PGAdapter is a proxy which translates the PostgreSQL wire-protocol into the equivalent for Spanner databases that use the PostgreSQL interface.
PGAdapter can be used with the following clients:
: Versions 11, 12, 13 and 14 are supported. See psql support for more details.JDBC
: Versions 42.x and higher have limited support. See JDBC support for more details.pgx
: Version 4.15 and higher have limited support. See pgx support for more details.
PGAdapter can be started both as a Docker container, a standalone process as well as an in-process server (the latter is only supported for Java applications).
See running PGAdapter using Docker for more examples for running PGAdapter in Docker.
Replace the project, instance and database names and the credentials file in the example below to run PGAdapter from a pre-built Docker image.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
docker pull
docker run \
-d -p 5432:5432 \
-p my-project -i my-instance -d my-database \
See Running in Docker for more information.
See Options for an explanation of all further options.
A pre-built jar and all dependencies can be downloaded from
wget && tar -xzvf pgadapter.tar.gz
java -jar pgadapter.jar -p my-project -i my-instance -d my-database
Use the -s
option to specify a different local port than the default 5432 if you already have
PostgreSQL running on your local system.
You can also download a specific version of the jar. Example (replace v0.4.0
with the version you want to download):
wget${VERSION}.tar.gz && tar -xzvf pgadapter-${VERSION}.tar.gz
java -jar pgadapter.jar -p my-project -i my-instance -d my-database
See Options for an explanation of all further options.
- Build a jar file and assemble all dependencies by running
mvn package -P assembly
- Execute (the binaries are in the target/pgadapter folder)
cd target/pgadapter
java -jar pgadapter.jar -p my-project -i my-instance -d my-database
See Options for an explanation of all further options.
This option is only available for Java/JVM-based applications.
- Add
as a dependency to your project by adding this to yourpom.xml
- Build a server using the
class PGProxyRunner {
public static void main() {
ProxyServer server = new ProxyServer(
new OptionsMetadata(
+ "/instances/my-instance"
+ "/databases/my-database"
+ ";credentials=/home/user/service-account-credentials.json",
Wherein the first item is the JDBC connection string containing pertinent information regarding project id, instance id, database name, credentials file path; All other items map directly to previously mentioned CLI options.
The following options are required to run the proxy:
-p <projectname>
* The project name where the Spanner database(s) is/are running.
-i <instanceid>
* The instance ID where the Spanner database(s) is/are running.
-d <databasename>
* The default Spanner database name to connect to. This is only required if you want PGAdapter to
ignore the database that is given in the connection request from the client and to always
connect to this database.
* If set, any database given in a connection request will be ignored. \c commands in psql will not
change the underlying database that PGAdapter is connected to.
* If not set, the database to connect to must be included in any connection request. \c commands
in psql will change the underlying database that PGAdapter connects to.
-c <credentialspath>
* This is only required if you have not already set up default credentials on the system where you
are running PGAdapter. See
for more information on setting up authentication for Cloud Spanner.
* The full path for the file containing the service account credentials in JSON format.
* Do remember to grant the service account sufficient credentials to access the database. See for more information.
The following options are optional:
-s <port>
* The inbound port for the proxy. Defaults to 5432. Choose a different port if you already have
PostgreSQL running on your local system.
-dir <socket-file-directory>
* This proxy's domain socket directory. Defaults to '/tmp'.
Note: Some distributions of PostgreSQL and psql use '/var/run/postgresql' as the
default directory for Unix domain socket file names. When connecting to PGAdapter
using psql from one of these distributions, you either need to use 'psql -h /tmp'
or change the default Unix domain socket directory used by PGAdapter to '/var/run/postgresql'.
* Use authentication when connecting. Currently authentication is not strictly
implemented in the proxy layer, as it is expected to be run locally, and
will ignore any connection not stemming from localhost. However, it is a
useful compatibility option if the PostgreSQL client is set to always
authenticate. Note that SSL is not included for the same reason that
authentication logic is not: since all connections are local, sniffing
traffic should not generally be a concern.
