- Development setup
- Project setup
- Contribute code
- Translations
- Images, Logo and color
- Interactive-Flex-Query Importer
- PDF importer
- Trade calendar
Java 17, for example from Azul
Eclipse IDE - PP is build using the Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) framework. Therefore it generally does not make sense to use other IDEs. Download the Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers package.
Optionally, install language packs for Eclipse:
-->Install New Software
- Use the following update site:
- Select the language packs you want to install
- By default, Eclipse uses the host operating system language (locale).
To force the use of another language, use the -nl parameter:
eclipse.exe -nl de
Optionally, install via the Eclipse Marketplace (drag and drop the Install button to your Eclipse workspace)
- Eclipse PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) (skip if you installed the Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers)
- Infinitest
- ResourceBundle Editor
- Checkstyle Plug-In
- SonarLint
- Launch Configuration DSL
--> Help
--> Install New Software
Pick Latest Eclipse Simultaneous Release
from the dropdown menu.
- M2E PDE Integration (skip if you installed the Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers)
- Under
General Purpose Tools
select theM2E PDE Integration
- Under
- Eclipse e4 Tools Developer Resources
- Under
General Purpose Tools
select theEclipse e4 Tools Developer Resources
- Under
Configure the following preferences (Menu
--> Window
--> Preferences
-->Save Actions
- Activate
Format Source Code
and thenFormat edited lines
- Activate
Organize imports
- Activate
-->Content Assist
- Activate
Add import instead of qualified name
- Activate
Use static imports
- Activate
-->Content Assist
- Click on
New Type...
and add the following favoritesname.abuchen.portfolio.util.TextUtil
- Click on
-->Installed JREs
- Add the Java 17 JDK
For further disucssion, check out the thread in the (German) Forum.
To contribute to Portfolio Performacne, you create a fork, clone the repository, make and push changes to your repository, and then create a pull request.
- Create your own fork
- Within Eclipse, clone your repository. In the last step, choose to import all existing Eclipse projects.
- Within Eclipse, import projects from an existing repository
- Open the
project - Open the
file with the Target Editor (this may take a while as it requires Internet access). If you just get an XML file, use right click and chose Open With Target Editor - In the resulting editor, click on the "Set as Active Target Platform" link at the top right (this may also take a while)
PP uses Eclipse Launch Configuration DSL to define Eclipse launch configurations in a OS independent way.
First, add the Launch Configuration view to your workspace:
-->Show View
-->Launch Configuration
To run the application, select Eclipse Application
--> PortfolioPerformance
and right-click Run.
To run the tests, select under JUnit Plug-in Tests
--> PortfolioPerformance_Tests
or PortfolioPerformance_UI_Tests
It is not required to use Maven as you can develop using the Eclipse IDE with the setup above. The Maven build is used for the Github Actions build.
The Maven build works fine when JAVA_HOME
points to an (Open-)JDK 17 installation.
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx4g"
mvn -f portfolio-app/pom.xml clean verify
set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx4g"
mvn -f portfolio-app\pom.xml -Denforcer.skip=true clean verify
Hint: if you run into resolution problems, try deleting the ~/.m2/repository/p2
directory. Apparently, when switching to Maven Tycho 3, there are some layout changes.
- Write a good commit message in English
- If the change is related to a Github issue, add a line
after an empty line - If the change is related to an thread in the forum, add a line
Issue: https://...
with the link to the post in the forum - Format the source code. The formatter configuration is part of the project source code. Exception: Do not reformat the PDF importer source code. Instead, carefully insert new code into the existing formatting.
- Add test cases where applicable. Today, there are no tests that test the SWT UI. But add tests for all calculations.
- Do not merge the the master branch into your feature branch. Instead, rebase your local changes to the head of the master branch.
- Create a Pull Request - for example using GitHub Desktop using this tutorial
Currently, Portfolio Performance is translated into 13 languages.
To contribute a new language or assist with translations:
- Register with the POEditor project.
- Open a ticket if you plan to a add a new language and need test builds.
- Before we create a new release, we download and merge the updated translations into the code base.
If you are contributing code:
- Use Source -> Externalize Strings to externalize strings.
- Utilize ResourceBundle Editor to edit and format resource files, as the update process from POEditor relies on the same format.
- Translate new labels into all existing languages using DeepL.
For naming externalized labels:
- Use
as common prefixes for short labels, longer messages, and column headers respectively. - Use specific prefixes like
, etc. if the area is big and distinct enough, but avoid creating new areas. - Follow the label naming pattern used in the code area you are contributing to.
