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The thanos compact
command applies the compaction procedure of the Prometheus 2.0 storage engine to block data stored in object storage.
It is generally not semantically concurrency safe and must be deployed as a singleton against a bucket.
It is also responsible for downsampling of data:
- creating 5m downsampling for blocks larger than 40 hours (2d, 2w)
- creating 1h downsampling for blocks larger than 10 days (2w).
thanos compact --data-dir /tmp/thanos-compact --objstore.config-file=bucket.yml
The content of bucket.yml
type: GCS
bucket: example-bucket
The compactor needs local disk space to store intermediate data for its processing. Generally, about 100GB are recommended for it to keep working as the compacted time ranges grow over time. On-disk data is safe to delete between restarts and should be the first attempt to get crash-looping compactors unstuck.
Resolution - distance between data points on your graphs. E.g.
- raw - the same as scrape interval at the moment of data ingestion
- 5m - data point is every 5 minutes
- 1h - data point is every 1h
Keep in mind, that the initial goal of downsampling is not saving disk space (Read further for elaboration on storage space consumption). The goal of downsampling is providing an opportunity to get fast results for range queries of big time intervals like months or years. In other words, if you set --retention.resolution-raw
less then --retention.resolution-5m
and --retention.resolution-1h
- you might run into a problem of not being able to "zoom in" to your historical data.
To avoid confusion - you might want to think about raw
data as about "zoom in" opportunity. Considering the values for mentioned options - always think "Will I need to zoom in to the day 1 year ago?" if the answer "yes" - you most likely want to keep raw data for as long as 1h and 5m resolution, otherwise you'll be able to see only downsampled representation of how your raw data looked like.
There's also a case when you might want to disable downsampling at all with debug.disable-downsampling
. You might want to do it when you know for sure that you are not going to request long ranges of data (obviously, because without downsampling those requests are going to be much much more expensive than with it). A valid example of that case if when you only care about the last couple of weeks of your data or use it only for alerting, but if it's your case - you also need to ask yourself if you want to introduce Thanos at all instead of vanilla Prometheus?
Ideally, you will have equal retention set (or no retention at all) to all resolutions which allow both "zoom in" capabilities as well as performant long ranges queries. Since object storages are usually quite cheap, storage size might not matter that much, unless your goal with thanos is somewhat very specific and you know exactly what you're doing.
Not setting this flag, or setting it to 0d
, i.e. --retention.resolution-X=0d
, will mean that samples at the X
resolution level will be kept forever.
In fact, downsampling doesn't save you any space but instead it adds 2 more blocks for each raw block which are only slightly smaller or relatively similar size to raw block. This is required by internal downsampling implementation which to be mathematically correct holds various aggregations. This means that downsampling can increase the size of your storage a bit (~3x), but it gives massive advantage on querying long ranges.
The compactor groups blocks using the external_labels added by the Prometheus who produced the block. The labels must be both unique and persistent across different Prometheus instances.
By unique, we mean that the set of labels in a Prometheus instance must be different from all other sets of labels of your Prometheus instances, so that the compactor will be able to group blocks by Prometheus instance.
By persistent, we mean that one Prometheus instance must keep the same labels if it restarts, so that the compactor will keep compacting blocks from an instance even when a Prometheus instance goes down for some time.
Depending on the Object Storage provider like S3, GCS, Ceph etc; we can divide the storages into strongly consistent or eventually consistent. Since there are no consistency guarantees provided by some Object Storage providers, we have to make sure that we have a consistent lock-free way of dealing with Object Storage irrespective of the choice of object storage.
In order to achieve this co-ordination, blocks are not deleted directly. Instead, blocks are marked for deletion by uploading
file for the block that was chosen to be deleted. This file contains unix time of when the block was marked for deletion.
usage: thanos compact [<flags>]
continuously compacts blocks in an object store bucket
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--log.level=info Log filtering level.
--log.format=logfmt Log format to use. Possible options: logfmt or
Path to YAML file with tracing configuration.
See format details:
Alternative to 'tracing.config-file' flag (lower
priority). Content of YAML file with tracing
configuration. See format details:
Listen host:port for HTTP endpoints.
--http-grace-period=2m Time to wait after an interrupt received for
HTTP Server.
--data-dir="./data" Data directory in which to cache blocks and
process compactions.
Path to YAML file that contains object store
configuration. See format details:
Alternative to 'objstore.config-file' flag
(lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains object store configuration. See format
--consistency-delay=30m Minimum age of fresh (non-compacted) blocks
before they are being processed. Malformed
blocks older than the maximum of
consistency-delay and 48h0m0s will be removed.
How long to retain raw samples in bucket.
Setting this to 0d will retain samples of this
resolution forever
How long to retain samples of resolution 1 (5
minutes) in bucket. Setting this to 0d will
retain samples of this resolution forever
How long to retain samples of resolution 2 (1
hour) in bucket. Setting this to 0d will retain
samples of this resolution forever
-w, --wait Do not exit after all compactions have been
processed and wait for new work.
--wait-interval=5m Wait interval between consecutive compaction
runs and bucket refreshes. Only works when
--wait flag specified.
--downsampling.disable Disables downsampling. This is not recommended
as querying long time ranges without
non-downsampled data is not efficient and useful
e.g it is not possible to render all samples for
a human eye anyway
Number of goroutines to use when syncing block
metadata from object storage.
--compact.concurrency=1 Number of goroutines to use when compacting
--delete-delay=48h Time before a block marked for deletion is
deleted from bucket. If delete-delay is non
zero, blocks will be marked for deletion and
compactor component will delete blocks marked
for deletion from the bucket. If delete-delay is
0, blocks will be deleted straight away. Note
that deleting blocks immediately can cause query
failures, if store gateway still has the block
loaded, or compactor is ignoring the deletion
because it's compacting the block at the same
Path to YAML file that contains relabeling
configuration that allows selecting blocks. It
follows native Prometheus relabel-config syntax.
See format details:
Alternative to 'selector.relabel-config-file'
flag (lower priority). Content of YAML file that
contains relabeling configuration that allows
selecting blocks. It follows native Prometheus
relabel-config syntax. See format details:
--web.external-prefix="" Static prefix for all HTML links and redirect
URLs in the bucket web UI interface. Actual
endpoints are still served on / or the
web.route-prefix. This allows thanos bucket web
UI to be served behind a reverse proxy that
strips a URL sub-path.
--web.prefix-header="" Name of HTTP request header used for dynamic
prefixing of UI links and redirects. This option
is ignored if web.external-prefix argument is
set. Security risk: enable this option only if a
reverse proxy in front of thanos is resetting
the header. The
--web.prefix-header=X-Forwarded-Prefix option
can be useful, for example, if Thanos UI is
served via Traefik reverse proxy with
PathPrefixStrip option enabled, which sends the
stripped prefix value in X-Forwarded-Prefix
header. This allows thanos UI to be served on a
Prometheus label to use as timeline title in the
bucket web UI