All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for PV image generation along a polyline region (#1341).
- Add support for loading remote FITS files from the hips2fits server (#1379).
- Add support for setting rest frequency for moment image generation (#1385).
- Fix crash when loading non-image HDU by URL (#1365).
- Fix crash when parsing FITS header long value (#1366).
- Fix incorrect parsing of SPECSYS value for ATCA FITS header (#1375).
- Fix hdf5 image distortion after animation stops (#1368).
- Fix matched polygon region approximation crash (#1383).
- Fix save image/export regions bug which could cause directory overwrite or deletion (#1377).
- Move the loader cache to separate files (#1021).
- Improve the code style in HTTP server (#1260).
- Remove program settings equality operators (#1001).
- Normalize the style of guard names in header files (#1023).
- Improved file IDs for generated images (#1224).
- Store global settings in a singleton class (#1302).
- Move Region code to RegionConverter for maintenance and performance (#1347).
- Improve performance of region spatial profiles and PV image generation (#1339).
- Include casacore log messages in carta log (#1169).
- Fixed the problem of opening old IRAM fits images (#1312).
- Fixed scripting interface and symlink directory issues (#1283, #1284, #1314).
- Fixed incorrect std calculation when fitting images with nan values (#1318).
- Fixed the hanging problem when deleting a region during the spectral profile process (#1328).
- Updated for compatibility with latest carta-casacore using CASA 6.6.0.
- Support animation playback with matched images in multi-panel view (#1860).
- Update the submodule uWebSockets (#1297).
- Prevent the installation of pugixml library files (#1261).
- Fixed spatial profile for polyline in widefield image (#1258).
- Fixed regression failure of HDF5 PV image due to profile caching in the HDF5 loader (#1259).
- Removed duplicate image histogram data sent to the frontend (#1266).
- Fixed FITS header and data errors (#1233, #1265).
- Fixed the problem of resuming LEL images (#1226).
- Fixed the case-sensitive of reading BUNIT from a file header (#1187).
- Fixed the crash when reading beam table with 64-bit floats (#1166).
- Fixed region spectral profile from FITS gz image (#1271).
- Fixed the lack of mask for LEL images (#1291).
- Fixed file path to save generated image (#1252).
- Fixed missing tiles issue (#1282).
- Fixed the crash of loading JCMT-SCUBA2 FITS images (#1301).
- Fixed updating the PV preview for a matched image (#1304).
- Added a check of averaging width when calculating line/polyline spatial profiles or PV images (#1174).
- Added support for fitting images with regions, fixed parameters, a background offset, and different solvers; added support for generating model and residual images, estimating progress, and cancelling tasks (#150).
- Added PV generator features for spectral range, reversed axes, and keeping previous image (#1175, #1176, #1177).
- Added a debug config flag for disabling runtime config (#1213).
- Added support to keep previously generated moment images (#1202).
- Added pugixml as a third-party library with the option PUGIXML_COMPACT enabled (#1217).
- Added automatically generated documentation with Doxygen (#1215).
- Added support for loading swapped-axes image cubes (#1178).
- Added support for annotation regions (#340).
- Added support for customizing histogram calculations (#829).
- Added support for PV preview (#795).
- Removed CASA CRTF parser for performance and annotation region support (#1219).
- Adjusted image fitting error calculation considering correlated noise; added integrated flux information in the fitting result (#1277).
- Fixed issues with AIPS velocity axis by restoring previous casacore headers (#1771).
- Fixed error in regions when resuming session. (#1210).
- Fixed crash when exporting matched region (#1205, #1208).
- Fixed region import with space in region name (#1188).
- Fixed cfitsio 4.2.0 fits_read_key abort (#1231).
- Fixed failure loading CASA image due to FITS headers error (#1239).
- Fixed incorrect PV image orientation if the cube has projection distortion (#1244).
- Fixed crash following use of an incorrect session ID (#1248).
- Fixed header angle formatting error with non-angle unit (#1218).
- Added support for image fitting with field of view (#150).
- List frequency and velocity in file info for single channel image (#1152).
- Enhanced image fitting performance by switching the solver from qr to cholesky (#1114).
- Made HTTP server return a different error code for disabled features (#1115).
- Removed Splatalogue interaction from backend codebase and removed dependency on libcurl (#994).
- Use wrappers to construct protocol buffer messages where possible (#960).
- Change the time zone in log messages from local to UTC (#1151).
- Refactor the timer for performance measurements (#1180).
- Stopped calculating per-cube histogram unnecessarily when switching to a new Stokes value (#1013).
- Ensured that HTTP server returns error codes correctly (#1011).
- Fixed crash problems for compressed FITS files (#999 and #1014).
- Fixed the incorrect STD for images with large pixel values (#1069).
- Fixed incorrect spectral profiles for computed stokes (#1122).
- Fixed the problem of recognizing FITS gzip files from ALMA Science Archive (#1130).
- Fixed slow loading of FITS image with large number of HISTORY headers (#1063).
- Fixed the DS9 import bug with region properties (#1129).
- Fixed incorrect pixel number when fitting image with nan pixels (#1128).
- Fixed errors on loading images via LEL (#1144).
- Fixed the DS9 import bug with no header line (#1064).
- Fixed incorrect matched region pixel count (#1108).
- Fixed the getstat error on generated image (#1148).
- Fixed file info hang when a CASA image is locked (#578).
