content.Server.Discord; +using Content.Shared.CCVar; +using Robust.Server; +using Robust.Server.Player; +using Robust.Shared.Enums; +using Robust.Shared.Configuration; +using Robust.Shared.Network; +using Robust.Shared.Player; +using System.Linq; + +namespace Content.Server.Administration.Managers; + +/// +/// This manager sends a webhook notification whenever a player with an active +/// watchlist joins the server. +/// +public interface IWatchlistWebhookManager +{ + void Initialize(); + void Update(); +} diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/WatchlistWebhookManager.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/WatchlistWebhookManager.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..054d45bfd0e --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Managers/WatchlistWebhookManager.cs @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +using Content.Server.Administration.Notes; +using Content.Server.Database; +using Content.Server.Discord; +using Content.Shared.CCVar; +using Robust.Server; +using Robust.Server.Player; +using Robust.Shared.Enums; +using Robust.Shared.Configuration; +using Robust.Shared.Network; +using Robust.Shared.Player; +using Robust.Shared.Timing; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text; + +namespace Content.Server.Administration.Managers; + +/// +/// This manager sends a Discord webhook notification whenever a player with an active +/// watchlist joins the server. +/// +public sealed class WatchlistWebhookManager : IWatchlistWebhookManager +{ + [Dependency] private readonly IAdminNotesManager _adminNotes = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IBaseServer _baseServer = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly DiscordWebhook _discord = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _gameTiming = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!; + + private ISawmill _sawmill = default!; + + private string _webhookUrl = default!; + private TimeSpan _bufferTime; + + private List watchlistConnections = new(); + private TimeSpan? _bufferStartTime; + + public void Initialize() + { + _sawmill = Logger.GetSawmill("discord"); + _cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.DiscordWatchlistConnectionBufferTime, SetBufferTime, true); + _cfg.OnValueChanged(CCVars.DiscordWatchlistConnectionWebhook, SetWebhookUrl, true); + _playerManager.PlayerStatusChanged += OnPlayerStatusChanged; + } + + private void SetBufferTime(float bufferTimeSeconds) + { + _bufferTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(bufferTimeSeconds); + } + + private void SetWebhookUrl(string webhookUrl) + { + _webhookUrl = webhookUrl; + } + + private async void OnPlayerStatusChanged(object? sender, SessionStatusEventArgs e) + { + if (e.NewStatus != SessionStatus.Connected) + return; + + var watchlists = await _adminNotes.GetActiveWatchlists(e.Session.UserId); + + if (watchlists.Count == 0) + return; + + watchlistConnections.Add(new WatchlistConnection(e.Session.Name, watchlists)); + + if (_bufferTime > TimeSpan.Zero) + { + if (_bufferStartTime == null) + _bufferStartTime = _gameTiming.RealTime; + } + else + { + SendDiscordMessage(); + } + } + + public void Update() + { + if (_bufferStartTime != null && _gameTiming.RealTime > (_bufferStartTime + _bufferTime)) + { + SendDiscordMessage(); + _bufferStartTime = null; + } + } + + private async void SendDiscordMessage() + { + try + { + if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_webhookUrl)) + return; + + var webhookData = await _discord.GetWebhook(_webhookUrl); + if (webhookData == null) + return; + + var webhookIdentifier = webhookData.Value.ToIdentifier(); + + var messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(Loc.GetString("discord-watchlist-connection-header", + ("players", watchlistConnections.Count), + ("serverName", _baseServer.ServerName))); + + foreach (var connection in watchlistConnections) + { + messageBuilder.Append('\n'); + + var watchlist = connection.Watchlists.First(); + var expiry = watchlist.ExpirationTime?.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); + messageBuilder.Append(Loc.GetString("discord-watchlist-connection-entry", + ("playerName", connection.PlayerName), + ("message", watchlist.Message), + ("expiry", expiry ?? 0), + ("otherWatchlists", connection.Watchlists.Count - 1))); + } + + var payload = new WebhookPayload { Content = messageBuilder.ToString() }; + + await _discord.CreateMessage(webhookIdentifier, payload); + } + catch (Exception e) + { + _sawmill.Error($"Error while sending discord watchlist connection message:\n{e}"); + } + + // Clear the buffered list regardless of whether the message is sent successfully + // This prevents infinitely buffering connections if we fail to send a message + watchlistConnections.Clear(); + } + + private sealed class WatchlistConnection + { + public string PlayerName; + public List Watchlists; + + public WatchlistConnection(string playerName, List watchlists) + { + PlayerName = playerName; + Watchlists = watchlists; + } + } +} diff --git a/Content.Server/Entry/EntryPoint.cs b/Content.Server/Entry/EntryPoint.cs index a02cf5dcedd..3d4ea922dc0 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Entry/EntryPoint.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Entry/EntryPoint.cs @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public sealed class EntryPoint : GameServer private PlayTimeTrackingManager? _playTimeTracking; private IEntitySystemManager? _sysMan; private IServerDbManager? _dbManager; + private IWatchlistWebhookManager _watchlistWebhookManager = default!; private IConnectionManager? _connectionManager; /// @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ public override void Init() _connectionManager = IoCManager.Resolve(); _sysMan = IoCManager.Resolve(); _dbManager = IoCManager.Resolve(); + _watchlistWebhookManager = IoCManager.Resolve(); logManager.GetSawmill("Storage").Level = LogLevel.Info; logManager.GetSawmill("db.ef").Level = LogLevel.Info; @@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ public override void Init() _voteManager.Initialize(); _updateManager.Initialize(); _playTimeTracking.Initialize(); + _watchlistWebhookManager.Initialize(); IoCManager.Resolve().Initialize(); IoCManager.Resolve().Initialize(); } @@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ public override void Update(ModUpdateLevel level, FrameEventArgs frameEventArgs) case ModUpdateLevel.FramePostEngine: _updateManager.Update(); _playTimeTracking?.Update(); + _watchlistWebhookManager.Update(); _connectionManager?.Update(); break; } diff --git a/Content.Server/IoC/ServerContentIoC.cs b/Content.Server/IoC/ServerContentIoC.cs index d91d59e741e..777e1342469 100644 --- a/Content.Server/IoC/ServerContentIoC.cs +++ b/Content.Server/IoC/ServerContentIoC.cs @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public static void Register() IoCManager.Register(); IoCManager.Register(); IoCManager.Register(); + IoCManager.Register(); IoCManager.Register(); } } diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Discord.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Discord.cs index a6c4ada7454..6e4ef532cdc 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Discord.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Discord.cs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -using Robust.Shared.Configuration; +using Robust.Shared.Configuration; namespace Content.Shared.CCVar; @@ -58,4 +58,18 @@ public sealed partial class CCVars /// public static readonly CVarDef DiscordRoundEndRoleWebhook = CVarDef.Create("discord.round_end_role", string.Empty, CVar.SERVERONLY); + + /// + /// URL of the Discord webhook which will relay watchlist connection notifications. If left empty, disables the webhook. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef DiscordWatchlistConnectionWebhook = + CVarDef.Create("discord.watchlist_connection_webhook", string.Empty, CVar.SERVERONLY | CVar.CONFIDENTIAL); + + /// + /// How long to buffer watchlist connections for, in seconds. + /// All connections within this amount of time from the first one will be batched and sent as a single + /// Discord notification. If zero, always sends a separate notification for each connection (not recommended). + /// + public static readonly CVarDef DiscordWatchlistConnectionBufferTime = + CVarDef.Create("discord.watchlist_connection_buffer_time", 5f, CVar.SERVERONLY); } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..72dc971c0af --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +discord-watchlist-connection-header = + { $players -> + [one] {$players} player on a watchlist has + *[other] {$players} players on a watchlist have + } connected to {$serverName} + +discord-watchlist-connection-entry = - {$playerName} with message "{$message}"{ $expiry -> + [0] {""} + *[other] {" "}(expires ) + }{ $otherWatchlists -> + [0] {""} + [one] {" "}and {$otherWatchlists} other watchlist + *[other] {" "}and {$otherWatchlists} other watchlists + } From 9d5ef57df8401eddaee060016c981fe5dc3ee39f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 00:33:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 31/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml index d1b720c260f..e48b8df30b3 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml @@ -706,5 +706,12 @@ Entries: id: 87 time: '2025-01-14T23:46:45.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Palladinium + changes: + - message: Added Discord relay notifications when a watchlisted player connects. + type: Add + id: 88 + time: '2025-01-15T00:32:24.0000000+00:00' + url: Name: Admin Order: 1 From 332fc18aa5d655897aec4bd159f225b818611d32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alpha-Two <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 06:51:08 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 32/62] Fixed Thief starting gear failing on specific bag inventories. (#34430) Fixed it yayyy --- Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/thief.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/thief.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/thief.yml index 993b866023b..0309b00b504 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/thief.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Antags/thief.yml @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ id: ThiefGear storage: back: + - ThiefBeacon - ToolboxThief - ClothingHandsChameleonThief - - ThiefBeacon From e4468893159cda3ed6566ad3cdfe4072199309a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alpaccalypse <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:15:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 33/62] Added missing details from worn capes to head of department beadsheets (#34396) * Added key and missing details from worn cape to HOP bedsheet * Corrected canvas size for sprite * Subtle tweak to shading to reduce color blurring at pillow edge * Matched Hue and tone to cape * Tweak chekered pattern marks for gold trim * Removed accidental palette inclusion * Clearer wording and corrected attribution name. * Tweaked shading on key image to fit in better with bed aesthetics * Added CE cape icon to bedsheet * Added cape image to HOP bedsheet. Made gold trim better match cape visuals * RD cape icon added. Colour tweaked to better match cape. * Updates json * Tweaks to gold trim shading to match bed aesthetics * Added better shading for HOP sheet side. Halved file size. * Optimised HOS RD and CE sheet sprites * Corrected sprite title in attribution --- .../Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/meta.json | 2 +- .../Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheetce.png | Bin 706 -> 607 bytes .../Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethop.png | Bin 684 -> 456 bytes .../Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethos.png | Bin 663 -> 477 bytes .../Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheetrd.png | Bin 672 -> 470 bytes 5 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/meta.json index f91263ff9a3..63a2e353361 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/meta.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "version": 1, "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", - "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at, sheetbrigmedic sprited by RudeyCoolLeet#3875", + "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at, sheetbrigmedic sprited by RudeyCoolLeet#3875, sheetce sheethop sheethos sheetrd are adaptations of the original sprites and were created by Alpaccalypse", "size": { "x": 32, "y": 32 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheetce.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheetce.png index 54133c26e5d7d6c2e34d763d25886c73cbaa1734..fbe3387227257d1f49ff021867cac77675d94e35 100644 GIT binary patch delta 593 zcmV-X0Xda8Gi!+002a!ipBr{0Rm7=R7C&)0F{-MyrCGkoD+4oHnX#{tCAAm z-`~coBIwOT-orZW(n-UrDWvOQ*4Eam>~6A|8O*XTrKP3r?(WL5FoDTD{r&yTv^3PZ zH?Oa+^x061Q4g_~6wh=a(z!X7jGTl7u$2tNsUX0m9Kog?u9Xyj$2-8lz<`84vuyKaer}fgl_{=fF@~aX;XnFgl_?AYHCnRm_q;n00DGTPE!Ct=GbNc009e0 zL_t(IPwmiIQ-d%RhGELVdXiwFYO4mZ)CKCk5Tn)=txH|2*8l%kJX~n0FrD$z8DH+m zGYnr04gv$#6Bfw0??FNaU=nI1tzRQAwpB$|4 zMz3hronX`oySA9F$Y0d=ibkdB@}=dUSG^KaQ7Z~p*VZ>S!>#QdYBvM+VzsYg9jk-G zqxP{nIZ8dF&NJXbCo0jAPA;!H*Eh-ST?)DxaNmLl&|1Tz)oDM$b2kMq8DR9jdVPEE f_j?~{#xME=J`g8-FM^dw00000NkvXXu0mjfE0Y;< delta 693 zcmV;m0!sbg1i}T78Gi-<0047(dh`GQ0*OgPK~#90?Uq4n(_kEjpLWSo(rz)f-2#Cf zGO(bKQIO%uiy*Qu;$a6rffw~FY$q>%1TR&F?x2_9K_O1Y+#0&=ooseXH|x?gE!0C< zXqaHP7Dea}LdnC+|Mw)kFDZ;N$|$3ZGRi+rVi-e~mXVt zilX2+4whx%I1Y-U(8~>Dnh#%BNG7|!vMl2`4yI`iN1$6`0ALtKB+<+BrpCs`2AQ!O zl}aVzLlLknD+VpgVr^~hxBUIb5{5B7l=4X6d;|8i!nZ__ADSK~)L!1FwW5V4_+Mx%d$Mwmc|J#x7m?RFbUk~lg#BAd-3 zgdms85q|_eO~1`vZI8)mg`;wniF6X*ZxDtdwOTDU^fGTD88$)Jb%YQ|l7tWfUDrvc z(-9v_j!|`ebX_MkA(2UE5JJ#yw`n$;7lwvm*uOv!!twDjnx^sj%TDxVJ3BiAK+`lT zyH(QHWdMSDw^Y+K+=@4_Kmy>|qp{AP7JkxanJzlK$9Ll`MQ`iepKq;)7uGH>FAwF9 b&R@wd;k-^w=!3Uc00000NkvXXu0mjfT>eFL diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethop.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethop.png index 7bf9fbaf9210091d7bad781c8eaf70cc8f060bec..0c8d5d07d8e0baa2b36b3f4bf2a5fe1474ff2927 100644 GIT binary patch delta 441 zcmV;q0Y?6;1;_)C8Gi!+002a!ipBr{0D(|UR7C&)0F{-M0BfcfZ<*Y%0RUc~-{0RD zb*~?q)*O-18hNPy{|yyoi}mXb9E-uFrKRrf?i+%%;l~NDudf(&s1s|MGpFgxMmV=pMFy_Ra*-IcI3_686vT10Z*0bkz; z7Xm8jBX$tbV}FOYYXKaH0FFd}!&(5#Jp`>efQOFPf@S7D^ntyh4mSiGLLfq7FI#L0 zcHrp*#QF*nxC(r?JJZdfnd-Bf!PRZPDx20wH*!e-S?hV&SlIx z=kESNI4*=Xrj%5Qr3`V5#Xdd>&kNzD#wuNTPbHLCUovOmybz{ZU7c~d>RQ|LEW9m* jX8PhJHBIj`%`f->k7pOLk|=ao00000NkvXXu0mjfjW5H9 delta 671 zcmV;Q0$}~f1FQv*8Gi-<0047(dh`GQ0&_`3K~#90?Uqk#({LQdKW(#gP1dxltphs` zQ|2ZP=E0i>@4b2u6kow$cMrY^p}UGNV7D=bpm-P}f+!-oPIOa}%`LNO`Zr0_)^8c!sE0lfLO%KO{XY5S_rMQ^8fvJah8pT0D=>&A*=)Ae`G35yu+Veg0Klz>&swhA z@Sq@saNUM?2e@+~%kusrx6eOfd4JL4cPBrS$z*&@S65eiHX+=6@U#^c1um!KSay@q za1d25GkY5nQGlFQB%M^qX+=b# z{j!sP*!bGTljCP!dY^%uRwSvkmolkHo{3IAkxG!$iiAbM#|L6yGBxIdlc_P@Z{?5V zuit*^;(Z%9+-QI=1)V$+8Aa90%wL=K@qrlVCj|pB0Du2+3N}^a#1vGk)&32fl!9}y zC~$lVEX%?)P2Y7I3FWFqJSt;WoZm1c@ap3ZsYKl4`9c|SWQ6DIZxBZ^m=y=hw#eu6 zsH*B~TC3H1H{dvR4hlsSS)$Qw5DJDUR;onDBK+*&wr!*5O~$W8(Kk&LS)yjUIHH4L z`1itTR(~N_Z#0mlFuGA96bzvoC1fegs2KKfZTA3K3L{Aok2hOQY}@W?>Nw63qmD7) z*6WnYHROoMH%&*5hyYklyYV4cqV0cPt=6z@7daxbyJz%mK-hkKFHpb##5+(_)XI^C z?=}o_rpilwmu>S$8wOgGN+s6T)_k=~OG^Ve=otJJ{R01sTytyzU`_x4002ovPDHLk FV1g@PLo5IQ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethos.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bedsheets.rsi/sheethos.png index 4a252390c42574efcb59c8b8af8549d23d177946..c407897ebaa030a57067d420b5deae0b139cdba2 100644 GIT binary patch delta 462 zcmV;<0WtoU1>FOX8Gi!+002a!ipBr{0Gv=vR7C&)0F{-Mb{`&X939iC0pH)>gd-uX zH87_yDzP~;;l~M~D<`F;rS9(Tnj8_;LeIOsKc_68F9)D{b9fgI3va+&$eSK3G z7hxJ3wSOjletvg%cYPopoo*LR6&7)EaZ3~xYHDgJb*MA|0004WQchC^%r6rGLOkB@}XT0CGc;W=#fZ$&x-iItF_Jc4Q1v8Efd|bSgOEAe5ql;QUl@ z#HuXonw7JTnyG+2lcO3pRKzoau9&qzSgrJ&fa_9=nyb`eMo9Ok8-CS-oN?i^#q^_y zIkjLeKU$o9|LXG=bjz-7FB;XftII2Joe4KStb&ioTSve4;cl}9_nFYgAq=rYs`wBG z|CoebCOj==FJp|de~xP@Uv^1&&4gn7LSe@7Em8b{cl5Fs!k7Sr761SM07*qoM6N<$ Ef^ZATBLDyZ delta 650 zcmV;50(Je}1D6Gm8Gi-<0047(dh`GQ0$xc(K~#90?Uv6^(_kFNKYjPot)tt>7&GXU z11|iCBp6~i?BW>@CMNn%5U)o65coF?2Z%Sl5Tgbo;ecdBA(SjmGbqlj?bg-YAswz3l z-@Pxk@awT?cLJ;#Wkz)kfKgowLY(HgO!}Bd)e!GWfQfYY5KW|0Jl`q(l&`LDwD67t zoE$XZR11beT+=i*D<-$b$3na-0sgcFNhyBqe31a~AAh&t&EEMfsMTtn2RN?<`Na7x zuq+GHG(*=#Bu&rd3VrNWtpG+9!PD)1@>(?Di9;7niSX>@Ycyq$-Kxcr>*7@^7={rt zt=HTCG}88bcI^hks>JdAnvsH}lp((N`3o5-(6v~=J;1i@7E{M@+7B?PMfucl(S>0B zTMbvZgJT3(1pOT?T!N|0CzG&{_i&C3ss7%I{Cs^imQo$k36{F kvUhQDu`541e?{K`morJJr++` zAZJk?U|b?>;l~M099yNOrS9(TNE%tMudibya{vDgF%m&R7*qfMW;_;7*S!gyot-QY zJ3kjtKo?Oj5kItkCpZ;Ki;IiH!^4b>j3^H_I2B7e6-%snAb+WL9)*R4va+&$eSIem zG_`*wetv#;cXv7!MV)RJBn>cead9FHE^2CO8j!Ie00001bW%=J06^y0W&i*H>q$gG zR5(xVkl9YdFc3vk&oExt9H%Zx%5DmTE)f3zxj~|h7K?P^L?54=f&&3}Vl9%bvvPJm7Cd_hUX>7h7z>^a3>KvG zQjG<1#<)4sNhxMR&=9oJbK^AYDFJWw{)cjyVnVQt{?WrPrVu0E`uI7;cu`^u4CG=z z#l`nk*9~ZwZPQ#oEMn0WNeAK+gCe+Y*iy%6F-G=zkSWE(g}#+2;+rR`qoK`E3e47R9; zJxSB_lW(5y(_i`|g`Rrqsi&TL`p4?)hRMpxih2Hdd3m{Q-+w-UH{;Jtt~x?t zn${g)@#Q|7YeD9o$Jks8p7FOYSXx@LnTEsRwnGT715Zu2AQAF;X=pl5St5}>X8M7j zgQG)>KMpDEhE1N#K4Ld)5b}93N+ncP#pCg``@$`90F3$kB+|#$@-d&Ei+n$kXyHb^ ziJ~YsUTy^dn17rI5;^+H~RET?r5v_1a)y)XUah`nmqkAGXR7mHrnf=Z>*d4S7W;8%x$ zKes^BH1hep?YfSHQe9(2R!9|c7QE$fu)ecJz~!;{Nj8hXm0O|yxv>n)~+VYDA0 z=ys9Ot0;oVm*NS^uWFU*KTS^gfXfX)xmuxEtDy)YX|2?8fIfi5yYuE%gEI>UY;TM) tv#`(h#`qb3HQzG3y1LqxADzFVADQ+|&tR~}qznK6002ovPDHLkV1kI9NlO3# From d83b5acb22cc56d352687370ea81aa9e74818731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alpha-Two <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:49:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 34/62] Replace ERT Medic's Advanced Medkits with 2 Combat Medkits (#34380) Replaced Adv kits with 2 combat kits --- .../Roles/Jobs/CentComm/emergencyresponseteam.yml | 6 ++++-- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/CentComm/emergencyresponseteam.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/CentComm/emergencyresponseteam.yml index 2286179ab17..6d1531ffcb3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/CentComm/emergencyresponseteam.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Roles/Jobs/CentComm/emergencyresponseteam.yml @@ -365,7 +365,8 @@ storage: back: - Hypospray - - MedkitAdvancedFilled + - MedkitCombatFilled + - MedkitCombatFilled - CrowbarRed - OmnizineChemistryBottle - EpinephrineChemistryBottle @@ -388,7 +389,8 @@ storage: back: - Hypospray - - MedkitAdvancedFilled + - MedkitCombatFilled + - MedkitCombatFilled - CrowbarRed - OmnizineChemistryBottle - EpinephrineChemistryBottle From e752561d20887062e91b3797cf4ff4fade12f555 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hyper B <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:59:04 +0500 Subject: [PATCH 35/62] Fix nonsensical RegEx for name restriction (#34375) * Fixed nonsense RegEx "-" character is a range, caused an error. No need for "," to repeat so much, it's not a separator. "\\" - just why? * Further optimized RegEx structure Added: "@" delimiter for consistency "/" to escape "-" for good and to avoid further problems --- Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs b/Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs index 54ae8c5788b..35daa55bbc4 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Preferences [Serializable, NetSerializable] public sealed partial class HumanoidCharacterProfile : ICharacterProfile { - private static readonly Regex RestrictedNameRegex = new("[^A-Z,a-z,0-9, ,\\-,']"); + private static readonly Regex RestrictedNameRegex = new(@"[^A-Za-z0-9 '\-]"); private static readonly Regex ICNameCaseRegex = new(@"^(?\w)|\b(?\w)(?=\w*$)"); public const int MaxNameLength = 32; From 922251ad669f61bd5118991ad3ef5f2276761fa9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ArtisticRoomba <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 08:26:19 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 36/62] Remove the ability to print the station anchor circuit board (#34358) remove the ability to print the station anchor circuit board --- Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml | 1 - Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml | 6 ------ 2 files changed, 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml index 1638b5d84e2..679a8232411 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml @@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ - SodaDispenserMachineCircuitboard - SpaceHeaterMachineCircuitBoard - CutterMachineCircuitboard - - StationAnchorCircuitboard - SalvageMagnetMachineCircuitboard dynamicRecipes: - ThermomachineFreezerMachineCircuitBoard diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml index db6f80fa3dc..5e51dec195a 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/electronics.yml @@ -584,12 +584,6 @@ result: ShuttleGunDusterCircuitboard completetime: 12 -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseGoldCircuitboardRecipe - id: StationAnchorCircuitboard - result: StationAnchorCircuitboard - completetime: 8 - - type: latheRecipe parent: BaseGoldCircuitboardRecipe id: ReagentGrinderIndustrialMachineCircuitboard From 4d1581d3776364ba1ca75151fac790107eb0a1fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:27:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 37/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 15 ++++++++------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index e92295d4410..6a7bf69bb03 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: LucasTheDrgn - changes: - - message: Restored functionality to the Industrial Reagent Grinder - type: Fix - id: 7310 - time: '2024-09-07T23:47:02.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: EmoGarbage404 changes: - message: Added the biogenerator! Botany can use this machine to create various @@ -3937,3 +3930,11 @@ id: 7809 time: '2025-01-15T00:10:39.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: ArtisticRoomba + changes: + - message: The station anchor machine board can no longer be printed at the circuit + imprinter. + type: Remove + id: 7810 + time: '2025-01-15T16:26:19.0000000+00:00' + url: From d86bf0652a42da4d8e0d62926b99e6abdf012890 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nox Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 09:24:34 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 38/62] Meta hotfix (#34306) * Fixed major issues with power, cargo shuttle docking, etc. * remove serialized invalids * Finished fixing the critical issues, ready for merge? * Empty commit * Added new break room to sci (they deserve it) * Fixed up other minor issues * if this map isnt PERFECT Emisse has permission to gib me and turn me into a cyborg * added Roomba's changes --------- Co-authored-by: ArtisticRoomba <> --- Resources/Maps/meta.yml | 13815 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 8047 insertions(+), 5768 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/meta.yml b/Resources/Maps/meta.yml index 9b7196f7d59..d729c3d9b67 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/meta.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/meta.yml @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ meta: postmapinit: false tilemap: 0: Space + 11: FloorArcadeBlue 2: FloorArcadeBlue2 3: FloorArcadeRed 7: FloorAsteroidSand @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ entities: version: 6 2,-2: ind: 2,-2 - tiles: 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 + tiles: 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version: 6 -1,1: ind: -1,1 @@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ entities: version: 6 -3,0: ind: -3,0 - tiles: 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16,-30 + 6140: 13,-24 + 6141: 21,-25 + 6142: 35,-12 + 6143: 19,-8 + 6144: 29,0 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: DeliveryGreyscale @@ -2822,7 +2839,7 @@ entities: 1534: 7,-24 4629: -1,-25 5735: 16,-51 - 5909: 3,-48 + 6126: 3,-54 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale @@ -2988,7 +3005,7 @@ entities: 5669: 2,-27 5670: 1,-27 5732: 16,-49 - 5908: 3,-44 + 6125: 3,-50 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 @@ -3122,9 +3139,9 @@ entities: 5695: 18,-50 5701: 19,-50 5734: 17,-50 - 5902: 4,-47 - 5903: 4,-46 - 5904: 4,-45 + 6117: 4,-51 + 6118: 4,-52 + 6119: 4,-53 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 @@ -3250,9 +3267,9 @@ entities: 5690: 13,-49 5693: 14,-51 5733: 15,-50 - 5905: 2,-47 - 5906: 2,-46 - 5907: 2,-45 + 6120: 2,-51 + 6121: 2,-52 + 6122: 2,-53 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 @@ -3501,12 +3518,12 @@ entities: 2795: 0,-25 4625: 3,-24 5699: 19,-51 - 5913: 4,-48 5980: 10,-33 5981: 10,-32 5982: 10,-31 5983: 10,-30 5984: 10,-29 + 6128: 4,-54 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale @@ -3743,7 +3760,7 @@ entities: 2789: -2,-23 2790: -2,-24 2793: -2,-26 - 5911: 2,-44 + 6123: 2,-50 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 @@ -3960,7 +3977,7 @@ entities: 2783: 7,-22 2798: 0,-26 5700: 19,-49 - 5910: 4,-44 + 6124: 4,-50 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 @@ -4195,10 +4212,10 @@ entities: 2792: -2,-27 2794: -2,-28 4626: 4,-24 - 5912: 2,-48 5985: 14,-30 5986: 14,-32 5987: 14,-33 + 6127: 2,-54 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 @@ -4726,14 +4743,14 @@ entities: 3544: 74,-33 3824: 101,4 5264: -7,39 - 6031: 75,7 + 6155: 76,5 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerNW decals: 3825: 107,4 5265: -9,39 - 6035: 71,7 + 6153: 69,5 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSE @@ -4742,7 +4759,7 @@ entities: 3822: 101,12 3826: 102,2 5263: -7,37 - 6028: 75,4 + 6154: 76,3 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSW @@ -4750,7 +4767,7 @@ entities: 3823: 107,12 3827: 106,2 5258: -9,37 - 6036: 71,4 + 6156: 69,3 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallNE @@ -4876,11 +4893,10 @@ entities: 5953: 16,-62 5954: 16,-61 5955: 16,-60 - 6029: 75,5 - 6030: 75,6 6050: 69,-27 6080: 64,-24 6081: 64,-25 + 6157: 76,4 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: WarnLineGreyscaleE @@ -5140,15 +5156,18 @@ entities: 5990: 12,-33 5991: 13,-33 5992: 14,-33 - 6025: 72,4 - 6026: 73,4 - 6027: 74,4 6043: 72,-26 6044: 71,-26 6045: 70,-26 6076: 47,-29 6077: 46,-29 6100: 45,-29 + 6164: 70,3 + 6165: 71,3 + 6166: 72,3 + 6167: 73,3 + 6168: 74,3 + 6169: 75,3 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineS @@ -5201,11 +5220,10 @@ entities: 5993: 15,-37 5994: 15,-36 5995: 15,-35 - 6037: 71,5 - 6038: 71,6 6051: 73,-27 6082: 64,-24 6083: 64,-25 + 6170: 69,4 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: WarnLineW @@ -5279,12 +5297,15 @@ entities: 5437: -1,34 5440: -11,52 5898: 18,-39 - 6032: 74,7 - 6033: 73,7 - 6034: 72,7 6052: 72,-28 6053: 71,-28 6054: 70,-28 + 6158: 70,5 + 6159: 71,5 + 6160: 72,5 + 6161: 73,5 + 6162: 74,5 + 6163: 75,5 - node: angle: -3.141592653589793 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' @@ -5626,15 +5647,21 @@ entities: 4,-1: 0: 48127 -4,-4: - 0: 47547 + 0: 47545 + 2: 2 -4,-5: - 0: 47359 + 0: 39167 + 2: 8192 -5,-4: - 0: 61166 + 2: 2 + 0: 61164 -4,-3: - 0: 63931 + 0: 63897 + 2: 34 -5,-3: - 0: 62702 + 0: 62668 + 3: 2 + 2: 32 -4,-2: 0: 36863 -5,-2: @@ -5703,7 +5730,8 @@ entities: -6,-5: 0: 61167 -5,-5: - 0: 59647 + 0: 51455 + 2: 8192 -9,0: 0: 60943 -8,1: @@ -5960,19 +5988,19 @@ entities: 0: 65263 8,-5: 0: 1279 - 2: 57344 + 4: 57344 8,-4: - 2: 3822 + 4: 3822 0: 16384 9,-4: - 2: 7 + 4: 7 0: 58888 9,-2: 0: 30711 9,-1: 0: 61559 9,-5: - 2: 28672 + 4: 28672 0: 239 9,-3: 0: 12014 @@ -6059,13 +6087,13 @@ entities: 1: 2184 11,-8: 0: 61440 - 3: 238 + 5: 238 11,-7: 0: 65535 11,-6: 0: 65520 11,-9: - 3: 57344 + 5: 57344 1: 31 12,-6: 0: 65262 @@ -6075,7 +6103,8 @@ entities: 0: 61440 1: 128 -4,6: - 0: 53503 + 0: 37119 + 2: 16384 -5,5: 0: 63344 -5,6: @@ -6102,7 +6131,8 @@ entities: -2,7: 0: 29371 -2,8: - 0: 12287 + 0: 12031 + 3: 256 -1,5: 0: 63351 -1,6: @@ -6152,14 +6182,15 @@ entities: -6,8: 0: 8191 -5,8: - 0: 65294 + 0: 65290 + 2: 4 -12,7: 0: 61552 -12,8: 0: 57471 -13,7: 0: 32768 - 3: 30576 + 5: 30576 1: 7 -12,4: 0: 35852 @@ -6263,7 +6294,8 @@ entities: 0,8: 0: 10239 1,5: - 0: 58623 + 0: 25855 + 6: 32768 1,6: 0: 65262 1,7: @@ -6380,15 +6412,15 @@ entities: 1: 2048 12,-8: 1: 8738 - 4: 34944 + 7: 34944 12,-7: 1: 226 0: 57344 12,-9: 1: 58103 13,-8: - 4: 13104 - 5: 34944 + 7: 13104 + 8: 34944 13,-7: 1: 240 0: 61440 @@ -6401,8 +6433,8 @@ entities: 13,-4: 0: 62327 14,-8: - 5: 13104 - 3: 34944 + 8: 13104 + 5: 34944 14,-7: 1: 240 0: 61440 @@ -6415,7 +6447,7 @@ entities: 14,-4: 0: 65279 15,-8: - 3: 13104 + 5: 13104 1: 34952 15,-7: 1: 248 @@ -6462,7 +6494,7 @@ entities: 15,0: 0: 57463 16,-1: - 3: 240 + 5: 240 1: 62222 12,1: 0: 58606 @@ -6490,12 +6522,12 @@ entities: 0: 65262 15,2: 0: 4335 - 3: 57344 + 5: 57344 15,3: - 3: 9838 + 5: 9838 1: 34944 15,4: - 3: 2 + 5: 2 1: 34952 0: 4352 16,0: @@ -6505,9 +6537,9 @@ entities: 0: 64443 16,2: 0: 63 - 3: 63488 + 5: 63488 16,3: - 3: 287 + 5: 287 1: 3584 -12,-8: 0: 62583 @@ -6582,7 +6614,7 @@ entities: 0,10: 0: 30503 -1,10: - 6: 1 + 9: 1 0: 65318 0,11: 0: 887 @@ -6591,7 +6623,8 @@ entities: 0: 4095 0,12: 1: 207 - 0: 4352 + 6: 256 + 0: 4096 1,9: 0: 65535 1,10: @@ -6648,13 +6681,13 @@ entities: 0: 64784 -2,9: 0: 62327 - 7: 1024 + 2: 1024 -2,10: 0: 28935 - 7: 1536 + 2: 1536 -2,11: 0: 383 - 7: 1536 + 2: 1536 -2,12: 1: 207 0: 61696 @@ -6662,8 +6695,9 @@ entities: 0: 30578 -1,12: 1: 31 - 0: 62464 - 8: 2048 + 0: 61440 + 2: 1024 + 6: 2048 5,5: 0: 62258 1: 128 @@ -6815,30 +6849,30 @@ entities: 1: 36761 -8,13: 1: 240 - 3: 3598 + 5: 3598 -9,13: 1: 35064 - 3: 771 + 5: 771 -8,14: 1: 240 - 3: 3598 + 5: 3598 -9,14: 1: 35064 - 3: 771 + 5: 771 -8,15: 1: 240 - 3: 3598 + 5: 3598 -9,15: 1: 35064 - 3: 771 + 5: 771 -7,13: - 3: 1799 + 5: 1799 1: 240 -7,14: - 3: 1799 + 5: 1799 1: 240 -7,15: - 3: 1799 + 5: 1799 1: 240 -6,13: 1: 4369 @@ -6868,18 +6902,18 @@ entities: 1: 3857 -10,13: 1: 240 - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 -10,14: 1: 240 - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 -10,15: 1: 240 - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 -10,11: 1: 4369 -9,16: 1: 35064 - 3: 771 + 5: 771 5,13: 1: 17600 5,14: @@ -6972,19 +7006,19 @@ entities: 1: 34956 15,7: 0: 32784 - 3: 750 + 5: 750 15,6: - 3: 26210 + 5: 26210 1: 34952 15,8: 0: 51711 16,5: 1: 17487 16,6: - 3: 256 + 5: 256 1: 3596 16,7: - 3: 2303 + 5: 2303 0: 12288 9,8: 0: 48048 @@ -7037,17 +7071,17 @@ entities: 1: 61441 17,0: 1: 223 - 3: 32 + 5: 32 0: 57344 17,2: 0: 15 - 3: 65280 + 5: 65280 17,3: - 3: 15 + 5: 15 1: 20288 17,-1: 1: 53389 - 3: 11826 + 5: 11826 17,1: 0: 61166 17,4: @@ -7058,45 +7092,46 @@ entities: 18,1: 0: 65535 18,2: - 0: 15 - 3: 65280 + 2: 1 + 0: 14 + 5: 65280 18,3: - 3: 15 + 5: 15 1: 3840 18,-1: 1: 61610 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 19,0: 1: 255 0: 4096 - 3: 3072 + 5: 3072 19,1: 0: 4369 19,2: 0: 1 - 3: 4352 + 5: 4352 1: 3276 19,3: - 3: 1011 + 5: 1011 1: 8192 19,-1: 1: 61474 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 19,4: 1: 8738 - 3: 51328 + 5: 51328 20,0: 1: 255 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 20,2: 1: 7951 20,3: 1: 261 - 3: 46320 + 5: 46320 -13,8: 0: 8 1: 12032 - 3: 119 + 5: 119 -12,9: 0: 2 1: 65408 @@ -7174,12 +7209,13 @@ entities: 2,-12: 0: 63344 2,-11: - 0: 62727 + 0: 62471 + 2: 256 2,-10: 0: 53759 2,-13: 0: 61952 - 3: 119 + 5: 119 3,-12: 0: 65359 3,-11: @@ -7204,7 +7240,7 @@ entities: 0: 36863 5,-13: 0: 63761 - 3: 204 + 5: 204 6,-12: 0: 32628 6,-11: @@ -7213,7 +7249,7 @@ entities: 0: 33791 6,-13: 0: 56512 - 3: 17 + 5: 17 7,-12: 0: 1904 7,-11: @@ -7232,7 +7268,7 @@ entities: 1: 127 -10,16: 1: 240 - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 -10,17: 1: 15 -9,17: @@ -7241,13 +7277,13 @@ entities: 1: 14 -8,16: 1: 240 - 3: 3598 + 5: 3598 -8,17: 1: 9006 -8,18: 1: 3 -7,16: - 3: 1799 + 5: 1799 1: 240 -7,17: 1: 15 @@ -7257,58 +7293,58 @@ entities: 1: 61440 16,-4: 1: 8738 - 9: 2184 + 10: 2184 16,-3: 1: 8738 - 3: 2184 + 5: 2184 16,-2: 1: 8738 - 3: 2184 + 5: 2184 16,-5: 1: 8738 - 3: 2184 + 5: 2184 17,-4: - 9: 819 - 3: 2176 + 10: 819 + 5: 2176 1: 32768 17,-3: - 3: 819 + 5: 819 1: 34952 17,-2: - 3: 819 + 5: 819 1: 34952 17,-5: - 3: 35635 + 5: 35635 1: 136 18,-4: - 3: 3975 + 5: 3975 1: 40992 18,-3: 1: 43770 18,-5: 1: 8362 - 3: 36608 + 5: 36608 18,-2: 1: 43690 19,-4: - 3: 3975 + 5: 3975 1: 40992 19,-3: 1: 57906 19,-5: 1: 8354 - 3: 36608 + 5: 36608 19,-2: 1: 8930 20,-4: - 3: 3975 + 5: 3975 1: 32768 20,-3: 1: 61440 20,-2: 1: 240 20,-1: - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 1: 61440 16,-9: 1: 4369 @@ -7348,7 +7384,7 @@ entities: 20,-6: 1: 1879 20,-5: - 3: 36608 + 5: 36608 1: 128 12,-10: 1: 62192 @@ -7370,32 +7406,32 @@ entities: 1: 65023 16,-11: 1: 4353 - 3: 52416 + 5: 52416 16,-10: 1: 4353 0: 52416 20,4: 1: 5377 - 3: 244 + 5: 244 21,0: 1: 33023 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 21,2: 1: 3887 21,3: - 3: 46320 + 5: 46320 1: 4 21,-1: 1: 61440 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 21,1: 1: 17608 21,4: - 3: 244 + 5: 244 1: 1024 22,0: 1: 2167 - 3: 58112 + 5: 58112 0: 136 22,1: 1: 3634 @@ -7403,19 +7439,19 @@ entities: 22,2: 1: 3855 22,3: - 3: 46320 + 5: 46320 1: 4 22,-1: 1: 28704 0: 32768 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 22,4: - 3: 180 + 5: 180 1: 1088 23,0: 0: 17663 1: 35328 - 3: 8192 + 5: 8192 23,1: 0: 35959 1: 29320 @@ -7423,16 +7459,16 @@ entities: 1: 26471 0: 34952 23,3: - 3: 61552 + 5: 61552 1: 3590 0: 136 23,-1: 0: 62532 1: 2235 - 3: 512 + 5: 512 23,4: 1: 19468 - 3: 240 + 5: 240 24,0: 0: 3295 1: 256 @@ -7443,13 +7479,13 @@ entities: 24,3: 1: 609 0: 4368 - 3: 59392 + 5: 59392 16,-13: 1: 12032 17,-12: 1: 65023 17,-11: - 3: 13104 + 5: 13104 1: 34952 17,-10: 0: 65520 @@ -7518,7 +7554,7 @@ entities: 15,10: 1: 30481 0: 8 - 3: 34944 + 5: 34944 14,11: 1: 34952 14,12: @@ -7530,18 +7566,18 @@ entities: 0: 17 1: 34952 15,11: - 3: 34952 + 5: 34952 16,10: 1: 63630 15,12: - 3: 34952 + 5: 34952 1: 28672 16,11: - 3: 26112 + 5: 26112 1: 34952 16,12: 1: 34959 - 3: 1632 + 5: 1632 17,8: 0: 17 1: 19532 @@ -7549,12 +7585,12 @@ entities: 1: 244 17,10: 1: 45056 - 3: 16384 + 5: 16384 17,11: - 3: 65348 + 5: 65348 17,12: 1: 17487 - 3: 2992 + 5: 2992 18,8: 1: 8495 18,9: @@ -7562,13 +7598,13 @@ entities: 18,10: 1: 61440 18,11: - 3: 56576 + 5: 56576 1: 8738 18,12: 1: 8751 - 3: 3536 + 5: 3536 18,7: - 3: 36863 + 5: 36863 19,8: 1: 1 19,10: @@ -7576,7 +7612,7 @@ entities: 19,11: 1: 21845 19,7: - 3: 4371 + 5: 4371 19,12: 1: 21847 16,4: @@ -7586,19 +7622,19 @@ entities: 17,6: 1: 20303 17,7: - 3: 4095 + 5: 4095 18,4: 1: 17479 18,5: 1: 17487 18,6: 1: 3847 - 3: 32768 + 5: 32768 19,5: 1: 8739 - 3: 34824 + 5: 34824 19,6: - 3: 61804 + 5: 61804 1: 2 20,5: 1: 4371 @@ -7614,17 +7650,17 @@ entities: 1: 34952 15,14: 1: 28672 - 3: 34952 + 5: 34952 15,15: 1: 3754 15,13: - 3: 34952 + 5: 34952 16,13: 1: 36744 - 3: 24678 + 5: 24678 16,14: 1: 63624 - 3: 6 + 5: 6 16,15: 1: 1860 -8,-12: @@ -7710,13 +7746,13 @@ entities: 0: 65399 2,-14: 1: 240 - 3: 28672 + 5: 28672 2,-17: 0: 4096 - 3: 1 + 5: 1 1: 30 3,-16: - 3: 16 + 5: 16 0: 28672 1: 68 3,-15: @@ -7725,7 +7761,7 @@ entities: 0: 65166 3,-17: 1: 17475 - 3: 4 + 5: 4 4,-16: 0: 30496 4,-15: @@ -7804,16 +7840,16 @@ entities: 0: 65535 -12,-16: 1: 17231 - 3: 1184 + 5: 1184 -13,-16: 1: 2895 - 3: 1184 + 5: 1184 -12,-15: 1: 3908 -13,-15: 1: 3840 -12,-17: - 3: 43690 + 5: 43690 1: 17476 -11,-16: 1: 1 @@ -7845,7 +7881,7 @@ entities: 0: 19648 1: 4368 -16,-10: - 3: 16 + 5: 16 1: 44 -15,-11: 1: 65280 @@ -7860,53 +7896,53 @@ entities: 0: 26212 -16,-16: 1: 39321 - 3: 4 + 5: 4 -16,-17: 1: 7953 -16,-15: 1: 3869 -15,-16: 1: 18511 - 3: 1184 + 5: 1184 -15,-15: 1: 3911 -15,-17: - 3: 43690 + 5: 43690 1: 17732 -14,-16: 1: 2895 - 3: 1184 + 5: 1184 -14,-15: 1: 3840 -14,-17: - 3: 43690 + 5: 43690 1: 17476 -13,-17: - 3: 43690 + 5: 43690 1: 17476 -18,-10: 1: 4 - 3: 8 + 5: 8 -17,-10: - 3: 7 + 5: 7 -12,-19: 1: 43947 - 3: 1092 + 5: 1092 -13,-19: 1: 44590 - 3: 273 + 5: 273 -12,-18: 1: 17498 - 3: 43684 + 5: 43684 -13,-18: - 3: 43684 + 5: 43684 1: 17498 -12,-20: 1: 17408 -11,-19: 1: 3983 -10,-19: - 3: 4369 + 5: 4369 1: 57568 -10,-20: 1: 4352 @@ -7952,30 +7988,30 @@ entities: 1: 5905 -15,-19: 1: 43963 - 3: 1092 + 5: 1092 -15,-18: 1: 17738 - 3: 43684 + 5: 43684 -15,-20: 1: 17408 -14,-19: 1: 44943 -14,-18: 1: 17498 - 3: 43684 + 5: 43684 -13,-20: 1: 4352 17,13: - 3: 45243 + 5: 45243 1: 20292 17,14: - 3: 11 + 5: 11 1: 62532 18,13: - 3: 53469 + 5: 53469 1: 12066 18,14: - 3: 13 + 5: 13 1: 61986 19,13: 1: 22357 @@ -7989,10 +8025,10 @@ entities: 5,-14: 0: 4096 1: 224 - 3: 49152 + 5: 49152 5,-17: 1: 4382 - 3: 1 + 5: 1 6,-16: 1: 3186 0: 4096 @@ -8000,11 +8036,11 @@ entities: 0: 61917 6,-14: 1: 16 - 3: 4096 + 5: 4096 0: 52428 6,-17: 1: 8749 - 3: 2 + 5: 2 7,-16: 1: 3976 7,-15: @@ -8040,11 +8076,11 @@ entities: 1,-18: 1: 60962 2,-18: - 3: 4352 + 5: 4352 1: 60945 3,-18: 1: 13124 - 3: 17408 + 5: 17408 9,-13: 0: 1911 9,-16: @@ -8055,7 +8091,7 @@ entities: 0: 26342 9,-17: 0: 16384 - 3: 1 + 5: 1 1: 1092 10,-14: 0: 48 @@ -8068,41 +8104,41 @@ entities: 1: 17476 8,-20: 1: 53248 - 3: 11264 + 5: 11264 7,-20: 1: 32768 8,-18: 1: 53248 - 3: 11276 + 5: 11276 7,-18: 1: 65416 8,-19: - 3: 11276 + 5: 11276 1: 49152 8,-17: - 3: 12 + 5: 12 9,-20: - 3: 260 + 5: 260 1: 62538 9,-19: - 3: 257 + 5: 257 1: 62532 9,-18: - 3: 257 + 5: 257 1: 62532 9,-21: 1: 17412 10,-20: 1: 28672 - 3: 34560 + 5: 34560 10,-19: 1: 28672 - 3: 34567 + 5: 34567 10,-18: 1: 28672 - 3: 34567 + 5: 34567 10,-17: - 3: 7 + 5: 7 11,-20: 1: 29764 11,-18: @@ -8123,30 +8159,30 @@ entities: 1: 12288 5,-18: 1: 60945 - 3: 4352 + 5: 4352 6,-18: 1: 56576 - 3: 8704 + 5: 8704 7,-19: 1: 34952 21,-4: - 3: 3975 + 5: 3975 1: 32768 21,-3: 1: 61440 21,-2: 1: 240 21,-5: - 3: 36608 + 5: 36608 1: 128 22,-4: - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 22,-3: 1: 61440 22,-2: 1: 240 23,-4: - 3: 3855 + 5: 3855 1: 49344 23,-3: 1: 64716 @@ -8155,10 +8191,10 @@ entities: 0: 49152 23,-5: 1: 49348 - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 24,-4: 0: 4369 - 3: 142 + 5: 142 1: 8736 24,-3: 0: 4369 @@ -8172,7 +8208,7 @@ entities: 24,4: 0: 3857 1: 61538 - 3: 136 + 5: 136 25,0: 0: 3551 25,2: @@ -8221,7 +8257,7 @@ entities: 24,-5: 0: 4592 1: 9743 - 3: 34816 + 5: 34816 25,-3: 0: 32766 25,-2: @@ -8314,7 +8350,7 @@ entities: 1: 34800 0: 28672 22,-5: - 3: 3840 + 5: 3840 20,-13: 1: 22272 -16,8: @@ -8327,21 +8363,21 @@ entities: 0: 546 -15,8: 0: 256 - 3: 238 + 5: 238 1: 36352 -15,7: 0: 4096 - 3: 61152 + 5: 61152 1: 15 -15,9: 1: 12 -14,8: - 3: 255 + 5: 255 1: 20224 -14,9: 1: 15 -14,7: - 3: 65520 + 5: 65520 1: 15 -17,7: 0: 34816 @@ -8389,10 +8425,10 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - volume: 2500 - temperature: 235 + temperature: 293.14975 moles: - - 21.824879 - - 82.10312 + - 20.078888 + - 75.53487 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8406,11 +8442,26 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: + - 21.813705 + - 82.06108 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 235 + moles: + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8422,7 +8473,7 @@ entities: temperature: 293.15 moles: - 0 - - 6666.982 + - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8436,8 +8487,8 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 6666.982 - - 0 + - 21.6852 + - 81.57766 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8451,8 +8502,8 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 21.66546 - - 81.50341 + - 0 + - 6666.982 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8464,10 +8515,10 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.14975 + temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 20.078888 - - 75.53487 + - 6666.982 + - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8481,8 +8532,8 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 21.6852 - - 81.57766 + - 21.66546 + - 81.50341 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -8517,6 +8568,69 @@ entities: - type: RadiationGridResistance - type: SpreaderGrid - type: GridPathfinding + - type: Joint + joints: + docking31405: !type:WeldJoint + bodyB: 5350 + bodyA: 28213 + id: docking31405 + localAnchorB: 0.49999997,0 + localAnchorA: -62.5,39 + damping: 77.55165 + stiffness: 696.102 + - uid: 28213 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: grid + - type: Transform + pos: -60.740906,38.52563 + parent: 951 + - type: MapGrid + chunks: + 0,0: + ind: 0,0 + tiles: aAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + -1,0: + ind: -1,0 + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + - type: Broadphase + - type: Physics + bodyStatus: InAir + angularDamping: 0.05 + linearDamping: 0.05 + fixedRotation: False + bodyType: Dynamic + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - type: OccluderTree + - type: SpreaderGrid + - type: Shuttle + - type: GridPathfinding + - type: Gravity + gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg + - type: DecalGrid + chunkCollection: + version: 2 + nodes: [] + - type: RadiationGridResistance + - type: GridAtmosphere + version: 2 + data: + chunkSize: 4 + - type: GasTileOverlay + - type: Joint + joints: + docking31405: !type:WeldJoint + bodyB: 5350 + bodyA: 28213 + id: docking31405 + localAnchorB: -62.5,39 + localAnchorA: 0.49999997,0 + damping: 77.55168 + stiffness: 696.10236 - proto: AcousticGuitarInstrument entities: - uid: 3945 @@ -8529,6 +8643,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.586433,9.186928 parent: 5350 + - uid: 12703 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1021 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False - uid: 16506 components: - type: Transform @@ -8566,13 +8686,6 @@ entities: - type: InstantAction originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' container: 7614 - - uid: 7801 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 7797 - - type: InstantAction - originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' - container: 7797 - uid: 9404 components: - type: Transform @@ -8619,6 +8732,20 @@ entities: - type: InstantAction originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' container: 9670 + - uid: 28315 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 28314 + - type: InstantAction + originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' + container: 28314 + - uid: 28317 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 28316 + - type: InstantAction + originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' + container: 28316 - proto: AirAlarm entities: - uid: 67 @@ -8647,6 +8774,8 @@ entities: - 14356 - uid: 353 components: + - type: MetaData + name: CMO's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -12.5,-36.5 @@ -8656,6 +8785,41 @@ entities: - 14658 - 15484 - 14630 + - uid: 465 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 27667 + - 27666 + - 24580 + - 27668 + - 27669 + - 772 + - 771 + - 173 + - uid: 686 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Showroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-12.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20608 + - 24580 + - 15213 + - 141 + - 16614 + - 9292 + - 9239 + - 24322 - uid: 928 components: - type: Transform @@ -8669,6 +8833,8 @@ entities: - 18479 - uid: 1072 components: + - type: MetaData + name: SE Loop Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 @@ -8689,6 +8855,8 @@ entities: - 13406 - uid: 1308 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals South 2 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 @@ -8707,6 +8875,8 @@ entities: - 10793 - uid: 1369 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Kitchen Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,-10.5 @@ -8726,16 +8896,6 @@ entities: - 3134 - 151 - 346 - - uid: 1455 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 772 - - 771 - uid: 1523 components: - type: MetaData @@ -8764,6 +8924,8 @@ entities: - 16387 - uid: 3141 components: + - type: MetaData + name: SW Loop Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 @@ -8805,6 +8967,8 @@ entities: - 774 - uid: 3509 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Disposals Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -38.5,31.5 @@ -8814,44 +8978,32 @@ entities: - 18560 - 17706 - 14651 - - uid: 4101 + - uid: 3881 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 18234 - - 3413 - - uid: 4159 + - 953 + - 28351 + - 15896 + - uid: 4101 components: + - type: MetaData + name: QM's Room Air Alarm - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,9.5 + pos: -28.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 5666 - - 5667 - - 5665 - - 15185 - - 15190 - - 24346 - - 26483 - - 26484 - - 26485 - - 24338 - - 3503 - - 3504 - - 24350 - - 14877 - - 15079 - - 352 - - 12702 - - 418 - - 12688 + - 18234 + - 3413 - uid: 4213 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Armory Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,45.5 @@ -8865,6 +9017,8 @@ entities: - 10321 - uid: 4375 components: + - type: MetaData + name: QM's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -30.5,15.5 parent: 5350 @@ -8877,6 +9031,8 @@ entities: - 18231 - uid: 5056 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Washroom West Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -45.5,-7.5 @@ -8886,24 +9042,10 @@ entities: - 17267 - 10671 - 717 - - uid: 5438 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -54.5,9.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 5809 - - 5810 - - 1303 - - 5574 - - 5573 - - 5572 - - 718 - - 10791 - - 10790 - uid: 5578 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar Backroom Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 21.5,-14.5 @@ -8916,6 +9058,8 @@ entities: - 13411 - uid: 5976 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals North 1 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -73.5,9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -8926,8 +9070,11 @@ entities: - 24367 - 5559 - 5503 + - 4041 - uid: 6209 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 32.5,-17.5 @@ -8959,6 +9106,8 @@ entities: - 10481 - uid: 6384 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Secure Armory Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -8.5,35.5 @@ -8969,9 +9118,11 @@ entities: - 9640 - 22391 - 22390 - - 7683 + - 28218 - uid: 6405 components: + - type: MetaData + name: R&D Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-31.5 @@ -8995,27 +9146,29 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: + - 22156 + - 22155 + - 17763 + - 17759 + - 17762 + - 17758 - 17757 - 17761 - - 17758 - - 17762 - - 17759 - - 17763 - - 21167 - - 2156 - 21166 - - 22156 - - 22155 + - 21167 - 22576 + - 2156 - uid: 6735 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Brig Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -4.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - 6946 - - 7683 + - 28218 - 6806 - 7773 - 7791 @@ -9055,17 +9208,6 @@ entities: - 7103 - 7157 - 15169 - - uid: 7263 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 755 - - 747 - - 24213 - - 24580 - uid: 7315 components: - type: Transform @@ -9082,6 +9224,8 @@ entities: - 10321 - uid: 7790 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Front Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,30.5 @@ -9101,8 +9245,26 @@ entities: - 7106 - 7345 - 22373 + - uid: 9586 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Access Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 59.5,-3.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12078 + - 18938 + - 23910 + - 11253 + - 18936 + - 15642 - uid: 9894 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals South 1 Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -73.5,-10.5 @@ -9114,6 +9276,25 @@ entities: - 24376 - 5562 - 5536 + - uid: 10405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-52.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14771 + - 14772 + - 14770 + - 656 + - 8959 + - 15984 + - 15655 + - 14300 + - 20335 + - 784 + - 16384 - uid: 10993 components: - type: Transform @@ -9141,6 +9322,8 @@ entities: - 7466 - uid: 11151 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmos Canisters Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 52.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 @@ -9154,8 +9337,11 @@ entities: - 7675 - 24492 - 8895 + - 24512 - uid: 11591 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Lockers Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 57.5,6.5 @@ -9167,19 +9353,6 @@ entities: - 12371 - 12382 - 12383 - - uid: 11665 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 71.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 23509 - - 23510 - - 12383 - - 12382 - - 12371 - uid: 12282 components: - type: Transform @@ -9215,23 +9388,6 @@ entities: - 19618 - 14242 - 1214 - - uid: 13496 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 18.5,12.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 11217 - - 11218 - - 11214 - - 11213 - - 23929 - - 12995 - - 12990 - - 12994 - - 12996 - uid: 13729 components: - type: Transform @@ -9252,17 +9408,29 @@ entities: - 10793 - 24379 - 718 - - uid: 14774 + - uid: 14507 components: + - type: MetaData + name: East Corridor 1 Air Alarm - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-57.5 + pos: 23.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 14770 - - 14772 - - 14771 + - 27661 + - 4983 + - 6926 + - 13155 + - 23448 + - 23444 + - 12713 + - 13409 + - 27660 + - 27659 + - 21150 + - 24492 + - 24466 + - 12708 - uid: 14854 components: - type: Transform @@ -9282,6 +9450,8 @@ entities: - 14416 - uid: 15053 components: + - type: MetaData + name: medical Paramedic Lockers Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-33.5 @@ -9292,8 +9462,13 @@ entities: - 14297 - 14357 - 14358 + - 15438 + - 17514 + - 18420 - uid: 15127 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Reporter's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -51.5,-8.5 @@ -9319,8 +9494,30 @@ entities: - 418 - 15079 - 14877 + - uid: 15447 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engine Containment Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 54.5,23.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23908 + - 23372 + - 23383 + - 23384 + - 23385 + - 23379 + - 11440 + - 989 + - 15357 + - 1513 - uid: 15537 components: + - type: MetaData + name: South Hall 2 Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,-47.5 @@ -9332,6 +9529,15 @@ entities: - 16450 - 24552 - 19300 + - 8959 + - 15984 + - 15655 + - 18620 + - 19079 + - 14392 + - 784 + - 19297 + - 14300 - uid: 15545 components: - type: Transform @@ -9360,6 +9566,21 @@ entities: - 17487 - 19225 - 18471 + - uid: 15867 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoP's Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 755 + - 747 + - 24213 + - 24580 + - 9615 + - 24338 - uid: 15892 components: - type: Transform @@ -9392,19 +9613,10 @@ entities: - 18019 - 408 - 17491 - - uid: 16342 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 7955 - - 9375 - - 16314 - uid: 16580 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Central Hall Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 @@ -9435,12 +9647,37 @@ entities: - 12691 - uid: 16587 components: + - type: MetaData + name: South Loop Air Alarm - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,0.5 + pos: -0.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5668 + - 5669 + - 5671 + - 14210 + - 14209 + - 11860 + - 9749 + - 9750 + - 5670 + - 5672 + - 5673 + - 26531 + - 26533 + - 26532 + - 15438 + - 17677 + - 24552 + - 15343 + - 16422 + - 16614 - uid: 17459 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security North Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,42.5 @@ -9459,14 +9696,16 @@ entities: - 22551 - uid: 17740 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Perma Entry Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,50.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 6547 - - 7026 + - 12450 + - 11366 - 334 - 17745 - 17753 @@ -9475,6 +9714,8 @@ entities: - 17738 - uid: 18013 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Salvage Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -39.5,24.5 @@ -9485,12 +9726,21 @@ entities: - 18231 - uid: 18016 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Theatre Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -35.5,28.5 + pos: 36.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 2708 + - 2707 + - 24488 - uid: 18226 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Breakroom Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -33.5,26.5 @@ -9517,6 +9767,8 @@ entities: - 24562 - uid: 19078 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Janitorial Closet Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-25.5 @@ -9573,17 +9825,6 @@ entities: - 6116 - 16624 - 307 - - uid: 19310 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 19367 - - 19500 - - 1212 - uid: 19406 components: - type: Transform @@ -9646,6 +9887,8 @@ entities: - 19630 - uid: 19634 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Sci Canisters Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 21.5,-43.5 @@ -9661,6 +9904,8 @@ entities: - 14392 - uid: 20624 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Dorms Hall Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,20.5 @@ -9674,6 +9919,17 @@ entities: - 11214 - 11213 - 926 + - uid: 20700 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Lockers Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19638 - uid: 20858 components: - type: Transform @@ -9688,7 +9944,8 @@ entities: - uid: 20890 components: - type: MetaData - name: Servers Air sensor + desc: View the atmospheric quality of the room. + name: Servers Status Monitor - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,-36.5 @@ -9699,6 +9956,8 @@ entities: - 20821 - uid: 21245 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Anomaly Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.5,-31.5 @@ -9763,6 +10022,8 @@ entities: - 656 - uid: 22224 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Callbox Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 28.5,34.5 parent: 5350 @@ -9772,6 +10033,8 @@ entities: - 7067 - uid: 22466 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Warden's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,38.5 @@ -9787,6 +10050,8 @@ entities: - 22453 - uid: 22543 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Storage Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,26.5 @@ -9800,6 +10065,8 @@ entities: - 9994 - uid: 22545 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security West Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,29.5 @@ -9820,20 +10087,24 @@ entities: - 6865 - uid: 22575 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Perma Hall Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -5.5,50.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 6547 - - 7026 + - 12450 + - 11366 - 17753 - 18569 - 18545 - 334 - uid: 22590 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Firing Range Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,47.5 @@ -9847,6 +10118,8 @@ entities: - 22551 - uid: 22592 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Courtroom Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 5350 @@ -9859,6 +10132,8 @@ entities: - 23446 - uid: 23104 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Newsroom Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -45.5,-15.5 @@ -9870,6 +10145,8 @@ entities: - 1188 - uid: 23115 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Front Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 @@ -9914,6 +10191,8 @@ entities: - 1217 - uid: 23363 components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 65.5,-31.5 @@ -9923,21 +10202,22 @@ entities: - 28013 - 28017 - 27078 - - uid: 23905 + - uid: 23602 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 48.5,20.5 + pos: 74.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 23908 - - 23372 - - 23383 - - 23384 - - 23385 + - 26844 + - 23510 + - 12383 + - 12382 + - 12371 - uid: 23906 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Secure Storage Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 41.5,21.5 @@ -9949,6 +10229,8 @@ entities: - 23380 - uid: 23907 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Lobby Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 48.5,0.5 @@ -9957,7 +10239,7 @@ entities: devices: - 12033 - 11834 - - 16662 + - 15642 - 24509 - 24492 - 23268 @@ -9967,6 +10249,8 @@ entities: - 14047 - uid: 24320 components: + - type: MetaData + name: EVA Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -19.5,-14.5 @@ -9976,15 +10260,6 @@ entities: - 1581 - 24271 - 1584 - - uid: 24321 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-15.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 24322 - uid: 24324 components: - type: Transform @@ -9999,6 +10274,8 @@ entities: - 4085 - uid: 24337 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Main Loop West Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -19.5,-4.5 @@ -10025,6 +10302,8 @@ entities: - 11926 - 24338 - 417 + - 9615 + - 8379 - uid: 24340 components: - type: Transform @@ -10074,6 +10353,8 @@ entities: - 24346 - uid: 24349 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Front Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -24.5,9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10091,6 +10372,8 @@ entities: - 846 - uid: 24352 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Desk Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -35.5,7.5 @@ -10108,6 +10391,8 @@ entities: - 3916 - uid: 24359 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Lobby Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -49.5,4.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10128,6 +10413,8 @@ entities: - 719 - uid: 24361 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Central Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -57.5,-3.5 @@ -10152,6 +10439,8 @@ entities: - 11105 - uid: 24380 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Docking Arm Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: -63.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10164,12 +10453,16 @@ entities: - 5839 - uid: 24384 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Library Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -35.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 24386 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Maillroom Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,4.5 @@ -10194,6 +10487,8 @@ entities: - 18231 - uid: 24419 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Law Office Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,19.5 @@ -10217,6 +10512,8 @@ entities: - 12893 - uid: 24436 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Interrogation Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 19.5,33.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10227,6 +10524,8 @@ entities: - 7395 - uid: 24437 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Detective's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,27.5 @@ -10254,6 +10553,8 @@ entities: - 7338 - uid: 24446 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Loop NE Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 18.5,9.5 @@ -10263,14 +10564,6 @@ entities: - 2126 - 2127 - 2125 - - uid: 24449 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - 3265 - 3264 - 3263 @@ -10279,9 +10572,6 @@ entities: - 27661 - 11217 - 11218 - - 2125 - - 2127 - - 2126 - uid: 24451 components: - type: Transform @@ -10295,14 +10585,20 @@ entities: - 14331 - uid: 24453 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Confrence Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - 24454 + - 14676 + - 3563 - uid: 24458 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Loop East Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,-5.5 @@ -10326,29 +10622,10 @@ entities: - 2109 - 24580 - 21255 - - uid: 24461 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 27661 - - 4983 - - 6926 - - 13155 - - 23448 - - 23444 - - 12713 - - 13409 - - 27660 - - 27659 - - 21150 - - 24492 - - 24466 - - 12708 - uid: 24464 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar Commons Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10377,6 +10654,8 @@ entities: - 10380 - uid: 24468 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 18.5,-9.5 @@ -10396,6 +10675,8 @@ entities: - 2640 - uid: 24484 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Lockers Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,-20.5 @@ -10407,6 +10688,8 @@ entities: - 3268 - uid: 24486 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Theatre Backstage Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10415,18 +10698,10 @@ entities: - 2676 - 2698 - 24487 - - uid: 24489 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 38.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 2708 - - 2707 - - 24488 - uid: 24490 components: + - type: MetaData + name: East Corridor 2 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 41.5,5.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10456,6 +10731,8 @@ entities: - 12060 - uid: 24495 components: + - type: MetaData + name: CE's Office Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 45.5,11.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10466,6 +10743,8 @@ entities: - 24496 - uid: 24506 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Gravity Gen Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 59.5,35.5 @@ -10474,9 +10753,14 @@ entities: devices: - 24507 - 19002 - - 19003 + - 11440 + - 19001 + - 989 + - 23908 - uid: 24510 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmos Lockers Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 51.5,-11.5 @@ -10496,6 +10780,8 @@ entities: - 4418 - uid: 24514 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Room 3 Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 30.5,23.5 @@ -10506,6 +10792,8 @@ entities: - 12729 - uid: 24515 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmos Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 61.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10528,6 +10816,8 @@ entities: - 11150 - uid: 24525 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Room 5 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 30.5,29.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10537,6 +10827,8 @@ entities: - 24630 - uid: 24526 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Room 4 Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 39.5,26.5 @@ -10553,6 +10845,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 24547 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Room 1 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 31.5,16.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10562,6 +10856,8 @@ entities: - 12835 - uid: 24548 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Room 2 Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 38.5,16.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10636,6 +10932,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 24575 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Hall 1 Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -12.5,-32.5 @@ -10647,6 +10945,11 @@ entities: - 5538 - 14161 - 14694 + - 18017 + - 15438 + - 15516 + - 15466 + - 15587 - uid: 24578 components: - type: Transform @@ -10686,6 +10989,8 @@ entities: - 18242 - uid: 24696 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Garden Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,48.5 @@ -10696,6 +11001,8 @@ entities: - 13046 - uid: 24697 components: + - type: MetaData + name: North Dorms Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,44.5 @@ -10715,6 +11022,8 @@ entities: - 23929 - uid: 25314 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat Entry Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 92.5,2.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10722,6 +11031,108 @@ entities: devices: - 26237 - 25560 + - uid: 25966 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat East Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 107.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25965 + - 25963 + - 25892 + - 25922 + - 25962 + - 26238 + - uid: 25983 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Game Room Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-19.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17673 + - uid: 25984 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals North 2 Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,5.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5809 + - 5810 + - 4041 + - 5574 + - 5573 + - 5572 + - 718 + - 10791 + - 10790 + - uid: 25987 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: NW Loop Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -17.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5666 + - 5667 + - 5665 + - 15185 + - 15190 + - 24346 + - 26483 + - 26484 + - 26485 + - 24338 + - 3503 + - 3504 + - 24350 + - 14877 + - 15079 + - 352 + - 12702 + - 418 + - 12688 + - uid: 25995 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Lounge Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,12.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11214 + - 11213 + - 11217 + - 11218 + - 13409 + - 22542 + - 7338 + - 22591 + - 4207 + - 23929 + - 12796 + - 2151 + - 12990 + - 12995 + - 12996 + - 12994 + - 12795 - uid: 26241 components: - type: Transform @@ -10735,6 +11146,8 @@ entities: - 25916 - uid: 26242 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat Core Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 103.5,7.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10745,6 +11158,8 @@ entities: - 25918 - uid: 26243 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat Central Air Alarm - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 101.5,-0.5 @@ -10757,16 +11172,24 @@ entities: - 25922 - uid: 26964 components: + - type: MetaData + desc: View the atmospheric quality of the room. + name: Burn Chamber Status Monitor - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 44.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 28116 - - 28117 + - 1963 + - 28271 + - 28272 + - 28266 - uid: 27108 components: + - type: MetaData + desc: View the atmospheric quality of the room. + name: Burn Chamber Status Monitor - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 70.5,-39.5 @@ -10794,6 +11217,8 @@ entities: - 5665 - uid: 28012 components: + - type: MetaData + name: SMES Bank Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 71.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 @@ -10818,13 +11243,26 @@ entities: - 28104 - uid: 28106 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Burn Chamber Air Alarm - type: Transform pos: 44.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - 27321 - - 11750 + - 15146 + - 5404 + - uid: 28350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15591 + - 28347 + - 19500 - proto: AirAlarmVox entities: - uid: 27680 @@ -10880,6 +11318,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 110.5,2.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,62.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: Airlock entities: - uid: 91 @@ -10914,6 +11357,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 1454 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Showers + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,8.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 8656 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10949,6 +11399,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,60.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 12890 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10966,7 +11422,7 @@ entities: - uid: 15418 components: - type: MetaData - name: Stall 2 + name: Organic Stall 2 - type: Transform pos: 26.5,9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11008,7 +11464,7 @@ entities: - uid: 17717 components: - type: MetaData - name: Meeting Room + name: Game Room - type: Transform pos: -30.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11021,6 +11477,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 21091 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Organic Stall 1 - type: Transform pos: 24.5,9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11068,13 +11526,15 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 1293 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Burn Chamber - type: Transform pos: 43.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 8984 components: - type: MetaData - name: Atmospherics + name: Atmos Lockers - type: Transform pos: 54.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11094,12 +11554,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 28098 components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 65.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 28099 components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 65.5,-23.5 @@ -11159,19 +11623,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 703 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Brig Medbay - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -17.5,26.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: PaintableAirlock - department: Medical - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - Medical - uid: 768 components: - type: Transform @@ -11188,11 +11639,15 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 617 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Interrogation - type: Transform pos: 15.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 1439 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Interrogation - type: Transform pos: 14.5,31.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11228,6 +11683,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked entities: + - uid: 1405 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Mailroom + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 3875 components: - type: MetaData @@ -11245,7 +11708,7 @@ entities: - uid: 4059 components: - type: MetaData - name: Break Room + name: Breakroom - type: Transform pos: -36.5,23.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11262,11 +11725,6 @@ entities: - - Security - proto: AirlockCargoLocked entities: - - uid: 465 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -35.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 18239 components: - type: MetaData @@ -11476,21 +11934,21 @@ entities: - uid: 245 components: - type: MetaData - name: Confrence Room + name: Conference Room - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 246 components: - type: MetaData - name: Confrence Room + name: Conference Room - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 247 components: - type: MetaData - name: Confrence Room + name: Conference Room - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11532,7 +11990,7 @@ entities: - uid: 10775 components: - type: MetaData - name: AI access + name: AI Access - type: Transform pos: 57.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11567,7 +12025,7 @@ entities: - uid: 26233 components: - type: MetaData - name: AI Access + name: Server Control - type: Transform pos: 104.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11697,6 +12155,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 5365 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Substation - type: Transform pos: 74.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11716,6 +12176,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 11274 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmos Breakroom - type: Transform pos: 75.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11726,11 +12188,15 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 11468 components: + - type: MetaData + name: SMES Bank - type: Transform pos: 68.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 11477 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmos Breakroom - type: Transform pos: 74.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11797,6 +12263,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 19520 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Substation - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11854,7 +12322,7 @@ entities: - uid: 10968 components: - type: MetaData - name: Locker Room Airlock + name: Engi Lockers Airlock - type: Transform pos: 67.5,2.5 parent: 5350 @@ -11911,7 +12379,7 @@ entities: - uid: 26632 components: - type: MetaData - name: Locker Room Airlock + name: Engi Lockers Airlock - type: Transform pos: 67.5,6.5 parent: 5350 @@ -12010,16 +12478,32 @@ entities: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 11980 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Burn Chamber Airlock - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 43.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13933: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 13933 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Burn Chamber Airlock - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 43.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11980: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 27248 components: - type: MetaData @@ -12411,31 +12895,36 @@ entities: - uid: 20055 components: - type: MetaData - name: EVAC - Emergency Shuttles only! + name: Evac Docking Port - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-74.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 20056 components: - type: MetaData - name: EVAC - Reserved for emergency shuttles + name: Evac Docking Port - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-74.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Docking + highlightedRadarColor: '#990000FF' - uid: 20057 components: - type: MetaData - name: EVAC - Emergency Shuttles only! + name: Evac Docking Port - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-74.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 20058 components: - type: MetaData - name: EVAC - Emergency Shuttles only! + name: Evac Docking Port - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-74.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Docking + highlightedRadarColor: '#990000FF' + radarColor: '#990000FF' - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape entities: - uid: 504 @@ -12554,13 +13043,6 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 20027: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt -- proto: AirlockFreezer - entities: - - uid: 15447 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,8.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockFreezerKitchenHydroLocked entities: - uid: 2433 @@ -12723,11 +13205,11 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,56.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 7231: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 7143 components: - type: MetaData @@ -12736,11 +13218,11 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,56.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 4 + invokeCounter: 5 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 6718: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 7272 components: - type: MetaData @@ -12749,11 +13231,11 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,56.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 + invokeCounter: 3 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 6706: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 7758 components: - type: MetaData @@ -12912,6 +13394,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21487 components: - type: MetaData @@ -12948,20 +13436,45 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -78.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4512 + - uid: 791 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Dock - type: Transform - pos: -62.5,38.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 18.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 - - uid: 23047 + - uid: 1455 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Salvage Docking Port - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,39.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + - type: Door + changeAirtight: False + - type: Docking + dockJointId: docking31405 + dockedWith: 28214 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + lastSignals: + DoorStatus: False + DockStatus: True + - uid: 28214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 28213 + - type: Door + changeAirtight: False + - type: Docking + dockJointId: docking31405 + dockedWith: 1455 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + lastSignals: + DoorStatus: False + DockStatus: True - proto: AirlockHeadOfPersonnelLocked entities: - uid: 1378 @@ -12985,14 +13498,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityGlassLocked +- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityLocked entities: - - uid: 1569 + - uid: 1502 components: - type: MetaData name: HoS's Office - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockHydroGlassLocked @@ -13010,7 +13522,7 @@ entities: - uid: 3061 components: - type: MetaData - name: Botany Locker Room + name: Botany Lockers - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 @@ -13043,7 +13555,7 @@ entities: - uid: 19499 components: - type: MetaData - name: Jani Office + name: Janitorial Closet - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 @@ -13398,6 +13910,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 56.5,32.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14968 components: - type: Transform @@ -13478,11 +13995,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 18576 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 18948 components: - type: Transform @@ -13755,6 +14267,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockMedicalMorgueLocked entities: + - uid: 1119 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Brig Medbay + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,26.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 1749 components: - type: MetaData @@ -13781,7 +14300,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -208773.03 + secondsUntilStateChange: -229744.11 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -13811,13 +14330,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20816 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Server Room - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-37.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockSalvageGlassLocked entities: - uid: 3698 @@ -13840,7 +14352,7 @@ entities: - uid: 18224 components: - type: MetaData - name: Break Room + name: Breakroom - type: Transform pos: -39.5,25.5 parent: 5350 @@ -13860,6 +14372,13 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7330 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Lockers + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9777 components: - type: MetaData @@ -13873,11 +14392,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14299 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15601 components: - type: MetaData @@ -13919,6 +14433,20 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: AirlockScienceLocked entities: + - uid: 1598 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Server Room + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 2187 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Breakroom + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14149 components: - type: MetaData @@ -13978,6 +14506,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20286 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Office + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20519 components: - type: Transform @@ -14039,14 +14574,14 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -63426.812 + secondsUntilStateChange: -84397.87 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 7272: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt lastSignals: DoorStatus: True - uid: 6718 @@ -14058,11 +14593,11 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 7143: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 6751 components: - type: MetaData @@ -14073,12 +14608,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 6802 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 1 - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -12.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 6803 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 2 - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -9.5,30.5 @@ -14091,13 +14630,15 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 6710: - - DoorStatus: Close + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 7429 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 3 - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -6.5,30.5 @@ -14140,7 +14681,7 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22168 + - uid: 1512 components: - type: MetaData name: Perma @@ -14192,6 +14733,8 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 2435 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Backstage - type: Transform pos: 37.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 @@ -14205,8 +14748,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 1303 - uid: 142 components: - type: Transform @@ -14215,8 +14758,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 1303 - uid: 151 components: - type: Transform @@ -14240,6 +14783,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 465 - uid: 180 components: - type: Transform @@ -14307,8 +14853,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1327 - - 4159 - 15191 + - 25987 - uid: 385 components: - type: Transform @@ -14351,7 +14897,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 4159 - 21221 - 24349 - 15191 @@ -14359,6 +14904,7 @@ entities: - 24340 - 231 - 24337 + - 25987 - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform @@ -14368,6 +14914,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18250 - 22178 + - 10405 + - 16606 - uid: 718 components: - type: Transform @@ -14379,10 +14927,10 @@ entities: - 24361 - 24359 - 9758 - - 14093 - - 5438 - 24378 - 13729 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 719 components: - type: Transform @@ -14417,6 +14965,9 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 9577 - 22178 + - 16314 + - 15537 + - 10405 - uid: 854 components: - type: Transform @@ -14470,9 +15021,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 19310 - uid: 1214 components: - type: Transform @@ -14493,16 +15041,23 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 20890 - - uid: 1303 + - uid: 1513 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -68.5,7.5 + pos: 50.5,8.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11750 + - 15447 + - uid: 1963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14093 - - 5438 + - 26964 - uid: 2151 components: - type: Transform @@ -14513,6 +15068,7 @@ entities: - 20627 - 24443 - 24419 + - 25995 - uid: 2156 components: - type: Transform @@ -14548,7 +15104,17 @@ entities: - 1369 - 1072 - 6209 - - 1164 + - 16453 + - uid: 4041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 28222 + - 25984 + - 5976 - uid: 4207 components: - type: Transform @@ -14557,6 +15123,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24419 + - 25995 - uid: 6460 components: - type: Transform @@ -14602,6 +15169,7 @@ entities: - 24443 - 2835 - 7196 + - 25995 - uid: 7395 components: - type: Transform @@ -14619,16 +15187,6 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 177 - 10993 - - uid: 7683 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,38.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 6384 - - 7810 - - 6735 - uid: 8379 components: - type: Transform @@ -14636,8 +15194,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 231 + - 24337 + - 1303 - uid: 9308 components: - type: Transform @@ -14647,14 +15207,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 4375 - - uid: 9375 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 16342 - uid: 9640 components: - type: Transform @@ -14735,8 +15287,18 @@ entities: - 24515 - 15155 - 11151 - - 24513 + - 11092 - 24510 + - uid: 11440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 54.5,32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11750 + - 15447 + - 24506 - uid: 11455 components: - type: Transform @@ -14752,10 +15314,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24328 - 3141 - 231 - 24337 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 11986 components: - type: Transform @@ -14781,16 +15344,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11665 - 11591 + - 23602 - uid: 12383 components: - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,5.5 + pos: 73.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11665 + - 23602 - 11591 - uid: 12893 components: @@ -14809,10 +15372,11 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24459 - 24458 - - 24462 - - 24461 - 24342 - 24340 + - 14507 + - 14417 + - 25995 - uid: 13411 components: - type: Transform @@ -14837,6 +15401,9 @@ entities: - 24554 - 19091 - 19293 + - 15537 + - 10405 + - 16606 - uid: 14392 components: - type: Transform @@ -14850,6 +15417,8 @@ entities: - 3143 - 12898 - 12899 + - 16314 + - 15537 - uid: 14609 components: - type: Transform @@ -14896,7 +15465,11 @@ entities: - 24554 - 23115 - 14854 - - 24328 + - 15053 + - 9668 + - 16587 + - 1164 + - 24575 - uid: 15587 components: - type: Transform @@ -14908,6 +15481,18 @@ entities: - 23115 - 24577 - 24578 + - 24575 + - uid: 15642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 60.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9617 + - 23907 + - 9586 - uid: 16257 components: - type: Transform @@ -14928,6 +15513,15 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19406 - 19634 + - uid: 16614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-20.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16587 + - 686 - uid: 16624 components: - type: Transform @@ -14941,16 +15535,6 @@ entities: - 15892 - 19075 - 19295 - - uid: 16662 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 62.5,-2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 18936 - - 23907 - uid: 17677 components: - type: Transform @@ -14963,8 +15547,9 @@ entities: - 6405 - 18618 - 24554 - - 24328 - 23116 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 17738 components: - type: Transform @@ -14998,6 +15583,8 @@ entities: - 12282 - 24588 - 15892 + - 1164 + - 24575 - uid: 18228 components: - type: Transform @@ -15005,7 +15592,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 4041 - 24359 - 15127 - 9758 @@ -15083,6 +15669,14 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 19438 + - uid: 19638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20700 - uid: 20043 components: - type: Transform @@ -15097,9 +15691,9 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22044 - 24464 - - 24461 - 24491 - 24490 + - 14507 - uid: 21254 components: - type: Transform @@ -15112,8 +15706,8 @@ entities: - 24458 - 22044 - 24464 - - 16586 - 16580 + - 1303 - uid: 22373 components: - type: Transform @@ -15208,7 +15802,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 23905 + - 15447 + - 24506 - uid: 23909 components: - type: Transform @@ -15226,6 +15821,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24491 - 24490 + - 9586 - uid: 23929 components: - type: Transform @@ -15235,7 +15831,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24697 - - 13496 + - 25995 - uid: 24271 components: - type: Transform @@ -15248,8 +15844,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 686 + - 1303 - uid: 24323 components: - type: Transform @@ -15257,8 +15854,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 1303 - uid: 24338 components: - type: Transform @@ -15266,15 +15863,17 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 - 177 - 10993 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 1303 - 24333 - 3141 - 24337 + - 1914 + - 15867 + - 25987 - uid: 24346 components: - type: Transform @@ -15283,10 +15882,10 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1327 - - 4159 - 24345 - 22928 - 19444 + - 25987 - uid: 24350 components: - type: Transform @@ -15298,8 +15897,8 @@ entities: - 177 - 10993 - 1327 - - 4159 - 24352 + - 25987 - uid: 24367 components: - type: Transform @@ -15307,7 +15906,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5443 + - 25985 - 5976 - 24363 - 24361 @@ -15332,7 +15931,7 @@ entities: - 24380 - 24363 - 24361 - - 14129 + - 1514 - 9894 - uid: 24379 components: @@ -15367,13 +15966,13 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24459 - 24458 - - 24462 - - 24461 - 24464 - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 1369 - - 1164 + - 14507 + - 16453 + - 14417 - uid: 24487 components: - type: Transform @@ -15384,6 +15983,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18016 - uid: 24492 components: - type: Transform @@ -15391,12 +15993,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - - 24461 - 11151 - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 - 24490 + - 11092 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 24496 components: - type: Transform @@ -15414,7 +16017,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 - 24491 - 24490 @@ -15431,6 +16034,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24515 - 557 + - 11092 + - 11151 - uid: 24552 components: - type: Transform @@ -15438,14 +16043,15 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24556 - 15537 - 19228 - 137 - 24554 - 23115 - - 24328 - 23116 + - 9668 + - 16587 + - 16314 - uid: 24562 components: - type: Transform @@ -15489,10 +16095,22 @@ entities: - 24324 - 24459 - 24458 - - 7263 + - 15867 - 24337 - 16580 - 231 + - 1914 + - 15212 + - 465 + - 686 + - uid: 25963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 115.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 - uid: 26237 components: - type: Transform @@ -15503,6 +16121,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 105.5,0.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 - uid: 26239 components: - type: Transform @@ -15549,14 +16170,32 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 28012 - - uid: 28116 + - uid: 28218 components: - type: Transform - pos: 46.5,-31.5 + pos: -7.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26964 + - 6384 + - 7810 + - 6735 + - uid: 28347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 28350 + - uid: 28351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3881 - proto: AirSensorVox entities: - uid: 14658 @@ -15602,6 +16241,85 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 73.29292,8.538181 parent: 5350 +- proto: AmePartFlatpack + entities: + - uid: 14093 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 15326 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 16554 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23357 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23358 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23359 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23504 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23505 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23506 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23507 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23508 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21813 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: AnomalyScanner entities: - uid: 15985 @@ -15626,7 +16344,7 @@ entities: - uid: 143 components: - type: MetaData - name: West Loop APC + name: Main Loop West APC - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -19.5,-0.5 @@ -15692,10 +16410,18 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -3.5,36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 1515 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Mailroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 1556 components: - type: MetaData - name: East Hallway APC + name: East Corridor APC - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 38.5,1.5 @@ -15724,6 +16450,8 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 2137 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany APC - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 @@ -15788,13 +16516,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4557 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Mail Room APC - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4580 components: - type: MetaData @@ -15805,7 +16526,7 @@ entities: - uid: 5380 components: - type: MetaData - name: South Arrivals APC + name: Arrivals South APC - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,-8.5 @@ -15849,7 +16570,7 @@ entities: - uid: 9896 components: - type: MetaData - name: East Loop APC + name: Loop East APC - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,-3.5 @@ -15857,7 +16578,7 @@ entities: - uid: 9962 components: - type: MetaData - name: HOP APC + name: HoP's Office APC - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-1.5 @@ -15902,12 +16623,14 @@ entities: - uid: 11737 components: - type: MetaData - name: North Engineering APC + name: Engineering North APC - type: Transform pos: 53.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 11747 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AME APC - type: Transform pos: 70.5,9.5 parent: 5350 @@ -15921,7 +16644,7 @@ entities: - uid: 12006 components: - type: MetaData - name: South Engineering APC + name: Engineering South APC - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 48.5,19.5 @@ -15952,7 +16675,7 @@ entities: - uid: 13049 components: - type: MetaData - name: Dorms APC + name: Dorms Hall APC - type: Transform pos: 33.5,20.5 parent: 5350 @@ -15996,10 +16719,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14698 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Lockers APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15160 components: - type: MetaData - name: North Arrivals APC + name: Arrivals North APC - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,6.5 @@ -16013,7 +16744,7 @@ entities: - uid: 15492 components: - type: MetaData - name: Boxing Ring APC + name: North Dorms APC - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 38.5,42.5 @@ -16087,18 +16818,10 @@ entities: - uid: 17805 components: - type: MetaData - name: Bathroom APC + name: Washroom West APC - type: Transform pos: -41.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 18414 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Science Locker Room APC - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19176 components: - type: MetaData @@ -16133,7 +16856,7 @@ entities: - uid: 19779 components: - type: MetaData - name: Bar APC + name: Bar Backroom APC - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 @@ -16145,14 +16868,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 30.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20281 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: R&D APC - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20287 components: - type: MetaData @@ -16176,6 +16891,14 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20977 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arcade APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21373 components: - type: MetaData @@ -16229,6 +16952,14 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -31.5,41.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23353 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat East APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 112.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23427 components: - type: MetaData @@ -16247,58 +16978,72 @@ entities: - uid: 24188 components: - type: MetaData - name: Central Hallway APC + name: Central Hall APC - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25946 + - uid: 25948 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat Core APC - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 100.5,-1.5 + pos: 105.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25947 + - uid: 25949 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat South APC - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 108.5,-1.5 + pos: 103.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25948 + - uid: 25956 components: - type: MetaData - name: AI Core APC + name: Telecomms APC - type: Transform - pos: 105.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 104.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25949 + - uid: 25968 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat West APC - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 98.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25950 + - uid: 27589 components: + - type: MetaData + name: West Hall APC - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25951 + - uid: 28204 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Newsroom APC - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26006 + - uid: 28239 components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Sat East APC - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 92.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 101.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 27589 + - uid: 28287 components: - type: MetaData - name: West Hallway APC + name: R&D APC - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -35.5,-2.5 + pos: 1.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - proto: APCHighCapacity entities: @@ -16477,6 +17222,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 18.5,39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,38.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker entities: - uid: 1179 @@ -18379,11 +19130,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,-72.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26774 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-62.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26775 components: - type: Transform @@ -20826,11 +21572,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7330 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -38.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7389 components: - type: Transform @@ -21151,6 +21892,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: BedsheetWiz + entities: + - uid: 24145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: BikeHorn entities: - uid: 3211 @@ -21239,6 +21987,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 47.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 14436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-35.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-33.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15941 components: - type: Transform @@ -21389,12 +22152,36 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: BlockGameArcade entities: + - uid: 703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 5431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6740 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -7.5,62.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 7172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16831 components: - type: Transform @@ -21409,17 +22196,22 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: SpamEmitSound enabled: False - - uid: 22046 + - uid: 17510 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-60.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - - type: SpamEmitSound - enabled: False - - uid: 22606 + - uid: 19243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 22046 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-64.5 + pos: -9.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: SpamEmitSound enabled: False @@ -21583,7 +22375,7 @@ entities: - uid: 1972 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.2923856,37.49377 + pos: -3.3350391,37.558666 parent: 5350 - proto: BoozeDispenser entities: @@ -21631,11 +22423,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - uid: 13305 components: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,17.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16540 components: - type: Transform @@ -21754,6 +22570,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.159029,-26.270096 parent: 5350 +- proto: BoxDarts + entities: + - uid: 10661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.711798,-54.414413 + parent: 5350 - proto: BoxDonkSoftBox entities: - uid: 8085 @@ -21792,7 +22615,7 @@ entities: - uid: 14348 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.730378,-44.263786 + pos: 8.694893,-46.44925 parent: 5350 - uid: 16030 components: @@ -21802,7 +22625,7 @@ entities: - uid: 19241 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.616103,-44.507114 + pos: 8.476143,-46.277374 parent: 5350 - proto: BoxFolderBlack entities: @@ -21872,6 +22695,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -47.213257,-16.414349 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.507367,-46.45543 + parent: 5350 - proto: BoxFolderGrey entities: - uid: 13526 @@ -21909,7 +22738,7 @@ entities: - uid: 6906 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.429305,37.587353 + pos: 12.441531,38.514633 parent: 5350 - uid: 8451 components: @@ -21996,15 +22825,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.691526,36.32911 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7572 + - uid: 28210 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.701942,36.620773 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 7940 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.274859,36.57911 + pos: -3.7100391,37.57429 parent: 5350 - proto: BoxLightbulb entities: @@ -22018,11 +22842,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.721956,25.522692 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22601 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.4836774,-64.40184 - parent: 5350 - proto: BoxLightMixed entities: - uid: 570 @@ -22042,11 +22861,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.725807,-31.611805 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22602 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5461774,-65.43309 - parent: 5350 - proto: BoxPillCanister entities: - uid: 7025 @@ -22071,6 +22885,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.658107,48.604027 parent: 5350 +- proto: BoxShotgunSlug + entities: + - uid: 1913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.308382,36.69452 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.714632,36.678894 + parent: 5350 - proto: BoxSterileMask entities: - uid: 14952 @@ -22155,6 +22981,8 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 6811 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 2 Timer - type: Transform pos: -8.5,30.5 parent: 5350 @@ -22162,10 +22990,10 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 6803: - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - uid: 6845 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 3 Timer - type: Transform pos: -5.5,30.5 parent: 5350 @@ -22173,10 +23001,10 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 7429: - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - uid: 7372 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 1 Timer - type: Transform pos: -11.5,30.5 parent: 5350 @@ -22184,8 +23012,6 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 6802: - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - proto: Bucket entities: - uid: 1113 @@ -22242,10 +23068,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: ButtonFrameCaution entities: - - uid: 2896 + - uid: 2565 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-0.5 + pos: 48.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 3064 components: @@ -22264,6 +23090,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 48.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6499 components: - type: Transform @@ -22276,17 +23108,17 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 54.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11867 + - uid: 14570 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 41.5,-26.5 + pos: -43.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14570 + - uid: 15214 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -43.5,20.5 + pos: 65.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 15373 components: @@ -22294,11 +23126,23 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -43.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17445 + - uid: 16383 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 65.5,-37.5 + pos: -43.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 18349 components: @@ -22323,29 +23167,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 21048 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-32.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 21437 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -40.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23956 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 48.5,24.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23964 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 48.5,24.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23966 components: - type: Transform @@ -22404,6 +23231,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 21681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: ButtonFrameGrey entities: - uid: 3005 @@ -22418,6 +23251,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5864 components: - type: Transform @@ -22435,6 +23274,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11578 components: - type: Transform @@ -22494,12 +23339,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 27.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 21468 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-8.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 21469 components: - type: Transform @@ -22560,12 +23399,30 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -29.5,2.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26535 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -33.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-5.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: CableApcExtension entities: - uid: 2 @@ -23228,6 +24085,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -34.5,35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 1275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-17.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 1281 components: - type: Transform @@ -23668,16 +24530,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 56.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 1913 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-19.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1914 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-19.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1921 components: - type: Transform @@ -23883,30 +24735,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 2558 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-22.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 2565 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-17.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 2566 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-22.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 2567 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-18.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 2569 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-17.5 + pos: 16.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 2575 components: @@ -24073,6 +24905,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 2896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-19.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 2897 components: - type: Transform @@ -24468,6 +25305,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 2999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 72.5,6.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 3001 components: - type: Transform @@ -24598,11 +25440,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3041 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-20.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3044 components: - type: Transform @@ -24611,13 +25448,18 @@ entities: - uid: 3045 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-20.5 + pos: 29.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 3048 components: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 3056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 69.5,6.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 3068 components: - type: Transform @@ -24631,18 +25473,13 @@ entities: - uid: 3078 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-21.5 + pos: 29.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 3130 components: - type: Transform pos: 51.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3137 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-21.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3271 components: - type: Transform @@ -24923,6 +25760,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,32.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 100.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4168 components: - type: Transform @@ -24998,6 +25840,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -49.5,3.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4371 components: - type: Transform @@ -25053,6 +25900,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-24.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4522 components: - type: Transform @@ -25073,10 +25925,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4544 + - uid: 4538 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-47.5 + pos: 4.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4549 components: @@ -25093,6 +25950,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-20.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-22.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4560 components: - type: Transform @@ -25158,25 +26025,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4607 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4608 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4609 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4611 components: - type: Transform - pos: -42.5,5.5 + pos: -43.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4612 components: @@ -25211,12 +26063,12 @@ entities: - uid: 4618 components: - type: Transform - pos: -42.5,4.5 + pos: -42.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4619 components: - type: Transform - pos: -42.5,3.5 + pos: -41.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4620 components: @@ -25283,11 +26135,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -53.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4641 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4643 components: - type: Transform @@ -25628,6 +26475,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,45.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-20.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5219 components: - type: Transform @@ -25648,6 +26500,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 60.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-18.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5368 components: - type: Transform @@ -25678,10 +26535,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -46.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-19.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5408 components: - type: Transform - pos: -57.5,10.5 + pos: 23.5,-22.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 5430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-21.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 5436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 5443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 96.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 5780 components: @@ -26248,6 +27125,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 66.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 101.5,-4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6185 components: - type: Transform @@ -26413,6 +27295,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,53.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6571 components: - type: Transform @@ -26458,6 +27345,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,17.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6633 components: - type: Transform @@ -26493,6 +27385,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,41.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6676 components: - type: Transform @@ -26528,6 +27425,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -38.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6734 components: - type: Transform @@ -26568,6 +27470,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,43.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6909 components: - type: Transform @@ -26578,6 +27485,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,37.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6963 components: - type: Transform @@ -26668,6 +27580,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,31.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-20.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 7009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-18.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 7010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-19.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7018 components: - type: Transform @@ -27363,6 +28290,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 8311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 71.5,6.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 8351 components: - type: Transform @@ -27523,16 +28455,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9336 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9338 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-61.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9348 components: - type: Transform @@ -27548,6 +28470,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9448 components: - type: Transform @@ -27783,10 +28720,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9774 + - uid: 9768 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-25.5 + pos: 3.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 9787 components: @@ -28428,6 +29370,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 10409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10422 components: - type: Transform @@ -28453,6 +29405,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,52.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-18.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10451 components: - type: Transform @@ -28888,6 +29845,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11402 components: - type: Transform @@ -28928,11 +29890,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -47.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11429 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11444 components: - type: Transform @@ -31383,11 +32355,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 58.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14059 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14106 components: - type: Transform @@ -31543,6 +32510,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-17.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14748 components: - type: Transform @@ -31633,91 +32605,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -53.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15182 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -58.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15184 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15194 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -59.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15195 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -60.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15196 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -61.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15198 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -56.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15199 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -55.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15200 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -54.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15205 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -53.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15207 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -52.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15208 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -51.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15209 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -50.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15210 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -49.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15211 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -48.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15212 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -47.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15213 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -46.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15214 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -45.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15215 components: - type: Transform @@ -31793,11 +32685,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15593 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15609 components: - type: Transform @@ -31823,15 +32710,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 56.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15674 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15711 + - uid: 15703 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-56.5 + pos: 7.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 15754 components: @@ -31978,20 +32860,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15974 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15975 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-54.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15991 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-52.5 + pos: 1.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 15995 components: @@ -32608,6 +33480,36 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16593 components: - type: Transform @@ -32823,11 +33725,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -42.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17324 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 17348 components: - type: Transform @@ -34148,6 +35045,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 18352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 18389 components: - type: Transform @@ -34333,6 +35235,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 48.5,39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 18972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 19082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 19096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19101 components: - type: Transform @@ -34398,6 +35315,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-52.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19244 components: - type: Transform @@ -34433,11 +35355,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 19310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19365 components: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19380 components: - type: Transform @@ -34523,6 +35460,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20378 components: - type: Transform @@ -34723,11 +35665,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20420 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20421 components: - type: Transform @@ -34948,11 +35885,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20470 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20471 components: - type: Transform @@ -35533,51 +36465,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20713 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20714 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20715 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20716 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20717 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20718 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20719 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20720 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20721 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20722 components: - type: Transform @@ -37033,6 +37920,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,47.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22614 components: - type: Transform @@ -37593,51 +38485,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 70.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23351 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 71.5,6.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23352 components: - type: Transform - pos: 72.5,6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23353 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 73.5,6.5 + pos: 103.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 23354 components: - type: Transform - pos: 74.5,6.5 + pos: 103.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 23355 components: - type: Transform - pos: 75.5,6.5 + pos: 104.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 23356 components: - type: Transform pos: 76.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23357 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23358 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23359 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23364 components: - type: Transform @@ -37673,6 +38540,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 50.5,7.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 104.5,2.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23423 components: - type: Transform @@ -37863,6 +38735,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 73.5,6.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23991 components: - type: Transform @@ -37873,6 +38750,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -59.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 24021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 100.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 24053 components: - type: Transform @@ -38011,17 +38893,7 @@ entities: - uid: 24473 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-19.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 24477 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-18.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 24478 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-19.5 + pos: -72.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 24501 components: @@ -38088,20 +38960,25 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 111.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25994 + - uid: 25786 components: - type: Transform - pos: 100.5,-1.5 + pos: 104.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25995 + - uid: 25951 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,-0.5 + pos: 104.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25996 + - uid: 25969 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,-1.5 + pos: 104.5,-14.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 25994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 100.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 25997 components: @@ -38133,11 +39010,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 99.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26003 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 99.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26004 components: - type: Transform @@ -38543,16 +39415,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 92.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26088 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26089 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26090 components: - type: Transform @@ -38778,6 +39640,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 104.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 112.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 101.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 95.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26146 components: - type: Transform @@ -38798,11 +39675,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 103.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26150 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26151 components: - type: Transform @@ -38833,16 +39705,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 107.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26157 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26158 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-7.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26159 components: - type: Transform @@ -38868,11 +39730,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 107.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26164 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-13.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26165 components: - type: Transform @@ -38973,16 +39830,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 103.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26185 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26186 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26187 components: - type: Transform @@ -39156,17 +40003,7 @@ entities: - uid: 26842 components: - type: Transform - pos: 76.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26843 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 76.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26844 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 76.5,3.5 + pos: 74.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 26980 components: @@ -39743,6 +40580,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 70.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,35.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 28131 components: - type: Transform @@ -39848,6 +40690,121 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 49.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-26.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 75.5,6.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,36.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,38.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-11.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-13.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-14.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-15.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-16.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-9.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-11.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-27.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-23.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-36.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: CableApcStack entities: - uid: 1550 @@ -41652,6 +42609,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 73.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6693 components: - type: Transform @@ -41777,6 +42739,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,54.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 8244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 74.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 8253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 75.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 8369 components: - type: Transform @@ -42717,6 +43689,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 71.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11877 components: - type: Transform @@ -47762,6 +48739,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,18.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 72.5,4.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: CableHVStack entities: - uid: 1551 @@ -47786,11 +48768,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: CableMV entities: - - uid: 141 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 153 components: - type: Transform @@ -49411,6 +50388,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -43.5,31.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 3892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-36.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4007 components: - type: Transform @@ -49556,15 +50538,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4361 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4519 + - uid: 4521 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-50.5 + pos: 6.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4532 components: @@ -49586,21 +50563,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4538 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-61.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4539 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4540 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4543 components: - type: Transform @@ -49611,16 +50573,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4558 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4559 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,8.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4563 components: - type: Transform @@ -49701,25 +50653,25 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4670 + - uid: 4608 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-58.5 + pos: -41.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4709 + - uid: 4609 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-49.5 + pos: -41.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4710 + - uid: 4670 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-52.5 + pos: 13.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4714 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-49.5 + pos: 3.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4718 components: @@ -49729,7 +50681,7 @@ entities: - uid: 4737 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-49.5 + pos: 3.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4739 components: @@ -49741,10 +50693,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,61.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-52.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4762 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-53.5 + pos: 3.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 4826 components: @@ -49861,6 +50838,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 101.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5439 components: - type: Transform @@ -50021,16 +51003,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6126 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 6130 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6140 components: - type: Transform @@ -50041,6 +51013,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 104.5,-13.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6187 components: - type: Transform @@ -50251,11 +51228,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6475 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6480 components: - type: Transform @@ -50461,11 +51433,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6731 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-51.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6732 components: - type: Transform @@ -50551,11 +51518,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6808 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6812 components: - type: Transform @@ -50696,6 +51658,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,32.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,8.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7015 components: - type: Transform @@ -50706,6 +51673,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,32.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7020 components: - type: Transform @@ -50821,11 +51793,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7172 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7174 components: - type: Transform @@ -50896,6 +51863,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,45.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,5.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7276 components: - type: Transform @@ -51086,6 +52058,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,61.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,9.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7643 components: - type: Transform @@ -51176,6 +52153,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7793 components: - type: Transform @@ -51406,6 +52388,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9287 components: - type: Transform @@ -51446,16 +52433,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9320 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9322 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-54.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9325 components: - type: Transform @@ -51506,11 +52483,41 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9394 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9413 components: - type: Transform @@ -51521,11 +52528,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,62.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9422 components: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9445 components: - type: Transform @@ -51646,6 +52668,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -53.5,31.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9775 components: - type: Transform @@ -51851,6 +52878,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,65.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10403 components: - type: Transform @@ -52031,11 +53063,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11440 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 41.5,-20.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11441 components: - type: Transform @@ -52884,13 +53911,18 @@ entities: - uid: 14105 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-49.5 + pos: 2.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 14121 components: - type: Transform pos: 51.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 111.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14139 components: - type: Transform @@ -53074,7 +54106,7 @@ entities: - uid: 14502 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-54.5 + pos: 2.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 14509 components: @@ -53106,11 +54138,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14713 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -42.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14737 components: - type: Transform @@ -53226,11 +54253,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15018 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,9.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15019 components: - type: Transform @@ -53376,11 +54398,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15592 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -48.5,-11.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15595 components: - type: Transform @@ -53406,21 +54423,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15680 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15700 components: - type: Transform pos: -48.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15703 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15704 components: - type: Transform @@ -53461,6 +54468,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 104.5,-14.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15781 components: - type: Transform @@ -53686,6 +54698,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -44.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15962 components: - type: Transform @@ -53706,6 +54723,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16149 components: - type: Transform @@ -53781,6 +54808,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16343 components: - type: Transform @@ -53791,20 +54828,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16394 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-62.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16397 + - uid: 16375 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-49.5 + pos: 104.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16398 + - uid: 16394 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-51.5 + pos: 7.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 16474 components: @@ -53891,15 +54923,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17503 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 17510 + - uid: 17256 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-55.5 + pos: 104.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 17511 components: @@ -54011,11 +55038,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -41.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 18352 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 18391 components: - type: Transform @@ -54146,15 +55168,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19389 + - uid: 19314 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-62.5 + pos: 2.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19478 + - uid: 19389 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-55.5 + pos: 4.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 19744 components: @@ -54326,36 +55348,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20280 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20282 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-32.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20283 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-31.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20284 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20285 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20286 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20288 components: - type: Transform @@ -54461,11 +55453,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20332 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20359 components: - type: Transform @@ -54531,56 +55518,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20659 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-40.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20661 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20663 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20667 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20669 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20678 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20689 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20700 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20706 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20710 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20729 components: - type: Transform @@ -54616,11 +55553,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20872 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-52.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20873 components: - type: Transform @@ -54631,15 +55563,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20977 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20981 + - uid: 20978 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-47.5 + pos: 1.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 20983 components: @@ -54831,6 +55758,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,21.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 104.5,-11.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22833 components: - type: Transform @@ -54951,6 +55883,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,18.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 103.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23360 components: - type: Transform @@ -55581,6 +56518,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 102.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23963 components: - type: Transform @@ -55796,6 +56738,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,12.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 24477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 24732 components: - type: Transform @@ -55811,95 +56758,80 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25953 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25954 + - uid: 25792 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,1.5 + pos: 104.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25955 + - uid: 25796 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,0.5 + pos: 104.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25956 + - uid: 25852 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,-0.5 + pos: 104.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25957 + - uid: 25946 components: - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,-1.5 + pos: 104.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25958 + - uid: 25947 components: - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,0.5 + pos: 104.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25959 + - uid: 25950 components: - type: Transform - pos: 106.5,0.5 + pos: 104.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25960 + - uid: 25953 components: - type: Transform - pos: 105.5,0.5 + pos: 108.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25961 + - uid: 25954 components: - type: Transform - pos: 104.5,0.5 + pos: 108.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25962 + - uid: 25955 components: - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,0.5 + pos: 108.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25963 + - uid: 25958 components: - type: Transform - pos: 102.5,0.5 + pos: 107.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25964 + - uid: 25959 components: - type: Transform - pos: 101.5,0.5 + pos: 106.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25965 + - uid: 25960 components: - type: Transform - pos: 100.5,0.5 + pos: 105.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25966 + - uid: 25961 components: - type: Transform - pos: 100.5,-0.5 + pos: 104.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 25967 components: - type: Transform pos: 100.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25968 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25969 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 25970 components: - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,3.5 + pos: 103.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 25971 components: @@ -55951,85 +56883,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 103.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25982 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25983 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 105.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25984 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 104.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25985 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 106.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25986 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 25987 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26136 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26137 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26138 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26139 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 93.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26140 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 94.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26141 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 95.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26142 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 96.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 26143 + - uid: 26145 components: - type: Transform - pos: 97.5,0.5 + pos: 104.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26144 + - uid: 26150 components: - type: Transform - pos: 98.5,0.5 + pos: 104.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 26145 + - uid: 26185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 99.5,0.5 + pos: -41.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 26628 components: @@ -56161,6 +57028,51 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 69.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 109.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 110.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 111.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 112.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: CableMVStack entities: - uid: 1548 @@ -58240,21 +59152,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 2999 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 3055 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 3056 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3246 components: - type: Transform @@ -58265,11 +59162,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -58.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3544 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 70.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3701 components: - type: Transform @@ -62274,24 +63166,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9269 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9270 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9283 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10079 components: - type: Transform @@ -62332,12 +63206,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -5.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11390 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 12497 components: - type: Transform @@ -62448,12 +63316,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -24.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15698 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16534 components: - type: Transform @@ -62538,18 +63400,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20163 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 20337 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20355 components: - type: Transform @@ -62560,12 +63410,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20824 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 21365 components: - type: Transform @@ -62995,6 +63839,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,27.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,27.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,27.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26348 components: - type: Transform @@ -63337,6 +64199,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 62.5,36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5052776,-59.376762 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21821 components: - type: Transform @@ -63475,11 +64343,10 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 44.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9439 + - uid: 11462 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.511628,-44.420036 + pos: 9.521511,-45.364662 parent: 5350 - uid: 13919 components: @@ -63546,6 +64413,11 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.582586,-59.239254 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.502756,-45.434143 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22707 components: - type: Transform @@ -64019,7 +64891,7 @@ entities: - uid: 22675 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.540525,-58.43066 + pos: 26.766293,-58.368557 parent: 5350 - uid: 28065 components: @@ -64338,11 +65210,6 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 - - uid: 14878 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -40.5,24.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15321 components: - type: Transform @@ -64604,21 +65471,16 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 - - uid: 15326 + - uid: 15120 components: - type: Transform - pos: 45.5,26.5 + pos: 18.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 15608 components: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16457 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 17581 components: - type: Transform @@ -64979,6 +65841,11 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 + - uid: 19196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20818 components: - type: Transform @@ -65035,29 +65902,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22971 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.1495 - moles: - - 3.848459 - - 14.477538 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - uid: 23086 components: - type: Transform @@ -65356,11 +66200,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingBeltSecurityFilled entities: - - uid: 2148 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.560054,24.202663 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7218 components: - type: Transform @@ -65389,7 +66228,7 @@ entities: - uid: 5395 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.4474216,-42.31921 + pos: 5.489552,-48.32825 parent: 5350 - uid: 22343 components: @@ -65434,16 +66273,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingEyesGlasses entities: - - uid: 3881 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.4063983,-42.29719 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 3925 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5157733,-42.51594 - parent: 5350 - uid: 24177 components: - type: Transform @@ -65582,18 +66411,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.204893,42.958855 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15896 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5055747,-59.429768 - parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed entities: - - uid: 9265 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5055747,-59.039143 - parent: 5350 - uid: 13622 components: - type: Transform @@ -65708,19 +66527,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 20.52728,22.507175 parent: 5350 -- proto: ClothingHeadHatAnimalMonkey - entities: - - uid: 24117 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 45.50863,41.570244 - parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHeadHatBeretBrigmedic entities: - uid: 10732 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.6410675,28.801224 + pos: -18.300854,27.927118 parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHeadHatBeretWarden entities: @@ -65798,6 +66610,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.4309044,-16.489243 parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatRedwizard + entities: + - uid: 6128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.70865,-38.195942 + parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHeadHatSkub entities: - uid: 10493 @@ -65874,6 +66693,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.532333,-25.270031 parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatWizard + entities: + - uid: 17456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.3649,-38.227192 + parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHeadHelmetBasic entities: - uid: 7377 @@ -65898,37 +66724,128 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingHeadHelmetEVA entities: - - uid: 7010 + - uid: 7026 components: - type: Transform - parent: 6996 + pos: -18.649746,-13.1577835 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 7808 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7801 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 7795 + - uid: 7940 components: - type: Transform - parent: 7774 + parent: 7801 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 9617 + - uid: 11097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.29037,-13.4859085 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15196 components: - type: Transform - parent: 9506 + parent: 15195 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 15114 + - uid: 15200 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.6413,-13.200754 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15115 + parent: 15195 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 22229 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.3288,-13.591379 - parent: 5350 + parent: 1488 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 22348 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1488 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23051 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1489 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23098 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1489 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23407 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 4104 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23472 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 4104 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23712 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7165 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23905 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7165 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24056 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 2617 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24057 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 2617 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24248 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 11032 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24266 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 11032 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingHeadHelmetRiot entities: - uid: 4927 @@ -66036,12 +66953,12 @@ entities: - uid: 10442 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.440818,38.680107 + pos: 0.5781207,44.49513 parent: 5350 - uid: 10443 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.628318,38.398857 + pos: 0.17187071,44.68263 parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingMaskJoy entities: @@ -66074,12 +66991,59 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.498452,-14.246428 parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakAdmin + entities: + - uid: 28325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 49.558456,-13.3518505 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakAro + entities: + - uid: 28327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 48.4059,34.733707 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakBi + entities: + - uid: 28322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.293335,5.678726 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.36795,-12.329826 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakEnby + entities: + - uid: 28324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.296133,-53.285557 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakGay + entities: + - uid: 16726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 26.360043,-58.493557 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakLesbian + entities: + - uid: 28320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.34226,41.685402 + parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingNeckCloakTrans entities: - uid: 24116 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.481159,-67.51491 + pos: 0.42782736,-64.34981 parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingNeckHeadphones entities: @@ -66243,26 +67207,117 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.450022,38.487732 parent: 5350 -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitEVAPrisoner +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitEVA entities: - - uid: 7009 + - uid: 8865 components: - type: Transform - parent: 6996 + parent: 7801 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 7808 + - uid: 8883 components: - type: Transform - parent: 7774 + parent: 7801 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 9537 + - uid: 15198 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 15195 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 15199 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 15195 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 22167 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1488 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 22168 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1488 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 22911 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1489 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23099 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1489 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23284 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 4104 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23406 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 4104 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23956 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7165 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 23964 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7165 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24058 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 2617 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24244 components: - type: Transform - parent: 9506 + parent: 2617 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24321 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 11032 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 24328 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 11032 - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage @@ -66324,19 +67379,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5866995,27.615423 parent: 5350 -- proto: ClothingOuterSuitMonkey +- proto: ClothingOuterVestHazard entities: - - uid: 24111 + - uid: 3073 components: - type: Transform - pos: 45.551994,40.766094 + pos: 35.48533,-43.42037 parent: 5350 -- proto: ClothingOuterVestHazard +- proto: ClothingOuterWizard entities: - - uid: 3073 + - uid: 804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.48533,-43.42037 + pos: -50.349274,-38.461567 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ClothingOuterWizardRed + entities: + - uid: 23047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.70865,-38.445942 parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsJackFilled entities: @@ -66352,28 +67414,6 @@ entities: - type: Physics canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingShoesBootsMag - entities: - - uid: 1514 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-16.