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SIM7080G Driver for ESP32 using ESP IDF

This is a driver for the SIM7080G cellular transceiver manufactured by SIMcom.

This code is intended for use as your project as a library or ESP-IDF 'component'. You can git clone the project directly into your component directory to get started.

For now only UART is used for communicating with the device, and only commands relating to the use of MQTT are defined.

AT command were created in reference of the SIM7070_SIM7080_SIM7090 Series_AT Command Manual_V1.04 provided by SIMcom here


If using this code as a component ensure the driver is included as a requirement in your main CMakeLists.txt file.

idf_component_register(SRCS "sim7080g_driver_dev_project.c"
                    INCLUDE_DIRS "."
                    REQUIRES sim7080g_driver_esp_idf)
  1. First create a handle for the driver.
  2. Set config structs used by driver
  3. Call the driver 'config' fxn - passing it these structs.
  4. Call the driver 'init' fxn.
  5. Call the driver 'connect to network bearer' fxn.
  6. Call the driver 'mqtt connect to broker' fxn.
  7. Publish data to MQTT topic as desired.

See example usage code below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <esp_err.h>
#include "sim7080g_driver_esp_idf.h"

void app_main(void)
    sim7080g_uart_config_t sim7080g_uart_config = {
        .gpio_num_rx = 32U,
        .gpio_num_tx = 33U,
        .port_num = 1};

    sim7080g_mqtt_config_t sim7080g_mqtt_config = {
        .broker_url = "mqtt_broker_url_here",
        .username = "broker_account_username",
        .client_id = "id_of_client_we_are_connecting_as",
        .client_password = "password_of_client_we_are_connecting_as",
        .port = port_num_here,

    sim7080g_handle_t sim7080g;

    esp_err_t err = sim7080g_config(&sim7080g, sim7080g_uart_config, sim7080g_mqtt_config);
    if (err != ESP_OK)
        printf("Error configuring SIM7080G driver\n");
        printf("SIM7080G driver configured. Ready for init\n");

    err = sim7080g_init(&sim7080g);
    if (err != ESP_OK)
        printf("Error initializing SIM7080G driver\n");
        printf("SIM7080G driver initialized\n");

    const char *apn = "apn_here"; // Depends on the SIM card and carrier
    sim7080g_connect_to_network_bearer(&sim7080g, apn);
    if(err == ESP_OK)
        printf("Network bearer connected successfully\n");
        printf("Error connecting to network bearer\n");

    err = sim7080g_mqtt_connect_to_broker(&sim7080g);
    if (err == ESP_OK)
        printf("Connected to MQTT broker\n");
        printf("Error connecting to MQTT broker\n");

    err = sim7080g_mqtt_publish(&sim7080g, "topic_to_pub_here", "data_to_publish_here", 0, false);
    if(err == ESP_OK)
        printf("Message published successfully\n");
        printf("Error publishing message\n");

Tech stack overview

Here is a traditional computer internet network stack compared with the SIM7080G cellular modem stack:

Traditional stack:

Application Layer (Layer 7)
- HTTP, MQTT, FTP, etc.
Transport Layer (Layer 4)
- TCP/UDP connections
Network Layer (Layer 3)
- IP routing, addressing
Data Link Layer (Layer 2)
- Ethernet frames
Physical Layer (Layer 1)
- Ethernet cable, WiFi radio

SIM7080G Cellular stack:

Application Layer (Layer 7)
- MQTT, HTTP, FTP, etc.
Transport Layer (Layer 4)
- TCP/UDP connections
Network Layer (Layer 3)
- IP over PDP Context
Cellular Protocol Layers:
- Packet Switched (PS) Domain
- LTE Radio Protocols
Physical Layer
- Cellular Radio (RF)

Mapping AT commands for the SIM7080g with OSI model layers

Layer 1 - Physical Layer

Physical connection, radio signals, bit transmission AT+CSQ # Check signal strength AT+STXPOWER=31,2 # Configure TX power settings AT+ANTENALLCFG # Configure antenna settings AT+CBAND # Set mobile operation bands Primary concerns:

