10.20.1 (2023-11-20)
10.20.0 (2023-11-16)
10.19.0 (2023-11-14)
- expose optional remark plugin to keep all line breaks and keep HTML in message text (#2170) (5b191c9)
- introduce MessageListContext (#2166) (8dcb1ac)
10.18.0 (2023-11-07)
10.17.0 (2023-11-07)
10.16.2 (2023-11-03)
10.16.1 (2023-11-03)
10.16.0 (2023-10-31)
- prevent flashing EmptyStateIndicator in ChannelList before the first channels page is loaded (#2150) (a2a9645)
10.15.0 (2023-10-25)
- renderText: allow custom remark and rehype plugin composition (#2142) (4a25912)
- VirtualizedMessageList: allow to merge custom virtuoso components with the SDK defaults (#2140) (6ea9ff0)
10.14.1 (2023-10-19)
- chore(deps): bump stream-chat from 8.12.4 to 8.13.1
10.14.0 (2023-10-11)
10.13.1 (2023-10-09)
10.13.0 (2023-10-06)
- add initializeOnMount prop to ChannelProps (#2113) (db18efd)
- allow to conditionally display MessageInput's send button through MessageInputProps (#2109) (cd07418)
10.12.0 (2023-09-29)
- add messageDeliveryStatus prop to ChannelListPreview (#2104) (9aa4aea)
- allow to configure the search query debounce interval (#2107) (d563369)
10.11.0 (2023-09-26)
- adjust cooldown interval calculation for messages coming from future (#2101) (3263f10)
- enable sending reactions to frozen channel with UseFrozenChannel permission (#2097) (852490d)
10.10.2 (2023-09-19)
10.10.1 (2023-09-13)
10.10.0 (2023-09-08)
10.9.1 (2023-08-31)
10.9.0 (2023-08-21)
10.8.9 (2023-08-11)
10.8.8 (2023-07-27)
10.8.7 (2023-07-17)
10.8.6 (2023-07-11)
- enable search results scrolling (#2041) (e61cabe)
- prevent ignoring the clearSearchOnClickOutside search param on mobile (#2039) (e83d313)
10.8.5 (2023-06-27)
10.8.4 (2023-06-22)
10.8.3 (2023-06-12)
10.8.2 (2023-06-09)
10.8.1 (2023-05-22)
10.8.0 (2023-05-05)
- prevent duplicate simultaneous query channel quests (#2004) (33411b8)
- prevent overriding event handlers in MessageInput's Textarea component (#2006) (569c53d)
10.7.6 (2023-04-24)
10.7.5 (2023-04-14)
10.7.4 (2023-04-05)
10.7.3 (2023-03-16)
- do not increase count of prepended VirtualizedMessageList messages of status "sending" or "failed" (#1972) (f1bf6fa)
10.7.2 (2023-03-08)
10.7.1 (2023-03-03)
10.7.0 (2023-02-24)
- Attachment: sanitization of image sources (#1953) (1c5e640)
- MessageSystem: duplicate element keys (#1950) (2f1df15)
10.6.0 (2023-02-10)
- make all ThreadProps.additionalParentMessageProps keys optional (#1920) (62de38f)
- make event optional for openThread in ChannelActionContext (#1928) (f144e9a)
- reflect thread prop in Window component (#1919) (689514c)
10.5.0 (2023-01-13)
10.4.3 (2023-01-05)
- check for window with getComputedStyle (#1888) (bb7f38d)
- prevent duplicate pagination requests in InfiniteScroll (#1885) (cf5ec80)
10.4.2 (2022-12-16)
- merge mentionQueryParams.sort configuration correctly (#1869) (6ec31af)
- renderText: special case @ symbol at the end of the message (#1873) (7dced57)
- useCooldownTimer: derive cooldown from last message (#1879) (8e63653)
10.4.1 (2022-11-18)
10.4.0 (2022-11-04)
- remove props spreading on React.Fragment (dragAndDropWindow) (#1835) (40c799a)
- MessageSimple to apply renderText function from properties (#1824) (7133b33)
- upgrade react-markdown, update renderText function, adjust types (#1824) (6afe663)
10.3.1 (2022-10-13)
- add [email protected] to peerDependencies (#1814) (04bff7d)
10.3.0 (2022-10-11)
- replace use of channel config with channelCapabilities to derive permission flags (#1807) (1143117)
- unify paginator interface (#1803) (d65b7b9), closes #1801
10.2.0 (2022-10-04)
- add image attachment height from CSS (f5a9729)
- display messages in virtualized thread (theme v2) (#1799) (9c1a16f)
- example app build error (5430213)
- keep configuration parameter shouldGenerateVideoThumbnail in hook dep array (50edd8b)
- refresh virtualizedmessagelist after sizing has been set (afea3d7)
- replace Infinity in calc statements as browser support isn't great (ebf89da)
- update attachment configuration if attachment changed (a6295dd)
- use useLayoutEffect for image and video height setting (386fae7)
- check that attachment height style is available before using max-height (79f6f1a)
- integrate new CDN capabilities (1520a34)
- update stream-chat-css version (03166a9)
- use video thumbnails returned by backend (f68c8b1)
10.1.2 (2022-09-30)
- export all necessary components (#1785) (075f703)
- update pinnedMessages context property on pin/unpin message (#1784) (15128ab)
10.1.1 (2022-09-20)
10.1.0 (2022-09-19)
10.0.2 (2022-09-14)
- ChannelList: update class names order for theming variables (#1747) (80ec36e)
- play video in attachment card theme v1 (#1748) (cd31d19)
- Textarea: prevent caret movement on suggestion list item select (#1732) (be44762)
10.0.1 (2022-09-12)
10.0.0 (2022-09-09)
add missing class str-chat__message-actions-list-item-button to CustomMessageActions root (be16e40)
add missing getChannels callback dependency "searching" (a3307f7)
add str-chat__message--other class to MessageDeleted (25f3190)
Card: prefer title_link over og_scrape_url (843990e)
do not generate class names to contain string 'undefined', do not pass Media prop to Card (40342fe)
EditMessageForm: remove circular dependency (6218a65)
exit with non-zero status code if failed to provide args to merge-stream-chat-css-docs.sh (a4719b9)
File attachment UI in theme-v1 (0a80bef)
File attachment UI in theme-v1 (9604ca6)
FilePreviewItem: add file type for correct file icons (6e6fce5)
forward SearchInput prop to SearchBar (16fc8f8)
improve scrollToBottom with image attachments (be8bb7a)
MessageInput: add container className (a5e7908)
MessageInputFlat: send button adjustments (f456704)
MessageInput: remove useId, add quotedMessage patch (64e07d3)
MessageInput: update dropzone markup (974802b)
MessageList: prevent redundant calls to scroll to bottom, don't use ResizeObserver (363676e)
MessageStatus: add V2 TooltipContainer component "shim" (dcfbbfb)
move card caption to card content and rename to source link (c44bcd7)
QuotedMessagePreview: use themingVersion instead of PreviewHeader property (4f79b07)
reduce mount/unmount of image attachments (34082a4)
Responsive layout (7551650)
show channel list if search input contains empty string (b73dd2c)
SuggestionList: update trigger limits (2e1f025)
sync event listener keyDown type btw the image attachment and gallery modal (51e7c14)
ThemingV2: MessageInputFlat missing lodash/zipObject (#1721) (dd8a457)
TypingIndicator: adjust position of the indicator (f5db199)
TypingIndicator: use MessageListMainPanel to position the indicator (865cbc8)
Merge pull request #1697 from GetStream/theming-v2-user-testing (2c133ad), closes #1697
Remove useMobilePress and useBreakpoint hooks (#1648) (430bf24), closes #1648
- adapt MessageOptions to theming v2 (23c2d93)
- adapt MessageStatus to theming v2 (a5b0fae)
