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Result is has a small API surface area of only two types:

  • result<T,E>, and
  • failure<E>

The former is used to denote the expected result along with the possible failure, and the latter represents a possible error type.

Table of Contents

  1. The Basics
    1. Using result in an API
    2. Returning References
    3. Returning void
    4. Using Assignment
    5. Checking for error state
    6. assuming no error
  2. Advanced
    1. Monadic-functions
    2. Type-erasure with result<void,e>
    3. failure with references
  3. Optional Features
    1. Using a custom namespace
    2. Disabling exceptions

The Basics

Using result in an API

The cpp::result class is used to convey an API's intended return value, along with the API's potential failure conditions. In most cases, the error-type will often be a discrete list of error-types like a custom enum class, or a std::error_code/std::error_condition type.

The common way to use cpp::result is to return objects using the T-types move-constructors and leveraging cpp::result's implicit conversion. Error types are denoted by using the cpp::failure<E> type:

auto to_double(const char* str) noexcept -> cpp::result<double, std::errc>
  auto* last_entry = static_cast<char*>(nullptr);

  errno = 0;
  const auto result = std::strtod(str, &last_entry);

  if (errno != 0) {
    // Returns an error value
    return cpp::fail(static_cast<std::errc>(errno));
  // Returns a value
  return result;

Note: When working in C++17 fail can be replaced by using failure, which will leverage CTAD to determine the error type.

In the case that either the T or the E type being returned are large and/or complex, result also exposes in-place construction using either in_place for constructing T directly, or in_place_error for constructing E directly. This is more verbose, and thus not the recommended/idiomatic approach -- but is offered as a 0-cost alternative to move-construction:

auto widget_repository::try_get_widget() -> cpp::result<widget,widget_error>
  if (widgets_unavailable()) {
    return cpp::result<widget,widget_error>{
      foo, bar, /* arguments to widget_error's constructor */
  return cpp::result<widget,widget_error>{
    foo, bar, /* arguments to widget's constructor */

Returning references

It's not uncommon in APIs to want to return a reference to something that may conditionally fail or be unavailable -- a simple example of this is container at(...) functions which idiomatically throw exceptions on failure.

This is something that can also be modeled by this utility by using result<T&,E> -- where the T type is an lvalue-reference. In this case, the value you return is an lvalue reference to an outside object. For example:

template <typename T>
auto my_vector<T>::at(std::size_t n) noexcept -> cpp::result<T&,my_error>
  if (n >= m_size) {
    return cpp::fail(my_error::out_of_range);
  return m_storage[n]; // <- returns m_storage[n] by *reference*

Using a result<T&,E> type is the same any result, except it behaves through indirection like a pointer. Assigning a value to a result<T&,E> will rebind the reference:

auto a = int{};
auto b = int{};

cpp::result<int&,int> x = a; // x refers to 'a'
x = b; // x now refers to 'b'

Since result supports conversion-constructors and assignments, it's also possible to return result references of types that behave polymorphically.

For example:

struct base {};
struct derived : base {};

auto d = derived{};

// Holds onto a base-reference, refers to derived.
auto exp = cpp::result<base&,int>{d};

Returning void

It's not uncommon to want to represent functions that don't have any data worth returning to the caller -- yet may also be, itself, fallible. This is not uncommon for class member functions performing internal operations, such as a start() or stop() function on a service. These cases may not have anything useful to return to the caller other than a success or failure state.

Such a case is handled easily using the result<void,E> specialization, for example:

class service
  auto start() noexcept -> cpp::result<void,service_error>;

When returning a void value to a result, you must return a default-constructed result object, since you are returning a value; it's just a no-op value:

auto service::start() noexcept -> cpp::result<void,service_error>
  return {}; // <- return's an result<void,E> in success state

Although this may be represented as well in other ways, such as returning an error-code, this does not identify the semantic meaning the same way. result<void,E> provides a consistent way of marking-up functions that may fail. More importantly, it also applies consistent semantics and helpful utiliy functionality that returning a raw error type would not.

