diff --git a/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/__init__.py b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4259749345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Part of the CodeChecker project, under the Apache License v2.0 with
+# LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/analyzer_result.py b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/analyzer_result.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5df954eacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/analyzer_result.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Part of the CodeChecker project, under the Apache License v2.0 with
+# LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from typing import List
+from codechecker_report_converter.report import Report
+from ..analyzer_result import AnalyzerResultBase
+from .parser import Parser
+class AnalyzerResult(AnalyzerResultBase):
+ """ Transform analyzer result of Clang Tidy. """
+ TOOL_NAME = 'clang-tidy-yaml'
+ NAME = 'Clang Tidy'
+ URL = 'https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy'
+ def get_reports(self, file_path: str) -> List[Report]:
+ """ Get reports from the given analyzer result. """
+ return Parser().get_reports(file_path)
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/parser.py b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fe3af0e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/codechecker_report_converter/analyzers/clang_tidy_yaml/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Part of the CodeChecker project, under the Apache License v2.0 with
+# LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import yaml
+import logging
+from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple
+from codechecker_report_converter.report import BugPathEvent, \
+ get_or_create_file, Report
+from ..parser import BaseParser
+LOG = logging.getLogger('report-converter')
+def get_location_by_offset(filename, offset):
+ """
+ This function returns the line and column number in the given file which
+ is located at the given offset (i.e. number of characters including new
+ line characters). None returns when the offset is greater than the file
+ length.
+ """
+ with open(filename, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore', newline='') as f:
+ for row, line in enumerate(f, 1):
+ length = len(line)
+ if length < offset:
+ offset -= length
+ else:
+ return row, offset + 1
+ return None
+class Parser(BaseParser):
+ """Parser for clang-tidy YAML output."""
+ def get_reports(self, file_path: str) -> List[Report]:
+ """Parse Clang-Tidy's YAML output file."""
+ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ reports = []
+ if data:
+ for diagnostic in data['Diagnostics']:
+ report = self._parse_diagnostic(diagnostic)
+ reports.append(report)
+ return reports
+ def _parse_diagnostic(self, diagnostic: dict) -> Report:
+ """Parse a Clang-Tidy diagnostic."""
+ checker_name = diagnostic['DiagnosticName']
+ diagnostic_message = diagnostic['DiagnosticMessage']
+ file_path = os.path.abspath(diagnostic_message['FilePath'])
+ file_obj = get_or_create_file(file_path, self._file_cache)
+ line, col = get_location_by_offset(
+ file_path, diagnostic_message['FileOffset'])
+ report = Report(
+ file=file_obj,
+ line=line,
+ column=col,
+ message=diagnostic_message['Message'].strip(),
+ checker_name=checker_name,
+ category=self._get_category(checker_name),
+ bug_path_events=[]
+ )
+ # Parse replacements (fixits) (if any)
+ for replacement in diagnostic_message.get('Replacements', []):
+ replacement_path = os.path.abspath(replacement['FilePath'])
+ replacement_file_obj = get_or_create_file(replacement_path,
+ self._file_cache)
+ fixit_line, fixit_col = get_location_by_offset(
+ replacement_path, replacement['Offset'])
+ report.notes.append(
+ BugPathEvent(
+ f"{replacement['ReplacementText']} (fixit)",
+ replacement_file_obj,
+ fixit_line,
+ fixit_col
+ )
+ )
+ # Parse notes (if any)
+ for note in diagnostic.get('Notes', []):
+ if note['FilePath'] != '':
+ note_path = os.path.abspath(note['FilePath'])
+ note_line, note_col = get_location_by_offset(
+ note_path, note['FileOffset'])
+ note_file_obj = get_or_create_file(note_path, self._file_cache)
+ report.bug_path_events.append(
+ BugPathEvent(
+ note['Message'].strip(),
+ note_file_obj,
+ note_line,
+ note_col
+ )
+ )
+ report.bug_path_events.append(BugPathEvent(
+ report.message,
+ report.file,
+ report.line,
+ report.column))
+ return report
+ def _get_category(self, checker_name: str) -> str:
+ """ Get category for Clang-Tidy checker. """
+ parts = checker_name.split('-')
+ return parts[0] if parts else 'unknown'
+ def _parse_line(self, it: Iterator[str], line: str) -> Tuple[
+ List[Report], str]:
+ # FIXME: This method is a placeholder to allow instantiation of the
+ # Parser class.
