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Multi-tenant Ingress services

In this use-case we go through how we can build a multi-tenant Kubernetes cluster from the ingress and load balancing perspective. This includes clusters shared by different users at a single organization or clusters that are shared by different organizations.

A multi-tenant cluster is shared by multiple users and/or workloads which are referred to as "tenants". The operators of multi-tenant clusters must isolate tenants from each other to minimize the damage that a compromised or malicious tenant can do to the cluster and other tenants.

Ingress multi-tenancy requirements

The typical requirements of a multi-tenant K8s environments in terms of Ingress/Load-Balancing are:

  1. Each tenant should be able to manage their own Ingress Resources.
  2. Ingress Resources of one tenant shouldn't not affect/interfere with another tenant's even if they are using the same FQDNs.
  3. Performance degradation of the Ingress Controller (IC) on one tenant (due to usage/attacks/misconfiguration) shouldn't affect the performance of the IC on another tenant.
  4. Each Tenant should be able to publish their ingress services outside the Kubernetes cluster.
  5. Each Tenant Load Balancing IPs should be different and must be assigned automatically.
  6. Each Tenant should have a different Network IP address(es) to differentiate them and being able to apply different network policies outside the K8s cluster.

Proposed Architecture

In order to address the above requirements, we have designed a 2-tier architecture. The 1st tier is based on NGNIX+ Ingress Controller and will be deployed in each tenant while the 2nd tier is based on BIGIP/CIS that will have the role of the external load balancer.

Tier 1 - NGINX+ Ingress Controller

In our design we choose to have separate NGINX+ Ingress Controller deployment per tenant. This design was preferred because of the following benefits:

  • Security. By deploying separate IC instances, we are creating a full isolation for both dataplane and control plane between tenants. This means that in situation of high-usage, attacks or even misconfiguration on a tenant's IC this will not affect other tenants deployments.

  • Customization. Generally, you can customize or fine tune your IC behavior through the use of configmaps (e.g., set the number of worker processes, customize the access log format). While this is very important for the application delivery, ConfigMap applies globally, meaning that it affects every Ingress resource. Therefore, if applied across multiple tenants, you cannot fine-tune these variables based on each tenant's requirements.

  • Management. When sharing a single IC across multiple tenants, the responsibility for upgrading, patching, scaling, performance-tuning, etc lies with the operator. By having seperate IC per tenant the responsibility can be transferred or shared with the tenants.

When running NGINX Ingress Controller, you have the following options with regards to which configuration resources it handles:

  • Cluster-wide Ingress Controller. The Ingress Controller handles configuration resources created in any namespace of the cluster.
  • Single-namespace Ingress Controller (selected). You can configure the Ingress Controller to handle configuration resources only from a particular namespace, which is controlled through the -watch-namespace command-line argument. In this design we chose to have a separate IC per namespace

Tier 2 - BIGIP / CIS (external Load Balancer)

BIGIP role in the overall design is to publish the NGINX IC outside of the Kubernetes environment. To achieve that we are using CIS to discover the NGINX IC services and publish each service with a different VIP on BIGIP.

Discovery Tenants, have at least one NGINX IC service running on their environment and some tentants might even run multiple NGINX IC services. CIS is used to discover the NGINX IC services running across all tenants and configure BIGIP accordingly. This can be achieve by deploying one of the 3 available CIS CRDs (VirtualServer, TransportServer or IngressLink) on the same namespaces as the NGINX IC services are running or publish the IC services with Type Load Balancer. Choosing between these methods on the type of functionality/features you need to enable on BIGIP. The following matrix gives you a brief explanation on what can be achieved by each CRDs.

Type Functionality
VirtualServer CRD With VS CRD you can enable multiple functionalities such as Reverse Proxy, DDoS, BoT mitigation, SSL offloading, HTTP/HTTP2 profiles, L4/7 iRules, WAF policies, SNAT pools , Cookie/IP Persistence, EDNS.
Examples on VirtualServer CRD can be found here
TransportServer CRD With TS CRD you can enable L4 functionalities such as Reverse Proxy, L4 DDoS, L4 iRules, SNAT pools, IP Persistence.
Examples on TransportServer CRD can be found here
Service Type LB With service type LB you can enable L4 functionalities similar with TS CRD such as Reverse Proxy, L4 DDoS, L4 iRules, SNAT pools, IP persistence.
The differences between TS and Service Type LB is that with TS you have the option of a manual IP address and you can enable EDNS, while service Type LB is a Kubernetes native object.
Examples on Service Type LB can be found here


Given the fact that we are sharing the same BIGIP device across all tenants, we need to consider how to allocate IP addresses without creating conflict between tenants. The way to achieve this is by using F5's IPAM controller. The IPAM controller will be configured with different labels per tenant and each label will define the IP ranges that should be assigned per tenant. These labels must be referenced on the CIS CRDs that will be used to publish the NGINX IC services.

