From bca3ab111cb4389bd95c9c41e3599d690a7d0692 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 19:11:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 01/67] PC - working version of VIIRS reader

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/      | 938 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 938 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9820f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+Reads Level 2 Deep Blue and Dark Target retrievals applied to VIIRS
+granules for a single day and returns a
+single object with the relevant data.
+Builds on the heritage of
+This software is hereby placed in the public domain.
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
+from glob     import glob
+from dateutil.parser import isoparse
+from pyobs.npz import NPZ
+from binObs_   import binobs2d, binobs3d
+    from pyods import ODS # must be inported before pyhdf
+    pass
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+from bits import BITS
+DATE_START = datetime(1993,1,1,0,0,0)
+SDS = dict (
+     DT_META = ('longitude', 'latitude',
+              'sensor_zenith_angle', 'sensor_azimuth_angle',
+              'solar_zenith_angle', 'solar_azimuth_angle',
+              'Scattering_Angle', 'Glint_Angle'),
+     DT_LAND = ( 'Mean_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land',
+               'Surface_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Land',
+               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag',
+               'Number_Pixels_Used_Land',
+               'STD_Reflectance_Land'),
+     DT_OCEAN = ( 'Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean',
+               'Optical_Depth_Small_Average_Ocean',
+               'Effective_Radius_Ocean',
+               'Asymmetry_Factor_Average_Ocean',
+               'Angstrom_Exponent_1_Ocean',
+               'Angstrom_Exponent_2_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Ocean',
+               'Mean_Reflectance_Ocean',
+               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag' ),
+     DB_META = ('Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Scan_Start_Time',
+              'Viewing_Zenith_Angle', 'Relative_Azimuth_Angle',
+              'Solar_Zenith_Angle',
+              'Scattering_Angle' ),
+     DB_LAND = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land',
+               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land',
+               'Spectral_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land',
+               'Spectral_Surface_Reflectance',
+               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land_Best_Estimate',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_STDV_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land',
+               'Algorithm_Flag_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Type_Land',
+               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land',
+               'Number_Valid_Pixels'),
+     DB_OCEAN = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean', 
+               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean',
+               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean_Best_Estimate',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_STDV_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean',
+               'Algorithm_Flag_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Type_Ocean',
+               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean',
+               'Number_Valid_Pixels',
+               'Wind_Speed',
+               'Wind_Direction')
+        )
+# NOTE: DEEP BLUE does not have cloud information in their files.
+# AOD Shannels
+CHANNELS = dict (
+                   DT_LAND = ( 480., 550., 670., 2250.),
+                   DT_OCEAN = ( 480., 550., 670., 860., 1240., 1600., 2250. ),
+                   DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 550, 670 ), # file has 550 separate
+                   DB_OCEAN = (488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.),
+                   SREF = ( 480., 670., 2250. )
+                )
+ALIAS = dict (  Longitude = 'lon',
+                Latitude = 'lat',
+                longitude = 'lon',
+                latitude  = 'lat',
+                Viewing_Zenith_Angle = 'SensorZenith',
+                sensor_zenith_angle  = 'SensorZenith',
+                sensor_azimuth_angle = 'SensorAzimuth',
+                Relative_Azimuth_Angle = 'RelativeAzimuth',
+                Solar_Zenith_Angle = 'SolarZenith',
+                solar_zenith_angle = 'SolarZenith',
+                solar_azimuth_angle = 'SolarAzimuth',
+                Scattering_Angle = 'ScatteringAngle',
+                Glint_Angle = 'GlintAngle',
+                Mean_Reflectance_Land = 'reflectance',
+                Surface_Reflectance_Land = 'sfc_reflectance',
+                Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land = 'aod',
+                Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Land = 'cloud',
+                Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean = 'aod',
+                Optical_Depth_Small_Average_Ocean = 'aod_fine',
+                Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Ocean = 'cloud',
+                Mean_Reflectance_Ocean = 'reflectance',
+                Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land = 'aod3ch',
+                Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land = 'aod550',
+                Spectral_Surface_Reflectance = 'sfc_reflectance',
+                Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land = 'reflectance',
+                Spectral_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land = 'ssa',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Land = 'atype',
+                Angstrom_Exponent_Land = 'angstrom',
+                Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean = 'aod',
+                Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean = 'aod550',
+                Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean = 'reflectance',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'atype',
+                Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean = 'angstrom',                
+                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',
+                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',
+                Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land = 'qa_flag',
+                Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean = 'qa_flag',
+                Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag = 'qa_flag',
+                Scan_Start_Time = 'Time',
+             )
+BAD, MARGINAL, GOOD, BEST = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) # DT QA marks
+# for DB 0 = no retrieval, 1 = poor, 2 = moderate, 3 = good
+translate_sat = {'Suomi-NPP': 'SNPP'}
+KX = dict ( SNPP_DT_OCEAN = 301,
+            SNPP_DT_LAND  = 302,
+            SNPP_DB_OCEAN  = 310,
+            SNPP_DB_LAND  = 311, 
+          )
+KT = dict ( AOD = 45, )
+IDENT = dict ( SNPP_DT_OCEAN = 'vsnppdto',
+               SNPP_DT_LAND  = 'vsnppdtl',
+               SNPP_DB_OCEAN  = 'vsnppdbo',
+               SNPP_DB_LAND  = 'vsnppdbl',
+          )
+MISSING = 999.999
+class Vx04_L2(object):
+    """
+    This class implements the VIIRS Level 2 AEROSOL products.
+    VIIRS currently flies on the Suomi NPP (SNPP) and NOAA-20 (FKA JPSS-1) satellites
+    VIIRS will be flown on JPSS-2,3, and 4
+    The Level2 AEROSOL products are implementations of the MODIS Deep Blue and Dark Target algoritms,
+    referred to as MOD04 (TERRA satellite) and MYD04 (AQUA satellite).
+    Therefore, we will refer to these products at VSNPP04 and VN2004, respectively
+    """
+    def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
+                  only_good=True,SDS=SDS,alias=None):
+       """
+       Reads individual granules or a full day of Level 2 Vx04 files
+       present on a given *Path* and returns a single object with
+       all data concatenated for a given algorithm. On input, 
+       Required parameters:
+         Path -- can be a single file, a single directory, of a list
+                 of files and directories.  Directories are
+                 transversed recursively. If a non Vx04 Level 2
+                 file is encountered, it is simply ignored.
+         Algo -- Algorithm: DT or DB
+         Surface -- OCEAN or LAND
+       Optional parameters:
+         syn_type  --- synoptic time
+         nsyn      --- number of synoptic times per day
+         only_good --- keep only *good* observations
+         Verb      -- Verbose level:
+                 0 - really quiet (default)
+                 1 - Warns if invalid file is found
+                 2 - Prints out non-zero number of aerosols in each file.
+         SDS      --- Variables to be read from L2 Aerosol files.  Must 
+                      be a dictionary with keys '{Algo}_META' and '{Algo}_{Surface}'
+         ALIAS    --- dictionary of alises for SDSs
+       """
+       algo = '{}_{}'.format(Algo,Surface)
+       if algo not in ('DT_LAND', 'DT_OCEAN', 'DB_LAND', 'DB_OCEAN'):
+           raise ValueError, "invalid algorithm "+algo+" --- must be DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, DB_OCEAN"
+#      Initially are lists of numpy arrays for each granule
+#      ------------------------------------------------
+       self.verb = Verb
+       self.sat  = None # Satellite name
+       self.col  = None # collection, e.g., 011
+       self.algo = algo
+       self.SDS = SDS['{}_META'.format(Algo)] + SDS[algo]
+       self.SDS_META = SDS['{}_META'.format(Algo)]
+       # Add/Substitute some aliases if given
+       # ------------------------------------
+       self.ALIAS = ALIAS.copy()
+       if alias is not None:
+           for a in alias: self.ALIAS[a] = alias[a]  
+       # Create empty lists for SDS to be read from file
+       # -----------------------------------------------
+       for name in self.SDS:
+           self.__dict__[name] = []
+       # Read each granule, appending them to the list
+       # ---------------------------------------------
+       if type(Path) is list:
+           if len(Path) == 0:
+               self.nobs = 0
+               print "WARNING: Empty Vx04_L2 object created"
+               return
+       else:
+           Path = [Path, ]
+       self._readList(Path)
+       #Protect against empty MXD04 files
+       # --------------------------------
+       if len(self.Scattering_Angle) == 0:
+           self.nobs = 0
+           print "WARNING: Empty MxD04_L2 object created"
+           return           
+       # Make each attribute a single numpy array
+       # ----------------------------------------
+       if 'DT' in self.algo:
+           self.SDS += ('Scan_Start_Time',)
+       for sds in self.SDS:
+           try:
+               self.__dict__[sds] =[sds])
+           except:
+               print "Failed concatenating "+sds
+       # Determine index of "good" observations
+       # --------------------------------------
+       if self.algo == 'DT_LAND':
+           self.iGood = self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag == BEST
+       elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
+           self.iGood = self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag > BAD
+       elif self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
+           self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land > BAD # for now
+       elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':
+           self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean > BAD
+       else:
+           raise ValueError, 'invalid algorithm (very strange)'
+       # Keep only "good" observations
+       # -----------------------------
+       if only_good:
+           m = self.iGood
+           for sds in self.SDS:
+               rank = len(self.__dict__[sds].shape)
+               if rank == 1:
+                   self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m]
+               elif rank == 2:
+                   self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m,:]
+               else:
+                   raise IndexError, 'invalid rank=%d'%rank
+           self.iGood = self.iGood[m]
+       # Make aliases for compatibility with older code 
+       # ----------------------------------------------
+       Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+       for sds in self.SDS:
+           if sds in Alias:
+               self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] 
+       # Calculate Glint angle for Deep Blue
+       # ----------------------
+       if 'DB' in self.algo:
+           sza = np.radians(self.SolarZenith)
+           vza = np.radians(self.SensorZenith)
+           raa = np.radians(self.RelativeAzimuth)
+           cglint = np.cos(sza)*np.cos(vza) + np.sin(sza)*np.sin(vza)*np.cos(np.pi-raa)
+           self.GlintAngle = np.arccos(cglint)
+       # Create corresponding python time
+       # --------------------------------
+       if 'DB' in self.algo:
+           self.Time = np.array([DATE_START+timedelta(seconds=s) for s in self.Scan_Start_Time])
+       # ODS friendly attributes
+       # -----------------------
+       self.nobs = self.Scattering_Angle.shape[0]
+       self.kx = KX[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
+       self.ident = IDENT[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
+       self.channels = CHANNELS[self.algo]
+       if Algo == 'DT':
+           self.sChannels = CHANNELS["SREF"]   # LAND surface reflectivity (not the same as algo)           
+       else:
+           self.sChannels = CHANNELS[self.algo] # deep blue surface bands are the same as algorithm
+       if 'DB' in self.algo:
+           self.rChannels = self.Reflectance_Bands
+       elif self.algo == 'DT_LAND':
+           self.rChannels = np.array([480.,670.,2250.])
+       elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
+           self.rChannels = np.array([480.,550.,670.,860.,1240.,1600.,2250.])
+       if syn_time == None:
+           self.syn_time = None
+           self.time = None
+           self.nymd = None
+           self.nhms = None
+           self.nsyn = None
+       else:
+           Dt = [ t-syn_time for t in self.Time ]
+           self.time = np.array([ (86400.*dt.days+dt.seconds)/60. for dt in Dt ])   # in minutes
+           self.syn_time = syn_time
+           self.nymd = 10000 * syn_time.year + 100*syn_time.month  +
+           self.nhms = 10000 * syn_time.hour + 100*syn_time.minute + syn_time.second
+           self.nsyn = nsyn # number of synoptic times per day
+       # Concatenate AOD channels for Deep Blue
+       # --------------------------------------
+       if self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
+           try: 
+               self.aod = np.ones((self.nobs,4))
+               self.aod[:,0] = self.aod3ch[:,0]
+               self.aod[:,1] = self.aod3ch[:,1]
+               self.aod[:,2] = self.aod550[:]
+               self.aod[:,3] = self.aod3ch[:,2]
+           except:
+               pass # don't fuss, aod3ch may not have been read
+       # Create a pseudo cloud fraction for Deep Blue
+       if Algo == 'DB':
+  = self.Number_Of_Pixels_Used.astype(float)/self.Number_Valid_Pixels.astype(float)
+    def _readList(self,List):
+        """
+        Recursively, look for files in list; list items can
+        be files or directories.
+        """
+        for item in List:
+            if os.path.isdir(item):      self._readDir(item)
+            elif os.path.isfile(item):   
+                if 'DB' in self.algo:
+                    self._readGranuleDB(item)
+                else:
+                    self._readGranuleDT(item)
+            else:
+                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+    def _readDir(self,dir):
+        """Recursively, look for files in directory."""
+        for item in os.listdir(dir):
+            path = dir + os.sep + item
+            if os.path.isdir(path):      self._readDir(path)
+            elif os.path.isfile(path):   self._readGranule(path)
+            else:
+                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+    def _readGranuleDB(self,filename):
+        """Reads one Vx04 Deep Blue granule with Level 2 aerosol data."""
+        # Don't fuss if the file cannot be opened
+        # ---------------------------------------
+        try:
+            if self.verb:
+                print "[] Working on "+filename
+            nc = Dataset(filename)
+        except:
+            if self.verb > 2:
+                print "- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename
+            return 
+        # Read select variables (reshape to allow concatenation later)
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        for sds in self.SDS:
+            v = nc.variables[sds][:]
+            a = nc.variables[sds].ncattrs()
+            if 'scale_factor' in a:
+                scale = nc.variables[sds].getncattr('scale_factor')
+                v = scale*v
+            if 'add_offset' in a:
+                add = nc.variables[sds].getncattr('add_offset')
+                v = v + add
+            if len(v.shape) == 3:
+                if "TOA_Reflectance" in sds:
+                    i, j, k = v.shape
+                    v = v.reshape((i*j,k))
+                else:
+                    i, j, k = v.shape
+                    v = v.reshape((i,j*k)).T
+            elif len(v.shape) == 2:
+                v = v.ravel()
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, "invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds
+            self.__dict__[sds].append(v) 
+#       Satellite name
+#       --------------
+        if self.sat is None:
+            self.sat = translate_sat[nc.platform]
+#       Collection
+#       ----------
+        if self.col is None:
+            self.col = nc.product_name.split('.')[-3]
+#       Reflectance Bands
+#       ------------------
+        self.Reflectance_Bands = nc.variables['Reflectance_Bands'][:]
+    def _readGranuleDT(self,filename):
+        """Reads one Vx04 Dark Target granule with Level 2 aerosol data."""
+        # Don't fuss if the file cannot be opened
+        # ---------------------------------------
+        try:
+            if self.verb:
+                print "[] Working on "+filename
+            nc = Dataset(filename)
+            data  = nc.groups['geophysical_data']
+            loc   = nc.groups['geolocation_data']
+        except:
+            if self.verb > 2:
+                print "- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename
+            return
+        # Read select variables (reshape to allow concatenation later)
+        # ------------------------------------------------------------
+        for sds in self.SDS:
+            if sds in self.SDS_META:
+                vobj = loc.variables[sds]
+            else:
+                vobj = data.variables[sds]
+            a = vobj.ncattrs()
+            v = vobj[:]
+            # commenting this out for now
+            # all the scale factors in the DT files seem to be wrong
+            # maybe it will be fixed in future versions, so keeping
+            # code for now
+#            if 'scale_factor' in a:
+#                scale = vobj.getncattr('scale_factor')
+#                v = scale*v
+#            if 'add_offset' in a:
+#                add = vobj.getncattr('add_offset')
+#                v = v + add
+            if len(v.shape) == 3:
+                i, j, k = v.shape
+                v = v.reshape((i*j,k))
+            elif len(v.shape) == 2:
+                v = v.ravel()
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, "invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds
+            self.__dict__[sds].append(v)
+#       Satellite name
+#       --------------
+        if self.sat is None:
+            self.sat = translate_sat[nc.platform]
+#       Collection
+#       ----------
+        if self.col is None:
+            self.col = nc.product_name.split('.')[-3]
+#       Time
+        if 'Scan_Start_Time' not in self.__dict__:
+            self.Scan_Start_Time = [np.repeat(isoparse(nc.time_coverage_start[:-1]),i*j)]
+        else:
+            self.Scan_Start_Time.append(np.repeat(isoparse(nc.time_coverage_start[:-1]),i*j))
+    def reduce(self,I):
+        """
+        Reduce observations according to index I. 
+        """
+        Nicknames = self.ALIAS.values()
+        for name in self.__dict__:
+            if name in Nicknames:
+                continue # alias do not get reduced
+            q = self.__dict__[name]
+            if type(q) is type(self.lon):
+                if len(q) == self.nobs:
+                    # print "{} Reducing "+name
+                    self.__dict__[name] = q[I]
+        Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+        for sds in self.SDS:
+            if sds in Alias:
+                self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] # redefine aliases
+            self.nobs = len(self.lon)
+    def write(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,Verb=1):
+        """
+        Writes the un-gridded data to a numpy npz file. 
+        """
+        # Stop here is no good obs available
+        # ----------------------------------
+        if self.nobs == 0:
+            return # no data to work with
+        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+            return # no good data to work with
+        if expid == None:
+            expid = self.algo
+        if filename is None:
+            filename = '%s/%s.viirs.%d_%02dz.npz'%(dir,expid,self.nymd,self.nhms/10000)
+        version = 1 # File format version
+        meta = [self.nymd,self.nhms,self.nobs,self.nch,self.kx,version]
+        savez(filename,
+                            meta = meta,
+                             lon = self.lon,
+                             lat =,
+                              ks = self.ks,
+                        channels = self.channels,
+                         qa_flag = self.qa_flag,
+                     SolarZenith = self.SolarZenith,
+                    SensorZenith = self.SensorZenith,
+                  RelativeAzimuth = self.RelativeAzimuth,
+                 ScatteringAngle = self.ScatteringAngle,
+                           cloud =,
+                             aod = self.aod,
+                     reflectance = self.reflectance)
+        if Verb >=1:
+            print "[w] Wrote file "+filename
+    def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
+                 revised=False,nsyn=8,Verb=1):
+        """
+        Writes the un-gridded data to an ODS file. If *revised*
+        is True, the revised *aod_* parameter is written to file.
+        """
+        if self.syn_time == None:
+            raise ValuError, "synoptic time missing, cannot write ODS"
+        # Stop here if no good obs available
+        # ----------------------------------
+        if self.nobs == 0:
+            return # no data to work with
+        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+            return # no good data to work with
+        if expid == None:
+            expid = self.algo
+        if filename is None:
+            filename = '%s/%s.obs.%d_%02dz.ods'%(dir,expid,self.nymd,self.nhms/10000)
+        if channels is None:
+            channels = self.channels
+        # Create and populated ODS object
+        # -------------------------------
+        ns = self.nobs
+        nobs = len(channels) * ns
+        ods = ODS(nobs=nobs, kx=self.kx, kt=KT['AOD'])
+        i = 0
+        ks = np.arange(ns) + 1
+        for ch in channels:
+            I = range(i,i+ns)
+            j = channels.index(ch)
+            ods.ks[I]  = ks
+  [I] =[:]
+            ods.lon[I] = self.lon[:]
+            ods.time[I] = self.time[:].astype('int')
+            ods.lev[I] = ch
+            ods.qch[I] = self.qa_flag[:].astype('int')
+            if revised:
+                ods.obs[I]  = self.aod_[:,j].astype('float32')
+                ods.xvec[I] = self.aod[:,j].astype('float32')
+            else:
+                ods.obs[I] = self.aod[:,j].astype('float32')
+            i += ns
+        # Handle corrupted coordinates
+        # ----------------------------
+        iBad = (ods.lon<-180) | (ods.lon>180.) | \
+               (<-90)  | (>90.)  | \
+               (abs(ods.time)>1440./self.nsyn)
+        ods.lon[iBad] = 0.
+[iBad] = -90.
+        ods.time[iBad] = 0.
+        ods.qcx[iBad] = 2
+        # Exclusion flag
+        # --------------
+        iGood = (ods.qch>0) & (ods.obs<10.) & (ods.qcx==0)
+        ods.qcx[:] = 1     # All bad...
+        ods.qcx[iGood] = 0 # ... unless good
+        ods_ =
+        if Verb >=1:
+            print "[w] Writing file <"+filename+"> with %d observations"%ods_.nobs
+        ods_.write(filename,self.nymd,self.nhms,nsyn=8,ftype='pre_anal')
+    def writeg(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,refine=8,res=None,
+               channels=None,Verb=1):
+       """
+        Writes gridded MODIS measurements to file.
+         refine  -- refinement level for a base 4x5 GEOS-5 grid
+                       refine=1  produces a   4  x  5    grid
+                       refine=2  produces a   2  x2.50   grid
+                       refine=4  produces a   1  x1,25   grid
+                       refine=8  produces a  0.50x0.625  grid
+                       refine=16 produces a  0.25x0.3125 grid
+        Alternatively, one can specify the grid resolution with a
+        single letter:
+         res     -- single letter denoting GEOS-5 resolution,
+                       res='a'  produces a   4  x  5    grid
+                       res='b'  produces a   2  x2.50   grid
+                       res='c'  produces a   1  x1,25   grid
+                       res='d'  produces a  0.50x0.625  grid
+                       res='e'  produces a  0.25x0.3125 grid
+                   NOTE: *res*, if specified, supersedes *refine*.
+         Verb -- Verbose level:
+                 0 - really quiet (default)
+                 1 - Warns if invalid file is found
+                 2 - Prints out non-zero number of fires in each file.
+       """
+       from gfio import GFIO
+       # Stop here is no good obs available
+       # ----------------------------------
+       if self.nobs == 0:
+           return # no data to work with
+       if any(self.iGood) == False:
+           return # no good data to work with
+       if expid == None:
+           expid = self.algo
+#      Output grid resolution
+#      ----------------------
+       if res is not None:
+           if res=='a': refine = 1 
+           if res=='b': refine = 2
+           if res=='c': refine = 4
+           if res=='d': refine = 8
+           if res=='e': refine = 16
+#      Lat lon grid
+#      ------------
+       dx = 5. / refine
+       dy = 4. / refine
+       im = int(360. / dx)
+       jm = int(180. / dy + 1)
+       glon = np.linspace(-180.,180.,im,endpoint=False)
+       glat = np.linspace(-90.,90.,jm)
+       if channels is None:
+           channels = self.channels
+       levs = np.array(channels)
+       nch = len(channels)
+       nymd = self.nymd
+       nhms = self.nhms
+       vtitle = [ 'Aerosol Optical Depth',
+                  'Aerosol Optical Depth (Revised)',
+                  'Aerosol Optical Depth (Fine Mode)',
+                  'Cloud Fraction' ]
+       vname  = ['tau', 'tau_', 'tau_fine', 'cloud' ]
+       vunits = [ '1',    '1',     '1',       '1',  ]
+       kmvar  = [ nch,    nch,     nch,        0    ]
+       title = 'Gridded MODIS Aerosol Retrievals'
+       source = 'NASA/GSFC/GMAO GEOS-5 Aerosol Group'
+       contact = ''
+       if filename is None:
+           filename = '%s/%s.sfc.%d_%02dz.nc4'%(dir,expid,self.nymd,self.nhms/10000)
+       # Create the file
+       # ---------------
+       f = GFIO()
+       f.create(filename, vname, nymd, nhms,
+                lon=glon, lat=glat, levs=levs, levunits='nm',
+                vtitle=vtitle, vunits=vunits,kmvar=kmvar,amiss=MISSING,
+                title=title, source=source, contact=contact)
+       # Subset AOD at specified channels
+       # --------------------------------
+       I = []
+       for ch in channels:
+           i = list(self.channels).index(ch)
+           I = I + [i,]
+       aod = self.aod[:,I]
+       # Fine mode
+       # ---------
+       try:
+           aod_fine = self.aod_fine[:,I]
+       except:
+           aod_fine = MISSING * np.ones(aod.shape) # will compress like a charm
+       # The Revised AOD may not exist
+       # -------------------------------
+       try:
+           aod_ = self.aod_[:,I]
+       except:
+           aod_ = MISSING * np.ones(aod.shape) # will compress like a charm
+       # Grid variable and write to file
+       # -------------------------------
+       f.write('tau', nymd, nhms, 
+               binobs3d(self.lon,,aod,im,jm,MISSING) )
+       f.write('tau_', nymd, nhms, 
+               binobs3d(self.lon,,aod_,im,jm,MISSING) )
+       f.write('tau_fine', nymd, nhms, 
+               binobs3d(self.lon,,aod_fine,im,jm,MISSING) )
+       f.write('cloud', nymd, nhms, 
+               binobs2d(self.lon,,,im,jm,MISSING) )
+#       try:
+#           f.close()
+#       except:
+#           pass
+       if Verb >=1:
+           print "[w] Wrote file "+filename
+    def addVar(self,ga,expr='mag(u10m,v10m)',vname='wind',clmYear=None,tight=True):
+        """
+        Given a grads object *ga* having the correct MERRA file as default,
+        interpolates *var* to obs location and saves it as an attribute
+        named *vname*.
+        If *tight* is True, domain will be restricted conserve memory. This feature
+        has proven somewhat unstable for reasons yet TBD.
+        """
+        U = MISSING * np.ones(self.nobs)
+        if vname == None:
+            vname = expr
+        # nearest time
+        # ------------
+        t = _gatime(self.nymd,self.nhms)
+        if clmYear != None:
+            t = t[:-4] + str(clmYear) # replace year
+        ga('set time '+t,Quiet=True)
+        # To conserve memory, restrict domain with 1 gridpoint halo
+        # ---------------------------------------------------------
+        if tight:
+            fh = ga.query("file")
+            x1, x2  = self.lon.min(),self.lon.max()
+            y1, y2  =,
+            ga('set lon %f %f'%(x1,x2),Quiet=True)
+            ga('set lat %f %f'%(y1,y2),Quiet=True)
+            qh = ga.query("dims")
+            x1, x2 = (qh.xi[0]-1,qh.xi[1]+1)
+            y1, y2 = (max(1,qh.yi[0]-1),min(fh.ny,qh.yi[1]+1)) # in [1,ny]
+            ga('set x %d %d'%(x1,x2),Quiet=True) # make sure x range is int
+            ga('set y %d %d'%(y1,y2),Quiet=True) # make sure y range is int
+            expr_ = ga.exp(expr)
+        else:
+            expr_ = ga.expr(expr)
+        u, levs = ga.interp(expr_, self.lon, )
+        U =
+        if len(np.shape(U)) == 0:
+             U = U * np.ones(1) # so that we can slice it later
+        self.__dict__[vname] = U
+    def getCoxMunk(self,filename='/nobackup/NNR/Misc/coxmunk_lut.npz',channel=550):
+        """
+        Returns ocean albedo.
+        """
+        # Get precomputed albedo LUT
+        # --------------------------
+        lut = NPZ(filename)
+        # Trimmed wind speed
+        # ------------------
+        w10m = self.wind.copy()
+        w10m[w10m<0] = 0
+        w10m[w10m>50.] = 50.
+        j = list(lut.channels).index(channel)
+        # Interpolate albedo
+        # ------------------
+        albedo = np.zeros(len(w10m))
+        albedo[:] = np.interp(w10m,lut.speed,lut.albedo[:,j])
+        self.albedo = albedo
+def granules ( path, algo, inst, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
+    """
+    Returns a list of Vx04 granules for a given algorithm at given synoptic time.
+    On input,
+    path      ---  mounting point for the MxD04 Level 2 files
+    algo      ---  either DT or DB
+    inst      ---  SNPP
+    syn_time  ---  synoptic time (timedate format)
+    coll      ---  collection: 011 (optional)
+    nsyn      ---  number of synoptic times per day (optional)
+    """
+    # Get product name
+    # -----------------
+    prod = 'AER{}_{}'.format(algo,inst)
+    # Determine synoptic time range
+    # -----------------------------
+    dt = timedelta(seconds = 12. * 60. * 60. / nsyn)
+    t1, t2 = (syn_time-dt,syn_time+dt)
+    # Find VIIRS granules in synoptic time range
+    # ------------------------------------------
+    dt = timedelta(minutes=6)
+    t = datetime(t1.year,t1.month,,t1.hour,0,0)
+    Granules = []
+    while t < t2:
+        if t >= t1:
+            doy = t.timetuple()[7]
+            basen = "%s/%s/Level2/%s/%04d/%03d/AER%s_L2_VIIRS_%s.A%04d%03d.%02d%02d.%s.*.nc"\
+                     %(path,coll,prod,t.year,doy,algo,inst,t.year,doy,t.hour,t.minute,coll)
+            try:
+                filen = glob(basen)[0]
+                Granules += [filen,]
+                if verbose:
+                    print " [x] Found "+filen
+            except:
+                pass
+        t += dt
+    if len(Granules) == 0:
+        print "WARNING: no %s collection %s granules found for"%(prod,coll), syn_time
+    return Granules
+def print_stats(name,x=None):
+    "Prints simple stats"
+    from pylab import prctile
+    if type(name) is not str:
+        x = name
+        name = 'mean,stdv,rms,min,25%,median,75%,max: '
+    if name == '__header__':
+        print ''
+        n = (80 - len(x))/2
+        print n * ' ' + x
+        print n * ' ' + len(x) * '-'
+        print ''
+        print '   Name       mean      stdv      rms      min     25%    median     75%      max'
+        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
+    elif name == '__sep__':
+        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
+    elif name == '__footer__':
+        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
+        print ''
+    else:
+        ave = x.mean()
+        std = x.std()
+        rms = np.sqrt(ave*ave+std*std)
+        prc = prctile(x)
+        print '%10s  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  '%\
+            (name,ave,std,rms,prc[0],prc[1],prc[2],prc[3],prc[4])
+def _gatime(nymd,nhms):
+        Months = ('jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec')
+        cymd = "%08d"%int(nymd)
+        chms = "%06d"%int(nhms)
+        t = chms[0:2]+":"+chms[2:4]+"Z"+\
+            cymd[6:8]+Months[int(cymd[4:6])-1]+cymd[0:4]
+        return t
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    syn_time = datetime(2013,10,26,10,0,0)
+    Files = granules('/nobackup/VIIRS/','DB','SNPP',syn_time,coll='011')
+    db_ocean = Vx04_L2(Files,'DB','OCEAN',syn_time,Verb=1,only_good=True)

