- security.md
- Security paragraph in readme
- move security content to https://github.com/Friz-zy/awesome-linux-containers#security
- target, args, kwargs as clearly required arguments
- get, get_all functions into args_aliases.py
- processing of different types of values for uid_map and gid_map agrguments
- proc, rootdir, workdir, daemonize, stdin, stdout, stderr arguments into Container.init
- runup, preup, daemonize, chroot, chdir, chtty, postup, exceptup, preexec, postexec, exceptexec functions into Container
- proc variable into Clone and Container
- setns now can take path to namespaces files as arguments
- parent_pid as second argument into setns
- add rasing value error in setns
- processing of args and kwargs in Container.init
- Chroot class now based on Container
- change pid to target_pid first argument in setns
- set to None default values for 6 ns flags in Container.init and setns
- up README and docs
- except block from setns
- order of namespaces in args_aliases: it's important for setns! via src of nsenter
- docstrings
- readme
- setns.py with setns context manager
- args_aliases.py with dicts of possible additional arguments for many cases
- Inject class and cli
- error handling with ctypes in cloning.py
- setns
- docstrings
- error handling
- add multilicensing: now pyspaces under MIT or BSD or Apache 2.0
- up cli and example in readme
- 'all' argument into Container.init
- link to python-nsenter in readme
- TODO into readme
- discuss and link to butter in readme
- additional argument 'all' in cli
- add alisas 'mnt' for 'fs' option of cli execute
- update importing in process.py
- docstrings
- cli structure
- readme for pypi
- new class Chroot in process.py
- chroot option in cli
- cli example in readme
- cli verbose mode
- click from requireds
- cli version now used argparse instead of click
- pins in readme
- docs
- pypi index and readme
- add md2rst with pyndoc into setup.py
- add cli
- add click as requirement library
- example in readme
- import convention for libc
- move ctypes and libc into libc.py
- Add self.sentinel into cloning.Clone for python3 compatibility
- docstrings
- setup.py and package on pypi
- tests files
- directories structure
- cloning.py and process.py as first working concept
- initial commit with necessary files
unreleased 1.3.1-1.4 1.3-1.3.1 1.2.4-1.3 1.2.3-1.2.4 1.2.2-1.2.3 1.2-1.2.2 1.1.3-1.2 1.1.2-1.1.3 1.1.1-1.1.2 1.1-1.1.1 1.0.5-1.1 1.0-1.0.5