+ +

Project Files


Cryptol supports specifying a project file that can accelerate the +repeated loading and testing of a large, interconnected set of source +files. Cryptol will remember the hashes of the files previously checked +and use this to avoid type-checking and testing files that are unchanged +since the previous loading of the project.


To use this feature a cryproject.toml should be created in the root +directory of the cryptol source files that lists all of the top-level +modules of the project. The dependencies of these modules will implicitly +be added to the project.


To check a whole project, Cryptol can be invoked with the --project +or -p flag using the directory containing the project as an +argument. This will type-check all of the modules in the project and +check the docstrings for all modules in the project.


All errors are reported to stdout. When all modules load and all tests +pass cryptol’s exit code will be 0. When the project does not load +successfully the exit code is 1.


For each module, which is processed, we report a line like this:

Successes: X, No fences: Y, Failures: Z
  • X is the nubmer of docstring tests which completed successfully,

  • +
  • Y is the number of declarations that have no docstring tests, and

  • +
  • Z is the number of dcostring tests which resulted in an error.

  • +

Note that these are only reported for modules that are actually checked +(i.e., either they were not checked before, or something changed).


After all modules are processed we also report a summay of the form:

Passing: X, Failing: Y, Missing: Z
  • X is the number of modules that have no failing tests,

  • +
  • Y is the number of modules with at least one failing test, and

  • +
  • Z is the number of modules for which we did not run tests.

  • +

At present we do not run tests for built-in modules (e.g., Cryptol or +Float), so almost always there will be at least 1 “missing” module.


After loading a project the cache information is saved into a Cryptol- +managed file in the project root directory .cryproject/loadcache.toml.



cryptol -p myproject/

To discard the previous cached results and reload a whole project use +--refresh-project. This can be useful when versions of external +tools have changed or simply to get confidence that everything is still +in a working state.



cryptol -p myproject/ --refresh-project

cryproject.toml Format


Project files are described by a TOML file +using the following top-level key-value assignments:

  • root - optional - string - can optionally be specified to override the directory that +Cryptol files are located in. Otherwise modules are loaded relative +to the directory containing the cryproject.toml.

  • +
  • modules - required - list of strings - is a list of filenames patterns matching the +top-level modules in a project. These modules, and all of their dependencies, will be loaded +when the project is loaded. These patterns will match using the common *, ?, and +character class matching of fnmatch extended with ** matching for multiple directories +as found in the Git format for .gitignore

  • +

Example directory structure:

+├── Id.c
+├── Id.cry
+├── Id.dylib
+├── Main.cry
+└── cryproject.toml

Example cryproject.toml:

modules = [
+    "Id.cry",
+    "Main.cry",

loadcache.toml Format


After loading a project a cache file is generated and stored in +.cryproject/loadcache.toml. This file contains a version number to +allow caches to automatically invalidate when the project subsystem +updates. Modules that fail to load at all are not listed in the cache +file and will be reprocessed on subsequent project loads even if unchanged.

  • version - integer - specifies the cache file format version in order to allow +old caches to be invalidated when Cryptol changes the meaning of this +file.

  • +
  • file - string - specifies the absolute path to a Cryptol module for those +stored in files.

  • +
  • memory - string - specifies the module name of a primitive module built into +Cryptol.

  • +
  • fingerprint - string - specifies a SHA2-256 hash of the source file which is +used to detect when the source file has changed from the previous run.

  • +
  • foreign_fingerprints - list of string - is a list of SHA2-256 hashes of dynamic +libraries that this Cryptol file directly loads.

  • +
  • include_fingerprints - list of string - is a list of SHA2-256 hashes of pre-processor +included files that this Cryptol files directly includes.

  • +
  • docstring_result - boolean - is true when :check-docstrings +previously succeeded for this module and false when it previously +failed. It will be missing if tests were never run on this module.

  • +
version = 1
+fingerprint = "2f671b21f2933a006b6a843c7f281388e6b8227f9944b111f87711dc9ca8448f"
+foreign_fingerprints = []
+include_fingerprints = []
+memory = "Cryptol"
+docstring_result = true
+file = "/path/to/project/Id.cry"
+fingerprint = "a9e6f7a4b65ead6bd8e27442717d6b0dc54afc73e34b18c32f005ceb7a8f3c34"
+foreign_fingerprints = [ "c7767a13281a56631c72b9b6f69a17746dc02213e7f2b24a8a4a6fe7afd9ee0a" ]
+include_fingerprints = []
+docstring_result = true
+file = "/path/to/project/Main.cry"
+fingerprint = "6b36f965ebb1a68cf76d689a966806ec879540aa6576a76c1aaa7705a4af09d5"
+foreign_fingerprints = []
+include_fingerprints = []
+ + +