Trustee Deploy is actually Dockerized along with the Trustee Directory!
SSH login via PGP key
"cd /opt/docker"
"./" to add Admin users to Deploy (use e-mail address instead of Gmail address) so you can test out being a subscriber when you use OIDC with Google, for instance.
"./" to create first Trustee Droplet and domain records/CNames (already done). You can check that the droplet is online at https://traefik.d* and you'll see the dashboard (username is admin, password is chenngropper).
"./"to update all Droplets with the latest Docker images
Go to "" to enter the Deploy app, click on Admin Login on upper right
Login as admin allows you to view all current subscribers and logs for any update/deploy failures if needed.
- is where the Directory resides and is also functioning as the Oauth2 proxy (still awaiting updates from BlueButton 2.0 to update the redirect URL so Medicare functions are not working yet).
Go to "" to enter the Deploy app, click on "Get Started"
Login via Google, Twitter, or GitHub
If no previous subscriptions will go to Start Subscription page; chose between Individual or Group subscriptions
Click on "Checkout .." to confirm; will forward to Stripe checkout
Use "4242 4242 4242 4242" as credit card number, MM/YY as any future date, and CVC as any 3 digits for the Stripe sandbox
Click on "Subscribe" and Trustee will begin deployment - wait...
Once complete, will go to home page where URL of Trustee will be found.
Install the AS as before...