index 734ac67..038db12 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: scSpatialSIM
-Title: A point pattern simulator for spatial cellular data
+Title: A Point Pattern Simulator for Spatial Cellular Data
person(given = "Alex",
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ Authors@R:
person(given = "Brooke",
family = "Fridley",
email = "brooke.fridley.moffitt.org",
- role = c("aut"),
+ role = c("cph"),
comment = c(ORCID = "")),
person(given = "Fridley",
family = "Lab",
email = "fridley.lab@moffitt.org",
role = c("cre"))
-Description: scSpatialSIM is an easy-to-use wrapper package for spatstat that allows users to simulate cellular point pattern data. The simulation of this data comes in a couple different functions whether since cell clustering (univariate) or multiple cell clustering/colocalization (bivariate) is wanting to be explored. The main audience for this package is those wanting to validate or test hypotheses or methods on controllable abundance/clustering of cells within different spatial single-cell resolution data.
+Description: Single cell resolution data has been valuable in learning about tissue microenvironments and interactions between cells or spots. This package allows for the simulation of this level of data, be it single cell or ‘spots’, in both a univariate (single metric or cell type) and bivariate (2 or more metrics or cell types) ways. As more technologies come to marker, more methods will be developed to derive spatial metrics from the data which will require a way to benchmark methods against each other. Additionally, as the field currently stands, there is not a gold standard method to be compared against. We set out to develop an R package that will allow users to simulate point patterns that can be biologically informed from different tissue domains, holes, and varying degrees of clustering/colocalization. The data can be exported as spatial files and a summary file (like 'HALO'). .
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
@@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ Suggests:
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Config/testthat/edition: 3
-URL: https://github.com/FridleyLab/mIFsim
+URL: https://github.com/FridleyLab/scSpatialSIM
diff --git a/R/calculate_density.R b/R/calculate_density.R
index 0326306..930329a 100644
--- a/R/calculate_density.R
+++ b/R/calculate_density.R
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ CalculateDensity = function(sim_object, steps = NULL, which = "all", step_size =
names(step_adj) = step_adj
#run grids
- out = parallel::mclapply(step_adj, function(step){
+ for(step in step_adj){
#if not working with the cell kernels
if(step != "Cells"){
@@ -57,22 +57,21 @@ CalculateDensity = function(sim_object, steps = NULL, which = "all", step_size =
if(length(s@`Simulated Kernels`) == 0 ){
#let user know that these haven't been used for any simulation step yet
message(paste0("\t", step, " has not yet been simulated"))
- NA
+ next
#make new
cl@Parameters = s@Parameters
cl@`Simulated Kernels` = s@`Simulated Kernels`
cl@`Density Grids` = lapply(which, function(w){
- cat(w, "\n")
prob = CalculateGrid(grid, s@`Simulated Kernels`[[w]], cores = cores))
#assign slot back to bid data
if(step == "Tissue"){
- sim_object@Tissue <<- cl
+ sim_object@Tissue = cl
} else {
- sim_object@Holes <<- cl
+ sim_object@Holes = cl
@@ -82,19 +81,25 @@ CalculateDensity = function(sim_object, steps = NULL, which = "all", step_size =
#make new cell class object
cl = methods::new("Cell")
s = methods::slot(sim_object, step)[[cell]]
+ if(length(s@`Simulated Kernels`) == 0 ){
+ #let user know that these haven't been used for any simulation step yet
+ message(paste0("\t", step, " has not yet been simulated"))
+ next
+ }
#fill in with existing parameters
cl@Parameters = s@Parameters
cl@`Simulated Kernels` = s@`Simulated Kernels`
cl@`Density Grids` = lapply(which, function(w){
- cat(w, "\n")
prob = CalculateGrid(grid, s@`Simulated Kernels`[[w]], cores = cores))
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]] <<- cl
+ sim_object@Cells[[cell]] = cl
- })
+ }
diff --git a/R/cell_distributions.R b/R/cell_distributions.R
index 6d479ed..9aba81c 100644
--- a/R/cell_distributions.R
+++ b/R/cell_distributions.R
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ GenerateDistributions = function(spatial_data,
if(dat_class == "list"){
spat_list = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(spatial_data, function(spat){
make_dis(spat, positive_mean, negative_mean, positive_sd, negative_sd)
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
} else {
#if data frame, perform once
diff --git a/R/create_cells.R b/R/create_cells.R
index 070a2ed..38b5373 100644
--- a/R/create_cells.R
+++ b/R/create_cells.R
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#' @param random whether or not to randomly generate kernels for cells 2 or more, uf TRUE, shift is not used
#' @param overwrite boolean whether to overwrite existing cell kernels and assignments if present
#' @param use_window boolean whether to use the simulation window to set x and y limits
+#' @param no_kernel boolean whether to create kernels or to randomly assign points positive based on `probs`
#' @return Returns the original \code{scSpatialSIM} object with additional generated data added to each cell object.
