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executable file
359 lines (271 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
359 lines (271 loc) · 11.7 KB


Version 6.1.2

  • Add Style Plugin

Version 6.1.0

  • fix yform link issue #185
  • update to cke5 vendor version 40.2.0

Version 6.0.4

  • add initialize editor event
  • ensure that no instance will be double initialized

Version 6.0.3

  • adds set theme function by @eaCe
  • RexImage: fix for mediamanager types by @skerbis

Version 6.0.2

  • fix text_part_language profile creator issue

Version 6.0.1

  • add pastePlainText plugin
  • fix profile create process
  • added addProfile method to Cke5ProfilesApi

Version 6.0.0

  • update ckeditor 5 vendor to v38.0.1
  • make ckeditor5_rex_image and ckeditor5_rex_link modules ready for TypeScript
  • fix media path custom input will not display by profile edit
  • add new cke5_rex_link plugin options rexlink_category, rexmedia_category, rexmedia_types to profile editor
  • add new cke5_rex_image plugin options rexmedia_category, rexmedia_types to profile editor
  • profile name accept now 40 characters
  • fix img resize button cannot remove bug
  • bring list_style profile edit button to alive and add index and reverse option
  • add support for new cke5 vendor functions textPartLanguage, findAndReplace, mention
  • add option to deactivate image resize handles
  • add option for custom and sprog mentions
  • fix limitation of link decorations
  • fix syntax error by profile deletion
  • fix toolbar group will not set by selected checkbox
  • fix sql action issues
  • extend import/export

Breaking changes

  • remove incompatible ckeditor5 plugins emoji, fullscreen, pastePlainText
  • after update from v5 to v6 the link and image setup is broken
  • autolink for http(s) and email is no longer activated by default

Version 5.3.0

  • mblock demo stuff removed
  • fix some rexstan issues

Version 5.2.0

  • Update cke5 Vendor to v34.1.0
  • add selectAll plugin

Version 5.1.0

Version 5.0.3

Version 5.0.2

  • update fix recreate profiles

Version 5.0.0 - 5.0.1

  • vendor update to v31
  • add toggleTableCaption feature
  • add fullscreen plugin and as well add | to table toolbar
  • extend emoji add EmojiPeople, EmojiNature, EmojiPlaces, EmojiFood, EmojiActivity, EmojiObjects, EmojiSymbols, EmojiFlags group
  • add sourceEditing and htmlSupport
  • fix some ugly profile editor javascript issues
  • add inline, side, alignBlockLeft, alignBlockRight, toggleImageCaption for images
  • add better profile editor structure
  • add option to group buttons in the image toolbar
  • fix name issue, disallow usage of minus - char
  • fix wrong translation key usage in profile editor
  • fix removePlugin issue by extra option usage (for example add to extra options: {"removePlugins": ["Autoformat"]})
  • fix profile recreation by update
  • fix dark mode switching
  • change default profiles
  • remove profiles from assets and use creation by update and install

Breaking changes

  • The imageStyle property full was replaced by vendor with block
  • Supports only REDAXO >= 5.12
  • Older addons of mform < 6.1 and mblock < 3.4 are no longer supported

Upgrade notice

The profiles are not changed during an update.

The following should be paid attention to when updating:

  • If the option full was used in the image toolbars, it should be replaced by block. If necessary, the output CSS must be adjusted.

  • The source code editing needs at least the instruction HtmlSupport Allow to work. The following code can be used for this:

        "name": "regex(/.*/)",
        "attributes": true,
        "classes": true,
        "styles": true

Known issues It may be necessary to resave the profiles once.

Version 4.3.0

  • vendor update to 27.0.0
  • dark-mode
  • some small fixes

Version 4.2.0

  • vendor update to 23.1.0
  • add htmlEmbed
  • add htmlEmbed preview optional

Version 4.1.0

  • vendor update to 22.0.0
  • add autolink options
  • add image resize option buttons
  • add list style option

Version 4.0.0

  • New REDAXO Link-Widget supports: Linkmap, Media, YForm-Tables, Tel:, Mail
  • vendor update to v20.0.0 and support some new features #104
  • switch for expert or profile editor mode
  • add textarea for special options for profile editor mode
  • added codeBlock and codeBlock-languages
  • add special characters plugins
  • plugin past plaintext added
  • image link as image toolbar plugin added
  • add tableColors to profile editor
  • load only needed plugins #106
  • add link decorators #90
  • fix reinstall bug #102
  • option to set placeholder for each lang
  • fix some lang ui bugs #82
  • Api and Cke5DatabaseHandler create profile now work with expert mode
  • add demo profiles for expert and profile-editor mode
  • add group toolbar elements feature
  • ensure that enter will not submit form in tag lists #87