Images and logos used must be subject to Creative Commons CC0.
- We only use icon from iconmonstr.com.
- If a color change icon is used, the passive state is gray and the active state is orange.
- Please add all used images, logos and icons in the Images file.
Images, logos and icons are to be created as Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format.
- The background must be transparent.
- The basic format is 16x16px.
- A designation is to be chosen as name. (e.g. information.png)
- The file name must be written in lower case letters.
- It must be created in at least two sizes. 16x16px and 32x32px.
Designation basic format as an example:
(16x16px)[email protected]
(32x32px)- ...
An XML-compliant document is a file that is structured and formatted according to the rules of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). It consists of a set of tags and attributes that contain information about the structure and content of the document.
A valid XML document must meet the following conditions:
- It must have a root element that contains all other elements.
- Each element must be properly closed.
- Attributes must be defined within a start tag and their values must be specified within quotes.
- All elements must be properly nested, i.e. they must contain each other and not overlap.
- There must be no comments or processing instructions outside the root element.
Interactive-Flex-Query importer: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/datatransfer/ibflex/
Test cases: name.abuchen.portfolio.tests/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/datatransfer/ibflex/
Imported transactions are processed in the same way as the PDF importer.
The importer extracts the following elements:
--> The transaction type e.g. buy, sell, deposit, removal, dividends, taxes, feesbuySell
--> The portfolio transaction type e.g. buy, sell.symbol
--> The symbol of the instrument traded.isin
--> International Securities Identification Numberconid
--> The conid of the instrument traded. Same as the security code number (wkn).cusip
--> The CUSIP of the instrument traded. Same as the security code number (wkn).quantity
--> The number of units for the transaction.multiplier
--> The multiplier of the contract traded.proceeds
--> Calculated by multiplying the quantity and the transaction price. The proceeds figure will be negative for buys and positive for sales.reportDate
--> The date of the statement.tradeDate
--> The date of the execution.tradeTime
--> The time of the execution.dateTime
--> The date and time of the statement.netCash
--> Net cash is calculated by adding the proceeds plus tax plus commissions. (buy and sell)amount
--> Amount for account transactionscurrency
--> Currency of the total amount.fxRateToBase
--> The conversion rate from asset currency to base currency.description
--> The description of the instrument traded.taxes
--> The total amount of tax for the transaction.ibCommission
--> The total amount of commission for the transaction.ibCommissionCurrency
--> The currency denomination of the trade.accountId
--> Account identificationassetCategory
--> e.g. Stock, Options, FuturestradeID
--> The ID of the trade.transactionID
--> The ID of the transaction.accountId
--> The account number.
All available elements can be found at ibkrguides.com.
The test file is an XML file. People anonymize their personal information and account numbers using alternate text or number strings.
- The test files should not be modified beyond the anonymization
- Follow the naming convention for test files (type in the local language, two digit counter):
- Samples
- Transaction in XML-File: IBFlexStatementExtractorTest - see
- Transaction in XML-File: IBFlexStatementExtractorTest - see
Importers are created for each supported bank and/or broker. The process works like this:
- The users selects one or more PDF files via the import menu (or drags and drops multiple PDF files to the sidebar navigation)
- Each PDF file are converted to an array of strings; one entry per line
- Each importer is presented with the strings and applies the regular expressions to extract transactions
If you want to add an importer for a new bank or a new transaction type, check out the existing importers for naming conventions, structure, formatting, etc.
PDF importer: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/datatransfer/pdf/
Test cases: name.abuchen.portfolio.tests/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/datatransfer/pdf/
The naming convention is BANKExtractor and BANKExtractorTest for extractor class and test class respectively.
Portfolio Performance separates between PortfolioTransaction (booked on a securities account) and AccountTransaction (booked on a cash account). The available types are defined as enum within the file, for example for purchase (BUY) and sale (SELL) of securities, etc.
