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Automated Testing

FreeCAD uses two different automated testing mechanisms, depending on the language being tested. The oldest, and most well-used test framework is the Python unittest system, which hooks directly into the FreeCAD Test Workbench, but can only test Python code (and Python wrappers to C++ code). The second is the standalone Google Test C++ testing framework, which generates individual executables for each part of the test suite, and is used to directly test C++ code without having to wrap it in Python.


Some good references about automated testing...




Test writers have a few terms that are often used, but whose precise definitions aren't well-agreed-upon. The internet is full of arguments about what a "unit" is in "unit testing" for example. To Kent Beck, author of Test Driven Development (the seminal book on the subject), the "unit" is the test itself. In his concept, every test must be wholly isolated from every other test. They must be able to be run singly, or as part of an entire suite. While that advice has remained, in later years various TDD advocates have suggested that the function, method, or class under test is the "unit". Consider that if you don't feel like getting into a flame war on the internet, just don't use the word "unit" at all!

A "Mock" is a replacement class or method that is simpler to construct, easier to reason about, contains code for inspection of who called it with what arguments, and ideally is faster than the class or method it replaces. For example, writing tests of code that normally downloads files from an internet location, a Mock class will typically be implemented to fake those returns results so the tests don't require a network connection (and run more quickly and reliably). In Python most test writers use the unittest.Mock.MagicMock class to automatically generated any needed mock on the fly. In Google Test you can use the MOCK_METHOD macro to achieve some of the same effect.

A "Fake" is similar to a mock, but typically doesn't bother with the introspection code, it is there simply to replace the existing class, but the test is not interested in how it is used. Rarely used in Python because of the ease of generating a Mock.

A "Stub" is a method that simply provides a canned answer for a given input. Sometimes instrumented, but often simply used to replace a more complex function with a simple, predictable response. For example, a random-number generator may be replaced with a function that simply returns "42" every time so that the results are deterministic (and therefore more easily testable).

Python Testing

Most Python workbenches in FreeCAD already have at least a rudimentary test suite, so no additional cMake setup should be required beyond simply adding your test file(s) to the cMakeLists.txt file. In addition, in Python it is very easy to create Mock functions and objects to reduce the dependency on external code, and/or to ensure you are testing only the isolated bit of code that you mean to. A typical Python test file might look like this:

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later

import unittest
import unittest.mock

# Optional, allows your IDE to locate the appropriate test files to run outside FreeCAD if the code doesn't
# depend on a FreeCAD import

# Here "Version" is the name of the class being tested
class TestVersion(unittest.TestCase):

    MODULE = "test_metadata"  # file name without extension

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        pass # Or do any setup you want to run before every test, creating objects, etc.

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
        pass # Or to any cleanup work you need

    def test_from_file(self) -> None:
        """When loading from a file, the from_bytes function is called with the expected data"""
        from addonmanager_metadata import MetadataReader

        MetadataReader.from_bytes = Mock()
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp:
            temp.write(b"Some data")
            MetadataReader.from_bytes.assert_called_once_with(b"Some data")

If you are developing a FreeCAD module, place the above in a file inside your module, and register your test with FreeCAD's Test Workbench by adding this in your file:

FreeCAD.__unit_test__ += ["my_file"]

Then you can run your tests either from inside FreeCAD, using the Test workbench and running the "Self Test" command, or from the command line by issuing:

FreeCAD -t my_file

C++ Testing

In an ideal world, a C++ test would be perfectly isolated from any external dependencies, which would be replaced with minimal, instrumented "mock" versions of themselves. However, this almost always requires that the code under test has been designed for testing, which is usually not the case for our existing code. In many cases you must add tests for the existing functionality and implementation, with all its deficiencies, before you can begin to refactor the code to make the tests better. There are many strategies for doing those "dependency injections", and over time we aspire to refactor FreeCAD such that it is possible, but developers are also encouraged to remember that:

  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
  • "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
  • "Perfect is the enemy of good"

