All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Use prefix when looking for GitLab personal access tokens
Improvement for slack token regex
- When a GitLab group is specified, include projects from subgroups by default
- Merged PR that fixed a bug causing private repos not to be scanned even if the token provided had access
- Improved implementation of IClient interface for GitLab as a result of previous merge
- Add a
option for better support of automation scenarios.
- Update/fix file and content signatures
- Fix bug where repo clones weren't properly deleted from the temp directory
- Add new signatures for zoom meeting links, google meet links, and ngrok reverse tunnels
- Re-add build and release scripts after merge from phantomSecrets
- Bring in changes from @mattyjones for go modules support.
- Improve matching for GitLab PATs
- Fix escaping in content signatures.
- Improve matching for file signatures in general via regex improvements
- Add file signatures for common GitLab configuration files
- Improve regexes for GitLab PAT
- Bug fixes for content scans that hit really large commits. This bug is due to an issue the go-diff depenency used by go-git: sergi/go-diff#89
- Bug fixes for UI: results should now load in the modal properly
- Added GitHub action for branch and master builds
- Resolved a dependency problem where the locked version of was incorrect.
- Removed rate limit handling for GitLab API requests from gitrob directly in leu of go-gitlab's new implementation with the newly locked version.
- Docker support
- Bug fix: include go-gitlab in dep dependency .toml and .lock files.
- Windows releases have been removed temporarily due to a platform build issue introduced with
- Support for GitLab users and groups
- Support for multiple modes of execution including content search
- Mode 1 - Default mode to match on file signatures
- Mode 2 - Match on file signatures then content signatures to constitute a result.
- Mode 3 - Match on content signatures only without file signature matches.
- Support for in-memory repository clones, which can result in significantly faster analysis times depending on your hardware.
- File signatures for Google Cloud Platform credentials
- Content signatures similar to trufflehog.
- Dependency management with dep
- Skip expensive signature checking for image extensions and files in
and other package directories
- Total rewrite of Gitrob in Golang
- Find interesting files in history down to a default (and configurable) depth of 500 commits
- Hexdump view for binary files
- Saving and loading of session files for easy sharing
- All the stupid Rubygems with native extensions
- PostgreSQL dependency
- Messy assessment comparison feature
- User overview
- Repository overview