+ # The _parse_line method is required because Parser is an abstract
+ # class that expects this method to be implemented in subclasses.
+ return [], ""
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/requirements_py/dev/requirements.txt b/tools/report-converter/requirements_py/dev/requirements.txt
index 187a14503d..dc39b57aa1 100644
--- a/tools/report-converter/requirements_py/dev/requirements.txt
+++ b/tools/report-converter/requirements_py/dev/requirements.txt
@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ pycodestyle==2.12.0
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/test_clang_tidy_yaml_parser.py b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/test_clang_tidy_yaml_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..555863f59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/test_clang_tidy_yaml_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Part of the CodeChecker project, under the Apache License v2.0 with
+# LLVM Exceptions. See LICENSE for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+This module tests the correctness of the OutputParser and PListConverter, which
+used in sequence transform a Clang Tidy output file to a plist file.
+import os
+import plistlib
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from codechecker_report_converter.analyzers.clang_tidy_yaml import (
+ analyzer_result)
+from codechecker_report_converter.report.parser import plist
+OLD_PWD = None
+def setup_module():
+ """Setup the test tidy reprs for the test classes in the module."""
+ global OLD_PWD
+ OLD_PWD = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'tidy_yaml_output_test_files'))
+def teardown_module():
+ """Restore environment after tests have ran."""
+ global OLD_PWD
+ os.chdir(OLD_PWD)
+class ClangTidyYamlAnalyzerResultTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ Test the output of the ClangTidyYamlAnalyzerResult. """
+ def setUp(self):
+ """ Setup the test. """
+ self.analyzer_result = analyzer_result.AnalyzerResult()
+ self.cc_result_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """ Clean temporary directory. """
+ shutil.rmtree(self.cc_result_dir)
+ def __check_analyzer_result(self, analyzer_result, analyzer_result_plist,
+ source_files, expected_plist):
+ """ Check the result of the analyzer transformation. """
+ self.analyzer_result.transform(
+ [analyzer_result], self.cc_result_dir, plist.EXTENSION,
+ file_name="{source_file}_{analyzer}")
+ plist_file = os.path.join(self.cc_result_dir, analyzer_result_plist)
+ with open(plist_file, mode='rb') as pfile:
+ res = plistlib.load(pfile)
+ # Use relative path for this test.
+ res['files'] = source_files
+ print("res")
+ print(res)
+ with open(expected_plist, mode='rb') as pfile:
+ exp = plistlib.load(pfile)
+ self.assertTrue(res['metadata']['generated_by']['version'])
+ res['metadata']['generated_by']['version'] = "x.y.z"
+ print("exp")
+ print(exp)
+ self.assertEqual(res, exp)
+ def test_empty1(self):
+ """ Test for empty Messages. """
+ ret = self.analyzer_result.transform(
+ ['empty1.out'], self.cc_result_dir, plist.EXTENSION)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+ def test_empty2(self):
+ """ Test for empty Messages with multiple line. """
+ ret = self.analyzer_result.transform(
+ ['empty2.out'], self.cc_result_dir, plist.EXTENSION)
+ self.assertFalse(ret)
+ def test_tidy1(self):
+ """ Test for the tidy1.plist file. """
+ self.__check_analyzer_result('tidy1.out',
+ 'test.cpp_clang-tidy-yaml.plist',
+ ['files/test.cpp'], 'tidy1.plist')
+ def test_tidy2(self):
+ """ Test for the tidy2.plist file. """
+ self.__check_analyzer_result('tidy2.out',
+ 'test2.cpp_clang-tidy-yaml.plist',
+ ['files/test2.cpp'], 'tidy2.plist')
+ def test_tidy3(self):
+ """ Test for the tidy3.plist file. """
+ self.__check_analyzer_result('tidy3.out',
+ 'test3.cpp_clang-tidy-yaml.plist',
+ ['files/test3.cpp'],
+ 'tidy3_cpp.plist')
+ self.__check_analyzer_result('tidy3.out',
+ 'test3.hh_clang-tidy-yaml.plist',
+ ['files/test3.cpp', 'files/test3.hh'],
+ 'tidy3_hh.plist')
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist
index 8d1478c7ca..41f463c357 100644
--- a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
- location
- col
- 12
- file
- 0
- line
- 4
+ location
+ col
+ 12
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 4
nullptr (fixit)
@@ -82,4 +82,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07829d9191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ diagnostics
+ files
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty1.out b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty2.out b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..384ee9a889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/empty2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/Makefile b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d764acea8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ clang-tidy -checks='-*,clang-diagnostic-*,clang-analyzer-*' test.cpp
+ clang-tidy -checks='-*,clang-diagnostic-*,clang-analyzer-*' test2.cpp
+ clang-tidy -checks='-*,clang-diagnostic-*,clang-analyzer-*,modernize-use-nullptr' test3.cpp -- -I.
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test.cpp b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..029b87fed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+int main() {
+ int x;
+ std::cin >> x;
+ return x % 0;
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test2.cpp b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1133349eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+int main() {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ std::cin >> x;
