diff --git a/_apidocs/get-opportunities-public-api.md b/_apidocs/get-opportunities-public-api.md
index 6ac8b2f77..1272184a6 100644
--- a/_apidocs/get-opportunities-public-api.md
+++ b/_apidocs/get-opportunities-public-api.md
@@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ banner-heading: Beta.SAM.Gov Get Opportunities Public API
## Overview
-Get Opportunities API provides all the published opportunity details based on the request parameters. This API supports pagination as needed. If pagination is requested, then the response will be provided to users synchronously, else the call will be asynchronous.
+Get Opportunities API provides all the published opportunity details based on the request parameters. This API requires pagination, and the response will be provided to users synchronously.
**This API only provides the latest active version of the opportunity. To view all version of the opportunity, please visit Data Services Section of Beta.Sam.Gov. All active notices in Beta.Sam.Gov are updated daily and all archived notices are updated on a weekly basis.**
-Active Opportunities: https://beta.sam.gov/data-services?domain=Contract%20Opportunities%2Fdatagov
+[Active Opportunities](https://beta.sam.gov/data-services?domain=Contract%20Opportunities%2Fdatagov)
-Archived Opportunities: https://beta.sam.gov/data-services?domain=Contract%20Opportunities%2FArchived%20Data
+[Archived Opportunities](https://beta.sam.gov/data-services?domain=Contract%20Opportunities%2FArchived%20Data)
-**API Version: v1.0**
## Getting Started
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ ncode| NAICS Code. This code is maximum of 6 digits| No| String
ccode| Classification Code| No| String
rdlfrom |Response Deadline date. Format must be MM/dd/yyyy
Note: If response date From & To is provided, then the date range is 1 year| No| String
rdlto |Response Deadline date. Format must be MM/dd/yyyy
Note: If response date From & To is provided, then the date range is 1 year| No| String
-limit |Total number of records to be retrieved per page. This field must be a number.
NOTE: If limit is not provided, request will be treated as an asynchronous request and users will receive an email with a download option to retrieve response| No |Int
+limit |Total number of records to be retrieved per page. This field must be a number
Max Value = 1000| Yes |Int
offset |Indicates the page index. Default offset starts with 0 | No| Int
## Get Opportunities Response Parameters
@@ -386,14 +385,6 @@ Note: Response for one record is provided as an example
- "data": {
- "solicitationNumber": "ITB_Test1",
- "title": "TST_T1",
- "type": "i",
- "classificationCode": "13",
- "organizationId": "100120624",
- "naics": [
- {
- "type": "primary",
- "code": [
- "111150"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "pointOfContact": [
- {
- "additionalInfo": {
- "content": ""
+ "data": {
+ "type": "i",
+ "award": {
+ "date": "2222-02-22",
+ "number": "ContractAwardNumber123-_(){}",
+ "deliveryOrderNumber": "TaskOrderNumber1234-_()"
- "email": "",
- "fax": "",
- "fullName": "GSA",
- "phone": "",
- "title": "",
- "type": "primary"
- }
- ],
- "placeOfPerformance": {
- "city": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "country": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "state": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "streetAddress": "",
- "streetAddress2": "",
- "zip": ""
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "code": [
+ "111160"
+ ],
+ "type": "primary"
+ }
+ ],
+ "title": "Create Intent To Bundle Requirements notice",
+ "archive": {
+ "date": null,
+ "type": "auto30"
+ },
+ "permissions": {
+ "IVL": {
+ "read": false,
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation": {
+ "deadlines": {
+ "response": null,
+ "responseTz": null
+ }
+ },
+ "organizationId": "100186612",
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "fax": "1234567890",
+ "type": "primary",
+ "email": "test.email2@gmail.com",
+ "phone": "1234567890",
+ "title": null,
+ "fullName": "Test User"
+ },
+ {
+ "fax": "4512367890",
+ "type": "secondary",
+ "email": "test.email@gmail.com",
+ "phone": "1234567890",
+ "title": null,
+ "fullName": "Test User 2"
+ }
+ ],
+ "classificationCode": "1005",
+ "solicitationNumber": "Test-ITB-123",
+ "additionalReporting": [
+ "recovery_act"
+ ]
- "award": {
- "date": "2019-08-08T11:20:20-05:00",
- "number": "12345",
- "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
- "amount": "number",
- "lineItemNumber": "",
- "awardee": {
- "name": "",
- "duns": "",
- "location": {
- "streetAddress": "",
- "streetAddress2": "",
- "city": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "state": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "zip": "",
- "country": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- }
+ "related": {},
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": "Test Description"
- },
- "justificationAuthority": {
- "modificationNumber": "",
- "authority": "dictionary"
- },
- },
- "permissions": {
- "IVL": {
- "create": false,
- "delete": false,
- "read": false,
- "update": false
- }
- },
- "solicitation": {
- "setAside": "SBA",
- "deadlines": {
- "response": "2019-08-08T11:20:20-05:00"
- }
- },
- "archive": {