Signal strength Radio frequency configuration Physical transmission power Antenna configuration

Layer 2 - Data Link Layer

Radio access technology, cellular protocols AT+CNMP=38 # Set to LTE only mode AT+CMNB=2 # Select NB-IoT mode AT+CRATPRI="130312" # Set RAT search priority AT+CRRCSTATE? # Query RRC (Radio Resource Control) state Primary concerns:

Cell selection/reselection Radio resource management Link establishment with cell tower Frame transmission control

Layer 3 - Network Layer

IP addressing, routing, packet delivery PDP Context (Packet Data Protocol) - Similar to IP configuration AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","[apn]" # Configure PDP context with IP AT+CNACT=1,1 # Activate PDP context AT+CGPADDR # Show PDP address (IP address)

DNS Configuration

AT+CDNSCFG="","" # Configure DNS servers AT+CDNSGIP="" # Resolve domain name Primary concerns:

IP address assignment Packet routing Domain name resolution Network registration

Layer 4 - Transport Layer

End-to-end connections, reliability TCP Configuration for MQTT AT+CACID=0 # Set TCP/UDP identifier AT+CAOPEN=0,0,"TCP","",1883 # Open TCP connection AT+CASSLCFG # Configure SSL/TLS if used

Connection Parameters

AT+SMCONF="KEEPTIME",60 # MQTT keepalive timing Primary concerns:

TCP connection establishment Connection reliability Flow control Port management

Layer 5 - Session Layer

Session establishment, maintenance AT+SMCONF="CLEANSS",1 # Session clean setting AT+SMCONN # Establish MQTT session AT+SMSTATE? # Check connection state Primary concerns:

MQTT session management Connection state tracking Session cleanup Dialog control

Layer 6 - Presentation Layer

Data formatting, encryption SSL/TLS Configuration AT+CSSLCFG="SSLVERSION",0,3 # Set SSL version AT+SMSSL=0,"ca.crt","client.crt" # Configure certificates

Message Format

AT+SMPUBHEX=1 # Set hex format for messages Primary concerns:

Data encryption (SSL/TLS) Certificate management Message format conversion Character encoding

Layer 7 - Application Layer

MQTT protocol, application data MQTT Application Configuration AT+SMCONF="CLIENTID","device1" AT+SMCONF="USERNAME","user" AT+SMCONF="PASSWORD","pass" AT+SMCONF="QOS",1

MQTT Operations

AT+SMSUB="topic/test",1 # Subscribe to topic AT+SMPUB="topic/test",6,1,0 # Publish message Primary concerns:

MQTT protocol operations Message publishing/subscribing Application-level QoS User authentication

How it works

Internal steps for connecting to the device to an MQTT broker

  1. (AT+CPIN) Check SIM card status - must return 'READY' otherwise there is an issue with the SIM card.
  2. Device automatically attaches to an available network (NB-IoT OR LTE Cat-M). The device can be configured for a specific network only if desired.
  3. (AT+CGATT?) Register for PS (Packet Switch) service.
    • When a device 'attaches' to PS service - its telling network it wants to send/receive data packets.
    • Its like telling the network 'I am a device - NOT just a phone'.
  4. (AT+CNCFG) Configure device APN (Access Point Name) setting.
    • APN is like gateway configuration that tells the cellular network
      • What type of service the device needs (internet, private network, etc)
      • How to route data for this particular device
    • Different carriers have different APNs
    • Similar to 'choosing what WiFi network to talk to' but for cellular.
  5. (AT+CNACT) Activate PDP (Packet Data Protocol) context - essentially this sets up a data connection on the network and results in an IP address being assigned to the device.
    • PDP context is a data structure containing routing info for this data connection
    • When activated its like 'turning on' the data connection
    • Assigns the device an IP address
    • This is similar to when an internet device gets an IP from DHCP over etheret, but with cellular protocols
  6. Establish an MQTT connection with the defined broker.
  7. Driver is ready to be used for publishing / subscribing data with an MQTT broker.
