π Zashi - First Official GitHub Release! π
- We refactored the QR code image logic to work with the newer ZashiQr component.
- The colors of the QR code image on the SignTransaction screen are now the same for both color themes to improve
scanning by the Keystone device. - We improved the block synchronization progress logic to return an uncompleted percentage in case the Synchronizer
is still in the SYNCING state. - We updated the Keystone SDK to version 0.7.10, which brings a significant QR code scanning improvement.
- We fixed the logic for the Disconnected popup for cases when the app is backgrounded.
- We also resolved an issue with the app's navigation stack not getting cleared up after clicking on the View
Transactions button.
Note: The APKs below are provided with their signatures (.asc), which use the ECC GPG key. Here is the link to the ECC public key https://apt.z.cash/zcash.asc