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1515 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-15.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1516 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.62109,-15.408751 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1517 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.62109,-16.361876 - parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingShoesBootsPerformer entities: - uid: 9989 @@ -66465,13 +67505,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.437214,36.348232 parent: 5350 -- proto: ClothingShoesWizard - entities: - - uid: 22607 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5097017,-65.83838 - parent: 5350 - proto: ClothingUnderSocksBee entities: - uid: 24067 @@ -67025,6 +68058,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 28.5,28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15372 components: - type: Transform @@ -67037,12 +68076,30 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15612 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -13.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16349 components: - type: Transform @@ -67589,12 +68646,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16606 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 18247 components: - type: Transform @@ -67606,6 +68657,11 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 22.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: ComputerRoboticsControl entities: - uid: 20338 @@ -67716,12 +68772,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,48.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6749 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,28.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7591 components: - type: Transform @@ -67739,6 +68789,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,28.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26449 components: - type: Transform @@ -68024,8 +69080,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - - type: Conveyor - speed: 4 - uid: 9256 components: - type: Transform @@ -68194,15 +69248,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - - type: Conveyor - speed: 4 - uid: 13342 components: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - - type: Conveyor - speed: 4 - uid: 17828 components: - type: Transform @@ -68335,10 +69385,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15325 + - uid: 28295 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-42.5 + pos: 12.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - proto: CrateCoffin entities: @@ -68369,10 +69419,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: CrateContrabandStorageSecure entities: - - uid: 7225 + - uid: 1706 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,35.5 + pos: -1.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - proto: CrateEmptySpawner entities: @@ -68423,6 +69473,45 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 72.5,8.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 14093 + - 15326 + - 16554 + - 23357 + - 23358 + - 23359 + - 23504 + - 23505 + - 23506 + - 23507 + - 23508 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null - proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk entities: - uid: 3248 @@ -68713,10 +69802,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: CrateSecurityTrackingMindshieldImplants entities: - - uid: 6614 + - uid: 28265 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,38.5 + pos: -6.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - proto: CrateServiceBox entities: @@ -68820,7 +69909,7 @@ entities: - uid: 6700 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.4244092,38.467068 + pos: -3.5133927,38.61675 parent: 5350 - uid: 10811 components: @@ -68955,34 +70044,41 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.551458,-25.298742 parent: 5350 -- proto: CurtainsWhiteOpen +- proto: CurtainsRedOpen entities: - - uid: 8039 + - uid: 24450 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,2.5 + pos: 8.5,43.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: CutterMachine - entities: - - uid: 22692 + - uid: 26481 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 53.5,5.5 + pos: 11.5,43.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard + - uid: 26774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,43.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,43.5 + parent: 5350 +- proto: CurtainsWhiteOpen entities: - - uid: 3224 + - uid: 8039 components: - type: Transform - pos: 41.470444,-8.386417 + pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: DefaultStationBeacon +- proto: DawInstrumentMachineCircuitboard entities: - - uid: 1706 + - uid: 3224 components: - type: Transform - pos: -48.5,-11.5 + pos: 41.470444,-8.386417 parent: 5350 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconAICore entities: @@ -69156,25 +70252,33 @@ entities: text: NW Pod - type: WarpPoint location: NW Pod - - uid: 9406 + - uid: 3634 components: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17456 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: SW Pod + - type: WarpPoint + location: SW Pod + - uid: 3927 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24145 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: SE Pod + - type: WarpPoint + location: SE Pod + - uid: 4448 components: - type: Transform pos: -63.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: NavMapBeacon - text: Pod + text: NW Pod - type: WarpPoint - location: Pod + location: NW Pod - proto: DefaultStationBeaconEvac entities: - uid: 3602 @@ -69198,10 +70302,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconHOSRoom entities: - - uid: 26688 + - uid: 1517 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,45.5 + pos: 10.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconJanitorsCloset entities: @@ -69252,6 +70356,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,58.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconReporter + entities: + - uid: 2148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-11.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: DefaultStationBeaconRND entities: - uid: 19289 @@ -69434,6 +70545,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 25986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,24.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: DeskBell entities: - uid: 1374 @@ -69454,18 +70570,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.549889,-6.2730985 parent: 5350 - - uid: 5331 + - uid: 4512 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-5.5 + pos: 20.513496,-19.329103 parent: 5350 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - bodyType: Static - - uid: 5334 + - uid: 5331 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-19.5 + pos: -11.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: Physics canCollide: False @@ -69899,6 +71012,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 17707 components: - type: Transform @@ -69958,12 +71077,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19608 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20945 components: - type: Transform @@ -70176,6 +71289,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: DisposalJunction entities: - uid: 1407 @@ -70292,6 +71417,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 23.5,17.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14463 components: - type: Transform @@ -70341,6 +71472,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,7.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-29.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4825 components: - type: Transform @@ -70445,12 +71582,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -20.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14698 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,-29.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14761 components: - type: Transform @@ -72802,12 +73933,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,33.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9306 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -33.5,13.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-52.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9401 components: - type: Transform @@ -73620,6 +74769,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 13736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 13747 components: - type: Transform @@ -73748,11 +74903,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -24.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14742 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14752 components: - type: Transform @@ -74329,6 +75479,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -37.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16130 components: - type: Transform @@ -74352,6 +75508,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -21.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16413 components: - type: Transform @@ -74653,6 +75821,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 18562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19420 components: - type: Transform @@ -74859,18 +76033,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19604 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19605 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19610 components: - type: Transform @@ -75019,6 +76181,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 28.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20960 components: - type: Transform @@ -75231,11 +76399,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 21217 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 21218 components: - type: Transform @@ -77110,6 +78273,53 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: DisposalPipeBroken entities: - uid: 20064 @@ -77333,6 +78543,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,11.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9550 components: - type: Transform @@ -77522,12 +78738,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19606 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19616 components: - type: Transform @@ -77655,6 +78865,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: DisposalUnit entities: - uid: 316 @@ -77732,6 +78948,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -46.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6770 components: - type: Transform @@ -77777,11 +78998,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10404 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11521 components: - type: Transform @@ -77822,6 +79038,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-29.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14669 components: - type: Transform @@ -77917,11 +79138,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19615 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-29.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20357 components: - type: Transform @@ -78083,6 +79299,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23992 components: - type: Transform @@ -78222,6 +79443,22 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,39.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Storage + storedItems: + 6607: + position: 6,3 + _rotation: South + 12703: + position: 0,0 + _rotation: South + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + storagebase: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 6607 + - 12703 - proto: DrinkBottleOfNothingFull entities: - uid: 3219 @@ -78368,11 +79605,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.160711,-59.489254 parent: 5350 - - uid: 1454 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.483305,-61.360317 - parent: 5350 - proto: DrinkWineBottleFull entities: - uid: 21260 @@ -78461,12 +79693,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -12.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3808 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3809 components: - type: Transform @@ -78674,6 +79900,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20181 components: - type: Transform @@ -79020,6 +80252,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: ExplosivesSignMed + entities: + - uid: 28281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,-32.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled entities: - uid: 3 @@ -79303,13 +80542,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: FaxMachine name: Confrence Room - - uid: 19314 + - uid: 28349 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-43.5 + pos: 10.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - - type: FaxMachine - name: XenoArcheology Lab - proto: FaxMachineCaptain entities: - uid: 5362 @@ -79368,10 +80605,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16511 + - uid: 20326 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-46.5 + pos: 25.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 21012 components: @@ -79385,9 +80622,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: Storage storedItems: - 6607: - position: 7,2 - _rotation: South 6609: position: 0,0 _rotation: South @@ -79404,7 +80638,6 @@ entities: occludes: True ents: - 6609 - - 6607 - 6613 - 6610 - uid: 23002 @@ -79412,6 +80645,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,-54.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom entities: - uid: 1377 @@ -79507,6 +80745,8 @@ entities: - 5660 - 5661 - 11860 + - 9615 + - 8379 - uid: 557 components: - type: Transform @@ -79545,21 +80785,43 @@ entities: - uid: 1164 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 36.5,-9.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 2353 - - 3105 - - 2756 - - 2755 - - 3243 - - 2458 - - 3172 - - 3134 - - 2352 - - 24466 + - 5538 + - 5662 + - 19516 + - 14161 + - 14694 + - 18017 + - 15438 + - uid: 1303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-6.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 2106 + - 4085 + - 2107 + - 21254 + - 2109 + - 2108 + - 24323 + - 20608 + - 24322 + - 27669 + - 27668 + - 27666 + - 27667 + - 24338 + - 8379 + - 24213 + - 142 + - 27 - uid: 1327 components: - type: Transform @@ -79584,6 +80846,44 @@ entities: - 15079 - 14877 - 352 + - uid: 1514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -74.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5808 + - 5807 + - 24376 + - uid: 1914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 9615 + - 24338 + - 24213 + - 24580 + - uid: 2567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24466 + - 2402 + - 2403 + - 2404 + - 2405 + - 2406 + - 2407 + - 2408 - uid: 2835 components: - type: Transform @@ -79601,33 +80901,6 @@ entities: - 10481 - 22540 - 7338 - - uid: 4041 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -43.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 5427 - - 18228 - - 14766 - - 1123 - - 27588 - - 5567 - - 14958 - - 5565 - - 5564 - - uid: 5443 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -75.5,9.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 5810 - - 5809 - - 24367 - uid: 7496 components: - type: Transform @@ -79651,7 +80924,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 6946 - - 7683 + - 28218 - 6806 - 7773 - 7791 @@ -79680,6 +80953,46 @@ entities: - 24562 - 10794 - 24564 + - uid: 9617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 48.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14047 + - 17676 + - 18938 + - 12078 + - 23268 + - 24492 + - 24509 + - 15642 + - uid: 9668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-17.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5668 + - 5669 + - 5671 + - 14210 + - 14209 + - 11860 + - 9749 + - 9750 + - 5670 + - 5672 + - 5673 + - 26531 + - 26533 + - 26532 + - 15438 + - 17677 + - 24552 - uid: 9758 components: - type: Transform @@ -79697,46 +81010,65 @@ entities: - 5565 - 5564 - 718 - - uid: 12898 + - uid: 11076 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 17.5,-37.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 23121 - - 11231 - - 146 - - 774 - - 19073 - - 14392 - - uid: 14093 + - 3263 + - 3264 + - 3265 + - 27659 + - 27660 + - 27661 + - 11217 + - 11218 + - 2125 + - 2127 + - 2126 + - uid: 11092 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -53.5,7.5 + pos: 53.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 5809 - - 5810 - - 1303 - - 5574 - - 5573 - - 5572 - - 718 - - uid: 14129 + - 8895 + - 24492 + - 7675 + - 23281 + - 11150 + - 6728 + - 24512 + - uid: 11750 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -75.5,-10.5 + pos: 55.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 5808 - - 5807 - - 24376 + - 11440 + - 989 + - 15357 + - 1513 + - uid: 12898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 17.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23121 + - 11231 + - 146 + - 774 + - 19073 + - 14392 - uid: 14191 components: - type: Transform @@ -79758,6 +81090,24 @@ entities: - 11231 - 23121 - 1214 + - uid: 14417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,5.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 27660 + - 27661 + - 24466 + - 23444 + - 23448 + - 27659 + - 24492 + - 4983 + - 6926 + - 13155 + - 13409 - uid: 15155 components: - type: Transform @@ -79773,6 +81123,19 @@ entities: - 10445 - 6728 - 24509 + - uid: 15212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 27667 + - 27666 + - 24580 + - 27668 + - 27669 - uid: 15223 components: - type: Transform @@ -79785,40 +81148,59 @@ entities: - 11213 - 11217 - 11218 - - uid: 16586 + - uid: 16314 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 2106 - - 4085 - - 2107 - - 21254 - - 2109 - - 2108 - - 24323 - - 20608 - - 24322 - - 27669 - - 27668 - - 27666 - - 27667 - - 24338 - - 8379 - - 24213 - - 142 - - 27 - - uid: 16614 + - 8959 + - 15984 + - 15655 + - 18620 + - 19079 + - 9755 + - 16450 + - 16442 + - 24552 + - 14392 + - 784 + - uid: 16453 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 36.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 24213 + - 2353 + - 3105 + - 2756 + - 2755 + - 3243 + - 2458 + - 3172 + - 3134 + - 2352 + - 24466 + - uid: 16606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14771 + - 14772 + - 14770 + - 656 + - 8959 + - 15984 + - 15655 + - 14300 - uid: 17739 components: - type: Transform @@ -79855,22 +81237,6 @@ entities: - 14300 - 17677 - 15438 - - uid: 18936 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 56.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 14047 - - 17676 - - 18938 - - 12078 - - 23268 - - 24492 - - 24509 - - 16662 - uid: 19075 components: - type: Transform @@ -80048,48 +81414,6 @@ entities: - 15305 - 3134 - 21254 - - uid: 24328 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-17.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 5668 - - 5669 - - 5671 - - 14210 - - 14209 - - 11860 - - 9749 - - 9750 - - 5670 - - 5672 - - 5673 - - 26531 - - 26533 - - 26532 - - 15438 - - 17677 - - 24552 - - uid: 24329 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-21.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 5668 - - 5669 - - 5671 - - 14210 - - 14209 - - 9749 - - 9750 - - 5670 - - 5672 - - 5673 - uid: 24333 components: - type: Transform @@ -80172,25 +81496,6 @@ entities: - 24376 - 18335 - 18336 - - uid: 24450 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 3263 - - 3264 - - 3265 - - 27659 - - 27660 - - 27661 - - 11217 - - 11218 - - 2125 - - 2127 - - 2126 - uid: 24459 components: - type: Transform @@ -80213,40 +81518,6 @@ entities: - 2108 - 2109 - 24580 - - uid: 24462 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 27660 - - 27661 - - 24466 - - 23444 - - 23448 - - 27659 - - 24492 - - 4983 - - 6926 - - 13155 - - 13409 - - uid: 24467 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-8.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 24466 - - 2402 - - 2403 - - 2404 - - 2405 - - 2406 - - 2407 - - 2408 - uid: 24491 components: - type: Transform @@ -80264,46 +81535,6 @@ entities: - 24509 - 23910 - 23268 - - uid: 24513 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 56.5,-17.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 28102 - - 11150 - - 14937 - - 4447 - - 22363 - - 10445 - - 28103 - - 11752 - - 7675 - - 23281 - - uid: 24556 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 9755 - - 24552 - - 16450 - - 16442 - - uid: 24558 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceList - devices: - - 14771 - - 14772 - - 14770 - uid: 24577 components: - type: Transform @@ -80345,18 +81576,16 @@ entities: - 18017 - 308 - 307 - - uid: 26481 + - uid: 25985 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-27.5 + pos: -72.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 5538 - - 5662 - - 19516 - - 14161 - - 14694 + - 5810 + - 5809 + - 24367 - uid: 26994 components: - type: Transform @@ -80380,6 +81609,21 @@ entities: - 1642 - 15185 - 15190 + - uid: 28222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,5.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5809 + - 5810 + - 4041 + - 5574 + - 5573 + - 5572 + - 718 - proto: FireAxeCabinetFilled entities: - uid: 1096 @@ -80466,6 +81710,14 @@ entities: - 3143 - proto: FirelockGlass entities: + - uid: 141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 686 - uid: 225 components: - type: Transform @@ -80505,6 +81757,17 @@ entities: - 24352 - 21221 - 24349 + - uid: 989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 54.5,31.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11750 + - 15447 + - 24506 - uid: 1123 components: - type: Transform @@ -80516,7 +81779,6 @@ entities: - 9758 - 177 - 10993 - - 4041 - 24359 - uid: 1161 components: @@ -80612,9 +81874,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 16580 - - 16586 - 24337 - 231 + - 1303 - uid: 2107 components: - type: Transform @@ -80623,9 +81885,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 16580 - - 16586 - 24337 - 231 + - 1303 - uid: 2108 components: - type: Transform @@ -80634,9 +81896,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 16580 - - 16586 - 24459 - 24458 + - 1303 - uid: 2109 components: - type: Transform @@ -80645,9 +81907,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 16580 - - 16586 - 24459 - 24458 + - 1303 - uid: 2125 components: - type: Transform @@ -80658,8 +81920,7 @@ entities: - 24342 - 24340 - 27662 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 11076 - uid: 2126 components: - type: Transform @@ -80670,8 +81931,7 @@ entities: - 24342 - 24340 - 27662 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 11076 - uid: 2127 components: - type: Transform @@ -80682,8 +81942,7 @@ entities: - 24342 - 24340 - 27662 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 11076 - uid: 2352 components: - type: Transform @@ -80694,7 +81953,7 @@ entities: - 1369 - 6209 - 7496 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 2353 components: - type: Transform @@ -80705,7 +81964,7 @@ entities: - 1369 - 6209 - 7496 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 2360 components: - type: Transform @@ -80750,7 +82009,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80761,7 +82020,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80772,7 +82031,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80783,7 +82042,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80794,7 +82053,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80805,7 +82064,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80816,7 +82075,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24467 + - 2567 - 24468 - 22044 - 24464 @@ -80830,7 +82089,7 @@ entities: - 22044 - 1369 - 24464 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 2665 components: - type: Transform @@ -80847,7 +82106,7 @@ entities: - 22044 - 1369 - 24464 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 2756 components: - type: Transform @@ -80858,7 +82117,7 @@ entities: - 22044 - 1369 - 24464 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 3105 components: - type: Transform @@ -80870,7 +82129,7 @@ entities: - 1369 - 6209 - 7496 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 3172 components: - type: Transform @@ -80881,7 +82140,7 @@ entities: - 22044 - 1369 - 24464 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 3243 components: - type: Transform @@ -80892,7 +82151,7 @@ entities: - 22044 - 1369 - 24464 - - 1164 + - 16453 - uid: 3263 components: - type: Transform @@ -80901,7 +82160,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24459 - - 24450 + - 24446 + - 11076 - uid: 3264 components: - type: Transform @@ -80910,7 +82170,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24459 - - 24450 + - 24446 + - 11076 - uid: 3265 components: - type: Transform @@ -80919,7 +82180,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24459 - - 24450 + - 24446 + - 11076 - uid: 3501 components: - type: Transform @@ -80952,7 +82214,7 @@ entities: - 21221 - 24349 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 3504 components: - type: Transform @@ -80963,7 +82225,7 @@ entities: - 21221 - 24349 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 3624 components: - type: Transform @@ -81000,6 +82262,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24324 + - 1303 - uid: 4447 components: - type: Transform @@ -81007,7 +82270,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 15155 - 24510 - 24515 @@ -81019,8 +82281,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - 24490 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 5427 components: - type: Transform @@ -81030,7 +82293,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15127 - - 4041 - 24359 - 9758 - uid: 5538 @@ -81040,10 +82302,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26481 - 24577 - 24578 - 24575 + - 1164 - uid: 5564 components: - type: Transform @@ -81053,7 +82315,6 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24363 - 24361 - - 4041 - 24359 - 9758 - uid: 5565 @@ -81065,7 +82326,6 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24363 - 24361 - - 4041 - 24359 - 9758 - uid: 5567 @@ -81077,7 +82337,6 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24363 - 24361 - - 4041 - 24359 - 9758 - uid: 5572 @@ -81087,10 +82346,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14093 - - 5438 - 24363 - 24361 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 5573 components: - type: Transform @@ -81098,10 +82357,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14093 - - 5438 - 24363 - 24361 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 5574 components: - type: Transform @@ -81109,10 +82368,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 14093 - - 5438 - 24363 - 24361 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 5575 components: - type: Transform @@ -81183,9 +82442,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26481 - 24577 - 24578 + - 1164 - uid: 5665 components: - type: Transform @@ -81197,7 +82456,7 @@ entities: - 24340 - 27662 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 5666 components: - type: Transform @@ -81209,7 +82468,7 @@ entities: - 24340 - 27662 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 5667 components: - type: Transform @@ -81221,7 +82480,7 @@ entities: - 24340 - 27662 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 5668 components: - type: Transform @@ -81230,6 +82489,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 3141 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5669 components: - type: Transform @@ -81238,6 +82499,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 3141 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5670 components: - type: Transform @@ -81246,6 +82509,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1072 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5671 components: - type: Transform @@ -81254,6 +82519,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 3141 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5672 components: - type: Transform @@ -81262,6 +82529,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1072 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5673 components: - type: Transform @@ -81270,6 +82539,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1072 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 5807 components: - type: Transform @@ -81278,7 +82549,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1308 - - 14129 + - 1514 - 9894 - 13729 - uid: 5808 @@ -81289,7 +82560,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1308 - - 14129 + - 1514 - 9894 - 13729 - uid: 5809 @@ -81299,10 +82570,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5443 + - 25985 - 5976 - - 14093 - - 5438 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 5810 components: - type: Transform @@ -81310,10 +82581,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5443 + - 25985 - 5976 - - 14093 - - 5438 + - 25984 + - 28222 - uid: 6493 components: - type: Transform @@ -81367,15 +82638,6 @@ entities: - 6300 - 22928 - 19444 - - uid: 6547 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,52.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 17740 - - 22575 - uid: 6728 components: - type: Transform @@ -81386,6 +82648,7 @@ entities: - 15155 - 11151 - 24510 + - 11092 - uid: 6733 components: - type: Transform @@ -81429,8 +82692,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - 24490 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 6946 components: - type: Transform @@ -81441,18 +82705,6 @@ entities: - 6384 - 7810 - 6735 - - uid: 7026 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,51.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -62151.48 - state: Closing - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 17740 - - 22575 - uid: 7217 components: - type: Transform @@ -81473,7 +82725,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 557 - 11151 - - 24513 + - 11092 - 24515 - uid: 7719 components: @@ -81546,12 +82798,19 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 11151 - 24490 + - 11092 - uid: 8959 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16314 + - 15537 + - 10405 + - 16606 - uid: 9516 components: - type: Transform @@ -81567,6 +82826,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Door + secondsUntilStateChange: -7236.8936 + state: Closing + - uid: 9615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-2.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 231 + - 24337 + - 1914 + - 15867 - uid: 9749 components: - type: Transform @@ -81576,6 +82849,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 137 - 23116 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 9750 components: - type: Transform @@ -81585,6 +82860,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 137 - 23116 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 9755 components: - type: Transform @@ -81593,9 +82870,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15537 - - 24556 - 24554 - 18618 + - 16314 - uid: 9949 components: - type: Transform @@ -81625,7 +82902,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 15155 - 24510 - 24515 @@ -81665,7 +82941,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15223 - 20624 - - 13496 + - 25995 - uid: 11214 components: - type: Transform @@ -81675,7 +82951,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15223 - 20624 - - 13496 + - 25995 - uid: 11217 components: - type: Transform @@ -81684,9 +82960,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15223 - - 24450 - - 24449 - - 13496 + - 25995 + - 24446 + - 11076 - uid: 11218 components: - type: Transform @@ -81695,9 +82971,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15223 - - 24450 - - 24449 - - 13496 + - 25995 + - 24446 + - 11076 - uid: 11223 components: - type: Transform @@ -81716,6 +82992,15 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24697 - 20624 + - uid: 11366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,52.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22575 + - 17740 - uid: 11487 components: - type: Transform @@ -81743,7 +83028,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 15155 - 24510 - 24515 @@ -81755,8 +83039,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 + - 9586 - uid: 12368 components: - type: Transform @@ -81770,8 +83055,17 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11665 - 11591 + - 23602 + - uid: 12450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,51.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22575 + - 17740 - uid: 12646 components: - type: Transform @@ -81786,9 +83080,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24491 - - 24462 - - 24461 - 24490 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 14047 components: - type: Transform @@ -81797,7 +83091,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 - 24491 - 24490 @@ -81809,10 +83103,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26481 - 24575 - 19228 - 23115 + - 1164 - uid: 14177 components: - type: Transform @@ -81896,6 +83190,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23115 - 19228 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 14210 components: - type: Transform @@ -81905,6 +83201,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23115 - 19228 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 14297 components: - type: Transform @@ -81963,10 +83261,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26481 - 24575 - 19228 - 23115 + - 1164 - uid: 14766 components: - type: Transform @@ -81978,7 +83276,6 @@ entities: - 9758 - 177 - 10993 - - 4041 - 24359 - uid: 14770 components: @@ -81988,10 +83285,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24558 - - 14774 + - 10405 - 9577 - 22178 + - 16606 - uid: 14771 components: - type: Transform @@ -82000,10 +83297,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24558 - - 14774 + - 10405 - 9577 - 22178 + - 16606 - uid: 14772 components: - type: Transform @@ -82012,10 +83309,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24558 - - 14774 + - 10405 - 9577 - 22178 + - 16606 - uid: 14776 components: - type: Transform @@ -82087,8 +83384,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1327 - - 4159 - 15191 + - 25987 - uid: 14926 components: - type: Transform @@ -82129,7 +83426,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 15155 - 24510 - 24515 @@ -82142,7 +83438,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24359 - - 4041 - 24363 - 24361 - 9758 @@ -82166,8 +83461,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 1327 - - 4159 - 15191 + - 25987 - uid: 15179 components: - type: Transform @@ -82191,7 +83486,7 @@ entities: - 27596 - 24345 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 - uid: 15190 components: - type: Transform @@ -82203,7 +83498,15 @@ entities: - 27596 - 24345 - 1327 - - 4159 + - 25987 + - uid: 15213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-17.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 686 - uid: 15242 components: - type: Transform @@ -82221,6 +83524,16 @@ entities: - 24327 - 1072 - 7496 + - uid: 15357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 50.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11750 + - 15447 - uid: 15370 components: - type: Transform @@ -82236,6 +83549,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16314 + - 15537 + - 10405 + - 16606 - uid: 15886 components: - type: Transform @@ -82254,6 +83573,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16314 + - 15537 + - 10405 + - 16606 - uid: 16132 components: - type: Transform @@ -82296,9 +83621,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15537 - - 24556 - 24554 - 18618 + - 16314 - uid: 16450 components: - type: Transform @@ -82307,9 +83632,9 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15537 - - 24556 - 24554 - 18618 + - 16314 - uid: 17676 components: - type: Transform @@ -82318,7 +83643,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 23907 - - 18936 + - 9617 - 24491 - 24490 - uid: 18225 @@ -82438,6 +83763,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19091 - 19293 + - 16314 + - 15537 - uid: 18938 components: - type: Transform @@ -82446,8 +83773,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 + - 9586 - uid: 19073 components: - type: Transform @@ -82469,6 +83797,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19091 - 19293 + - 16314 + - 15537 - uid: 19149 components: - type: Transform @@ -82482,10 +83812,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 26481 - 24577 - 24578 - 24575 + - 1164 - uid: 19729 components: - type: Transform @@ -82576,8 +83906,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 686 + - 1303 - uid: 20774 components: - type: Transform @@ -82632,7 +83963,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 15155 - 24510 - 24515 @@ -82669,6 +83999,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 20627 - 24443 + - 25995 - uid: 22544 components: - type: Transform @@ -82722,6 +84053,7 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24419 + - 25995 - uid: 22788 components: - type: Transform @@ -82740,7 +84072,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 18936 + - 9617 - 23907 - 24491 - 24490 @@ -82753,7 +84085,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 557 - 11151 - - 24513 + - 11092 - 24515 - uid: 23444 components: @@ -82762,9 +84094,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - 22044 - 24464 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 23448 components: - type: Transform @@ -82772,9 +84105,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - 22044 - 24464 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 23736 components: - type: Transform @@ -82807,9 +84141,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 - - 7263 + - 15867 + - 1914 + - 1303 - uid: 24740 components: - type: Transform @@ -82835,6 +84170,34 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 25957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 101.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 25962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 107.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 + - uid: 25964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 97.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 25965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 112.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 - uid: 26483 components: - type: Transform @@ -82844,8 +84207,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24337 - 1327 - - 4159 - 231 + - 25987 - uid: 26484 components: - type: Transform @@ -82855,8 +84218,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24337 - 1327 - - 4159 - 231 + - 25987 - uid: 26485 components: - type: Transform @@ -82866,8 +84229,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24337 - 1327 - - 4159 - 231 + - 25987 - uid: 26531 components: - type: Transform @@ -82877,6 +84240,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24554 - 18618 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 26532 components: - type: Transform @@ -82886,6 +84251,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24554 - 18618 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 26533 components: - type: Transform @@ -82895,6 +84262,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24554 - 18618 + - 9668 + - 16587 - uid: 27588 components: - type: Transform @@ -82906,7 +84275,6 @@ entities: - 9758 - 177 - 10993 - - 4041 - 24359 - uid: 27659 components: @@ -82915,10 +84283,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - - 24461 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 24446 + - 11076 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 27660 components: - type: Transform @@ -82926,10 +84294,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - - 24461 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 24446 + - 11076 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 27661 components: - type: Transform @@ -82937,10 +84305,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24462 - - 24461 - - 24450 - - 24449 + - 24446 + - 11076 + - 14507 + - 14417 - uid: 27666 components: - type: Transform @@ -82949,8 +84317,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 15212 + - 465 + - 1303 - uid: 27667 components: - type: Transform @@ -82959,8 +84329,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 15212 + - 465 + - 1303 - uid: 27668 components: - type: Transform @@ -82969,8 +84341,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 15212 + - 465 + - 1303 - uid: 27669 components: - type: Transform @@ -82979,8 +84353,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 16586 - 16580 + - 15212 + - 465 + - 1303 - uid: 28102 components: - type: Transform @@ -82989,7 +84365,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 26994 - 557 - 24515 @@ -83001,7 +84376,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24513 - 26994 - 557 - 24515 @@ -83057,16 +84431,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: FlashlightLantern entities: - - uid: 1119 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.7813983,-42.500317 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1144 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5938983,-42.312817 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3779 components: - type: Transform @@ -83112,6 +84476,44 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 60.427505,1.5878983 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.747241,-48.310314 + parent: 5350 + - type: HandheldLight + toggleActionEntity: 28315 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + cell_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + actions: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 28315 + - type: ActionsContainer + - uid: 28316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.48161602,-48.51344 + parent: 5350 + - type: HandheldLight + toggleActionEntity: 28317 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + cell_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + actions: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 28317 + - type: ActionsContainer - proto: FlashlightSeclite entities: - uid: 7385 @@ -83138,7 +84540,7 @@ entities: - uid: 9670 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5775385,23.53675 + pos: 9.450002,23.638304 parent: 5350 - type: HandheldLight toggleActionEntity: 9671 @@ -83381,10 +84783,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: FloraTreeStump entities: - - uid: 12703 + - uid: 28236 components: - type: Transform - pos: 43.227524,37.81923 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 43.244347,38.68111 parent: 5350 - proto: FluteInstrument entities: @@ -83478,13 +84881,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.559807,-15.350866 parent: 5350 -- proto: FoodDonutBungo - entities: - - uid: 16335 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5949593,-47.352787 - parent: 5350 - proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeClown entities: - uid: 16683 @@ -83684,7 +85080,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasFilterFlipped entities: - uid: 14354 @@ -83694,7 +85090,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19455 components: - type: MetaData @@ -83704,7 +85100,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasMinerCarbonDioxide entities: - uid: 11615 @@ -83809,14 +85205,30 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 28118 + - uid: 23061 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 47.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: GasPassiveGate + entities: + - uid: 15115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#947507FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPassiveVent entities: - uid: 10829 @@ -83883,6 +85295,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 44.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19206 components: - type: Transform @@ -84025,14 +85445,14 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 752 components: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 753 components: - type: Transform @@ -84040,7 +85460,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 756 components: - type: Transform @@ -84071,14 +85491,14 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1440 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2315 components: - type: Transform @@ -84086,7 +85506,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2649 components: - type: Transform @@ -84114,7 +85534,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2697 components: - type: Transform @@ -84122,7 +85542,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2995 components: - type: Transform @@ -84137,7 +85557,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3132 components: - type: Transform @@ -84160,7 +85580,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3785 components: - type: Transform @@ -84168,7 +85588,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4008 components: - type: Transform @@ -84176,7 +85596,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4090 components: - type: Transform @@ -84190,7 +85610,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4131 components: - type: Transform @@ -84229,7 +85649,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4270 components: - type: Transform @@ -84237,14 +85657,14 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4271 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4290 components: - type: Transform @@ -84252,7 +85672,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4470 components: - type: Transform @@ -84260,7 +85680,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4688 components: - type: Transform @@ -84268,7 +85688,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5339 components: - type: Transform @@ -84277,6 +85697,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-34.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5489 components: - type: Transform @@ -84284,7 +85712,7 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5490 components: - type: Transform @@ -84299,7 +85727,7 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5827 components: - type: Transform @@ -84307,7 +85735,7 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5828 components: - type: Transform @@ -84323,7 +85751,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7123 components: - type: Transform @@ -84339,7 +85767,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7290 components: - type: Transform @@ -84347,7 +85775,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7293 components: - type: Transform @@ -84371,7 +85799,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8750 components: - type: Transform @@ -84379,7 +85807,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8751 components: - type: Transform @@ -84394,7 +85822,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8753 components: - type: Transform @@ -84441,7 +85869,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9178 components: - type: Transform @@ -84449,7 +85877,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9179 components: - type: Transform @@ -84466,11 +85894,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9397 + - uid: 9320 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-40.5 + pos: 2.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -84480,7 +85908,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9659 components: - type: Transform @@ -84495,7 +85923,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9726 components: - type: Transform @@ -84511,7 +85939,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9812 components: - type: Transform @@ -84519,14 +85947,14 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9823 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9862 components: - type: Transform @@ -84575,14 +86003,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11078 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 59.5,-2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11096 components: - type: Transform @@ -84606,6 +86026,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 60.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11493 components: - type: Transform @@ -84637,7 +86065,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11828 components: - type: Transform @@ -84652,7 +86080,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11861 components: - type: Transform @@ -84674,7 +86102,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12115 components: - type: Transform @@ -84682,7 +86110,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12337 components: - type: Transform @@ -84690,7 +86118,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12453 components: - type: Transform @@ -84714,7 +86142,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13001 components: - type: Transform @@ -84735,14 +86163,14 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14136 components: - type: Transform pos: -43.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14190 components: - type: Transform @@ -84781,7 +86209,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14617 components: - type: Transform @@ -84805,7 +86233,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14680 components: - type: Transform @@ -84813,7 +86241,15 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14947 components: - type: Transform @@ -84828,7 +86264,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15275 components: - type: Transform @@ -84889,7 +86325,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15583 components: - type: Transform @@ -84903,7 +86339,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15696 components: - type: Transform @@ -84911,7 +86347,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15724 components: - type: Transform @@ -84935,7 +86371,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16253 components: - type: Transform @@ -84943,7 +86379,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16374 components: - type: Transform @@ -84951,7 +86387,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16395 components: - type: Transform @@ -84959,7 +86395,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16420 components: - type: Transform @@ -84982,7 +86418,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16481 components: - type: Transform @@ -84990,7 +86426,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16535 components: - type: Transform @@ -84998,7 +86434,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16536 components: - type: Transform @@ -85006,7 +86442,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16745 components: - type: Transform @@ -85022,7 +86458,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17253 components: - type: Transform @@ -85050,7 +86486,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17493 components: - type: Transform @@ -85112,7 +86548,7 @@ entities: pos: -56.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18505 components: - type: Transform @@ -85120,7 +86556,7 @@ entities: pos: -58.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18509 components: - type: Transform @@ -85128,7 +86564,7 @@ entities: pos: -56.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18968 components: - type: Transform @@ -85193,14 +86629,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 19155 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19166 components: - type: Transform @@ -85246,7 +86674,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20823 components: - type: Transform @@ -85267,7 +86695,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20936 components: - type: Transform @@ -85289,7 +86717,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21040 components: - type: Transform @@ -85297,7 +86725,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21041 components: - type: Transform @@ -85305,7 +86733,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21042 components: - type: Transform @@ -85313,7 +86741,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21106 components: - type: Transform @@ -85321,7 +86749,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21257 components: - type: Transform @@ -85337,7 +86765,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21523 components: - type: Transform @@ -85345,14 +86773,14 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21534 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21535 components: - type: Transform @@ -85360,7 +86788,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21566 components: - type: Transform @@ -85406,7 +86834,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21806 components: - type: Transform @@ -85414,7 +86842,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22141 components: - type: Transform @@ -85444,7 +86872,15 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 45.5,-32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' - uid: 22427 components: - type: Transform @@ -85452,7 +86888,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22441 components: - type: Transform @@ -85468,7 +86904,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22554 components: - type: Transform @@ -85491,14 +86927,14 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23120 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23387 components: - type: Transform @@ -85506,14 +86942,14 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23388 components: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23389 components: - type: Transform @@ -85521,22 +86957,15 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23504 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 69.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23505 + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23509 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 69.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 75.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23525 components: - type: Transform @@ -85777,6 +87206,22 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 28343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 28345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - proto: GasPipeFourway entities: - uid: 260 @@ -85792,14 +87237,14 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 500 components: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2545 components: - type: Transform @@ -85827,7 +87272,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8131 components: - type: Transform @@ -85855,7 +87300,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11769 components: - type: Transform @@ -85876,21 +87321,21 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12120 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14251 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14727 components: - type: Transform @@ -85932,7 +87377,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16625 components: - type: Transform @@ -85953,7 +87398,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19747 components: - type: Transform @@ -85982,6 +87427,36 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeSensor + entities: + - uid: 19748 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas pipe sensor (Burn Chamber In) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 47.5,-26.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber In + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas pipe sensor + - uid: 20866 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas pipe sensor (Burn Chamber Out) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 45.5,-26.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Out + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas pipe sensor - proto: GasPipeSensorDistribution entities: - uid: 14856 @@ -85991,6 +87466,15 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeSensorMixedAir + entities: + - uid: 11234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 66.5,-27.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' - proto: GasPipeSensorTEGCold entities: - uid: 16147 @@ -86013,7 +87497,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - uid: 69 @@ -86023,7 +87507,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 117 components: - type: Transform @@ -86031,7 +87515,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 248 components: - type: Transform @@ -86059,7 +87543,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 252 components: - type: Transform @@ -86200,7 +87684,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 279 components: - type: Transform @@ -86799,147 +88283,147 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 389 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 390 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 391 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 392 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 393 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 394 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 396 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 400 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 401 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 404 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 405 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 406 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform @@ -86947,7 +88431,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform @@ -86955,7 +88439,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform @@ -86963,7 +88447,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform @@ -86971,7 +88455,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform @@ -86979,7 +88463,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform @@ -86987,7 +88471,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 423 components: - type: Transform @@ -86995,7 +88479,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform @@ -87003,7 +88487,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform @@ -87011,7 +88495,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 426 components: - type: Transform @@ -87019,7 +88503,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform @@ -87027,7 +88511,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform @@ -87035,7 +88519,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform @@ -87043,7 +88527,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform @@ -87051,7 +88535,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform @@ -87059,7 +88543,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 434 components: - type: Transform @@ -87067,7 +88551,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 435 components: - type: Transform @@ -87075,7 +88559,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 436 components: - type: Transform @@ -87083,7 +88567,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 437 components: - type: Transform @@ -87091,7 +88575,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 438 components: - type: Transform @@ -87099,7 +88583,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 439 components: - type: Transform @@ -87107,7 +88591,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 440 components: - type: Transform @@ -87115,7 +88599,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 441 components: - type: Transform @@ -87123,7 +88607,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 442 components: - type: Transform @@ -87131,7 +88615,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 443 components: - type: Transform @@ -87139,7 +88623,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 445 components: - type: Transform @@ -87147,7 +88631,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 446 components: - type: Transform @@ -87155,7 +88639,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 448 components: - type: Transform @@ -87163,7 +88647,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 449 components: - type: Transform @@ -87171,7 +88655,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 450 components: - type: Transform @@ -87179,7 +88663,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 451 components: - type: Transform @@ -87187,7 +88671,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 453 components: - type: Transform @@ -87195,7 +88679,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 454 components: - type: Transform @@ -87203,7 +88687,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 455 components: - type: Transform @@ -87211,7 +88695,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 456 components: - type: Transform @@ -87219,7 +88703,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 457 components: - type: Transform @@ -87227,7 +88711,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 459 components: - type: Transform @@ -87235,7 +88719,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 461 components: - type: Transform @@ -87243,7 +88727,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 463 components: - type: Transform @@ -87259,7 +88743,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 466 components: - type: Transform @@ -87267,7 +88751,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 467 components: - type: Transform @@ -87275,7 +88759,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 468 components: - type: Transform @@ -87283,7 +88767,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 469 components: - type: Transform @@ -87291,7 +88775,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 470 components: - type: Transform @@ -87299,7 +88783,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 471 components: - type: Transform @@ -87307,7 +88791,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 472 components: - type: Transform @@ -87315,7 +88799,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 473 components: - type: Transform @@ -87323,7 +88807,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 474 components: - type: Transform @@ -87331,7 +88815,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 476 components: - type: Transform @@ -87339,7 +88823,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 477 components: - type: Transform @@ -87347,7 +88831,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 478 components: - type: Transform @@ -87355,7 +88839,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 479 components: - type: Transform @@ -87363,7 +88847,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 480 components: - type: Transform @@ -87371,7 +88855,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 481 components: - type: Transform @@ -87379,7 +88863,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 482 components: - type: Transform @@ -87387,7 +88871,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 484 components: - type: Transform @@ -87395,7 +88879,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 485 components: - type: Transform @@ -87403,7 +88887,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 486 components: - type: Transform @@ -87411,7 +88895,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 487 components: - type: Transform @@ -87419,7 +88903,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform @@ -87427,7 +88911,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 490 components: - type: Transform @@ -87435,14 +88919,14 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 492 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 494 components: - type: Transform @@ -87450,7 +88934,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 495 components: - type: Transform @@ -87458,7 +88942,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 498 components: - type: Transform @@ -87466,7 +88950,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 501 components: - type: Transform @@ -87474,7 +88958,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 502 components: - type: Transform @@ -87482,14 +88966,14 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 503 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 505 components: - type: Transform @@ -87497,7 +88981,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 506 components: - type: Transform @@ -87505,14 +88989,14 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 509 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 511 components: - type: Transform @@ -87520,7 +89004,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 516 components: - type: Transform @@ -87560,7 +89044,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 524 components: - type: Transform @@ -87688,7 +89172,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 556 components: - type: Transform @@ -87696,7 +89180,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 558 components: - type: Transform @@ -87704,7 +89188,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 560 components: - type: Transform @@ -87712,7 +89196,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 561 components: - type: Transform @@ -87720,7 +89204,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 563 components: - type: Transform @@ -87728,7 +89212,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 565 components: - type: Transform @@ -87736,7 +89220,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 579 components: - type: Transform @@ -87744,7 +89228,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 580 components: - type: Transform @@ -87752,7 +89236,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 581 components: - type: Transform @@ -87760,7 +89244,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 583 components: - type: Transform @@ -87768,7 +89252,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 584 components: - type: Transform @@ -87776,7 +89260,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 585 components: - type: Transform @@ -87784,7 +89268,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 586 components: - type: Transform @@ -87792,7 +89276,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 587 components: - type: Transform @@ -87800,7 +89284,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 588 components: - type: Transform @@ -87808,7 +89292,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform @@ -87816,7 +89300,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform @@ -88000,7 +89484,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 622 components: - type: Transform @@ -88008,7 +89492,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 623 components: - type: Transform @@ -88016,7 +89500,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 624 components: - type: Transform @@ -88024,7 +89508,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform @@ -88032,7 +89516,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 626 components: - type: Transform @@ -88040,7 +89524,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 627 components: - type: Transform @@ -88048,7 +89532,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 629 components: - type: Transform @@ -88056,7 +89540,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform @@ -88064,7 +89548,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 633 components: - type: Transform @@ -88072,7 +89556,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 634 components: - type: Transform @@ -88080,7 +89564,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 635 components: - type: Transform @@ -88088,7 +89572,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 636 components: - type: Transform @@ -88096,7 +89580,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 637 components: - type: Transform @@ -88104,7 +89588,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform @@ -88112,7 +89596,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform @@ -88120,7 +89604,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 647 components: - type: Transform @@ -88128,7 +89612,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 685 components: - type: Transform @@ -88144,7 +89628,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform @@ -88240,7 +89724,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 749 components: - type: Transform @@ -88248,7 +89732,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 750 components: - type: Transform @@ -88256,7 +89740,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 751 components: - type: Transform @@ -88264,7 +89748,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 754 components: - type: Transform @@ -88272,7 +89756,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 757 components: - type: Transform @@ -88376,49 +89860,49 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 796 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 797 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 798 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 799 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 800 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 801 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 807 components: - type: Transform @@ -88483,6 +89967,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 821 components: - type: Transform @@ -88498,7 +89987,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 829 components: - type: Transform @@ -88562,7 +90051,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 839 components: - type: Transform @@ -88570,7 +90059,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 840 components: - type: Transform @@ -88578,7 +90067,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 863 components: - type: Transform @@ -88593,7 +90082,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1091 components: - type: Transform @@ -88601,7 +90090,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1187 components: - type: Transform @@ -88609,7 +90098,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1199 components: - type: Transform @@ -88617,14 +90106,14 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1206 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1211 components: - type: Transform @@ -88656,7 +90145,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1288 components: - type: Transform @@ -88664,7 +90153,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1290 components: - type: Transform @@ -88672,7 +90161,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1305 components: - type: Transform @@ -88704,6 +90193,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-29.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1518 components: - type: Transform @@ -88711,7 +90208,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1538 components: - type: Transform @@ -88806,7 +90303,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1600 components: - type: Transform @@ -88814,7 +90311,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1601 components: - type: Transform @@ -88822,7 +90319,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1603 components: - type: Transform @@ -88830,7 +90327,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1604 components: - type: Transform @@ -88838,7 +90335,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1605 components: - type: Transform @@ -88846,7 +90343,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1609 components: - type: Transform @@ -88870,7 +90367,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1676 components: - type: Transform @@ -88878,7 +90375,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1677 components: - type: Transform @@ -88886,7 +90383,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1679 components: - type: Transform @@ -88894,7 +90391,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1680 components: - type: Transform @@ -88902,7 +90399,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1681 components: - type: Transform @@ -88910,7 +90407,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1682 components: - type: Transform @@ -88918,7 +90415,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1683 components: - type: Transform @@ -88926,7 +90423,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1741 components: - type: Transform @@ -88934,7 +90431,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1744 components: - type: Transform @@ -88950,21 +90447,21 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2059 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2146 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2296 components: - type: Transform @@ -88972,7 +90469,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2299 components: - type: Transform @@ -88980,7 +90477,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2361 components: - type: Transform @@ -88988,7 +90485,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2362 components: - type: Transform @@ -88996,7 +90493,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2363 components: - type: Transform @@ -89004,7 +90501,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2372 components: - type: Transform @@ -89012,7 +90509,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2489 components: - type: Transform @@ -89060,7 +90557,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2501 components: - type: Transform @@ -89068,7 +90565,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2502 components: - type: Transform @@ -89076,7 +90573,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2504 components: - type: Transform @@ -89092,7 +90589,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2507 components: - type: Transform @@ -89100,7 +90597,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2510 components: - type: Transform @@ -89108,7 +90605,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2513 components: - type: Transform @@ -89116,7 +90613,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2514 components: - type: Transform @@ -89124,7 +90621,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2515 components: - type: Transform @@ -89132,7 +90629,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2516 components: - type: Transform @@ -89140,7 +90637,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2518 components: - type: Transform @@ -89148,7 +90645,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2519 components: - type: Transform @@ -89156,7 +90653,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2520 components: - type: Transform @@ -89164,7 +90661,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2521 components: - type: Transform @@ -89172,35 +90669,35 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2522 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2523 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2524 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2526 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2527 components: - type: Transform @@ -89386,77 +90883,77 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2594 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2595 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2597 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2598 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2599 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2600 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2601 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2602 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2603 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2604 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2606 components: - type: Transform @@ -89464,7 +90961,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2607 components: - type: Transform @@ -89472,7 +90969,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2610 components: - type: Transform @@ -89527,7 +91024,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2633 components: - type: Transform @@ -89535,7 +91032,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2634 components: - type: Transform @@ -89543,7 +91040,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2635 components: - type: Transform @@ -89551,7 +91048,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2636 components: - type: Transform @@ -89559,7 +91056,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2637 components: - type: Transform @@ -89567,7 +91064,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2638 components: - type: Transform @@ -89575,7 +91072,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2643 components: - type: Transform @@ -89751,7 +91248,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2682 components: - type: Transform @@ -89767,28 +91264,28 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2689 components: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2690 components: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2691 components: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2692 components: - type: Transform @@ -89796,7 +91293,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2693 components: - type: Transform @@ -89804,7 +91301,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2694 components: - type: Transform @@ -89812,7 +91309,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2695 components: - type: Transform @@ -89820,7 +91317,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2701 components: - type: Transform @@ -89828,7 +91325,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2702 components: - type: Transform @@ -89836,7 +91333,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2703 components: - type: Transform @@ -89844,7 +91341,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2705 components: - type: Transform @@ -89852,7 +91349,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2706 components: - type: Transform @@ -89860,7 +91357,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2761 components: - type: Transform @@ -89868,7 +91365,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2771 components: - type: Transform @@ -89892,7 +91389,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3003 components: - type: Transform @@ -89900,7 +91397,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3008 components: - type: Transform @@ -89908,7 +91405,15 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-31.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3060 components: - type: Transform @@ -89916,7 +91421,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3062 components: - type: Transform @@ -89924,7 +91429,15 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3142 components: - type: Transform @@ -89971,7 +91484,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3400 components: - type: Transform @@ -89979,14 +91492,14 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3411 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3412 components: - type: Transform @@ -90008,6 +91521,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-33.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3430 components: - type: Transform @@ -90057,7 +91578,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3463 components: - type: Transform @@ -90080,7 +91601,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3528 components: - type: Transform @@ -90088,14 +91609,14 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3543 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3637 components: - type: Transform @@ -90111,7 +91632,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3644 components: - type: Transform @@ -90119,28 +91640,28 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3656 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3709 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3739 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3742 components: - type: Transform @@ -90171,7 +91692,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3818 components: - type: Transform @@ -90186,7 +91707,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3820 components: - type: Transform @@ -90202,7 +91723,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3825 components: - type: Transform @@ -90210,7 +91731,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3828 components: - type: Transform @@ -90224,7 +91745,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3840 components: - type: Transform @@ -90263,7 +91784,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3847 components: - type: Transform @@ -90271,7 +91792,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3848 components: - type: Transform @@ -90279,7 +91800,7 @@ entities: pos: -51.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3852 components: - type: Transform @@ -90327,7 +91848,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3858 components: - type: Transform @@ -90335,7 +91856,7 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3859 components: - type: Transform @@ -90343,7 +91864,7 @@ entities: pos: -50.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3867 components: - type: Transform @@ -90351,7 +91872,7 @@ entities: pos: -52.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3879 components: - type: Transform @@ -90359,7 +91880,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3880 components: - type: Transform @@ -90375,7 +91896,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3914 components: - type: Transform @@ -90383,7 +91904,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3946 components: - type: Transform @@ -90391,7 +91912,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3952 components: - type: Transform @@ -90567,7 +92088,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3984 components: - type: Transform @@ -90575,7 +92096,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3985 components: - type: Transform @@ -90583,7 +92104,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3986 components: - type: Transform @@ -90591,7 +92112,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3988 components: - type: Transform @@ -90599,7 +92120,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3989 components: - type: Transform @@ -90607,7 +92128,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3990 components: - type: Transform @@ -90615,7 +92136,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3992 components: - type: Transform @@ -90623,7 +92144,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3993 components: - type: Transform @@ -90631,7 +92152,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3994 components: - type: Transform @@ -90639,7 +92160,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3995 components: - type: Transform @@ -90647,7 +92168,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3996 components: - type: Transform @@ -90655,7 +92176,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3997 components: - type: Transform @@ -90663,7 +92184,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3998 components: - type: Transform @@ -90671,7 +92192,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4000 components: - type: Transform @@ -90679,7 +92200,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4001 components: - type: Transform @@ -90687,7 +92208,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4002 components: - type: Transform @@ -90695,7 +92216,7 @@ entities: pos: -42.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4003 components: - type: Transform @@ -90703,7 +92224,7 @@ entities: pos: -43.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4010 components: - type: Transform @@ -90743,7 +92264,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4015 components: - type: Transform @@ -90751,7 +92272,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4016 components: - type: Transform @@ -90759,14 +92280,14 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4018 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4029 components: - type: Transform @@ -90838,7 +92359,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4042 components: - type: Transform @@ -90846,7 +92367,7 @@ entities: pos: -48.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4043 components: - type: Transform @@ -90854,7 +92375,7 @@ entities: pos: -49.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4045 components: - type: Transform @@ -90862,7 +92383,7 @@ entities: pos: -51.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4046 components: - type: Transform @@ -90870,7 +92391,7 @@ entities: pos: -52.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4047 components: - type: Transform @@ -90878,14 +92399,14 @@ entities: pos: -53.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4053 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4056 components: - type: Transform @@ -90893,7 +92414,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4062 components: - type: Transform @@ -90908,7 +92429,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4077 components: - type: Transform @@ -90916,7 +92437,7 @@ entities: pos: -53.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4095 components: - type: Transform @@ -90930,7 +92451,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4120 components: - type: Transform @@ -90938,7 +92459,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4121 components: - type: Transform @@ -91355,7 +92876,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4231 components: - type: Transform @@ -91363,7 +92884,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4232 components: - type: Transform @@ -91371,7 +92892,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4233 components: - type: Transform @@ -91379,7 +92900,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4234 components: - type: Transform @@ -91387,7 +92908,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4237 components: - type: Transform @@ -91395,7 +92916,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4238 components: - type: Transform @@ -91403,7 +92924,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4239 components: - type: Transform @@ -91411,7 +92932,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4240 components: - type: Transform @@ -91419,7 +92940,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4241 components: - type: Transform @@ -91427,7 +92948,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4242 components: - type: Transform @@ -91435,7 +92956,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4243 components: - type: Transform @@ -91443,7 +92964,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4245 components: - type: Transform @@ -91451,7 +92972,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4247 components: - type: Transform @@ -91459,7 +92980,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4248 components: - type: Transform @@ -91467,7 +92988,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4249 components: - type: Transform @@ -91475,7 +92996,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4250 components: - type: Transform @@ -91483,7 +93004,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4252 components: - type: Transform @@ -91491,7 +93012,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4253 components: - type: Transform @@ -91499,7 +93020,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4254 components: - type: Transform @@ -91507,7 +93028,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4255 components: - type: Transform @@ -91515,7 +93036,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4256 components: - type: Transform @@ -91523,7 +93044,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4257 components: - type: Transform @@ -91531,7 +93052,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4259 components: - type: Transform @@ -91539,14 +93060,14 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4263 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4265 components: - type: Transform @@ -91554,7 +93075,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4266 components: - type: Transform @@ -91562,7 +93083,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4268 components: - type: Transform @@ -91570,7 +93091,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4269 components: - type: Transform @@ -91578,7 +93099,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4272 components: - type: Transform @@ -91586,7 +93107,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4274 components: - type: Transform @@ -91594,7 +93115,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4275 components: - type: Transform @@ -91602,7 +93123,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4276 components: - type: Transform @@ -91610,7 +93131,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4277 components: - type: Transform @@ -91618,7 +93139,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4278 components: - type: Transform @@ -91626,7 +93147,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4279 components: - type: Transform @@ -91634,7 +93155,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4280 components: - type: Transform @@ -91642,7 +93163,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4281 components: - type: Transform @@ -91650,7 +93171,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4282 components: - type: Transform @@ -91658,7 +93179,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4283 components: - type: Transform @@ -91666,7 +93187,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4286 components: - type: Transform @@ -91674,7 +93195,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4287 components: - type: Transform @@ -91682,7 +93203,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4288 components: - type: Transform @@ -91690,7 +93211,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4292 components: - type: Transform @@ -91698,7 +93219,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4293 components: - type: Transform @@ -91706,7 +93227,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4294 components: - type: Transform @@ -91714,56 +93235,56 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4297 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4298 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4299 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4300 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4301 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4306 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4307 components: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4313 components: - type: Transform @@ -91771,14 +93292,14 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4314 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4331 components: - type: Transform @@ -91786,7 +93307,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4332 components: - type: Transform @@ -91794,7 +93315,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4333 components: - type: Transform @@ -91802,7 +93323,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4343 components: - type: Transform @@ -91831,7 +93352,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4362 components: - type: Transform @@ -91879,7 +93400,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4428 components: - type: Transform @@ -91983,14 +93504,14 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4517 components: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4526 components: - type: Transform @@ -92006,7 +93527,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4536 components: - type: Transform @@ -92014,7 +93535,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4545 components: - type: Transform @@ -92029,7 +93550,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4631 components: - type: Transform @@ -92082,7 +93603,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4734 components: - type: Transform @@ -92090,7 +93611,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4736 components: - type: Transform @@ -92112,7 +93633,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4797 components: - type: Transform @@ -92120,7 +93641,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4871 components: - type: Transform @@ -92128,7 +93649,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4962 components: - type: Transform @@ -92224,7 +93745,7 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4978 components: - type: Transform @@ -92232,7 +93753,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4979 components: - type: Transform @@ -92240,7 +93761,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4980 components: - type: Transform @@ -92248,7 +93769,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4981 components: - type: Transform @@ -92256,7 +93777,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4982 components: - type: Transform @@ -92264,7 +93785,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4984 components: - type: Transform @@ -92272,7 +93793,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4985 components: - type: Transform @@ -92280,7 +93801,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4986 components: - type: Transform @@ -92288,7 +93809,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4987 components: - type: Transform @@ -92296,7 +93817,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4988 components: - type: Transform @@ -92304,7 +93825,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4989 components: - type: Transform @@ -92312,7 +93833,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4990 components: - type: Transform @@ -92320,7 +93841,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4991 components: - type: Transform @@ -92328,7 +93849,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4992 components: - type: Transform @@ -92336,7 +93857,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5016 components: - type: Transform @@ -92352,7 +93873,7 @@ entities: pos: -46.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5078 components: - type: Transform @@ -92457,42 +93978,42 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5470 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5471 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5472 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5473 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5474 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5475 components: - type: Transform @@ -92520,21 +94041,21 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5480 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5481 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5482 components: - type: Transform @@ -92562,21 +94083,21 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5487 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5488 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5493 components: - type: Transform @@ -92584,7 +94105,7 @@ entities: pos: -56.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5494 components: - type: Transform @@ -92592,7 +94113,7 @@ entities: pos: -57.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5496 components: - type: Transform @@ -92600,7 +94121,7 @@ entities: pos: -59.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5497 components: - type: Transform @@ -92608,7 +94129,7 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5498 components: - type: Transform @@ -92616,7 +94137,7 @@ entities: pos: -61.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5499 components: - type: Transform @@ -92624,7 +94145,7 @@ entities: pos: -62.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5500 components: - type: Transform @@ -92632,7 +94153,7 @@ entities: pos: -63.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5501 components: - type: Transform @@ -92640,7 +94161,7 @@ entities: pos: -64.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5502 components: - type: Transform @@ -92648,7 +94169,7 @@ entities: pos: -65.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5504 components: - type: Transform @@ -92808,7 +94329,7 @@ entities: pos: -56.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5527 components: - type: Transform @@ -92816,7 +94337,7 @@ entities: pos: -57.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5529 components: - type: Transform @@ -92824,7 +94345,7 @@ entities: pos: -59.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5531 components: - type: Transform @@ -92832,7 +94353,7 @@ entities: pos: -61.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5532 components: - type: Transform @@ -92840,7 +94361,7 @@ entities: pos: -62.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5533 components: - type: Transform @@ -92848,7 +94369,7 @@ entities: pos: -63.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5534 components: - type: Transform @@ -92856,7 +94377,7 @@ entities: pos: -64.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5535 components: - type: Transform @@ -92864,7 +94385,7 @@ entities: pos: -65.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5546 components: - type: Transform @@ -92967,7 +94488,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5811 components: - type: Transform @@ -93023,56 +94544,56 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5819 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5820 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5821 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5822 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5823 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5824 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5826 components: - type: Transform pos: -60.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5829 components: - type: Transform @@ -93080,7 +94601,7 @@ entities: pos: -61.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5830 components: - type: Transform @@ -93088,7 +94609,7 @@ entities: pos: -62.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5831 components: - type: Transform @@ -93096,7 +94617,7 @@ entities: pos: -63.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5832 components: - type: Transform @@ -93104,7 +94625,7 @@ entities: pos: -64.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5833 components: - type: Transform @@ -93112,7 +94633,7 @@ entities: pos: -65.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5834 components: - type: Transform @@ -93178,7 +94699,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5911 components: - type: Transform @@ -93202,7 +94723,7 @@ entities: pos: 55.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6113 components: - type: Transform @@ -93210,7 +94731,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6137 components: - type: Transform @@ -93218,20 +94739,22 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6162 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 54.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6206 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6213 components: - type: Transform @@ -93278,7 +94801,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6435 components: - type: Transform @@ -93286,7 +94809,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6443 components: - type: Transform @@ -93309,7 +94832,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6454 components: - type: Transform @@ -93317,7 +94840,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6455 components: - type: Transform @@ -93333,7 +94856,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6579 components: - type: Transform @@ -93341,7 +94864,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6623 components: - type: Transform @@ -93365,7 +94888,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6685 components: - type: Transform @@ -93373,7 +94896,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6691 components: - type: Transform @@ -93381,7 +94904,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6763 components: - type: Transform @@ -93389,7 +94912,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6764 components: - type: Transform @@ -93397,7 +94920,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6765 components: - type: Transform @@ -93453,7 +94976,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6828 components: - type: Transform @@ -93477,7 +95000,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6832 components: - type: Transform @@ -93485,21 +95008,21 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6837 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6838 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6844 components: - type: Transform @@ -93507,7 +95030,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6858 components: - type: Transform @@ -93515,7 +95038,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6860 components: - type: Transform @@ -93523,7 +95046,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6878 components: - type: Transform @@ -93531,7 +95054,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6879 components: - type: Transform @@ -93562,7 +95085,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6883 components: - type: Transform @@ -93570,7 +95093,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6884 components: - type: Transform @@ -93578,7 +95101,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6887 components: - type: Transform @@ -93586,7 +95109,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6888 components: - type: Transform @@ -93594,7 +95117,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6889 components: - type: Transform @@ -93602,7 +95125,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6890 components: - type: Transform @@ -93610,7 +95133,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6907 components: - type: Transform @@ -93618,7 +95141,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6908 components: - type: Transform @@ -93626,7 +95149,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6910 components: - type: Transform @@ -93640,42 +95163,42 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6914 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6922 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6923 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6924 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6925 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6927 components: - type: Transform @@ -93683,7 +95206,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6928 components: - type: Transform @@ -93691,7 +95214,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6929 components: - type: Transform @@ -93699,7 +95222,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6930 components: - type: Transform @@ -93707,7 +95230,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6931 components: - type: Transform @@ -93715,7 +95238,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6933 components: - type: Transform @@ -93763,7 +95286,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6940 components: - type: Transform @@ -93771,7 +95294,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6941 components: - type: Transform @@ -93779,7 +95302,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6942 components: - type: Transform @@ -93787,7 +95310,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6944 components: - type: Transform @@ -93811,7 +95334,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7001 components: - type: Transform @@ -93819,7 +95342,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7002 components: - type: Transform @@ -93859,7 +95382,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7050 components: - type: Transform @@ -93867,7 +95390,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7051 components: - type: Transform @@ -93875,7 +95398,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7118 components: - type: Transform @@ -93937,7 +95460,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7300 components: - type: Transform @@ -94022,14 +95545,14 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7375 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7376 components: - type: Transform @@ -94037,7 +95560,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7387 components: - type: Transform @@ -94060,7 +95583,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7402 components: - type: Transform @@ -94100,7 +95623,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7411 components: - type: Transform @@ -94115,7 +95638,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7415 components: - type: Transform @@ -94137,7 +95660,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7434 components: - type: Transform @@ -94176,14 +95699,14 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7488 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7493 components: - type: Transform @@ -94197,7 +95720,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7508 components: - type: Transform @@ -94213,7 +95736,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7528 components: - type: Transform @@ -94244,7 +95767,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7646 components: - type: Transform @@ -94273,7 +95796,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7698 components: - type: Transform @@ -94289,7 +95812,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7799 components: - type: Transform @@ -94312,7 +95835,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7844 components: - type: Transform @@ -94359,20 +95882,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 56.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 8244 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 46.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8253 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 46.5,0.5 - parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8366 @@ -94390,7 +95899,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8417 components: - type: Transform @@ -94398,7 +95907,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8431 components: - type: Transform @@ -94406,7 +95915,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8453 components: - type: Transform @@ -94414,21 +95923,21 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8515 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8517 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8672 components: - type: Transform @@ -94436,7 +95945,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8674 components: - type: Transform @@ -94444,7 +95953,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8675 components: - type: Transform @@ -94452,7 +95961,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8676 components: - type: Transform @@ -94460,7 +95969,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8677 components: - type: Transform @@ -94468,7 +95977,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8678 components: - type: Transform @@ -94476,7 +95985,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8680 components: - type: Transform @@ -94484,7 +95993,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8682 components: - type: Transform @@ -94492,7 +96001,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8683 components: - type: Transform @@ -94500,7 +96009,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8684 components: - type: Transform @@ -94508,7 +96017,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8685 components: - type: Transform @@ -94516,7 +96025,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8686 components: - type: Transform @@ -94524,7 +96033,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8687 components: - type: Transform @@ -94532,7 +96041,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8689 components: - type: Transform @@ -94540,105 +96049,105 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8691 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8692 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8693 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8694 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8696 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8698 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8700 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8701 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8702 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8703 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8704 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8706 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8707 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8709 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8710 components: - type: Transform @@ -94849,7 +96358,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8756 components: - type: Transform @@ -94857,7 +96366,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8757 components: - type: Transform @@ -94865,7 +96374,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8758 components: - type: Transform @@ -94873,7 +96382,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8759 components: - type: Transform @@ -94881,7 +96390,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8760 components: - type: Transform @@ -94889,7 +96398,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8761 components: - type: Transform @@ -94897,7 +96406,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8762 components: - type: Transform @@ -94905,7 +96414,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8764 components: - type: Transform @@ -94913,7 +96422,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8765 components: - type: Transform @@ -94921,7 +96430,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8767 components: - type: Transform @@ -94929,7 +96438,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8768 components: - type: Transform @@ -94937,7 +96446,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8769 components: - type: Transform @@ -94945,28 +96454,28 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8772 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8773 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8774 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8775 components: - type: Transform @@ -95089,7 +96598,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8795 components: - type: Transform @@ -95177,7 +96686,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8806 components: - type: Transform @@ -95185,7 +96694,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8807 components: - type: Transform @@ -95193,7 +96702,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8808 components: - type: Transform @@ -95201,7 +96710,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8809 components: - type: Transform @@ -95209,7 +96718,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8816 components: - type: Transform @@ -95369,7 +96878,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8839 components: - type: Transform @@ -95425,7 +96934,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8919 components: - type: Transform @@ -95433,7 +96942,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8978 components: - type: Transform @@ -95448,28 +96957,28 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8988 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8989 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8990 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8993 components: - type: Transform @@ -95477,7 +96986,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8994 components: - type: Transform @@ -95485,21 +96994,21 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9000 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9001 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9004 components: - type: Transform @@ -95595,7 +97104,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9019 components: - type: Transform @@ -95603,7 +97112,7 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9026 components: - type: Transform @@ -95675,7 +97184,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9176 components: - type: Transform @@ -95720,7 +97229,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9302 components: - type: Transform @@ -95728,7 +97237,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9351 components: - type: Transform @@ -95736,7 +97245,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9387 components: - type: Transform @@ -95745,44 +97254,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9398 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9403 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 9405 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9415 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 9419 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 9487 components: - type: Transform @@ -95790,7 +97261,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9501 components: - type: Transform @@ -95798,7 +97269,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9531 components: - type: Transform @@ -95814,28 +97285,28 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9633 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9634 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9635 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9636 components: - type: Transform @@ -95882,7 +97353,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9649 components: - type: Transform @@ -95905,7 +97376,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9653 components: - type: Transform @@ -95928,7 +97399,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9681 components: - type: Transform @@ -95950,7 +97421,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9685 components: - type: Transform @@ -95973,7 +97444,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9688 components: - type: Transform @@ -95981,7 +97452,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9689 components: - type: Transform @@ -95989,21 +97460,21 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9690 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9691 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9722 components: - type: Transform @@ -96055,14 +97526,14 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9732 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9734 components: - type: Transform @@ -96070,7 +97541,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9735 components: - type: Transform @@ -96078,7 +97549,7 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9736 components: - type: Transform @@ -96086,7 +97557,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9737 components: - type: Transform @@ -96094,7 +97565,7 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9738 components: - type: Transform @@ -96102,7 +97573,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9804 components: - type: Transform @@ -96110,7 +97581,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9805 components: - type: Transform @@ -96118,7 +97589,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9855 components: - type: Transform @@ -96172,7 +97643,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9867 components: - type: Transform @@ -96180,7 +97651,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9868 components: - type: Transform @@ -96188,7 +97659,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9869 components: - type: Transform @@ -96196,7 +97667,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9870 components: - type: Transform @@ -96204,7 +97675,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9871 components: - type: Transform @@ -96212,7 +97683,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9873 components: - type: Transform @@ -96244,7 +97715,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9936 components: - type: Transform @@ -96260,14 +97731,14 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10028 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10057 components: - type: Transform @@ -96275,7 +97746,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10061 components: - type: Transform @@ -96290,7 +97761,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10136 components: - type: Transform @@ -96298,7 +97769,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10157 components: - type: Transform @@ -96306,7 +97777,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10183 components: - type: Transform @@ -96314,7 +97785,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10284 components: - type: Transform @@ -96322,7 +97793,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10344 components: - type: Transform @@ -96352,6 +97823,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10425 components: - type: Transform @@ -96374,7 +97850,14 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10713 components: - type: Transform @@ -96382,7 +97865,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10722 components: - type: Transform @@ -96390,7 +97873,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10776 components: - type: Transform @@ -96438,7 +97921,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10782 components: - type: Transform @@ -96446,7 +97929,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10783 components: - type: Transform @@ -96454,7 +97937,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10784 components: - type: Transform @@ -96462,7 +97945,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10785 components: - type: Transform @@ -96470,7 +97953,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10786 components: - type: Transform @@ -96478,7 +97961,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10787 components: - type: Transform @@ -96486,7 +97969,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10815 components: - type: Transform @@ -96558,6 +98041,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11003 components: - type: Transform @@ -96565,7 +98055,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11004 components: - type: Transform @@ -96623,7 +98113,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11058 components: - type: Transform @@ -96833,7 +98323,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11130 components: - type: Transform @@ -96841,7 +98331,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11133 components: - type: Transform @@ -96950,7 +98440,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11167 components: - type: Transform @@ -96966,7 +98456,7 @@ entities: pos: -44.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11191 components: - type: Transform @@ -96982,7 +98472,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11197 components: - type: Transform @@ -96990,7 +98480,7 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11198 components: - type: Transform @@ -96998,7 +98488,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11205 components: - type: Transform @@ -97022,7 +98512,15 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 60.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11261 components: - type: Transform @@ -97037,6 +98535,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-24.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11316 components: - type: Transform @@ -97123,7 +98629,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11363 components: - type: Transform @@ -97131,14 +98637,14 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11376 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11393 components: - type: Transform @@ -97146,7 +98652,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11424 components: - type: Transform @@ -97193,14 +98699,14 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11499 components: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11506 components: - type: Transform @@ -97230,42 +98736,42 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11510 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11546 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11547 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11548 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11549 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11550 components: - type: Transform @@ -97273,7 +98779,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11551 components: - type: Transform @@ -97281,7 +98787,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11552 components: - type: Transform @@ -97289,7 +98795,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11553 components: - type: Transform @@ -97297,7 +98803,7 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11559 components: - type: Transform @@ -97305,7 +98811,7 @@ entities: pos: 55.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11560 components: - type: Transform @@ -97313,7 +98819,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11561 components: - type: Transform @@ -97321,7 +98827,7 @@ entities: pos: 57.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11572 components: - type: Transform @@ -97352,7 +98858,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11584 components: - type: Transform @@ -97384,7 +98890,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11612 components: - type: Transform @@ -97400,7 +98906,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11635 components: - type: Transform @@ -97439,6 +98945,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 55.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11724 components: - type: Transform @@ -97478,7 +98986,7 @@ entities: pos: 58.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11809 components: - type: Transform @@ -97494,7 +99002,7 @@ entities: pos: 59.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11831 components: - type: Transform @@ -97510,7 +99018,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11837 components: - type: Transform @@ -97518,7 +99026,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11838 components: - type: Transform @@ -97526,7 +99034,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11839 components: - type: Transform @@ -97716,7 +99224,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11932 components: - type: Transform @@ -97724,7 +99232,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11971 components: - type: Transform @@ -97732,7 +99240,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11972 components: - type: Transform @@ -97748,7 +99256,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11977 components: - type: Transform @@ -97771,7 +99279,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12032 components: - type: Transform @@ -97868,7 +99376,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12113 components: - type: Transform @@ -97876,7 +99384,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12114 components: - type: Transform @@ -97884,7 +99392,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12118 components: - type: Transform @@ -97892,7 +99400,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12121 components: - type: Transform @@ -97900,14 +99408,14 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12125 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12135 components: - type: Transform @@ -97915,7 +99423,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12136 components: - type: Transform @@ -97923,7 +99431,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12138 components: - type: Transform @@ -97931,7 +99439,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12140 components: - type: Transform @@ -97946,7 +99454,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12150 components: - type: Transform @@ -97962,21 +99470,21 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12327 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12328 components: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12331 components: - type: Transform @@ -98011,7 +99519,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12339 components: - type: Transform @@ -98019,7 +99527,7 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12340 components: - type: Transform @@ -98027,7 +99535,7 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12341 components: - type: Transform @@ -98035,7 +99543,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12376 components: - type: Transform @@ -98057,7 +99565,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12399 components: - type: Transform @@ -98065,7 +99573,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12404 components: - type: Transform @@ -98201,7 +99709,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12520 components: - type: Transform @@ -98273,7 +99781,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12687 components: - type: Transform @@ -98281,7 +99789,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12689 components: - type: Transform @@ -98296,7 +99804,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12695 components: - type: Transform @@ -98311,14 +99819,14 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12712 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12714 components: - type: Transform @@ -98326,7 +99834,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12726 components: - type: Transform @@ -98334,7 +99842,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12727 components: - type: Transform @@ -98342,7 +99850,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12728 components: - type: Transform @@ -98350,7 +99858,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12747 components: - type: Transform @@ -98358,7 +99866,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12748 components: - type: Transform @@ -98366,7 +99874,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12749 components: - type: Transform @@ -98374,7 +99882,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12750 components: - type: Transform @@ -98382,7 +99890,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12751 components: - type: Transform @@ -98390,7 +99898,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12752 components: - type: Transform @@ -98398,7 +99906,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12753 components: - type: Transform @@ -98406,7 +99914,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12755 components: - type: Transform @@ -98414,7 +99922,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12756 components: - type: Transform @@ -98422,7 +99930,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12784 components: - type: Transform @@ -98486,7 +99994,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12826 components: - type: Transform @@ -98494,7 +100002,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12827 components: - type: Transform @@ -98502,7 +100010,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12828 components: - type: Transform @@ -98510,7 +100018,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12829 components: - type: Transform @@ -98518,21 +100026,21 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12830 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12831 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12832 components: - type: Transform @@ -98540,14 +100048,14 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12897 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12989 components: - type: Transform @@ -98555,7 +100063,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12991 components: - type: Transform @@ -98571,7 +100079,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12993 components: - type: Transform @@ -98603,7 +100111,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13002 components: - type: Transform @@ -98617,7 +100125,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13006 components: - type: Transform @@ -98625,7 +100133,7 @@ entities: pos: 36.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13007 components: - type: Transform @@ -98633,7 +100141,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13008 components: - type: Transform @@ -98641,7 +100149,7 @@ entities: pos: 38.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13009 components: - type: Transform @@ -98649,7 +100157,7 @@ entities: pos: 39.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13010 components: - type: Transform @@ -98657,7 +100165,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13011 components: - type: Transform @@ -98665,7 +100173,7 @@ entities: pos: 41.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13012 components: - type: Transform @@ -98673,7 +100181,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13013 components: - type: Transform @@ -98681,7 +100189,7 @@ entities: pos: 43.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13014 components: - type: Transform @@ -98689,7 +100197,7 @@ entities: pos: 44.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13015 components: - type: Transform @@ -98697,7 +100205,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13016 components: - type: Transform @@ -98801,7 +100309,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13040 components: - type: Transform @@ -98809,7 +100317,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13041 components: - type: Transform @@ -98817,7 +100325,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13042 components: - type: Transform @@ -98825,7 +100333,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13043 components: - type: Transform @@ -98833,7 +100341,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13164 components: - type: Transform @@ -98841,7 +100349,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13165 components: - type: Transform @@ -98855,7 +100363,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13327 components: - type: Transform @@ -98878,7 +100386,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13407 components: - type: Transform @@ -98886,7 +100394,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13412 components: - type: Transform @@ -98942,7 +100450,7 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13703 components: - type: Transform @@ -98958,14 +100466,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 13907 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-39.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14104 components: - type: Transform @@ -98973,7 +100474,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14133 components: - type: Transform @@ -98981,7 +100482,7 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14174 components: - type: Transform @@ -98989,7 +100490,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14192 components: - type: Transform @@ -98997,7 +100498,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14257 components: - type: Transform @@ -99005,7 +100506,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14303 components: - type: Transform @@ -99037,7 +100538,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14359 components: - type: Transform @@ -99050,7 +100551,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14371 components: - type: Transform @@ -99058,14 +100559,14 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14374 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14377 components: - type: Transform @@ -99081,7 +100582,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14387 components: - type: Transform @@ -99121,7 +100622,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14404 components: - type: Transform @@ -99129,7 +100630,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14415 components: - type: Transform @@ -99137,7 +100638,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14419 components: - type: Transform @@ -99145,7 +100646,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14451 components: - type: Transform @@ -99181,7 +100682,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14494 components: - type: Transform @@ -99189,7 +100690,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14523 components: - type: Transform @@ -99273,14 +100774,14 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14544 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14545 components: - type: Transform @@ -99288,77 +100789,77 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14546 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14547 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14548 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14549 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14550 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14552 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14553 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14554 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14555 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14556 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14563 components: - type: Transform @@ -99366,7 +100867,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14565 components: - type: Transform @@ -99374,7 +100875,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14568 components: - type: Transform @@ -99382,7 +100883,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14572 components: - type: Transform @@ -99390,7 +100891,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14574 components: - type: Transform @@ -99398,7 +100899,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14576 components: - type: Transform @@ -99406,7 +100907,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14577 components: - type: Transform @@ -99414,7 +100915,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14578 components: - type: Transform @@ -99422,7 +100923,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14579 components: - type: Transform @@ -99430,7 +100931,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14580 components: - type: Transform @@ -99438,7 +100939,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14581 components: - type: Transform @@ -99446,14 +100947,14 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14583 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14584 components: - type: Transform @@ -99476,21 +100977,21 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14593 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14595 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14596 components: - type: Transform @@ -99504,7 +101005,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14600 components: - type: Transform @@ -99518,7 +101019,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14602 components: - type: Transform @@ -99526,7 +101027,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14603 components: - type: Transform @@ -99534,7 +101035,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14604 components: - type: Transform @@ -99542,7 +101043,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14605 components: - type: Transform @@ -99550,7 +101051,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14608 components: - type: Transform @@ -99565,7 +101066,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14611 components: - type: Transform @@ -99573,7 +101074,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14612 components: - type: Transform @@ -99581,7 +101082,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14613 components: - type: Transform @@ -99589,7 +101090,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14614 components: - type: Transform @@ -99597,7 +101098,7 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14616 components: - type: Transform @@ -99611,7 +101112,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14633 components: - type: Transform @@ -99679,7 +101180,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14655 components: - type: Transform @@ -99687,7 +101188,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14661 components: - type: Transform @@ -99831,7 +101332,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14715 components: - type: Transform @@ -99895,7 +101396,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14723 components: - type: Transform @@ -99903,7 +101404,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14725 components: - type: Transform @@ -99911,7 +101412,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14730 components: - type: Transform @@ -99943,7 +101444,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14736 components: - type: Transform @@ -99967,7 +101468,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14744 components: - type: Transform @@ -99975,7 +101476,15 @@ entities: pos: -34.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14780 components: - type: Transform @@ -99983,7 +101492,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14799 components: - type: Transform @@ -99991,7 +101500,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14828 components: - type: Transform @@ -100014,7 +101523,7 @@ entities: pos: -38.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14930 components: - type: Transform @@ -100022,14 +101531,14 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14936 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-61.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14948 components: - type: Transform @@ -100044,7 +101553,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-61.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14973 components: - type: Transform @@ -100060,14 +101569,14 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14981 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15049 components: - type: Transform @@ -100083,14 +101592,14 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15082 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15087 components: - type: Transform @@ -100106,7 +101615,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15117 components: - type: Transform @@ -100130,7 +101639,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15166 components: - type: Transform @@ -100138,7 +101647,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15167 components: - type: Transform @@ -100169,7 +101678,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15202 components: - type: Transform @@ -100177,7 +101686,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15230 components: - type: Transform @@ -100185,7 +101694,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15243 components: - type: Transform @@ -100201,7 +101710,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15258 components: - type: Transform @@ -100209,7 +101718,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15261 components: - type: Transform @@ -100217,7 +101726,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15274 components: - type: Transform @@ -100280,7 +101789,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15298 components: - type: Transform @@ -100296,7 +101805,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15313 components: - type: Transform @@ -100304,7 +101813,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15314 components: - type: Transform @@ -100312,7 +101821,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15315 components: - type: Transform @@ -100320,7 +101829,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15323 components: - type: Transform @@ -100328,6 +101837,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15338 components: - type: Transform @@ -100350,7 +101866,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15352 components: - type: Transform @@ -100358,7 +101874,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15374 components: - type: Transform @@ -100366,7 +101882,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15389 components: - type: Transform @@ -100382,7 +101898,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15405 components: - type: Transform @@ -100414,7 +101930,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15414 components: - type: Transform @@ -100422,7 +101938,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15417 components: - type: Transform @@ -100469,7 +101985,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15439 components: - type: Transform @@ -100492,14 +102008,14 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15454 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15458 components: - type: Transform @@ -100523,7 +102039,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15464 components: - type: Transform @@ -100531,7 +102047,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15471 components: - type: Transform @@ -100547,7 +102063,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15477 components: - type: Transform @@ -100555,7 +102071,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15479 components: - type: Transform @@ -100570,7 +102086,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15482 components: - type: Transform @@ -100594,7 +102110,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15493 components: - type: Transform @@ -100617,7 +102133,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15518 components: - type: Transform @@ -100633,7 +102149,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15549 components: - type: Transform @@ -100673,7 +102189,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15576 components: - type: Transform @@ -100681,7 +102197,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15579 components: - type: Transform @@ -100690,6 +102206,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15589 components: - type: Transform @@ -100697,7 +102220,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15598 components: - type: Transform @@ -100713,7 +102236,14 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15629 components: - type: Transform @@ -100721,7 +102251,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15630 components: - type: Transform @@ -100729,7 +102259,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15668 components: - type: Transform @@ -100746,6 +102276,20 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-39.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-40.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15678 components: - type: Transform @@ -100753,6 +102297,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15683 components: - type: Transform @@ -100760,7 +102311,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15686 components: - type: Transform @@ -100768,7 +102319,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15688 components: - type: Transform @@ -100776,7 +102327,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15694 components: - type: Transform @@ -100785,6 +102336,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15708 components: - type: Transform @@ -100800,7 +102359,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15716 components: - type: Transform @@ -100808,7 +102367,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15728 components: - type: Transform @@ -100847,7 +102406,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15749 components: - type: Transform @@ -100862,7 +102421,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-61.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15757 components: - type: Transform @@ -100877,7 +102436,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15774 components: - type: Transform @@ -100885,7 +102444,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15775 components: - type: Transform @@ -100900,7 +102459,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-67.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15809 components: - type: Transform @@ -100941,6 +102500,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15893 components: - type: Transform @@ -100948,7 +102515,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15933 components: - type: Transform @@ -100956,7 +102523,14 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15952 components: - type: Transform @@ -100964,7 +102538,14 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15957 components: - type: Transform @@ -100980,7 +102561,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-68.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15977 components: - type: Transform @@ -100988,7 +102569,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15978 components: - type: Transform @@ -100996,7 +102577,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15979 components: - type: Transform @@ -101011,7 +102592,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15982 components: - type: Transform @@ -101019,7 +102600,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15983 components: - type: Transform @@ -101027,7 +102608,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15988 components: - type: Transform @@ -101035,7 +102616,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15993 components: - type: Transform @@ -101043,7 +102624,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16001 components: - type: Transform @@ -101051,7 +102632,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16022 components: - type: Transform @@ -101059,7 +102640,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16023 components: - type: Transform @@ -101067,7 +102648,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16027 components: - type: Transform @@ -101075,7 +102656,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16076 components: - type: Transform @@ -101098,7 +102679,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16129 components: - type: Transform @@ -101106,7 +102687,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16135 components: - type: Transform @@ -101130,7 +102711,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16245 components: - type: Transform @@ -101146,7 +102727,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16256 components: - type: Transform @@ -101154,7 +102735,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16279 components: - type: Transform @@ -101170,50 +102751,11 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16300 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-40.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16313 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16317 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16321 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 16322 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-40.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 16340 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-40.5 + pos: 1.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -101263,7 +102805,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16356 components: - type: Transform @@ -101303,7 +102845,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16378 components: - type: Transform @@ -101311,7 +102853,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16379 components: - type: Transform @@ -101319,14 +102861,14 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16386 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16388 components: - type: Transform @@ -101334,7 +102876,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16389 components: - type: Transform @@ -101342,14 +102884,14 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16396 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16416 components: - type: Transform @@ -101381,7 +102923,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16427 components: - type: Transform @@ -101397,7 +102939,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16429 components: - type: Transform @@ -101405,7 +102947,7 @@ entities: pos: -36.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16430 components: - type: Transform @@ -101413,7 +102955,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16431 components: - type: Transform @@ -101421,7 +102963,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16432 components: - type: Transform @@ -101477,7 +103019,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16489 components: - type: Transform @@ -101485,7 +103027,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16492 components: - type: Transform @@ -101493,7 +103035,15 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16522 components: - type: Transform @@ -101501,6 +103051,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#3AB334FF' + - uid: 16543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-40.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16558 components: - type: Transform @@ -101508,7 +103066,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16566 components: - type: Transform @@ -101516,7 +103074,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16568 components: - type: Transform @@ -101524,7 +103082,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16581 components: - type: Transform @@ -101546,7 +103104,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16607 components: - type: Transform @@ -101577,7 +103135,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16649 components: - type: Transform @@ -101593,7 +103151,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16722 components: - type: Transform @@ -101616,7 +103174,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16728 components: - type: MetaData @@ -101664,7 +103222,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16955 components: - type: Transform @@ -101736,7 +103294,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17360 components: - type: Transform @@ -101768,7 +103326,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17436 components: - type: Transform @@ -101839,7 +103397,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17470 components: - type: Transform @@ -101887,7 +103445,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17479 components: - type: Transform @@ -101895,7 +103453,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17512 components: - type: Transform @@ -101924,7 +103482,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17649 components: - type: Transform @@ -101980,7 +103538,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17658 components: - type: Transform @@ -102079,7 +103637,7 @@ entities: pos: -23.