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Cloud Dataplex Self-service Labs - Data mesh Banking Usecase

1. About

Google Cloud Dataplex is an intelligent data fabric that helps you unify distributed data and automate data management and governance across that data to power analytics at scale.

In this self-service lab, you will discover how to build and maintain an end-to-end data mesh for fictitious bank called "Bank of Mars" with data from multiple domains ane leveraging Dataplex's data governance and management capabilities. You will start by creating domain-specific lakes and zones out of the distributed data saved across GCS buckets and BQ datasets. Use Dataplex to manage data security and to build products involving data curation, data migration, data quality, data classification, and register data product through harvesting business and technical metadata, cataloging and tagging. Also includes automation using terraform and Google Cloud composer(Airflow).

1.2. Process Flow

process flow

1.3. Data Flow

data flow

1.3. Data Domains and Asset Mapping

Data Domains

1.4. Data Mesh high level architecture

Datamesh Architecture

2. Setup

2.1 The setup flow

Setup Flow

2.2 Pre-requisites [VERY CRITICAL]

  1. [CRITICAL for Setup] Create a GCP Project
  2. [CRITICAL for Setup] Grant the terraform user or service account the below IAM policies at the project level - Owner - ServiceAccountTokenCreator - Organization Admin Admin Roles
  3. [CRITICAL for Setup] For non-argolis accounts, the below org policies should be set at the project level before triggering the setup:
    • "compute.requireOsLogin" : false,
    • "compute.disableSerialPortLogging" : false,
    • "compute.requireShieldedVm" : false
    • "compute.vmCanIpForward" : true,
    • "compute.vmExternalIpAccess" : true,
    • "compute.restrictVpcPeering" : true
    • "compute.trustedImageProjects" : true,
    • "iam.disableCrossProjectServiceAccountUsage" :false #Only required when you want to set up in a separate project to your data project
  4. If VPC SC is enabled in your organization, the project must belong to the same VPC Service Control perimeter as the data destined to be in the lake. Refer to this link to use or add Dataplex to VPC-SC. Ignore this for argolis account.
  5. Make sure us-central1 is allowed under your organization regions policy. Ignore for argolis.
  6. [CRITICAL for Setup] Make sure you have enough of disk space(1.5 GB - 2 GB) for the terraform setup

2.2 Run the Terraform Script

Follow the below steps to trigger the terraform setup

2.2.1. Open in Cloud Shell

2.2.2. Select the appropriate project. Make sure you are in the right project before you proceed.

2.2.3. Install the below python libraries

pip3 install google-cloud-storage
pip3 install numpy 
pip3 install faker_credit_score

2.2.4 Declare variable

In cloud shell, declare the following variables after substituting with yours.

  • For Argolis, use fully qualified corporate email address - [email protected] otherwise use your fully qualified email address (e.g. [email protected]) as the USERNAME

    echo "export USERNAME=your-email" >> ~/.profile
  • Set the PROJECT_ID

    echo "export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)" >> ~/.profile


2.2.5. Validate the user

To get the currently logged in email address, run: 'gcloud auth list as' below:

gcloud auth list
Credentialed Accounts

ACCOUNT: [email protected] or admin@(for Argolis)

2.2.6. Clone this repository in Cloud Shell

git clone

2.2.7. Trigger the terraform script to setup the lab environment

If you are not already in home folder, execute the below command,

cp -r dataplex-labs ~/

For Argolis or account with access to set up organization policies-

cd ~/dataplex-labs/data-mesh-banking-labs/setup/
source ~/.profile
bash ${PROJECT_ID} ${USERNAME} argolis

For non-argolis or external or account without the access to update organization policy-

cd ~/dataplex-labs/data-mesh-banking-labs/setup/
source ~/.profile
bash ${PROJECT_ID} ${USERNAME}  external

The script will take about 30-40 minutes to finish.

2.3. Explore the resource provisioned

2.3.1. Validate the GCS buckets

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
gsutil cat gs://${PROJECT_ID}_customers_raw_data/customers_data/dt=2022-12-01/customer.csv | head -2

2.3.2. Validate the BQ datasets

Go to BigQuery UI -> validate the datasets as shown below are created

BQ Datasets

2.3.3. Validate the Dataplex lakes and zones

Go to Dataplex -> Manage -> Verify lakes and assets are created as per the below screenshot

2.3.4. Validate Composer environment

Go to Composer… Then Environments… Click on -composer link..then click on 'Environment Variables'

Composer Env

If all the above validations pass, you're setup is not complete. Please proceed to the Labs.

3. Labs

3.1. Lab Flow

Lab Flow

3.2. Lab Details

We have a series of labs designed to get hands-on-experience with Dataplex concepts. Please refer to each of the lab specific README for more information on the labs.

Lab# Title Description
Lab1 Data Organization Organize the Customer specific data assets into lakes and zones and map the underlying buckets and datasets assets
Lab2 Manage Data Security using Dataplex Managing Data Security is the main goal of this lab. You will learn how to design and manage security policies using Dataplex's UI and REST API as part of the lab. The purpose of the lab is to learn how to handle distributed data security more effectively across data domains
Lab3 Standardize data using Dataplex built in task You will discover how to leverage common Dataplex templates to curate raw data and translate it into standardized formats like parquet and Avro in the Data Curation lane. This demonstrates how domain teams may quickly process data in a serverless manner and begin consuming it for testing purposes.
Lab4 Build Data Products Serverless Dataplex tasks offer with open, simple APIs that make it easier to integrate them with already-existing Data pipelines, which makes them complementary in nature. In this lab, you will discover how to integrate Dataplex functionalities with your data product engineering pipeline. We will use Configuration-driven Serverless Dataproc Templates for incremental data using from GCS to BQ, incorporate a Dataplex's data quality task to verify the raw data and then transform data use for building data products.
Lab5 Data Classification using DLP You will use DLP Data Profiler in this lab so that it can automatically classify the BQ data, which will then be used by a Dataplex for building data classification tags.
Lab6 Data Quality in this lab you will learn how to execute an end-to-end data quality process, including how to define DQ rules, assess and analyze DQ findings, build an dq analysis dashboard, manage DQ incidents, and finally publish DQ score tags to the catalog.
Lab7 Tag template and bulk tagging In this lab, you will learn how to create business metadata tags on the Dataplex Data Product entity at scale across domains using custom utilities and Composer.
Lab8 Data catalog Search and Data Lineage You will learn how to find data using the logical structure, perform advanced data discovery, provide additional(wiki-style) product overview and look at Data lineage
Lab9 Data profiling You will learn how to run data profiling tasks on BigQuery tables to better understand data for cleansing, and analyzing

4. Contributing


5. License

Please make sure you clean up your environment

6. Disclaimer

7. Contact

Share you feedback, ideas, by logging issues.

8. Credits

# Google Cloud Collaborators Contribution
1. Mansi Maharana Creator
2. Jay O'leary Initial terraform setup
3. Anagha Khanolkar Data profiling Lab, best practices, feedback, code reviews
4. Sam Iyer Version#1 Data curation and data quality labs

9. Release History

Date Release Summary Contributor
20220108 Initial Script - Terraform, Lab1-8 Mansi Maharana
20220122 Lab 9 Data Profiling Anagha Khanolkar
20220126 1. Extended it for external implementation.
2. Added addditional documentation
3. Fixed the networking issue with "default"
4. Added a new lab on Data Organization
Mansi Maharana
20230403 Added Analytic Hub modules Jitendra Yadav
20230404 Added Custom Lineage Mansi Maharana