From 700e68737c062cd34de66ee68e234bf204ad5ded Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 10:00:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 02/67] PC added a function to binObs to return gridded obs

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/binObs_py.F | 63 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/binObs_py.F b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/binObs_py.F
index 0c04a542..4c573398 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/binObs_py.F
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/binObs_py.F
@@ -201,6 +201,69 @@ subroutine binObs3D(lon,lat,obs,nobs,gObs,im,jm,km,missing)
       end do
+      end
+      subroutine binObsCnt3D(lon,lat,obs,nobs,nSample,im,jm,km,missing)
+!vb      use MAPL_BaseMod, only: MAPL_GetHorzijIndex
+      implicit NONE
+      integer, intent(in) :: im, jm, km,nobs
+      real, intent(in)  :: lon(nobs)
+      real, intent(in)  :: lat(nobs)
+      real, intent(in)  :: obs(nobs,km)
+      real, intent(in)  :: missing
+      real, intent(out) :: nSample(im,jm,km)
+! Count the Bined obs. It assumes a global 3D GEOS-5 A-Grid:
+! P. Castellanos Sep 2022
+!  Longitudes in [-180,10]
+!  Latitudes  in [-90,90]
+      integer :: i, j, k, n
+      real :: dLon, dLat, xLon
+      integer :: ics(nobs),jcs(nobs)
+      real, parameter :: radToDeg = 57.2957795
+      dLon = 360. / im
+      dLat = 180. / ( jm - 1.)
+      nSample = 0.0
+      do k = 1, km
+         if (jm == 6*im)then
+               print*, "warning, function under dev"
+!vb               call MAPL_GetHorzijIndex(im,jm,nobs,ics,jcs,
+!vb     &         lon=lon/radToDeg,lat=lat/radToDeg)
+!vb               if (abs(obs(n,k)-missing) > 0.01*abs(missing)) then
+!vb               nSample(ics(n),jcs(n),k) = nSample(ics(n),jcs(n),k) + 1.0
+         else
+            do n = 1,nobs
+               if ( (abs(lon(n))>180.) .OR. (abs(lat(n))>90.) ) cycle
+               xLon = lon(n)
+               if ( xLon >= 180. ) xLon = xLon - 360.
+               i = 1 + nint((xlon + 180.  ) / dLon)
+               j = 1 + nint((lat(n) + 90. ) / dLat)
+               if ( i>im ) i = i - im
+               if ( i<1  ) i = i + im
+               if (abs(obs(n,k)-missing) > 0.01*abs(missing)) then
+                  nSample(i,j,k) = nSample(i,j,k) + 1.0
+               end if
+            end do
+         end if
+      end do
       subroutine binRms2D(lon,lat,obs,nobs,gObs,im,jm,missing)

From d68e7dcaab7f117795ffa747493fea5736c5d1fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 12:45:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 03/67] PC - new script

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt |   1 +
 src/Applications/GAAS_App/    | 518 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 519 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Applications/GAAS_App/

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
index c4787a11..3932fe11 100644
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ set (PYFILES
diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e980916a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+This module implements the VIIRS NNR AOD retrievals.
+This version works from VIIRS DT & DT Level 2 files.
+import os, sys
+import warnings
+from   pyobs.vx04  import Vx04_L2, MISSING, granules, BEST 
+from   ffnet       import loadnet
+from   numpy       import c_ as cat
+from   numpy       import copy, ones, sin, cos, exp, arccos, pi, any, log
+import numpy       as     np
+from   pyobs.bits  import BITS
+# SDS to be read in
+# ------------
+SDS = dict (
+     DT_META = ('longitude', 'latitude',
+              'sensor_zenith_angle', 'sensor_azimuth_angle',
+              'solar_zenith_angle', 'solar_azimuth_angle',
+              'Scattering_Angle', 'Glint_Angle'),
+     DT_LAND = ( 'Mean_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land',
+               'Surface_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Land',
+               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag'),
+     DT_OCEAN = ( 'Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Ocean',
+               'Mean_Reflectance_Ocean',
+               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag' ),
+     DB_META = ('Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Scan_Start_Time',
+              'Viewing_Zenith_Angle', 'Relative_Azimuth_Angle',
+              'Solar_Zenith_Angle',
+              'Scattering_Angle' ),
+     DB_LAND = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land',
+               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land',
+               'Spectral_Surface_Reflectance',
+               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land',
+               'Algorithm_Flag_Land',
+               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land',
+               'Number_Valid_Pixels'),
+     DB_OCEAN = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean',
+               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean',
+               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean',
+               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean',
+               'Algorithm_Flag_Ocean',
+               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean',
+               'Number_Valid_Pixels')
+        )
+# Channels for TOA reflectance 
+# -----------------------------
+CHANNELS  = dict (
+                   DT_LAND  = ( 480, 670, 2250),
+                   DT_OCEAN = ( 480, 550, 670, 860, 1240, 1600, 2250 ),
+                   DB_LAND  = ( 412, 488, 550, 670, 865, 1240, 1640, 2250 ),
+                   DB_OCEAN = ( 412, 488, 550, 670, 865, 1240, 1640, 2250 ),
+                 )
+SCHANNELS = dict (
+                   DT_LAND = ( 480, 670, 2250 ),
+                   DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 670 ),
+                )
+# Translate Inputs between NNR and MODIS classes
+# -----------------------------------------------
+TranslateInput = dict ( mRef412  = ('reflectance',412),
+                        mRef480  = ('reflectance',480),
+                        mRef550  = ('reflectance',550),
+                        mRef670  = ('reflectance',670),
+                        mRef860  = ('reflectance',860),
+                        mRef1240 = ('reflectance',1240),
+                        mRef1600 = ('reflectance',1600),
+                        mRef2250 = ('reflectance',2250),
+                        mSre412  = ('sfc_reflectance',412),
+                        mSre480  = ('sfc_reflectance',480),
+                        mSre670  = ('sfc_reflectance',670),
+                        mSre2250 = ('sfc_reflectance',2250),       
+                      )
+for var in ( 'ScatteringAngle','GlintAngle',
+             'SolarAzimuth', 'SolarZenith',
+             'SensorAzimuth','SensorZenith',
+             'cloud','qa_flag'  ):
+    TranslateInput[var] = (var,)
+# Translate Targets between ANET and MODIS classes
+# ------------------------------------------------
+TranslateTarget = dict ( aTau440 = ( 'aod_', 440 ),
+                         aTau470 = ( 'aod_', 470 ),
+                         aTau500 = ( 'aod_', 500 ),
+                         aTau550 = ( 'aod_', 550 ),
+                         aTau660 = ( 'aod_', 660 ),
+                         aTau870 = ( 'aod_', 870 ),
+                         )
+class Vx04_NNR(Vx04_L2):
+    """
+    This class extends VIIRS by adding methods for producing
+    NNR AOD retrievals based on the Neural Net model developed
+    with class *abc_c6*.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
+                 cloud_thresh=0.70,
+                 glint_thresh=40.0,
+                 scat_thresh=170.0,
+                 cloudFree=None,
+                 aodmax=1.0,
+                 coll='011',verbose=0):
+        """
+        Contructs a VX04 object from VIIRS Aerosol Level 2
+        granules. On input,
+         l2_path --- top directory for the VIIRS Level 2 files;
+                      it must have subdirectories AERDB_inst and AERDT_inst.
+            sat  --- either *SNPP* (Suomi-NPP) or *NOAA20* (NOAA-20)
+            algo --- aerosol algorithm: DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, or DB_OCEAN
+        syn_time --- synoptic time
+        cloud_tresh --- cloud fraction treshhold
+        cloudFree   --- cloud fraction threshhold for assuring no cloud contaminations when aod is > aodmax
+                        if None, no cloud free check is made
+        The following attributes are also defined:
+           fractions dust, sea salt, BC+OC, sulfate
+        It also performs Q/C, setting attribute iGood. On,
+        input, *cloud_thresh* is the cloud fraction limit.
+        (For right now this is not implemented)
+        When DEEP BLUE algorithm is requested, filters for 
+        retrievals where DARK TARGET obs are unavailable. 
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.algo    = algo
+        self.cloudFree = cloudFree
+        self.aodmax = aodmax
+        # Initialize superclass
+        # ---------------------
+        Files = granules(l2_path,algo,sat,syn_time,coll=coll)
+        Vx04_L2.__init__(self,Files,algo,syn_time,
+                              only_good=True,
+                              SDS=SDS,                            
+                              Verb=verbose)
+        if self.nobs < 1:
+            return # no obs, nothing to do
+        # Channels
+        # -----------------------------
+        self.rChannels = CHANNELS[algo]
+        if algo in SCHANNELS:
+            self.sChannels = SCHANNELS[algo]
+        # DB Algorithm only used when Dark Target data is unavailable
+        # (Not currently implemented)
+        # --------------------------------------------------------------
+#        if algo == "DEEP":
+#            # Get DARK TARGET qa_flag
+#            self.qa_flag_lnd = BITS(self.Quality_Assurance_Land[:,0])[1:4]            
+#            lndGood = self.qa_flag_lnd == BEST
+#            lndGood = lndGood & (self.cloud_lnd < cloud_thresh)
+#            rChannels = CHANNELS["LAND"]
+#            sChannels = SCHANNELS["LAND"]
+#            for i,c in enumerate(rChannels):
+#                lndGood = lndGood & (self.reflectance_lnd[:,i]>0)
+#            for i,c in enumerate(sChannels):
+#                lndGood = lndGood & (self.sfc_reflectance_lnd[:,i]>0)
+#            self.iGood = (self.qa_flag == BEST) & ~lndGood
+#            # Keep only "good" observations
+#            # -----------------------------
+#            m = self.iGood
+#            for sds in self.SDS:
+#                rank = len(self.__dict__[sds].shape)
+#                if rank == 1:
+#                    self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m]
+#                elif rank == 2:
+#                    self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m,:]
+#                else:
+#                    raise IndexError, 'invalid rank=%d'%rank
+#            # Reset aliases
+#            for sds in self.SDS:
+#                if sds in self.ALIAS:
+#                    self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] 
+#            self.qa_flag = self.qa_flag[m]
+#            self.aod     = self.aod[m,:]
+#            self.time    = self.time[m]
+#            self.Time    = self.Time[m]
+#            self.iGood   = self.iGood[m] 
+#            self.nobs    = self.Longitude.shape[0]         
+#            if self.nobs < 1:
+#                return # no obs, nothing to do             
+        # Q/C
+        # ---      
+        self.iGood =<cloud_thresh  
+#        if algo == "LAND":
+#            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.cloud_deep<cloud_thresh)
+#        elif algo == "DEEP":
+#            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.cloud_lnd<cloud_thresh)
+        for i,c in enumerate(self.rChannels):
+            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.reflectance[:,i]>0)
+        if algo in SCHANNELS:
+            for i,c in enumerate(self.sChannels):
+                self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.sfc_reflectance[:,i]>0)
+        if "OCEAN" in algo:
+            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.GlintAngle > glint_thresh)
+        if "LAND" in algo:
+            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.ScatteringAngle < scat_thresh)
+        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+            print "WARNING: Strange, no good obs left to work with"
+            return
+        # Create attribute for holding NNR predicted AOD
+        # ----------------------------------------------
+        self.aod_ = MISSING * ones((self.nobs,len(self.channels)))
+        # Make sure same good AOD is kept for gridding
+        # --------------------------------------------
+        if len(self.aod.shape) == 1:
+            self.aod.shape = self.aod.shape + (1,)
+        self.aod[self.iGood==False,:] = MISSING
+        # Angle transforms: for NN calculations we work with cosine of angles
+        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+        self.ScatteringAngle = cos(self.ScatteringAngle*pi/180.0) 
+        self.SensorAzimuth   = cos(self.SensorAzimuth*pi/180.0)   
+        self.SensorZenith    = cos(self.SensorZenith*pi/180.0)    
+        self.SolarAzimuth    = cos(self.SolarAzimuth*pi/180.0)    
+        self.SolarZenith     = cos(self.SolarZenith*pi/180.0)     
+        self.GlintAngle      = cos(self.GlintAngle*pi/180.0)
+        # Get fractional composition
+        # ------------------------------
+        self.speciate(aer_x,Verbose=verbose)
+    def speciate(self,aer_x,Verbose=False):
+        """
+        Use GAAS to derive fractional composition.
+        """
+        self.sampleFile(aer_x,onlyVars=('TOTEXTTAU',
+                                        'DUEXTTAU',
+                                        'SSEXTTAU',
+                                        'BCEXTTAU',
+                                        'OCEXTTAU',
+                                        'SUEXTTAU',
+                                        ),Verbose=Verbose)
+        s = self.sample
+        I = (s.TOTEXTTAU<=0)
+        s.TOTEXTTAU[I] = 1.E30
+        self.fdu  = s.DUEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        self.fss  = s.SSEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        self.fbc  = s.BCEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        self.foc  = s.OCEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        self.fcc  = self.fbc + self.foc
+        self.fsu  = s.SUEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        # Special handle nitrate (treat it as it were sulfate)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------
+        try:
+            self.sampleFile(aer_x,onlyVars=('NIEXTTAU',),Verbose=Verbose)
+            self.fsu += self.sample.NIEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        except:
+            pass   # ignore it for systems without nitrates
+        del self.sample
+    def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False):
+        """
+        Interpolates all variables of inFile and optionally
+        save them to file *npzFile*
+        """
+        from gfio import GFIO, GFIOctl, GFIOHandle
+        # Instantiate grads and open file
+        # -------------------------------
+        name, ext = os.path.splitext(inFile)
+        if ext in ( '.nc4', '.nc', '.hdf'):
+          fh = GFIO(inFile)     # open single file
+          if fh.lm == 1:
+            timeInterp = False    # no time interpolation in this case
+          else:
+            raise ValueError, "cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead"
+        else:
+          fh = GFIOctl(inFile)  # open timeseries
+          timeInterp = True     # perform time interpolation
+          tymes = np.array([self.syn_time]*self.nobs)
+        self.sample = GFIOHandle(inFile)
+        if onlyVars is None:
+            onlyVars = fh.vname
+        lons = self.lon
+        lats =
+        # Loop over variables on file
+        # ---------------------------
+        for v in onlyVars:
+            if Verbose:
+                print "<> Sampling ", v
+            if timeInterp:
+              var = fh.sample(v,lons,lats,tymes,Verbose=Verbose)
+            else:
+              var = fh.interp(v,lons,lats)
+            if (var.size == 1) & (len(var.shape) == 0):
+                var.shape = (1,)  #protect against when only one value is returned and shape=()
+            if len(var.shape) == 1:
+                self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
+            elif len(var.shape) == 2:
+                var = var.T # shape should be (nobs,nz)
+                self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, 'variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape))
+        if npzFile is not None:
+            savez(npzFile,**self.sample.__dict__)            
+    def _loadNet(self,nnFile):
+        """
+        Loads the Neural Net weights created with class ABC.
+        """
+ = loadnet(nnFile)
+    def _getInputs(self):
+        """
+        Get Inputs for Neural Net.
+        """
+        # Loop over inputs
+        # ----------------
+        first = True
+        for inputName in
+            try:
+                iName = TranslateInput[inputName]
+            except:
+                iName = inputName
+            if self.verbose>0:
+                print 'Getting NN input ',iName
+            # Retrieve input
+            # --------------
+            if type(iName) is str:
+                input = self.__dict__[iName][:]
+            elif len(iName) == 2:
+                name, ch = iName
+                if 'mSre' in inputName: # LAND, surface reflectivity
+                    k = list(self.sChannels).index(ch) # index of channel 
+                elif 'mRef' in inputName: # TOA reflectances
+                    k = list(self.rChannels).index(ch) # index of channel 
+                input = self.__dict__[name][:,k]
+            elif len(iName) == 1:
+                name = iName[0]
+                input = self.__dict__[name][:]
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "strange, len(iName)=%d"%len(iName)
+            # Concatenate Inputs
+            # ------------------
+            if first:
+                inputs = input
+                first = False
+            else:
+                inputs = cat[inputs,input]
+        # Keep only good observations
+        # ---------------------------
+        return inputs[self.iGood,:]
+    def apply(self,nnFile):
+        """
+        Apply bias correction to AOD.
+        """
+        # Stop here is no good obs available
+        # ----------------------------------
+        if self.nobs == 0:
+            return # no data to work with
+        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+            return # no good data to work with
+        # Load the Neural Net
+        # -------------------
+        self._loadNet(nnFile)
+        # Evaluate NN on inputs
+        # ---------------------
+        targets =
+        # Targets do not have to be in standard retrieval
+        # ----------------------------------------------
+        for i,targetName in enumerate(
+            name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+            try:
+                k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
+            except:
+                # add new target channel to end
+                self.channels += (ch,)
+                self.aod  = np.append(self.aod,MISSING*ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
+                self.aod_ = np.append(self.aod_,MISSING*ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
+        # Replace targets with unbiased values
+        # ------------------------------------
+        self.channels_ = [] # channels being revised
+        for i,targetName in enumerate(
+            name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+            if self.verbose>0:
+                if
+                    print "NN Retrieving log(AOD+0.01) at %dnm "%ch
+                else:
+                    print "NN Retrieving AOD at %dnm "%ch
+            k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
+            self.channels_ = self.channels_ + [ch,]
+            if
+                result = exp(targets[:,i]) - 0.01 # inverse
+            else:
+                result = targets[:,i]
+            self.__dict__[name][self.iGood,k] = result
+        # Do extra cloud filtering if required
+        if self.cloudFree is not None:                 
+            cloudy = (>=self.cloudFree)
+#            if self.algo == "LAND":
+#                cloudy = (self.cloud_deep>=self.cloudFree) & (>=self.cloudFree)
+#            elif self.algo == "DEEP":
+#                cloudy = (self.cloud_lnd>=self.cloudFree) & (>=self.cloudFree)
+#            elif self.algo == "OCEAN":
+#                cloudy = (>=self.cloudFree)
+            contaminated = np.zeros(np.sum(self.iGood)).astype(bool)
+            for targetName in
+                name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel
+                result = self.__dict__[name][self.iGood,k]
+                contaminated = contaminated | ( (result > self.aodmax) & cloudy[self.iGood] )
+            for targetName in
+                name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel
+                self.__dict__[name][self.iGood,k][contaminated] = MISSING
+            self.iGood[self.iGood][contaminated] = False
+    __call__= apply
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from datetime import datetime
+    l2_path = '/nobackup/VIIRS/'
+    algo    = 'DB_LAND'
+    sat     = 'SNPP'
+    coll    = '011'
+    aer_x   = '/nobackup/NNR/Misc/tavg1_2d_aer_Nx'
+    syn_time = datetime(2016,12,19,15,0,0)
+    if algo == 'OCEAN':
+        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
+    elif algo == 'LAND':
+        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
+    elif algo == 'DEEP':
+        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
+    m = Vx04_NNR(l2_path,algo.upper(),sat,syn_time,aer_x,
+                  coll=coll,
+                  cloud_thresh=0.7,
+                  verbose=True)
+    m.apply(nn_file)
+    aod = m.aod_

From fe5c8c56abc412af2a90e9122ce8ef18fbcd4d9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 12:53:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 04/67] PC - fix surface reflectance, and add counts to binobs

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/      | 49 +++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index d9820f3c..424001e5 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 from glob     import glob
 from dateutil.parser import isoparse
 from pyobs.npz import NPZ
-from binObs_   import binobs2d, binobs3d
+from binObs_   import binobs2d, binobs3d, binobscnt3d
     from pyods import ODS # must be inported before pyhdf
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@
                    DT_OCEAN = ( 480., 550., 670., 860., 1240., 1600., 2250. ),
                    DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 550, 670 ), # file has 550 separate
                    DB_OCEAN = (488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.),
-                   SREF = ( 480., 670., 2250. )
+                   DT_SREF = ( 480., 670., 2250. ),
+                   DB_SREF = (412., 488., 670. ),
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ class Vx04_L2(object):
     Therefore, we will refer to these products at VSNPP04 and VN2004, respectively
-    def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
+    def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        Reads individual granules or a full day of Level 2 Vx04 files
@@ -182,8 +183,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                  of files and directories.  Directories are
                  transversed recursively. If a non Vx04 Level 2
                  file is encountered, it is simply ignored.
-         Algo -- Algorithm: DT or DB
-         Surface -- OCEAN or LAND
+         algo -- Algorithm: DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND or DB_OCEAN
        Optional parameters:
          syn_type  --- synoptic time
@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
-       algo = '{}_{}'.format(Algo,Surface)
        if algo not in ('DT_LAND', 'DT_OCEAN', 'DB_LAND', 'DB_OCEAN'):
            raise ValueError, "invalid algorithm "+algo+" --- must be DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, DB_OCEAN"
@@ -209,6 +208,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        self.sat  = None # Satellite name
        self.col  = None # collection, e.g., 011
        self.algo = algo
+       Algo, Surface = algo.split('_')
        self.SDS = SDS['{}_META'.format(Algo)] + SDS[algo]
        self.SDS_META = SDS['{}_META'.format(Algo)]
@@ -295,14 +295,16 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            sza = np.radians(self.SolarZenith)
            vza = np.radians(self.SensorZenith)
            raa = np.radians(self.RelativeAzimuth)
-           cglint = np.cos(sza)*np.cos(vza) + np.sin(sza)*np.sin(vza)*np.cos(np.pi-raa)
-           self.GlintAngle = np.arccos(cglint)
+           cglint = np.cos(sza)*np.cos(vza) + np.sin(sza)*np.sin(vza)*np.cos(raa)
+           self.GlintAngle = np.degrees(np.arccos(cglint))
        # Create corresponding python time
        # --------------------------------
        if 'DB' in self.algo:
            self.Time = np.array([DATE_START+timedelta(seconds=s) for s in self.Scan_Start_Time])
+       else:
+           self.Time = np.array(self.Time)   # masked datetime arrays aren't friendly
        # ODS friendly attributes
        # -----------------------
@@ -310,10 +312,8 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,Algo,Surface,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        self.kx = KX[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
        self.ident = IDENT[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
        self.channels = CHANNELS[self.algo]
-       if Algo == 'DT':
-           self.sChannels = CHANNELS["SREF"]   # LAND surface reflectivity (not the same as algo)           
-       else:
-           self.sChannels = CHANNELS[self.algo] # deep blue surface bands are the same as algorithm
+       if Surface == 'LAND':
+           self.sChannels = CHANNELS["{}_SREF".format(Algo)]   # LAND surface reflectivity (not the same as algo)           
        if 'DB' in self.algo:
            self.rChannels = self.Reflectance_Bands
@@ -706,11 +706,13 @@ def writeg(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,refine=8,res=None,
        vtitle = [ 'Aerosol Optical Depth',
                   'Aerosol Optical Depth (Revised)',
                   'Aerosol Optical Depth (Fine Mode)',
+                  'Aerosol Optical Depth Obs Count',
+                  'Aerosol Optical Depth (Revised) Obs Count',
                   'Cloud Fraction' ]
-       vname  = ['tau', 'tau_', 'tau_fine', 'cloud' ]
-       vunits = [ '1',    '1',     '1',       '1',  ]
-       kmvar  = [ nch,    nch,     nch,        0    ]
+       vname  = ['tau', 'tau_', 'tau_fine', 'count_tau', 'count_tau_', 'cloud' ]
+       vunits = [ '1',    '1',     '1',       '1',            '1',       '1',  ]
+       kmvar  = [ nch,    nch,     nch,       nch,            nch,        0    ]
        title = 'Gridded MODIS Aerosol Retrievals'
        source = 'NASA/GSFC/GMAO GEOS-5 Aerosol Group'
@@ -757,6 +759,10 @@ def writeg(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,refine=8,res=None,
                binobs3d(self.lon,,aod_,im,jm,MISSING) )
        f.write('tau_fine', nymd, nhms, 
                binobs3d(self.lon,,aod_fine,im,jm,MISSING) )
+       f.write('count_tau', nymd, nhms,
+               binobscnt3d(self.lon,,aod,im,jm,MISSING) )
+       f.write('count_tau_', nymd, nhms,
+               binsobscnt3d(self.lon,,aod_,im,jm,MISSING) )
        f.write('cloud', nymd, nhms, 
                binobs2d(self.lon,,,im,jm,MISSING) )
@@ -840,14 +846,14 @@ def getCoxMunk(self,filename='/nobackup/NNR/Misc/coxmunk_lut.npz',channel=550):
-def granules ( path, algo, inst, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
+def granules ( path, algo, sat, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
     Returns a list of Vx04 granules for a given algorithm at given synoptic time.
     On input,
     path      ---  mounting point for the MxD04 Level 2 files
-    algo      ---  either DT or DB
-    inst      ---  SNPP
+    algo      ---  either DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND or DB_OCEAN
+    sat       ---  SNPP
     syn_time  ---  synoptic time (timedate format)
     coll      ---  collection: 011 (optional)
@@ -857,7 +863,8 @@ def granules ( path, algo, inst, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
     # Get product name
     # -----------------
-    prod = 'AER{}_{}'.format(algo,inst)
+    Algo = algo.split('_')[0]
+    prod = 'AER{}_{}'.format(Algo,sat)
     # Determine synoptic time range
     # -----------------------------
@@ -873,7 +880,7 @@ def granules ( path, algo, inst, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
         if t >= t1:
             doy = t.timetuple()[7]
             basen = "%s/%s/Level2/%s/%04d/%03d/AER%s_L2_VIIRS_%s.A%04d%03d.%02d%02d.%s.*.nc"\
-                     %(path,coll,prod,t.year,doy,algo,inst,t.year,doy,t.hour,t.minute,coll)
+                     %(path,coll,prod,t.year,doy,Algo,sat,t.year,doy,t.hour,t.minute,coll)
                 filen = glob(basen)[0]
                 Granules += [filen,]
@@ -884,7 +891,7 @@ def granules ( path, algo, inst, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
         t += dt
     if len(Granules) == 0:
-        print "WARNING: no %s collection %s granules found for"%(prod,coll), syn_time
+        print "WARNING: no %s collection %s granules found for"%(algo,coll), syn_time
     return Granules

From 4cb763d99e281debf0127e609b2793ac786f81d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 17:47:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 05/67] PC - trying to get a DT relative azimuth angle. not
 provided in files

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 424001e5..866c69e0 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -297,7 +297,16 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            raa = np.radians(self.RelativeAzimuth)
            cglint = np.cos(sza)*np.cos(vza) + np.sin(sza)*np.sin(vza)*np.cos(raa)
            self.GlintAngle = np.degrees(np.arccos(cglint))
+       elif 'DT' in self.algo:
+           # this kind of seems to match the DB RAA
+           # the DT sensor and solar azimuth angles seem off
+           # I can't find a DB definition for RAA so this is close enough
+           raa = self.SolarZenith - self.SensoZenith
+           ii = raa <0
+           raa[ii] = raa[ii] + 180.
+           ii = raa < 0
+           raa[ii] = raa[ii]*-1.
+           self.RelativeAzimuth = raa
        # Create corresponding python time
        # --------------------------------

From 23b00b0eaa1b82f2f501989cd091a620c328f358 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 18:17:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 06/67] PC - add new viirs scripts to cmakelists

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
index cb7fc02a..269916d7 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ set (PYFILES
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ set (PYFILES

From dcd6c7f099376b993008dc8f666e95c952b30528 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 18:18:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 07/67] PC - fix time format and add derived angles to sds list

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 14 +++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 866c69e0..71649253 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -297,16 +297,18 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            raa = np.radians(self.RelativeAzimuth)
            cglint = np.cos(sza)*np.cos(vza) + np.sin(sza)*np.sin(vza)*np.cos(raa)
            self.GlintAngle = np.degrees(np.arccos(cglint))
+           self.SDS += ('GlintAngle',)
        elif 'DT' in self.algo:
            # this kind of seems to match the DB RAA
            # the DT sensor and solar azimuth angles seem off
            # I can't find a DB definition for RAA so this is close enough
-           raa = self.SolarZenith - self.SensoZenith
+           raa = self.SolarZenith - self.SensorZenith
            ii = raa <0
            raa[ii] = raa[ii] + 180.
            ii = raa < 0
            raa[ii] = raa[ii]*-1.
            self.RelativeAzimuth = raa
+           self.SDS += ('RelativeAzimuth',)
        # Create corresponding python time
        # --------------------------------
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            self.sChannels = CHANNELS["{}_SREF".format(Algo)]   # LAND surface reflectivity (not the same as algo)           
        if 'DB' in self.algo:
-           self.rChannels = self.Reflectance_Bands
+           self.rChannels = self.Reflectance_Bands  # [ 412.,  488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.]
        elif self.algo == 'DT_LAND':
            self.rChannels = np.array([480.,670.,2250.])
        elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
@@ -528,7 +530,13 @@ def reduce(self,I):
             if sds in Alias:
                 self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] # redefine aliases
-            self.nobs = len(self.lon)
+        self.nobs = len(self.lon)
+        # Create corresponding python time
+        # --------------------------------
+        if 'DB' in self.algo:
+            self.Time = np.array([DATE_START+timedelta(seconds=s) for s in self.Scan_Start_Time])
+        else:
+            self.Time = np.array(self.Time)   # masked datetime arrays aren't friendly        
     def write(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,Verb=1):