- "type": "autocustom",
- "date": "2019-09-09"
- },
- "flags": [
- {
- "code": "",
- "isSelected": true
- }
- ],
- "link": {
- "additionalInfo": {
- "content": ""
- },
- "href": ""
- },
- "additionalReporting": [
- "none"
- },
- "description": [
- {
- "body": "Description"
- }
- ]
- "data": {
- "solicitationNumber": "Test1combine1",
- "title": "TST_T1",
- "type": "k",
- "classificationCode": "13",
- "organizationId": "100000136",
- "archive": {
- "type": "autocustom",
- "date": "2019-09-09"
- },
- "naics": [
- {
- "type": "primary",
- "code": [
- "111150"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "pointOfContact": [
- {
- "additionalInfo": {
- "content": ""
- },
- "email": "",
- "fax": "",
- "fullName": "gsa",
- "phone": "",
- "title": "",
- "type": "primary"
- }
- ],
- "permissions": {
- "IVL": {
- "create": false,
- "delete": false,
- "read": false,
- "update": false
- }
- },
- "solicitation": {
- "setAside": "",
- "deadlines": {
- "responseTz": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00",
- "response": "2019-11-11T11:12:00-05:00"
- }
- },
- "additionalReporting": [
- "none"
- ]
- },
- "description": [
+ "data": {
+ "solicitationNumber": "Test1combine1",
+ "title": "TST_T1",
+ "type": "k",
+ "classificationCode": "13",
+ "organizationId": "100186612",
+ "archive": {
+ "type": "autocustom",
+ "date": "2022-09-09"
+ },
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "code": [
+ "111150"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "additionalInfo": {
+ "content": ""
+ },
+ "email": "testemail@gsa.gov",
+ "fax": "",
+ "fullName": "test user",
+ "phone": "",
+ "title": "",
+ "type": "primary"
+ }
+ ],
+ "permissions": {
+ "IVL": {
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "read": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation": {
+ "setAside": "",
+ "deadlines": {
+ "responseTz": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00",
+ "response": "2022-11-11T11:12:00-05:00"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalReporting": [
+ "none"
+ ]
+ },
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": "Description_TEST "
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ "data":
- "body": "Description_TEST "
+ "type": "o",
+ "solicitationNumber": "test-12345678901",
+ "title": "Test submit solicitation",
+ "organizationId": "100186612",
+ "classificationCode": "1260",
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "code": ["111150"]
+ }],
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "title": "",
+ "fullName": "test contact",
+ "email": "test@test.com",
+ "phone": "",
+ "fax": "",
+ "additionalInfo":
+ {
+ "content": "Primary contact info"
+ }
+ }],
+ "placeOfPerformance":
+ {
+ "streetAddress": "1234 XYZ street",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "75376",
+ "name": "Sterling"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "VA",
+ "name": "Virginia"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "code": "USA",
+ "name":"USA"
+ }
+ "zip": ""
+ },
+ "archive":
+ {
+ "type": "autocustom",
+ "date": "2022-09-09"
+ },
+ "permissions":
+ {
+ "IVL":
+ {
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "read": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation":
+ {
+ "setAside": "SBA",
+ "deadlines":
+ {
+ "response": "2022-08-08"
+ }
+ },
+ "award":
+ {
+ "date": "",
+ "number": "",
+ "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
+ "amount": "",
+ "lineItemNumber": "",
+ "awardee":
+ {
+ "manual": false,
+ "name": "",
+ "duns": "",
+ "location":
+ {
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city":
+ {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state":
+ {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": "",
+ "country":
+ {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "justificationAuthority":
+ {
+ "modificationNumber": "",
+ "authority": "dictionary"
+ },
+ "additionalReporting": ["none"]
+ },
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": "test description"
+ }],
+ "related":
+ {
+ "opportunityId": "bc14e9f810a44e468c31fd120dd41b4f"
+ }
- ]
+ "data": {
+ "type": "o",
+ "solicitationNumber": "test-12345457",
+ "title": "Test Create and Publish SOL notice",
+ "organizationId": "100186612",
+ "classificationCode": "1260",
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "code": [
+ "111150"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "title": "",
+ "fullName": "test contact",
+ "email": "test@test.com",
+ "phone": "",
+ "fax": "",
+ "additionalInfo": {
+ "content": "Primary contact info"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "placeOfPerformance": {
+ "streetAddress": "1234 XYZ street",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "75376",
+ "name": "Sterling"
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "VA",
+ "name": "Virginia"
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "code": "USA",
+ "name": "USA"
+ },
+ "zip": ""
+ },
+ "archive": {
+ "type": "autocustom",
+ "date": "2022-09-09"
+ },
+ "permissions": {
+ "IVL": {
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "read": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation": {
+ "setAside": "SBA",
+ "deadlines": {
+ "response": "2022-08-08"
+ }
+ },
+ "award": {
+ "date": "",
