An array of all the room's structure that require repairs.
The results will be cached within the module for up to 100 ticks. A structure that has been fully repaired will properly be removed from the list, but a structure that has been recently damages may take up to 100 ticks before appearing in the list.
You may tweak this duration to your liking by editing the constant REFRESH_TIME
at the rop of the module.
Create a creep using any available Spawn in the room.
Any error code returned by room.createCreep
, or :
Constant | value | description |
OK | 0 | A spawn has been found |
ERR_NOT_OWNER | -1 | You don't own this room |
ERR_BUSY | -4 | Every spawn in the room is busy |
ERR_NOT_FOUND | -5 | There is no spawn in the room. |