A single not-perfect test is better than no test at all (in nearly 100% of cases). As a general rule, a single test should verify a single piece of functionality of the code (though sometimes that "functionality" is encompassed by multiple functions. For example, you will typically test getters and setters in pairs). Because your test functions will not themselves be "under test" it is critical that they be as short, simple, and self-explanatory as possible. A common idiom to use is "Arrange-Act-Assert", which in our test framework looks like this:

// TEST(ClassName, testMethodName), where "testMethodName" is some desciptive indication
// of what is being tested. In simple cases in may simply be the name of the method being
// tested. In more complex cases, it may be a longer statement of the input and expected
// test result (e.g. `toConstStringWithBadDataThrowsException`)
TEST(MappedName, toConstString)
    // Arrange
    // create a MappedName instance and a size variable
    Data::MappedName mappedName(Data::MappedName("TEST"), "POSTFIXTEST");
    int size {0};

    // Act
    // invoke the method
    const char* temp = mappedName.toConstString(0, size);

    // Assert
    // compare the actual result to expected results
    EXPECT_EQ(QByteArray(temp, size), QByteArray("TEST"));
    EXPECT_EQ(size, 4);

While you can write a series of standalone tests, it is often more convenient to group them together into a "test fixture." This is a class that your test is derived from, which can be used both to do setup and teardown, as well as to easily run all tests in the fixture without running the entire suite. Most IDEs recognize Google Test code and will offer the ability to run both individual tests as well as entire fixtures very easily from the IDE's interface. An example test fixture and associated tests:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "App/IndexedName.h"
#include "App/MappedElement.h" // This is the class under test

// This class is the "Test Fixture" -- each test below is subclassed from this class
class MappedElementTest: public ::testing::Test
    // void SetUp() override {}

    // void TearDown() override {}

    static Data::MappedElement givenMappedElement(const char* index, const char* name)
        Data::IndexedName indexedName {index};
        Data::MappedName mappedName {name};
        return {indexedName, mappedName};

// Use the TEST_F macro to set up your test's subclass, derived from MappedElementTest
TEST_F(MappedElementTest, constructFromNameAndIndex)
    // Arrange
    Data::IndexedName indexedName {"EDGE1"};
    Data::MappedName mappedName {"OTHER_NAME"};

    // Act
    Data::MappedElement mappedElement {indexedName, mappedName};

    // Assert
    EXPECT_EQ(mappedElement.index, indexedName);
    EXPECT_EQ(, mappedName);

TEST_F(MappedElementTest, moveConstructor)
    // Arrange
    auto originalMappedElement = givenMappedElement("EDGE1", "OTHER_NAME");
    auto originalName =;
    auto originalIndex = originalMappedElement.index;

    // Act
    Data::MappedElement newMappedElement {std::move(originalMappedElement)};

    // Assert
    EXPECT_EQ(originalIndex, newMappedElement.index);

To run the tests, either directly run the executables that are generated (they are placed in the $BUILD_DIR/test subdirectory), or use your IDE's test discovery functionality to run just the tests for the code you are working on. FreeCAD's Continuous Integration (CI) suite will always run the full test suite, but it is advisable that before submitting a PR you run all tests on your local machine first.

The test directory structure exactly matches that of FreeCAD as a whole. To prevent ever having to link the entirety of FreeCAD and all of its tests into a single executable (at some point in the future when we have better test coverage!), the breakdown of the test executables mimics that of FreeCAD itself, with individual workbenches being compiled into their own test runners. To add a test runner to a workbench that does not have one, a developer should add a new target for their WB to the end of the cMakeLists.txt file at the top of the tests directory structure, e.g.

target_include_directories(Sketcher_tests_run PUBLIC ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(Sketcher_tests_run gtest_main ${Google_Tests_LIBS} Sketcher)

Note that it can be tempting to further group functionality using value parameterized tests. A key measure here is to assess whether the grouping benefits the writer or the reader of the tests. Since a test is for use by a future programmer to figure out why it failed, it's okay and often preferred to be more pedantic and more repetitive rather than super efficient. The reader should be able to figure out your test just by reading it, and maybe the test fixture. If more work is required then the test is likely too complex.