From 9b2e08fe9c6585158fe3f7fbb1767512c0c10e87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 18:18:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 08/67] PC - new abs and giant script for viirs

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/  | 873 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../misc/obs_aod/ABC/           | 608 ++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1481 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
 create mode 100644 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0aae9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+   This module implements a Neural Net based MODIS Collection 6 Neural Net Retrieval.
+   Arlindo da Silva, June 2015.
+import os, sys
+from   matplotlib.pyplot    import  cm, imshow, plot, figure
+from   matplotlib.pyplot    import  xlabel, ylabel, title, grid, savefig, legend
+import matplotlib.pyplot    as      plt
+from   matplotlib.ticker    import  MultipleLocator
+import matplotlib.patches   as      mpatches
+from   numpy                import  c_ as cat
+from   numpy                import  random, sort, pi, load, cos, log, std, exp
+from   numpy                import  reshape, arange, ones, zeros, interp, sqrt
+from   numpy                import  meshgrid, concatenate, squeeze
+import numpy                as      np
+from   giant_viirs          import  MISSING, DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, DB_OCEAN
+from   nn                   import  NN, _plotKDE
+import itertools
+from   sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
+from   multiprocessing      import cpu_count
+from   abc_c6_aux           import SummarizeCombinations, get_Iquartiles, get_Ispecies, get_ImRef
+from   abc_c6_aux           import make_plots, make_plots_angstrom, TestStats, SummaryPDFs
+from   brdf                 import rtlsReflectance
+from   mcd43c               import BRDF
+# ------
+VARNAMES    = {'cloud': 'MOD04 Cloud Fraction',
+               'ScatteringAngle': 'Scattering Angle',
+               'GlintAngle': 'Glint Angle',
+               'AMF': 'Air Mass Factor',
+               'SolarZenith': 'Solar Zenith Angle',
+               'CoxMunkLUT': 'Cox-Munk White Sky Albedo',
+               'COxMunkBRF': 'Cox-Munk Bidirectional Surface Reflectance',
+               'MOD43BClimAlbedo': 'MOD43B Albedo Climatology',
+               'fdu': 'MERRA2 Fraction Dust Aerosol',
+               'fcc': 'MERRA2 Fraction Carbonaceous Aerosol',
+               'fsu': 'MERRA2 Fraction Sulfate Aerosol',
+               'year': 'Year'}
+class SETUP(object):
+  def setupNN(self,retrieval,expid,
+                 nHidden=None,
+                 nHLayers=1,
+                 combinations=False,
+                 Input_nnr  = ['mRef470','mRef550','mRef660', 'mRef870',
+                                'mRef1200','mRef1600','mRef2100',
+                                'ScatteringAngle', 'GlintAngle',
+                                'AMF', 'SolarZenith',
+                                'cloud', 'albedo','fdu','fcc','fsu' ],
+                 Input_const = None,
+                 Target = ['aTau550',],
+                 K=None):
+    self.retrieval = retrieval
+    # Create outdir if it doesn't exist
+    # ---------------------------------
+    self.outdir = "./{}/".format(expid)
+    if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):
+      os.makedirs(self.outdir)
+    self.plotdir = self.outdir
+    # save some inputs
+    # -----------------
+    self.expid   = expid
+    self.Target  = Target
+    self.nTarget = len(Target)
+    self.K       = K
+    self.nHidden = nHidden
+    # figure out if you need to calculate angstrom exponent
+    angstrom = False
+    for tname in Target:
+        if not angstrom:
+            if 'AE' in tname:
+                angstrom = True
+    self.angstrom = angstrom
+    # if angstrom is being trained
+    # find the base wavelength
+    # calculate angstrom with respect to the base wavelength
+    # -------------------------------------------------------
+    if angstrom:
+        # find base wavelength
+        for i,tname in enumerate(Target):
+            if 'Tau' in tname:
+                base_name = tname
+                base_wavs = tname.split('Tau')[-1]
+                base_wav = float(base_wavs)
+                base_tau = self.__dict__[tname]
+                base_wav_i = i
+        self.AE_base_wav = base_wav
+        self.AE_base_wav_i = base_wav_i
+        # Calculate the angstrom exponent
+        # with respect to the base wavelength
+        for tname in Target:
+            if 'Tau' not in tname:
+                wavs = tname.split('AE')[-1]
+                wav  = float(wavs)
+                tau  = self.__dict__['aTau'+wavs]
+                AE = -1.*np.log(tau/base_tau)/np.log(wav/base_wav)
+                self.__dict__['aAE'+wavs] = AE
+    # Balance the dataset before splitting
+    # No aerosol type should make up more that 35% 
+    # of the total number of obs
+    # --------------------------------------
+    self.iValid = self.balance(int(self.nobs*0.35))
+    # Flatten Input_nnr into one list
+    # -------------------------------
+    input_nnr = flatten_list(Input_nnr)
+    # Create list of combinations
+    # ---------------------------
+    if combinations:
+      self.comblist, self.combgroups = get_combinations(Input_nnr,Input_const)
+    else:
+      self.comblist = [input_nnr]
+    # Initialize arrays to hold stats
+    # ------------------------------
+    self.nnr  = STATS(K,self.comblist,self.nTarget)
+    self.orig = STATS(K,self.comblist,self.nTarget)
+    # Initialize K-folding
+    # --------------------
+    if K is None:
+      self.iTest = ones([self.nobs]).astype(bool)
+      self.iTrain = self.iValid
+    else:
+      self.kfold(K=K)
+    # Create list of topologies
+    # -------------------------  
+    self.topology = []
+    if not combinations:
+      if self.nHidden is None:
+        self.nHidden  = len(input_nnr)
+      else:
+        self.nHidden = nHidden
+      self.topology.append((len(input_nnr),) + (self.nHidden,)*nHLayers + (len(Target),))
+    else:
+      for c,Input in enumerate(self.comblist):
+        if nHidden is None:
+          self.nHidden  = len(Input)
+        else:
+          self.nHidden = nHidden
+        self.topology.append((len(Input),) + (self.nHidden,)*nHLayers + (len(Target),))
+    self.combinations = combinations
+class ABC(object):
+    """
+    Common Subroutines to all the ABC Classes
+    """
+    def __init__(self,fname,Albedo,coxmunk_lut=None,NDVI=False):
+        # Get Auxiliary Data
+        self.fnameRoot = fname[:-3]
+        self.setWind()
+        self.setAlbedo(Albedo,coxmunk_lut=coxmunk_lut)
+        self.setSpec()
+        if NDVI:
+            self.setNDVI()
+    def setWind(self):
+        # Read in wind
+        # ------------------------
+        self.wind = load(self.fnameRoot + "_MERRA2.npz")['wind']
+        self.giantList.append('wind')
+        self.Wind = '' #need this for backwards compatibility
+    def setAlbedo(self,Albedo,coxmunk_lut=None):
+        # Define wind speed dependent ocean albedo
+        # ----------------------------------------
+        if Albedo is not None:
+          for albedo in Albedo:
+            if albedo == 'CoxMunkLUT':
+              self.getCoxMunk(coxmunk_lut) 
+              self.giantList.append(albedo)    
+            elif albedo == 'MCD43C1':
+              self.setBRDF()     
+            elif 'CxAlbedo' in albedo :
+              self.setCoxMunkBRF(albedo)
+            else:
+              self.__dict__[albedo] = squeeze(load(self.fnameRoot+'_'+albedo+'.npz')["albedo"])
+              self.giantList.append(albedo)
+    def setSpec(self):
+        # Read in Aerosol Fractional Composition
+        # --------------------------------------
+        names = ('fdu','fss','fcc','fsu')
+        for name in names:
+            self.__dict__[name] = load(self.fnameRoot + "_MERRA2.npz")[name]
+            self.giantList.append(name)
+    def setCoxMunkBRF(self,albedo):
+        # Read in Cox Munk Bidirectional surface reflectance
+        # --------------------------------------------------
+        names = ['470','550','660','870','1200','1600','2100']
+        for ch in names:
+            name = 'CxAlbedo' + ch
+            self.__dict__[name] = squeeze(load(self.fnameRoot+'_CxAlbedo.npz')[name])
+            self.giantList.append(name)
+    def setBRDF(self):
+        # Read in MCD43C1 BRDF
+        # Calculate bidirectional surface reflectance
+        # ---------------------------------------------
+        brdf = BRDF(self.nobs)
+        names = ('BRDFvis','BRDFnir','BRDF470','BRDF550',
+                 'BRDF650','BRDF850','BRDF1200','BRDF1600',
+                 'BRDF2100')
+        for name in brdf.__dict__:
+            brdf.__dict__[name] = load(self.fnameRoot + "_MCD43C1.npz")[name]
+        for name in names:
+            ch = name[4:]
+            Kiso = brdf.__dict__['Riso'+ch]
+            Kvol = brdf.__dict__['Rvol'+ch]
+            Kgeo = brdf.__dict__['Rgeo'+ch]
+            self.__dict__[name] = rtlsReflectance(Kiso,Kgeo,Kvol,
+                                                  self.SolarZenith,self.SensorZenith,
+                                                  self.SolarAzimuth,self.SensorAzimuth)
+            self.giantList.append(name)    
+    def setNDVI(self):
+        # Read in NDVI
+        # -------------
+        names = ('NDVI','EVI','NIRref')
+        for name in names:
+          self.__dict__[name] = load(self.fnameRoot + "_NDVI.npz")[name]
+          self.giantList.append(name)
+    def outlierRemoval(self,outliers):
+        # # Outlier removal based on log-transformed AOD
+        # # --------------------------------------------
+        if outliers > 0.:
+            d = log(self.mTau550[self.iValid]+0.01) - log(self.aTau550[self.iValid]+0.01)
+            if self.verbose>0:
+                print "Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(-1,std(d),d.size)
+            for iter in range(3):
+                iValid = (abs(d)<outliers*std(d))
+                self.iValid[self.iValid] = iValid
+                d = log(self.mTau550[self.iValid]+0.01) - log(self.aTau550[self.iValid]+0.01)
+                if self.verbose>0:
+                    print "Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(iter,std(d),d.size)
+    def angleTranform(self):            
+        # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
+        # -----------------------------------------------------------
+        self.ScatteringAngle = cos(self.ScatteringAngle*pi/180.0) 
+        self.SensorZenith    = cos(self.SensorZenith*pi/180.0)    
+        self.SolarZenith     = cos(self.SolarZenith*pi/180.0)     
+        self.GlintAngle      = cos(self.GlintAngle*pi/180.0)      
+        self.AMF             = (1/self.SolarZenith) + (1/self.SensorZenith)
+        self.giantList.append('AMF')
+    def setYear(self):
+        # Year
+        #-------
+        self.year = np.array([t.year for t in self.tyme])
+        self.giantList.append('year')
+    def addFilter(self,aFilter):
+        if aFilter is not None:
+          filters = []
+          for f in aFilter:
+            filters.append(self.__dict__[f]>0)
+          oiValid = reduce(lambda x,y: x&y,filters)
+          self.iValid = self.iValid & oiValid
+    def __init__ (self,fname, 
+                  coxmunk_lut='/nobackup/NNR/Misc/coxmunk_lut.npz',
+                  outliers=3., 
+                  laod=True, 
+                  verbose=0,
+                  cloud_thresh=0.70,
+                  glint_thresh=40.0,
+                  Albedo=None,
+                  aFilter=None,
+                  tymemax=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the AOD Bias Correction (ABC) for the VIIRS DT Ocean algorithm.
+        On Input,
+        fname   ---  file name for the CSV file with the co-located MODIS/AERONET
+                     data (see class OCEAN)
+        outliers --  number of standard deviations for outlinear removal.
+        laod    ---  if True, targets are log-transformed AOD, log(Tau+0.01)
+        tymemax ---  truncate the data record in the giant file at tymemax.
+                     set to  None to read entire data record.
+        Reads in two Albedo variables
+              albedo - cox munk lut that parameterizes albedo with wind speed
+                                        Requires coxmunk_lut npz file.
+              BRF - cox munk bidirection reflectance computed with VLIDORT
+                                        and stored in npz
+                                        Requires a NPZ file with the data.
+              Both require a wind speed npz file.
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.laod    = laod
+        DT_OCEAN.__init__(self,fname,tymemax=tymemax) # initialize superclass
+        # Get Auxiliary Data
+        ABC.__init__(self,fname,Albedo,coxmunk_lut=coxmunk_lut)
+        # Q/C
+        # ---
+        self.iValid = (>0) & \
+                      (self.aTau470 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau550 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau660 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau870 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau550 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau670 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau870 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mRef480 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef550 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef670 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef860 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef1240 > 0.0)  &\
+                      (self.mRef1600 > 0.0)  &\
+                      (self.mRef2250 > 0.0)  &\
+                      ( <cloud_thresh) &\
+                      ( >= 0)          &\
+                      (self.GlintAngle != MISSING ) &\
+                      (self.GlintAngle > glint_thresh) 
+        # Filter by additional variables
+        # ------------------------------
+        self.addFilter(aFilter)
+        # glint_thresh > 40 is a bit redundant b/c MOD04 should already give these a qa==0 or
+        # does not retrieve.  However, there are a few cases (~200) where this does not happen.
+        # the GlingAngle is very close to 40, greater than 38.  Not sure why these get through.
+        # Outlier removal based on log-transformed AOD
+        # --------------------------------------------
+        self.outlierRemoval(outliers)
+        # Reduce the Dataset
+        # --------------------
+        self.reduce(self.iValid)                    
+        self.iValid = ones(self.lon.shape).astype(bool)
+        # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
+        # -----------------------------------------------------------
+        self.angleTranform()
+        # Year
+        #-------
+        self.setYear()
+    def __init__ (self,fname,
+                  coxmunk_lut='/nobackup/NNR/Misc/coxmunk_lut.npz',
+                  outliers=3.,
+                  laod=True,
+                  verbose=0,
+                  cloud_thresh=0.70,
+                  glint_thresh=40.0,
+                  Albedo=None,
+                  aFilter=None,
+                  tymemax=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the AOD Bias Correction (ABC) for the VIIRS DB Ocean algorithm.
+        On Input,
+        fname   ---  file name for the CSV file with the co-located MODIS/AERONET
+                     data (see class OCEAN)
+        outliers --  number of standard deviations for outlinear removal.
+        laod    ---  if True, targets are log-transformed AOD, log(Tau+0.01)
+        tymemax ---  truncate the data record in the giant file at tymemax.
+                     set to  None to read entire data record.
+        Reads in two Albedo variables
+              albedo - cox munk lut that parameterizes albedo with wind speed
+                                        Requires coxmunk_lut npz file.
+              BRF - cox munk bidirection reflectance computed with VLIDORT
+                                        and stored in npz
+                                        Requires a NPZ file with the data.
+              Both require a wind speed npz file.
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.laod    = laod
+        DB_OCEAN.__init__(self,fname,tymemax=tymemax) # initialize superclass
+        # Get Auxiliary Data
+        ABC.__init__(self,fname,Albedo,coxmunk_lut=coxmunk_lut)
+        # Q/C
+        # ---
+        self.iValid = (>0) & \
+                      (self.aTau470 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau550 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau660 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.aTau870 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau550 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau670 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau865 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau1240 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau1640 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau2250 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mRef412 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef488 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef550 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef670 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef865 > 0.0)   &\
+                      (self.mRef1240 > 0.0)  &\
+                      (self.mRef1640 > 0.0)  &\
+                      (self.mRef2250 > 0.0)  &\
+                      ( <cloud_thresh) &\
+                      ( >= 0)          &\
+                      (self.GlintAngle != MISSING ) &\
+                      (self.GlintAngle > glint_thresh)
+        # Filter by additional variables
+        # ------------------------------
+        self.addFilter(aFilter)
+        # glint_thresh > 40 is a bit redundant b/c MOD04 should already give these a qa==0 or
+        # does not retrieve.  However, there are a few cases (~200) where this does not happen.
+        # the GlingAngle is very close to 40, greater than 38.  Not sure why these get through.
+        # Outlier removal based on log-transformed AOD
+        # --------------------------------------------
+        self.outlierRemoval(outliers)
+        # Reduce the Dataset
+        # --------------------
+        self.reduce(self.iValid)
+        self.iValid = ones(self.lon.shape).astype(bool)
+        # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
+        # -----------------------------------------------------------
+        self.angleTranform()
+        # Year
+        #-------
+        self.setYear()
+    def __init__ (self, fname,
+                  Albedo=None,
+                  alb_max = 0.25,
+                  outliers=3.,
+                  laod=True,
+                  verbose=0,
+                  cloud_thresh=0.70,
+                  aFilter=None,
+                  NDVI=False,
+                  tymemax=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the AOD Bias Correction (ABC) for the VIIRS DT Land algorithm.
+        On Input,
+        fname   ---  file name for the CSV file with the co-located VIIRS/AERONET
+                     data (see class OCEAN)
+        Albedo  ---  albedo file name identifier; albedo file will be created
+                     from this identifier (See below).
+        outliers --  number of standard deviations for outlinear removal.
+        laod    ---  if True, targets are log-transformed AOD, log(Tau+0.01)
+        tymemax ---  truncate the data record in the giant file at tymemax. 
+                     set to  None to read entire data record.
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.laod = laod
+        DT_LAND.__init__(self,fname,tymemax=tymemax)  # initialize superclass
+        # Get Auxiliary Data
+        ABC.__init__(self,fname,Albedo,NDVI=NDVI)
+        # Q/C: enforce QA=3 and albedo in (0,0.25), scattering angle<170
+        # --------------------------------------------------------------
+        self.iValid = (                & \
+                      (self.aTau470 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.aTau550 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.aTau660 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau550 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau670 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau2250> -0.01)      & \
+                      (<cloud_thresh)   & \
+                      ( >= 0)           & \
+                      (self.ScatteringAngle<170.) & \
+                      (self.mRef480 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef670 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef2250 > 0)         & \
+                      (self.mSre480 >  0.0)       & \
+                      (self.mSre670 >  0.0)       & \
+                      (self.mSre2250>  0.0)       
+#                      (self.mRef412 > 0)          & \
+#                      (self.mRef440 > 0)          & \
+#                      (self.mRef550 > 0)          & \
+#                      (self.mRef870 > 0)          & \
+#                      (self.mRef1200 > 0)         & \
+#                      (self.mRef1600 > 0)         & \
+        # Filter by additional variables
+        # ------------------------------
+        self.addFilter(aFilter)
+        # Outlier removal based on log-transformed AOD
+        # --------------------------------------------
+        self.outlierRemoval(outliers)
+        # Reduce the Dataset
+        # --------------------
+        self.reduce(self.iValid)                    
+        self.iValid = ones(self.lon.shape).astype(bool)        
+        # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
+        # -----------------------------------------------------------
+        self.angleTranform()    
+    def __init__ (self, fname,
+                  Albedo=None,
+                  outliers=3.,
+                  laod=True,
+                  verbose=0,
+                  cloud_thresh=0.70,
+                  aFilter=None,
+                  NDVI=False,
+                  tymemax=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the AOD Bias Correction (ABC) for the MODIS Land algorithm.
+        On Input,
+        fname   ---  file name for the CSV file with the co-located MODIS/AERONET
+                     data (see class OCEAN)
+        Albedo  ---  albedo file name identifier; albedo file will be created
+                     from this identifier (See below).
+        outliers --  number of standard deviations for outlinear removal.
+        laod    ---  if True, targets are log-transformed AOD, log(Tau+0.01)
+        tymemax ---  truncate the data record in the giant file at tymemax.
+                     set to  None to read entire data record.
+        """
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.laod = laod
+        DB_LAND.__init__(self,fname,tymemax=tymemax)  # initialize superclass
+        # Get Auxiliary Data
+        ABC.__init__(self,fname,Albedo,NDVI=NDVI)
+        # Q/C: enforce QA=3, scattering angle<170
+        # --------------------------------------------------------------
+        self.iValid = (                & \
+                      (self.aTau470 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.aTau550 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.aTau660 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau412 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau550 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau670 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau2250 > -0.01)     & \
+                      (<cloud_thresh)   & \
+                      ( >= 0)           & \
+                      (self.ScatteringAngle<170.) & \
+                      (self.mRef412 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef488 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef670 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef865 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef1240 > 0)         & \
+                      (self.mRef1640 > 0)         & \
+                      (self.mRef2250 > 0)         & \
+                      (self.mSre412 >  0.0)       & \
+                      (self.mSre488 >  0.0)       & \
+                      (self.mSre670 >  0.0)      
+        # Filter by additional variables
+        # ------------------------------
+        self.addFilter(aFilter)
+        # Outlier removal based on log-transformed AOD
+        # --------------------------------------------
+        self.outlierRemoval(outliers)
+        # Reduce the Dataset
+        # --------------------
+        self.reduce(self.iValid)                    
+        self.iValid = ones(self.lon.shape).astype(bool)        
+        # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
+        # -----------------------------------------------------------
+        self.angleTranform()    
+class STATS(object):
+  def __init__ (self,K,comblist,nTarget):
+    c = max([len(comblist),1])
+    if K is None:
+      k = 1
+    else:
+      k = K
+    self.slope     = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+    self.intercept = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+    self.R         = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+    self.rmse      = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+    self.mae       = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+        = np.ones([k,c,nTarget])*np.nan
+def _train(mxd,expid,c):
+  ident  = mxd.ident
+  outdir = mxd.outdir
+  nHidden  = mxd.nHidden
+  topology = mxd.topology[c]
+  Input    = mxd.comblist[c]
+  Target   = mxd.Target
+  print "-"*80
+  print "--> nHidden = ", nHidden
+  print "-->  Inputs = ", Input
+  n = cpu_count()
+  kwargs = {'nproc' : n}
+  if mxd.K is None:
+    mxd.train(Input=Input,Target=Target,nHidden=nHidden,topology=topology,**kwargs)
+    mxd.savenet(outdir+"/"+expid+'')    
+  else:
+    k = 1
+    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf:
+      I = arange(mxd.nobs)
+      iValid = I[mxd.iValid]
+      mxd.iTrain = iValid[iTrain]
+      mxd.iTest  = iValid[iTest]
+      mxd.train(Input=Input,Target=Target,nHidden=nHidden,topology=topology,**kwargs)
+      mxd.savenet(outdir+"/"+expid+'.k={}'.format(str(k)))
+      k = k + 1
+def _test(mxd,expid,c,plotting=True):
+  ident  = mxd.ident
+  outdir = mxd.outdir    
+  if mxd.K is None:
+    if mxd.combinations:
+      inputs = expid.split('.')
+      found = False
+      for invars in itertools.permutations(inputs):
+        try: 
+          netFile = outdir+"/"+".".join(invars)+''
+          mxd.loadnet(netFile)
+          found = True
+          break
+        except:
+          pass
+        if found: break
+      if not found:
+        print '{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile)
+        raise
+    else:
+      invars = mxd.comblist[0]
+      netFile = outdir+"/"+".".join(invars)+''
+ = mxd.loadnet(netFile)
+    mxd.Input = mxd.comblist[c]
+    TestStats(mxd,mxd.K,c)
+    if plotting: 
+        if mxd.angstrom:
+            make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident,I=mxd.iTest)
+        else:
+            make_plots(mxd,expid,ident,I=mxd.iTest)
+  else:
+    k = 1
+    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf:
+      I = arange(mxd.nobs)
+      iValid = I[mxd.iValid]
+      mxd.iTrain = iValid[iTrain]
+      mxd.iTest  = iValid[iTest]
+      if mxd.combinations:
+        inputs = expid.split('.')
+        found = False
+        for invars in itertools.permutations(inputs):
+          try: 
+            netFile = outdir+"/"+".".join(invars)+'.k={}'.format(str(k))
+            mxd.loadnet(netFile)
+            found = True
+            print 'found file',netFile
+            break
+          except:
+            pass
+        if not found:
+          print '{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile)
+          raise
+      else:
+        invars = mxd.comblist[0]
+        netFile = outdir+"/"+".".join(invars)+'.k={}'.format(str(k))
+ = mxd.loadnet(netFile)
+      mxd.Input = mxd.comblist[c]      
+      TestStats(mxd,k-1,c)
+      if plotting: 
+          if mxd.angstrom:
+              make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
+          else:
+              make_plots(mxd,expid,'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
+      k = k + 1    
+def _trainMODIS(mxdx):
+  if not mxdx.combinations:
+    Input = mxdx.comblist[0]
+    _train(mxdx,'.'.join(Input),0)
+  else:
+    for c,Input in enumerate(mxdx.comblist):
+      _train(mxdx,'.'.join(Input),c)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _testMODIS(mxdx):
+  if not mxdx.combinations:
+    _test(mxdx,mxdx.expid,0,plotting=True)
+  else:
+    for c,Input in enumerate(mxdx.comblist):
+      _test(mxdx,'.'.join(Input),c,plotting=False)
+def get_combinations(Input_nnr,Input_const):
+  comblist   = []
+  combgroups = []
+  for n in arange(len(Input_nnr)):
+    for invars in itertools.combinations(Input_nnr,n+1):        
+      b = ()
+      for c in invars:
+        if type(c) is list:
+          b = b + tuple(c)
+        else:
+          b = b + (c,)
+      #don't do both kinds of abledo together
+      if not (('BRF' in b) and ('albedo' in b)):
+        if Input_const is not None:
+          comblist.append(tuple(Input_const)+b)
+          combgroups.append((Input_const,)+invars)
+        else:
+          comblist.append(b)
+          combgroups.append(invars)
+  if Input_const is not None:
+    comblist.insert(0,tuple(Input_const))
+    combgroups.insert(0,(Input_const,))
+  return comblist,combgroups
+def flatten_list(Input_nnr):
+  Input = ()
+  for i in Input_nnr:
+    if type(i) is list:
+      Input = Input + tuple(i)
+    else:
+      Input = Input + (i,)
+  return list(Input)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  """
+    Example Training/testing
+  """
+  from   abc_c6_aux           import SummarizeCombinations, SummaryPDFs
+  nHidden      = None
+  nHLayers     = 1
+  combinations = True
+  Target       = ['aTau550',]
+  Albedo       = ['CoxMunkBRF']
+  K            = 2
+  filename     = '/nobackup/6/NNR/Training/'
+  retrieval    = 'VSDT_OCEAN'
+  doTrain      = True
+  doTest       = True
+  expid        = 'CoxMunkTest_wSZA'
+  Input_const  = ['SolarZenith','ScatteringAngle', 'GlintAngle','mRef470','mRef550','mRef660', 'mRef870','mRef1200','mRef1600','mRef2100']
+  Input_nnr    = ['CoxMunkBRF',['fdu','fcc','fsu']]
+  aFilter      = ['CoxMunkBRF']
+  expid        = '{}_{}'.format(retrieval,expid)
+  ocean = ABC_Ocean(filename,Albedo=Albedo,verbose=1,aFilter=aFilter)  
+  # Initialize class for training/testing
+  # ---------------------------------------------
+  ocean.setupNN(retrieval, expid,
+                      nHidden      = nHidden,
+                      nHLayers     = nHLayers,
+                      combinations = combinations,
+                      Input_const  = Input_const,
+                      Input_nnr    = Input_nnr,                                         
+                      Target       = Target,                      
+                      K            = K)
+  if Input_const is not None:
+    InputMaster = list((Input_const,) + tuple(Input_nnr))      
+  else:
+    InputMaster = Input_nnr
+  # Do Training and Testing
+  # ------------------------
+  if doTrain:
+    _trainMODIS(ocean)
+  if doTest:
+    _testMODIS(ocean)
+    if combinations:
+      SummarizeCombinations(ocean,InputMaster,yrange=None,sortname='slope')
+      SummaryPDFs(ocean,varnames=['mRef870','mRef660'])
diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37ab9dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+from types     import *
+from netCDF4   import Dataset
+from datetime  import date, datetime, timedelta
+from numpy     import savez, meshgrid, array, concatenate, zeros, ones, \
+                      linspace, sqrt, load, shape, random, interp
+import numpy   as np
+from dateutil.parser import parse as isoparse
+from pyobs.npz       import NPZ
+META =  ( "Date",
+          "Time",
+          "Latitude",
+          "Longitude",
+          "SolarZenith",
+          "SensorZenith",
+          "ScatteringAngle",
+          "GlintAngle")
+ANET = (  "mean_AOD0340",
+         "mean_AOD0380",
+         "mean_AOD0410",
+         "mean_AOD0440",
+         "mean_AOD0470intrp",
+         "mean_AOD0500",
+         "mean_AOD0550intrp",
+         "mean_AOD0660intrp",
+         "mean_AOD0670",
+         "mean_AOD0870",
+         "mean_AOD1020",
+         "mean_AOD1640",
+#         "mean_AOD2100intrp",
+         "mean_WaterVapor",         
+         "nval_AOD0550intrp" 
+         )
+xDT_LAND = ("mean_AOD0480corr-l",
+        "mean_AOD0550corr-l",
+        "mean_AOD0670corr-l",
+        "mean_AOD2250corr-l",
+#        "mean_mref0412-l",
+#        "mean_mref0443-l",
+        "mean_mref0480-l",
+#        "mean_mref0550-l",
+        "mean_mref0670-l",
+#        "mean_mref0745-l",
+#        "mean_mref0870-l",
+#        "mean_mref1200-l",
+#        "mean_mref1600-l",
+        "mean_mref2250-l",
+        "mean_surfre0480-l",
+        "mean_surfre0670-l",
+        "mean_surfre2250-l",
+        "mean_acfrac-l",   
+        "mode_QA-l", 
+#        "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+#        "nval_npu0550-l",
+#        "nval_AOD0550corr-l" 
+        )
+xDT_OCEAN = ( "mean_AOD0480ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD0550ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD0670ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD0860ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD1240ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD1600ea-o",
+          "mean_AOD2250ea-o",
+          "mean_mref0480-o",
+          "mean_mref0550-o",
+          "mean_mref0670-o",
+          "mean_mref0860-o",
+          "mean_mref1240-o",
+          "mean_mref1600-o",
+          "mean_mref2250-o",
+#          "mean_wspeed-o",
+          "mean_acfrac-o",
+          "mode_QAavg-o",
+#          "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+          "nval_AOD0550ea-o"
+         )
+xDB_LAND = ( "mean_AOD0412dpbl-l",
+          "mean_AOD0488dpbl-l",
+#          "mean_AOD0550bestdpbl-l",
+          "mean_AOD0550dpbl-l",
+          "mean_AOD0670dpbl-l",
+          "mean_cfracdpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref0412dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref0488dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref0670dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref0865dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref1240dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref1640dpbl-l",
+          "mean_mref2250dpbl-l",
+          "mean_surfre0412dpbl-l",
+          "mean_surfre0488dpbl-l",
+          "mean_surfre0670dpbl-l",
+          "mode_QAdpbl-l",
+#          "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+          "nval_AOD0550dpbl-l",
+        )
+xDB_OCEAN = ("mean_AOD0488dpbl-o",
+#          "mean_AOD0550bestdpbl-l",
+          "mean_AOD0550dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD0670dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD0865dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD01240dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD01640dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD02250dpbl-o",
+          "mean_cfracdpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref0412dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref0488dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref0670dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref0865dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref1240dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref1640dpbl-o",
+          "mean_mref2250dpbl-o",
+          "mode_QAdpbl-o",
+#          "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+        )
+ALIAS = {
+                "Latitude"              : 'lat',
+                "Longitude"             : 'lon',
+                "mean_AOD0440"          : 'aTau440',
+                "mean_AOD0470intrp"     : 'aTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0500"          : 'aTau500',
+                "mean_AOD0550intrp"     : 'aTau550',
+                "mean_AOD0660intrp"     : 'aTau660',
+                "mean_AOD0870"          : 'aTau870',
+                "mean_AOD2100intrp"     : 'aTau2100',
+                "mean_WaterVapor"       : 'aWaterVapor',
+                "nval_AOD0550intrp"     : 'aNcollo',
+                "mean_AOD0470corr-l"    : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0550corr-l"    : 'mTau550',
+                "mean_AOD0660corr-l"    : 'mTau660',
+                "mean_AOD2100corr-l"    : 'mTau2100',
+                "mean_mref0412-l"       : 'mRef412',
+                "mean_mref0443-l"       : 'mRef440',
+                "mean_mref0470-l"       : 'mRef470',
+                "mean_mref0550-l"       : 'mRef550',
+                "mean_mref0660-l"       : 'mRef660',
+                "mean_mref0745-l"       : 'mRef745',
+                "mean_mref0870-l"       : 'mRef870',
+                "mean_mref1200-l"       : 'mRef1200',
+                "mean_mref1600-l"       : 'mRef1600',
+                "mean_mref2100-l"       : 'mRef2100',
+                "mean_surfre0470-l"     : 'mSre470',
+                "mean_surfre0660-l"     : 'mSre660',
+                "mean_surfre2100-l"     : 'mSre2100',
+                "mean_acfrac-l"         : 'cloud',    
+                "mode_QA-l"             : 'qa',                
+                "nval_AOD0550corr-l"    : 'mNcollo',
+                "mean_AOD0470ea-o"      : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0550ea-o"      : 'mTau550',
+                "mean_AOD0660ea-o"      : 'mTau660',
+                "mean_AOD0870ea-o"      : 'mTau870',
+                "mean_AOD1200ea-o"      : 'mTau1200',
+                "mean_AOD1600ea-o"      : 'mTau1600',
+                "mean_AOD2100ea-o"      : 'mTau2100',
+                "mean_mref0470-o"       : 'mRef470',
+                "mean_mref0550-o"       : 'mRef550',
+                "mean_mref0660-o"       : 'mRef660',
+                "mean_mref0870-o"       : 'mRef870',
+                "mean_mref1200-o"       : 'mRef1200',
+                "mean_mref1600-o"       : 'mRef1600',
+                "mean_mref2100-o"       : 'mRef2100',
+                "mean_wspeed-o"         : 'speed',
+                "mean_acfrac-o"         : 'cloud',
+                "mode_QAavg-o"          : 'qa',
+                "nval_AOD0550ea-o"      : 'mNcollo',
+                "mean_AOD0412dpbl-l"    : 'mTau412',
+                "mean_AOD0470dpbl-l"    : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0550dpbl-l"    : 'mTau550',
+                "mean_AOD0660dpbl-l"    : 'mTau660',
+                "mean_cfracdpbl-l"      : 'cloud',    
+                "mean_mref0412dpbl-l"   : 'mRef412',
+                "mean_mref0470dpbl-l"   : 'mRef470',
+                "mean_mref0660dpbl-l"   : 'mRef660',
+                "mean_surfre0412dpbl-l" : 'mSre412',
+                "mean_surfre0470dpbl-l" : 'mSre470',
+                "mean_surfre0660dpbl-l" : 'mSre660',
+                "mode_QAdpbl-l"         : 'qa',
+                "nval_AOD0550dpbl-l"    : 'mNcollo',
+                "mean_dtdbAOD0550"      : 'mTau550comb',
+                "cval_cldpixdistavg"    : 'clDist'
+             }
+MISSING = 1.E20
+# ..................................................................................
+class CX_ALBEDO(object):
+  """
+    Container for Cox-Munk albedo 
+  """
+  def __init__(self,s_channels):
+    for ch in s_channels:
+      self.__dict__['CxAlbedo' + ch] = []
+class GIANT(object):
+  """
+      Read Level-2 GIANT Co-located AERONET/MODIS/VIIRS aerosol files from
+      GSFC MODIS group.
+  """
+  def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
+    """
+     Creates an GIANT object defining the attributes corresponding
+     to the SDS of interest.
+    """
+    if 'SNPP' in filename:     self.sat = 'SNPP'
+    else:                      self.sat = 'Unknown'    
+    self.only_good = only_good
+    Names = META+ANET+xVars
+    # Simplify variable names
+    # ------------------------
+    self.ALIAS = ALIAS.copy()
+    # Read in variables
+    # -----------------
+    print 'filename ',filename
+    nc = Dataset(filename)
+    Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+    self.giantList =[]
+    for name in Names:
+      data = nc.variables[name][:]
+      if name in Alias:
+          name = self.ALIAS[name]
+      # old files use -9999.0 for fill value
+      # new files use masked arrays
+      # convert everythong to regular array filling with -9999.0
+      # make sure _fill_value is -9999.0
+      self.__dict__[name] = np.array(data)
+      self.giantList.append(name)
+    nc.close()
+    # Form python tyme
+    # ----------------
+    # new files have an ISO_DateTime variable
+    nc = Dataset(filename)
+    if 'ISO_DateTime' in nc.variables.keys():
+        try:
+            iso = nc.variables['ISO_DateTime'][:]
+            self.tyme = array([isoparse(''.join(array(t))) for t in iso])
+        except:
+        # old file only have Date and Time variables
+            D = self.Date[:,0:10]
+            T = self.Time[:,0:5] # they didn't save the seconds
+            # Bug in dataset, first field is blank
+            D[0] = D[1]
+            T[0] = T[1]
+            self.aTau550[0] = -9999.0
+            self.tyme = array([ isoparse(''.join(D[i])+'T'+''.join(t)) for i, t in enumerate(T) ])    
+    nc.close()
+    # Limit to the MERRA-2 time series
+    #---------------------------------
+    if tymemax is not None:
+      tymemax = isoparse(tymemax)
+      I = self.tyme < tymemax
+      for name in Names:
+        if name in Alias:
+          name = self.ALIAS[name]
+        self.__dict__[name] = self.__dict__[name][I]
+      self.tyme = self.tyme[I]
+    del self.Date, self.Time
+    self.giantList.remove('Date')
+    self.giantList.remove('Time')
+    self.giantList.append('tyme')
+    # Record number of observations
+    # -----------------------------
+    self.nobs = len(self.lon) 
+  def balance(self,N):
+    """
+    Return indices of observations so that each species does not have more than
+    N observations. This is meant to be performed with a reduced dataset.
+    """
+    I = zeros(self.lon.shape).astype(bool)
+    random.seed(32768) # so that we get the same permutation
+    for f in (self.fdu,self.fss,self.fcc,self.fsu):
+      J = f>0.5                      # all obs for which species dominate
+      n = len(self.lon[J])              # no. obs for this species
+      P = random.permutation(n)      # randomize obs for this species
+      m = min(n,N)                   # keep this many
+      K = I[J]
+      K[P[0:m]] = True
+      I[J] = K
+    return I
+  def reduce(self,I):
+    """
+    Reduce observations according to index I. 
+    """
+    for name in self.giantList:
+      q = self.__dict__[name]
+      print "{} Reducing "+name,q.shape
+      self.__dict__[name] = q[I]
+    self.nobs = len(self.lon)
+  def getCoxMunk(self,filename='/nobackup/NNR/Misc/coxmunk_lut.npz',channel=550.):
+    """
+    Returns ocean albedo as a function of wind speed from look up table.
+    """
+    # Get precomputed albedo LUT
+    # --------------------------
+    lut = NPZ(filename)
+    # Trimmed wind speed
+    # ------------------
+    w10m = self.wind.copy()
+    w10m[w10m<0] = 0
+    w10m[w10m>50.] = 50.
+    j = list(lut.channels).index(channel)
+    # Interpolate albedo
+    # ------------------
+    albedo = zeros(len(w10m))
+    albedo[:] = interp(w10m,lut.speed,lut.albedo[:,j])
+    self.CoxMunkLUT = albedo
+  def calcCoxMunk(self,windFile,channels=[470. ,550. ,660. ,870. ,1200.,1600.,2100.],npzFile=None):
+    """
+    Calls VLIDORT wrapper to calculate CoxMunk Bidirectional Surface Reflectance.
+    """
+    import VLIDORT_BRDF_ABC_
+    channeli = [200,250,300,337,400,488,515,550,633,694,860,1060,1300,1536,1800,2000,2250,2500]
+    # refractive index
+    mr       = [1.396,1.362,1.349,1.345,1.339,1.335,1.334,1.333,1.332,1.331,1.329,1.326,
+               1.323,1.318,1.312,1.306,1.292,1.261]
+    wind = np.load(windFile)
+    u10m = wind['u10m'].astype('float64')
+    v10m = wind['v10m'].astype('float64')
+    sza = self.SolarZenith.astype('float64')
+    vza = self.SensorZenith.astype('float64')
+    # needs to be photon travel direction.  raa = 0 is forward scattering
+    saa = self.SolarAzimuth.astype('float64')
+    saa = saa + 180.0
+    saa[saa>=360.0] = saa[saa>=360.0] - 360.0
+    raa = np.abs(self.SensorAzimuth - saa).astype('float64')
+    if type(channels) is list:
+      channels = np.array(channels)
+    try:
+      some_object_iterator = iter(channels)
+    except:
+      channels = np.array([channels])
+    strch = [str(int(ch)) for ch in channels]
+    m  = interp(channels,channeli,mr)
+    albedos, rc = VLIDORT_BRDF_ABC_.coxmunk(1,channels,u10m,v10m,m,sza,raa,vza,-999,1)
+    self.sample = CX_ALBEDO(strch)
+    for i,ch in enumerate(strch):
+      self.sample.__dict__['CxAlbedo' + ch] = albedos[:,i]
+    if npzFile is not None:
+      savez(npzFile,**self.sample.__dict__)
+  def speciate(self,aer_x,FineMode=False,Verbose=False):
+    """
+    Use GAAS to derive fractional composition.
+    """
+    self.sampleFile(aer_x,onlyVars=('TOTEXTTAU',
+                                    'DUEXTTAU',
+                                    'SSEXTTAU',
+                                    'BCEXTTAU',
+                                    'OCEXTTAU',
+                                    'SUEXTTAU',
+                                    ),Verbose=Verbose)
+    s = self.sample
+    I = (s.TOTEXTTAU<=0)
+    s.TOTEXTTAU[I] = 1.E30
+    self.fdu  = s.DUEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+    self.fss  = s.SSEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+    self.fbc  = s.BCEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+    self.foc  = s.OCEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+    self.fcc  = self.fbc + self.foc
+    self.fsu  = s.SUEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+    if FineMode:
+      self.sampleFile(aer_x,onlyVars=('DUEXTTFM','SSEXTTFM'),Verbose=Verbose)
+      self.fduf = s.DUEXTTFM / TOTEXTTAU
+      self.fssf = s.SSEXTTFM / TOTEXTTAU 
+    del self.sample
+  def sampleG5(self,gas_x=None,avk_x=None,int_x=None,slv_x=None,ext_Nc=None):
+    """
+    Sample key parameters from GAAS files.
+    """
+    from gfio import GFIOHandle
+    if gas_x is not None:
+      self.sampleFile(gas_x,onlyVars=('AODANA',))
+      self.tau_550 = self.sample.AODANA[:]
+    if avk_x is not None:
+      tyme = self.tyme[:]
+      self.tyme = getSyn(tyme)
+      self.sampleFile(avk_x,onlyVars=('AOD',))
+      self.avk = self.sample.AOD[:]
+      self.tyme[:] = tyme[:]
+    if int_x is not None:
+      try:
+        self.sampleFile(int_x,onlyVars=('TQV',)) # As in file spec
+        self.tpw = self.sample.TQV[:]
+      except:
+        self.sampleFile(int_x,onlyVars=('TPW',)) # Larry's name
+        self.tpw = self.sample.TPW[:]
+    if slv_x is not None:
+      self.sampleFile(slv_x,onlyVars=('U10M','V10M'))
+      self.wind = sqrt(self.sample.U10M[:]**2 + self.sample.V10M[:]**2)
+    if ext_Nc is not None:
+      self.sampleFile(ext_Nc,onlyVars=('taod',))
+      self.tau_660 = self.sample.taod[:,5] # 660
+    del self.sample
+  def sampleMERRA(self,slv_x='tavg1_2d_slv_Nx',aer_x='tavg1_2d_aer_Nx',
+                  FineMode=False,npzFile=None,Verbose=False):
+    self.sampleFile(slv_x,onlyVars=('U10M','V10M'), Verbose=Verbose)
+    self.u10m = self.sample.U10M
+    self.v10m = self.sample.V10M
+    self.wind = sqrt(self.sample.U10M[:]**2 + self.sample.V10M[:]**2)
+    del self.sample
+    self.speciate(aer_x,FineMode=FineMode,Verbose=Verbose)
+    if npzFile is not None:
+      if FineMode:
+        savez(npzFile,wind=self.wind,u10m=self.u10m,v10m=self.v10m,
+                    fdu=self.fdu,fss=self.fss,fcc=self.fcc,fsu=self.fsu,
+                    fduf=self.fduf,fssf=self.fssf)     
+      else:
+        savez(npzFile,wind=self.wind,u10m=self.u10m,v10m=self.v10m,
+                    fdu=self.fdu,fss=self.fss,fcc=self.fcc,fsu=self.fsu)     
+  def sampleMCD43C(self,npzFile=None,Verbose=False):
+    from mcd43c import MCD43C
+    brdf = MCD43C()
+    brdf.sample(self,Verbose=Verbose)
+    if npzFile is not None:
+        savez(npzFile,**self.brdf.__dict__)     
+  def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False, clmYear=None):
+        """
+        Interpolates all variables of inFile and optionally
+        save them to file *npzFile*
+        """
+        from gfio import GFIO, GFIOctl, GFIOHandle
+        # Instantiate grads and open file
+        # -------------------------------
+        name, ext = os.path.splitext(inFile)
+        if ext in ( '.nc4', '.nc', '.hdf'):
+          fh = GFIO(inFile)     # open single file
+          if fh.lm == 1:
+            timeInterp = False    # no time interpolation in this case
+          else:
+            raise ValueError, "cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead"
+        else:
+          fh = GFIOctl(inFile)  # open timeseries
+          timeInterp = True     # perform time interpolation
+        self.sample = GFIOHandle(inFile)
+        if onlyVars is None:
+            onlyVars = fh.vname
+        nt = self.lon.shape
+        lons = self.lon
+        lats =
+        if clmYear is None:
+          tymes = self.tyme
+        else:
+          tymes = array([t + timedelta(days=365*(clmYear-t.year)) for t in self.tyme])
+        print 'trange',tymes.min(),tymes.max()
+        # Loop over variables on file
+        # ---------------------------
+        for v in onlyVars:
+            if Verbose:
+                print "<> Sampling ", v
+            if timeInterp:
+              var = fh.sample(v,lons,lats,tymes,Verbose=Verbose)
+            else:
+              var = fh.interp(v,lons,lats)
+            if len(var.shape) == 1:
+                self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
+            elif len(var.shape) == 2:
+                var = var.T # shape should be (nobs,nz)
+                self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, 'variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape))
+        if npzFile is not None:
+            savez(npzFile,**self.sample.__dict__)            
+  def sampleLoadz(self,npzFile):
+        """
+        Loads sample from npz file.
+        """
+        from grads.gahandle import GaHandle
+        self.sample = GaHandle(npzFile)
+        npz = load(npzFile)
+        for v in npz.keys():
+            self.sample.__dict__[v] = npz[v]
+class DT_LAND(GIANT):
+    def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
+        GIANT.__init__(self,filename,xVars=xDT_LAND,tymemax=tymemax)
+        if self.sat == 'SNPP':
+            self.ident = 'vsdtl'
+        self.ident = self.ident + '_'+ filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+        self.surface = 'land'
+    def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
+        GIANT.__init__(self,filename,xVars=xDT_OCEAN,tymemax=tymemax)
+        if self.sat == 'SNPP':
+            self.ident = 'vsdto'
+        self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+        self.surface = 'ocean'
+    def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
+        GIANT.__init__(self,filename,xVars=xDB_OCEAN,tymemax=tymemax)
+        if self.sat == 'SNPP':
+            self.ident = 'vsdto'
+        self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+        self.surface = 'ocean'
+class DB_LAND(GIANT):
+    def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
+        GIANT.__init__(self,filename,xVars=xDB_LAND,tymemax=tymemax)
+        if self.sat == 'SNPP':
+            self.ident = 'vsdto'
+        self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+        self.surface = 'land'
+# .......................................................................................................
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # lnd = LAND('/nobackup/6/NNR/Training/')
+    ocn = DT_OCEAN('/nobackup/6/NNR/Training/')
+    #xblu = DEEP('/Users/adasilva/workspace.local/Data_Analysis/C6/')