+ if (false || x) {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ return x % 0;
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.cpp b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..580218cac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "test3.hh"
+int main(int argc, const char** /*argv*/) {
+ int* x = nullptr; // Using nullptr instead of 0 for better clarity
+ // Unused variable and uninitialized variable
+ int y;
+ int z = y + 10; // `y` is uninitialized
+ // Unnecessary copy of a vector
+ std::vector numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ std::vector numbers_copy = numbers; // This copy can be avoided
+ if (foo(argc > 3)) {
+ bar(x);
+ }
+ // Missing check before dereferencing pointer
+ int* p = nullptr;
+ *p = 10; // Dereferencing a null pointer
+ // Redundant check and potential null dereference
+ if (x != nullptr) {
+ std::cout << *x << std::endl; // x is null but it's checked only after dereferencing in `bar`
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.hh b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f83b07103b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/files/test3.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+inline bool foo(bool arg) {
+ // Unnecessary use of the conditional operator, this can be simplified
+ return arg ? true : false;
+inline void bar(int* x) {
+ if (x == nullptr) {
+ // Improperly using x without proper null check, potential crash
+ *x = 0;
+ } else {
+ *x = 42;
+ }
+// Function with a non-const reference parameter that can lead to unintended side effects
+inline void increment(int& value) {
+ value++; // Potential unintended modification of the input argument
+// Unused function declaration, which may raise a warning
+inline void unused_function(int value) {
+ value = value * 2; // No-op, function does nothing meaningful
+// Example of a global variable, which is generally discouraged
+inline int global_variable = 100; // Global variable can cause issues in large projects
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.out b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b239b9e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+MainSourceFile: 'files/test.cpp'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-diagnostic-division-by-zero
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: remainder by zero is undefined
+ FilePath: 'files/test.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 73
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 75
+ Length: 1
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18a28a14ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy1.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ diagnostics
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-diagnostic-division-by-zero
+ description
+ remainder by zero is undefined
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 5a0fa223fabaf319bc0ec3731e27d45a
+ location
+ col
+ 12
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 8
+ path
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 12
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 8
+ message
+ remainder by zero is undefined
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ files
+ files/test.cpp
+ metadata
+ analyzer
+ name
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ generated_by
+ name
+ report-converter
+ version
+ x.y.z
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.out b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce2fd8c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+MainSourceFile: 'files/test2.cpp'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-diagnostic-unused-variable
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: 'unused variable ''y'''
+ FilePath: 'files/test2.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 49
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test2.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 49
+ Length: 1
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-diagnostic-division-by-zero
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: remainder by zero is undefined
+ FilePath: 'files/test2.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 122
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test2.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 124
+ Length: 1
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5d64de3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy2.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ diagnostics
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-diagnostic-unused-variable
+ description
+ unused variable 'y'
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 9f5469099db1a2765912c8254b32e90b
+ location
+ col
+ 7
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 5
+ path
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 7
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 5
+ message
+ unused variable 'y'
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-diagnostic-division-by-zero
+ description
+ remainder by zero is undefined
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 0758808c01c22b4a346799d1156c13a5
+ location
+ col
+ 12
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 13
+ path
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 12
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 13
+ message
+ remainder by zero is undefined
