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p[b]||(p[b]=new RegExp("(\\s|^)"+b+"(\\s|$)")),p[b].test(a[i]("class")||"")&&p[b]},s=function(a,b){r(a,b)||a.setAttribute("class",(a[i]("class")||"").trim()+" "+b)},t=function(a,b){var c;(c=r(a,b))&&a.setAttribute("class",(a[i]("class")||"").replace(c," "))},u=function(a,b,c){var d=c?h:"removeEventListener";c&&u(a,b),o.forEach(function(c){a[d](c,b)})},v=function(a,d,e,f,g){var h=b.createEvent("Event");return e||(e={}),e.instance=c,h.initEvent(d,!f,!g),h.detail=e,a.dispatchEvent(h),h},w=function(b,c){var e;!g&&(e=a.picturefill||d.pf)?(c&&c.src&&!b[i]("srcset")&&b.setAttribute("srcset",c.src),e({reevaluate:!0,elements:[b]})):c&&c.src&&(b.src=c.src)},x=function(a,b){return(getComputedStyle(a,null)||{})[b]},y=function(a,b,c){for(c=c||a.offsetWidth;c49?function(){m(h,{timeout:g}),g!==d.ricTimeout&&(g=d.ricTimeout)}:A(function(){k(h)},!0);return function(a){var d;(a=!0===a)&&(g=33),b||(b=!0,d=e-(f.now()-c),d<0&&(d=0),a||d<9?i():k(i,d))}},C=function(a){var b,c,d=99,e=function(){b=null,a()},g=function(){var a=f.now()-c;a0)&&"visible"!=x(f,"overflow")&&(d=f.getBoundingClientRect(),g=H>d.left&&Gd.top-1&&F500&&e.clientWidth>500?500:370:d.expand,s=r*d.expFactor,t=d.hFac,J=null,O2&&o>2&&!b.hidden?(O=s,Q=0):O=o>1&&Q>1&&P<6?r:N;f=n&&(F=h.top)<=D&&(H=h.right)>=n*t&&(G=h.left)<=y&&(I||H||G||F)&&(d.loadHidden||S(u[f]))&&(l&&P<3&&!p&&(o<3||Q<4)||T(u[f],m))){if(aa(u[f]),k=!0,P>9)break}else!k&&l&&!j&&P<4&&Q<4&&o>2&&(g[0]||d.preloadAfterLoad)&&(g[0]||!p&&(I||H||G||F||"auto"!=u[f][i](d.sizesAttr)))&&(j=g[0]||u[f]);else aa(u[f]);j&&!k&&aa(j)}},V=B(U),W=function(a){s(a.target,d.loadedClass),t(a.target,d.loadingClass),u(a.target,Y),v(a.target,"lazyloaded")},X=A(W),Y=function(a){X({target:a.target})},Z=function(a,b){try{a.contentWindow.location.replace(b)}catch(c){a.src=b}},$=function(a){var b,c=a[i](d.srcsetAttr);(b=d.customMedia[a[i]("data-media")||a[i]("media")])&&a.setAttribute("media",b),c&&a.setAttribute("srcset",c)},_=A(function(a,b,c,e,f){var g,h,j,l,o,p;(o=v(a,"lazybeforeunveil",b)).defaultPrevented||(e&&(c?s(a,d.autosizesClass):a.setAttribute("sizes",e)),h=a[i](d.srcsetAttr),g=a[i](d.srcAttr),f&&(j=a.parentNode,l=j&&n.test(j.nodeName||"")),p=b.firesLoad||"src"in a&&(h||g||l),o={target:a},p&&(u(a,R,!0),clearTimeout(m),m=k(R,2500),s(a,d.loadingClass),u(a,Y,!0)),l&&q.call(j.getElementsByTagName("source"),$),h?a.setAttribute("srcset",h):g&&!l&&(L.test(a.nodeName)?Z(a,g):a.src=g),f&&(h||l)&&w(a,{src:g})),a._lazyRace&&delete a._lazyRace,t(a,d.lazyClass),z(function(){(!p||a.complete&&a.naturalWidth>1)&&(p?R(o):P--,W(o))},!0)}),aa=function(a){var b,c=K.test(a.nodeName),e=c&&(a[i](d.sizesAttr)||a[i]("sizes")),f="auto"==e;(!f&&l||!c||!a[i]("src")&&!a.srcset||a.complete||r(a,d.errorClass)||!r(a,d.lazyClass))&&(b=v(a,"lazyunveilread").detail,f&&E.updateElem(a,!0,a.offsetWidth),a._lazyRace=!0,P++,_(a,b,f,e,c))},ba=function(){if(!l){if(f.now()-p<999)return void k(ba,999);var a=C(function(){d.loadMode=3,V()});l=!0,d.loadMode=3,V(),j("scroll",function(){3==d.loadMode&&(d.loadMode=2),a()},!0)}};return{_:function(){p=f.now(),c.elements=b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass),g=b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass+" "+d.preloadClass),j("scroll",V,!0),j("resize",V,!0),a.MutationObserver?new MutationObserver(V).observe(e,{childList:!0,subtree:!0,attributes:!0}):(e[h]("DOMNodeInserted",V,!0),e[h]("DOMAttrModified",V,!0),setInterval(V,999)),j("hashchange",V,!0),["focus","mouseover","click","load","transitionend","animationend","webkitAnimationEnd"].forEach(function(a){b[h](a,V,!0)}),/d$|^c/.test(b.readyState)?ba():(j("load",ba),b[h]("DOMContentLoaded",V),k(ba,2e4)),c.elements.length?(U(),z._lsFlush()):V()},checkElems:V,unveil:aa}}(),E=function(){var a,c=A(function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g;if(a._lazysizesWidth=d,d+="px",a.setAttribute("sizes",d),n.test(b.nodeName||""))for(e=b.getElementsByTagName("source"),f=0,g=e.length;f>16)+(t>>16)+(r>>16)<<16|65535&r}function f(n,t,r,e,o,u){return d(function(n,t){return n<>>32-t}(d(d(t,n),d(e,u)),o),r)}function l(n,t,r,e,o,u,c){return f(t&r|~t&e,n,t,o,u,c)}function g(n,t,r,e,o,u,c){return f(t&e|r&~e,n,t,o,u,c)}function v(n,t,r,e,o,u,c){return f(t^r^e,n,t,o,u,c)}function m(n,t,r,e,o,u,c){return f(r^(t|~e),n,t,o,u,c)}function i(n,t){var r,e,o,u,c;n[t>>5]|=128<>>9<<4)]=t;var f=1732584193,i=-271733879,a=-1732584194,h=271733878;for(r=0;r>5]>>>t%32&255);return r}function h(n){var t,r=[];for(r[(n.length>>2)-1]=void 0,t=0;t>5]|=(255&n.charCodeAt(t/8))<>>4&15)+e.charAt(15&t);return o}function r(n){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(n))}function o(n){return function(n){return a(i(h(n),8*n.length))}(r(n))}function u(n,t){return function(n,t){var r,e,o=h(n),u=[],c=[];for(u[15]=c[15]=void 0,16 1 || cache.items.merge; + + widths[iterator] = !grid ? this._items[iterator].width() : width * merge; + } + + this._widths = widths; + } + }, { + filter: [ 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function() { + var clones = [], + items = this._items, + settings = this.settings, + // TODO: Should be computed from number of min width items in stage + view = Math.max(settings.items * 2, 4), + size = Math.ceil(items.length / 2) * 2, + repeat = settings.loop && items.length ? settings.rewind ? view : Math.max(view, size) : 0, + append = '', + prepend = ''; + + repeat /= 2; + + while (repeat > 0) { + // Switch to only using appended clones + clones.push(this.normalize(clones.length / 2, true)); + append = append + items[clones[clones.length - 1]][0].outerHTML; + clones.push(this.normalize(items.length - 1 - (clones.length - 1) / 2, true)); + prepend = items[clones[clones.length - 1]][0].outerHTML + prepend; + repeat -= 1; + } + + this._clones = clones; + + $(append).addClass('cloned').appendTo(this.$stage); + $(prepend).addClass('cloned').prependTo(this.$stage); + } + }, { + filter: [ 'width', 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function() { + var rtl = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, + size = this._clones.length + this._items.length, + iterator = -1, + previous = 0, + current = 0, + coordinates = []; + + while (++iterator < size) { + previous = coordinates[iterator - 1] || 0; + current = this._widths[this.relative(iterator)] + this.settings.margin; + coordinates.push(previous + current * rtl); + } + + this._coordinates = coordinates; + } + }, { + filter: [ 'width', 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function() { + var padding = this.settings.stagePadding, + coordinates = this._coordinates, + css = { + 'width': Math.ceil(Math.abs(coordinates[coordinates.length - 1])) + padding * 2, + 'padding-left': padding || '', + 'padding-right': padding || '' + }; + + this.$stage.css(css); + } + }, { + filter: [ 'width', 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function(cache) { + var iterator = this._coordinates.length, + grid = !this.settings.autoWidth, + items = this.$stage.children(); + + if (grid && cache.items.merge) { + while (iterator--) { + cache.css.width = this._widths[this.relative(iterator)]; + items.eq(iterator).css(cache.css); + } + } else if (grid) { + cache.css.width = cache.items.width; + items.css(cache.css); + } + } + }, { + filter: [ 'items' ], + run: function() { + this._coordinates.length < 1 && this.$stage.removeAttr('style'); + } + }, { + filter: [ 'width', 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function(cache) { + cache.current = cache.current ? this.$stage.children().index(cache.current) : 0; + cache.current = Math.max(this.minimum(), Math.min(this.maximum(), cache.current)); + this.reset(cache.current); + } + }, { + filter: [ 'position' ], + run: function() { + this.animate(this.coordinates(this._current)); + } + }, { + filter: [ 'width', 'position', 'items', 'settings' ], + run: function() { + var rtl = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, + padding = this.settings.stagePadding * 2, + begin = this.coordinates(this.current()) + padding, + end = begin + this.width() * rtl, + inner, outer, matches = [], i, n; + + for (i = 0, n = this._coordinates.length; i < n; i++) { + inner = this._coordinates[i - 1] || 0; + outer = Math.abs(this._coordinates[i]) + padding * rtl; + + if ((this.op(inner, '<=', begin) && (this.op(inner, '>', end))) + || (this.op(outer, '<', begin) && this.op(outer, '>', end))) { + matches.push(i); + } + } + + this.$stage.children('.active').removeClass('active'); + this.$stage.children(':eq(' + matches.join('), :eq(') + ')').addClass('active'); + + this.$stage.children('.center').removeClass('center'); + if (this.settings.center) { + this.$stage.children().eq(this.current()).addClass('center'); + } + } + } ]; + + /** + * Create the stage DOM element + */ + Owl.prototype.initializeStage = function() { + this.$stage = this.$element.find('.' + this.settings.stageClass); + + // if the stage is already in the DOM, grab it and skip stage initialization + if (this.$stage.length) { + return; + } + + this.$element.addClass(this.options.loadingClass); + + // create stage + this.$stage = $('<' + this.settings.stageElement + '>', { + "class": this.settings.stageClass + }).wrap( $( '