- Fixed region export failure when no write permission (#1133).
- Fixed HTTP response codes when returning response to PUT requests (#1157).
- Fixed the problem of one-pixel position offset for DS9 regions projections (#1138).
- Fixed crash problems during moments ICD tests (#1070).
- Fixed response when importing region file fails by catching exception (#1160).
- Fixed the crash when trying to load an unsupported image file (#1161).
- Fixed including directories in region file list (#1159).
- Fixed issue where NaN data was read incorrectly from a compressed FITS .fz image (#1143).
- Removed gRPC service and moved scripting interface to HTTP server (#1022).
- Added more fine-grained commandline flags to enable and disable functions of the HTTP server.
- Optimised performance of image data cache (#967).
- Added exit on timeout flag to Linux desktop launcher (#989).
- Separated stdout and stderr logging (#869).
- Added moment map generation information to the header of generated images (#1024).
- Added support for creating CASA LEL images dynamically (#655).
- Added spatial and spectral range information to the file browser (#845).
- Added computed Stokes images and supported the analysis (profiles, contours, statistics, etc.) of them (#433).
- Added data type to file info and open complex image with amplitude expression (#520).
- Added ability to set a custom rest frequency for saving subimages. (#918).
- Added image fitter for multiple 2D Gaussian component fitting (#150).
- Added support for a custom carta-casacore script for updating casacore data in a local user directory (#961).
- Added support of vector field (polarization intensity/angle) calculations (#1002).
- Added spatial profiles for line/polyline regions (#796).
- Fixed problem with backend hanging rather than exiting after all sessions have disconnected (#988).
- Fixed handling of NaN values in downsampled spatial profiles (#987).
- Removed file id repetition in generated moments or PV images (#1003).
- Fixed linear coordinate conversion for matched images (#982).
- Fixed beam position angle unit displayed for CASA images (#1025).
- Fixed crash when saving certain PV images (#1009).
- Ensured that sessions are deleted correctly (#1048).
- Ensured that sessions are correctly assigned unique IDs (#1049).
- Corrected spatial range calculation to account for rotation (#1050).
- Fixed a bug in Stokes animation when playing backwards (#1053).
- Fixed inconsistent behaviour of top level folder setting (#1089).
- Fixed CRTF export bug for labelpos (#1012).
- Fixed DS9 import bug for region parameter with no unit (#1101).
- Fixed offset in center of offset axis of generated PV image (#1038).
- Fixed CARTA FITS image pixel mask for floating-point images.
- Fixed various memory leaks, and several memory errors uncovered by address sanitization.
- Removed the dependency on Intel TBB library by replacing the TBB mutexes with ones based on standard c++ ones.
- Replaced shared image loader pointer in the session class with a cache for multiple loaders, to avoid concurrency bugs when loading multiple images simultaneously.
- Added ability to guess file type by extension, rather than content (#1).
- Added support for circular/linear polarizations when generating hypercubes (#942).
- Added PV image generator for line regions (#794).
- Fixed hard crash when attempting to read files within a read-protected directory (#945).
- Fixed region histograms for moment images (#906).
- Fixed bug of duplicate histogram calculation (#905).
- Fixed issues when reading stokes information from the header (#942).
- Fixed restoring beam set from HISTORY (#935).
- Fixed FITS header bug for dropped keyword index (#912).
- Fixed DS9 export bug by increasing precision for degrees (#953).
- Fixed control points record for polygon / line / polyline (#891).
- Fixed bug causing cube histogram to be generated even if it was available in an HDF5 file (#899).
- Fixed bug of mis:wq sing cursor values for matched images (#900).
- Added unit test helper functions for generating FITS and HDF5 test image files.
- Introduced generic JSON object read/write/clearing for the REST API.
- Unit tests for filling spatial profiles.
- Added support for building on aarch64 Linux.
- Added directory info to file lists.
- Added support for using mipmapped datasets in HDF5 files to load downsampled data.
- Added a tile cache for loading full-resolution data from chunked HDF5 files.
- Added mip and range options to spatial profile requests.
- Added support for LINE and POLYLINE regions.
- Added support for fits.gz images using zlib.
- Added ping pong test for spectral line query.
- Added support for boolean columns in tables.
- Added support for Stokes in statistics and histogram widgets.
- Added spatial profile support to point regions.
- Browser argument no longer marked as experimental.
- Developer code style scripts consolidated into one.
- Improved custom browser option so that the child process behaves consistently.
- The scripting interface can request a subset of a called action's return value, avoiding possible serialization problems.
- Changed "stokes" to "polarizations" in file info.
- Upgraded to uWebSockets v19.2.0 to fix garbled ICD messages (#848).
- Fixed issues with FITS headers processed by casacore (#460) by parsing the FITS header or HDF5 attributes directly.
- Added missing setting keyword for the starting folder (#857).
- Fixed a crash (#774) by adding a mutex lock.
- Improve the speed of HDF5 header parsing (#861) by using H5Aiterate2 to iterate over HDF5 attributes.
- Added a fallback legacy heuristic for detecting that HDF5 attributes should be interpreted as boolean.
- Fixed a caching bug affecting images which were changed on disk (#579).
- Fixed a wrapper script issue causing an invalid frontend URL to be generated on Linux without network access.
- Use a constant-time string comparison for checking token equality.
- Added a security token to the gRPC interface.