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MAP Omnichain Service

Setup Instructions

Edit the .env-example.txt file and save it as .env

The following node and npm versions are required

$ node -v
$ npm -v

Configuration file description

PRIVATE_KEY User-deployed private key

INFURA_KEY User-deployed infura key


FeeCenter contract is a contract used to manage cross-chain charges

MapCrossChainService contract is suitable for evm-compatible chains and implements cross-chain logic

MAPCrossChainServiceRelay contract implements cross-chain logic and basic cross-chain control based on MapChain

TokenRegister contract is used to control the mapping of cross-chain tokens

The MAPVaultToken contract is a treasury and fee growth for users to provide cross-chain pledges

StandardToken contract is a token contract that has roles to control minting and destruction

MapCrossChainServiceProxy is the contract for MapCrossChainService upgrade

MAPCrossChainServiceRelayProxy is the contract for MAPCrossChainServiceRelay upgrade


git clone
cd map-contracts/mcs/evm/
npm install


npx hardhat test


MOS Relay

The following steps help to deploy MOS relay contracts on Map mainnet or Makalu testnet

  1. Deploy Fee Center and Token Register
npx hardhat deploy --tags FeeCenter --network <network>
npx hardhat deploy --tags TokenRegister --network <network>
  1. Deploy MOS Relay
npx hardhat relayDeploy --wrapped <wrapped token> --lightnode <lightNodeManager address> --network <network>
  • wrapped token is wrapped MAP token address on MAP mainnet or MAP Makalu.
  • lightNodeManager address is the light client mananger address deployed on MAP mainnet or MAP Makalu. See here for more information.
  1. Init MOS Relay
npx hardhat relayInit --feecenter <feeCenter address> --tokenregister <token register address> --network <network>
  1. FeeCenter sets fee distribution
npx hardhat feeSetDistributeRate --type <0 to the token vault, 1 to specified receiver> --address <fee receiver address> --rate <rate 0-1000000, uni 0.000001> --network <network>

MOS on EVM Chains

  1. Deploy
npx hardhat mosDeploy --wrapped <native wrapped address> --lightnode <lightnode address> --network <network>
  1. Set MOS Relay Address The following command on the EVM compatible chain
npx hardhat mosSetRelay --relay <Relay address> --chain <map chainId> --network <network>
  1. Register The following command applies to the cross-chain contract configuration of Map mainnet and Makalu testnet
npx hardhat registerMCS --address <mapCrossChainService address> --chain <mapCrossChainService chainId> --network <network>

MOS on other chain

The following four commands are generally applicable to Map mainnet and Makalu testnet

npx hardhat relayInitNear --chain <near chain id, testnet 5566818579631833089, mainnet 5566818579631833088> --network <network>


Deploy Token

  1. Deploy a mintable Token
npx hardhat tokenDeploy --name <token name > --symbol <token symbol> --balance <init balance, unit is 1e18 WEI> --network <network>
  1. Grant Mint Role to relay or mos contract
npx hardhat tokenGrant --token <token address > --minter <adress/mos/relay> --network <network>

Register Token

  1. Relay Chain Create VaultToken
npx hardhat deploy --tags MAPVaultToken --network <network>

npx hardhat vaultInitToken --token <relaychain token address> --name <vault token name> --symbol <vault token symbol> --network <network>

npx hardhat vaultAddManager --vault <vault token address> --manager <relay/manager address> --network <network>
  1. Relay Chain FeeCenter sets up the treasury and token binding
npx hardhat feeSetTokenVault --token <relaychain mapping token address> --vault <vault token address> --network <network>
  1. Relay Chain sets the token decimal Note the chains and decimals parameters can be filled with one or more words separated by ',' (eg 1,2,96 18,18,24)
npx hardhat relaySetTokenDecimals --token <token address> --chains <Multiple chainIds (1,2,96)> --decimals <token decimals (18,18,24)> --network <network>
  1. Relay chain sets the token mintable if needed
npx hardhat relaySetMintableToken --token <token address> --mintable <true/false> --network <network>
  1. Relay chain set fee ratio to relay chain
npx hardhat feeSetTokenFee --token <token address> --chain <relay chain id>  --min <minimum fee value (WEI)> --max <maximum fee value (WEI)> --rate <fee rate 0-1000000> --network <network>