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17688 components: - type: Transform @@ -102087,7 +103645,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17689 components: - type: Transform @@ -102095,7 +103653,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17690 components: - type: Transform @@ -102103,7 +103661,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17691 components: - type: Transform @@ -102111,7 +103669,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17692 components: - type: Transform @@ -102119,7 +103677,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17693 components: - type: Transform @@ -102127,7 +103685,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17695 components: - type: Transform @@ -102135,7 +103693,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17696 components: - type: Transform @@ -102151,7 +103709,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17699 components: - type: Transform @@ -102159,7 +103717,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17700 components: - type: Transform @@ -102175,7 +103733,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17702 components: - type: Transform @@ -102183,7 +103741,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17703 components: - type: Transform @@ -102199,7 +103757,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17727 components: - type: Transform @@ -102207,7 +103765,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17728 components: - type: Transform @@ -102215,7 +103773,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17730 components: - type: Transform @@ -102223,7 +103781,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17731 components: - type: Transform @@ -102239,7 +103797,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17733 components: - type: Transform @@ -102247,7 +103805,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17734 components: - type: Transform @@ -102270,7 +103828,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17743 components: - type: Transform @@ -102285,7 +103843,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17747 components: - type: Transform @@ -102301,7 +103859,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17751 components: - type: Transform @@ -102325,7 +103883,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17797 components: - type: Transform @@ -102341,7 +103899,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17807 components: - type: Transform @@ -102349,7 +103907,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17892 components: - type: Transform @@ -102357,7 +103915,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17893 components: - type: Transform @@ -102365,7 +103923,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17910 components: - type: Transform @@ -102373,7 +103931,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17921 components: - type: Transform @@ -102381,7 +103939,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17958 components: - type: Transform @@ -102389,7 +103947,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18072 components: - type: Transform @@ -102397,7 +103955,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18073 components: - type: Transform @@ -102413,7 +103971,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18075 components: - type: Transform @@ -102421,7 +103979,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18222 components: - type: Transform @@ -102437,7 +103995,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18246 components: - type: Transform @@ -102445,7 +104003,7 @@ entities: pos: -24.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18263 components: - type: Transform @@ -102453,7 +104011,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18314 components: - type: Transform @@ -102469,7 +104027,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18351 components: - type: Transform @@ -102667,7 +104225,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18402 components: - type: Transform @@ -102868,7 +104426,7 @@ entities: pos: -59.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18499 components: - type: Transform @@ -102876,7 +104434,7 @@ entities: pos: -58.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18500 components: - type: Transform @@ -102884,36 +104442,28 @@ entities: pos: -57.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18501 components: - type: Transform pos: -56.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18502 components: - type: Transform pos: -56.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18503 components: - type: Transform pos: -56.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 18562 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-38.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18570 components: - type: Transform @@ -102929,7 +104479,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18580 components: - type: Transform @@ -102976,7 +104526,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18624 components: - type: Transform @@ -102984,7 +104534,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18939 components: - type: Transform @@ -102992,7 +104542,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18973 components: - type: Transform @@ -103457,7 +105007,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19065 components: - type: Transform @@ -103465,7 +105015,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19066 components: - type: Transform @@ -103496,7 +105046,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19077 components: - type: Transform @@ -103512,7 +105062,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19086 components: - type: Transform @@ -103520,7 +105070,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19088 components: - type: Transform @@ -103528,7 +105078,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19089 components: - type: Transform @@ -103608,7 +105158,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19214 components: - type: Transform @@ -103616,7 +105166,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19216 components: - type: Transform @@ -103624,7 +105174,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19220 components: - type: Transform @@ -103662,7 +105212,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19296 components: - type: Transform @@ -103679,14 +105229,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 19299 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19301 components: - type: Transform @@ -103701,14 +105243,14 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19304 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19305 components: - type: Transform @@ -103722,7 +105264,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19309 components: - type: Transform @@ -103761,7 +105303,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19331 components: - type: Transform @@ -103769,7 +105311,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19333 components: - type: Transform @@ -103785,7 +105327,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19345 components: - type: Transform @@ -103849,7 +105391,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19373 components: - type: Transform @@ -103881,7 +105423,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19383 components: - type: Transform @@ -103930,14 +105472,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#6F2498FF' - - uid: 19407 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19412 components: - type: Transform @@ -103985,7 +105519,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19443 components: - type: Transform @@ -104049,7 +105583,7 @@ entities: pos: 14.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19475 components: - type: Transform @@ -104057,7 +105591,7 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19485 components: - type: Transform @@ -104065,7 +105599,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19486 components: - type: Transform @@ -104073,7 +105607,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19487 components: - type: Transform @@ -104128,7 +105662,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19502 components: - type: Transform @@ -104150,7 +105684,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19506 components: - type: Transform @@ -104158,7 +105692,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19507 components: - type: Transform @@ -104166,7 +105700,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19512 components: - type: Transform @@ -104174,7 +105708,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19513 components: - type: Transform @@ -104182,7 +105716,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19514 components: - type: Transform @@ -104198,7 +105732,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19517 components: - type: Transform @@ -104213,7 +105747,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19524 components: - type: Transform @@ -104221,7 +105755,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19527 components: - type: Transform @@ -104229,7 +105763,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19534 components: - type: Transform @@ -104237,7 +105771,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19542 components: - type: Transform @@ -104291,7 +105825,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19636 components: - type: Transform @@ -104299,7 +105833,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19737 components: - type: Transform @@ -104307,7 +105841,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19738 components: - type: Transform @@ -104315,7 +105849,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19742 components: - type: Transform @@ -104323,7 +105857,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19781 components: - type: Transform @@ -104331,7 +105865,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19835 components: - type: Transform @@ -104347,7 +105881,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19837 components: - type: Transform @@ -104355,7 +105889,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20015 components: - type: Transform @@ -104379,7 +105913,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20018 components: - type: Transform @@ -104387,7 +105921,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20050 components: - type: Transform @@ -104395,7 +105929,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20098 components: - type: Transform @@ -104417,6 +105951,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 20164 components: - type: Transform @@ -104431,7 +105972,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20178 components: - type: Transform @@ -104439,7 +105980,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20179 components: - type: Transform @@ -104447,7 +105988,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20180 components: - type: Transform @@ -104455,7 +105996,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20186 components: - type: Transform @@ -104494,7 +106035,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20191 components: - type: Transform @@ -104502,7 +106043,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20192 components: - type: Transform @@ -104548,7 +106089,12 @@ entities: pos: 17.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20531 components: - type: Transform @@ -104563,21 +106109,21 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20593 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20594 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20595 components: - type: Transform @@ -104607,7 +106153,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20622 components: - type: Transform @@ -104649,28 +106195,28 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20642 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20643 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20644 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20662 components: - type: Transform @@ -104803,133 +106349,145 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-61.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20686 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20687 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20690 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20691 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20692 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-54.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20693 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20694 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20695 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20696 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20697 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20698 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20699 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20701 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20702 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20703 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20704 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20705 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20709 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20724 components: - type: Transform @@ -104952,7 +106510,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20877 components: - type: Transform @@ -104975,7 +106533,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20897 components: - type: Transform @@ -104983,7 +106541,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20938 components: - type: Transform @@ -104999,7 +106557,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20970 components: - type: Transform @@ -105007,7 +106565,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20971 components: - type: Transform @@ -105015,7 +106573,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,54.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20972 components: - type: Transform @@ -105023,7 +106581,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,55.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20973 components: - type: Transform @@ -105031,14 +106589,14 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20996 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21003 components: - type: Transform @@ -105046,7 +106604,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-56.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21009 components: - type: Transform @@ -105069,7 +106627,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21029 components: - type: Transform @@ -105077,7 +106635,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21030 components: - type: Transform @@ -105085,7 +106643,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21031 components: - type: Transform @@ -105093,7 +106651,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21032 components: - type: Transform @@ -105101,7 +106659,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21033 components: - type: Transform @@ -105109,7 +106667,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21034 components: - type: Transform @@ -105117,42 +106675,42 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21035 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-54.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21036 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21037 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21038 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21039 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21043 components: - type: Transform @@ -105160,7 +106718,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21044 components: - type: Transform @@ -105168,7 +106726,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21045 components: - type: Transform @@ -105176,7 +106734,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21046 components: - type: Transform @@ -105184,7 +106742,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21047 components: - type: Transform @@ -105192,7 +106750,7 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21077 components: - type: Transform @@ -105207,42 +106765,42 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21109 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21110 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21111 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21112 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21113 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21114 components: - type: Transform @@ -105250,7 +106808,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21116 components: - type: Transform @@ -105258,7 +106816,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21117 components: - type: Transform @@ -105266,7 +106824,7 @@ entities: pos: 19.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21118 components: - type: Transform @@ -105274,7 +106832,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21119 components: - type: Transform @@ -105282,7 +106840,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21120 components: - type: Transform @@ -105290,7 +106848,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21121 components: - type: Transform @@ -105298,7 +106856,7 @@ entities: pos: 23.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21122 components: - type: Transform @@ -105306,7 +106864,7 @@ entities: pos: 24.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21123 components: - type: Transform @@ -105314,7 +106872,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21124 components: - type: Transform @@ -105322,7 +106880,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21125 components: - type: Transform @@ -105330,7 +106888,7 @@ entities: pos: 27.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21126 components: - type: Transform @@ -105338,7 +106896,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21127 components: - type: Transform @@ -105346,7 +106904,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21128 components: - type: Transform @@ -105354,7 +106912,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21129 components: - type: Transform @@ -105362,7 +106920,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21130 components: - type: Transform @@ -105370,7 +106928,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21131 components: - type: Transform @@ -105378,7 +106936,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21132 components: - type: Transform @@ -105386,7 +106944,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21133 components: - type: Transform @@ -105394,7 +106952,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21134 components: - type: Transform @@ -105402,7 +106960,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21135 components: - type: Transform @@ -105410,7 +106968,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21136 components: - type: Transform @@ -105418,7 +106976,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21137 components: - type: Transform @@ -105426,7 +106984,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21138 components: - type: Transform @@ -105434,7 +106992,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21144 components: - type: Transform @@ -105442,7 +107000,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21146 components: - type: Transform @@ -105450,7 +107008,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21147 components: - type: Transform @@ -105458,7 +107016,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21148 components: - type: Transform @@ -105482,7 +107040,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,57.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21375 components: - type: Transform @@ -105490,7 +107048,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,58.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21413 components: - type: Transform @@ -105498,7 +107056,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21442 components: - type: Transform @@ -105506,7 +107064,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21464 components: - type: Transform @@ -105514,7 +107072,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21465 components: - type: Transform @@ -105522,7 +107080,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21490 components: - type: Transform @@ -105530,7 +107088,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21491 components: - type: Transform @@ -105538,42 +107096,42 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21492 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-68.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21493 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-67.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21494 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21495 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-65.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21496 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-64.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21498 components: - type: Transform @@ -105581,7 +107139,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21499 components: - type: Transform @@ -105589,7 +107147,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21500 components: - type: Transform @@ -105597,7 +107155,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21501 components: - type: Transform @@ -105605,7 +107163,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21502 components: - type: Transform @@ -105613,7 +107171,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21504 components: - type: Transform @@ -105621,7 +107179,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21505 components: - type: Transform @@ -105629,7 +107187,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21506 components: - type: Transform @@ -105637,7 +107195,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21509 components: - type: Transform @@ -105645,7 +107203,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21510 components: - type: Transform @@ -105653,7 +107211,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21511 components: - type: Transform @@ -105661,7 +107219,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21513 components: - type: Transform @@ -105669,7 +107227,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21514 components: - type: Transform @@ -105677,7 +107235,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21515 components: - type: Transform @@ -105685,7 +107243,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21516 components: - type: Transform @@ -105693,7 +107251,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21517 components: - type: Transform @@ -105701,7 +107259,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21519 components: - type: Transform @@ -105709,7 +107267,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-67.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21520 components: - type: Transform @@ -105717,7 +107275,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-68.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21521 components: - type: Transform @@ -105725,7 +107283,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-65.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21522 components: - type: Transform @@ -105733,7 +107291,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-64.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21524 components: - type: Transform @@ -105741,7 +107299,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21525 components: - type: Transform @@ -105749,7 +107307,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21526 components: - type: Transform @@ -105757,7 +107315,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21527 components: - type: Transform @@ -105765,49 +107323,49 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21528 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-67.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21529 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-68.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21530 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21531 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-70.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21532 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-71.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21533 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-72.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21540 components: - type: Transform @@ -105815,7 +107373,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21541 components: - type: Transform @@ -105823,7 +107381,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21542 components: - type: Transform @@ -105831,7 +107389,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21543 components: - type: Transform @@ -105839,7 +107397,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21544 components: - type: Transform @@ -105847,7 +107405,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21545 components: - type: Transform @@ -105855,7 +107413,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21546 components: - type: Transform @@ -105863,7 +107421,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21547 components: - type: Transform @@ -105871,35 +107429,35 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21553 components: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21554 components: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21555 components: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-64.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21556 components: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-65.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21559 components: - type: Transform @@ -105907,7 +107465,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21560 components: - type: Transform @@ -105915,7 +107473,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21561 components: - type: Transform @@ -105923,7 +107481,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21571 components: - type: Transform @@ -106336,7 +107894,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21642 components: - type: Transform @@ -106344,7 +107902,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-70.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21652 components: - type: Transform @@ -106352,7 +107910,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21874 components: - type: Transform @@ -106414,7 +107972,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,60.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22144 components: - type: Transform @@ -106422,7 +107980,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,61.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22150 components: - type: Transform @@ -106430,7 +107988,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22151 components: - type: Transform @@ -106438,7 +107996,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22152 components: - type: Transform @@ -106446,7 +108004,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,64.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22153 components: - type: Transform @@ -106547,14 +108105,14 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22380 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22382 components: - type: Transform @@ -106562,7 +108120,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22384 components: - type: Transform @@ -106570,7 +108128,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22385 components: - type: Transform @@ -106578,7 +108136,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22386 components: - type: Transform @@ -106586,7 +108144,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22403 components: - type: Transform @@ -106640,7 +108198,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22429 components: - type: Transform @@ -106648,7 +108206,7 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22430 components: - type: Transform @@ -106656,7 +108214,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22432 components: - type: Transform @@ -106664,7 +108222,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22436 components: - type: Transform @@ -106672,7 +108230,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22437 components: - type: Transform @@ -106680,7 +108238,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22438 components: - type: Transform @@ -106688,7 +108246,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22439 components: - type: Transform @@ -106696,7 +108254,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22440 components: - type: Transform @@ -106740,35 +108298,35 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22448 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22449 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22450 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22451 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22452 components: - type: Transform @@ -106790,7 +108348,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22472 components: - type: Transform @@ -106861,14 +108419,14 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22500 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22529 components: - type: Transform @@ -106876,7 +108434,7 @@ entities: pos: 9.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22530 components: - type: Transform @@ -106884,7 +108442,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22531 components: - type: Transform @@ -106892,7 +108450,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22532 components: - type: Transform @@ -106900,7 +108458,7 @@ entities: pos: 6.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22535 components: - type: Transform @@ -106908,7 +108466,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22536 components: - type: Transform @@ -106916,7 +108474,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22538 components: - type: Transform @@ -106988,7 +108546,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22563 components: - type: Transform @@ -106996,7 +108554,7 @@ entities: pos: -14.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22564 components: - type: Transform @@ -107004,7 +108562,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22568 components: - type: Transform @@ -107012,7 +108570,7 @@ entities: pos: -16.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22569 components: - type: Transform @@ -107020,7 +108578,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22571 components: - type: Transform @@ -107028,7 +108586,7 @@ entities: pos: -18.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22573 components: - type: Transform @@ -107036,7 +108594,7 @@ entities: pos: -19.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22574 components: - type: Transform @@ -107084,7 +108642,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23107 components: - type: Transform @@ -107092,7 +108650,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-70.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23117 components: - type: Transform @@ -107107,7 +108665,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23328 components: - type: Transform @@ -107161,7 +108719,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23391 components: - type: Transform @@ -107169,7 +108727,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23392 components: - type: Transform @@ -107177,7 +108735,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23393 components: - type: Transform @@ -107185,7 +108743,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23394 components: - type: Transform @@ -107193,7 +108751,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23396 components: - type: Transform @@ -107201,7 +108759,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23397 components: - type: Transform @@ -107209,7 +108767,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23484 components: - type: Transform @@ -107217,7 +108775,7 @@ entities: pos: 55.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23485 components: - type: Transform @@ -107225,7 +108783,7 @@ entities: pos: 56.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23486 components: - type: Transform @@ -107233,7 +108791,7 @@ entities: pos: 57.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23487 components: - type: Transform @@ -107241,7 +108799,7 @@ entities: pos: 58.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23488 components: - type: Transform @@ -107249,7 +108807,7 @@ entities: pos: 59.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23489 components: - type: Transform @@ -107257,7 +108815,7 @@ entities: pos: 60.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23492 components: - type: Transform @@ -107265,7 +108823,7 @@ entities: pos: 62.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23493 components: - type: Transform @@ -107273,7 +108831,7 @@ entities: pos: 63.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23494 components: - type: Transform @@ -107281,7 +108839,7 @@ entities: pos: 64.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23495 components: - type: Transform @@ -107289,7 +108847,7 @@ entities: pos: 65.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23501 components: - type: Transform @@ -107297,7 +108855,7 @@ entities: pos: 66.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23502 components: - type: Transform @@ -107305,7 +108863,7 @@ entities: pos: 67.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23503 components: - type: Transform @@ -107313,31 +108871,7 @@ entities: pos: 68.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23506 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 69.5,4.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23507 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 69.5,5.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23508 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 69.5,6.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23511 components: - type: Transform @@ -107502,7 +109036,7 @@ entities: pos: 50.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23569 components: - type: Transform @@ -107510,7 +109044,7 @@ entities: pos: 49.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23570 components: - type: Transform @@ -107518,7 +109052,7 @@ entities: pos: 48.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23571 components: - type: Transform @@ -107526,7 +109060,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23572 components: - type: Transform @@ -107534,7 +109068,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23841 components: - type: Transform @@ -107645,6 +109179,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24517 components: - type: Transform @@ -107652,7 +109194,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 24523 components: - type: Transform @@ -109082,6 +110624,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 69.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 27070 components: - type: Transform @@ -109101,7 +110651,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 27156 components: - type: Transform @@ -109124,11 +110674,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 73.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 27196 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 71.5,-38.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 27201 components: - type: Transform @@ -109180,13 +110725,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#947507FF' - - uid: 27208 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 66.5,-27.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#947507FF' - uid: 27209 components: - type: Transform @@ -109388,22 +110926,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 28119 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 45.5,-31.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#3AB334FF' - - uid: 28120 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 45.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#3AB334FF' - uid: 28121 components: - type: Transform @@ -109428,30 +110950,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#3AB334FF' - - uid: 28124 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 45.5,-26.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#3AB334FF' - - uid: 28125 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 47.5,-26.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#947507FF' - - uid: 28126 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 47.5,-28.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#947507FF' - uid: 28127 components: - type: Transform @@ -109475,7 +110973,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28181 components: - type: Transform @@ -109483,7 +110981,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28182 components: - type: Transform @@ -109491,7 +110989,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28183 components: - type: Transform @@ -109499,7 +110997,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28184 components: - type: Transform @@ -109507,7 +111005,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28185 components: - type: Transform @@ -109515,7 +111013,47 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 28354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 70.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 28355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 72.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 28356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 71.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 28357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 73.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 28358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 74.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - uid: 179 @@ -109555,7 +111093,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 296 components: - type: Transform @@ -109579,7 +111117,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 363 components: - type: Transform @@ -109587,14 +111125,14 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 367 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 402 components: - type: Transform @@ -109602,7 +111140,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform @@ -109610,7 +111148,7 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform @@ -109626,7 +111164,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 444 components: - type: Transform @@ -109634,7 +111172,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 452 components: - type: Transform @@ -109704,7 +111242,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 578 components: - type: Transform @@ -109712,7 +111250,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 582 components: - type: Transform @@ -109720,7 +111258,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 596 components: - type: Transform @@ -109736,7 +111274,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 602 components: - type: Transform @@ -109759,7 +111297,7 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 632 components: - type: Transform @@ -109807,7 +111345,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1602 components: - type: Transform @@ -109830,7 +111368,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2499 components: - type: Transform @@ -109860,14 +111398,14 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2517 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2541 components: - type: Transform @@ -109890,14 +111428,14 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2568 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2596 components: - type: Transform @@ -109905,14 +111443,14 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2605 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2631 components: - type: Transform @@ -109920,7 +111458,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2639 components: - type: Transform @@ -109950,7 +111488,7 @@ entities: pos: 40.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2715 components: - type: Transform @@ -109971,7 +111509,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3484 components: - type: Transform @@ -109979,7 +111517,7 @@ entities: pos: -29.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3623 components: - type: Transform @@ -109987,7 +111525,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3708 components: - type: Transform @@ -109995,7 +111533,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3843 components: - type: Transform @@ -110010,7 +111548,7 @@ entities: pos: -50.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3969 components: - type: Transform @@ -110025,14 +111563,14 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3991 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4004 components: - type: Transform @@ -110048,7 +111586,7 @@ entities: pos: -45.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4009 components: - type: Transform @@ -110063,14 +111601,14 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4227 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4273 components: - type: Transform @@ -110118,7 +111656,7 @@ entities: pos: -33.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4673 components: - type: Transform @@ -110150,7 +111688,7 @@ entities: pos: -32.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4689 components: - type: Transform @@ -110159,13 +111697,21 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4784 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4795 components: - type: Transform @@ -110173,7 +111719,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4961 components: - type: Transform @@ -110204,7 +111750,7 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5458 components: - type: Transform @@ -110212,14 +111758,14 @@ entities: pos: -55.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5477 components: - type: Transform pos: -58.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5484 components: - type: Transform @@ -110227,7 +111773,7 @@ entities: pos: -58.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5492 components: - type: Transform @@ -110257,7 +111803,7 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5528 components: - type: Transform @@ -110325,19 +111871,21 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5868 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6266 components: - type: Transform pos: 54.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6486 components: - type: Transform @@ -110345,7 +111893,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6641 components: - type: Transform @@ -110368,7 +111916,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6867 components: - type: Transform @@ -110383,7 +111931,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6891 components: - type: Transform @@ -110391,7 +111939,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6892 components: - type: Transform @@ -110399,7 +111947,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6920 components: - type: Transform @@ -110415,7 +111963,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6943 components: - type: Transform @@ -110431,7 +111979,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7034 components: - type: Transform @@ -110447,7 +111995,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7095 components: - type: Transform @@ -110455,14 +112003,14 @@ entities: pos: -17.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7104 components: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7124 components: - type: Transform @@ -110476,7 +112024,7 @@ entities: pos: -28.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7294 components: - type: Transform @@ -110484,7 +112032,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7308 components: - type: Transform @@ -110564,14 +112112,14 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7625 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7669 components: - type: Transform @@ -110579,7 +112127,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7715 components: - type: Transform @@ -110594,7 +112142,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7840 components: - type: Transform @@ -110602,14 +112150,14 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7845 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7870 components: - type: Transform @@ -110625,7 +112173,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7996 components: - type: Transform @@ -110640,7 +112188,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8533 components: - type: Transform @@ -110656,7 +112204,7 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8551 components: - type: Transform @@ -110687,7 +112235,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8690 components: - type: Transform @@ -110695,7 +112243,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8695 components: - type: Transform @@ -110703,7 +112251,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8697 components: - type: Transform @@ -110711,7 +112259,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8699 components: - type: Transform @@ -110719,7 +112267,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8705 components: - type: Transform @@ -110734,7 +112282,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8711 components: - type: Transform @@ -110742,7 +112290,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8716 components: - type: Transform @@ -110750,7 +112298,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8717 components: - type: Transform @@ -110758,7 +112306,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8722 components: - type: Transform @@ -110766,7 +112314,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8723 components: - type: Transform @@ -110774,7 +112322,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,33.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8731 components: - type: Transform @@ -110790,7 +112338,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8746 components: - type: Transform @@ -110805,7 +112353,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8749 components: - type: Transform @@ -110851,7 +112399,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8788 components: - type: Transform @@ -110859,7 +112407,7 @@ entities: pos: 31.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8791 components: - type: Transform @@ -110882,7 +112430,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8887 components: - type: Transform @@ -110914,7 +112462,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8991 components: - type: Transform @@ -110922,7 +112470,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8992 components: - type: Transform @@ -110930,7 +112478,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9002 components: - type: Transform @@ -111021,7 +112569,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9570 components: - type: Transform @@ -111029,7 +112577,7 @@ entities: pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9573 components: - type: Transform @@ -111037,14 +112585,14 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9613 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9650 components: - type: Transform @@ -111052,7 +112600,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9692 components: - type: Transform @@ -111060,7 +112608,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9693 components: - type: Transform @@ -111068,14 +112616,14 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9708 components: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9727 components: - type: Transform @@ -111091,14 +112639,14 @@ entities: pos: -60.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9810 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10055 components: - type: Transform @@ -111114,7 +112662,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10156 components: - type: Transform @@ -111122,7 +112670,7 @@ entities: pos: -15.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10184 components: - type: Transform @@ -111130,14 +112678,14 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10335 components: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10356 components: - type: Transform @@ -111145,7 +112693,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10370 components: - type: Transform @@ -111153,7 +112701,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10377 components: - type: Transform @@ -111161,7 +112709,7 @@ entities: pos: 33.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10382 components: - type: Transform @@ -111169,7 +112717,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10415 components: - type: Transform @@ -111200,7 +112748,7 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10725 components: - type: Transform @@ -111208,14 +112756,14 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10795 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10951 components: - type: Transform @@ -111238,7 +112786,7 @@ entities: pos: -54.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11055 components: - type: Transform @@ -111247,10 +112795,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11076 + - uid: 11099 components: - type: Transform - pos: 60.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 59.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -111285,7 +112834,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,13.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11494 components: - type: Transform @@ -111293,7 +112842,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11495 components: - type: Transform @@ -111316,7 +112865,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11545 components: - type: Transform @@ -111324,7 +112873,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11557 components: - type: Transform @@ -111332,7 +112881,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11558 components: - type: Transform @@ -111340,7 +112889,7 @@ entities: pos: 54.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11594 components: - type: Transform @@ -111355,7 +112904,7 @@ entities: pos: 61.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11639 components: - type: Transform @@ -111406,7 +112955,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12410 components: - type: Transform @@ -111437,7 +112986,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12788 components: - type: Transform @@ -111453,14 +113002,14 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12900 components: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12904 components: - type: Transform @@ -111476,7 +113025,7 @@ entities: pos: 35.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13243 components: - type: Transform @@ -111499,7 +113048,7 @@ entities: pos: -27.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14120 components: - type: Transform @@ -111515,7 +113064,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14294 components: - type: Transform @@ -111537,7 +113086,7 @@ entities: pos: -40.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14472 components: - type: Transform @@ -111561,7 +113110,7 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14582 components: - type: Transform @@ -111569,7 +113118,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14594 components: - type: Transform @@ -111577,7 +113126,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14623 components: - type: Transform @@ -111585,14 +113134,14 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14626 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14647 components: - type: Transform @@ -111653,7 +113202,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15318 components: - type: Transform @@ -111676,7 +113225,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15422 components: - type: Transform @@ -111700,14 +113249,14 @@ entities: pos: -12.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15467 components: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15472 components: - type: Transform @@ -111723,7 +113272,14 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15532 components: - type: Transform @@ -111739,7 +113295,7 @@ entities: pos: -26.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15656 components: - type: Transform @@ -111770,7 +113326,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16368 components: - type: Transform @@ -111794,21 +113350,21 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16414 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16532 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16557 components: - type: Transform @@ -111816,7 +113372,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16724 components: - type: Transform @@ -111824,7 +113380,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17341 components: - type: Transform @@ -111832,21 +113388,21 @@ entities: pos: 8.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17390 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17427 components: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17484 components: - type: Transform @@ -111862,7 +113418,7 @@ entities: pos: -35.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17526 components: - type: Transform @@ -111870,7 +113426,7 @@ entities: pos: -39.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17694 components: - type: Transform @@ -111893,7 +113449,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,46.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17749 components: - type: Transform @@ -111901,7 +113457,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17750 components: - type: Transform @@ -111917,7 +113473,7 @@ entities: pos: -9.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18215 components: - type: Transform @@ -111940,7 +113496,7 @@ entities: pos: -47.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18401 components: - type: Transform @@ -111948,7 +113504,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18403 components: - type: Transform @@ -111956,7 +113512,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18458 components: - type: Transform @@ -111972,7 +113528,7 @@ entities: pos: -57.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18563 components: - type: Transform @@ -111980,7 +113536,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18967 components: - type: Transform @@ -112011,7 +113567,7 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19070 components: - type: Transform @@ -112032,7 +113588,15 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 45.5,-31.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' - uid: 19302 components: - type: Transform @@ -112040,7 +113604,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19306 components: - type: Transform @@ -112065,6 +113629,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 45.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' - uid: 19473 components: - type: Transform @@ -112072,7 +113644,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19525 components: - type: Transform @@ -112112,7 +113684,7 @@ entities: pos: -4.5,51.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19841 components: - type: Transform @@ -112121,20 +113693,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 20049 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-38.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - uid: 20195 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20206 components: - type: Transform @@ -112150,7 +113715,7 @@ entities: pos: 22.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20361 components: - type: Transform @@ -112181,7 +113746,7 @@ entities: pos: 53.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20613 components: - type: Transform @@ -112235,7 +113800,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21105 components: - type: Transform @@ -112251,7 +113816,7 @@ entities: pos: 21.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21168 components: - type: Transform @@ -112259,7 +113824,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21253 components: - type: Transform @@ -112275,7 +113840,7 @@ entities: pos: -2.5,59.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21466 components: - type: Transform @@ -112283,7 +113848,7 @@ entities: pos: 30.5,-21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21489 components: - type: Transform @@ -112291,7 +113856,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21497 components: - type: Transform @@ -112299,7 +113864,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21503 components: - type: Transform @@ -112314,7 +113879,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21512 components: - type: Transform @@ -112322,7 +113887,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21518 components: - type: Transform @@ -112330,7 +113895,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21557 components: - type: Transform @@ -112338,7 +113903,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21565 components: - type: Transform @@ -112393,7 +113958,7 @@ entities: pos: -7.5,-69.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21592 components: - type: Transform @@ -112441,7 +114006,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22377 components: - type: Transform @@ -112456,7 +114021,7 @@ entities: pos: 2.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22424 components: - type: Transform @@ -112471,7 +114036,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22468 components: - type: Transform @@ -112493,7 +114058,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23375 components: - type: Transform @@ -112509,7 +114074,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23395 components: - type: Transform @@ -112517,7 +114082,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23533 components: - type: Transform @@ -112549,7 +114114,7 @@ entities: pos: 15.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 25558 components: - type: Transform @@ -112714,7 +114279,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8996 components: - type: Transform @@ -112722,7 +114287,7 @@ entities: pos: 45.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10163 components: - type: Transform @@ -112730,7 +114295,7 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10182 components: - type: Transform @@ -112738,7 +114303,7 @@ entities: pos: 29.5,12.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10806 components: - type: Transform @@ -112754,7 +114319,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10947 components: - type: Transform @@ -112762,7 +114327,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11120 components: - type: Transform @@ -112825,21 +114390,21 @@ entities: pos: -58.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18508 components: - type: Transform pos: -57.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19329 components: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19401 components: - type: Transform @@ -112900,7 +114465,7 @@ entities: pos: 52.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11225 components: - type: MetaData @@ -112911,6 +114476,13 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 47.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' - uid: 12563 components: - type: MetaData @@ -112976,6 +114548,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#6F2498FF' + - uid: 19201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 71.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19360 components: - type: MetaData @@ -113043,6 +114620,22 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 46.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 46.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 27071 components: - type: Transform @@ -113096,6 +114689,15 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - type: GasThermoMachine + targetTemperature: 200.15 + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerDisabled: False + - uid: 22353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 56.5,-18.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26312 components: - type: Transform @@ -113109,15 +114711,28 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: GasThermoMachineHeater entities: - - uid: 11366 + - uid: 11797 components: - type: Transform - pos: 56.5,-18.5 + pos: 45.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11797 + - uid: 28273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 45.5,-13.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 58.5,-4.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 58.5,-5.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 58.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - proto: GasValve entities: @@ -113195,7 +114810,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7263 + - 15867 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 771 @@ -113206,7 +114821,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 1455 + - 465 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 837 @@ -113314,6 +114929,9 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18016 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 3268 @@ -113341,6 +114959,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24453 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4244 @@ -113503,6 +115124,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24510 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 6453 components: - type: Transform @@ -113658,15 +115281,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 24515 - - uid: 7955 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 16342 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8070 @@ -113697,6 +115311,9 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 686 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 9614 @@ -113794,7 +115411,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5438 + - 25984 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10793 @@ -113809,14 +115426,6 @@ entities: - 13729 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11092 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 60.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11105 components: - type: Transform @@ -113828,17 +115437,6 @@ entities: - 24361 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11750 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 43.5,-24.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 28106 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11929 components: - type: Transform @@ -113955,7 +115553,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 4159 + - 25987 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12709 @@ -113977,7 +115575,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24461 + - 14507 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12792 @@ -114001,6 +115599,9 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,13.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12990 @@ -114011,7 +115612,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13496 + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12994 @@ -114022,7 +115623,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13496 + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 13004 @@ -114140,6 +115741,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14128 components: - type: Transform @@ -114212,6 +115821,17 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 43.5,-25.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 28106 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15328 components: - type: Transform @@ -114261,6 +115881,19 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24575 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 28350 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 15603 @@ -114285,6 +115918,17 @@ entities: - 176 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3881 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16371 components: - type: Transform @@ -114299,6 +115943,9 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 10405 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 16422 @@ -114306,6 +115953,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16587 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 17267 @@ -114393,6 +116043,9 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -30.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25983 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 17705 @@ -114503,6 +116156,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15053 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 18471 @@ -114568,12 +116224,26 @@ entities: - 6209 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 60.5,-2.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9586 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19001 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 55.5,32.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24506 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19002 @@ -114604,6 +116274,9 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15537 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19366 @@ -114617,17 +116290,6 @@ entities: - 19406 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 19367 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 19310 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 19618 components: - type: Transform @@ -114910,7 +116572,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 23905 + - 15447 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 23379 @@ -114918,6 +116580,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 50.5,28.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15447 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 23380 @@ -114938,7 +116603,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 23905 + - 15447 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 23510 @@ -114949,7 +116614,7 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11665 + - 23602 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 24630 @@ -115027,6 +116692,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 109.5,1.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 25916 @@ -115102,7 +116770,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 717 components: - type: Transform @@ -115113,7 +116781,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 5056 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 755 components: - type: Transform @@ -115121,9 +116789,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 7263 + - 15867 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 772 components: - type: Transform @@ -115132,9 +116800,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 1455 + - 465 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 827 components: - type: Transform @@ -115142,7 +116810,7 @@ entities: pos: -41.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 841 components: - type: Transform @@ -115153,7 +116821,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15191 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 851 components: - type: Transform @@ -115164,7 +116832,18 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 12282 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3881 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1151 components: - type: Transform @@ -115175,7 +116854,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24578 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1188 components: - type: Transform @@ -115186,7 +116865,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23104 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 1581 components: - type: Transform @@ -115201,7 +116880,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2640 components: - type: Transform @@ -115212,7 +116891,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24468 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2641 components: - type: Transform @@ -115223,7 +116902,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 5578 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2658 components: - type: Transform @@ -115234,14 +116913,14 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 1369 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2698 components: - type: Transform pos: 41.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2699 components: - type: Transform @@ -115249,15 +116928,18 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2707 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 36.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18016 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3028 components: - type: Transform @@ -115268,7 +116950,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24443 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 3571 components: - type: Transform @@ -115278,14 +116960,14 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 4375 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4146 components: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4330 components: - type: Transform @@ -115296,7 +116978,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24349 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4403 components: - type: Transform @@ -115307,7 +116989,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24345 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4418 components: - type: Transform @@ -115318,7 +117000,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24510 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4698 components: - type: Transform @@ -115329,7 +117011,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18226 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4754 components: - type: Transform @@ -115339,7 +117021,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24352 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4796 components: - type: Transform @@ -115349,7 +117031,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24451 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5015 components: - type: Transform @@ -115359,7 +117041,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24359 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5249 components: - type: Transform @@ -115370,7 +117052,17 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 3141 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 43.5,-27.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 28106 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5503 components: - type: Transform @@ -115381,7 +117073,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 5976 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5536 components: - type: Transform @@ -115392,7 +117084,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 9894 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5839 components: - type: Transform @@ -115400,7 +117092,7 @@ entities: pos: -66.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6116 components: - type: Transform @@ -115411,7 +117103,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19295 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6456 components: - type: Transform @@ -115422,7 +117114,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6735 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6477 components: - type: Transform @@ -115433,7 +117125,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22543 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6524 components: - type: Transform @@ -115444,14 +117136,14 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24361 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6661 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6839 components: - type: Transform @@ -115462,7 +117154,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6735 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 6919 components: - type: Transform @@ -115470,7 +117162,7 @@ entities: pos: -31.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7059 components: - type: Transform @@ -115481,7 +117173,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24515 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7067 components: - type: Transform @@ -115492,7 +117184,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22224 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7083 components: - type: Transform @@ -115502,7 +117194,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19444 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7084 components: - type: Transform @@ -115512,7 +117204,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19444 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7094 components: - type: Transform @@ -115523,7 +117215,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6735 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7098 components: - type: Transform @@ -115531,7 +117223,7 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7103 components: - type: Transform @@ -115542,7 +117234,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 7196 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7114 components: - type: Transform @@ -115552,7 +117244,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24419 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7270 components: - type: Transform @@ -115560,7 +117252,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7340 components: - type: Transform @@ -115570,7 +117262,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22592 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7345 components: - type: Transform @@ -115581,7 +117273,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 8409 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7504 components: - type: Transform @@ -115589,7 +117281,7 @@ entities: pos: 1.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7648 components: - type: Transform @@ -115600,7 +117292,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6735 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 7843 components: - type: Transform @@ -115611,15 +117303,18 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22545 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9292 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 686 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9360 components: - type: Transform @@ -115630,7 +117325,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19078 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9502 components: - type: Transform @@ -115638,7 +117333,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,27.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9676 components: - type: Transform @@ -115650,7 +117345,7 @@ entities: - 1523 - 24566 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9806 components: - type: Transform @@ -115661,7 +117356,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 67 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10374 components: - type: Transform @@ -115671,7 +117366,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 16580 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10380 components: - type: Transform @@ -115681,7 +117376,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24464 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10411 components: - type: Transform @@ -115689,7 +117384,7 @@ entities: pos: -37.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10789 components: - type: Transform @@ -115699,7 +117394,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24343 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10790 components: - type: Transform @@ -115708,9 +117403,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 5438 + - 25984 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10792 components: - type: Transform @@ -115721,7 +117416,17 @@ entities: - 1308 - 13729 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 60.5,-0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9586 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11593 components: - type: Transform @@ -115731,7 +117436,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 11591 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11791 components: - type: Transform @@ -115741,15 +117446,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24340 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 11833 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 60.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11834 components: - type: MetaData @@ -115762,7 +117459,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23907 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - type: Label currentLabel: Engineering - type: NameModifier @@ -115777,7 +117474,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24458 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11926 components: - type: Transform @@ -115787,7 +117484,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24337 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12116 components: - type: Transform @@ -115798,7 +117495,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24324 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12137 components: - type: Transform @@ -115809,7 +117506,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24484 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12401 components: - type: Transform @@ -115817,7 +117514,7 @@ entities: pos: 51.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12586 components: - type: Transform @@ -115825,7 +117522,7 @@ entities: pos: 42.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12688 components: - type: Transform @@ -115834,9 +117531,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 4159 + - 25987 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12691 components: - type: Transform @@ -115846,7 +117543,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 16580 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12701 components: - type: Transform @@ -115856,7 +117553,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24490 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12707 components: - type: Transform @@ -115866,7 +117563,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24340 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12708 components: - type: Transform @@ -115875,9 +117572,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 24461 + - 14507 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12711 components: - type: Transform @@ -115888,7 +117585,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 10993 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12729 components: - type: Transform @@ -115899,7 +117596,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24514 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12754 components: - type: Transform @@ -115910,7 +117607,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24525 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12757 components: - type: Transform @@ -115921,21 +117618,24 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24526 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12794 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12796 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,14.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12833 components: - type: Transform @@ -115943,7 +117643,7 @@ entities: pos: 37.5,18.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12834 components: - type: Transform @@ -115954,7 +117654,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24548 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12835 components: - type: Transform @@ -115965,7 +117665,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24547 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12995 components: - type: Transform @@ -115973,9 +117673,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13496 + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12996 components: - type: Transform @@ -115983,9 +117683,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13496 + - 25995 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13005 components: - type: Transform @@ -115995,7 +117695,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24697 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13026 components: - type: Transform @@ -116003,7 +117703,7 @@ entities: pos: 46.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13028 components: - type: Transform @@ -116013,7 +117713,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 20624 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13029 components: - type: Transform @@ -116024,7 +117724,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24697 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13030 components: - type: Transform @@ -116035,7 +117735,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24697 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13045 components: - type: Transform @@ -116047,7 +117747,7 @@ entities: - 24696 - 24697 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13406 components: - type: Transform @@ -116058,7 +117758,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 1072 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14170 components: - type: Transform @@ -116069,7 +117769,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 3143 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14242 components: - type: Transform @@ -116080,7 +117780,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 12899 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14356 components: - type: Transform @@ -116090,7 +117790,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 176 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14368 components: - type: Transform @@ -116101,7 +117801,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6405 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14651 components: - type: Transform @@ -116112,14 +117812,17 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 3509 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14676 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24453 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14769 components: - type: Transform @@ -116130,29 +117833,32 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15127 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15343 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -11.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16587 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15385 components: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15386 components: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,21.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15421 components: - type: Transform @@ -116163,15 +117869,18 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 12282 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15466 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -12.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24575 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15484 components: - type: Transform @@ -116182,7 +117891,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 353 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15489 components: - type: Transform @@ -116192,7 +117901,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 14854 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 15883 components: - type: Transform @@ -116203,7 +117912,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6209 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16276 components: - type: Transform @@ -116214,18 +117923,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19091 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 16314 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 16342 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16376 components: - type: Transform @@ -116236,7 +117934,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23116 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16387 components: - type: Transform @@ -116247,7 +117945,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 2004 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16480 components: - type: Transform @@ -116258,7 +117956,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19634 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 16618 components: - type: Transform @@ -116268,7 +117966,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23115 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17342 components: - type: Transform @@ -116279,7 +117977,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 21250 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17480 components: - type: Transform @@ -116290,7 +117988,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24597 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17481 components: - type: Transform @@ -116301,7 +117999,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15892 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17483 components: - type: Transform @@ -116312,7 +118010,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 928 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17486 components: - type: Transform @@ -116323,7 +118021,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15545 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17487 components: - type: Transform @@ -116333,15 +118031,18 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15738 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17514 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -7.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15053 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17681 components: - type: Transform @@ -116352,7 +118053,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 17459 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17744 components: - type: Transform @@ -116362,7 +118063,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 17740 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17757 components: - type: Transform @@ -116372,7 +118073,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6721 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17758 components: - type: Transform @@ -116382,7 +118083,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6721 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 17759 components: - type: Transform @@ -116392,7 +118093,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6721 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18019 components: - type: Transform @@ -116403,7 +118104,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 16028 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18423 components: - type: Transform @@ -116413,7 +118114,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24554 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 18545 components: - type: Transform @@ -116424,7 +118125,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22575 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19300 components: - type: Transform @@ -116435,7 +118136,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15537 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19324 components: - type: Transform @@ -116446,7 +118147,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 19406 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 19500 components: - type: Transform @@ -116455,9 +118156,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 19310 + - 28350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20020 components: - type: Transform @@ -116467,15 +118168,24 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 21245 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 20335 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 10405 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20589 components: - type: Transform @@ -116486,7 +118196,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 20858 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21051 components: - type: Transform @@ -116497,7 +118207,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6209 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21143 components: - type: Transform @@ -116507,7 +118217,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 27680 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21166 components: - type: Transform @@ -116518,7 +118228,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6721 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21562 components: - type: Transform @@ -116526,7 +118236,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21563 components: - type: Transform @@ -116534,7 +118244,7 @@ entities: pos: -25.5,-67.5 parent: 5350 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21564 components: - type: Transform @@ -116545,7 +118255,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24565 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21608 components: - type: Transform @@ -116556,7 +118266,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 18250 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21645 components: - type: Transform @@ -116566,7 +118276,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22178 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21646 components: - type: Transform @@ -116577,7 +118287,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22178 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 21814 components: - type: Transform @@ -116587,7 +118297,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 11151 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22155 components: - type: Transform @@ -116597,7 +118307,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6721 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22163 components: - type: Transform @@ -116608,7 +118318,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 24437 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22372 components: - type: Transform @@ -116619,7 +118329,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 7315 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22390 components: - type: Transform @@ -116629,7 +118339,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 6384 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22425 components: - type: Transform @@ -116640,7 +118350,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 4213 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22454 components: - type: Transform @@ -116651,7 +118361,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22466 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22534 components: - type: Transform @@ -116662,7 +118372,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22164 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 22552 components: - type: Transform @@ -116673,7 +118383,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 22590 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23276 components: - type: Transform @@ -116692,7 +118402,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 23906 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23383 components: - type: Transform @@ -116700,9 +118410,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 23905 + - 15447 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 23384 components: - type: Transform @@ -116710,20 +118420,9 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 23905 + - 15447 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' - - uid: 23509 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 70.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11665 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#FF1212FF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 25920 components: - type: Transform @@ -116744,6 +118443,9 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 111.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25966 - uid: 25923 components: - type: Transform @@ -116755,6 +118457,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 104.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 75.5,8.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23602 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 28013 components: - type: Transform @@ -116787,11 +118499,33 @@ entities: - 28012 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 28117 + - uid: 28266 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 45.5,-32.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 46.5,-32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26964 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' + - uid: 28271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 46.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26964 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#3AB334FF' + - uid: 28272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 46.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: @@ -117104,11 +118838,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -38.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 989 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -54.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1029 components: - type: Transform @@ -117134,11 +118863,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -69.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 1301 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -70.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1497 components: - type: Transform @@ -117514,11 +119238,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3892 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3904 components: - type: Transform @@ -117584,21 +119303,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -37.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4186 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4291 components: - type: Transform pos: -59.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4311 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4317 components: - type: Transform @@ -117674,21 +119383,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -43.5,20.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4506 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4520 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4521 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-51.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4529 components: - type: Transform @@ -117709,36 +119403,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4700 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4707 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4755 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4757 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4759 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-51.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 4760 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-52.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4769 components: - type: Transform @@ -118019,21 +119688,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -64.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 5404 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -49.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 5405 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -50.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 5406 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -51.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 5407 components: - type: Transform @@ -118054,21 +119708,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -76.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 5430 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -59.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 5431 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -57.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 5436 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -52.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 5717 components: - type: Transform @@ -118289,16 +119928,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -61.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6134 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -58.5,34.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 6184 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -60.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6243 components: - type: Transform @@ -118344,11 +119973,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,43.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6470 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-52.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6487 components: - type: Transform @@ -118942,11 +120566,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 47.5,-23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 8865 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -61.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 8866 components: - type: Transform @@ -119027,21 +120646,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.5,30.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9318 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-54.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9324 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9339 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9396 components: - type: Transform @@ -119082,11 +120686,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -30.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9668 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -45.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9697 components: - type: Transform @@ -119137,21 +120736,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 63.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10659 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10687 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10695 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10748 components: - type: Transform @@ -119277,11 +120866,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 64.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11248 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 64.5,-12.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11249 components: - type: Transform @@ -119302,11 +120886,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 64.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11253 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 64.5,-8.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11255 components: - type: Transform @@ -119432,11 +121011,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 66.5,-7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11357 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 53.5,-9.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11358 components: - type: Transform @@ -119452,11 +121026,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -71.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11423 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11439 components: - type: Transform @@ -119487,11 +121056,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 77.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11482 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11492 components: - type: Transform @@ -120297,10 +121861,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -57.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14118 + - uid: 14126 components: - type: Transform - pos: -46.5,10.5 + pos: 53.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 14131 components: @@ -120417,11 +121981,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14436 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14437 components: - type: Transform @@ -120447,26 +122006,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,-66.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14507 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -55.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14535 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14558 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 14559 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-54.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14586 components: - type: Transform @@ -120592,26 +122136,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,70.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15083 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -47.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15088 components: - type: Transform pos: -55.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15118 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -56.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15120 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -58.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15121 components: - type: Transform @@ -120637,21 +122166,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -65.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15147 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -48.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15153 components: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15156 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -72.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15157 components: - type: Transform @@ -120687,6 +122206,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,69.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 64.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 64.5,-12.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15251 components: - type: Transform @@ -120737,11 +122266,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15591 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15596 components: - type: Transform @@ -120762,11 +122286,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15699 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15730 components: - type: Transform @@ -120932,16 +122451,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16512 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16514 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16516 components: - type: Transform @@ -120972,11 +122481,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16546 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-28.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16560 components: - type: Transform @@ -121832,11 +123336,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-74.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19294 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19313 components: - type: Transform @@ -121857,11 +123356,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19417 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19431 components: - type: Transform @@ -121902,10 +123396,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19719 + - uid: 19608 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-55.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 19849 components: @@ -122387,11 +123882,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -50.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20326 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20331 components: - type: Transform @@ -122467,6 +123957,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,24.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21022 components: - type: Transform @@ -122477,6 +123973,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 21217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21269 components: - type: Transform @@ -122562,6 +124064,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,43.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 22600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 22602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22632 components: - type: Transform @@ -122587,6 +124107,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,38.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22988 components: - type: Transform @@ -122812,6 +124337,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 79.5,18.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23855 components: - type: Transform @@ -123577,6 +125108,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 64.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 26107 components: - type: Transform @@ -124741,12 +126287,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -47.5,7.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,34.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11459 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 49.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,34.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 12265 components: - type: Transform @@ -124813,12 +126371,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.5,57.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15642 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -57.5,34.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16262 components: - type: Transform @@ -125228,29 +126780,49 @@ entities: - uid: 7730 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -8.5,46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: GunSafePistolMk58 entities: - uid: 6369 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -9.5,46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: GunSafeRifleLecter entities: - uid: 22966 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -6.5,40.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: GunSafeSubMachineGunDrozd entities: - uid: 13851 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -5.5,40.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static +- proto: GyroscopeUnanchored + entities: + - uid: 28209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,33.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: HandheldGPSBasic entities: - uid: 3632 @@ -125313,15 +126885,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -34.51438,3.6169534 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6870 + - uid: 10976 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.514555,-61.391567 + pos: 55.526382,-6.473477 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10976 + - uid: 15118 components: - type: Transform - pos: 55.526382,-6.473477 + pos: -3.5133927,38.2105 parent: 5350 - uid: 15638 components: @@ -125444,6 +127016,17 @@ entities: currentLabel: Atmos - TEG Breakroom - type: NameModifier baseName: holopad + - uid: 28223 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: holopad (Callbox) + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Callbox + - type: NameModifier + baseName: holopad - proto: HolopadAiChute entities: - uid: 6131 @@ -125537,10 +127120,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadCommandCaptain entities: - - uid: 16494 + - uid: 24009 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-2.5 + pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadCommandCe entities: @@ -125598,19 +127181,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-13.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosFront - entities: - - uid: 686 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 49.5,-7.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosMain entities: - - uid: 21681 + - uid: 7547 components: - type: Transform - pos: 58.5,-20.5 + pos: 53.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosTeg entities: @@ -125633,6 +127209,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 44.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadEngineeringMain entities: - uid: 9429 @@ -125656,11 +127237,18 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadEngineeringTelecoms entities: - - uid: 8311 + - uid: 26136 components: - type: Transform pos: 104.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: HolopadGeneralArcade + entities: + - uid: 17326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-57.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadGeneralArrivals entities: - uid: 19497 @@ -125724,13 +127312,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: HolopadMedicalCryopods - entities: - - uid: 4448 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-26.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadMedicalFront entities: - uid: 11587 @@ -125782,10 +127363,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadScienceBreakroom entities: - - uid: 4767 + - uid: 19719 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-43.5 + pos: 2.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadScienceFront entities: @@ -125808,6 +127389,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: HolopadSecurityArmory + entities: + - uid: 3055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,38.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadSecurityBreakroom entities: - uid: 16212 @@ -125817,10 +127405,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadSecurityBrig entities: - - uid: 16554 + - uid: 28221 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,32.5 + pos: -11.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadSecurityBrigMed entities: @@ -125871,6 +127459,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: HolopadSecurityLockerRoom + entities: + - uid: 28220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,43.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadSecurityPerma entities: - uid: 15126 @@ -125880,10 +127475,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadSecurityWarden entities: - - uid: 8493 + - uid: 24002 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,39.5 + pos: -2.5,29.5 parent: 5350 - proto: HolopadServiceBar entities: @@ -126577,11 +128172,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14696 + - uid: 22971 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,-41.5 + pos: 9.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - proto: IntercomSecurity entities: @@ -126632,6 +128227,12 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: JanitorServiceLight entities: + - uid: 4311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-21.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6953 components: - type: Transform @@ -126643,12 +128244,26 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,3.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 17445 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Janitorial Service Light + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19627 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-21.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: JetpackBlue entities: - uid: 24212 @@ -126727,13 +128342,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: KitchenKnife - entities: - - uid: 20398 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 19.498922,-29.435482 - parent: 5350 - proto: KitchenMicrowave entities: - uid: 1632 @@ -126756,6 +128364,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,59.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9493 components: - type: Transform @@ -126869,16 +128482,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.569237,9.89138 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19315 + - uid: 14561 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.558503,-43.201286 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.424631,-46.162884 parent: 5350 - uid: 21820 components: - type: Transform pos: -27.522722,-64.31669 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.521511,-46.177162 + parent: 5350 - proto: LampBanana entities: - uid: 3201 @@ -127043,6 +128663,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.55398,50.45403 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.439226,52.45743 + parent: 5350 - proto: Lantern entities: - uid: 22071 @@ -127097,6 +128722,8 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 1174 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Open Armory - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -7.5,35.5 @@ -127120,7 +128747,7 @@ entities: - uid: 18348 components: - type: MetaData - name: Space Tank 1 + name: Vent Tank 1 - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 64.5,-10.5 @@ -127132,7 +128759,7 @@ entities: - uid: 18353 components: - type: MetaData - name: Space Tank 2 + name: Vent Tank 2 - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 64.5,-6.5 @@ -127160,10 +128787,18 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 10414 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Exit - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -22.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 14445: + - Pressed: Open + 14444: + - Pressed: Open - uid: 13783 components: - type: MetaData @@ -127178,6 +128813,24 @@ entities: - Pressed: Open 24195: - Pressed: Open +- proto: LockableButtonResearch + entities: + - uid: 792 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Garage Doors + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-32.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 15522: + - Pressed: Toggle + 14390: + - Pressed: Toggle + 14436: + - Pressed: Toggle - proto: LockerAtmosphericsFilled entities: - uid: 11751 @@ -127459,14 +129112,24 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 6372 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 1 Personal Items - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -10.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - uid: 6856 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell 2 Personal Items - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -9.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - uid: 6978 components: - type: Transform @@ -127484,9 +129147,14 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - uid: 7371 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cell Three Personal Items - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -8.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - uid: 9631 components: - type: Transform @@ -127498,8 +129166,8 @@ entities: immutable: False temperature: 293.14673 moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 + - 1.8856695 + - 7.0937095 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -127653,11 +129321,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: LockerMedicineFilled entities: - - uid: 9395 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -37.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10336 components: - type: Transform @@ -127665,15 +129328,33 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: Lock locked: False + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - uid: 15604 components: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19460 + - uid: 24329 components: - type: Transform - pos: -31.5,-29.5 + pos: -30.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - proto: LockerParamedicFilled entities: @@ -127720,45 +129401,45 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: LockerScienceFilled entities: - - uid: 9762 + - uid: 6110 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-43.5 + pos: 6.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9768 + - uid: 6470 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-46.5 + pos: 6.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9769 + - uid: 6749 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-45.5 + pos: 0.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10405 + - uid: 9322 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-44.5 + pos: 6.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10408 + - uid: 15760 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-46.5 + pos: 0.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10495 + - uid: 15986 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-45.5 + pos: 0.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14689 + - uid: 15989 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-43.5 + pos: 0.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16499 + - uid: 16313 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-44.5 + pos: 6.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - proto: LockerSecurityFilled entities: @@ -127847,8 +129528,11 @@ entities: - uid: 6696 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True pos: -3.5,40.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - type: EntityStorage air: volume: 200 @@ -127874,15 +129558,15 @@ entities: occludes: True ents: - 7939 - - 7757 - - 7545 - - 7131 - - 7191 - - 7209 - - 7218 - - 7224 - - 7384 - 7385 + - 7384 + - 7224 + - 7218 + - 7209 + - 7191 + - 7131 + - 7545 + - 7757 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True @@ -128029,7 +129713,7 @@ entities: - uid: 22344 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.652702,43.59749 + pos: -15.720936,42.71257 parent: 5350 - proto: MagazinePistolPractice entities: @@ -128197,6 +129881,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.5,5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-61.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 13757 components: - type: Transform @@ -128396,6 +130085,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.53931,-3.3987079 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.640137,-30.283024 + parent: 5350 - proto: MaterialDiamond1 entities: - uid: 1956 @@ -128514,6 +130208,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.78732,-36.61879 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.403725,26.493193 + parent: 5350 - proto: MedkitBurnFilled entities: - uid: 14637 @@ -128553,7 +130252,7 @@ entities: - uid: 7447 components: - type: Transform - pos: -39.35714,30.311928 + pos: -40.60685,26.711943 parent: 5350 - uid: 7724 components: @@ -128689,10 +130388,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: MMI entities: - - uid: 6128 + - uid: 7225 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.246477,-29.23119 + pos: 19.462631,-29.383411 parent: 5350 - proto: MonkeyCube entities: @@ -128787,11 +130486,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -12.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9242 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,32.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9471 components: - type: Transform @@ -129042,7 +130736,7 @@ entities: - uid: 4742 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.6637068,38.560562 + pos: -3.2946427,38.4605 parent: 5350 - uid: 12072 components: @@ -129073,6 +130767,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.4754887,-15.527573 parent: 5350 +- proto: MysteryFigureBoxTrash + entities: + - uid: 28319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.4238987,-58.93128 + parent: 5350 - proto: NewtonCradle entities: - uid: 8034 @@ -129179,27 +130880,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.68396,-36.29682 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7004 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 6996 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 7792 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 7774 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 9586 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 9506 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - uid: 15237 components: - type: Transform @@ -129442,28 +131122,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.506245,-14.163311 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7011 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 6996 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 7797 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 7774 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 7801 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 7801 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - uid: 9284 components: - type: Transform @@ -129477,13 +131135,6 @@ entities: actions: !type:Container ents: - 9404 - - uid: 9615 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 9506 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - uid: 15057 components: - type: Transform @@ -130017,7 +131668,7 @@ entities: desc: There's something written on it.. name: Old Document - type: Transform - parent: 22929 + parent: 1021 - type: Paper content: >- I own a Kammerer for Brig Defense, since thats what Central Command intended. @@ -130438,12 +132089,12 @@ entities: - uid: 22629 components: - type: Transform - pos: 68.02464,-41.181137 + pos: 69.51709,-41.50579 parent: 5350 - uid: 28158 components: - type: Transform - pos: 47.478065,-32.460194 + pos: 47.490967,-31.45882 parent: 5350 - proto: PlushieBee entities: @@ -130498,7 +132149,7 @@ entities: - uid: 22840 components: - type: Transform - pos: 49.476562,-13.534864 + pos: 45.464706,-18.452383 parent: 5350 - uid: 23137 components: @@ -130507,15 +132158,15 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: PlushieMagicarp entities: - - uid: 21361 + - uid: 21771 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.7179227,-28.535545 + pos: -42.23168,-37.79344 parent: 5350 - - uid: 21771 + - uid: 28294 components: - type: Transform - pos: -42.23168,-37.79344 + pos: 4.455008,-30.325493 parent: 5350 - proto: PlushieNuke entities: @@ -130614,6 +132265,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: PortableFlasher entities: + - uid: 3544 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: 7.5,24.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: TriggerOnProximity + enabled: False + - type: Physics + bodyType: Dynamic - uid: 6535 components: - type: Transform @@ -130781,6 +132442,14 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,30.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: PosterContrabandCC64KAd + entities: + - uid: 4304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: PosterContrabandClown entities: - uid: 3220 @@ -130869,6 +132538,14 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -59.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: PosterContrabandSpaceCube + entities: + - uid: 3925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: PosterContrabandSyndicateRecruitment entities: - uid: 22520 @@ -130968,10 +132645,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: PosterLegitFoamForceAd entities: - - uid: 8088 + - uid: 28228 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,42.5 + pos: -18.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - proto: PosterLegitHereForYourSafety entities: @@ -131009,6 +132686,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -19.5,0.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 17503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22932 components: - type: Transform @@ -131172,16 +132855,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: PosterLegitVacation entities: - - uid: 11209 + - uid: 10407 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15330 + - uid: 11209 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-48.5 + pos: -24.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - proto: PosterMapMetaRight entities: @@ -131252,11 +132935,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,42.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23973 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 49.5,-3.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: PottedPlant18 entities: - uid: 16286 @@ -131366,6 +133044,11 @@ entities: - type: ContainerContainer containers: stash: !type:ContainerSlot {} + - uid: 1154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 1411 components: - type: Transform @@ -131430,11 +133113,6 @@ entities: - type: ContainerContainer containers: stash: !type:ContainerSlot {} - - uid: 3927 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-39.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4087 components: - type: Transform @@ -131586,13 +133264,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: PottedPlantRD - entities: - - uid: 6675 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: PowerCellHigh entities: - uid: 7462 @@ -131622,7 +133293,7 @@ entities: - uid: 15619 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.7237835,-36.26899 + pos: 10.683721,-36.267838 parent: 5350 - uid: 16496 components: @@ -131632,7 +133303,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16604 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.7550335,-36.48774 + pos: 10.761846,-36.549088 parent: 5350 - proto: PowerCellRecharger entities: @@ -131705,15 +133376,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22167 + - uid: 23860 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-29.5 + pos: 53.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23860 + - uid: 24462 components: - type: Transform - pos: 53.5,22.5 + pos: -29.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 27077 components: @@ -131830,6 +133501,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -38.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 24558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 28100 components: - type: Transform @@ -132190,12 +133867,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 3890 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4051 components: - type: Transform @@ -132460,6 +134131,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 7683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 75.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 7742 components: - type: Transform @@ -132736,6 +134413,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 42.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 11482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 11728 components: - type: Transform @@ -133282,6 +134965,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16663 components: - type: Transform @@ -133961,12 +135649,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 53.5,9.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23602 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 74.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23814 components: - type: Transform @@ -134216,12 +135898,29 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 39.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 28157 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 76.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,40.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: PoweredlightExterior entities: - uid: 11238 @@ -134547,6 +136246,18 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -46.5,29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 4607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,5.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4761 components: - type: Transform @@ -134969,6 +136680,18 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -15.5,27.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,3.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,9.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15228 components: - type: Transform @@ -135004,12 +136727,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -17.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15873 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -42.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15947 components: - type: Transform @@ -135020,18 +136737,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 68.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15989 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16201 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16233 components: - type: Transform @@ -135747,13 +137452,22 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 47.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty - entities: - - uid: 7019 + - uid: 28250 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -36.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 25.5,-35.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,-35.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 - proto: PrefilledSyringe entities: @@ -135778,20 +137492,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: Rack entities: - - uid: 1275 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1512 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-16.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 1513 + - uid: 1569 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-15.5 + pos: -8.5,36.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 2081 components: @@ -135854,11 +137558,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 7547 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,36.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7778 components: - type: Transform @@ -136117,11 +137816,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 48.5,35.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 18972 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19018 components: - type: Transform @@ -136195,16 +137889,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 36.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22599 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-65.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 22600 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-64.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 22676 components: - type: Transform @@ -136309,6 +137993,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 77.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,41.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 49.5,-13.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: RadiationCollectorFullTank entities: - uid: 2472 @@ -136424,18 +138118,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -30.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9271 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9279 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10710 components: - type: Transform @@ -136468,18 +138150,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -35.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15490 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16726 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16867 components: - type: Transform @@ -136594,24 +138264,12 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: RailingCorner entities: - - uid: 4764 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11026 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 32.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14561 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-55.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23201 components: - type: Transform @@ -136665,11 +138323,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,-18.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15760 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16873 components: - type: Transform @@ -136681,12 +138334,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -66.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17513 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26993 components: - type: Transform @@ -137599,11 +139246,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 44.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 12450 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 48.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 12518 components: - type: Transform @@ -137624,6 +139266,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 46.5,-29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 48.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16539 components: - type: Transform @@ -139376,11 +141024,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 45.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 8883 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 53.5,-9.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 8884 components: - type: Transform @@ -139631,21 +141274,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11097 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 64.5,-11.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11098 components: - type: Transform pos: 64.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11099 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 64.5,-12.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11100 components: - type: Transform @@ -139701,11 +141334,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 64.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11286 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 64.5,-8.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11378 components: - type: Transform @@ -139731,6 +141359,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 70.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 12131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 64.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 12345 components: - type: Transform @@ -139981,6 +141614,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -78.5,7.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 64.5,-12.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14228 components: - type: Transform @@ -140071,11 +141709,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14390 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14408 components: - type: Transform @@ -140091,6 +141724,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,27.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14620 components: - type: Transform @@ -140111,11 +141750,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,16.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14879 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14946 components: - type: Transform @@ -140151,6 +141785,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 53.5,-9.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 64.5,-11.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15273 components: - type: Transform @@ -140246,6 +141890,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-51.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16526 components: - type: Transform @@ -140656,11 +142306,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-62.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19724 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19756 components: - type: Transform @@ -140766,11 +142411,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -42.5,40.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20884 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20933 components: - type: Transform @@ -140806,6 +142446,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-49.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22693 components: - type: Transform @@ -141421,7 +143067,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16621 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.480854,-33.56362 + pos: 24.597183,-35.339874 parent: 5350 - uid: 23133 components: @@ -141530,11 +143176,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 42.547264,-3.4866009 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11588 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.4954705,38.59668 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14506 components: - type: Transform @@ -141592,11 +143233,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SheetSteel1 entities: - - uid: 5354 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,17.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23001 components: - type: Transform @@ -141606,6 +143242,16 @@ entities: count: 4 - proto: SheetSteel10 entities: + - uid: 6645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.3954077,38.543777 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 11588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5672827,38.590652 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16467 components: - type: Transform @@ -141651,6 +143297,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -43.439026,26.539034 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.287315,26.442478 + parent: 5350 - proto: ShowcaseRobot entities: - uid: 1971 @@ -141696,21 +143347,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 791 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-34.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 792 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-35.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 804 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1576 components: - type: Transform @@ -142008,6 +143644,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-4.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16466 components: - type: Transform @@ -142031,21 +143672,29 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 - uid: 19740 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 - uid: 19741 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 - uid: 19745 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 - uid: 20926 components: - type: Transform @@ -142066,15 +143715,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24244 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-6.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 24248 + - uid: 28212 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-6.5 + pos: -17.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - proto: ShuttersRadiationOpen entities: @@ -142109,6 +143753,13 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,-34.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 28205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.58703,33.41721 + parent: 5350 - proto: SignAi entities: - uid: 9089 @@ -142161,16 +143812,6 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 5045: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 6629 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,30.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 6953: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 8209 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142185,68 +143826,6 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 4145: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 9008 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Space Burn Chamber - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 65.5,-37.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 27135: - - Pressed: Toggle - 27136: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 11234 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Blast Doors - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 48.5,24.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 23567: - - Pressed: Toggle - 23566: - - Pressed: Toggle - 23565: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 11239 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Blast Doors - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 48.5,24.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 23567: - - Pressed: Toggle - 23566: - - Pressed: Toggle - 23565: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 11434 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Space Burn Chamber - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 41.5,-26.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 13934: - - Pressed: Toggle - 13163: - - Pressed: Toggle - 13781: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 11517 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142307,25 +143886,6 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 8656: - Pressed: DoorBolt - - uid: 15581 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Janitorial Service Light - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,2.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 15954: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 15949 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Window Shutters - - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-0.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16024 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142354,18 +143914,6 @@ entities: - Pressed: Open 16470: - Pressed: Open - - uid: 22258 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Janitorial Service Light - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -33.5,-9.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 19627: - - Pressed: Toggle - proto: SignalButtonDirectional entities: - uid: 6536 @@ -142415,6 +143963,18 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 17275: - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 11423 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Door Bolt + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10406: + - Pressed: DoorBolt - uid: 21082 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142477,22 +144037,41 @@ entities: - Pressed: DoorBolt - proto: SignalSwitch entities: - - uid: 1154 + - uid: 2566 components: - type: MetaData - name: Robotics Garage Doors + name: Blast Doors - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-32.5 + pos: 48.5,24.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 804: + 23567: - On: Open - Off: Close - 791: + 23566: - On: Open - Off: Close - 792: + 23565: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 15949 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Shutters + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7323: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 14414: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 499: - On: Open - Off: Close - uid: 16224 @@ -142650,29 +144229,6 @@ entities: 19270: - On: Open - Off: Close - - uid: 19748 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: Shutters - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: SignalSwitch - state: True - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 19745: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 19741: - - Off: Close - - On: Open - 19740: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 19736: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - uid: 22352 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142733,6 +144289,56 @@ entities: - Off: Off - proto: SignalSwitchDirectional entities: + - uid: 1301 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Front Shutters + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2415: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2416: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2417: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2418: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2419: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2420: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2421: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 2558 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Vent the burn chamber into space. + name: Vent Burn Chamber + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 65.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 27135: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 27136: + - On: Open + - Off: Close - uid: 4758 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142782,6 +144388,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,41.5 parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 6335: @@ -142809,6 +144417,25 @@ entities: 9630: - On: Open - Off: Close + - uid: 7797 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Pod Shutters + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6818: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4161: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 15903: + - On: Open + - Off: Close - uid: 9373 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142889,23 +144516,6 @@ entities: 1576: - On: Open - Off: Close - - uid: 10433 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 6818: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 4161: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 15903: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - uid: 10468 components: - type: MetaData @@ -142914,6 +144524,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 7594: @@ -142947,98 +144559,43 @@ entities: 11733: - On: Open - Off: Close - - uid: 14417 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -39.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 499: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 14414: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 7323: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - - uid: 15042 + - uid: 12130 components: - type: MetaData - name: Window Blast Door - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.821655,-4.497631 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 15096: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - - uid: 15867 - components: + desc: Empty the burn chamber into space. + name: Vent Burn Chamber - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -39.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 48.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 499: + 13934: - On: Open - Off: Close - 14414: + 13163: - On: Open - Off: Close - 7323: + 13781: - On: Open - Off: Close - - uid: 16334 + - uid: 14901 components: - type: MetaData - name: Front Shutters + name: Pod Shutters - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-8.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2421: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2420: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2419: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2418: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2417: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2416: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - 2415: - - On: Open - - Off: Close - - uid: 16383 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 19.5,-58.5 + pos: 15.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 6818: + 15903: - On: Open - Off: Close 4161: - On: Open - Off: Close - 15903: + 6818: - On: Open - Off: Close - uid: 17321 @@ -143063,6 +144620,45 @@ entities: 21785: - On: On - Off: Off + - uid: 19106 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,30.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6953: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 19107 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 15954: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 19110 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-9.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19627: + - Off: Off + - On: On - uid: 20315 components: - type: MetaData @@ -143104,6 +144700,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 32.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: 2460: @@ -143200,22 +144798,89 @@ entities: 21786: - On: On - Off: Off + - uid: 23365 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Window Shutters + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19745: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19741: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19740: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19736: + - On: Open + - Off: Close - uid: 24265 components: - type: MetaData - name: HoP Line Shutter + name: Window Shutters - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -11.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 24244: + 15096: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 16334: - On: Open - Off: Close - 24248: + 28212: - On: Open - Off: Close + - uid: 28285 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-5.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 17445: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 28286 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4311: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 28292 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Custodial Service + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 28293: + - On: On + - Off: Off - proto: SignAnomaly entities: - uid: 19445 @@ -143230,6 +144895,14 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: SignArcade + entities: + - uid: 4520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: SignArmory entities: - uid: 6573 @@ -143511,15 +145184,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20169 + - uid: 19315 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-59.5 + pos: -0.5,-54.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22938 + - uid: 20169 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-53.5 + pos: -4.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 26561 components: @@ -143719,6 +145392,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -49.5,6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10441 components: - type: Transform @@ -143740,6 +145419,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -35.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,10.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19151 components: - type: Transform @@ -144196,16 +145881,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24057 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-17.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 24058 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-17.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: SignSecureMed entities: - uid: 1958 @@ -144213,12 +145888,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 5162 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -76.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6186 components: - type: Transform @@ -144244,12 +145913,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 55.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14126 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -53.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 18646 components: - type: Transform @@ -144275,11 +145938,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SignSecureSmall entities: - - uid: 1405 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-4.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1408 components: - type: Transform @@ -144456,6 +146114,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 98.5,-3.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 105.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: SignToolStorage entities: - uid: 3617 @@ -146253,15 +147916,20 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SpaceHeater entities: - - uid: 23098 + - uid: 24467 components: - type: Transform - pos: 52.5,-5.5 + pos: 57.5,-4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23099 + - uid: 26143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 57.5,-5.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28275 components: - type: Transform - pos: 50.5,-5.5 + pos: 57.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpaceHeaterAnchored entities: @@ -146290,6 +147958,30 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -6.5,62.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 14742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15746 components: - type: Transform @@ -146315,13 +148007,18 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - type: SpamEmitSound enabled: False - - uid: 22605 + - uid: 19242 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-64.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 - - type: SpamEmitSound - enabled: False - uid: 26490 components: - type: Transform @@ -146331,10 +148028,10 @@ entities: enabled: False - proto: SpawnMechRipley entities: - - uid: 15357 + - uid: 9008 components: - type: Transform - pos: -37.5,6.5 + pos: -36.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnMobAlexander entities: @@ -146345,10 +148042,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnMobBandito entities: - - uid: 6645 + - uid: 20398 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-45.5 + pos: 29.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnMobButterfly entities: @@ -146399,6 +148096,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,6.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: SpawnMobFrog + entities: + - uid: 16514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 43.5,35.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnMobGoat entities: - uid: 24890 @@ -146837,6 +148541,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,-9.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 37.5,-6.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 24556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 36.5,-3.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointObserver entities: - uid: 12604 @@ -146898,6 +148612,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,16.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 8088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-0.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 14929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 39.5,37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 16342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,0.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16584 components: - type: Transform @@ -146943,10 +148672,75 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23180 + - uid: 24117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 42.5,42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 27832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-3.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,27.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,32.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,50.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,50.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,26.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,21.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,23.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28234 components: - type: Transform - pos: 40.5,37.5 + pos: 27.5,-2.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-10.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointQuartermaster entities: @@ -146969,27 +148763,27 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointResearchAssistant entities: - - uid: 13736 + - uid: 4358 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-46.5 + pos: 5.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15600 + - uid: 9774 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-45.5 + pos: 5.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15602 + - uid: 10396 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-44.5 + pos: 5.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointResearchDirector entities: - - uid: 3634 + - uid: 28352 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-46.5 + pos: 30.5,-46.