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Controller Assignment for the Robots
Give new people the challenge project of coding a full robot. Help practice coding on an actual robot before build season.
Here are the teams and their assigned Subsystems
- Left Joystick (Drivetrain)
- Right Joystick (Drivetrain)
- Left Trigger (Outtake)
- Right Trigger (Intake)
- Menu Button (Activate Climb Arms)
- Left Bumper (Shooter Short)
- Right Bumper (Shooter Long)
- Menu Button (Toggle Climb Arms)
- Right Joystick (Right Arm)
- Left Joystick (Left Arm)
- A Button (Indexer Down)
- B Button (Indexer Up)
- Y Button (Turret Right)
- X Button (Turret Left)
- M1: Left Drive
- M2: Right Drive
- M3: Left Drive
- M4: Right Drive
- M5: Right Winch
- M6: Left Winch
- M7: Intake Motor Upper
- M8: Diagonal Upper Indexer
- M9: Diagonal Lower Indexer
- M10: Vertical Long Indexer
- M11: Vertical Short Indexer
- M12: Hood
- M13: Feeder Left Flywheel
- M14: Left Flywheel
- M15: Right Flywheel
- M16: Turret
- P0 and P1: Intake
- P2 and P3: Climb Arms