From c55d9a1137da4427c2571fac57e98b711bdab9d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 10:33:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 09/67] PC - fix dbo variables names in giant_viirs

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 37ab9dec..91c23b74 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@
-          "mean_AOD01240dpbl-o",
-          "mean_AOD01640dpbl-o",
-          "mean_AOD02250dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD1240dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD1640dpbl-o",
+          "mean_AOD2250dpbl-o",

From a090ccb916ec0556a9814cc9e188eace14d3df00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 12:12:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 10/67] PC - fix aliasing in giant_viirs, also added angstrom
 interpolation of retrieved AOD to MODIS wavelengths to make comparisons

 .../misc/obs_aod/ABC/           | 153 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 91c23b74..13439ee1 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -129,75 +129,94 @@
 ALIAS = {
                 "Latitude"              : 'lat',
                 "Longitude"             : 'lon',
+                "mean_AOD0340"          : 'aTau340',
+                "mean_AOD0380"          : 'aTau380',
+                "mean_AOD0410"          : 'aTau412',
                 "mean_AOD0440"          : 'aTau440',
                 "mean_AOD0470intrp"     : 'aTau470',
                 "mean_AOD0500"          : 'aTau500',
                 "mean_AOD0550intrp"     : 'aTau550',
                 "mean_AOD0660intrp"     : 'aTau660',
+                "mean_AOD0670"          : 'aTau670',
                 "mean_AOD0870"          : 'aTau870',
-                "mean_AOD2100intrp"     : 'aTau2100',
+                "mean_AOD1020"          : 'aTau1020',
+                "mean_AOD1640"          : 'aTau1640',
+#                "mean_AOD2100intrp"     : 'aTau2100',
                 "mean_WaterVapor"       : 'aWaterVapor',
-                "nval_AOD0550intrp"     : 'aNcollo',
-                "mean_AOD0470corr-l"    : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0480corr-l"    : 'mTau480',
                 "mean_AOD0550corr-l"    : 'mTau550',
-                "mean_AOD0660corr-l"    : 'mTau660',
-                "mean_AOD2100corr-l"    : 'mTau2100',
-                "mean_mref0412-l"       : 'mRef412',
-                "mean_mref0443-l"       : 'mRef440',
-                "mean_mref0470-l"       : 'mRef470',
-                "mean_mref0550-l"       : 'mRef550',
-                "mean_mref0660-l"       : 'mRef660',
-                "mean_mref0745-l"       : 'mRef745',
-                "mean_mref0870-l"       : 'mRef870',
-                "mean_mref1200-l"       : 'mRef1200',
-                "mean_mref1600-l"       : 'mRef1600',
-                "mean_mref2100-l"       : 'mRef2100',
-                "mean_surfre0470-l"     : 'mSre470',
-                "mean_surfre0660-l"     : 'mSre660',
-                "mean_surfre2100-l"     : 'mSre2100',
+                "mean_AOD0670corr-l"    : 'mTau670',
+                "mean_AOD2250corr-l"    : 'mTau2250',
+#                "mean_mref0412-l"       : 'mRef412',
+#                "mean_mref0443-l"       : 'mRef440',
+                "mean_mref0480-l"       : 'mRef480',
+#                "mean_mref0550-l"       : 'mRef550',
+                "mean_mref0670-l"       : 'mRef670',
+#                "mean_mref0745-l"       : 'mRef745',
+#                "mean_mref0870-l"       : 'mRef870',
+#                "mean_mref1200-l"       : 'mRef1200',
+#                "mean_mref1600-l"       : 'mRef1600',
+                "mean_mref2250-l"       : 'mRef2250',
+                "mean_surfre0480-l"     : 'mSre480',
+                "mean_surfre0670-l"     : 'mSre670',
+                "mean_surfre2250-l"     : 'mSre2250',
                 "mean_acfrac-l"         : 'cloud',    
                 "mode_QA-l"             : 'qa',                
-                "nval_AOD0550corr-l"    : 'mNcollo',
-                "mean_AOD0470ea-o"      : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0480ea-o"      : 'mTau480',
                 "mean_AOD0550ea-o"      : 'mTau550',
-                "mean_AOD0660ea-o"      : 'mTau660',
-                "mean_AOD0870ea-o"      : 'mTau870',
-                "mean_AOD1200ea-o"      : 'mTau1200',
+                "mean_AOD0670ea-o"      : 'mTau670',
+                "mean_AOD0860ea-o"      : 'mTau860',
+                "mean_AOD1240ea-o"      : 'mTau1240',
                 "mean_AOD1600ea-o"      : 'mTau1600',
-                "mean_AOD2100ea-o"      : 'mTau2100',
-                "mean_mref0470-o"       : 'mRef470',
+                "mean_AOD2250ea-o"      : 'mTau2250',
+                "mean_mref0480-o"       : 'mRef470',
                 "mean_mref0550-o"       : 'mRef550',
-                "mean_mref0660-o"       : 'mRef660',
-                "mean_mref0870-o"       : 'mRef870',
-                "mean_mref1200-o"       : 'mRef1200',
+                "mean_mref0670-o"       : 'mRef670',
+                "mean_mref0860-o"       : 'mRef860',
+                "mean_mref1240-o"       : 'mRef1240',
                 "mean_mref1600-o"       : 'mRef1600',
-                "mean_mref2100-o"       : 'mRef2100',
-                "mean_wspeed-o"         : 'speed',
+                "mean_mref2250-o"       : 'mRef2250',
                 "mean_acfrac-o"         : 'cloud',
                 "mode_QAavg-o"          : 'qa',
-                "nval_AOD0550ea-o"      : 'mNcollo',
                 "mean_AOD0412dpbl-l"    : 'mTau412',
-                "mean_AOD0470dpbl-l"    : 'mTau470',
+                "mean_AOD0488dpbl-l"    : 'mTau488',
                 "mean_AOD0550dpbl-l"    : 'mTau550',
-                "mean_AOD0660dpbl-l"    : 'mTau660',
+                "mean_AOD0670dpbl-l"    : 'mTau670',
+                "mean_AOD2250dpbl-l"    : 'mTau2250',
                 "mean_cfracdpbl-l"      : 'cloud',    
                 "mean_mref0412dpbl-l"   : 'mRef412',
-                "mean_mref0470dpbl-l"   : 'mRef470',
-                "mean_mref0660dpbl-l"   : 'mRef660',
+                "mean_mref0488dpbl-l"   : 'mRef488',
+                "mean_mref0550dpbl-l"   : 'mRef550',
+                "mean_mref0670dpbl-l"   : 'mRef670',
+                "mean_mref0865dpbl-l"   : 'mRef865',
+                "mean_mref1240dpbl-l"   : 'mRef1240',
+                "mean_mref1640dpbl-l"   : 'mRef1640',
+                "mean_mref2250dpbl-l"   : 'mRef2250',
                 "mean_surfre0412dpbl-l" : 'mSre412',
-                "mean_surfre0470dpbl-l" : 'mSre470',
-                "mean_surfre0660dpbl-l" : 'mSre660',
+                "mean_surfre0488dpbl-l" : 'mSre488',
+                "mean_surfre0670dpbl-l" : 'mSre670',
                 "mode_QAdpbl-l"         : 'qa',
-                "nval_AOD0550dpbl-l"    : 'mNcollo',
-                "mean_dtdbAOD0550"      : 'mTau550comb',
-                "cval_cldpixdistavg"    : 'clDist'
+                "mean_AOD0488dpbl-o"    : 'mTau488',
+                "mean_AOD0550dpbl-o"    : 'mTau550',
+                "mean_AOD0670dpbl-o"    : 'mTau670',
+                "mean_AOD0865dpbl-o"    : 'mTau865',
+                "mean_AOD1240dpbl-o"    : 'mTau1240',
+                "mean_AOD1640dpbl-o"    : 'mTau1640',
+                "mean_AOD2250dpbl-o"    : 'mTau2250',
+                "mean_cfracdpbl-o"      : 'cloud',
+                "mean_mref0412dpbl-o"   : 'mRef412',
+                "mean_mref0488dpbl-o"   : 'mRef488',
+                "mean_mref0550dpbl-o"   : 'mRef550',
+                "mean_mref0670dpbl-o"   : 'mRef670',
+                "mean_mref865dpbl-o"    : 'mRef865',
+                "mean_mref1240dpbl-o"   : 'mRef1240',
+                "mean_mref1640dpbl-o"   : 'mRef1640',
+                "mean_mref2250dpbl-o"   : 'mRef2250',
+                "mode_QAdpbl-o"         : 'qa',
 MISSING = 1.E20
@@ -294,7 +313,7 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
     # Record number of observations
     # -----------------------------
-    self.nobs = len(self.lon) 
+    self.nobs = len(self.lon)
   def balance(self,N):
@@ -573,6 +592,14 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.ident = self.ident + '_'+ filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
         self.surface = 'land'
+        # Angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD to
+        # nominal MODIS wavelengths (470, 550, 660)
+        # for ease of comparison
+        # VIIRS channels = 480., 550., 670., 2250.
+        # ------------------------------------------------        
+        self.mTau470 = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau480,self.mTau550,480.,550.)
+        self.mTau660 = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
@@ -581,6 +608,16 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
         self.surface = 'ocean'
+        # Angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD to
+        # nominal MODIS wavelengths (470, 550, 660, 870, 1200, 1600, 2100)
+        # for ease of comparison
+        # VIIRS channels = 480., 550., 670., 860., 1240., 1600., 2250.
+        # ------------------------------------------------
+        self.mTau470  = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau480,self.mTau550,480.,550.)
+        self.mTau660  = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)        
+        self.mTau870  = aodInterpAngs(870.,self.mTau670,self.mTau860,670.,860.)
+        self.mTau2100 = aodInterpAngs(2100.,self.mTau1600,self.mTau2250,1600.,2250.) 
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
@@ -589,6 +626,16 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
         self.surface = 'ocean'
+        # Angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD to
+        # nominal MODIS wavelengths (470, 550, 660, 870, 1200, 1600, 2100)
+        # for ease of comparison
+        # VIIRS channels = 488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.
+        # ------------------------------------------------        
+        self.mTau470  = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau488,self.mTau550,488.,550.)
+        self.mTau660  = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)
+        self.mTau870  = aodInterpAngs(870.,self.mTau670,self.mTau865,670.,865.)
+        self.mTau2100 = aodInterpAngs(2100.,self.mTau1640,self.mTau2250,1640.,2250.)
 class DB_LAND(GIANT):
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
@@ -597,7 +644,25 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
         self.surface = 'land'
+        # Angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD to 
+        # nominal MODIS wavelengths (412, 470, 550, 660)
+        # for ease of comparison
+        # VIIRS channels = 412, 488, 550, 670
+        # ------------------------------------------------
+        self.mTau470 = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau412,self.mTau488,412.,488.)
+        self.mTau660 = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)
+def aodInterpAngs(lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
+    """
+       Angstrom-interpolated AOD.
+    """
+    I = (tau1 > 0.0) & (tau2 > 0.0)
+    angstrom = -np.log(tau1[I]/tau2[I])/np.log(lambda1/lambda2)
+    tau = -9999. * np.ones(len(tau1))
+    tau[I] = tau2[I] * (lambda2/lambda_)**angstrom
+    return tau
 # .......................................................................................................
 if __name__ == "__main__":