Version 3.7.1

  • Backend css fix @alexplusde
  • Traducción en castellan @nandes2062

Version 3.7.0

  • added todoList
  • added page break
  • added cke5 custom css file

Version 3.6.0

  • check if translation file exist and recreate in case of not exist
  • update editor vendor to 15.0.0
  • added fonts selection in profile editor
  • mblock demo database removed
  • profile editor js extended
  • added hr

Version 3.5.0

  • update editor vendor to 12.3.0
  • added outdent and indent
  • added content language- and rtl-support
  • added default font size option
  • set mediaEmbed provider as collapse input filed
  • update default profiles
  • added mform and html code example to editor preview
  • added getOutputLang to Cke5Lang class
  • added custom fontcolor and font backgroundcolor editor

Version 3.4.0

  • update editor vendor to 12.1.0
  • added font-color
  • added font-background-color
  • added remove format

Version 3.3.0

  • added mediaEmbed providers to profile editor
  • update cke5 vendor to v12.0.0
  • remove help.php

Version 3.2.1

  • user cke5-rex_link v1.2.1
  • fix media path not used in drag&drop image plugin
  • toggle for media categories in profile settings

Version 3.2.0

  • clang support for rex_link-button
  • set /.media/ by definition
  • ckeditor5_reximage plugin updated for cke5 version 11.2.0
  • image support issue in mblock and multiple initialized editors fixed
  • use default values for editor tags by data parameters
  • fix smooth scrolling effect by height collapse toggle

Version 3.1.0


NOTICE: sub, sup will not work anymore

  • update issue from 2.0.1 to 3.0.x fixed
  • added sql update statement in update.php for all profiles there contains sub, sup. There will replace sub, sup with subscript, superscript.

Version 3.0.0

  • add rex:ready @dergel
  • fix duplicate by pjax call
  • editor height range slider don't notice profile update fixed
  • add link to profile edit in preview site
  • add mform code example to preview site
  • add profile info to preview site
  • show profile settings add to preview site
  • execute building process and add newest cke5 version 11.1.1 with media embed
  • add Media embed in default profile
  • remove php version requirement to make addon for php7 installable: redaxo/redaxo#2204
  • remove supersub plugin, add supsub plugin
  • super toolbar key was replaced with sup
  • add embed media example to demo page

Version 2.1.2

  • fix given profile sub_settings was ignored

Version 2.1.1

  • add uninstall.php @TobiasKrais
  • add gif-demos @crydotsnake

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.0.1

  • fix php compatibility problems
  • fix locale will change bug in profile editor
  • fix provide exception problem

Version 2.0.0

  • @ckeditor5 classic build update to v10.1.0
  • add @ckeditor5 table plugin
  • add options for @ckeditor5 table-toolbar in profile builder
  • hide image toolbar settings in profile builder is imageUpload or rexImage disable
  • update Keyboard support tables in's
  • to don't lose custom profiles after update recreate profiles by update
  • execute sql by update to v2.0.0
  • use better style like github for keyboard support table
  • add preview in profile builder
  • add preview page with code example
  • add text license to mblock demo page
  • Cke5\Creator\Cke5ProfilesApi::addProfile api was add to create profiles without user interface
    $create = \Cke5\Creator\Cke5ProfilesApi::addProfile(
        'Cke5 with all possible tools',
        ['heading', '|', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'alignment', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'insertTable', 'code', 'link', 'rexImage', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'blockQuote', 'highlight', 'emoji', 'undo', 'redo'],
        ['paragraph', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'],
        ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'],
        ['imageTextAlternative', '|', 'full', 'alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight'],
        ['tiny', 'small', 'big', 'huge'],
        ['yellowMarker', 'greenMarker', 'pinkMarker', 'blueMarker', 'redPen', 'greenPen'],
        ['tableColumn', 'tableRow', 'mergeTableCells'],
        ['internal', 'media']
    echo (is_string($create)) ? $create : 'successful profile created';

Version 1.1.5

  • fixed: image width on help page
  • fixed: lang != language change key-name in js and profile settings
  • add all supported backend languages in one file
  • update editor build to fix language conflicts
  • fixed: save ever only default settings by add profile
  • add get user default lang helper
  • use user default lang in examples

Version 1.1.3

  • fixed: js error in Demo caused by missing mblock installation
  • swedish translation: thx to: @interweave-media

Version 1.1.2

  • fixed: remove ck element by MBlock add not ever work
  • fix many reinit register callback bug by pjax callback event
  • Translate README -> thanks @crydotsnake

Version 1.1.0

  • README updated, module examples, shortcut add and many other great changes -> special thanks @skerbis
  • Add short profile
  • drag & drop for items in profile edit
  • media-manager-type support in profiles
  • media-category support in profiles for drag & drop image upload
  • profile edit js and cke5 init js slitted in tow files
  • drag & drop image upload optional for profiles

Version 1.0.0