+ "number": "",
+ "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
+ "amount": "",
+ "lineItemNumber": "",
+ "awardee": {
+ "manual": false,
+ "name": "",
+ "duns": "",
+ "location": {
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": "",
+ "country": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "justificationAuthority": {
+ "modificationNumber": "",
+ "authority": "dictionary"
+ },
+ "additionalReporting": [
+ "none"
+ ]
+ },
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": "test description"
+ }
+ ],
+ "related": {
+ "opportunityId": "f8ccfca94d794e07855ebe0d6f55c7d5"
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "attType": "link",
+ "link": "https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/84723",
+ "description": "test attachment pdf link"
+ },
+ {
+ "attType": "file",
+ "content": "SGVsbG8=",
+ "resourceName": "Hello.txt",
+ "fileType": "text/plain",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "private",
+ "explicitAccess": "1"
+ }
+ ]
- "requestType":"delete_request",
- "reason":"test",
- "data":{
- "description":"test",
- "title":null,
- "newArchiveDate":null,
- "newArchiveType":null,
- "deleteOption":"latest" ( “all” - to delete all versions)
- }
+ "reason": "test",
+ "requestType": "delete_request",
+ "data": {
+ "description": "test",
+ "deleteOption": "latest"
+ }
@@ -1800,18 +1978,19 @@ Examples
- "reason": "",
+ "reason": "test",
"requestType": "uncancel_request",
"data": {
- "description": "test"
+ "description": "test",
+ "newArchiveDate": null,
+ "newArchiveType": "auto15",
+ "newResponseDate": "2018-11-11T10:58:00-05:00",
+ "newResponseTz": "America/New_York"
@@ -1891,17 +2070,36 @@ HTTP Status Code | Response Type | Reason | Description
- "reason": "test",
+ "reason": "test uncancel for award notice",
"requestType": "uncancel_request",
"data": {
"description": "test",
- "newArchiveDate": null,
- "newArchiveType": "auto15",
- "newResponseDate": "2018-11-11T10:58:00-05:00",
- "newResponseTz": "America/New_York"
+ "newResponseDate": null,
+ "newResponseTz": null,
+ "newArchiveType": "autocustom",
+ "newArchiveDate": "2020-03-01",
+ "newContractAwardDate": "2020-02-02"
+Unarchive Request for a Non-Award notice
"reason": "test",
"requestType": "unarchive_request",
"data": {
- "newArchiveDate": null,
+ "newResponseDate": "2019-12-12T00:12:00-05:00",
+ "newResponseTz": "America/New_York",
"newArchiveType": "auto15",
- "newResponseDate": "2019-11-11T10:58:00-05:00",
- "newResponseTz": "America/New_York"
+ "newArchiveDate": null
+ }
Unarchive Request for a Award notice
@@ -1910,12 +2108,12 @@ Examples
+ "reason": "test unarchive for award notice",
+ "requestType": "unarchive_request",
+ "data": {
+ "newResponseDate": null,
+ "newResponseTz": null,
+ "newArchiveType": "autocustom",
+ "newArchiveDate": "2020-03-01",
+ "newContractAwardDate": "2020-02-02"
- "attType": "file",
- "content": "SGVsbG8=",
- "resourceName": "Hello.txt",
- "fileType": "text/plain",
- "packageAccessLevel": "public"
+ "attType": "file",
+ "content": "SGVsbG8=",
+ "resourceName": "Hello.txt",
+ "fileType": "text/plain",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "private",
+ "explicitAccess": "1"
Create Attachment Request - link
- "link":"https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/84723",
- "description":"test attachment pdf link",
+ "attType": "link",
+ "link": "https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/84723",
+ "description": "test attachment pdf link"
Update Attachment Request - Change File Access : Controlled Unclassified (Only applicable to files that are not published)
+ "attType": "file",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "private",
+ "explicitAccess": "1"
Update Attachment Request - Change File Access : Public (Only applicable to files that are not published)
+ "attType": "file",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "public",
+ "explicitAccess": "0"
Update Attachment Request - Change File Name (Only applicable to files that are not published)
+ "resourceName": "newFileName.pdf"
Update Attachment Request - Change Resource Order (Applicable to both files and links)
+ "sortOrderChanged": true,
+ "resourceIdBelow": "292dc517a19b4e43846f39d20e6f7ecf"
Update Attachment Request - Change Resource Order (Move resource to the bottom of the list. Applicable to both files and links)
+ "sortOrderChanged": true
Update Attachment Request - Change Link Display text
+ "resourceName": "New Display Text"
Update Attachment Request - file
- "attType": "file",
- "packageAccessLevel": "private",
- "explicitAccess": "1",
- "content": "SGVsbG8=",
- "fileType": "text/plain"
Update Attachment Request - link
- "attType": "file",
- "packageAccessLevel": "private",
- "explicitAccess": "1",
- "content": "SGVsbG8=",
- "fileType": "text/plain"
"_embedded": {
"authorizedPartyList": [
@@ -2473,7 +2714,7 @@ Examples
------- | -------
**Request Type** | POST
-**URL** | /v1/opportunities/access/{opportunityId}/accessRequest
+**URL** | /v1/api/opportunities/access/{opportunityId}/accessRequest
**Summary** | Add a Vendor as an Authorized Party for a notice to grant access to all the secured attachments across all the versions . This API will create and approve the request for the vendor.
