Releases: GTNewHorizons/Applied-Energistics-2-Unofficial
Releases · GTNewHorizons/Applied-Energistics-2-Unofficial
What's Changed
- Allow crafting simulator to work with > 2^32 items in infinity chest by @repo-alt in #85
- Refactor OreHelper to use "modern" APIs by @Glease in #87
- Escape drop to search string by @slprime in #88
- Added configurable delay to level emitters, to avoid frequent cache rebuilds by @repo-alt in #92
- Fixed EC2 crafting CPU support by @repo-alt in #90
- NetworkMonitor optimization - do not rebuild cache more than once per tick by @repo-alt in #93
- update buildscript by @bombcar in #95
Full Changelog: rv3-beta-66-GTNH...rv3-beta-68-GTNH
What's Changed
Full Changelog: rv3-beta-65-GTNH...rv3-beta-66-GTNH
What's Changed
Full Changelog: rv3-beta-64-GTNH...rv3-beta-65-GTNH
Full Changelog: rv3-beta-59-GTNH...rv3-beta-63-GTNH
What's Changed
- Backport waila features from upstream by @mitchej123 in #1
- Last used recipe cache to speed up batch crafting via crafting terminal by @repo-alt in #2
- Duct tape fix for HEE replacing the Dragon Egg by @repo-alt in #3
- Revert 2-nd part of AE2 crafting optimization to possibly avoid Thermos/Chisel crash by @repo-alt in #4
- Added processing pattern terminal with 16 input slots by @repo-alt in #5
- Added ability to "upgrade" AE interface by @repo-alt in #6
- Updated gradle to 4.4.1 by @repo-alt in #8
- Added ability to encode (4 inputs -> 16 outputs) recipes by @repo-alt in #9
- GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack#5768 by @repo-alt in #10
- Fixed blocking mode for inventories not giving out anything by @repo-alt in #11
- added workaround for interface blocking mode to ignore selector circu… by @repo-alt in #12
- Reentrance check in the unload event by @repo-alt in #13
- Added check for oversized client packet by @repo-alt in #14
- Update zh_CN.lang by @Kiwi233 in #15
- Add recipes for Pattern Capacity Card. by @Pilad in #16
- Crafting only extract energy when it was able to push the pattern. by @repo-alt in #17
- Fixed Waila header by @repo-alt in #18
- Tentative fix for GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack#6404 by @repo-alt in #19
- GT EU P2P Tunnel by @repo-alt in #20
- Simplified GT EU P2P, to be ampere/voltage transparent by @repo-alt in #21
- Added ability to rename AE blocks/parts in-place by @repo-alt in #22
- P2P may be renamed and the name is visible in Waila by @repo-alt in #23
- Write p2p name to the memory card by @repo-alt in #24
- GT Energy handler & buffers increase by @repo-alt in #25
- Debug timing for interfaces & buses by @repo-alt in #26
- Network tool shows wrong power drain in tooltip by @repo-alt in #27
- Revert "Merge pull request #26 from repo-alt/rv3-1.7.10" by @repo-alt in #28
- GT power sink was returning left amperes instead of used by @repo-alt in #29
- Formation plane fixed for parts and fireworks by @repo-alt in #30
- Returned p2p default power loss to 5%. by @repo-alt in #31
- EU p2p don't use channels by @repo-alt in #32
- some random null checks by @repo-alt in #33
- Blocking mode support for input buses and the like by @repo-alt in #34
- Prevent weird GUI behaviour at small X coordinates by @repo-alt in #35
- Make energy acceptor work as a small energy cell by @repo-alt in #36
- Colored GT cables may connect to AE by @repo-alt in #37
- Better handling of item spawn events by @repo-alt in #38
- make search string persistent by @repo-alt in #39
- Make GT dependency really optional by @repo-alt in #41
- do not report negative amperes to the GT network by @repo-alt in #42
- Conduit support for interfaces by @repo-alt in #43
- Fixed charger not taking full charge by @repo-alt in #44
- Oredictionary filter card by @repo-alt in #45
- Ore dictionary filter support for cells by @repo-alt in #46
- gradle fixed by @repo-alt in #48
- Make the p2p failing to establish link message more explicit by addin… by @repo-alt in #49
- API backwards compatibility by @repo-alt in #51
- Make oredictionary filter safer by @repo-alt in #52
- Added client config to not preserve the search string in terminals by @repo-alt in #53
- Add crafted item tooltip to the pattern tooltip and craft confirm GUI by @repo-alt in #54
- Extended tooltip added also to the crafting CPU GUI by @repo-alt in #55
- Batch crafting speed improvement by @repo-alt in #56
- Save search setting in GUI by @repo-alt in #57
- Fixed fallback, if there was not enough items for a batch by @repo-alt in #58
- Fix non-uniformly filled patterns batch crafting by @repo-alt in #59
- Update zh_CN.lang by @Kiwi233 in #60
- Client side config for saving search string did not persist after change via GUI by @repo-alt in #61
- Add ability to locate p2p tunnel outputs: by @repo-alt in #62
- Add view cells to wireless terminal by @D-Cysteine in #63
- Fixed bug where remote loaded EU p2p required player visit to start working by @repo-alt in #64
- fix item comparison for items with NBT by @repo-alt in #65
- Double components button in Pattern terminal by @repo-alt in #66
- Mark interface tile chunk for saving, after all inventory manipulations by @repo-alt in #67
- AE2 fluid P2P voids liquids with EIO fluid conduits by @repo-alt in #68
- Adds less laggy thicc boi cables, repo pls check by @basdxz in #69
- null check for server startup case by @repo-alt in #70
- Add some delay before security turns on after loading grid by @repo-alt in #71
- Pattern doubling also uses free slots. Holding shift doubles to maximum. by @repo-alt in #72
- Update zh_CN.lang by @Kiwi233 in #73
- Added GT integration check, to avoid crash with other GT versions by @repo-alt in #74
- Move Crafting Status button to other buttons of terminal UI (optional) by @repo-alt in #75
- Search string drag and drop, and make fluid p2p bidirectional by @repo-alt in #77