', { + "class": this.settings.stageOuterClass + })); + + // append stage + this.$element.append(this.$stage.parent()); + }; + + /** + * Create item DOM elements + */ + Owl.prototype.initializeItems = function() { + var $items = this.$element.find('.owl-item'); + + // if the items are already in the DOM, grab them and skip item initialization + if ($items.length) { + this._items = $items.get().map(function(item) { + return $(item); + }); + + this._mergers = this._items.map(function() { + return 1; + }); + + this.refresh(); + + return; + } + + // append content + this.replace(this.$element.children().not(this.$stage.parent())); + + // check visibility + if (this.isVisible()) { + // update view + this.refresh(); + } else { + // invalidate width + this.invalidate('width'); + } + + this.$element + .removeClass(this.options.loadingClass) + .addClass(this.options.loadedClass); + }; + + /** + * Initializes the carousel. + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.initialize = function() { + this.enter('initializing'); + this.trigger('initialize'); + + this.$element.toggleClass(this.settings.rtlClass, this.settings.rtl); + + if (this.settings.autoWidth && !this.is('pre-loading')) { + var imgs, nestedSelector, width; + imgs = this.$element.find('img'); + nestedSelector = this.settings.nestedItemSelector ? '.' + this.settings.nestedItemSelector : undefined; + width = this.$element.children(nestedSelector).width(); + + if (imgs.length && width <= 0) { + this.preloadAutoWidthImages(imgs); + } + } + + this.initializeStage(); + this.initializeItems(); + + // register event handlers + this.registerEventHandlers(); + + this.leave('initializing'); + this.trigger('initialized'); + }; + + /** + * @returns {Boolean} visibility of $element + * if you know the carousel will always be visible you can set `checkVisibility` to `false` to + * prevent the expensive browser layout forced reflow the $element.is(':visible') does + */ + Owl.prototype.isVisible = function() { + return this.settings.checkVisibility + ? this.$element.is(':visible') + : true; + }; + + /** + * Setups the current settings. + * @todo Remove responsive classes. Why should adaptive designs be brought into IE8? + * @todo Support for media queries by using `matchMedia` would be nice. + * @public + */ + Owl.prototype.setup = function() { + var viewport = this.viewport(), + overwrites = this.options.responsive, + match = -1, + settings = null; + + if (!overwrites) { + settings = $.extend({}, this.options); + } else { + $.each(overwrites, function(breakpoint) { + if (breakpoint <= viewport && breakpoint > match) { + match = Number(breakpoint); + } + }); + + settings = $.extend({}, this.options, overwrites[match]); + if (typeof settings.stagePadding === 'function') { + settings.stagePadding = settings.stagePadding(); + } + delete settings.responsive; + + // responsive class + if (settings.responsiveClass) { + this.$element.attr('class', + this.$element.attr('class').replace(new RegExp('(' + this.options.responsiveClass + '-)\\S+\\s', 'g'), '$1' + match) + ); + } + } + + this.trigger('change', { property: { name: 'settings', value: settings } }); + this._breakpoint = match; + this.settings = settings; + this.invalidate('settings'); + this.trigger('changed', { property: { name: 'settings', value: this.settings } }); + }; + + /** + * Updates option logic if necessery. + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.optionsLogic = function() { + if (this.settings.autoWidth) { + this.settings.stagePadding = false; + this.settings.merge = false; + } + }; + + /** + * Prepares an item before add. + * @todo Rename event parameter `content` to `item`. + * @protected + * @returns {jQuery|HTMLElement} - The item container. + */ + Owl.prototype.prepare = function(item) { + var event = this.trigger('prepare', { content: item }); + + if (!event.data) { + event.data = $('<' + this.settings.itemElement + '/>') + .addClass(this.options.itemClass).append(item) + } + + this.trigger('prepared', { content: event.data }); + + return event.data; + }; + + /** + * Updates the view. + * @public + */ + Owl.prototype.update = function() { + var i = 0, + n = this._pipe.length, + filter = $.proxy(function(p) { return this[p] }, this._invalidated), + cache = {}; + + while (i < n) { + if (this._invalidated.all || $.grep(this._pipe[i].filter, filter).length > 0) { + this._pipe[i].run(cache); + } + i++; + } + + this._invalidated = {}; + + !this.is('valid') && this.enter('valid'); + }; + + /** + * Gets the width of the view. + * @public + * @param {Owl.Width} [dimension=Owl.Width.Default] - The dimension to return. + * @returns {Number} - The width of the view in pixel. + */ + Owl.prototype.width = function(dimension) { + dimension = dimension || Owl.Width.Default; + switch (dimension) { + case Owl.Width.Inner: + case Owl.Width.Outer: + return this._width; + default: + return this._width - this.settings.stagePadding * 2 + this.settings.margin; + } + }; + + /** + * Refreshes the carousel primarily for adaptive purposes. + * @public + */ + Owl.prototype.refresh = function() { + this.enter('refreshing'); + this.trigger('refresh'); + + this.setup(); + + this.optionsLogic(); + + this.$element.addClass(this.options.refreshClass); + + this.update(); + + this.$element.removeClass(this.options.refreshClass); + + this.leave('refreshing'); + this.trigger('refreshed'); + }; + + /** + * Checks window `resize` event. + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.onThrottledResize = function() { + window.clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer); + this.resizeTimer = window.setTimeout(this._handlers.onResize, this.settings.responsiveRefreshRate); + }; + + /** + * Checks window `resize` event. + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.onResize = function() { + if (!this._items.length) { + return false; + } + + if (this._width === this.$element.width()) { + return false; + } + + if (!this.isVisible()) { + return false; + } + + this.enter('resizing'); + + if (this.trigger('resize').isDefaultPrevented()) { + this.leave('resizing'); + return false; + } + + this.invalidate('width'); + + this.refresh(); + + this.leave('resizing'); + this.trigger('resized'); + }; + + /** + * Registers event handlers. + * @todo Check `msPointerEnabled` + * @todo #261 + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.registerEventHandlers = function() { + if ($.support.transition) { + this.$stage.on($.support.transition.end + '.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onTransitionEnd, this)); + } + + if (this.settings.responsive !== false) { + this.on(window, 'resize', this._handlers.onThrottledResize); + } + + if (this.settings.mouseDrag) { + this.$element.addClass(this.options.dragClass); + this.$stage.on('mousedown.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onDragStart, this)); + this.$stage.on('dragstart.owl.core selectstart.owl.core', function() { return false }); + } + + if (this.settings.touchDrag){ + this.$stage.on('touchstart.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onDragStart, this)); + this.$stage.on('touchcancel.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onDragEnd, this)); + } + }; + + /** + * Handles `touchstart` and `mousedown` events. + * @todo Horizontal swipe threshold as option + * @todo #261 + * @protected + * @param {Event} event - The event arguments. + */ + Owl.prototype.onDragStart = function(event) { + var stage = null; + + if (event.which === 3) { + return; + } + + if ($.support.transform) { + stage = this.$stage.css('transform').replace(/.*\(|\)| /g, '').split(','); + stage = { + x: stage[stage.length === 16 ? 12 : 4], + y: stage[stage.length === 16 ? 13 : 5] + }; + } else { + stage = this.$stage.position(); + stage = { + x: this.settings.rtl ? + stage.left + this.$stage.width() - this.width() + this.settings.margin : + stage.left, + y: stage.top + }; + } + + if (this.is('animating')) { + $.support.transform ? this.animate(stage.x) : this.$stage.stop() + this.invalidate('position'); + } + + this.$element.toggleClass(this.options.grabClass, event.type === 'mousedown'); + + this.speed(0); + + this._drag.time = new Date().getTime(); + this._drag.target = $(event.target); + this._drag.stage.start = stage; + this._drag.stage.current = stage; + this._drag.pointer = this.pointer(event); + + $(document).on('mouseup.owl.core touchend.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onDragEnd, this)); + + $(document).one('mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core', $.proxy(function(event) { + var delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)); + + $(document).on('mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core', $.proxy(this.onDragMove, this)); + + if (Math.abs(delta.x) < Math.abs(delta.y) && this.is('valid')) { + return; + } + + event.preventDefault(); + + this.enter('dragging'); + this.trigger('drag'); + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Handles the `touchmove` and `mousemove` events. + * @todo #261 + * @protected + * @param {Event} event - The event arguments. + */ + Owl.prototype.onDragMove = function(event) { + var minimum = null, + maximum = null, + pull = null, + delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)), + stage = this.difference(this._drag.stage.start, delta); + + if (!this.is('dragging')) { + return; + } + + event.preventDefault(); + + if (this.settings.loop) { + minimum = this.coordinates(this.minimum()); + maximum = this.coordinates(this.maximum() + 1) - minimum; + stage.x = (((stage.x - minimum) % maximum + maximum) % maximum) + minimum; + } else { + minimum = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.maximum()) : this.coordinates(this.minimum()); + maximum = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.minimum()) : this.coordinates(this.maximum()); + pull = this.settings.pullDrag ? -1 * delta.x / 5 : 0; + stage.x = Math.max(Math.min(stage.x, minimum + pull), maximum + pull); + } + + this._drag.stage.current = stage; + + this.animate(stage.x); + }; + + /** + * Handles the `touchend` and `mouseup` events. + * @todo #261 + * @todo Threshold for click event + * @protected + * @param {Event} event - The event arguments. + */ + Owl.prototype.onDragEnd = function(event) { + var delta = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(event)), + stage = this._drag.stage.current, + direction = delta.x > 0 ^ this.settings.rtl ? 