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist entities: @@ -147010,30 +148804,30 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointScientist entities: - - uid: 9423 + - uid: 3890 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-45.5 + pos: 1.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10392 + - uid: 4364 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-44.5 + pos: 1.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 13737 + - uid: 4710 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-46.5 + pos: 5.5,-49.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14672 + - uid: 9412 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-43.5 + pos: 1.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14929 + - uid: 20667 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-43.5 + pos: 1.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointSecurityCadet entities: @@ -147074,11 +148868,6 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointSecurityOfficer entities: - - uid: 6690 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,29.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6760 components: - type: Transform @@ -147114,6 +148903,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,45.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,28.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: SpawnPointServiceWorker entities: - uid: 2753 @@ -147187,7 +148981,19 @@ entities: - uid: 10328 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.246452,42.265617 + pos: -15.242407,42.34197 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.179907,42.46697 + parent: 5350 +- proto: SprayBottle + entities: + - uid: 16601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.754986,-51.498417 parent: 5350 - proto: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner entities: @@ -147259,6 +149065,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 26138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,28.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: StationAiUploadComputer entities: - uid: 996 @@ -147307,11 +149118,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9414 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19495 components: - type: Transform @@ -147327,63 +149148,48 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24056 + - uid: 28279 components: - type: Transform - pos: -38.5,7.5 + pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - proto: SteelBench entities: - - uid: 11422 + - uid: 4540 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-46.5 + pos: 4.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11462 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15677 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15687 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 22674 + - uid: 4544 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-45.5 + pos: 4.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22682 + - uid: 4641 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-44.5 + pos: 4.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 27831 + - uid: 4700 components: - type: Transform - pos: 40.5,42.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 27832 + - uid: 6130 components: - type: Transform - pos: 41.5,42.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 27833 + - uid: 18414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 42.5,42.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-50.5 parent: 5350 - proto: Stool entities: @@ -147404,12 +149210,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -30.496607,20.70544 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4364 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.512099,-47.34225 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9440 components: - type: Transform @@ -147536,12 +149336,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 28.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16453 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.483305,-59.313442 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16823 components: - type: Transform @@ -147588,6 +149382,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -51.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 18576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5049057,-53.314056 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19153 components: - type: Transform @@ -148097,11 +149897,67 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 22167 + - 22168 + - 22229 + - 22348 - uid: 1489 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 23099 + - 23098 + - 23051 + - 22911 - uid: 4104 components: - type: Transform @@ -148113,8 +149969,8 @@ entities: immutable: False temperature: 293.14673 moles: - - 1.8856695 - - 7.0937095 + - 1.8968438 + - 7.1357465 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -148125,11 +149981,49 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 23284 + - 23406 + - 23407 + - 23472 - uid: 7165 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-10.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 23712 + - 23905 + - 23956 + - 23964 - proto: SuitStorageEVAAlternate entities: - uid: 2617 @@ -148137,17 +150031,38 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11032 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-15.5 - parent: 5350 -- proto: SuitStorageEVAPrisoner - entities: - - uid: 6996 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 24056 + - 24057 + - 24058 + - 24244 + - uid: 7801 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,50.5 + pos: -18.5,-16.5 parent: 5350 - type: EntityStorage air: @@ -148155,8 +150070,8 @@ entities: immutable: False temperature: 293.14673 moles: - - 1.8856695 - - 7.0937095 + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -148173,29 +150088,47 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 7011 - - 7010 - - 7009 - - 7004 - - uid: 7774 + - 8883 + - 8865 + - 7940 + - 7808 + - uid: 11032 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,50.5 + pos: -14.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - type: ContainerContainer containers: entity_storage: !type:Container showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 7808 - - 7797 - - 7795 - - 7792 - - uid: 9506 + - 24248 + - 24266 + - 24321 + - 24328 + - uid: 15195 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,50.5 + pos: -18.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 - type: EntityStorage air: @@ -148221,10 +150154,81 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 9537 - - 9586 - - 9615 - - 9617 + - 15196 + - 15198 + - 15199 + - 15200 +- proto: SuitStorageEVAPrisoner + entities: + - uid: 6996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,50.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.8856695 + - 7.0937095 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - uid: 7774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,50.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - uid: 9506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,50.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.8856695 + - 7.0937095 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - proto: SuitStorageHOS entities: - uid: 10385 @@ -148726,6 +150730,27 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraCommand nameSet: True id: AI Tunnel 2 + - uid: 28282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-0.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge + - uid: 28283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-3.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Conference Room - proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering entities: - uid: 11516 @@ -149405,17 +151430,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraGeneral nameSet: True id: North Hall 3 - - uid: 23061 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-18.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Main Loop South 1 - uid: 23071 components: - type: Transform @@ -149699,6 +151713,17 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraGeneral nameSet: True id: Bridge Shop + - uid: 27196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-18.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Main Loop South 1 - proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical entities: - uid: 16656 @@ -149936,6 +151961,16 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: SurveillanceCameraScience entities: + - uid: 14558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Lockers - uid: 15119 components: - type: Transform @@ -149958,16 +151993,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True id: XenoArch - Chamber One - - uid: 19196 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraScience - nameSet: True - id: Locker Room - uid: 19197 components: - type: Transform @@ -150001,12 +152026,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True id: Robotics - North - - uid: 19201 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-34.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19202 components: - type: Transform @@ -150039,27 +152058,27 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True id: XenoArch - Canisters - - uid: 19638 + - uid: 19639 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-44.5 + pos: 16.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 - type: SurveillanceCamera setupAvailableNetworks: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True - id: XenoArch - Office - - uid: 19639 + id: XenoArch - Test Area + - uid: 20285 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-53.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - type: SurveillanceCamera setupAvailableNetworks: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True - id: XenoArch - Test Area + id: Offices - uid: 20857 components: - type: Transform @@ -150100,12 +152119,6 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True id: East Hall - - uid: 20866 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 21.5,-37.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20901 components: - type: Transform @@ -150128,6 +152141,17 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraScience nameSet: True id: Robotics Surgery + - uid: 28117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,-38.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Central Hall - proto: SurveillanceCameraSecurity entities: - uid: 6549 @@ -150760,31 +152784,55 @@ entities: - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment nameSet: True id: Theatre -- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableEntertainment - entities: - - uid: 9888 + - uid: 25982 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -46.5,-8.5 + pos: -5.5,31.5 parent: 5350 - type: SurveillanceCamera setupAvailableNetworks: - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment - - uid: 15116 + nameSet: True + id: Prison Life + - uid: 26137 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -46.5,-6.5 + pos: -46.5,-14.5 parent: 5350 - type: SurveillanceCamera setupAvailableNetworks: - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment - - uid: 17256 + nameSet: True + id: The News + - uid: 26139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-37.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: Medical +- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableEntertainment + entities: + - uid: 9888 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -46.5,-14.5 + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + - uid: 15116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - type: SurveillanceCamera setupAvailableNetworks: @@ -151075,22 +153123,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4304 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4324 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 4358 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 4368 components: - type: Transform @@ -151115,6 +153153,12 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 4506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4776 components: - type: Transform @@ -151140,11 +153184,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 5540 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 5743 components: - type: Transform @@ -151363,6 +153402,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 8493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 8496 components: - type: Transform @@ -151451,6 +153495,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,-59.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9420 components: - type: Transform @@ -151741,6 +153791,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,23.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 13907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14080 components: - type: Transform @@ -151850,31 +153906,11 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,-32.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15945 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15946 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15953 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15968 components: - type: Transform pos: -30.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16050 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16075 components: - type: Transform @@ -151929,17 +153965,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16375 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,28.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16380 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -6.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16631 components: - type: Transform @@ -152075,6 +154112,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20314 components: - type: Transform @@ -152090,6 +154139,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20751 components: - type: Transform @@ -152101,6 +154168,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20905 components: - type: Transform @@ -152168,6 +154241,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 62.5,3.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-64.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22668 components: - type: Transform @@ -152223,11 +154301,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23403 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,31.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23804 components: - type: Transform @@ -152449,6 +154522,16 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -32.5,16.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: TableCarpet entities: - uid: 693 @@ -152655,11 +154738,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -29.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14660 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14885 components: - type: Transform @@ -152726,31 +154804,16 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -17.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19240 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19242 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-43.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19243 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20048 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -26.5,-33.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22229 + - uid: 20470 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-29.5 + pos: 7.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 22230 components: @@ -152805,6 +154868,38 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: TablePlasmaGlass entities: - uid: 11421 @@ -152818,11 +154913,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-35.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15986 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16451 components: - type: Transform @@ -153067,12 +155157,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 43.5,8.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9267 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9475 components: - type: Transform @@ -153215,12 +155299,6 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 17326 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20161 components: - type: Transform @@ -154187,6 +156265,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 106.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: TargetClown entities: - uid: 22356 @@ -154195,6 +156283,13 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -19.5,43.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: TargetDarts + entities: + - uid: 17324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-53.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: TargetHuman entities: - uid: 22349 @@ -154218,11 +156313,10 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -24.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22353 + - uid: 28246 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,48.5 + pos: -23.5,46.5 parent: 5350 - proto: TegCenter entities: @@ -154492,6 +156586,32 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 61.5,15.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: ThrusterUnanchored + entities: + - uid: 14878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,33.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 21468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,33.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,33.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,33.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: TintedWindow entities: - uid: 2563 @@ -154667,6 +156787,12 @@ entities: occludes: True ents: - 6886 + - uid: 20332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-55.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21058 components: - type: Transform @@ -154751,7 +156877,7 @@ entities: - uid: 4542 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.406399,-42.344067 + pos: 6.4426765,-48.3595 parent: 5350 - uid: 8531 components: @@ -154860,6 +156986,34 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.817179,-14.742743 parent: 5350 +- proto: ToyDeathRipley + entities: + - uid: 28311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.330079,-58.10044 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ToyFigurineBoxer + entities: + - uid: 22606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.31499,42.75375 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ToyFigurineChaplain + entities: + - uid: 6126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.337606,-65.35234 + parent: 5350 +- proto: ToyFigurineHoloClown + entities: + - uid: 28312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.6844482,-59.384808 + parent: 5350 - proto: ToyFigurineMedicalDoctor entities: - uid: 16235 @@ -154874,6 +157028,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.27002,-32.183598 parent: 5350 +- proto: ToyFigurineWizard + entities: + - uid: 28318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.6582737,-58.46253 + parent: 5350 - proto: ToyMouse entities: - uid: 14897 @@ -155301,13 +157462,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 1082 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: cigarette machine - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 7936 components: - type: MetaData @@ -155320,6 +157474,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,21.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10436 components: - type: MetaData @@ -155556,10 +157715,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -30.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15522 + - uid: 15083 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,-48.5 + pos: -31.5,-29.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 15091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,32.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 15727 components: @@ -155585,6 +157749,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-15.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: VendingMachineRestockMedical + entities: + - uid: 21048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.35472,-30.501534 + parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineRoboDrobe entities: - uid: 14511 @@ -155608,10 +157779,10 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineSciDrobe entities: - - uid: 15987 + - uid: 16628 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-42.5 + pos: 2.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineSec entities: @@ -155669,23 +157840,11 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering entities: - - uid: 1502 - components: - - type: MetaData - name: tank dispenser - - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-14.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16264 components: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,19.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23957 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 48.5,-5.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA entities: - uid: 1486 @@ -155720,6 +157879,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 24449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-14.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 26140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 48.5,-5.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineTheater entities: - uid: 3196 @@ -155744,25 +157918,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,6.5 parent: 5350 -- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical - entities: - - uid: 6949 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,31.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 14901 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-33.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 22911 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -26.5,-38.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: VendingMachineWinter entities: - uid: 14691 @@ -155801,11 +157956,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24266 + - uid: 15018 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,-6.5 + pos: 9.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,37.5 parent: 5350 - proto: WallmountTelevision entities: @@ -156528,11 +158687,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 1598 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1628 components: - type: Transform @@ -157948,11 +160102,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -76.5,10.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6177 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -53.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6224 components: - type: Transform @@ -158128,11 +160277,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6400 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-44.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6406 components: - type: Transform @@ -159793,11 +161937,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,50.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9248 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9249 components: - type: Transform @@ -159813,6 +161952,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-65.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9280 components: - type: Transform @@ -159828,6 +161973,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -43.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 9339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9340 components: - type: Transform @@ -159908,31 +162071,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9400 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9409 components: - type: Transform pos: 52.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 9412 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9437 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 9438 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 9442 components: - type: Transform @@ -160263,41 +162406,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,55.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10394 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-46.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 10396 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-47.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 10401 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10402 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,55.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10406 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 10407 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 10409 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10462 components: - type: Transform @@ -160318,11 +162431,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10661 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 10691 components: - type: Transform @@ -160668,11 +162776,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 68.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 10992 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 11047 components: - type: Transform @@ -162038,11 +164141,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 14884 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 14899 components: - type: Transform @@ -162068,11 +164166,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -52.5,4.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15091 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -71.5,10.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 15092 components: - type: Transform @@ -162088,6 +164181,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,2.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 108.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15178 components: - type: Transform @@ -162248,6 +164347,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16080 components: - type: Transform @@ -162313,6 +164418,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16208 components: - type: Transform @@ -162343,6 +164454,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,-58.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16324 components: - type: Transform @@ -162393,10 +164510,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 58.5,17.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16434 + - uid: 16398 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-41.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-42.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 16437 components: @@ -162433,11 +164551,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16472 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16477 components: - type: Transform @@ -162453,11 +164566,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16517 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16542 components: - type: Transform @@ -162473,21 +164581,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16567 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-42.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16569 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-45.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16571 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-48.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16572 components: - type: Transform @@ -162508,10 +164606,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-27.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 107.5,-6.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16597 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-42.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-47.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 16599 components: @@ -162798,6 +164902,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -47.5,37.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-44.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19133 components: - type: Transform @@ -163513,11 +165623,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 40.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20336 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20341 components: - type: Transform @@ -163603,6 +165708,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-40.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-48.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20733 components: - type: Transform @@ -163668,6 +165785,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-17.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-54.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20878 components: - type: Transform @@ -163808,6 +165931,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 21361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-50.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 21370 components: - type: Transform @@ -163823,6 +165952,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 66.5,10.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-52.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 22265 components: - type: Transform @@ -164361,7 +166496,7 @@ entities: - uid: 25710 components: - type: Transform - pos: 112.5,1.5 + pos: 103.5,3.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 25711 components: @@ -164718,11 +166853,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 107.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25786 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 108.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 25787 components: - type: Transform @@ -164748,11 +166878,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 107.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25792 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 25793 components: - type: Transform @@ -164768,11 +166893,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 103.5,-1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25796 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 103.5,3.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 25797 components: - type: Transform @@ -165018,11 +167138,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 106.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 25852 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 107.5,-6.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 25853 components: - type: Transform @@ -165518,6 +167633,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 74.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 112.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 107.5,1.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WallSolid entities: - uid: 57 @@ -165745,11 +167877,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,26.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 819 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 824 components: - type: Transform @@ -165770,11 +167897,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,47.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 953 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-54.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 1011 components: - type: Transform @@ -165785,6 +167907,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -33.5,24.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 1144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 1221 components: - type: Transform @@ -166050,11 +168178,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-0.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 2187 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 2188 components: - type: Transform @@ -166810,11 +168933,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -39.5,7.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 3423 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -43.5,7.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 3424 components: - type: Transform @@ -167295,6 +169413,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -45.5,4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 5540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-33.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 5566 components: - type: Transform @@ -167805,11 +169928,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -43.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 6110 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 6112 components: - type: Transform @@ -167910,6 +170028,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,34.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 6400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 6423 components: - type: Transform @@ -168950,11 +171074,22 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10397 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-37.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10418 components: - type: Transform @@ -168970,6 +171105,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,9.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10503 components: - type: Transform @@ -168990,6 +171131,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 10695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 10705 components: - type: Transform @@ -169837,6 +171984,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -36.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,7.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15171 components: - type: Transform @@ -169912,6 +172065,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,25.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15332 components: - type: Transform @@ -170157,6 +172316,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 92.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15840 components: - type: Transform @@ -170257,6 +172421,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-36.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 16300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 16302 components: - type: Transform @@ -170277,11 +172446,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16390 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16391 components: - type: Transform @@ -170307,11 +172471,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-31.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16487 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-30.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16491 components: - type: Transform @@ -170322,21 +172481,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-57.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16543 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-51.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16548 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-24.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16551 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-49.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16552 components: - type: Transform @@ -170367,11 +172516,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -34.5,-25.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16601 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-50.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16613 components: - type: Transform @@ -170867,6 +173011,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -38.5,-26.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 17513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 17539 components: - type: Transform @@ -171282,31 +173432,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 73.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19096 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-52.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19097 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-53.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19099 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-55.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19100 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-56.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19106 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19108 components: - type: Transform @@ -171317,16 +173447,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-60.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19110 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-58.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 19111 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-57.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19112 components: - type: Transform @@ -171467,6 +173587,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -65.5,29.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19419 components: - type: Transform @@ -171562,11 +173688,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-30.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 19605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 19606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19718 components: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 19724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-30.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 19739 components: - type: Transform @@ -171872,6 +174022,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -48.5,4.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20295 components: - type: Transform @@ -172012,16 +174173,68 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,-51.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20660 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-53.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20711 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,-43.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20726 components: - type: Transform @@ -172057,6 +174270,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-22.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 20816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 20876 components: - type: Transform @@ -172122,11 +174347,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-52.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20978 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-59.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20979 components: - type: Transform @@ -172647,6 +174867,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,39.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-1.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23998 components: - type: Transform @@ -172662,11 +174887,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 92.5,2.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24021 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 92.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 24065 components: - type: Transform @@ -172807,6 +175027,28 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 92.5,6.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 27833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-59.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-60.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-43.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WallSolidRust entities: - uid: 2091 @@ -173004,11 +175246,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -40.5,-38.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19107 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-60.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19586 components: - type: Transform @@ -173036,29 +175273,35 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: WallWeaponCapacitorRecharger entities: - - uid: 1963 + - uid: 23091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,43.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 24478 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,46.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22348 + - uid: 24489 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,44.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 22383 + - uid: 28124 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,34.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23091 + - uid: 28251 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,43.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,22.5 parent: 5350 - proto: WardrobeBlackFilled entities: @@ -173240,8 +175483,8 @@ entities: immutable: False temperature: 293.14673 moles: - - 1.8856695 - - 7.0937095 + - 1.8968438 + - 7.1357465 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -173258,24 +175501,24 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 7859 - - 7871 - - 7874 - - 7854 - - 7884 - - 7886 - - 7883 - - 7880 - - 7882 - - 7873 - - 8095 - - 8101 - - 8126 - - 7885 - - 7888 - - 8127 - - 8128 - 8227 + - 8128 + - 8127 + - 7888 + - 7885 + - 8126 + - 8101 + - 8095 + - 7873 + - 7882 + - 7880 + - 7883 + - 7886 + - 7884 + - 7854 + - 7874 + - 7871 + - 7859 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True @@ -173304,29 +175547,12 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null -- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled - entities: - - uid: 15779 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,27.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15808 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,27.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 15847 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,27.5 - parent: 5350 - proto: WardrobeScienceFilled entities: - - uid: 14560 + - uid: 19615 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-42.5 + pos: 4.5,-48.5 parent: 5350 - proto: WardrobeWhiteFilled entities: @@ -173430,6 +175656,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,21.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-42.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15752 components: - type: Transform @@ -173598,6 +175829,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 9242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-28.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 9756 components: - type: Transform @@ -173614,11 +175850,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,38.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 15146 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-27.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 22982 components: - type: Transform @@ -173636,12 +175867,17 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -7.5,44.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 24513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-23.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponDisabler entities: - uid: 794 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.544429,24.640163 + pos: 9.465627,24.685179 parent: 5350 - uid: 6651 components: @@ -173679,25 +175915,20 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponLaserCarbine entities: - - uid: 23365 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.4583154,36.902435 - parent: 5350 - uid: 23409 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.437482,36.714935 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23472 + - uid: 26688 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.4235935,36.541325 + pos: -5.425219,36.507988 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23712 + - uid: 27208 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.396512,36.34668 + pos: -5.425219,36.320488 parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponLaserCarbinePractice entities: @@ -173740,27 +175971,27 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponShotgunEnforcer entities: - - uid: 23407 + - uid: 28199 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.437482,37.270493 + pos: -3.460195,37.94028 parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponShotgunKammerer entities: - - uid: 23051 + - uid: 28201 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.451371,37.56216 + pos: -5.4668856,37.257988 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23284 + - uid: 28202 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.4583154,37.694103 + pos: -5.4668856,37.414238 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23406 + - uid: 28203 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.4583154,37.40938 + pos: -5.4668856,37.570488 parent: 5350 - proto: WeaponSubMachineGunWt550 entities: @@ -173828,6 +176059,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 55.5,-12.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 13496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 45.5,26.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15934 components: - type: Transform @@ -173863,6 +176099,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 49.5,-3.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WetFloorSign entities: - uid: 22726 @@ -173936,34 +176177,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,61.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 12130 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-19.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 21462: - - DoorStatus: Close - 21461: - - DoorStatus: Close - - uid: 12131 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-20.5 - parent: 5350 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 21462: - - DoorStatus: Close - 21461: - - DoorStatus: Close - uid: 13571 components: - type: Transform @@ -174097,6 +176310,34 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 112.5,-11.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 28116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-19.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 21462: + - DoorStatus: Close + 21461: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 28118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-20.5 + parent: 5350 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 21462: + - DoorStatus: Close + 21461: + - DoorStatus: Close - proto: WindoorBarLocked entities: - uid: 21054 @@ -174146,12 +176387,12 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-20.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 4 + invokeCounter: 6 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 12131: + 28116: - DoorStatus: Close - 12130: + 28118: - DoorStatus: Close - uid: 21462 components: @@ -174160,12 +176401,12 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-19.5 parent: 5350 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 2 + invokeCounter: 5 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 12131: + 28116: - DoorStatus: Close - 12130: + 28118: - DoorStatus: Close - proto: WindoorKitchenHydroponicsLocked entities: @@ -174364,16 +176605,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 24002 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 24009 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 26424 components: - type: Transform @@ -174443,7 +176674,6 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 10668: - DoorStatus: Close - - DoorStatus: Open - uid: 10668 components: - type: Transform @@ -174455,7 +176685,6 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 987: - DoorStatus: Close - - DoorStatus: Open - proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked entities: - uid: 15543 @@ -174592,6 +176821,8 @@ entities: entities: - uid: 2744 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Theatre - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,-2.5 @@ -174698,6 +176929,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,1.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 3808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-41.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 4781 components: - type: Transform @@ -174768,10 +177004,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -38.5,23.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 11467 + - uid: 13737 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-43.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 - uid: 14151 components: @@ -174808,11 +177045,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-28.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-58.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14674 components: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,5.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 14689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-47.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 14733 components: - type: Transform @@ -174858,21 +177107,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-41.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 16605 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16628 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 16641 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-41.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 16643 components: - type: Transform @@ -174948,11 +177182,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -49.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 19082 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-28.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 19083 components: - type: Transform @@ -174978,11 +177207,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-6.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 20834 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-45.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 20940 components: - type: Transform @@ -175023,6 +177247,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-54.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 22605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-56.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WindowDirectional entities: - uid: 22260 @@ -175110,6 +177340,18 @@ entities: parent: 5350 - proto: WindowFrostedDirectional entities: + - uid: 15711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 20678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-45.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 23792 components: - type: Transform @@ -175122,6 +177364,18 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -33.5,22.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 23827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-46.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional entities: - uid: 997 @@ -175919,6 +178173,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 5350 + - uid: 15194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,2.5 + parent: 5350 - uid: 15238 components: - type: Transform @@ -176065,21 +178325,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 45.5,15.5 parent: 5350 - - uid: 23822 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23827 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - - uid: 23828 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-1.5 - parent: 5350 - uid: 24147 components: - type: Transform @@ -179032,6 +181277,9 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-5.5 parent: 5350 + - type: Door + secondsUntilStateChange: -12948.798 + state: Opening - uid: 17570 components: - type: Transform @@ -179068,6 +181316,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-63.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: WoodenBench + entities: + - uid: 16605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 39.5,37.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 24111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 40.5,42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 27831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 42.5,42.5 + parent: 5350 + - uid: 28235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 43.5,37.5 + parent: 5350 - proto: Wrench entities: - uid: 3663 @@ -179093,7 +181365,7 @@ entities: - uid: 13782 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.4762068,38.341812 + pos: -3.540452,38.68336 parent: 5350 - uid: 18439 components: @@ -179125,4 +181397,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 69.87581,-31.5 parent: 5350 +- proto: Zipties + entities: + - uid: 1082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.543752,24.372679 + parent: 5350 ... From d6e55edb4a5dbf0ca25c07fabe9d5f181e642022 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ArtisticRoomba <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:03:49 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 39/62] Make Mime PDA interactions silent (#34426) * make insert and eject datafields in ItemSlotsComponent.cs nullable, make mime PDA silent * make it so that you can't fit wirecutters into the slots, among other various things --- .../Containers/ItemSlot/ItemSlotsComponent.cs | 4 +-- .../Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml | 28 +++++++++++++++++-- 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/Containers/ItemSlot/ItemSlotsComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Containers/ItemSlot/ItemSlotsComponent.cs index 42e7f721b3e..29443e284a0 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Containers/ItemSlot/ItemSlotsComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Containers/ItemSlot/ItemSlotsComponent.cs @@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ public ItemSlot(ItemSlot other) public EntityWhitelist? Blacklist; [DataField] - public SoundSpecifier InsertSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagIn/revolver_magin.ogg"); + public SoundSpecifier? InsertSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagIn/revolver_magin.ogg"); [DataField] - public SoundSpecifier EjectSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagOut/revolver_magout.ogg"); + public SoundSpecifier? EjectSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Weapons/Guns/MagOut/revolver_magout.ogg"); /// /// The name of this item slot. This will be shown to the user in the verb menu. diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml index dbd589bbe00..0e8b51cc6a3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml @@ -362,11 +362,35 @@ components: - type: Pda id: MimeIDCard - idSlot: # rewrite without sound because mime - name: ID Card + paiSlot: + priority: -2 + ejectSound: null + insertSound: null + whitelist: + components: + - PAI + idSlot: + name: access-id-card-component-default + ejectSound: null # mime is silent + insertSound: null whitelist: components: - IdCard + penSlot: + startingItem: Pen + priority: -1 + whitelist: + tags: + - Write + ejectSound: null + insertSound: null + - type: CartridgeLoader + cartridgeSlot: + ejectSound: null + insertSound: null + whitelist: + components: + - Cartridge - type: Appearance appearanceDataInit: enum.PdaVisuals.PdaType: From c4c00cdc7c60513fa322baf61aa3afaf3d66cf40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:04:57 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 40/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 6a7bf69bb03..cd8782641ae 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,12 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: EmoGarbage404 - changes: - - message: Added the biogenerator! Botany can use this machine to create various - materials, chemicals, and food items out of the - type: Add - id: 7311 - time: '2024-09-08T05:34:22.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: TheShuEd changes: - message: Returned Taco microwave recipes (people were sad) @@ -3938,3 +3930,11 @@ id: 7810 time: '2025-01-15T16:26:19.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: ArtisticRoomba + changes: + - message: Mime PDA item interactions (insertions/ejections of IDs, pens, etc.) + are now silent. + type: Tweak + id: 7811 + time: '2025-01-15T18:03:49.0000000+00:00' + url: From 3cac75f117bf389a792f795f20963c6cad2b36ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alpaccalypse <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:20:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 41/62] Smite vending machine (#34420) * Added smite machine to YAML * Added smite ads and inventory * Added smite vendor sprites * Changed the description of the machine to not repeat and ad line. * Added newline to end of inventory .yml * Corrected erroneous edit. * Tweaked all sprites * Added tesla toy to contraband. Reduced number of drinks available * Reduced soda varieties but increased can numbers. * Removed tesla toy from contraband inventory * Removed speech component from vending machines that already inherit it * Moved Sprite component to top of list * Added Smite vendors to random spanwers * Alphabetised spawn prototypes, commented where name is unclear --- .../en-US/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl | 12 ++++ .../VendingMachines/Inventories/smite.yml | 13 ++++ .../VendingMachines/advertisements.yml | 6 ++ .../Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml | 6 ++ .../Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml | 23 +++---- .../Markers/Spawners/Random/vendingdrinks.yml | 17 +++--- .../Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml | 56 +++++++++++------- .../VendingMachines/smite.rsi/broken.png | Bin 0 -> 511 bytes .../smite.rsi/deny-unshaded.png | Bin 0 -> 436 bytes .../smite.rsi/eject-unshaded.png | Bin 0 -> 888 bytes .../VendingMachines/smite.rsi/meta.json | 56 ++++++++++++++++++ .../smite.rsi/normal-unshaded.png | Bin 0 -> 532 bytes .../VendingMachines/smite.rsi/normal.png | Bin 0 -> 496 bytes .../VendingMachines/smite.rsi/off.png | Bin 0 -> 481 bytes .../VendingMachines/smite.rsi/panel.png | Bin 0 -> 150 bytes 15 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/smite.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/broken.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/deny-unshaded.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/eject-unshaded.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/meta.json create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/normal-unshaded.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/normal.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/off.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/panel.png diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e6214f46274 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +advertisement-smite-1 = SMITE! Ban your thirst! +advertisement-smite-2 = An eldritch blast of lemon and lime! +advertisement-smite-3 = Over 1 million drinks sold! +advertisement-smite-4 = SMITE! Roll 2d8 for FLAVOR. +advertisement-smite-5 = SMITE! Let's get that paperwork done! +advertisement-smite-6 = The janitor has it in for you! +advertisement-smite-7 = SMITE! It won't get you hammered. +advertisement-smite-8 = It's lemon-lime time! +thankyou-smite-1 = Smite makes right! +thankyou-smite-2 = You DEFINITELY wanted lemon-lime! +thankyou-smite-3 = The office won't know what hit them. +thankyou-smite-4 = Banish your thirst. diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/smite.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/smite.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fc0b64b6ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/smite.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +- type: vendingMachineInventory + id: SmiteInventory + startingInventory: + DrinkLemonLimeCan: 4 + DrinkLemonLimeCranberryCan: 2 + DrinkColaCan: 2 + DrinkSolDryCan: 2 + contrabandInventory: + ToyHammer: 1 + DrinkStarkistCan: 2 + emaggedInventory: + DrinkNukieCan: 2 + DrinkChangelingStingCan: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml index 6967c97f5ae..3422f564b01 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/advertisements.yml @@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ prefix: advertisement-gibb- count: 8 +- type: localizedDataset + id: SmiteAds + values: + prefix: advertisement-smite- + count: 8 + - type: localizedDataset id: CondimentVendAds values: diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml index 61ccc2b044c..b63c22d06f0 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/goodbyes.yml @@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ prefix: thankyou-gibb- count: 4 +- type: localizedDataset + id: SmiteGoodbyes + values: + prefix: thankyou-smite- + count: 4 + - type: localizedDataset id: DiscountDansGoodbyes values: diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml index d55a7916b46..746cbc79329 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml @@ -11,24 +11,25 @@ state: any - type: RandomSpawner prototypes: + - VendingMachineChang - VendingMachineCigs - VendingMachineCoffee - - VendingMachineCola - - VendingMachineColaRed - - VendingMachineColaBlack + - VendingMachineCola #Robust Sofdrinks + - VendingMachineColaBlack #Robust Sofdrinks [Black] + - VendingMachineColaRed #Space Cola - VendingMachineDiscount + - VendingMachineDonut + - VendingMachineDrGibb + - VendingMachinePwrGame + - VendingMachineShamblersJuice + - VendingMachineSmite - VendingMachineSnack - VendingMachineSnackBlue - VendingMachineSnackGreen - VendingMachineSnackOrange - VendingMachineSnackTeal - - VendingMachineSovietSoda - - VendingMachineChang - - VendingMachineDonut - - VendingMachineShamblersJuice - - VendingMachinePwrGame - - VendingMachineDrGibb - - VendingMachineSoda - - VendingMachineStarkist + - VendingMachineSoda #Robust Sofdrinks [Soda] + - VendingMachineSovietSoda #Boda - VendingMachineSpaceUp + - VendingMachineStarkist chance: 1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vendingdrinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vendingdrinks.yml index a911b7ebfc0..1c90664b3de 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vendingdrinks.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vendingdrinks.yml @@ -12,14 +12,15 @@ - type: RandomSpawner prototypes: - VendingMachineCoffee - - VendingMachineCola - - VendingMachineColaRed - - VendingMachineColaBlack - - VendingMachineSovietSoda - - VendingMachineShamblersJuice - - VendingMachinePwrGame + - VendingMachineCola #Robust Sofdrinks + - VendingMachineColaBlack #Robust Sofdrinks [Black] + - VendingMachineColaRed #Space Cola - VendingMachineDrGibb - - VendingMachineSoda - - VendingMachineStarkist + - VendingMachinePwrGame + - VendingMachineShamblersJuice + - VendingMachineSmite + - VendingMachineSoda #Robust Sofdrinks [Soda] + - VendingMachineSovietSoda #Boda - VendingMachineSpaceUp + - VendingMachineStarkist chance: 1 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml index 92a88c6d06b..41d5edf4d4a 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml @@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ pack: CondimentVendAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Transform noRot: false @@ -154,7 +153,6 @@ pack: AmmoVendAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/ammo.rsi layers: @@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ pack: BoozeOMatAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: BoozeOMatGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/boozeomat.rsi layers: @@ -218,7 +215,6 @@ pack: BruiseOMatAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: BruiseOMatGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/bruiseomat.rsi layers: @@ -318,7 +314,6 @@ pack: CigaretteMachineAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: CigaretteMachineGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/cigs.rsi layers: @@ -346,7 +341,6 @@ pack: ClothesMateAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/clothing.rsi layers: @@ -378,7 +372,6 @@ pack: ClothesMateAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/winterdrobe.rsi layers: @@ -417,7 +410,6 @@ pack: HotDrinksMachineAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: HotDrinksMachineGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/coffee.rsi layers: @@ -457,7 +449,6 @@ pack: RobustSoftdrinksAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: RobustSoftdrinksGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/cola.rsi layers: @@ -601,7 +592,6 @@ initialStockQuality: 0.33 - type: Advertise pack: RobustSoftdrinksAds - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/shamblersjuice.rsi layers: @@ -638,7 +628,6 @@ pack: RobustSoftdrinksAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/pwrgame.rsi layers: @@ -675,7 +664,6 @@ pack: DrGibbAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: DrGibbGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/gib.rsi layers: @@ -691,6 +679,42 @@ energy: 1.6 color: "#D82929" +- type: entity + parent: VendingMachine + id: VendingMachineSmite + name: Smite Vendor + description: Popular with the administration. + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi + layers: + - state: "off" + map: [ "enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.Base" ] + - state: "off" + map: [ "enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.BaseUnshaded" ] + shader: unshaded + - state: panel + map: [ "enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel" ] + - type: VendingMachine + pack: SmiteInventory + dispenseOnHitChance: 0.25 + dispenseOnHitThreshold: 2 + offState: off + brokenState: broken + normalState: normal-unshaded + ejectState: eject-unshaded + denyState: deny-unshaded + ejectDelay: 1.9 + initialStockQuality: 0.33 + - type: Advertise + pack: SmiteAds + - type: SpeakOnUIClosed + pack: SmiteGoodbyes + - type: PointLight + radius: 1.5 + energy: 1.6 + color: "#00E645" + - type: entity parent: VendingMachine id: VendingMachineDinnerware @@ -772,7 +796,6 @@ pack: DiscountDansAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: DiscountDansGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/discount.rsi layers: @@ -989,7 +1012,6 @@ pack: GetmoreChocolateCorpAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GetmoreChocolateCorpGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/snack.rsi layers: @@ -1135,7 +1157,6 @@ pack: BodaAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: BodaGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/sovietsoda.rsi layers: @@ -1169,7 +1190,6 @@ pack: AutoDrobeAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/theater.rsi layers: @@ -1205,7 +1225,6 @@ pack: VendomatAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/vendomat.rsi layers: @@ -1238,7 +1257,6 @@ pack: VendomatAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: GenericVendGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/robotics.rsi layers: @@ -1337,7 +1355,6 @@ pack: ChangAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: ChangGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/changs.rsi layers: @@ -1403,7 +1420,6 @@ pack: DonutAds - type: SpeakOnUIClosed pack: DonutGoodbyes - - type: Speech - type: Sprite sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/donut.rsi layers: diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/broken.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/broken.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..941a4688d45a5a1795df51524f766ed479aed218 GIT binary patch literal 511 zcmV7;wZH#@n$HU@Ge2nmVSxW^Y;2gLC8MoOpQ8oxNhhC{=LL&JUm zo}ZsnM^KfOl^MA<8KkI000001bW%=J06^y0W&i*IHAzH4R5(wKk?m50Fc3v)y<%+| zS_rTL>QWK<{%`0mA7v8w;h7->?wOk%h$7{%OSE!0zHB(|3z%16D@X<`-kzXu*L>%Q zXFTl#;WY;0w|L@oisN@rIGf7_7aw!>1Y=-~HA#|~g-|e%{Cd5mx&^YWV2!y6D!3#M zgrX>{Eeg$3*=s}L31w+*S(cQhDal=h4^OD9b9GZyL{teXe0qXy98vwXpfh}X0>d#g zgl>uXmJbMD9 zq92qVl3V>9p740AhiI-d1%e>Sbdv>vuuJqW{s4RsC&Jm8ztjK#002ovPDHLkV1ndl B*+T#T literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/deny-unshaded.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/deny-unshaded.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e184b422b4f1055edc3de551f89dff2602e2d32 GIT binary patch literal 436 zcmV;l0ZaagP)P)t-s0002& zhlub1V4OEjjgF4l=K%5lTk`*1?fn1%*k|mAi0}YloHtJ8=H|!MF!Y@O8D@0<|Nrgo z?&9O)^sWH^%U1u)R{y>L)z;P>I#(zF000DZQchC z)2u&Vu7VE%_2~*Zo>(cxBsPe=(4f)USeIZQW#QR^+0Pa5m?>{1Y{}Hw44^;k2Z40#T ei1PFQbpM|Ks1}4X`$&-h0000E>YVc()gJfFC|NsBrzI*rR@#8P+82+CQ`+p|v|2~GR*RIi1SFn4) z)TvXAjg3po!_EL*tXdM}7tF8<12kZOZ@RMi3=B*mo-U3d5$N?}HPfafxm-6nb{r~a5jl!_<#c4LedostofB4$fzxJp$xg9S|63u@7I;RsWy9x1T2pUr>7OgA zBzI(?K;Z9;nF+yW=C|K|oAdQy;Eg*zYQoaXSDEnLp1;4$`m~&~T>G-aPrkk_$(rpj zbAy2PGo>I3M}4Uq0|lR%6==kHWow7bxiMaP?{WyO!Pa z{RT4w_Kmxpj(nBAzoy2wMM%wtQ7x{Nz5z4u^N9NB=F@TK;LV;6qKWgoX+RDGQ*~_WIzL zYuxt~x=EX4Tv(v4H|4+Ztg~t27DA`~zxn^|ZtSZk9vc7EUCMRtKKR?-AKTaRsXj?+ z$v)u)f7bu?T$ZVIGMj12|H(SDpWkuxvUYd+X@AmK^ZDDw$5}M~pWpl}ZDYg@3z1X* zE7PoW?C$DMw*%_aH?HHXiOq_%5IglBj zUTa)8Ytc02`P=OkI^&xkdrtqa-{dhhEmV1i`uboFyt I=akR{0G!O$C;$Ke literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a294fc116f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Created by Alpaccalypse for SS14", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "normal-unshaded", + "delays": [ + [ + 2.5, + 0.1, + 3.4, + 0.1 + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "broken" + }, + { + "name": "normal" + }, + { + "name": "deny-unshaded", + "delays": [ + [ + 0.1, + 0.1, + 0.1 + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "eject-unshaded", + "delays": [ + [ + 0.5, + 0.1, + 1.0, + 0.1, + 0.1 + ] + ] + }, + { + "name": "off" + }, + { + "name": "panel" + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/normal-unshaded.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/normal-unshaded.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..919e308cb73e0087a8a008cf1151dc4620129f2e GIT binary patch literal 532 zcmV+v0_**WP)z_0004N zNklML?)A2QHZiE zS-z^OLtnnWU22A}uGd?0;Kjw_0?6wAkiS`6f~V&f#7_b0y$a8G7k{q<=LOVt4Faw3 zoNt=Od8C6vsaD$^0I@mgrR>a+*9xHZkDCffZzMqHACV4P6|e00zV9*LNo+Mht1!d% zjDLLp{xJ-QH!{qCbO6d8a=eK6!GU>cUjnio>uvM1!@BVK@RbqkYz$eYe|2Yzfl zsrRJzGt@4or>fxl;|+h;&nB7AWHSE)YX0X!&Hr4AW&TeBHUD#2&Ho9Y=6^2H{GR~o ze!ymZKS%&|Kj8BV8HoDew6I7{j-sQH{ry7+m%NBIWF WgBNGe+4}DQ0000|Nrgo?&9O)Bc`q&%X=HRZywV> z^sWFJzc~NPR{zXa|Gog#*49%;P?eRH8M!v#6^14N0004WQchCK@B4z>JUZX|G&?f1nLQ4;nKSyJ@1~Iv?!R}CdDti{Z+>P z{|VRPMu=MxIUIzzON67m&ydGN2q<|vo#a9;(EjjvF6pGTu5v+1c_vtRdVX06#u%lH z;k~3Y7fd45wNiCmLs^zUUoN~RLZhs0UDE(SLvZ0O5tOq4?fU{3J`w?2i;=GD5V_z} z!P#hZpI?2CTu22EmL5Su&x8V|0?tMhHVTM9ibJ3sHs0X*1uT#U7z(Q^zUcZ5b0;exKR#hf=T=Hr@WdA}h1Py&w(Br_2dak6xM8YsKgQlGXKc&LtFIVvH m{j?ScTH+`CN`*~|Kk)-<6f}JpZQ;290000zc|B&L&Jwd z!+rpspPy4lP?eRH8M!tW86{l+0004WQchC?L0O$xVyeEQk2B7~~;leEuus0ZKng)>zJ{6paM)UbK49JC4@L=c> zBn(U_U@G8ZL}90Z2&6a!+F|Dno?pNMd4Qp?x#F8{;60#r3gCLzL!1?kVI4_@7~W_fuJRR!mm`=rT7y+ XWeP9o^Wf_V00000NkvXXu0mjf$V1Kz literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/panel.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/smite.rsi/panel.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ef52cc2cb1f78403f6e8afe594a73a3e219a6c1 GIT binary patch literal 150 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^3LwnF3?v&v(vJfvi2$DvS0HU~Z@X;1oQjIdt}Tix zO3DnzGa1s1!(MG!1e9Ye3GxeOaCmkj4am{)ba4#P2u@CrU~QJ=SoCqG4^sf^jI%5O ttPwpz0jxKiFS2k+Twt)?#lXVAaNs}FDv^IC_ksEtJYD@<);T3K0Ra0HCqw`M literal 0 HcmV?d00001 From 26910719f16c0ec38a7395db1e062e663eacf630 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:21:07 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 42/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 21 +++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index cd8782641ae..d3c308429a8 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,18 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: TheShuEd - changes: - - message: Returned Taco microwave recipes (people were sad) - type: Add - - message: added an alternative method of crafting some burgers, through the correct - assembly sequence of modular food. - type: Add - - message: severely cut back on the number of items you can put on burgers, tacos, - or kebabs. This had poor design, and things need to be separately resprited - by adding them on modular food. - type: Tweak - id: 7312 - time: '2024-09-08T06:22:27.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: metalgearsloth changes: - message: Fix the FTL bubbles sometimes persisting. @@ -3938,3 +3924,10 @@ id: 7811 time: '2025-01-15T18:03:49.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Alpaccalypse + changes: + - message: Smite soda vending machines have been added to the game. + type: Add + id: 7812 + time: '2025-01-15T18:20:01.0000000+00:00' + url: From 3dd9307cb7d5ab1f86136a3f3a224f2c33da0af2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kosticia Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:35:58 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 43/62] Printable bedsheets (#34034) * Bedsheets * that one fixes yellow bedsheet and delete american bedsheet --- .../Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml | 22 ++++ .../Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/bedsheets.yml | 113 ++++++++++++++++++ .../Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/carpets.yml | 51 ++++++++ .../Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/clothing.yml | 53 -------- 4 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/bedsheets.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/carpets.yml diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml index 679a8232411..17f470253bb 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Structures/Machines/lathe.yml @@ -1083,8 +1083,28 @@ - CarpetPurple - CarpetCyan - CarpetWhite + # Bedsheets + - BedsheetBlack + - BedsheetBlue + - BedsheetBrown + - BedsheetGreen + - BedsheetGrey + - BedsheetOrange + - BedsheetPurple + - BedsheetRed + - BedsheetWhite + - BedsheetYellow + - BedsheetClown + - BedsheetCosmos + - BedsheetIan + - BedsheetMedical + - BedsheetMime + - BedsheetNT + - BedsheetRainbow + - BedsheetBrigmedic - type: EmagLatheRecipes emagStaticRecipes: + # Clothing - ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap - ClothingHeadHatCentcom - ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomAgent @@ -1107,6 +1127,8 @@ - ClothingOuterWinterCentcom - ClothingOuterWinterSyndie - ClothingOuterWinterSyndieCap + # Bedsheets + - BedsheetSyndie - type: MaterialStorage whitelist: tags: diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/bedsheets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/bedsheets.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1ff143e4914 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/bedsheets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +- type: latheRecipe + abstract: true + id: BaseBedsheetRecipe + completetime: 2 + materials: + Cloth: 150 + +- type: latheRecipe + abstract: true + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + materials: + Cloth: 150 + Durathread: 50 + + #Base bedsheets + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetBlack + result: BedsheetBlack + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetBlue + result: BedsheetBlue + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetBrown + result: BedsheetBrown + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetGreen + result: BedsheetGreen + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetGrey + result: BedsheetGrey + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetOrange + result: BedsheetOrange + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetPurple + result: BedsheetPurple + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetRed + result: BedsheetRed + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetWhite + result: BedsheetWhite + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetYellow + result: BedsheetYellow + + #Specified bedsheets + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetClown + result: BedsheetClown + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetCosmos + result: BedsheetCosmos + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetIan #I'm not sure that that should be here + result: BedsheetIan + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetMedical + result: BedsheetMedical + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetMime + result: BedsheetMime + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetNT + result: BedsheetNT + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetRainbow + result: BedsheetRainbow + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetBrigmedic + result: BedsheetBrigmedic + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseSpecifiedBedsheetRecipe + id: BedsheetSyndie + result: BedsheetSyndie diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/carpets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/carpets.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fdf9705c23c --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/carpets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +- type: latheRecipe + abstract: true + id: BaseCarpetRecipe + completetime: 1 + materials: + Cloth: 100 + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: Carpet + result: FloorCarpetItemRed + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetBlack + result: FloorCarpetItemBlack + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetPink + result: FloorCarpetItemPink + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetBlue + result: FloorCarpetItemBlue + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetGreen + result: FloorCarpetItemGreen + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetOrange + result: FloorCarpetItemOrange + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetPurple + result: FloorCarpetItemPurple + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetCyan + result: FloorCarpetItemCyan + +- type: latheRecipe + parent: BaseCarpetRecipe + id: CarpetWhite + result: FloorCarpetItemWhite diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/clothing.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/clothing.yml index 0db72f36636..62e2982e5cf 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/clothing.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Lathes/clothing.yml @@ -38,13 +38,6 @@ materials: Cloth: 100 -- type: latheRecipe - abstract: true - id: BaseCarpetRecipe - completetime: 1 - materials: - Cloth: 100 - - type: latheRecipe abstract: true parent: BaseHatRecipe @@ -916,49 +909,3 @@ parent: BaseNeckClothingRecipe id: ClothingNeckScarfStripedPurple result: ClothingNeckScarfStripedPurple - -# Carpets -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: Carpet - result: FloorCarpetItemRed - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetBlack - result: FloorCarpetItemBlack - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetPink - result: FloorCarpetItemPink - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetBlue - result: FloorCarpetItemBlue - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetGreen - result: FloorCarpetItemGreen - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetOrange - result: FloorCarpetItemOrange - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetPurple - result: FloorCarpetItemPurple - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetCyan - result: FloorCarpetItemCyan - -- type: latheRecipe - parent: BaseCarpetRecipe - id: CarpetWhite - result: FloorCarpetItemWhite From 9ede1f3278b0476ed24c3ce7fd1138cef8ccb841 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 19:37:05 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 44/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 18 +++++++----------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index d3c308429a8..5f48e5977f0 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: metalgearsloth - changes: - - message: Fix the FTL bubbles sometimes persisting. - type: Fix - - message: Fix AI eye being able to FTL. - type: Fix - - message: Fix the AI eye being able to be FTL smashed. - type: Fix - id: 7313 - time: '2024-09-08T08:12:24.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: PopGamer46 changes: - message: Fixed being able to craft the justice helmet with a justice helmet @@ -3931,3 +3920,10 @@ id: 7812 time: '2025-01-15T18:20:01.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: kosticia + changes: + - message: Bedsheets now can be printed on uniform printer + type: Add + id: 7813 + time: '2025-01-15T19:35:59.0000000+00:00' + url: From fdb2f16701eeb5989004f3e3344df29fb142a394 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:51:36 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 45/62] Update RT to v239.0.1 (#34454) --- RobustToolbox | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/RobustToolbox b/RobustToolbox index e4190f4f290..bcc4cd77cf1 160000 --- a/RobustToolbox +++ b/RobustToolbox @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit e4190f4f2900634e332208a77cd6df9cef75c29a +Subproject commit bcc4cd77cf16deb9b05f29b090d865f836a733ab From 484af256cd4b32914179fbc175f83edb268a0d71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ed <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 23:22:31 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 46/62] Remove christmas anomaly spawn (#34053) Update anomaly.yml --- .../Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/anomaly.yml | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/anomaly.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/anomaly.yml index ef89ed9a169..d1270934124 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/anomaly.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/anomaly.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - AnomalyFlora - AnomalyShadow - AnomalyTech - - AnomalySanta #Remove in 2025 + #- AnomalySanta rareChance: 0.3 rarePrototypes: - RandomAnomalyInjectorSpawner @@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ - AnomalyTrapGravity - AnomalyTrapTech - AnomalyTrapRock - - AnomalyTrapSanta # Remove in 2025 + #- AnomalyTrapSanta chance: 1 - \ No newline at end of file + From c6dbdc921a325bfccdd94765ce4eda681c41d10a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 20:23:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 47/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 5f48e5977f0..20e569c0ecc 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: PopGamer46 - changes: - - message: Fixed being able to craft the justice helmet with a justice helmet - type: Fix - id: 7314 - time: '2024-09-08T10:21:55.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: Killerqu00 changes: - message: Seclite is now restricted to security. @@ -3927,3 +3920,10 @@ id: 7813 time: '2025-01-15T19:35:59.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: TheShuEd + changes: + - message: Christmas anomaly removed + type: Remove + id: 7814 + time: '2025-01-15T20:22:32.0000000+00:00' + url: From 6041c828deded501216ac7cdf7b3730e3416500d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Myra Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:08:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 48/62] Remove baby jail (#34443) * Remove baby jail Closes #33893 * Test fail fix. --- .../Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml | 4 +- .../Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs | 5 - .../BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml | 6 - .../BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml.cs | 21 --- .../UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml | 26 ---- .../UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml.cs | 75 ---------- .../Systems/Admin/AdminUIController.cs | 22 --- Content.Server.Database/Model.cs | 4 +- .../Commands/BabyJailCommand.cs | 139 ------------------ .../Administration/Systems/AdminSystem.cs | 49 ------ .../Connection/ConnectionManager.cs | 74 ---------- .../GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs | 6 - .../Events/BabyJailChangedEvent.cs | 22 --- Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Game.cs | 42 ------ .../WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml | 6 - .../administration/commands/babyjail.ftl | 19 --- 16 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml.cs delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml delete mode 100644 Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml.cs delete mode 100644 Content.Server/Administration/Commands/BabyJailCommand.cs delete mode 100644 Content.Shared/Administration/Events/BabyJailChangedEvent.cs delete mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/commands/babyjail.ftl diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml index d3d3df02d93..311d67b826c 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml +++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ xmlns:tabs="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs" xmlns:playerTab="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.PlayerTab" xmlns:objectsTab="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.ObjectsTab" - xmlns:panic="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.PanicBunkerTab" - xmlns:baby="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.BabyJailTab"> + xmlns:panic="clr-namespace:Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.PanicBunkerTab"> @@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ - diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs index d5c43e2a500..73fcb4f5e50 100644 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs +++ b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/AdminMenuWindow.xaml.cs @@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ public AdminMenuWindow() MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.Round, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-round-tab")); MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.Server, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-server-tab")); MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.PanicBunker, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-panic-bunker-tab")); - /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.BabyJail, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-baby-jail-tab")); MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.Players, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-players-tab")); MasterTabContainer.SetTabTitle((int) TabIndex.Objects, Loc.GetString("admin-menu-objects-tab")); MasterTabContainer.OnTabChanged += OnTabChanged; @@ -52,7 +48,6 @@ private enum TabIndex Round, Server, PanicBunker, - BabyJail, Players, Objects, } diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml deleted file mode 100644 index b8034faf52a..00000000000 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 9e1d53818f2..00000000000 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailStatusWindow.xaml.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -using Content.Client.Message; -using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls; -using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated; -using Robust.Client.UserInterface.CustomControls; -using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML; - -namespace Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.BabyJailTab; - -/* - * TODO: Remove me once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - -[GenerateTypedNameReferences] -public sealed partial class BabyJailStatusWindow : FancyWindow -{ - public BabyJailStatusWindow() - { - RobustXamlLoader.Load(this); - MessageLabel.SetMarkup(Loc.GetString("admin-ui-baby-jail-is-enabled")); - } -} diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml deleted file mode 100644 index dd770c2be53..00000000000 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml.cs deleted file mode 100644 index aa9d6ced951..00000000000 --- a/Content.Client/Administration/UI/Tabs/BabyJailTab/BabyJailTab.xaml.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -using Content.Shared.Administration.Events; -using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated; -using Robust.Client.UserInterface; -using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML; -using Robust.Shared.Console; - -/* - * TODO: Remove me once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - -namespace Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.BabyJailTab; - -[GenerateTypedNameReferences] -public sealed partial class BabyJailTab : Control -{ - [Dependency] private readonly IConsoleHost _console = default!; - - private string _maxAccountAge; - private string _maxOverallMinutes; - - public BabyJailTab() - { - RobustXamlLoader.Load(this); - IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); - - MaxAccountAge.OnTextEntered += args => SendMaxAccountAge(args.Text); - MaxAccountAge.OnFocusExit += args => SendMaxAccountAge(args.Text); - _maxAccountAge = MaxAccountAge.Text; - - MaxOverallMinutes.OnTextEntered += args => SendMaxOverallMinutes(args.Text); - MaxOverallMinutes.OnFocusExit += args => SendMaxOverallMinutes(args.Text); - _maxOverallMinutes = MaxOverallMinutes.Text; - } - - private void SendMaxAccountAge(string text) - { - if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) || - text == _maxAccountAge || - !int.TryParse(text, out var minutes)) - { - return; - } - - _console.ExecuteCommand($"babyjail_max_account_age {minutes}"); - } - - private void SendMaxOverallMinutes(string text) - { - if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) || - text == _maxOverallMinutes || - !int.TryParse(text, out var minutes)) - { - return; - } - - _console.ExecuteCommand($"babyjail_max_overall_minutes {minutes}"); - } - - public void UpdateStatus(BabyJailStatus status) - { - EnabledButton.Pressed = status.Enabled; - EnabledButton.Text = Loc.GetString(status.Enabled - ? "admin-ui-baby-jail-enabled" - : "admin-ui-baby-jail-disabled" - ); - EnabledButton.ModulateSelfOverride = status.Enabled ? Color.Red : null; - ShowReasonButton.Pressed = status.ShowReason; - - MaxAccountAge.Text = status.MaxAccountAgeMinutes.ToString(); - _maxAccountAge = MaxAccountAge.Text; - - MaxOverallMinutes.Text = status.MaxOverallMinutes.ToString(); - _maxOverallMinutes = MaxOverallMinutes.Text; - } -} diff --git a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Admin/AdminUIController.cs b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Admin/AdminUIController.cs index d36a91c3733..392a1a96de2 100644 --- a/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Admin/AdminUIController.cs +++ b/Content.Client/UserInterface/Systems/Admin/AdminUIController.cs @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ using Content.Client.Administration.UI; using Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.ObjectsTab; using Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.PanicBunkerTab; -using Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.BabyJailTab; using Content.Client.Administration.UI.Tabs.PlayerTab; using Content.Client.Gameplay; using Content.Client.Lobby; @@ -38,13 +37,11 @@ public sealed class AdminUIController : UIController, private AdminMenuWindow? _window; private MenuButton? AdminButton => UIManager.GetActiveUIWidgetOrNull()?.AdminButton; private PanicBunkerStatus? _panicBunker; - private BabyJailStatus? _babyJail; public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); SubscribeNetworkEvent(OnPanicBunkerUpdated); - SubscribeNetworkEvent(OnBabyJailUpdated); } private void OnPanicBunkerUpdated(PanicBunkerChangedEvent msg, EntitySessionEventArgs args) @@ -59,18 +56,6 @@ private void OnPanicBunkerUpdated(PanicBunkerChangedEvent msg, EntitySessionEven } } - private void OnBabyJailUpdated(BabyJailChangedEvent msg, EntitySessionEventArgs args) - { - var showDialog = _babyJail == null && msg.Status.Enabled; - _babyJail = msg.Status; - _window?.BabyJailControl.UpdateStatus(msg.Status); - - if (showDialog) - { - UIManager.CreateWindow().OpenCentered(); - } - } - public void OnStateEntered(GameplayState state) { EnsureWindow(); @@ -116,13 +101,6 @@ private void EnsureWindow() if (_panicBunker != null) _window.PanicBunkerControl.UpdateStatus(_panicBunker); - /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - - if (_babyJail != null) - _window.BabyJailControl.UpdateStatus(_babyJail); - _window.PlayerTabControl.OnEntryKeyBindDown += PlayerTabEntryKeyBindDown; _window.ObjectsTabControl.OnEntryKeyBindDown += ObjectsTabEntryKeyBindDown; _window.OnOpen += OnWindowOpen; diff --git a/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs b/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs index 885bba0ffc2..4e3efddc47c 100644 --- a/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs +++ b/Content.Server.Database/Model.cs @@ -973,10 +973,10 @@ public enum ConnectionDenyReason : byte Full = 2, Panic = 3, /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - * * If baby jail is removed, please reserve this value for as long as can reasonably be done to prevent causing ambiguity in connection denial reasons. * Reservation by commenting out the value is likely sufficient for this purpose, but may impact projects which depend on SS14 like SS14.Admin. + * + * Edit: It has */ BabyJail = 4, /// Results from rejected connections with external API checking tools diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/BabyJailCommand.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/BabyJailCommand.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 058b67ca528..00000000000 --- a/Content.Server/Administration/Commands/BabyJailCommand.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -using Content.Shared.Administration; -using Content.Shared.CCVar; -using Robust.Shared.Configuration; -using Robust.Shared.Console; - -/* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - -namespace Content.Server.Administration.Commands; - -[AdminCommand(AdminFlags.Server)] -public sealed class BabyJailCommand : LocalizedCommands -{ - [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; - - public override string Command => "babyjail"; - - public override void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args) - { - var toggle = Toggle(CCVars.BabyJailEnabled, shell, args, _cfg); - if (toggle == null) - return; - - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString(toggle.Value ? "babyjail-command-enabled" : "babyjail-command-disabled")); - } - - public static bool? Toggle(CVarDef cvar, IConsoleShell shell, string[] args, IConfigurationManager config) - { - if (args.Length > 1) - { - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-need-between-arguments",("lower", 0), ("upper", 1))); - return null; - } - - var enabled = config.GetCVar(cvar); - - switch (args.Length) - { - case 0: - enabled = !enabled; - break; - case 1 when !bool.TryParse(args[0], out enabled): - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-argument-must-be-boolean")); - return null; - } - - config.SetCVar(cvar, enabled); - - return enabled; - } -} - - -[AdminCommand(AdminFlags.Server)] -public sealed class BabyJailShowReasonCommand : LocalizedCommands -{ - [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; - - public override string Command => "babyjail_show_reason"; - - public override void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args) - { - var toggle = BabyJailCommand.Toggle(CCVars.BabyJailShowReason, shell, args, _cfg); - if (toggle == null) - return; - - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString(toggle.Value - ? "babyjail-command-show-reason-enabled" - : "babyjail-command-show-reason-disabled" - )); - } -} - -[AdminCommand(AdminFlags.Server)] -public sealed class BabyJailMinAccountAgeCommand : LocalizedCommands -{ - [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; - - public override string Command => "babyjail_max_account_age"; - - public override void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args) - { - switch (args.Length) - { - case 0: - { - var current = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxAccountAge); - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("babyjail-command-max-account-age-is", ("minutes", current))); - break; - } - case > 1: - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-need-between-arguments",("lower", 0), ("upper", 1))); - return; - } - - if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out var minutes)) - { - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-argument-must-be-number")); - return; - } - - _cfg.SetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxAccountAge, minutes); - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("babyjail-command-max-account-age-set", ("minutes", minutes))); - } -} - -[AdminCommand(AdminFlags.Server)] -public sealed class BabyJailMinOverallHoursCommand : LocalizedCommands -{ - [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; - - public override string Command => "babyjail_max_overall_minutes"; - - public override void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args) - { - switch (args.Length) - { - case 0: - { - var current = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxOverallMinutes); - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("babyjail-command-max-overall-minutes-is", ("minutes", current))); - break; - } - case > 1: - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-need-between-arguments",("lower", 0), ("upper", 1))); - return; - } - - if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out var hours)) - { - shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-argument-must-be-number")); - return; - } - - _cfg.SetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxOverallMinutes, hours); - shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("babyjail-command-overall-minutes-set", ("hours", hours))); - } -} diff --git a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminSystem.cs index 68b376610b3..1d8c278584e 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Administration/Systems/AdminSystem.cs @@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ public sealed class AdminSystem : EntitySystem private readonly HashSet _roundActivePlayers = new(); public readonly PanicBunkerStatus PanicBunker = new(); - public readonly BabyJailStatus BabyJail = new(); public override void Initialize() { @@ -83,16 +82,6 @@ public override void Initialize() Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.PanicBunkerMinAccountAge, OnPanicBunkerMinAccountAgeChanged, true); Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.PanicBunkerMinOverallMinutes, OnPanicBunkerMinOverallMinutesChanged, true); - /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - - // Baby Jail Settings - Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.BabyJailEnabled, OnBabyJailChanged, true); - Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.BabyJailShowReason, OnBabyJailShowReasonChanged, true); - Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.BabyJailMaxAccountAge, OnBabyJailMaxAccountAgeChanged, true); - Subs.CVar(_config, CCVars.BabyJailMaxOverallMinutes, OnBabyJailMaxOverallMinutesChanged, true); - SubscribeLocalEvent(OnIdentityChanged); SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPlayerAttached); SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPlayerDetached); @@ -279,17 +268,6 @@ private void OnPanicBunkerChanged(bool enabled) SendPanicBunkerStatusAll(); } - private void OnBabyJailChanged(bool enabled) - { - BabyJail.Enabled = enabled; - _chat.SendAdminAlert(Loc.GetString(enabled - ? "admin-ui-baby-jail-enabled-admin-alert" - : "admin-ui-baby-jail-disabled-admin-alert" - )); - - SendBabyJailStatusAll(); - } - private void OnPanicBunkerDisableWithAdminsChanged(bool enabled) { PanicBunker.DisableWithAdmins = enabled; @@ -314,36 +292,18 @@ private void OnPanicBunkerShowReasonChanged(bool enabled) SendPanicBunkerStatusAll(); } - private void OnBabyJailShowReasonChanged(bool enabled) - { - BabyJail.ShowReason = enabled; - SendBabyJailStatusAll(); - } - private void OnPanicBunkerMinAccountAgeChanged(int minutes) { PanicBunker.MinAccountAgeMinutes = minutes; SendPanicBunkerStatusAll(); } - private void OnBabyJailMaxAccountAgeChanged(int minutes) - { - BabyJail.MaxAccountAgeMinutes = minutes; - SendBabyJailStatusAll(); - } - private void OnPanicBunkerMinOverallMinutesChanged(int minutes) { PanicBunker.MinOverallMinutes = minutes; SendPanicBunkerStatusAll(); } - private void OnBabyJailMaxOverallMinutesChanged(int minutes) - { - BabyJail.MaxOverallMinutes = minutes; - SendBabyJailStatusAll(); - } - private void UpdatePanicBunker() { var hasAdmins = false; @@ -390,15 +350,6 @@ private void SendPanicBunkerStatusAll() } } - private void SendBabyJailStatusAll() - { - var ev = new BabyJailChangedEvent(BabyJail); - foreach (var admin in _adminManager.AllAdmins) - { - RaiseNetworkEvent(ev, admin); - } - } - /// /// Erases a player from the round. /// This removes them and any trace of them from the round, deleting their diff --git a/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs b/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs index ab27553f446..bc0f06de98c 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Connection/ConnectionManager.cs @@ -283,14 +283,6 @@ session.Status is SessionStatus.Connected or SessionStatus.InGame } } - if (_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailEnabled) && adminData == null) - { - var result = await IsInvalidConnectionDueToBabyJail(userId, e); - - if (result.IsInvalid) - return (ConnectionDenyReason.BabyJail, result.Reason, null); - } - var wasInGame = EntitySystem.TryGet(out var ticker) && ticker.PlayerGameStatuses.TryGetValue(userId, out var status) && status == PlayerGameStatus.JoinedGame; @@ -349,72 +341,6 @@ session.Status is SessionStatus.Connected or SessionStatus.InGame return null; } - private async Task<(bool IsInvalid, string Reason)> IsInvalidConnectionDueToBabyJail(NetUserId userId, NetConnectingArgs e) - { - // If you're whitelisted then bypass this whole thing - if (await _db.GetWhitelistStatusAsync(userId)) - return (false, ""); - - // Initial cvar retrieval - var showReason = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailShowReason); - var reason = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailCustomReason); - var maxAccountAgeMinutes = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxAccountAge); - var maxPlaytimeMinutes = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailMaxOverallMinutes); - - // Wait some time to lookup data - var record = await _db.GetPlayerRecordByUserId(userId); - - // No player record = new account or the DB is having a skill issue - if (record == null) - return (false, ""); - - var isAccountAgeInvalid = record.FirstSeenTime.CompareTo(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(maxAccountAgeMinutes)) <= 0; - - if (isAccountAgeInvalid) - { - _sawmill.Debug($"Baby jail will deny {userId} for account age {record.FirstSeenTime}"); // Remove on or after 2024-09 - } - - if (isAccountAgeInvalid && showReason) - { - var locAccountReason = reason != string.Empty - ? reason - : Loc.GetString("baby-jail-account-denied-reason", - ("reason", - Loc.GetString( - "baby-jail-account-reason-account", - ("minutes", maxAccountAgeMinutes)))); - - return (true, locAccountReason); - } - - var overallTime = ( await _db.GetPlayTimes(e.UserId)).Find(p => p.Tracker == PlayTimeTrackingShared.TrackerOverall); - var isTotalPlaytimeInvalid = overallTime != null && overallTime.TimeSpent.TotalMinutes >= maxPlaytimeMinutes; - - if (isTotalPlaytimeInvalid) - { - _sawmill.Debug($"Baby jail will deny {userId} for playtime {overallTime!.TimeSpent}"); // Remove on or after 2024-09 - } - - if (isTotalPlaytimeInvalid && showReason) - { - var locPlaytimeReason = reason != string.Empty - ? reason - : Loc.GetString("baby-jail-account-denied-reason", - ("reason", - Loc.GetString( - "baby-jail-account-reason-overall", - ("minutes", maxPlaytimeMinutes)))); - - return (true, locPlaytimeReason); - } - - if (!showReason && isTotalPlaytimeInvalid || isAccountAgeInvalid) - return (true, Loc.GetString("baby-jail-account-denied")); - - return (false, ""); - } - private bool HasTemporaryBypass(NetUserId user) { return _temporaryBypasses.TryGetValue(user, out var time) && time > _gameTiming.RealTime; diff --git a/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs b/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs index 67367b94b7f..fcf5b1c25cd 100644 --- a/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs +++ b/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs @@ -46,12 +46,6 @@ private void GetStatusResponse(JsonNode jObject) jObject["players"] = _playerManager.PlayerCount; jObject["soft_max_players"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.SoftMaxPlayers); jObject["panic_bunker"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.PanicBunkerEnabled); - - /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - - jObject["baby_jail"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.BabyJailEnabled); jObject["run_level"] = (int) _runLevel; if (preset != null) jObject["preset"] = Loc.GetString(preset.ModeTitle); diff --git a/Content.Shared/Administration/Events/BabyJailChangedEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Administration/Events/BabyJailChangedEvent.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 56d5ce51626..00000000000 --- a/Content.Shared/Administration/Events/BabyJailChangedEvent.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -using Robust.Shared.Serialization; - -/* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - -namespace Content.Shared.Administration.Events; - -[Serializable, NetSerializable] -public sealed class BabyJailStatus -{ - public bool Enabled; - public bool ShowReason; - public int MaxAccountAgeMinutes; - public int MaxOverallMinutes; -} - -[Serializable, NetSerializable] -public sealed class BabyJailChangedEvent(BabyJailStatus status) : EntityEventArgs -{ - public BabyJailStatus Status = status; -} diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Game.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Game.cs index e04cf432531..4a6f1118a1d 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Game.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Game.cs @@ -198,48 +198,6 @@ public static readonly CVarDef public static readonly CVarDef BypassBunkerWhitelist = CVarDef.Create("game.panic_bunker.whitelisted_can_bypass", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); - /* - * TODO: Remove baby jail code once a more mature gateway process is established. This code is only being issued as a stopgap to help with potential tiding in the immediate future. - */ - - /// - /// Whether the baby jail is currently enabled. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BabyJailEnabled = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.enabled", false, CVar.NOTIFY | CVar.REPLICATED | CVar.SERVER); - - /// - /// Show reason of disconnect for user or not. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BabyJailShowReason = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.show_reason", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); - - /// - /// Maximum age of the account (from server's PoV, so from first-seen date) in minutes that can access baby - /// jailed servers. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BabyJailMaxAccountAge = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.max_account_age", 1440, CVar.SERVERONLY); - - /// - /// Maximum overall played time allowed to access baby jailed servers. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BabyJailMaxOverallMinutes = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.max_overall_minutes", 120, CVar.SERVERONLY); - - /// - /// A custom message that will be used for connections denied due to the baby jail. - /// If not empty, then will overwrite - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BabyJailCustomReason = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.custom_reason", string.Empty, CVar.SERVERONLY); - - /// - /// Allow bypassing the baby jail if the user is whitelisted. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef BypassBabyJailWhitelist = - CVarDef.Create("game.baby_jail.whitelisted_can_bypass", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); - /// /// Enable IPIntel for blocking VPN connections from new players. /// diff --git a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml index 84288b8b85e..78732123260 100644 --- a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml +++ b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDenGateway.toml @@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ panic_bunker.enabled = false panic_bunker.disable_with_admins = false panic_bunker.enable_without_admins = false panic_bunker.custom_reason = "" -baby_jail.enabled = true -baby_jail.show_reason = true -baby_jail.max_account_age = 5256000 # 10 years. Disabling this check specifically isn't currently supported -baby_jail.max_overall_minutes = 3000 # 50 hours -baby_jail.custom_reason = "Sorry! Only new and whitelisted players can join this server. Apply to be whitelisted in our Discord server ( or try joining another server instead!" -baby_jail.whitelisted_can_bypass = true [hub] tags = "lang:en,region:am_n_e,rp:low" diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/commands/babyjail.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/commands/babyjail.ftl deleted file mode 100644 index 5a9d9490517..00000000000 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/administration/commands/babyjail.ftl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -cmd-babyjail-desc = Toggles the baby jail, which enables stricter restrictions on who's allowed to join the server. -cmd-babyjail-help = Usage: babyjail -babyjail-command-enabled = Baby jail has been enabled. -babyjail-command-disabled = Baby jail has been disabled. - -cmd-babyjail_show_reason-desc = Toggles whether or not to show connecting clients the reason why the baby jail blocked them from joining. -cmd-babyjail_show_reason-help = Usage: babyjail_show_reason -babyjail-command-show-reason-enabled = The baby jail will now show a reason to users it blocks from connecting. -babyjail-command-show-reason-disabled = The baby jail will no longer show a reason to users it blocks from connecting. - -cmd-babyjail_max_account_age-desc = Gets or sets the maximum account age in minutes that an account can have to be allowed to connect with the baby jail enabled. -cmd-babyjail_max_account_age-help = Usage: babyjail_max_account_age -babyjail-command-max-account-age-is = The maximum account age for the baby jail is {$minutes} minutes. -babyjail-command-max-account-age-set = Set the maximum account age for the baby jail to {$minutes} minutes. - -cmd-babyjail_max_overall_minutes-desc = Gets or sets the maximum overall playtime in minutes that an account can have to be allowed to connect with the baby jail enabled. -cmd-babyjail_max_overall_minutes-help = Usage: babyjail_max_overall_minutes -babyjail-command-max-overall-minutes-is = The maximum overall playtime for the baby jail is {$minutes} minutes. -babyjail-command-max-overall-minutes-set = Set the maximum overall playtime for the baby jail to {$minutes} minutes. From 40fc4992e5e2fb6805d53ba0a665f05aa040949b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Myra Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:10:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 49/62] Add a CCVar to allow from hiding admins in the reported player count. (#34406) Good for: - Keeping admins hidden - Not confuse players seeing 84/80 players Nicely pairs up with the ``admin.admins_count_for_max_players`` ccvar --- Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs | 5 ++++- Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Admin.cs | 7 +++++++ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs b/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs index fcf5b1c25cd..4d84f78291a 100644 --- a/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs +++ b/Content.Server/GameTicking/GameTicker.StatusShell.cs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using Content.Shared.CCVar; using Content.Shared.GameTicking; @@ -43,7 +44,9 @@ private void GetStatusResponse(JsonNode jObject) jObject["name"] = _baseServer.ServerName; jObject["map"] = _gameMapManager.GetSelectedMap()?.MapName; jObject["round_id"] = _gameTicker.RoundId; - jObject["players"] = _playerManager.PlayerCount; + jObject["players"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.AdminsCountInReportedPlayerCount) + ? _playerManager.PlayerCount + : _playerManager.PlayerCount - _adminManager.ActiveAdmins.Count(); jObject["soft_max_players"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.SoftMaxPlayers); jObject["panic_bunker"] = _cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.PanicBunkerEnabled); jObject["run_level"] = (int) _runLevel; diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Admin.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Admin.cs index c422a5a02a1..7754a6cbb8b 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Admin.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.Admin.cs @@ -158,6 +158,13 @@ public sealed partial class CCVars public static readonly CVarDef AdminsCountForMaxPlayers = CVarDef.Create("admin.admins_count_for_max_players", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); + /// + /// Should admins be hidden from the player count reported to the launcher/via api? + /// This is hub advert safe, in case that's a worry. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef AdminsCountInReportedPlayerCount = + CVarDef.Create("admin.admins_count_in_playercount", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); + /// /// Determine if custom rank names are used. /// If it is false, it'd use the actual rank name regardless of the individual's title. From a7d5c8ff439f2d633efef58f4fbb6c10787ebaa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 21:12:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 50/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml index e48b8df30b3..b8694a8d672 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Admin.yml @@ -713,5 +713,13 @@ Entries: id: 88 time: '2025-01-15T00:32:24.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Myra + changes: + - message: Admins are by default now hidden from the reported player count on the + launcher. + type: Add + id: 89 + time: '2025-01-15T21:10:54.0000000+00:00' + url: Name: Admin Order: 1 From c92c52fded008aec0d34a4cc4285c629074caa7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zachary Higgs Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:21:20 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 51/62] Fix Mixed puddles not updating slips when evap (#34303) * Fix Mixed puddles not updating slips when evap * Remove Comment that isn't needed Co-authored-by: Centronias * CR - use SolutionContainerSystem.UpdateChemicals * CR - cleanup unused imports --------- Co-authored-by: Centronias --- Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/PuddleSystem.Evaporation.cs | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/PuddleSystem.Evaporation.cs b/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/PuddleSystem.Evaporation.cs index d9605c775c1..d78950b1d55 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/PuddleSystem.Evaporation.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Fluids/EntitySystems/PuddleSystem.Evaporation.cs @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ private void TickEvaporation() Spawn("PuddleSparkle", xformQuery.GetComponent(uid).Coordinates); QueueDel(uid); } + + _solutionContainerSystem.UpdateChemicals(puddle.Solution.Value); } } } From f01db3f2766fa649bd5f134b4b818d35933d3be1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 21:22:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 52/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 18 +++++++----------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 20e569c0ecc..6a2aba71017 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Killerqu00 - changes: - - message: Seclite is now restricted to security. - type: Tweak - - message: Handcuffs are now restricted to security and command. - type: Tweak - - message: Trench whistle is now minor contraband. - type: Tweak - id: 7315 - time: '2024-09-08T12:06:01.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: Psychpsyo changes: - message: The random sentience event should now actually happen again. @@ -3927,3 +3916,10 @@ id: 7814 time: '2025-01-15T20:22:32.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Kickguy223 + changes: + - message: Puddles will now correctly evaporate + type: Fix + id: 7815 + time: '2025-01-15T21:21:20.0000000+00:00' + url: From 59a14b5329cac4ab8a8f69ce44471b089350045f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pieter-Jan Briers Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 23:14:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 53/62] WizDen config update for IPIntel (#34457) --- Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDen.toml | 8 ++++++-- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDen.toml b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDen.toml index 1b2af866884..3083adcbead 100644 --- a/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDen.toml +++ b/Resources/ConfigPresets/WizardsDen/wizardsDen.toml @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ panic_bunker.enable_without_admins = true panic_bunker.show_reason = true panic_bunker.custom_reason = "You have not played on a Wizard's Den server long enough to connect to this server. Please play on Wizard's Den Lizard until you have more playtime." +# IPIntel stuff +ipintel_enabled = true +ipintel_contact_email = "" + [infolinks] bug_report = "" discord = "" @@ -44,6 +48,6 @@ alert.min_players_sharing_connection = 2 max_explosion_range = 5 [status] -privacy_policy_link = "" +privacy_policy_link = "" privacy_policy_identifier = "wizden" -privacy_policy_version = "2024-12-22" +privacy_policy_version = "2025-01-19" From 6d218f2ad50ac246fc10204151040f6d5e93ebdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: themias <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:49:51 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 54/62] Fix DNA scrambler updating station record (#34091) * Fix DNA scrambler updating station record * Update Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs --------- Co-authored-by: slarticodefast <> --- Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs index 0c86e2f6592..9d074cec745 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Implants/SubdermalImplantSystem.cs @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ using System.Numerics; using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Components; using Content.Shared.Movement.Pulling.Systems; +using Content.Server.IdentityManagement; using Content.Shared.Store.Components; using Robust.Shared.Collections; using Robust.Shared.Map.Components; @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public sealed class SubdermalImplantSystem : SharedSubdermalImplantSystem [Dependency] private readonly PullingSystem _pullingSystem = default!; [Dependency] private readonly EntityLookupSystem _lookupSystem = default!; [Dependency] private readonly SharedMapSystem _mapSystem = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IdentitySystem _identity = default!; private EntityQuery _physicsQuery; private HashSet> _targetGrids = []; @@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ private void OnDnaScramblerImplant(EntityUid uid, SubdermalImplantComponent comp { var newProfile = HumanoidCharacterProfile.RandomWithSpecies(humanoid.Species); _humanoidAppearance.LoadProfile(ent, newProfile, humanoid); - _metaData.SetEntityName(ent, newProfile.Name); + _metaData.SetEntityName(ent, newProfile.Name, raiseEvents: false); // raising events would update ID card, station record, etc. if (TryComp(ent, out var dna)) { dna.DNA = _forensicsSystem.GenerateDNA(); @@ -223,6 +225,7 @@ private void OnDnaScramblerImplant(EntityUid uid, SubdermalImplantComponent comp { fingerprint.Fingerprint = _forensicsSystem.GenerateFingerprint(); } + _identity.QueueIdentityUpdate(ent); // manually queue identity update since we don't raise the event _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("scramble-implant-activated-popup"), ent, ent); } From e094b79ee4636cbd91e760091420017e81222ebe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:50:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 55/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 6a2aba71017..2ad6737e861 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Psychpsyo - changes: - - message: The random sentience event should now actually happen again. - type: Fix - id: 7316 - time: '2024-09-08T12:10:50.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: Beck Thompson changes: - message: Gold and silver rings now give a small amount of materials when scrapped. @@ -3923,3 +3916,10 @@ id: 7815 time: '2025-01-15T21:21:20.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: themias + changes: + - message: The DNA scrambler implant no longer updates your ID card or station record + type: Fix + id: 7816 + time: '2025-01-15T22:49:51.0000000+00:00' + url: From 87ff3a24215368901945682fd1c3922ae1cf1544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Southbridge <> Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 19:56:12 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 56/62] New and Modified Map Spawners (#34424) * Added spanwers and modified others * adjusted values to be more in line with what I want * this comment may have caused that test fail * oh my god another typo * Modified door crate to be engineering flavored * reduced the pride vendor odds Webedit lmao --- .../Catalog/Fills/Crates/engineering.yml | 30 ++- .../Catalog/Fills/Crates/materials.yml | 46 ++++ .../Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml | 3 + .../Markers/Spawners/Random/crates.yml | 231 +++++++++--------- .../Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml | 77 ++++-- .../VendingMachines/random.rsi/clothing.png | Bin 0 -> 5580 bytes .../VendingMachines/random.rsi/meta.json | 5 +- 7 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi/clothing.png diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/engineering.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/engineering.yml index 62d07b0beda..db01b7ab415 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/engineering.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/engineering.yml @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ - type: entity id: CrateAirlockKit - parent: CrateGenericSteel + parent: CrateEngineering name: airlock kit description: A kit for building 6 airlocks, doesn't include tools. components: @@ -215,3 +215,31 @@ - type: StorageFill contents: - id: SpaceHeaterFlatpack + +- type: entityTable + id: RandomTechBoardTable + table: !type:GroupSelector + children: + - id: AirAlarmElectronics + - id: FireAlarmElectronics + - id: DoorElectronics + - id: FirelockElectronics + - id: APCElectronics + - id: SignalTimerElectronics + - id: SMESMachineCircuitboard + - id: SubstationMachineCircuitboard + - id: SpaceVillainArcadeComputerCircuitboard + - id: BlockGameArcadeComputerCircuitboard + +- type: entity + id: CrateTechBoardRandom + parent: CrateEngineering + name: surplus boards + description: Surplus boards from somewhere. + components: + - type: EntityTableContainerFill + containers: + entity_storage: !type:NestedSelector + tableId: RandomTechBoardTable + rolls: !type:RangeNumberSelector + range: 3, 7 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/materials.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/materials.yml index f425b48c07e..3934812ae4e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/materials.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/materials.yml @@ -107,6 +107,52 @@ - id: SheetPaper amount: 3 +- type: entityTable + id: RandomMaterialCrateTable + table: !type:GroupSelector + children: + - !type:GroupSelector # regular materials, 10 + weight: 35 + children: + - id: SheetGlass10 + - id: SheetSteel10 + - id: SheetPlastic10 + - !type:GroupSelector # regular materials, stack + weight: 30 + children: + - id: SheetGlass + - id: SheetSteel + - id: SheetPlastic + - !type:GroupSelector # secondary materials, stack + weight: 30 + children: + - id: MaterialCloth + - id: SheetPlasteel + - id: MaterialWoodPlank + - id: PartRodMetal + - !type:GroupSelector # tertiary materials, singles + weight: 5 + children: + - id: SheetPlasma1 + - id: SheetUranium1 + - id: IngotGold1 + - id: IngotSilver1 + +- type: entity + id: CrateMaterialRandom + parent: CrateGenericSteel + name: surplus materials + description: Surplus materials from somewhere. + components: + - type: EntityTableContainerFill + containers: + entity_storage: !type:NestedSelector + tableId: RandomMaterialCrateTable + rolls: !type:RangeNumberSelector + range: 1, 3 + # for some reason, the selector here adds 1 to whatever value it generates, + # so this is actually 2-4 + #- type: entity # id: CrateMaterialHFuelTank # name: fueltank crate diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml index 4c0a9826de7..340083f4041 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Lockers/misc.yml @@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ - !type:NestedSelector tableId: SyndieMaintLoot prob: 0.05 + # Recursive + - id: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom + prob: 0.01 - type: entity id: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/crates.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/crates.yml index 1986dfc29c5..14852de558b 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/crates.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/crates.yml @@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ id: CrateEmptySpawner parent: MarkerBase components: - - type: Sprite - layers: - - state: red - - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/generic.rsi - state: icon - - type: RandomSpawner - prototypes: - - CrateGenericSteel - - CratePlastic - - CrateFreezer - - CrateHydroponics - - CrateMedical - - CrateRadiation - - CrateInternals - - CrateElectrical - - CrateEngineering - - CrateScience - - CrateSurgery - chance: 0.7 - offset: 0.0 + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/generic.rsi + state: icon + - type: RandomSpawner + prototypes: + - CrateGenericSteel + - CratePlastic + - CrateFreezer + - CrateHydroponics + - CrateMedical + - CrateRadiation + - CrateInternals + - CrateElectrical + - CrateEngineering + - CrateScience + - CrateSurgery + chance: 0.7 + offset: 0.0 - type: entity name: Filled Crate Spawner @@ -30,109 +30,112 @@ suffix: Low Value parent: MarkerBase components: - - type: Sprite - layers: - - state: red - - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/o2.rsi - state: icon - - type: RandomSpawner - prototypes: - - CrateServiceReplacementLights - - CrateServiceBureaucracy - - CrateChemistrySupplies - - CrateMaterialGlass - - CrateMaterialSteel - - CrateMaterialPlastic - - CrateMaterialWood - - CrateMaterialPlasteel - - CrateFunArtSupplies - - CrateEngineeringCableLV - - CrateEngineeringCableMV - - CrateEngineeringCableHV - - CrateEngineeringCableBulk - - CrateEmergencyFire - - CrateEmergencyInternals - - CrateEmergencyInflatablewall - - CrateHydroponicsTools - - CrateHydroponicsSeeds - chance: 0.7 - rarePrototypes: - - CrateMaterialPlasma - - CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic - rareChance: 0.1 - offset: 0.0 + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/o2.rsi + state: icon + - type: RandomSpawner + prototypes: + - CrateServiceReplacementLights + - CrateServiceBureaucracy + - CrateChemistrySupplies + - CrateMaterialGlass + - CrateMaterialSteel + - CrateMaterialPlastic + - CrateMaterialWood + - CrateMaterialPlasteel + - CrateMaterialRandom + - CrateFunArtSupplies + - CrateEngineeringCableLV + - CrateEngineeringCableMV + - CrateEngineeringCableHV + - CrateEngineeringCableBulk + - CrateTechBoardRandom + - CrateEmergencyFire + - CrateEmergencyInternals + - CrateEmergencyInflatablewall + - CrateHydroponicsTools + - CrateHydroponicsSeeds + - PetCarrier + chance: 0.7 + rarePrototypes: + - CrateMaterialPlasma + - CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic + rareChance: 0.1 + offset: 0.0 - type: entity name: random engineering crate spawner id: LootSpawnerRandomCrateEngineering parent: MarkerBase components: - - type: Sprite - layers: - - state: red - - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/engineering.rsi - state: icon - - type: RandomSpawner - rarePrototypes: - - CrateEngineeringSingularityGenerator - - CrateEngineeringTeslaGenerator - - CrateEngineeringTeslaGroundingRod - - CrateEngineeringParticleAccelerator - - CrateRCD - - CrateEngineeringGear - rareChance: 0.2 - prototypes: - - CrateEngineering - - CrateElectrical - - CrateEngineeringElectricalSupplies - - CrateRCDAmmo - - CrateEngineeringCableLV - - CrateEngineeringCableMV - - CrateEngineeringCableHV - - CrateEngineeringCableBulk - - CrateEngineeringSingularityContainment - - CrateEngineeringSingularityCollector - - CrateEngineeringTeslaCoil - - CrateEngineeringSingularityEmitter - - CrateEngineeringGyroscope - - CrateEngineeringThruster - - CrateEngineeringToolbox - - CrateEngineeringShuttle - - CrateEngineeringSolar - - CrateEngineeringJetpack - - CrateEmergencyRadiation - - CrateRadiation - chance: 0.9 - offset: 0.0 + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/engineering.rsi + state: icon + - type: RandomSpawner + rarePrototypes: + - CrateEngineeringSingularityGenerator + - CrateEngineeringTeslaGenerator + - CrateEngineeringTeslaGroundingRod + - CrateEngineeringParticleAccelerator + - CrateRCD + - CrateEngineeringGear + rareChance: 0.2 + prototypes: + - CrateEngineering + - CrateElectrical + - CrateEngineeringElectricalSupplies + - CrateRCDAmmo + - CrateEngineeringCableLV + - CrateEngineeringCableMV + - CrateEngineeringCableHV + - CrateEngineeringCableBulk + - CrateEngineeringSingularityContainment + - CrateEngineeringSingularityCollector + - CrateEngineeringTeslaCoil + - CrateEngineeringSingularityEmitter + - CrateEngineeringGyroscope + - CrateEngineeringThruster + - CrateEngineeringToolbox + - CrateEngineeringShuttle + - CrateEngineeringSolar + - CrateEngineeringJetpack + - CrateEmergencyRadiation + - CrateRadiation + chance: 0.9 + offset: 0.0 - type: entity name: random security crate spawner id: LootSpawnerRandomCrateSecurity parent: MarkerBase components: - - type: Sprite - layers: - - state: red - - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/sec_gear.rsi - state: icon - - type: RandomSpawner - rarePrototypes: #Very useful stuff we probably don't want random people getting on space ruins often, even if there are hurdles to open it - - CrateArmoryShotgun - - CrateArmorySMG - - CrateSecurityRiot - - CrateSecurityNonlethal - rareChance: 0.1 - prototypes: - - CrateWeaponSecure - - CrateArmoryLaser - - CrateArmoryPistols - - CrateTrainingBombs - - CrateTrackingImplants - - CrateSecurityTrackingMindshieldImplants - - CrateSecurityHelmet - - CrateSecurityArmor - - CrateRestraints - - CrateEmergencyExplosive - - CrateSecurityBiosuit - chance: 0.9 - offset: 0.0 \ No newline at end of file + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/sec_gear.rsi + state: icon + - type: RandomSpawner + rarePrototypes: #Very useful stuff we probably don't want random people getting on space ruins often, even if there are hurdles to open it + - CrateArmoryShotgun + - CrateArmorySMG + - CrateSecurityRiot + - CrateSecurityNonlethal + rareChance: 0.1 + prototypes: + - CrateWeaponSecure + - CrateArmoryLaser + - CrateArmoryPistols + - CrateTrainingBombs + - CrateTrackingImplants + - CrateSecurityTrackingMindshieldImplants + - CrateSecurityHelmet + - CrateSecurityArmor + - CrateRestraints + - CrateEmergencyExplosive + - CrateSecurityBiosuit + chance: 0.9 + offset: 0.0 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml index 746cbc79329..0b530c68b19 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/vending.yml @@ -6,30 +6,59 @@ components: - type: Sprite layers: - - state: red - - sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi - state: any + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi + state: any - type: RandomSpawner prototypes: - - VendingMachineChang - - VendingMachineCigs - - VendingMachineCoffee - - VendingMachineCola #Robust Sofdrinks - - VendingMachineColaBlack #Robust Sofdrinks [Black] - - VendingMachineColaRed #Space Cola - - VendingMachineDiscount - - VendingMachineDonut - - VendingMachineDrGibb - - VendingMachinePwrGame - - VendingMachineShamblersJuice - - VendingMachineSmite - - VendingMachineSnack - - VendingMachineSnackBlue - - VendingMachineSnackGreen - - VendingMachineSnackOrange - - VendingMachineSnackTeal - - VendingMachineSoda #Robust Sofdrinks [Soda] - - VendingMachineSovietSoda #Boda - - VendingMachineSpaceUp - - VendingMachineStarkist + - VendingMachineChang + - VendingMachineCigs + - VendingMachineCoffee + - VendingMachineCola #Robust Sofdrinks + - VendingMachineColaBlack #Robust Sofdrinks [Black] + - VendingMachineColaRed #Space Cola + - VendingMachineDiscount + - VendingMachineDonut + - VendingMachineDrGibb + - VendingMachinePwrGame + - VendingMachineShamblersJuice + - VendingMachineSmite + - VendingMachineSnack + - VendingMachineSnackBlue + - VendingMachineSnackGreen + - VendingMachineSnackOrange + - VendingMachineSnackTeal + - VendingMachineSoda #Robust Sofdrinks [Soda] + - VendingMachineSovietSoda #Boda + - VendingMachineSpaceUp + - VendingMachineStarkist chance: 1 + + +- type: entityTable + id: ClothingVendorTable + table: !type:GroupSelector + children: + - id: VendingMachineClothing + weight: 40 + - id: VendingMachineWinter + weight: 40 + - id: VendingMachinePride + weight: 10 + - id: VendingMachineTheater + weight: 10 + +- type: entity + id: RandomVendingClothing + name: random vending machine spawner + suffix: Clothing + parent: MarkerBase + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: red + - sprite: Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi + state: clothing + - type: EntityTableSpawner + table: !type:NestedSelector + tableId: ClothingVendorTable diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi/clothing.png b/Resources/Textures/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/random.rsi/clothing.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..207d79da348f6b0df774674fc23bdabb2a24e6bd GIT binary patch literal 5580 zcmeHKc~leU7N4;1a3ri+9fKeUA(<>>kv#zfj35MA#F|MmfoMoV5(uDFzztj~i&Dh} zt*8|@1g#WMf}pr-v1&y{Q7fP#XmO!xeUpIOc|GSH&w2gNDsys%&|7N`H$fExt3kO!CK5{!P?ar5KqN~n0)VW} zwCLGZt)Rv09_&;--uQ01s=w+Muf0;-QN6cr$)7~hMCt3MxlbS)mck?6V;?rEsyylO z^fu4GF0}00tY()bMCGc@O7O(sNRP~Sy~{5LvQo+kq0cDrhNb1_=6<*8F|w*C^jO7A zvJ2a;z)AJCoWObb-2Ci=l)~{e_tU;F_U*sfRWWSEziD&lbY3suIC-kdEq|P5+o`45 zp|1K@&eaz$TEM(>tn+oE!<04y2mmlk#Vl5IIE(c@95jecxg~znTBET`qhdo!>{~Kz z(oaQi_9|FGFP~!H5-j#S^pN+gBOtY-xT>CRw%^crk^LSk?+Xpgdb5H%)`g9Cs(Nv* zT|Z!x+OoQz`d?`58SKi#Et$V#Z+Ire-jph`;DtT0UR<ae7lai@^Y*+2DBPF z_WO%=$4f`d4>|w*Hdk_EpRMMdMY8ytMf*(8<(78!rk1$y(^Je5P_$XQ6Lcv_AEiOre8739npFod`Oe>2}KCJK;-s9-QFO(In?v;1&6TqgRg z6%%lvPDM4}50}7+23ax%0#dvw-b8#zmN=7y^EU&16+#g+h8;Qzfv)^;sVbG6Ng$}z zYHu~!Tc$`MKnw^k;`j(5Aw(3ycs@}e zLLme&o*|&3OCK5nQ%QWf2!TF!Vq1=N9aTylu*D7l_}C-G@ar!I0Yfdr75}%E#b_d=x{$A$$LaqCyAE8DiLac z_JCL_l&O^;mAT?HBvu7$`Gja>A3Bjr@gY+gR38fCqtYxyp+sv@iwY6F$#mV0HZe>z z9F$sETd633PL4*yWGN6>B~x%^GKn8f>jJ2?{IJbI8%hYPU^c8mP*5U?$|OQeh|Gn2 zm{b~*Ov4jV$tU_Up;(mtzqGaO1Nx36eVSN_o}aA~jr3G3l0LE;SxUsZW&%N7TQFh4 zNC-+e6A|kCM6pJ;1gWqz1wrS>Xu-ahi~pe*5I&-zmqo(SPTP(~r+2&2Ig zv=iffw7!J@;=@;`@X3fl?M7ti=t3tU;ln5#nmMf z#K0FRf32>sbbS#6U!?rCy8dr;nSFejLZs+FAT|1`G$-G3G5VTi#E%SP1Mjrotw(p2 zp%PR1v_vHUnA>VE3{bJj5fvJ%!Z{(veHcqShUbbvg9iX$s19cbaT8k4|1h_Z8#k^! zK>hd44cF(SWTYh1+SB3XF)zIx{f29nvR{Bf*4GzL3^^1W>{=gWXtpgOqTJm)@~}y8 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zPdSg7^7?u!*kix0?_{aE2yT&_?y`2UxsEwveH}dc2puA^3ZF>T;){o58`_Wb;%kTI zkj#>uJNdE-2cOay!EY%A^?*D1RFC9=hyRr|K#*6#^oV)kMVrRt+MCoZ-Y_(Iy*I?V z8?b>luf<^TbkeEQ5k3h&y@{x|f1| Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:48:54 +1100 Subject: [PATCH 57/62] Elkridge Depot Fixes Again (#34461) fixes evac shuttle, fix north solars, fix vents and scrubbers --- .../Maps/Shuttles/emergency_elkridge.yml | 64 +- Resources/Maps/elkridge.yml | 2745 ++++++++++------- 2 files changed, 1772 insertions(+), 1037 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_elkridge.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_elkridge.yml index 7e1cc2c6736..efeba6844bc 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_elkridge.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_elkridge.yml @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ entities: name: NT Evac Log - type: Transform pos: -0.42093527,-0.86894274 - parent: invalid + parent: 637 - type: MapGrid chunks: 0,0: @@ -804,6 +804,18 @@ entities: chunkSize: 4 - type: GasTileOverlay - type: RadiationGridResistance + - uid: 637 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Map Entity + - type: Transform + - type: Map + mapPaused: True + - type: PhysicsMap + - type: GridTree + - type: MovedGrids + - type: Broadphase + - type: OccluderTree - proto: AirAlarm entities: - uid: 577 @@ -1130,6 +1142,56 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 +- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional + entities: + - uid: 638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + 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version: 6 -2,4: ind: -2,4 @@ -2504,15 +2504,15 @@ entities: 9768: 14,3 9769: 13,3 - node: - color: '#722C1E93' + color: '#79150096' id: CheckerNESW decals: - 5850: -10,-17 - 5851: -10,-18 - 5852: -10,-19 - 5853: -7,-17 - 5854: -7,-18 - 5855: -7,-19 + 11064: -10,-17 + 11065: -10,-18 + 11066: -10,-19 + 11067: -7,-17 + 11068: -7,-18 + 11069: -7,-19 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: CheckerNESW @@ -2947,10 +2947,8 @@ entities: 6026: 18,2 6040: 6,-16 6041: 8,-16 - 6060: -10,-19 6061: -9,-17 6062: -8,-18 - 6063: -7,-17 6126: -22,-46 6157: 26,38 6158: 27,34 @@ -3322,6 +3320,8 @@ entities: 10231: -9,-16 10232: -8,-20 10238: -29,-32 + 11070: -10,-19 + 11071: -7,-17 - node: cleanable: True angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3737,9 +3737,7 @@ entities: 6035: 17,2 6036: 17,0 6043: 9,-16 - 6067: -10,-17 6068: -9,-19 - 6069: -7,-19 6135: 6,17 6164: 27,35 6165: 26,37 @@ -4047,6 +4045,7 @@ entities: 10234: -9,-20 10239: -29,-31 10240: -24,-35 + 11074: -7,-18 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtLight @@ -4072,7 +4071,6 @@ entities: 1847: 9,10 1848: 10,8 1849: 1,10 - 1850: -1,8 1851: 1,10 1852: 4,9 1854: 5,17 @@ -4325,8 +4323,6 @@ entities: 5583: 14,30 6001: 6,21 6038: 17,0 - 6070: -7,-19 - 6071: -7,-18 6168: 27,36 6242: 39,-36 6243: 22,-40 @@ -4480,6 +4476,7 @@ entities: 10193: 9,24 10194: 10,23 10233: -8,-16 + 11075: -10,-17 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtMedium @@ -4724,7 +4721,6 @@ entities: 6031: 18,-2 6042: 7,-16 6064: -8,-19 - 6065: -10,-18 6066: -8,-17 6124: -37,-39 6160: 26,36 @@ -5012,6 +5008,8 @@ entities: 10198: -37,-16 10199: -34,-14 10204: -9,22 + 11072: -10,-18 + 11073: -7,-19 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale @@ -6400,7 +6398,6 @@ entities: 10473: 9,-30 10474: 14,-29 10475: 12,-32 - 10476: 12,-34 10485: 21,-17 10491: 20,-27 10492: 23,-27 @@ -6515,6 +6512,7 @@ entities: 11047: -5,11 11061: 23,3 11062: 9,-28 + 11077: 12,-35 - node: color: '#64646493' id: WarnLineGreyscaleE @@ -6950,7 +6948,6 @@ entities: 10467: 4,-30 10468: 9,-30 10469: 12,-32 - 10470: 12,-34 10471: 14,-29 10486: 21,-17 10487: 23,-30 @@ -7068,6 +7065,7 @@ entities: 11045: -4,4 11060: 23,3 11063: 9,-28 + 11076: 12,-35 - node: color: '#D4D4D496' id: WarnLineW @@ -7353,7 +7351,6 @@ entities: decals: 1482: -2,3 1515: 0,3 - 1516: -1,8 1523: 3,8 6249: -29,-4 6470: 0,19 @@ -7382,6 +7379,7 @@ entities: 10218: 55,-2 10219: 56,-3 10311: -21,-27 + 11078: -1,8 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinEndS @@ -7632,7 +7630,6 @@ entities: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: burnt3 decals: - 3421: -1,8 3422: 3,9 3426: 3,10 3429: 2,4 @@ -9795,6 +9792,7 @@ entities: devices: - 947 - 946 + - 12722 - uid: 1136 components: - type: MetaData @@ -9846,9 +9844,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 12415 - - 12416 - - 8248 + - 1395 + - 12516 + - 12541 - uid: 3330 components: - type: MetaData @@ -9859,9 +9857,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 12432 - - 12434 - - 12433 + - 11812 + - 12426 + - 8895 - uid: 3340 components: - type: MetaData @@ -9874,7 +9872,7 @@ entities: devices: - 10895 - 10894 - - 12537 + - 14465 - 12539 - 12538 - uid: 5275 @@ -9979,8 +9977,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 10995 - - 11001 + - 12445 + - 1904 - 10998 - 10874 - 10875 @@ -10008,8 +10006,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 11114 - - 11113 + - 8745 + - 11228 - 11118 - 10881 - 10880 @@ -10064,7 +10062,7 @@ entities: devices: - 11235 - 11222 - - 11228 + - 14467 - uid: 11254 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10131,8 +10129,8 @@ entities: - type: DeviceList devices: - 11288 - - 11313 - - 11310 + - 8834 + - 1908 - uid: 11296 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10257,9 +10255,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 11888 - - 11886 - - 11889 + - 2532 + - 14458 + - 14459 - uid: 11891 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10280,9 +10278,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 11837 - - 11839 - - 11836 + - 11873 + - 12494 + - 12416 + - 10918 + - 15798 - uid: 11894 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10293,9 +10293,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 11844 - - 11842 - - 11843 + - 14455 + - 14457 + - 14456 + - 10918 - uid: 11895 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10306,9 +10307,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 11851 + - 12417 - 11845 - - 11850 + - 11808 - uid: 11896 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10621,9 +10622,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 10479 - - 10481 - - 10480 + - 12497 + - 8888 + - 2768 - 13804 - 13805 - uid: 13789 @@ -10884,9 +10885,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 8744 + - 8835 - 8742 - - 8743 + - 12175 - 10852 - 10853 - 10854 @@ -10949,7 +10950,7 @@ entities: devices: - 8686 - 8677 - - 15724 + - 12546 - uid: 13816 components: - type: MetaData @@ -10989,8 +10990,8 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 8745 - - 8755 + - 5762 + - 1428 - 8754 - uid: 13819 components: @@ -11100,9 +11101,9 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: DeviceList devices: - - 12426 - - 12423 - 12425 + - 2835 + - 10412 - 10907 - uid: 13860 components: @@ -11125,8 +11126,8 @@ entities: - 10889 - 10887 - 13853 - - 12447 - - 12446 + - 12534 + - 14461 - uid: 13862 components: - type: MetaData @@ -11160,8 +11161,8 @@ entities: - 10892 - 10893 - 12543 - - 12546 - - 12545 + - 8382 + - 11839 - 12544 - 12542 - 10894 @@ -12249,21 +12250,10 @@ entities: pos: 12.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 + invokeCounter: 3 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 2768: - - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - - uid: 2768 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-33.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - invokeCounter: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2749: + 8435: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - uid: 4194 components: @@ -12294,6 +12284,18 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 7698: - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 8435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2749: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt - proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked entities: - uid: 3562 @@ -13221,7 +13223,7 @@ entities: pos: 47.5,5.5 parent: 2 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -248584.16 + secondsUntilStateChange: -256594.28 state: Opening - type: DeviceLinkSource lastSignals: @@ -13941,22 +13943,22 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 11255 - - uid: 6129 + - uid: 5762 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-41.5 + pos: 20.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11864 - - uid: 8248 + - 13818 + - uid: 6129 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,21.5 + pos: -4.5,-41.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3078 + - 11864 - uid: 8623 components: - type: Transform @@ -14013,14 +14015,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13811 - - uid: 8755 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13818 - uid: 8758 components: - type: Transform @@ -14061,6 +14055,14 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13821 + - uid: 8834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11291 - uid: 9009 components: - type: Transform @@ -14141,14 +14143,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 12730 - - uid: 10481 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 12732 - uid: 10553 components: - type: Transform @@ -14165,14 +14159,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 11083 - - uid: 11001 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -31.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11082 - uid: 11002 components: - type: Transform @@ -14285,14 +14271,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 11297 - - uid: 11313 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11291 - uid: 11315 components: - type: Transform @@ -14501,22 +14479,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 11897 - - uid: 11839 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-35.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11893 - - uid: 11844 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-33.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11894 - uid: 11845 components: - type: Transform @@ -14533,14 +14495,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 11891 - - uid: 11886 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-39.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11890 - uid: 11908 components: - type: Transform @@ -14613,18 +14567,18 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13851 - - uid: 12423 + - uid: 12425 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,20.5 + pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13852 - - uid: 12434 + - uid: 12426 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,20.5 + pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: @@ -14637,6 +14591,14 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13806 + - uid: 12445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11082 - uid: 12449 components: - type: Transform @@ -14662,6 +14624,22 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13864 + - uid: 12494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - uid: 12497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12732 - uid: 12513 components: - type: Transform @@ -14678,14 +14656,30 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 3340 - - uid: 12546 + - uid: 12541 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,36.5 + pos: -2.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3078 + - uid: 12543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13863 + - uid: 12546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13815 - uid: 12547 components: - type: Transform @@ -14795,6 +14789,22 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 13873 + - uid: 14456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11894 + - uid: 14459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11890 - uid: 14761 components: - type: Transform @@ -14827,14 +14837,6 @@ entities: - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - 15650 - - uid: 15724 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 38.5,15.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13815 - uid: 15943 components: - type: Transform @@ -15737,6 +15739,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.351225,28.436876 parent: 2 + - uid: 14408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.289467,-37.550957 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.39071,57.45458 + parent: 2 - uid: 16380 components: - type: Transform @@ -16465,6 +16477,14 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.824532,35.632626 parent: 2 +- proto: BaseGasCondenser + entities: + - uid: 14422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 - proto: Beaker entities: - uid: 430 @@ -16977,7 +16997,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16015 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.685099,-5.386759 + pos: -25.568075,-3.9280953 parent: 2 - proto: BoxFolderClipboard entities: @@ -17052,7 +17072,7 @@ entities: - uid: 16009 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.813547,-10.502799 + pos: 23.632082,-10.817182 parent: 2 - uid: 16010 components: @@ -17232,6 +17252,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 4601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.350832,-10.207807 + parent: 2 - uid: 4701 components: - type: Transform @@ -17295,6 +17320,53 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-0.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.663332,-10.207807 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.293873,19.456495 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.715748,19.456495 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.7451677,-16.472116 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.7451677,-16.784616 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.628464,-9.528134 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.315964,-9.528134 + parent: 2 - uid: 16000 components: - type: Transform @@ -17358,6 +17430,17 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 39.5,3.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 26.568535,5.7748127 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,30.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 15862 components: - type: Transform @@ -26767,6 +26850,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,38.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14737 components: - type: Transform @@ -27702,11 +27790,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 53.5,-16.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 1395 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,54.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 1397 components: - type: Transform @@ -27747,11 +27830,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,52.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 1428 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,53.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 1429 components: - type: Transform @@ -27812,11 +27890,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 47.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 1618 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,53.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 1633 components: - type: Transform @@ -28642,11 +28715,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,46.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 5154 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,45.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 5220 components: - type: Transform @@ -29122,11 +29190,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,40.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6414 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,41.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6415 components: - type: Transform @@ -29182,11 +29245,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,50.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6467 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,49.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 6472 components: - type: Transform @@ -30032,11 +30090,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,36.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7809 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 7810 components: - type: Transform @@ -30152,16 +30205,66 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-11.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,37.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8388 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-53.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 37.5,54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 37.5,53.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8410 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-53.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,49.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8845 components: - type: Transform @@ -33473,11 +33576,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 5762 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-37.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 5763 components: - type: Transform @@ -34828,11 +34926,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,34.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7537 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,34.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 7538 components: - type: Transform @@ -37158,11 +37251,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.5,-15.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 11837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,34.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 11884 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-37.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 11886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 12042 components: - type: Transform @@ -38192,6 +38295,25 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 39.5,-19.5 parent: 2 +- proto: Candle + entities: + - uid: 14478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.3204,-20.278595 + parent: 2 +- proto: CandleSmall + entities: + - uid: 14479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.53915,-20.309845 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.3829,-20.528595 + parent: 2 - proto: CaptainIDCard entities: - uid: 11350 @@ -38390,6 +38512,12 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 47.5,30.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 994 components: - type: Transform @@ -38881,11 +39009,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-50.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2835 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,49.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2943 components: - type: Transform @@ -39074,6 +39197,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -33.5,-39.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,31.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6720 components: - type: Transform @@ -39104,11 +39232,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-27.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8287 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,45.