- add "str-chat__message--error-message" class to message error div (c4f7520)
- add Attachment icons for theming v2 (97e8047)
- add Card component for theming v2 (5f5341f)
- add class "str-chat__message-sender-avatar" to Avatar root to display it for sender only (ecd0b4b)
- add class str-chat__message-list-scroll to virtuoso root element (7d2284e)
- add common IconProps type (3ff89bb)
- add FileAttachment component for theming v2 (52acd80)
- add group styles to virtualized message list items (ff2044e)
- add Message icons for theming v2 - MessageDeliveredIcon, MessageErrorIcon (9ff9034)
- add ModalGallery to the ComponentContext (27e149a)
- add realistic giphy attachment generator (e4c2a7b)
- add str-chat__simple-message--error-failed class to str-chat__message-inner (a5f8f94)
- add str-chat-react__modal__inner class to str-chat__modal__inner (0234522)
- add svg image class to attachment (3d0237d)
- add theme v2 class to CustomNotification (037dc89)
- add theme v2 to Reaction components, extract shared logic ReactionList & SimpleReactionList (f6a12d0)
- add themeVersion flag to ChatProps & ChatContext (70cbfcb)
- add ThemeVersion type to ChatContext (695f30a)
- add theming v2 changes for channel and channel header (#1632) (3f8fddb)
- add theming v2 classes to MessageActions elements (d62e04a)
- add theming v2 classes to QuotedMessage (8c5d2ff)
- add theming v2 classes to ReactionSelector & ReactionList (fbedb42)
- add v2 classes to send and cancel button of EditMessageForm (#1669) (ab75c2c)
- adjust Audio widget for theming v2 (f08c6f5)
- adjust Gallery and Image widget for theming v2 (de29a73)
- adjust MessageRepliesCountButton to theming v2, add classes (5076fd5)
- adjust MessageSimple for theming v2 (ebd4bd7)
- allow card image enlargement in modal (47bf301)
- apply theme-v2 to channel list and preview (#1603) (cc88f1f)
- change the close icon for modal and remove Close text (88a5f7c)
- compute the themeVersion value, remove themeVersion Chat prop (3421087)
- convert attachment render functions into components, group attachments in order (aeee078)
- do not sanitize attachment scrape urls (aa1624a)
- extract CardAudio and render only uploaded audio data in Audio component (8027908)
- forward flag "disabled" to search input (2ec25a1)
- include the parent message in virtualized scrollable message list (dd63427)
- message is considered top if it has reactions and bottom if the next message has reactions (638aead)
- MessageInput: add drag & drop upload functionality (e731b67)
- ProgressBar: add "seeking" feature to the progress bar (0320864)
- ProgressBar: add onClick property (4d9d06c)
- remove avatar from the thread header (dec0d8d)
- remove deprecated components: MessageCommerce, MessageLivestream, MessageTeam (9d75fb8)
- remove translations for deprecated components: MessageCommerce, MessageLivestream, MessageTeam (e524d0a)
- render cards for each attachment with scraped data (0a59806)
- show always ScrollToBottomButton on scroll up and show unread message count (e554356)
- stop using FixedHeightMessage as default VirtualMessage component (fc67915)
- switch ladle to v2 (ecd1cc6)
- theming-v2: add channel search for theme v2 (#1685) (b735c30), closes #1669
- ThemingV2: PopperTooltip component (#1714) (9b6301e)
- TypingIndicator: add translations (f079e26)
- update @stream-io/stream-chat-css to v3.0.0 (c5e392c)
- update message componets with theme v2 designs (e5192d5)
- use FileIcon with version in UploadsPreview (4d150b1)
- wrap ThreadHead content in a div to enable styling for class str-chat__parent-message-li (9323edb)
- fix: File attachment UI in theme-v1 (789dd27)
- ThemingV2 - user testing and adjustments
- useMobilePress and useBreakpoint hooks are removed.
Historically, this hook programmatically handled the user interaction with Message components
by toggling mobile-press
class upon user interaction.
The goal of this operation was to have the message actions displayed on the screen.
Internally, we found a better solution by offloading this behavior to the browser and
utilizing :focus
and :focus-within
CSS pseudo-selectors.
useBreakpoint: This hook did hold the "programmatic" responsive UI breakpoints. We realized they aren't always in line with our stylesheet breakpoints and possibly with our customer's breakpoints. This misalignment was causing some inconsistencies and issues. We are removing this hook because we believe defining UI breakpoints should be responsibility of our customers.
During the refactoring, we stumbled upon one side-effect where popupResults
wasn't always respected. The fix of it could be a breaking change for a small percentage
of our customers, but we believe this fix is the right thing to do.
10.0.0-theming-v2.3 (2022-09-06)
- include mdast-util-find-and-replace into our CJS bundle (#1702) (#1703) (8010889), closes #1698
- prevent double submissions in korean (#1720) (5d781d8)
- ThemingV2 beta adjustments (#1728) (785ee11)
- ThemingV2: MessageInputFlat missing lodash/zipObject (#1721) (dd8a457)
- Vite: add emoji-mart (emoji, picker) re-export (#1724) (c90cf4b)
- increase and support overriding jump to message limit (#1718) (8c720f4)
- ThemingV2: PopperTooltip component (#1714) (9b6301e)
10.0.0-theming-v2.2 (2022-08-22)
- add svg image class to attachment (3d0237d)
10.0.0-theming-v2.1 (2022-08-18)
add str-chat__message--other class to MessageDeleted (25f3190)
Card: prefer title_link over og_scrape_url (843990e)
do not generate class names to contain string 'undefined', do not pass Media prop to Card (40342fe)
EditMessageForm: remove circular dependency (6218a65)
File attachment UI in theme-v1 (0a80bef)
File attachment UI in theme-v1 (9604ca6)
FilePreviewItem: add file type for correct file icons (6e6fce5)
improve scrollToBottom with image attachments (be8bb7a)
include mdast-util-find-and-replace into our CJS bundle (#1702) (61c4eec), closes #1698
MessageInput: add container className (a5e7908)
MessageInputFlat: send button adjustments (f456704)
MessageInput: remove useId, add quotedMessage patch (64e07d3)
MessageInput: update dropzone markup (974802b)
MessageList: prevent redundant calls to scroll to bottom, don't use ResizeObserver (363676e)
MessageStatus: add V2 TooltipContainer component "shim" (dcfbbfb)
move card caption to card content and rename to source link (c44bcd7)
QuotedMessagePreview: use themingVersion instead of PreviewHeader property (4f79b07)
reduce mount/unmount of image attachments (34082a4)
replace FileReader with URL.createObjectURL (#1701) (c8a490e)
Responsive layout (7551650)
SuggestionList: update trigger limits (2e1f025)
sync event listener keyDown type btw the image attachment and gallery modal (51e7c14)
TypingIndicator: adjust position of the indicator (f5db199)
TypingIndicator: use MessageListMainPanel to position the indicator (865cbc8)