From 90db6c6cf7b9b4166e1ebb74de14f9682ae4a88e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:12:50 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 11/67] PC - fix variable naming in abc_viirs

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index a0aae9bf..ff613540 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ def __init__ (self,fname,
                       (self.mTau480 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mTau550 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mTau670 > -0.01) &\
-                      (self.mTau870 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau860 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mRef480 > 0.0)   &\
                       (self.mRef550 > 0.0)   &\
                       (self.mRef670 > 0.0)   &\
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ def __init__ (self,fname,
                       (self.aTau550 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.aTau660 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.aTau870 > -0.01) &\
-                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01) &\
+                      (self.mTau488 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mTau550 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mTau670 > -0.01) &\
                       (self.mTau865 > -0.01) &\
@@ -598,15 +598,15 @@ def __init__ (self, fname,
                       (self.aTau550 > -0.01)      & \
                       (self.aTau660 > -0.01)      & \
                       (self.mTau412 > -0.01)      & \
-                      (self.mTau480 > -0.01)      & \
+                      (self.mTau488 > -0.01)      & \
                       (self.mTau550 > -0.01)      & \
                       (self.mTau670 > -0.01)      & \
-                      (self.mTau2250 > -0.01)     & \
                       (<cloud_thresh)   & \
                       ( >= 0)           & \
                       (self.ScatteringAngle<170.) & \
                       (self.mRef412 > 0)          & \
                       (self.mRef488 > 0)          & \
+                      (self.mRef550 > 0)          & \
                       (self.mRef670 > 0)          & \
                       (self.mRef865 > 0)          & \
                       (self.mRef1240 > 0)         & \

From 27ccace85885ac1d33b622808297ee6bca949209 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:14:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 12/67] PC - fixed missing variables in DB products and some
 variable naming in giant_viirs

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 13439ee1..ba43a044 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
+          "mean_mref0550dpbl-l",
@@ -117,6 +118,7 @@
+          "mean_mref0550dpbl-o",
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@
                 "mean_AOD1240ea-o"      : 'mTau1240',
                 "mean_AOD1600ea-o"      : 'mTau1600',
                 "mean_AOD2250ea-o"      : 'mTau2250',
-                "mean_mref0480-o"       : 'mRef470',
+                "mean_mref0480-o"       : 'mRef480',
                 "mean_mref0550-o"       : 'mRef550',
                 "mean_mref0670-o"       : 'mRef670',
                 "mean_mref0860-o"       : 'mRef860',
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@
                 "mean_mref0488dpbl-o"   : 'mRef488',
                 "mean_mref0550dpbl-o"   : 'mRef550',
                 "mean_mref0670dpbl-o"   : 'mRef670',
-                "mean_mref865dpbl-o"    : 'mRef865',
+                "mean_mref0865dpbl-o"   : 'mRef865',
                 "mean_mref1240dpbl-o"   : 'mRef1240',
                 "mean_mref1640dpbl-o"   : 'mRef1640',
                 "mean_mref2250dpbl-o"   : 'mRef2250',

From 260c7aa3fb8cec2e3c802adffaf5ff5438def68d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 14:52:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 13/67] PC - fixed typo in writeg function of

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 71649253..85bf2273 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ def writeg(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,refine=8,res=None,
        f.write('count_tau', nymd, nhms,
                binobscnt3d(self.lon,,aod,im,jm,MISSING) )
        f.write('count_tau_', nymd, nhms,
-               binsobscnt3d(self.lon,,aod_,im,jm,MISSING) )
+               binobscnt3d(self.lon,,aod_,im,jm,MISSING) )
        f.write('cloud', nymd, nhms, 
                binobs2d(self.lon,,,im,jm,MISSING) )

From 8f91a1228c7bae90879291c93d1c99e3e0b97896 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2022 18:11:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 14/67] PC - DT bug fix. need iGood to filter masked values as

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 85bf2273..0fc8656e 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        # Determine index of "good" observations
        # --------------------------------------
        if self.algo == 'DT_LAND':
-           self.iGood = self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag == BEST
+           self.iGood = (self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag == BEST) & (~self.Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land.mask[:,1])
        elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
-           self.iGood = self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag > BAD
+           self.iGood = (self.Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag > BAD) & (~self.Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean.mask[:,1])
        elif self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
            self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land > BAD # for now
        elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':

From b55547d09939e1baf8827da3b1c2c1e5039bc58f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 10:23:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 15/67] PC - for viirs sometimes the aod is angstrom
 interpolated and not availalbe (e.g. at 470). make sure during validation
 plotting those points are excluded.

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 20 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 1cbfe173..906924ed 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -487,7 +487,11 @@ def make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
           name = 'm'+mxd.Target[t][1:]
       if name in mxd.__dict__:
           original = log(mxd.__dict__[name][I]+0.01)
-          fig = _plotKDE(targets[:,t],original,y_label='Original MODIS')
+          # protect against some of the othe wavelengths having negative values
+          ii = mxd.__dict__[name][I] > -0.01
+          fig = _plotKDE(targets[:,t][ii],original[ii],y_label='Original MODIS')
           title("Log("+mxd.Target[t][1:]+"+0.01)- "+ident)
@@ -556,9 +560,12 @@ def make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
                   print 'orig t,wav',t,name[4:]
                   wav = float(name[4:])
                   oo = mxd.__dict__[name][I] + 0.01 # add 0.01 to handle negatives
-                  tt = np.exp(targets[:,t]) # keep + 0.01 to handle negatives
-                  AEo = -1.*np.log(refo/oo)/np.log(refwav/wav)
-                  AEt = -1.*np.log(reft/tt)/np.log(refwav/wav)
+                  # protect against interpolated wavelengths that might have -9999
+                  ii = oo > 0
+                  oo = oo[ii]
+                  tt = np.exp(targets[:,t][ii]) # keep + 0.01 to handle negatives
+                  AEo = -1.*np.log(refo[ii]/oo)/np.log(refwav/wav)
+                  AEt = -1.*np.log(reft[ii]/tt)/np.log(refwav/wav)
                   fig = _plotKDE(AEt,AEo,y_label='Original MODIS',x_bins=bins,y_bins=bins)
                   title("AE 550/"+name[3:])
@@ -604,6 +611,11 @@ def make_error_pdfs(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRoot=N
             results = np.log(tau + 0.01)
         original = mxd.__dict__[name][I[0]]
+        # Protect against -999 in interpolated values
+        ii = original > -0.01
+        original = original[ii]
+        targets = targets[ii]
+        results = results[ii]
         if mxd.laod:
           original = log(original + 0.01)

From ebebe9b8e8622095bde3568e42ecb47ceb5d880d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 16:30:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 16/67] PC - add interpolated aods to gianlist so they are
 reduced with the other variables. these aren't used except for

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 10 +++++++++-
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index ba43a044..2b733e69 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -602,6 +602,8 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.mTau470 = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau480,self.mTau550,480.,550.)
         self.mTau660 = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)
+        self.giantList += ['mTau470','mTau660']
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
@@ -618,7 +620,9 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.mTau470  = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau480,self.mTau550,480.,550.)
         self.mTau660  = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)        
         self.mTau870  = aodInterpAngs(870.,self.mTau670,self.mTau860,670.,860.)
-        self.mTau2100 = aodInterpAngs(2100.,self.mTau1600,self.mTau2250,1600.,2250.) 
+        self.mTau2100 = aodInterpAngs(2100.,self.mTau1600,self.mTau2250,1600.,2250.)
+        self.giantList +=['mTau470','mTau660','mTau870','mTau2100']
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
@@ -638,6 +642,8 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.mTau870  = aodInterpAngs(870.,self.mTau670,self.mTau865,670.,865.)
         self.mTau2100 = aodInterpAngs(2100.,self.mTau1640,self.mTau2250,1640.,2250.)
+        self.giantList += ['mTau470','mTau660','mTau870','mTau2100']
 class DB_LAND(GIANT):
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
@@ -654,6 +660,8 @@ def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None):
         self.mTau470 = aodInterpAngs(470.,self.mTau412,self.mTau488,412.,488.)
         self.mTau660 = aodInterpAngs(660.,self.mTau550,self.mTau670,550.,670.)
+        self.giantList += ['mTau470','mTau660']
 def aodInterpAngs(lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):

From 8926d0b15617d258108d43633e470f979db605fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 16:31:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 17/67] PC - fix db ocean qa filter to only be BEST. anything
 below that includes low confidence inland/turbid waters

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 0fc8656e..acc13f4f 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        elif self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
            self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land > BAD # for now
        elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':
-           self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean > BAD
+           self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean == BEST
            raise ValueError, 'invalid algorithm (very strange)'

From e240e95cd41c008e9201cd6514526089ad29e539 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:36:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 18/67] PC - when doing angstrom interpolation, keep obs where
 AOD = 0

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 2b733e69..b612cdec 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -672,6 +672,9 @@ def aodInterpAngs(lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
     angstrom = -np.log(tau1[I]/tau2[I])/np.log(lambda1/lambda2)
     tau = -9999. * np.ones(len(tau1))
     tau[I] = tau2[I] * (lambda2/lambda_)**angstrom
+    I = (tau1 == 0.0) & (tau2 == 0.0)
+    tau[I] = 0.0
     return tau
 # .......................................................................................................

From 5e020acc6f7dc739c783dce9dc6ae9805a229fb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 12:01:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 19/67] PC - vx04 fix bug in DT calculation of RAA

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 15 ++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index acc13f4f..0b42884b 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -302,11 +302,16 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            # this kind of seems to match the DB RAA
            # the DT sensor and solar azimuth angles seem off
            # I can't find a DB definition for RAA so this is close enough
-           raa = self.SolarZenith - self.SensorZenith
-           ii = raa <0
-           raa[ii] = raa[ii] + 180.
-           ii = raa < 0
-           raa[ii] = raa[ii]*-1.
+           saa = self.SolarAzimuth
+           vaa = self.SensorAzimuth
+           i = saa < 0
+           saa[i] = 360. + saa[i]
+           i = vaa < 0
+           vaa[i] = 360. + vaa[i]
+           raa = saa - vaa + 180.
+           i = raa > 180.
+           raa[i] = 360. - raa[i]
            self.RelativeAzimuth = raa
            self.SDS += ('RelativeAzimuth',)

From b815eb1a90700300a39956529e3619defcc38942 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 14:54:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 20/67] PC - vx04 add some more ancillary variables to DB

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 16 ++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 0b42884b..55cf4895 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -66,7 +66,10 @@
-               'Number_Valid_Pixels'),
+               'Number_Valid_Pixels',
+               'TOA_NDVI',
+               'Total_Column_Ozone',
+               'Cell_Average_Elevation_Land'),
      DB_OCEAN = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean', 
@@ -78,7 +81,9 @@
-               'Wind_Direction')
+               'Wind_Direction',
+               'Cell_Average_Elevation_Ocean',
+               'Total_Column_Ozone')
 # NOTE: DEEP BLUE does not have cloud information in their files.
@@ -121,13 +126,16 @@
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land = 'aod550',
                 Spectral_Surface_Reflectance = 'sfc_reflectance',
                 Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land = 'reflectance',
+                TOA_NDVI = 'NDVI',
                 Spectral_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land = 'ssa',
-                Algorithm_Flag_Land = 'atype',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Land = 'aflag',
+                Aerosol_Type_Land = 'atype',
                 Angstrom_Exponent_Land = 'angstrom',
                 Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean = 'aod',
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean = 'aod550',
                 Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean = 'reflectance',
-                Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'atype',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'aflag',
+                Aerosol_Type_Ocean = 'atype',
                 Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean = 'angstrom',                
                 Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',
                 Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',

From f50cfbfee3c60bd9a0ef1a39640a36acfbf2f985 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 14:58:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 21/67] PC- add option to give raa directly.  suppots
 DB viirs product that only report relative azimuth angles

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 5 +++--
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index bb06f7e8..e2e9ca74 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 from   numpy import arctan, sqrt, arccos
 import numpy as np
-def rtlsReflectance(Kiso,Kgeo,Kvol,sza,vza,saa,vaa):
+def rtlsReflectance(Kiso,Kgeo,Kvol,sza,vza,saa,vaa,raa=None):
     Lucht et al. (2000) IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ def rtlsReflectance(Kiso,Kgeo,Kvol,sza,vza,saa,vaa):
     h_b  = 2.0
     b_r  = 1.0
-    raa  = vaa - saa  # raa = 0 is back scattering direction
+    if raa is None:
+        raa  = vaa - saa  # raa = 0 is back scattering direction
     # degrees to radians
     raa = raa*pi/180.0

From 2aed852a6bf387c3a9603979e52b8af2ee0cb613 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 17:27:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 22/67] PC - vx04 modify for new path for VIIRS files

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 55cf4895..94afccb3 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ def granules ( path, algo, sat, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
     # Get product name
     # -----------------
     Algo = algo.split('_')[0]
-    prod = 'AER{}_{}'.format(Algo,sat)
+    prod = 'AER{}'.format(Algo)
     # Determine synoptic time range
     # -----------------------------
@@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ def granules ( path, algo, sat, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
     while t < t2:
         if t >= t1:
             doy = t.timetuple()[7]
-            basen = "%s/%s/Level2/%s/%04d/%03d/AER%s_L2_VIIRS_%s.A%04d%03d.%02d%02d.%s.*.nc"\
-                     %(path,coll,prod,t.year,doy,Algo,sat,t.year,doy,t.hour,t.minute,coll)
+            basen = "%s/%s/%s/%s/Level2/%04d/%03d/AER%s_L2_VIIRS_%s.A%04d%03d.%02d%02d.%s.*.nc"\
+                     %(path,prod,sat,coll,t.year,doy,Algo,sat,t.year,doy,t.hour,t.minute,coll)
                 filen = glob(basen)[0]
                 Granules += [filen,]

From 89d49c30f6c1f6cf2b4e9b2a4d73d4f2d01d7145 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 12:51:26 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 23/67] PC - add some additional ancillary variables to DB read

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 94afccb3..3d23d68c 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@
-               'Cell_Average_Elevation_Land'),
+               'Cell_Average_Elevation_Land',
+               'Precipitable_Water'),
      DB_OCEAN = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean', 
@@ -83,7 +84,8 @@
-               'Total_Column_Ozone')
+               'Total_Column_Ozone',
+               'Precipitable_Water')
 # NOTE: DEEP BLUE does not have cloud information in their files.
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean = 'qa_flag',
                 Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag = 'qa_flag',
                 Scan_Start_Time = 'Time',
+                Cell_Average_Elevation_Land = 'pixel_elevation',
 BAD, MARGINAL, GOOD, BEST = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) # DT QA marks

From f0623ba04d425b93003b35154d3709ab0e7308fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:48:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 24/67] PC - changes to giant viirs reader to include
 additional variables: ozone, water vapor, algorithm type, assumed aerosol
 type, and NDVI

 .../misc/obs_aod/ABC/           | 21 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index b612cdec..1f94ffc8 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+          "RelativeAzimuth",
@@ -103,8 +104,14 @@
+          "mode_algflgdpbl-l",
 #          "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+          "mean_NDVIdpbl-l",
+          "mean_Total_Column_Ozonedpbl-l",
+          "mode_atypedpbl-l",
+          "mean_PrecipitableWaterdpbl-l",
+          "mean_Elevationdpbl-l",
 xDB_OCEAN = ("mean_AOD0488dpbl-o",
@@ -125,7 +132,11 @@
+          "mode_algflgdpbl-o",
 #          "cval_cldpixdistavg",
+          "mean_Total_Column_Ozonedpbl-o",
+          "mode_atypedpbl-o",
+          "mean_PrecipitableWaterdpbl-o",
 ALIAS = {
@@ -201,6 +212,12 @@
                 "mean_surfre0488dpbl-l" : 'mSre488',
                 "mean_surfre0670dpbl-l" : 'mSre670',
                 "mode_QAdpbl-l"         : 'qa',
+                "mode_algflgdpbl-l"     : 'algflag',
+                "mode_atypedpbl-l"      : 'atype',
+                "mean_Total_Column_Ozonedpbl-l" : 'colO3',
+                "mean_NDVIdpbl-l"       : 'ndvi',
+                "mean_PrecipitableWaterdpbl-l" : "water",
+                "mean_Elevationdpbl-l"  : "pixel_elevation",
                 "mean_AOD0488dpbl-o"    : 'mTau488',
                 "mean_AOD0550dpbl-o"    : 'mTau550',
@@ -219,6 +236,10 @@
                 "mean_mref1640dpbl-o"   : 'mRef1640',
                 "mean_mref2250dpbl-o"   : 'mRef2250',
                 "mode_QAdpbl-o"         : 'qa',
+                "mode_algflgdpbl-o"     : 'algflag',
+                "mode_atypedpbl-o"      : 'atype',
+                "mean_Total_Column_Ozonedpbl-o" : 'colO3',
+                "mean_PrecipitableWaterdpbl-o"  : 'water',                
 MISSING = 1.E20

From 9ab11e24a7a508b131af928356367de0cd84a1e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:56:06 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 25/67] PC - fix in viirs reader for how cloud fraction is
 calcualted for VIIRS DB.  add number of suitable and unsuitable pixels to
 variables read.

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 14 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 3d23d68c..764fdac3 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
+               'Unsuitable_Pixel_Fraction_Land_Ocean',
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
+               'Unsuitable_Pixel_Fraction_Land_Ocean',
@@ -139,8 +141,9 @@
                 Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'aflag',
                 Aerosol_Type_Ocean = 'atype',
                 Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean = 'angstrom',                
-                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',
-                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land = 'Number_Of_Pixels_Used',
+                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean = 'npixels_used',
+                Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land = 'npixels_used',
+                Number_Valid_Pixels = 'npixels_valid',
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land = 'qa_flag',
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean = 'qa_flag',
                 Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag = 'qa_flag',
@@ -311,8 +314,9 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            self.SDS += ('GlintAngle',)
        elif 'DT' in self.algo:
            # this kind of seems to match the DB RAA
-           # the DT sensor and solar azimuth angles seem off
-           # I can't find a DB definition for RAA so this is close enough
+           # the DT sensor and solar azimuth angles have a bug
+           # this needs to be rechecked with updated version of DT dataset
+           # DB definition for RAA is 'Gordon Convention', RAA=0 is back scattering
            saa = self.SolarAzimuth
            vaa = self.SensorAzimuth
            i = saa < 0
@@ -378,7 +382,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        # Create a pseudo cloud fraction for Deep Blue
        if Algo == 'DB':
-  = self.Number_Of_Pixels_Used.astype(float)/self.Number_Valid_Pixels.astype(float)
+  = 1. - self.npixels_used.astype(float)/self.npixels_valid.astype(float)
     def _readList(self,List):

From 6f41084f8e82d1700af298a81dc6487f7a2a46b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 10:22:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 26/67] PC - changes to abc_aux_viirs and to fix issues
 that arise from new version sklearn when you have 1 target

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 16 +++++++++++-----
 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/         |  4 +++-
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 906924ed..bdb1356d 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -346,6 +346,8 @@ def make_plots(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
   # -------------------------
   # mxd.plotKDE(I=I,figfile=expid+"."+ident+"_kde-"+mxd.Target[0][1:]+"-corrected.png")
   targets  = mxd.getTargets(I)
+  if mxd.nTarget == 1:
+      targets.shape = targets.shape + (1,)
   results = mxd.eval(I)
   # loop through targets
   for t in range(mxd.nTarget):
@@ -595,7 +597,9 @@ def make_error_pdfs(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRoot=N
         name = tname
     if name in mxd.__dict__:
       if K is None:
-        targets  = mxd.getTargets(I[0])[:,t]
+        targets  = mxd.getTargets(I[0])
+        if mxd.nTarget > 1: 
+            targets = targets[:,t]
         inputs = mxd.getInputs(I[0],Input=Input)
         knet = mxd.loadnet(netfileRoot+'')
@@ -1108,12 +1112,14 @@ def TestStats(mxd,K,C):
     # regression[*][0:2] = slope, intercept, r-value
     # out.shape = [ntestobs,nTarget]
     out, reg = mxd.test(iprint=False)
-    mxd.nnr.slope[k,c,:]     = reg[:][0]
-    mxd.nnr.intercept[k,c,:] = reg[:][1]
-    mxd.nnr.R[k,c,:]         = reg[:][2]
+    reg = np.array(reg)
+    mxd.nnr.slope[k,c,:]     = reg[:,0]
+    mxd.nnr.intercept[k,c,:] = reg[:,1]
+    mxd.nnr.R[k,c,:]         = reg[:,2]
     targets  = mxd.getTargets(mxd.iTest)
+    if mxd.nTarget == 1:
+        targets.shape = targets.shape + (1,)
     # get other NNR STATS
     mxd.nnr.rmse[k,c,:] = rmse(out,targets)
diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 1961fe38..2fb69d57 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -238,7 +238,9 @@ def plotScat(self,iTarget=0,bins=None,I=None,figfile=None):
         if I is None: I = self.iTest # Testing data by default
         results = self.eval(I)[:,iTarget]
-        targets = self.getTargets(I)[:,iTarget]
+        targets = self.getTargets(I)
+        if self.nTarget > 1:
+            targets = targets[:,iTarget]
         original = log(self.__dict__['m'+self.Target[iTarget][1:]][I] + 0.01)
         if bins == None:
             bins = arange(-5., 1., 0.1 )

From 2ec86d7ee56093064ffad98a884fb318c876b2cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 12:43:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 27/67] PC - changes to nn, abc_aux to deal with new version of
 sklearn, which handles the kfolds differently

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 9 ++++++---
 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/  | 6 +++---
 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/         | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index bdb1356d..0b9f773a 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -639,7 +639,10 @@ def make_error_pdfs(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRoot=N
         for k,iTest in enumerate(I):
           mxd.iTest    = iTest
-          targets.append(mxd.getTargets(mxd.iTest)[:,t])
+          targets_ = mxd.getTargets(mxd.iTest)
+          if mxd.nTarget > 1:
+              targets_ = targets_[:,t]
+          targets.append(targets_)
           inputs = mxd.getInputs(mxd.iTest,Input=Input)
@@ -652,7 +655,7 @@ def make_error_pdfs(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRoot=N
               tau = base_tau_t*np.exp(-1.*np.log(wav/mxd.AE_base_wav)*targets[k])
               targets[k] = np.log(tau + 0.01)
-              base_tau_r = np.exp(knet(inputs)[:,mxd.base_wav_i]) - 0.01
+              base_tau_r = np.exp(knet(inputs)[:,mxd.AE_base_wav_i]) - 0.01
               tau = base_tau_r*np.exp(-1.*np.log(wav/mxd.AE_base_wav)*results[k])
               results[k] = np.log(tau + 0.01)
@@ -1186,7 +1189,7 @@ def SummaryPDFs(mxdx,mxdx2=None,varnames=['mRef870','mSre470'],doInt=False):
       I = [Irange]
       I = []
-      for iTrain, iTest in mxdx.kf:          
+      for iTrain, iTest in mxdx.kf.split(arange(np.sum(mxdx.iValid))):
     I1, I2, I3, I4 = get_Iquartiles(mxdx,I=I)
diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index ff613540..5fd1843f 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ def __init__ (self, fname,
                       (self.mRef2250 > 0)         & \
                       (self.mSre412 >  0.0)       & \
                       (self.mSre488 >  0.0)       & \
-                      (self.mSre670 >  0.0)      
+                      (self.mSre670 >  0.0)
         # Filter by additional variables
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ def _train(mxd,expid,c):
     k = 1
-    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf:
+    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf.split(arange(np.sum(mxd.iValid))):
       I = arange(mxd.nobs)
       iValid = I[mxd.iValid]
       mxd.iTrain = iValid[iTrain]
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ def _test(mxd,expid,c,plotting=True):
     k = 1
-    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf:
+    for iTrain, iTest in mxd.kf.split(arange(np.sum(mxd.iValid))):
       I = arange(mxd.nobs)
       iValid = I[mxd.iValid]
       mxd.iTrain = iValid[iTrain]
diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 2fb69d57..070a41be 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def kfold(self,K=3):
         Only data with an iValid Q/C flag is considered.
         n = self.lon.size
-        self.kf = KFold(np.sum(self.iValid), n_folds=K, shuffle=True, random_state=n)
+        self.kf = KFold(n_splits=K, shuffle=True, random_state=n)
     def getInputs(self,I,Input=None):

From 26322fd080c07c50c970b7734706b5290bb5903a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:04:17 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 28/67] PC - changes to abc_viirs to calculate brdf from given
 raa (VIIRS DB doesn't report sensor and solar azimuths, only raa)

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 5fd1843f..71cd5a5b 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ def setBRDF(self):
             Kgeo = brdf.__dict__['Rgeo'+ch]
             self.__dict__[name] = rtlsReflectance(Kiso,Kgeo,Kvol,
-                                                  self.SolarAzimuth,self.SensorAzimuth)
+                                                  None,None,
+                                                  raa=self.RelativeAzimuth)

From 9c4c1d564dde3215bead225084f3bb620ca50f04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 15:02:14 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 29/67] PC - changes for abc_viirs and giant_viirs to make the
 definition of species dominated an optional input. default if fraction
 species > 0.5

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/   | 7 +++++--
 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 5 +++--
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 71cd5a5b..bf0829fd 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ def setupNN(self,retrieval,expid,
                                 'cloud', 'albedo','fdu','fcc','fsu' ],
                  Input_const = None,
                  Target = ['aTau550',],
-                 K=None):
+                 K=None,
+                 f_balance=0.50):
     self.retrieval = retrieval
@@ -111,8 +112,10 @@ def setupNN(self,retrieval,expid,
     # Balance the dataset before splitting
     # No aerosol type should make up more that 35% 
     # of the total number of obs
+    # f_balance is the fraction that defines whether it's 'dominated'
     # --------------------------------------
-    self.iValid = self.balance(int(self.nobs*0.35))
+    self.f_balance = f_balance
+    self.iValid = self.balance(int(self.nobs*0.35),f_balance=f_balance)
     # Flatten Input_nnr into one list
     # -------------------------------
diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 1f94ffc8..c443ce90 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
     self.nobs = len(self.lon)
-  def balance(self,N):
+  def balance(self,N,frac=0.50):
     Return indices of observations so that each species does not have more than
     N observations. This is meant to be performed with a reduced dataset.
@@ -349,7 +349,8 @@ def balance(self,N):
     for f in (self.fdu,self.fss,self.fcc,self.fsu):
-      J = f>0.5                      # all obs for which species dominate
+      J = f>frac                      # all obs for which species dominate
+      J = J & ~I                      # only obs that haven't already been selected
       n = len(self.lon[J])              # no. obs for this species
       P = random.permutation(n)      # randomize obs for this species
       m = min(n,N)                   # keep this many

From dffef545075dbd5f1cd6ba30aa3d0c675564524e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 15:47:55 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 30/67] PC - add option to filter by DB land algorithm flag

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index bf0829fd..936f3bb7 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -570,7 +570,8 @@ def __init__ (self, fname,
-                  tymemax=None):
+                  tymemax=None,
+                  algflag=None):
         Initializes the AOD Bias Correction (ABC) for the MODIS Land algorithm.
@@ -585,10 +586,17 @@ def __init__ (self, fname,
         laod    ---  if True, targets are log-transformed AOD, log(Tau+0.01)
         tymemax ---  truncate the data record in the giant file at tymemax.
                      set to  None to read entire data record.
+        algflag ---  DB Land algorithm flag number - this should be a list. Allows for selecting multiple algorithms.
+                     None - don't filter, use all pixels
+                     0 - hybrid (heterogenous surface)
+                     1 - vegetated surface
+                     2 - bright surface
+                     3 - mixed
         self.verbose = verbose
         self.laod = laod
+        self.algflag = algflag
         DB_LAND.__init__(self,fname,tymemax=tymemax)  # initialize superclass
@@ -619,6 +627,11 @@ def __init__ (self, fname,
                       (self.mSre412 >  0.0)       & \
                       (self.mSre488 >  0.0)       & \
                       (self.mSre670 >  0.0)
+        if algflag is not None:
+            fValid = np.zeros(self.iValid.shape).astype(bool)
+            for aflag in algflag:
+                fValid = fValid | (self.algflag == aflag)
+            self.iValid = self.iValid & fValid
         # Filter by additional variables

From 65e074923aa27d148e3a06bb30a9c1bbb9cc5eb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 15:48:51 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 31/67] PC - bug fix. wrong keyword name for balance subroutine

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 936f3bb7..cbccd1f1 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def setupNN(self,retrieval,expid,
     # f_balance is the fraction that defines whether it's 'dominated'
     # --------------------------------------
     self.f_balance = f_balance
-    self.iValid = self.balance(int(self.nobs*0.35),f_balance=f_balance)
+    self.iValid = self.balance(int(self.nobs*0.35),frac=f_balance)
     # Flatten Input_nnr into one list
     # -------------------------------

From f89afc911391dd15a28fcdde83d98008c9b40ff1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:28:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 32/67] PC - fix but in giant_virrs that gave the DB Land the
 wrong ident code