'left' : 'right'; + + $(document).off('.owl.core'); + + this.$element.removeClass(this.options.grabClass); + + if (delta.x !== 0 && this.is('dragging') || !this.is('valid')) { + this.speed(this.settings.dragEndSpeed || this.settings.smartSpeed); + this.current(this.closest(stage.x, delta.x !== 0 ? direction : this._drag.direction)); + this.invalidate('position'); + this.update(); + + this._drag.direction = direction; + + if (Math.abs(delta.x) > 3 || new Date().getTime() - this._drag.time > 300) { + this._drag.target.one('click.owl.core', function() { return false; }); + } + } + + if (!this.is('dragging')) { + return; + } + + this.leave('dragging'); + this.trigger('dragged'); + }; + + /** + * Gets absolute position of the closest item for a coordinate. + * @todo Setting `freeDrag` makes `closest` not reusable. See #165. + * @protected + * @param {Number} coordinate - The coordinate in pixel. + * @param {String} direction - The direction to check for the closest item. Ether `left` or `right`. + * @return {Number} - The absolute position of the closest item. + */ + Owl.prototype.closest = function(coordinate, direction) { + var position = -1, + pull = 30, + width = this.width(), + coordinates = this.coordinates(); + + if (!this.settings.freeDrag) { + // check closest item + $.each(coordinates, $.proxy(function(index, value) { + // on a left pull, check on current index + if (direction === 'left' && coordinate > value - pull && coordinate < value + pull) { + position = index; + // on a right pull, check on previous index + // to do so, subtract width from value and set position = index + 1 + } else if (direction === 'right' && coordinate > value - width - pull && coordinate < value - width + pull) { + position = index + 1; + } else if (this.op(coordinate, '<', value) + && this.op(coordinate, '>', coordinates[index + 1] !== undefined ? coordinates[index + 1] : value - width)) { + position = direction === 'left' ? index + 1 : index; + } + return position === -1; + }, this)); + } + + if (!this.settings.loop) { + // non loop boundries + if (this.op(coordinate, '>', coordinates[this.minimum()])) { + position = coordinate = this.minimum(); + } else if (this.op(coordinate, '<', coordinates[this.maximum()])) { + position = coordinate = this.maximum(); + } + } + + return position; + }; + + /** + * Animates the stage. + * @todo #270 + * @public + * @param {Number} coordinate - The coordinate in pixels. + */ + Owl.prototype.animate = function(coordinate) { + var animate = this.speed() > 0; + + this.is('animating') && this.onTransitionEnd(); + + if (animate) { + this.enter('animating'); + this.trigger('translate'); + } + + if ($.support.transform3d && $.support.transition) { + this.$stage.css({ + transform: 'translate3d(' + coordinate + 'px,0px,0px)', + transition: (this.speed() / 1000) + 's' + ( + this.settings.slideTransition ? ' ' + this.settings.slideTransition : '' + ) + }); + } else if (animate) { + this.$stage.animate({ + left: coordinate + 'px' + }, this.speed(), this.settings.fallbackEasing, $.proxy(this.onTransitionEnd, this)); + } else { + this.$stage.css({ + left: coordinate + 'px' + }); + } + }; + + /** + * Checks whether the carousel is in a specific state or not. + * @param {String} state - The state to check. + * @returns {Boolean} - The flag which indicates if the carousel is busy. + */ + Owl.prototype.is = function(state) { + return this._states.current[state] && this._states.current[state] > 0; + }; + + /** + * Sets the absolute position of the current item. + * @public + * @param {Number} [position] - The new absolute position or nothing to leave it unchanged. + * @returns {Number} - The absolute position of the current item. + */ + Owl.prototype.current = function(position) { + if (position === undefined) { + return this._current; + } + + if (this._items.length === 0) { + return undefined; + } + + position = this.normalize(position); + + if (this._current !== position) { + var event = this.trigger('change', { property: { name: 'position', value: position } }); + + if (event.data !== undefined) { + position = this.normalize(event.data); + } + + this._current = position; + + this.invalidate('position'); + + this.trigger('changed', { property: { name: 'position', value: this._current } }); + } + + return this._current; + }; + + /** + * Invalidates the given part of the update routine. + * @param {String} [part] - The part to invalidate. + * @returns {Array.} - The invalidated parts. + */ + Owl.prototype.invalidate = function(part) { + if ($.type(part) === 'string') { + this._invalidated[part] = true; + this.is('valid') && this.leave('valid'); + } + return $.map(this._invalidated, function(v, i) { return i }); + }; + + /** + * Resets the absolute position of the current item. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The absolute position of the new item. + */ + Owl.prototype.reset = function(position) { + position = this.normalize(position); + + if (position === undefined) { + return; + } + + this._speed = 0; + this._current = position; + + this.suppress([ 'translate', 'translated' ]); + + this.animate(this.coordinates(position)); + + this.release([ 'translate', 'translated' ]); + }; + + /** + * Normalizes an absolute or a relative position of an item. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The absolute or relative position to normalize. + * @param {Boolean} [relative=false] - Whether the given position is relative or not. + * @returns {Number} - The normalized position. + */ + Owl.prototype.normalize = function(position, relative) { + var n = this._items.length, + m = relative ? 0 : this._clones.length; + + if (!this.isNumeric(position) || n < 1) { + position = undefined; + } else if (position < 0 || position >= n + m) { + position = ((position - m / 2) % n + n) % n + m / 2; + } + + return position; + }; + + /** + * Converts an absolute position of an item into a relative one. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The absolute position to convert. + * @returns {Number} - The converted position. + */ + Owl.prototype.relative = function(position) { + position -= this._clones.length / 2; + return this.normalize(position, true); + }; + + /** + * Gets the maximum position for the current item. + * @public + * @param {Boolean} [relative=false] - Whether to return an absolute position or a relative position. + * @returns {Number} + */ + Owl.prototype.maximum = function(relative) { + var settings = this.settings, + maximum = this._coordinates.length, + iterator, + reciprocalItemsWidth, + elementWidth; + + if (settings.loop) { + maximum = this._clones.length / 2 + this._items.length - 1; + } else if (settings.autoWidth || settings.merge) { + iterator = this._items.length; + if (iterator) { + reciprocalItemsWidth = this._items[--iterator].width(); + elementWidth = this.$element.width(); + while (iterator--) { + reciprocalItemsWidth += this._items[iterator].width() + this.settings.margin; + if (reciprocalItemsWidth > elementWidth) { + break; + } + } + } + maximum = iterator + 1; + } else if (settings.center) { + maximum = this._items.length - 1; + } else { + maximum = this._items.length - settings.items; + } + + if (relative) { + maximum -= this._clones.length / 2; + } + + return Math.max(maximum, 0); + }; + + /** + * Gets the minimum position for the current item. + * @public + * @param {Boolean} [relative=false] - Whether to return an absolute position or a relative position. + * @returns {Number} + */ + Owl.prototype.minimum = function(relative) { + return relative ? 0 : this._clones.length / 2; + }; + + /** + * Gets an item at the specified relative position. + * @public + * @param {Number} [position] - The relative position of the item. + * @return {jQuery|Array.} - The item at the given position or all items if no position was given. + */ + Owl.prototype.items = function(position) { + if (position === undefined) { + return this._items.slice(); + } + + position = this.normalize(position, true); + return this._items[position]; + }; + + /** + * Gets an item at the specified relative position. + * @public + * @param {Number} [position] - The relative position of the item. + * @return {jQuery|Array.} - The item at the given position or all items if no position was given. + */ + Owl.prototype.mergers = function(position) { + if (position === undefined) { + return this._mergers.slice(); + } + + position = this.normalize(position, true); + return this._mergers[position]; + }; + + /** + * Gets the absolute positions of clones for an item. + * @public + * @param {Number} [position] - The relative position of the item. + * @returns {Array.