**Consumes** | application/json
**Produces** | JSON
@@ -2485,7 +2726,7 @@ Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Required | Description
Authorization | Header | string | Yes | Valid and authorized user ID
api_key | query | string | Yes | Valid System Account API Key
opportunityId | query | string | Yes | Opportunity ID
-Request JSON | Body | JSON | Yes | [Refer Vendor Data JSON](#vendor-data-json)
+Request JSON | Body | JSON | Yes | [Refer Vendor Data Contract JSON](#vendor-data-contract-json)
@@ -2496,16 +2737,16 @@ HTTP Status Code | Response Type | Reason | Description
Response – Add Authorized Party
+Request – Add Authorized Party
+"contractorName":"test contractor",
- "data": {
- "solicitationNumber": "Test1",
- "title": "TST_T1",
- "type": "p",
- "classificationCode": "13",
- "organizationId": "100000136",
- "organizationLocationId": "",
- "naics": [{
- "type": "primary",
- "code": ["111150"]
- }],
- "pointOfContact": [{
- "additionalInfo": {
- "content": ""
- },
+ "data": {
+ "type": "",
+ "solicitationNumber": "",
+ "title": "",
+ "organizationId": "",
+ "classificationCode": "",
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "code": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "title": "",
+ "fullName": "",
"email": "",
- "fax": "",
- "fullName": "Veera",
"phone": "",
- "title": "",
- "type": "primary"
- }],
+ "fax": "",
+ "additionalInfo": {
+ "content": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
"placeOfPerformance": {
- "city": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "country": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "state": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "streetAddress": "",
- "streetAddress2": "",
- "zip": ""
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": ""
- "award": {
- "date": "",
- "number": "",
- "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
- "amount": "number",
- "lineItemNumber": "",
- "awardee": {
- "manual": false,
- "name": "",
- "duns": "",
- "location": {
- "streetAddress": "",
- "streetAddress2": "",
- "city": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "state": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- },
- "zip": "",
- "country": {
- "code": "",
- "name": ""
- }
- }
- },
- "justificationAuthority": {
- "modificationNumber": "",
- "authority": "dictionary"
- },
- "fairOpportunity": {
- "authority": ""
- }
+ "archive": {
+ "type": "autocustom",
+ "date": "2019-09-09"
"permissions": {
- "IVL": {
- "create": false,
- "delete": false,
- "read": false,
- "update": false
- }
- },
- "solicitation": {
+ "IVL": {
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "read": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation": {
"setAside": "SBA",
"deadlines": {
"response": "2019-08-08"
- "archive": {
- "type": "autocustom",
- "date": "2019-09-09"
+ "award": {
+ "date": "",
+ "number": "",
+ "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
+ "amount": "",
+ "lineItemNumber": "",
+ "awardee": {
+ "manual": false,
+ "name": "",
+ "duns": "",
+ "location": {
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": "",
+ "country": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
- "flags": [{
- "code": "",
- "isSelected": true
- }],
- "link": {
- "additionalInfo": {
- "content": ""
- },
- "href": ""
+ "justificationAuthority": {
+ "modificationNumber": "",
+ "authority": "dictionary"
- "additionalReporting": [
- "none"
+ "additionalReporting": [
+ "none"
- },
- "description": [{
- "body": ""
- }],
- "resources": [{
- "attType": "link",
- "link": "http://beta.sam.gov",
- "description": "test beta sam link",
- "packageAccessLevel": null
- {
- "attType": "link",
- "link": "https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/84723",
- "description": "test attachment pdf link",
- "packageAccessLevel": null
- }],
- "postedDate": "20190423",
- "archived": false
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "related": {
+ "opportunityId": ""
+ }
streetAddess | string | | No | No | Pop Address
streetAddess2 | string | | No | No | Pop Address2
-placeOfPerformance.city | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Pop City
code | string | | No | No | Pop City code
name | string | | No | No | Pop City name
-placeOfPerformance.state | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Pop City state
code | string | | No | No | Pop city state code
name | string | | No | No | Pop city state name
-placeOfPerformance.country | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Pop Country
country.code | string | | No | No | Pop Country Code
country.name | string | | No | No | Pop Country name
-placeOfPerformance.zip | string | | No | No | Pop Country zip
-archive | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-archive.type | string | auto15, auto30, autocustom | No | Yes | Archive Type
-archive.date | date | | No | Yes (if archive.type=
autocustom) | Archive Date
-permissions | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-permissions.ivl | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-permissions.ivl.create | boolean | | No | No | permissions.ivl.create
-permissions.ivl.read | boolean | | No | No | permissions.ivl.read
-permissions.ivl.update | boolean | Not In Use | Not In Use | Not In Use | Not In Use
-permissions.ivl.delete | boolean | Not In Use | Not In Use | Not In Use | Not In Use
-solicitation | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-solicitation.setAside | string | See Set-Aside values table | No | No | setAside
-solicitation.deadlines | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
deadlines.response | date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | No | 1) Yes (for type=k,o)
2) Yes (when archive.type=
auto1) | Deadline Date
responseresponseTz | string | | No | No | Time Zone for
Solicitation Deadline Date