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index c443ce90..dc2b935e 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ class DB_LAND(GIANT):
     def __init__(self,filename,tymemax=None): 
         if self.sat == 'SNPP':
-            self.ident = 'vsdto'
+            self.ident = 'vsdbl'
         self.ident = self.ident + '_' + filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
         self.surface = 'land'

From 543a82bb01d393f16218b354f74b8ec5b5df392e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 17:11:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 33/67] PC - fix naming of output KDE plots

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index cbccd1f1..f13f2ea2 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -769,9 +769,9 @@ def _test(mxd,expid,c,plotting=True):
       if plotting: 
           if mxd.angstrom:
-              make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
+              make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident+'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
-              make_plots(mxd,expid,'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
+              make_plots(mxd,expid,ident+'.k={}'.format(str(k)),I=mxd.iTest)
       k = k + 1    

From c29a7f13fd2e582d50a2ba625862f3bd92c7f193 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2023 17:13:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 34/67] PC - add option to angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD
 to AERONET channels in

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/      | 111 ++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 764fdac3..f42e8dd3 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
-# AOD Shannels
+# AOD Channels
 CHANNELS = dict (
                    DT_LAND = ( 480., 550., 670., 2250.),
                    DT_OCEAN = ( 480., 550., 670., 860., 1240., 1600., 2250. ),
@@ -103,8 +103,6 @@
                    DB_SREF = (412., 488., 670. ),
 ALIAS = dict (  Longitude = 'lon',
                 Latitude = 'lat',
                 longitude = 'lon',
@@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ class Vx04_L2(object):
     def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
-                  only_good=True,SDS=SDS,alias=None):
+                  only_good=True,SDS=SDS,alias=None,anet_wav=False):
        Reads individual granules or a full day of Level 2 Vx04 files
        present on a given *Path* and returns a single object with
@@ -210,6 +208,9 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
          SDS      --- Variables to be read from L2 Aerosol files.  Must 
                       be a dictionary with keys '{Algo}_META' and '{Algo}_{Surface}'
          ALIAS    --- dictionary of alises for SDSs
+         anet_wav --- angstrom interpolate retrieved AOD to common AERONET wavelengths
+                      e.g. 480 --> 490, 1600 --> 1640, 860 --> 870
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            Path = [Path, ]
-       #Protect against empty MXD04 files
+       #Protect against empty VX04 files
        # --------------------------------
        if len(self.Scattering_Angle) == 0:
            self.nobs = 0
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        self.nobs = self.Scattering_Angle.shape[0]
        self.kx = KX[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
        self.ident = IDENT[self.sat+'_'+self.algo]
-       self.channels = CHANNELS[self.algo]
+       self.channels = np.array(CHANNELS[self.algo])
        if Surface == 'LAND':
            self.sChannels = CHANNELS["{}_SREF".format(Algo)]   # LAND surface reflectivity (not the same as algo)           
@@ -353,7 +354,90 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
            self.rChannels = np.array([480.,550.,670.,860.,1240.,1600.,2250.])
+       # Angstrom interpolate to AERONET wavelengths for ease of comparison
+       # and to faciliate NNR ODS files
+       # DT: 480 --> 490, 860 --> 870, 1600 --> 1640
+       # DB: 488 --> 490, 865 --> 870
+       # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+       self.anet_wav = anet_wav
+       if anet_wav:
+           if 'DT' in self.algo:
+               tch = 490
+               ch = 550
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod550 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               ch = 480
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod480 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod480,aod550,480,550)
+               self.channels[ich] = tch
+               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+           elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
+               tch = 870
+               ch = 670
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod670 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               ch = 860
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod860 = self.aod[:,ich]               
+               aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod670,aod860,670,860)
+               self.channels[ich] = tch
+               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+               tch = 1640
+               ch = 2250
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod2250 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               ch = 1600
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod1600 = self.aod[:,ich]               
+               aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod1600,aod2250,1600,2250)
+               self.channels[ich] = tch
+               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_               
+DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 550, 670 ), # file has 550 separate
+DB_OCEAN = (488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.),
+           elif 'DB' in self.algo:
+               tch = 490
+               ch = 550
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod550 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               ch = 488
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod488 = self.aod[:,ich]               
+               aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod488,aod550,488,550)
+               self.channels[ich] = tch
+               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_               
+           elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':
+               tch = 870
+               ch = 670
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod670 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               ch = 865
+               ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
+               aod865 = self.aod[:,ich]
+               aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod670,aod865,670,865)
+               self.channels[ich] = tch
+               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+       # ODS time variables
+       # -------------------
        if syn_time == None:
            self.syn_time = None
            self.time = None
@@ -384,6 +468,19 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        if Algo == 'DB':
   = 1. - self.npixels_used.astype(float)/self.npixels_valid.astype(float)
+    def aodInterpAngs(lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
+        """
+           Angstrom-interpolated AOD.
+           lambda_ = target wavelength for AOD output
+        """
+        I = (tau1>0) & (tau2>0)
+        angstrom = -np.log(tau1[I]/tau2[I])/np.log(lambda1/lambda2)
+        tau = MISSING * np.ones(len(tau1))
+        tau[I] = tau2[I] * (lambda2/lambda_)**angstrom
+        return tau
     def _readList(self,List):

From 84b498311fca6eef2e6fc5c9dfe37bb5c976568c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 12:12:17 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 35/67] PC - took out old comments

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index f42e8dd3..f1d0c097 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -402,10 +402,6 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                self.channels[ich] = tch
                self.aod[:.ich] = aod_               
-DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 550, 670 ), # file has 550 separate
-DB_OCEAN = (488.,  550.,  670.,  865., 1240., 1640., 2250.),
            elif 'DB' in self.algo:
                tch = 490

From c207a3ad1308be22f3094eb803d5ea102375f633 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 21:14:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 36/67] PC - initial commit of file

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/Applications/GAAS_App/

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a86974c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
+  Simple wrapper script to parse Prep config file and create ODS with VIIRS NNR aerosol retrievals.
+  February 2011.
+  Based on
+  2023
+from os       import system
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from MAPL     import Config
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+#   Parse command line options
+#   --------------------------
+    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog prep_config_file isotime",
+                          version='viirs_l2a-1.0.0' )
+    parser.add_option("-n", "--dryrun",
+                      action="store_true", dest="dryrun",
+                      help="Dry run.")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        prep_config, isotime = args
+    else:
+        parser.error("must have 2 arguments: prep_config_filename isotime")
+    # Parse prep config
+    # -----------------
+    cf = Config(prep_config,delim=' = ')
+    Options =     " --expid=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_EXPID')        + \
+                 " --l2_dir=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_L2_DIR')       + \
+                    " --res=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_RESOLUTION')   + \
+                   "  --dir=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_OUT_DIR')      + \
+                  " --fname=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_OUT_TEMPLATE') + \
+                    " --net=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_NN_FILE')      + \
+                 " --aer_x="  + cf('VIIRS_L2A_AER_X')  + \
+              " --blank_ods=" + cf('VIIRS_L2A_BLANK_ODS')   
+    if cf('VIIRS_L2A_OVERWRITE').upper() == 'YES': Options += " --force"
+    if   cf('VIIRS_L2A_VERBOSE').upper() == 'YES': Options += " -v"
+    # Generate products
+    # -----------------
+    i = 0
+    Coll = cf('VIIRS_L2A_COLLECTION').split(',')
+    for ident in cf('VIIRS_L2A_IDENTS').split(','):
+        coll = Coll[i] 
+        cmd = " %s --collection=%s %s %s "%(Options,Coll[i],ident,isotime)
+        print cmd
+        if not options.dryrun:
+            if system(cmd):
+                raise ValueError, " failed for %s on %s "%(ident,isotime)
+        i += 1

From b7dfb0616ea64dca817615ac68f8153b15334a93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 21:14:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 37/67] PC - initial commit of file

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 241 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 241 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/Applications/GAAS_App/

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..134bd737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
+  A Python script to create NNR retrievals.
+  It uses class VX04 to directly read VIIRS Aerosol Level 2 
+  Files (AERDB and AERDT).
+  This utility reads VIIRS Level2 files and creates an ODS file with
+  NNR retrievals, as well as a *gritas* type gridded output.
+  2023 Based on
+import warnings
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from time            import clock
+from optparse        import OptionParser   # Command-line args  
+from dateutil.parser import parse as isoparse
+from vx04_nnr       import Vx04_NNR
+from MAPL            import strTemplate
+Ident = dict( vsnppdto = ('SNPP04','dt_ocean'),
+              vsnppdtl = ('SNPP04','dt_land'),
+              vsnppdbo = ('SNPP04','db_ocean'),
+              vsnppdbl = ('SNPP04','db_land')
+            )
+def makethis_dir(filename):
+    """Creates the relevant directory if necessary."""
+    path, filen = os.path.split(filename)
+    if path != '':
+        rc = os.system('mkdir -p '+path)
+        if rc:
+            raise IOError, "could not create directory "+path
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    expid = 'nnr_001'
+    ident = 'vsnppdbl'
+#   Defaults may be platform dependent
+#   ----------------------------------
+    if os.path.exists('/nobackup/VIIRS/Level2/'): # New calculon
+        l2_path = '/nobackup/VIIRS/'
+        out_dir = '/nobackup/NNR/VIIRS/%coll/Level%lev/%prod/Y%y4/M%m2'
+        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/VIIRS/'
+        blank_ods = '/nobackup/NNR/Misc/blank.ods'
+        aer_x   = '/nobackup/NNR/Misc/tavg1_2d_aer_Nx'
+    else: # Must be somewhere else, no good defaults
+        out_dir      = './'
+        l2_path = './'
+        nn_file = ''
+        blank_ods = 'blank.ods'
+        aer_x   = 'tavg1_2d_aer_Nx'        
+    out_tmpl = '%s.%prod_L%leva.%algo.%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.%ext'
+    coll = '002'
+    res = 'c'
+#   Parse command line options
+#   --------------------------
+    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] ident isotime",
+                          version='vx04_l2a-1.0.0' )
+    parser.add_option("-x", "--expid", dest="expid", default=expid,
+                      help="Experiment id (default=%s)"\
+                           %expid )
+    parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="out_dir", default=out_dir,
+                      help="Output directory (default=%s)"\
+                           %out_dir )
+    parser.add_option("-A", "--aer_x", dest="aer_x", default=aer_x,
+                      help="GrADS ctl for speciated AOD file (default=%s)"\
+                           %aer_x )
+    parser.add_option("-B", "--blank_ods", dest="blank_ods", default=blank_ods,
+                      help="Blank ODS file name for fillers  (default=%s)"\
+                           %blank_ods )
+    parser.add_option("-C", "--collection", dest="coll", default=coll,
+                      help="VIIRS collection (default=%s)"\
+                           %coll )
+    parser.add_option("-o", "--fname", dest="out_tmpl", default=out_tmpl,
+                      help="Output file name template (default=%s); ODS file name will be derived from it by changing extension to '.ods' and replacing 'Level3' with 'Level2'."\
+                           %out_tmpl )
+    parser.add_option("-L", "--l2_dir", dest="l2_path", default=l2_path,
+                      help="Top directory for VIIRS Level 2 files (default=%s)"\
+                           %l2_path )
+    parser.add_option("-N", "--net", dest="nn_file", default=nn_file,
+                      help="Neural net file template  (default=%s)"\
+                           %nn_file )
+    parser.add_option("-r", "--res", dest="res", default=res,
+                      help="Resolution for gridded output (default=%s)"\
+                           %out_tmpl )
+    parser.add_option("-u", "--uncompressed",
+                      action="store_true", dest="uncompressed",default=False,
+                      help="Do not use n4zip to compress gridded/ODS output file (default=False)")
+    parser.add_option("-F", "--force",
+                      action="store_true", dest="force",default=False,
+                      help="Overwrites output file")
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
+                      action="store_true", dest="verbose",default=False,
+                      help="Turn on verbosity.")
+    parser.add_option("--writenpz", dest="writenpz", default=False,
+                      help="Write an ungridded npz file in addition to ODS and gridded files  (default=False)")    
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        ident, isotime = args
+        prod, algo = Ident[ident]
+    else:
+        parser.error("must have 3 arguments: ident, date and time")
+# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
+    if options.verbose:
+        print ""
+        print "                          VIIRS Level 2A Processing"
+        print "                          -------------------------"
+        print ""
+        t0 = clock()
+#   Time variables
+#   --------------
+    syn_time = isoparse(isotime)
+    nymd     = str('-','')
+    nhms     = str(syn_time.time()).replace(':','')
+#   Form output gridded file name
+#   -----------------------------
+    out_tmpl = options.out_dir+'/'+options.out_tmpl
+    out_tmpl = out_tmpl.replace('%coll',options.coll).replace('%prod',prod).replace('%algo',algo).replace('%lev','3').replace('%ext','nc4')
+    out_file = strTemplate(out_tmpl,expid=options.expid,nymd=nymd,nhms=nhms)
+    name, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
+    if os.path.exists(out_file) and (options.force is not True):
+        print "vx04_l2a: Output Gridded file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%out_file
+        raise IOError, "Specify --force to overwrite existing output file."    
+    if os.path.exists(out_file) and options.force:
+        os.remove(out_file)    
+#   Form ODS file name
+#   ------------------
+    ods_tmpl = options.out_dir+'/'+options.out_tmpl
+    ods_tmpl = ods_tmpl.replace('%coll',options.coll).replace('%prod',prod).replace('%algo',algo).replace('%lev','2').replace('%ext','ods')
+    ods_file = strTemplate(ods_tmpl,expid=options.expid,nymd=nymd,nhms=nhms)
+    if os.path.exists(ods_file) and (options.force is not True):
+        print "vxd04_l2a: Output ODS file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%ods_file
+        raise IOError, "Specify --force to overwrite existing output file."
+    if os.path.exists(ods_file) and options.force:
+        os.remove(ods_file)
+#   Aerosol composition file name
+#   -----------------------------
+    if options.aer_x[-3:] == 'nc4':
+      aer_x = strTemplate(options.aer_x,expid=options.expid,nymd=nymd,nhms=nhms)
+    else:
+      aer_x = options.aer_x
+#   VIIRS Level 2 NNR Aerosol Retrievals
+#   ------------------------------------
+    if options.verbose:
+        print "NNR Retrieving %s %s on "%(prod,algo.upper()),syn_time
+    viirs = Vx04_NNR(options.l2_path,prod,algo.upper(),syn_time,aer_x,
+                      coll=options.coll,
+                      cloud_thresh=0.7,
+                      cloudFree = 0.0,
+                      aodmax = 1.0,
+                      verbose=options.verbose)
+    if viirs.nobs < 1:
+        if options.verbose:
+            print 'WARNING: no observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file
+    elif any(viirs.iGood) == False:
+        if options.verbose:
+            print 'WARNING: no GOOD observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file
+        viirs.nobs = 0
+    nn_file = options.nn_file.replace('%ident',ident)
+    viirs.apply(nn_file)
+#   Write ODS
+#   ---------
+    makethis_dir(ods_file)
+    if viirs.nobs>0:
+        viirs.writeODS(ods_file,revised=True)
+    else:
+        if os.system('ods_blank.x %s %s %s %s'%(options.blank_ods,nymd,nhms,ods_file)):
+            warnings.warn('cannot create empty output file <%s>'%ods_file)
+        else:
+            if options.verbose:
+                print "[w] Wrote empty ODS file "+ods_file
+#   Write gridded output file (revised channels only)
+#   -------------------------------------------------
+    makethis_dir(out_file)
+    if viirs.nobs>0:
+      if str.isdigit(options.res):
+        viirs.writeg(filename=out_file,refine=int(options.res),channels=viirs.channels_)
+      else:
+        viirs.writeg(filename=out_file,res=options.res,channels=viirs.channels_)
+#   Write ungridded data
+#   --------------------
+    if options.writenpz:
+        name, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
+        npz_file = name.replace('Level3','Level2') + '.npz'
+        makethis_dir(npz_file)
+        viirs.write(npz_file)
+#   Compress nc output unless the user disabled it
+#   ----------------------------------------------
+    if viirs.nobs>0:
+        if not options.uncompressed:
+            if"n4zip " + out_file,shell=True):
+                warnings.warn('cannot compress output file <%s>'%out_file)
+            if"n4zip " + ods_file,shell=True):
+                warnings.warn('cannot compress output ods file <%s>'%ods_file)

From 7f77fcaf0ee541bd29fe7d3d382f2bac1cccf896 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 21:16:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 38/67] PC - add viirs drivers to GAAS Cmakelists

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
index 3932fe11..57a9f914 100644
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ set (PYSCRIPTS
@@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ set (RCFILES
+    viirs_l2a.pcf
 install (

From a35048294909f203b0bd9dce978b057e38527a88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 21:17:47 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 39/67] PC - initial changes to vx04_nnr to make it work for

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 338 ++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index e980916a..fc3c6905 100644
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -1,108 +1,55 @@
-This module implements the VIIRS NNR AOD retrievals.
+This module implements the MODIS NNR AOD retrievals.
-This version works from VIIRS DT & DT Level 2 files.
+This version works from MODIS MOD04/MYD04 Level 2 files.
+Modified to work for VIIRS.  Feb 2023 P. Castellanos
 import os, sys
-import warnings
-from   pyobs.vx04  import Vx04_L2, MISSING, granules, BEST 
+from   pyobs.vx04 import Vx04_L2, MISSING, granules, SDS 
 from   ffnet       import loadnet
-from   numpy       import c_ as cat
-from   numpy       import copy, ones, sin, cos, exp, arccos, pi, any, log
 import numpy       as     np
-from   pyobs.bits  import BITS
-# SDS to be read in
-# ------------
-SDS = dict (
-     DT_META = ('longitude', 'latitude',
-              'sensor_zenith_angle', 'sensor_azimuth_angle',
-              'solar_zenith_angle', 'solar_azimuth_angle',
-              'Scattering_Angle', 'Glint_Angle'),
-     DT_LAND = ( 'Mean_Reflectance_Land',
-               'Corrected_Optical_Depth_Land',
-               'Surface_Reflectance_Land',
-               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Land',
-               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag'),
-     DT_OCEAN = ( 'Effective_Optical_Depth_Average_Ocean',
-               'Aerosol_Cloud_Fraction_Ocean',
-               'Mean_Reflectance_Ocean',
-               'Land_Ocean_Quality_Flag' ),
-     DB_META = ('Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Scan_Start_Time',
-              'Viewing_Zenith_Angle', 'Relative_Azimuth_Angle',
-              'Solar_Zenith_Angle',
-              'Scattering_Angle' ),
-     DB_LAND = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Land',
-               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Land',
-               'Spectral_Surface_Reflectance',
-               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land',
-               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Land',
-               'Algorithm_Flag_Land',
-               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Land',
-               'Number_Valid_Pixels'),
-     DB_OCEAN = ('Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean',
-               'Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean',
-               'Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean',
-               'Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean',
-               'Algorithm_Flag_Ocean',
-               'Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean',
-               'Number_Valid_Pixels')
-        )
-# Channels for TOA reflectance 
-# -----------------------------
-CHANNELS  = dict (
-                   DT_LAND  = ( 480, 670, 2250),
-                   DT_OCEAN = ( 480, 550, 670, 860, 1240, 1600, 2250 ),
-                   DB_LAND  = ( 412, 488, 550, 670, 865, 1240, 1640, 2250 ),
-                   DB_OCEAN = ( 412, 488, 550, 670, 865, 1240, 1640, 2250 ),
-                 )
-SCHANNELS = dict (
-                   DT_LAND = ( 480, 670, 2250 ),
-                   DB_LAND = ( 412, 488, 670 ),
-                )
 # Translate Inputs between NNR and MODIS classes
 # -----------------------------------------------
-TranslateInput = dict ( mRef412  = ('reflectance',412),
-                        mRef480  = ('reflectance',480),
-                        mRef550  = ('reflectance',550),
-                        mRef670  = ('reflectance',670),
-                        mRef860  = ('reflectance',860),
-                        mRef1240 = ('reflectance',1240),
-                        mRef1600 = ('reflectance',1600),
-                        mRef2250 = ('reflectance',2250),
-                        mSre412  = ('sfc_reflectance',412),
-                        mSre480  = ('sfc_reflectance',480),
-                        mSre670  = ('sfc_reflectance',670),
-                        mSre2250 = ('sfc_reflectance',2250),       
-                      )
-for var in ( 'ScatteringAngle','GlintAngle',
-             'SolarAzimuth', 'SolarZenith',
-             'SensorAzimuth','SensorZenith',
-             'cloud','qa_flag'  ):
-    TranslateInput[var] = (var,)
+def TranslateInput(key):
+    if 'mRef' in key:
+        prefix = 'reflectance'
+        channel = int(key[4:])
+        output = (prefix,channel)
+    elif 'mSre' in key:
+        prefix = 'sfc_reflectance'
+        channel = int(key[4:])
+        output = (prefix,channel)
+    else:
+        output = (key,)
+    return output
 # Translate Targets between ANET and MODIS classes
 # ------------------------------------------------
-TranslateTarget = dict ( aTau440 = ( 'aod_', 440 ),
-                         aTau470 = ( 'aod_', 470 ),
-                         aTau500 = ( 'aod_', 500 ),
-                         aTau550 = ( 'aod_', 550 ),
-                         aTau660 = ( 'aod_', 660 ),
-                         aTau870 = ( 'aod_', 870 ),
-                         )
+def TranslateTarget(key):
+    if 'aTau' in key:
+        prefix = 'aod_'
+        channel = int(key[4:])
+        output = (prefix, channel)
+    elif 'aAE' in key:
+        prefix = 'aod_'
+        channel = int(key[3:])
+        output = (prefix,channel)
+    return output
 class Vx04_NNR(Vx04_L2):
     This class extends VIIRS by adding methods for producing
     NNR AOD retrievals based on the Neural Net model developed
-    with class *abc_c6*.
+    with class *abc_viirs*.
     def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
@@ -111,30 +58,36 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
-                 coll='011',verbose=0):
+                 coll='002',
+                 nsyn=8,
+                 verbose=0):
         Contructs a VX04 object from VIIRS Aerosol Level 2
         granules. On input,
-         l2_path --- top directory for the VIIRS Level 2 files;
-                      it must have subdirectories AERDB_inst and AERDT_inst.
-            sat  --- either *SNPP* (Suomi-NPP) or *NOAA20* (NOAA-20)
-            algo --- aerosol algorithm: DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, or DB_OCEAN
+        l2_path  --- top directory for the VIIRS Level 2 files;
+                      it must have subdirectories AERDB and/or AERDT.
+        sat      --- satellite, either SNPP or NOAAXX (e.g. NOAA20)
+        algo     --- Algorithm: DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND or DB_OCEAN
         syn_time --- synoptic time
+        aer_x    --- GEOS control file of aerosol collection
-        cloud_tresh --- cloud fraction treshhold
-        cloudFree   --- cloud fraction threshhold for assuring no cloud contaminations when aod is > aodmax
+        Optional parameters:
+        glint_thresh --- glint angle threshhold
+        scat_thresh  --- scattering angle thresshold
+        cloud_tresh  --- cloud fraction threshhold
+        cloudFree    --- cloud fraction threshhold for assuring no cloud contaminations when aod is > aodmax
                         if None, no cloud free check is made
+        coll         --- VIIRS data collection
+        nsyn         --- number of synoptic times
         The following attributes are also defined:
            fractions dust, sea salt, BC+OC, sulfate
+           aod_coarse
+           wind
         It also performs Q/C, setting attribute iGood. On,
         input, *cloud_thresh* is the cloud fraction limit.
-        (For right now this is not implemented)
-        When DEEP BLUE algorithm is requested, filters for 
-        retrievals where DARK TARGET obs are unavailable. 
         self.verbose = verbose
@@ -143,99 +96,42 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
         self.aodmax = aodmax
         # Initialize superclass
-        # ---------------------
-        Files = granules(l2_path,algo,sat,syn_time,coll=coll)
-        Vx04_L2.__init__(self,Files,algo,syn_time,
+        # set anet_wav to True so MODIS wavelengths align with AERONET
+        # Needed for ODS files
+        # -------------------------------------------------------------
+        Files = granules(l2_path,algo,sat,syn_time,coll=coll,nsyn=nsyn)
+        Vx04_L2.__init__(self,Files,algo,syn_time=syn_time,nsyn=nsyn,
-                              SDS=SDS,                            
-                              Verb=verbose)
+                              SDS=SDS,
+                              alias=None,
+                              Verb=verbose,
+                              anet_wav=True)            
         if self.nobs < 1:
             return # no obs, nothing to do
-        # Channels
-        # -----------------------------
-        self.rChannels = CHANNELS[algo]
-        if algo in SCHANNELS:
-            self.sChannels = SCHANNELS[algo]
-        # DB Algorithm only used when Dark Target data is unavailable
-        # (Not currently implemented)
-        # --------------------------------------------------------------
-#        if algo == "DEEP":
-#            # Get DARK TARGET qa_flag
-#            self.qa_flag_lnd = BITS(self.Quality_Assurance_Land[:,0])[1:4]            
-#            lndGood = self.qa_flag_lnd == BEST
-#            lndGood = lndGood & (self.cloud_lnd < cloud_thresh)
-#            rChannels = CHANNELS["LAND"]
-#            sChannels = SCHANNELS["LAND"]
-#            for i,c in enumerate(rChannels):
-#                lndGood = lndGood & (self.reflectance_lnd[:,i]>0)
-#            for i,c in enumerate(sChannels):
-#                lndGood = lndGood & (self.sfc_reflectance_lnd[:,i]>0)
-#            self.iGood = (self.qa_flag == BEST) & ~lndGood
-#            # Keep only "good" observations
-#            # -----------------------------
-#            m = self.iGood
-#            for sds in self.SDS:
-#                rank = len(self.__dict__[sds].shape)
-#                if rank == 1:
-#                    self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m]
-#                elif rank == 2:
-#                    self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m,:]
-#                else:
-#                    raise IndexError, 'invalid rank=%d'%rank
-#            # Reset aliases
-#            for sds in self.SDS:
-#                if sds in self.ALIAS:
-#                    self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] 
-#            self.qa_flag = self.qa_flag[m]
-#            self.aod     = self.aod[m,:]
-#            self.time    = self.time[m]
-#            self.Time    = self.Time[m]
-#            self.iGood   = self.iGood[m] 
-#            self.nobs    = self.Longitude.shape[0]         
-#            if self.nobs < 1:
-#                return # no obs, nothing to do             
         # Q/C
         # ---      
         self.iGood =<cloud_thresh  
-#        if algo == "LAND":
-#            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.cloud_deep<cloud_thresh)
-#        elif algo == "DEEP":
-#            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.cloud_lnd<cloud_thresh)
         for i,c in enumerate(self.rChannels):
             self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.reflectance[:,i]>0)
-        if algo in SCHANNELS:
+        if "LAND" in algo:
+            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.ScatteringAngle < scat_thresh)
             for i,c in enumerate(self.sChannels):
                 self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.sfc_reflectance[:,i]>0)
         if "OCEAN" in algo:
             self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.GlintAngle > glint_thresh)
-        if "LAND" in algo:
-            self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.ScatteringAngle < scat_thresh)
-        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+        if np.any(self.iGood) == False:
             print "WARNING: Strange, no good obs left to work with"
         # Create attribute for holding NNR predicted AOD
         # ----------------------------------------------
-        self.aod_ = MISSING * ones((self.nobs,len(self.channels)))
+        self.aod_ =  MISSING * ones((self.nobs,len(self.channels)))
         # Make sure same good AOD is kept for gridding
         # --------------------------------------------
@@ -246,12 +142,12 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
         # Angle transforms: for NN calculations we work with cosine of angles
         # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-        self.ScatteringAngle = cos(self.ScatteringAngle*pi/180.0) 
-        self.SensorAzimuth   = cos(self.SensorAzimuth*pi/180.0)   
-        self.SensorZenith    = cos(self.SensorZenith*pi/180.0)    
-        self.SolarAzimuth    = cos(self.SolarAzimuth*pi/180.0)    
-        self.SolarZenith     = cos(self.SolarZenith*pi/180.0)     
-        self.GlintAngle      = cos(self.GlintAngle*pi/180.0)
+        self.ScatteringAngle = np.cos(self.ScatteringAngle*np.pi/180.0) 
+        self.SensorAzimuth   = np.cos(self.SensorAzimuth*np.pi/180.0)   
+        self.SensorZenith    = np.cos(self.SensorZenith*np.pi/180.0)    
+        self.SolarAzimuth    = np.cos(self.SolarAzimuth*np.pi/180.0)    
+        self.SolarZenith     = np.cos(self.SolarZenith*np.pi/180.0)     
+        self.GlintAngle      = np.cos(self.GlintAngle*np.pi/180.0)
         # Get fractional composition
         # ------------------------------
@@ -289,6 +185,14 @@ def speciate(self,aer_x,Verbose=False):
             pass   # ignore it for systems without nitrates
+        # Handle brown carbon 
+        # --------------------
+        try:
+            self.sampleFile(aer_x,onlyVars=('BRCEXTTAU',),Verbose=Verbose)
+            self.fcc += self.sample.BRCEXTTAU / s.TOTEXTTAU
+        except:
+            pass   # ignore it for systems without brown carbon
         del self.sample
@@ -360,22 +264,16 @@ def _getInputs(self):
         # ----------------
         first = True
         for inputName in
-            try:
-                iName = TranslateInput[inputName]
-            except:
-                iName = inputName
+            iName = TranslateInput(inputName)
             if self.verbose>0:
                 print 'Getting NN input ',iName
             # Retrieve input
             # --------------
-            if type(iName) is str:
-                input = self.__dict__[iName][:]
-            elif len(iName) == 2:
+            if len(iName) == 2:
                 name, ch = iName
-                if 'mSre' in inputName: # LAND, surface reflectivity
+                if 'mSre' in inputName: # LAND surface reflectivity
                     k = list(self.sChannels).index(ch) # index of channel 
                 elif 'mRef' in inputName: # TOA reflectances
                     k = list(self.rChannels).index(ch) # index of channel 
@@ -395,7 +293,7 @@ def _getInputs(self):
                 inputs = input
                 first = False
-                inputs = cat[inputs,input]
+                inputs = np.c_[inputs,input]
         # Keep only good observations
         # ---------------------------
@@ -407,11 +305,11 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
         Apply bias correction to AOD.
-        # Stop here is no good obs available
+        # Stop here if no good obs available
         # ----------------------------------
         if self.nobs == 0:
             return # no data to work with
-        if any(self.iGood) == False:
+        if np.any(self.iGood) == False:
             return # no good data to work with
         # Load the Neural Net
@@ -422,24 +320,50 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
         # ---------------------
         targets =
-        # Targets do not have to be in standard retrieval
+        # If target is angstrom exponent
+        # calculate AOD
+        # ------------------------------
+        doAE = False
+        for targetName in
+            if 'AE' in targetName:
+                doAE = True
+        if doAE:
+            for i,targetName in enumerate(
+                if 'Tau' in targetName:
+                    name, base_wav = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                    base_wav = np.float(base_wav)
+                    base_tau = targets[:,i]
+                    if
+                        base_tau = exp(base_tau) - 0.01 # inverse
+            for i,targetName in enumerate(
+                if 'AE' in targetName:
+                    AE = targets[:,i]
+                    name, wav = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                    wav = np.float(wav)
+                    data = base_tau*np.exp(-1.*AE*np.log(wav/base_wav))
+                    if
+                        targets[:,i] = np.log(data + 0.01)
+                    else:
+                        targets[:,i] = data
+        # Targets do not have to be in VIIRS retrieval
         # ----------------------------------------------
         for i,targetName in enumerate(
-            name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+            name, ch = TranslateTarget(targetName)
                 k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
                 # add new target channel to end
                 self.channels += (ch,)
-                self.aod  = np.append(self.aod,MISSING*ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
-                self.aod_ = np.append(self.aod_,MISSING*ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
+                self.aod  = np.append(self.aod,MISSING*np.ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
+                self.aod_ = np.append(self.aod_,MISSING*np.ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
         # Replace targets with unbiased values
         # ------------------------------------
         self.channels_ = [] # channels being revised
         for i,targetName in enumerate(
-            name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+            name, ch = TranslateTarget(targetName)
             if self.verbose>0:
                     print "NN Retrieving log(AOD+0.01) at %dnm "%ch
@@ -448,7 +372,7 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
             k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
             self.channels_ = self.channels_ + [ch,]
-                result = exp(targets[:,i]) - 0.01 # inverse
+                result = np.exp(targets[:,i]) - 0.01 # inverse
                 result = targets[:,i]
@@ -458,22 +382,16 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
         # Do extra cloud filtering if required
         if self.cloudFree is not None:                 
             cloudy = (>=self.cloudFree)
-#            if self.algo == "LAND":
-#                cloudy = (self.cloud_deep>=self.cloudFree) & (>=self.cloudFree)
-#            elif self.algo == "DEEP":
-#                cloudy = (self.cloud_lnd>=self.cloudFree) & (>=self.cloudFree)
-#            elif self.algo == "OCEAN":
-#                cloudy = (>=self.cloudFree)
             contaminated = np.zeros(np.sum(self.iGood)).astype(bool)
             for targetName in
-                name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                name, ch = TranslateTarget(targetName)
                 k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel
                 result = self.__dict__[name][self.iGood,k]
                 contaminated = contaminated | ( (result > self.aodmax) & cloudy[self.iGood] )
             for targetName in
-                name, ch = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                name, ch = TranslateTarget(targetName)
                 k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel
                 self.__dict__[name][self.iGood,k][contaminated] = MISSING
@@ -494,25 +412,23 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
     from datetime import datetime
-    l2_path = '/nobackup/VIIRS/'
-    algo    = 'DB_LAND'
+    l2_path = '/nobackup/VIIRS/AERDB/SNPP'
     sat     = 'SNPP'
-    coll    = '011'
+    algo    = 'DB_LAND'
+    coll    = '002'
     aer_x   = '/nobackup/NNR/Misc/tavg1_2d_aer_Nx'
-    syn_time = datetime(2016,12,19,15,0,0)
+    syn_time = datetime(2012,03,01,00,0,0)
-    if algo == 'OCEAN':
-        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
-    elif algo == 'LAND':
-        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
-    elif algo == 'DEEP':
-        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/'
+    if algo == 'DB_LAND':
+        nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/VIIRS/'
-    m = Vx04_NNR(l2_path,algo.upper(),sat,syn_time,aer_x,
+    m = Vx04_NNR(l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
     aod = m.aod_