@@ -36,9 +37,13 @@ GenerateCellPositivity = function(sim_object, k = NA,
Force = FALSE,
density_heatmap = FALSE, step_size = 1, cores = 1,
shift = 0, random = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
- use_window = FALSE){
+ use_window = FALSE, no_kernel = FALSE){
if(!methods::is(sim_object, "SpatSimObj")) stop("`sim_object` must be of class 'SpatSimObj'")
if(any(is.null(c(k, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, sdmin, sdmax)))) stop("Cannot have `NULL` parameters")
+ if(no_kernel){
+ message("random cell assignments without kernels")
+ density_heatmap = FALSE
+ }
if(!is.empty(sim_object@Cells[[1]], "Simulated Kernels") & overwrite == FALSE) stop("Already have cell kernels and `overwrite == FALSE`")
@@ -92,14 +97,16 @@ GenerateCellPositivity = function(sim_object, k = NA,
#make sure that the shift is in bounds
if((shift < 0 | shift > 1) & ncells > 1) stop("supply an appropriate shift")
#dummy variable to prevent console printing
- dmb = lapply(seq(ncells), function(cell){
+ #need to convert to for loop
+ for (cell in seq(ncells)){
+ cl = methods::new("Cell")
#subset the params to the specific cells parameters
params = params_overall
params$probs = params$probs[cell,] %>% as.numeric()
#if no parameters are input then use the initialized
params = mapply(replace_na, sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@Parameters, params, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#add updated parameters to the object cell
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@Parameters <<- params
+ cl@Parameters = params
#get the window size
win_limits = c(sim_object@Window$xrange, sim_object@Window$yrange)
#check whether the parameters would simulate outside window
@@ -113,16 +120,16 @@ GenerateCellPositivity = function(sim_object, k = NA,
message("x and y range inside window boundary")
#produce kernel parameter list for k clusters in each simulated pattern
- if(cell == 1 | random == TRUE){
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Simulated Kernels` <<- lapply(seq(sim_object@Sims), function(hld){
+ if((cell == 1 | random) & !no_kernel){
+ cl@`Simulated Kernels` = lapply(seq(sim_object@Sims), function(hld){
do.call(gaussian_kernel, utils::head(params, -1))
- } else {
+ } else if(!no_kernel){
#shift kernel from initial if wanted otherwise random make new ones?
if(shift == 0){
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Simulated Kernels` <<- sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Simulated Kernels`
+ cl@`Simulated Kernels` = sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Simulated Kernels`
} else {
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Simulated Kernels` <<- lapply(seq(sim_object@Sims), function(hld){
+ cl@`Simulated Kernels` = lapply(seq(sim_object@Sims), function(hld){
kern = sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Simulated Kernels`[[hld]]
#if there are less than 3 centers, just return the kernel
#will invert below
@@ -142,48 +149,56 @@ GenerateCellPositivity = function(sim_object, k = NA,
if(cell == 1 | shift != 0 | random == TRUE){
message(paste0("Computing density heatmap for Cell ", cell))
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Density Grids` <<- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Simulated Kernels`, function(gauss_tab){
+ cl@`Density Grids` = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(cl@`Simulated Kernels`, function(gauss_tab){
prob = CalculateGrid(grid, gauss_tab, cores = cores))
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
} else {
message(paste0("Copying density heatmap for Cell ", cell))
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Density Grids` <<- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Density Grids`, function(grid_tab){
+ cl@`Density Grids` = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Density Grids`, function(grid_tab){
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
if(is.empty(sim_object, "Spatial Files")){
- sim_object@`Spatial Files` <<- lapply(sim_object@Patterns, data.frame)
+ sim_object@`Spatial Files` = lapply(sim_object@Patterns, data.frame)
message(paste0("Computing probability for Cell ", cell))
- sim_object@`Spatial Files` <<- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(seq(sim_object@`Spatial Files`), function(spat_num){
- vec = CalculateGrid(sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[spat_num]],
