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{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./node_modules/react-syntax-highlighter/node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/matlab.js"],"names":["module","exports","hljs","TRANSPOSE","relevance","contains","begin","name","keywords","keyword","built_in","illegal","className","beginKeywords","end","UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE","variants","starts","C_NUMBER_RE","BACKSLASH_ESCAPE","COMMENT"],"mappings":"8EAyGAA,EAAOC,QA7FP,SAAgBC,GAEd,IACIC,EAAY,CACdC,UAAW,EACXC,SAAU,CACR,CAAEC,MAJa,eAQnB,MAAO,CACLC,KAAM,SACNC,SAAU,CACRC,QACE,qLAEFC,SACE,kwCAiBJC,QAAS,0BACTN,SAAU,CACR,CACEO,UAAW,WACXC,cAAe,WAAYC,IAAK,IAChCT,SAAU,CACRH,EAAKa,sBACL,CACEH,UAAW,SACXI,SAAU,CACR,CAACV,MAAO,MAAOQ,IAAK,OACpB,CAACR,MAAO,MAAOQ,IAAK,WAK5B,CACEF,UAAW,WACXN,MAAO,aACPF,UAAW,EACXa,OAAQd,GAEV,CACEG,MAAO,iCACPF,UAAW,GAEb,CACEQ,UAAW,SACXN,MAAOJ,EAAKgB,YACZd,UAAW,EACXa,OAAQd,GAEV,CACES,UAAW,SACXN,MAAO,IAAMQ,IAAK,IAClBT,SAAU,CACRH,EAAKiB,iBACL,CAACb,MAAO,QAEZ,CACEA,MAAO,UACPF,UAAW,EACXa,OAAQd,GAEV,CACES,UAAW,SACXN,MAAO,IAAKQ,IAAK,IACjBT,SAAU,CACRH,EAAKiB,iBACL,CAACb,MAAO,OAEVW,OAAQd,GAEVD,EAAKkB,QAAQ,mBAAoB,oBACjClB,EAAKkB,QAAQ,MAAO","file":"103.bundle.js","sourcesContent":["/*\nLanguage: Matlab\nAuthor: Denis Bardadym <[email protected]>\nContributors: Eugene Nizhibitsky <[email protected]>, Egor Rogov <[email protected]>\nWebsite:\nCategory: scientific\n*/\n\n/*\n Formal syntax is not published, helpful link:\n\n*/\nfunction matlab(hljs) {\n\n var TRANSPOSE_RE = '(\\'|\\\\.\\')+';\n var TRANSPOSE = {\n relevance: 0,\n contains: [\n { begin: TRANSPOSE_RE }\n ]\n };\n\n return {\n name: 'Matlab',\n keywords: {\n keyword:\n 'arguments break case catch classdef continue else elseif end enumeration events for function ' +\n 'global if methods otherwise parfor persistent properties return spmd switch try while',\n built_in:\n 'sin sind sinh asin asind asinh cos cosd cosh acos acosd acosh tan tand tanh atan ' +\n 'atand atan2 atanh sec secd sech asec asecd asech csc cscd csch acsc acscd acsch cot ' +\n 'cotd coth acot acotd acoth hypot exp expm1 log log1p log10 log2 pow2 realpow reallog ' +\n 'realsqrt sqrt nthroot nextpow2 abs angle complex conj imag real unwrap isreal ' +\n 'cplxpair fix floor ceil round mod rem sign airy besselj bessely besselh besseli ' +\n 'besselk beta betainc betaln ellipj ellipke erf erfc erfcx erfinv expint gamma ' +\n 'gammainc gammaln psi legendre cross dot factor isprime primes gcd lcm rat rats perms ' +\n 'nchoosek factorial cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart hsv2rgb rgb2hsv zeros ones ' +\n 'eye repmat rand randn linspace logspace freqspace meshgrid accumarray size length ' +\n 'ndims numel disp isempty isequal isequalwithequalnans cat reshape diag blkdiag tril ' +\n 'triu fliplr flipud flipdim rot90 find sub2ind ind2sub bsxfun ndgrid permute ipermute ' +\n 'shiftdim circshift squeeze isscalar isvector ans eps realmax realmin pi i inf nan ' +\n 'isnan isinf isfinite j why compan gallery hadamard hankel hilb invhilb magic pascal ' +\n 'rosser toeplitz vander wilkinson max min nanmax nanmin mean nanmean type table ' +\n 'readtable writetable sortrows sort figure plot plot3 scatter scatter3 cellfun ' +\n 'legend intersect ismember procrustes hold num2cell '\n },\n illegal: '(//|\"|#|/\\\\*|\\\\s+/\\\\w+)',\n contains: [\n {\n className: 'function',\n beginKeywords: 'function', end: '$',\n contains: [\n hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE,\n {\n className: 'params',\n variants: [\n {begin: '\\\\(', end: '\\\\)'},\n {begin: '\\\\[', end: '\\\\]'}\n ]\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n className: 'built_in',\n begin: /true|false/,\n relevance: 0,\n starts: TRANSPOSE\n },\n {\n begin: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' + TRANSPOSE_RE,\n relevance: 0\n },\n {\n className: 'number',\n begin: hljs.C_NUMBER_RE,\n relevance: 0,\n starts: TRANSPOSE\n },\n {\n className: 'string',\n begin: '\\'', end: '\\'',\n contains: [\n hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,\n {begin: '\\'\\''}]\n },\n {\n begin: /\\]|}|\\)/,\n relevance: 0,\n starts: TRANSPOSE\n },\n {\n className: 'string',\n begin: '\"', end: '\"',\n contains: [\n hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,\n {begin: '\"\"'}\n ],\n starts: TRANSPOSE\n },\n hljs.COMMENT('^\\\\s*\\\\%\\\\{\\\\s*$', '^\\\\s*\\\\%\\\\}\\\\s*$'),\n hljs.COMMENT('\\\\%', '$')\n ]\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = matlab;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}