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The following is an example of Portait-PP-HumanSegV2_Lite (portrait segmentation model), showing how to convert PPSeg model to RKNN model.
# Download Paddle2ONNX repository.
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX
# Download the Paddle static map model and fix the input shape.
## Go to the directory where the input shape is fixed for the Paddle static map model.
cd Paddle2ONNX/tools/paddle
## Download and unzip Paddle static map model.
wget https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlehub/fastdeploy/Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer.tgz
tar xvf Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer.tgz
python paddle_infer_shape.py --model_dir Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer/ \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--save_dir Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer \
# Converting static map model to ONNX model, note that the save_file here aligns with the zip name.
paddle2onnx --model_dir Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer \
--model_filename model.pdmodel \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--save_file Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer/Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer.onnx \
--enable_dev_version True
# Convert ONNX model to RKNN model.
# Copy the ONNX model directory to the Fastdeploy root directory.
cp -r ./Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer /path/to/Fastdeploy
# Convert model, the model will be generated in the Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer directory.
python tools/rknpu2/export.py \
--config_path tools/rknpu2/config/Portrait_PP_HumanSegV2_Lite_256x144_infer.yaml \
--target_platform rk3588
In the An example of Model Conversion part, we fixed the shape of the model, so the corresponding yaml file needs to be modified as follows:
The original yaml file
- -1
- 3
- -1
- -1
model: model.pdmodel
output_dtype: float32
output_op: none
params: model.pdiparams
- target_size:
- 256
- 144
type: Resize
- type: Normalize
The modified yaml file
- 1
- 3
- 144
- 256
model: model.pdmodel
output_dtype: float32
output_op: none
params: model.pdiparams
- target_size:
- 256
- 144
type: Resize
- type: Normalize