- sim_object@Cells[[cell]]@`Simulated Kernels`[[spat_num]], cores = cores)
- #if the cell is other than the first, adjust it based on first cell and correlation
- # if(cell != 1){
- # if(correlation == 0){
- # vec = stats::runif(length(vec), min = 0, max = 1)
- # } else if(correlation < 0){
- # vec = vec * correlation + 1
- # } else {
- # vec = vec * correlation
- # }
- # }
- #make table with probabilities and positive/negative
- df = data.frame(col1 = scale_probs(vec * 0.9, params$probs))
- df$col2 = ifelse(stats::rbinom(nrow(df), size = 1, prob = df$col1) == 1, "Positive", "Negative")
+ sim_object@`Spatial Files` = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(seq(sim_object@`Spatial Files`), function(spat_num){
+ #if no_kernel if FALSE, use kernel
+ if(!no_kernel){
+ vec = CalculateGrid(sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[spat_num]],
+ cl@`Simulated Kernels`[[spat_num]], cores = cores)
+ #if the cell is other than the first, adjust it based on first cell and correlation
+ # if(cell != 1){
+ # if(correlation == 0){
+ # vec = stats::runif(length(vec), min = 0, max = 1)
+ # } else if(correlation < 0){
+ # vec = vec * correlation + 1
+ # } else {
+ # vec = vec * correlation
+ # }
+ # }
+ #make table with probabilities and positive/negative
+ df = data.frame(col1 = scale_probs(vec * 0.9, params$probs))
+ df$col2 = ifelse(stats::rbinom(nrow(df), size = 1, prob = df$col1) == 1, "Positive", "Negative")
+ } else {
+ df = data.frame(col1 = rep(params$probs[2], nrow(sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[spat_num]])))
+ df$col2 = ifelse(stats::rbinom(nrow(df), size = 1, prob = df$col1) == 1, "Positive", "Negative")
+ }
names(df) = c(paste("Cell", cell, "Probability"), paste("Cell", cell, "Assignment"))
return(cbind(sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[spat_num]],
- })
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
+ sim_object@Cells[[cell]] = cl
+ }
diff --git a/R/create_holes.R b/R/create_holes.R
index 0fd039e..ef9f309 100644
--- a/R/create_holes.R
+++ b/R/create_holes.R
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ GenerateHoles = function(sim_object, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, ymin = NA, ymax = NA,
sim_object@Holes@`Density Grids` = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(sim_object@Holes@`Simulated Kernels`, function(gauss_tab){
prob = CalculateGrid(grid, gauss_tab, cores = cores))
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
if(is.empty(sim_object, "Spatial Files")){
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ GenerateHoles = function(sim_object, xmin = NA, xmax = NA, ymin = NA, ymax = NA,
# "Drop", "Keep")
df$`Hole Assignment` = ifelse(stats::rbinom(nrow(df), size = 1, prob = df$`Hole Probability Scaled`) == 1, "Drop", "Keep")
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
diff --git a/R/create_tissue.R b/R/create_tissue.R
index 00f968b..5d609ab 100644
--- a/R/create_tissue.R
+++ b/R/create_tissue.R
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ GenerateTissue = function(sim_object, k = NA,
sim_object@Tissue@`Density Grids` = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(sim_object@Tissue@`Simulated Kernels`, function(gauss_tab){
prob = CalculateGrid(grid, gauss_tab, cores = cores))
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
if(is.empty(sim_object, "Spatial Files")){
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ GenerateTissue = function(sim_object, k = NA,
sim_object@Tissue@`Simulated Kernels`[[spat_num]], cores = cores) * 0.9)
df$`Tissue Assignment` = ifelse(stats::rbinom(nrow(df), size = 1, prob = df$`Tissue Probability`) == 1, "Tissue 1", "Tissue 2")
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
diff --git a/R/get_spatial_list.R b/R/get_spatial_list.R
index 8223406..22642b4 100644
--- a/R/get_spatial_list.R
+++ b/R/get_spatial_list.R
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ CreateSpatialList = function(sim_object, single_df = FALSE, multihit_action = "
#return data
- })
+ }, mc.cores = 1)
#give each spatial data frame a psuedo sample name
names(spatial_files) = paste("Spatial Data", seq_along(spatial_files))
diff --git a/R/plotting.R b/R/plotting.R
index f158aba..85ca846 100644
--- a/R/plotting.R
+++ b/R/plotting.R
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ PlotSimulation = function(sim_object, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, which = 1, what = "tis
