Ali Q Raeini, Mosayeb Shams, Branko Bijeljic and Martin J. Blunt
To simplify and automate the use of the preprocessing, processing and post-processing tools, several bash script are developed for different types of simulations using porefoam codes. This document presents a description of the script used to do direct two-phase flow simulations: a primary-drainage simulation followed by water-injection simulations.
A short description of the tools used by the script is given. Although knowing such details is not necessary for using the script; they can be useful to make modifications to the script for changing the simulation set-up not foreseen in the script.
Note: This document assumes the codes are saved in a folder named
which should be replaced with the path where the codes are
Except standard Linux compilers and libraries (g++, cmake and an mpi library), Other prerequisites are provided in a folder named pkgs. The pkgs includes zlib, libtiff and a minified openfoam, called foamx4m.
foamx4m requires a working mpi
and libscotch
to be installed on the
system. Once it is compiled, foamx4m can reside side-by-side with other
openfoam installations without any conflict. This means you can install
and use other openfoam versions alongside the porefoam codes, but if
you do so,it is recommended to delete the executables in
so that you don't have
multiple copies of the same application.
The codes requires a recent C++ compiler, which support -std=c++17 flag.
The compiler is set through the variable psCXX
in file
. The default (g++) most likely will work so
you don't need to do any change.
To compile the codes, open a terminal and type the following commands:
(cd ~/porefoam && make -j)
To test, run:
(cd ~/porefoam && make test)
After everything compiled and working, you can run the following commands to clean the temporary files:
(cd ~/porefoam && make clean)
When running make distclean
instead of make clean
, the
, ~/porefoam/bin/,
/porefoam/include//porefoam/shared/` folders will be deleted, so be extra carefull
when using this option.and
To install the code in a terminal you open, run:
source ~/porefoam/src/script/bashrc
Alternatively you can edit your ~/.bashrc
(hidden) file and add the above command in the end.
This makes the porefoam scripts accessible in any new terminal you open.
The format specification for the micro-CT images and their header files
are given in the sample header file Image.mhd
location in the
Background: "OpenFOAM case" or sometimes simply "case" refers to the directory in which the input files required by OpenFOAM are, and is the directory where the results are saved. It should have two subdirectories named "constant" and "system" and as many directories which have numbers as their names such as "0" or "0.1" ...
Some of the input parameters are controlled through the script which are
used to automate simulation set-up, specifically a script
AllRunImageTwoPhase and AllRunImageTwoPhaseCFMesh, placed in ~/porefoam/porefoam2f/script
which is discussed further in the next section. There are comments added
to this file for how to set the simulation parameters, the most
important of which are given below:
# AllRunImageTwoPhase: 1) prepare two-phase flow mesh (first run) and inputs,
# 2) decompose mesh and 3) launch simulation,
# usage: `AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd`
######################### MAIN INPUT PARAMETERS #############################
# contact angle for drainage measured through phase 1 (oil)
: ${theta0s:="150"}
# Inlet BCs, Darcy velocity (um/s) for oil phase:
: ${UD1s:=" 200 "}
# Inlet BCs, Darcy velocity (um/s) for water phase:
: ${UD0s:="10"}
# Used if oilFilldFracs<0, initialize from VSubElems image
: ${VSElml:=1}
# fill a small portion of the image near the inlet with oil (injecting phase)
# give up to two numbers one <<1 and the other >1
: ${oilFilldFracs:=" 0.1"} # 1.05
# In case you want to refine the mesh increase this, or vise-versa.
: ${RefineLevel:=1}
# number of processors used for flow simulation
: ${nProc:=24}
See section Simulation Parameters for further information.