-award | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-award.date | date | YYYY-MM-DD |No | Yes only for type= a | Award Date
-award.number | string | | No | Yes only for type= i, j, a | Award Number
-award.deliverOrderNumber | string | | No | No | Award Deliver Order Number
-award.amount | number | | No | No | Award Amount
-award.lineitemNumber | string | | No | No | Award Line item Number
-award.awardee | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-award.awardee.manual | string | boolean | Yes | Yes | Awardee
-award.awardee.name | string | | No | No | Awardee Name
-award.awardee.duns | string | | No | No | Awardee Duns
-award.awardee.location | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
streetAddress | string | | No | No | Awardee Street Address 1
streetAddress2 | string | | No | No | Awardee Street Address 1
city | string | | No | No | Awardee City
city.code | string | | No | No | Awardee City code
city.name | string | | No | No | Awardee City name
state | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
state.code | string | | No | No | Awardee State code
state.name | string | | No | No | Awardee State name
country | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
country.code | string | | No | No | Awardee Country code
country.name | string | | No | No | Awardee Country Name
zip | string | | No | No | Awardee Country Zip
-justificationAuthority | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
modificationNumber | string | | No | No | Justification Authority Modification Number
authority | string | | No | No | Justification Authority
-link | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-link.additionalInfo | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-link.additionalInfo.cotent | string | | No | No | Additional info
-link.href | string | | No | No | Website Address
-additionalReporting | string | none/
auto_recovery | No | Yes |
-description | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
-description.body | string | | No | Yes | Description of notice
-attType | string | link, file | No |No| Type of attachment, either link or file
-content | byte | | No|No | File content in byte format
-link | string | | |No|No | Resource link or URL
-packageAccessLevel | string | public,private(default public) | No | No| Type of access to file or link
-resourceName | string | | No|No | Name of file
-fairOpportunity | string | |No|No| Fair Opportunity|
-fairOpportunity.authority|string | |No|No| Fair Opportunity Authority
-postedDate| date| |No|No| Posted Date
-archived| string| | |No|No| Archived Status
+Name | Data Type |Field Length | Allowed Values | Required (Create/Update) | Required (Publish) | Description
+-----|-----------|-------|-------------------|------------|------------ |----------
+type | string | 1 character| [Refer Notice Types](#notice-types) | Yes | Yes | Notice Type
+solicitationNumber | string | 128 characters |a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ ( ) {} |No | Yes (No for type = s (Special Notice)) | Solicitation Number
+title | string | 256 characters | |Yes | Yes | Title of the Opportunity
+organizationId | string | 32 characters | | Yes | Yes | FH Organization Id/AAC code of the office where an Opportunity is being submitted
+classificationCode | string | | | No | Yes (No for type = r, g, a (SourcesSought, Sale of Surplus, Awards)) | Product Service Code (PSC)
+naics | JSON Array | NA |NA | NA | NA |
+naics.code | Array of String | | NAICS Reference| No | Yes for type = k, o (Combined Synopsis, Solicitation) | Valid NAICS Code
+naics.type | string | |primary| No | Yes | NAICS Type Note: 'p' must be in lower case
+pointOfContact | JSON Array | NA |NA | NA | NA |
+pointOfContact.type | string | | primary
secondary | No | Yes (No for type = a, s (Award, Special Notice)) | Contact Type Note: 'p' and 's' must be in lower case
+pointOfContact.title | string | | | No | No | Contact title
+pointOfContact.fullname | string | 255 characters| | No | Yes (No for type = a (Award))| Contact Full Name
+pointOfContact.email | string |255 characters | | No | Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | Contact email
+pointOfContact.phone | string |255 characters | | No | No | Contact Phone
+pointOfContact.fax | string | 255 characters | | No | No | Contact Fax
+pointOfContact.additionalInfo | JSON |NA |NA | NA | NA | Any additional information on Point of Contact
content | String | | | No | No | Details of the additional information on Point of Contact
+placeOfPerformance | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA |
streetAddess | string | | | No | No | Pop Address
streetAddess2 | string | | | No | No | Pop Address2
+placeOfPerformance.city | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA | Pop City
code | string | | | No | No | Pop City code
name | string | | | No | No | Pop City name
+placeOfPerformance.state | JSON |NA | NA | NA | NA | Pop City state
code | string | | | No | No | Pop city state code
name | string | | | No | No | Pop city state name
+placeOfPerformance.country | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA | Pop Country
country.code | string | | | No | No | Pop Country Code
country.name | string | | | No | No | Pop Country name
+placeOfPerformance.zip | string | | | No | No | Pop Country zip
+archive | JSON |NA | NA | NA | NA | Contract opportunity archive policy information
+archive.type | string | | auto15
autocustom | No | Yes | Archive Type
The policy will determine the date either by validation of other dates associated to the notice or by a manually entered date that will be used for marking the notice inactive
+archive.date | date | | | No | Yes for archive.type = autocustom | Archive Date
This date will indicate when a notice will be moved to the inactive status. This date must be in the future