} else if(what == "whole core"){
if(length(which) == 1){
- if(length(sim_object@Cells[[1]]@`Simulated Kernels`) == 0){
+ if(length(sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[1]]) == 0){
stop("Need to simulate cells")
df = sim_object@`Spatial Files`[[which]]
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ PlotSimulation = function(sim_object, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, which = 1, what = "tis
stop("For whole core, only a single spatial file can be plotted at once")
} else {
- cat("please be patient while method is being updated")
+ stop("Please be patient while method is being updated")
diff --git a/R/summary.R b/R/summary.R
index f2ab5ef..be0c2e4 100644
--- a/R/summary.R
+++ b/R/summary.R
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#' @param ... nothing else to pass to summary if object is a SpatSimObj
#' @method summary SpatSimObj
+#' @returns summary of the SpatSimObj to the terminal
#' @export
summary.SpatSimObj <- function(object, ...){
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ summary.SpatSimObj <- function(object, ...){
#' `which` pattern to plot, and `what` which currently only works with "Processes" but may be updated in the future
#' @method plot SpatSimObj
+#' @returns basic x-y ggplot object
#' @export
plot.SpatSimObj <- function(x, ...){ #
diff --git a/R/utils-helpers.R b/R/utils-helpers.R
index 4b03655..154d397 100644
--- a/R/utils-helpers.R
+++ b/R/utils-helpers.R
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ replace_na <- function(x, y) {
generate_sum_vector <- function(num_vals, min_val, max_val, sum_val) {
vals <- numeric(num_vals)
- #cat("running\n")
cn = 1
while (TRUE) {
vals <- stats::runif(num_vals, min_val, max_val)
@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ generate_sum_vector <- function(num_vals, min_val, max_val, sum_val) {
#for example, trying to randomly generate 3 numbers between 0.1 and 0.35, that add up to 0.3
#and unles the numbers are identical it'll never achieve it
if(cn == 10000){
- #cat("tick\n")
min_val = min_val - (min_val * 0.1)
cn = 1
@@ -112,7 +110,6 @@ generate_sum_vector <- function(num_vals, min_val, max_val, sum_val) {
make_dis = function(spat, positive_mean, negative_mean, positive_sd, negative_sd){
cells = grep("Cell", colnames(spat), value = TRUE)
dat = spat %>% dplyr::arrange(get(cells))
- #ugh for loop
for(cell_n in seq(cells)){
cell = cells[cell_n]
counts = data.frame(table(spat[[cell]]))
@@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ gaussian_kernel_shift = function(kern, shift, win_limits){
repl = ifelse(nrow(dirichlet_intersect) < nrow(kern), TRUE, FALSE)
warning("kernel has more rows than the Dirishlet Intersections")
- print(kern)
dirichlet_intersect = dirichlet_intersect[sample(seq(nrow(dirichlet_intersect)), nrow(kern),
replace = ifelse(nrow(dirichlet_intersect) < nrow(kern), TRUE, FALSE)),]
diff --git a/docs/articles/a01_Introduction.html b/docs/articles/a01_Introduction.html
index 632956b..27c081e 100644
--- a/docs/articles/a01_Introduction.html
+++ b/docs/articles/a01_Introduction.html
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@
- Source: vignettes/a01_Introduction.Rmd
+ Source: vignettes/a01_Introduction.Rmd
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ Spatial Point PatternsSimulating
In order to compare metrics for describing point patterns, we have
-developed this simulation package: scSpatialSIM . The main
+developed this simulation package: scSpatialSIM . The main
basis of the package is using Gaussian kernels to assign different
characteristics to the underlying spatial point pattern. A Gaussian
kernel is described in 3 different ways in our package: kernel’s center,
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@
-library ( scSpatialSIM )
+library ( scSpatialSIM )
#> scSpatialSIM Version:
-#> _____ _ _ _ _____ _____ __ __
-#> / ____| | | (_) | |/ ____|_ _| \/ |
-#> ___ ___| (___ _ __ __ _| |_ _ __ _| | (___ | | | \ / |
-#> / __|/ __|\___ \| '_ \ / _` | __| |/ _` | |\___ \ | | | |\/| |
-#> \__ \ (__ ____) | |_) | (_| | |_| | (_| | |____) |_| |_| | | |
-#> |___/\___|_____/| .__/ \__,_|\__|_|\__,_|_|_____/|_____|_| |_|
-#> | |
-#> |_|
+#> .-') .-') _ (`-. ('-. .-') _ ('-. .-') _ .-')
+#> ( OO ). ( OO ). ( (OO ) ( OO ).-.( OO) ) ( OO ).-. ( OO ). ( '.( OO )_
+#> (_)---\_) .-----.(_)---\_)_.` \ / . --. // '._ ,-.-') / . --. / ,--. (_)---\_) ,-.-') ,--. ,--.)