* PSQL Mode. Use this option when fronting PSQL. This option will incur some
performance penalties due to query matching and translation and as such is
not recommended for production. It is further not guaranteed to perfectly
match PSQL logic. Please only use this mode when using PSQL.
* JDBC Mode. Use this option when fronting the native PostgreSQL JDBC driver.
This option will inspect queries to look for native JDBC metadata queries and
replace these with queries that are suppported by Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL
-c <multi-statementcommand>
Runs a single command before exiting. This command can be comprised of multiple
statments separated by ';'. Each SQL command string passed to -c is sent to the
server as a single request. Because of this, the server executes it as a single
transaction even if the string contains multiple SQL commands. There are some
limitations in Cloud Spanner which require this option to operate in a different
manner from PSQL. 'SELECT' statements are not allowed in batched commands. Mixing
DML and DDL is not allowed in a single multi-statement command. Also,
'BEGIN TRANSACTION' and 'COMMIT' statements are not allowed in batched commands.
* Force the server to send data back in binary PostgreSQL format when no
specific format has been requested. The PostgreSQL wire protocol specifies
that the server should send data in text format in those cases. This
setting overrides this default and should be used with caution, for example
for testing purposes, as clients might not accept this behavior. This
setting only affects query results in extended query mode. Queries in
simple query mode will always return results in text format. If you do not
know what extended query mode and simple query mode is, then you should
probably not be using this setting.
-j <commandmetadatapath>
* The full path for a file containing a JSON object to do SQL translation
based on RegEx replacement. Any item matching the input_pattern will be
replaced by the output_pattern string, wherein capture groups are allowed and
their order is specified via the matcher_array item. Match replacement must be
defined via %s in the output_pattern string. Set matcher_array to [] if no
matches exist. Alternatively, you may place the matching group names
directly within the output_pattern string using matcher.replaceAll() rules
(that is to say, placing the item within braces, preceeeded by a dollar sign);
For this specific case, matcher_array must be left empty. User-specified
patterns will precede internal matches. Escaped and general regex syntax
matches Java RegEx syntax; more information on the Java RegEx syntax found
* Example:
"input_pattern": "^SELECT * FROM users;$",
"output_pattern": "SELECT 1;",
"matcher_array": []
"input_pattern": "^ab(?<firstgroup>\\d)(?<secondgroup>\\d)$",
"output_pattern": "second number: %s, first number: %s",
"matcher_array": ["secondgroup", "firstgroup"]
"input_pattern": "^cd(?<firstgroup>\\d)(?<secondgroup>\\d)$",
"output_pattern": "second number: ${secondgroup}, first number: ${firstgroup}",
"matcher_array": []
Input queries:
"SELECT * FROM users;"
Output queries:
"second number: 2, first number: 1"
"second number: 4, first number: 3"
An example of a simple run string:
java -jar pgadapter.jar \
-p <project-id> -i <instance-id> -d <database-id> \
-c <path to credentials file> -s 5432
Google Cloud Spanner PGAdapter is a simple, MITM, forward, non-transparent proxy, which translates the PostgreSQL wire-protocol into the Cloud Spanner equivalent. It can only be used with Cloud Spanner databases that use the PostgreSQL interface. By running this proxy locally, any PostgreSQL client (including the SQL command-line client PSQL) should function seamlessly by simply pointing its outbound port to this proxy's inbound port. The proxy does not support all parts of the PostgreSQL wire-protocol. See Limitations for a list of current limitations.
In addition to translation, this proxy also concerns itself with authentication and to some extent, connection pooling. Translation for the most part is simply a transformation of the PostgreSQL wire protocol except for some cases concerning PSQL, wherein the query itself is translated.
Simple query mode and extended query mode are supported, and any data type supported by Spanner is also supported. Items, tables and language not native to Spanner are not supported, unless otherwise specified.
Though the majority of functionality inherent in most PostgreSQL clients (including PSQL and JDBC) are included out of the box, the following items are not supported:
- Prepared Statement DESCRIBE
- Functions
- COPY <table_name> TO ...
