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Exemplary Mission Setup

Jupster edited this page Nov 15, 2024 · 12 revisions



Quick Tip: Like with every software, remember to click save after every few step or so. (if you don't know what the save symbol is.... god are you young)


  1. Get the PBO from the github releases tab. If it is a steam mission use this steam workshop downloader to download the mission PBO.

  2. Copy the file with .pbo ending into the mpmissions folder on your server.

  3. Now Create a Profile for your Server. Name it appropriately (or not, I don't care).

Liberation Profile page

Mod Setup

  1. Mods are next. Create your mod preset in your local Arma launcher and export it, you'll get a HTML file. Go to the "Steam Mods" Main page and click the page symbol to import the HTML preset into FASTER. Click update all (clock icon) to download all missing mods.


Quick Tip If you're looking to create presets from steam collections this Preset generator is a great tool.

HTML Import

  1. The mods are now downloaded on your server install.

  2. Back to your Liberation Server Profile. Click the "Load from File" button and import your HTML preset from before. This will select the correct mods to be loaded. You will see checkboxes being ticked in the "CLIENT" mod column.


If you want to use key verification click the "Copy Mods Keys" button after you have imported your HTML preset.

Liberation Profile page

  1. Ignore the "SERVER" mods column unless you know what you're doing (which, face it, you don't if you're reading this). All mods should be ticked in the CLIENT column.

  2. Headless clients should be running the same modset, to select the correct checkboxes simply right click on the column header and select "Copy From Client".

Copy Mods Column

  1. Mods are done, onto mission setup and server difficulty.

Mission rotation & Server difficulty

  1. Comparing the suggested difficulty settings from liberation (mentioned here) we configure our difficulty.


Quick Tip: Too see what the 0,1 and 2 mean check the official BI wiki here)

  1. Click on "Mission selector override" and paste the Mission rotation from the Liberation github into it
forcedDifficulty = "custom";

class Missions
    class kp_liberation
        template = "kp_liberation.Altis";
        difficulty = "custom";
  1. Change the part after template = to match your missions file name. So if your mission name is Mildlysawesome_kp_liberation.Chernarus you would change the mission selection to:
forcedDifficulty = "custom";

class Missions
    class kp_liberation
        template = "Mildlysawesome_kp_liberation.Chernarus";
        difficulty = "custom";
  1. Liberation is a persistent mission meaning you want to keep the mission loaded even after everyone disconnects. For that you have to tick the check boxes "Persistant Battlefield" and "AutoInit".

Lib Missions Tab

Hostname & Server config

  1. Choose your server name, password (if any) and admin password (strongly suggested). Basically copy all settings seen in the picture below. If you're on a home connection you can tick "UPNP" to enable automatic port forwarding.


Change "Verify Signatures" to "Activated" if you copied mod keys earlier.

You can also add your Steam64ID to the "Admin ID" box to save yourself the hassle of typing in the "Adminpassword", simply doing "#login" is enough then.


Quick Tip: to login as admin type "#login adminpassword" in chat, for a list of available admin commands see the BI wiki

Lib server

Network config & Command Line arguments


Quick Disclaimer: these settings should work with a normal 34 player Server. Anything more and you really shouldn't be looking at this guide to get network configs.

  1. Select the correct "load Performance Preset" for your bandwidth (UPLOAD). If there is no preset for your bandwidth select the next lowest one.

  2. Tick the "enable Hyper Threading" checkbox and add -limitFPS=500 to "Command Line Arguments"

Lib perf tab

You're done! Click the play button and enjoy!

(17.) You should see three Arma windows open and loading. If someone ever asks for your server logs right click on the profile name at the bottom and select "Open File Location". The latest .rpt file is what you're looking for.

Lib rightclick


Same procedure, just different mission file.

Mission Names of inhouse-supported maps can be found here

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