+permissions | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA |
+permissions.ivl | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA |Government determined use and visibility of the 'Interested Vendor's List' where users outside the notice can indicate a interest in the notice
+permissions.ivl.create | boolean | | | No | Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | IVL create permission
+permissions.ivl.read | boolean | | | No | Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | IVL read permission
+permissions.ivl.update | boolean | | | No | No | IVL update permission
+permissions.ivl.delete | boolean | | | No | No | IVL delete permission
+solicitation | JSON |NA | NA | NA | NA |
+solicitation.setAside | string | |[Refer Set-Aside Values](#set-aside-values) | No | No | Set-Aside code
The designator for type of set aside determined for the contract action
+solicitation.deadlines | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA |Response deadline date for Contract opportunity
deadlines.response | date | |YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | No | 1) Yes for type = k, o (Combine Synopsis, Solicitation)
2) Yes if archive.type=auto15 except type = a (Award) | Deadline Date
responseTz |string | | | No | No | Time Zone for
Solicitation Deadline Date
+award | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA | This section is mainly used for providing award information that is required for Award, Justification and Intent to Bundle opportunity types
+award.date | date | |YYYY-MM-DD |No | Yes only for type = a (Award) | Award Date
+award.number | string | 255 characters | |No | Yes only for type= i, j, a (Intent to Bundle, Justification, Award) | Award Number
+award.deliverOrderNumber | string | 255 characters| | No | Yes only for type = j (Justification) | Award Delivery Order Number
+award.amount | number |64 digits | | No | Yes only for type = a (Award) | Award Amount
+award.lineitemNumber | string |255 characters | | No | No | Contract Line item Number
+award.awardee | JSON | NA| NA | NA | NA |Awardee details; Only for type = a (Award)
+award.awardee.name | string | 255 characters | | No | No; Either awardee.name or awardee.duns is required | Awardee Name
+award.awardee.duns | string | 9 digits | | No | No; Either awardee.name or awardee.duns is required | Awardee Duns
+award.awardee.location | JSON |NA | NA | NA | NA | Awardee Location details; **Required if awardee.name is provided**
streetAddress | string | | | No | No | Awardee Street Address
streetAddress2 | string | | | No | No | Awardee Street Address 2
city | JSON |NA |NA |NA | NA | Awardee City details
city.code | string | | | No | Yes | Awardee City code
city.name | string | | | No | No | Awardee City name
state | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA | Awardee State details
state.code | string | | | No | Yes | Awardee State code
state.name | string | | | No | No | Awardee State name
country | JSON | NA| NA | NA | NA |Awardee Country details
country.code | string | | | No | Yes | Awardee Country code
country.name | string | | | No | No | Awardee Country Name
zip | string | | | No | No | Awardee Country Zip code
+justificationAuthority | JSON |NA |NA | NA | NA | Only for type = j (Justification)
modificationNumber | string | 32 characters| | No | No | Justification Authority Modification Number
authority | string| | | No | Yes | Justification Authority
+additionalReporting | string | |None,
auto_recovery | No | Yes; No for type = s (Special Notice) | Initiative that applies to the notice
+description | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA |
+description.body | string | 65535 characters| | No | Yes; No for type = a (Award) | Description of the notice
+related | JSON | NA | NA | NA | NA | Related Notice information
+related.opportunityId | string | 32 characters| | No | No | Opportunity Id of the related notice
@@ -2887,6 +3089,234 @@ Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
requestType | string | publish_request | Yes | Type of request
reason | string | | No | Publish reason
+### Create and Publish Opportunity Contract JSON
+ "data": {
+ "type": "",
+ "solicitationNumber": "",
+ "title": "",
+ "organizationId": "",
+ "classificationCode": "",
+ "naics": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "code": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pointOfContact": [
+ {
+ "type": "primary",
+ "title": "",
+ "fullName": "",
+ "email": "",
+ "phone": "",
+ "fax": "",
+ "additionalInfo": {
+ "content": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "placeOfPerformance": {
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "country": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": ""
+ },
+ "archive": {
+ "type": "autocustom",
+ "date": "2019-09-09"
+ },
+ "permissions": {
+ "IVL": {
+ "create": false,
+ "delete": false,
+ "read": false,
+ "update": false
+ }
+ },
+ "solicitation": {
+ "setAside": "SBA",
+ "deadlines": {
+ "response": "2019-08-08"
+ }
+ },
+ "award": {
+ "date": "",
+ "number": "",
+ "deliveryOrderNumber": "",
+ "amount": "",
+ "lineItemNumber": "",
+ "awardee": {
+ "manual": false,
+ "name": "",
+ "duns": "",
+ "location": {
+ "streetAddress": "",
+ "streetAddress2": "",
+ "city": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "state": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ },
+ "zip": "",
+ "country": {
+ "code": "",
+ "name": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "justificationAuthority": {
+ "modificationNumber": "",
+ "authority": "dictionary"
+ },
+ "additionalReporting": [
+ "none"
+ ]
+ },
+ "description": [
+ {
+ "body": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "related": {
+ "opportunityId": ""
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "attType": "link",