How to avoid tenats changing IPAM labels
Option 1. CIS CRDs are deployed/managed by the Kubernetes administrator and the tenant has read-only rights.
Option 2. CIS CRDs can only be deployed through a pipeline that verifies the right usage of the labels. Manifests are created/stored on a GIT by the tenant and then a pipeline applies the desired state on the K8s cluster. Tenant has read-only rights on the CRDs.
Option 3. Finally as the last option we can use OPA Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper's engine is designed to be portable, allowing administrators to detect and reject non-compliant commits to an infrastructure-as-code system's source-of-truth, further strengthening compliance efforts and preventing bad state from slowing down the organization. Therefore, the administrator can set the label values that need to be present on the CIS CRD in order for it to be accepted.

More information on CIS and IPAM can be found on the following links:


To run the demos, use the terminal on VS Code. VS Code is under the bigip-01 on the Access drop-down menu. Click here to see how.

Change the working directory to multi-tenancy.

cd ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-tenancy

Step 1. Create Tentants

Create the namespace for each tenant (Tenant-1, Tenant-2)

kubectl create namespace tenant1
kubectl create namespace tenant2

Step 2. Deploy NGINX+ Ingress Controller

For each tenant we will create all required NGINX resources like nginx-config and default secret.

kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/default-server-secret.yaml -n tenant1
kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/nginx-config.yaml -n tenant1
kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/default-server-secret.yaml -n tenant2
kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/nginx-config.yaml -n tenant2

For each tenant we will deploy a separate NGINX+ Ingress Controller with the use of Helm.

helm install tenant1  nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --namespace tenant1 --set controller.replicaCount=1 --set  --set controller.service.annotations."cis\.f5\.com/ipamLabel"=tenant1 -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/values.yml
helm install tenant2  nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --namespace tenant2 --set controller.replicaCount=1 --set  --set controller.service.annotations."cis\.f5\.com/ipamLabel"=tenant2 -f /home/ubuntu/oltra/setup/helm/nic/values.yml

Verify that the NGINX pods are up and running on each tenant

kubectl get pods -n tenant1
kubectl get pods -n tenant2
####################################      Expected Output   ######################################
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tenant1-nginx-ingress-prod-8fc7d9f9c-f8cbd   1/1     Running   0          22s

Confirm that Service Type LB has received and IP from F5 IPAM and being deployed on BIGIP.

kubectl get svc -n tenant1
kubectl get svc -n tenant2

####################################      Expected Output   ######################################
NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
tenant1-nginx-ingress-prod   LoadBalancer   80:32151/TCP,443:32062/TCP   33m

NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
tenant2-nginx-ingress-prod   LoadBalancer   80:32658/TCP,443:31926/TCP   34m

Save the IP addresses that was assigned by the IPAM for each tenant NGINX services

IP_tenant1=$(kubectl get svc tenant1-nginx-ingress-prod -n tenant1 --output=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
IP_tenant2=$(kubectl get svc tenant2-nginx-ingress-prod -n tenant2 --output=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Try accessing the service as per the example below.

curl http://$IP_tenant1
curl http://$IP_tenant2

The output should be similar to:

<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

Step 3. Deploy services for each tenant

Deploy demo applications in each tenant

kubectl apply -f  ~/oltra/setup/apps/apps.yml -n tenant1
kubectl apply -f  ~/oltra/setup/apps/apps.yml -n tenant2

Deploy Ingress services for each tenant

kubectl apply -f ingress.yml

Access the services for both tenants as per the example below.

curl http://tenant1.f5demo.local/ --resolve tenant1.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant1
curl http://tenant2.f5demo.local/ --resolve tenant2.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant2
curl http://tenant1.f5demo.local/app2 --resolve tenant1.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant1
curl http://tenant2.f5demo.local/app2 --resolve tenant2.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant2

Step 4. (Optional) Grafana Dashboards

Setup scraping for the new NGINX instances

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: nginx-metrics
  namespace: monitoring
    type: nginx-plus
      type: nginx-metrics
    - nginx
    - tenant1
    - tenant2
  - interval: 30s
    path: /metrics
    port: prometheus

Login to Grafana. On the UDF you can access Grafana from BIGIP "Access" methods as per the image below.

Login to Grafana (credentials admin/IngressLab123)

Go to Dashboards->Browse

Select any of the 2 Ingress Dashboards (NGINX Ingress / NGINX Ingress Details) which can be found on NGINX Folder

Run the following script to generate traffic and review the Grafana Dashboards per tenant

for i in {1..500} ; do curl http://tenant1.f5demo.local/ --resolve tenant1.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant1; \
curl http://tenant2.f5demo.local/ --resolve tenant2.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant2;  \
curl http://tenant1.f5demo.local/app2 --resolve tenant1.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant1; \
curl http://tenant2.f5demo.local/app2 --resolve tenant2.f5demo.local:80:$IP_tenant2; \

Ingress Dashboard

Ingress Dashboard Details

Step 5. Clean up the environment

Delete the namespaces that were created during this demo to remove all configuration

kubectl delete ns tenant1
kubectl delete ns tenant2