API version | Required Permissions |
API31+ | "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE" |
API29+ | "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" |
API23+ | "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" or "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" |
API22- | None |
// If you want to save any extra info to BleDevice, you can do like the following.
// 1. First, create a class used to save extra info, whatever any name and members
// attribute, but note that it must implement the interface 'Parcelable'
// 2. Then, create an instance and put info you wanna save into it
// 3. Finally, call BleDevice#setParcelableExtra()
// For example, create a class named ExtraInfo, it has implemented the interface 'Parcelable'
// and contains three members( String note, int rssi, byte[] scanRecordBytes), we save info
// like the following
String strInfo = "this is string info";
byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
int rssi = -50;
ExtraInfo extra = new ExtraInfo();
// Get it from the BleDevice instance
Parcelable p = bleDevice.getParcelableExtra();
if (p instanceof ExtraInfo) {
ExtraInfo e = (ExtraInfo) p;
3.How to select a thread to run all operation callbacks(except BleScanCallback, like connect/notify/read/write and so on)
// After creating a BleHandlerThread instance, you can or not call BleHandlerThread#start(),
// if you don't call it, it will be called automatically. When disconnected or failed to
// connect, BleHandlerThread#quitLooperSafely() will also be called automatically. You don't
// have to call other methods(like #getLooper(), #quit(), #or quitSafety()), they all have
// been deprecated in BleHandlerThread, and they will not work even if you have called them.
// You just need to create a instance and add it to specified position of BleManager#connect()
BleManager.getInstance().connect(device.getAddress(), connectCallback, new BleHandlerThread("BleThread"));