Copy the sample input data file in a directory where you have enough
disk space and in the same directory run the AllRunImageTwoPhase
# in case you haven't put these in your /.bashrc file:
source ~/porefoam/src/script/bashrc
cd PATH_TO\_.raw\_.mhd_FILES
AllRunImageTwoPhase # prepare the input script/files, note: no './'
The above command prepares a base folder and a local
script for you if they don't already exist. You
can change the input parameters as you wish in the local script and the
base folder: see section Simulation Parameters
for more details. Then you can set
up and run the simulations by running the local ./AllRunImageTwoPhase
script three times (or more if you want to continue the simulations for
longer period), i.e in a terminal type (replace Image.mhd
with the
name of your image):
./AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd # Generate the mesh
./AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd # Decompose and set initial and BCs
./AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd # Run a drainage simulation
Important: You have to visualize the generated mesh and the decomposed mesh, by paraview before running the flow simulations
After finishing with the drainage simulations, the boundary and initial
conditions should be changed to make the case ready for an imbibition
simulation. The script PrepareForImbibition
, placed in
folder, are written to make the
necessary adjustments. PrepareForReverseImbibition
does the same job as
the PrepareForImbibition
script, except that it prepares the
imbibition simulation so that the water is injected from the opposite
To use these script to prepare drainage simulation results files to a case ready for an imbibition simulation, you have to type in a terminal:
PrepareForImbibition arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7
: time at/before the end of drainage to be used as the start of water-injection -
: Darcy velocity (m/s) -
: contact angle at solid walls -
: fraction of the image to be filled with water (initial condition), from the inlet. -
: directory of the drainage case -
: base name for the water-injection case
export PATH=$PATH:~/porefoam/src/porefoam2f/script #in case
PrepareForImbibition 0.1 0.001 135 0.1 Berea8_0.007 BereaImb
# or to reverse the flow direction:
PrepareForReverseImbibition 0.1 0.001 135 0.1 Berea8_0.007 BImbRev
After preparing the case for imbibition, open the case in a terminal
and run the interFaceFoam
two-phase flow solver manually (Note: you
can do this to run a drainage simulation as well, instead of the third
run discussed in the previous section):
cd BereaImb*/ # go to the directory created for imbibition simulation
source ~/porefoam/src/script/bashrc
mpirun -np 8 interFaceFoam -parallel
# replace 8 with the number of domains which the flow domain is
# decomposed into ( = number of BereaImb*/*/processor* subfolders)
The AllRunImageTwoPhase
script runs a series of applications and
redirects their output to a file named log.application in the directory
where the application is being run. If an error occurs (the returns a
non-zero code), the location of the log file is printed in the
terminal. To know what has gone wrong and fix the problem, the log
files can be opened in a text editor, starting from the log of first
crashed application. It may also help checking the log file of those
applications run before and after the crashed application.
After running the AllRunImageTwoPhase
command for the first time, a
local copy of this script and a base folder are copied to the local
directory which you can edit for a customized simulation set-up. In the
following the parameters which you may need to change to get more
accurate or more stable results are discussed briefly, along with some
general guidelines.
After editing the local ./AllRunImageTwoPhase
, you should run it
three times to generate a mesh, decompose it for parallel run and
launch the simulation. The first ./AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd
will copy the data from the base folder, the second run copies the data
from the Berea folder and the third run launches the flow simulator
without making any changes to the input files. Note that for
the first and second runs of the ./AllRunImageTwoPhase Image.mhd
which does the mesh generation and decomposition, respectively, the
values assigned in the ./AllRunImageTwoPhase
take precedence and
overwrite the values in the base or
Image/` folder, respectively.
: Capillary pressure compression coefficient, you don't need to change this. But in case you do, your value should be preferably between 0.1-0.49. -
: Indicator function (alpha) compression coefficient, you don't need to change this. But in case you do, your value should be preferably between 0.5-2.. -
: A correction coefficient to eliminate the components of capillary pressure gradient which are parallel to interface and hence non-physical. The value should be between 0.05-0.2. Higher value will lead to less spurious currents but higher stick-slip behaviour. The stick-slip behaviour is because of the variations in the computed curvature as the interface moves between grid-blocks due to numerical errors and this keyword will increase such variations and hence increases the stick-slip behavior which becomes dominant as the capillary number becomes smaller. -
: Smoothing coefficient for computation of interface normal-vectors which are used in the computation of interface curvature. Any value between 10(no smoothing) to 19 (9 smoothing iterations) can be given. For coarse meshes a lower value is recommended because otherwise the indicator-function and the computed curvature/pc may become decoupled and the simulations will diverge. A higher degree of smoothing will result in better capillary pressure estimation and is recommended when the mesh resolution is high. -
: relaxation coefficient for smoothing interface normal-vectors. Any value between 0.5-1. can be given. For coarse meshes a value close to 1 is recommended because otherwise the indicator-function and the computed curvature/pc may become decoupled and the simulations will diverge. A higher degree of smoothing will be achieved as this value is reduced and consequently will result in better capillary pressure estimation and is recommended when the mesh resolution is high. -
: smoothing coefficient for wall normal vectors. Use this to achieve better accuracy if the mesh is generated from a complex voxelized image. If the solid-walls are smooth, then you can set the value to zero which may lead to better accuracy. -
: the value assigned to this keyword filter (deletes) capillary fluxes (forces and velocities generated due to capillary pressure and curvature force imbalance) when the capillary force is in close equilibrium with the capillary pressure gradient. A value of 0.01, roughly speaking, deletes capillary force imbalances when the imbalance is less than 1% of the capillary force. This will lead to smoother interface motion and also gets rid of small spurious currents. Any value between 0.005-0.02 will lead to physical results. Lower values may let the spurious currents, higher values is considered over-filtering and may lead to under-prediction of trapping. -
: largest dt allowed, this should be proportional to grid-size.