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8288 components: - type: Transform @@ -39299,11 +39422,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8374 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,41.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8375 components: - type: Transform @@ -39319,11 +39437,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-39.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8378 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,40.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8379 components: - type: Transform @@ -39339,11 +39452,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-43.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8382 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,42.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8383 components: - type: Transform @@ -39359,11 +39467,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-47.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8386 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,44.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8387 components: - type: Transform @@ -39394,81 +39497,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8394 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,46.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8395 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,45.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8396 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8397 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8398 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8399 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8400 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8401 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8402 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8403 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,48.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8433 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,49.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8435 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,41.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8436 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,38.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8437 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,36.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 8438 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 8439 components: - type: Transform @@ -39649,6 +39692,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 42.5,-24.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,31.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 9122 components: - type: Transform @@ -39664,21 +39712,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-55.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10412 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,52.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 10449 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,53.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 10455 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,54.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 10507 components: - type: Transform @@ -40519,11 +40552,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.5,31.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 10680 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,53.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 10682 components: - type: Transform @@ -41228,11 +41256,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-53.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 12722 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,50.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 12832 components: - type: Transform @@ -41624,12 +41647,148 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,27.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,37.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14485 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -23.5,57.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14498 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 37.5,52.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14674 components: - type: Transform @@ -42172,12 +42331,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -58.475594,-29.37 parent: 2 + - uid: 6645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.499483,-8.389568 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 32.67196,57.563953 + parent: 2 - uid: 7636 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 19.551804,39.69655 parent: 2 + - uid: 8527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 34.39071,57.54833 + parent: 2 - uid: 9609 components: - type: Transform @@ -42189,6 +42366,17 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -32.44567,-11.355937 parent: 2 + - uid: 14406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.633217,-36.41033 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 33.445717,-37.582207 + parent: 2 - uid: 16366 components: - type: Transform @@ -42837,9 +43025,12 @@ entities: - uid: 3243 components: - type: Transform + anchored: True rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -36.5,-21.5 parent: 2 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static - proto: Cigar entities: - uid: 734 @@ -42898,6 +43089,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5856,28.593126 parent: 2 + - uid: 14409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.441643,-37.480892 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.488518,-38.059017 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.207268,-38.246517 + parent: 2 - uid: 16383 components: - type: Transform @@ -43414,11 +43620,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,-11.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2663 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-29.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2987 components: - type: Transform @@ -45063,6 +45264,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,-43.5 parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEngineeringSolar + entities: + - uid: 8530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 - proto: CrateEngineeringThruster entities: - uid: 6179 @@ -49874,6 +50087,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.3704,40.72002 parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkBeerCan + entities: + - uid: 14507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.79696,57.563953 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkBeerGrowler + entities: + - uid: 14401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.695717,-37.28533 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.351967,-37.050957 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.343834,57.98583 + parent: 2 - proto: DrinkBottleOfNothingFull entities: - uid: 12901 @@ -49922,7 +50159,7 @@ entities: - uid: 3228 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.046377,-32.343918 + pos: -23.944841,-32.33565 parent: 2 - uid: 5906 components: @@ -53549,6 +53786,8 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 14661 - 15797 + - 11894 + - 11893 - uid: 12011 components: - type: Transform @@ -53656,6 +53895,7 @@ entities: deviceLists: - 15797 - 14657 + - 11893 - proto: Fireplace entities: - uid: 4697 @@ -53719,13 +53959,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: Fixtures fixtures: {} - - uid: 5315 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - uid: 5318 components: - type: Transform @@ -53747,6 +53980,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: Fixtures fixtures: {} + - uid: 12257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} - uid: 15928 components: - type: Transform @@ -53816,14 +54056,14 @@ entities: - uid: 10514 components: - type: Transform - pos: -31.274319,-9.428044 + pos: -31.280937,-9.671796 parent: 2 - proto: FoodBoxDonkpocketSpicy entities: - uid: 10515 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.868069,-9.615544 + pos: -30.82406,-9.827996 parent: 2 - proto: FoodBoxDonut entities: @@ -53987,6 +54227,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 37.078346,15.596962 parent: 2 +- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase + entities: + - uid: 14421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 - proto: GasFilterFlipped entities: - uid: 2328 @@ -54408,6 +54655,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 3903 components: - type: Transform @@ -54548,14 +54802,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8524 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8525 components: - type: Transform @@ -54572,22 +54818,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8527 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8528 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8529 components: - type: Transform @@ -54674,6 +54904,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8762 components: - type: Transform @@ -54907,6 +55144,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10769 components: - type: Transform @@ -54969,6 +55222,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 23.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10964 components: - type: Transform @@ -54976,6 +55237,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11040 components: - type: Transform @@ -55015,6 +55284,53 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 28.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11129 components: - type: Transform @@ -55194,10 +55510,17 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11312 + - uid: 11310 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-33.5 + pos: -9.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -55512,23 +55835,46 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11852 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11843 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-34.5 + pos: 25.5,4.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11873 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11844 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-37.5 + pos: 23.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 26.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 26.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11913 components: - type: Transform @@ -55646,13 +55992,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12257 + - uid: 12254 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-7.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12259 components: - type: Transform @@ -55841,41 +56188,19 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12417 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,20.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12430 + - uid: 12415 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12431 + - uid: 12447 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,20.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12444 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,24.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12445 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,25.5 + pos: -26.5,11.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -55917,6 +56242,22 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12514 components: - type: Transform @@ -55933,6 +56274,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12520 components: - type: Transform @@ -55949,13 +56298,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12534 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12535 components: - type: Transform @@ -55979,10 +56321,11 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12541 + - uid: 12545 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,37.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -56128,6 +56471,30 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14692 components: - type: Transform @@ -56250,6 +56617,24 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,-17.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 30.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2699 components: - type: Transform @@ -56317,13 +56702,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11112 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11184 components: - type: Transform @@ -56380,10 +56758,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11817 + - uid: 11888 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-34.5 + pos: -3.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -56440,6 +56818,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 28.5,-23.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 2693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 2984 components: - type: Transform @@ -57747,11 +58131,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 2580 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-33.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2581 components: - type: Transform @@ -57778,30 +58157,12 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2693 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-31.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2694 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,-31.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 2695 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-31.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 2696 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-31.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 2721 components: - type: Transform @@ -58092,6 +58453,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 5335 components: - type: Transform @@ -58275,12 +58644,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 26.5,-18.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 7889 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-31.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 7927 components: - type: Transform @@ -58307,6 +58670,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8466 components: - type: Transform @@ -58339,14 +58710,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8519 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8520 components: - type: Transform @@ -58355,30 +58718,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8521 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8522 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8530 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 26.5,7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8531 components: - type: Transform @@ -59401,43 +59740,43 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8830 + - uid: 8818 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-6.5 + pos: 26.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8831 + - uid: 8830 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-6.5 + pos: 23.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8832 + - uid: 8831 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-6.5 + pos: 24.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8834 + - uid: 8832 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-6.5 + pos: 25.5,-6.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8835 + - uid: 8833 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-6.5 + pos: 27.5,8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -59544,22 +59883,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8888 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 26.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8895 + - uid: 8896 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-7.5 + pos: -3.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8897 components: - type: Transform @@ -59979,14 +60309,30 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 10478 + - uid: 10455 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 28.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,23.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10552 components: - type: Transform @@ -60209,14 +60555,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 10963 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -31.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10965 components: - type: Transform @@ -60337,6 +60675,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 25.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10989 components: - type: Transform @@ -60385,6 +60731,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11007 components: - type: Transform @@ -60756,14 +61110,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11108 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11109 components: - type: Transform @@ -60780,30 +61126,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11111 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11117 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -9.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11123 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -12.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11124 components: - type: Transform @@ -61489,14 +61811,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11311 + - uid: 11312 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-33.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11322 components: - type: Transform @@ -63509,14 +63831,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11789 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,-32.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11790 components: - type: Transform @@ -63544,7 +63858,7 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-33.5 + pos: -2.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -63559,11 +63873,10 @@ entities: - uid: 11802 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-33.5 + pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11803 components: - type: Transform @@ -63596,14 +63909,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11808 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11809 components: - type: Transform @@ -63619,14 +63924,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11811 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11813 components: - type: Transform @@ -63659,6 +63956,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11821 components: - type: Transform @@ -63739,40 +64043,38 @@ entities: - uid: 11840 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-33.5 + pos: 11.5,36.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11846 + - uid: 11842 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11847 + - uid: 11846 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-34.5 + pos: 0.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11848 + - uid: 11849 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11849 + - uid: 11852 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-32.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -63827,6 +64129,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11877 components: - type: Transform @@ -63861,11 +64171,17 @@ entities: - uid: 11887 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-38.5 + pos: -3.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11916 components: - type: Transform @@ -65614,14 +65930,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12254 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,19.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12255 components: - type: Transform @@ -66304,13 +66612,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12418 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12419 components: - type: Transform @@ -66332,6 +66633,13 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12424 components: - type: Transform @@ -66364,6 +66672,37 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12438 components: - type: Transform @@ -66412,6 +66751,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12450 components: - type: Transform @@ -66555,14 +66902,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12487 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,33.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12490 components: - type: Transform @@ -66579,13 +66918,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12492 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12493 components: - type: Transform @@ -66602,14 +66934,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12497 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12498 components: - type: Transform @@ -66633,13 +66957,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12501 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,36.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12502 components: - type: Transform @@ -66719,13 +67036,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12519 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,35.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12522 components: - type: Transform @@ -66822,6 +67132,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12553 components: - type: Transform @@ -67251,6 +67569,38 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14707 components: - type: Transform @@ -67490,6 +67840,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2471 components: - type: Transform @@ -67751,21 +68109,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8518 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 23.5,5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8523 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8547 components: - type: Transform @@ -67914,14 +68257,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8833 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 26.5,-6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8840 components: - type: Transform @@ -67952,14 +68287,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8896 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 28.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8900 components: - type: Transform @@ -68097,6 +68424,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10555 components: - type: Transform @@ -68105,6 +68440,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10976 components: - type: Transform @@ -68136,14 +68479,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 10984 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -32.5,-8.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10985 components: - type: Transform @@ -68203,10 +68538,10 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,17.5 + pos: -31.5,-8.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11116 components: - type: Transform @@ -68215,6 +68550,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11130 components: - type: Transform @@ -68322,6 +68665,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11336 components: - type: Transform @@ -68519,6 +68870,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11795 components: - type: Transform @@ -68530,30 +68889,24 @@ entities: - uid: 11798 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11799 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,-33.5 + pos: -3.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11804 + - uid: 11811 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11812 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-33.5 + pos: 0.5,-37.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -68572,32 +68925,39 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11853 + - uid: 11836 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11854 + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11850 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-33.5 + pos: -10.5,18.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11872 + - uid: 11851 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-38.5 + pos: -8.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11881 + - uid: 11854 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-37.5 + pos: 0.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' @@ -68767,14 +69127,7 @@ entities: components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,17.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12175 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,17.5 + pos: 11.5,33.5 parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' @@ -68991,6 +69344,28 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12459 components: - type: Transform @@ -69028,6 +69403,14 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12488 components: - type: Transform @@ -69042,14 +69425,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12494 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12495 components: - type: Transform @@ -69058,14 +69433,6 @@ entities: parent: 2 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12516 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,33.5 - parent: 2 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13826 components: - type: Transform @@ -69489,6 +69856,17 @@ entities: - 816 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11890 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 2627 components: - type: Transform @@ -69500,6 +69878,16 @@ entities: - 13870 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12732 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 4464 components: - type: Transform @@ -69647,14 +70035,15 @@ entities: - 13812 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 8744 + - uid: 8745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13811 + - 11119 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8754 @@ -69721,6 +70110,16 @@ entities: - 16172 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13811 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 8975 components: - type: Transform @@ -69783,34 +70182,35 @@ entities: - 13947 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 10476 + - uid: 10412 components: - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 12729 + - 13852 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 10477 + - uid: 10476 components: - type: Transform - pos: 36.5,-1.5 + pos: 36.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 12730 + - 12729 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 10480 + - uid: 10477 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-5.5 + pos: 36.5,-1.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 12732 + - 12730 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 10717 @@ -69889,16 +70289,6 @@ entities: - 11081 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11114 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11119 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11122 components: - type: Transform @@ -70254,70 +70644,67 @@ entities: - 11899 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11818 + - uid: 11808 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-38.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11897 + - 11895 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11833 + - uid: 11812 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-33.5 + pos: 13.5,19.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11896 + - 3330 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11837 + - uid: 11818 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-35.5 + pos: -11.5,-38.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11893 + - 11897 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11843 + - uid: 11833 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,-34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11894 + - 11896 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11851 + - uid: 11839 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-33.5 + pos: 12.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11895 + - 13863 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 11888 + - uid: 11873 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-39.5 + pos: -7.5,-34.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11890 + - 11893 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 11909 @@ -70429,37 +70816,6 @@ entities: - 13851 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12415 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,19.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 3078 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12425 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,21.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13852 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12433 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,20.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 3330 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12437 components: - type: Transform @@ -70471,17 +70827,6 @@ entities: - 13806 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12447 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,23.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13860 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 12453 components: - type: Transform @@ -70527,31 +70872,31 @@ entities: - 13862 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12538 + - uid: 12516 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,38.5 + pos: -2.5,20.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3340 + - 3078 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12542 + - uid: 12538 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,35.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,38.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13863 + - 3340 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 12543 + - uid: 12542 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,35.5 + pos: 8.5,35.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: @@ -70663,6 +71008,27 @@ entities: - 13872 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11894 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13860 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 14759 components: - type: Transform @@ -70786,12 +71152,47 @@ entities: - 816 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 986 + - uid: 1395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3078 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13818 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11082 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1908 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,8.5 + pos: -23.5,-34.5 parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11291 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 2691 @@ -70804,6 +71205,16 @@ entities: - 811 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13852 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 4480 components: - type: Transform @@ -70950,6 +71361,17 @@ entities: - 1136 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13863 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8622 components: - type: Transform @@ -71024,28 +71446,6 @@ entities: - 13812 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8743 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 25.5,6.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13811 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 8745 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13818 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 8757 components: - type: Transform @@ -71101,6 +71501,28 @@ entities: - 16172 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 27.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12732 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3330 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 9007 components: - type: Transform @@ -71166,16 +71588,6 @@ entities: - 12730 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 10479 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-5.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 12732 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10718 components: - type: Transform @@ -71198,16 +71610,6 @@ entities: - 13797 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 10995 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,-7.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11082 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 10996 components: - type: Transform @@ -71251,16 +71653,6 @@ entities: - 11081 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11113 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,18.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11119 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11121 components: - type: Transform @@ -71318,12 +71710,11 @@ entities: - uid: 11228 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -26.5,12.5 + pos: -9.5,17.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 11253 + - 11119 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11259 @@ -71348,17 +71739,6 @@ entities: - 11289 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11310 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-34.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11291 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11320 components: - type: Transform @@ -71602,49 +71982,6 @@ entities: - 11896 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11836 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-35.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11893 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11842 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-32.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11894 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11850 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-33.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11895 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 11889 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-39.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 11890 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 11911 components: - type: Transform @@ -71675,6 +72012,17 @@ entities: - 13795 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13811 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12395 components: - type: Transform @@ -71743,34 +72091,21 @@ entities: - uid: 12416 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,20.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 3078 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12426 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,19.5 + pos: -7.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 13852 + - 11893 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12432 + - uid: 12417 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,20.5 + pos: 2.5,-33.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3330 + - 11895 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12436 @@ -71784,17 +72119,6 @@ entities: - 13806 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12446 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,25.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13860 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12452 components: - type: Transform @@ -71839,15 +72163,15 @@ entities: - 13862 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12537 + - uid: 12534 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 19.5,36.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,24.5 parent: 2 - type: DeviceNetwork deviceLists: - - 3340 + - 13860 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12544 @@ -71861,17 +72185,6 @@ entities: - 13863 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 12545 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,37.5 - parent: 2 - - type: DeviceNetwork - deviceLists: - - 13863 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - uid: 12548 components: - type: Transform @@ -71924,6 +72237,17 @@ entities: - 12729 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 822 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 13827 components: - type: Transform @@ -71997,6 +72321,47 @@ entities: - 2196 - type: AtmosPipeColor color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11894 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11890 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3340 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11253 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' - uid: 14760 components: - type: Transform @@ -74279,6 +74644,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -28.5,-61.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,55.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6481 components: - type: Transform @@ -74543,6 +74913,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 39.5,44.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 7809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,46.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 7823 components: - type: Transform @@ -75009,6 +75384,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,21.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,52.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8294 components: - type: Transform @@ -75225,6 +75605,31 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -18.5,63.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,44.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8404 components: - type: Transform @@ -75381,12 +75786,27 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -53.5,22.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,54.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 8687 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 18.5,-48.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 8743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,51.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 9036 components: - type: Transform @@ -75696,6 +76116,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 49.5,12.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14460 components: - type: Transform @@ -76635,10 +77067,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: HolopadGeneralCryosleep entities: - - uid: 14780 + - uid: 5154 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,21.5 + pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 2 - proto: HolopadGeneralDisposals entities: @@ -76705,10 +77137,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: HolopadMedicalFront entities: - - uid: 14724 + - uid: 11804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,5.5 + pos: 27.5,7.5 parent: 2 - proto: HolopadMedicalMedbay entities: @@ -76894,10 +77326,10 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: HolopadServiceJanitor entities: - - uid: 14702 + - uid: 14470 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,7.5 + pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 2 - proto: HolopadServiceKitchen entities: @@ -77256,17 +77688,29 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -41.5,32.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 8818 + - uid: 11792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14449 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -34.5,-10.5 + pos: -18.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 11792 + - uid: 14474 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -41.5,30.5 + pos: -30.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-5.5 parent: 2 - proto: IntercomCommand entities: @@ -77276,6 +77720,14 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -23.5,-6.5 parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomCommon + entities: + - uid: 14477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - proto: IntercomEngineering entities: - uid: 8816 @@ -77292,6 +77744,13 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,6.5 parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomScience + entities: + - uid: 14476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,23.5 + parent: 2 - proto: IntercomSecurity entities: - uid: 1053 @@ -77310,6 +77769,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,31.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 - proto: IntercomService entities: - uid: 15899 @@ -77443,6 +77908,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.512625,-19.595596 parent: 2 +- proto: Joint + entities: + - uid: 14420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.58913,-37.039413 + parent: 2 - proto: KitchenElectricGrill entities: - uid: 342 @@ -77755,6 +78227,22 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 15279: - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14443 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (EVA Emergency Access) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1710: + - Pressed: Toggle + - Pressed: DoorBolt + 1712: + - Pressed: Toggle + - Pressed: DoorBolt - proto: LockableButtonDetective entities: - uid: 13949 @@ -78576,6 +79064,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -35.5,-35.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 6178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 6638 components: - type: Transform @@ -78586,11 +79079,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 6645 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-16.5 - parent: 2 - proto: LuxuryPen entities: - uid: 16204 @@ -79136,6 +79624,13 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 2 +- proto: MatchstickSpent + entities: + - uid: 14481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.679775,-20.57547 + parent: 2 - proto: MaterialCloth entities: - uid: 1790 @@ -80085,6 +80580,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.34971,26.524454 parent: 2 +- proto: PlushieAtmosian + entities: + - uid: 14413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.53195,-44.930218 + parent: 2 - proto: PlushieDiona entities: - uid: 6310 @@ -80324,6 +80826,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-1.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 7889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 13449 components: - type: Transform @@ -81128,6 +81635,12 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -23.5,-28.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14685 components: - type: Transform @@ -82848,7 +83361,7 @@ entities: - uid: 9125 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.335876,-10.484463 + pos: 23.819582,-10.707807 parent: 2 - proto: RagItem entities: @@ -83210,6 +83723,16 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 30.5,-11.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 37.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 16087 components: - type: Transform @@ -83674,6 +84197,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,19.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14784 components: - type: Transform @@ -83699,11 +84227,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,13.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14827 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,19.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 14828 components: - type: Transform @@ -84254,11 +84777,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-10.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14963 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-15.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 14964 components: - type: Transform @@ -84473,16 +84991,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 2 - - uid: 14501 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-1.5 - parent: 2 - - uid: 14503 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 40.5,3.5 - parent: 2 - uid: 14550 components: - type: Transform @@ -85642,6 +86150,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 48.5,3.5 parent: 2 + - uid: 14483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 - uid: 14530 components: - type: Transform @@ -86444,11 +86964,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 38.504963,-1.4723921 parent: 2 - - uid: 6178 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -39.48294,-43.340965 - parent: 2 - proto: SignAi entities: - uid: 2836 @@ -86563,6 +87078,143 @@ entities: linkedPorts: 2468: - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14428 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door A) + - type: Transform + pos: 22.350832,-10.207807 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1186: + - Pressed: Toggle + 7942: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14431 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door B) + - type: Transform + pos: 22.663332,-10.207807 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2585: + - Pressed: Toggle + 2526: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14435 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door) + - type: Transform + pos: 26.568535,5.7748127 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3915: + - Pressed: Toggle + 3916: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14437 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2589: + - Pressed: Toggle + 2588: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14440 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door A) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.293873,19.456495 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5202: + - Pressed: Toggle + 5245: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14441 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door B) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.715748,19.456495 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5200: + - Pressed: Toggle + 5203: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14446 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door A) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.7451677,-16.472116 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 15298: + - Pressed: Toggle + 15299: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14447 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door B) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.7451677,-16.784616 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1940: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1939: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14511 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door B) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.624687,-9.531171 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4489: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4514: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 14512 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Door A) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.312187,-9.531171 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4570: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4531: + - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 15855 components: - type: MetaData @@ -88746,15 +89398,15 @@ entities: parent: 2 - proto: SolarTracker entities: - - uid: 2532 + - uid: 11339 components: - type: 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+ version: 6 + - type: Broadphase + - type: Physics + bodyStatus: InAir + angularDamping: 0.05 + linearDamping: 0.05 + fixedRotation: False + bodyType: Dynamic + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - type: OccluderTree + - type: SpreaderGrid + - type: Shuttle + - type: GridPathfinding + - type: Gravity + gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg + - type: DecalGrid + chunkCollection: + version: 2 + nodes: [] + - type: GridAtmosphere + version: 2 + data: + chunkSize: 4 + - type: GasTileOverlay + - type: RadiationGridResistance +- proto: AirlockExternal + entities: + - uid: 38 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 39 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle + entities: + - uid: 42 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 43 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 44 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockSalvageGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 35 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: 0.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 36 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: 1.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Dynamic +- proto: AltarHeaven + entities: + - uid: 354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 83 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AsteroidRock + entities: + - uid: 12 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 15 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 17 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 19 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 21 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 37 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 93 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 94 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 95 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 96 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 97 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 98 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 99 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-17.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AsteroidRockBananium + entities: + - uid: 14 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 22 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 23 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AsteroidRockCoal + entities: + - uid: 13 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 16 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AsteroidRockTin + entities: + - uid: 253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BananiumHorn + entities: + - uid: 723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.489124,6.4714565 + parent: 1 +- proto: BannerCargo + entities: + - uid: 90 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BannerEngineering + entities: + - uid: 332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BannerScience + entities: + - uid: 687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Bed + entities: + - uid: 518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,15.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BedsheetCult + entities: + - uid: 519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,15.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Bible + entities: + - uid: 403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.4870604,7.5132847 + parent: 1 +- proto: Bonfire + entities: + - uid: 324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BookSlothClownMMD + entities: + - uid: 524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.452436,11.465484 + parent: 1 +- proto: CableApcExtension + entities: + - uid: 72 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 73 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 74 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 75 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 76 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 77 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 78 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 79 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 80 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 81 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 82 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CableHV + entities: + - uid: 60 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 62 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 63 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CandleRed + entities: + - uid: 404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.6189523,13.329465 + parent: 1 + - uid: 411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.50957716,13.282589 + parent: 1 +- proto: Catwalk + entities: + - uid: 61 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Chair + entities: + - uid: 66 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ChairPilotSeat + entities: + - uid: 67 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ClosetL3ScienceFilled + entities: + - uid: 665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ClothingBackpackDuffelMime + entities: + - uid: 84 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.491305,12.519769 + parent: 1 +- proto: ComputerBroken + entities: + - uid: 11 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ComputerShuttle + entities: + - uid: 18 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk + entities: + - uid: 341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateFilledSpawner + entities: + - uid: 510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateFunPlushie + entities: + - uid: 521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateInternals + entities: + - uid: 653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateMaterialPlasteel + entities: + - uid: 89 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateMaterialSteel + entities: + - uid: 333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateSalvageEquipment + entities: + - uid: 340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrateScienceBiosuit + entities: + - uid: 664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CrystalSpawner + entities: + - uid: 301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: FoodCakeClown + entities: + - uid: 527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.530561,8.512359 + parent: 1 +- proto: FoodSoupClown + entities: + - uid: 724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.491305,11.511956 + parent: 1 +- proto: FoodTartMimeSlice + entities: + - uid: 88 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.389743,8.535394 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase + entities: + - uid: 85 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Girder + entities: + - uid: 28 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 30 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 33 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 41 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 52 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 53 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 58 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 59 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 64 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 65 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 2 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 4 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 5 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 48 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GrilleBroken + entities: + - uid: 3 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 6 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 10 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 86 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: HeadSkeleton + entities: + - uid: 334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.522816,-1.4100202 + parent: 1 +- proto: InflatableDoor + entities: + - uid: 342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 17.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: JetpackBlue + entities: + - uid: 344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.573998,-6.4799623 + parent: 1 +- proto: LandMineExplosive + entities: + - uid: 533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.665071,10.425356 + parent: 1 + - uid: 534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.336946,7.581606 + parent: 1 + - uid: 535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.524446,13.581605 + parent: 1 + - uid: 536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.381548,10.503481 + parent: 1 +- proto: LockerOldAISat + entities: + - uid: 655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialist + entities: + - uid: 70 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilledHardsuit + entities: + - uid: 325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LockerScienceFilled + entities: + - uid: 663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerIndustrial + entities: + - uid: 678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerMaterials + entities: + - uid: 677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerMaterialsSupplementary + entities: + - uid: 686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerMedicalClassy + entities: + - uid: 668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerRandomCrateEngineering + entities: + - uid: 329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerScienceMajor + entities: + - uid: 675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: LootSpawnerScienceMinor + entities: + - uid: 673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: MachineFrameDestroyed + entities: + - uid: 8 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 45 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 71 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner + entities: + - uid: 303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: PosterContrabandClown + entities: + - uid: 526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Rack + entities: + - uid: 26 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner + entities: + - uid: 666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: RandomInstruments + entities: + - uid: 419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: RandomSpawner100 + entities: + - uid: 689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageCanisterSpawner + entities: + - uid: 409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,16.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageHumanCorpseSpawner + entities: + - uid: 68 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 69 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 92 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageLootSpawner + entities: + - uid: 672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageMaterialCrateSpawner + entities: + - uid: 327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerEquipment + entities: + - uid: 7 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerEquipmentValuable + entities: + - uid: 513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerMobMiningAsteroid + entities: + - uid: 725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapCommon + entities: + - uid: 406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,15.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapCommon75 + entities: + - uid: 351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,8.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerScrapValuable + entities: + - uid: 511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SalvageSpawnerTreasure + entities: + - uid: 343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignChapel + entities: + - uid: 353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignEngineering + entities: + - uid: 330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignEVA + entities: + - uid: 670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignExplosives + entities: + - uid: 528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,15.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignSalvage + entities: + - uid: 229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignScience + entities: + - uid: 661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignTheater + entities: + - uid: 520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobBearSalvage + entities: + - uid: 667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,13.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobCobraSalvage + entities: + - uid: 304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-10.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobKangaroo + entities: + - uid: 415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobKangarooSalvage + entities: + - uid: 701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobMedibot + entities: + - uid: 691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobShark + entities: + - uid: 669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SpawnMobSpiderSalvage + entities: + - uid: 87 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Thruster + entities: + - uid: 9 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 46 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ToyFigurineSalvage + entities: + - uid: 91 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5223215,-2.3503017 + parent: 1 +- proto: ToySpawner + entities: + - uid: 417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: VendingMachineChapel + entities: + - uid: 402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,16.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WallSolid + entities: + - uid: 20 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 24 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 25 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 27 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 29 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 31 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 32 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 34 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 50 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-14.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 51 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-13.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 54 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 55 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-11.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 56 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 57 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-12.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WardrobeChapelFilled + entities: + - uid: 401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WardrobeEngineeringFilled + entities: + - uid: 331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-9.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WardrobeSalvage + entities: + - uid: 339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WardrobeScienceFilled + entities: + - uid: 662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +... diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml index 5d95e7cbe06..8bdf8ff4151 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Stations/base.yml @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ - /Maps/Ruins/syndicate_dropship.yml - /Maps/Ruins/whiteship_ancient.yml - /Maps/Ruins/whiteship_bluespacejumper.yml + - /Maps/Ruins/wrecklaimer.yml vgroid: !type:DungeonSpawnGroup minimumDistance: 300 maximumDistance: 350 From d0b2e46c7c3eb688e8c751636ad39888b9c63ab3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: compilatron <> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:02:14 +1100 Subject: [PATCH 59/62] Plasma Station (#33991) * Plasma Station initial commit * Map fixes 1 Expanded science's SMES array Added advanced SMES Redone stamped documents with custom stamps Expanded atmospherics with more storage tanks Added status displays Add missing beacons to solars Replaced the passive gates in science with valves Removed protolathe in engineering Added guitar to CE office Replaced throngler plushie with weh cloak Add a lattice tile outside the atmos burn chamber and storange tanks Added atmos network monitor in bridge * Add cargo and emergency shuttle * Updated maps * Add plasma to map testing list * Map fixes 2 Reworked pipenets to not go under walls Redid salvage and disposals Reworked the bar to include a new bar extension facing the pool Replaced arrivals cryo with an arcade Replaced the toilets in the service plaza with cryo Removed the cryo in dorms Added more details to hallways Redid tools room to include a front desk for the janitor closet Reconnected sci to power roundstart Removed some unideal spawns Expanded the TEG airlock to be 2x3 instead of 1x3 Reduced the size of the SMES bank from 10 to 6 Disabled the plasma miners (downstreams or admins can re-enable them) Replaced illegal maint items * Fixes a 6 pack destroying the universe Ok maybe cracking a cold one with the boys wasn't a great idea. * Map fixes 3 * Quick research assistant fix * Map fixes 4 * Map fixes 5 * webedit go brrrt * Map fixes 6 * Map fixes 7 * Map fixes 8 * Fixes non-existent object It's amazing this game runs at all * Map fixes 9 * update pools * Map fixes 10 * forgot to clear my multitool I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping --------- Co-authored-by: Emisse <> --- .../Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs | 3 +- Resources/Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml | 1489 + Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml | 7979 + Resources/Maps/plasma.yml | 167820 +++++++++++++++ Resources/Prototypes/Maps/Pools/default.yml | 1 + Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml | 65 + 6 files changed, 177355 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Resources/Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Maps/plasma.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml diff --git a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs index a331fad8f64..9ebd32a40a1 100644 --- a/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs +++ b/Content.IntegrationTests/Tests/PostMapInitTest.cs @@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ public sealed class PostMapInitTest "Gate", "Amber", "Loop", + "Plasma", "Elkridge" - - }; /// diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5f7c8b52c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml @@ -0,0 +1,1489 @@ +meta: + format: 6 + postmapinit: false +tilemap: + 0: Space + 84: FloorReinforced + 89: FloorShuttleBlue + 90: FloorShuttleGrey + 129: Lattice + 130: Plating +entities: +- proto: "" + entities: + - uid: 1 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Shuttle + - type: Transform + pos: -6.0262413,-2.31304 + parent: invalid + - type: MapGrid + chunks: + 0,0: + ind: 0,0 + tiles: ggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWQAAAAAAWQAAAAAAWQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAWQAAAAAAWQAAAAAAWQAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + 0,-1: + ind: 0,-1 + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + - type: Broadphase + - type: Physics + bodyStatus: InAir + angularDamping: 0.05 + linearDamping: 0.05 + fixedRotation: False + bodyType: Dynamic + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - type: OccluderTree + - type: SpreaderGrid + - type: Shuttle + - type: GridPathfinding + - type: Gravity + gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg + - type: DecalGrid + chunkCollection: + version: 2 + nodes: + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Box + decals: + 0: 4,-2 + 1: 5,-2 + - node: + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: LoadingArea + decals: + 17: 3,-2 + 18: 3,2 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSE + decals: + 13: 2,4 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSW + decals: + 14: 4,4 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineE + decals: + 16: 2,5 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineS + decals: + 15: 4,5 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineW + decals: + 2: 1,-3 + 3: 2,-3 + 4: 3,-3 + 5: 4,-3 + 6: 5,-3 + - type: GridAtmosphere + version: 2 + data: + tiles: + 0,0: + 0: 61182 + 0,-1: + 0: 65260 + 0,1: + 1: 4112 + 0: 52428 + 0,2: + 1: 2 + 1,0: + 0: 13107 + 1,1: + 0: 4369 + 1: 16448 + 1,-1: + 0: 13105 + 1,2: + 1: 2 + 0,-2: + 1: 4146 + 2: 3264 + 1,-2: + 2: 272 + 1: 16482 + uniqueMixes: + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + immutable: True + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + chunkSize: 4 + - type: GasTileOverlay + - type: RadiationGridResistance + - type: CargoShuttle +- proto: AirAlarm + entities: + - uid: 11 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 54 + - 101 + - 102 + - 18 + - 121 +- proto: AirCanister + entities: + - uid: 25 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: True + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - type: Physics + bodyType: Static +- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle + entities: + - uid: 4 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 5 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirSensor + entities: + - uid: 54 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11 +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 12 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional + entities: + - uid: 195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker + entities: + - uid: 197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: BlastDoor + entities: + - uid: 146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ButtonFrameCaution + entities: + - uid: 150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CableApcExtension + entities: + - uid: 163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CableHV + entities: + - uid: 21 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 34 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CableMV + entities: + - uid: 8 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 55 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 63 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: CargoPallet + entities: + - uid: 38 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 39 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 42 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 43 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 82 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ChairPilotSeat + entities: + - uid: 76 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ComputerAtmosMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ComputerShuttle + entities: + - uid: 52 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ConveyorBelt + entities: + - uid: 6 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 7 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 9 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 10 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 65 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasOutletInjector + entities: + - uid: 19 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasPassiveVent + entities: + - uid: 132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: + - uid: 69 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 83 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeSensor + entities: + - uid: 60 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasPipeStraight + entities: + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 75 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 95 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 124 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasPipeTJunction + entities: + - uid: 22 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 31 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 94 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPort + entities: + - uid: 24 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 84 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasValve + entities: + - uid: 2 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - type: GasValve + open: False + - uid: 120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - type: GasValve + open: False + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasVentPump + entities: + - uid: 101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasVentScrubber + entities: + - uid: 18 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasVolumePump + entities: + - uid: 32 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 59 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW + entities: + - uid: 64 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GravityGeneratorMini + entities: + - uid: 62 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 41 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 61 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 66 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 67 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 71 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 86 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 90 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 97 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GrilleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 68 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,8.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Gyroscope + entities: + - uid: 159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,5.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: HolopadCargoShuttle + entities: + - uid: 135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear + entities: + - uid: 144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Poweredlight + entities: + - uid: 14 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: PoweredSmallLight + entities: + - uid: 50 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow + entities: + - uid: 15 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 17 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 46 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ShuttleWindow + entities: + - uid: 70 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 77 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 78 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 96 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,8.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,8.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: SignalButtonDirectional + entities: + - uid: 148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 147: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 146: + - Pressed: Toggle +- proto: SubstationWallBasic + entities: + - uid: 57 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Table + entities: + - uid: 85 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Thruster + entities: + - uid: 27 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 58 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 74 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 81 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 92 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: TwoWayLever + entities: + - uid: 28 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 65: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - uid: 36 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 108: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 9: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 10: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off +- proto: WallShuttle + entities: + - uid: 3 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 16 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 20 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 23 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 26 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 29 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 30 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 33 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 35 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 44 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 45 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 48 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 51 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 53 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 56 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 72 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 73 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 79 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 80 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 87 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 88 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 89 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 91 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 98 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 99 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WallShuttleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 37 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 93 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-7.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WarningWaste + entities: + - uid: 13 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WindoorSecureCargoLocked + entities: + - uid: 162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional + entities: + - uid: 160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +... diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..854d87c77e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7979 @@ +meta: + format: 6 + postmapinit: false +tilemap: + 0: Space + 2: FloorBlueCircuit + 32: FloorDark + 84: FloorReinforced + 88: FloorShuttleBlack + 1: FloorShuttleBlue + 90: FloorShuttleGrey + 93: FloorShuttleRed + 94: FloorShuttleWhite + 126: FloorWood + 129: Lattice + 130: Plating +entities: +- proto: "" + entities: + - uid: 2 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: NT Evac Plasma + - type: Transform + pos: -4.652828,1.09375 + parent: invalid + - type: MapGrid + chunks: + 0,0: + ind: 0,0 + tiles: 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+ version: 6 + 0,-1: + ind: 0,-1 + tiles: 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+ version: 6 + 0,-2: + ind: 0,-2 + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAWgAAAAAAWgAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAAggAAAAAA + version: 6 + 1,0: + ind: 1,0 + tiles: WgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + 1,-2: + ind: 1,-2 + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + 1,-1: + ind: 1,-1 + tiles: ggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA + version: 6 + - type: Broadphase + - type: Physics + bodyStatus: InAir + angularDamping: 0.05 + linearDamping: 0.05 + fixedRotation: False + bodyType: Dynamic + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - type: OccluderTree + - type: SpreaderGrid + - type: Shuttle + - type: GridPathfinding + - type: Gravity + gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg + - type: DecalGrid + chunkCollection: + version: 2 + nodes: + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bot + decals: + 1: 1,-12 + 2: 2,-12 + 3: 4,-12 + 4: 3,-12 + 5: 5,-12 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNE + decals: + 55: 9,2 + 135: 13,6 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNE + decals: + 90: 12,-14 + 91: 15,-14 + 99: 15,-10 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNW + decals: + 56: 7,2 + 58: 7,6 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNW + decals: + 89: 11,-14 + 94: 14,-14 + 98: 11,-10 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySE + decals: + 136: 13,4 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySE + decals: + 92: 15,-15 + 95: 12,-15 + 96: 15,-12 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySE + decals: + 22: 9,-12 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySW + decals: + 57: 7,4 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySW + decals: + 88: 11,-15 + 93: 14,-15 + 97: 11,-12 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySW + decals: + 23: 7,-12 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNE + decals: + 76: 11,-2 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNE + decals: + 20: 1,-10 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNE + decals: + 70: 1,-2 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNW + decals: + 77: 15,-2 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNW + decals: + 17: 5,-10 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNW + decals: + 69: 5,-2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySE + decals: + 84: 11,-8 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySE + decals: + 19: 1,-8 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySE + decals: + 71: 1,0 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySE + decals: + 24: 9,-11 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySW + decals: + 87: 15,-8 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySW + decals: + 18: 5,-8 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySW + decals: + 72: 5,0 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySW + decals: + 25: 7,-11 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayE + decals: + 137: 13,5 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayE + decals: + 102: 15,-11 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayN + decals: + 54: 8,2 + 59: 8,6 + 60: 9,6 + 132: 10,6 + 133: 11,6 + 134: 12,6 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayN + decals: + 81: 12,-10 + 82: 13,-10 + 83: 14,-10 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayN + decals: + 73: 14,-2 + 74: 13,-2 + 75: 12,-2 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayN + decals: + 11: 2,-10 + 12: 3,-10 + 13: 4,-10 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayN + decals: + 63: 2,-2 + 64: 3,-2 + 65: 4,-2 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayS + decals: + 53: 8,4 + 61: 9,4 + 121: 4,8 + 122: 5,8 + 123: 6,8 + 124: 7,8 + 125: 9,8 + 126: 10,8 + 127: 11,8 + 128: 12,8 + 129: 10,4 + 130: 11,4 + 131: 12,4 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayS + decals: + 78: 12,-8 + 79: 13,-8 + 80: 14,-8 + 103: 12,-12 + 104: 13,-12 + 105: 14,-12 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayS + decals: + 14: 2,-8 + 15: 3,-8 + 16: 4,-8 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayS + decals: + 66: 2,0 + 67: 3,0 + 68: 4,0 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayW + decals: + 62: 7,5 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileLineOverlayW + decals: + 100: 11,-11 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: MiniTileOverlay + decals: + 112: 10,11 + 113: 11,11 + 114: 12,11 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: MiniTileOverlay + decals: + 118: 13,10 + 119: 13,9 + 120: 13,8 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: MiniTileOverlay + decals: + 115: 3,10 + 116: 3,9 + 117: 3,8 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: MiniTileOverlay + decals: + 109: 6,11 + 110: 5,11 + 111: 4,11 + - node: + angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 44: 6,-3 + 45: 6,-7 + - node: + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 46: 10,-7 + 48: 10,-3 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineE + decals: + 33: 10,-3 + 34: 10,-7 + 35: 10,-8 + 36: 6,-8 + 37: 6,-7 + 38: 6,-3 + 39: 6,-2 + 50: 10,-2 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineN + decals: + 26: 8,-12 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineS + decals: + 28: 6,-8 + 29: 6,-7 + 30: 6,-3 + 31: 6,-2 + 40: 10,-8 + 41: 10,-7 + 42: 10,-3 + 49: 10,-2 + - type: GridAtmosphere + version: 2 + data: + tiles: + 0,0: + 0: 36591 + 0,1: + 0: 3822 + 0,2: + 1: 529 + 0: 2216 + 0,-1: + 0: 36812 + 1: 1 + 1,0: + 0: 3067 + 1,1: + 0: 3003 + 1,2: + 0: 65535 + 1,3: + 0: 8 + 1,-1: + 0: 36859 + 2,0: + 0: 7163 + 2,1: + 0: 8191 + 2,2: + 0: 65535 + 2,3: + 0: 3 + 2,-1: + 0: 16379 + 3,0: + 0: 4095 + 3,1: + 0: 3067 + 3,2: + 0: 5043 + 1: 2048 + 3,-1: + 0: 32631 + 4,0: + 0: 1 + 4,1: + 0: 16 + 4,2: + 1: 17 + 0,-4: + 0: 224 + 0,-3: + 0: 36846 + 0,-2: + 0: 52431 + 1: 4352 + 0,-5: + 2: 57344 + 1: 1 + 3: 224 + 1,-3: + 0: 35771 + 1,-2: + 0: 15359 + 1,-4: + 0: 3822 + 1,-5: + 0: 61166 + 2,-4: + 0: 7091 + 2,-3: + 0: 15291 + 2,-2: + 0: 35839 + 2,-5: + 0: 65535 + 3,-4: + 0: 24016 + 3,-3: + 0: 12287 + 3,-2: + 0: 30591 + 3,-5: + 0: 61408 + 4,-3: + 0: 256 + 4,-2: + 0: 1 + 1: 4352 + 4,-1: + 1: 1 + 0: 256 + 0,-6: + 1: 61440 + 3,-6: + 1: 57344 + 4,-6: + 1: 4096 + uniqueMixes: + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + immutable: True + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 0 + - 6666.982 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 6666.982 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + chunkSize: 4 + - type: GasTileOverlay + - type: RadiationGridResistance +- proto: AirAlarm + entities: + - uid: 218 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: EVA Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 1010 + - 1011 + - 1049 + - uid: 606 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 647 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medbay Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 888 + - 1063 + - 887 + - 890 + - 891 + - 877 + - 876 + - uid: 648 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 146 + - 147 + - uid: 649 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: West Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 921 + - 1057 + - 936 + - uid: 650 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: South Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 315 + - 1059 + - 984 + - uid: 651 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 966 + - 1064 + - 967 + - uid: 652 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Brig Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 998 + - 1050 + - 999 + - 1052 + - 1051 + - 1053 + - uid: 653 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 924 + - 1062 + - 922 + - uid: 654 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: East Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 914 + - 1056 + - 954 + - uid: 655 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: North Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 875 + - 1058 + - 991 +- proto: AirCanister + entities: + - uid: 641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 4 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 317: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 316: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEmergencyLocked + entities: + - uid: 6 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked + entities: + - uid: 121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockServiceLocked + entities: + - uid: 250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirSensor + entities: + - uid: 1048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 218 + - uid: 1050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - uid: 1051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - uid: 1056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 654 + - uid: 1057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 649 + - uid: 1058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 655 + - uid: 1059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 650 + - uid: 1062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 653 + - uid: 1063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - uid: 1064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 651 +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 16 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 530 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 657 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo APC + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 658 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medbay APC + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 659 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 660 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Brig APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional + entities: + - uid: 1081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixNitrogenMarker + entities: + - uid: 1070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixOxygenMarker + entities: + - uid: 1066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BaseComputer + entities: + - uid: 362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetMedical + entities: + - uid: 71 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BlastDoorOpen + entities: + - uid: 5 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: BoozeDispenser + entities: + - uid: 211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameCaution + entities: + - uid: 492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.8,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.2,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableApcExtension + entities: + - uid: 528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableHV + entities: + - uid: 459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableMV + entities: + - uid: 514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Catwalk + entities: + - uid: 798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Chair + entities: + - uid: 59 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairOfficeDark + entities: + - uid: 645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairPilotSeat + entities: + - uid: 3 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 51 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 124 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 55 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetFireFilled + entities: + - uid: 141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetWallEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 66 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerAlert + entities: + - uid: 357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerComms + entities: + - uid: 327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords + entities: + - uid: 353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerEmergencyShuttle + entities: + - uid: 322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerId + entities: + - uid: 342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords + entities: + - uid: 360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerRadar + entities: + - uid: 359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment + entities: + - uid: 348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerStationRecords + entities: + - uid: 350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor + entities: + - uid: 354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.678808,4.38097 + parent: 2 + - uid: 638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.59984,-19.5668 + parent: 2 +- proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.460058,4.53722 + parent: 2 + - uid: 637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.396715,-19.301174 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkBeerBottleFull + entities: + - uid: 1139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.505419,2.8140554 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkGlass + entities: + - uid: 496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.302294,-0.31094456 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.599169,-0.48281956 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.521044,-0.37344456 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkShaker + entities: + - uid: 487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.271044,2.4234304 + parent: 2 + - uid: 491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.630419,2.6109304 + parent: 2 +- proto: Firelock + entities: + - uid: 148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FirelockEdge + entities: + - uid: 160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FirelockGlass + entities: + - uid: 15 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 168 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasFilter + entities: + - uid: 402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Nitrogen + enabled: True + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Oxygen + enabled: True + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasMinerNitrogen + entities: + - uid: 640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMinerOxygen + entities: + - uid: 639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMixerFlipped + entities: + - uid: 407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasMixer + inletTwoConcentration: 0.78 + inletOneConcentration: 0.22 + targetPressure: 4500 + enabled: True + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' +- proto: GasOutletInjector + entities: + - uid: 81 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' +- proto: GasPassiveVent + entities: + - uid: 150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: + - uid: 383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1055 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeFourway + entities: + - uid: 915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeStraight + entities: + - uid: 1 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1017 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeTJunction + entities: + - uid: 151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPressurePump + entities: + - uid: 398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasPressurePump + targetPressure: 4500 + enabled: True + - uid: 404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasPressurePump + targetPressure: 4500 + enabled: True + - uid: 408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasPressurePump + targetPressure: 303.3 + enabled: True + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasVentPump + entities: + - uid: 147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 648 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 650 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 655 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 654 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 649 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 653 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 651 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasVentScrubber + entities: + - uid: 146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 648 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 653 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 649 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 654 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 651 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 650 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 655 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW + entities: + - uid: 488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GravityGeneratorMini + entities: + - uid: 656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 34 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 35 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 36 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 37 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 48 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 61 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 62 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 67 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 83 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 89 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 90 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 91 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 92 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 498 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: InflatableWallStack + entities: + - uid: 633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.391173,6.3865767 + parent: 2 + - uid: 634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.578673,6.5584517 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedicalBed + entities: + - uid: 227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitFilled + entities: + - uid: 458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.529497,-14.464425 + parent: 2 + - uid: 497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.545122,-14.433175 + parent: 2 +- proto: NitrogenCanister + entities: + - uid: 643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: OxygenCanister + entities: + - uid: 642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredLEDLightPostSmall + entities: + - uid: 619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Poweredlight + entities: + - uid: 624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredSmallLight + entities: + - uid: 834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 835 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Rack + entities: + - uid: 306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Railing + entities: + - uid: 375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RailingCorner + entities: + - uid: 1079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RCDAmmo + entities: + - uid: 856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.3492165,-19.219479 + parent: 2 + - uid: 857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.6617165,-19.438175 + parent: 2 + - uid: 858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.3648415,-19.594425 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttleWindow + entities: + - uid: 30 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 31 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 32 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 33 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 45 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 52 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 53 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 60 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 63 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 87 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 88 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 93 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 94 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 95 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 96 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 261 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignalSwitchDirectional + entities: + - uid: 301 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Bridge Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.8,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 605: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 604: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 612: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 611: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 588: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 587: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 589: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 590: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 591: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 592: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 593: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 595: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 596: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 597: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 598: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 599: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 600: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 601: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 602: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 603: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 594: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Bridge Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 607 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Exterior Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.2,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 610: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 609: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 613: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 614: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 5: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 615: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 616: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 617: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 618: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 621: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 622: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 623: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 625: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 626: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Exterior Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch +- proto: SignBar + entities: + - uid: 815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignBridge + entities: + - uid: 816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCargo + entities: + - uid: 812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignEngineering + entities: + - uid: 813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignMedical + entities: + - uid: 527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSecurity + entities: + - uid: 814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SodaDispenser + entities: + - uid: 212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StairStage + entities: + - uid: 371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StasisBed + entities: + - uid: 42 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StoolBar + entities: + - uid: 199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SubstationBasic + entities: + - uid: 504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageEVA + entities: + - uid: 65 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral + entities: + - uid: 1091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Bridge + - uid: 1092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Brig + - uid: 1093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: EVA + - uid: 1094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: North + - uid: 1095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Bar + - uid: 1096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: East + - uid: 1097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Medical + - uid: 1098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: West + - uid: 1099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: South + - uid: 1100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Cargo + - uid: 1101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Engineering +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral + entities: + - uid: 1090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Table + entities: + - uid: 228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableWood + entities: + - uid: 54 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 57 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 58 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledCommon + entities: + - uid: 1089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Thruster + entities: + - uid: 126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 16.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineBooze + entities: + - uid: 210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineEngivend + entities: + - uid: 516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineMedical + entities: + - uid: 203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA + entities: + - uid: 176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical + entities: + - uid: 191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineYouTool + entities: + - uid: 515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallShuttle + entities: + - uid: 8 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 28 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 29 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 50 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 69 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 72 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 75 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 78 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 84 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 85 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 99 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 278 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 436 + 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5522: -33,-36 + 5816: -123,17 + 5817: -122,17 + 5818: -116,15 + 5819: -116,14 + 5902: -117,17 + 5903: -116,17 + 5920: -111,-41 + 5921: -109,-41 + 5984: -20,-2 + 5985: -19,-2 + 5986: -18,-2 + 6459: -141,-49 + 6460: -141,-47 + 6461: -141,-45 + 6462: -141,-44 + 6463: -141,-43 + 6482: -96,33 + 6483: -96,34 + 6484: -96,35 + 6524: -91,27 + 6525: -91,28 + 6526: -91,29 + 6527: -91,30 + 6535: -96,32 + 6725: -26,-43 + 6726: -25,-43 + 6727: -24,-43 + 6728: -23,-43 + 6808: -52,-21 + - node: + angle: 3.141592653589793 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bot + decals: + 665: -26,-29 + 666: -24,-29 + 1978: -112,15 + 1979: -112,14 + 1980: -112,13 + 1981: -111,13 + 1982: -110,13 + 1983: -109,13 + 1984: -108,13 + 1985: -108,14 + 1986: -109,14 + 1987: -110,14 + 1988: -111,14 + 1989: -111,15 + 1990: -110,15 + 1991: -109,15 + 1992: -108,15 + 1993: -116,-9 + 1994: -115,-9 + 1995: -115,-13 + 1996: -116,-13 + - node: + angle: 4.71238898038469 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bot + decals: + 715: -31,-20 + 716: -31,-21 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BotGreyscale + decals: + 5616: -140,-19 + 5617: -139,-19 + 5618: -138,-19 + 5619: -138,-18 + 5620: -139,-18 + 5621: -140,-18 + 5622: -140,-17 + 5623: -139,-17 + 5624: -138,-17 + 5626: -139,-16 + 5627: -140,-16 + 6317: -138,-20 + 6318: -139,-20 + 6319: -140,-20 + 6320: -141,-20 + 6321: -141,-19 + 6322: -141,-18 + 6323: -141,-17 + 7065: -141,-16 + 7066: -138,-16 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BotLeft + decals: + 6489: -91,35 + 6490: -93,32 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BotRight + decals: + 6488: -93,35 + 6491: -91,32 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Box + decals: + 5809: -124,14 + 5994: -34,-8 + 5995: -33,-8 + 5996: -33,-10 + 5997: -34,-10 + 5998: -34,-4 + 5999: -33,-4 + 6000: -33,-2 + 6001: -34,-2 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe + decals: + 2451: -57,5 + 2459: -66,5 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw + decals: + 2457: -67,5 + 2458: -58,5 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe + decals: + 2453: -57,4 + 2454: -66,4 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw + decals: + 2455: -67,4 + 2456: -58,4 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe + decals: + 6644: -121,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw + decals: + 6643: -121,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe + decals: + 6641: -121,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw + decals: + 6642: -121,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkLineE + decals: + 6633: -121,-75 + 6634: -121,-74 + 6635: -121,-72 + 6636: -121,-71 + 6655: -121,-81 + 6656: -121,-80 + 6657: -121,-79 + 6658: -121,-78 + 6659: -121,-77 + 6660: -121,-76 + 6674: -121,-70 + 6675: -121,-69 + 6676: -121,-68 + 6677: -121,-67 + 6678: -121,-66 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkLineN + decals: + 6627: -122,-73 + 6628: -120,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkLineS + decals: + 6630: -122,-73 + 6631: -120,-73 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileDarkLineW + decals: + 6637: -121,-71 + 6638: -121,-72 + 6639: -121,-74 + 6640: -121,-75 + 6645: -121,-76 + 6646: -121,-77 + 6647: -121,-78 + 6648: -121,-79 + 6649: -121,-80 + 6650: -121,-81 + 6669: -121,-69 + 6670: -121,-68 + 6671: -121,-67 + 6672: -121,-66 + 6673: -121,-70 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe + decals: + 6247: -126,-44 + 6693: -114,-45 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw + decals: + 1885: -88,-50 + 1918: -83,-47 + 6259: -130,-44 + 6685: -122,-45 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe + decals: + 6251: -126,-48 + 6695: -114,-47 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw + decals: + 6255: -130,-48 + 6696: -122,-47 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelEndW + decals: + 1908: -88,-49 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelInnerNw + decals: + 1924: -83,-49 + 1925: -82,-47 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelLineE + decals: + 6248: -126,-45 + 6249: -126,-46 + 6250: -126,-47 + 6694: -114,-46 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelLineN + decals: + 1892: -86,-49 + 1893: -85,-49 + 1909: -87,-49 + 1926: -84,-49 + 6260: -129,-44 + 6261: -128,-44 + 6262: -127,-44 + 6686: -121,-45 + 6687: -120,-45 + 6688: -119,-45 + 6689: -118,-45 + 6690: -117,-45 + 6691: -116,-45 + 6692: -115,-45 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelLineS + decals: + 6252: -127,-48 + 6253: -128,-48 + 6254: -129,-48 + 6698: -121,-47 + 6699: -120,-47 + 6700: -119,-47 + 6701: -118,-47 + 6702: -117,-47 + 6703: -116,-47 + 6704: -115,-47 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BrickTileSteelLineW + decals: + 1895: -88,-51 + 1900: -82,-46 + 1919: -82,-46 + 1920: -82,-45 + 1922: -83,-48 + 6256: -130,-47 + 6257: -130,-46 + 6258: -130,-45 + 6697: -122,-46 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 96: -63,-8 + 125: -59,0 + 2464: -56,6 + 2484: -61,7 + 6031: -35,-2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 5543: -33,-40 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 6068: -18,-3 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 6785: -94,12 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 2490: -113,-44 + 6387: -145,-48 + 6404: -139,-39 + 6417: -125,-39 + 6467: -142,-43 + 6986: -118,-80 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 1718: -99,-23 + 1719: -99,-27 + 1720: -99,-31 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe + decals: + 558: -37,-18 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 95: -61,-8 + 124: -65,0 + 2469: -63,7 + 2470: -68,6 + 6030: -37,-2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 5518: -35,-36 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 6066: -20,-3 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 6784: -97,12 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 2497: -123,-44 + 6386: -151,-48 + 6402: -143,-39 + 6418: -137,-39 + 6465: -143,-43 + 6985: -124,-80 + 7022: -124,-71 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw + decals: + 1709: -101,-31 + 1710: -101,-27 + 1711: -101,-23 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 6038: -35,-10 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 5549: -33,-43 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 6072: -18,-7 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 6778: -99,13 + 6779: -94,7 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 2507: -113,-48 + 6385: -145,-44 + 6403: -139,-41 + 6421: -125,-41 + 6466: -142,-49 + 6987: -118,-87 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 1712: -99,-25 + 1713: -99,-29 + 1714: -99,-33 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe + decals: + 550: -37,-26 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 6037: -37,-10 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 5517: -35,-38 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 6074: -20,-7 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 6767: -104,13 + 6780: -97,7 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 2500: -123,-48 + 6384: -151,-44 + 6405: -143,-41 + 6419: -137,-41 + 6464: -143,-49 + 6988: -124,-87 + 7023: -124,-75 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw + decals: + 1715: -101,-33 + 1716: -101,-29 + 1717: -101,-25 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 2488: -61,6 + 6011: -35,-5 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 6610: -89,-3 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 1212: -55,-25 + 6606: -89,-5 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 6597: -86,-5 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 6616: -86,-3 + 7040: -121,-80 + 7041: -121,-77 + 7042: -121,-71 + 7043: -121,-66 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe + decals: + 6315: -142,-21 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 2489: -63,6 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 6613: -86,-3 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 1211: -51,-25 + 6603: -86,-5 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 6596: -83,-5 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 6619: -83,-3 + 7036: -121,-66 + 7037: -121,-71 + 7038: -121,-77 + 7039: -121,-80 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw + decals: + 6314: -137,-21 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 6002: -35,-7 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 1180: -55,-20 + 6607: -89,-3 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 6594: -86,-3 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 7044: -121,-69 + 7045: -121,-75 + 7046: -121,-78 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 6576: -89,-5 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe + decals: + 6582: -86,-5 + 7075: -142,-14 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw + decals: + 6601: -86,-3 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw + decals: + 6595: -83,-3 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw + decals: + 7047: -121,-78 + 7048: -121,-75 + 7049: -121,-69 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw + decals: + 6579: -86,-5 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw + decals: + 6585: -83,-5 + 7074: -137,-14 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 130: -59,-1 + 160: -67,-10 + 161: -67,-9 + 162: -67,-8 + 163: -67,-7 + 164: -67,-6 + 165: -67,-5 + 166: -67,-4 + 167: -67,-3 + 168: -67,-2 + 169: -67,-1 + 170: -67,0 + 190: -56,0 + 191: -56,-1 + 192: -56,-2 + 193: -56,-3 + 194: -56,-4 + 195: -56,-5 + 196: -56,-6 + 197: -56,-7 + 198: -56,-8 + 199: -56,-9 + 200: -56,-10 + 2465: -56,2 + 2466: -56,3 + 2467: -56,4 + 2468: -56,5 + 6005: -35,-8 + 6008: -35,-4 + 6033: -35,-3 + 6036: -35,-9 + 6979: -86,0 + 6980: -86,1 + 6981: -86,2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 5550: -33,-42 + 5551: -33,-41 + 6609: -89,-2 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 6069: -18,-4 + 6070: -18,-5 + 6071: -18,-6 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 1176: -55,-24 + 1177: -55,-23 + 1178: -55,-22 + 1179: -55,-21 + 6608: -89,-4 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 6593: -86,-4 + 6768: -99,14 + 6786: -94,8 + 6787: -94,9 + 6788: -94,10 + 6789: -94,11 + 6793: -99,15 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 2508: -113,-46 + 6400: -145,-49 + 6401: -145,-43 + 6473: -142,-48 + 6474: -142,-47 + 6475: -142,-46 + 6476: -142,-45 + 6477: -142,-44 + 6615: -86,-2 + 7004: -118,-86 + 7005: -118,-85 + 7006: -118,-84 + 7007: -118,-83 + 7008: -118,-82 + 7009: -118,-81 + 7016: -118,-74 + 7017: -118,-73 + 7018: -118,-72 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 6575: -89,-6 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 1721: -99,-32 + 1722: -99,-28 + 1723: -99,-24 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 6265: -141,-22 + 6309: -142,-20 + 6310: -142,-19 + 6311: -142,-18 + 6312: -142,-17 + 6581: -86,-6 + 7068: -142,-16 + 7069: -142,-15 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineE + decals: + 551: -37,-25 + 552: -37,-24 + 553: -37,-23 + 554: -37,-22 + 555: -37,-21 + 556: -37,-20 + 557: -37,-19 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 88: -65,-8 + 93: -60,-8 + 94: -59,-8 + 97: -64,-8 + 126: -60,0 + 127: -61,0 + 128: -63,0 + 129: -64,0 + 2475: -67,6 + 2476: -66,6 + 2477: -65,6 + 2478: -64,6 + 2479: -60,6 + 2481: -59,6 + 2482: -58,6 + 2483: -57,6 + 2485: -62,7 + 6012: -34,-5 + 6013: -33,-5 + 6032: -36,-2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 5520: -34,-36 + 5544: -34,-40 + 5546: -35,-40 + 6611: -88,-3 + 6612: -87,-3 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 6067: -19,-3 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 1213: -54,-25 + 1214: -53,-25 + 1215: -52,-25 + 6604: -87,-5 + 6605: -88,-5 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 6588: -85,-5 + 6589: -84,-5 + 6790: -95,12 + 6791: -96,12 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 2491: -118,-44 + 2492: -117,-44 + 2493: -119,-44 + 2494: -120,-44 + 2495: -121,-44 + 2496: -122,-44 + 6388: -150,-48 + 6389: -148,-48 + 6390: -149,-48 + 6391: -147,-48 + 6392: -146,-48 + 6407: -142,-39 + 6408: -141,-39 + 6409: -140,-39 + 6422: -136,-39 + 6423: -135,-39 + 6424: -134,-39 + 6425: -133,-39 + 6426: -132,-39 + 6427: -131,-39 + 6428: -130,-39 + 6429: -129,-39 + 6430: -128,-39 + 6431: -127,-39 + 6432: -126,-39 + 6617: -85,-3 + 6618: -84,-3 + 6994: -123,-80 + 6995: -122,-80 + 6996: -120,-80 + 6997: -119,-80 + 7027: -123,-71 + 7028: -122,-71 + 7029: -120,-71 + 7030: -122,-66 + 7031: -120,-66 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 1727: -100,-31 + 1728: -100,-27 + 1729: -100,-23 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + decals: + 6305: -138,-21 + 6306: -139,-21 + 6307: -140,-21 + 6308: -141,-21 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 205: -66,2 + 206: -65,2 + 207: -59,2 + 208: -58,2 + 6003: -34,-7 + 6004: -33,-7 + 6039: -36,-10 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 5521: -34,-38 + 5547: -35,-43 + 5548: -34,-43 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 6073: -19,-7 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 1181: -54,-20 + 6599: -88,-3 + 6600: -87,-3 + 7253: -53,-20 + 7254: -52,-20 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 6590: -85,-3 + 6591: -84,-3 + 6774: -103,13 + 6775: -102,13 + 6776: -101,13 + 6777: -100,13 + 6781: -96,7 + 6782: -95,7 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 2501: -122,-48 + 2502: -121,-48 + 2503: -120,-48 + 2504: -119,-48 + 2505: -118,-48 + 2506: -117,-48 + 6393: -150,-44 + 6394: -148,-44 + 6395: -149,-44 + 6396: -147,-44 + 6397: -146,-44 + 6410: -140,-41 + 6411: -141,-41 + 6433: -136,-41 + 6434: -135,-41 + 6435: -134,-41 + 6436: -133,-41 + 6437: -132,-41 + 6438: -131,-41 + 6439: -130,-41 + 6440: -129,-41 + 6441: -127,-41 + 6442: -126,-41 + 6989: -123,-87 + 6990: -122,-87 + 6991: -121,-87 + 6992: -120,-87 + 6993: -119,-87 + 7024: -123,-75 + 7025: -122,-75 + 7026: -120,-75 + 7032: -122,-69 + 7033: -120,-69 + 7034: -118,-69 + 7035: -119,-69 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 6577: -88,-5 + 6598: -87,-5 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 1730: -100,-25 + 1731: -100,-29 + 1732: -100,-33 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + decals: + 6583: -85,-5 + 6584: -84,-5 + 7070: -141,-14 + 7071: -140,-14 + 7072: -139,-14 + 7073: -138,-14 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 131: -65,-1 + 147: -68,-8 + 148: -68,-7 + 149: -68,-6 + 150: -68,-5 + 152: -68,-4 + 153: -68,-3 + 154: -68,-2 + 155: -68,-1 + 157: -68,0 + 158: -68,-10 + 159: -68,-9 + 178: -57,-10 + 179: -57,-9 + 180: -57,-8 + 181: -57,-7 + 182: -57,-6 + 183: -57,-5 + 184: -57,-5 + 185: -57,-4 + 186: -57,-3 + 187: -57,-2 + 188: -57,-1 + 189: -57,0 + 2471: -68,2 + 2472: -68,3 + 2473: -68,4 + 2474: -68,5 + 6016: -37,-8 + 6017: -37,-7 + 6018: -37,-6 + 6021: -37,-5 + 6022: -37,-4 + 6034: -37,-3 + 6035: -37,-9 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 5519: -35,-37 + 6614: -86,-2 + - node: + color: '#8C347F96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 6075: -20,-6 + 6076: -20,-5 + 6077: -20,-4 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 1173: -51,-24 + 1174: -51,-23 + 6602: -86,-4 + 6807: -51,-22 + 7255: -51,-21 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 6592: -83,-4 + 6771: -104,14 + 6783: -97,8 + 6792: -104,15 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 2498: -123,-45 + 2499: -123,-47 + 6398: -151,-43 + 6399: -151,-49 + 6406: -143,-40 + 6468: -143,-44 + 6469: -143,-45 + 6470: -143,-46 + 6471: -143,-47 + 6472: -143,-48 + 6620: -83,-2 + 6998: -124,-81 + 6999: -124,-82 + 7000: -124,-83 + 7001: -124,-84 + 7002: -124,-85 + 7003: -124,-86 + 7019: -124,-74 + 7020: -124,-73 + 7021: -124,-72 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 6580: -86,-6 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 1724: -101,-24 + 1725: -101,-28 + 1726: -101,-32 + 6982: -86,0 + 6983: -86,1 + 6984: -86,2 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 2210: -137,-19 + 2211: -137,-18 + 2212: -137,-17 + 2213: -137,-16 + 6271: -137,-22 + 6274: -137,-20 + 6587: -83,-6 + 7067: -137,-15 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + decals: + 559: -41,-24 + 560: -41,-23 + 561: -41,-22 + 562: -41,-21 + 563: -41,-20 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushAOne + decals: + 1316: -106,3 + 1317: -105,1 + 1324: -102,-11 + 1340: -106,-9 + 1349: -100,-13 + 1357: -103,1 + 1383: -106,-22 + 1394: -106,-39 + 1396: -106,-43 + 1464: -111,-10 + 1472: -123,-13 + 1481: -126,-9 + 1489: -119,-20 + 1589: -40,-16 + 1590: -37,-16 + 1609: -23,-15 + 1610: -25,-13 + 1611: -20,-16 + 1622: -50,-62 + 1881: -81,-47 + 1884: -81,-46 + 1917: -83,-49 + 2130: -109,5 + 2131: -113,5 + 2141: -109,11 + 2145: -113,11 + 2153: -132,4 + 2888: -100,-58 + 2896: -85,-56 + 2900: -81,-58 + 2902: -82,-56 + 2908: -85,-59 + 5484: -33,-72 + 5569: -50,-66 + 5570: -76,-69 + 5916: -132,15 + 6107: -71,-47 + 6111: -66,-38 + 6116: -59,-45 + 6718: -75,-27 + 7059: -103,-55 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushAThree + decals: + 1275: -70.94724,-48.08919 + 1276: -62.98816,-38.020138 + 1315: -106,0 + 1366: -103,-6 + 1367: -88,-13 + 1612: -21,-13 + 1613: -19,-13 + 1614: -19,-16 + 1623: -45,-61 + 2132: -110,5 + 2140: -108,10 + 2146: -112,11 + 2147: -126,0 + 2871: -38,17 + 2873: -31,-8 + 5567: -105,-23 + 5568: -52,-67 + 5911: -128,20 + 6824: -131,-30 + 6975: -17,-63 + 6976: -15,-62 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushATwo + decals: + 1280: -59.994514,-48.01404 + 6828: -132,-30 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushCOne + decals: + 2134: -114,3 + 2157: -132,11 + 2875: -31,-4 + 2878: -29,-10 + 2894: -90,-56 + 2904: -80,-56 + 2905: -80,-58 + 2912: -136,5 + 5472: -14,-51 + 5491: -28,-73 + 6113: -61,-39 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushCThree + decals: + 1293: -54,-17 + 1297: -50,-12 + 1298: -70,-16 + 1483: -122,-9 + 1595: -34,-13 + 2934: -92,21 + 5578: -73,-76 + 6977: -17,-58 + 6978: -14,-57 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: BushCTwo + decals: + 1300: -54,-16 + 1301: -56,-17 + 1302: -68,-17 + 1329: -102,-13 + 1333: -102,-17 + 2133: -114,1 + 2156: -132,9 + 2159: -108,9 + 2874: -29,-5 + 2895: -86,-58 + 2933: -90,20 + 5471: -14,-49 + 5557: -54,-67 + 5564: -106,-24 + 5574: -74,-68 + 5575: -73,-72 + 5579: -75,-78 + 5917: -130,15 + 7060: -102,-54 + 7063: -102,-56 + 7064: -95,-58 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Busha1 + decals: + 1400: -106,-53 + 1901: -88,-51 + 2149: -130,-1 + 5467: -14,-46 + 5919: -128,15 + 6719: -72,-27 + 6825: -133,-29 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Busha2 + decals: + 1274: -69.85349,-49.073566 + 1277: -57.213264,-44.135765 + 1278: -60.04139,-41.073265 + 1295: -53,-17 + 1337: -105,-18 + 1359: -101,4 + 1360: -103,6 + 1364: -100,10 + 1365: -103,-8 + 1376: -81,-13 + 1386: -103,-29 + 1395: -106,-41 + 1403: -107,-32 + 1465: -108,-9 + 1466: -112,-12 + 1605: -34,-15 + 1606: -36,-16 + 1616: -51,-59 + 1624: -48,-59 + 1875: -84,-51 + 1916: -82,-48 + 2128: -108,0 + 2129: -108,3 + 2152: -132,2 + 2869: -38,14 + 2881: -31,-1 + 2889: -103,-58 + 5488: -31,-72 + 5558: -53,-66 + 5572: -74,-69 + 5580: -73,-78 + 5914: -129,20 + 5915: -132,13 + 5943: -103,-42 + 6105: -72,-42 + 6108: -69,-41 + 6117: -57,-48 + 6717: -72,-25 + 6820: -122,-32 + 6823: -126,-29 + 6973: -19,-59 + 7058: -103,-53 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Busha2 + decals: + 5967: -103,-49 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Busha3 + decals: + 1326: -101,-9 + 1341: -105,-8 + 1350: -97,-13 + 1351: -95,-13 + 1370: -85,-13 + 1372: -83,-15 + 1382: -106,-26 + 1463: -113,-9 + 1476: -129,-13 + 1490: -119,-22 + 1493: -119,-25 + 1600: -26,-13 + 1617: -49,-61 + 1618: -49,-59 + 1635: -104,-49 + 1910: -88,-49 + 2137: -108,-1 + 2142: -111,11 + 2150: -128,-1 + 2870: -38,16 + 2885: -104,-56 + 2897: -87,-56 + 2901: -83,-58 + 2923: -93,22 + 2926: -89,18 + 2927: -89,21 + 5474: -14,-55 + 5487: -29,-72 + 5496: -120,-33 + 5497: -119,-30 + 5566: -105,-25 + 5571: -73,-68 + 5909: -133,18 + 5912: -133,20 + 5913: -131,19 + 5918: -127,15 + 6106: -70,-43 + 6115: -59,-44 + 6716: -72,-28 + 6827: -130,-29 + 6974: -18,-62 + 7224: -136,7 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushb1 + decals: + 1327: -100,-11 + 1339: -106,-10 + 1381: -107,-29 + 1385: -103,-31 + 1389: -106,-32 + 1593: -41,-13 + 1594: -34,-16 + 2930: -93,19 + 5469: -14,-48 + 5485: -36,-74 + 5573: -75,-68 + 5577: -76,-73 + 6830: -128,-29 + 7062: -104,-52 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushb2 + decals: + 1279: -56.94764,-48.998417 + 1294: -52,-16 + 1314: -106,-3 + 1342: -105,-7 + 1343: -98,-15 + 1354: -103,-5 + 1355: -103,-2 + 1373: -86,-15 + 1374: -82,-13 + 1377: -79,-15 + 1378: -78,-13 + 1379: -107,-25 + 1399: -106,-50 + 1469: -108,-13 + 1470: -109,-10 + 1474: -128,-13 + 1479: -127,-9 + 1601: -27,-16 + 1630: -103,-45 + 2135: -113,-1 + 2136: -110,-1 + 2144: -114,7 + 2154: -132,7 + 2882: -31,-2 + 2893: -92,-58 + 2898: -88,-58 + 2907: -85,-60 + 2932: -88,16 + 5473: -14,-53 + 5479: -14,-52 + 5480: -34,-73 + 5493: -31,-74 + 5494: -30,-73 + 5961: -79,-56 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushb3 + decals: + 1296: -55,-12 + 1304: -69,-12 + 1318: -105,3 + 1338: -105,-20 + 1358: -103,3 + 1368: -89,-15 + 1390: -107,-34 + 1391: -106,-36 + 1404: -106,-31 + 1461: -104,8 + 1467: -113,-13 + 1468: -110,-12 + 1473: -125,-13 + 1477: -131,-13 + 1478: -129,-9 + 1482: -123,-9 + 1486: -119,-15 + 1591: -38,-16 + 1592: -39,-13 + 1608: -27,-13 + 1621: -46,-62 + 1904: -82,-46 + 2143: -114,9 + 2151: -132,0 + 2890: -97,-56 + 2924: -94,21 + 2925: -91,22 + 2931: -92,16 + 5468: -13,-48 + 5476: -17,-59 + 5481: -36,-75 + 5482: -35,-74 + 5492: -28,-71 + 5576: -72,-74 + 5908: -132,19 + 5942: -103,-43 + 6821: -123,-29 + 6822: -122,-30 + 7256: -51,-20 + 7257: -53,-19 + 7258: -50,-22 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushb3 + decals: + 5966: -103,-48 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushc1 + decals: + 1281: -63.264427,-49.067772 + 1325: -103,-12 + 1344: -94,-15 + 1346: -103,-15 + 1347: -101,-15 + 1352: -92,-13 + 1362: -101,10 + 1369: -92,-15 + 1475: -127,-13 + 1598: -32,-16 + 1602: -28,-15 + 1603: -25,-15 + 1619: -47,-60 + 1620: -48,-61 + 2138: -108,6 + 2148: -127,-1 + 2155: -132,6 + 2879: -29,-7 + 2883: -29,-1 + 2884: -101,-55 + 2887: -107,-56 + 2929: -91,17 + 5565: -106,-23 + 6109: -65,-41 + 6112: -63,-41 + 6826: -129,-30 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushc2 + decals: + 1375: -81,-15 + 1597: -32,-12 + 1599: -28,-12 + 1604: -29,-16 + 1912: -85,-50 + 1913: -87,-50 + 1915: -83,-47 + 2899: -83,-60 + 2928: -88,18 + 5470: -13,-50 + 5483: -35,-75 + 5561: -51,-66 + 5910: -131,20 + 6110: -67,-42 + 6723: -70,-41 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushc3 + decals: + 1388: -103,-33 + 2913: -136,4 + 6114: -59,-42 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushd4 + decals: + 2842: -108,30 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushe1 + decals: + 2841: -110,27 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushe4 + decals: + 2840: -109,28 + 6340: -106.982445,31.047379 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushg4 + decals: + 2843: -109,29 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushi1 + decals: + 1284: -60.82099,-27.203562 + 1289: -61.930435,-28.141062 + 2845: -110,31 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushi3 + decals: + 1283: -63.03974,-27.328562 + 1285: -63.03974,-28.297312 + 1287: -60.961617,-29.062937 + 1288: -62.930435,-29.156687 + 2844: -111,29 + 2846: -108,31 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushi4 + decals: + 1286: -61.03974,-27.703562 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushj1 + decals: + 2847: -111,31 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Bushl4 + decals: + 2848: -111,28 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: CheckerNESW + decals: + 828: -20,-49 + 829: -19,-49 + 830: -18,-49 + 831: -20,-50 + 832: -19,-50 + 833: -18,-50 + 834: -18,-51 + 835: -19,-51 + 836: -20,-51 + 837: -20,-53 + 838: -19,-53 + 839: -18,-53 + 840: -18,-54 + 841: -19,-54 + 842: -20,-54 + 843: -20,-55 + 844: -19,-55 + 845: -18,-55 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: CheckerNESW + decals: + 739: -27,-43 + 744: -26,-43 + 745: -25,-43 + 746: -24,-43 + 747: -23,-43 + 748: -22,-43 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: CheckerNESW + decals: + 1219: -48,-25 + 1220: -47,-25 + 1221: -46,-25 + 1222: -46,-24 + 1223: -47,-24 + 1224: -48,-24 + - node: + color: '#169C9CFF' + id: CheckerNWSE + decals: + 5812: -116,14 + 5813: -116,15 + - node: + color: '#B02E26FF' + id: CheckerNWSE + decals: + 5814: -123,17 + 5815: -122,17 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: CheckerNWSE + decals: + 6948: -127,-51 + 6949: -126,-51 + 6950: -125,-51 + 6951: -125,-52 + 6952: -126,-52 + 6953: -127,-52 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Delivery + decals: + 328: -50,-10 + 336: -29,6 + 1075: -101,11 + 1751: -91,-29 + 1752: -91,-26 + 1766: -87,-30 + 2766: -111,-42 + 6536: -96,27 + 6729: -22,-43 + 6730: -27,-43 + 6923: -127,-55 + 7077: -87,-26 + - node: + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Delivery + decals: + 1087: -114,18 + - node: + angle: 4.71238898038469 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Delivery + decals: + 712: -32,-32 + 713: -32,-30 + 714: -31,-19 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Dirt + decals: + 6086: -22,10 + 6087: -20,10 + 6088: -20,12 + 6089: -21,12 + 6090: -22,14 + 6091: -20,14 + 6092: -20,13 + 6093: -21,13 + 6094: -19,11 + 6095: -22,12 + 6708: -71,-37 + 6709: -70,-36 + 6710: -68,-36 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Dirt + decals: + 5206: -56,-54 + 5207: -55,-55 + 5208: -55,-54 + 5209: -53,-54 + 5210: -52,-53 + 5211: -52,-51 + 5212: -49,-52 + 5213: -50,-53 + 5214: -51,-53 + 5215: -50,-52 + 5216: -51,-52 + 5217: -50,-54 + 5218: -51,-55 + 5219: -51,-56 + 5220: -52,-56 + 5221: -53,-57 + 5222: -50,-57 + 5223: -50,-56 + 5224: -46,-55 + 5225: -47,-56 + 5226: -46,-57 + 5227: -45,-56 + 5228: -45,-55 + 5229: -47,-51 + 5230: -45,-51 + 5231: -46,-50 + 5232: -46,-51 + 5233: -46,-52 + 5234: -46,-53 + 5235: -45,-53 + 6142: -70,-38 + 6143: -69,-37 + 6144: -68,-37 + 6145: -69,-36 + 6146: -68,-38 + 6147: -69,-35 + 6148: -69,-28 + 6149: -70,-27 + 6150: -68,-27 + 6954: -100,-41 + 6955: -100,-40 + 6956: -100,-39 + 6957: -96,-40 + 6958: -96,-41 + 6959: -98,-42 + 6960: -100,-38 + 6961: -101,-36 + 6962: -100,-35 + 6963: -96,-38 + 6964: -97,-46 + 6965: -98,-45 + 6966: -99,-47 + 6967: -97,-48 + 6968: -97,-44 + 6969: -99,-44 + 6970: -85,-33 + 6971: -84,-32 + 7240: -21,16 + 7241: -22,18 + 7242: -21,19 + 7243: -22,20 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtHeavy + decals: + 2979: -126,20 + 6078: -22,8 + 6079: -22,7 + 6080: -21,7 + 6081: -21,8 + 6082: -22,5 + 6083: -21,5 + 6084: -21,4 + 6085: -22,4 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtHeavy + decals: + 329: -54,-11 + 330: -50,-11 + 1572: -65,-34 + 1573: -65,-31 + 1574: -66,-36 + 1575: -64,-36 + 1576: -65,-36 + 1577: -66,-35 + 1578: -64,-35 + 3382: -101,-33 + 3383: -100,-33 + 3384: -99,-33 + 3385: -99,-32 + 3386: -101,-32 + 3387: -100,-32 + 3388: -101,-31 + 3389: -99,-31 + 3390: -101,-31 + 3391: -100,-31 + 3392: -99,-29 + 3393: -100,-29 + 3394: -101,-29 + 3395: -101,-28 + 3396: -100,-28 + 3397: -99,-28 + 3398: -99,-27 + 3399: -100,-27 + 3400: -101,-27 + 3401: -101,-25 + 3402: -100,-25 + 3403: -99,-25 + 3404: -99,-24 + 3405: -100,-24 + 3406: -101,-24 + 3407: -101,-23 + 3408: -100,-23 + 3409: -99,-23 + 4048: -97,-21 + 4049: -97,-20 + 4050: -97,-19 + 4051: -97,-18 + 4052: -97,-17 + 4053: -96,-18 + 4054: -96,-19 + 4055: -96,-20 + 4056: -95,-20 + 4057: -95,-19 + 4058: -95,-18 + 4059: -95,-17 + 4060: -95,-21 + 4061: -98,-20 + 4062: -98,-19 + 4063: -98,-18 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtHeavyMonotile + decals: + 1579: -66,-34 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtLight + decals: + 6040: -37,-3 + 6041: -35,-2 + 6042: -33,-3 + 6043: -38,-4 + 6044: -38,-8 + 6045: -37,-9 + 6046: -35,-9 + 6047: -35,-10 + 6048: -35,-7 + 6049: -35,-5 + 6050: -36,-3 + 6711: -71,-34 + 6712: -71,-33 + 6713: -71,-32 + 6714: -71,-31 + 6715: -71,-30 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtLight + decals: + 1580: -64,-33 + 1581: -65,-33 + 1582: -64,-32 + 1583: -62,-34 + 1584: -63,-34 + 1585: -66,-32 + 1586: -66,-33 + 6831: -110,-51 + 6832: -111,-50 + 6833: -110,-49 + 6834: -109,-47 + 6835: -110,-45 + 6836: -110,-43 + 6837: -110,-41 + 6838: -111,-42 + 6839: -109,-42 + 6840: -108,-47 + 6841: -114,-48 + 6842: -117,-48 + 6843: -119,-44 + 6844: -123,-46 + 6845: -121,-48 + 6846: -122,-41 + 6847: -120,-40 + 6848: -116,-40 + 6849: -114,-42 + 6850: -114,-38 + 6851: -116,-42 + 6852: -120,-38 + 6853: -120,-39 + 6854: -115,-51 + 6855: -116,-52 + 6856: -115,-53 + 6857: -113,-50 + 6858: -113,-54 + 6859: -117,-50 + 6860: -117,-53 + 6861: -117,-54 + 6862: -119,-53 + 6863: -120,-52 + 6864: -122,-52 + 6865: -122,-50 + 6866: -123,-51 + 6867: -120,-50 + 6868: -121,-54 + 6869: -126,-56 + 6870: -127,-55 + 6872: -127,-55 + 6876: -130,-51 + 6877: -131,-54 + 6878: -130,-49 + 6879: -131,-48 + 6880: -125,-47 + 6881: -126,-49 + 6882: -126,-43 + 6883: -125,-45 + 6884: -130,-43 + 6885: -131,-44 + 6886: -131,-45 + 6887: -136,-46 + 6888: -136,-45 + 6889: -130,-41 + 6890: -131,-40 + 6891: -132,-40 + 6892: -134,-41 + 6893: -137,-40 + 6894: -129,-39 + 6895: -126,-41 + 6896: -126,-40 + 6897: -140,-39 + 6898: -141,-40 + 6899: -142,-40 + 6900: -139,-41 + 6901: -143,-41 + 6902: -142,-43 + 6903: -143,-45 + 6904: -142,-46 + 6905: -143,-48 + 6906: -142,-49 + 6907: -143,-47 + 6908: -145,-47 + 6909: -146,-48 + 6910: -148,-49 + 6911: -150,-48 + 6912: -151,-47 + 6913: -150,-46 + 6914: -151,-45 + 6915: -149,-43 + 6916: -148,-45 + 6917: -146,-44 + 6918: -147,-44 + 6919: -147,-47 + 6920: -153,-46 + 6921: -153,-44 + 6922: -145,-45 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: DirtMedium + decals: + 6051: -25,-9 + 6052: -25,-8 + 6053: -24,-8 + 6054: -22,-8 + 6055: -22,-7 + 6056: -22,-6 + 6057: -22,-5 + 6058: -22,-4 + 6059: -22,-3 + 6062: -25,-5 + 6063: -25,-4 + 6064: -24,-4 + 6065: -20,-4 + 7078: -83,-28 + 7079: -82,-28 + 7080: -81,-27 + 7081: -88,-26 + 7082: -87,-28 + 7083: -89,-28 + 7084: -79,-27 + 7085: -78,-27 + 7086: -78,-28 + 7087: -79,-28 + 7088: -33,15 + 7089: -34,14 + 7090: -34,13 + 7091: -31,9 + 7092: -30,9 + 7093: -30,10 + 7094: -30,11 + 7095: -32,11 + 7096: -32,10 + 7097: -34,11 + 7098: -31,5 + 7099: -30,6 + 7100: -81,7 + 7101: -80,7 + 7102: -97,21 + 7103: -97,22 + 7104: -96,22 + 7105: -96,21 + 7106: -97,19 + 7107: -96,19 + 7108: -96,20 + 7109: -97,20 + 7110: -97,18 + 7111: -96,18 + 7112: -97,17 + 7113: -96,17 + 7114: -96,16 + 7115: -97,23 + 7116: -96,23 + 7117: -96,24 + 7118: -97,24 + 7119: -97,25 + 7120: -96,25 + 7121: -96,28 + 7122: -95,28 + 7123: -95,27 + 7124: -94,27 + 7125: -93,27 + 7126: -92,27 + 7127: -92,28 + 7128: -93,28 + 7129: -94,28 + 7130: -94,29 + 7131: -93,29 + 7132: -92,29 + 7133: -92,30 + 7134: -93,30 + 7135: -94,30 + 7136: -95,30 + 7137: -96,30 + 7138: -96,29 + 7139: -95,29 + 7140: -96,32 + 7141: -95,32 + 7142: -94,32 + 7143: -93,32 + 7144: -92,32 + 7145: -91,32 + 7146: -91,33 + 7147: -92,33 + 7148: -93,33 + 7149: -94,33 + 7150: -95,33 + 7151: -96,33 + 7152: -96,34 + 7153: -95,34 + 7154: -94,34 + 7155: -93,34 + 7156: -92,34 + 7157: -91,34 + 7158: -91,35 + 7159: -92,35 + 7160: -93,35 + 7161: -94,35 + 7162: -95,35 + 7163: -96,35 + 7164: -97,33 + 7165: -97,32 + 7166: -98,32 + 7167: -98,33 + 7168: -98,34 + 7169: -98,35 + 7170: -98,30 + 7171: -98,29 + 7172: -98,28 + 7173: -98,27 + 7174: -97,27 + 7175: -97,28 + 7176: -97,29 + 7177: -97,30 + 7178: -102,27 + 7179: -103,27 + 7180: -103,28 + 7181: -102,28 + 7182: -102,29 + 7183: -103,29 + 7184: -103,30 + 7185: -102,30 + 7186: -103,24 + 7187: -103,23 + 7188: -103,22 + 7189: -102,22 + 7190: -102,23 + 7191: -102,24 + 7192: -101,22 + 7193: -101,21 + 7194: -100,21 + 7195: -100,22 + 7196: -99,22 + 7197: -99,21 + 7198: -105,19 + 7199: -105,21 + 7200: -105,22 + 7201: -106,27 + 7202: -105,27 + 7203: -106,26 + 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3645: -68,-54 + 3646: -66,-54 + 3647: -64,-54 + 3648: -64,-55 + 3649: -65,-55 + 3650: -64,-54 + 3651: -65,-53 + 3652: -64,-52 + 3653: -66,-52 + 3654: -66,-53 + 3655: -65,-52 + 3656: -64,-53 + 3657: -62,-53 + 3658: -61,-53 + 3659: -62,-54 + 3660: -62,-54 + 3661: -63,-55 + 3662: -61,-55 + 3663: -62,-56 + 3664: -62,-56 + 3665: -59,-56 + 3666: -58,-56 + 3667: -59,-57 + 3668: -60,-57 + 3669: -61,-57 + 3670: -62,-57 + 3671: -63,-56 + 3672: -60,-56 + 3673: -61,-56 + 3674: -58,-57 + 3675: -58,-58 + 3676: -59,-58 + 3677: -61,-58 + 3678: -63,-58 + 3679: -64,-58 + 3680: -59,-59 + 3681: -59,-60 + 3682: -59,-61 + 3683: -58,-60 + 3684: -58,-61 + 3685: -61,-61 + 3686: -62,-61 + 3687: -62,-62 + 3688: -61,-62 + 3689: -61,-63 + 3690: -62,-63 + 3691: -64,-62 + 3692: -65,-62 + 3693: -66,-63 + 3694: -66,-63 + 3695: -64,-63 + 3696: -64,-64 + 3697: -65,-64 + 3698: -66,-64 + 3699: -68,-63 + 3700: -69,-63 + 3701: -69,-61 + 3702: -68,-61 + 3703: -66,-62 + 3704: -65,-63 + 3705: -66,-61 + 3706: -65,-61 + 3707: 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-41,-39 + 4791: -44,-39 + 4792: -45,-39 + 4793: -46,-39 + 4794: -35,-24 + 4795: -35,-24 + 4796: -32,-24 + 4797: -31,-24 + 4798: -29,-24 + 4799: -29,-24 + 4800: -29,-25 + 4801: -30,-25 + 4802: -33,-25 + 4803: -35,-25 + 4804: -35,-26 + 4805: -34,-26 + 4806: -32,-26 + 4807: -30,-26 + 4808: -31,-25 + 4809: -31,-26 + 4810: -32,-25 + 4811: -33,-26 + 4812: -34,-25 + 4813: -33,-24 + 4814: -30,-24 + 4815: -29,-26 + 4816: -28,-25 + 4817: -27,-25 + 4818: -27,-26 + 4819: -26,-26 + 4820: -24,-26 + 4821: -23,-26 + 4822: -23,-25 + 4823: -25,-25 + 4824: -26,-25 + 4828: -23,-24 + 4829: -25,-26 + 4830: -24,-27 + 4831: -23,-27 + 4841: -30,-28 + 4842: -31,-28 + 4843: -31,-27 + 4844: -30,-27 + 4845: -29,-27 + 4846: -29,-28 + 4847: -29,-29 + 4848: -29,-31 + 4849: -29,-32 + 4850: -31,-30 + 4851: -30,-30 + 4852: -29,-30 + 4853: -31,-29 + 4854: -31,-29 + 4855: -30,-29 + 4856: -31,-31 + 4857: -31,-31 + 4858: -31,-33 + 4859: -31,-36 + 4860: -31,-38 + 4861: -31,-40 + 4862: -31,-42 + 4863: -31,-45 + 4864: -31,-47 + 4865: -31,-49 + 4866: -31,-50 + 4867: -30,-51 + 4868: -30,-51 + 4869: -30,-49 + 4870: -30,-47 + 4871: -30,-45 + 4872: -30,-44 + 4873: -30,-41 + 4874: -30,-39 + 4875: -30,-37 + 4876: -30,-35 + 4877: -30,-34 + 4878: -30,-33 + 4879: -30,-31 + 4880: -30,-32 + 4881: -31,-32 + 4882: -29,-33 + 4883: -29,-34 + 4884: -29,-36 + 4885: -29,-38 + 4886: -29,-38 + 4887: -29,-40 + 4888: -29,-42 + 4889: -29,-45 + 4890: -29,-47 + 4891: -29,-49 + 4892: -29,-50 + 4893: -29,-51 + 4894: -30,-50 + 4895: -31,-51 + 4896: -31,-48 + 4897: -30,-48 + 4898: -29,-48 + 4899: -30,-46 + 4900: -31,-46 + 4901: -31,-44 + 4902: -31,-43 + 4903: -30,-42 + 4904: -30,-43 + 4905: -29,-43 + 4906: -29,-44 + 4907: -29,-41 + 4908: -31,-41 + 4909: -31,-40 + 4910: -31,-39 + 4911: -29,-39 + 4912: -30,-38 + 4913: -31,-37 + 4914: -30,-36 + 4915: -29,-37 + 4916: -29,-35 + 4917: -31,-35 + 4918: -31,-34 + 4919: -27,-31 + 4920: -26,-31 + 4921: -24,-31 + 4922: -23,-31 + 4923: -23,-30 + 4924: -24,-30 + 4925: -26,-30 + 4926: -27,-30 + 4927: -27,-29 + 4928: -25,-29 + 4929: -24,-29 + 4930: -23,-29 + 4931: -23,-31 + 4932: -23,-32 + 4933: -24,-32 + 4934: -26,-32 + 4935: -26,-32 + 4936: -27,-32 + 4937: -26,-33 + 4938: -25,-33 + 4939: -24,-33 + 4940: -25,-32 + 4941: -25,-31 + 4942: -21,-32 + 4943: -22,-32 + 4944: -22,-31 + 4945: -22,-30 + 4946: -28,-32 + 4947: -28,-31 + 4948: -28,-30 + 4949: -21,-30 + 4950: -19,-30 + 4951: -19,-30 + 4952: -19,-31 + 4953: -21,-31 + 4954: -20,-32 + 4955: -19,-32 + 4956: -18,-31 + 4957: -18,-32 + 4958: -18,-33 + 4959: -19,-33 + 4960: -20,-33 + 4961: -21,-33 + 4962: -20,-31 + 4963: -18,-28 + 4964: -18,-27 + 4965: -19,-27 + 4966: -19,-28 + 4967: -20,-28 + 4968: -21,-28 + 4969: -21,-27 + 4970: -20,-27 + 4971: -19,-26 + 4972: -20,-26 + 4973: -20,-25 + 4974: -21,-25 + 4975: -21,-26 + 4976: -20,-35 + 4977: -20,-36 + 4978: -20,-38 + 4979: -20,-39 + 4980: -20,-41 + 4981: -20,-41 + 4982: -19,-41 + 4983: -18,-41 + 4984: -18,-40 + 4985: -18,-38 + 4986: -19,-35 + 4987: -19,-36 + 4988: -19,-37 + 4989: -19,-38 + 4990: -19,-39 + 4991: -19,-40 + 4992: -20,-40 + 4993: -20,-37 + 4994: -18,-37 + 4995: -21,-36 + 4996: -22,-36 + 4997: -24,-36 + 4998: -24,-35 + 4999: -22,-35 + 5000: -22,-35 + 5001: -22,-40 + 5002: -22,-40 + 5003: -23,-41 + 5004: -24,-40 + 5005: -23,-40 + 5006: -23,-39 + 5007: -23,-39 + 5008: -26,-41 + 5009: -27,-41 + 5010: -27,-40 + 5011: -26,-39 + 5012: -27,-39 + 5013: -27,-38 + 5014: -26,-36 + 5015: -26,-35 + 5016: -27,-35 + 5017: -27,-36 + 5018: -27,-37 + 5019: -26,-38 + 5020: -20,-43 + 5021: -20,-44 + 5022: -20,-46 + 5023: -20,-47 + 5024: -19,-47 + 5025: -18,-47 + 5026: -19,-45 + 5027: -19,-45 + 5028: -18,-44 + 5029: -19,-43 + 5030: -18,-44 + 5031: -18,-45 + 5032: -22,-46 + 5033: -23,-46 + 5034: -26,-46 + 5035: -27,-46 + 5036: -26,-47 + 5037: -24,-47 + 5038: -23,-47 + 5039: -24,-46 + 5040: -27,-45 + 5041: -24,-45 + 5042: -22,-45 + 5043: -22,-44 + 5044: -25,-44 + 5045: -27,-44 + 5046: -27,-43 + 5047: -24,-43 + 5048: -23,-43 + 5049: -33,-51 + 5050: -35,-51 + 5051: -38,-51 + 5052: -38,-51 + 5053: -38,-50 + 5054: -36,-50 + 5055: -33,-50 + 5056: -33,-49 + 5057: -35,-49 + 5058: -37,-49 + 5059: -38,-49 + 5060: -37,-50 + 5061: -34,-50 + 5062: -35,-50 + 5063: -36,-49 + 5064: -34,-49 + 5065: -33,-48 + 5066: -34,-48 + 5067: -36,-48 + 5068: -37,-48 + 5069: -38,-48 + 5070: -40,-48 + 5071: -40,-49 + 5072: -40,-50 + 5073: -40,-51 + 5074: -37,-53 + 5075: -36,-53 + 5076: -34,-53 + 5077: -33,-53 + 5078: -33,-54 + 5079: -34,-54 + 5080: -36,-54 + 5081: -37,-54 + 5082: -37,-55 + 5083: -35,-55 + 5084: -34,-55 + 5085: -33,-55 + 5086: -35,-54 + 5087: -35,-53 + 5088: -36,-55 + 5089: -31,-55 + 5090: -29,-55 + 5092: -31,-54 + 5093: -30,-53 + 5095: -29,-54 + 5096: -29,-54 + 5097: -31,-53 + 5098: -27,-51 + 5099: -27,-50 + 5100: -27,-49 + 5101: -26,-50 + 5102: -24,-50 + 5103: -24,-50 + 5104: -24,-49 + 5105: -23,-49 + 5106: -22,-49 + 5107: -22,-50 + 5108: -23,-50 + 5109: -22,-51 + 5110: -22,-52 + 5111: -22,-54 + 5112: -22,-55 + 5113: -24,-55 + 5114: -25,-54 + 5115: -26,-54 + 5116: -24,-54 + 5117: -23,-54 + 5118: -24,-53 + 5119: -23,-53 + 5120: -22,-53 + 5121: -23,-52 + 5122: -24,-51 + 5123: -24,-52 + 5124: -26,-53 + 5125: -26,-55 + 5126: -30,-56 + 5127: -30,-57 + 5128: -30,-57 + 5129: -29,-57 + 5130: -30,-58 + 5131: -53,-36 + 5132: -54,-36 + 5133: -56,-36 + 5134: -58,-36 + 5135: -59,-36 + 5136: -62,-36 + 5137: -63,-35 + 5138: -62,-35 + 5139: -61,-35 + 5140: -60,-35 + 5141: -58,-35 + 5142: -56,-38 + 5143: -55,-37 + 5144: -53,-37 + 5145: -53,-38 + 5146: -54,-38 + 5147: -56,-39 + 5148: -55,-39 + 5149: -53,-39 + 5150: -56,-41 + 5151: -55,-41 + 5152: -51,-41 + 5153: -51,-41 + 5154: -50,-42 + 5155: -48,-44 + 5156: -48,-45 + 5157: -48,-47 + 5158: -48,-48 + 5159: -49,-49 + 5160: -49,-49 + 5161: -49,-49 + 5162: -49,-46 + 5163: -49,-44 + 5164: -50,-44 + 5165: -50,-44 + 5166: -50,-46 + 5167: -50,-47 + 5168: -50,-49 + 5169: -50,-49 + 5170: -49,-48 + 5171: -49,-47 + 5172: -49,-45 + 5173: -52,-44 + 5174: -52,-44 + 5175: -52,-46 + 5176: -52,-48 + 5177: -52,-49 + 5178: -53,-49 + 5179: 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+ 5272: -35,-60 + 5273: -33,-60 + 5274: -32,-60 + 5275: -31,-60 + 5276: -28,-60 + 5277: -27,-61 + 5278: -29,-61 + 5279: -28,-61 + 5280: -28,-61 + 5281: -25,-61 + 5287: -25,-60 + 5288: -28,-60 + 5289: -30,-64 + 5290: -30,-65 + 5291: -31,-66 + 5292: -31,-69 + 5293: -31,-69 + 5294: -29,-69 + 5295: -30,-69 + 5296: -30,-68 + 5297: -30,-66 + 5298: -30,-65 + 5299: -29,-64 + 5300: -29,-64 + 5301: -29,-66 + 5302: -29,-67 + 5303: -30,-67 + 5304: -28,-67 + 5305: -28,-68 + 5306: -27,-69 + 5307: -26,-69 + 5308: -25,-69 + 5309: -28,-65 + 5310: -27,-65 + 5311: -26,-64 + 5313: -29,-64 + 5314: -29,-65 + 5315: -25,-64 + 5316: -35,-63 + 5317: -35,-63 + 5318: -38,-63 + 5319: -40,-63 + 5320: -40,-64 + 5321: -39,-64 + 5322: -35,-64 + 5323: -33,-63 + 5324: -33,-65 + 5325: -34,-65 + 5326: -37,-65 + 5327: -38,-65 + 5328: -40,-65 + 5329: -40,-66 + 5330: -38,-66 + 5331: -34,-66 + 5332: -33,-66 + 5333: -33,-67 + 5334: -37,-67 + 5335: -39,-67 + 5336: -37,-68 + 5337: -35,-68 + 5338: -34,-68 + 5339: -36,-70 + 5340: 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+ 5427: -15,-41 + 5428: -15,-38 + 5429: -16,-40 + 5430: -15,-38 + 5431: -14,-37 + 5432: -14,-36 + 5433: -16,-36 + 5434: -14,-37 + 5435: -11,-38 + 5436: -10,-38 + 5437: -8,-37 + 5438: -9,-37 + 5439: -11,-36 + 5440: -9,-36 + 5441: -6,-36 + 5442: -6,-36 + 5443: -5,-37 + 5444: -6,-38 + 5445: -6,-38 + 5446: -4,-35 + 5447: -4,-35 + 5633: -13,-5 + 5634: -12,-5 + 5635: -11,-5 + 5636: -11,-4 + 5637: -12,-4 + 5638: -13,-4 + 5639: -14,-4 + 5640: -13,-3 + 5641: -11,-3 + 5642: -12,-3 + 5643: -11,-2 + 5644: -12,-2 + 5645: -13,-2 + 5646: -13,-1 + 5647: -12,-1 + 5648: -11,-1 + 5649: -12,0 + 5650: -12,1 + 5651: -13,1 + 5652: -13,2 + 5653: -13,3 + 5654: -12,3 + 5655: -12,2 + 5656: -11,2 + 5657: -11,1 + 5658: -11,3 + 5659: -11,4 + 5660: -11,5 + 5661: -13,5 + 5662: -12,5 + 5663: -13,6 + 5664: -12,6 + 5665: -11,6 + 5666: -11,7 + 5667: -12,7 + 5668: -13,7 + 5669: -10,6 + 5670: -9,6 + 5671: -8,6 + 5672: -13,-11 + 5673: -13,-12 + 5674: -13,-13 + 5675: -13,-14 + 5676: -13,-15 + 5677: -13,-16 + 5678: -13,-17 + 5679: -12,-17 + 5680: -12,-16 + 5681: -12,-15 + 5682: -12,-14 + 5683: -12,-13 + 5684: -12,-12 + 5685: -12,-11 + 5686: -11,-11 + 5687: -11,-12 + 5688: -11,-13 + 5689: -11,-14 + 5690: -11,-15 + 5691: -11,-16 + 5692: -11,-17 + 5693: -10,-17 + 5694: -10,-16 + 5695: -10,-15 + 5696: -9,-15 + 5697: -8,-15 + 5698: -7,-15 + 5699: -6,-15 + 5700: -4,-15 + 5701: -5,-15 + 5704: -3,-16 + 5705: -4,-16 + 5706: -3,-15 + 5707: -5,-16 + 5708: -6,-16 + 5709: -7,-16 + 5710: -8,-16 + 5711: -9,-16 + 5712: -9,-17 + 5713: -8,-17 + 5714: -7,-17 + 5715: -6,-17 + 5716: -4,-17 + 5717: -5,-17 + 5718: -3,-17 + 5719: -3,-13 + 5720: -3,-14 + 5721: -4,-14 + 5722: -4,-13 + 5723: -5,-13 + 5724: -5,-14 + 5725: -6,-13 + 5726: -7,-13 + 5727: -8,-13 + 5728: -9,-13 + 5729: -10,-13 + 5730: -10,-12 + 5731: -10,-11 + 5732: -8,-11 + 5733: -9,-11 + 5734: -9,-12 + 5735: -8,-12 + 5736: -7,-12 + 5737: -7,-11 + 5738: -6,-11 + 5739: -6,-12 + 5740: -5,-12 + 5741: -5,-11 + 5742: -4,-11 + 5743: -4,-12 + 5744: -3,-12 + 5745: -3,-11 + 5746: 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-63,-20 + 6183: -62,-20 + 6184: -61,-20 + 6185: -60,-20 + 6186: -59,-20 + 6187: -58,-20 + 6188: -58,-19 + 6189: -59,-19 + 6190: -60,-19 + 6191: -61,-19 + 6194: -62,-19 + 6195: -63,-19 + 6196: -65,-19 + 6197: -64,-19 + 6198: -66,-19 + 6200: -70,-21 + 6201: -70,-22 + 6202: -70,-23 + 6216: -72,-60 + 6217: -72,-61 + 6218: -71,-61 + 6219: -71,-60 + 6220: -71,-54 + 6221: -72,-54 + 6222: -72,-53 + 6223: -71,-53 + 6288: -137,-20 + 6294: -141,-22 + 6295: -140,-22 + 6296: -139,-22 + 6297: -138,-22 + 6298: -137,-22 + 6325: -137,-21 + 6326: -138,-21 + 6327: -139,-21 + 6328: -140,-21 + 6329: -141,-21 + 6330: -142,-21 + 6331: -142,-20 + 6332: -142,-19 + 6333: -142,-18 + 6334: -142,-17 + 6337: -142,-14 + 6339: -141,-14 + 6749: -99,14 + 6750: -99,13 + 6751: -100,13 + 6752: -100,14 + 6753: -101,13 + 6754: -101,14 + 6755: -101,15 + 6756: -102,15 + 6757: -102,14 + 6758: -102,13 + 6759: -103,13 + 6760: -103,14 + 6765: -104,14 + 6766: -104,13 + 6794: -103,15 + 6795: -104,15 + 6796: -103,16 + 6797: -104,16 + 6798: -99,15 + 6799: -99,16 + 6800: -100,16 + 6801: -101,16 + 6802: -102,16 + 6809: -51,-25 + 6810: -54,-25 + 6811: -56,-25 + 6812: -55,-21 + 6813: -55,-20 + 6814: -51,-24 + 6815: -51,-23 + 6816: -51,-22 + 7225: -137,22 + 7226: -137,23 + 7227: -137,24 + 7228: -138,24 + 7229: -138,23 + 7230: -138,22 + 7231: -139,22 + 7232: -139,23 + 7233: -139,24 + 7234: -138,25 + 7235: -138,26 + 7236: -138,27 + 7237: -137,26 + 7238: -137,27 + 7239: -137,28 + 7244: -20,16 + 7245: -20,18 + 7246: -19,18 + 7247: -19,17 + 7248: -20,20 + 7249: -19,19 + 7250: -53,-20 + 7251: -52,-20 + 7252: -51,-21 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 215: -58,7 + 216: -57,7 + - node: + angle: 4.71238898038469 rad + color: '#52B4E996' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 2862: -59,7 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 242: -69,4 + 243: -69,5 + 244: -69,6 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 236: -55,5 + 237: -55,4 + 238: -55,6 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 1811: -84,-24 + 1812: -83,-24 + 1813: -82,-24 + 1817: -82,-23 + 1818: -82,-22 + 1819: -82,-21 + 1820: -83,-21 + 1821: -84,-21 + 1822: -84,-22 + 1823: -84,-23 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 239: -65,7 + 240: -67,7 + 241: -66,7 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 211: -63,8 + 212: -61,8 + 213: -62,8 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 811: -26,-53 + 812: -25,-53 + 826: -23,-49 + 827: -22,-49 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 603: -34,-28 + 604: -35,-28 + 606: -36,-28 + 753: -23,-39 + 754: -23,-35 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 1006: -6,-19 + 1007: -5,-19 + 1011: -4,-19 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 2549: -122,-50 + 2550: -121,-50 + 2551: -120,-50 + 2602: -121,-40 + 2603: -122,-40 + 6930: -126,-54 + 6931: -127,-54 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 416: -33,12 + 417: -32,12 + 418: -31,12 + 419: -31,12 + 420: -30,12 + 421: -29,12 + 422: -28,12 + 423: -27,12 + 424: -33,17 + 425: -32,17 + 426: -31,17 + 427: -31,17 + 428: -30,17 + 429: -29,17 + 430: -29,17 + 431: -27,17 + 439: -28,17 + 1260: -63,-23 + 1261: -62,-23 + 1263: -61,-23 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 906: -6,-7 + 907: -5,-7 + 908: -4,-7 + 1780: -92,-18 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 573: -40,-28 + 574: -39,-28 + 575: -38,-28 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 137: -62,2 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 816: -26,-55 + 817: -25,-55 + 818: -24,-55 + 819: -23,-55 + 820: -22,-55 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 608: -34,-34 + 609: -35,-34 + 610: -36,-34 + 671: -26,-33 + 672: -25,-33 + 673: -24,-33 + 675: -20,-33 + 755: -23,-37 + 756: -23,-41 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 1012: -4,-17 + 1013: -5,-17 + 1014: -6,-17 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 2569: -121,-52 + 2570: -122,-52 + 2591: -122,-42 + 2592: -121,-42 + 2593: -120,-42 + 6929: -126,-56 + 6932: -127,-56 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 409: -33,14 + 410: -32,14 + 411: -31,14 + 412: -30,14 + 413: -29,14 + 414: -28,14 + 415: -27,14 + 432: -33,19 + 433: -32,19 + 434: -31,19 + 435: -30,19 + 436: -29,19 + 437: -28,19 + 438: -27,19 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 909: -6,-9 + 910: -5,-9 + 911: -4,-9 + 1776: -92,-24 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 969: -11,-17 + 970: -12,-17 + 971: -10,-17 + 993: -12,-21 + 994: -10,-21 + 995: -11,-21 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 143: -63,3 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 813: -27,-54 + 822: -24,-52 + 823: -24,-51 + 824: -24,-50 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 502: -31,-18 + 503: -31,-19 + 504: -31,-20 + 505: -31,-21 + 506: -31,-22 + 757: -24,-40 + 758: -24,-36 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 2552: -123,-51 + 2567: -120,-53 + 2599: -120,-39 + 2605: -123,-41 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 914: -7,-8 + 1687: -98,-19 + 1700: -97,-23 + 1702: -97,-24 + 1703: -97,-27 + 1704: -97,-28 + 1706: -97,-31 + 1707: -97,-32 + 1768: -93,-23 + 1769: -93,-22 + 1770: -93,-21 + 1771: -93,-20 + 1772: -93,-19 + 1928: -97,-26 + 1929: -97,-30 + 1933: -97,-25 + 1934: -97,-29 + 1935: -97,-33 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 568: -35,-25 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 139: -61,3 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 677: -18,-32 + 678: -18,-31 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 1226: -58,-25 + 1227: -58,-24 + 1228: -58,-23 + 1229: -58,-22 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 2561: -119,-52 + 2562: -119,-51 + 2564: -119,-53 + 2595: -119,-41 + 2596: -119,-39 + 2601: -119,-40 + 6933: -125,-55 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 912: -3,-8 + 1777: -91,-23 + 1778: -91,-20 + 1779: -91,-19 + - node: + angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: LoadingArea + decals: + 6806: -102,16 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: LoadingArea + decals: + 323: -50,-11 + 362: -29,9 + 466: -16,-12 + 476: -44,-12 + 6737: -103,10 + - node: + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: LoadingArea + decals: + 6236: -96,16 + 6237: -96,18 + 6238: -96,20 + 6239: -96,24 + - node: + angle: 3.141592653589793 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: LoadingArea + decals: + 322: -54,-11 + 467: -16,-16 + 477: -44,-16 + 1973: -112,16 + 1974: -111,16 + 1975: -110,16 + 1976: -109,16 + 1977: -108,16 + 6743: -103,14 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 821: -24,-53 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 510: -25,-18 + 511: -26,-18 + 512: -27,-18 + 513: -28,-18 + 531: -34,-24 + 532: -33,-24 + 533: -32,-24 + 613: -41,-34 + 614: -41,-33 + 615: -41,-32 + 616: -41,-31 + 617: -41,-30 + 619: -41,-28 + 620: -41,-29 + 680: -31,-29 + 681: -31,-30 + 682: -31,-31 + 683: -31,-32 + 684: -31,-33 + 685: -31,-34 + 695: -31,-39 + 696: -31,-38 + 697: -31,-37 + 698: -31,-36 + 699: -31,-35 + 799: -31,-51 + 800: -31,-50 + 801: -31,-49 + 802: -31,-48 + 803: -31,-47 + 804: -31,-46 + 805: -31,-45 + 806: -31,-44 + 807: -31,-43 + 808: -31,-42 + 809: -31,-41 + 5502: -31,-53 + 5503: -31,-54 + 5504: -31,-55 + - node: + color: '#79150096' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 1249: -66,-26 + 1250: -66,-27 + 1251: -66,-28 + 1252: -66,-29 + 1253: -66,-30 + 1254: -66,-31 + 1255: -66,-25 + 1256: -66,-32 + 1257: -66,-33 + 1258: -66,-34 + - node: + color: '#8D1C9996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 6495: -96,35 + 6496: -95,35 + 6497: -94,35 + 6499: -95,30 + 6500: -94,30 + 6501: -93,30 + 6502: -92,30 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 1017: -3,-19 + 2340: -88,25 + 2341: -87,25 + 2342: -86,25 + 2389: -97,14 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 2600: -120,-40 + 2627: -137,-46 + 2628: -137,-45 + 2629: -137,-44 + 2630: -136,-44 + 2752: -131,-43 + 2753: -130,-43 + 2754: -129,-43 + 2755: -128,-43 + 2756: -127,-43 + 2757: -126,-43 + 2758: -125,-43 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 1264: -60,-23 + 1640: -113,-30 + 1641: -114,-30 + 1642: -115,-30 