Here's another batch of stuff that was crucial in FoxPro 2.x and is obsolete in Visual FoxPro. In FoxPro 2.x, each item (@ ... GET or @ ... EDIT) on a screen was assigned a unique "object number." Within button groups, each button received its own number. These two functions and one system memory variable operated on those object numbers.
takes a variable listed in @ ... GET or @ ... EDIT and returns its object number. OBJVAR()
(added in version 2.6) takes an object number and returns the name of the variable associated with it. _CUROBJ controls the focus—it contains the number of the object with focus. Changing _CUROBJ changes the focus.
Visual FoxPro has alternative ways to accomplish these tasks, and the object-number system is only partly there. Visual FoxPro forms don't use it. Forms that include any @ ... GETs or @ ... EDITs do, but OBJNUM()
and OBJVAR()
don't recognize any Visual FoxPro controls on the form, only the GETs and EDITs.
The bottom line is: don't mix and match. Use Visual FoxPro's new form methodology. Refer to objects on the screen by their object hierarchy (Form.Page frame.Page.Object) rather than a number, and move focus to the desired object by calling its SetFocus method. If you can't do this for some reason, then stick completely with the old @-based system.