if you are looking for a simple user manager system, so you can use it in your own app. this is for you.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5W0f3uuUAd0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>You can add as many extra data fields for user, based on your project. for each field these properties are Customizable:
- Field Name
- Field Type: you can select these types for each field (all types are validated while entering data by user using jQuery Validation)
- Text
- Number
- Date
- Url
- Select Options: you can set a series of options that user can select one of them by html select field
- Checkbox
- Regex Validation: An Extra regex validation can be set too check that data is valid
- Don't get data in Registeration: You can set to get data in registration or not, if you check this that field won't exist in registeration and user can enter it after registeration in his/her profile
- Unique: If you check this that field would be unique in database and also there will be a extra remote validation for this field while entering data
- UnEditable: If you check this that field would be Uneditable after registeration
- Required: User is forced to fill this field
- Min Length
- Max Length
- Hint: You can enter a hint about that field to be shown in forms
- Fully Customizable: There is an installation script that you can configure Website Title, domain, email(that is used while sending emails) AND user properties in the way you want
- Registration: Simple Registeration With jquery form Validation
- Login: User can login and its data is saved in $_SESSION['UM_DATA']. you can use it anywhere you want!
- There is Remember Me option in login. user can select it so he will stay online for 10 days (you can change this by changing UM_LOGIN_EXPIRE in config.php)
- Dashboard: dashboard contains a profile manager that user can edit his profile data, But you can add other sections to it. I've used Feather Icons for icons. you can use them easily
- Email Verification
- Password Reset: User can reset his/her password in case of forgeting that
- Secure: All security measures are observed
- Recaptcha Support: You can get Recaptcha V3 api Keys and enter it while Installation, so recaptcha will be used in background on login, register and password reset request.
@thibaut-decherit - For security notes
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