} - The absolute positions of clones for the item or all if no position was given. + */ + Owl.prototype.clones = function(position) { + var odd = this._clones.length / 2, + even = odd + this._items.length, + map = function(index) { return index % 2 === 0 ? even + index / 2 : odd - (index + 1) / 2 }; + + if (position === undefined) { + return $.map(this._clones, function(v, i) { return map(i) }); + } + + return $.map(this._clones, function(v, i) { return v === position ? map(i) : null }); + }; + + /** + * Sets the current animation speed. + * @public + * @param {Number} [speed] - The animation speed in milliseconds or nothing to leave it unchanged. + * @returns {Number} - The current animation speed in milliseconds. + */ + Owl.prototype.speed = function(speed) { + if (speed !== undefined) { + this._speed = speed; + } + + return this._speed; + }; + + /** + * Gets the coordinate of an item. + * @todo The name of this method is missleanding. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The absolute position of the item within `minimum()` and `maximum()`. + * @returns {Number|Array.} - The coordinate of the item in pixel or all coordinates. + */ + Owl.prototype.coordinates = function(position) { + var multiplier = 1, + newPosition = position - 1, + coordinate; + + if (position === undefined) { + return $.map(this._coordinates, $.proxy(function(coordinate, index) { + return this.coordinates(index); + }, this)); + } + + if (this.settings.center) { + if (this.settings.rtl) { + multiplier = -1; + newPosition = position + 1; + } + + coordinate = this._coordinates[position]; + coordinate += (this.width() - coordinate + (this._coordinates[newPosition] || 0)) / 2 * multiplier; + } else { + coordinate = this._coordinates[newPosition] || 0; + } + + coordinate = Math.ceil(coordinate); + + return coordinate; + }; + + /** + * Calculates the speed for a translation. + * @protected + * @param {Number} from - The absolute position of the start item. + * @param {Number} to - The absolute position of the target item. + * @param {Number} [factor=undefined] - The time factor in milliseconds. + * @returns {Number} - The time in milliseconds for the translation. + */ + Owl.prototype.duration = function(from, to, factor) { + if (factor === 0) { + return 0; + } + + return Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(to - from), 1), 6) * Math.abs((factor || this.settings.smartSpeed)); + }; + + /** + * Slides to the specified item. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The position of the item. + * @param {Number} [speed] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. + */ + Owl.prototype.to = function(position, speed) { + var current = this.current(), + revert = null, + distance = position - this.relative(current), + direction = (distance > 0) - (distance < 0), + items = this._items.length, + minimum = this.minimum(), + maximum = this.maximum(); + + if (this.settings.loop) { + if (!this.settings.rewind && Math.abs(distance) > items / 2) { + distance += direction * -1 * items; + } + + position = current + distance; + revert = ((position - minimum) % items + items) % items + minimum; + + if (revert !== position && revert - distance <= maximum && revert - distance > 0) { + current = revert - distance; + position = revert; + this.reset(current); + } + } else if (this.settings.rewind) { + maximum += 1; + position = (position % maximum + maximum) % maximum; + } else { + position = Math.max(minimum, Math.min(maximum, position)); + } + + this.speed(this.duration(current, position, speed)); + this.current(position); + + if (this.isVisible()) { + this.update(); + } + }; + + /** + * Slides to the next item. + * @public + * @param {Number} [speed] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. + */ + Owl.prototype.next = function(speed) { + speed = speed || false; + this.to(this.relative(this.current()) + 1, speed); + }; + + /** + * Slides to the previous item. + * @public + * @param {Number} [speed] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. + */ + Owl.prototype.prev = function(speed) { + speed = speed || false; + this.to(this.relative(this.current()) - 1, speed); + }; + + /** + * Handles the end of an animation. + * @protected + * @param {Event} event - The event arguments. + */ + Owl.prototype.onTransitionEnd = function(event) { + + // if css2 animation then event object is undefined + if (event !== undefined) { + event.stopPropagation(); + + // Catch only owl-stage transitionEnd event + if ((event.target || event.srcElement || event.originalTarget) !== this.$stage.get(0)) { + return false; + } + } + + this.leave('animating'); + this.trigger('translated'); + }; + + /** + * Gets viewport width. + * @protected + * @return {Number} - The width in pixel. + */ + Owl.prototype.viewport = function() { + var width; + if (this.options.responsiveBaseElement !== window) { + width = $(this.options.responsiveBaseElement).width(); + } else if (window.innerWidth) { + width = window.innerWidth; + } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { + width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; + } else { + console.warn('Can not detect viewport width.'); + } + return width; + }; + + /** + * Replaces the current content. + * @public + * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery|String} content - The new content. + */ + Owl.prototype.replace = function(content) { + this.$stage.empty(); + this._items = []; + + if (content) { + content = (content instanceof jQuery) ? content : $(content); + } + + if (this.settings.nestedItemSelector) { + content = content.find('.' + this.settings.nestedItemSelector); + } + + content.filter(function() { + return this.nodeType === 1; + }).each($.proxy(function(index, item) { + item = this.prepare(item); + this.$stage.append(item); + this._items.push(item); + this._mergers.push(item.find('[data-merge]').addBack('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); + }, this)); + + this.reset(this.isNumeric(this.settings.startPosition) ? this.settings.startPosition : 0); + + this.invalidate('items'); + }; + + /** + * Adds an item. + * @todo Use `item` instead of `content` for the event arguments. + * @public + * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery|String} content - The item content to add. + * @param {Number} [position] - The relative position at which to insert the item otherwise the item will be added to the end. + */ + Owl.prototype.add = function(content, position) { + var current = this.relative(this._current); + + position = position === undefined ? this._items.length : this.normalize(position, true); + content = content instanceof jQuery ? content : $(content); + + this.trigger('add', { content: content, position: position }); + + content = this.prepare(content); + + if (this._items.length === 0 || position === this._items.length) { + this._items.length === 0 && this.$stage.append(content); + this._items.length !== 0 && this._items[position - 1].after(content); + this._items.push(content); + this._mergers.push(content.find('[data-merge]').addBack('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); + } else { + this._items[position].before(content); + this._items.splice(position, 0, content); + this._mergers.splice(position, 0, content.find('[data-merge]').addBack('[data-merge]').attr('data-merge') * 1 || 1); + } + + this._items[current] && this.reset(this._items[current].index()); + + this.invalidate('items'); + + this.trigger('added', { content: content, position: position }); + }; + + /** + * Removes an item by its position. + * @todo Use `item` instead of `content` for the event arguments. + * @public + * @param {Number} position - The relative position of the item to remove. + */ + Owl.prototype.remove = function(position) { + position = this.normalize(position, true); + + if (position === undefined) { + return; + } + + this.trigger('remove', { content: this._items[position], position: position }); + + this._items[position].remove(); + this._items.splice(position, 1); + this._mergers.splice(position, 1); + + this.invalidate('items'); + + this.trigger('removed', { content: null, position: position }); + }; + + /** + * Preloads images with auto width. + * @todo Replace by a more generic approach + * @protected + */ + Owl.prototype.preloadAutoWidthImages = function(images) { + images.each($.proxy(function(i, element) { + this.enter('pre-loading'); + element = $(element); + $(new Image()).one('load', $.proxy(function(e) { + element.attr('src', e.target.src); + element.css('opacity', 1); + this.leave('pre-loading'); + !this.is('pre-loading') && !this.is('initializing') && this.refresh(); + }, this)).attr('src', element.attr('src') || element.attr('data-src') || element.attr('data-src-retina')); + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Destroys the carousel. + * @public + */ + Owl.prototype.destroy = function() { + + this.$element.off('.owl.core'); + this.$stage.off('.owl.core'); + $(document).off('.owl.core'); + + if (this.settings.responsive !== false) { + window.clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer); + this.off(window, 'resize', this._handlers.onThrottledResize); + } + + for (var i in this._plugins) { + this._plugins[i].destroy(); + } + + this.$stage.children('.cloned').remove(); + + this.$stage.unwrap(); + this.$stage.children().contents().unwrap(); + this.$stage.children().unwrap(); + this.$stage.remove(); + this.$element + .removeClass(this.options.refreshClass) + .removeClass(this.options.loadingClass) + .removeClass(this.options.loadedClass) + .removeClass(this.options.rtlClass) + .removeClass(this.options.dragClass) + .removeClass(this.options.grabClass) + .attr('class', this.$element.attr('class').replace(new RegExp(this.options.responsiveClass + '-\\S+\\s', 'g'), '')) + .removeData('owl.carousel'); + }; + + /** + * Operators to calculate right-to-left and left-to-right. + * @protected + * @param {Number} [a] - The left side operand. + * @param {String} [o] - The operator. + * @param {Number} [b] - The right side operand. + */ + Owl.prototype.op = function(a, o, b) { + var rtl = this.settings.rtl; + switch (o) { + case '<': + return rtl ? a > b : a < b; + case '>': + return rtl ? a < b : a > b; + case '>=': + return rtl ? a <= b : a >= b; + case '<=': + return rtl ? a >= b : a <= b; + default: + break; + } + }; + + /** + * Attaches to an internal event. + * @protected + * @param {HTMLElement} element - The event source. + * @param {String} event - The event name. + * @param {Function} listener - The event handler to attach. + * @param {Boolean} capture - Wether the event should be handled at the capturing phase or not. + */ + Owl.prototype.on = function(element, event, listener, capture) { + if (element.addEventListener) { + element.addEventListener(event, listener, capture); + } else if (element.attachEvent) { + element.attachEvent('on' + event, listener); + } + }; + + /** + * Detaches from an internal event. + * @protected + * @param {HTMLElement} element - The event source. + * @param {String} event - The event name. + * @param {Function} listener - The attached event handler to detach. + * @param {Boolean} capture - Wether the attached event handler was registered as a capturing listener or not. + */ + Owl.prototype.off = function(element, event, listener, capture) { + if (element.removeEventListener) { + element.removeEventListener(event, listener, capture); + } else if (element.detachEvent) { + element.detachEvent('on' + event, listener); + } + }; + + /** + * Triggers a public event. + * @todo Remove `status`, `relatedTarget` should be used instead. + * @protected + * @param {String} name - The event name. + * @param {*} [data=null] - The event data. + * @param {String} [namespace=carousel] - The event namespace. + * @param {String} [state] - The state which is associated with the event. + * @param {Boolean} [enter=false] - Indicates if the call enters the specified state or not. + * @returns {Event} - The event arguments. + */ + Owl.prototype.trigger = function(name, data, namespace, state, enter) { + var status = { + item: { count: this._items.length, index: this.current() } + }, handler = $.camelCase( + $.grep([ 'on', name, namespace ], function(v) { return v }) + .join('-').toLowerCase() + ), event = $.Event( + [ name, 'owl', namespace || 'carousel' ].join('.').toLowerCase(), + $.extend({ relatedTarget: this }, status, data) + ); + + if (!this._supress[name]) { + $.each(this._plugins, function(name, plugin) { + if (plugin.onTrigger) { + plugin.onTrigger(event); + } + }); + + this.register({ type: Owl.Type.Event, name: name }); + this.$element.trigger(event); + + if (this.settings && typeof this.settings[handler] === 'function') { + this.settings[handler].call(this, event); + } + } + + return event; + }; + + /** + * Enters a state. + * @param name - The state name. + */ + Owl.prototype.enter = function(name) { + $.each([ name ].concat(this._states.tags[name] || []), $.proxy(function(i, name) { + if (this._states.current[name] === undefined) { + this._states.current[name] = 0; + } + + this._states.current[name]++; + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Leaves a state. + * @param name - The state name. + */ + Owl.prototype.leave = function(name) { + $.each([ name ].concat(this._states.tags[name] || []), $.proxy(function(i, name) { + this._states.current[name]--; + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Registers an event or state. + * @public + * @param {Object} object - The event or state to register. + */ + Owl.prototype.register = function(object) { + if (object.type === Owl.Type.Event) { + if (!$.event.special[object.name]) { + $.event.special[object.name] = {}; + } + + if (!$.event.special[object.name].owl) { + var _default = $.event.special[object.name]._default; + $.event.special[object.name]._default = function(e) { + if (_default && _default.apply && (!e.namespace || e.namespace.indexOf('owl') === -1)) { + return _default.apply(this, arguments); + } + return e.namespace && e.namespace.indexOf('owl') > -1; + }; + $.event.special[object.name].owl = true; + } + } else if (object.type === Owl.Type.State) { + if (!this._states.tags[object.name]) { + this._states.tags[object.name] = object.tags; + } else { + this._states.tags[object.name] = this._states.tags[object.name].concat(object.tags); + } + + this._states.tags[object.name] = $.grep(this._states.tags[object.name], $.proxy(function(tag, i) { + return $.inArray(tag, this._states.tags[object.name]) === i; + }, this)); + } + }; + + /** + * Suppresses events. + * @protected + * @param {Array.} events - The events to suppress. + */ + Owl.prototype.suppress = function(events) { + $.each(events, $.proxy(function(index, event) { + this._supress[event] = true; + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Releases suppressed events. + * @protected + * @param {Array.} events - The events to release. + */ + Owl.prototype.release = function(events) { + $.each(events, $.proxy(function(index, event) { + delete this._supress[event]; + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Gets unified pointer coordinates from event. + * @todo #261 + * @protected + * @param {Event} - The `mousedown` or `touchstart` event. + * @returns {Object} - Contains `x` and `y` coordinates of current pointer position. + */ + Owl.prototype.pointer = function(event) { + var result = { x: null, y: null }; + + event = event.originalEvent || event || window.event; + + event = event.touches && event.touches.length ? + event.touches[0] : event.changedTouches && event.changedTouches.length ? + event.changedTouches[0] : event; + + if (event.pageX) { + result.x = event.pageX; + result.y = event.pageY; + } else { + result.x = event.clientX; + result.y = event.clientY; + } + + return result; + }; + + /** + * Determines if the input is a Number or something that can be coerced to a Number + * @protected + * @param {Number|String|Object|Array|Boolean|RegExp|Function|Symbol} - The input to be tested + * @returns {Boolean} - An indication if the input is a Number or can be coerced to a Number + */ + Owl.prototype.isNumeric = function(number) { + return !isNaN(parseFloat(number)); + }; + + /** + * Gets the difference of two vectors. + * @todo #261 + * @protected + * @param {Object} - The first vector. + * @param {Object} - The second vector. + * @returns {Object} - The difference. + */ + Owl.prototype.difference = function(first, second) { + return { + x: first.x - second.x, + y: first.y - second.y + }; + }; + + /** + * The jQuery Plugin for the Owl Carousel + * @todo Navigation plugin `next` and `prev` + * @public + */ + $.fn.owlCarousel = function(option) { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + + return this.each(function() { + var $this = $(this), + data = $this.data('owl.carousel'); + + if (!data) { + data = new Owl(this, typeof option == 'object' && option); + $this.data('owl.carousel', data); + + $.each([ + 'next', 'prev', 'to', 'destroy', 'refresh', 'replace', 'add', 'remove' + ], function(i, event) { + data.register({ type: Owl.Type.Event, name: event }); + data.$element.on(event + '.owl.carousel.core', $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && e.relatedTarget !== this) { + this.suppress([ event ]); + data[event].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); + this.release([ event ]); + } + }, data)); + }); + } + + if (typeof option == 'string' && option.charAt(0) !== '_') { + data[option].apply(data, args); + } + }); + }; + + /** + * The constructor for the jQuery Plugin + * @public + */ + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor = Owl; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * AutoRefresh Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Artus Kolanowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the auto refresh plugin. + * @class The Auto Refresh Plugin + * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel + */ + var AutoRefresh = function(carousel) { + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + /** + * Refresh interval. + * @protected + * @type {number} + */ + this._interval = null; + + /** + * Whether the element is currently visible or not. + * @protected + * @type {Boolean} + */ + this._visible = null; + + /** + * All event handlers. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoRefresh) { + this.watch(); + } + }, this) + }; + + // set default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, AutoRefresh.Defaults, this._core.options); + + // register event handlers + this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + AutoRefresh.Defaults = { + autoRefresh: true, + autoRefreshInterval: 500 + }; + + /** + * Watches the element. + */ + AutoRefresh.prototype.watch = function() { + if (this._interval) { + return; + } + + this._visible = this._core.isVisible(); + this._interval = window.setInterval($.proxy(this.refresh, this), this._core.settings.autoRefreshInterval); + }; + + /** + * Refreshes the element. + */ + AutoRefresh.prototype.refresh = function() { + if (this._core.isVisible() === this._visible) { + return; + } + + this._visible = !this._visible; + + this._core.