Merge pull request #1697 from GetStream/theming-v2-user-testing (2c133ad), closes #1697
Remove useMobilePress and useBreakpoint hooks (#1648) (430bf24), closes #1648
- adapt MessageOptions to theming v2 (23c2d93)
- adapt MessageStatus to theming v2 (a5b0fae)
- add "str-chat__message--error-message" class to message error div (c4f7520)
- add Attachment icons for theming v2 (97e8047)
- add Card component for theming v2 (5f5341f)
- add class "str-chat__message-sender-avatar" to Avatar root to display it for sender only (ecd0b4b)
- add class str-chat__message-list-scroll to virtuoso root element (7d2284e)
- add common IconProps type (3ff89bb)
- add FileAttachment component for theming v2 (52acd80)
- add group styles to virtualized message list items (ff2044e)
- add Message icons for theming v2 - MessageDeliveredIcon, MessageErrorIcon (9ff9034)
- add ModalGallery to the ComponentContext (27e149a)
- add realistic giphy attachment generator (e4c2a7b)
- add str-chat__simple-message--error-failed class to str-chat__message-inner (a5f8f94)
- add str-chat-react__modal__inner class to str-chat__modal__inner (0234522)
- add theme v2 class to CustomNotification (037dc89)
- add theme v2 to Reaction components, extract shared logic ReactionList & SimpleReactionList (f6a12d0)
- add themeVersion flag to ChatProps & ChatContext (70cbfcb)
- add ThemeVersion type to ChatContext (695f30a)
- add theming v2 changes for channel and channel header (#1632) (3f8fddb)
- add theming v2 classes to MessageActions elements (d62e04a)
- add theming v2 classes to QuotedMessage (8c5d2ff)
- add theming v2 classes to ReactionSelector & ReactionList (fbedb42)
- add v2 classes to send and cancel button of EditMessageForm (#1669) (ab75c2c)
- adjust Audio widget for theming v2 (f08c6f5)
- adjust Gallery and Image widget for theming v2 (de29a73)
- adjust MessageRepliesCountButton to theming v2, add classes (5076fd5)
- adjust MessageSimple for theming v2 (ebd4bd7)
- allow card image enlargement in modal (47bf301)
- apply theme-v2 to channel list and preview (#1603) (cc88f1f)
- change the close icon for modal and remove Close text (88a5f7c)
- compute the themeVersion value, remove themeVersion Chat prop (3421087)
- convert attachment render functions into components, group attachments in order (aeee078)
- do not sanitize attachment scrape urls (aa1624a)
- extract CardAudio and render only uploaded audio data in Audio component (8027908)
- include the parent message in virtualized scrollable message list (dd63427)
- message is considered top if it has reactions and bottom if the next message has reactions (638aead)
- MessageInput: add drag & drop upload functionality (e731b67)
- ProgressBar: add "seeking" feature to the progress bar (0320864)
- ProgressBar: add onClick property (4d9d06c)
- remove avatar from the thread header (dec0d8d)
- remove deprecated components: MessageCommerce, MessageLivestream, MessageTeam (9d75fb8)
- remove translations for deprecated components: MessageCommerce, MessageLivestream, MessageTeam (e524d0a)
- render cards for each attachment with scraped data (0a59806)
- show always ScrollToBottomButton on scroll up and show unread message count (e554356)
- stop using FixedHeightMessage as default VirtualMessage component (fc67915)
- switch ladle to v2 (ecd1cc6)
- theming-v2: add channel search for theme v2 (#1685) (b735c30), closes #1669
- TypingIndicator: add translations (f079e26)
- update message componets with theme v2 designs (e5192d5)
- use FileIcon with version in UploadsPreview (4d150b1)
- wrap ThreadHead content in a div to enable styling for class str-chat__parent-message-li (9323edb)
- fix: File attachment UI in theme-v1 (789dd27)
- ThemingV2 - user testing and adjustments
- useMobilePress and useBreakpoint hooks are removed.
Historically, this hook programmatically handled the user interaction with Message components
by toggling mobile-press
class upon user interaction.
The goal of this operation was to have the message actions displayed on the screen.
Internally, we found a better solution by offloading this behavior to the browser and
utilizing :focus
and :focus-within
CSS pseudo-selectors.
useBreakpoint: This hook did hold the "programmatic" responsive UI breakpoints. We realized they aren't always in line with our stylesheet breakpoints and possibly with our customer's breakpoints. This misalignment was causing some inconsistencies and issues. We are removing this hook because we believe defining UI breakpoints should be responsibility of our customers.
During the refactoring, we stumbled upon one side-effect where popupResults
wasn't always respected. The fix of it could be a breaking change for a small percentage
of our customers, but we believe this fix is the right thing to do.
9.5.1 (2022-09-08)
- avoid race condition crash in jumping (488a1b1)
9.5.0 (2022-08-29)
- include mdast-util-find-and-replace into our CJS bundle (#1702) (61c4eec), closes #1698
- prevent double submissions in korean (#1720) (5d781d8)
- replace FileReader with URL.createObjectURL (#1701) (c8a490e)
- Vite: add emoji-mart (emoji, picker) re-export (#1724) (c90cf4b)
9.4.1 (2022-08-04)
9.4.0 (2022-08-03)
9.3.0 (2022-07-29)
- scroll to bottom on new message notification click after message list pagination (#1689) (d8f4bc5)
- update types for suggestions (#1691) (bb7442c), closes #1659
9.2.0 (2022-07-26)
9.1.5 (2022-07-15)
- align user role checks with channel membership, deprecate isModerator, isAdmin, isOwner (#1666) (31f0916)
- allow quoting quoted messages (#1662) (36dbc82)
- Channel: allow usage of custom message ID in sendMessage (#1663) (41bae84)
- initial load earlier in vml persists the position (#1640) (dd53d5c), closes /github.com/petyosi/react-virtuoso/blob/master/e2e/prepend-items.test.ts#L27-L34
9.1.4 (2022-06-22)
- respect updates to messageActions prop, support messageActions overrides in Thread (#1634) (aed8e01), closes #1627
9.1.3 (2022-06-19)
- correct calculation of scrollback with date separators (#1628) (88a4d64)
- upgrade react-player to its latest version (#1629) (8848700)
9.1.2 (2022-06-13)
- add check if window is defined before using ResizeObserve (f04e23e)
9.1.1 (2022-06-10)
- calculate jumped-to-message position correctly by keeping the loading indicator mounted (671375a)
9.1.0 (2022-06-03)
- add optional renderChannels prop to ChannelList (#1572) (8edca9e)
- lift channels query state to chat context (#1606) (ed4febc)
- use ResizeObserver to keep Channel scrolled to bottom on page load (#1608) (c33e155)
9.0.0 (2022-05-17)
- MessageInput: add shouldSubmit, remove keycodeSubmitKeys (8e2cddd), closes #1530
- add support for React 18 (#1534) (39cedcb)
- MessageInput: property has been fully removed and replaced by the property
which should handle custom submit "trigger" functionality.
and usage of key codes were outdated and caused unnecessary issues.