The structure of the PDF importers is as follows:
- Client
--> Unique recognition feature of the PDF document
- Bank name
--> display label of bank/broker, e.g. Deutsche Bank Privat- und Geschäftskunden AG
- Transaction types (basic types)
--> Purchase and sale ( single settlement )addSummaryStatementBuySellTransaction
--> Purchase and sale ( multiple settlements )addBuyTransactionFundsSavingsPlan
--> Savings plansaddDividendeTransaction
--> DividendsaddTaxTreatmentForDividendeTransaction
--> Tax treatment for dividendsaddAdvanceTaxTransaction
--> Advance tax paymentaddCreditcardStatementTransaction
--> Credit card transactionsaddAccountStatementTransaction
--> Giro account transactionsaddDepotStatementTransaction
--> Securities account transactions ( Settlement account )addTaxStatementTransaction
--> Tax settlementaddDeliveryInOutBoundTransaction
--> Inbound and outbound deliveriesaddTransferInOutBoundTransaction
--> Transfer in and outbound deliveriesaddReinvestTransaction
--> Reinvestment transactionaddTaxReturnBlock
--> Tax refundaddFeeReturnBlock
--> Fee refund
- Taxes and fees
--> handling of taxesaddFeesSectionsTransaction
--> handling of fees
- Overwrite the value extractor methods if the documents work with non-standard (English, German) locales:
- Example: Bank SLM (de_CH)
- Example: Baader Bank AG (de_DE + en_US)
- Add post processing on imported transaction using a
method:- Example: Targobank
The importers are structured according to the following scheme and the mapping variables are to be adhered to as far as possible:
- Type (Optional)
--> Exchange of the transaction pair ( e.g. from purchase to sale )
- Security identification
--> Security nameisin
--> International Securities Identification Numberwkn
--> Security code numbertickerSymbol
--> Tickersymbolcurrency
--> Security currency
- Shares of the transaction
--> Shares
- Date and time
--> Datetime
--> Time ( Optional )
- Total amount (With fees and taxes)
--> Amount e.g. 123,15currency
--> Currency of the total amount
- Foreign currency
--> Total amount in transaction currency without fees and taxescurrency
--> Currency of the total amountfxGross
--> Total amount in foreign currency without fees and taxesfxCurrency
--> Currency of the total amount in foreign currency
- Exchange rate
--> Foreign currency exchange ratebaseCurrency
--> Base currencytermCurrency
--> Foreign currency
- Notes (Optional)
--> Notes e.g. quarterly dividend, limits, transaction number
- Tax section
--> Amountcurrency
--> CurrencywithHoldingTax
--> Withholding taxcreditableWithHoldingTax
--> Creditable withholding tax
- Fee section
--> Amountcurrency
--> Currency
A finished PDF importer as a basis would be e.g. the V-Bank AG PDF importer.
The utility class about standardized conversions, is called by the AbstractPDFExtractor and processed in the ExtractorUtils. The ExtrExchangeRate helps processing for foreign currencies.
Use the Money class when working with amounts (it includes the currency and the value rounded to cents). Use BigDecimal for exchange rates and the conversion between currencies.
Use TextUtil class for some string manipulation such as trimming strings and stripping whitespace characters. The text created from PDF files has some corner cases that are not supported by the usual Java methods.
Due to the many comments with text fragments from the PDF documents, we do not auto-format the PDF importer class files. Instead, carefully insert new code into the existing formatting manually. To protect formatting from automatic formatting, use the @formatter:off
and @formatter:on
Please take a look at the formatting and structure in the other PDF importers! Example: V-Bank AG
Via the application menu, users can create a test case file. The test file is the extracted text from the PDF documents. Users then anonymize the text by replacing personal idenfiable information and account numbers with alternative text.
- The test files should not be modified beyond the anonymization
- All source code (including the test files) are stored in UTF-8 encoding
- Follow the naming convention for test files (type in the local language, two digit counter):
Buy01.txt, Sell01.txt
--> Purchase and sale (single settlements) ( e.g. Buy01.txt or Sell01.txt )Dividend01.txt
--> Dividends (single statements)SteuermitteilungDividende01.txt
--> Tax settlement for dividends (single settlement)SammelabrechnungKaufVerkauf01.txt
--> Purchase and sale (multiple settlements)Wertpapiereingang01.txt
--> Incoming securitiesWertpapierausgang01.txt
--> Outgoing securitiesVorabpauschale01.txt
--> Advance taxesGiroKontoauzug01.txt
--> Giro account statementKreditKontoauszug01.txt
--> Credit card account statementDepotauszug01.txt
--> security account transaction history (settlement account)
- Samples
- From April 2023 we will use the simplified notation of test cases (preferred variant)
- Baader Bank with
- Sbroker with
- Sbroker with
- Baader Bank with
- one transaction per PDF (old version): Erste Bank Gruppe - see
- supporting securities with multiple currencies: Erste Bank Gruppe with
- Background: in the PP model, the currency of the transaction always must match the currency of the security and its historical prices. However, sometimes securities are purchased on an different exchange with prices in an another currency. The importer try to handle this case automatically. This is reflected in the two test cases
- multiple transactions per PDF: DKB AG with
- if transactions are created based on two separate PDF files, use post processing: Targobank with:
(single import)testDividende01WithSecurityInEUR()
(single import)testTaxTreatmentForDividende01()
(single import)testDividendeWithTaxTreatmentForDividende01()
(simultaneously import)testDividendeWithTaxTreatmentForDividende01WithSecurityInEUR()
(simultaneously import)testDividendeWithTaxTreatmentForDividende01WithSecurityInUSD()
(simultaneously import)testDividendeWithTaxTreatmentReversedForDividende01WithSecurityInEUR()
(simultaneously import)testDividendeWithTaxTreatmentReversedForDividende01WithSecurityInUSD()
(simultaneously import)
- From April 2023 we will use the simplified notation of test cases (preferred variant)
To test regular expression you can use https://regex101.com/.