$element.toggleClass('owl-hidden', !this._visible); + + this._visible && (this._core.invalidate('width') && this._core.refresh()); + }; + + /** + * Destroys the plugin. + */ + AutoRefresh.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + window.clearInterval(this._interval); + + for (handler in this._handlers) { + this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.AutoRefresh = AutoRefresh; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * Lazy Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the lazy plugin. + * @class The Lazy Plugin + * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel + */ + var Lazy = function(carousel) { + + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + /** + * Already loaded items. + * @protected + * @type {Array.} + */ + this._loaded = []; + + /** + * Event handlers. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'initialized.owl.carousel change.owl.carousel resized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (!e.namespace) { + return; + } + + if (!this._core.settings || !this._core.settings.lazyLoad) { + return; + } + + if ((e.property && e.property.name == 'position') || e.type == 'initialized') { + var settings = this._core.settings, + n = (settings.center && Math.ceil(settings.items / 2) || settings.items), + i = ((settings.center && n * -1) || 0), + position = (e.property && e.property.value !== undefined ? e.property.value : this._core.current()) + i, + clones = this._core.clones().length, + load = $.proxy(function(i, v) { this.load(v) }, this); + //TODO: Need documentation for this new option + if (settings.lazyLoadEager > 0) { + n += settings.lazyLoadEager; + // If the carousel is looping also preload images that are to the "left" + if (settings.loop) { + position -= settings.lazyLoadEager; + n++; + } + } + + while (i++ < n) { + this.load(clones / 2 + this._core.relative(position)); + clones && $.each(this._core.clones(this._core.relative(position)), load); + position++; + } + } + }, this) + }; + + // set the default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, Lazy.Defaults, this._core.options); + + // register event handler + this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + Lazy.Defaults = { + lazyLoad: false, + lazyLoadEager: 0 + }; + + /** + * Loads all resources of an item at the specified position. + * @param {Number} position - The absolute position of the item. + * @protected + */ + Lazy.prototype.load = function(position) { + var $item = this._core.$stage.children().eq(position), + $elements = $item && $item.find('.owl-lazy'); + + if (!$elements || $.inArray($item.get(0), this._loaded) > -1) { + return; + } + + $elements.each($.proxy(function(index, element) { + var $element = $(element), image, + url = (window.devicePixelRatio > 1 && $element.attr('data-src-retina')) || $element.attr('data-src') || $element.attr('data-srcset'); + + this._core.trigger('load', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); + + if ($element.is('img')) { + $element.one('load.owl.lazy', $.proxy(function() { + $element.css('opacity', 1); + this._core.trigger('loaded', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); + }, this)).attr('src', url); + } else if ($element.is('source')) { + $element.one('load.owl.lazy', $.proxy(function() { + this._core.trigger('loaded', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); + }, this)).attr('srcset', url); + } else { + image = new Image(); + image.onload = $.proxy(function() { + $element.css({ + 'background-image': 'url("' + url + '")', + 'opacity': '1' + }); + this._core.trigger('loaded', { element: $element, url: url }, 'lazy'); + }, this); + image.src = url; + } + }, this)); + + this._loaded.push($item.get(0)); + }; + + /** + * Destroys the plugin. + * @public + */ + Lazy.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + for (handler in this.handlers) { + this._core.$element.off(handler, this.handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Lazy = Lazy; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * AutoHeight Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the auto height plugin. + * @class The Auto Height Plugin + * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel + */ + var AutoHeight = function(carousel) { + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + this._previousHeight = null; + + /** + * All event handlers. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'initialized.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight) { + this.update(); + } + }, this), + 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight && e.property.name === 'position'){ + this.update(); + } + }, this), + 'loaded.owl.lazy': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight + && e.element.closest('.' + this._core.settings.itemClass).index() === this._core.current()) { + this.update(); + } + }, this) + }; + + // set default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, AutoHeight.Defaults, this._core.options); + + // register event handlers + this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); + this._intervalId = null; + var refThis = this; + + // These changes have been taken from a PR by gavrochelegnou proposed in #1575 + // and have been made compatible with the latest jQuery version + $(window).on('load', function() { + if (refThis._core.settings.autoHeight) { + refThis.update(); + } + }); + + // Autoresize the height of the carousel when window is resized + // When carousel has images, the height is dependent on the width + // and should also change on resize + $(window).resize(function() { + if (refThis._core.settings.autoHeight) { + if (refThis._intervalId != null) { + clearTimeout(refThis._intervalId); + } + + refThis._intervalId = setTimeout(function() { + refThis.update(); + }, 250); + } + }); + + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + AutoHeight.Defaults = { + autoHeight: false, + autoHeightClass: 'owl-height' + }; + + /** + * Updates the view. + */ + AutoHeight.prototype.update = function() { + var start = this._core._current, + end = start + this._core.settings.items, + lazyLoadEnabled = this._core.settings.lazyLoad, + visible = this._core.$stage.children().toArray().slice(start, end), + heights = [], + maxheight = 0; + + $.each(visible, function(index, item) { + heights.push($(item).height()); + }); + + maxheight = Math.max.apply(null, heights); + + if (maxheight <= 1 && lazyLoadEnabled && this._previousHeight) { + maxheight = this._previousHeight; + } + + this._previousHeight = maxheight; + + this._core.$stage.parent() + .height(maxheight) + .addClass(this._core.settings.autoHeightClass); + }; + + AutoHeight.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + for (handler in this._handlers) { + this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] !== 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.AutoHeight = AutoHeight; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * Video Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the video plugin. + * @class The Video Plugin + * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel + */ + var Video = function(carousel) { + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + /** + * Cache all video URLs. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._videos = {}; + + /** + * Current playing item. + * @protected + * @type {jQuery} + */ + this._playing = null; + + /** + * All event handlers. + * @todo The cloned content removale is too late + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace) { + this._core.register({ type: 'state', name: 'playing', tags: [ 'interacting' ] }); + } + }, this), + 'resize.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.video && this.isInFullScreen()) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + }, this), + 'refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.is('resizing')) { + this._core.$stage.find('.cloned .owl-video-frame').remove(); + } + }, this), + 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position' && this._playing) { + this.stop(); + } + }, this), + 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (!e.namespace) { + return; + } + + var $element = $(e.content).find('.owl-video'); + + if ($element.length) { + $element.css('display', 'none'); + this.fetch($element, $(e.content)); + } + }, this) + }; + + // set default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, Video.Defaults, this._core.options); + + // register event handlers + this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); + + this._core.