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ files
+ files/test2.cpp
+ metadata
+ analyzer
+ name
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ generated_by
+ name
+ report-converter
+ version
+ x.y.z
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3.out b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20b46bc021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+MainSourceFile: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: 'Value stored to ''z'' during its initialization is never read'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 236
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 236
+ Length: 1
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 240
+ Length: 6
+ Notes:
+ - Message: 'Value stored to ''z'' during its initialization is never read'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 236
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 236
+ Length: 1
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 240
+ Length: 6
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-analyzer-core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: 'The left operand of ''+'' is a garbage value'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 242
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 240
+ Length: 1
+ Notes:
+ - Message: '''y'' declared without an initial value'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 223
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 223
+ Length: 5
+ - Message: 'The left operand of ''+'' is a garbage value'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 242
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.cpp'
+ FileOffset: 240
+ Length: 1
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
+ - DiagnosticName: clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
+ DiagnosticMessage:
+ Message: 'Value stored to ''value'' is never read'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.hh'
+ FileOffset: 593
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.hh'
+ FileOffset: 601
+ Length: 9
+ Notes:
+ - Message: 'Value stored to ''value'' is never read'
+ FilePath: 'files/test3.hh'
+ FileOffset: 593
+ Replacements: []
+ Ranges:
+ - FilePath: 'files/test3.hh'
+ FileOffset: 601
+ Length: 9
+ Level: Warning
+ BuildDirectory: 'files'
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6c6929ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_cpp.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ diagnostics
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
+ description
+ Value stored to 'z' during its initialization is never read
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 8c72757a10cc820f64f58b6bf3a0f84f
+ location
+ col
+ 7
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ path
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 7
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ message
+ Value stored to 'z' during its initialization is never read
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 7
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ message
+ Value stored to 'z' during its initialization is never read
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-analyzer-core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult
+ description
+ The left operand of '+' is a garbage value
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 8a8408703fdb972336eb5eb90b6f02f0
+ location
+ col
+ 13
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ path
+ edges
+ end
+ col
+ 13
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ col
+ 13
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ start
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 9
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 9
+ kind
+ control
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 9
+ message
+ 'y' declared without an initial value
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 13
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ message
+ The left operand of '+' is a garbage value
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 13
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 10
+ message
+ The left operand of '+' is a garbage value
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ files
+ files/test3.cpp
+ metadata
+ analyzer
+ name
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ generated_by
+ name
+ report-converter
+ version
+ x.y.z
diff --git a/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_hh.plist b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_hh.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1141c0a41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/report-converter/tests/unit/analyzers/tidy_yaml_output_test_files/tidy3_hh.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ diagnostics
+ category
+ clang
+ check_name
+ clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
+ description
+ Value stored to 'value' is never read
+ issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context
+ 277ce25eef3e5dbb4c7353638a42a366
+ location
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 22
+ path
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 22
+ message
+ Value stored to 'value' is never read
+ depth
+ 0
+ kind
+ event
+ location
+ col
+ 3
+ file
+ 0
+ line
+ 22
+ message
+ Value stored to 'value' is never read
+ type
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ files
+ files/test3.cpp
+ files/test3.hh
+ metadata
+ analyzer
+ name
+ clang-tidy-yaml
+ generated_by
+ name
+ report-converter
+ version
+ x.y.z