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 923: -12,-11 + 924: -11,-11 + 925: -13,-11 + 926: -10,-11 + 927: -9,-11 + 928: -8,-11 + 929: -7,-11 + 930: -6,-11 + 931: -5,-11 + 932: -4,-11 + 933: -3,-11 + 1696: -94,-26 + 1697: -93,-26 + 1698: -92,-26 + 1699: -91,-26 + 1786: -85,-32 + 1787: -84,-32 + 1788: -83,-32 + 1789: -82,-32 + 1790: -81,-32 + 1791: -89,-26 + 1792: -89,-27 + 1793: -89,-29 + 1794: -89,-30 + 1804: -81,-26 + 1805: -82,-26 + 1853: -93,-38 + 1854: -92,-38 + 1855: -91,-38 + 1856: -90,-38 + 1857: -89,-38 + 1858: -88,-38 + 1869: -87,-38 + 1870: -85,-38 + 1871: -84,-38 + 1872: -83,-38 + 1873: -82,-38 + 1874: -81,-38 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 2094: -112,-15 + 2095: -111,-15 + 2096: -110,-15 + 2097: -109,-15 + 2098: -108,-15 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 569: -35,-26 + - node: + color: '#3EB38896' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 2220: -118,12 + 2221: -117,12 + 2222: -116,12 + 2223: -116,13 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 515: -29,-22 + 517: -24,-21 + 611: -37,-34 + 612: -33,-33 + 686: -29,-33 + 687: -29,-32 + 688: -29,-31 + 689: -29,-30 + 690: -29,-29 + 692: -29,-37 + 693: -29,-38 + 694: -29,-39 + 700: -29,-36 + 701: -29,-35 + 702: -29,-34 + 790: -29,-41 + 791: -29,-42 + 792: -29,-43 + 793: -29,-44 + 794: -29,-45 + 795: -29,-46 + 796: -29,-47 + 797: -29,-48 + 798: -29,-51 + 5498: -29,-53 + 5500: -29,-54 + 5501: -29,-55 + 5506: -29,-57 + - node: + color: '#8D1C9996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 6493: -95,32 + 6494: -94,32 + 6504: -95,27 + 6505: -94,27 + 6506: -93,27 + 6507: -92,27 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 1016: -7,-17 + 2355: -93,14 + 2357: -92,14 + 2361: -88,14 + 2386: -94,14 + 2387: -96,14 + 2388: -97,14 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 2759: -131,-49 + 2760: -130,-49 + 2761: -129,-49 + 2762: -128,-49 + 2763: -127,-49 + 2764: -126,-49 + 2765: -125,-49 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 1689: -95,-18 + 1690: -95,-19 + 1691: -95,-20 + 1693: -95,-23 + 1694: -95,-24 + 1695: -95,-25 + 1733: -91,-26 + 1734: -91,-27 + 1735: -91,-28 + 1736: -91,-29 + 1737: -91,-30 + 1738: -91,-33 + 1739: -91,-34 + 1740: -91,-35 + 1741: -91,-36 + 1742: -92,-36 + 1743: -93,-36 + 1744: -94,-36 + 1745: -95,-36 + 1746: -96,-36 + 1795: -89,-30 + 1796: -88,-30 + 1798: -82,-30 + 1801: -81,-28 + 1803: -81,-26 + 1862: -87,-40 + 1863: -88,-40 + 1864: -89,-40 + 1865: -90,-40 + 1866: -91,-40 + 1867: -92,-40 + 1868: -93,-40 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 973: -13,-17 + 2102: -108,-7 + 2103: -109,-7 + 2104: -110,-7 + 2105: -111,-7 + 2106: -112,-7 + 2107: -113,-7 + 2108: -114,-7 + 2109: -115,-7 + 2110: -116,-7 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 523: -33,-20 + 525: -35,-22 + 526: -35,-21 + 527: -35,-20 + 528: -35,-19 + 529: -35,-18 + 535: -34,-26 + 536: -33,-26 + 537: -32,-26 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 1186: -56,-20 + 1187: -56,-21 + 1188: -56,-22 + 1189: -56,-23 + 1190: -56,-24 + 1191: -56,-25 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 1015: -3,-17 + 6513: -92,27 + 6514: -93,27 + 6515: -94,27 + 6516: -95,27 + 6519: -95,32 + 6520: -94,32 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 2568: -120,-52 + - node: + color: '#EFB34196' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 972: -9,-17 + - node: + color: '#FA750096' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 570: -35,-24 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 518: -24,-19 + 524: -34,-21 + 602: -33,-29 + 605: -37,-28 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 1216: -50,-25 + 1217: -50,-24 + 1218: -50,-23 + 1637: -115,-30 + 1638: -114,-30 + 1639: -113,-30 + - node: + color: '#A4610696' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 1018: -7,-19 + 6508: -95,30 + 6510: -94,30 + 6511: -93,30 + 6512: -92,30 + 6521: -96,35 + 6522: -95,35 + 6523: -94,35 + - node: + color: '#D4D4D496' + id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 1265: -64,-23 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Remains + decals: + 6341: -133,-36 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: Remains + decals: + 5979: -31,-73 + 5980: -135,0 + 6224: -120,29 + 6539: -44.46646,-73.98094 + 7057: -102.71358,-66.1344 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign1 + decals: + 5945: -65,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign2 + decals: + 5946: -64,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign3 + decals: + 5947: -63,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign4 + decals: + 5948: -62,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign5 + decals: + 5949: -61,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign6 + decals: + 5950: -60,-16 + - node: + color: '#D3BA99FF' + id: SpaceStationSign7 + decals: + 5951: -59,-16 + - node: + angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 1685: -78,-57 + 7056: -96,-57 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 623: -30,-27 + 624: -30,-17 + 625: -30,0 + 626: -30,4 + 627: -30,8 + 709: -30,-40 + 1311: -30,-11 + 1459: -65,-21 + 1460: -59,-21 + 2021: -120,-14 + 2740: -39,-72 + 2792: -105,-37 + 2805: -104,-22 + 2806: -104,-1 + 2972: -35,-62 + 2973: -35,-69 + 5975: -26,-23 + - node: + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 636: -14,-14 + 641: -42,-14 + 642: -74,-14 + 710: -22,-31 + 1033: -58,-4 + 2020: -107,-11 + 2032: -152,-5 + - node: + angle: 4.71238898038469 rad + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: StandClear + decals: + 639: -17,-14 + 640: -45,-14 + 643: -77,-14 + 711: -28,-31 + 730: -27,-50 + 1034: -66,-4 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 810: -27,-53 + 825: -24,-49 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 749: -24,-35 + 752: -24,-39 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 2548: -123,-50 + 2598: -120,-38 + 2604: -123,-40 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale + decals: + 903: -7,-7 + 1686: -98,-18 + 1773: -93,-18 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 136: -61,2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 522: -34,-20 + 607: -33,-34 + 670: -23,-33 + 676: -18,-33 + 761: -22,-41 + 762: -22,-37 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 2565: -119,-54 + 2594: -119,-42 + 6928: -125,-56 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 + decals: + 905: -3,-9 + 1775: -91,-24 + - node: + color: '#334E6DC8' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 135: -63,2 + - node: + color: '#43990996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 814: -28,-55 + 815: -27,-55 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 669: -27,-33 + 674: -21,-33 + 750: -24,-37 + 751: -24,-41 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 2566: -120,-54 + 2571: -123,-52 + 2590: -123,-42 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 904: -7,-9 + 1688: -98,-20 + 1767: -93,-24 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 509: -24,-18 + 601: -33,-28 + 679: -18,-30 + 760: -22,-39 + 765: -22,-35 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 2547: -119,-50 + 2597: -119,-38 + 6927: -125,-54 + - node: + color: '#DE3A3A96' + id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 + decals: + 902: -3,-7 + 1774: -91,-18 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerNE + decals: + 544: -38,-25 + 1827: -82,-21 + 2574: -121,-53 + 2589: -121,-38 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerNW + decals: + 897: -42,-38 + 1826: -84,-21 + 2572: -123,-53 + 2582: -123,-38 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSE + decals: + 546: -38,-19 + 661: -23,-30 + 1824: -82,-24 + 2576: -121,-54 + 2588: -121,-39 + 2653: -126,-38 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSW + decals: + 668: -27,-30 + 1825: -84,-24 + 2575: -123,-54 + 2581: -123,-39 + 2654: -130,-38 + 6679: -119,-68 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleNE + decals: + 891: -46,-36 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleNW + decals: + 1656: -112,-33 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleNW + decals: + 892: -42,-36 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleSE + decals: + 890: -46,-38 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleSW + decals: + 893: -42,-38 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallNE + decals: + 33: -72,-4 + 387: -29,-51 + 408: -33,21 + 2025: -150,-3 + 2034: -149,-10 + 2077: -132,-25 + 2385: -91,12 + 2532: -117,-54 + 2626: -136,-46 + 2746: -40,-76 + 2966: -37,-63 + 5992: -33,-7 + 6351: -150,-43 + 6735: -111,12 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallNW + decals: + 174: -68,-4 + 400: -28,21 + 401: -36,10 + 403: -36,17 + 407: -27,21 + 1210: -47,-23 + 2026: -146,-3 + 2031: -152,-7 + 2033: -147,-10 + 2078: -128,-25 + 2384: -88,12 + 2533: -113,-54 + 2747: -38,-76 + 2959: -33,-70 + 2965: -33,-63 + 6350: -146,-43 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallSE + decals: + 32: -72,-2 + 386: -29,-49 + 731: -26,-46 + 2035: -149,-6 + 2051: -150,-13 + 2079: -132,-21 + 2380: -91,14 + 2530: -117,-50 + 2742: -40,-68 + 2745: -40,-74 + 2961: -37,-68 + 2967: -37,-61 + 5993: -33,-5 + 6348: -150,-49 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnCornerSmallSW + decals: + 175: -68,-2 + 402: -36,14 + 404: -36,21 + 1209: -47,-19 + 2030: -152,-3 + 2047: -147,-6 + 2052: -146,-13 + 2080: -128,-21 + 2381: -88,14 + 2531: -113,-50 + 2743: -38,-68 + 2744: -38,-74 + 2960: -33,-68 + 2971: -33,-61 + 6349: -146,-49 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnFull + decals: + 34: -71,-3 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineE + decals: + 27: -72,-3 + 51: -66,-5 + 52: -66,-4 + 53: -66,-3 + 54: -58,-5 + 55: -58,-4 + 56: -58,-3 + 385: -29,-50 + 440: -42,-15 + 441: -42,-14 + 442: -42,-13 + 449: -45,-15 + 450: -45,-14 + 451: -45,-13 + 452: -17,-13 + 454: -17,-15 + 455: -14,-15 + 456: -14,-14 + 457: -14,-13 + 545: -38,-26 + 549: -38,-18 + 583: -28,-30 + 584: -28,-31 + 585: -28,-32 + 586: -22,-32 + 587: -22,-31 + 588: -22,-30 + 638: -17,-14 + 650: -77,-15 + 651: -77,-14 + 652: -77,-13 + 653: -74,-15 + 654: -74,-14 + 655: -74,-13 + 662: -23,-29 + 727: -27,-51 + 728: -27,-50 + 729: -27,-49 + 963: -10,-20 + 997: -10,-21 + 1003: -10,-19 + 1675: -78,-56 + 1676: -78,-57 + 1677: -78,-58 + 1678: -75,-58 + 1679: -75,-56 + 1828: -82,-23 + 1829: -82,-22 + 2003: -107,-12 + 2004: -107,-11 + 2005: -107,-10 + 2006: -114,-11 + 2007: -117,-11 + 2042: -149,-9 + 2043: -149,-8 + 2044: -149,-7 + 2071: -132,-24 + 2072: -132,-23 + 2073: -132,-22 + 2527: -117,-53 + 2528: -117,-52 + 2529: -117,-51 + 2624: -136,-45 + 2625: -136,-44 + 2657: -126,-37 + 2658: -126,-36 + 2751: -40,-75 + 5925: -89,-73 + 5991: -33,-6 + 6215: -67,-20 + 6226: -102,27 + 6227: -102,28 + 6354: -154,-48 + 6355: -154,-47 + 6356: -154,-46 + 6357: -154,-45 + 6358: -154,-44 + 6665: -123,-66 + 6666: -123,-67 + 6667: -123,-68 + 6668: -123,-69 + 6724: -26,-47 + 6738: -102,29 + 6739: -102,24 + 6740: -102,23 + 7053: -96,-58 + 7054: -96,-57 + 7055: -96,-56 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleE + decals: + 2516: -113,-47 + 2517: -113,-45 + 6413: -139,-40 + 6415: -125,-40 + 7010: -120,-83 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleE + decals: + 888: -46,-35 + 889: -46,-39 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleN + decals: + 1653: -115,-33 + 1654: -114,-33 + 1655: -113,-33 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleN + decals: + 2510: -116,-44 + 2511: -115,-44 + 2512: -114,-44 + 7014: -119,-72 + 7015: -118,-72 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleN + decals: + 880: -43,-36 + 881: -44,-36 + 882: -45,-36 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleS + decals: + 2513: -116,-48 + 2514: -115,-48 + 2515: -114,-48 + 6412: -142,-41 + 6416: -128,-41 + 7012: -119,-74 + 7013: -118,-74 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleS + decals: + 876: -43,-38 + 877: -44,-38 + 878: -45,-38 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleW + decals: + 1650: -112,-32 + 1651: -112,-31 + 1652: -112,-30 + - node: + color: '#D381C996' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleW + decals: + 2509: -123,-46 + 6414: -137,-40 + 7011: -122,-83 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineGreyscaleW + decals: + 883: -46,-39 + 884: -46,-38 + 885: -46,-37 + 886: -46,-36 + 887: -46,-35 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineN + decals: + 46: -67,2 + 47: -57,2 + 48: -56,2 + 99: -62,-8 + 134: -62,2 + 171: -68,-10 + 172: -67,-10 + 201: -57,-10 + 202: -56,-10 + 255: -68,2 + 350: -31,4 + 353: -29,4 + 354: -29,8 + 356: -31,8 + 470: -31,0 + 471: -30,0 + 472: -29,0 + 481: -31,-17 + 482: -30,-17 + 483: -29,-17 + 547: -39,-19 + 548: -40,-19 + 579: -31,-27 + 580: -30,-27 + 581: -29,-27 + 628: -30,4 + 629: -30,8 + 656: -26,-30 + 657: -25,-30 + 658: -24,-30 + 706: -31,-40 + 707: -30,-40 + 708: -29,-40 + 717: -22,-46 + 718: -23,-46 + 719: -24,-46 + 720: -25,-46 + 985: -3,-20 + 986: -4,-20 + 987: -5,-20 + 988: -6,-20 + 989: -7,-20 + 1021: -31,-23 + 1022: -29,-23 + 1039: -66,-37 + 1041: -64,-37 + 1205: -48,-19 + 1305: -31,-11 + 1306: -30,-11 + 1307: -29,-11 + 1455: -66,-21 + 1456: -65,-21 + 1457: -59,-21 + 1458: -58,-21 + 1806: -83,-30 + 1833: -83,-24 + 2015: -120,-2 + 2016: -120,-8 + 2017: -120,-14 + 2018: -119,-14 + 2019: -121,-14 + 2045: -148,-6 + 2048: -149,-13 + 2049: -148,-13 + 2050: -147,-13 + 2074: -131,-21 + 2075: -130,-21 + 2076: -129,-21 + 2378: -90,14 + 2379: -89,14 + 2521: -116,-50 + 2522: -115,-50 + 2523: -114,-50 + 2577: -122,-54 + 2578: -122,-39 + 2659: -129,-38 + 2660: -128,-38 + 2661: -127,-38 + 2741: -39,-68 + 2748: -39,-74 + 2793: -106,-37 + 2794: -105,-37 + 2795: -104,-37 + 2802: -105,-22 + 2803: -104,-22 + 2804: -103,-22 + 2807: -105,-1 + 2808: -104,-1 + 2809: -103,-1 + 2956: -36,-68 + 2957: -35,-68 + 2958: -34,-68 + 2968: -36,-61 + 2969: -35,-61 + 2970: -34,-61 + 5922: -90,-74 + 5972: -27,-23 + 5973: -26,-23 + 5974: -25,-23 + 5990: -36,-11 + 6212: -69,-18 + 6232: -102,21 + 6234: -100,21 + 6345: -149,-49 + 6346: -148,-49 + 6347: -147,-49 + 6680: -118,-68 + 6741: -103,21 + 6742: -99,21 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineS + decals: + 36: -70,-3 + 57: -58,-5 + 58: -58,-4 + 59: -58,-3 + 60: -66,-5 + 61: -66,-4 + 62: -66,-3 + 173: -68,-3 + 390: -36,12 + 391: -36,13 + 392: -36,11 + 393: -36,18 + 394: -36,20 + 395: -36,19 + 443: -45,-15 + 444: -45,-14 + 445: -45,-13 + 446: -42,-15 + 447: -42,-14 + 448: -42,-13 + 458: -14,-13 + 459: -14,-14 + 460: -14,-15 + 461: -17,-15 + 463: -17,-13 + 589: -28,-30 + 590: -28,-31 + 591: -28,-32 + 592: -22,-32 + 593: -22,-31 + 594: -22,-30 + 637: -17,-14 + 644: -77,-15 + 645: -77,-14 + 646: -77,-13 + 647: -74,-15 + 648: -74,-14 + 649: -74,-13 + 660: -27,-29 + 724: -27,-51 + 725: -27,-50 + 726: -27,-49 + 900: -42,-39 + 966: -12,-20 + 996: -12,-21 + 1004: -12,-19 + 1206: -47,-22 + 1207: -47,-21 + 1208: -47,-20 + 1680: -78,-58 + 1681: -78,-57 + 1682: -78,-56 + 1683: -75,-58 + 1684: -75,-56 + 1830: -84,-23 + 1831: -84,-22 + 2000: -107,-10 + 2001: -107,-11 + 2002: -107,-12 + 2008: -114,-11 + 2009: -117,-11 + 2027: -152,-6 + 2028: -152,-5 + 2029: -152,-4 + 2039: -147,-9 + 2040: -147,-8 + 2041: -147,-7 + 2068: -128,-24 + 2069: -128,-23 + 2070: -128,-22 + 2524: -113,-53 + 2525: -113,-52 + 2526: -113,-51 + 2655: -130,-37 + 2656: -130,-36 + 2750: -38,-75 + 5923: -91,-73 + 6214: -67,-20 + 6529: -98,33 + 6530: -98,34 + 6531: -98,27 + 6532: -98,28 + 6533: -98,29 + 6534: -98,35 + 6683: -119,-66 + 6684: -119,-67 + 7050: -96,-58 + 7051: -96,-57 + 7052: -96,-56 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WarnLineW + decals: + 132: -62,0 + 176: -68,0 + 177: -67,0 + 203: -57,0 + 204: -56,0 + 344: -31,8 + 346: -29,8 + 347: -31,4 + 349: -29,4 + 396: -31,21 + 397: -31,21 + 398: -29,21 + 399: -30,21 + 405: -32,21 + 406: -28,21 + 473: -31,0 + 474: -30,0 + 475: -29,0 + 484: -31,-17 + 485: -30,-17 + 486: -29,-17 + 542: -40,-25 + 543: -39,-25 + 576: -31,-27 + 577: -30,-27 + 578: -29,-27 + 630: -30,4 + 631: -30,8 + 703: -31,-40 + 704: -30,-40 + 705: -29,-40 + 898: -41,-38 + 899: -40,-38 + 1019: -31,-23 + 1020: -29,-23 + 1036: -66,-37 + 1038: -64,-37 + 1204: -48,-23 + 1308: -31,-11 + 1309: -30,-11 + 1310: -29,-11 + 1451: -58,-21 + 1452: -59,-21 + 1453: -65,-21 + 1454: -66,-21 + 1762: -88,-26 + 1763: -83,-26 + 1832: -83,-21 + 2010: -121,-14 + 2011: -120,-14 + 2012: -119,-14 + 2013: -120,-8 + 2014: -120,-2 + 2022: -148,-3 + 2023: -147,-3 + 2024: -149,-3 + 2046: -148,-10 + 2065: -129,-25 + 2066: -130,-25 + 2067: -131,-25 + 2367: -101,15 + 2368: -100,15 + 2382: -89,12 + 2383: -90,12 + 2403: -108,17 + 2404: -109,17 + 2405: -110,17 + 2406: -111,17 + 2407: -112,17 + 2408: -113,17 + 2409: -114,17 + 2518: -116,-54 + 2519: -115,-54 + 2520: -114,-54 + 2573: -122,-53 + 2583: -122,-38 + 2621: -133,-46 + 2622: -134,-46 + 2623: -135,-46 + 2749: -39,-76 + 2796: -106,-37 + 2797: -105,-37 + 2798: -104,-37 + 2799: -105,-22 + 2800: -104,-22 + 2801: -103,-22 + 2810: -105,-1 + 2811: -104,-1 + 2812: -103,-1 + 2953: -36,-70 + 2954: -34,-70 + 2955: -35,-70 + 2962: -36,-63 + 2963: -35,-63 + 2964: -34,-63 + 5924: -90,-72 + 5969: -27,-23 + 5970: -26,-23 + 5971: -25,-23 + 6213: -69,-18 + 6342: -148,-43 + 6343: -147,-43 + 6344: -149,-43 + 6732: -102,15 + 6803: -104,15 + 6804: -103,15 + 6805: -99,15 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe + decals: + 74: -59,-3 + 77: -60,-2 + 123: -59,-10 + 259: -49,-5 + 276: -49,2 + 301: -43,2 + 304: -43,-5 + 2173: -123,-15 + 2178: -130,-16 + 5540: -37,-36 + 5588: -96,-38 + 5596: -99,-35 + 5612: -97,-44 + 7292: -49,-51 + 7311: -45,-55 + 7324: -45,-50 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw + decals: + 78: -64,-2 + 82: -65,-3 + 117: -65,-10 + 258: -54,-5 + 277: -53,2 + 278: -54,1 + 293: -47,2 + 307: -47,-5 + 2174: -128,-15 + 2179: -132,-16 + 5523: -38,-40 + 5539: -38,-36 + 5593: -101,-38 + 5595: -101,-35 + 7285: -56,-51 + 7309: -47,-55 + 7325: -47,-50 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe + decals: + 100: -59,-7 + 108: -59,-13 + 268: -49,-8 + 275: -49,-2 + 302: -43,0 + 305: -43,-7 + 1936: -81,-36 + 2165: -123,-18 + 5537: -37,-38 + 5586: -96,-40 + 5597: -99,-36 + 5608: -97,-48 + 7298: -49,-57 + 7305: -55,-55 + 7313: -45,-57 + 7321: -45,-53 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw + decals: + 64: -65,-7 + 114: -65,-13 + 273: -54,-8 + 274: -54,-2 + 294: -47,0 + 306: -47,-7 + 1937: -85,-36 + 2160: -128,-18 + 2177: -132,-19 + 5536: -38,-43 + 5538: -38,-38 + 5581: -101,-40 + 5598: -101,-36 + 7281: -56,-55 + 7302: -53,-57 + 7315: -47,-57 + 7319: -47,-53 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinInnerNe + decals: + 75: -60,-3 + 6707: -72,-39 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinInnerNw + decals: + 76: -64,-3 + 83: -64,-3 + 279: -53,1 + 6098: -67,-39 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinInnerSe + decals: + 104: -62,-7 + 7307: -55,-54 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinInnerSw + decals: + 105: -62,-7 + 7308: -53,-54 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinLineE + decals: + 72: -59,-5 + 73: -59,-4 + 101: -59,-6 + 102: -62,-8 + 106: -59,-11 + 107: -59,-12 + 269: -49,-7 + 270: -49,-6 + 287: -49,-1 + 288: -49,0 + 289: -49,1 + 303: -43,1 + 309: -43,-6 + 1938: -81,-35 + 1939: -81,-34 + 1940: -81,-33 + 2166: -123,-17 + 2167: -123,-16 + 2183: -130,-18 + 2184: -130,-17 + 5541: -37,-37 + 5587: -96,-39 + 5601: -100,-44 + 5602: -100,-46 + 5603: -100,-45 + 5604: -100,-47 + 5605: -100,-48 + 5609: -97,-47 + 5610: -97,-46 + 5611: -97,-45 + 6706: -72,-38 + 7293: -49,-52 + 7294: -49,-53 + 7295: -49,-54 + 7296: -49,-55 + 7297: -49,-56 + 7312: -45,-56 + 7322: -45,-52 + 7323: -45,-51 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinLineN + decals: + 79: -63,-2 + 80: -62,-2 + 81: -61,-2 + 118: -64,-10 + 119: -63,-10 + 120: -62,-10 + 121: -60,-10 + 122: -61,-10 + 260: -53,-5 + 261: -52,-5 + 262: -51,-5 + 263: -50,-5 + 280: -52,2 + 281: -51,2 + 282: -50,2 + 298: -46,2 + 299: -45,2 + 300: -44,2 + 313: -46,-5 + 314: -45,-5 + 315: -44,-5 + 2169: -124,-15 + 2170: -125,-15 + 2171: -127,-15 + 2172: -126,-15 + 2180: -131,-16 + 5532: -36,-40 + 5533: -37,-40 + 5589: -97,-38 + 5590: -98,-38 + 5591: -99,-38 + 5592: -100,-38 + 5600: -100,-35 + 5613: -98,-44 + 5614: -99,-44 + 6100: -70,-39 + 6101: -69,-39 + 6102: -68,-39 + 6705: -71,-39 + 7286: -55,-51 + 7287: -54,-51 + 7288: -53,-51 + 7289: -52,-51 + 7290: -51,-51 + 7291: -50,-51 + 7310: -46,-55 + 7326: -46,-50 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinLineS + decals: + 65: -64,-7 + 66: -63,-7 + 68: -61,-7 + 69: -60,-7 + 109: -60,-13 + 110: -61,-13 + 111: -62,-13 + 112: -63,-13 + 113: -64,-13 + 264: -53,-8 + 265: -52,-8 + 266: -51,-8 + 267: -50,-8 + 283: -53,-2 + 284: -52,-2 + 285: -51,-2 + 286: -50,-2 + 295: -46,0 + 296: -45,0 + 297: -44,0 + 310: -46,-7 + 311: -45,-7 + 312: -44,-7 + 1781: -85,-32 + 1782: -84,-32 + 1783: -83,-32 + 1784: -82,-32 + 1785: -81,-32 + 1944: -84,-36 + 1945: -83,-36 + 1946: -82,-36 + 2161: -127,-18 + 2162: -126,-18 + 2163: -125,-18 + 2164: -124,-18 + 2631: -137,-46 + 2632: -136,-46 + 2633: -135,-46 + 2634: -134,-46 + 2635: -133,-46 + 5534: -36,-43 + 5535: -37,-43 + 5582: -100,-40 + 5583: -99,-40 + 5584: -98,-40 + 5585: -97,-40 + 5599: -100,-36 + 5606: -99,-48 + 5607: -98,-48 + 6118: -70,-26 + 6119: -69,-26 + 6120: -68,-26 + 7299: -50,-57 + 7300: -51,-57 + 7301: -52,-57 + 7306: -54,-54 + 7314: -46,-57 + 7320: -46,-53 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: WoodTrimThinLineW + decals: + 84: -65,-4 + 85: -65,-5 + 86: -65,-6 + 103: -62,-8 + 115: -65,-12 + 116: -65,-11 + 271: -54,-6 + 272: -54,-7 + 290: -54,-1 + 291: -54,0 + 292: -47,1 + 308: -47,-6 + 1941: -85,-35 + 1942: -85,-34 + 1943: -85,-33 + 2175: -128,-16 + 2176: -128,-17 + 2181: -132,-17 + 2182: -132,-18 + 5526: -38,-41 + 5527: -38,-42 + 5528: -35,-41 + 5529: -35,-42 + 5542: -38,-37 + 5552: -35,-43 + 5553: -35,-42 + 5554: -35,-41 + 5555: -35,-41 + 5556: -35,-40 + 5594: -101,-39 + 6103: -67,-38 + 7282: -56,-54 + 7283: -56,-53 + 7284: -56,-52 + 7303: -53,-56 + 7304: -53,-55 + 7316: -47,-56 + 7317: -47,-52 + 7318: -47,-51 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#3C44AAFF' + id: arrow + decals: + 2057: -147,-4 + 2059: -145,-12 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#835432FF' + id: arrow + decals: + 2054: -145,-4 + - node: + cleanable: True + angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad + color: '#835432FF' + id: arrow + decals: + 2060: -144,-7 + - node: + cleanable: True + angle: 3.141592653589793 rad + color: '#B02E26FF' + id: arrow + decals: + 2055: -151,-4 + 2056: -149,-4 + 2058: -151,-12 + - node: + cleanable: True + angle: 4.71238898038469 rad + color: '#B02E26FF' + id: arrow + decals: + 2061: -144,-4 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt1 + decals: + 2935: -26,-68 + 2939: -27,-67 + 2940: -27,-69 + 2941: -27,-68 + 2942: -25,-66 + 2943: -26,-66 + 2944: -25,-65 + 2945: -25,-69 + 2946: -25,-67 + 2947: -25,-68 + 2948: -26,-67 + 2949: -26,-68 + 2950: -27,-68 + 2951: -27,-67 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt2 + decals: + 2936: -26,-67 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt3 + decals: + 2937: -25,-67 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt3 + decals: + 5462: -135,-6 + 5463: -135,-5 + 5464: -135,-7 + 5465: -134,-7 + 5466: -135,1 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt4 + decals: + 2938: -25,-68 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: burnt4 + decals: + 5448: -135,-5 + 5449: -134,-5 + 5450: -134,-4 + 5451: -135,-4 + 5452: -134,-3 + 5453: -134,-3 + 5454: -135,-2 + 5455: -134,-2 + 5456: -134,-1 + 5457: -135,-1 + 5458: -135,0 + 5459: -134,0 + 5460: -134,1 + 5461: -134,-5 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowa1 + decals: + 2915: -110,20 + 2920: -112,21 + 7265: -97,0 + 7276: -92,-62 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowa2 + decals: + 2918: -108,20 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowa3 + decals: + 2921: -112,22 + 7264: -99,-1 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowb1 + decals: + 2919: -108,22 + 7277: -91,-62 + 7278: -94,-63 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowb3 + decals: + 7273: -95,-62 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowc1 + decals: + 7266: -99,-5 + 7275: -90,-64 + - node: + color: '#FFFFFFFF' + id: grasssnowc3 + decals: + 2916: -111,22 + 2922: -110,21 + 7267: -99,-4 + 7274: -96,-64 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#B02E26FF' + id: radiation + decals: + 6540: -113.43667,36.99878 + 6541: -112.06167,35.358154 + 6542: -113.98354,35.201904 + - node: + cleanable: True + color: '#B02E26FF' + id: rune3 + decals: + 5965: -40,-47 + - type: GridAtmosphere + version: 2 + data: + tiles: + -40,-13: + 0: 19584 + -40,-12: + 0: 17484 + -39,-13: + 0: 3859 + 1: 8192 + -39,-14: + 0: 27776 + -39,-12: + 1: 61167 + -38,-14: + 0: 4371 + 1: 34944 + -38,-13: + 0: 17 + 1: 57344 + -38,-12: + 1: 61422 + -37,-14: + 1: 13104 + 0: 8 + -37,-13: + 1: 61713 + -37,-12: + 1: 65535 + -37,-15: + 0: 32768 + -36,-15: + 0: 30572 + -36,-14: + 0: 119 + 1: 25600 + -4,0: + 1: 39859 + -4,-1: + 1: 48063 + -5,0: + 1: 12279 + -4,1: + 1: 49075 + -5,1: + 1: 43690 + -4,2: + 1: 3 + -5,2: + 1: 13098 + -3,0: + 1: 13105 + -3,1: + 1: 16176 + -3,-1: + 1: 13107 + -3,3: + 0: 59528 + -3,2: + 0: 34952 + -2,1: + 1: 260 + 0: 36488 + -3,4: + 0: 34952 + -2,3: + 0: 63624 + 1: 68 + -2,0: + 1: 17476 + 0: 34952 + -2,-1: + 1: 16384 + 0: 35048 + -2,2: + 1: 17476 + 0: 34952 + -1,0: + 1: 21845 + 0: 34952 + -1,1: + 1: 5 + 0: 36744 + -1,2: + 1: 21845 + 0: 34952 + -1,3: + 1: 85 + 0: 63624 + -2,4: + 0: 34952 + 1: 17472 + -1,-1: + 1: 20480 + 0: 35064 + 0,0: + 1: 4369 + 0: 17476 + 0,1: + 1: 257 + 0: 17988 + 0,2: + 1: 4369 + 0: 17476 + 0,3: + 1: 17 + 0: 29764 + -1,4: + 0: 34952 + 1: 21840 + -4,-4: + 1: 65531 + -4,-5: + 1: 46011 + -5,-4: + 1: 65523 + -4,-3: + 1: 46011 + -4,-2: + 1: 46011 + -5,-3: + 1: 63232 + -5,-1: + 1: 2039 + -3,-4: + 1: 62463 + -3,-3: + 1: 61695 + -3,-2: + 1: 12543 + -3,-5: + 1: 62207 + -2,-4: + 1: 63743 + -2,-3: + 1: 59647 + -2,-2: + 1: 239 + 0: 32768 + -2,-5: + 1: 63726 + -1,-4: + 1: 13107 + 0: 34944 + -1,-3: + 1: 61683 + -1,-2: + 1: 51 + 0: 34944 + -1,-5: + 1: 61683 + 0,-3: + 1: 28784 + 0,-1: + 0: 17524 + 1: 4096 + 0,-7: + 0: 4096 + 0,-6: + 0: 17523 + -1,-7: + 0: 35939 + -1,-6: + 0: 35056 + 1: 12288 + 0,-5: + 1: 28784 + -40,4: + 0: 17476 + -40,3: + 0: 17604 + -40,5: + 0: 2244 + -39,5: + 0: 13298 + -39,4: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -39,3: + 1: 20496 + 0: 8930 + -39,6: + 0: 2246 + -38,5: + 0: 8946 + -38,6: + 0: 62242 + -38,4: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -38,3: + 1: 20480 + 0: 8946 + -37,5: + 0: 8946 + -37,6: + 0: 61986 + -37,4: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -37,3: + 1: 20480 + 0: 8946 + -36,5: + 0: 8946 + -36,6: + 0: 61986 + -20,-20: + 1: 12288 + -21,-20: + 1: 63271 + -20,-19: + 1: 39822 + -20,-18: + 1: 36761 + -20,-17: + 1: 34952 + -19,-19: + 1: 65038 + -19,-18: + 1: 28684 + -19,-17: + 1: 40959 + -20,-16: + 1: 34952 + -19,-20: + 1: 11776 + -19,-16: + 1: 29627 + -18,-20: + 1: 52608 + -18,-19: + 1: 56797 + -18,-17: + 1: 65520 + -18,-16: + 1: 45235 + -18,-18: + 1: 76 + -17,-20: + 1: 30512 + -17,-19: + 1: 30583 + -17,-18: + 1: 327 + -17,-17: + 1: 24568 + -17,-16: + 1: 64764 + -16,-17: + 1: 53233 + -8,-4: + 1: 65535 + -9,-4: + 1: 65535 + -8,-3: + 1: 61167 + -9,-3: + 1: 65309 + -8,-2: + 1: 61422 + -9,-2: + 1: 65535 + -8,-1: + 1: 61166 + -9,-1: + 1: 4095 + -8,-5: + 1: 61183 + -8,0: + 1: 61438 + -7,-4: + 1: 65527 + -7,-3: + 1: 65031 + -7,-1: + 1: 61182 + -7,-2: + 1: 61166 + -6,-4: + 1: 65528 + -6,-3: + 1: 30481 + -6,-2: + 1: 65399 + -6,-1: + 1: 30711 + -6,0: + 1: 4081 + -5,-2: + 1: 30576 + -12,0: + 1: 3838 + -13,0: + 1: 4095 + -12,1: + 0: 241 + -13,1: + 0: 4592 + -12,-1: + 1: 43168 + -11,0: + 1: 3003 + -11,1: + 0: 114 + 1: 2048 + -11,-1: + 1: 35832 + -10,0: + 1: 8191 + -10,1: + 1: 4369 + -10,-1: + 1: 14813 + -10,2: + 1: 513 + -10,3: + 1: 17423 + -10,4: + 1: 61508 + -9,0: + 1: 20471 + -9,2: + 1: 65356 + -9,3: + 1: 65407 + -9,4: + 1: 63487 + -9,1: + 1: 52428 + -8,2: + 1: 65518 + -8,3: + 1: 65295 + -12,-4: + 1: 65520 + -13,-4: + 1: 65523 + -13,-3: + 1: 20303 + -12,-3: + 1: 26112 + -13,-2: + 1: 65535 + -12,-2: + 1: 61412 + -13,-1: + 1: 65473 + -11,-4: + 1: 65523 + -11,-3: + 1: 65331 + -11,-2: + 1: 48057 + -11,-5: + 1: 14139 + -10,-4: + 1: 65535 + -10,-3: + 1: 55552 + -10,-2: + 1: 57309 + -10,-5: + 1: 32767 + -24,0: + 1: 7 + -24,-1: + 1: 65535 + -25,0: + 1: 12 + -24,1: + 1: 62207 + -25,1: + 1: 61694 + -24,2: + 1: 65535 + -25,2: + 1: 48059 + -24,3: + 1: 65327 + -25,3: + 1: 64313 + -24,4: + 1: 65535 + -23,1: + 1: 57599 + -23,3: + 1: 65294 + -23,2: + 1: 61166 + -23,4: + 1: 65535 + -23,0: + 1: 34952 + -22,1: + 1: 56575 + -22,2: + 1: 57309 + -22,3: + 1: 65357 + -22,0: + 2: 3822 + -22,4: + 1: 65535 + -22,-1: + 2: 20479 + -21,1: + 1: 43263 + -21,0: + 1: 36590 + -21,2: + 0: 8192 + 1: 8 + -21,3: + 0: 25122 + -21,-1: + 1: 34952 + 2: 819 + -20,0: + 1: 4565 + -20,1: + 1: 12305 + -16,-4: + 1: 62719 + -16,-5: + 1: 64255 + -17,-4: + 1: 46079 + -16,-3: + 1: 20479 + -17,-3: + 1: 15291 + -16,-2: + 1: 65535 + -17,-2: + 1: 64443 + -16,-1: + 1: 65535 + -17,-1: + 1: 48127 + -16,0: + 1: 65103 + -15,-4: + 1: 47359 + -15,-3: + 1: 35771 + -15,-2: + 1: 64443 + -15,-1: + 1: 48127 + -15,-5: + 1: 61567 + -15,0: + 1: 65163 + -14,-4: + 1: 65535 + -14,-3: + 1: 7519 + -14,-2: + 1: 57309 + -14,-1: + 1: 64797 + -14,-5: + 1: 61695 + -14,0: + 1: 14813 + -17,0: + 1: 65339 + -16,1: + 1: 65534 + -17,1: + 1: 65535 + -16,2: + 1: 15 + 0: 61696 + -17,2: + 0: 58128 + -15,1: + 1: 65534 + -15,2: + 1: 1 + 0: 63744 + -14,1: + 1: 13107 + -14,2: + 0: 3960 + -13,2: + 0: 273 + -20,-4: + 1: 65520 + -21,-4: + 1: 65520 + -21,-3: + 1: 64264 + -20,-3: + 1: 65280 + -20,-2: + 1: 21969 + -21,-2: + 1: 34955 + 2: 13056 + -20,-1: + 1: 21845 + -19,-4: + 1: 65523 + -19,-3: + 1: 48947 + -19,-2: + 1: 61680 + -19,-1: + 1: 65535 + -19,-5: + 1: 13247 + -18,-4: + 1: 65535 + -18,-3: + 1: 32520 + -18,-2: + 1: 21616 + -18,-1: + 1: 20817 + -18,-5: + 1: 51455 + -18,0: + 1: 32884 + -17,-5: + 1: 61663 + -19,0: + 1: 240 + -18,1: + 0: 4369 + 1: 34952 + -18,2: + 0: 4051 + -24,-4: + 1: 65527 + -25,-4: + 1: 65532 + -24,-3: + 1: 3 + -25,-3: + 1: 62 + -24,-2: + 1: 63232 + -25,-2: + 1: 60416 + -25,-1: + 1: 61182 + -24,-5: + 1: 11259 + -23,-4: + 1: 65522 + -23,-3: + 1: 32768 + -23,-2: + 1: 136 + 2: 34816 + -23,-1: + 2: 2184 + -22,-4: + 1: 65520 + -22,-3: + 1: 65092 + -22,-2: + 2: 65280 + 1: 14 + -24,-16: + 1: 36607 + -24,-17: + 1: 65534 + -24,-15: + 1: 65416 + -25,-15: + 1: 65280 + -24,-14: + 1: 57359 + -25,-14: + 1: 63 + -24,-13: + 1: 11186 + -24,-12: + 1: 43690 + -23,-16: + 1: 887 + -23,-15: + 1: 65280 + -23,-14: + 1: 61471 + -23,-13: + 1: 39856 + -23,-17: + 1: 30579 + -23,-12: + 1: 65535 + -22,-15: + 1: 65480 + -22,-14: + 1: 61455 + -22,-13: + 1: 65520 + -22,-12: + 1: 65535 + -22,-16: + 1: 32768 + -21,-16: + 1: 4096 + -21,-15: + 1: 65395 + -21,-14: + 1: 61455 + -21,-13: + 1: 65520 + -21,-12: + 1: 65535 + -20,-15: + 1: 65416 + -20,-14: + 1: 47247 + -12,-8: + 1: 15 + 2: 30464 + -12,-9: + 1: 62702 + -13,-8: + 1: 13 + 2: 60928 + -12,-7: + 2: 127 + 1: 28672 + -13,-7: + 2: 1263 + 1: 28672 + -12,-6: + 1: 30711 + -13,-6: + 1: 30591 + -12,-5: + 1: 119 + -11,-8: + 1: 48059 + -11,-7: + 1: 14139 + -11,-6: + 1: 48063 + -11,-9: + 1: 47167 + -10,-8: + 1: 65535 + -10,-7: + 1: 65407 + -10,-6: + 1: 65535 + -10,-9: + 1: 65309 + -9,-8: + 1: 65535 + -9,-7: + 1: 65039 + -9,-9: + 1: 65358 + -9,-6: + 1: 61006 + -9,-5: + 1: 3822 + -8,-8: + 1: 61423 + -8,-7: + 1: 65518 + -8,-6: + 1: 65199 + -12,-16: + 1: 65295 + -12,-17: + 1: 61644 + -13,-16: + 1: 65295 + -12,-15: + 1: 57599 + -13,-15: + 1: 61695 + -12,-14: + 1: 57583 + -13,-14: + 1: 65535 + -12,-13: + 1: 20206 + -13,-13: + 1: 62207 + -12,-12: + 1: 65535 + -11,-16: + 1: 58991 + -11,-17: + 1: 28799 + -11,-15: + 1: 26222 + -11,-14: + 1: 28262 + -11,-13: + 1: 26214 + -11,-12: + 1: 58982 + -10,-16: + 1: 62207 + -10,-15: + 1: 30511 + -10,-14: + 1: 48048 + -10,-13: + 1: 57296 + -10,-17: + 1: 65535 + -10,-12: + 1: 61660 + -9,-16: + 1: 61695 + -9,-15: + 1: 65359 + -9,-14: + 1: 65524 + -9,-13: + 1: 65520 + -9,-17: + 1: 65535 + -9,-12: + 1: 61695 + -8,-16: + 1: 61679 + -8,-15: + 1: 61167 + -8,-14: + 1: 61422 + -8,-13: + 1: 65252 + -13,-12: + 1: 65535 + -12,-11: + 1: 65359 + -13,-11: + 1: 65295 + -13,-10: + 1: 56796 + -12,-10: + 1: 61156 + -13,-9: + 1: 64975 + -11,-11: + 1: 32614 + -11,-10: + 1: 65520 + -10,-11: + 1: 56784 + -10,-10: + 1: 56732 + -9,-11: + 1: 65520 + -9,-10: + 1: 61007 + -8,-12: + 1: 65262 + -8,-11: + 1: 61422 + -16,-12: + 1: 65535 + -16,-13: + 1: 65297 + -17,-12: + 1: 65535 + -16,-11: + 1: 65535 + -17,-11: + 1: 65535 + -16,-10: + 1: 5119 + -17,-10: + 1: 24575 + -16,-9: + 1: 65535 + -17,-9: + 1: 64973 + -16,-8: + 1: 65535 + -15,-12: + 1: 65535 + -15,-11: + 1: 32639 + -15,-10: + 1: 19 + -15,-9: + 1: 63359 + -15,-13: + 1: 62208 + -15,-8: + 1: 32767 + -14,-12: + 1: 61438 + -14,-11: + 1: 65294 + -14,-10: + 1: 65520 + -14,-9: + 1: 65295 + -14,-8: + 1: 65535 + -14,-13: + 1: 57599 + -16,-16: + 1: 57297 + -16,-15: + 1: 65473 + -17,-15: + 1: 65436 + -16,-14: + 1: 65535 + -17,-14: + 1: 65535 + -17,-13: + 1: 65356 + -15,-15: + 1: 63270 + -15,-14: + 1: 26151 + -15,-16: + 1: 24576 + -14,-16: + 1: 64319 + -14,-15: + 1: 46011 + -14,-14: + 1: 65466 + -14,-17: + 1: 65520 + -13,-17: + 1: 65432 + -20,-9: + 1: 61482 + -20,-8: + 1: 3822 + -21,-8: + 1: 65327 + -20,-7: + 1: 8438 + -21,-7: + 1: 4095 + -20,-6: + 1: 10914 + -21,-6: + 1: 65535 + -20,-5: + 1: 802 + -21,-5: + 1: 3855 + -19,-7: + 1: 65532 + -19,-6: + 1: 39857 + -19,-8: + 1: 51336 + -19,-9: + 1: 35023 + -18,-7: + 1: 57309 + -18,-6: + 1: 65520 + -18,-8: + 1: 36590 + -18,-9: + 1: 61070 + -17,-8: + 1: 53247 + -17,-7: + 1: 57309 + -17,-6: + 1: 52972 + -16,-7: + 1: 65535 + -16,-6: + 1: 57599 + -15,-7: + 1: 30591 + -15,-6: + 1: 28415 + -14,-7: + 1: 63231 + -14,-6: + 1: 65535 + -13,-5: + 1: 119 + -24,-8: + 1: 65535 + -24,-9: + 1: 65535 + -25,-8: + 1: 47295 + -24,-7: + 1: 49151 + -25,-7: + 1: 47295 + -24,-6: + 1: 43963 + -25,-6: + 1: 35007 + -25,-5: + 1: 36044 + -23,-8: + 1: 47931 + -23,-7: + 1: 15295 + -23,-6: + 1: 65535 + -23,-5: + 1: 2995 + -23,-9: + 1: 49083 + -22,-8: + 1: 65291 + -22,-7: + 1: 8191 + -22,-6: + 1: 48059 + -22,-5: + 1: 2873 + -22,-9: + 1: 48059 + -21,-9: + 1: 65535 + -20,-13: + 1: 43690 + -20,-12: + 1: 43690 + -19,-15: + 1: 57109 + -19,-14: + 1: 21791 + -19,-13: + 1: 65521 + -19,-12: + 1: 12561 + -18,-15: + 1: 65443 + -18,-14: + 1: 48047 + -18,-12: + 1: 65534 + -18,-13: + 1: 51200 + -25,-12: + 1: 65535 + -24,-11: + 1: 7042 + -25,-11: + 1: 65295 + -24,-10: + 1: 7645 + -25,-10: + 1: 8191 + -25,-9: + 1: 47291 + -23,-11: + 1: 7089 + -23,-10: + 1: 8191 + -22,-11: + 1: 39857 + -22,-10: + 1: 3067 + -21,-11: + 1: 57330 + -21,-10: + 1: 4093 + -20,-11: + 1: 43690 + -20,-10: + 1: 43690 + -19,-11: + 1: 39219 + -19,-10: + 1: 4093 + -18,-11: + 1: 65535 + -18,-10: + 1: 61439 + -8,1: + 1: 61166 + -8,4: + 1: 61695 + -7,0: + 1: 20464 + -7,1: + 1: 61422 + -7,2: + 1: 65358 + -7,3: + 1: 65487 + -7,4: + 1: 64767 + -6,1: + 1: 61949 + -6,2: + 1: 56589 + -6,3: + 1: 7647 + -6,4: + 1: 57343 + -5,3: + 1: 819 + -5,4: + 1: 13107 + -8,-9: + 1: 61166 + -7,-8: + 1: 61439 + -7,-7: + 1: 65504 + -7,-6: + 1: 65294 + -7,-5: + 1: 4095 + -7,-9: + 1: 57446 + -6,-8: + 1: 16383 + -6,-7: + 1: 48056 + -6,-6: + 1: 56587 + -6,-5: + 1: 3551 + -6,-9: + 1: 45183 + -5,-8: + 1: 10231 + -5,-7: + 1: 32631 + -5,-6: + 1: 63239 + -5,-5: + 1: 1911 + -5,-9: + 1: 29303 + -4,-8: + 1: 48123 + -4,-7: + 1: 30523 + -4,-6: + 1: 45943 + -8,-17: + 1: 61166 + -7,-16: + 1: 62719 + -7,-15: + 1: 65039 + -7,-13: + 1: 28512 + -7,-17: + 1: 65535 + -7,-14: + 1: 61152 + -6,-16: + 1: 61440 + -6,-15: + 1: 30223 + -6,-14: + 1: 32624 + -6,-13: + 1: 32631 + -5,-16: + 1: 64640 + -5,-15: + 1: 2287 + -5,-14: + 1: 30576 + -5,-13: + 1: 30576 + -5,-17: + 1: 32624 + -4,-16: + 1: 13105 + -4,-15: + 1: 29491 + -4,-14: + 1: 30583 + -4,-13: + 1: 65527 + -8,-10: + 1: 61166 + -7,-12: + 1: 65248 + -7,-10: + 1: 26470 + -7,-11: + 1: 24814 + -6,-12: + 1: 63344 + -6,-11: + 1: 28791 + -6,-10: + 1: 28799 + -5,-12: + 1: 30576 + -5,-11: + 1: 29303 + -5,-10: + 1: 30583 + -4,-12: + 1: 14207 + -4,-11: + 1: 48063 + -4,-10: + 1: 63291 + -4,-9: + 1: 47927 + -3,-11: + 1: 13107 + -3,-10: + 1: 65283 + -3,-9: + 1: 65295 + -3,-8: + 1: 65535 + -2,-10: + 1: 64768 + -2,-9: + 1: 13 + 0: 8704 + -2,-8: + 0: 34 + 1: 8704 + -1,-10: + 1: 256 + -1,-9: + 1: 1 + 0: 4352 + -1,-8: + 0: 4369 + -3,-7: + 1: 15 + -3,-6: + 1: 61440 + -2,-7: + 1: 2 + 0: 12 + -2,-6: + 1: 57344 + 0: 192 + -4,-17: + 1: 14129 + 0: 8 + -3,-16: + 0: 19599 + -2,-16: + 0: 17 + -2,-17: + 0: 4369 + -28,-16: + 0: 12288 + 1: 128 + -29,-16: + 0: 61713 + -28,-15: + 0: 4112 + 1: 3840 + -29,-15: + 0: 61681 + 1: 3840 + -29,-14: + 1: 65280 + -29,-13: + 1: 4095 + -28,-13: + 1: 61152 + -28,-12: + 1: 65268 + -28,-17: + 0: 63316 + -27,-16: + 1: 36092 + -27,-15: + 1: 61384 + -27,-14: + 1: 52975 + -27,-17: + 0: 4096 + 1: 34952 + -27,-13: + 1: 52428 + -27,-12: + 1: 65020 + -26,-15: + 1: 65329 + -26,-14: + 1: 14335 + -26,-13: + 1: 12561 + -26,-12: + 1: 49083 + -25,-16: + 1: 256 + -25,-13: + 1: 32 + -29,-12: + 1: 65535 + -29,-11: + 1: 65295 + -28,-11: + 1: 61156 + -29,-10: + 1: 4095 + -28,-9: + 1: 30464 + -29,-9: + 1: 60928 + -28,-8: + 1: 10111 + -27,-9: + 1: 65262 + -27,-10: + 1: 52940 + -27,-8: + 1: 61183 + -27,-11: + 1: 52428 + -26,-11: + 1: 64315 + -26,-10: + 1: 6555 + -26,-9: + 1: 45977 + -26,-8: + 1: 46011 + -29,-8: + 1: 3822 + -28,-7: + 1: 20735 + -29,-7: + 1: 28927 + -28,-6: + 1: 30549 + -29,-6: + 1: 32631 + -28,-5: + 1: 65520 + -29,-5: + 1: 65520 + -28,-4: + 1: 63487 + -27,-7: + 1: 61183 + -27,-5: + 1: 56776 + -27,-6: + 1: 35022 + -27,-4: + 1: 56541 + -26,-7: + 1: 46011 + -26,-6: + 1: 13243 + -26,-5: + 1: 29491 + -26,-4: + 1: 65535 + -29,-4: + 1: 45311 + -28,-3: + 1: 65535 + -29,-3: + 1: 48123 + -28,-2: + 1: 65527 + -29,-2: + 1: 65520 + -28,-1: + 1: 61695 + -29,-1: + 1: 53503 + -27,-3: + 1: 57343 + -27,-2: + 1: 56728 + -27,-1: + 1: 39133 + -27,0: + 1: 56797 + -26,-3: + 1: 65523 + -26,-2: + 1: 13175 + -26,-1: + 1: 13299 + -26,0: + 1: 29491 + -28,0: + 3: 21840 + 4: 8736 + -28,1: + 1: 208 + 0: 32 + 3: 28672 + -29,1: + 1: 21973 + -28,2: + 3: 119 + 1: 61440 + -29,2: + 1: 54613 + -28,3: + 1: 65520 + -28,4: + 1: 4095 + -27,1: + 1: 56797 + -27,2: + 1: 56797 + -27,3: + 1: 54612 + -27,4: + 1: 52565 + -26,1: + 1: 65535 + -26,2: + 1: 65535 + -26,3: + 1: 65532 + -26,4: + 1: 3599 + -25,4: + 1: 35723 + -36,-13: + 1: 58470 + -36,-12: + 1: 61422 + -35,-15: + 0: 15 + -35,-14: + 1: 45808 + -35,-13: + 1: 41659 + -35,-12: + 1: 43690 + -34,-14: + 1: 61690 + -34,-13: + 1: 61951 + -34,-16: + 0: 63176 + -34,-15: + 1: 43936 + -34,-12: + 1: 65535 + -33,-16: + 0: 61441 + -33,-15: + 1: 65520 + -33,-17: + 0: 63176 + -33,-14: + 1: 43680 + -33,-13: + 1: 58606 + -33,-12: + 1: 61422 + -32,-16: + 0: 62532 + -32,-15: + 1: 20464 + -32,-13: + 1: 62702 + -32,-9: + 1: 65359 + -32,-8: + 1: 28928 + -33,-8: + 1: 65280 + -32,-7: + 1: 53503 + -33,-7: + 1: 61695 + -32,-6: + 1: 56829 + -33,-6: + 1: 65535 + -32,-5: + 1: 65520 + -33,-5: + 1: 32624 + -32,-4: + 1: 61695 + -31,-7: + 1: 45311 + -31,-6: + 1: 48123 + -31,-5: + 1: 48056 + -31,-9: + 1: 65224 + -31,-8: + 1: 60620 + -31,-4: + 1: 63931 + -30,-8: + 1: 13073 + -30,-7: + 1: 45567 + -30,-6: + 1: 48123 + -30,-5: + 1: 64435 + -30,-9: + 1: 4369 + -30,-4: + 1: 29627 + -32,-3: + 1: 65535 + -33,-4: + 1: 63239 + -33,-3: + 1: 65535 + -32,-2: + 1: 65520 + -33,-2: + 1: 65522 + -32,-1: + 1: 28927 + -33,-1: + 1: 61695 + -32,0: + 1: 4 + 3: 4112 + 0: 17472 + -31,-3: + 1: 65535 + -31,-2: + 1: 56785 + -31,-1: + 1: 61661 + -31,0: + 1: 65535 + -30,-3: + 1: 30711 + -30,-2: + 1: 63345 + -30,-1: + 1: 61815 + -30,0: + 1: 65535 + -29,0: + 1: 21845 + -33,0: + 3: 49344 + 1: 4369 + -32,1: + 3: 4112 + 0: 17476 + -33,1: + 3: 49344 + 1: 4369 + -32,2: + 5: 16 + 6: 4096 + 0: 17476 + -33,2: + 5: 192 + 6: 49152 + 1: 4369 + -32,3: + 1: 29712 + 0: 68 + -33,3: + 1: 61905 + -32,4: + 1: 228 + -31,1: + 1: 65535 + -31,2: + 1: 65535 + -31,3: + 1: 65535 + -31,4: + 1: 61695 + -30,1: + 1: 65535 + -30,2: + 1: 65535 + -30,3: + 1: 65535 + -30,4: + 1: 45567 + -29,3: + 1: 5493 + -29,4: + 1: 7391 + -24,5: + 1: 65535 + -25,5: + 1: 36795 + -24,6: + 1: 62463 + -25,6: + 1: 57518 + -24,7: + 1: 12287 + -25,7: + 1: 20206 + -24,8: + 1: 65535 + -23,5: + 1: 65535 + -23,6: + 1: 45311 + -23,7: + 1: 35771 + -23,8: + 1: 48051 + -22,5: + 1: 65535 + -22,6: + 1: 62207 + -22,7: + 1: 65535 + -22,8: + 1: 13105 + 0: 34944 + -21,4: + 1: 1824 + -21,5: + 1: 39 + 0: 24576 + -21,6: + 0: 17954 + -21,7: + 0: 17476 + -21,8: + 0: 17478 + -25,8: + 1: 61166 + -24,9: + 1: 8738 + 0: 2048 + -25,9: + 0: 7440 + 1: 8736 + -24,10: + 0: 30583 + -25,10: + 0: 13 + 1: 34 + -24,11: + 0: 30071 + -23,9: + 0: 3904 + -22,9: + 0: 3976 + -21,9: + 0: 1863 + -28,5: + 1: 20479 + -29,5: + 1: 3549 + -28,6: + 1: 58623 + -29,6: + 1: 62207 + -28,7: + 1: 61166 + -29,7: + 1: 65535 + -27,5: + 1: 52701 + -27,6: + 1: 56575 + -27,7: + 1: 48057 + -26,5: + 1: 61422 + -26,6: + 1: 61358 + -26,7: + 1: 3838 + -27,8: + 1: 34952 + -26,8: + 1: 35020 + -28,8: + 1: 12288 + -29,8: + 1: 51200 + -28,9: + 1: 19 + -29,9: + 1: 2254 + -27,9: + 1: 8 + -26,9: + 1: 35023 + 0: 1024 + -26,10: + 1: 136 + -28,-19: + 0: 17487 + -28,-18: + 0: 62532 + -29,-18: + 0: 50312 + 1: 12305 + -29,-17: + 0: 61836 + -27,-19: + 0: 34959 + -27,-18: + 0: 63624 + -26,-19: + 0: 15 + -26,-17: + 1: 1632 + -25,-19: + 0: 7 + -32,5: + 1: 26480 + -33,5: + 1: 4095 + -32,6: + 1: 61678 + -33,6: + 1: 39055 + -32,7: + 1: 51440 + -33,7: + 1: 34961 + -32,8: + 1: 4300 + -31,5: + 1: 4095 + -31,6: + 1: 47359 + -31,7: + 1: 39090 + -31,8: + 1: 52433 + -30,5: + 1: 7163 + -30,6: + 1: 46079 + -30,7: + 1: 49080 + -33,8: + 1: 52360 + -31,9: + 1: 12 + -30,8: + 1: 4368 + -30,9: + 1: 1 + -23,-19: + 1: 58368 + -23,-18: + 1: 4 + -21,-19: + 1: 26487 + -21,-17: + 1: 16 + -21,-21: + 1: 30544 + -36,0: + 0: 48123 + -36,-1: + 0: 45056 + 1: 221 + -37,0: + 0: 34952 + 3: 13104 + -36,1: + 0: 8955 + 1: 20480 + -37,1: + 0: 8952 + 1: 20480 + -36,2: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -36,3: + 0: 8754 + 1: 20672 + -36,4: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -35,3: + 1: 20212 + -35,0: + 1: 238 + -35,2: + 1: 60928 + -35,-1: + 1: 57599 + -34,0: + 1: 26215 + -34,1: + 1: 30583 + -34,3: + 1: 26230 + -34,2: + 1: 26214 + -34,-1: + 1: 26214 + -34,4: + 1: 61030 + -36,-4: + 0: 17 + 1: 7372 + -36,-5: + 0: 4369 + 1: 52428 + -37,-4: + 0: 255 + 1: 61440 + -36,-3: + 1: 7677 + -37,-3: + 1: 65535 + -36,-2: + 1: 56797 + -37,-2: + 1: 65535 + -37,-1: + 1: 255 + 0: 61440 + -35,-4: + 1: 20479 + -35,-3: + 1: 20222 + -35,-2: + 1: 65535 + -35,-5: + 1: 65535 + -34,-3: + 1: 26358 + -34,-4: + 1: 26214 + -34,-2: + 1: 26214 + -34,-5: + 1: 26214 + -36,-8: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -36,-9: + 1: 21760 + 0: 8743 + -36,-7: + 0: 8751 + -37,-7: + 0: 8751 + 1: 21760 + -37,-5: + 0: 65535 + -36,-6: + 0: 34 + 1: 49152 + -35,-7: + 0: 1 + 1: 206 + -35,-6: + 1: 61440 + -34,-7: + 1: 26351 + -34,-6: + 1: 26214 + -34,-9: + 1: 58027 + -34,-8: + 1: 32768 + -33,-9: + 1: 65038 + -35,6: + 0: 4096 + 1: 52302 + -35,5: + 1: 60928 + -35,7: + 1: 8 + -34,5: + 1: 4078 + -34,6: + 1: 49167 + -34,7: + 1: 204 + -34,8: + 1: 2 + -33,4: + 1: 13824 + -40,-11: + 0: 52300 + -40,-10: + 0: 17476 + -40,-9: + 0: 17484 + -40,-8: + 0: 17476 + -39,-11: + 1: 47 + 0: 16128 + -39,-9: + 0: 8751 + 1: 21760 + -39,-10: + 0: 44643 + -39,-8: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -38,-10: + 0: 4369 + 1: 34944 + -38,-9: + 0: 8739 + 1: 21760 + -38,-11: + 1: 238 + 0: 4096 + -38,-8: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -37,-11: + 1: 4607 + -37,-10: + 1: 13105 + -37,-9: + 1: 21760 + 0: 8744 + -37,-8: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -40,-4: + 0: 17604 + -40,-5: + 0: 50252 + -40,-3: + 0: 17604 + -40,-2: + 0: 17604 + -40,-1: + 0: 17604 + -40,0: + 0: 17604 + -39,-4: + 0: 762 + 1: 8192 + -39,-2: + 0: 8818 + -39,-1: + 0: 41586 + -39,-3: + 1: 9958 + -39,-5: + 0: 64175 + -39,0: + 0: 43770 + -38,-4: + 0: 255 + 1: 61440 + -38,-3: + 1: 65535 + -38,-2: + 1: 65535 + -38,-1: + 1: 255 + 0: 61440 + -38,-5: + 0: 65535 + -38,0: + 0: 13107 + 3: 34944 + -32,-14: + 1: 20206 + -32,-12: + 1: 65535 + -32,-17: + 0: 29697 + 1: 8 + -31,-16: + 0: 29764 + 1: 34952 + -31,-15: + 1: 36744 + 0: 24612 + -31,-13: + 1: 52975 + -31,-14: + 1: 61064 + 0: 4 + -31,-12: + 1: 61422 + -31,-17: + 1: 36863 + -30,-16: + 0: 61713 + -30,-15: + 0: 61665 + 1: 3840 + -30,-14: + 0: 1 + 1: 47872 + -30,-13: + 1: 7103 + -30,-12: + 1: 65535 + -32,-11: + 1: 61951 + -33,-11: + 1: 61678 + -32,-10: + 1: 65535 + -33,-10: + 1: 61183 + -31,-10: + 1: 3823 + -31,-11: + 1: 61134 + -30,-11: + 1: 47903 + -30,-10: + 1: 7103 + -36,-11: + 1: 58606 + -36,-10: + 1: 238 + 0: 8192 + -35,-11: + 1: 47658 + -35,-10: + 1: 62143 + -35,-9: + 1: 14 + -34,-11: + 1: 65295 + -34,-10: + 1: 45311 + -9,5: + 1: 255 + -8,5: + 1: 58623 + -8,6: + 1: 2798 + -7,5: + 1: 255 + -6,5: + 1: 31 + -5,5: + 1: 3 + -5,6: + 0: 12 + -4,4: + 1: 16 + -4,6: + 0: 15 + -3,6: + 0: 15 + -3,5: + 0: 34952 + -2,6: + 0: 15 + -2,5: + 1: 1092 + 0: 34952 + -1,5: + 1: 1365 + 0: 34952 + -1,6: + 0: 15 + 0,4: + 1: 4368 + 0: 17476 + 0,5: + 1: 273 + 0: 17476 + 0,6: + 0: 7 + -8,-20: + 0: 12288 + -8,-19: + 1: 62224 + -9,-19: + 1: 65524 + -8,-18: + 1: 58623 + -9,-18: + 1: 4095 + -7,-19: + 1: 4096 + -7,-18: + 1: 61649 + -6,-19: + 0: 3857 + 1: 49344 + -6,-20: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -6,-21: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -5,-20: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -5,-19: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -5,-21: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -4,-20: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -4,-19: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -4,-18: + 1: 4368 + 0: 3073 + 0,-4: + 0: 17472 + 0,-2: + 0: 17472 + -16,-19: + 1: 51200 + -16,-18: + 1: 36044 + -15,-19: + 1: 65280 + -15,-18: + 1: 65535 + -15,-17: + 1: 4080 + -15,-20: + 1: 3776 + -15,-21: + 1: 57344 + 0: 3584 + -14,-20: + 1: 272 + -14,-19: + 1: 30464 + -14,-18: + 1: 65535 + -14,-21: + 0: 30464 + -13,-18: + 1: 34959 + -40,1: + 0: 17604 + -40,2: + 0: 17476 + -39,1: + 0: 8954 + 1: 20480 + -39,2: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -38,1: + 0: 8947 + 1: 20480 + -38,2: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -37,2: + 1: 21845 + 0: 8738 + -40,-7: + 0: 17484 + -40,-6: + 0: 17476 + -39,-7: + 1: 21761 + 0: 8750 + -39,-6: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -38,-7: + 0: 8751 + 1: 21760 + -38,-6: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -37,-6: + 1: 1365 + 0: 8738 + -12,-19: + 1: 19520 + -12,-18: + 1: 52224 + -11,-19: + 1: 8480 + -11,-18: + 1: 32512 + -10,-19: + 1: 30583 + -10,-18: + 1: 10759 + -9,-20: + 1: 17472 + 0: 4 + -9,-21: + 1: 61183 + 0: 256 + -4,-21: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -3,-20: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -3,-19: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -3,-18: + 0: 7953 + -3,-17: + 0: 15 + -3,-21: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -2,-20: + 0: 4369 + -2,-19: + 0: 4369 + -2,-18: + 0: 4369 + -2,-21: + 0: 4369 + -8,-23: + 1: 4352 + -9,-23: + 1: 65280 + -8,-22: + 1: 13105 + 0: 2 + -9,-22: + 1: 65535 + -8,-21: + 1: 51 + 0: 768 + -6,-24: + 0: 61440 + -6,-23: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -6,-22: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -5,-24: + 0: 61440 + -5,-23: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -5,-22: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -4,-24: + 0: 61440 + -4,-23: + 0: 7937 + 1: 49360 + -4,-22: + 0: 7953 + 1: 49344 + -10,-22: + 0: 8 + 1: 34944 + -10,-21: + 1: 136 + 0: 2048 + -32,-20: + 0: 16 + 1: 17476 + -33,-20: + 0: 34952 + -32,-19: + 0: 4097 + 1: 17472 + -33,-19: + 0: 34944 + -32,-18: + 0: 4352 + 1: 32836 + -33,-18: + 0: 32904 + -32,-21: + 1: 17476 + 0: 16 + -31,-20: + 1: 65423 + -31,-19: + 1: 65520 + -31,-18: + 1: 63743 + -31,-21: + 1: 62459 + -30,-20: + 1: 30471 + -30,-19: + 1: 30576 + -30,-18: + 1: 61559 + -30,-17: + 1: 1911 + -30,-21: + 1: 30326 + -29,-20: + 1: 4369 + 0: 35016 + -29,-19: + 1: 4368 + 0: 51332 + -29,-21: + 1: 4369 + 0: 34888 + -32,-23: + 0: 327 + 1: 49152 + -33,-23: + 0: 32904 + -32,-22: + 0: 256 + 1: 17476 + -33,-22: + 0: 34952 + -32,-24: + 0: 40960 + -31,-24: + 0: 61440 + -31,-23: + 1: 7936 + 0: 8 + -31,-22: + 1: 16380 + -30,-24: + 0: 61440 + -30,-23: + 1: 50944 + -30,-22: + 1: 26481 + -29,-23: + 0: 33951 + 1: 4096 + -29,-22: + 1: 4369 + 0: 35976 + -29,-24: + 0: 8192 + -33,-21: + 0: 34824 + -3,-24: + 0: 61440 + -3,-23: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -3,-22: + 1: 28784 + 0: 3841 + -2,-24: + 0: 4096 + -2,-23: + 0: 4369 + -2,-22: + 0: 4369 + uniqueMixes: + - volume: 2500 + immutable: True + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 235 + moles: + - 21.824879 + - 82.10312 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 6666.982 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 6666.982 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - volume: 2500 + temperature: 293.15 + moles: + - 0 + - 6666.982 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + chunkSize: 4 + - type: GasTileOverlay + - type: RadiationGridResistance + - type: BecomesStation + id: Plasma +- proto: AcousticGuitarInstrument + entities: + - uid: 6841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.47948,-23.456642 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.53047,-46.275448 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.49832,-18.377594 + parent: 2 +- proto: ActionSleep + entities: + - uid: 2905 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 2904 + - type: InstantAction + originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' + container: 2904 +- proto: ActionToggleLight + entities: + - uid: 17811 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 17810 + - type: InstantAction + originalIconColor: '#FFFFFFFF' + container: 17810 +- proto: AirAlarm + entities: + - uid: 346 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AME Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 9330 + - 18807 + - uid: 374 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Salvage Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23516 + - 9976 + - 23320 + - uid: 428 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Southwest Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18223 + - 457 + - 972 + - 24697 + - 16816 + - 16201 + - uid: 461 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cryosleep Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23370 + - 23872 + - 23368 + - uid: 927 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Artifact Lab Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 2444 + - 2451 + - 6024 + - 6023 + - 16455 + - 17303 + - 25858 + - 25856 + - 25857 + - uid: 1848 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: West Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24800 + - 3320 + - 24787 + - 15159 + - 24578 + - 24570 + - 24569 + - uid: 2136 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 2986 + - 2985 + - 2988 + - 2984 + - 2983 + - 10210 + - 10208 + - 10207 + - 10209 + - 10020 + - 10021 + - 6939 + - uid: 3073 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Captain Bedroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10393 + - 10410 + - 10411 + - 10392 + - 11250 + - 11253 + - 11254 + - uid: 3074 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Captain Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10394 + - 10402 + - 11246 + - 11254 + - uid: 3287 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Boardroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10273 + - 10251 + - 10038 + - 2981 + - 2982 + - 2974 + - 2973 + - 22877 + - 14978 + - 14979 + - 14288 + - 14996 + - 2969 + - 2970 + - 2971 + - 2968 + - 11246 + - 2979 + - 2980 + - 2987 + - 6938 + - uid: 4214 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Exam Room Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24047 + - 24046 + - 9135 + - 12517 + - 12524 + - 12513 + - 11070 + - 24045 + - uid: 5387 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Burn Chamber Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5385 + - uid: 5658 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Plasma Storage Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5379 + - uid: 5898 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15367 + - 5747 + - 14952 + - 14951 + - 14950 + - 14948 + - uid: 5906 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Gravity Generator Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19290 + - uid: 7346 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Janitor Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19755 + - 25698 + - 7776 + - 3494 + - 7808 + - 23895 + - 22713 + - uid: 8070 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Artifact Chamber North Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25859 + - uid: 8072 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Artifact Chamber South Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25860 + - uid: 8411 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Entrance Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 860 + - 853 + - 24038 + - uid: 8934 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Morgue Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24051 + - 11070 + - 8885 + - 11072 + - 5744 + - uid: 8941 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Surgery Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12000 + - 15357 + - 12481 + - 12029 + - 11105 + - 5742 + - 13217 + - 12001 + - 13220 + - uid: 8947 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Virology Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12639 + - 12624 + - 12616 + - 12618 + - 12615 + - 12617 + - 12614 + - 15360 + - uid: 8954 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Surgery Observation Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15356 + - 5746 + - uid: 9146 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Storage Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15361 + - 12569 + - 12570 + - 11100 + - uid: 9162 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chemistry Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12267 + - 12250 + - 12269 + - 12270 + - 2488 + - uid: 9167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11640 + - 24023 + - 23174 + - 11706 + - 24025 + - 24656 + - 18982 + - 24662 + - 4910 + - 7653 + - uid: 9253 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 9244 + - 7046 + - 6594 + - 15848 + - 16965 + - 16404 + - 23865 + - 3308 + - 17426 + - 17447 + - 17145 + - 15037 + - 14353 + - 14356 + - 1782 + - uid: 9273 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Southwest Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18203 + - 24719 + - 788 + - uid: 9346 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Kitchen Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12298 + - 25653 + - 25651 + - uid: 9348 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Freezer Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14863 + - 14864 + - uid: 9430 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Backroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15366 + - 5747 + - 14952 + - 14951 + - 14950 + - 13438 + - 19613 + - 14948 + - uid: 9624 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Armory Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 9476 + - uid: 11242 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoP Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10315 + - 10316 + - 2968 + - 2976 + - 11251 + - uid: 11243 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoP Bedroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10337 + - 10317 + - 10331 + - 10318 + - 11249 + - 2976 + - 11252 + - uid: 11244 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Showroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11230 + - 11231 + - 23990 + - 14980 + - 7351 + - uid: 11298 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Checkpoint Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11731 + - 11730 + - 11766 + - 11765 + - 11767 + - 11805 + - 24031 + - 24034 + - uid: 11722 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arcade Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11728 + - 17415 + - 7787 + - 14358 + - 14360 + - 24647 + - 24646 + - 24645 + - uid: 11837 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Evac Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13212 + - 11972 + - 13023 + - 11975 + - 11898 + - 12399 + - 941 + - 11803 + - 940 + - 11802 + - 11896 + - 14508 + - 14500 + - 14507 + - 11817 + - 11816 + - 11804 + - 11810 + - 11809 + - 23126 + - uid: 11893 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Tool Storage Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10628 + - 22172 + - 13437 + - 12949 + - 12942 + - 10350 + - 18989 + - 18141 + - 7345 + - 7808 + - 23895 + - 22713 + - uid: 12151 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Service Plaza Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14854 + - 14853 + - 23867 + - 15365 + - 14945 + - 14944 + - 14943 + - 14942 + - 24123 + - 14946 + - 14952 + - 14951 + - 14950 + - 14636 + - 14637 + - 1667 + - 9674 + - 14638 + - 14640 + - 19891 + - 23865 + - 16404 + - 16965 + - 15848 + - 9244 + - 7046 + - 15709 + - 15855 + - uid: 14861 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Salvage Breakroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23614 + - 22162 + - 19738 + - uid: 15140 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Library Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14828 + - 15139 + - 24127 + - 24124 + - 24128 + - uid: 15348 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medbay Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15352 + - 15351 + - 12378 + - 12379 + - 15353 + - 15355 + - 15354 + - uid: 15359 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cryogenics Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12407 + - 15358 + - 22990 + - 12419 + - 11108 + - 11105 + - 9134 + - 12047 + - uid: 15364 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Theatre Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 3864 + - 15103 + - 24123 + - 1599 + - uid: 15411 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chapel Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15410 + - 24124 + - 24125 + - 24126 + - uid: 15412 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chapel Backroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15079 + - 15078 + - 24126 + - uid: 15413 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Library Backroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24128 + - 14285 + - 15121 + - uid: 15415 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Dorms Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15374 + - 15370 + - 15375 + - 15371 + - 15372 + - 15368 + - 15369 + - 15373 + - 15417 + - uid: 15416 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Dorms Restroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15581 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Robotics Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20154 + - 20153 + - 20376 + - 4806 + - 4826 + - 5626 + - 5622 + - uid: 16218 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Disposals Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10556 + - 11656 + - 22218 + - 10448 + - 1166 + - uid: 17332 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Artifact Lab Entrance Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13824 + - 16746 + - uid: 17569 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: CMO Private Exam Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17180 + - 24048 + - 24045 + - uid: 17849 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Canister Storage Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15036 + - 25561 + - 11829 + - uid: 18696 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Warden Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17988 + - 17989 + - 18024 + - 18012 + - 18708 + - uid: 18697 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Locker Room Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18709 + - 18046 + - 18037 + - 18038 + - 18048 + - uid: 18698 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Detective Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18720 + - 18183 + - 17859 + - 18719 + - 18137 + - uid: 18699 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17924 + - 17967 + - 17896 + - 17897 + - 17922 + - 17856 + - 17855 + - 17857 + - 17858 + - 17853 + - uid: 18700 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Lawyer Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18718 + - uid: 18701 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Permabrig Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18717 + - 18716 + - 18715 + - 18714 + - 18166 + - uid: 18702 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Permabrig Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18713 + - 18712 + - uid: 18703 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Interogation Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18704 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoS Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18060 + - 18722 + - 18072 + - uid: 18705 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoS Bedroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 16034 + - 17442 + - 18721 + - uid: 18706 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Entrance Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17994 + - 18707 + - 17241 + - uid: 18723 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Newsroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18725 + - 18201 + - 18200 + - 18724 + - 16206 + - 17865 + - uid: 19277 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Workshop Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 17091 + - 19288 + - 18053 + - uid: 19278 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Breakroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18852 + - 18843 + - 18844 + - 19289 + - uid: 19280 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: CE Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19291 + - 19292 + - uid: 19281 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: SMES Bank Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10148 + - uid: 19282 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Entrance Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18892 + - 18893 + - 19285 + - 18985 + - uid: 19284 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 16940 + - 5384 + - uid: 19286 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19287 + - 421 + - uid: 19293 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Control Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19295 + - 19294 + - 18965 + - 15582 + - uid: 19297 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19298 + - uid: 19798 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: QM Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19687 + - 19796 + - 19689 + - 19713 + - 19797 + - 19714 + - uid: 19805 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Front Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19804 + - uid: 19806 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Warehouse Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19792 + - 19652 + - 19653 + - uid: 19910 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: East Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11346 + - 18910 + - 10012 + - 10013 + - 143 + - 11794 + - 13448 + - 13442 + - 13439 + - 14628 + - 14635 + - 14627 + - 8328 + - 8331 + - 8327 + - 13443 + - 13441 + - 13440 + - 7894 + - 7864 + - 7805 + - 13467 + - 12928 + - 12903 + - 14507 + - 14508 + - 14500 + - 14955 + - 24779 + - 24782 + - 24783 + - uid: 20216 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Breakroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 4332 + - 19029 + - 20094 + - uid: 20303 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Telecommunications Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 275 + - 20304 + - uid: 20316 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Foyer Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20045 + - 20371 + - 20044 + - 20380 + - 21471 + - 21470 + - 21469 + - 21466 + - 21468 + - 21467 + - 21463 + - 12746 + - uid: 20318 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Breakroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20373 + - 20374 + - 20375 + - uid: 20367 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Charging Bay Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20120 + - 20119 + - 20377 + - uid: 20372 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: RD Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20252 + - 20251 + - 14633 + - 7825 + - 20079 + - uid: 20948 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: CMO Office Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 16901 + - 23776 + - 23925 + - 23926 + - 15795 + - 16840 + - 24050 + - 24048 + - 24049 + - uid: 21036 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Desk Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 15048 + - 19791 + - 14840 + - uid: 21473 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Workshop Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20074 + - 20104 + - 20472 + - uid: 22168 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: EVA Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 22171 + - 14935 + - 14877 + - 11265 + - 24682 + - 24680 + - 24681 + - 24693 + - uid: 23400 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Breakroom Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19571 + - 19790 + - uid: 23681 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Central Hallway Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23678 + - 23677 + - 13488 + - 442 + - 23679 + - 23680 + - 13514 + - 12948 + - 14979 + - 14978 + - 1667 + - 9674 + - 11251 + - 14288 + - 14996 + - 14627 + - 14635 + - 14628 + - 16293 + - 15676 + - uid: 23983 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Burn Chamber Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23984 + - uid: 24026 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Cafe Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24032 + - 17444 + - 24020 + - 24027 + - 14937 + - 14938 + - 14936 + - uid: 24037 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Desk Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25633 + - 25632 + - uid: 24043 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Psychology Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12344 + - 12307 + - 24044 + - uid: 24742 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Pool Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24743 + - 24722 + - 24720 + - 24130 + - 15021 + - 9250 + - uid: 25258 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Core Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25263 + - 25091 + - 25250 + - 25257 + - 25256 + - 25150 + - 25248 + - uid: 25264 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Observation Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25090 + - 25266 + - 25235 + - uid: 25270 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Power Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 24899 + - 25192 + - uid: 25280 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Upload Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25190 + - 25265 + - 25177 + - uid: 25402 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Cargo Bay Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25644 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Paramedic Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12271 + - 15039 + - 10133 + - uid: 25886 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Anomally Lab Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 20370 + - 14618 + - 20190 + - 20361 + - 20362 + - 20203 + - uid: 25887 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Bay Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19717 + - 13223 + - 19558 + - 19726 + - 24558 + - 19789 + - uid: 26179 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Evac Checkpoint Air Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11896 + - 13210 + - 13021 + - 11803 +- proto: AirCanister + entities: + - uid: 1236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Airlock + entities: + - uid: 3771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockArmoryGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 3947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockAssemblyShuttleGlass + entities: + - uid: 20323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsLocked + entities: + - uid: 4828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockBarGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 2543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockBarLocked + entities: + - uid: 3814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 1891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 387: + - DoorStatus: Close + 386: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 1946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 4 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 386: + - DoorStatus: Close + 387: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 6887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCaptainLocked + entities: + - uid: 2885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCargo + entities: + - uid: 17165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 4540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockChapelLocked + entities: + - uid: 3885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockChemistryGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockChiefEngineerGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 2671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockChiefEngineerLocked + entities: + - uid: 6298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockChiefMedicalOfficerLocked + entities: + - uid: 7952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCommand + entities: + - uid: 7468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCommandGlass + entities: + - uid: 20347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector + - uid: 23422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector +- proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 23 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector + - uid: 24915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector +- proto: AirlockDetectiveLocked + entities: + - uid: 1822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockEngineering + entities: + - uid: 9073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10197: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 23296: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 5964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 310: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 17595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5899: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternal + entities: + - uid: 7378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7384: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 17236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 18032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternalEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 13904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 17502: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlass + entities: + - uid: 115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 1771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 23005: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 7659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 9280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 10081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 514: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassAtmosphericsLocked + entities: + - uid: 608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5533: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 5533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 608: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 8598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassCargoLocked + entities: + - uid: 1898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 10565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 10566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 1880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 24574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 24883: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 24883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 24574: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 6122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6124: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + 6123: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 6123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6122: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 6124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6122: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 17502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13904: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 21310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 21322: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 21322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 21310: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 5606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7378: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 9344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11057: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 9652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10487: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 9984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9985: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 9985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9984: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 10185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10184: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 11057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9344: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 17519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 23005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1771: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 24228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 24227: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals + entities: + - uid: 8647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEmergencyLocked + entities: + - uid: 8718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEscape + entities: + - uid: 5882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked + entities: + - uid: 514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 24217: + - DoorStatus: InputA + - DockStatus: InputB + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 16318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 16324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: AirlockExternalLocked + entities: + - uid: 10184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10185: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 10487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9652: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 24227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 24228: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt +- proto: AirlockFreezerHydroponicsLocked + entities: + - uid: 3410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockFreezerLocked + entities: + - uid: 3409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockGlass + entities: + - uid: 386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1946: + - DoorStatus: Close + 1936: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 3 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1936: + - DoorStatus: Close + 1946: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 3598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6732: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 14491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6728: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 14567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18746 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle + entities: + - uid: 8652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 8742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 10563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 10564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 24212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHatchMaintenance + entities: + - uid: 3340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHeadOfPersonnelLocked + entities: + - uid: 397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 5708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHeadOfSecurityLocked + entities: + - uid: 5716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHydroGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 3412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockHydroponics + entities: + - uid: 3414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockJanitorLocked + entities: + - uid: 7774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockKitchenLocked + entities: + - uid: 1447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintArmoryLocked + entities: + - uid: 2114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintAtmoLocked + entities: + - uid: 5810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintBarLocked + entities: + - uid: 15696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintCaptainLocked + entities: + - uid: 395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintCargoLocked + entities: + - uid: 10747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintChemLocked + entities: + - uid: 3921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 4310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintEngiLocked + entities: + - uid: 1924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintHOPLocked + entities: + - uid: 2912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintHydroLocked + entities: + - uid: 8335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintJanitorLocked + entities: + - uid: 3502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintKitchenLocked + entities: + - uid: 3411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintLocked + entities: + - uid: 139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 3 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9820: + - DoorStatus: Close + 23603: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 9820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9819: + - DoorStatus: Close + 9821: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 9821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9820: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 10142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9819: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 23999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintMedLocked + entities: + - uid: 1118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintRnDLocked + entities: + - uid: 16520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMaintSecLocked + entities: + - uid: 8659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7455: + - DoorStatus: Close +- proto: AirlockMaintServiceLocked + entities: + - uid: 11001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMedical + entities: + - uid: 1119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 3967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMedicalMorgueLocked + entities: + - uid: 401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockMedicalMorgueMaintLocked + entities: + - uid: 928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockQuartermasterGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 4713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockQuartermasterLocked + entities: + - uid: 4705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockResearchDirectorLocked + entities: + - uid: 1600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockSalvageGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 4690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockScienceGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 16 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7859: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 7857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13624: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 7859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7848: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 8080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7857: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 13827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockScienceLocked + entities: + - uid: 16086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 14491: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 6732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13565: + - DoorStatus: DoorBolt + - uid: 8247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockSecurityLawyerLocked + entities: + - uid: 4905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockSecurityLocked + entities: + - uid: 7455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19605: + - DoorStatus: Close +- proto: AirlockServiceLocked + entities: + - uid: 3850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockTheatreLocked + entities: + - uid: 3369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockVirologyGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 4164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirlockVirologyLocked + entities: + - uid: 4166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AirSensor + entities: + - uid: 143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19286 + - uid: 788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9273 + - uid: 972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - uid: 1166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16218 + - uid: 2488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9162 + - uid: 5379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 5658 + - uid: 5385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 5387 + - uid: 6938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 6939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 9976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 374 + - uid: 11794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 14358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - uid: 14618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - uid: 14633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20372 + - uid: 15039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25644 + - 25641 + - uid: 15139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15140 + - uid: 15353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - 26109 + - uid: 15354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - 17850 + - uid: 15355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - 25647 + - uid: 15356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8954 + - uid: 15357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - 25645 + - uid: 15358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - 15026 + - uid: 15360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - 25648 + - uid: 15361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9146 + - uid: 15365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 15366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9430 + - uid: 15367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 5898 + - uid: 15410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15411 + - uid: 15417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - uid: 17180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17569 + - uid: 18707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18706 + - uid: 18708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18696 + - uid: 18709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18697 + - uid: 18710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18702 + - uid: 18713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18702 + - uid: 18714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18701 + - uid: 18715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18701 + - uid: 18716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18701 + - uid: 18717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18701 + - uid: 18718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18700 + - uid: 18719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18698 + - uid: 18720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18698 + - uid: 18721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18705 + - uid: 18722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18704 + - uid: 18724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - uid: 18725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - uid: 19285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19282 + - uid: 19287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19286 + - uid: 19288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19277 + - uid: 19289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19278 + - uid: 19290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 5906 + - uid: 19291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19280 + - uid: 19292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19280 + - uid: 19294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19293 + - uid: 19295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19293 + - uid: 19298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19297 + - uid: 19738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14861 + - uid: 19789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - uid: 19790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23400 + - uid: 19791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21036 + - uid: 19792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19806 + - uid: 19796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - uid: 19797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - uid: 19804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19805 + - uid: 20094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20216 + - uid: 20370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - uid: 20371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 20373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20318 + - uid: 20376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - uid: 20377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20367 + - uid: 20378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 20472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21473 + - uid: 22171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - 24785 + - uid: 22172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 23126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15347 + - 11837 + - uid: 23370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 461 + - uid: 23680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 23925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - uid: 23926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - uid: 23984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23983 + - uid: 23990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11244 + - 23991 + - uid: 24025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - 9167 + - uid: 24027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - uid: 24034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - uid: 24038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8411 + - uid: 24044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24043 + - uid: 24046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - 19747 + - uid: 24051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8934 + - uid: 24578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - uid: 24662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - uid: 24697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - uid: 24743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - uid: 25263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - uid: 25265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25280 + - uid: 25266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25264 + - uid: 25561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17849 + - uid: 25653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9346 + - 25649 + - uid: 25692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - uid: 25856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - uid: 25857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - uid: 25858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - uid: 25859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8070 + - uid: 25860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8072 +- proto: AltarChaos + entities: + - uid: 15414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AltarSpawner + entities: + - uid: 1470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AltarToolbox + entities: + - uid: 16714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AlwaysPoweredLightExterior + entities: + - uid: 1593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AlwaysPoweredWallLight + entities: + - uid: 19331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AmeController + entities: + - uid: 24284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AmeJar + entities: + - uid: 18753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AmePartFlatpack + entities: + - uid: 1895 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1887 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 14676 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 14612 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 341 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chapel APC + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 381 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Entrance APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 973 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Southwest Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3069 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Captain Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3126 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Boardroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3136 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoP Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3322 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Service Plaza APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3395 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3719 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bar APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4211 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cryogenics APC + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4216 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Exam Room APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4225 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Station Anchor APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4387 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Salvage APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4410 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Telecommunications APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4990 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arcade APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5159 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: EVA APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5393 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: 'Plasma Pit #045' + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5836 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6228 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Gravity Generator APC + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7226 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars APC + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7956 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: RD Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8020 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Breakroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8021 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Foyer APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8023 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Anomally Lab APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8027 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Workshop APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8310 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Evac APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8342 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8354 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8931 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Storage APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8933 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Morgue APC + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9076 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Old Dock APC + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9157 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Virology APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9357 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Old Engineering APC + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9638 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Old Cargo APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9833 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Toolroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10543 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Kitchen APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11326 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Checkpoint APC + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13009 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chemistry APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13016 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Entrance APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13608 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13720 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Artifact Lab APC + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13742 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: East Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14167 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Robotics APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14237 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cloning APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -17.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14281 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: CMO Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15262 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cryosleep APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15429 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Library APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16220 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Disposals APC + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17134 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Dorms APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18385 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Utility APC + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18402 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Warden Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18403 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Storage APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18404 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Permabrig APC + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18405 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: HoS Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18406 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18407 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Detective APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18408 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Lawyer APC + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18990 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Breakroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19026 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: CE Office APC + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19028 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Workshop APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19053 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: SMES Bank APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19075 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19156 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AME APC + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19157 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19764 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: QM Office APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19812 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Warehouse APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19814 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Desk APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19815 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Dock APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20011 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Breakroom APC + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20851 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Southeast Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21872 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Breakroom APC + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22123 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Northeast Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22493 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Newsroom APC + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22703 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Northwest Maintenance APC + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22712 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Theatre APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24078 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Surgery APC + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24477 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: 'Plasma Pit #046 APC' + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25110 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Core APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25136 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Observation APC + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25271 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Upload APC + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25272 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Power APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25880 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25949 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Central Hallway APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: APCHighCapacity + entities: + - uid: 2133 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge APC + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: APCHyperCapacity + entities: + - uid: 3246 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Vault APC + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AppraisalTool + entities: + - uid: 23940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.346176,-4.3438354 + parent: 2 +- proto: ArrivalsShuttleTimer + entities: + - uid: 26176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ArtifactFragment1 + entities: + - uid: 5997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.53247,-45.469967 + parent: 2 +- proto: ArtistCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.333496,-74.33859 + parent: 2 +- proto: Ash + entities: + - uid: 995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.85779,0.399868 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.143217,-62.774654 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.486967,-66.39966 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.471342,-68.54028 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.002594,-65.44653 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.32654,-3.3819437 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.469,-1.4781933 + parent: 2 +- proto: Ashtray + entities: + - uid: 20935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.49543,-40.523304 + parent: 2 +- proto: AsimovCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.54267,-70.58629 + parent: 2 +- proto: AsteroidRock + entities: + - uid: 145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosDeviceFanDirectional + entities: + - uid: 3444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker + entities: + - uid: 3618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixFreezerMarker + entities: + - uid: 1450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixNitrogenMarker + entities: + - uid: 844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixOxygenMarker + entities: + - uid: 3759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: AtmosFixPlasmaMarker + entities: + - uid: 5717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Autolathe + entities: + - uid: 5871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerCargo + entities: + - uid: 15922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerEngineering + entities: + - uid: 7577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerMedical + entities: + - uid: 978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerNanotrasen + entities: + - uid: 2799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerScience + entities: + - uid: 7578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BannerSecurity + entities: + - uid: 15912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BarberScissors + entities: + - uid: 3403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Barricade + entities: + - uid: 2132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BarSignEngineChange + entities: + - uid: 8776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BarSignRobustaCafe + entities: + - uid: 15680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BaseBallBat + entities: + - uid: 9740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.34879,31.563398 + parent: 2 +- proto: BaseComputer + entities: + - uid: 2712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BaseComputerAiAccess + entities: + - uid: 12335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BeachBall + entities: + - uid: 2492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Beaker + entities: + - uid: 3952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.59973,-20.604137 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.427856,-20.697887 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.594004,-52.75087 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.422129,-52.547745 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.65073,-43.445347 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.36948,-43.226597 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.741882,-24.273897 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.413757,-24.539522 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.579796,-29.695034 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.22042,-29.585659 + parent: 2 +- proto: Bed + entities: + - uid: 1389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetBrown + entities: + - uid: 2048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetCaptain + entities: + - uid: 7099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetCE + entities: + - uid: 6290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetClown + entities: + - uid: 9709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetCMO + entities: + - uid: 8507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetCult + entities: + - uid: 14829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetHOP + entities: + - uid: 833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetHOS + entities: + - uid: 6771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetMedical + entities: + - uid: 4148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12538 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12540 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12542 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetOrange + entities: + - uid: 7040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetQM + entities: + - uid: 950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetRD + entities: + - uid: 7375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BedsheetSpawner + entities: + - uid: 1683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BenchBlueComfy + entities: + - uid: 4976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Biogenerator + entities: + - uid: 16639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BlastDoor + entities: + - uid: 668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25870: + - DoorStatus: Input + - uid: 4923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 23169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BlastDoorOpen + entities: + - uid: 1825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 2796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - uid: 6659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - uid: 9642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 17813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 17814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: BlockGameArcade + entities: + - uid: 9587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Bloodpack + entities: + - uid: 21013 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 10908 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 21371 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 10908 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 21372 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 10908 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 21373 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 10908 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: BlueprintFulton + entities: + - uid: 4429 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: A highly detailed schematic for an older shuttle. A skilled engineer might discern the rough layout of an exploration shuttle - modified nearly beyond recognition. + name: shuttle blueprint + - type: Transform + pos: -55.51698,-77.4413 + parent: 2 + missingComponents: + - Blueprint + - StaticPrice + - DamageOnHighSpeedImpact + - DamageExaminable +- proto: Bonfire + entities: + - uid: 16729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BookRandomStory + entities: + - uid: 26073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.674294,-54.610935 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.53367,-54.47031 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.40867,-54.28281 + parent: 2 +- proto: BooksBag + entities: + - uid: 22392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BookshelfFilled + entities: + - uid: 1467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BookSpaceLaw + entities: + - uid: 9558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.48817,-43.491272 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.492687,8.519552 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoozeDispenser + entities: + - uid: 8791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BorgCharger + entities: + - uid: 7320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxBeaker + entities: + - uid: 6471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.31848,-18.307262 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.97498,-45.376217 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxBeanbag + entities: + - uid: 6600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.44247,-26.461073 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.69247,-26.289198 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.74675,-22.28722 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.3405,-22.271595 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.731125,-22.69347 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.356125,-22.69347 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxBodyBag + entities: + - uid: 6473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.496006,-33.367466 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxBottle + entities: + - uid: 6472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.27236,-27.271065 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.350494,-30.40701 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxFolderBlue + entities: + - uid: 9351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.365578,-66.53682 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.52247,-46.534004 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.437374,-7.2991943 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxFolderClipboard + entities: + - uid: 9178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.498915,-18.369574 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.504606,-32.4328 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.129547,-54.39753 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.434715,-2.3035812 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxFolderGreen + entities: + - uid: 19468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.54664,-7.3773193 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxFolderRed + entities: + - uid: 9043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.615578,-66.31807 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.58497,-39.400845 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.45729,-31.509472 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.656013,-7.5023193 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxFolderWhite + entities: + - uid: 3966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.57716,-18.555086 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.601242,-30.38113 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.462494,-21.347675 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxHandcuff + entities: + - uid: 6835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.4528,-27.475985 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.49786,-32.33868 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxingBell + entities: + - uid: 16101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxLatexGloves + entities: + - uid: 4183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.202202,-48.277267 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxLethalshot + entities: + - uid: 22278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.731125,-21.66222 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.403,-21.66222 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.778,-21.365345 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.403,-21.365345 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxLightbulb + entities: + - uid: 3383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.48167,-5.364894 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxLightMixed + entities: + - uid: 587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.502157,-9.501452 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxLighttube + entities: + - uid: 3334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.356392,-5.218974 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxMouthSwab + entities: + - uid: 4182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.629139,-48.317467 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxPerformer + entities: + - uid: 20950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.446175,-36.496502 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxSterileMask + entities: + - uid: 4181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.639702,-48.464767 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.443893,-27.24779 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxSyringe + entities: + - uid: 4187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.531504,-54.34988 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.497005,-27.418947 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.615356,-18.119762 + parent: 2 +- proto: BoxTrashbag + entities: + - uid: 25672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.66917,-5.489894 + parent: 2 +- proto: BrigTimer + entities: + - uid: 368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 357: + - Timer: AutoClose + - Start: Close + - Timer: Open + - uid: 516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 915: + - Timer: AutoClose + - Start: Close + - Timer: Open + - uid: 517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 512: + - Timer: AutoClose + - Start: Close + - Timer: Open +- proto: Brutepack + entities: + - uid: 20642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.480568,-56.536194 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.85533,-3.5872755 + parent: 2 +- proto: Bucket + entities: + - uid: 4819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.43224,-49.377106 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8165 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 11188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.30467,-19.362368 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameCaution + entities: + - uid: 1343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,4.25 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameCautionSecurity + entities: + - uid: 5327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameExit + entities: + - uid: 2446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-21 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameGrey + entities: + - uid: 1226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ButtonFrameJanitor + entities: + - uid: 7044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableApcExtension + entities: + - uid: 7 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableApcStack + entities: + - uid: 4360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.681332,-6.5260487 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableApcStack1 + entities: + - uid: 21068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableApcStack10 + entities: + - uid: 6303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.567604,-15.923107 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.319096,-53.09528 + parent: 2 +- proto: Cablecuffs + entities: + - uid: 9741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.77067,31.625898 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableHV + entities: + - uid: 159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2082 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Deterence SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableHVStack + entities: + - uid: 4380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.321957,-6.1822987 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableMV + entities: + - uid: 261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableMVStack + entities: + - uid: 4379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.525082,-6.3854237 + parent: 2 +- proto: CableTerminal + entities: + - uid: 2019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Candle + entities: + - uid: 26089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.705303,-43.69443 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.50218,-43.491306 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.28343,-43.69443 + parent: 2 +- proto: CandleRed + entities: + - uid: 17455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.54828,-58.444664 + parent: 2 +- proto: CandyBowl + entities: + - uid: 3927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.443195,-16.486511 + parent: 2 +- proto: CaptainIDCard + entities: + - uid: 22261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.606716,0.5633166 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarbonDioxideCanister + entities: + - uid: 5270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Carpet + entities: + - uid: 1601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13542 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13546 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14561 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetBlack + entities: + - uid: 9268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11225 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14546 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14556 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetBlue + entities: + - uid: 391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11221 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetChapel + entities: + - uid: 14294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetGreen + entities: + - uid: 5719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25540 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetOrange + entities: + - uid: 969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CarpetPurple + entities: + - uid: 920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Catwalk + entities: + - uid: 15 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -153.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -146.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -148.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -156.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -156.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -77.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -153.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21017 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22017 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22213 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23175 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25498 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25518 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Chair + entities: + - uid: 128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairFolding + entities: + - uid: 26054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.532234,-61.424862 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairOfficeDark + entities: + - uid: 865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.43836,-14.410664 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.49605,-6.624262 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.46961,-6.4645147 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.48166,-17.435017 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9213 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairOfficeLight + entities: + - uid: 1560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairPilotSeat + entities: + - uid: 1807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChairWood + entities: + - uid: 8785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CheapRollerBed + entities: + - uid: 4083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.493301,-29.299633 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.508926,-29.284008 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChemDispenser + entities: + - uid: 3929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChemistryHotplate + entities: + - uid: 3949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChemMaster + entities: + - uid: 3928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChurchBell + entities: + - uid: 15126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ChurchOrganInstrument + entities: + - uid: 14792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Cigar + entities: + - uid: 22289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.50663,-46.59518 + parent: 2 +- proto: CigaretteSpent + entities: + - uid: 2442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.51284,-4.350784 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.43372,-1.2921429 + parent: 2 +- proto: CigarGoldCase + entities: + - uid: 4306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.64852,-4.3971386 + parent: 2 +- proto: CigarGoldSpent + entities: + - uid: 21063 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21062 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: CigPackBlack + entities: + - uid: 21461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.7455,36.61736 + parent: 2 +- proto: CircuitImprinter + entities: + - uid: 5873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CleanerDispenser + entities: + - uid: 25668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CleanerGrenade + entities: + - uid: 3324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.590767,-4.781474 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.247017,-4.422099 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.418892,-4.640849 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClockworkGrilleBroken + entities: + - uid: 22118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22359 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetBombFilled + entities: + - uid: 7261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetChefFilled + entities: + - uid: 3491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetEmergency + entities: + - uid: 20259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetEmergencyN2FilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 4206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetFire + entities: + - uid: 16929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetFireFilled + entities: + - uid: 2420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - uid: 13666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetJanitorFilled + entities: + - uid: 3332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetL3JanitorFilled + entities: + - uid: 22639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetL3ScienceFilled + entities: + - uid: 5998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetL3SecurityFilled + entities: + - uid: 6718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetL3VirologyFilled + entities: + - uid: 4188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetMaintenanceFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 1512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetRadiationSuitFilled + entities: + - uid: 7844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetSteelBase + entities: + - uid: 4151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 9657 + - 9655 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + - uid: 26157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClosetTool + entities: + - uid: 13537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 13538 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: ClosetToolFilled + entities: + - uid: 4977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingBackpackDuffelSurgeryFilled + entities: + - uid: 3894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.47029,-38.43946 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.501163,-36.28371 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.485538,-38.330585 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.49293,-55.3451 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.523182,-37.31406 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingBackpackWaterTank + entities: + - uid: 3370 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3368 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityEngineering + entities: + - uid: 13538 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 13537 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 18770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled + entities: + - uid: 24497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.52224,-6.4022703 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses + entities: + - uid: 11158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.522255,-43.642056 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingBlue + entities: + - uid: 1706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed + entities: + - uid: 3965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesColorYellow + entities: + - uid: 4381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.49561,-5.6866364 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHeadFishCap + entities: + - uid: 3305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.51768,-42.386246 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatCone + entities: + - uid: 22975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.74715,-37.22033 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.24715,-37.204704 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.53278,-28.690674 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.50319,-28.503174 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.643814,-28.300049 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.95027,-28.066614 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatPirate + entities: + - uid: 24563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.954203,-70.19411 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatUshanka + entities: + - uid: 11625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.908735,4.571392 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingMaskGasAtmos + entities: + - uid: 18813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.44845,12.663849 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingNeckGoldAutismPin + entities: + - uid: 9590 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21062 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingNeckGoldmedal + entities: + - uid: 4302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.52667,-0.5660391 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingNeckLawyerbadge + entities: + - uid: 11850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.616005,-43.298306 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingOuterCoatPirate + entities: + - uid: 24562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.922953,-70.55348 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingOuterWinterEngi + entities: + - uid: 12180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.49207,-7.485811 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingShoesBootsMag + entities: + - uid: 24375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.427452,-4.375092 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.724327,-4.578217 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingShoesFlippers + entities: + - uid: 23877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.47555,-40.507927 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingUnderSocksCoder + entities: + - uid: 9657 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 9728 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 20344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.44157,-60.670666 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtJanimaidmini + entities: + - uid: 1859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.489,17.553165 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9655 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 9728 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitJournalist + entities: + - uid: 16015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5954,-33.615555 + parent: 2 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitReporter + entities: + - uid: 16014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.43915,-33.53743 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComfyChair + entities: + - uid: 1641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CommandmentCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.489746,-74.612564 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerAlert + entities: + - uid: 2505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerAnalysisConsole + entities: + - uid: 7205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + range: 7 + linkedPorts: + 14168: + - ArtifactAnalyzerSender: ArtifactAnalyzerReceiver + - uid: 7251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + range: 7 + linkedPorts: + 15401: + - ArtifactAnalyzerSender: ArtifactAnalyzerReceiver +- proto: ComputerAtmosMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 5571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: computerBodyScanner + entities: + - uid: 3700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerBroken + entities: + - uid: 9055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCargoBounty + entities: + - uid: 4728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCargoOrders + entities: + - uid: 4727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerComms + entities: + - uid: 2690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 2687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords + entities: + - uid: 1623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerFrame + entities: + - uid: 1159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerId + entities: + - uid: 2701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerMassMedia + entities: + - uid: 15990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerMedicalRecords + entities: + - uid: 2692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerRadar + entities: + - uid: 3302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerResearchAndDevelopment + entities: + - uid: 2680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerRoboticsControl + entities: + - uid: 7394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerShuttleCargo + entities: + - uid: 2711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerSolarControl + entities: + - uid: 5889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerStationRecords + entities: + - uid: 2696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor + entities: + - uid: 2688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerSurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitor + entities: + - uid: 15991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ComputerTelevision + entities: + - uid: 3681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ConveyorBelt + entities: + - uid: 1576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6000 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11757 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CorporateCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.4333,-70.38316 + parent: 2 +- proto: CottonBol + entities: + - uid: 9131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.749928,-61.347958 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.624928,-61.332333 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.390553,-61.160458 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateArtifactContainer + entities: + - uid: 5995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateCoffin + entities: + - uid: 26093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 26097 +- proto: CrateContrabandStorageSecure + entities: + - uid: 19262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEmergencyInternals + entities: + - uid: 1304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEmergencyInternalsLarge + entities: + - uid: 24485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEmptySpawner + entities: + - uid: 23378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding + entities: + - uid: 1887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.1462 + moles: + - 1.606311 + - 6.042789 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 1895 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + - uid: 14612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 14676 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk + entities: + - uid: 15433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableHV + entities: + - uid: 9653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateEngineeringShuttle + entities: + - uid: 1157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateFilledSpawner + entities: + - uid: 609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateFreezer + entities: + - uid: 1355 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: If it works, it works. + name: Mother-of-All Cryostasis Beds + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.147 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - uid: 17839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 23495 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateFunToyBox + entities: + - uid: 9711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateGenericSteel + entities: + - uid: 3368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.8856695 + - 7.0937095 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 7495 + - 6994 + - 3376 + - 3370 + - 8032 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + - uid: 6250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialGlass + entities: + - uid: 12923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialPlasma + entities: + - uid: 12922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialPlastic + entities: + - uid: 12920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialRandom + entities: + - uid: 26144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialSteel + entities: + - uid: 1199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 1201 + - 1202 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + - uid: 12921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMaterialTextiles + entities: + - uid: 14585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateMedical + entities: + - uid: 10908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 21013 + - 21371 + - 21372 + - 21373 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateMedicalSecure + entities: + - uid: 13261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateNPCHamlet + entities: + - uid: 23308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateNPCMothroach + entities: + - uid: 9305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateSecurityTrackingMindshieldImplants + entities: + - uid: 14658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateServiceJanitorialSupplies + entities: + - uid: 22361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateSurgery + entities: + - uid: 1383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateTrashCartFilled + entities: + - uid: 20942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateTrashCartJani + entities: + - uid: 12925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrateWoodenGrave + entities: + - uid: 26155 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: A grim reminder of the great mothroach genocide of 2565... + name: Mothroach Grave Marker + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Crematorium + entities: + - uid: 16532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrewMonitoringServer + entities: + - uid: 10499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Crowbar + entities: + - uid: 981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.513216,-5.903213 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.52356,-7.667283 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.46083,-76.387024 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrowbarRed + entities: + - uid: 23122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.319935,-68.58057 + parent: 2 +- proto: CrowbarYellow + entities: + - uid: 7921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.547356,8.32823 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.401566,-2.6883063 + parent: 2 +- proto: CryogenicSleepUnit + entities: + - uid: 9714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CryogenicSleepUnitSpawner + entities: + - uid: 23891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CryogenicSleepUnitSpawnerLateJoin + entities: + - uid: 1008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CryoPod + entities: + - uid: 4029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall + entities: + - uid: 4208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.557234,-28.476189 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.354109,-28.288689 + parent: 2 +- proto: CurtainsBlue + entities: + - uid: 22474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CurtainsBlueOpen + entities: + - uid: 2846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: CurtainsRedOpen + entities: + - uid: 4982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeacon + entities: + - uid: 18947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: NavMapBeacon + color: '#EFB34193' + text: TEG Control Room + - type: WarpPoint + location: TEG Control Room +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAICore + entities: + - uid: 25376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAIPower + entities: + - uid: 25374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAIUpload + entities: + - uid: 25375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAME + entities: + - uid: 18944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAnchor + entities: + - uid: 17206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAnomalyGenerator + entities: + - uid: 22146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconArmory + entities: + - uid: 22147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconArrivals + entities: + - uid: 22148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconArtifactLab + entities: + - uid: 25862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconAtmospherics + entities: + - uid: 25885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconBar + entities: + - uid: 652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconBotany + entities: + - uid: 22151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconBridge + entities: + - uid: 22152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconBrig + entities: + - uid: 22153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCaptainsQuarters + entities: + - uid: 22155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCargoBay + entities: + - uid: 22157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCargoReception + entities: + - uid: 22156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCERoom + entities: + - uid: 22154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconChapel + entities: + - uid: 22158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconChemistry + entities: + - uid: 22159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCMORoom + entities: + - uid: 24283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCommand + entities: + - uid: 22160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCryonics + entities: + - uid: 22161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconCryosleep + entities: + - uid: 24676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconDetectiveRoom + entities: + - uid: 22164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconDorms + entities: + - uid: 22166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEngineering + entities: + - uid: 3522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: 'Plasma Pit #045' + - type: WarpPoint + location: 'Plasma Pit #045' + - uid: 12927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEscapePod + entities: + - uid: 4563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEvac + entities: + - uid: 22143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconEVAStorage + entities: + - uid: 22167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconGravGen + entities: + - uid: 18950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconHOPOffice + entities: + - uid: 22174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconHOSRoom + entities: + - uid: 22173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconJanitorsCloset + entities: + - uid: 22175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconKitchen + entities: + - uid: 22176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconLawOffice + entities: + - uid: 22177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconLibrary + entities: + - uid: 22178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconMedbay + entities: + - uid: 8594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconMedical + entities: + - uid: 8592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: Virology + - type: WarpPoint + location: Virology + - uid: 8595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: Psychology + - type: WarpPoint + location: Psychology +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconMorgue + entities: + - uid: 22180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconPermaBrig + entities: + - uid: 22181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconPowerBank + entities: + - uid: 18948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconQMRoom + entities: + - uid: 22182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconRDRoom + entities: + - uid: 22183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconRND + entities: + - uid: 22185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconRobotics + entities: + - uid: 22186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSalvage + entities: + - uid: 3407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconScience + entities: + - uid: 22187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSecurity + entities: + - uid: 22188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSecurityCheckpoint + entities: + - uid: 22189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconService + entities: + - uid: 8596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: NavMapBeacon + text: Newsroom + - type: WarpPoint + location: Newsroom +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSolars + entities: + - uid: 1843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconSurgery + entities: + - uid: 22233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconTEG + entities: + - uid: 18946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconTelecoms + entities: + - uid: 4483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconTheater + entities: + - uid: 22234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconToolRoom + entities: + - uid: 22236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconVault + entities: + - uid: 22235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefaultStationBeaconWardensOffice + entities: + - uid: 22237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled + entities: + - uid: 4009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DeployableBarrier + entities: + - uid: 1730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DeskBell + entities: + - uid: 2942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.519993,-9.44313 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.52145,-24.442335 + parent: 2 +- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser + entities: + - uid: 4173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalBend + entities: + - uid: 500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14753 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14760 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15281 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21753 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalJunction + entities: + - uid: 3748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped + entities: + - uid: 3746 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10759 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalPipe + entities: + - uid: 444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2665 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6429 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8000 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10760 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10801 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12055 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14213 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14261 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15278 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18124 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21835 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalPipeBroken + entities: + - uid: 1175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalRouter + entities: + - uid: 14444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Kitchen + - Botany + - Chemistry + - Medical + - uid: 21381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Science +- proto: DisposalRouterFlipped + entities: + - uid: 7751 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Engineering + - uid: 14206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Science + - uid: 14272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Cargo + - uid: 14320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Bar + - uid: 14336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Security + - uid: 14419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Kitchen + - uid: 14422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Botany + - uid: 14436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Medical + - uid: 14483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Chemistry + - uid: 14582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalRouter + tags: + - Nerd +- proto: DisposalTagger + entities: + - uid: 11775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DisposalTagger + tag: Nerd +- proto: DisposalTrunk + entities: + - uid: 4552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalUnit + entities: + - uid: 696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DisposalYJunction + entities: + - uid: 6861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DogBed + entities: + - uid: 2904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: HealOnBuckle + sleepAction: 2905 + - type: ActionsContainer + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + actions: !type:Container + ents: + - 2905 + - uid: 2953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DonkpocketBoxSpawner + entities: + - uid: 7627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DoorElectronics + entities: + - uid: 6300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.723854,-15.459171 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.411354,-15.209171 + parent: 2 +- proto: DoubleEmergencyNitrogenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 24486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.364952,-7.570945 + parent: 2 +- proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 24487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.568077,-7.33657 + parent: 2 +- proto: Dresser + entities: + - uid: 9676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserCaptainFilled + entities: + - uid: 2900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserChiefEngineerFilled + entities: + - uid: 6289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserChiefMedicalOfficerFilled + entities: + - uid: 8440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserFilled + entities: + - uid: 10158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserHeadOfPersonnelFilled + entities: + - uid: 2957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserHeadOfSecurityFilled + entities: + - uid: 6802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserQuarterMasterFilled + entities: + - uid: 1150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DresserResearchDirectorFilled + entities: + - uid: 7377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkBahamaMama + entities: + - uid: 19095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.27978,-37.364647 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkBeerCan + entities: + - uid: 26056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.52491,-61.357502 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkCanPack + entities: + - uid: 23495 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 23466 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: DrinkGoldenCup + entities: + - uid: 4305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.4454,-4.4283886 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkMilkCarton + entities: + - uid: 22221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.4729,-77.48193 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkMilkshake + entities: + - uid: 559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.51616,-32.096615 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkPwrGameCan + entities: + - uid: 9727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.59577,19.654985 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkRootBeerCan + entities: + - uid: 21483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.35487,36.507984 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkScrewdriverCocktailGlass + entities: + - uid: 24463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.65478,-37.520897 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkShaker + entities: + - uid: 6599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.73934,-27.398573 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.31747,-27.507948 + parent: 2 +- proto: DrinkVodkaBottleFull + entities: + - uid: 8871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.475346,-54.142155 + parent: 2 +- proto: Dropper + entities: + - uid: 3954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.59973,-20.635387 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.469004,-53.28738 + parent: 2 +- proto: EdgeDetector + entities: + - uid: 25870 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: True + pos: -153.