$element.on('click.owl.video', '.owl-video-play-icon', $.proxy(function(e) { + this.play(e); + }, this)); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + Video.Defaults = { + video: false, + videoHeight: false, + videoWidth: false + }; + + /** + * Gets the video ID and the type (YouTube/Vimeo/vzaar only). + * @protected + * @param {jQuery} target - The target containing the video data. + * @param {jQuery} item - The item containing the video. + */ + Video.prototype.fetch = function(target, item) { + var type = (function() { + if (target.attr('data-vimeo-id')) { + return 'vimeo'; + } else if (target.attr('data-vzaar-id')) { + return 'vzaar' + } else { + return 'youtube'; + } + })(), + id = target.attr('data-vimeo-id') || target.attr('data-youtube-id') || target.attr('data-vzaar-id'), + width = target.attr('data-width') || this._core.settings.videoWidth, + height = target.attr('data-height') || this._core.settings.videoHeight, + url = target.attr('href'); + + if (url) { + + /* + Parses the id's out of the following urls (and probably more): + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=:id + https://youtu.be/:id + https://vimeo.com/:id + https://vimeo.com/channels/:channel/:id + https://vimeo.com/groups/:group/videos/:id + https://app.vzaar.com/videos/:id + + Visual example: https://regexper.com/#(http%3A%7Chttps%3A%7C)%5C%2F%5C%2F(player.%7Cwww.%7Capp.)%3F(vimeo%5C.com%7Cyoutu(be%5C.com%7C%5C.be%7Cbe%5C.googleapis%5C.com)%7Cvzaar%5C.com)%5C%2F(video%5C%2F%7Cvideos%5C%2F%7Cembed%5C%2F%7Cchannels%5C%2F.%2B%5C%2F%7Cgroups%5C%2F.%2B%5C%2F%7Cwatch%5C%3Fv%3D%7Cv%5C%2F)%3F(%5BA-Za-z0-9._%25-%5D*)(%5C%26%5CS%2B)%3F + */ + + id = url.match(/(http:|https:|)\/\/(player.|www.|app.)?(vimeo\.com|youtu(be\.com|\.be|be\.googleapis\.com|be\-nocookie\.com)|vzaar\.com)\/(video\/|videos\/|embed\/|channels\/.+\/|groups\/.+\/|watch\?v=|v\/)?([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\S+)?/); + + if (id[3].indexOf('youtu') > -1) { + type = 'youtube'; + } else if (id[3].indexOf('vimeo') > -1) { + type = 'vimeo'; + } else if (id[3].indexOf('vzaar') > -1) { + type = 'vzaar'; + } else { + throw new Error('Video URL not supported.'); + } + id = id[6]; + } else { + throw new Error('Missing video URL.'); + } + + this._videos[url] = { + type: type, + id: id, + width: width, + height: height + }; + + item.attr('data-video', url); + + this.thumbnail(target, this._videos[url]); + }; + + /** + * Creates video thumbnail. + * @protected + * @param {jQuery} target - The target containing the video data. + * @param {Object} info - The video info object. + * @see `fetch` + */ + Video.prototype.thumbnail = function(target, video) { + var tnLink, + icon, + path, + dimensions = video.width && video.height ? 'width:' + video.width + 'px;height:' + video.height + 'px;' : '', + customTn = target.find('img'), + srcType = 'src', + lazyClass = '', + settings = this._core.settings, + create = function(path) { + icon = '
'; + + if (settings.lazyLoad) { + tnLink = $('
',{ + "class": 'owl-video-tn ' + lazyClass, + "srcType": path + }); + } else { + tnLink = $( '
', { + "class": "owl-video-tn", + "style": 'opacity:1;background-image:url(' + path + ')' + }); + } + target.after(tnLink); + target.after(icon); + }; + + // wrap video content into owl-video-wrapper div + target.wrap( $( '
', { + "class": "owl-video-wrapper", + "style": dimensions + })); + + if (this._core.settings.lazyLoad) { + srcType = 'data-src'; + lazyClass = 'owl-lazy'; + } + + // custom thumbnail + if (customTn.length) { + create(customTn.attr(srcType)); + customTn.remove(); + return false; + } + + if (video.type === 'youtube') { + path = "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + video.id + "/hqdefault.jpg"; + create(path); + } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { + $.ajax({ + type: 'GET', + url: '//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/' + video.id + '.json', + jsonp: 'callback', + dataType: 'jsonp', + success: function(data) { + path = data[0].thumbnail_large; + create(path); + } + }); + } else if (video.type === 'vzaar') { + $.ajax({ + type: 'GET', + url: '//vzaar.com/api/videos/' + video.id + '.json', + jsonp: 'callback', + dataType: 'jsonp', + success: function(data) { + path = data.framegrab_url; + create(path); + } + }); + } + }; + + /** + * Stops the current video. + * @public + */ + Video.prototype.stop = function() { + this._core.trigger('stop', null, 'video'); + this._playing.find('.owl-video-frame').remove(); + this._playing.removeClass('owl-video-playing'); + this._playing = null; + this._core.leave('playing'); + this._core.trigger('stopped', null, 'video'); + }; + + /** + * Starts the current video. + * @public + * @param {Event} event - The event arguments. + */ + Video.prototype.play = function(event) { + var target = $(event.target), + item = target.closest('.' + this._core.settings.itemClass), + video = this._videos[item.attr('data-video')], + width = video.width || '100%', + height = video.height || this._core.$stage.height(), + html, + iframe; + + if (this._playing) { + return; + } + + this._core.enter('playing'); + this._core.trigger('play', null, 'video'); + + item = this._core.items(this._core.relative(item.index())); + + this._core.reset(item.index()); + + html = $( '' ); + html.attr( 'height', height ); + html.attr( 'width', width ); + if (video.type === 'youtube') { + html.attr( 'src', '//www.youtube.com/embed/' + video.id + '?autoplay=1&rel=0&v=' + video.id ); + } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { + html.attr( 'src', '//player.vimeo.com/video/' + video.id + '?autoplay=1' ); + } else if (video.type === 'vzaar') { + html.attr( 'src', '//view.vzaar.com/' + video.id + '/player?autoplay=true' ); + } + + iframe = $(html).wrap( '
' ).insertAfter(item.find('.owl-video')); + + this._playing = item.addClass('owl-video-playing'); + }; + + /** + * Checks whether an video is currently in full screen mode or not. + * @todo Bad style because looks like a readonly method but changes members. + * @protected + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + Video.prototype.isInFullScreen = function() { + var element = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || + document.webkitFullscreenElement; + + return element && $(element).parent().hasClass('owl-video-frame'); + }; + + /** + * Destroys the plugin. + */ + Video.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + this._core.$element.off('click.owl.video'); + + for (handler in this._handlers) { + this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Video = Video; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * Animate Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the animate plugin. + * @class The Navigation Plugin + * @param {Owl} scope - The Owl Carousel + */ + var Animate = function(scope) { + this.core = scope; + this.core.options = $.extend({}, Animate.Defaults, this.core.options); + this.swapping = true; + this.previous = undefined; + this.next = undefined; + + this.handlers = { + 'change.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && e.property.name == 'position') { + this.previous = this.core.current(); + this.next = e.property.value; + } + }, this), + 'drag.owl.carousel dragged.owl.carousel translated.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace) { + this.swapping = e.type == 'translated'; + } + }, this), + 'translate.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this.swapping && (this.core.options.animateOut || this.core.options.animateIn)) { + this.swap(); + } + }, this) + }; + + this.core.$element.on(this.handlers); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + Animate.Defaults = { + animateOut: false, + animateIn: false + }; + + /** + * Toggles the animation classes whenever an translations starts. + * @protected + * @returns {Boolean|undefined} + */ + Animate.prototype.swap = function() { + + if (this.core.settings.items !== 1) { + return; + } + + if (!$.support.animation || !$.support.transition) { + return; + } + + this.core.speed(0); + + var left, + clear = $.proxy(this.clear, this), + previous = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.previous), + next = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.next), + incoming = this.core.settings.animateIn, + outgoing = this.core.settings.animateOut; + + if (this.core.current() === this.previous) { + return; + } + + if (outgoing) { + left = this.core.coordinates(this.previous) - this.core.coordinates(this.next); + previous.one($.support.animation.end, clear) + .css( { 'left': left + 'px' } ) + .addClass('animated owl-animated-out') + .addClass(outgoing); + } + + if (incoming) { + next.one($.support.animation.end, clear) + .addClass('animated owl-animated-in') + .addClass(incoming); + } + }; + + Animate.prototype.clear = function(e) { + $(e.target).css( { 'left': '' } ) + .removeClass('animated owl-animated-out owl-animated-in') + .removeClass(this.core.settings.animateIn) + .removeClass(this.core.settings.animateOut); + this.core.onTransitionEnd(); + }; + + /** + * Destroys the plugin. + * @public + */ + Animate.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + for (handler in this.handlers) { + this.core.$element.off(handler, this.handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Animate = Animate; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * Autoplay Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski + * @author Artus Kolanowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @author Tom De Caluwé + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + + /** + * Creates the autoplay plugin. + * @class The Autoplay Plugin + * @param {Owl} scope - The Owl Carousel + */ + var Autoplay = function(carousel) { + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + /** + * The autoplay timeout id. + * @type {Number} + */ + this._call = null; + + /** + * Depending on the state of the plugin, this variable contains either + * the start time of the timer or the current timer value if it's + * paused. Since we start in a paused state we initialize the timer + * value. + * @type {Number} + */ + this._time = 0; + + /** + * Stores the timeout currently used. + * @type {Number} + */ + this._timeout = 0; + + /** + * Indicates whenever the autoplay is paused. + * @type {Boolean} + */ + this._paused = true; + + /** + * All event handlers. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'settings') { + if (this._core.settings.autoplay) { + this.play(); + } else { + this.stop(); + } + } else if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position' && this._paused) { + // Reset the timer. This code is triggered when the position + // of the carousel was changed through user interaction. + this._time = 0; + } + }, this), + 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.autoplay) { + this.play(); + } + }, this), + 'play.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function(e, t, s) { + if (e.namespace) { + this.play(t, s); + } + }, this), + 'stop.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace) { + this.stop(); + } + }, this), + 'mouseover.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { + if (this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is('rotating')) { + this.pause(); + } + }, this), + 'mouseleave.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { + if (this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is('rotating')) { + this.play(); + } + }, this), + 'touchstart.owl.core': $.proxy(function() { + if (this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is('rotating')) { + this.pause(); + } + }, this), + 'touchend.owl.core': $.proxy(function() { + if (this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause) { + this.play(); + } + }, this) + }; + + // register event handlers + this._core.$element.on(this._handlers); + + // set default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, Autoplay.Defaults, this._core.options); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + */ + Autoplay.Defaults = { + autoplay: false, + autoplayTimeout: 5000, + autoplayHoverPause: false, + autoplaySpeed: false + }; + + /** + * Transition to the next slide and set a timeout for the next transition. + * @private + * @param {Number} [speed] - The animation speed for the animations. + */ + Autoplay.prototype._next = function(speed) { + this._call = window.setTimeout( + $.proxy(this._next, this, speed), + this._timeout * (Math.round(this.read() / this._timeout) + 1) - this.read() + ); + + if (this._core.is('interacting') || document.hidden) { + return; + } + this._core.next(speed || this._core.settings.autoplaySpeed); + } + + /** + * Reads the current timer value when the timer is playing. + * @public + */ + Autoplay.prototype.read = function() { + return new Date().getTime() - this._time; + }; + + /** + * Starts the autoplay. + * @public + * @param {Number} [timeout] - The interval before the next animation starts. + * @param {Number} [speed] - The animation speed for the animations. + */ + Autoplay.prototype.play = function(timeout, speed) { + var elapsed; + + if (!this._core.is('rotating')) { + this._core.enter('rotating'); + } + + timeout = timeout || this._core.settings.autoplayTimeout; + + // Calculate the elapsed time since the last transition. If the carousel + // wasn't playing this calculation will yield zero. + elapsed = Math.min(this._time % (this._timeout || timeout), timeout); + + if (this._paused) { + // Start the clock. + this._time = this.read(); + this._paused = false; + } else { + // Clear the active timeout to allow replacement. + window.clearTimeout(this._call); + } + + // Adjust the origin of the timer to match the new timeout value. + this._time += this.read() % timeout - elapsed; + + this._timeout = timeout; + this._call = window.setTimeout($.proxy(this._next, this, speed), timeout - elapsed); + }; + + /** + * Stops the autoplay. + * @public + */ + Autoplay.prototype.stop = function() { + if (this._core.is('rotating')) { + // Reset the clock. + this._time = 0; + this._paused = true; + + window.clearTimeout(this._call); + this._core.leave('rotating'); + } + }; + + /** + * Pauses the autoplay. + * @public + */ + Autoplay.prototype.pause = function() { + if (this._core.is('rotating') && !this._paused) { + // Pause the clock. + this._time = this.read(); + this._paused = true; + + window.clearTimeout(this._call); + } + }; + + /** + * Destroys the plugin. + */ + Autoplay.prototype.destroy = function() { + var handler, property; + + this.stop(); + + for (handler in this._handlers) { + this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); + } + for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { + typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); + } + }; + + $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.autoplay = Autoplay; + +})(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); + +/** + * Navigation Plugin + * @version 2.3.4 + * @author Artus Kolanowski + * @author David Deutsch + * @license The MIT License (MIT) + */ +;(function($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + /** + * Creates the navigation plugin. + * @class The Navigation Plugin + * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel. + */ + var Navigation = function(carousel) { + /** + * Reference to the core. + * @protected + * @type {Owl} + */ + this._core = carousel; + + /** + * Indicates whether the plugin is initialized or not. + * @protected + * @type {Boolean} + */ + this._initialized = false; + + /** + * The current paging indexes. + * @protected + * @type {Array} + */ + this._pages = []; + + /** + * All DOM elements of the user interface. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._controls = {}; + + /** + * Markup for an indicator. + * @protected + * @type {Array.} + */ + this._templates = []; + + /** + * The carousel element. + * @type {jQuery} + */ + this.$element = this._core.$element; + + /** + * Overridden methods of the carousel. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._overrides = { + next: this._core.next, + prev: this._core.prev, + to: this._core.to + }; + + /** + * All event handlers. + * @protected + * @type {Object} + */ + this._handlers = { + 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsData) { + this._templates.push('
' + + $(e.content).find('[data-dot]').addBack('[data-dot]').attr('data-dot') + '
'); + } + }, this), + 'added.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsData) { + this._templates.splice(e.position, 0, this._templates.pop()); + } + }, this), + 'remove.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsData) { + this._templates.splice(e.position, 1); + } + }, this), + 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && e.property.name == 'position') { + this.draw(); + } + }, this), + 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && !this._initialized) { + this._core.trigger('initialize', null, 'navigation'); + this.initialize(); + this.update(); + this.draw(); + this._initialized = true; + this._core.trigger('initialized', null, 'navigation'); + } + }, this), + 'refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { + if (e.namespace && this._initialized) { + this._core.trigger('refresh', null, 'navigation'); + this.update(); + this.draw(); + this._core.trigger('refreshed', null, 'navigation'); + } + }, this) + }; + + // set default options + this._core.options = $.extend({}, Navigation.Defaults, this._core.options); + + // register event handlers + this.$element.on(this._handlers); + }; + + /** + * Default options. + * @public + * @todo Rename `slideBy` to `navBy` + */ + Navigation.Defaults = { + nav: false, + navText: [ + '', + '' + ], + navSpeed: false, + navElement: 'button type="button" role="presentation"', + navContainer: false, + navContainerClass: 'owl-nav', + navClass: [ + 'owl-prev', + 'owl-next' + ], + slideBy: 1, + dotClass: 'owl-dot', + dotsClass: 'owl-dots', + dots: true, + dotsEach: false, + dotsData: false, + dotsSpeed: false, + dotsContainer: false + }; + + /** + * Initializes the layout of the plugin and extends the carousel. + * @protected + */ + Navigation.prototype.initialize = function() { + var override, + settings = this._core.settings; + + // create DOM structure for relative navigation + this._controls.$relative = (settings.navContainer ? $(settings.navContainer) + : $('
').addClass(settings.navContainerClass).appendTo(this.$element)).addClass('disabled'); + + this._controls.$previous = $('<' + settings.navElement + '>') + .addClass(settings.navClass[0]) + .html(settings.navText[0]) + .prependTo(this._controls.$relative) + .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { + this.prev(settings.navSpeed); + }, this)); + this._controls.$next = $('<' + settings.navElement + '>') + .addClass(settings.navClass[1]) + .html(settings.navText[1]) + .appendTo(this._controls.$relative) + .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { + this.next(settings.navSpeed); + }, this)); + + // create DOM structure for absolute navigation + if (!settings.dotsData) { + this._templates = [ $('
{{/if}} -{{/get}} \ No newline at end of file +{{/get}} diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d2aa381 --- /dev/null +++ b/webpack.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV == "production"; + +module.exports = { + devtool: "inline-source-map", + mode: isProduction ? "production" : "development", + output: { filename: "main.js" }, + stats: "minimal", +};