+ "link": "",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "attType": "file",
+ "content": "",
+ "resourceName": "",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "",
+ "explicitAccess": "",
+ "exportControlled": null
+ }
+ ]
secondary | Yes (No for type = a, s (Award, Special Notice)) | Contact Type Note: 'p' and 's' must be in lower case
+pointOfContact.title | string | | | No | Contact title
+pointOfContact.fullname | string | 255 characters| | Yes (No for type = a (Award))| Contact Full Name
+pointOfContact.email | string |255 characters | | Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | Contact email
+pointOfContact.phone | string |255 characters | | No | Contact Phone
+pointOfContact.fax | string | 255 characters | | No | Contact Fax
+pointOfContact.additionalInfo | JSON |NA |NA | NA | Any additional information on Point of Contact
content | String | | | No | Details of the additional information on Point of Contact
+placeOfPerformance | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
streetAddess | string | | |No | Pop Address
streetAddess2 | string | | | No | Pop Address2
+placeOfPerformance.city | JSON | NA | NA |NA | Pop City
code | string | | |No | Pop City code
name | string | | |No | Pop City name
+placeOfPerformance.state | JSON |NA | NA |NA | Pop City state
code | string | | | No | Pop city state code
name | string | | | No | Pop city state name
+placeOfPerformance.country | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Pop Country
country.code | string | | |No | Pop Country Code
country.name | string | | |No | Pop Country name
+placeOfPerformance.zip | string | | |No | Pop Country zip
+archive | JSON |NA | NA | NA | Contract opportunity archive policy information
+archive.type | string | | auto15
autocustom | Yes | Archive Type
The policy will determine the date either by validation of other dates associated to the notice or by a manually entered date that will be used for marking the notice inactive
+archive.date | date | | |Yes for archive.type = autocustom | Archive Date
This date will indicate when a notice will be moved to the inactive status. This date must be in the future
+permissions | JSON | NA | NA | NA
+permissions.ivl | JSON | NA | NA | NA |Government determined use and visibility of the 'Interested Vendor's List' where users outside the notice can indicate a interest in the notice
+permissions.ivl.create | boolean | | | Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | IVL create permission
+permissions.ivl.read | boolean | | |Yes (No for type = a (Award)) | IVL read permission
+permissions.ivl.update | boolean | | | No | IVL update permission
+permissions.ivl.delete | boolean | | |No | IVL delete permission
+solicitation | JSON |NA | NA | NA
+solicitation.setAside | string | |[Refer Set-Aside Values](#set-aside-values) | No | Set-Aside code
The designator for type of set aside determined for the contract action
+solicitation.deadlines | JSON | NA | NA | NA |Response deadline date for Contract opportunity
deadlines.response | date | |YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | 1) Yes for type = k, o (Combine Synopsis, Solicitation)
2) Yes if archive.type=auto15 except type = a (Award) | Deadline Date
responseTz |string | | |No | Time Zone for
Solicitation Deadline Date
+award | JSON | NA | NA | NA| This section is mainly used for providing award information that is required for Award, Justification and Intent to Bundle opportunity types
+award.date | date | |YYYY-MM-DD | Yes only for type = a (Award) | Award Date
+award.number | string | 255 characters | |Yes only for type= i, j, a (Intent to Bundle, Justification, Award) | Award Number
+award.deliverOrderNumber | string | 255 characters| | Yes only for type = j (Justification) | Award Delivery Order Number
+award.amount | number |64 digits | | Yes only for type = a (Award) | Award Amount
+award.lineitemNumber | string |255 characters | | No | Contract Line item Number
+award.awardee | JSON | NA| NA | NA |Awardee details; Only for type = a (Award)
+award.awardee.name | string | 255 characters | | No; Either awardee.name or awardee.duns is required | Awardee Name
+award.awardee.duns | string | 9 digits | | No; Either awardee.name or awardee.duns is required | Awardee Duns
+award.awardee.location | JSON |NA | NA | NA | Awardee Location details; **Required if awardee.name is provided**
streetAddress | string | | | No | Awardee Street Address
streetAddress2 | string | | | No | Awardee Street Address 2
city | JSON |NA |NA |NA | Awardee City details
city.code | string | | | Yes | Awardee City code
city.name | string | | | No | Awardee City name
state | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Awardee State details
state.code | string | | | Yes | Awardee State code
state.name | string | | | No | Awardee State name
country | JSON | NA| NA | NA |Awardee Country details
country.code | string | | | Yes | Awardee Country code
country.name | string | | | No | Awardee Country Name
zip | string | | | No | Awardee Country Zip code
+justificationAuthority | JSON |NA |NA | NA | Only for type = j (Justification)
modificationNumber | string | 32 characters| | No | Justification Authority Modification Number
authority | string| | | Yes | Justification Authority
+additionalReporting | string | |none,
auto_recovery | Yes; No for type = s (Special Notice) | Initiative that applies to the notice
+description | JSON | NA | NA | NA |
+description.body | string | 65535 characters| | Yes; No for type = a (Award) | Description of the notice
+related | JSON | NA | NA | NA | Related Notice information
+related.opportunityId | string | 32 characters| | No | Opportunity Id of the related notice
+resources | JSON |NA | NA | NA |
+resources.attType | string | |link, file | No| Type of attachment, either link or file
+resources.content | byte |250MB | | No | File content in base64 format