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 22440: + - OutputHigh: On + - OutputLow: Off + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + bodyType: Static +- proto: EmergencyLight + entities: + - uid: 8156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: EmergencyNitrogenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 15985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.60682,-7.454895 + parent: 2 +- proto: EmergencyOxygenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 15984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.372444,-7.65802 + parent: 2 +- proto: EmergencyRollerBed + entities: + - uid: 3977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Emitter + entities: + - uid: 295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: EpinephrineChemistryBottle + entities: + - uid: 2612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.347107,-3.8663821 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.623154,-30.40255 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.404404,-30.261925 + parent: 2 +- proto: ExosuitFabricator + entities: + - uid: 20469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ExtinguisherCabinet + entities: + - uid: 19504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled + entities: + - uid: 3936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FaxMachineBase + entities: + - uid: 3 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine (Chief Medical Officer) + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Chief Medical Officer + - type: NameModifier + baseName: long range fax machine + - uid: 3012 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Head of Personel + - type: Label + - uid: 4761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5738 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine (Atmospherics) + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Atmospherics + - type: Label + currentLabel: Atmospherics + - type: NameModifier + baseName: long range fax machine + - uid: 6701 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Detective + - type: Label + - uid: 6829 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine (Bridge) + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Bridge + - type: Label + currentLabel: Bridge + - type: NameModifier + baseName: long range fax machine + - uid: 10175 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Warden + - type: Label + - uid: 13583 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Lawyer + - type: Label + - uid: 16028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17807 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Security + - type: Label + - uid: 18776 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Engineering + - type: Label + - uid: 19887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Medical + - uid: 21752 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: TEG + - type: Label + - uid: 22303 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Botany + - type: Label + - uid: 22304 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Kitchen + - type: Label + - uid: 22339 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Science + - type: Label + - uid: 22340 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Robotics + - type: Label + - uid: 22831 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine (Arrivals Checkpoint) + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Arrivals Checkpoint + - type: NameModifier + baseName: long range fax machine + - uid: 23251 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Psychology + - type: Label + - uid: 23404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: AI + - uid: 23948 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Cargo + - type: Label + - uid: 24381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Library + - uid: 25842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Bar +- proto: FaxMachineCaptain + entities: + - uid: 2865 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: captain long range fax machine (Captain) + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Captain + - type: Label + currentLabel: Captain + - type: NameModifier + baseName: captain long range fax machine + - uid: 22305 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: captain long range fax machine + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Boardroom + - type: Label +- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom + entities: + - uid: 3001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: filingCabinetRandom + entities: + - uid: 776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: filingCabinetTallRandom + entities: + - uid: 6294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FireAlarm + entities: + - uid: 1213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 1208 + - 1122 + - uid: 1814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8608 + - 8651 + - 8687 + - 11727 + - 9723 + - 10263 + - 11724 + - 24032 + - 14938 + - 14937 + - 14936 + - 14360 + - 11805 + - 24025 + - uid: 3288 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Boardroom Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 10273 + - 10251 + - 10038 + - 2981 + - 2982 + - 2974 + - 2973 + - 22877 + - 14978 + - 14979 + - 14288 + - 14996 + - 2969 + - 2970 + - 2971 + - 2968 + - 11246 + - 2979 + - 2980 + - 2987 + - 6938 + - uid: 8155 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Chemistry Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 9135 + - 5739 + - 6601 + - 8333 + - uid: 9164 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Entrance Air Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 18985 + - 14592 + - 14752 + - 14590 + - 13444 + - 13445 + - uid: 12768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11346 + - 18910 + - 10012 + - 10013 + - 143 + - 11794 + - 13448 + - 13442 + - 13439 + - 14628 + - 14635 + - 14627 + - 8328 + - 8331 + - 8327 + - 13443 + - 13441 + - 13440 + - 7894 + - 7864 + - 7805 + - 13467 + - 12928 + - 12903 + - 14507 + - 14508 + - 14500 + - 14955 + - 24779 + - 24782 + - 24783 + - uid: 12769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 442 + - 13488 + - 13514 + - 12948 + - 14979 + - 14978 + - 1667 + - 9674 + - 11251 + - 14288 + - 14996 + - 14627 + - 14635 + - 14628 + - 23678 + - 23677 + - 16293 + - 23680 + - 15676 + - 23679 + - uid: 13490 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Control Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19610 + - uid: 13492 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Entrance Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8961 + - 8955 + - 13485 + - 19610 + - 8950 + - uid: 13736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13788 + - 13847 + - 17424 + - 17422 + - 17421 + - uid: 14953 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5747 + - 14952 + - 14951 + - 14950 + - 19471 + - 19613 + - 14948 + - 14354 + - 13438 + - uid: 14954 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Botany Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5747 + - 14952 + - 14951 + - 14950 + - 19471 + - 14948 + - 14354 + - uid: 15026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8332 + - 8330 + - 8329 + - 8882 + - 8849 + - 8856 + - 11105 + - 11108 + - 9134 + - 15358 + - uid: 15347 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Evac Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11810 + - 14500 + - 14508 + - 14507 + - 11817 + - 11816 + - 11804 + - 11809 + - 23126 + - 11802 + - uid: 17419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13788 + - 11936 + - 17427 + - 17432 + - uid: 17420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 12585 + - 11743 + - 11936 + - 17436 + - uid: 17850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25636 + - 25635 + - 25634 + - 8320 + - 8316 + - 8163 + - 8333 + - 25643 + - 25642 + - 15354 + - uid: 18317 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 19517 + - 25564 + - 25565 + - 14590 + - uid: 18819 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: TEG Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13489 + - uid: 19506 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Atmospherics Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14590 + - 25565 + - 25564 + - 19517 + - uid: 19526 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Entrance Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14573 + - 14739 + - 13586 + - 14509 + - 14513 + - 13446 + - 13447 + - 13445 + - 13444 + - uid: 19747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 11070 + - 7862 + - 8348 + - 9135 + - 25638 + - 24046 + - uid: 22327 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 2985 + - 2986 + - 2988 + - 2984 + - 2983 + - 6939 + - uid: 23991 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Showroom Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 23990 + - 7351 + - 11230 + - 11231 + - 14980 + - uid: 24784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 13437 + - 12949 + - 12942 + - 22713 + - 22172 + - 23895 + - 7808 + - 7345 + - uid: 24785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14935 + - 14877 + - 11265 + - 22171 + - uid: 25562 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Canister Storage Fire Alarm + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25563 + - 19520 + - uid: 25598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25597 + - 8935 + - uid: 25599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8955 + - uid: 25600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7540 + - 8996 + - uid: 25603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14752 + - 14573 + - 13620 + - 13618 + - 13765 + - 13484 + - 25597 + - 8935 + - uid: 25604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7410 + - 25605 + - 14596 + - 13909 + - 7540 + - 13620 + - 13618 + - 13765 + - uid: 25607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 14596 + - 13447 + - 13446 + - uid: 25640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8327 + - 8331 + - 8328 + - 24708 + - 8316 + - 8320 + - 24039 + - 8989 + - 8976 + - 9069 + - uid: 25641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25643 + - 25642 + - 8989 + - 8976 + - 9069 + - 15039 + - uid: 25645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7804 + - 8346 + - 5742 + - 11105 + - 15357 + - uid: 25647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6465 + - 5843 + - 5827 + - 5038 + - 8558 + - 8387 + - 859 + - 24049 + - 8846 + - 8778 + - 8777 + - 15355 + - uid: 25648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6465 + - 5843 + - 5827 + - 15360 + - uid: 25649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25650 + - 14945 + - 14944 + - 14943 + - 14942 + - 14946 + - 13438 + - 19613 + - 14947 + - 25653 + - uid: 26109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 8846 + - 8778 + - 8777 + - 8329 + - 8330 + - 8332 + - 7862 + - 8348 + - 25636 + - 25635 + - 25634 + - 15353 +- proto: FireAxeCabinetFilled + entities: + - uid: 7884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FireExtinguisher + entities: + - uid: 9441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.51041,32.55159 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.66666,32.442215 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.41666,32.660965 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.24478,32.754715 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.51412,-40.4255 + parent: 2 +- proto: Firelock + entities: + - uid: 481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - uid: 893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1213 + - uid: 1208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1213 + - uid: 1599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15364 + - uid: 1729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 11242 + - 3288 + - uid: 2969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11242 + - 11243 + - uid: 3319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - uid: 3628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - uid: 5742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - 25645 + - uid: 5744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8934 + - uid: 5746 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8954 + - uid: 5747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14954 + - 14953 + - 5898 + - 9430 + - uid: 5827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - 25648 + - uid: 5843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - 25648 + - uid: 6465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - 25648 + - uid: 6515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - uid: 6601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8155 + - uid: 6603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 7345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 7351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23991 + - 11244 + - uid: 7410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25604 + - uid: 7411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25600 + - 25604 + - uid: 7808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 7346 + - 24784 + - uid: 7883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - 15026 + - uid: 9244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 9265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - 8934 + - 19747 + - uid: 11072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8934 + - uid: 11100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9146 + - uid: 11105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - 15359 + - 25645 + - 15026 + - uid: 11108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - 15026 + - uid: 11246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3074 + - 3288 + - uid: 11249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - uid: 11250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - uid: 11252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - uid: 11253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - uid: 11254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - 3074 + - uid: 11265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24785 + - 22168 + - uid: 11727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 11728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - uid: 11767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - uid: 12894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25603 + - uid: 13485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13492 + - uid: 13489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18819 + - uid: 13629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 14954 + - uid: 14946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 25649 + - uid: 14947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25649 + - uid: 14948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14954 + - 14953 + - 5898 + - 9430 + - uid: 14949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17419 + - uid: 17432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17419 + - uid: 17436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17420 + - uid: 19517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19506 + - 18317 + - uid: 19520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25562 + - uid: 19761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 21866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3288 + - 3287 + - uid: 23130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - 1814 + - uid: 24039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25640 + - uid: 24045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - 17569 + - uid: 24048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17569 + - 20948 + - uid: 24049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - 25647 + - uid: 24050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - uid: 24123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 15364 + - uid: 24124 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15411 + - 15140 + - uid: 24125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15411 + - uid: 24126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15411 + - 15412 + - uid: 24127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15140 + - uid: 24128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15140 + - 15413 + - uid: 24130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - uid: 24131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25556 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25562 + - uid: 25584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25649 + - uid: 25699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FirelockEdge + entities: + - uid: 1782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - uid: 2979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 2984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 2985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 2986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 2987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - uid: 2988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22327 + - 2136 + - uid: 5739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8155 + - uid: 9135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8155 + - 4214 + - 19747 + - uid: 11251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11242 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 12746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 13444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9164 + - 19526 + - uid: 13445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9164 + - 19526 + - uid: 13446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - 25607 + - uid: 13447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - 25607 + - uid: 13539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - uid: 14356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - uid: 14936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - 1814 + - uid: 14937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - 1814 + - uid: 14938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - 1814 + - uid: 14942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 25649 + - uid: 14943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 25649 + - uid: 14944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 25649 + - uid: 14945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 25649 + - uid: 14950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 14954 + - 5898 + - 9430 + - 12151 + - uid: 14951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 14954 + - 5898 + - 9430 + - 12151 + - uid: 14952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 14954 + - 5898 + - 9430 + - 12151 + - uid: 15032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 16404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 16965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 19777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - uid: 22713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 23246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 9253 + - uid: 23895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 24031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - uid: 24035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - uid: 24646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - uid: 24647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - uid: 24708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25640 + - uid: 25558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25604 + - uid: 25638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19747 + - uid: 25643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 25641 +- proto: FirelockGlass + entities: + - uid: 442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 3308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - uid: 4433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25645 + - uid: 7805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 7862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19747 + - 26109 + - uid: 7864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 7894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 8163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - uid: 8316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25640 + - 17850 + - uid: 8320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25640 + - 17850 + - uid: 8327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 25640 + - 12768 + - uid: 8328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 25640 + - 12768 + - uid: 8329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - 26109 + - uid: 8330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - 26109 + - uid: 8331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 25640 + - 12768 + - uid: 8332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - 26109 + - uid: 8333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 8155 + - uid: 8346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25645 + - uid: 8348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19747 + - 26109 + - uid: 8387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - uid: 8558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25647 + - uid: 8608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 8651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 8687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 8689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26109 + - 25647 + - uid: 8778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26109 + - 25647 + - uid: 8846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26109 + - 25647 + - uid: 8849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - uid: 8856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - uid: 8882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15026 + - uid: 8935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25598 + - 25603 + - uid: 8950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13492 + - uid: 8955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13492 + - 25599 + - uid: 8961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13492 + - uid: 8976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25641 + - 25640 + - uid: 8989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25641 + - 25640 + - uid: 8996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25600 + - uid: 9069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25641 + - 25640 + - uid: 9095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 9723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 10164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 11724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1814 + - uid: 11743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17420 + - uid: 11802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - 1814 + - uid: 11809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 11846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17419 + - 17420 + - uid: 12585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17420 + - uid: 12903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 12928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 12942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 12943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 12949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 13437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - 24784 + - uid: 13438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 9430 + - 25649 + - uid: 13439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - uid: 13488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 13514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 13586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - uid: 13605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25603 + - 25604 + - uid: 13620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25603 + - 25604 + - uid: 13628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25603 + - 25604 + - uid: 13788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13736 + - 17419 + - uid: 13831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13736 + - uid: 13854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25604 + - uid: 14288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3288 + - 3287 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - 1814 + - uid: 14500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 14507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 14508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 11837 + - 15347 + - uid: 14509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - uid: 14513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - uid: 14573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - 25603 + - uid: 14590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18317 + - 19506 + - 9164 + - uid: 14592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9164 + - uid: 14596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25604 + - 25607 + - uid: 14597 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 14637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 14638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 14640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 14739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19526 + - uid: 14746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9164 + - 25603 + - uid: 14877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - 24785 + - uid: 14935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - 24785 + - uid: 14978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3288 + - 3287 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3288 + - 3287 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 14980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11244 + - 23991 + - uid: 14996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3288 + - 3287 + - 23681 + - 12769 + - uid: 15709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 15855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - uid: 16189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13736 + - uid: 17422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13736 + - uid: 17424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13736 + - uid: 19471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 14954 + - uid: 19610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 13492 + - 13490 + - uid: 19613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14953 + - 9430 + - 25649 + - uid: 23399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18317 + - 19506 + - uid: 25565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18317 + - 19506 + - uid: 25580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25589 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25597 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25598 + - 25603 + - uid: 25634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 26109 + - uid: 25635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 26109 + - uid: 25636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 26109 + - uid: 25642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17850 + - 25641 + - uid: 25881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Fireplace + entities: + - uid: 8655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Flash + entities: + - uid: 22312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.63784,-3.7257838 + parent: 2 +- proto: FlashlightLantern + entities: + - uid: 8686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.423786,-68.43352 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.39066,-13.270811 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.56254,-13.536436 + parent: 2 +- proto: FlashlightSeclite + entities: + - uid: 17810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.54334,-31.573391 + parent: 2 + - type: HandheldLight + toggleActionEntity: 17811 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + cell_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + actions: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 17811 + - type: ActionsContainer +- proto: FleshBlocker + entities: + - uid: 23372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FloorDrain + entities: + - uid: 478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 3435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 3790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 8597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 9349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 17148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 17364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 25454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 25620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} +- proto: FloorLiquidPlasmaEntity + entities: + - uid: 3604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23429 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FloorWaterEntity + entities: + - uid: 1728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Drink + useSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Items/drink.ogg + solution: pool + - uid: 16868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Drink + useSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Items/drink.ogg + solution: pool + - uid: 16872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Drink + useSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Items/drink.ogg + solution: pool + - uid: 16907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Drink + useSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + path: /Audio/Items/drink.ogg + solution: pool + - uid: 19330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FloraTree + entities: + - uid: 6707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.76986,-45.08961 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.54146,-27.099918 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.4908,-60.47104 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.051697,-58.97104 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.04935,28.039627 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.7056,30.274002 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.03694,30.711279 + parent: 2 +- proto: FloraTreeConifer + entities: + - uid: 9659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.61175,20.942099 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.32319,21.309122 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoamCutlass + entities: + - uid: 24565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.391703,-70.56911 + parent: 2 +- proto: FolderSpawner + entities: + - uid: 16002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.48114,-31.459679 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodBagel + entities: + - uid: 25685 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Hmm... this could be a cool station concept! + - type: Transform + pos: -22.400116,16.572037 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodBoxDonut + entities: + - uid: 6729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.4905,-30.704945 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.52175,-30.298695 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodCakePlainSlice + entities: + - uid: 25534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.587616,18.572037 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.400116,18.368912 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodCakeSuppermatterSlice + entities: + - uid: 20467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.51823,36.525185 + parent: 2 + - type: RadiationSource +- proto: FoodCartCold + entities: + - uid: 3449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodDonutPlain + entities: + - uid: 25684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.587616,16.868912 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodPieBananaCream + entities: + - uid: 22399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.66655,27.650211 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.3228,27.665836 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.713425,27.337711 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.244675,27.322086 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodPizzaMeatSlice + entities: + - uid: 19500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.710365,-21.132072 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.60099,-21.272697 + parent: 2 +- proto: FoodPoppy + entities: + - uid: 16557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.513954,26.718058 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.488308,-44.377945 + parent: 2 +- proto: ForensicReportPaper + entities: + - uid: 6714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.728836,-38.809414 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.728836,-38.215664 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.40071,-38.496914 + parent: 2 +- proto: FuelDispenser + entities: + - uid: 23339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GameMasterCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.41162,-74.49484 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasAnalyzer + entities: + - uid: 6100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.42957,-42.364475 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.49344,-8.391947 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase + entities: + - uid: 16887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasFilter + entities: + - uid: 810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Tritium + - uid: 2093 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas filter (Plasma Filter) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Plasma Filter + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas filter + - uid: 2094 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas filter (Plasma Filter) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Plasma Filter + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas filter + - uid: 2666 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas filter (Plasma Filter) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Plasma Filter + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas filter + - uid: 5344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: CarbonDioxide + - uid: 5411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: NitrousOxide + - uid: 5584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Oxygen + - uid: 6037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Nitrogen + - uid: 10428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: WaterVapor + - uid: 12041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasFilterFlipped + entities: + - uid: 6827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasFilter + filteredGas: Plasma +- proto: GasMinerCarbonDioxide + entities: + - uid: 6947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStation + entities: + - uid: 7358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMinerOxygenStation + entities: + - uid: 7357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMinerPlasma + entities: + - uid: 2814 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An old gas miner. It probably won't be of much use anymore. + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + missingComponents: + - GasMiner +- proto: GasMinerWaterVapor + entities: + - uid: 7359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMixer + entities: + - uid: 21726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasMixerFlipped + entities: + - uid: 5821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5903 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas mixer (Mixer to TEG) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Mixer to TEG + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas mixer + - uid: 9082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasOutletInjector + entities: + - uid: 1433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 12902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' +- proto: GasPassiveGate + entities: + - uid: 6114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPassiveVent + entities: + - uid: 745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 1569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -146.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -148.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9359 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: + - uid: 1117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5225 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6055 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 6906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10228 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10359 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12536 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 16190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -74.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 21367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeFourway + entities: + - uid: 2081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeHalf + entities: + - uid: 12444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPipeSensor + entities: + - uid: 13254 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas pipe sensor (TEG Fuel Mix) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: TEG Fuel Mix + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas pipe sensor + - uid: 16095 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: gas pipe sensor (TEG Burn Chamber) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: TEG Burn Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: gas pipe sensor +- proto: GasPipeSensorDistribution + entities: + - uid: 5095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeSensorMixedAir + entities: + - uid: 16494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' +- proto: GasPipeSensorTEGCold + entities: + - uid: 22954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPipeSensorTEGHot + entities: + - uid: 22953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPipeSensorWaste + entities: + - uid: 2797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasPipeStraight + entities: + - uid: 5 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 38 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.79342,-34.337505 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 532 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.19967,-34.275005 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 1698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 1894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 4577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 4919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 5971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 6072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8538 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8540 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8542 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8589 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9429 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10055 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10278 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10281 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10518 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10534 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10535 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10536 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10540 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11556 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11746 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11751 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11753 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11758 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11944 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12221 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12225 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12261 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12268 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12518 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12597 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12690 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12703 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.32467,-34.35313 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 12704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12953 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15000 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - uid: 15050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15215 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15225 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15228 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15246 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15580 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15697 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15929 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 15932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 16870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 16895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17168 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17950 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18010 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18017 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18022 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18081 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18168 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18228 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18244 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18245 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18266 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18280 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18281 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18282 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18801 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18970 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 19174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -153.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19660 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19676 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19757 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20124 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20213 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20221 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20228 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20278 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20497 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20498 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20499 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20501 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20508 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20546 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20556 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20561 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20584 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20589 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20593 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20594 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20597 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20962 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 21008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 21065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 21883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22216 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 22886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 22887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22971 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.48092,-34.32188 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 22972 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.43787,-34.368755 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 22973 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.728355,-34.29063 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 22974 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + pos: -121.559044,-34.337505 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 23073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23634 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23640 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23665 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24000 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24017 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24253 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24705 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24739 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24757 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24758 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24759 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24760 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25059 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25067 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25242 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25243 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25261 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 26103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 26178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPipeTJunction + entities: + - uid: 13 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4213 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4835 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6039 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9147 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10042 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10043 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10283 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -28.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11278 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -30.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11576 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11647 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12266 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12272 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12476 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12589 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12786 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -65.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -55.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17963 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18049 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18130 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20111 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20122 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -72.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20846 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: False + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 20961 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23128 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24014 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25157 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 26102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasPort + entities: + - uid: 1786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -146.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -148.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasPressurePump + entities: + - uid: 5096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 8845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9971 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10127 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 19514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer + entities: + - uid: 1385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: GasThermoMachine + targetTemperature: 73.15 + - uid: 6029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasThermoMachineHeater + entities: + - uid: 18804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasValve + entities: + - uid: 11046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GasVentPump + entities: + - uid: 275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20303 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8411 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 2451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 3864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15364 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20216 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 4910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 5384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19284 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#03FCD3FF' + - uid: 5622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 6023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20372 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 7846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 346 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9624 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 9730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25644 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19281 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3287 + - 3288 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11242 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3074 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 10628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11244 + - 23991 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 26179 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 11979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12001 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9162 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12270 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9162 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9346 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24043 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12378 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9146 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12618 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 12845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26179 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17332 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 13947 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15140 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 14981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17849 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21036 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15412 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15413 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19293 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 15795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18705 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 16901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19277 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18706 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 17988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18696 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18696 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18697 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18697 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18060 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18704 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18698 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18760 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19278 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19282 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18957 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18979 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19282 + - 9164 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 18989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23400 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19806 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 19891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20044 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21473 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20367 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20252 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20372 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20318 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 20534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 21363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 22990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 374 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 461 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14861 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 23677 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -17.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9273 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 24899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25270 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25264 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25280 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25248 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' + - uid: 25632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24037 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0055CCFF' +- proto: GasVentScrubber + entities: + - uid: 466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8411 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 1589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 2444 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 3320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 4826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 5330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 6035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 7776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 7346 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8934 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 8943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 9371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11242 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11243 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3074 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 3073 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 10556 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11244 + - 23991 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11766 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11298 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - 26179 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17849 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 11975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9162 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9162 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12271 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25644 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24043 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15359 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9146 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 12776 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 26179 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13212 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11837 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 8941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 13838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15413 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21036 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 14956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15412 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15364 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15348 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 15375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15415 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 17332 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 16940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19284 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11722 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18705 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9253 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18698 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18699 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18696 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 17994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18706 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18696 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18697 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18697 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19277 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18704 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18129 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18698 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 11893 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18701 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 18723 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9273 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18223 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 428 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 346 + - uid: 18843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19278 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19278 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19282 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19293 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 18978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20216 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -88.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19806 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 19713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19798 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20316 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20372 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 21473 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20367 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 15581 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20372 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20303 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25886 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 20374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20318 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 14861 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 22218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 16218 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -91.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 374 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 23681 + - 12769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 20948 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 12151 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 23872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 461 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24026 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 4214 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25887 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 1848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 22168 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24742 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 24779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 19910 + - 12768 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25280 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25270 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25264 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 25258 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 24037 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 25651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceNetwork + deviceLists: + - 9346 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - uid: 26087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' +- proto: GasVolumePump + entities: + - uid: 572 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Atmos to Space) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#990000FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Atmos to Space + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 644 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (TEG to Space) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: TEG to Space + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 1673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -148.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -146.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5688 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Atmos to TEG) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Atmos to TEG + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6017 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Burn Chamber Out) + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Out + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6065 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Burn Chamber In) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#947507FF' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber In + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6066 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Burn Chamber Radiator) + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Radiator + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6067 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Burn Chamber Radiator) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -146.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Radiator + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6073 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Space Radiator Out) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Space Radiator Out + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 6074 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: volumetric gas pump (Space Radiator In) + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Label + currentLabel: Space Radiator In + - type: NameModifier + baseName: volumetric gas pump + - uid: 16202 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18905 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GeigerCounter + entities: + - uid: 7366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.92545,-42.395725 + parent: 2 +- proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU + entities: + - uid: 4426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Girder + entities: + - uid: 15066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GlassBoxLaserFilled + entities: + - uid: 390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GoldDoor + entities: + - uid: 480 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An exceptional door to an exceptional throne + name: Throneroom + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GravityGenerator + entities: + - uid: 9480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 6 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 32 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 33 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 34 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 35 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 36 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 37 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 39 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 41 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 42 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 43 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 44 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 45 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1187 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4485 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -150.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -153.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6948 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7221 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -153.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11273 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -143.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12381 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -144.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13930 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -156.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13940 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13952 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15927 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17066 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17441 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17490 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17534 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -157.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18261 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -156.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -156.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20085 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -156.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20263 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -157.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20265 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20276 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22226 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -142.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23939 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23946 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24191 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24198 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24201 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24206 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24275 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24573 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24874 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25148 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25284 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25285 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25289 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25359 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25535 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25536 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25537 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25795 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GrilleBroken + entities: + - uid: 2260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7460 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -157.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GrilleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 6099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafeDisabler + entities: + - uid: 19261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafeLaserCarbine + entities: + - uid: 6685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafePistolMk58 + entities: + - uid: 19229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafeRifleLecter + entities: + - uid: 6684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafeShotgunKammerer + entities: + - uid: 6670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GunSafeSubMachineGunDrozd + entities: + - uid: 6683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: GyroscopeMachineCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 1180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.4413,-73.583176 + parent: 2 +- proto: Handcuffs + entities: + - uid: 6831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.51709,7.5955453 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.38784,-4.163284 + parent: 2 +- proto: HandheldGPSBasic + entities: + - uid: 20328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.65996,35.329193 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.45683,35.31357 + parent: 2 +- proto: HandheldHealthAnalyzer + entities: + - uid: 22315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.629562,7.550678 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.73033,-4.2904005 + parent: 2 +- proto: HandheldStationMap + entities: + - uid: 2673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.6231,-16.413368 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.499535,-33.66865 + parent: 2 +- proto: HandLabeler + entities: + - uid: 16016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.499535,-33.715527 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.29675,-7.5648193 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.483585,-26.581343 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.506813,-16.451693 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.561302,-19.694738 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.600494,-30.548458 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.47147,-38.412785 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.508957,-22.949903 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.180832,-24.715528 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.47495,-26.919731 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.422913,-30.442062 + parent: 2 +- proto: HarmonicaInstrument + entities: + - uid: 6796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.56172,-46.353573 + parent: 2 +- proto: HeatExchanger + entities: + - uid: 6018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6019 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16980 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HighSecArmoryLocked + entities: + - uid: 861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HighSecCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 11189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AccessReader + access: + - - ResearchDirector +- proto: HighSecDoor + entities: + - uid: 6107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolofanProjector + entities: + - uid: 8267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.516942,-18.422981 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.561676,-4.656055 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.42105,-4.374805 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.46725,-40.5505 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.47711,-8.49418 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadAiUpload + entities: + - uid: 24873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCargoBay + entities: + - uid: 24533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCargoFront + entities: + - uid: 24532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandBridgeLongRange + entities: + - uid: 24542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandCaptain + entities: + - uid: 24550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandCe + entities: + - uid: 17620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandCmo + entities: + - uid: 5556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandHop + entities: + - uid: 24547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandHos + entities: + - uid: 24536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandMeetingRoom + entities: + - uid: 19231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandQm + entities: + - uid: 24534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadCommandRd + entities: + - uid: 24525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosFront + entities: + - uid: 24529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosMain + entities: + - uid: 24530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadEngineeringAtmosTeg + entities: + - uid: 24535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadEngineeringFront + entities: + - uid: 24526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadEngineeringTelecoms + entities: + - uid: 20300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadGeneralArrivals + entities: + - uid: 24549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadGeneralEvac + entities: + - uid: 24548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadGeneralLounge + entities: + - uid: 24553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadMedicalChemistry + entities: + - uid: 25618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadMedicalFront + entities: + - uid: 24544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadMedicalMedbay + entities: + - uid: 17743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadMedicalParamed + entities: + - uid: 24546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadScienceRnd + entities: + - uid: 24524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadScienceRobotics + entities: + - uid: 24527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityBreakroom + entities: + - uid: 24556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityDetective + entities: + - uid: 24540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityLawyer + entities: + - uid: 24551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityLockerRoom + entities: + - uid: 24539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityPerma + entities: + - uid: 17742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadSecurityWarden + entities: + - uid: 24538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadServiceBar + entities: + - uid: 17744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadServiceChapel + entities: + - uid: 26098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HolopadServiceNewsroom + entities: + - uid: 17621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen + entities: + - uid: 3791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6736 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: hydroponicsSoil + entities: + - uid: 6777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: HydroponicsToolMiniHoe + entities: + - uid: 6833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.54748,-49.773968 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.52342,-22.133272 + parent: 2 +- proto: HydroponicsToolSpade + entities: + - uid: 6738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.46935,-49.695843 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.507793,-22.070772 + parent: 2 +- proto: hydroponicsTray + entities: + - uid: 8378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Igniter + entities: + - uid: 5666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.45691,9.403336 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: InflatableWallStack + entities: + - uid: 3754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.636734,-6.2644663 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.480484,-6.4675913 + parent: 2 +- proto: IngotGold + entities: + - uid: 4301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.90167,-0.4566641 + parent: 2 +- proto: IngotSilver + entities: + - uid: 4303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.11142,-0.4254141 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomAll + entities: + - uid: 16495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23352 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -47.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25395 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomCommand + entities: + - uid: 1224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomCommon + entities: + - uid: 6709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomEngineering + entities: + - uid: 4699 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23030 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomMedical + entities: + - uid: 17025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomScience + entities: + - uid: 12734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25843 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomSecurity + entities: + - uid: 22319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -94.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomService + entities: + - uid: 22320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: IntercomSupply + entities: + - uid: 22321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25606 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: JanitorialTrolley + entities: + - uid: 7826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + storagebase: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + mop_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8162 + trashbag_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8313 + bucket_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8165 + plunger_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8167 + wetfloorsign_slot4: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 7863 + wetfloorsign_slot3: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 7901 + wetfloorsign_slot2: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 7902 + wetfloorsign_slot1: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 7947 + lightreplacer_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8312 + spraybottle_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 8160 +- proto: JanitorServiceLight + entities: + - uid: 7134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18983 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25628 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25657 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: JetpackMiniFilled + entities: + - uid: 24580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.52224,-4.6053953 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.350365,-4.2252345 + parent: 2 +- proto: Jukebox + entities: + - uid: 24445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: KitchenElectricGrill + entities: + - uid: 25615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: KitchenKnife + entities: + - uid: 7777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.58023,-35.565937 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.537758,-30.416092 + parent: 2 +- proto: KitchenMicrowave + entities: + - uid: 3492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder + entities: + - uid: 1191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: KitchenSpike + entities: + - uid: 3434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Lamp + entities: + - uid: 1620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.47559,-45.29295 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.455414,0.83542824 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.491398,-52.16843 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.46269,-39.063854 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.51384,-35.154552 + parent: 2 +- proto: LampGold + entities: + - uid: 2919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.448536,-4.0864625 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.498375,-29.35603 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.50149,-40.289227 + parent: 2 +- proto: LampInterrogator + entities: + - uid: 13536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.54291,-33.290844 + parent: 2 +- proto: Lantern + entities: + - uid: 22393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LargeBeaker + entities: + - uid: 12763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.486046,-29.320034 + parent: 2 +- proto: LauncherCreamPie + entities: + - uid: 22397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LedLightBulb + entities: + - uid: 22441 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 22440 + - type: LightBulb + color: '#FF0000FF' + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: LightReplacer + entities: + - uid: 8312 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: LiveLetLiveCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.3083,-70.19566 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockableButtonAtmospherics + entities: + - uid: 5325 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (Plasma Storage Vent) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 668: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Plasma Storage Vent + - type: NameModifier + baseName: lockable button + - uid: 5326 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (Burn Chamber Vent) + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 669: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Vent + - type: NameModifier + baseName: lockable button +- proto: LockableButtonCommand + entities: + - uid: 11190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9290: + - Pressed: Toggle +- proto: LockableButtonEngineering + entities: + - uid: 5991 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (EMERGENCY VENT) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4923: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4922: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4924: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: EMERGENCY VENT + - type: NameModifier + baseName: lockable button + - uid: 6167 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (EMERGENCY VENT) + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4923: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4922: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4924: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: EMERGENCY VENT + - type: NameModifier + baseName: lockable button +- proto: LockableButtonMaintenance + entities: + - uid: 8824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 8812: + - Pressed: DoorBolt +- proto: LockableButtonMedical + entities: + - uid: 2458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5862: + - Pressed: Open + 5752: + - Pressed: Open + - uid: 2607 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: lockable button (Front Door) + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-21 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3972: + - Pressed: Toggle + 3988: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Front Door + - type: NameModifier + baseName: lockable button + - uid: 3989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3972: + - Pressed: Toggle + 3988: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 4192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4190: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4191: + - Pressed: Toggle + 4189: + - Pressed: Toggle +- proto: LockerAtmosphericsFilled + entities: + - uid: 5383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerBoozeFilled + entities: + - uid: 7015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerBotanistFilled + entities: + - uid: 7536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerCaptainFilledNoLaser + entities: + - uid: 2896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerChemistryFilled + entities: + - uid: 23713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilled + entities: + - uid: 6285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilled + entities: + - uid: 8359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerDetectiveFilled + entities: + - uid: 2062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled + entities: + - uid: 7006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerEngineerFilledHardsuit + entities: + - uid: 7348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerEvidence + entities: + - uid: 6550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerFreezer + entities: + - uid: 3436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerFreezerBase + entities: + - uid: 1577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 9590 + - 21064 + - 21063 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: LockerFreezerVaultFilled + entities: + - uid: 4290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerHeadOfPersonnelFilled + entities: + - uid: 2918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilled + entities: + - uid: 23671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerMedicalFilled + entities: + - uid: 3806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerMedicineFilled + entities: + - uid: 4010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerParamedicFilled + entities: + - uid: 3979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled + entities: + - uid: 1148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerResearchDirectorFilled + entities: + - uid: 7613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilled + entities: + - uid: 19640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerScienceFilled + entities: + - uid: 6033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerSecurity + entities: + - uid: 8669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerSecurityFilled + entities: + - uid: 6658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LockerWardenFilled + entities: + - uid: 3888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LogicGateXor + entities: + - uid: 24217 + components: + - type: Transform + anchored: True + pos: -33.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 10081: + - Output: DoorBolt + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + bodyType: Static +- proto: LootSpawnerMaterialsSurplus + entities: + - uid: 13221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LootSpawnerRandomCrateEngineering + entities: + - uid: 4223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: LuxuryPen + entities: + - uid: 3857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.462654,-54.353233 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.39606,-17.468153 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.49161,-78.39125 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineAnomalyGenerator + entities: + - uid: 14143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineAnomalyVessel + entities: + - uid: 7355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineAPE + entities: + - uid: 7353 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineArtifactAnalyzer + entities: + - uid: 14168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineCentrifuge + entities: + - uid: 17245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineElectrolysisUnit + entities: + - uid: 16241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineFrame + entities: + - uid: 1158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21735 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MachineFrameDestroyed + entities: + - uid: 21614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MagazinePistol + entities: + - uid: 4573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.47877,-22.559776 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.24439,-22.544151 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.74439,-22.559776 + parent: 2 +- proto: MagazinePistolSubMachineGunTopMounted + entities: + - uid: 8276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.560875,-30.73103 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.373375,-30.934155 + parent: 2 +- proto: MailingUnit + entities: + - uid: 3680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Chemistry + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Chemistry + - uid: 14154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Kitchen + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Kitchen + - uid: 14156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Engineering + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Engineering + - uid: 14526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Science + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Science + - uid: 15286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Medical + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Medical + - uid: 15297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: MailingUnit + tag: Botany + - type: Configuration + config: + tag: Botany + - uid: 15708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaintenanceFluffSpawner + entities: + - uid: 20643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaintenancePlantSpawner + entities: + - uid: 19398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaintenanceToolSpawner + entities: + - uid: 15337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaintenanceWeaponSpawner + entities: + - uid: 20630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaterialCloth + entities: + - uid: 9130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.435898,-61.550594 + parent: 2 +- proto: MaterialWoodPlank + entities: + - uid: 22391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Mattress + entities: + - uid: 3389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedicalBed + entities: + - uid: 1986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedicalTechFab + entities: + - uid: 4119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitBruteFilled + entities: + - uid: 2102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.33516,-46.510864 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.507034,-46.74524 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitBurnFilled + entities: + - uid: 2103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.96016,-46.49524 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.14766,-46.729614 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitFilled + entities: + - uid: 1918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.421745,7.51573 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.58516,-46.760864 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.39766,-46.510864 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.428333,-17.453312 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.448322,-30.479916 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.48808,28.551973 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.49908,-23.118275 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.398636,-68.47366 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled + entities: + - uid: 2104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.850784,-46.792114 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.67891,-46.573364 + parent: 2 +- proto: MedkitToxinFilled + entities: + - uid: 6460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.77266,-46.74524 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.507034,-46.542114 + parent: 2 +- proto: Memorial + entities: + - uid: 8986 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: This memorial is dedicated to the spacemen and women - past, present and future - who worked to make space as great as it is today, and who strive to make it greater still. + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MetalDoor + entities: + - uid: 21046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MicrophoneInstrument + entities: + - uid: 16006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.46207,-31.441647 + parent: 2 +- proto: MiningDrill + entities: + - uid: 2813 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: The humble mining drill. This is an older model, but it should still work all the same. + - type: Transform + pos: -58.961426,-12.536688 + parent: 2 +- proto: Mirror + entities: + - uid: 3392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4204 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24671 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An digital mirror which uses advanced machine learning algorithms to enhance the appearance of those who view it. Despite all that, you don't look any different than normal. You're not sure if you should feel praised or offended. + name: Nanotrasen Brand Beauty Enhancing E-Mirror™ + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MopBucketFull + entities: + - uid: 15958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MopItem + entities: + - uid: 3323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.668892,-4.406474 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8162 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 9500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.528507,-1.5713043 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.550848,-1.5089836 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.47984,-49.47957 + parent: 2 +- proto: Morgue + entities: + - uid: 3887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: MouseTimedSpawner + entities: + - uid: 8613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Multitool + entities: + - uid: 410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.513216,-5.325088 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3341 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3336 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 6282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.473854,-14.412296 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.671745,3.656355 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.406895,-3.2451763 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.46083,-76.449524 + parent: 2 +- proto: NewsReaderCartridge + entities: + - uid: 16012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.437035,-33.5124 + parent: 2 +- proto: NitrogenCanister + entities: + - uid: 5266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: NitrousOxideCanister + entities: + - uid: 5275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: NodeScanner + entities: + - uid: 7393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.4721,-45.42309 + parent: 2 +- proto: NoticeBoard + entities: + - uid: 6814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: NTDefaultCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.333496,-70.19241 + parent: 2 +- proto: NuclearBomb + entities: + - uid: 239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: NuclearBombKeg + entities: + - uid: 7429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: NukeDiskFake + entities: + - uid: 7191 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Although definitely a convincing replica of the station's nuclear authentication disk - this one appears to be badly chared and definitely unusable. Perhaps it managed to survive whatever detonation it was used in? It has a station ID printed on it - which is barely legible as "Grasshopper". + - type: Transform + pos: -39.482143,-71.523224 + parent: 2 + missingComponents: + - Contraband +- proto: NutimovCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.38037,-70.35507 + parent: 2 +- proto: Ointment + entities: + - uid: 20644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.511818,-57.42682 + parent: 2 +- proto: OperatingTable + entities: + - uid: 3603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3895 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: OreBag + entities: + - uid: 21051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.48228,-73.40599 + parent: 2 +- proto: OreBox + entities: + - uid: 1448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -73.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: OreProcessor + entities: + - uid: 15310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: OxygenCanister + entities: + - uid: 5268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaladinCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.458496,-70.54286 + parent: 2 +- proto: Paper + entities: + - uid: 2922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.562256,-4.394846 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.42596,-17.358852 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + content: >- + [color=#0033cc]◥[bold]N[/bold]◣[/color] [bold]Space Station 14 - Requisition Form - Form 05[/bold] + + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ + + + [bold]Full Name:[/bold] + + [bold]Current Job:[/bold] + + + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ + + [bold]Order ID:[/bold] 1 + + + [bold]Items Requested:[/bold] + + [bullet/] 90x Steel + + [bullet/] 90x Glass + + [bullet/] 90x Plasteel + + [bullet/] 30x Plastic + + + ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ + + [bold]Reason:[/bold] Repair and construction materials + + [bold]Deliver to:[/bold] Engineering + - uid: 9488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.69795,-65.35635 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18361 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: paper (TEG Pamphlet) + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + stampState: paper_stamp-centcom + stampedBy: + - stampedColor: '#006600FF' + stampedName: TB Engineering Firm + content: >2- + + [head=1]"Caveman" Class Thermal Electric Generator[/head] + + [head=2]TB Engineering Firm[/head] + + + Thankyou for ordering your very own Thermal Electric Generator (TEG) from TB Engineering. Many first time adopters of the TEG struggle to understand it's ins and outs, but fear not! We've organised this short instruction pamphlet to provide a guide to setting up a basic TEG. This is not the only way to set up a TEG, but it's among the simplest. + + + [head=2]Setup[/head] + + + [bold]Step 0:[/bold] If this is your first time operating the TEG, TB Engineering highly recommend preparing an auxilary power solution first. The TEG may require extensive setup time - and will be difficult if assistance is not available. + + [bold]Step 1:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Space Radiator Output"[/italic] pump to the south-east port of the TEG, and the [italic]"Space Radiator Input"[/italic] pump to the south-west port of the TEG. This should make a pipe loop. + + [bold]Step 2:[/bold] Fill the loop of pipes with a coolant. A single canister of water vapour is a good choice. + + [bold]Step 3:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Fuel to TEG"[/italic] pump to the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump. + + [bold]Step 4:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Burn Chamber Output"[/italic] pump to the north-west port of the TEG, and connect the [italic]"TEG to Space"[/italic] pump to the north-east port of the TEG. + + + [head=2]Operation[/head] + + + [bold]Step 6:[/bold] Enable all pumps that are part of the southern cooling loop to allow coolant flow. + + [bold]Step 5:[/bold] Pipe in a combustion mixture to the TEG from atmospherics, via the brown pipe. Ensure pumps are operational, and use the included gas analyzer to confirm contents. We recommend a mixture of 2% plasma and 98% oxygen. + + [bold]Step 6:[/bold] Inject a small amount of combustion mixture into the chamber - enough so that a purple colouration is visible - using the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump. + + [bold]Step 7[/bold] Use the "Ignite Chamber" button to ignite the fuel mixture. Ensure chamber properly ignites. + + [bold]Step 8[/bold] Engage the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump completely. Chamber may stop burning once sufficient pressure is reached - this is normal. + + [bold]Step 9[/bold] Engage [italic]"TEG to Space"[/italic] pump fully, and partially engage [italic]"Burn Chamber Output"[/italic] pump, limited to 30L/s. + + + [head=3]Troubleshooting[/head] + + + [bold]Circulators aren't turning:[/bold] The circulators are directional. Ensure that gas flow occurs in a clockwise direction. The provided unit should include pumps to help indicate direction. + + + [bold]Burn chamber not burning:[/bold] If chamber is still hot, this is normal and occurs once the burn chamber is at sufficient pressure and fuel is no longer injecting. Otherwise, ensure that fuel mixture is correct. If starting from a cold start, avoid injecting too much fuel to avoid flooding the chamber. + + + [bold]Insufficient power to operate TEG:[/bold] Use any available secondary power sources to power equipment as needed to start the TEG. If necassary, disable auxilary power connections to ensure TEG is properly powered for startup. + + + [bold]Gas leak occured within TEG facility:[/bold] Use included emergency ventilation shutters to evacuate gas from facility. Ensure proper hazard protection is worn during this proceedure. This operation can be done from the TEG chamber or TEG control room. + + + [bold]My team is incompetent:[/bold] Please return your team to your manufacturer as soon as possible and order a new one. Refunds may apply as per manufacturer warranty. TB Engineering takes no responsibility for injury, financial losses, station losses, braincell losses, loss of life or migraines caused by attempting to operate the TEG with a faulty team. + editingDisabled: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: TEG Pamphlet + - type: NameModifier + baseName: paper + - uid: 18362 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: paper (TEG Pamphlet) + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + stampState: paper_stamp-centcom + stampedBy: + - stampedColor: '#006600FF' + stampedName: TB Engineering Firm + content: >2- + + [head=1]"Caveman" Class Thermal Electric Generator[/head] + + [head=2]TB Engineering Firm[/head] + + + Thankyou for ordering your very own Thermal Electric Generator (TEG) from TB Engineering. Many first time adopters of the TEG struggle to understand it's ins and outs, but fear not! We've organised this short instruction pamphlet to provide a guide to setting up a basic TEG. This is not the only way to set up a TEG, but it's among the simplest. + + + [head=2]Setup[/head] + + + [bold]Step 0:[/bold] If this is your first time operating the TEG, TB Engineering highly recommend preparing an auxilary power solution first. The TEG may require extensive setup time - and will be difficult if assistance is not available. + + [bold]Step 1:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Space Radiator Output"[/italic] pump to the south-east port of the TEG, and the [italic]"Space Radiator Input"[/italic] pump to the south-west port of the TEG. This should make a pipe loop. + + [bold]Step 2:[/bold] Fill the loop of pipes with a coolant. A single canister of water vapour is a good choice. + + [bold]Step 3:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Fuel to TEG"[/italic] pump to the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump. + + [bold]Step 4:[/bold] Connect the [italic]"Burn Chamber Output"[/italic] pump to the north-west port of the TEG, and connect the [italic]"TEG to Space"[/italic] pump to the north-east port of the TEG. + + + [head=2]Operation[/head] + + + [bold]Step 6:[/bold] Enable all pumps that are part of the southern cooling loop to allow coolant flow. + + [bold]Step 5:[/bold] Pipe in a combustion mixture to the TEG from atmospherics, via the brown pipe. Ensure pumps are operational, and use the included gas analyzer to confirm contents. We recommend a mixture of 2% plasma and 98% oxygen. + + [bold]Step 6:[/bold] Inject a small amount of combustion mixture into the chamber - enough so that a purple colouration is visible - using the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump. + + [bold]Step 7[/bold] Use the "Ignite Chamber" button to ignite the fuel mixture. Ensure chamber properly ignites. + + [bold]Step 8[/bold] Engage the [italic]"Burn Chamber Input"[/italic] pump completely. Chamber may stop burning once sufficient pressure is reached - this is normal. + + [bold]Step 9[/bold] Engage [italic]"TEG to Space"[/italic] pump fully, and partially engage [italic]"Burn Chamber Output"[/italic] pump, limited to 30L/s. + + + [head=3]Troubleshooting[/head] + + + [bold]Circulators aren't turning:[/bold] The circulators are directional. Ensure that gas flow occurs in a clockwise direction. The provided unit should include pumps to help indicate direction. + + + [bold]Burn chamber not burning:[/bold] If chamber is still hot, this is normal and occurs once the burn chamber is at sufficient pressure and fuel is no longer injecting. Otherwise, ensure that fuel mixture is correct. If starting from a cold start, avoid injecting too much fuel to avoid flooding the chamber. + + + [bold]Insufficient power to operate TEG:[/bold] Use any available secondary power sources to power equipment as needed to start the TEG. If necassary, disable auxilary power connections to ensure TEG is properly powered for startup. + + + [bold]Gas leak occured within TEG facility:[/bold] Use included emergency ventilation shutters to evacuate gas from facility. Ensure proper hazard protection is worn during this proceedure. This operation can be done from the TEG chamber or TEG control room. + + + [bold]My team is incompetent:[/bold] Please return your team to your manufacturer as soon as possible and order a new one. Refunds may apply as per manufacturer warranty. TB Engineering takes no responsibility for injury, financial losses, station losses, braincell losses, loss of life or migraines caused by attempting to operate the TEG with a faulty team. + editingDisabled: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: TEG Pamphlet + - type: NameModifier + baseName: paper + - uid: 18363 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: paper (Research Module Pamphlet) + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + stampState: paper_stamp-centcom + stampedBy: + - stampedColor: '#006600FF' + stampedName: TB Engineering Firm + content: >2- + + [head=1]"Intrepid" Class Self-Contained Research Module[/head] + + [head=2]TB Engineering Firm[/head] + + + Thank you for purchasing your very own Intrepid Class Self-Contained Research Module! We here at TB Engineering have done our very best to ensure that this self-contained laboratory services all your research and prototyping needs. + + + The front of the module includes the main laboratory - that can be retrofitted for a variety of purposes, such as Xenobiology, Xenoarcheology, Cleanroom, Materials Analysis and far more! Ask us about the various options available - as we garantee we have one for your purposes. If not, custom refits are available at an increased cost. + + + The centre of the module consists of a multipurpose break room that can function as a place for rest and relaxation during designated break periods. Options include a deluxe variant with individual bunks for crew, a corporate standard variant with office and break room or a budget variant which includes a basic living area and bulk bunks. + + + The rear of the module consists of the storage compartments - which can be refitted into workshops or other utility rooms as needed. External retrofitting options will be required - as we do not provide equipment for these rooms. + + + For information about parts, repairs, refits or miscellaneous queries, contact us via our website at gww.tbeng.ntnet + + + [italic]TB Engineering Firm and it's subsidiaries takes no responsibility for any minor or major injury, loss of life, loss of profit, loss of time or loss of spacetime caused by use of the "Intrepid" Class Self-Contained Research Module. Read the full terms and conditions for details.[/italic] + editingDisabled: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Research Module Pamphlet + - type: NameModifier + baseName: paper + - uid: 21070 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: paper (Logbook) + - type: Transform + pos: -43.49996,-66.458694 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + content: '[italic]A seemingly never ending record of STC logs. Seems like things were very busy years ago...[/italic]' + - type: Label + currentLabel: Logbook + - type: NameModifier + baseName: paper + - uid: 25911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.33858,-65.41885 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.52608,-65.5751 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.77608,-65.8251 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.40108,-65.74698 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.57295,-65.43448 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.21358,-65.60635 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.57295,-65.66885 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.7917,-65.5126 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.08858,-65.21573 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.11983,-65.77823 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.40108,-65.2001 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26097 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 26096 + - type: Paper + content: Fuck this guy in particular + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: PaperArtifactAnalyzer + entities: + - uid: 7386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.43387,-45.51684 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.27762,-45.313717 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperBin10 + entities: + - uid: 402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperBin20 + entities: + - uid: 22274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperBin5 + entities: + - uid: 6715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperCaptainsThoughts + entities: + - uid: 2921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.520332,0.600042 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.59109,0.45394158 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.40359,0.6726916 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperCargoBountyManifest + entities: + - uid: 24451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.7993,-4.3438354 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + content: >- + [bold]Official cargo bounty manifest[/bold] (ID#NT420) + + Item manifest: + + - Cigarette x500 + + Reward: $7 +- proto: PaperCNCSheet + entities: + - uid: 26067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.35575,-52.39451 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.387,-51.39451 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5745,-51.441383 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.590126,-52.378883 + parent: 2 +- proto: PaperOffice + entities: + - uid: 15125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.55973,-55.570694 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + content: >- + [head=1]TODO List:[/head] + + + Power: + + - Set up the AME + + - Set up the TEG [italic](What? There's no singularity?)[/italic] + + - Set up solars + + - Wire science onto the power grid [italic](Did the other guys forget that?)[/italic] + + + Atmos: + + - Set up distro + + - Set up waste + + - Hook the plasma gas miners into the storage tank [italic](Surely nothing can go wrong there...)[/italic] + + + Other: + + - Yell at cargo for more materials + + - Steal the protolathe board back + + - Order pizza + + - Survive? + - uid: 19876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.597176,30.583181 + parent: 2 + - type: Paper + content: >- + [bold]Notice from management:[/bold] + + + Material redemption lines are not rides, please exit the material redemption line. + - uid: 26086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.43473,-55.383194 + parent: 2 +- proto: PartRodMetal + entities: + - uid: 1123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.49784,-9.52976 + parent: 2 +- proto: PartRodMetal1 + entities: + - uid: 22430 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Less threatening than it's immovable counterpart + name: Moveable Rod + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Pen + entities: + - uid: 384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.514,-31.340405 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.63878,-30.44371 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.52247,-47.412907 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.535416,-31.618847 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.49283,-38.3233 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.522804,29.619007 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.54722,-1.3327641 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.497215,-2.4129562 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.467665,-18.322699 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.521236,-54.385136 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.51269,-76.36488 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.49483,-65.52057 + parent: 2 +- proto: PenHop + entities: + - uid: 2923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.499756,-4.410471 + parent: 2 +- proto: PersonalAI + entities: + - uid: 21745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.174522,-3.1858506 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.44439,-74.520645 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.785797,-54.413155 + parent: 2 +- proto: PetCarrier + entities: + - uid: 8649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.456474,2.4886463 + parent: 2 +- proto: PianoInstrument + entities: + - uid: 15846 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Pickaxe + entities: + - uid: 7109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.37542,-60.39783 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.56621,28.692598 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.514206,-72.561935 + parent: 2 +- proto: PirateFlag + entities: + - uid: 23041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PirateHandyFlag + entities: + - uid: 24564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.657328,-70.47536 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlaqueAtmos + entities: + - uid: 22355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaCanister + entities: + - uid: 5272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional + entities: + - uid: 1747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaShiv + entities: + - uid: 22287 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 22286 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: PlasmaTank + entities: + - uid: 2843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.536835,-9.437066 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.58428,-4.4283886 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 24490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.521202,-8.33657 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaWindoorSecureCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 23834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24932 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasmaWindowDirectional + entities: + - uid: 21053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear + entities: + - uid: 964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightOpaque + entities: + - uid: 4553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasticFlapsClear + entities: + - uid: 19875 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlasticFlapsOpaque + entities: + - uid: 4554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlayerStationAi + entities: + - uid: 24956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Plunger + entities: + - uid: 8167 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: PlushieArachind + entities: + - uid: 20444 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An adorable stuffed toy that resembles an arachnid. It smells like tritium... + - type: Transform + pos: -120.44894,36.471443 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlushieLizard + entities: + - uid: 6088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.46719,-73.44948 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlushieNar + entities: + - uid: 3874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.55997,-51.63969 + parent: 2 +- proto: PlushieSlime + entities: + - uid: 3336 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An adorable stuffed toy that resembles a slime. It smells like plasma... + - type: Transform + pos: -56.50602,-77.45183 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + stash: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 3341 +- proto: PonderingOrb + entities: + - uid: 18366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PortableFlasher + entities: + - uid: 2394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PortableGeneratorJrPacman + entities: + - uid: 1221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman + entities: + - uid: 6246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PortableGeneratorSuperPacman + entities: + - uid: 6244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PortableScrubber + entities: + - uid: 6919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandAmbrosiaVulgaris + entities: + - uid: 23072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandClown + entities: + - uid: 23075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandEAT + entities: + - uid: 23058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandGreyTide + entities: + - uid: 23070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandLamarr + entities: + - uid: 7596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandMissingGloves + entities: + - uid: 23069 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: They're already gone aren't they? + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandMissingSpacepen + entities: + - uid: 23071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandNuclearDeviceInformational + entities: + - uid: 21061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandPunchShit + entities: + - uid: 5107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandTools + entities: + - uid: 23023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterContrabandWehWatches + entities: + - uid: 16594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegit12Gauge + entities: + - uid: 11848 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: I used the shotgun. You know why? + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitAnatomyPoster + entities: + - uid: 12565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitBlessThisSpess + entities: + - uid: 25465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitCarpMount + entities: + - uid: 74 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitIan + entities: + - uid: 23057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitJustAWeekAway + entities: + - uid: 2468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitNanotrasenLogo + entities: + - uid: 16008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitNoERP + entities: + - uid: 21550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitObey + entities: + - uid: 10374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitPeriodicTable + entities: + - uid: 2486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitRenault + entities: + - uid: 23061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothDelam + entities: + - uid: 23029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothEpi + entities: + - uid: 25639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothHardhat + entities: + - uid: 23062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothMeth + entities: + - uid: 4270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothPiping + entities: + - uid: 16908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSafetyReport + entities: + - uid: 23068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSecWatch + entities: + - uid: 23065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitSpaceCops + entities: + - uid: 23067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PosterLegitWorkForAFuture + entities: + - uid: 16024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PottedPlant21 + entities: + - uid: 22286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + stash: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 22287 +- proto: PottedPlant29 + entities: + - uid: 1741 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: A plastic palm tree that looks absolutely fake. This probably constitutes the station's entire service budget... + name: Real Palm Tree + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PottedPlantRandom + entities: + - uid: 7373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PottedPlantRandomPlastic + entities: + - uid: 3796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PottedPlantRD + entities: + - uid: 7376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PowerCellMedium + entities: + - uid: 4364 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 4363 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 4366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.354984,-4.8585114 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.573734,-5.1866364 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6477 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 6476 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 6483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.89702,-27.21654 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24953 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 24952 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 24954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.491264,-70.26865 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.77094,-70.48494 + parent: 2 +- proto: PowerCellRecharger + entities: + - uid: 4363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + charger_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 4364 + machine_board: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + machine_parts: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + - uid: 5685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + charger_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 6477 + machine_board: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + machine_parts: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + - uid: 6988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + charger_slot: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 24953 + machine_board: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + machine_parts: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] +- proto: PowerCellSmallPrinted + entities: + - uid: 23931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.694946,-3.1233506 + parent: 2 +- proto: PowerDrill + entities: + - uid: 16204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.57465,-43.425148 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredDimSmallLight + entities: + - uid: 3400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Poweredlight + entities: + - uid: 156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1214 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1225 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4218 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4269 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4984 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5264 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5561 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7027 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -53.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7250 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7538 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7882 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7941 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8177 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10546 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10549 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -40.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13082 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13105 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13184 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13185 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13188 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13434 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -129.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13534 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13568 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13610 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -125.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14571 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14821 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18964 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19751 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20155 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20959 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22016 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -117.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23943 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25451 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredlightExterior + entities: + - uid: 16641 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredLightPostSmall + entities: + - uid: 8685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredSmallLight + entities: + - uid: 70 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 991 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6609 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8591 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8611 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10567 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13072 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13112 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13496 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13525 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13535 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14279 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14607 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14827 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15876 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19659 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19760 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20430 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21494 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22031 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23514 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23860 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24116 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24231 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25409 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25429 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -27.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25691 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25696 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25955 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredStrobeLightEmpty + entities: + - uid: 3985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PoweredStrobeLightPolice + entities: + - uid: 21056 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: PoweredStrobeLightSiren + entities: + - uid: 22440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: AmbientSound + sound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier + params: + variation: null + playOffsetSeconds: 0 + loop: False + referenceDistance: 1 + rolloffFactor: 1 + maxDistance: 15 + pitch: 1 + volume: 0 + path: /Audio/Misc/adminlarm.ogg + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + light_bulb: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 22441 + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DamageOnInteract + isDamageActive: False +- proto: PrefilledSyringe + entities: + - uid: 6481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.23253,-30.543175 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.52573,-43.445347 + parent: 2 +- proto: Protolathe + entities: + - uid: 9781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: PsychBed + entities: + - uid: 9300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Rack + entities: + - uid: 656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2123 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16903 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RadiationCollectorNoTank + entities: + - uid: 21868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RagItem + entities: + - uid: 24446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.44349,-30.912537 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.96699,-37.247665 + parent: 2 +- proto: Railing + entities: + - uid: 288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5632 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6604 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6605 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7415 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9251 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9304 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9631 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11193 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15034 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17156 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17826 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18178 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19516 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21495 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22479 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25538 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RailingCorner + entities: + - uid: 3865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15062 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RailingCornerSmall + entities: + - uid: 1200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11197 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19518 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23929 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RailingRound + entities: + - uid: 8173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomArcade + entities: + - uid: 3580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner + entities: + - uid: 7428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomArtifactSpawner20 + entities: + - uid: 1720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomBoard + entities: + - uid: 19816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomInstruments + entities: + - uid: 20952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomPosterAny + entities: + - uid: 23011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomPosterContraband + entities: + - uid: 23033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomPosterLegit + entities: + - uid: 4875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -107.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomSoakedCigarette + entities: + - uid: 2443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.32534,-3.7414088 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomVending + entities: + - uid: 9276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomVendingDrinks + entities: + - uid: 7326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RandomVendingSnacks + entities: + - uid: 7327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RCD + entities: + - uid: 19340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.41536,-3.5910335 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.599266,-16.397104 + parent: 2 +- proto: RCDAmmo + entities: + - uid: 18771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.64607,-17.29237 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.33357,-17.29237 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.4742,-17.651745 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.64614,-16.44398 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.36489,-16.22523 + parent: 2 +- proto: Recycler + entities: + - uid: 1357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow + entities: + - uid: 599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7167 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7192 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7247 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7840 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7856 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20411 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23103 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23498 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -126.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24934 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24935 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindowDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 7308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -154.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -154.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -154.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -155.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ReinforcedWindow + entities: + - uid: 4 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 31 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 46 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 48 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 50 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 51 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 52 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 54 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 56 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 57 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 58 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 59 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 60 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 61 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 71 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 73 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6972 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10035 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11710 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13241 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -140.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15407 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -123.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16695 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17359 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20160 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20277 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20450 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20936 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -104.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -141.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23751 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -21.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24036 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RemoteSignaller + entities: + - uid: 3377 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: remote signaller (Paramedic Shutters) + - type: Transform + pos: -24.505428,-26.354685 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 138: + - Pressed: Toggle + 3976: + - Pressed: Toggle + 132: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Paramedic Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: remote signaller + - uid: 6783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.31237,3.42198 + parent: 2 +- proto: ResearchAndDevelopmentServer + entities: + - uid: 22084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: RobocopCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.270996,-74.35101 + parent: 2 +- proto: RollingPin + entities: + - uid: 22096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.694008,-30.212967 + parent: 2 +- proto: SalvageMagnet + entities: + - uid: 22015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Scalpel + entities: + - uid: 21724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ScrapFaxMachine + entities: + - uid: 3723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.52578,-44.378353 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.510574,-66.35512 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.537453,-66.396194 + parent: 2 +- proto: Screen + entities: + - uid: 17848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Screwdriver + entities: + - uid: 6280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.61036,-14.756046 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.497591,-6.4032135 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.52333,-76.418274 + parent: 2 +- proto: SecurityTechFab + entities: + - uid: 2119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SeedExtractor + entities: + - uid: 6131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShardGlassPlasma + entities: + - uid: 11090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.495424,-65.501526 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetGlass + entities: + - uid: 1201 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1199 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1202 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 1199 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 20463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.06298,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.06298,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.06298,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.38966,-65.66646 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetPlasma + entities: + - uid: 4307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.72166,-4.4283886 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.15916,-4.4440136 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.32983,-24.36347 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.37454,-13.518744 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.53029,-65.43208 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetPlasma1 + entities: + - uid: 2811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.44583,-9.386711 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetPlasteel + entities: + - uid: 508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.40186,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22073 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.40186,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.40186,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.37284,-9.357885 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetPlastic + entities: + - uid: 20464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.703606,-18.538101 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetSteel + entities: + - uid: 18790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18791 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.42362,-18.506851 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.42362,-18.491226 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.42362,-18.475601 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.60841,-65.46333 + parent: 2 +- proto: SheetUranium + entities: + - uid: 6248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.61828,-24.535345 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.64761,-13.512508 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShelfBar + entities: + - uid: 20238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShelfWood + entities: + - uid: 2907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShellTranquilizer + entities: + - uid: 11626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.408735,4.649517 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.283735,4.493267 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShipBattlemap + entities: + - uid: 26071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.00101,-51.878323 + parent: 2 +- proto: Shiv + entities: + - uid: 8867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.506596,-52.548405 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShotGunCabinetFilled + entities: + - uid: 17779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShotGunCabinetOpen + entities: + - uid: 23750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Shovel + entities: + - uid: 22014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.58183,28.614473 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.571655,4.4201365 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShowcaseRobotAntique + entities: + - uid: 2812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttersNormal + entities: + - uid: 132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttersNormalOpen + entities: + - uid: 399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - uid: 2960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3344 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 3999 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4456 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 4469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6798 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - uid: 6820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 6896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 9559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 14139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 14140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 14141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 14142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 17815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 17819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 17820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 19528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19529 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19533 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25385 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25389 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25391 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 25623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttersWindow + entities: + - uid: 3976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttersWindowOpen + entities: + - uid: 11617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - uid: 11618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: ShuttleConsoleCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 1127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.41005,-72.5363 + parent: 2 +- proto: ShuttleWindow + entities: + - uid: 4384 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignAi + entities: + - uid: 25372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignAiUpload + entities: + - uid: 25373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignalButton + entities: + - uid: 5657 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Burn Chamber Vent) + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5666: + - Pressed: Trigger + 669: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Burn Chamber Vent + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 5989 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Vent Chamber) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -148.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5948: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Vent Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 17823 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Open Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1946: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1936: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Open Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button +- proto: SignalButtonDirectional + entities: + - uid: 1481 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3776: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 1521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3779: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 2591 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Space Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3300: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Space Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 3619 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3780: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 3810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3771: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 3811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3772: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 4222 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4096: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 6068 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Ignite Chamber) + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6071: + - Pressed: Trigger + - type: Label + currentLabel: Ignite Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 6069 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Vent Chamber) + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5948: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Vent Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 6163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6157: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 6164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6156: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 6168 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Vent Chamber) + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 5948: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Vent Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 6169 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Ignite Chamber) + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6071: + - Pressed: Trigger + - type: Label + currentLabel: Ignite Chamber + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 19541 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Dock Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19524: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Dock Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 19560 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Dock Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19525: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Dock Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 19735 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Salvage Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 23508: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Salvage Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 19741 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Disposals Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7764: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Disposals Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 21465 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Disposals Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7766: + - Pressed: Toggle + - type: Label + currentLabel: Disposals Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 22347 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal button (Space Blast Doors) + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 16763: + - Pressed: Trigger + - type: Label + currentLabel: Space Blast Doors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal button + - uid: 24029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 14940: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 25417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 12466: + - Pressed: DoorBolt + - uid: 25418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 12043: + - Pressed: DoorBolt +- proto: SignalSwitch + entities: + - uid: 1217 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9769: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 9414: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 9078: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 1220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 15252: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 15282: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 15283: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 2791 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Bridge Entrance Blastdoors) + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2795: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2796: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2793: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2794: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 1825: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Bridge Entrance Blastdoors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 2792 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Bridge Window Blastdoors) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,4.25 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2773: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2775: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2776: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2777: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2779: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2780: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2782: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2783: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2784: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2785: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2787: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2786: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2788: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2789: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2790: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2781: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2778: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Bridge Window Blastdoors + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 2965 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Line Shutters) + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-7.35 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2959: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2998: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Line Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 2999 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Window Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 2962: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2963: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 399: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2960: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2964: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 2958: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Window Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 4618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25628: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 7079 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7134: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 7335 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Warehouse Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19537: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19536: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - type: Label + currentLabel: Warehouse Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 8624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11622: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11623: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11624: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 11613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11619: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11617: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11616: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 11614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11620: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11618: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 11621: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 17822 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Desk Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.8,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 17820: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 17819: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 17815: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Desk Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 22376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 22373: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 22374: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 22375: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 25663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 18983: + - On: On + - Off: Off +- proto: SignalSwitchDirectional + entities: + - uid: 3053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6265: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6310: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6308: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6307: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6306: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 3834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3830: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3831: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3832: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3833: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 3974 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Paramedic Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 138: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3976: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 132: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3985: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Paramedic Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 3996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3997: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3998: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3999: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 6852 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Perma Lockdown) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4818: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6757: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6659: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Perma Lockdown + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 8067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13676: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 13637: + - Off: Close + - On: Open + 13665: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 8073 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 13625: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 7181: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 1798: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 8823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 8822: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 8821: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 8820: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 10204 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Cell Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9646: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 10172: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - type: Label + currentLabel: Cell Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 11163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 11159: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 9559: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 16924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25626: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25625: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25624: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25623: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 17816 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Perma Lockdown) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-21.8 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6659: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6757: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4818: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Perma Lockdown + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 17817 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Cell Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6797: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6805: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6798: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6883: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6820: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6867: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6817: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6818: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 6896: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Cell Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 17818 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Entrance Lockdown) + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-21.2 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 17813: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 17814: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 9642: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - type: Label + currentLabel: Entrance Lockdown + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 19538 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: signal switch (Privacy Shutters) + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 19533: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19532: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19531: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19534: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19535: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19528: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19529: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 19530: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - type: Label + currentLabel: Privacy Shutters + - type: NameModifier + baseName: signal switch + - uid: 22810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7272: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 7274: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 7273: + - Off: Close + - On: Open + - uid: 22811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7277: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 7276: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 7275: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + - uid: 24811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 3344: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 3382: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 25393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4466: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4467: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4469: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4459: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25385: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25386: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25389: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25388: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25387: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25392: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 25391: + - Off: Close + - On: Open + 25390: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 25397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4457: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4468: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 4456: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True + - uid: 25613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 9583: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 25656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25654: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 25659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25657: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 25661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 17852: + - On: On + - Off: Off + - uid: 25694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SignalSwitch + state: True + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 14139: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 14140: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 14141: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + 14142: + - On: Open + - Off: Close + lastSignals: + Status: True +- proto: SignalTimer + entities: + - uid: 16763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4631: + - Start: Open + - Timer: Close +- proto: SignAnomaly + entities: + - uid: 8081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignAnomaly2 + entities: + - uid: 7372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignArcade + entities: + - uid: 16484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignArmory + entities: + - uid: 15880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignAtmos + entities: + - uid: 25602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignBar + entities: + - uid: 15030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignBiohazardMed + entities: + - uid: 2507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9210 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignBridge + entities: + - uid: 19161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCans + entities: + - uid: 5805 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCargo + entities: + - uid: 16508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignChapel + entities: + - uid: 1305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignChem + entities: + - uid: 2494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCloning + entities: + - uid: 4199 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCryo + entities: + - uid: 2500 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignCryogenicsMed + entities: + - uid: 4207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDangerMed + entities: + - uid: 26057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalAtmos + entities: + - uid: 812 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-8.