From 3c445ce9e017027b5d6a8dca9245af9835216770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:55:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 40/67] PC - example pcf files for processing viirs ods files

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/viirs_l2a.pcf | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/Applications/GAAS_App/viirs_l2a.pcf

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/viirs_l2a.pcf b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/viirs_l2a.pcf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6c889ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/viirs_l2a.pcf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#VIIRS_L2A  processing
+VIIRS_L2A_EXPID           = nnr_001
+VIIRS_L2A_IDENTS          = vsnppdbl
+VIIRS_L2A_L2_DIR          = /nobackup/VIIRS
+VIIRS_L2A_OUT_DIR         = /nobackup/NNR/VIIRS/%coll_nnr_001/Level%lev/%prod/Y%y4/M%m2
+VIIRS_L2A_OUT_TEMPLATE    = '%s.%prod_L%leva.%algo.%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.%ext'
+VIIRS_L2A_AER_X           = /nobackup/NNR/Misc/tavg1_2d_aer_Nx  
+VIIRS_L2A_NN_FILE         =
+VIIRS_L2A_BLANK_ODS       = /nobackup/NNR/Misc/blank.ods
+#END VIIRS_L2A  processing

From 4ed3cda08f40bfca829b7b2940103d3fa2714f95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:56:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 41/67] PC - fix call to find viirs granules.  need satellite
 name not product

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index 134bd737..7a2e3845 100755
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 from vx04_nnr       import Vx04_NNR
 from MAPL            import strTemplate
-Ident = dict( vsnppdto = ('SNPP04','dt_ocean'),
-              vsnppdtl = ('SNPP04','dt_land'),
-              vsnppdbo = ('SNPP04','db_ocean'),
-              vsnppdbl = ('SNPP04','db_land')
+Ident = dict( vsnppdto = ('SNPP','dt_ocean'),
+              vsnppdtl = ('SNPP','dt_land'),
+              vsnppdbo = ('SNPP','db_ocean'),
+              vsnppdbl = ('SNPP','db_land')
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
     if len(args) == 2:
         ident, isotime = args
-        prod, algo = Ident[ident]
+        sat, algo = Ident[ident]
+        prod = sat + '04'
         parser.error("must have 3 arguments: ident, date and time")
@@ -182,9 +183,9 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
 #   VIIRS Level 2 NNR Aerosol Retrievals
 #   ------------------------------------
     if options.verbose:
-        print "NNR Retrieving %s %s on "%(prod,algo.upper()),syn_time
+        print "NNR Retrieving %s %s on "%(sat,algo.upper()),syn_time
-    viirs = Vx04_NNR(options.l2_path,prod,algo.upper(),syn_time,aer_x,
+    viirs = Vx04_NNR(options.l2_path,sat,algo.upper(),syn_time,aer_x,
                       cloudFree = 0.0,

From ed81530cde981826189286abc4176f2f9b64857b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:57:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 42/67] PC - bug fixes to use np instead of individual numpy
 modules. add aliases to ndvi, column ozone, and pixel elevation

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 19 +++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index fc3c6905..64d9deee 100644
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 from   ffnet       import loadnet
 import numpy       as     np
+ALIAS = dict( TOA_NDVI = 'ndvi',
+              Total_Column_Ozone = 'colO3',
+              Precipitable_Water = 'water',
+              )
 # Translate Inputs between NNR and MODIS classes
 # -----------------------------------------------
@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
-                              alias=None,
+                              alias=ALIAS,
@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
         # Create attribute for holding NNR predicted AOD
         # ----------------------------------------------
-        self.aod_ =  MISSING * ones((self.nobs,len(self.channels)))
+        self.aod_ =  MISSING * np.ones((self.nobs,len(self.channels)))
         # Make sure same good AOD is kept for gridding
         # --------------------------------------------
@@ -143,9 +147,8 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
         # Angle transforms: for NN calculations we work with cosine of angles
         # -------------------------------------------------------------------
         self.ScatteringAngle = np.cos(self.ScatteringAngle*np.pi/180.0) 
-        self.SensorAzimuth   = np.cos(self.SensorAzimuth*np.pi/180.0)   
+        self.RelativeAzimuth   = np.cos(self.RelativeAzimuth*np.pi/180.0)   
         self.SensorZenith    = np.cos(self.SensorZenith*np.pi/180.0)    
-        self.SolarAzimuth    = np.cos(self.SolarAzimuth*np.pi/180.0)    
         self.SolarZenith     = np.cos(self.SolarZenith*np.pi/180.0)     
         self.GlintAngle      = np.cos(self.GlintAngle*np.pi/180.0)
@@ -331,15 +334,15 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
         if doAE:
             for i,targetName in enumerate(
                 if 'Tau' in targetName:
-                    name, base_wav = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                    name, base_wav = TranslateTarget(targetName)
                     base_wav = np.float(base_wav)
                     base_tau = targets[:,i]
-                        base_tau = exp(base_tau) - 0.01 # inverse
+                        base_tau = np.exp(base_tau) - 0.01 # inverse
             for i,targetName in enumerate(
                 if 'AE' in targetName:
                     AE = targets[:,i]
-                    name, wav = TranslateTarget[targetName]
+                    name, wav = TranslateTarget(targetName)
                     wav = np.float(wav)
                     data = base_tau*np.exp(-1.*AE*np.log(wav/base_wav))
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
                 k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
                 # add new target channel to end
-                self.channels += (ch,)
+                self.channels = np.append(self.channels,ch)
                 self.aod  = np.append(self.aod,MISSING*np.ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)
                 self.aod_ = np.append(self.aod_,MISSING*np.ones((self.nobs,1)),axis=1)

From a7ca0115463450a91d9c84a97a069e417c98e38c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 12:58:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 43/67] PC - add 490 channel to aeronet read

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 13 ++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 0ef723a7..2d6b074d 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -197,7 +197,18 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
         aot_470 = _updAOT(aot_470,aot_470a)
         self.AOT_470 = aot_470[:] # update undefs with interpolated values        
+        # Interpolate AOT to 490 nm if needed
+        # -----------------------------------
+        aot_490 = self.AOT_490.copy()
+        aot_490a = aodInterpAngs(490.,self.AOT_443,self.AOT_500,443.,500.)
+        aot_490b = aodInterpAngs(490.,self.AOT_440,self.AOT_500,440.,500.)        
+        aot_490 = _updAOT(aot_490,aot_490a)
+        aot_490 = _updAOT(aot_490,aot_490b)
+        self.AOT_490 = aot_490[:] # update undefs with interpolated values
         # Create timedate
         # ---------------
         self.tyme = array([ isoparse('-'.join(d.split(':')[-1::-1])+'T'+t) for d,t in zip(self.Date,self.Time) ])

From e8d9b60e0028ca8b01bdee914df294dae17791b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 13:01:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 44/67] PC - make use from KX values for ODS files.  other bug

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/      | 58 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index f1d0c097..100600ee 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@
                 Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Land = 'reflectance',
                 TOA_NDVI = 'NDVI',
                 Spectral_Single_Scattering_Albedo_Land = 'ssa',
-                Algorithm_Flag_Land = 'aflag',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Land = 'algflag',
                 Aerosol_Type_Land = 'atype',
                 Angstrom_Exponent_Land = 'angstrom',
                 Spectral_Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_Ocean = 'aod',
                 Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_550_Ocean = 'aod550',
                 Spectral_TOA_Reflectance_Ocean = 'reflectance',
-                Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'aflag',
+                Algorithm_Flag_Ocean = 'algflag',
                 Aerosol_Type_Ocean = 'atype',
                 Angstrom_Exponent_Ocean = 'angstrom',                
                 Number_Of_Pixels_Used_Ocean = 'npixels_used',
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@
 translate_sat = {'Suomi-NPP': 'SNPP'}
-KX = dict ( SNPP_DT_OCEAN = 301,
-            SNPP_DT_LAND  = 302,
-            SNPP_DB_OCEAN  = 310,
-            SNPP_DB_LAND  = 311, 
+KX = dict ( SNPP_DT_OCEAN = 401,
+            SNPP_DT_LAND  = 402,
+            SNPP_DB_OCEAN  = 403,
+            SNPP_DB_LAND  = 404, 
 KT = dict ( AOD = 45, )
@@ -354,15 +354,28 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
            self.rChannels = np.array([480.,550.,670.,860.,1240.,1600.,2250.])
+       # Concatenate AOD channels for Deep Blue
+       # --------------------------------------
+       if self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
+           try:
+               self.aod = np.ones((self.nobs,4))
+               self.aod[:,0] = self.aod3ch[:,0]
+               self.aod[:,1] = self.aod3ch[:,1]
+               self.aod[:,2] = self.aod550[:]
+               self.aod[:,3] = self.aod3ch[:,2]
+           except:
+               pass # don't fuss, aod3ch may not have been read
        # Angstrom interpolate to AERONET wavelengths for ease of comparison
        # and to faciliate NNR ODS files
-       # DT: 480 --> 490, 860 --> 870, 1600 --> 1640
-       # DB: 488 --> 490, 865 --> 870
+       # DT: 480 --> 470, 860 --> 870, 1600 --> 1640
+       # DB: 488 --> 470, 865 --> 870
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.anet_wav = anet_wav
        if anet_wav:
            if 'DT' in self.algo:
-               tch = 490
+               tch = 470
                ch = 550
                ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
@@ -373,7 +386,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod480,aod550,480,550)
                self.channels[ich] = tch
-               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+               self.aod[:,ich] = aod_
            elif self.algo == 'DT_OCEAN':
                tch = 870
@@ -387,7 +400,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod670,aod860,670,860)
                self.channels[ich] = tch
-               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+               self.aod[:,ich] = aod_
                tch = 1640
@@ -400,10 +413,10 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod1600,aod2250,1600,2250)
                self.channels[ich] = tch
-               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_               
+               self.aod[:,ich] = aod_               
            elif 'DB' in self.algo:
-               tch = 490
+               tch = 470
                ch = 550
                ich = np.argmin(np.abs(self.channels - ch))
@@ -414,7 +427,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod488,aod550,488,550)
                self.channels[ich] = tch
-               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_               
+               self.aod[:,ich] = aod_               
            elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':
                tch = 870
@@ -428,7 +441,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                aod_ = self.aodInterpAngs(tch,aod670,aod865,670,865)
                self.channels[ich] = tch
-               self.aod[:.ich] = aod_
+               self.aod[:,ich] = aod_
@@ -448,17 +461,6 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
            self.nhms = 10000 * syn_time.hour + 100*syn_time.minute + syn_time.second
            self.nsyn = nsyn # number of synoptic times per day
-       # Concatenate AOD channels for Deep Blue
-       # --------------------------------------
-       if self.algo == 'DB_LAND':
-           try: 
-               self.aod = np.ones((self.nobs,4))
-               self.aod[:,0] = self.aod3ch[:,0]
-               self.aod[:,1] = self.aod3ch[:,1]
-               self.aod[:,2] = self.aod550[:]
-               self.aod[:,3] = self.aod3ch[:,2]
-           except:
-               pass # don't fuss, aod3ch may not have been read
        # Create a pseudo cloud fraction for Deep Blue
        if Algo == 'DB':
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
-    def aodInterpAngs(lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
+    def aodInterpAngs(self,lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
            Angstrom-interpolated AOD.
            lambda_ = target wavelength for AOD output
@@ -726,7 +728,7 @@ def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
         ks = np.arange(ns) + 1
         for ch in channels:
             I = range(i,i+ns)
-            j = channels.index(ch)
+            j = list(channels).index(ch) # index of channel
             ods.ks[I]  = ks
   [I] =[:]
             ods.lon[I] = self.lon[:]

From a5c80c8c9002df0ed4c7afe5437bb4805bcb3b48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 19:24:24 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 45/67] PC - when angstrom interpolating, protecta against case
 where all obs are <0

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 100600ee..92fe5770 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -473,10 +473,11 @@ def aodInterpAngs(self,lambda_,tau1,tau2,lambda1,lambda2):
            Angstrom-interpolated AOD.
            lambda_ = target wavelength for AOD output
-        I = (tau1>0) & (tau2>0)
-        angstrom = -np.log(tau1[I]/tau2[I])/np.log(lambda1/lambda2)
         tau = MISSING * np.ones(len(tau1))
-        tau[I] = tau2[I] * (lambda2/lambda_)**angstrom
+        I = (tau1>0) & (tau2>0)
+        if any(I):
+            angstrom = -np.log(tau1[I]/tau2[I])/np.log(float(lambda1)/float(lambda2))
+            tau[I] = tau2[I] * (lambda2/lambda_)**angstrom
         return tau

From b6d533a6e6f76d9e8079319598825b284e734f6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 15:37:38 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 46/67] PC - update changelog to develop v2.0.1

--- | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1651b68f..8bfb6042 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,8 +8,44 @@
 ### Changed
+## [v2.0.1] - 2023-05-17
+### Added
+### Fixed
+- fix in trj_sampler for ICARTT files that have missing values in the location/time
+- fix in py_ods that was trying to do element wise comparisons on tuples and lists
+### Changed
+- updated GMAOpyobs to v1.0.2
+- updates to NNR training code to handle angstrom exponent targets
+- some other minor changes to NNR training code to be python3 compliant
+## [v2.0.0] - 2023-05-17
+### Added
+- Added changelog enforcer
+### Changed
+- Updated to use latest components (matching GEOSgcm v10.25.0)
+- Wholesale conversion to python3. Changes to all python scripts, and CMakelists with f2py compilation
+- the components.yaml now imports the GMAOpyobs repository, which replaces the legacy GMAO_pyobs directory
+- The GMAO_pyobs3 directory is no longer needed
+- A new directory called GMAO_aeropyobs has been added to share. This includes python utilities that require MAPL or GFIO that were previously in GMAO_pyobs. 
+- There may still be issues related to byte-to-string conversions that require fixing, but will need to be fixed as they are encountered.
+- Added GMAOpyobs v1.0.1 to components.yaml
+- Updated MAPL to v2.39.9
 ## [v1.0.0] - 2022-06-17
-Converted to mepo, cmake, and v3 giant files
+### Changed
+- Converted to mepo, cmake, and v3 giant files
 ### Added
@@ -18,12 +54,13 @@ Converted to mepo, cmake, and v3 giant files
 - legacy MAPL_Base/Python/MAPL into latest MAPL on develop branch
 ### Fixed
 - Moved src/GMAO_Shared to src/Shared/GMAO_Shared
 - obs_aod codes now work with v3 giant files
 ## [0.99.0] - 2020-03-23
-Intial GitHub release.
+Initial GitHub release.
 ### Added
   - Open source license

From 8c755639791c3739f7618cc9589aa296ac86bf26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 15:41:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 47/67] updates ABC cmakelists to f2py3

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt | 5 ++---
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
index 269916d7..68b498ad 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 esma_set_this ()
-find_package(F2PY2 REQUIRED)
-esma_add_f2py2_module (VLIDORT_BRDF_ABC_
+find_package(F2PY3 REQUIRED)
+esma_add_f2py3_module (VLIDORT_BRDF_ABC_
   DESTINATION lib/Python/${this}
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ set (PYFILES

From e4fd98db5dcd35d458efb7415069b986d23b3ea9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 11:30:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 48/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index a86974c5..c9babc66 100755
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
     for ident in cf('VIIRS_L2A_IDENTS').split(','):
         coll = Coll[i] 
         cmd = " %s --collection=%s %s %s "%(Options,Coll[i],ident,isotime)
-        print cmd
+        print(cmd)
         if not options.dryrun:
             if system(cmd):
-                raise ValueError, " failed for %s on %s "%(ident,isotime)
+                raise ValueError(" failed for %s on %s "%(ident,isotime))
         i += 1

From 0bf7e526524079429b92cb95cbf700c7b277586c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 11:37:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 49/67] PC ran 2to3 on

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index 7a2e3845..0cb0a7d5 100755
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
     if path != '':
         rc = os.system('mkdir -p '+path)
         if rc:
-            raise IOError, "could not create directory "+path
+            raise IOError("could not create directory "+path)
@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
     if options.verbose:
-        print ""
-        print "                          VIIRS Level 2A Processing"
-        print "                          -------------------------"
-        print ""
+        print("")
+        print("                          VIIRS Level 2A Processing")
+        print("                          -------------------------")
+        print("")
         t0 = clock()
 #   Time variables
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
     out_file = strTemplate(out_tmpl,expid=options.expid,nymd=nymd,nhms=nhms)
     name, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
     if os.path.exists(out_file) and (options.force is not True):
-        print "vx04_l2a: Output Gridded file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%out_file
-        raise IOError, "Specify --force to overwrite existing output file."    
+        print("vx04_l2a: Output Gridded file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%out_file)
+        raise IOError("Specify --force to overwrite existing output file.")    
     if os.path.exists(out_file) and options.force:
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
     ods_tmpl = ods_tmpl.replace('%coll',options.coll).replace('%prod',prod).replace('%algo',algo).replace('%lev','2').replace('%ext','ods')
     ods_file = strTemplate(ods_tmpl,expid=options.expid,nymd=nymd,nhms=nhms)
     if os.path.exists(ods_file) and (options.force is not True):
-        print "vxd04_l2a: Output ODS file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%ods_file
-        raise IOError, "Specify --force to overwrite existing output file."
+        print("vxd04_l2a: Output ODS file <%s> exists --- cannot proceed."%ods_file)
+        raise IOError("Specify --force to overwrite existing output file.")
     if os.path.exists(ods_file) and options.force:
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
 #   VIIRS Level 2 NNR Aerosol Retrievals
 #   ------------------------------------
     if options.verbose:
-        print "NNR Retrieving %s %s on "%(sat,algo.upper()),syn_time
+        print("NNR Retrieving %s %s on "%(sat,algo.upper()),syn_time)
     viirs = Vx04_NNR(options.l2_path,sat,algo.upper(),syn_time,aer_x,
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
     if viirs.nobs < 1:
         if options.verbose:
-            print 'WARNING: no observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file
+            print('WARNING: no observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file)
     elif any(viirs.iGood) == False:
         if options.verbose:
-            print 'WARNING: no GOOD observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file
+            print('WARNING: no GOOD observation for this time in file <%s>'%ods_file)
         viirs.nobs = 0
     nn_file = options.nn_file.replace('%ident',ident)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
             warnings.warn('cannot create empty output file <%s>'%ods_file)
             if options.verbose:
-                print "[w] Wrote empty ODS file "+ods_file
+                print("[w] Wrote empty ODS file "+ods_file)
 #   Write gridded output file (revised channels only)
 #   -------------------------------------------------

From 91da9f71c0b7f1f56de5b268d128ce1b1bbacf83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 11:38:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 50/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index 64d9deee..7291cd6d 100644
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def __init__(self,l2_path,sat,algo,syn_time,aer_x,
             self.iGood = self.iGood & (self.GlintAngle > glint_thresh)
         if np.any(self.iGood) == False:
-            print "WARNING: Strange, no good obs left to work with"
+            print("WARNING: Strange, no good obs left to work with")
         # Create attribute for holding NNR predicted AOD
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False):
           if fh.lm == 1:
             timeInterp = False    # no time interpolation in this case
-            raise ValueError, "cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead"
+            raise ValueError("cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead")
           fh = GFIOctl(inFile)  # open timeseries
           timeInterp = True     # perform time interpolation
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False):
         # ---------------------------
         for v in onlyVars:
             if Verbose:
-                print "<> Sampling ", v
+                print("<> Sampling ", v)
             if timeInterp:
               var = fh.sample(v,lons,lats,tymes,Verbose=Verbose)
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False):
                 var = var.T # shape should be (nobs,nz)
                 self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
-                raise IndexError, 'variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape))
+                raise IndexError('variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape)))
         if npzFile is not None:
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ def _getInputs(self):
             iName = TranslateInput(inputName)
             if self.verbose>0:
-                print 'Getting NN input ',iName
+                print('Getting NN input ',iName)
             # Retrieve input
             # --------------
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ def _getInputs(self):
                 input = self.__dict__[name][:]
-                raise ValueError, "strange, len(iName)=%d"%len(iName)
+                raise ValueError("strange, len(iName)=%d"%len(iName))
             # Concatenate Inputs
             # ------------------
@@ -369,9 +369,9 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
             name, ch = TranslateTarget(targetName)
             if self.verbose>0:
-                    print "NN Retrieving log(AOD+0.01) at %dnm "%ch
+                    print("NN Retrieving log(AOD+0.01) at %dnm "%ch)
-                    print "NN Retrieving AOD at %dnm "%ch
+                    print("NN Retrieving AOD at %dnm "%ch)
             k = list(self.channels).index(ch) # index of channel            
             self.channels_ = self.channels_ + [ch,]
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ def apply(self,nnFile):
     coll    = '002'
     aer_x   = '/nobackup/NNR/Misc/tavg1_2d_aer_Nx'
-    syn_time = datetime(2012,03,01,00,0,0)
+    syn_time = datetime(2012,0o3,0o1,00,0,0)
     if algo == 'DB_LAND':
         nn_file = '/nobackup/NNR/Net/VIIRS/'

From 6c995002ab05a74a40b25f0c918b74708d320324 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 11:56:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 51/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 28 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 0b9f773a..f7460cf6 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def SummarizeCombinations(mxd,Input_nnr,yrange=None,sortname='rmse'):
     nblocks = [len(group) for group in mxd.combgroups]
-    print "MASTERLIST", masterlist
+    print("MASTERLIST", masterlist)
     # Default sort by mean RMSE of first target
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ def make_plots(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
       for t in range(mxd.nTarget):
           name = mxd.Target[t][1:]
           if name != refname:
-              print 't,wav',t,name[3:]
+              print('t,wav',t,name[3:])
               wav = float(name[3:])
               tt = np.exp(targets[:,t]) # keep the + 0.01 to handle negatives in MODIS data
               rr = np.exp(results[:,t]) # keep the + 0.01 to handle negatives in MODIS data
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ def make_plots(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
           name = 'm'+mxd.Target[t][1:]
           if name in mxd.__dict__:
               if name != refname:
-                  print 'orig t,wav',t,name[4:]
+                  print('orig t,wav',t,name[4:])
                   wav = float(name[4:])
                   oo = mxd.__dict__[name][I] + 0.01 # add 0.01 to handle negatives
                   tt = np.exp(targets[:,t]) # keep + 0.01 to handle negatives
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
               name = mxd.Target[t][1:]
           if name != refname:
-              print 't,wav',t,name[3:]
+              print('t,wav',t,name[3:])
               wav = float(name[3:])
               tt = np.exp(targets[:,t]) # keep the + 0.01 to handle negatives in MODIS data
               rr = np.exp(results[:,t]) # keep the + 0.01 to handle negatives in MODIS data
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ def make_plots_angstrom(mxd,expid,ident,I=None):
               name = 'm'+mxd.Target[t][1:]
           if name in mxd.__dict__:
               if name != refname:
-                  print 'orig t,wav',t,name[4:]
+                  print('orig t,wav',t,name[4:])
                   wav = float(name[4:])
                   oo = mxd.__dict__[name][I] + 0.01 # add 0.01 to handle negatives
                   # protect against interpolated wavelengths that might have -9999
@@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ def make_error_pdfs(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRoot=N
-        print 'mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE
-        print 'nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE
+        print('mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE)
+        print('nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE)
         mod04RMSE = np.mean(mod04RMSE)
         nnrRMSE   = np.mean(nnrRMSE)
@@ -812,9 +812,9 @@ def make_error_pdfs_int(mxd,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,netfileRo
-    print 'mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE
-    print 'dbmod04RMSE',dbmod04RMSE
-    print 'nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE
+    print('mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE)
+    print('dbmod04RMSE',dbmod04RMSE)
+    print('nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE)
     mod04RMSE   = np.mean(mod04RMSE)
     dbmod04RMSE = np.mean(dbmod04RMSE)
     nnrRMSE     = np.mean(nnrRMSE)
@@ -989,10 +989,10 @@ def make_error_pdfs_dbdt(mxd,mxd2,Input,expid,ident,K=None,I=None,Title=None,
-    print 'mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE
-    print 'dbmod04RMSE',dbmod04RMSE
-    print 'nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE
-    print 'nnrRMSE2',nnrRMSE2
+    print('mod04RMSE',mod04RMSE)
+    print('dbmod04RMSE',dbmod04RMSE)
+    print('nnrRMSE',nnrRMSE)
+    print('nnrRMSE2',nnrRMSE2)
     mod04RMSE   = np.mean(mod04RMSE)
     dbmod04RMSE = np.mean(dbmod04RMSE)
     nnrRMSE     = np.mean(nnrRMSE)

From 0337da097739a87c34449ecb27c358c80f2d0687 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 11:57:16 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 52/67] PC - brought in changes from develop

