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Aim of the project:

To evaluate Shakti's AES accelerators using Test Vector Leakage Assessment. Other experiments were also performed and are part of this repository. The project related work can be found in Emulation-based-TVLA/AES-with-wrapper.

Contents of this repository:

  1. sasebo_giii files provided by the vendor, Sakura, at
  2. Differential Power Analysis
  3. Simulation based TVLA for AES implementations
  4. Hardware (emulation) based TVLA for AES implementations

Overview of SASEBO-GIII Board:

The SASEBO-GIII is a successor of SASEBO-GII board, and is for further side-channel attack experimentation. The board has Xilinx 28-nm Kintex-7 FPGA device, which enables advanced measurement with on-the-edge technology. The basic features of SASEBO-GIII are as follows:

  • 200 mm x 150 mm x 1.6mm, FR-4, eight layers.
  • Two Xilinx FPGAs
    • Cryptographic FPGA: Kintex-7 XC7K160T-1FBGC (Flat Ball Grid) (xc7k160tfbg676-1)
    • Control FPGA: Spartan-6 XC6LX45-2FGG484C
  • 1 Gigabit DDR3 SDRAM.
  • External power source supplies the on-board power regulators and the FPGAs with 5.0 V.
  • Shunt resistor is provided to insert on the core VDD line of the cryptographic FPGA for measuring power traces.
  • The host PC controls and communicates with the board via the USB port.
  • The FPGA is default programmed with the vendor's Bit file.


image image

Relevant ports of the FPGAs:

image image image image

Simple constraint file:

## Clock configuration
### Default settings were instead used (with clk_wizard)
#create_clock -period 5.000 -name CLK_P -waveform {0.000 2.500} -add [get_ports CLK_P]
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AA3 IOSTANDARD LVDS} [get_ports CLK_P] 
#create_clock -period 5.000 -name CLK_N -waveform {0.000 2.500} -add [get_ports CLK_N]
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AA2 IOSTANDARD LVDS} [get_ports CLK_N]

## RESET configuration
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN L23 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports RST_N]

## GPIO configuration
### These are the mappings of some of the pins on the SASEBO-GIII board
### CN8.1 - D19    CN8.2 - N17   CN8.3 - N16  CN8.4 - P24   CN8.5 - E23  
### E23 is used for giving the trigger signal
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN E23 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports gpio0]
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports gpio1]
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P24 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports gpio2]

# General configuration
set_property BITSTREAM.General.UnconstrainedPins {Allow} [current_design]

AES algo for both encryption and decryption: