widget: type: data/map_l caption: Site Status data_sources: nodes: schema: [['id', 'int'], ['name'], ['site_id', 'int'], ['site_name'], ['status'], ['lat', 'float'], ['lon', 'float']] database: query: SELECT n.id, n.client_id as name, s.id as site_id, s.am_name as site_name, n.status, s.latitude as lat, s.longitude as lon FROM lwtesting_stitchtest_node as n, allsites as s WHERE n.site_id = s.id peg_offset: true # resend entire node status every few seconds mode: update check_interval: 4 url: postgres://oml2:[email protected]:5432/gec22
schema: [['id', 'int'], ['from_id', 'int'], ['from_if_name'], ['to_id', 'int'],
['to_if_name'], ['status'], ['link_id'], ['from_site_id', 'int'], ['to_site_id', 'int']]
query: SELECT l.*, fn.site_id as from_site_id, tn.site_id as to_site_id
FROM lwtesting_stitchtest_link as l, lwtesting_stitchtest_node as fn,
lwtesting_stitchtest_node as tn
WHERE l.from_id = fn.id AND l.to_id = tn.id
peg_offset: true # resend entire node status every few seconds
mode: update
check_interval: 4
url: postgres://oml2:[email protected]:5432/gec22
width: 1.0 hide_site_internals: {to: 6} # visible from and including 6 map: center: [-98.0, 35.0] zoom: 4 grayscale: true tile_provider: esri_world_topo mapping: nodes: id: id site: site_id # identify site status: status latitude: property: lat longitude: property: lon radius: 10 fill_color: property: status color: unknown: gray down: lightblue up: green error: red links: from: from_id to: to_id from_site: from_site_id # identify site to_site: to_site_id stroke_color: property: status color: unknown: gray down: orange up: green error: red stroke_width: 4