8.2.0 (2022-05-17)
8.1.3 (2022-05-15)
- do not scroll thread message list when a new message is received (#1568) (b17c48a)
- propagate user update data to UI (#1566) (3376e4c)
8.1.2 (2022-04-27)
8.1.1 (2022-04-18)
- prevent duplicate message id generation in message list (#1516) (b381402)
- update
to version 6.5.0 containing themarkRead
fix, add E2E tests (#1514) (b8e1084)
8.1.0 (2022-04-08)
- adjust links to stories used by add-message e2e tests (c6dc53a)
- autocomplete items clicking works on webkit (#1494) (4f73f14)
- correct german calendar translation strings (#1468) (2471d4b), closes #1467
- fixed connection handling, updated configuration (0face10)
- improve portuguese translations (5e67a86)
- improved German translations (c4d71b6)
- improved German translations (a6fe4fb)
- Slow mode role check and limitations (a447ed5)
- Update channel preview on connection recovery (92f81d9)
- Update quoted message preview on message update (#1503) (f9a0081)
- update unread counts for each ChannelPreview on WS connection recovery (b267a65)
- Upload preview overflow in thread (#1495) (518d622)
8.0.0 2022-03-17
- improve performance of VirtualizedMessageList (d2f28af)
- maintain correct reference to values inside doMarkReadRequest (#1442) (30b79d6), closes #1324
- make scrollToLatestMessageOnFocus smarter (f37b193), closes #1415
- move UploadsPreview outside textarea wrapper (#1454) (8ebbf29)
- name from StreamChatType to StreamChatGenerics (653aef3)
- remove obsolete polyfill (2b13594), closes #1375
- remove translation warning (3d951f2)
- All types now accept a single generic (help article)
7.0.0 2022-02-10
- Replace stale
dependency withreact-image-gallery
, removedModalImage
#1318 - Add support for accessibility through the use of semantic HTML, ARIA attributes. Updates include changing HTML elements to different types as necessary #1314 and #1294
- Add support for
in aThread
#1356 - Add
prop toChatAutoComplete
to override default behavior #1347
- Fix small documentation typo #1312
- Improve compatibility with NextJS #1315
- Use the
from theComponentContext
#1311 - Set
to disabled if multiple uploads is not allowed #1330 - Export
component #1339 - Add guide on how to build a custom list with channel members and have real time updates of their online status #1350
- Support URLs with encoded components #1353
- Remove UNSAFE warning from
#1354 - Add current text to
method #1360 - Update to
prop to handle via CSS #1363 - Upgrade stream-chat-css dependency to v2.2.1 #1365
- Fix the logic for the
prop #1338 - Fix bug where on
values are lost #1346 - Add a fix so quotes (aka replies) are not still available in message options when quotes are disabled in configuration #1364
6.12.2 2021-12-09
- Add
and added focus to input after Emoji or attachment selection #1292
- Update Japanese and Korean translations #1296
- Fix broken documentation links #1300
- Add updated scoped CSS dependency
NPM package #1301 - Upgrade
dependency to v1.1.3 #1306 - Upgrade
to improve stability #1304 - Upgrade
dependency to v4.0.0
6.12.0 2021-11-22
- Add ability to manually open/close mentions list #1261
- Support custom message group CSS classes #1287
- Ability to drag and drop files to the entire window #1283
- Add semantic release #1293
Render reaction list for frozen channels #1262
Remove unsafe props from
component #1263 -
Use context
#1264 -
state hook to list UI component #1265 -
Update user info in messages when subscribed to presence events #1267
File and image attachments are now filtered according to the application settings #1291
Check for already encoded URLs in a message #1288
Set reset state to false in
#1289 -
File and Image attachments are now filtered according to the application settings #1291
Check for already encoded URLs in a message #1288
Set reset state to false in
6.11.0 2021-10-28
- Support custom notifications in the
component #1245
- Update type definitions for
dependencies #1254 - Add Vite app to examples directory #1255
- Upgrade
to fix Safari v15 edge case #1257 - Deprecate the
prop on theChat
component #1258 - Upgrade
dependency #1260
6.10.0 2021-10-13
- Export markdown utils functions used within
#1228 - Use
field onchannel
to determine connected user permissions #1232 - Pass component names to custom context hooks for error tracing #1238
- Update German i18n translations #1224
- Upgrade
for zoom fix #1233 - Use optional
function when provided #1237 - Replace custom context hook error throws with console warnings #1242
- Fix UI header bug for Levenshtein autocomplete mention search #1235
- Ensure
is updated whenChannel
mounts an unwatched channel #1239
6.9.1 2021-10-01
- Add
custom CSS class name override #1216
- Add descriptive error messages to custom context consumer hooks #1207
- Pass
prop toSuggestionItem
component #1207 - Update docs for custom
event handler example #1209 - Add
context value memoization #1209 - Reduce packaged CSS bundle size #1219
- Prevent user start/stop watching events from resetting the channel state #1206
6.9.0 2021-09-24
- Add new virtual event example app #1189
- Memoize object values injected into context providers #1194
- Support emojis as the first character in a user name for the
component's fallback #1201 - Provide the option to pass additional props to the
component in theVirtualizedMessageList
- Improve documentation around approved attachment types #1190
- Upgrade
dependency #1194 - Refactor
pagination offset logic to handle channels being added/removed from the list #1200
6.8.0 2021-09-17
- Improve user mention experience by ignoring diacritics, adding a
prop to install an optional transliteration dependency, and using Levenshtein distance to match similar names #1176 - Add event listener to
to handlemarkAllRead
function calls on the client #1178 - Add
function toMessageInputContext
, which overrides and sets the value of theMessageInput
element #1184 - Add
prop toChannel
, which runs when the active channel has unread messages #1185
- Remove all SCSS files and import library styles from
dependency. This is non-breaking as the build process injects the external styles into the exact distributed directory as before. #1168 - Upgrade
dependencies #1178
6.7.2 2021-09-15
- Add optional
argument touseNotificationMessageNewListener
hooks to prevent channel from incrementing the list #1175
- Fix issue with autocomplete mentions displaying muted users #1171
- Prevent user mention edge case crash #1172
- Fix reaction handler edge case on mobile web use case #1173
- Add missing default value for
prop #1174
6.7.1 2021-09-14
- Prevent custom message data from being deleted on edit message request #1169
- Fix issue with autocomplete mentions displaying muted users #1170
6.7.0 2021-09-10
- Add ability to override high-level, CSS container classes via the
prop onChat
#1159. See the docs for more information. - Allow custom message actions in the
#1166 - While using the
UI component, allow message grouping in theVirtualizedMessageList
via theshouldGroupByUser
prop #1166 - Add ability to customize the svg icons in the
component #1159 - Create a Capacitor sample app to test run the library natively #1158
- Fix edge case around custom message actions not showing up when default actions are disabled #1161
6.6.0 2021-08-30
- Add optimistic response to pin message request #1149
- Add option to close
component on reaction pick #1150
- Improve
types for channel and user filters #1141 - Remove unnecessary
props #1145 - Upgrade
dependency #1148 - Add Rollup image plugin and upgrade
- Hide URL link overflow in
6.5.1 2021-08-13
- Add option to pass
to theChannelActionContext
function #1123
- Add support to quote a message with an attachment #1118
- Upgrade
to major version 4 #1120
- Skip
slow mode cooldown for admin and moderator user roles #1116
6.5.0 2021-08-11
- Add
prop toVirtualizedMessageList
to smooth rendering of long and differently sized lists. Also, prevent new message notification icon from flashing when switching channels. #1112
- Improve
types and documentation #1107 - Adjust
component rendering in Message UI components for cases with no attachment array length #1115
6.4.11 2021-08-06
- Upgrade
for tall last message edge case #1102 - Upgrade
and example app dependencies #1103
6.4.10 2021-08-05
- Clear message input text prior to successful message response and revert to original text if request fails #1097
- Update Japanese and Korean translations #1091 and #1099
- Prevent
component from being able to render its name as a number #1097
- Fix logic to show input send button on breakpoint change to mobile/tablet views #1095
6.4.9 2021-08-02
- Add
prop toChat
component to specify fallback language for translation of UI components #1086
- Optimize
message grouping and rendering logic #1088
6.4.8 2021-07-30
- Add
UI prop toChannelSearch
component to override/extend default HTMLinput
element #1079 - Detect connected user's preferred language for translation when language not set by
instance #1082 - Add Japanese and Korean to list of supported languages for auto translation #1085
6.4.7 2021-07-27
- Add the ability to open/close list of available commands on click #1072
- Add the ability to set custom active channel on mount even if it's not returned in the initial
response #1078
- Replace
method withreplace
and add global flag for older browser support #1074 - Adjust
CSS to supportMessageSimple
6.4.6 2021-07-23
- Add error handling to
submit handler functions #1068 - Upgrade
dependency for React 17 support #1069
6.4.5 2021-07-21
- Provide option to use
component via thevirtualized
boolean prop #1065
- Pass
object override prop toMessageText
component #1063 - Add fallback
for specific renderedAvatar
components #1066
6.4.4 2021-07-20
- Fix bundle issues with dependency CSS imports #1061
6.4.3 2021-07-20
- Reload
component whensort
prop changes #1054
- Add repo info to NPM page #1051
- Export
component #1053 - Upgrade
dependency #1057 - Revert removal of
component for threads #1058 - Move
(optional dependency) CSS import toMML
component #1059
6.4.2 2021-07-14
- In the
, add option to view the Giphy preview above theMessageInput
(not as a message in the list) using theseparateGiphyPreview
prop #1045 - Add optimistic response for sending reactions #1048
- Upgrade
dependencies #1049
6.4.1 2021-07-09
- Upgrade
to fix NextJS support #1043
- Fix
increment issue for unwatched channels #1038
6.4.0 2021-07-07
β οΈ BREAKING CHANGES β οΈ - The following values have been moved to the newly created EmojiContext
- moved fromComponentContext
- moved fromChannelStateContext
- moved fromComponentContext
- moved fromComponentContext
- Lazy load the
dependency #1037
- Remove unused CSS #1035
6.3.0 2021-07-02
β οΈ BREAKING CHANGES β οΈ - We've removed the following deprecated UI components #1031:
- Added option to view read states on all messages #1014
- Added markdown rendering support for
component #1021 - Added
prop toChannelList
to passloadedChannels
to theList
UI component #1028 - Pass entire user object to
component for custom component usage #1030 - Send error notification to channel via
method when file/image upload fails #1032 - Conditionally render
when attachments have been uploaded but no input text exists #1033
6.2.0 2021-06-24
- We've replaced much of the library's hardcoded CSS with customizable variables #927
- Variable support has been added for fonts, colors, border radius, padding, and margin
- The
component now accepts acustomStyles
prop, an object type of CSS variables and value overrides - See the CSS and Theming section of our docs for an example of how to implement
- Added error notification handling for failed deleted messages #1002
- Added UI component override prop for
- Refactor typing of
components #995
6.1.2 2021-06-21
- Refactor message permissions so they respect channel config #986
- Add limit option to default user mention behavior #988
- Add additional customization for
component #989 - Add
prop override potentialDateSeparator
component #992
- Refactor typing of
component #991
6.1.1 2021-06-16
- Upgrade TypeScript dependencies #982
- Add missing
prop toMessage
component #982
6.1.0 2021-06-15
- We have completely re-written our SDK docs
- Component/props/context references are all complete
- We'll continually add to the Custom Code Examples section for easier customization
- The new docs are found on the website
- Refine edit message privileges and add
prop toMessageList
- Prevent
from showing up inThread
6.0.7 2021-06-14
- Add support for custom reactions #968
- Upgrade
- Fix UI component conditional rendering in
#972 - Add needed params to
search function prop #973
6.0.6 2021-06-02
- Restore override props on
component #952
6.0.5 2021-05-28
- Add optional prop to override default
function inVirtualizedMessageList
- Prevent unnecessary members query when
is enabled onMessageInput
6.0.4 2021-05-25
- Add missing
prop toComponentContext
value #942
6.0.3 2021-05-25
6.0.2 2021-05-21
- Add German auto translation support #935
- Upgrade
dependency for reduced bundle size #933
- Prevent tree shaking from removing distributed CSS #936
6.0.1 2021-05-19
- Expose the
to theVirtualizedMessageList
UI component #924
- Reorganize component documentation for v6 #926
- Prevent crash when navigate away from, and then back to, an empty channel #931
6.0.0 2021-05-17
β οΈ BREAKING CHANGES β οΈ - Please review our v6 implementation guide prior to upgrading.
With this release, we've completely refactored how we share data in the component library. We've segmented our former ChannelContext
into the following four sub-contexts:
- provides the functions needed to operate aChannel
- provides the stateful data needed to operate aChannel
- provides the UI component overrides for all child components of aChannel
- provides an object of users currently typing in theChannel
NOTE: The ChannelContext
no longer exists, so all old references to useChannelContext()
or useContext(ChannelContext)
need to be replaced with the relevant context above. A list of all data found within each new context can be found here.
- We've added a handful of new features in this release, check out this wiki for more details. New features include:
- custom message actions
- custom triggers
- channel search
- quoted messages
- cooldown timer / slow mode UI
- submit key override
- The
component now provides theMessageContext
to its children. Reference this guide for instructions on creating a custom message UI component. - The
component now provides theMessageInputContext
to its children. Reference this guide for instructions on creating a custom input UI component.
5.4.0 2021-05-13
- Scroll to bottom of
when the last message receives a reaction or reply #916
- Preserve modules during build to optimize tree shaking potential #919
- Support
dependency in NextJS sample app #920
5.3.2 2021-05-03
- Add
prop toVirtualizedMessageList
to handle focus changes on browser tab switching #892 - Add
prop toMessageList
components to allow customization of the new messages notification popup #894
- Adjust URL parsing for duplicate entries #893
5.3.1 2021-04-30
- Add message memoization case for read states #888
- Fix regex trigger for multiple mentions #889
- Add message memoization case for muted user array #891
5.3.0 2021-04-29
- Added support for
event handling #884- Requires
stream-chat >= 3.8.0
- In case of
event, messages from corresponding user will be marked as deleted - In case of
event, user property on messages from corresponding user will be updated.
- Requires
5.2.1 2021-04-28
- Copy missing translations from built types #879
5.2.0 2021-04-26
- Add Spanish and Portuguese auto translation support #874
- Adjust processed messages conditional logic for
5.1.8 2021-04-21
- Update message group styling defaults in message UI components #860
- Refine pin message permission checking #866
5.1.7 2021-04-13
- Remove channel creator's ability to edit/delete other users' messages #853
- Generalize event types to allow for greater action handler flexibility #850
5.1.6 2021-04-10
- Adjust message memoization for custom UI components #849
- Fix CSS display issue for messages with reactions #849
5.1.5 2021-04-09
- Adjust submit handler types #847
- Remove old CSS leading to Gatsby error #846
5.1.4 2021-04-07
- Filter falsey emoji search results #843
- Adjust submit handler types #844
5.1.3 2021-04-06
- Optimize message list components by limiting excess
calls #841
- Fix
trigger highlighting bug #839
5.1.2 2021-04-05
- Provide option to hide
component for new messages with thehideNewMessageSeparator
prop onMessageList
components #837
- Fix bad conditional in
custom hook #836
5.1.1 2021-04-02
- Show formatted date separator for new messages #818
- Provide option to display flag emojis as images on Windows via
prop #821 - Hide reaction icon when a message has reactions #826
- Escape characters that break emoji regex #823
- Fix autocomplete textarea text replace algorithm #827
- Force close suggestions list on submit #828
5.1.0 2021-03-30
- Add type support for Moment.js date objects #809
- Add i18n translation support for
#810 - Allow
function to be called anywhere withinChannel
#811 - Hide
if no actions exist #816
- Refactor failed message UI component #811
- Remove extra
query #817 - Prevent
from searching a null value #817
5.0.3 2021-03-24
- Add customization options for
function #807
5.0.2 2021-03-23
- Fix optimistic UI for mentions #800
5.0.1 2021-03-23
- Upgrade
to v1.0.2
5.0.0 2021-03-22
- The entire component library has been converted to TypeScript
- Despite the major tag, this release is non-breaking
- Read our TypeScript Support wiki for guidance on instantiating a
client with your custom types via generics
- Conversion to TypeScript #797
4.1.3 2021-03-12
- Add missing ChannelPreview helpers to exports #775
4.1.2 2021-03-09
- Export
utility functions #750 - Memoize
to prevent extra channel queries #752
- Update Customizing Styles section of README #756
- Change
imports to support server-side rendering #764
4.1.1 2021-02-26
- Upgrade
dependency to fix reaction caching issue #742
- Fix markdown link rendering issues #742
4.1.0 2021-02-25
- Upgrade
dependency #694- Improved support for loading unevenly sized messages when scrolling back
- Support smooth scrolling to bottom when new messages are posted (controlled through
property) - Adding reactions no longer cancels the automatic scrolling when new messages appear
- Generate minified CSS output #707
- Upgrade
dependency #727 - Upgrade
dependency #728 - Upgrade
dependency #731
- Add
to emoji picker #710 - Add
function fromchannelReducer
#717 - Improve mobile support for display of the
component #723 - Add key down a11y support for emoji picker #726
- Add
prop toMessageList
- Fix reaction list click propagation issue #722
- Fix reaction list non-breaking space issue #725
- Fix URL markdown in code blocks #733
4.0.1 2021-02-11
- Add
example to docs #705 - Remove legacy APIs in mock data used for generating the docs #704
4.0.0 2021-02-10
Removed the
dependency and its corresponding methods and types #687- We also removed this dependency at the
JS client level, therefore immutable methods, such assetIn
, no longer need to be run on the returned data #602 - Responses from the Stream API will now return standard JS data structures, without the immutable wrapping
- When you upgrade to v4.0.0 of
, make sure you also upgrade to v3.0.0 ofstream-chat
- We also removed this dependency at the
- Performance optimize and allow customization of the
dependency #530 - Add custom
prop toChannelHeader
component #697
- Removed the SonarJS linting rules #693
3.6.0 2021-02-02
Added support for pinned messages #682
- Save
to ChannelContext - Create
custom hook for returningcanPin
value andhandlePin
function - Add Pin/Unpin as optional actions in
- Add
UI component toMessageLivestream
- Add optional
CSS class to message UI components - Add
- Save
component when all messages for a day are deleted #689
- Refactor example apps to use
- Display auto-translated message text when it exists #683
- Add missing export for
type #691
3.5.3 2021-01-26
accepts an optional prop to filter/sort channels prior to render #678
3.5.2 2021-01-21
3.5.1 2021-01-19
- Upload PSD attachments as file #673
- Bump MML-React #674
3.5.0 2021-01-15
- Support typing indicator in Thread component #662
- Add parent ID to typing events #665
- Allow MessageInput emoji and file upload icon customization #666
- Add optional
prop to MessageInput and update mentions UI #669
- Fix maxLength paste text bug #670
3.4.6 2021-01-08
- Add SuggestionList as MessageInput prop to override default List and Item component to display trigger suggestions #655
- Add allowNewMessagesFromUnfilteredChannels prop to ChannelList #663
- Fix type for mentions handler #660
- Convert Thread to functional component #650
- Convert messaging sample app to functional component #661
3.4.5 2021-01-07
- Message components accept custom EditMessageInput component #656
- Message actions default options doc #654
- MessageList unread TypeError #654
- ChannelHeader button css padding #648
3.4.4 2020-12-23
- Export the UploadsPreview component. #647
3.4.3 2020-12-16
- Browser bundle undefined variable
3.4.2 2020-12-16
- Changes default smiley face icon for reaction selector. #645
3.4.1 2020-12-15
- Adds custom UI component prop
to override the default header. #642
3.4.0 2020-12-14
MML is supported by default in all Message components except
. #562For more detail about how to use MML please refer to mml-react docs.
3.3.2 2020-12-11
- Add error handling for
API request #627
3.3.1 2020-12-9
- Add additional user role check for
boolean #625
3.3.0 2020-12-3
- Allow all instances of Avatar to be overridden with a custom component via props #610
3.2.4 2020-11-19
- Prevent firing LoadMore requests when browser is offline #614
- Support muted channels in ChannelPreview #608
type accepts missing text #613
3.2.3 2020-11-13
3.2.2 2020-11-05
breaking the list for falsy messages #602FixedHeightMessage
action box not opening in React@17 #602- Missing custom hooks type #601
3.2.1 2020-11-04
stick to bottom #597
3.2.0 2020-11-04
- Support React v17 #588
3.1.7 2020-10-29
- Improved errorHandling on failed uploads. #596
- Escape special characters in mentioned_users names #591
- Improve handling max files(10) in MessageInput #593
3.1.6 2020-10-21
prop is respected inMessageOptions
component #587
required version bumped to2.7.x
3.1.5 2020-10-19
- Disable upload dropzone and input button in Input components based on channel config #585
- Disable the upload dropzone and input button when the maximum number of allowed attachments is reached #577
3.1.4 2020-10-19
- Fixed a bug with ChannelList pagination with low limits or high thresholds #583
- Disable reactions based on channel config #581
- Disable Thread based on channel config #580
- Disable TypingIndicator based on channel config #579
3.1.3 2020-10-15
- Better handling of offsets during loadMore #578
3.1.2 2020-10-14
Event handler for message.new
by default moves the channel to top of the list. But it didn't handle the case where channel was not already present in list. useMessageNewHandler
has been updated to handle this case. c563252
3.1.1 2020-10-14
3.1.0 2020-10-14
- VirtualizedMessageList supports message grouping #571
<VirtualizedMessageList shouldGroupByUser />
- VirtualizedMessageList TypingIndicator is disabled by default #571
3.0.3 2020-10-13
3.0.2 2020-10-12
- Bump stream-chat to v2.6.0 #568
3.0.1 2020-10-05
- Bumped dependencies #558
- Export EmojiPicker #560
3.0.0 2020-09-30
- Image component renamed to ImageComponent #554
2.6.2 2020-09-29
- Fixed several type issues #552
2.6.1 2020-09-29
- Fixed an issue with MessageLivestream where mutes and flags were not happening #551
2.6.0 2020-09-29
- New messages date indicator in MessageList and VritualizedMessageList #548
- Reply/Reactions are available in messageActions #547
- Fix opacity on emoji in EditMessageForm #540
- Sanitize URL image sources in Image component #543
- Add first letter of display name to avatar #545
2.5.0 2020-09-24
- TypingIndicator component is added by default to both MessageList and VirtualizedMessageList components. This component can also be used by its own. #535
2.4.0 2020-09-17
- VirtualizedMessageList is a new component that can handle thousands of messages in a channel. It uses a virtualized list under the hood. #487
- Typescript generics of stream chat js are ABC adjusted #521
2.3.3 2020-09-15
- Refactored Attachment component to now also accept a Gallery prop that will handle when the attachments array contains multiple images.
