This property lets you decide whether the user should be allowed to split a grid into two panels. It's one of a number of properties added in version 5.0 to which our reaction was: "Of course."
lUserCanSplit = grdGrid.SplitBar
You have to decide this one at design-time—it can't be changed on the fly. When you turn SplitBar off, the scrollbar widens to fill the black space normally allocated for splitting the grid.
We thought it would be cool to be able to partition a grid at design-time, then turn SplitBar off to prevent users from messing with our careful setup. Alas, setting SplitBar to .F. returns Partition to 0 (although it doesn't happen until you save the form). We can't quite bring ourselves to call this one a bug since we suspect it's simply outside the design of the grid. No SplitBar means no partition.
* You might set this one in a builder based
* on user input
oGrid.SplitBars = lAllowSplit