- COPY <table_name> FROM <filename | PROGRAM program>
See COPY FROM STDIN for more information on COPY.
Only the following psql
meta-commands are supported:
\d <table>
\dt <table>
\dn <table>
\di <table>
Other psql
meta-commands are not supported.
COPY <table-name> FROM STDIN
is supported. This option can be used to insert bulk data to a Cloud
Spanner database. COPY
operations are atomic by default, but the standard transaction limits of
Cloud Spanner apply to these transactions. That means that at most 20,000 mutations can be included
in one COPY
operation. COPY
can also be executed in non-atomic mode by executing the statement
before executing the copy operation.
Although only STDIN
is supported, export files can still be imported using COPY
by piping files
into psql
. See the examples below.
create table numbers (number bigint not null primary key, name varchar);
cat numbers.txt | psql -h localhost -d test-db -c "copy numbers from stdin;"
The above operation will fail if the numbers.txt
file contains more than 20,000 mutations.
create table numbers (number bigint not null primary key, name varchar);
cat numbers.txt | psql -h localhost -d test-db -c "set autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'" -c "copy numbers from stdin;"
The above operation will automatically split the data over multiple transactions if the file contains more than 20,000 mutations.
Note that this also means that if an error is encountered
during the COPY
operation, some rows may already have been persisted to the database. This will
not be rolled back after the error was encountered. The transactions are executed in parallel,
which means that data after the row that caused the error in the import file can still have been
imported to the database before the COPY
operation was halted.
can also be used to stream data directly from a real PostgreSQL database to Cloud Spanner.
This makes it easy to quickly copy an entire table from PostgreSQL to Cloud Spanner, or to generate
test data for Cloud Spanner using PostgreSQL queries.
The following examples assume that a real PostgreSQL server is running on localhost:5432
PGAdapter is running on localhost:5433
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d my-local-db \
-c "copy (select i, to_char(i, 'fm000') from generate_series(1, 10) s(i)) to stdout" \
| psql -h localhost -p 5433 -d my-spanner-db \
-c "copy numbers from stdin;"
Larger datasets require that the Cloud Spanner database is set to PARTITIONED_NON_ATOMIC
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d my-local-db \
-c "copy (select i, to_char(i, 'fm000') from generate_series(1, 1000000) s(i)) to stdout" \
| psql -h localhost -p 5433 -d my-spanner-db \
-c "set autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'" \
-c "copy numbers from stdin;"
PGAdapter has the following known limitations at this moment:
- PostgreSQL prepared statements are not
- fully supported. It is not recommended to use this feature.
Note: This limitation relates specifically to server side PostgreSQL prepared statements.
interface is supported. - DESCRIBE statement wire-protocol messages currently return
for all parameters in the query. - DESCRIBE statement wire-protocol messages return
as the row description of the statement. - The COPY protocol only supports COPY FROM STDIN.
PGAdapter uses java.util.logging
for logging. Create a
file to configure
logging messages. See the following example for an example to get fine-grained logging.
io.grpc.internal.level = WARNING
java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS] [%4$s] (%2$s): %5$s%6$s%n
Start PGAdapter with
when running PGAdapter as
a jar.
You can configure PGAdapter to log to a file on your local system when running it in Docker by following these steps.
- Create a
on your local system like this:
io.grpc.internal.level = WARNING
java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS] [%4$s] (%2$s): %5$s%6$s%n
- Start the PGAdapter Docker container with these options:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
export LOGGING_PROPERTIES=/full/path/to/
docker run \
-d -p 5432:5432 \
-v /home/my-user-name/log:/home/pgadapter/log \
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${LOGGING_PROPERTIES} \
-p my-project -i my-instance -d my-database \
The directory /home/my-user-name/log
will be created automatically and the log file will be
placed in this directory.
We are not currently accepting external code contributions to this project. Please feel free to file feature requests using GitHub's issue tracker or using the existing Cloud Spanner support channels.