+resources.link | string | 255 characters | |No | Resource link URL
+resources.packageAccessLevel | string | | public,
(default public) | No| Type of access to file
+resources.resourceName | string | 255 characters | | No | Name of file
+resources.description | string |255 characters | | No | Description of the link
+resources.explicitAccess | string |1 character | 0, 1 (defaults to '0' public access, if not provided) |No |Explicit Access. For Controlled Unclassified files, specify '1'
+resources.exportControlled | string |1 character | 0 | No |Export Controlled. * Captured for future JCP validation
### Revise Opportunity Contract JSON
@@ -2910,7 +3340,7 @@ reason | string | | No | Publish reason
Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
requestType | string | update_publish_request | Yes | Type of request
-reason | string | | Yes | Reason for revision
+reason | string | | No | Reason for revision
@@ -2937,7 +3367,7 @@ reason | string | | Yes | Reason for revision
Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
-Reason | string | | Yes | Reason for cancelation
+reason | string | | No | Reason for cancelation
requestType | string | cancel_request | Yes | Type of request
description | string | | Yes | Description for cancelation
@@ -2952,15 +3382,14 @@ description | string | | Yes | Description for cancelation
@@ -2975,12 +3404,11 @@ Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
reason | string | | Yes | Reason for uncanceling
requestType | string | uncancel_request | Yes | Type of request
description | string | | Yes | Description for uncanceling
-newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if unarchiving an award notice) | New Contract Award Date
-newArchiveDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if newArchiveType=autocustome) | New Archive Date
-newArchiveType | string | auto15, auto30, autocustom | Yes | New Archive Type
-newResponseDate | date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | Yes (if newArchiveType = auto15) | New Response Date
-newResponseTz | string | America/New_York | Yes (if newResponseDate is provided) | New Response Time Zone
-newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if type=a) | New Contract Award Date
+newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes only for type = a (Award)| New Contract Award Date
+newArchiveDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes if newArchiveType=autocustom | New Archive Date
+newArchiveType | string | auto15,
"reason": "",
- "requestType": " uncancel_request ",
+ "requestType": "uncancel_request",
"data": {
"description": "",
"newContractAwardDate": "",
"newArchiveDate": "",
"newArchiveType": "",
"newResponseDate": "",
- "newResponseTz": "America/New_York",
- "newContractAwardDate": ""
+ "newResponseTz": "America/New_York"
autocustom | Yes | New Archive Type
+newResponseDate | date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | 1) Yes for types = k, o (Combined Synopsis/Solicitation) 2) Yes if newArchive.type=auto15 except for type = a (Award) | New Response Date
+newResponseTz | string | | No | New Response Time Zone
@@ -3005,7 +3433,7 @@ newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if type=a) | New Contract Award
Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
requestType | string | archive_request | Yes | Type of request
-reason | string | | Yes | Archive reason
+reason | string | | No | Archive reason
@@ -3036,13 +3464,13 @@ reason | string | | Yes | Archive reason
Name | Data Type | Allowed Values | Required | Description
-reason | string | | Yes | Reason for uncanceling
+reason | string | | Yes | Reason for unarchiving
requestType | string | unarchive_request | Yes | Type of request
-newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if unarchiving an award notice) | New Contract Award Date
-newArchiveDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes (if newArchiveType=autocustom) | New Archive Date
-newArchiveType | string | auto15, auto30, autocustom | Yes | New Archive Type
-newResponseDate | date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | Yes (if newArchiveType = auto15) | New Response Date
-newResponseTz | string | America/New_York | Yes (if newResponseDate is provided) | New Response Time Zone
+newContractAwardDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes for type = a (Award)| New Contract Award Date
+newArchiveDate | date | YYYY-MM-DD | Yes if newArchiveType=autocustom | New Archive Date
+newArchiveType | string | auto15,
autocustom | Yes | New Archive Type
+newResponseDate | date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-05:00 | 1) Yes for types = k, o (Combined Synopsis/Solicitation) 2) Yes if newArchive.type=auto15 except for type = a (Award) | New Response Date
+newResponseTz | string | | No | New Response Time Zone
@@ -3057,8 +3485,10 @@ newResponseTz | string | America/New_York | Yes (if newResponseDate is provided)
"attType": "file",
"content": "",
"resourceName": "",
- "fileType": "text/plain",
- "packageAccessLevel": "public"
+ "fileType": "",
+ "packageAccessLevel": "",
+ "explicitAccess":"",
+ "exportControlled": null
"attType": "file",
- "packageAccessLevel": "private",
- "explicitAccess": "1",
-"content": "SGVsbG8=",
-"fileType": "text/plain"
+ "packageAccessLevel": "",
+ "explicitAccess": "",
+ "resourceName": "",
+ "sortOrderChanged":true ,
+ "resourceIdBelow": ""
+ "resourceName": ""
- "requestType”: delete_request",
- "reason":"test",
+ "reason": "",
+ "requestType": "delete_request",
"data": {
- "description”: “test",
- "title”: null,
- "newArchiveDate":null,
- "newArchiveType":null,
- "deleteOption”: latest" ( “all” - to delete all versions)
- }
+ "description": "",
+ "deleteOption": "all" -- "latest" to delete the latest published version of a notice
+ }
+ }