Using assignment

A result<T,E> object may be assigned to by other result objects provided that both T and E are assignable and construction would be non-throwing. Additionally, the value or error types can be directly assigned to via T or failure<E> types provided the respective constructors would be non-throwing as well:

auto exp = cpp::result<unsigned,error_type> {42};

exp = 0xdeadbeef; // changes underlying value

exp = cpp::fail(error_type::some_error); // changes to error

exp = cpp::result<unsigned short,error_type>{0}; // conversion-constructs

// etc

The non-throwing requirement is necessary since assigning result<T,E> objects may result in the active type changing. Changing the active type requires destruction of the current type, which would otherwise leave this type vulnerable to potentially being stuck in this state if we allowed the new type's constructor to throw. By forcing a requirement of noexcept, we ensure that we can't be left in this valueless-by-exception state -- which helps us ensure we can always guarantee containing some value.

This does not mean that assignment will not be available at all if construction isn't directly non-throwing. In fact, as long as T and E have either a non-throwing move or copy constructor, you can still perform assignment -- it will just construct an intermediate result<T,E> object first to ensure that no object becomes valueless. If the intermediate object's construction throws, the result being assigned to is unchanged -- which is what we want.

For example, a result<std::string, int> can still assign a const char*, even though std::string(const char*) isn't noexcept:

auto exp = cpp::result<std::string,int>{"hello world"};

exp = "goodbyte world!";

The assignment will construct an intermediate result object first before leveraging std::string's non-throwing move-constructor.

In general, this restriction should have minimal impact on most workflows. Very seldomly is it necessary to assign or change the result of a result, since the common case for this type is to be used as a return type from an API. In the unlikely event that the assignment is even needed, we at least can guarante that the result remains coherent and always contains a value.

Checking for error state

The current state of a result object can be queried in a few different ways:

Checking has_error() or has_value()

To do a quick top-level query of whether the result contains a value or an error result, you can simply query has_value() or the inverse has_error():

if (exp.has_value()) {
  /* exp contains a value */


if (exp.has_error()) {
  /* exp contains an error

The has_value() will always yield the opposite result of has_error(); the two functions only exist for the purpose of symmetry.

Extracting the current error and directly checking against it

A result's error type can be directly extracted using the error() function. Doing this will return either a default constructed E error if the result contains a value, or it will extract a copy (or move) of the underlying error (depending on whether it is an lvalue or rvalue reference).

A default constructed E type is always assumed to be a "success" state for the error indicator. This design is intentional to reduce the number of exceptions the API may throw in. This makes it easy for consumers to request the error state without caring whether it contains a proper error (for example, for logging purposes).

auto error = exp.error(); // or `std::move(exp).error()` for rvalues

if (error == /* some error */) { ... }

Comparing with the underlying error directly

You may use the failure type to compare directly with an underlying error at any point to avoid the need to branch on has_value() explicitly. For example:

if (exp == cpp::fail(error::my_error)) {
  /* `exp` contains something equality-comparable to `error::my_error` */

Comparing with the underlying value directly

Alternatively, you may also compare result objects directly with an underlying value, if there is a particular state that is expected. This prevents the need to check for discrete error types if the value is of more interest than the error is.

auto exp = try_to_uint8("255");

if (exp == 255) {
  /* exp contains a value equality-comparable to 255 */

Assuming no error

Sometimes you may be calling a fallible function and not care to handle the failure case. However, thanks to result being marked [[nodiscard]], you must still consume the result otherwise you will be hit with a warning (or error with -Werror//Wx). Thankfully, there exists an easy way out: result::expect.

If you want to make an assumption that a result contains a proper value, you may call expect with a desired message. On failure, an exception will be thrown that contains the specified message along with the underlying error, and on success the code will proceed as planned. This ensures that the code is not left in an error-state, and consumes the result.

auto start_service() -> cpp::result<void,service_error>;

auto test() -> void {
  start_service().expect("Service failed to start!");


Monadic functions

The result class offers monadic functionality to enable simple composability and construction of return types. This allows functional chaining of calls to produce simple and coherent expressions.

The supported monadic functionalities are:

  • value_or: Gets the current value, or a supplied alternative
  • error_or: Gets the current error, or a supplied alternative
  • and_then: If the result contains a value, creates a result with the supplied value. Otherwise creates the result contain the error
  • map: Executes a function on the current value (if any) and returns an result containing the result. If it contains an error, this returns a result containing that error.
  • flat_map: Similar to map, except it assumes that the function itself returns an result object
  • map_error: Similar to map, except it operates on the error rather than the value
  • flat_map_error: Similar to flat_map, except it operates on the error rather than the value.

