This is a simple log library.
Support linux(x86, arm), android, ios, and support write log to stderr, file or rsyslog.
For console usage, no need to rebuild for setting log level, only to set bash env as follows:
$ export LIBLOG_LEVEL=verbose
[timestamp][prog_name pid tid][level][tag][file:line: func] message
$ export LIBLOG_LEVEL=info
all log which level <= info will be output
enable timestamp
x86/arm build $
make clean
(ormake ARCH=pi
sudo make install
android build $
cd ../android_jni_libs/jni
ndk-build glog
The name of android version is called
because -llog is already used in original android :-( -
for x86 and arm liblog.a liblog.h will be installed in /usr/local/ by default
and for android the liblog will be installed in ../android_jni_libs/obj/local/armeabi/
$ sparse *.c
$ valgrind --leak-check=full ./test_liblog
$ valgrind --tool=helgrind ./test_liblog