+#> / _ | ' .--.// _ |(__...--'' | \-. \ |'--...__)| |OO) | \-. \ | |.-') / _ | | |OO)| `.' |
+#> \ :` `. | |('-.\ :` `. | / | |.-'-' | |'--. .--'| | \.-'-' | | | | OO )\ :` `. | | \| |
+#> '..`''.) /_) |OO )'..`''.)| |_.' | \| |_.' | | | | |(_/ \| |_.' | | |`-' | '..`''.) | |(_/| |'.'| |
+#> .-._) \ || |`-'|.-._) \| .___.' | .-. | | | ,| |_.' | .-. |(| '---.'.-._) \ ,| |_.'| | | |
+#> \ /(_' '--'\\ /| | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | \ /(_| | | | | |
+#> `-----' `-----' `-----' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `------' `-----' `--' `--' `--'
#> Fridley Lab Enjoy
set.seed ( 333 ) #reproducibility
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Bivariate SimulationGenerateCellPositivity() . A great feature of
-scSpatialSIM is that it works nicely with
+scSpatialSIM is that it works nicely with
magrittr and the pipe function to immediately pass output
from one function to the next.
Alternatively, there is the ability with
to export all of the spatial pattern
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@
Exporting Data#> 1 0
#> 2 0
#> 3 0
-#> 4 0
-#> 5 1
+#> 4 1
+#> 5 0
#> 6 0
The spatial list and summary table can now be used with packages like
spatialTIME to compute spatial statistics on all of the
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
Exporting Data
@@ -83,8 +82,8 @@
More than likely, you are going to want to use another package to
-analyze the simulated data produced by scSpatialSIM .
-Here, we will show how the output from scSpatialSIM works
+analyze the simulated data produced by scSpatialSIM .
+Here, we will show how the output from scSpatialSIM works
seemlessly with the spatial analysis package,
@@ -98,17 +97,18 @@
Simulating DataK. See the spatialTIME package for
more information about everything the package can do.
-library ( scSpatialSIM )
+library ( scSpatialSIM )
#> scSpatialSIM Version:
-#> _____ _ _ _ _____ _____ __ __
-#> / ____| | | (_) | |/ ____|_ _| \/ |
-#> ___ ___| (___ _ __ __ _| |_ _ __ _| | (___ | | | \ / |
-#> / __|/ __|\___ \| '_ \ / _` | __| |/ _` | |\___ \ | | | |\/| |
-#> \__ \ (__ ____) | |_) | (_| | |_| | (_| | |____) |_| |_| | | |
-#> |___/\___|_____/| .__/ \__,_|\__|_|\__,_|_|_____/|_____|_| |_|
-#> | |
-#> |_|
+#> .-') .-') _ (`-. ('-. .-') _ ('-. .-') _ .-')
+#> ( OO ). ( OO ). ( (OO ) ( OO ).-.( OO) ) ( OO ).-. ( OO ). ( '.( OO )_
+#> (_)---\_) .-----.(_)---\_)_.` \ / . --. // '._ ,-.-') / . --. / ,--. (_)---\_) ,-.-') ,--. ,--.)
+#> / _ | ' .--.// _ |(__...--'' | \-. \ |'--...__)| |OO) | \-. \ | |.-') / _ | | |OO)| `.' |
+#> \ :` `. | |('-.\ :` `. | / | |.-'-' | |'--. .--'| | \.-'-' | | | | OO )\ :` `. | | \| |
+#> '..`''.) /_) |OO )'..`''.)| |_.' | \| |_.' | | | | |(_/ \| |_.' | | |`-' | '..`''.) | |(_/| |'.'| |
+#> .-._) \ || |`-'|.-._) \| .___.' | .-. | | | ,| |_.' | .-. |(| '---.'.-._) \ ,| |_.'| | | |
+#> \ /(_' '--'\\ /| | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | \ /(_| | | | | |
+#> `-----' `-----' `-----' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `------' `-----' `--' `--' `--'
#> Fridley Lab Enjoy
In this vignette, we will stick with a single cell type and look at
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
Simulating Data#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> `Sample Tag` `Total Cells` `Cell 1 Assignment` `% Cell 1 Assignment`
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
-#> 1 Spatial Data 1 2 495 533 21.4
-#> 2 Spatial Data 2 2 450 636 26.0
-#> 3 Spatial Data 3 2 500 614 24.6
-#> 4 Spatial Data 4 2 514 739 29.4
-#> 5 Spatial Data 5 2 486 622 25.0
+#> 1 Spatial Data 1 2 495 673 27.0
+#> 2 Spatial Data 2 2 450 475 19.4
+#> 3 Spatial Data 3 2 500 582 23.3
+#> 4 Spatial Data 4 2 514 525 20.9
+#> 5 Spatial Data 5 2 486 450 18.1
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Using with spatialTIME