- Upgraded react-file-utils which fixes image previews not displaying on the EditMessageForm
- Fix PropType errors
- Fix an issue with the infinite scroll on the MessageList when the client is offline
2.3.2 2020-09-10
- Upgrading stream-chat to 2.2.2
2.3.1 2020-09-10
- Upgrading stream-chat to 2.2.1
2.3.0 2020-09-10
package tov2.2.0
package has been migrated to complete typescript in 2.x.x. There were no breaking change with underlying javascript api and also typescript except for Event type. We recommend you to check the changelog for stream-chat-js repository as well for more details if you are planning to upgrade from[email protected]
to[email protected]
- This PR which contains typescript related changes in stream-chat-react for given upgrade - https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-react/pull/499/files
2.2.2 2020-08-21
- Separated ConnectionStatus component from MessageList 82c8927
- Bug fix: When Channel component is standalone used (without ChannelList), mentions feature wouldn't work 4f64abc
2.2.1 2020-07-31
- Added listener for channel.hidden event and prop to override the default behaviour onChannelHidden 643af50
- Added listener for channel.visible event and prop to override the default behaviour onChannelVisible 56e1208
2.2.0 2020-07-31
- Added doMarkReadRequest prop to Channel component, to override markRead api calls 49a058b8
2.1.3 2020-07-27
- Fix empty reaction showing bubble #473
2.1.2 2020-07-27
- Add formatDate to docs #469
- Allow reaction override in Message components #470
- Fix runtime require in browser bundle #472
2.1.1 2020-07-22
- Bumped
which includes an upgraded version ofblueimp-load-image
which makes it easier to use this library in SSR apps.
2.1.0 2020-07-22
- Rename exported component
to avoid overridingwindow.File
in bundled release
2.0.4 2020-07-21
- Fixed type issues
- Fixed an issue with the mobile navigation
- Added the ability to customize the datetime stamp on Message components using the
2.0.3 2020-07-20
- All components using mutes get them using the useContext hook.
- Performance updates
- Fix for document.title when read_events are disabled
- Added docs on using included hooks
2.0.2 2020-07-16
- Fixed some issues with editing messages
- Fixed some issues with muting/unmuting messages
2.0.1 2020-07-15
Weβre bumping stream-chat-react
to version 2.0.1 because over the past three months weβve been doing a major refactor of our codebase. The foundational work includes:
- Major refactor and code cleanup
- Components have been rewritten to use React Hooks
- Added tests for all components
- Performance improvements on MessageList
- Upgraded dependencies
- Drop node 11, 13
- Deprecating context HOCβs
Since we moved our library to rely on React Hooks moved the following HOCβs to use
This means we now directly use the context values from the context and theyβre not passed down from the props anymore.
- The
on the channel context does not support extraState anymore. - There no longer is a ref inside a ref in ReactionsList. Instead, the ref of the container div is directly forwarded by the component.
- Triggers on MessageInput can now be overwritten using the autocompleteTriggers prop on
- Fixed styling on autocomplete suggestions
- Fixed YouTube video rendering in messages
- Fixed an issue that allowed you to send empty messages
- Bugfix in groupStyles calculations
1.2.5 2020-06-30
- Added
prop to MessageList - Fixed some minor styling issues with SafeAnchor
1.2.4 2020-06-30
- Refactor and improvements to the Gallery Modal component
1.2.3 2020-06-30
- Fixing types
1.2.2 2020-06-22
- Fixing types
1.2.1 2020-06-17
- Fixed an issue with our type definitions introduced in
1.2.0 2020-06-16
- @mentions now use the queryMembers endpoint enabling mentions in channels of more that 100 members
- Fix for .mov videos
- Refactors and a lot of new tests
- Some small bug fixes
1.1.2 2020-06-11
- Fixes issue with File uploads on MessageInputLarge
- Make sure to only render videos if the browser supports it
1.1.1 2020-06-09
- Fixes links when written as markdown
- Allows app:// protocol in markdown links
1.1.0 2020-06-08
Breaking Change
Migrated ChannelList component to functional component.
component comes with some default handlers for following events.- notification.message_new
- notification.added_to_channel
- notification.removed_from_channel
- channel.updated
- channel.deleted
- channel.truncated
But these default event handlers can be overriden by providing corresponding prop functions for handling the event. For example, to override
event, you can provide prop function -onMessageNew
, to ChannelList component.Until now, ChannelList component was class based, so function prop (e.g.,
) used to accept following 2 parameters:- thisArg -
reference of component. You could use this to update the state of the component as well. e.g.,thisArg.setState({ ... })
- event - Event object
In this release, we have migrated ChannelList component to functional component and thus
is no longer accessible. Instead we provide the setter (fromuseState
hook) for channels. So updated params to these custom event handlers (prop functions) is as follow:- setChannels {function} Setter for channels.
- event {object} Event object
And same applies to all the rest of the custom event handlers:
- onMessageNew
- onAddedToChannel
- onRemovedFromChannel
- onChannelUpdated
- onChannelTruncated
- onChannelDeleted
- Correctly set attachment type based on mime type
- Fixes to audio component
- Mentions: filter out no-longer-mentioned users on submit
- Type fixes
- Tests
- Refactors
1.0.0 2020-05-15
We've already been on a v1 release for a while but never updated our versioning. Right now we're in the process of rewriting our components to be more future proof and we started using hooks, hence the v1.0.0 today.
Breaking change: stream-chat-react
now relies on hooks and will need at least v16.8.x
of react
to work.
- Fixed some issues with mutes
- Fixed issues with attachments
- Added tests
0.12.1 2020-05-12
- Render video uploads as videos, not files
- Added tooltip to emoji and attachment buttons
- Fix file/image upload preview layout
- Added tests
0.12.0 2020-05-08
- Refactor
- First message in thread doesn't have a fixed position anymore
- Upon if the active channel get's deleted, we now set the active channel to be empty
- Removed some unused css
- Fix for read indicators
0.11.18 2020-05-06
- Better fallback avatar in ReactionSelector
- Better scrolling after assets finish loading
- Disabled truncation of email links
- New props
0.11.17 2020-05-04
- Added prop MessageDeleted on Message components to override the default component displayed for deleted messages.
0.11.16 2020-05-01
- Fixed an where read state indicators dissapeared
0.11.15 2020-04-30
- Fixed an issue where the read by tooltip said: "x, x, and 0 more"
- Fixed an issue where app might crash due to faulty read state
- Fixed an issue where file attachments didn't get uploaded when also uploading images
0.11.14 2020-04-29
- Adding direct messaging support for channel preview b394079
- Fixed typescript for ChannelList component 576f5c8
- Fixed french translation file 308fcab
- Adding extra check for channel connection to avoid failing markRead call 317fb1f
0.11.13 2020-04-20
- Add check to fix optional activeChannel in ChannelPreview.