For example:

// (1) 'value_or'
auto value = res.value_or(42);
// gets the current value _or_ 42

// (2) 'error_or'
auto error = res.error_or(error_code::some_distinct_error);
// Gets the stored error, or the supplied error

// (3) `and_then`
auto next_res = res.and_then("hello world");
// if 'exp' contains a value, creates an result with "hello world";
// otherwise creates an error

// (4) `map`
auto next_res =;
// Calls 'to_string' on the stored result value, creating an
// 'result<string,E>' on return

// (5) `flat_map`
auto next_res =;
// Tries to convert the stored value to an integral value, which may itself
// return an result value

// (6) `map_error`
auto consumer_res = internal_res.map_error(to_external_error);
// Calls 'to_external_error' to convert an internal error code to an external
// (consumer-facing) error-code

// (7) `flat_map_error`
auto next_res = res.flat_map_error(get_res);
// Tries to replace the stored error with the output of 'get_res', which may 
// fail. Simply returns the current 'res' if it exists. 

A practical example of this composition is chaining a conversion of a string into an integral value, mapping that value to an enum and converting the parse-error to a user-facing error:

auto try_to_uint8(const std::string&)
  noexcept -> cpp::result<std::uint8_t,parse_error>;
auto to_client_code(std::uint8_t)
  noexcept -> client_code;
auto to_user_error(parse_error)
  noexcept -> user_error;

// Example composition:

auto result = try_to_uint8(str).map(to_client_code).map_error(to_user_error);

Chaining Member Functions

The various monadic functions in result are made to work with any invocable expression. Since member pointers are valid for the purposes of invoke expressions, this allows for a really convenient way to chain functions on a result result while also propagating the potential error.

For example:

enum class some_error : int;
auto try_get_string() -> cpp::result<std::string,some_error>;

// ...

auto exp = try_get_string().map(&std::string::size);

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Type-erasure with result<void,E>

The result<void,E> specialization is constructible from any result<T,E2> type as long as E2 is convertible to E. This allows for a very simple and effective form of type-erasure in composition if the error is important but the result can be discarded.

For example, it's easy to create compositions that simply discard the T result:

template <typename Fn>
auto try_invoke(Fn&& fn) noexcept -> void
  // Coalesce all results to 'void'
  auto result = cpp::result<void,E>{
  if (!result) {
    // Do something with the error

Note: Erasure with result<void,E> requires explicit construction for both construction and assignment, since result<void,E> is meant to model the behavior and semantics of a void cast, which requires explicitness.

failure with references

For the common-case, result's error-types are generally intended to be lightweight and inexpensive to construct/copy/move; however, there will always be exceptions to the rule. In some cases, you may already have an instance of an expensive E error type to compare against, and can't afford to copy it for an failure object.

In such cases, you can construct failure objects that refer to the local instance without paying for the cost of a copy. To do this, you can use either std::ref with cpp::fail (or failure with CTAD in C++17)

For example:

const auto some_error_object = /* some expensive object */

if (exp == cpp::fail(std::ref(some_error_object))) {

Optional Features

Although not required or enabled by default, Result supports two optional features that may be controlled through preprocessor symbols:

  1. Using a custom namespace, and
  2. Disabling all exceptions

Using a Custom Namespace

The namespace that result is defined in is configurable. By default, it is defined in namespace cpp; however this can be toggled by defining the preprocessor symbol RESULT_NAMESPACE to be the name of the desired namespace.

This could be done either through a #define preprocessor directive:

#define RESULT_NAMESPACE example
#include <result.hpp>

auto test() -> example::result<int,int>;

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Or it could also be defined using the compile-time definition with -D, such as:

g++ -std=c++11 -DRESULT_NAMESPACE=example test.cpp

#include <result.hpp>

auto test() -> example::result<int,int>;

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Disabling Exceptions

Since result serves to act as an orthogonal/alternative error-handling mechanism to exceptions, it may be desirable to not have any exceptions at all. IF the compiler has been configured to disable exception entirely, simply having a path that even encounters a throw -- even if never reached in practice may trigger compile errors.

To account for this possibility, Result may have exceptions removed by defining the preprocessor symbol RESULT_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS.

Note that if this is done, contract-violations will now behave differently:

  • Contract violations will call std::abort, causing immediate termination (and often, core-dumps for diagnostic purposes)
  • Contract violations will print directly to stderr to allow context for the termination
  • Since exceptions are disabled, there is no way to perform a proper stack unwinding -- so destructors will not be run. There is simply no way to allow for proper RAII cleanup without exceptions in this case.

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