maxCo 0.1;
maximum Courant number, should be between 0.05 and 0.2, be cautious if you choose higher values. Lower values will lead to higher accuracy of time discretization but also longer simulation time. -
maxAlphaCo 30;
maximum interface Courant number (see Raeini et al 2012 for more details), should be between 0.05 and 0.2, be cautious if you choose higher values. Lower values will lead to higher accuracy of time discretization but also higher simulation time.
cAlpha 1;
alpha compression factor. -
cPc .2;
capillary pressure sharpening factor. -
cBC 250;
boundary condition correction coefficient, makes the boundary-condition second-order accurate. -
cPcCorrection .1;
Correct surface tensions parallel to the interface -
cPcCorrRelax2 1.;
(relaxes) reduces the amount of filtering applied by thecPcCorrection
keyword, should be equal or smaller than 1, but anything smaller than 1 may lead to presence of spurious currents. -
smoothingKernel 12;
smoothing kernel (10 + number of smoothing iterations, obsolete). -
smoothingRelaxFactor 1.;
ralaxation factor for curvature smoothing. -
wallSmoothingKernel 5;
solid wall smoothing kernel ( number of iterations). -
uFilter1 .01;
Filter surface tensions perpendicular to interfaces -
lambda 0;
slip length -
lambdaS 0;
slip length near interface -
cSSlip 0.05;
threshold value for indicator function (alpha) for detecting interface location for applying the interface slip length (lambdaS). lambdaS is applied to all cells with alpha <1.- cSSlip. -
NSlip 1.;
the distance away from the interface (unit is number of cells) that lambdaS is applied -
UBoundByUSmoothFactor 2.;
a filtering factor to eliminate locally high velocities which can potentially cause interface destabilization when the interface is not represented accurately (in coarse meshes, or in very thin film). The value can be anything higher than one, but assigning a value less than 1.5 may lead significant error in the computed velocity. Essentially any cells velocity which is more than its adjacent cell velocity by more than this factor is penalised to this factor multiplied by the average of adjacent cell velocities.
The above keywords should be assigned to each phase separately, phase0
is water and phase1
is oil.
sigma sigma \[ 1 0 -2 0 0 0 0 \] 0.03; //surface tension (SI units)
Some basic post-processing tasks can be performed by visualizing the
simulation results using Paraview. Just open the .foam
located in the simulation results and Paraview
will load the openfoam case for visualization.
Advanced post-processing of the simulation results can be performed
using upscale_grads
utility, which is also run during the simulations
( interFaceFoam
run). During interFaceFoam run, the average of
various flow parameters is computed every 10 time steps and written in
a file named data_out_for_plot
. A header file is also written to help
extract the relevant parameter in Excel or in Matlab, named
, which look like (all entries in a single
t maxMagU aAvg aAvgL aAvgR avgUAlpha1_0 avgUAlpha1_1 avgUAlpha1_2
avgUAlpha2_0 avgUAlpha2_1 avgUAlpha2_2 QIn QOut Dp Dpc pcAvg ADarcy
S1-alpha S1-U S1-vol S1-f_1 S1-dpddz S1-dpcdz S1-dpcdz_1 S1-dpddz_1
S1-viscz S1-viscz_1 S1-phiu S1-phiu_1 S1-delPdelZ S1-delPcelZ
S1-viscInterf_1 S1-viscE S1-viscE_1 S1-dpEc S1-dpEc_1 S1-dpEd S1-dpEd_1
S1-phiE S1-phiE_1 S1-ZERO S1-Pc S1-xDropAvg S1-xDrop1 S1-xDrop2 S1-x1
S1-x2 ...
The above data can be generated by running upscale_grads
after the
simulations are finished. The post-processing are controlled from a
file named system/postProcessDict
. This file can also provided as
postProcessDict_Image, where Image is the name of the input .mhd header
file without its suffix.