Beside general good practices for regular expresions, keep in mind:
- all special characters in the PDF document (
as well as e.g. circumflex or similar) should be matched by a.
(dot) because the PDF to text conversion can create different results - the special characters
in the PDF document are to be escaped - expression in
.match(" ... ")
is started with an anchor^
and ended with$
- with
.find(" ... ")
do not add anchors as they will be automatically added
Keep in mind that the regular expressions work against text that is automatically created from PDF files. Due to the nature of the process, there can always be slight differences in the text files. The following table collects the regular expressions that worked well to match typical values.
Value | Example | Not Helpful | Works Well |
Date | 01.01.1970 | \\d+.\\d+.\\d{4} |
[\\d]{2}\\.[\\d]{2}\\.[\\d]{4} |
1.1.1970 | \\d+.\\d+.\\d{4} |
[\\d]{1,2}\\.[\\d]{1,2}\\.[\\d]{4} |
Time | 12:01 | \\d+:\\d+ |
[\\d]{2}\\:[\\d]{2}} |
ISIN | IE00BKM4GZ66 | \\w+ |
[A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]{9}[0-9] |
WKN | A111X9 | \\w+ |
[A-Z0-9]{6} |
Amount | 751,68 | [\\d,.]+ |
[\\.,\\d]+ |
[\\.\\d]+,[\\d]{2} |
74'120.00 | [\\d.']+ |
[\\.'\\d]+ |
20 120.00 | [\\d.\\s]+ |
[\\.\\d\\s]+ |
Currency | EUR | \\w+ |
[A-Z]{3} |
[\\w]{3} |
Currency | € or $ | \\D |
\\p{Sc} |
Using the application menu, the user can select a trading calendar accordingly globally or for each individual security. The calendar takes into account the weekends and regional holidays when there is no stock exchange trading. The trading-free days of the stock exchange itself, if it is a stock exchange calendar, are also taken into account. The individual trading-free days are stored in a HashMap and made available for further processing, e.g. reporting period, performance index and so on.
Trade calendar Manager: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/TradeCalendarManager.java
Trade calendar Class: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/TradeCalendar.java
Holiday types: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/HolidayType.java
Holiday class: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/Holiday.java
Holiday name: name.abuchen.portfolio/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/HolidayName.java
Tests: name.abuchen.portfolio.tests/src/name/abuchen/portfolio/util/TradeCalendarTest.java
The structure of the trade calendars is as follows:
- Identification
--> Identification nyse --> New York Stock Exchange
- Label
--> Display label of trade calendar, e.g., New York Stock Exchange
- Days of weekend
--> Sets the default days for the weekend in the Trade Calendar, e.g., Saturday and Sunday
The HolidayTypes helps to edit holidays and in the HolidayName there are all holidays or trade-free days.
The test cases are checking individual dates that have been stored in TradeCalendarManager. In these cases we check whether the date to be checked is a trading day for this calendar or not. We assume that every day is a trade day. (Except e.g. regular weekends).
The structure of the test cases is as follows:
- Starting from the first day of the year with at least three test checks each, e.g. 01.01.20xx, 01.01.20xy, 01.01.20xz until 31.12.20xy of the respective year.
- The regular trading-free days are followed by the one-time trading-free days.
- The respective trade-free day to the test is named in the comment.
- Samples
- Trade calendar: New York Stock Exchange - see
- Trade calendar: New York Stock Exchange - see