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index f7460cf6..9710cff0 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ def boxplot_imshow(data,plottype,blocks,masterlist,title,filename,
     params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }          
-    if plottype is 'box':
+    if plottype == 'box':
       bp = plt.boxplot(data,showfliers=False,showbox=True,whis='range',
       plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='black')
       plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color='black')
-    elif plottype is 'scatter':
+    elif plottype == 'scatter':
       scat = np.mean(data,axis=0)
-    elif plottype is 'errorbar':
+    elif plottype == 'errorbar':
       scat = np.mean(data,axis=0)
       yerr_max = np.abs(np.max(data,axis=0)-scat)
       yerr_min = np.abs(np.min(data,axis=0)-scat)
@@ -1115,6 +1115,7 @@ def TestStats(mxd,K,C):
     # regression[*][0:2] = slope, intercept, r-value
     # out.shape = [ntestobs,nTarget]
     out, reg = mxd.test(iprint=False)
     reg = np.array(reg)
     mxd.nnr.slope[k,c,:]     = reg[:,0]
     mxd.nnr.intercept[k,c,:] = reg[:,1]

From b4d1ce724a822bc8a660b30ef0f0fe6b42b07d7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 12:37:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 53/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 17 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index f13f2ea2..3ae10f87 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 from   abc_c6_aux           import make_plots, make_plots_angstrom, TestStats, SummaryPDFs
 from   brdf                 import rtlsReflectance
 from   mcd43c               import BRDF
+from functools import reduce
 # ------
@@ -258,13 +259,13 @@ def outlierRemoval(self,outliers):
         if outliers > 0.:
             d = log(self.mTau550[self.iValid]+0.01) - log(self.aTau550[self.iValid]+0.01)
             if self.verbose>0:
-                print "Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(-1,std(d),d.size)
+                print("Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(-1,std(d),d.size))
             for iter in range(3):
                 iValid = (abs(d)<outliers*std(d))
                 self.iValid[self.iValid] = iValid
                 d = log(self.mTau550[self.iValid]+0.01) - log(self.aTau550[self.iValid]+0.01)
                 if self.verbose>0:
-                    print "Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(iter,std(d),d.size)
+                    print("Outlier removal: %d   sig_d = %f  nGood=%d "%(iter,std(d),d.size))
     def angleTranform(self):            
         # Angle transforms: for NN work we work with cosine of angles
@@ -681,9 +682,9 @@ def _train(mxd,expid,c):
   Input    = mxd.comblist[c]
   Target   = mxd.Target
-  print "-"*80
-  print "--> nHidden = ", nHidden
-  print "-->  Inputs = ", Input
+  print("-"*80)
+  print("--> nHidden = ", nHidden)
+  print("-->  Inputs = ", Input)
   n = cpu_count()
   kwargs = {'nproc' : n}
@@ -721,7 +722,7 @@ def _test(mxd,expid,c,plotting=True):
         if found: break
       if not found:
-        print '{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile)
+        print('{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile))
       invars = mxd.comblist[0]
@@ -751,13 +752,13 @@ def _test(mxd,expid,c,plotting=True):
             netFile = outdir+"/"+".".join(invars)+'.k={}'.format(str(k))
             found = True
-            print 'found file',netFile
+            print('found file',netFile)
         if not found:
-          print '{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile)
+          print('{} not found.  Need to train this combinatin of inputs'.format(netFile))
         invars = mxd.comblist[0]

From 9740beaabfaeccff1ddc0aec7701dce0a6bc4c94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 12:40:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 54/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index dc2b935e..16b837c1 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
     # Read in variables
     # -----------------
-    print 'filename ',filename
+    print('filename ',filename)
     nc = Dataset(filename)
-    Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+    Alias = list(self.ALIAS.keys())
     self.giantList =[]
     for name in Names:
       data = nc.variables[name][:]
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
     # ----------------
     # new files have an ISO_DateTime variable
     nc = Dataset(filename)
-    if 'ISO_DateTime' in nc.variables.keys():
+    if 'ISO_DateTime' in list(nc.variables.keys()):
             iso = nc.variables['ISO_DateTime'][:]
             self.tyme = array([isoparse(''.join(array(t))) for t in iso])
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ def reduce(self,I):
     for name in self.giantList:
       q = self.__dict__[name]
-      print "{} Reducing "+name,q.shape
+      print("{} Reducing "+name,q.shape)
       self.__dict__[name] = q[I]
     self.nobs = len(self.lon)
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False, clmYear
           if fh.lm == 1:
             timeInterp = False    # no time interpolation in this case
-            raise ValueError, "cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead"
+            raise ValueError("cannot handle files with more tha 1 time, use ctl instead")
           fh = GFIOctl(inFile)  # open timeseries
           timeInterp = True     # perform time interpolation
@@ -575,12 +575,12 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False, clmYear
           tymes = array([t + timedelta(days=365*(clmYear-t.year)) for t in self.tyme])
-        print 'trange',tymes.min(),tymes.max()
+        print('trange',tymes.min(),tymes.max())
         # Loop over variables on file
         # ---------------------------
         for v in onlyVars:
             if Verbose:
-                print "<> Sampling ", v
+                print("<> Sampling ", v)
             if timeInterp:
               var = fh.sample(v,lons,lats,tymes,Verbose=Verbose)
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ def sampleFile(self, inFile, npzFile=None, onlyVars=None, Verbose=False, clmYear
                 var = var.T # shape should be (nobs,nz)
                 self.sample.__dict__[v] = var
-                raise IndexError, 'variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape))
+                raise IndexError('variable <%s> has rank = %d'%(v,len(var.shape)))
         if npzFile is not None:
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ def sampleLoadz(self,npzFile):
         from grads.gahandle import GaHandle
         self.sample = GaHandle(npzFile)
         npz = load(npzFile)
-        for v in npz.keys():
+        for v in list(npz.keys()):
             self.sample.__dict__[v] = npz[v]

From 3006103217fa5fb83933207756abb3534c8bb4c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 12:51:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 55/67] pc - ran2to3 on

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 20 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 070a41be..4b82867b 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ def train (self,Input=None,Target=None,nHidden=200,maxfun=2550,biases=True,
         # -----
         bounds = [bounds]*['conec'].shape[0]
         if self.verbose>0:
-            print "Starting training with %s inputs and %s targets"\
-                  %(str(inputs.shape),str(targets.shape))
+            print("Starting training with %s inputs and %s targets"\
+                  %(str(inputs.shape),str(targets.shape))),targets, maxfun=maxfun,bounds=bounds,**kwargs)
 #,targets, maxfun=maxfun)
@@ -160,22 +160,22 @@ def getInputs(self,I,Input=None):
         Returns: inputs
         if self.verbose:
-            print " "
-            print "       Feature          Min      Max"
-            print "  ------------------  -------  -------"
+            print(" ")
+            print("       Feature          Min      Max")
+            print("  ------------------  -------  -------")
         if Input==None:
             Input = self.Input
         inputs = self.__dict__[Input[0]][I]
         if self.verbose:
-            print "%20s %8.4f %8.4f"%(Input[0],inputs.min(),inputs.max())
+            print("%20s %8.4f %8.4f"%(Input[0],inputs.min(),inputs.max()))
         for var in Input[1:]:
             q = self.__dict__[var][I]
             inputs = cat[inputs,q]
             if self.verbose:
-                print "%20s %8.4f %8.4f"%(var,q.min(),q.max())
+                print("%20s %8.4f %8.4f"%(var,q.min(),q.max()))
         if self.verbose:
-            print "  ------------------  -------  -------"
-            print ""
+            print("  ------------------  -------  -------")
+            print("")
         if len(inputs.shape) == 1:
             inputs.shape = (inputs.shape[0],1)            
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ def _plotKDE(x_values,y_values,x_bins=None,y_bins=None,
         Nx = len(x_bins)
         Ny = len(y_bins)
-        print "Evaluating 2D kernel on grid with (Nx,Ny)=(%d,%d) ..."%(Nx,Ny)
+        print("Evaluating 2D kernel on grid with (Nx,Ny)=(%d,%d) ..."%(Nx,Ny))
         kernel = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(_cat2(x_values,y_values))
         X, Y = meshgrid(x_bins,y_bins)   # each has shape (Ny,Nx)
         Z = kernel(_cat2(X,Y))           # shape is (Ny*Nx)

From 0fd0e9a5154c973c5e38b198d77dad0cc143609d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 12:52:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 56/67] PC - add bounds variables fix in from develop

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 4b82867b..dca3aea2 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def train (self,Input=None,Target=None,nHidden=200,maxfun=2550,biases=True,
         # Train
         # -----
-        bounds = [bounds]*['conec'].shape[0]
+        bounds = [bounds]*[0]
         if self.verbose>0:
             print("Starting training with %s inputs and %s targets"\

From c522dbe99b4a090415b71ae31b52289414a69ebb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 13:02:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 57/67] PC - ran2to3 on

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/   | 38 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 2d6b074d..bb1f2f28 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 from   dateutil.parser import parse as isoparse
 from   glob     import glob
-from npz  import NPZ
+from .npz  import NPZ
 MISSING = -999.
+BAD, MARGINAL, GOOD, BEST = list(range(4))
 VARS = ( 'AERONET_Site',
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
         # ----------------------
         if type(Path) is ListType:
             if len(Path) == 0:
-                print "WARNING: Empty AERONET object created"
+                print("WARNING: Empty AERONET object created")
             if Path[-4:] == '.npz': # Special handling of npz files
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
                 self.__dict__[var] = concatenate(self.__dict__[var])
-                print "Failed concatenating "+var
+                print("Failed concatenating "+var)
         # Make aliases
         # ------------
-        Alias = ALIAS.keys()
+        Alias = list(ALIAS.keys())
         for var in self.Vars:
             if var in Alias:
                 self.__dict__[ALIAS[var]] = self.__dict__[var]
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
         Locations = {}
         for loc in self.Location:
             Locations[loc] = 1
-        self.Stations = Locations.keys()
+        self.Stations = list(Locations.keys())
         # By default all is good if coordinates are ok
         # --------------------------------------------
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ def _readList(self,List):
             if os.path.isdir(item):      self._readDir(item)
             elif os.path.isfile(item):   self._readGranule(item)
-                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+                print("%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item)
     def _readDir(self,dir):
         """Recursively, look for files in directory."""
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def _readDir(self,dir):
             if os.path.isdir(path):      self._readDir(path)
             elif os.path.isfile(path):   self._readGranule(path)
-                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+                print("%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item)
     def _readGranule(self,filename):
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def _readGranule(self,filename):
                 i += 1
             if self.columns == None:
-                raise ValueError, "Cannot find Column header"
+                raise ValueError("Cannot find Column header")
             # Read relevant columns from AERONET granule
             # ----------------------------------------
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def _readGranule(self,filename):
                     i = self.columns.index(name)
-                    raise ValueError, "cannot find <%s> in file <%s>"%(name,filename)
+                    raise ValueError("cannot find <%s> in file <%s>"%(name,filename))
                 self.iVars += (i,)
                 if name=='Date':
                     self.formats += ('S10',)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ def writeNPZ(self,npzFile,I=None):
         Writes out a NPZ file with the relevant variables.
         Vars = dict()
-        Nicknames = ALIAS.values()
+        Nicknames = list(ALIAS.values())
         for name in self.__dict__:
             if name in Nicknames:
                 continue # alias do not get reduced
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ def writeODS(self, syn_tyme, filename=None, dir='.', expid='aeronet', nsyn=8):
             ods = ODS(nobs=nobs, kx=KX, kt=KT['AOD'])
-            ods.ks[:] = range(1,1+nobs)
+            ods.ks[:] = list(range(1,1+nobs))
   [:] =[I]
             ods.lon[:] = self.lon[I]
             ods.qch[:] = zeros(nobs).astype('int')
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ def writeODS(self, syn_tyme, filename=None, dir='.', expid='aeronet', nsyn=8):
             ods.xm[:] = self.AOT_675[I]
             if self.verb:
-                print "[w] Writing file <"+filename+"> with %d observations at %dZ"%\
-                   (ods.nobs,nhms/10000)
+                print("[w] Writing file <"+filename+"> with %d observations at %dZ"%\
+                   (ods.nobs,nhms/10000))
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ def writeGridded(self, syn_tyme,
                binobs2d(self.lon[I],[I],self.AOT_550[I],im,jm,MISSING) )
        if self.verb:
-           print "[w] Wrote file "+filename+" at %02dZ"%(nhms/10000)
+           print("[w] Wrote file "+filename+" at %02dZ"%(nhms/10000))
        return filename
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ def bin_hourly(self,x,stn):
         n = int(0.5+(tf-t0).total_seconds()/60.)
         t = array([t0 + i*dt for i in range(n)])
-        print t0, tf
+        print(t0, tf)
         return t
@@ -577,10 +577,10 @@ def retrieve( filename='aeronet.csv',
     if verbose:
-        print cmd
+        print(cmd)
     if os.system(cmd):
-        raise ValueError, "Cannot retrieve request <%cmd>"
+        raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve request <%cmd>")
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ def granules( tyme,
 def __test__():
-    t = datetime(2008,07,01)
+    t = datetime(2008,0o7,0o1)
     one_hour = timedelta(seconds=60*60) # synoptic dt =  3 hours
     Files = granules(t,bracket='left')

From 65589c260c20ab140b56cb912fe04e7bbc811f43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 13:04:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 58/67] PC - add chanegs from develop, fixing byte read and no
 longer use listType

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/     | 17 ++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index bb1f2f28..5ffe3719 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 import os
 import sys
-from   types    import *
 from   numpy    import loadtxt, ones, zeros, savez, pi, log, concatenate, \
                        arange, savez, shape, array, linspace
 from   datetime import datetime, timedelta
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@
-         'Time',         
+         'Time', 
          'AOT_1640' , 
@@ -86,13 +85,13 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
                 self.Vars[i] = 'Site_Latitude'
             if 'Elevation' in self.Vars:
                 i = self.Vars.index('Elevation')
-                self.Vars[i] = 'Site_Elevation'    
+                self.Vars[i] = 'Site_Elevation'
             self.Vars = tuple(self.Vars)
         # Past is string or list
         # ----------------------
-        if type(Path) is ListType:
+        if isinstance(Path, (list, tuple)):
             if len(Path) == 0:
                 print("WARNING: Empty AERONET object created")
@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
         aot_670 = _updAOT(aot_670,self.AOT_667) # close enough
         aot_670 = _updAOT(aot_670,self.AOT_675) # close enough
-        self.AOT_670 = aot_670[:] # update undefs with interpolated values       
+        self.AOT_670 = aot_670[:] # update undefs with interpolated values
         # Interpolate AOT to 660 nm
         # -----------------------------------
@@ -180,7 +179,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,version=2,Vars=VARS,Verbose=False):
         aot_660 = _updAOT(aot_660,aot_660b)
         aot_660 = _updAOT(aot_660,aot_660a)
-        self.AOT_660 = aot_660[:] # update undefs with interpolated values        
+        self.AOT_660 = aot_660[:] # update undefs with interpolated values
         # Interpolate AOT to 470 nm if needed
         # -----------------------------------
@@ -286,11 +285,11 @@ def _readGranule(self,filename):
                     raise ValueError("cannot find <%s> in file <%s>"%(name,filename))
                 self.iVars += (i,)
                 if name=='Date':
-                    self.formats += ('S10',)
+                    self.formats += ('U10',)
                 elif name=='Time':
-                    self.formats += ('S8',)
+                    self.formats += ('U8',)
                 elif name=='AERONET_Site':
-                    self.formats += ('S20',)
+                    self.formats += ('U20',)
                     self.converters[i] = _convert2Float
                     self.formats += ('f4',)

From 01492694c12cc6c84ba23ecb7261e2ffddceeaf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 13:12:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 59/67] PC - ran 2to3 on

 .../GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/      | 72 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
index 92fe5770..b5573182 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs/pyobs/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from netCDF4 import Dataset
-from bits import BITS
+from .bits import BITS
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        if algo not in ('DT_LAND', 'DT_OCEAN', 'DB_LAND', 'DB_OCEAN'):
-           raise ValueError, "invalid algorithm "+algo+" --- must be DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, DB_OCEAN"
+           raise ValueError("invalid algorithm "+algo+" --- must be DT_LAND, DT_OCEAN, DB_LAND, DB_OCEAN")
 #      Initially are lists of numpy arrays for each granule
 #      ------------------------------------------------
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        if type(Path) is list:
            if len(Path) == 0:
                self.nobs = 0
-               print "WARNING: Empty Vx04_L2 object created"
+               print("WARNING: Empty Vx04_L2 object created")
            Path = [Path, ]
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        # --------------------------------
        if len(self.Scattering_Angle) == 0:
            self.nobs = 0
-           print "WARNING: Empty MxD04_L2 object created"
+           print("WARNING: Empty MxD04_L2 object created")
        # Make each attribute a single numpy array
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                self.__dict__[sds] =[sds])
-               print "Failed concatenating "+sds
+               print("Failed concatenating "+sds)
        # Determine index of "good" observations
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
        elif self.algo == 'DB_OCEAN':
            self.iGood = self.Aerosol_Optical_Thickness_QA_Flag_Ocean == BEST
-           raise ValueError, 'invalid algorithm (very strange)'
+           raise ValueError('invalid algorithm (very strange)')
        # Keep only "good" observations
@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ def __init__ (self,Path,algo,syn_time=None,nsyn=8,Verb=0,
                elif rank == 2:
                    self.__dict__[sds] = self.__dict__[sds][m,:]
-                   raise IndexError, 'invalid rank=%d'%rank
+                   raise IndexError('invalid rank=%d'%rank)
            self.iGood = self.iGood[m]
        # Make aliases for compatibility with older code 
        # ----------------------------------------------
-       Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+       Alias = list(self.ALIAS.keys())
        for sds in self.SDS:
            if sds in Alias:
                self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] 
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ def _readList(self,List):
-                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+                print("%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item)
     def _readDir(self,dir):
         """Recursively, look for files in directory."""
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ def _readDir(self,dir):
             if os.path.isdir(path):      self._readDir(path)
             elif os.path.isfile(path):   self._readGranule(path)
-                print "%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item
+                print("%s is not a valid file or directory, ignoring it"%item)
     def _readGranuleDB(self,filename):
@@ -513,11 +513,11 @@ def _readGranuleDB(self,filename):
         # ---------------------------------------
             if self.verb:
-                print "[] Working on "+filename
+                print("[] Working on "+filename)
             nc = Dataset(filename)
             if self.verb > 2:
-                print "- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename
+                print("- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename)
         # Read select variables (reshape to allow concatenation later)
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ def _readGranuleDB(self,filename):
             elif len(v.shape) == 2:
                 v = v.ravel()
-                raise IndexError, "invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds
+                raise IndexError("invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds)
@@ -568,13 +568,13 @@ def _readGranuleDT(self,filename):
         # ---------------------------------------
             if self.verb:
-                print "[] Working on "+filename
+                print("[] Working on "+filename)
             nc = Dataset(filename)
             data  = nc.groups['geophysical_data']
             loc   = nc.groups['geolocation_data']
             if self.verb > 2:
-                print "- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename
+                print("- %s: not recognized as an netCDF file"%filename)
         # Read select variables (reshape to allow concatenation later)
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ def _readGranuleDT(self,filename):
             elif len(v.shape) == 2:
                 v = v.ravel()
-                raise IndexError, "invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds
+                raise IndexError("invalid shape for SDS <%s>"%sds)
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ def reduce(self,I):
         Reduce observations according to index I. 
-        Nicknames = self.ALIAS.values()
+        Nicknames = list(self.ALIAS.values())
         for name in self.__dict__:
             if name in Nicknames:
                 continue # alias do not get reduced
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ def reduce(self,I):
                     # print "{} Reducing "+name
                     self.__dict__[name] = q[I]
-        Alias = self.ALIAS.keys()
+        Alias = list(self.ALIAS.keys())
         for sds in self.SDS:
             if sds in Alias:
                 self.__dict__[self.ALIAS[sds]] = self.__dict__[sds] # redefine aliases
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ def write(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,Verb=1):
                      reflectance = self.reflectance)
         if Verb >=1:
-            print "[w] Wrote file "+filename
+            print("[w] Wrote file "+filename)
     def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
         if self.syn_time == None:
-            raise ValuError, "synoptic time missing, cannot write ODS"
+            raise ValuError("synoptic time missing, cannot write ODS")
         # Stop here if no good obs available
         # ----------------------------------
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
         i = 0
         ks = np.arange(ns) + 1
         for ch in channels:
-            I = range(i,i+ns)
+            I = list(range(i,i+ns))
             j = list(channels).index(ch) # index of channel
             ods.ks[I]  = ks
   [I] =[:]
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ def writeODS(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,channels=None,
         ods_ =
         if Verb >=1:
-            print "[w] Writing file <"+filename+"> with %d observations"%ods_.nobs
+            print("[w] Writing file <"+filename+"> with %d observations"%ods_.nobs)
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ def writeg(self,filename=None,dir='.',expid=None,refine=8,res=None,
 #           pass
        if Verb >=1:
-           print "[w] Wrote file "+filename
+           print("[w] Wrote file "+filename)
     def addVar(self,ga,expr='mag(u10m,v10m)',vname='wind',clmYear=None,tight=True):
@@ -1018,13 +1018,13 @@ def granules ( path, algo, sat, syn_time, coll='011', nsyn=8, verbose=False ):
                 filen = glob(basen)[0]
                 Granules += [filen,]
                 if verbose:
-                    print " [x] Found "+filen
+                    print(" [x] Found "+filen)
         t += dt
     if len(Granules) == 0:
-        print "WARNING: no %s collection %s granules found for"%(algo,coll), syn_time
+        print("WARNING: no %s collection %s granules found for"%(algo,coll), syn_time)
     return Granules
@@ -1037,25 +1037,25 @@ def print_stats(name,x=None):
         x = name
         name = 'mean,stdv,rms,min,25%,median,75%,max: '
     if name == '__header__':
-        print ''
+        print('')
         n = (80 - len(x))/2
-        print n * ' ' + x
-        print n * ' ' + len(x) * '-'
-        print ''
-        print '   Name       mean      stdv      rms      min     25%    median     75%      max'
-        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
+        print(n * ' ' + x)
+        print(n * ' ' + len(x) * '-')
+        print('')
+        print('   Name       mean      stdv      rms      min     25%    median     75%      max')
+        print(' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------')
     elif name == '__sep__':
-        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
+        print(' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------')
     elif name == '__footer__':
-        print ' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------'
-        print ''
+        print(' ---------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------')
+        print('')
         ave = x.mean()
         std = x.std()
         rms = np.sqrt(ave*ave+std*std)
         prc = prctile(x)
-        print '%10s  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  '%\
-            (name,ave,std,rms,prc[0],prc[1],prc[2],prc[3],prc[4])
+        print('%10s  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  '%\
+            (name,ave,std,rms,prc[0],prc[1],prc[2],prc[3],prc[4]))

From 02358cfd3af045a9182864bf6b0271b55aa10617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 15:20:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 60/67] PC- fix in to deal with reading
 datetimes character arrays from netcdf. need to convert to unicode

 src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
index 16b837c1..2c906dcc 100644
--- a/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
+++ b/src/Components/misc/obs_aod/ABC/
@@ -293,7 +293,10 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
       # new files use masked arrays
       # convert everythong to regular array filling with -9999.0
       # make sure _fill_value is -9999.0
-      self.__dict__[name] = np.array(data)
+      if data.dtype == np.dtype('S1'):
+          self.__dict__[name] = np.array(data).astype(str)
+      else:      
+          self.__dict__[name] = np.array(data)
@@ -303,7 +306,7 @@ def __init__ (self,filename,xVars=(),only_good=True,tymemax=None):
     nc = Dataset(filename)
     if 'ISO_DateTime' in list(nc.variables.keys()):
-            iso = nc.variables['ISO_DateTime'][:]
+            iso = nc.variables['ISO_DateTime'][:].astype(str)
             self.tyme = array([isoparse(''.join(array(t))) for t in iso])
         # old file only have Date and Time variables

From 08ee5d1fc9960ee2bf85c478d42e704a48ef0d28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 15:22:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 61/67] PC - update GMAOpyobs to 1.0.3 which contains the VIIRS reader

 components.yaml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/components.yaml b/components.yaml
index 5878e035..2392c54f 100644
--- a/components.yaml
+++ b/components.yaml
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ MAPL:
   local: ./src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs@
   remote: ../GMAOpyobs.git
-  tag: v1.0.2
+  tag: v1.0.3
   develop: develop

From 79d34b78157a487bef2952d6bd1af493611fc647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 16:23:39 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 62/67] PC - change #! to python3 in viirs_l2a and vx04_l2a in

 src/Applications/GAAS_App/ | 4 ++--
 src/Applications/GAAS_App/  | 6 ++----
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index c9babc66..50c63376 100755
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 from os       import system
 from optparse import OptionParser
-from MAPL     import Config
+from MAPL.config     import Config
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
index 0cb0a7d5..8af5ce67 100755
--- a/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
+++ b/src/Applications/GAAS_App/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
@@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
 import sys
 import subprocess
-from time            import clock
 from optparse        import OptionParser   # Command-line args  
 from dateutil.parser import parse as isoparse
 from vx04_nnr       import Vx04_NNR
-from MAPL            import strTemplate
+from MAPL.config            import strTemplate
 Ident = dict( vsnppdto = ('SNPP','dt_ocean'),
               vsnppdtl = ('SNPP','dt_land'),
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@ def makethis_dir(filename):
         print("                          VIIRS Level 2A Processing")
         print("                          -------------------------")
-        t0 = clock()
 #   Time variables
 #   --------------

From 1d97db4ca52f6f298b321598f4f5d19164145454 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 16:25:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 63/67] PC - fix import in pyods to use relative
 imports. needed for python3

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3475606a..6f3ef655
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods/
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 from types   import *
-from pyods_  import *   # Fortran extension using f2py
-from odsmeta import *   # useful constants
+from .pyods_  import *   # Fortran extension using f2py
+from .odsmeta import *   # useful constants
 import numpy as np
 __VERSION__ = '1.0.3'

From 95c8a29d17dcf6d760e6d9d1d05e986cb508200a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 16:32:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 64/67] PC - update changelog for VIIRS updates and for v2.0.2

--- | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index 8bfb6042..f91c3201 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,22 @@
 ### Changed
+## [v2.0.2] - 2023-05-25
+### Added
+- VIIRS NNR training code - new VIIRS giant reader
+- New code in GAAS_App to generate NNR ODS files from VIIRS obs
+### Fixed
+- fix in NNR code for new syntax of the Kfold generator in sklearn
+- fix in NNR testing code to protect against cases where VIIRS standard product may not retrieve multiple wavelengths 
+- fix pyods to use relative imports. needed for python3
+### Changed
+- update GMAOpyobs to v1.0.3 
 ## [v2.0.1] - 2023-05-17
 ### Added

From 578c82c17e902fa483dcdd974b7abca7c9001fe7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 15:41:00 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 65/67] PC - add VIIRS aerosol products to the GMAO_ods kx list

 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/kx_list.rc | 8 ++++++++
 src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods_.F90 | 8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/kx_list.rc b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/kx_list.rc
index 19a657ff..d20e518d 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/kx_list.rc
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/kx_list.rc
@@ -341,6 +341,14 @@ kx_list::
   330 GOES-17 Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)
   331 Himawari Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)
   332 Himawari Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)
+  333 VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Deep Blue Land Algorithm)
+  334 VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Deep Blue Ocean Algorithm)
+  335 VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)
+  336 VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)
+  337 VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Deep Blue Land Algorithm)
+  338 VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Deep Blue Ocean Algorithm)
+  339 VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)
+  340 VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)
 # Notes:
diff --git a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods_.F90 b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods_.F90
index f4051132..e24d66b8 100644
--- a/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods_.F90
+++ b/src/Shared/GMAO_Shared/GMAO_ods/pyods_.F90
@@ -630,6 +630,14 @@ subroutine pyods_putAll(filename, ftype, nymd,nhms, nsyn, nobs, &
   ods%meta%kx_names(330) = 'GOES-17 Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)' 
   ods%meta%kx_names(331) = 'Himawari Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)'
   ods%meta%kx_names(332) = 'Himawari Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(333) = 'VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Deep Blue Land Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(334) = 'VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Deep Blue Ocean Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(335) = 'VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(336) = 'VIIRS SNPP Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(337) = 'VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Deep Blue Land Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(338) = 'VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Deep Blue Ocean Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(339) = 'VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Dark Target Land Algorithm)'
+  ods%meta%kx_names(340) = 'VIIRS NOAA-20 Aerosol (Dark Target Ocean Algorithm)'
   call ods_put (filename, ftype, nymd, nhms, ods, rc)
   if ( rc .ne. 0 ) return

From db8d19f87adc63e85df4d4b4a0f00aaa1322894c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 15:42:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 66/67] update changelog with VIIRS kx addition to GMAO_ods

--- | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index f91c3201..ef06e717 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 - fix pyods to use relative imports. needed for python3
 ### Changed
+- add VIIRS aerosol products to GMAO_ods kx list
 - update GMAOpyobs to v1.0.3 
 ## [v2.0.1] - 2023-05-17

From 4fb8453b88f7a069c3c85779fd0bb67129e00fda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patricia Castellanos <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 15:50:08 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 67/67] update changelog for v2.0.2 release.  includes all the
 updates to do viirs nnr training. this will migrate over to AeroML.

--- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ef06e717..327bfa41 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ### Changed
 - add VIIRS aerosol products to GMAO_ods kx list
-- update GMAOpyobs to v1.0.3 
+- update GMAOpyobs to v1.0.4 
 ## [v2.0.1] - 2023-05-17