Here is a more detailed description of the parameters written by upscale_grads:
Variables defined over the whole flow domain:
: time (seconds) -
: maximum of magnitude of velocity field (U) -
: average of indicator function -
: average of indicator function on Left-side (small x) boundary (usually inlet) -
: average of indicator function on Right-side (large x) boundary (usually inlet) -
: average of phase 1 (oil) velocity in x direction (U1x) -
: average of phase 1 (oil) velocity in y direction (U1y) -
: average of phase 1 (oil) velocity in z direction (U1z) -
: average of phase 0 (water) velocity in x direction (U0x) -
: average of phase 0 (water) velocity in y direction (U0y) -
: average of phase 0 (water) velocity in z direction (U0z) -
: flow rate at the left side boundary -
: flow rate at the right side boundary -
: average (arithmetic) dynamic pressure drop over the flow domain (Pd_left-Pd_right
) -
: average (arithmetic) capillary pressure drop over the flow domain (Pc_left-Pc_right
) -
: average (volume-weighted) capillary pressure difference between the two phase -
: Darcy area (=Dy x Dz)
Variables defined over each control-volume (numbered, S1, S2, S3 ... based on their order in the system/postProcessDict):
: saturation (average of the indicator function, alpha) -
: average pore velocity (of both phases) -
: volume of the control volume -
: fractional flow rate of phase 1 (oil) -
: average force per unit volume due to dynamic pressure gradients -
: average force per unit volume due to microscopic capillary pressure gradients (i.e. imbalance between microscopic capillary pressure and capillary forces) -
: average force per unit volume due to microscopic capillary pressure gradients in phase 1 -
: average force per unit volume due to microscopic dynamic pressure gradients in phase 1 -
: average force per unit volume due to viscous forces -
: average force per unit volume due to viscous forces inside phase 1 -
: average force per unit volume due to advection of momentum -
: average force per unit volume due to advection of momentum in phase 1 -
: rate of energy (per unit time and volume, in SI units) entring/exiting the boundaries of the control volume due to dynamic pressure differences -
: rate of energy entering/exiting the boundaries of the control volume due to capillary pressure differences -
: rate of energy crossing the boundary between the two fluid -
: rate of energy loss due to viscous forces - used for computing pressure drop -
: rate of energy loss due to viscous forces inside phase 1 (oil) -
: rate of energy introduced by microscopic capillary pressure gradient -
: rate of energy introduced by microscopic capillary pressure gradient in phase 1 -
: rate of energy introduced by microscopic dynamic pressure gradient -
: rate of energy introduced by microscopic dynamic pressure gradient in phase 1 -
: rate of kinetic (inertial) energy introduced -
: rate of kinetic (inertial) energy introduced in phase 1 -
: dummy -
: average Pc (the difference between pc of the two phases) in the control volume -
: an estimate of the length of the bounding box of the control volume -
: an estimate of the length of the bounding box of the phase 1 in the control volume -
: an estimate of the length of the bounding box of the phase 0 (water) in the control volume -
: smallest x covered by the control volume (left side) -
: largest x covered by the control volume (right side)
The above data are processed by a python script named
which averages the data to produce relative permeability curves.
OpenFOAM utilities and libraries: used for used for pre/post-processing and writing specialized pre/post-processing and simulation codes
Paraview: visualization and some post-processing tasks.
OpenSCAD: used for automatizing creation of surface models for simple geometries (obsolete)
In-house developed codes (C++): when there were no alternative available
Linux bash utilities: used as a user-interface to do simple calculations, change input-parameters, and run the pre/post-processing and simulation codes.
: creates simple meshes / background mesh for snappyHexMesh. (obsolete, replaced by cfMesh instead) -
: renumbers mesh for improving the performance -
: decomposes the mesh into several pieces for parallel runs -
: reconstruct the decomposed mesh, not needed, everything is run in parallel -
: used to set/modify the initial condition for the indicator function -
: The version of snappyHexmesh used for our mesh generations messes up with the boundaries (called 'patch'es in OpenFOAM); createPatch is used to recreate the inlet/outlet boundaries. (obsolete)
: converts .raw/.tif/.am files to OpenFOAM format, used for single-phase flow simulation. -
: calculates single-phase permeability and porosity of single-phase simulations. (obsolete?) -
: creates a 3D surface between void and solid, used in mesh generation with snappyHexMesh/cfMesh for two-phase flow simulations. -
: smoothes voxelToSurface output for cfMesh, preserves volume. -
: calculates works and energy losses, used to plot relative permeability. -
: converts between raw file format and ascii format, does simple image processing like cropping and thresholding. -
, direct two-phase flow simulator, including a new surface tension model, pressure-velocity-surface-tension coupling algorithm and several new boundary conditions,
M Shams, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt, B Bijeljic, “A numerical model of two-phase flow at the micro-scale using the volume-of-fluid method”, J Comp. Phys. 357:159–82 (2018)
A Q Raeini, M J Blunt, and B Bijeljic, “Modelling two-phase flow in porous media at the pore scale using the volume-of-fluid method”, J Comp. Phys. 231:5653–68 (2012)
This code has been used in the following works:
M Shams, K Singh, B Bijeljic, M J Blunt, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Pore-Scale Trapping Events During Capillary-Dominated Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media”, Transp Porous Med (2021).
A Q Raeini, B Bijeljic, M J Blunt, “Generalized network modelling: Capillary-dominated two-phase flow”, Phys. Rev. E, 97(2):023308, (2018).
Note that the scripts used in papers above, which used snappyHexMesh for mesh generation, has been depricated and not included in this repository.
For more information, visit Imperial College Consortium on Pore-scale Modelling Imaging.