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8b0564d · May 16, 2023




Content Folder

Internationalization Support Toggle

To toggle on the internationalization support feature, set the languageToggleActive to true in the nuxt.config.js file.

Now when creating or editing content files, any text that will be shown to the user and translated, needs
to be in the markdown files' corresponding json file. It must also be referenced in the dot notation.
Here is an example:

title: centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.title
summary: centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.summary
lede: centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.lede

  - social-security-administration
  - u-s-department-of-veteran-affairs

// centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.json
  "centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.title": "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid",
  "centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.summary": "Administers Medicare, Medicaid, and the Health Insurance Exchanges.",
  "centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.lede": "Administers Medicare, Medicaid, and the Health Insurance Exchanges."

Since I want the title, summary, and lede to be text, and I know that it will be shown to the user, I will need to reference them using the dot notation. This notation is as follows [name of the file].[name of variable]. See a more complex example below.

  - label: death-of-a-loved-one.eligibilityCriteria.label

// some-beneift.json
  "some-benefit.eligibleCriteria.label": "Death of a loved one"

New Content Translation

The content is now beinbg translated following a dot (key.key...) notation to allow for smooth translation. Currently the content of the content files are to be moved to their respective json language files. Following the convention layed out in the locales/en.json file. (will be migrating the content to json files that individually correspond to the content files before this branch is merged with main)

One Life Event Version

To toggle between the one life event version and the full version, a content manager must follow the steps below.

  1. Modify the file to include the lifeEvent variable.
  2. Example of the lifeEvent variable: lifeEvent: retirement
  3. Commit and push the changes to the github repository.
  4. View the federalist site to verify changes.

Top-Level Filters

In order to provide BEARS users with a reduced and tailored list of eligibility questions you can use the following encoding in a file:


  - label: "Start here"
    criteriaKey: applicant_served_in_active_military
    disableGroupKey: applicant
    disableGroupWhen: ["not applicable"]

  - label: "About you (the person applying for benefits)"
    description: ""
    criteriaGroupKey: applicant
      - applicant_served_in_active_military
      - applicant_disability
      - applicant_marital_status

The top-level filter disableGroupKey will look for the Eligibility Criteria criteriaGroupKey that matches and will disable all criteriaKeys found when any values in the disableGroupWhen are met.

Date Criteria

In order to use the date input logic correctly you must put the key and acceptance values in with accordance to our encoding:

We have several options for inputting a date:

  1. Comparator into the criteria

    • > / < / =
    • Will check the users date against the given date using the specified comparator
    • Next we will put in the date >11-14-1999
    • Needs to follow this pattern >MM-DD-YYYY
  2. Dynamically calculated date (i.e. the user has to be older than 60 years)

    • We can do this by following a similar pattern
    • >60years
    • The pattern is the operator then an amount of time then a determiner (months, days, years)
    • You are also able to put in multiple dates / encodings to create a range
    • i.e. You wish to only have a user be eligible if they are older than 40 years and less than 60 years
    • acceptanceValues: ["<60years", ">40years"]