All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The changelog format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Code-name: Pentesting part 3 (RC7)
- How-to guides for desktop wallet
- Port requirements to "Running a test net node" guide
- API reference versioning support
- Optimal max_fee calculation docs
- 0.9.5 transaction types (Vrf, Node, Voting)
- What is Symbol section
- Troubleshooting notes in getting started section
- Glossary.
- SDK code examples
- Refactor multisig guides, making possible to solve them with the desktop wallet
- Moved libraries under SDK.
- Diagrams adapted with new style
- Transaction schemas split from concepts
- 0.9.5 configuration and latest testnet links
Code-name: Fushicho 5
- Extending Symbol concept
- Wallet installation notes
- Import TypeScript SDK reference versions automatically
- Import CLI commands reference versions automatically
- Publish docs when pushing to main
- Updated cross chain swap concept with maxRollBackBlocks
- Added more details on guides prerequisites
Code-name: Fushicho 5
- How to connect to MongoDB guide
- Data validation (merkle trees) concept
- CI for translations
- Mosaic snippets for JavaSDK
- Import Java Reference versions automatically
- NEM Developer Center rebranded to Symbol Developers
- Server installation docs
- Enhanced mosaic creation guides
- SDK development guidelines up to date
- Key pair generation and address Format (NIP10)
- CLI and SDK code examples to be Fushicho 5 compatible
Code-name: Fushicho 4
- First batch of code examples for Java SDK
- Testnet docs adapted to V3
- Delegated harvesting guide adds the announcer account
- Code examples compatible with F4
- Signature schemas (cryptography) clarified
- Bug in aggregate announcement (ts code examples)
Code-name: Fushicho 2 & 3
- WebSockets docs
- Testnet guides
- Dynamic substitutions for code and currency names
- symbol-cli latest commands
- Whitepaper link
- Fushicho2 schemas
- Update setup-workstation.rst
- Standardize ts / js examples
- Guides now have multiple ways to be solved (e.g. Wallet, CLI, SDK)
- Rental fee calculation
Code-name: Fushicho 1
- Mosaic restriction guides
- Metadata guides
- Rental fees concept
- Delegated harvesting guide
- [email protected] new commands
- Configuring a network / node guides
- Deploy a private testnet guide
- Guidelines revision
- Fushicho API status errors
- Fushicho new serialization
- Courses section
Code-name: Elephant 3
- Elephant 3 API status errors
- Dynamic rental fees concept
- Persistent delegated harvesting concept
- Mosaic Restriction guides
- [email protected] new commands
- Diagrams are now written using mermaid.js
- Searchbar enabled in mobile devices
- Catbuffer protocol docs to match E3 release #237
- Guides code to match E3 changes #213
- Guides code are now organized as plugins
Code-name: Elephant 1 & 2
- Consensus algorithm concept
- Metadata concept
- Mosaic Restrictions concept
- Encrypted message concept
- Outgoing account restriction concept
- Getting the mosaic identifier behind a namespace guide
- Sending an encrypted message guide
- Migrating from NIS1 to Catapult guide
- symbol-cli 0.13 new commands
- Network generation hash concept
- Filters are now named account restrictions
- Node concept with broker documentation
- Cryptography section comes with code examples
- Open API spec is now in a separate repository symbol-openapi
- symbol-sdk Java reference is now in a separate repository
- Prototyping tool reference
Code-name: Dragon
- Block score and difficulty concepts
- Link a namespace with a mosaic/address guides (alias)
- Harvesting beneficiary concept
- Inflation concept.
- How to create a non-expirable mosaic guide
- Signing a transactions complete definition guide
- Announce transactions using the API guide
- Difference between absolute/relative
- Cost by default of services
- Cross-chain swap diagram described
- Algolia search box
- Account filters guide
- concept
- Style guide
- Account link description enhanced
- Landing page redesign and enhanced navigation #91
- Multisig account opt-in for cosignatories
- Code snippets are easier to reference using sphinxcontrib-viewsource directive
- Atomic cross-chain swap guide to be Sha-256 compatible
- Swagger2 to OAS3
- Catbuffer serialization for aggregate transactions
- Translating the documentation guide explains how to use Transifex
- HashLockTransactions can lock NetworkCurrencyMosaic
- Catbuffer guides merged into SDK guidelines
- Secret lock specific for a public key
- Guides compatible with symbol-sdk 0.12
- Mosaic serialization schemas
- Mosaic max duration
- Receipts ids
- Responsive navigation for API reference
- General proofreading
- Serialization section from API docs
- Java SDK code examples
- Outdated training materials
- Hide zh_CN temporally due to unresolved compilation errors
- References to levy #152
Code-name: cow
- Alias Transaction concept
- Harvesting concept
- Receipt concept
- Fees concept
- Latest API status errors and endpoints
- Sphinx tabs to select programming language in the Getting Started section
- Guides index page
- Mosaic and namespaces split
- Cross-chain Swaps base algorithm
- Multisig account and multi-level multisig account sections are now merged
- SDK releases notes
Code-name: bison
- Account filters concepts
- Schemas for each transaction
- Monitoring a transaction guide
- API reference with latest endpoints
- state root hash description
- nemtech/community linked
- Bison API status errors
- Node concept expanded
- Transaction life-cycle expanded
- Responsive layout
- Debugging a transaction guide
- catbuffer documentation
- First application use case
- Getting started flow
- Guides included in built-in features
- Secret lock transaction expanded
- API status errors
- i18n, the docs are now translatable into different languages
- Japanese translation, thanks to @44uk
- Prototyping tool examples, thanks to @jorisadri
- How to configure a serverConfig node in NEM Prototyping tool, thanks to @Boohi
- How to work with listeners on client side guide (Angular, React...)
- How to translate the docs guide
- Mosaic properties concept
- API reference migrated to Redoc 2.0
- Transactions concept expanded
- Publishing an SDK as official guide
- Block header concept expanded
- Aggregate Transactions guide expanded
- Images folder structure and image quality
- Sidebar layout.
- New homepage
- New references page
- C# installation instructions
- Guides as blog posts (ablog system)
- View Code button in guides
- Development guidelines
- Community repositories
- CI system (travis)
- Responsive layout
- Setup your workstation guide flow
- Edit multisignature account guide
- Cosign an ABT guide
- Cross-chain swaps guide
- New template
- What is NEM section
- Running Catapult in local guide
- Node concept
- symbol-camel guide
- Prototyping Tool Reference
transaction cosign
command reference- rxjs6 support to typescript code examples
- API status error codes meaning
- Standard guides format
- Each guide has its own file
- NIS2-API is now Catapult REST
- Writing your first application guide flow
- Cross Chain Transactions guide
- Atomic cross-chain swap between NEM public and private chain guide
- Draft docs.