0.11.12 2020-04-17
- Fixing typescript issue with
component prop -additionalTextAreaProps
0.11.11 2020-04-15
- Adding missing translation key
{{ imageCount }} more
in Gallery component 5cea938
0.11.10 2020-04-09
- Fix crashing app when there's no active channel
0.11.9 2020-04-09
- Fix issue with DateSeparator
- added type definition for setActiveChannelOnMount
0.11.8 2020-04-08
- Fix bug in ChannelHeader caused in version
0.11.6 2020-04-04
NOTE Please make sure to use stream-chat@^1.7.0
- Fixing moderator, owner, admin checks for message actions 71b3309
0.11.5 2020-04-03
- Open url attachments in new tab e6436fe
0.11.4 2020-04-02
- Reworked the mobile nav behaviour to be more flexible
0.11.3 2020-04-02
- Have the mute action respect channel settings
- Add supported markdown to docs
0.11.1 2020-03-27
Reverting optimistic reaction UI related changes
Reverted commits:
Reason: Please check the changelog for v1.6.1 stream-chat-js
0.11.0 2020-03-27
- Improvements to reaction UX: Updating UI optimistically instead of waiting for reaction api call to succeed
- Fix for a bug: Flagging a message results in "
t is not a function
" error in console - Adding support for
prop in MessageInput component - Filter out buggy emojis and updating emoji-mart 333ed77
- Displaying DateSeperator before deleted messages. So far we didn't show it 8ed3ca5
- Updating
version to 1.6.0 d4b7c14
0.10.2 2020-03-26
- Bug fix - making sure translators are ready before rendering Chat component 1b0c07a65b88075d14b038977d42138ec7fdaa21 Fixes #181
- Fixing small styling issues with MessageInput
0.10.1 2020-03-25
- Added missing i18next dependency to dependency list c7cf11f
0.10.0 2020-03-24
- i18n support for library. Documentatio - https://getstream.github.io/stream-chat-react/#section-streami18n
0.9.0 2020-03-21
- 20% bundle size reduction (use day.js instead of moment.js)
0.8.8 2020-03-20
- Changing mute success notification to show name of user instead of id - e5bab26
- Bug fix: Cancel button on giphy command in thread failed to remove message - e592a4e
- Fixing typing indicator to now show up when current user is typing - c24dc7a
- Fixing moderator role check function in Message.js - 311fab9
0.8.7 2020-03-19
- Fixed a bug where attachments got duplicated upon submitting an edited message cb93b92
0.8.6 2020-03-17
- Allow
double tilde for strikethrough in messages - 6870194 - Fix issue where attachments got duplicated when editing messages - eea7f61
0.8.4 2020-02-11
- Fixing
prop for ChannelList component - 20d1672
0.8.3 2020-02-11
- Fixing
prop for InfiniteScrollPaginator component - fb81d68
0.8.2 2020-02-10
- Fixing
prop for ChannelList component - e6e2e9f - Adding
prop for ChannelList component - e6e2e9f
0.8.1 2020-02-07
- Fixing broken typescript file cc86f6f
0.8.0 2020-02-07
0.7.20 2020-01-14
- When you change the filters prop on the ChannelList component this now we will refresh the channels with the new query
0.7.17 2020-01-02
- Added
props to MessageInput component
0.7.16 2020-01-02
- Removed inline styles from multiple locations
- Exporting new component
(Advanced usage only)
0.7.15 2019-12-30
- Added the following props on the
component so the underlying MessageList, MessageInput and Message components can be customized using props:additionalParentMessageProps
- Added the following props to the
to override the update(edit) message request (Advanced usage only)doSendMessageRequest
to override the send message request (Advanced usage only)
0.7.13 2019-12-03
- Handling and updating channel list on
0.7.12 2019-11-22
- Adding prop
to customize system messages
0.7.11 2019-11-05
- Fixed z-index issue on MessageInputLarge component https://github.com/GetStream/stream-chat-react/commit/f78b0bf6566fe587da62a8162ab5f1b3d799a10e
0.7.10 2019-10-16
- Added
prop onChannelList
to specify a custom channel to be moved to the top and set to active upon mounting.
0.7.9 2019-10-16
- Changing prop name for MessageSimple from openThread to handleOpenThread.
- Fixing scroll issue on messagelist. Related to issue #67
0.7.8 2019-10-11
- Bug fix with dateseperator in messagelist
0.7.7 2019-10-11
- Adding intro message to messagelist
0.7.6 2019-10-08
- Fixed unbinding of visibility listener
0.7.5 2019-10-07
- Updated js-client with fix for failing fileuploads
0.7.4 2019-10-07
- Fixed styling issues for SendButton
0.7.3 2019-10-02
- Added SendButton prop to MessageInput. This only shows on mobile to make sure you're able to submit the form without having a return button.
0.7.2 2019-09-30
- Updating js-client version
0.7.1 2019-09-30
- Fix - Adding typescript declaration files in production build
0.7.0 2019-09-27
- Adding typescript declaration file
0.6.27 2019-09-20
- Added
prop to ChannelList and MessageList - Added
prop to ChannelList to specify watchers pagination query onsetActiveChannel
, including this makes one extra query on selecting a channel from the ChannelList - Updated react-images to version
0.6.26 2019-09-10
- Add IE 11 support for MessageInput
- Fixing pagination issue when oldest message is not received yet
- Fixing issue that didn't display unread count correctly on initial load
0.6.25 2019-09-05
- The built in MessageInput components now use native emoji to create consistent rendering between the picker and the message
0.6.22 2019-08-15
- Adding support for loading error indicator
- Adding fallback as thumb_url for image attachments
0.6.21 2019-08-05
- Syncing and improvements in styleguide
0.6.19 2019-07-31
- Fix issue raised in 0.6.17
0.6.18 2019-07-31
- Improve message options UX in messaging theme
0.6.17 2019-07-30
- Export LoadingChannels component
- Fix connectivity issue with threads
- Better check for user roles
0.6.16 2019-07-29
- Adding visual response (notification) for flag message and mute user functionality
- Fixing broken mute user functionality
0.6.15 2019-07-23
- Fixing Message actions for livestream and team chat.
- Fixing flag/mute functionality. Earlier only admins were allowed to flag or mute the message. This was wrong. Every user should be able to flag or mute any message (other than his own message)
0.6.14 2019-07-20
- Adding prop
to MessageList
0.6.13 2019-07-18
- Adding prop function
as callback for eventchannel.updated
- Bug fix - Channel list component doesn't update when custom data on channel is updated.
0.6.0 2019-05-13
- Added Pagination to ChannelList
- Standard pagination with Load More button (
) - Also includes a infinte scroll paginator (
) - Important Because of this change we moved the channelquery logic to
this means you need to pass yourfilters
, andoptions
- Standard pagination with Load More button (
0.3.11 - 2019-04-23
now accept the following propsmultipleUploads={false}
0.3.10 - 2019-04-19
- Support for @mentions for @mention interactions
now accepts the following propsonMentionsHover={(event, user) => console.log(event, user)}
onMentionsClick={(event, user) => console.log(event, user)}