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,17.8 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalBar + entities: + - uid: 24507 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-50.4 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalBridge + entities: + - uid: 15867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19889 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-10.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22131 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-54.2 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalChapel + entities: + - uid: 15862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-36.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-50.6 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalCryo + entities: + - uid: 9650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15859 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-13.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19904 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -66.5,-50.2 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalDorms + entities: + - uid: 16423 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-50.6 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalEng + entities: + - uid: 3304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-11.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-13.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-10.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-54.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24488 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-8.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalEvac + entities: + - uid: 1991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-0.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-13.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-11.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-10.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-21.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-54.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-36.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-11.7 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalFood + entities: + - uid: 3646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-10.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-13.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19164 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-50.4 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-54.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24503 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-36.4 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalHop + entities: + - uid: 19721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalHydro + entities: + - uid: 19162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-50.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24504 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-36.2 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalJanitor + entities: + - uid: 24493 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalLibrary + entities: + - uid: 3653 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-36.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24505 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-50.8 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalMed + entities: + - uid: 1153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-10.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-13.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22134 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-54.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-15.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25471 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-15.3 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalSalvage + entities: + - uid: 4603 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,23.8 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalSci + entities: + - uid: 3306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-0.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-10.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7614 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-54.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-15.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15851 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-13.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-11.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-36.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-21.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24492 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-15.7 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalSec + entities: + - uid: 2013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-0.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-13.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-11.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,-36.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-10.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-21.7 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-54.6 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25472 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalSolar + entities: + - uid: 1028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26169 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26170 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignDirectionalSupply + entities: + - uid: 1933 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,-36.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,-0.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,17.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4635 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,17.8 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15850 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-13.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-11.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19890 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-11.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19912 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-10.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -105.5,-21.3 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-54.2 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-11.3 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignElectricalMed + entities: + - uid: 18084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignEngine + entities: + - uid: 15883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignEngineering + entities: + - uid: 19165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignEscapePods + entities: + - uid: 13227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignEVA + entities: + - uid: 15900 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignExamroom + entities: + - uid: 25637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignFire + entities: + - uid: 5538 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5664 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5665 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignFlammableMed + entities: + - uid: 8290 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignGravity + entities: + - uid: 6196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignHead + entities: + - uid: 15420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignHydro1 + entities: + - uid: 348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignInterrogation + entities: + - uid: 15913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -89.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignJanitor + entities: + - uid: 24812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignKiddiePlaque + entities: + - uid: 11849 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Prestigeous certificate or backwater fake? You be the judge. + name: Law Diploma + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignKitchen + entities: + - uid: 15907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignLawyer + entities: + - uid: 11851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignLibrary + entities: + - uid: 3841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignMedical + entities: + - uid: 7561 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignMemetic + entities: + - uid: 18808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignMorgue + entities: + - uid: 2007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignNews + entities: + - uid: 16011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignPlaque + entities: + - uid: 2815 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Plasma. The very substance that catapulted Nanotrasen to the place it is today. Its use is so ubiquitous, and found in so many technologies, it's easy to forget how much of an impact it has. + name: Plasma Plaque + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21071 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: A plaque comemorating the installation of the research module. Seems it happened only a year ago. + name: Research Module Plaque + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignPrison + entities: + - uid: 15914 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignPsychology + entities: + - uid: 9239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRadiationMed + entities: + - uid: 409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRedFive + entities: + - uid: 17798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRedFour + entities: + - uid: 17797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRedOne + entities: + - uid: 3778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRedThree + entities: + - uid: 17548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRedTwo + entities: + - uid: 16509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRestroom + entities: + - uid: 2199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRND + entities: + - uid: 15919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignRobo + entities: + - uid: 15918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSalvage + entities: + - uid: 4672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignScience + entities: + - uid: 24491 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSecureMed + entities: + - uid: 25361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25363 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25367 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25368 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSecureMedRed + entities: + - uid: 21066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSecurity + entities: + - uid: 15911 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignShipDock + entities: + - uid: 16513 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSmoking + entities: + - uid: 2844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -106.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignSpace + entities: + - uid: 4613 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -152.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignTelecomms + entities: + - uid: 17026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignToolStorage + entities: + - uid: 15898 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignVault + entities: + - uid: 1172 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SignVirology + entities: + - uid: 4168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Sink + entities: + - uid: 698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20093 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SinkWide + entities: + - uid: 10787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SmartFridge + entities: + - uid: 3405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SMESAdvanced + entities: + - uid: 7621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SMESBasic + entities: + - uid: 257 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2028 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Deterance SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2110 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Deterance SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4397 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Telecommunications SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6210 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Gravity Generator SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12909 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21094 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22341 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Core SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24881 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Satelite SMES + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SoapDeluxe + entities: + - uid: 22265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SodaDispenser + entities: + - uid: 8792 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -8.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SolarPanel + entities: + - uid: 548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2433 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6579 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6597 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10009 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13949 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13995 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14661 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17354 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22483 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -155.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -151.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -153.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -145.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SolarTracker + entities: + - uid: 4431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SolidSecretDoor + entities: + - uid: 501 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20383 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpaceCash10 + entities: + - uid: 9835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.315592,1.8239067 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.659342,1.4020317 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpaceHeaterEnabled + entities: + - uid: 16180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpacemenFigureSpawner + entities: + - uid: 26079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpaceVillainArcadeFilled + entities: + - uid: 9588 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMechRipley + entities: + - uid: 19753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobCatException + entities: + - uid: 4258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobCatRuntime + entities: + - uid: 13271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobCleanBot + entities: + - uid: 2419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobCorgi + entities: + - uid: 2955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobFoxRenault + entities: + - uid: 22264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobMcGriff + entities: + - uid: 22277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobMonkeyPunpun + entities: + - uid: 15901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobParrot + entities: + - uid: 16489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobRaccoonMorticia + entities: + - uid: 12764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobShiva + entities: + - uid: 17787 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnMobSmile + entities: + - uid: 16196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointAtmos + entities: + - uid: 21747 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointBartender + entities: + - uid: 3838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointBorg + entities: + - uid: 22242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointBotanist + entities: + - uid: 16533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointCaptain + entities: + - uid: 2872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointCargoTechnician + entities: + - uid: 21762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointChaplain + entities: + - uid: 22111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointChef + entities: + - uid: 22091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointChemist + entities: + - uid: 22248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointChiefEngineer + entities: + - uid: 21761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointChiefMedicalOfficer + entities: + - uid: 25677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointClown + entities: + - uid: 22959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointDetective + entities: + - uid: 22076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfPersonnel + entities: + - uid: 22085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointHeadOfSecurity + entities: + - uid: 22080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointJanitor + entities: + - uid: 25669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointLawyer + entities: + - uid: 22057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointLibrarian + entities: + - uid: 22107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointMedicalDoctor + entities: + - uid: 22252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointMedicalIntern + entities: + - uid: 8372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointMime + entities: + - uid: 21744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointMusician + entities: + - uid: 22113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointObserver + entities: + - uid: 23941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointParamedic + entities: + - uid: 22246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointPassenger + entities: + - uid: 3497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointPsychologist + entities: + - uid: 25678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointQuartermaster + entities: + - uid: 16460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointReporter + entities: + - uid: 25675 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointResearchAssistant + entities: + - uid: 25700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointResearchDirector + entities: + - uid: 21489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointSalvageSpecialist + entities: + - uid: 25679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointScientist + entities: + - uid: 21456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointSecurityCadet + entities: + - uid: 22060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointSecurityOfficer + entities: + - uid: 16192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointServiceWorker + entities: + - uid: 22110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointStationEngineer + entities: + - uid: 21748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointTechnicalAssistant + entities: + - uid: 21757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SpawnPointWarden + entities: + - uid: 22079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SprayBottleSpaceCleaner + entities: + - uid: 6994 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3368 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 7495 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3368 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 8032 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3368 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 8160 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 12886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.536697,-46.489597 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.085976,-30.474735 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.4901,-44.3657 + parent: 2 +- proto: StairDark + entities: + - uid: 3867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Stairs + entities: + - uid: 5582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StairStage + entities: + - uid: 2716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -63.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7254 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20310 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StairStageDark + entities: + - uid: 1203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StasisBed + entities: + - uid: 4033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StationAiUploadComputer + entities: + - uid: 24920 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StationAnchor + entities: + - uid: 6724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StationEfficiencyCircuitBoard + entities: + - uid: 24949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.41162,-74.456314 + parent: 2 +- proto: StationMap + entities: + - uid: 11725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Stool + entities: + - uid: 385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3658 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6590 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14101 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14550 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StoolBar + entities: + - uid: 3422 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7542 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8357 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9302 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -67.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -68.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15928 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -65.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25464 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,16.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: StorageCanister + entities: + - uid: 1916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Stunbaton + entities: + - uid: 17784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.55603,-25.39786 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.30603,-25.42911 + parent: 2 +- proto: SubstationBasic + entities: + - uid: 2020 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Bridge Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2068 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Security Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4396 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Telecommunications Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6227 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Gravity Generator Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7472 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Cargo Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7746 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: RAGE CAGE Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15872 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Service Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16864 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Engineering Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17505 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Medical Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17618 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Solars Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19799 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Arrivals Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20350 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: Science Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22346 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Core Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25181 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: AI Satelite Substation + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SubstationWallBasic + entities: + - uid: 1899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageAtmos + entities: + - uid: 2525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageCaptain + entities: + - uid: 2897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageCE + entities: + - uid: 6284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageCMO + entities: + - uid: 12563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageEngi + entities: + - uid: 19279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageEVA + entities: + - uid: 24363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageEVAEmergency + entities: + - uid: 13690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageHOS + entities: + - uid: 6775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageRD + entities: + - uid: 7610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageSalv + entities: + - uid: 12659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageSec + entities: + - uid: 2157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SuitStorageWarden + entities: + - uid: 4004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand + entities: + - uid: 1677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Utility Room + - uid: 1872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Upload + - uid: 2200 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-91.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite South + - uid: 2388 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite Southwest + - uid: 3617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Core North + - uid: 5354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Core South + - uid: 5356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite Hallway + - uid: 5477 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite Northeast + - uid: 17171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge Exterior West + - uid: 23729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -62.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Showcase Room + - uid: 23730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Boardroom + - uid: 23731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge Hallway West + - uid: 23732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge Hallway East + - uid: 23733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge + - uid: 23734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Bridge Exterior East + - uid: 23735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Captain Office + - uid: 23736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Captain Bedroom + - uid: 23738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: HoP Office + - uid: 23739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: HoP Bedroom + - uid: 23740 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Ian Bedroom + - uid: 23744 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: Vault + - uid: 23745 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: EVA + - uid: 25665 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite Northwest + - uid: 25666 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraCommand + nameSet: True + id: AI Satelite Southeast +- proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering + entities: + - uid: 960 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1004 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Science Substation + - uid: 9837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Northeast Maintenance Substation + - uid: 23759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Evac Storage + - uid: 23784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Telecommunications South + - uid: 23793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Plasma Storage + - uid: 23794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Atmospherics Burn Chamber + - uid: 23797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Atmospherics South + - uid: 23798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Canister Storage + - uid: 23799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Atmospherics Front Desk + - uid: 23800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Atmospherics Entrance + - uid: 23801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Workshop + - uid: 23802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Entrance + - uid: 23803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Breakroom + - uid: 23805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: CE Office + - uid: 23806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: CE Bedroom + - uid: 23807 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: SMES Bank + - uid: 23809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: West Maint Crossover + - uid: 23812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: TEG Control Room + - uid: 23813 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: TEG + - uid: 23816 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -149.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: TEG Radiator + - uid: 23838 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Science Atmospherics + - uid: 24323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Hallway South + - uid: 24324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Hallway West + - uid: 24330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Command Substation + - uid: 25688 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Atmospherics North + - uid: 25689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -124.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Gravity Generator + - uid: 25690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEngineering + nameSet: True + id: Station Anchor + - uid: 25693 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral + entities: + - uid: 2400 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Southwest Hallway + - uid: 23707 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Dorm West + - uid: 23708 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Dorm East + - uid: 23709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Pool South + - uid: 23727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Plaza Centre + - uid: 23741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Central Hallway East + - uid: 23743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Central Hallway West + - uid: 23746 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: East Hallway + - uid: 23753 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals West + - uid: 23754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals South + - uid: 23755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals Cafe + - uid: 23756 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals Cryo + - uid: 23757 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals North + - uid: 23758 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Evac Centre + - uid: 23792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Cargo Front + - uid: 23819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: West Hallway + - uid: 23835 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Science Hallway + - uid: 24675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Cryosleep + - uid: 25683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Dorms Entrance + - uid: 25686 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: Service Plaza North + - uid: 25687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraGeneral + nameSet: True + id: West Hallway +- proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical + entities: + - uid: 8625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Virology + - uid: 9037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: CMO Office + - uid: 12012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Surgery Recovery + - uid: 13251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: CMO Exam Room + - uid: 19575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Breakroom + - uid: 23762 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Chemistry + - uid: 23763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Front Desk + - uid: 23764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Psychologist + - uid: 23765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Waiting Room + - uid: 23766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Paramedic + - uid: 23767 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Cloning + - uid: 23768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Cryogenics + - uid: 23770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Surgery Staging + - uid: 23771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Surgery North + - uid: 23772 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Surgery South + - uid: 23773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Surgery Observation + - uid: 23774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Examination + - uid: 23777 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Storage + - uid: 23778 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Freezer + - uid: 23780 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Virology Entrance + - uid: 23783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Morgue + - uid: 24339 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Hallway South + - uid: 24340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Hallway Centre + - uid: 24341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraMedical + nameSet: True + id: Hallway North +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterCommand + entities: + - uid: 16844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterConstructed + entities: + - uid: 22275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterEngineering + entities: + - uid: 14350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral + entities: + - uid: 12233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterMedical + entities: + - uid: 17042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterScience + entities: + - uid: 17078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSecurity + entities: + - uid: 17007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterService + entities: + - uid: 10187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSupply + entities: + - uid: 10196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraScience + entities: + - uid: 5390 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Xenoarcheology + - uid: 5993 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Xenoarcheology Hallway + - uid: 6509 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -146.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Xenoarcheology South Chamber + - uid: 6858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Xenoarcheology Airlock + - uid: 16976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Cargo Bay + - uid: 17055 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Charging Bay + - uid: 23054 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: RD Bedroom + - uid: 23823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Anomally Generator + - uid: 25404 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Robotics + - uid: 25405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Surgery + - uid: 25406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraScience + nameSet: True + id: Entrance + - uid: 25861 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: RD Office + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -136.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraSecurity + entities: + - uid: 23747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals Checkpoint Exterior + - uid: 23749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Arrivals Checkpoint + - uid: 23761 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Evac Checkpoint + - uid: 24300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Entrance + - uid: 24301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Warden Office + - uid: 24302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Utility Room + - uid: 24303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Armory + - uid: 24304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Locker Room + - uid: 24305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Breakroom + - uid: 24306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell 1 + - uid: 24307 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell 2 + - uid: 24308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell 3 + - uid: 24309 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell Exterior + - uid: 24310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Detective Office + - uid: 24311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Lawyer Office + - uid: 24312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -86.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Interogation + - uid: 24313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: HoS Office + - uid: 24315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Detective Bedroom + - uid: 24316 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -89.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Permabrig Hallway + - uid: 24317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell 4 + - uid: 24318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Cell 5 + - uid: 24319 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -82.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Visitation + - uid: 24320 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Permabrig + - uid: 24321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSecurity + nameSet: True + id: Permabrig Restroom +- proto: SurveillanceCameraService + entities: + - uid: 23712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -48.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Chapel + - uid: 23714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Library + - uid: 23718 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Newsroom + - uid: 23722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Kitchen + - uid: 23723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -47.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Freezer + - uid: 23724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -52.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Botany + - uid: 23725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Botany Backroom + - uid: 24345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraService + nameSet: True + id: Theatre +- proto: SurveillanceCameraSupply + entities: + - uid: 23760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Evac Storage + - uid: 23786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Warehouse + - uid: 23787 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Breakroom + - uid: 23788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Cargo Bay South + - uid: 23789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Cargo Bay North + - uid: 23790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Dock + - uid: 23791 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Front Desk + - uid: 24326 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Salvage Staging Area + - uid: 24327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: Salvage Breakroom + - uid: 24328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: QM Office + - uid: 24329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraSupply + nameSet: True + id: QM Bedroom +- proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterEntertainment + entities: + - uid: 15992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraAnchoredEntertainment + entities: + - uid: 7560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -64.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: Captain's Address + - uid: 13719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: Hydraulic Press Channel + - uid: 15704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -57.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: Classics of Nanotrasen + - uid: 16747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: Weh + - uid: 16880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: IanCam + - uid: 22473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: PlasmaFire TV +- proto: SurveillanceWirelessCameraMovableEntertainment + entities: + - uid: 16003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -94.5,44.5 + parent: 2 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + setupAvailableNetworks: + - SurveillanceCameraEntertainment + nameSet: True + id: LiveLeak +- proto: SynthesizerInstrument + entities: + - uid: 26036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.533735,4.587017 + parent: 2 +- proto: Syringe + entities: + - uid: 2609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.35623,-4.475757 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.91812,-45.469967 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.48795,-42.47385 + parent: 2 +- proto: Table + entities: + - uid: 505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 835 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -141.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1382 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1431 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2393 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -80.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2546 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3379 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3452 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -53.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3458 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4052 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4053 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4054 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4057 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4362 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5351 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5732 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5733 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5734 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5884 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6468 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6731 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6992 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7526 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7754 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -147.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8274 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -32.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8463 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8563 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8564 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8668 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8864 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9041 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -45.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10203 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10455 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -37.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10906 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -88.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14098 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15011 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15332 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -96.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17058 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17433 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17453 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17527 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17535 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17801 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17802 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -93.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -84.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -36.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19332 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19333 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -81.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19539 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -35.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21047 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -74.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22967 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -36.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23443 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -134.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25909 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableCarpet + entities: + - uid: 8784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19818 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableCounterMetal + entities: + - uid: 21479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableFancyBlue + entities: + - uid: 23451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableFancyRed + entities: + - uid: 17100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableReinforced + entities: + - uid: 321 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 329 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1578 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2070 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3311 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3408 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3896 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -41.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -38.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4543 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4544 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -100.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5720 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7292 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7293 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7294 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7297 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10074 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11612 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24919 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TableWood + entities: + - uid: 331 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2723 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2724 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2828 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -59.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2829 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -51.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2867 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3008 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3574 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -48.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -51.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -52.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3853 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3854 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4440 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -55.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -87.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4716 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -86.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -85.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6956 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -97.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7599 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7600 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7602 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8355 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -37.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8670 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8768 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8769 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8770 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8774 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8775 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9267 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10562 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11173 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11174 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -98.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11793 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14541 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -69.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15266 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16784 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19257 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20336 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21474 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23667 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23878 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -70.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TargetStrange + entities: + - uid: 24557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TegCenter + entities: + - uid: 674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -147.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TegCirculator + entities: + - uid: 5921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - type: PointLight + color: '#FF3300FF' + - uid: 5922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -147.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: PointLight + color: '#FF3300FF' +- proto: TelecomServer + entities: + - uid: 15019 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: An old server, stuck compiling an unknown program... + name: Computron + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + machine_board: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + machine_parts: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: [] + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 500 + missingComponents: + - WiresPanel + - EncryptionKeyHolder + - TelecomServer +- proto: TelecomServerCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 4499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.54583,0.7566781 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledCargo + entities: + - uid: 17053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledCommand + entities: + - uid: 4451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledCommon + entities: + - uid: 4482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledEngineering + entities: + - uid: 17041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledMedical + entities: + - uid: 24807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledScience + entities: + - uid: 23109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledSecurity + entities: + - uid: 16461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TelecomServerFilledService + entities: + - uid: 17076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Thruster + entities: + - uid: 1598 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ThrusterUnanchored + entities: + - uid: 1125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -35.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1126 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -34.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1196 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TintedWindow + entities: + - uid: 1435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13229 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19403 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23804 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -90.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToiletDirtyWater + entities: + - uid: 356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3788 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3789 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7638 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7852 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -128.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7861 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -130.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9620 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19771 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToiletGoldenDirtyWater + entities: + - uid: 2899 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToolboxElectrical + entities: + - uid: 23388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.561455,0.4129281 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToolboxElectricalFilled + entities: + - uid: 15315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.531397,-4.575088 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.58072,-4.4554005 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.39724,-5.2147703 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToolboxEmergencyFilled + entities: + - uid: 16894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.55058,35.704193 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.531397,-4.918838 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToolboxGolden + entities: + - uid: 4304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.002045,-0.3785391 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToolboxMechanicalFilled + entities: + - uid: 7813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.531397,-4.293838 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12926 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 6.283185307179586 rad + pos: -66.51588,-55.42051 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.551056,25.64724 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.50171,-70.36417 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.56421,-70.37979 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.631615,-5.6210203 + parent: 2 +- proto: TowelColorWhite + entities: + - uid: 9843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.512314,-21.449978 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyAi + entities: + - uid: 25413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.45719,-60.201916 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyFigurineGreytider + entities: + - uid: 3860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.73075,-51.26951 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyFigurineNukie + entities: + - uid: 3861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.60575,-51.910133 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyFigurineNukieCommander + entities: + - uid: 3862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.23075,-52.472633 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyFigurineThief + entities: + - uid: 16400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.4626,-53.38388 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyFigurineWizardFake + entities: + - uid: 26099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.41825,-51.628883 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyIan + entities: + - uid: 1128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.80523,-72.26677 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyNuke + entities: + - uid: 1212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.320854,-72.61052 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToyRubberDuck + entities: + - uid: 22266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: ToySpawner + entities: + - uid: 14357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TrainingBomb + entities: + - uid: 17799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: TrashBag + entities: + - uid: 8313 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: TreasureCoinGold + entities: + - uid: 21064 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 21062 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: TwoWayLever + entities: + - uid: 4622 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Front Desk Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 6610: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6612: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 19511: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 25544: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 2600: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 25555: + - Left: Open + - Right: Open + - Left: AutoClose + - Right: AutoClose + - Middle: Close + - type: Label + currentLabel: Front Desk Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 10147 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Salvage Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1357: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4369: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 8476: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4368: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7262: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4370: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4367: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7264: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11280: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11082: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 19736: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 14873: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 8421: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 12463: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 8422: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 1576: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 8449: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 23479: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 23417: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 24821: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4575: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Salvage Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 16483 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Disposals Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7553: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6968: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7763: + - Left: Reverse + - Right: Forward + - Middle: Off + 7315: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7559: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7343: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6964: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11064: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6813: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6815: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Disposals Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 19522 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Dock Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7584: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7586: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7418: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7539: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7077: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Dock Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 19523 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Dock Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7548: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7582: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7583: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7579: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7344: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Dock Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 22204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 22196: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22197: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22198: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22199: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22200: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22201: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22203: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 22202: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - uid: 23513 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Cargo Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 7080: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 23169: + - Left: Open + - Right: Open + - Middle: Close + 23171: + - Left: Open + - Right: Open + - Middle: Close + 6525: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6524: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6587: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6577: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 5820: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6507: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 5850: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7549: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7304: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 7336: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 18079: + - Left: Open + - Right: Open + - Middle: Close + - type: Label + currentLabel: Cargo Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 25553 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Desk Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 25546: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 25545: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 6926: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11109: + - Left: Open + - Right: Open + - Middle: Close + - Left: AutoClose + - Right: AutoClose + - type: Label + currentLabel: Desk Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever + - uid: 25559 + components: + - type: MetaData + name: two way lever (Space Conveyor) + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 22205: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 15308: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11641: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 10621: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11649: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11764: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11757: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11768: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11745: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11744: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 10569: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 4582: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11739: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11726: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11723: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 11720: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 18938: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 18870: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + 24819: + - Left: Forward + - Right: Reverse + - Middle: Off + - type: Label + currentLabel: Space Conveyor + - type: NameModifier + baseName: two way lever +- proto: UniformPrinter + entities: + - uid: 12751 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Vaccinator + entities: + - uid: 4174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingBarDrobe + entities: + - uid: 16707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineAtmosDrobe + entities: + - uid: 9555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineBooze + entities: + - uid: 479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe + entities: + - uid: 4639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineCart + entities: + - uid: 2997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineChapel + entities: + - uid: 22300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineChefDrobe + entities: + - uid: 3438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineChefvend + entities: + - uid: 3448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineChemicals + entities: + - uid: 3937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineCigs + entities: + - uid: 4317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineClothing + entities: + - uid: 3782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineCoffee + entities: + - uid: 6076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineCuraDrobe + entities: + - uid: 3851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware + entities: + - uid: 1193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineDonut + entities: + - uid: 11055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineEngiDrobe + entities: + - uid: 7477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineEngivend + entities: + - uid: 22072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineGames + entities: + - uid: 6951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineGeneDrobe + entities: + - uid: 4197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineJaniDrobe + entities: + - uid: 3385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe + entities: + - uid: 6742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineMedical + entities: + - uid: 2002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineMediDrobe + entities: + - uid: 4116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineNutri + entities: + - uid: 22088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachinePwrGame + entities: + - uid: 9726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineRoboDrobe + entities: + - uid: 2483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineRobotics + entities: + - uid: 17363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSalvage + entities: + - uid: 20425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSciDrobe + entities: + - uid: 16472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSec + entities: + - uid: 1533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSecDrobe + entities: + - uid: 7263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSeeds + entities: + - uid: 6923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked + entities: + - uid: 6761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineSustenance + entities: + - uid: 7121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering + entities: + - uid: 5812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA + entities: + - uid: 345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineTheater + entities: + - uid: 1155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineVendomat + entities: + - uid: 4356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineViroDrobe + entities: + - uid: 4171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineWinter + entities: + - uid: 3781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: VendingMachineYouTool + entities: + - uid: 4355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallmountTelescreen + entities: + - uid: 6641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallmountTelevision + entities: + - uid: 23944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallReinforced + entities: + - uid: 8 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 27 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 28 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 29 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 30 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 53 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 55 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 62 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 63 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 64 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 65 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 66 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 67 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 68 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 69 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 75 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 76 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 77 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 78 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 79 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 80 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 81 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 82 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 83 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 84 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 85 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 86 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 87 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 88 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 89 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 90 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 91 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 92 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 93 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 94 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 95 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 96 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 97 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 98 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 99 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 315 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 747 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -122.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 771 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -144.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 856 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 891 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 896 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1071 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1076 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1637 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1732 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1897 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1920 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2387 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -129.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2397 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2399 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2401 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2402 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -127.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2977 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4316 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4323 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -109.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5092 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5928 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -148.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -146.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5933 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5934 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -152.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6971 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6973 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7125 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7470 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7510 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7519 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7520 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7522 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7523 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7524 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7565 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7569 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7623 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7624 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7700 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7790 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7822 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7823 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -150.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8048 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8050 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8091 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8132 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8133 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8136 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8137 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8141 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8146 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8149 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8154 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8180 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8181 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -143.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -151.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8189 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -144.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8921 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9713 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -68.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10195 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11094 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12143 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12872 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -130.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13684 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13819 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -142.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13877 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13897 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13951 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14071 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -140.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14106 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14107 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14108 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15891 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15915 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17028 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17306 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -137.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17370 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17373 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17375 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17428 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17445 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19583 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20080 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -149.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -145.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20090 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20424 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22435 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22715 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22893 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23015 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23100 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23490 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23517 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23719 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -78.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -76.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23737 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -77.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23810 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23815 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23827 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23844 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -126.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-84.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-85.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24575 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-83.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24848 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24868 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24869 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24870 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -123.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24898 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24908 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24916 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24918 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24922 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -124.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24988 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24998 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-87.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-90.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-88.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25165 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25166 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -116.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -125.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25296 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25312 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-92.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25328 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25334 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25340 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -128.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-89.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallReinforcedRust + entities: + - uid: 12 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 124 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 236 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 293 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 308 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 585 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -155.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -151.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 607 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -145.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -152.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -149.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 676 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 683 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 702 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 710 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 711 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 757 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 892 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1043 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1046 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1057 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1081 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1085 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1088 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1091 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1207 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1244 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1251 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1363 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1378 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1393 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1413 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1414 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1442 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -118.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1511 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1527 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -153.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1681 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1696 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1823 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1828 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1881 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1885 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1886 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1932 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1939 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1966 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1968 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1999 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2000 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2009 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2281 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2318 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -136.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2347 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2348 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2350 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2358 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -78.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2396 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -135.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2655 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2978 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3333 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3337 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3339 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3495 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3609 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3623 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3689 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3693 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3743 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3808 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3889 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3905 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3930 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3931 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3940 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4058 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4069 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-44.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4338 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -44.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4377 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4398 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4437 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4438 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -58.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -54.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4560 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -79.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4566 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -77.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4608 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4689 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4741 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5224 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5277 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5412 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5435 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -133.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5529 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5725 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5972 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6010 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6013 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6021 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-81.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6614 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-82.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6692 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6735 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6762 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6878 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6899 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6901 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6902 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6903 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-80.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7050 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7361 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7942 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8037 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8577 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8583 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8586 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8587 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -9.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8682 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8712 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8807 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8915 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8917 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8929 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9142 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10018 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10032 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10079 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10086 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10088 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -138.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -85.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10561 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10748 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10752 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10862 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11056 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11075 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11636 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12182 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12186 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -99.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12230 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12873 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12904 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13955 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -142.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14046 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -137.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16567 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-76.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -83.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17087 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -87.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17123 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -135.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -77.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -141.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17625 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18045 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18061 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -139.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18083 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -115.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18367 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18368 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18376 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18685 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18890 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19296 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -140.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19487 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19881 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20034 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20148 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20222 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20294 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20295 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20309 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20324 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -45.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20325 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -46.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20327 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20338 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20432 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20661 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20841 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20843 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21803 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21857 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21858 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22032 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22102 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22121 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22211 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22322 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -34.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22457 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -131.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22461 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -127.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22687 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22796 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22797 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22842 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -138.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23117 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -138.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -137.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23462 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23705 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23711 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -76.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23909 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23911 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23937 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23938 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -40.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -132.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24002 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -82.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24362 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -79.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24466 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24467 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25788 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallShuttle + entities: + - uid: 3581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -44.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4425 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4427 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -43.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallShuttleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 3211 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -42.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3331 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -42.5,-74.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallSolid + entities: + - uid: 72 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 335 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 496 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 740 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 781 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 799 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 908 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 951 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -26.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1016 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1022 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1023 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1033 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1053 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1055 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1066 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1190 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1434 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1465 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1491 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1528 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1664 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1770 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2171 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2237 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2266 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2428 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -127.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3360 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3361 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3616 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3677 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3739 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3872 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -17.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4125 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4276 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4557 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4704 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -131.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5118 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5761 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7531 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -128.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7811 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8220 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8466 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8548 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -92.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8798 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8802 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8851 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9061 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9062 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9684 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9697 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10077 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11045 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11078 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11134 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12572 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12859 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12863 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12867 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13230 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -113.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13232 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13233 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13234 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13621 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14065 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -132.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14801 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15213 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -130.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15221 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15884 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -133.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16842 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17096 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17305 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -139.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17371 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -131.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18365 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -133.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21714 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21719 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23337 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -69.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23364 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23506 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23706 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WallSolidRust + entities: + - uid: 281 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -104.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 720 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1089 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1218 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -94.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1956 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2377 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3729 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3817 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3863 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3945 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4007 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4559 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4655 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5741 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7084 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7087 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7128 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7131 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7135 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7136 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7137 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7216 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -93.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7678 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7801 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8340 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -96.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8736 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8837 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8844 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8858 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9059 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -102.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9068 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9070 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9094 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9100 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -98.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9119 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9206 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9295 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -75.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9463 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9612 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9622 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9656 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9660 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9662 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9663 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9665 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9666 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9679 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9687 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9688 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9695 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9698 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9701 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9734 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9737 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9738 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9745 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9749 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9753 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9759 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9780 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9796 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9800 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9803 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9805 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9812 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9813 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9822 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9952 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9969 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10019 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10138 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10149 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10153 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10262 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10375 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10592 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10758 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10785 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11006 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11007 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11051 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11063 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11095 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11098 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11102 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -87.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -103.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11773 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11776 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11778 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11875 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11888 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12146 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12147 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -55.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12187 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12188 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12426 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12694 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12857 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -72.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12864 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12866 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 12871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13286 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13288 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13512 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14300 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14654 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -71.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15047 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15349 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -110.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15448 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -112.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15682 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15683 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15685 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15692 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15694 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15773 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15987 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15995 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15996 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15997 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16112 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16120 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -42.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -45.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16185 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -52.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16215 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -51.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -43.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16268 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -48.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16269 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16271 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16301 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16336 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16352 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16354 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16355 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -99.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16356 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16359 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -97.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16492 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16531 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16570 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16581 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16582 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16584 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16586 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16718 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16733 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -65.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16794 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16839 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16855 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16865 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16871 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16873 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -108.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -69.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16879 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16883 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16941 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16990 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16993 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17001 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17013 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -74.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17014 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17020 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -35.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17048 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17067 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17072 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17074 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17080 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17083 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17097 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17099 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17103 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17104 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17111 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17113 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17141 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17167 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17172 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17174 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17219 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17231 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17232 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17233 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18150 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18151 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18152 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -40.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18748 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18866 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18925 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19313 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19315 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19469 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19475 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -72.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19628 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -103.5,30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20024 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20299 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21035 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21039 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21042 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21044 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21060 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21374 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21376 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21380 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21454 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -70.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21573 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22190 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22360 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -67.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22364 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22366 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -66.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22643 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22935 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22958 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23291 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -104.5,17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23356 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23365 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23369 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23416 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23447 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23502 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -103.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23658 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -76.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23869 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23879 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23880 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -18.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23892 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -73.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,19.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23960 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23961 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23962 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23963 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23964 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23965 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -82.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24470 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeCargoFilled + entities: + - uid: 4638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4700 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -92.5,11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeChapelFilled + entities: + - uid: 3877 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeGeneticsFilled + entities: + - uid: 4196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeGreyFilled + entities: + - uid: 1792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-78.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeMixedFilled + entities: + - uid: 3777 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -68.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled + entities: + - uid: 6499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -86.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-41.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6824 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -100.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeRoboticsFilled + entities: + - uid: 17330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,-51.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeSalvageFilled + entities: + - uid: 9825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,30.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeVirologyFilled + entities: + - uid: 4170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WardrobeWhiteFilled + entities: + - uid: 3691 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -66.5,-52.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningAir + entities: + - uid: 5468 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,18.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningCO2 + entities: + - uid: 10443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,8.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningN2 + entities: + - uid: 5353 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningN2O + entities: + - uid: 9938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,2.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningO2 + entities: + - uid: 9947 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,10.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningPlasma + entities: + - uid: 5386 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -114.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5650 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5894 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningTritium + entities: + - uid: 9914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WarningWaste + entities: + - uid: 5647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5648 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5649 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -135.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5895 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -132.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9935 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: WARNING! Water flow tube. Ensure flow is disengaged before working. + name: Water warning sign + - type: Transform + pos: -126.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WaterCooler + entities: + - uid: 1329 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4668 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6036 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -90.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10986 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WaterTankFull + entities: + - uid: 4389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9611 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15330 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22008 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity + entities: + - uid: 108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20493 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WaterVaporCanister + entities: + - uid: 5274 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,14.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5804 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -129.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -136.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger + entities: + - uid: 6673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-28.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6786 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -67.5,7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6874 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -88.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22082 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -89.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22969 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WeaponDisabler + entities: + - uid: 2372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.39978,-25.538485 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.52478,-25.319735 + parent: 2 +- proto: WeaponSprayNozzle + entities: + - uid: 3376 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 3368 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunWt550 + entities: + - uid: 14639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -78.498375,-30.215405 + parent: 2 +- proto: WeaponTurretSyndicateBroken + entities: + - uid: 22789 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-86.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24957 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24958 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24959 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -123.5,-79.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WelderIndustrial + entities: + - uid: 7350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.47794,-7.761752 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.629196,-3.4886127 + parent: 2 +- proto: WeldingFuelTankFull + entities: + - uid: 4390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -107.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8270 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9610 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 21005 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -47.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -96.5,4.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23894 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,0.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26122 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -124.5,24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -79.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WetFloorSign + entities: + - uid: 7863 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 7901 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 7902 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - uid: 7947 + components: + - type: Transform + parent: 7826 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False +- proto: Windoor + entities: + - uid: 2967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18341 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorHydroponicsLocked + entities: + - uid: 6138 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -54.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + lastSignals: + DoorStatus: True + - type: Door + secondsUntilStateChange: -169098.02 + state: Opening + - type: Airlock + autoClose: False + - uid: 9345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-22.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorKitchenLocked + entities: + - uid: 6506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -54.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecure + entities: + - uid: 16040 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 4026: + - DoorStatus: Close +- proto: WindoorSecureArmoryLocked + entities: + - uid: 4026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -93.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 16040: + - DoorStatus: Close + - uid: 6663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -91.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureAtmosphericsLocked + entities: + - uid: 2090 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -110.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5730 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -108.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureCargoLocked + entities: + - uid: 11109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -102.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25555 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -97.5,16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25849 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,12.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureChemistryLocked + entities: + - uid: 3922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3923 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -38.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 5724 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -110.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -108.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureHeadOfPersonnelLocked + entities: + - uid: 2966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-8.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + invokeCounter: 1 +- proto: WindoorSecureJanitorLocked + entities: + - uid: 19615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19617 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-4.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureMedicalLocked + entities: + - uid: 3975 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-25.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-19.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecurePlasma + entities: + - uid: 21052 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -38.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 21056: + - DoorStatus: Toggle +- proto: WindoorSecureSalvageLocked + entities: + - uid: 9973 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -95.5,26.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureScienceLocked + entities: + - uid: 7302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7303 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -120.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureSecurityLocked + entities: + - uid: 24033 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,6.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorSecureServiceLocked + entities: + - uid: 10029 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,10.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20026 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26077 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindoorTheatreLocked + entities: + - uid: 3372 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Window + entities: + - uid: 162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1265 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1272 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1273 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-34.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1425 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-45.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1566 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-47.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1624 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4109 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11011 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11017 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11018 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11024 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11030 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-36.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -74.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17183 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -61.5,-17.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23419 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23446 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -100.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24342 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24343 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-27.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindowDirectional + entities: + - uid: 2532 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -57.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2534 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2615 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-70.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -56.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2642 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-71.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2651 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4095 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4249 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -60.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4256 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -56.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4260 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -57.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5104 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -61.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5426 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5686 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9113 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9114 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9115 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional + entities: + - uid: 2847 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -43.5,-1.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3893 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-38.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3902 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -41.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9528 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-32.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-31.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15989 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -111.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -44.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -46.5,-50.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional + entities: + - uid: 259 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2069 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -109.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2086 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-21.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2255 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2258 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2308 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2480 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2830 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -64.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2831 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -63.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2832 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2833 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -58.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2836 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -58.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2837 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -60.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2838 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2839 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -59.5,-12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2840 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 2841 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -62.5,-9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3015 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3026 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -61.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3027 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3028 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3029 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -62.5,5.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3176 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -92.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3924 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -39.5,-26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -39.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -37.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4005 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-24.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5727 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -109.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-13.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6120 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -83.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6484 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -81.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6726 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7298 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7299 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-42.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7300 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7421 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7469 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7530 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7534 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7535 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7545 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7547 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7581 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7585 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7587 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -111.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7590 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7591 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7592 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7593 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -118.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7625 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -117.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -116.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7645 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 7648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -114.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8153 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -101.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8168 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -113.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -95.5,26.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9515 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -84.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-39.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 10205 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -80.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11097 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -56.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11135 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -99.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 11171 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -84.5,-40.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13595 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-55.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13616 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13656 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13709 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13721 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-59.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13882 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -112.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13965 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -111.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13966 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -112.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13967 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -119.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -113.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13990 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -117.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13992 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -121.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -115.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13996 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -119.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13997 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -122.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 13998 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -121.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14020 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -114.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14021 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -116.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14023 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -118.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14049 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -122.5,-57.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14092 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14096 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 14110 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 16459 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 17345 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -119.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20346 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 20418 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-62.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22521 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-60.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24314 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24644 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24907 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -121.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24910 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24913 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -120.5,-63.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26076 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -49.5,-56.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Wirecutter + entities: + - uid: 8868 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -36.475346,-53.37653 + parent: 2 +- proto: WoodenSupport + entities: + - uid: 4985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -101.5,-7.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4986 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-35.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4987 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,3.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4988 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-2.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6553 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 6596 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -85.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -50.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -95.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -83.5,-73.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9287 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -105.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9680 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -41.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19970 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23717 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-68.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24626 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-46.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24663 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -107.5,-30.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25646 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -33.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25779 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-61.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26151 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,14.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WoodenSupportBeam + entities: + - uid: 7127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-49.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9243 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -77.5,-69.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -71.5,-77.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 15160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -70.5,-66.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -75.5,-72.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22358 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -73.5,-75.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24439 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-29.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24552 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -39.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 24554 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-43.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: WoodenSupportWall + entities: + - uid: 432 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-37.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 942 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -71.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -50.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1038 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -105.5,-18.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1179 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -98.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1317 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -101.5,-6.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -91.5,-54.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 1982 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -90.5,-15.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3310 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -64.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 3312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -63.5,-67.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4669 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-20.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4671 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -134.5,-16.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 4764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-33.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-64.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 19871 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -102.5,-48.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 23297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -53.5,-65.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -106.5,-23.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25449 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -106.5,-53.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -81.5,-58.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 25954 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -80.5,-11.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -134.5,9.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 26152 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -125.5,21.5 + parent: 2 +- proto: Wrench + entities: + - uid: 2447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -60.465607,-2.6414313 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5846 + components: + - type: MetaData + desc: Looks the same as a normal wrench. But apparently this one is medical? + name: Medical Wrench + - type: Transform + pos: -22.520231,-32.448425 + parent: 2 + - uid: 5994 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -150.55457,-42.41135 + parent: 2 + - uid: 8170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -59.578606,8.42198 + parent: 2 + - uid: 9599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.560091,-5.793838 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -115.5,12.5 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -139.54565,-7.464158 + parent: 2 + - uid: 18820 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -143.39981,-7.496127 + parent: 2 + - uid: 22976 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -120.40426,-34.49997 + parent: 2 +... diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/Pools/default.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/Pools/default.yml index 7952a0ecbdc..a5a61c7d23e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/Pools/default.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/Pools/default.yml @@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ - Oasis - Omega - Packed + - Plasma - Reach #- Train diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..53e85d1eae9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +- type: gameMap + id: Plasma + mapName: 'Plasma' + mapPath: /Maps/plasma.yml + minPlayers: 30 + stations: + Plasma: + stationProto: StandardNanotrasenStation + components: + - type: StationNameSetup + mapNameTemplate: '{0} Plasma {1}' + nameGenerator: + !type:NanotrasenNameGenerator + prefixCreator: '14' + - type: StationEmergencyShuttle + emergencyShuttlePath: /Maps/Shuttles/emergency_plasma.yml + - type: StationCargoShuttle + path: /Maps/Shuttles/cargo_plasma.yml + - type: StationJobs + availableJobs: + #service + Captain: [ 1, 1 ] + HeadOfPersonnel: [ 1, 1 ] + Bartender: [ 2, 2 ] + Botanist: [ 2, 3 ] + Chef: [ 2, 2 ] + Janitor: [ 3, 3 ] + Chaplain: [ 1, 1 ] + Librarian: [ 1, 1 ] + ServiceWorker: [ 2, 2 ] + Reporter: [ 2, 3 ] + #engineering + ChiefEngineer: [ 1, 1 ] + AtmosphericTechnician: [ 4, 4 ] + StationEngineer: [ 4, 4 ] + TechnicalAssistant: [ 4, 4 ] + #medical + ChiefMedicalOfficer: [ 1, 1 ] + Chemist: [ 2, 2 ] + MedicalDoctor: [ 4, 4 ] + Paramedic: [ 2, 2 ] + MedicalIntern: [ 4, 4 ] + Psychologist: [ 1, 1 ] + #science + ResearchDirector: [ 1, 1 ] + Scientist: [ 4, 4 ] + ResearchAssistant: [ 4, 4 ] + StationAi: [ 1, 1 ] + Borg: [ 2, 4 ] + #security + HeadOfSecurity: [ 1, 1 ] + Warden: [ 1, 1 ] + SecurityOfficer: [ 6, 8 ] + Detective: [ 1, 2 ] + SecurityCadet: [ 4, 4 ] + Lawyer: [ 1, 2 ] + #supply + Quartermaster: [ 1, 1 ] + SalvageSpecialist: [ 4, 4 ] + CargoTechnician: [ 4, 6 ] + #civilian + Passenger: [ -1, -1 ] + Clown: [ 2, 2 ] + Mime: [ 1, 1 ] + Musician: [ 1, 1 ] From 37bde336918d9cd7575d76f6b4ce7b21dfae0330 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:03:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 60/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 2ad6737e861..7d314ff3bd7 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: Beck Thompson - changes: - - message: Gold and silver rings now give a small amount of materials when scrapped. - type: Tweak - id: 7317 - time: '2024-09-08T16:10:05.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: K-Dynamic changes: - message: added missing missing resistance values for directional plasma and uranium @@ -3923,3 +3916,10 @@ id: 7816 time: '2025-01-15T22:49:51.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: jbox144 + changes: + - message: Added Plasma Station + type: Add + id: 7817 + time: '2025-01-16T07:02:14.0000000+00:00' + url: From 83eb5dc34b62ccc6695f2dbdb91218981c5cb0e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: compilatron <> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 19:51:17 +1100 Subject: [PATCH 61/62] Plasma station population tweak (#34462) * Plasma Station initial commit * Map fixes 1 Expanded science's SMES array Added advanced SMES Redone stamped documents with custom stamps Expanded atmospherics with more storage tanks Added status displays Add missing beacons to solars Replaced the passive gates in science with valves Removed protolathe in engineering Added guitar to CE office Replaced throngler plushie with weh cloak Add a lattice tile outside the atmos burn chamber and storange tanks Added atmos network monitor in bridge * Add cargo and emergency shuttle * Updated maps * Add plasma to map testing list * Map fixes 2 Reworked pipenets to not go under walls Redid salvage and disposals Reworked the bar to include a new bar extension facing the pool Replaced arrivals cryo with an arcade Replaced the toilets in the service plaza with cryo Removed the cryo in dorms Added more details to hallways Redid tools room to include a front desk for the janitor closet Reconnected sci to power roundstart Removed some unideal spawns Expanded the TEG airlock to be 2x3 instead of 1x3 Reduced the size of the SMES bank from 10 to 6 Disabled the plasma miners (downstreams or admins can re-enable them) Replaced illegal maint items * Fixes a 6 pack destroying the universe Ok maybe cracking a cold one with the boys wasn't a great idea. * Map fixes 3 * Quick research assistant fix * Map fixes 4 * Map fixes 5 * webedit go brrrt * Map fixes 6 * Map fixes 7 * Map fixes 8 * Fixes non-existent object It's amazing this game runs at all * Map fixes 9 * update pools * Map fixes 10 * forgot to clear my multitool I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping I love mapping * Tweaked player counts --------- Co-authored-by: Emisse <> --- Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml index 53e85d1eae9..1369e5a42db 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Maps/plasma.yml @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ id: Plasma mapName: 'Plasma' mapPath: /Maps/plasma.yml - minPlayers: 30 + minPlayers: 20 + maxPlayers: 60 stations: Plasma: stationProto: StandardNanotrasenStation @@ -60,6 +61,6 @@ CargoTechnician: [ 4, 6 ] #civilian Passenger: [ -1, -1 ] - Clown: [ 2, 2 ] + Clown: [ 1, 1 ] Mime: [ 1, 1 ] Musician: [ 1, 1 ] From 85b9f919af957d800eb47f317c6d229fe50a9562 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: PJBot Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 08:52:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 62/62] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 7d314ff3bd7..3e4ad511c36 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -1,12 +1,4 @@ Entries: -- author: K-Dynamic - changes: - - message: added missing missing resistance values for directional plasma and uranium - windows - type: Fix - id: 7318 - time: '2024-09-08T18:08:06.0000000+00:00' - url: - author: qwerltaz changes: - message: Power cables on the ground are now offset and do not obscure each other @@ -3923,3 +3915,12 @@ id: 7817 time: '2025-01-16T07:02:14.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: jbox144 + changes: + - message: Reduced Plasma's minimum population to 20, maximum population to 60 + type: Tweak + - message: Reduced Plasma's clown jobs from 2 to 1 + type: Tweak + id: 7818 + time: '2025-01-16T08:51:17.0000000+00:00' + url: