FHD uses keywords to create unique run-specific settings. This dictionary describes the purpose of each keyword, as well as their logic or applicable ranges. Some keywords can override others, which is also documentated. The FHD default is listed when applicable, which can be overriden by a top-level script.
For example, a script to aggregate keywords for typical EoR processing runs is eor_wrapper_defaults.pro. It can be called by top-level wrappers to define keywords. Please see the pipeline_scripts repo for more information. Keywords set in eor_wrapper_defaults.pro are labeled below as eor_wrapper_defaults.
This is a work in progress; please add keywords as you find them in alphabetical order with their corresponding definition. If there's a question about a definition or keyword, label it with !Q.
beam_cal_threshold: the fractional power response relative to the peak from which to include sources for calibration.
-Default: 0.05, or 0.01 if allow_sidelobe_sources
beam_clip_floor: Set to subtract the minimum non-zero value of the beam model from all pixels.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 (unset)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
beam_mask_threshold: the factor at which to clip the beam model. For example, a factor of 100 would clip the beam model at 100x down from the maximum value. This removes extraneous and uncertain modelling at low levels.
-Default: 100
beam_model_threshold: the fractional power response relative to the peak from which to include sources for the model.
-Dependency: model_visibilities
must be set
-Default: 0.05, or 0.01 if allow_sidelobe_sources
beam_model_version: a number that indicates the tile beam model calculation. This is dependent on the instrument, and specific calculations are carried out in <instrument>_beam_setup_gain.pro
. For the MWA, there are currently three options: 0) !Q, 1) a Hertzian dipole as prescribed by Cheng 1992 and Balanis 1989, 2) the average embedded element model from Sutinjo 2015. For PAPER, there are currently two options: 1) !Q, 2) !Q. For HERA, there are currently two options: 2) 2016 version by Dave Deboer saved as cross and co-pol, 0) an earlier version !Q saved as X and Y pols.
-MWA range: 0, 1 (or anything else captured in the else
statement), 2
-PAPER range: 1 (or anything else captured in the else
statement), 2
-HERA range: 2 (or anything else captured in the else
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 2
beam_nfreq_avg: the number of fine frequency channels to calculate a beam for, using the average of the frequencies. The beam is a function of frequency, and a calculation on the finest level is most correct (beam_nfreq_avg=1). However, this is computationally difficult for most machines.
-Range: 1-# of frequency channels, as long as it evenly divides the # of frequency channels
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 16
beam_offset_time: calculate the beam at a specific time within the observation. 0 seconds indicates the start of the observation, and the # of seconds in an observation indicates the end of the observation.
-Range: 0-# of seconds in an observation
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 56
complex_beam: set if the beam is complex. Affects how gridding is handled.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
dipole_mutual_coupling_factor: allows a modification to the beam as a result of mutual coupling between dipoles calculated in mwa_dipole_mutual_coupling.pro
(See Sutinjo 2015 for more details).
-Needs updating: calculation is done for the MWA setup, even if a different instrument is being used if dipole_mutual_coupling_factor
is set. Needs to have an extra check !Q
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
inst_tile_ptr: a pointer array to designate which tile indices belong to which instrument. The order of the pointer array is assumed to match the order of instruments specified in the keyword string array instrument
. Only used if there is more than one instrument supplied. Tiles are numbered from 0.
-Example: inst_tile_ptr = PTRARR(2,/allocate)
*inst_tile_ptr[0] = [0,1,2,3]
*inst_tile_ptr[1] = [4,5,6]
-Default: not set
interpolate_beam_threshold: set to smoothly interpolate the UV beam model to zero (in amplitude) beyond the clip set by beam_mask_threshold
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: Not set (same as 0)
interpolate_kernel: use interpolation of the gridding kernel while gridding and degridding, rather than selecting the closest super-resolution kernel.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
kernel_window: modify the gridding kernel by applying a window function to the primary beam according to a user choice. If set, but not a string and nonzero, assigns 'Blackman-Harris^2'. Forces the value of psf_dim to be 18.
-Options: 'Hann', 'Hamming', 'Blackman', 'Nutall', 'Blackman-Nutall',
'Blackman-Harris', 'Blackman-Harris^2', 'Tukey'
-Default: Not set (not the same as setting to 0!)
psf_dim: Sets the PSF dimension in UV space in units of pixels. By default calculated based on max antenna size, max frequency, and kbinsize (see fhd_struct_init_antenna.pro
for calculation). Must be an even integer. Will be overwritten to 28 if debug_dim is set, and overwritten to 18 if kernel_window is set.
-Default: not set
psf_max_dim: Must be an even integer. Will decrease psf_dim to this value if it is calculated to be higher.
-Default: not set
psf_resolution: super-resolution factor of the psf in UV space. Values greater than 1 increase the resolution of the gridding kernel.
-Default: 16
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 100
save_beam_metadata_only: save only the metadata associated with the beam to speed up I/O and reduce required space. Skips writing the Jones matrix completely and writes everything but the beam_ptr
in the psf structure. Depending on beam frequency resolution, this can save upwards of 10Gb of space per observation.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: Not set (same as 0)
transfer_psf: filepath to the FHD beams directory with the same obsid's psf structure (i.e. /path/to/FHD/dir/fhd_nb_test/beams
). That psf structure is used instead of calculating a new one. The obs structure from that FHD directory is also used to provide the beam_integral. If the obs structure is in the metadata
directory and the beams structure is in the beams
directory, you can instead provide the path to their parent directory (i.e. /path/to/FHD/dir/fhd_nb_test
-Default: not set
allow_sidelobe_cal_sources: allows FHD to calibrate on sources in the sidelobes. Forces the beam_threshold to 0.01 in order to go down to 1% of the beam to capture sidelobe sources during the generation of a calibration source catalog for the particular observation.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: Unset, unless calibration_subtract_sidelobe_catalog is set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
bandpass_calibrate: calculates a bandpass. This is an average of tiles by frequency by polarization (default), beamformer-to-LNA cable types by frequency by polarization (see cable_bandpass_fit
), or over the whole season by pointing by by cable type by frequency by polarization via a read-in file (see saved_run_bp
). If unset, no by-frequency bandpass is used.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
cable_bandpass_fit: average the calibration solutions across tiles within a cable grouping for the particular instrument.
-Dependency: instrument_config/<instrument>_cable_length.txt
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 (not set)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
cal_amp_degree_fit: the order of the polynomial fit over the whole band to create calibration solutions for the amplitude of the gain. Setting it to 0 gives a 0th order polynomial fit (one number for the whole band), 1 gives a 1st order polynomial fit (linear fit), 2 gives a 2nd order polynomial fit (quadratic), etc etc.
-Dependency: calibration_polyfit must be on for the polynomial fitting to occur.
-Default: 0 if calibration_polyfit
is unset, 2 if calibration_polyfit
is set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 2
cal_bp_transfer: use a saved bandpass for bandpass calibration. Read in the specified file (.sav, .txt, or .fits), with calfits format greatly preferred. If set to 1, becomes mwa_eor0_highband_season1_cable_bandpass.fits
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 (unset)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
cal_convergence_threshold: threshold at which calibration ends. Calibration convergence is quantified by the absolute value of the fractional change in the gains over the last calibration iteration. If this quantity is less than cal_convergence_threshold
then calibration terminates.
-Default: 1E-7
cal_gain_init: initial gain values for calibration. Selecting accurate inital calibration values speeds up calibration and can improve convergence. This keyword will not be used if calibration_auto_initialize is set.
-Default: 1.
cal_mode_fit: determines whether calibration will fit for reflection in cables. This will be set if
, cal_reflection_mode_theory
, cal_reflection_mode_delay
, or cal_reflection_hyperresolve
is set. Setting it to a positive cable length (scalar or array) will specifically include the associated tiles for fitting. Setting it to a negative cable length (scalar or array) will specifically exclude the associated tiles from fitting.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
cal_phase_degree_fit: the order of the polynomial fit over the whole band to create calibration solutions for the phase of the gain. Setting it to 0 gives a 0th order polynomial fit (one number for the whole band), 1 gives a 1st order polynomial fit (linear fit), 2 gives a 2nd order polynomial fit (quadratic), etc etc.
-Dependency: calibration_polyfit
must be on for the polynomial fitting to occur.
-Default: 0 if calibration_polyfit
is unset, 1 if calibration_polyfit
is set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
cal_reflection_hyperresolve: hyperresolve and fit residual gains using nominal reflection modes (calculated from cal_reflection_mode_delay
or cal_reflection_mode_theory
) , producing a finetuned mode fit, amplitude, and phase. Will be ignored if cal_reflection_mode_file
is set because it is assumed that a file read-in contains mode/amp/phase to use.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
cal_reflection_mode_delay: calculate cable reflection modes by Fourier transforming the residual gains, removing modes contaminated by frequency flagging, and choosing the maximum mode.
-Default: not set
cal_reflection_mode_file: use predetermined cable reflection parameters (mode, amplitude, and phase) in the calibration solutions. Set to 1 to correct antennas using default tile for instrument (e.g. FHD/instrument_config/mwa_cable_reflection_coefficients.txt
) or set to a filepath with the reflection coefficients. The specified format of the text file must have one header line and eleven columns (tile index, tile name, cable length, cable velocity factor, logic on whether to fit (1) or not (0), mode for X, amplitude for X, phase for X, mode for Y, amplitude for Y, phase for Y). See vis_cal_polyfit.pro
for units.
-Default: undefined
cal_reflection_mode_theory: calculate theoretical cable reflection modes given the velocity and length data stored in a config file named <instrument>_cable_length.txt
. File must have a header line and at least five columns (tile index, tile name, cable length, cable velocity factor, logic on whether to fit (1) or not (0)). Can set it to positive/negative cable lengths (see cal_mode_fit
) to include/exclude certain cable types.
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 150
cal_stop: stops the code right after calibration, and saves unflagged model visibilities along with the obs structure in a folder called cal_prerun in the FHD file structure. This allows for post-processing calibration steps like multi-day averaging, but still has all of the needed information for minimal reprocessing to get to the calibration step. To run a post-processing run, see keywords model_transfer
and transfer_psf
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
cal_time_average: performs a time average of the model/data visibilities over the time steps in the observation to reduce the number of equations that are used in the linear-least squares solver. This improves computation time, but will downweight longer baseline visibilities due to their faster phase variation.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
calibrate_visibilities: turn on or turn off calibration of the visibilities. If turned on, calibration of the dirty, modelling, and subtraction to make a residual occurs. Otherwise, none of these occur and an uncalibrated dirty cube is output.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
calibration_auto_fit: use the autocorrelations to calibrate. This will suffer from increased, correlated noise and bit statistic errors. However, this will save the autos as the gain in the cal structure, which can be a useful diagnostic.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
calibration_auto_initialize: initialize gain values for calibration with the autocorrelations. If unset, gains will initialize to 1 or the value supplied by cal_gain_init.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
calibration_base_gain: The relative weight to give the old calibration solution when averaging with the new. Set to 1. to give equal weight, to 2. to give more weight to the old solution and slow down convergence, or to 0.5 to give greater weight to the new solution and attempt to speed up convergence. If use_adaptive_calibration_gain is set, the weight of the new calibration solutions will be calculated in the range calibration_base_gain/2. to 1.0
-Default: 1.0
calibration_catalog_file_path: The file path to the desired source catalog to be used for calibration. The source catalog can be provided as either a IDL .sav file or a .skyh5 file. A .skyh5 file must be created with pyradiosky or conform to the pyradiosky formatting convention.
-Default: filepath(instrument
-eor_wrapper_default: filepath('GLEAM_v2_plus_rlb2019.sav',root=rootdir('FHD'),subdir='catalog_data')
calibration_flag_iterate: number of times to repeat calibration in order to better identify and flag bad antennas so as to exclude them from the final result.
-Default: 0 (repeat 0 times i.e. do not repeat)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
calibration_flux_threshold: this sets an lower exclusion threshold in flux (Jy) for the calibration sources. If the flux threshold is negative, then it is treated as a upper exlusion threshold in flux (Jy).
-Default: not set
calibration_polyfit: calculates a polynomial fit across the frequency band for the gain, and allows a cable reflection to be fit. The orders of the polynomial fit are determined by cal_phase_degree_fit
and cal_amp_degree_fit
. If unset, no polynomial fit or cable reflection fit are used.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
calibration_subtract_sidelobe_catalog: set to subtract a catalog in the sidelobes that is different from that used in the primary beam
calibration_visibilities_subtract: Subtract model visibilities from calibrated dirty visibilities, leaving only residual calibrated visibilities. Recommended to be deprecated in issue #187.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
diffuse_calibrate: path to the .sav file or .skyh5 file containing a map/model of the diffuse in which to calibrate on. The map/model undergoes a DFT for every pixel, and the contribution from every pixel is added to the model visibilities from which to calibrate on. If no diffuse_model is specified, then this map/model is used for the subtraction model as well. See diffuse_model for information about the formatting of the .sav file.
-Default: undefined (off)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
digital_gain_jump_polyfit: perform polynomial fitting for the amplitude separately before and after the highband digital gain jump at 187.515E6.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: undefined (off)
fill_model_visibilities: calculate model even where there are flags (without unflagging that data)
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
firstpass: Sets defaults for a standard firstpass run: sets deconvolve=0 and mapfn_recalculate=0 (overwriting them if they were previously set to 1), if return_cal_visibilities or export_images are unset, then it sets them both to 1.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: Undefined (0)
gaussian_source_models: uses SHAPE information provided in the sky catalog to build Gaussian models of extended sources. See Line et al. 2020 for more details on implementation. The models are only accurate to within ~10%, and this is an ongoing issue (see Issue #211).
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: undefined (off)
include_catalog_sources: Adds sources in the file specified by catalog_file_path to the source_list for simulations (used in vis_simulate.pro)
-Default : 0
-If set to zero, and no source_array is passed to vis_simulate, then no point sources will be included in the simulation. Originally, sim_versions_wrapper would load the source array directly and pass it along to vis_simulate, then additional sources could be included via catalog_file_path. This feature has been turned off, so this parameter alone specified whether or not point sources will be included in simulations. !Q
initial_calibration: Path to an existing calibration file to use as the starting point in calibration.
-Default : Unset
max_cal_baseline: the maximum baseline length in wavelengths to be used in calibration. If max_baseline is smaller, it will be used instead.
-Default: equal to max_baseline
max_calibration_sources: limits the number of sources used in the calibration. Sources are weighted by apparent brightness before applying the cut. Note that extended sources with many associated source components count as only a single source.
-Default: All valid sources in the catalog are used.
min_cal_baseline: the minimum baseline length in wavelengths to be used in calibration.
-Default: equal to min_baseline
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 50
model_transfer: filepath to the FHD directory with model visbilities of the same obsid to be used instead of recalculating (i.e. /path/to/the/FHD/dir/fhd_nb_test/cal_prerun/vis_data
). This is currently only an option for when the calibration model visibilities are the same as the subtraction model visibilities. The model visibilities can't have been flagged (see cal_stop
on how to generate unflagged model visbilities).
model_uv_transfer: filepath to the generated non-instrumental model uv-plane of the same obsid to be used instead of recalculating (i.e. '<path>/<to>/<FHDdir>/cal_prerun/' + obs_id + '_model_uv_arr.sav'
). This is useful for creating model visibilities with different beam kernels using the same set of sources, and will bypass all source list generation, source DFTing, and source images. Non-instrumental model uv-planes are only saved when cal_stop
is set.
n_avg: number of frequencies to average over to smooth the frequency band.
-Default: !Q
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 2
no_restrict_cal_sources: Ignore beam threshold values and and edge distance when selecting sources to include in the calibration catalog. (Does not look like this is used in any meaningful way anywhere, i.e. deprecated)
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: unset
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
phase_fit_iter: Set the iteration number to begin phase calibration. Before this, phase is held fixed and only amplitude is being calibrated.
-Default: 4
return_cal_visibilities: saves the visibilities created for calibration for use in the model. If model_visibilities
is set to 0, then the calibration model visibilities and the model visibilities will be the same if return_cal_visibilities
is set. If model_visibilities
is set to 1, then any new modelling (of more sources, diffuse, etc.) will take place and the visibilities created for the calibration model will be added. If n_pol = 4 (full pol mode), return_cal_visibilites must be set because the visibilites are required for calculating the mixing angle between Q and U.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: If firstpass keyword is set, and this one is not, defaults to 1, else is unset.
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
transfer_calibration: the file path of a calibration to be read-in. The string can be: a directory where a <obsid>_cal.sav is located, the full file path with the obsid (file/path/<obsid>), the full file path to a sav file, the full file path to txt file, the full file path to a npz file, the full file path to a npy file, or the full file path to a fits file that adheres to calfits format. Note that this will calibrate, but not generate a model. Please set model visibility keywords separately to generate a subtraction model.
-Default: not set
use_adaptive_calibration_gain: Controls whether to use a Kalman Filter to adjust the gain to use for each iteration of calculating calibration. See calibration_base_gain for more information.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: not set
vis_baseline_hist: !Q
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
WARNING! Options in this section may change without notice, and should never be turned on by default.
debug_beam_clip_grow: Set to grow the UV beam mask by one full-resolution pixel in all directions, after applying the clip set by beam_mask_threshold
-Turn on: 1
debug_clip_beam_mask: Set to mask pixels in the UV beam model if the pixel would be masked for any super-resolution offset.
-Turn on: 1
debug_dim: Set psf_dim=28
. Will be overwritten if kernel_window
is set.
-Turn on: 1
debug_flip: Swap the X and Y beams (use the Y beam for X and the X beam for Y).
-Turn on: 1
beam_max_threshold: Completely mask all pixels below this beam threshold during deconvolution.
-Default: 1E-4
beam_threshold: Fraction of beam max value below which to mask the beam for deconvolution. 0.05 is really as far down as you should go with our current MWA beam models. This keyword is also used for calibration and modeling, but will be overwritten by beam_model_threshold
or beam_cal_threshold
if provided, and will be overwritten to 0.01 for those steps if allow_sidelobe_sources
is turned on. This keyword is also used for beam modeling in some simulation code.
-Default: 0.05
check_iter Sets how frequently deconvolution will do a convergence check.
-Default: 5 (check every 5th iteration)
deconvolve: run fast holgraphic deconvolution.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 !Q
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
deconvolution_add_threshold: Used in source detection to also fit additional components brighter than this threshold, written as percentage of max pixel flux.
-Default: 0.8
deconvolution_convergence_sigma: End iterative deconvolution if the S/N of the brightest component is below this threshold.
-Default: 2
deconvolution_filter: filter applied to images from deconvolution.
-Default: filter_uv_uniform
-eor_wrapper_defaults: filter_uv_uniform
deconvolution_horizon_threshold: degrees above the horizon to exclude from deconvolution.
-Default: 10
deconvolution_over_resolution: Sets the over-resolution to use for deconvolution.
-Default: 2
filter_background: filters out large-scale background fluctuations before deconvolving point sources.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
gain_factor: a fractional amount to add to the flux of a given source to compensate for not capturing all flux in deconvolution components.
-Default: 0.15
galaxy_model_fit: Option to subtract a model of diffuse emission from the galaxy. Uses catalog_data/lambda_haslam408_dsds.fits
-Default: 0
independent_fit: fit source components in 4 Stokes parameters I, Q, U, V instead of only Stokes I.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
local_max_radius: Used in source detection to require that sources be somewhat isolated in order to be detected. Sources must be brighter than all other pixels within this radius to be detected. -Default: 3, but seems to be automatically overwritten in almost all use cases based on various beam width calculations. Use with caution.
max_deconvolution_components: the number of source components allowed to be found in fast holographic deconvolution. Not used outside of deconvolution.
-Default: 100000
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 20000
max_iter: Sets the maxiumum iterations deconvolution can do.
Default: Square root of max_deconvolution_components
reject_pol_sources: rejects source candidates that have a high Stokes Q to Stokes I ratio.
-Needs updating: not used in code!
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
return_sidelobe_catalog: include sidelobes sources from the subtract_sidelobe_catalog
in the component/source list. Source finding will be performed on the input sidelobe sources. This will also include the sidelobe sources in foreground subtraction.
-Dependency: deconvolve
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect. subtract_sidelobe_catalog
must also be set.
-Default: not set
sigma_cut: only include source components detected with signal to noise greater than the specified standard deviation. Also used when condensing components to sources after deconvolution.
-Dependency: deconvolve
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: 2
smooth_width: integer equal to the size of the region to smooth when filtering out large-scale background fluctuations.
-Dependency: filter_background
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: 32
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 32
subtract_sidelobe_catalog: a catalog to subtract sources from the sidelobes before deconvolution.
-Dependency: deconvolve
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
transfer_mapfn: Option to use an existing mapfn instead of calculating it. To use, provide a path to a mapfn file.
-Default: Unset
bubble_fname: Specify the path to an HDF5 file containing at least "spectral_info/spectrum" and "spectral_info/freq" of shapes (Npix, Nchan) and (Nchan,), respectively. The "spectrum" object is a set of healpix maps vs frequency representing a full sky EoR signal.
-Dependency: An input HDF5 file of the correct shape.
-Default: not set
-Notes: The frequency channels of the map must exactly match the channel centers of the simulated instrument. This does not do any interpolation or selection in frequency.
select_radius_multiplier: A circular region is selected from the input healpix maps, corresponding with the primary beam radius. This sets the selection radius to (primary_beam_radius)x(select_radius_multiplier)
-Dependency: hpx_select_radius must not be set for this to take effect.
-Default: 1
hpx_select_radius: In degrees, the radius of a circular selection to make on the sky. Overrides select_radius_multiplier.
-Default: not set
ltaper: If set, a tanh-function window will be applied to the input map in spherical harmonic space.
-Dependency: Python with healpy version >1.11 must be available.
-Default: not set.
-Notes: This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the indicated block in simulation/eor_bubble_sim.pro.
orthomap_var: If set, replace the interpolated orthoslant maps (binned from the input HEALPix shell) with Gaussian noise of mean 0 and variance orthomap_var.
-Default: not set.
shellreplace: Replace the input HEALPix shell with a shell of gaussian noise with the same mean and variance.
-Default: 0
-Turn off/on: 0/1
enhance_eor: input a multiplicative factor to boost the signal of the EoR in the dirty input visibilities.
-Dependency: eor_savefile
must be set to an EoR sav file path in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
eor_savefile: input a path to a savefile of EoR visibilities to include the EoR in the dirty input visibilities.
-Dependency: in_situ_input
must be set to 1 or a sav file path in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
in_situ_sim_input: run an in situ simulation, where model visibilities are made and input as the dirty visibilities (see Barry et. al. 2016 for more information on use-cases). Setting to 1 forces the visibilities to be made within the current run. Setting to a sav file path inputs model visibilities from a previous run, which is the preferred method since that run is independently documented.
-Default: not set
sim_noise: add a uncorrelated thermal noise to the input dirty visibilities from a specified sav file, or create them for the run.
-Dependency: in_situ_input
must be set to 1 or a sav file path in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
allow_sidelobe_model_sources: allows FHD to model sources in the sidelobes for subtraction. Forces the beam_threshold to 0.01 in order to go down to 1% of the beam to capture sidelobe sources during the generation of a model calibration source catalog for the particular observation.
-Dependency: model_visibilities
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: Unset, unless model_visibilities and model_subtract_sidelobe_catalog are set OR deconvolve and subtract_sidelobe_catalog are set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
combine_skymodels: combines the calibration and model skymodel together. Sources are marked as duplicates if matched by 1/100th of a pixel. If return_cal_visibilities
is set, then only the non-duplicate model sources are calculated, which are added to the returned calibration visibilities to build the full model. This assumes that the calibration skymodel is a subset of the model skymodel. This reduces the number of calculations and is thus more efficient. If return_cal_visibilities
is not set, then the entire model skymodel is calculated. If save_skymodel
is set, then the calibration skymodel (marked with include_calibration=1
in the structure) and non-duplicate model skymodel (marked with include_calibration=0
in the structure) are saved as one output.
-Dependency: calibrate_visibilities
and model_visibilities
must be set to 1
-Default: Unset
-Turn off/on: 0/1
conserve_memory: split the model DFT into matrix chunks to reduce the memory load at the cost of extra walltime. If set to greater than 1e6, then it will set the maximum memory used in bytes.
-Default: 1 (100 Mb)
-Turn off/on: 0/1 (optionally set to bytes)
diffuse_fft_window: an array of two strings indicating the anti-aliasing window to be used before the FFT (first element) and after the FFT (second element) as defined by spectral_window.pro
in the fhdps_utils repo. If a Tukey window is specified before the FFT, then the alpha parameter will be calculated to align with the primary lobe of the instrument. If a Tukey window is specified after the FFT, then the alpha parameter will be calculated to align with 50 wavelengths.
-Turn off/on: 0/1 (which defaults to ['Tukey','Blackman-Harris'])
-Default: 0
diffuse_model: File path to the diffuse model .sav file or .skyh5 file.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
-If a .sav file is used, the file should contain the following:
- MODEL_ARR = A healpix map with the diffuse model. Diffuse model has units Jy/sr unless keyword diffuse_units_kelvin is set. The model can be an array of pixels, a pointer to an array of pixels, or an array of four pointers corresponding to I, Q, U, and V Stokes polarized maps.
- NSIDE = The corresponding NSIDE parameter of the healpix map.
- HPX_INDS = The corresponding healpix indices of the model_arr.
- UNITS = The units of the map, either Jy/sr or Kelvin.
- COORD_SYS = (Optional) 'galactic' or 'celestial'. Specifies the coordinate system of the healpix map. GSM is in galactic coordinates, for instance. If missing, defaults to equatorial.
-If a .skyh5 file is used, the file should be formatted with the pyradiosky conventions.
diffuse_units_kelvin: defines the units of the diffuse model to be in units Kelvin. If the units are specified as Kelvin in the diffuse_model
, then this will be set. Used if either diffuse_model or diffuse_calibrate are set.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
max_model_sources: limits the number of sources used in the model. Sources are weighted by apparent brightness before applying the cut. Note that extended sources with many associated source components count as only a single source.
-Dependency: model_visibilities
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: All valid sources are used. !Q
model_catalog_file_path: a catalog of sources to be used to make model visibilities for subtraction. The source catalog can be provided as either a IDL .sav file or a .skyh5 file. A .skyh5 file must be created with pyradiosky or conform to the pyradiosky formatting convention.
-Dependency: model_visibilities
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: filepath('GLEAM_v2_plus_rlb2019.sav',root=rootdir('FHD'),subdir='catalog_data')
model_flux_threshold: this sets an lower exclusion threshold in flux (Jy) for the model sources. If the flux threshold is negative, then it is treated as a upper exlusion threshold in flux (Jy).
-Dependency: model_visibilities
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
model_visibilities: make visibilities for the subtraction model separately from the model used in calibration. This is useful if the user sets keywords to make the subtraction model different from the model used in calibration. If not set, the model used for calibration is the same as the subtraction model.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
combine_healpix: old way to integrate all observations from one FHD run into a single Healpix-gridded image
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
export_images: export fits files and images of the sky.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
image_filter_fn: weighting filter to be applyed to resulting snapshot images and fits files. Options include filter_uv_hanning, filter_uv_natural, filter_uv_radial, filter_uv_tapered_uniform, filter_uv_uniform, and filter_uv_optimal. Specifics on these filters can be found in FHD/fhd_output/fft_filters
-Default: filter_uv_uniform
-eor_wrapper_defaults: filter_uv_uniform
instr_high: maximum colorbar value for exported instrumental polarization .ps or .png images. Applies to all instrumental polarization images: XX, YY, and XY real and imaginary.
-Default: not set
instr_low: minimum colorbar value for exported instrumental polarization .ps or .png images. Applies to all instrumental polarization images: XX, YY, and XY real and imaginary.
-Default: not set
mark_zenith: Place a cross at zenith on output images. -Default: 0 -Turn off/on: 0/1
no_fits: do not export fits files of the sky. This typically saves ~20Mb of memory for every fits file, which by default there are 16 for two polarizations.
-Needs updating: might be better to change the logic (avoid the double negative) !Q.
-Dependency: export_images
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
no_png: do not export any pngs (including standard images and images of calibration solutions).
-Dependency: export_images
must be set to 1 in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
output_directory: the absolute path to the output directory for the FHD output run folder. See version
-Default: not set
pad_uv_image: pad the UV image by this factor with 0's along the outside so that output images are at a higher resolution.
-Default: 1.
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1.
restrict_hpx_inds: only allow gridding of the output healpix cubes to include the healpix pixels specified in a save file. This is useful for restricting many observations to have consistent healpix pixels during integration, and saves on memory and walltime. Set to a string to specify the name of the save file in the Observations subdirectory.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1, which defaults to EoR0_high_healpix_inds.idlsave
, EoR0_low_healpix_inds.idlsave
, EoR1_high_healpix_inds.idlsave
, or EoR1_low_healpix_inds.idlsave
depending on obs parameters.
ring_radius: sets the size of the rings around sources in the restored images. To generate restored images without rings, set ring_radius = 0.
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 10.xpad_uv_image
save_skymodel: save the skymodel. If both calibrate_visibilities
and model_visibilities
are set, then save them individually as skymodel_cal
and skymodel_model
unless combine_skymodels
is set.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
save_uvf: saves the gridded uv plane as a function of frequency for dirty, model, weights, and variance cubes.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
save_visibililties: save the calibrated data visibilities, the model visibilities, and the visibility flags.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1 probably
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
silent: do not print messages.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
snapshot_healpix_export: appears to be preserving visibilities. Save model/dirty/residual/weights/variance cubes as healpix arrays, split into even and odd time samples, in preparation for eppsilon. !Q
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
split_ps_export: split up the Healpix outputs into even and odd time samples. This is essential to propogating errors in εppsilon. Requires more than one time sample.
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
stokes_high: maximum colorbar value for exported Stokes .ps or .png images. Applies to all Stokes images: I, Q, U, and V.
-Default: not set
stokes_low: minimum colorbar value for exported Stokes .ps or .png images. Applies to all Stokes images: I, Q, U, and V.
-Default: not set
version: unique identifier for the output folder. The absolute path to the output will then be <output_directory>/fhd_<version>
. This can be used to build case statements to call specific sets of keywords in a personal script.
write_healpix_fits: create Healpix fits files. Healpix fits maps are in units Jy/sr.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
channel_edge_flag_width: number of channels to flag at the edge of each coarse band. Used only if instrument is set to "mwa" or "mwa32t".
-Default: 4 for instrument="mwa32t", depends on the number of frequency channels for instrument="mwa"
dead_dipole_list: an array of 3 x # of dead dipoles, where column 0 is the tile name, column 1 is the polarization (0:x, 1:y), and column 2 is the dipole number. These dipoles are flagged, which greatly increases memory usage due to the creation of many separate tile beams.
-Default: not set
flag_calibration: flags antennas based on calculations in vis_calibration_flag.pro
-Needs update: keyword check both in general_obs and vis_calibrate !Q
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
flag_dead_dipoles: flag the dead dipoles listed in <instrument>_dead_dipole_list.txt
for the golden set of Aug 23, 2013. This greatly increases memory usage due to the creation of many separate tile beams.
-Default: not set
flag_visibilities: flag visibilities based on calculations in vis_flag.pro
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
freq_end: Frequency in MHz to end the observation. Flags frequencies greater than it.
-Default: not set
freq_start: Frequency in MHz to begin the observation. Flags frequencies less than it.
-Default: not set
no_calibration_frequency_flagging: do not flag frequencies based off of zeroed calibration gains.
-Needs updating: might be better if changed to calibration_frequency_flagging and change the logic (avoid the double negative) !Q.
-Turn off/on: 0/1 (flag/don't flag)
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
no_frequency_flagging: do not flag extra frequency channels, such as the edges of the coarse bands for the MWA. In addition, remove pre-processing frequency flags if the data is non-zero.
-Turn off/on: 0/1 (flag/don't flag)
-Default: not set
no_ps : Do not save output images in postscript format. Only png and fits.
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
tile_flag_list: a string array of tile names to manually flag tiles. Note that this is an array of tile names, not tile indices!
-Default: not set
time_cut: seconds to cut (rounded up to next time integration step) from the beginning of the observation. Can also specify a negative time to cut off the end of the observation. Specify a vector to cut at both the start and end.
-Default: not set
transfer_weights: transfers weights information from another run. Set to a filename of the flags save file in the vis_data directory.
-Default: not set
unflag_all: unflag all tiles/antennas and frequencies. While not practical for real data, this is useful for creating unflagged model visibilities for the input of an in-situ simulations.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
alt: altitude of the instrument, in meters.
-Default: 377.827 (MWA, from Tingay et al. 2013)
lat: latitude of the instrument, in decimal degrees.
-Default: -26.7033194 (MWA, from Tingay et al. 2013)
lon: longitude of the instrument, in decimal degrees.
-Default: 116.67081524 (MWA, from Tingay et al. 2013)
no_rephase: set to use the observation phase center rather than the predefined phase center in the metafits. This forces the phase center to be determined from the header keywords RA and Dec, rather than RAPHASE and DECPHASE.
-needs updating: double logical negative !Q
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
obs_id: the unique identifier for the observation. Examples are GPS seconds or Julian Dates. The input uvfits file must share this unique identifier name: <obs_id>.uvfits
-Default: not set
override_target_phasedec: dec of the target phase center, which overrides the value supplied in the metafits under the header keyword DECPHASE. If the metafits doesn't exist, it ovverides the value supplied in the uvfits under the header keyword Dec.
-Default: not set
override_target_phasera: RA of the target phase center, which overrides the value supplied in the metafits under the header keyword RAPHASE. If the metafits doesn't exist, it ovverides the value supplied in the uvfits under the header keyword RA.
-Default: not set
rephase_weights: if turned off, target phase center is the pointing center (as defined by Cotter). Setting rephase_weights=0 overrides override_target_phasera and override_target_phasedec.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
time_offset: time offset of phase center in seconds from start time of the observation.
-Default: 0 second offset
uvfits_subversion: the subversion number of the uvfits. Here are the available uvfits versions, ordered by version number and subversion number: 3,3 was used to test compressed fits; 3,4 was a rerun of 3,1 with a newer version of cotter before that version was recorded; 4,0 went back to old settings for an industrial run; 4,1 was the same as 4,0 but for running on compressed gpubox files; 5,0 was a test to phase all obs to zenith (phasing needs to be added per obs currently); 5,1 incorperates flag files and runs cotter without the bandpass applied, with all the other default settings.
-Range: currently 0 to 4
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
uvfits_version: the version number of the uvfits. See uvfits_subversion
for the uvfits versions available.
-Range: currently 3 to 5
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 5
cleanup: deletes some intermediate data products that are easy to recalculate in order to save disk space
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
grid_recalculate: !Q
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 if recalculate_all
is not set
healpix_recalculate: forces FHD to recalculate Healpix cubes.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 if recalculate_all
is not set
mapfn_recalculate: forces FHD to recalculate the mapping function.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 if recalculate_all
is not set
recalculate_all: forces FHD to recalculate all values instead of reading in save files. This is the same as setting grid_recalculate
, healpix_recalculate
, mapfn_recalculate
, and snapshot_recalculate
to 1.
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 1
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
snapshot_recalculate: !Q
-Turn off/on: 0/1
-Default: 0 if recalculate_all
is not set
baseline_threshold: Positive numbers cut baselines shorter than the given number in wavelengths. Negative numbers cut baselines longer than the given number in wavelengths. This keyword is deprecated because it does not return the correct image normalization. Consider using min_baseline and max_baseline instead.
-Default: 0
dft_threshold: set equal to 1 to use the DFT approximation. When set equal to 0 the true DFT is calculated for each source. It can also be explicitly set to a value that determines the accuracy of the approximation.
-Default: 1
dimension: the number of pixels in the UV plane along one axis.
-Default: 2 to the power of the rounded result of log₂(k_span/k_binsize).
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 2048
FoV: A proxy for the field of view in degrees. FoV
is actually used to determine kbinsize
, which will be set to !RaDeg/FoV
. This means that the pixel size at phase center times dimension
is approximately equal to FoV
, which is not equal to the actual field of view owing to larger pixel sizes away from phase center. If set to 0, then kbinsize
determines the UV resolution.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0
kbinsize: size of UV pixels in wavelengths. Given a defined number of pixels in dimension
, this sets the UV space extent. This will supersede degpix
if dimension
is also set.
-Dependency: will only go into effect if FoV
is not set.
-Default: 0.5 if dimension
, and kbinsize
, FoV
are not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0.5
max_baseline: the maximum baseline length in wavelengths to include in the analysis.
-Default: the maximum baseline length in wavelengths of the instrument, specifically calculated from the params structure
min_baseline: the minimum baseline length in wavelengths to include in the analysis.
-Default: the minimum baseline length in wavelengths of the instrument, specifically calculated from the params structure. This includes autocorrelations (!Q is that right Ian?)
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 1
n_pol: number of polarizations to use (XX, YY versus XX, YY, XY, YX).
-Set: 2/4
-Default: 2
ps_beam_threshold : Minimum value to which to calculate the beam out to in image space. The beam in UV space is pre-calculated and may have its own beam_threshold
(see that keyword for more information), and this is only an additional cut in image space.
-Default: not set
ps_degpix : Degrees per pixel for Healpix cube generation. If ps_kspan
, ps_dimension
, or ps_degpix
are not set, the UV plane dimension is calculated from the FoV and the degpix
from the obs structure.
-Dependency: ps_kspan
and ps_dimension
must not be set in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
ps_dimension : UV plane dimension in pixel number for Healpix cube generation. Overrides ps_degpix
if set. If ps_kspan
, ps_dimension
, or ps_degpix
are not set, the UV plane dimension is calculated from the FoV and the degpix
from the obs structure.
-Dependency: ps_kspan
must not be set in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
ps_fov : Field of view in degrees for Healpix cube generation. Overrides kpix
in the obs structure if set.
-Dependency: ps_kbinsize
must not be set in order for the keyword to take effect.
-Default: not set
ps_kbinsize : UV pixel size in wavelengths to grid for Healpix cube generation. Overrides ps_fov
and the kpix
in the obs structure if set.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 0.5
ps_kspan : UV plane dimension in wavelengths for Healpix cube generation. Overrides ps_dimension
and ps_degpix
if set. If ps_kspan
, ps_dimension
, or ps_degpix
are not set, the UV plane dimension is calculated from the FoV and the degpix
from the obs structure.
-Default: not set
-eor_wrapper_defaults: 600.
ps_nfreq_avg : A factor to average up the frequency resolution of the HEALPix cubes from the analysis frequency resolution.
-Default: averages by a factor of 2
ps_psf_resolution : !Q
-Default: not set
ps_tile_flag_list : !Q
-Default: not set