By default, Google Cloud Shell has the following installed (as of Jun 30th, 2024):
- Python 3.10
- Terraform v1.5.7
- Skaffold v2.11.1
Optionally, install the following for GKE cluster deployment.
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/kustomize
sudo ./ 5.0.0 /usr/local/bin
Install Solutions Builder:
pip3 install -U solutions-builder
- Make sure to run with python3 pip.
It's highly recommended to create a new GCP project before running Solutions Builder in a Google Cloud Shell.
- To avoid overriding the GCP resources in other existing project.
The following steps are the same as running Solutions Builder in your local environment.
sb new my-project-id
Then, add a component with the blank_service
sb add component test_service -t blank_service
Run the following to apply all terraforms, build and deploy to Cloud Run.
sb terraform apply --all --yes