Add Cross-chain Token

  1. Relay Chain FeeCenter sets the token cross-chain fee ratio
npx hardhat feeSetTokenFee --token <token address> --chain <target chain id>  --min <minimum fee value (WEI)> --max <maximum fee value (WEI)> --rate <fee rate 0-1000000> --network <network>
  1. Relay Chain Bind the token mapping relationship between the two chains that requires cross-chain
npx hardhat registerToken --token <relay chain token address> --chain <cross-chain id> --chaintoken <cross-chain token>  --network <network>
  1. Relay Chain sets the decimal for cross-chain tokens Note the mcsids and tokendecimals parameters can be filled with one or more words separated by ',' eg. (1,2,96 18,18,24)
npx hardhat relaySetTokenDecimals --token <token address> --chains <Multiple chainIds (1,2,96)> --decimals <token decimals (18,18,24)> --network <network>
  1. Altchain sets token mintable If set the token mintable, the token must grant the minter role to mos contract.
npx hardhat mosSetMintableToken --token <token address> --mintable <true/false> --network <network>
  1. Altchain sets bridge token
npx hardhat mosSetBridgeToken --token <token address> --chains <Multiple chainIds (1,2,96)> --network <network>


When have a better cross-chain idea, we can upgrade the cross-chain contract through the following commands.

Please execute the following command on the EVM compatible chain

npx hardhat deploy --tags MapCrossChainServiceProxyUp --network <network>

Please execute the following command on Map mainnet or Makalu testnet

npx hardhat deploy --tags MAPCrossChainServiceRelayProxyUp --network <network>

Token cross-chain transfer deposit

token transfer

npx hardhat transferOutToken --mos <mos or relay address> --token <token address> --address <receiver address> --value <transfer value> --chain <chain id> --network <network>

token depsit

npx hardhat depositOutToken --mos <mos address> --token <token address> --address <receiver address> --value <transfer value> --network <network>

Note that the --token parameter is optional, the default is 0 address, if not passed, it means to transfer out Native Token The command is as follows

npx hardhat transferOutToken --mos <mos or relay address> --address <receiver address> --value <transfer value> --chain <chain id> --network <network>
npx hardhat depositOutToken --mos <mos or relay address> --address <receiver address> --value <transfer value> --network <network>

Similarly --address is also an optional parameter. If it is not filled in, it will be the default caller's address.

npx hardhat transferOutToken --mos <mos or relay address> --value <transfer value> --chain <chain id> --network <network>
npx hardhat depositOutToken --mos <mos or relay address> --value <transfer value>  --network <network>

MOS parameter setting

  • Setting a Token can be cross-chain or canceled
function setCanBridgeToken(address token, uint chainId, bool canBridge) public 	onlyManager {
        canBridgeToken[token][chainId] = canBridge;

MAP Cross Chain Service Relay parameter setting

  • Set cross-chain fees for FeeCenter contracts

    function setChainTokenGasFee(uint to, address token, uint lowest, uint highest,uint proportion) external onlyManager {
        chainTokenGasFee[to][token] = gasFee(lowest,highest,proportion);
  • Set the decimals of the cross-chain token

    function setTokenOtherChainDecimals(bytes memory selfToken, uint256 chainId, uint256 decimals) external onlyManager {
        tokenOtherChainDecimals[selfToken][chainId] = decimals;
  • Set the number of cross-chain vault tokens (if needed)

    function setVaultBalance(uint256 tochain, address token, uint256 amount) external onlyManager {
        vaultBalance[tochain][token] = amount;
  • Set other chain msc contract address for verification

    function setBridgeAddress(uint256 _chainId, bytes memory _addr) external onlyManager {
        bridgeAddress[_addr] = _chainId;