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Eth2.0 PoS light client

Eth2.0 PoS light client which will be deployed on MAP blockchain.

Table of Contents


  1. First you need to install npm and node, click here to see how to install them.
  2. Since all the contracts are developed in Hardhat development environment, developers need to install Hardhat before working through our contracts. The hardhat installation tutorial can be found here.

After that, run below command to install dependencies.

npm install

Compile the contracts

We can simply use hardhat built-in compile task to compile our contracts in the contracts/ folder.

$ npx hardhat compile
Compiled 19 Solidity files successfully

The compiled artifacts will be saved in the artifacts/ directory by default

Test the contracts

Run below command to run the test cases.

$ npx hardhat test
Compiled 19 Solidity files successfully

      ✔ initialization should be OK (3495ms)
      ✔ can not initialization sync committee after contract is initialized
      ✔ re-initialization should fail
      ✔ initialization with wrong sync committee keys should be fail (158ms)
      ✔ Implementation upgrade must be admin (52ms)
      ✔ Implementation upgrade is OK (70ms)
    Permission check
      ✔ Change admin (41ms)
      ✔ togglePause  only admin  (80ms)
    Update light client
      ✔ updateLightClient ... paused  (2154ms)
      ✔ updateLightClient ... OK  (2625ms)
      ✔ updateLightClient should be failed when previous exe block headers are not updated  (3414ms)
    Update execution header
      ✔ updateExeBlockHeaders ... ok  (1294ms)
    Verify proof data
      ✔ verifyProofData ... ok  (1939ms)

  13 passing (15s)

Deploy contracts

Create an .env file and fill in the following contents.

# your private key on the MAP blockchain the contracts will be deployed to
# beacon chain RPC url. The RPC should contain the light client API, suggest to use lodestar RPC
# eth mainnet 1 Goerli 5
# initialize the light client with the information of this period

The deployment script is located in deploy/ folder. We can run the following commands to deploy.

//deploy MPTVerify
npx hardhat deploy --tags MPTVerify

//deploy MPTVerify on makalu network
npx hardhat deploy --tags MPTVerify --network makalu

//deploy lightNode implementation
npx hardhat deploy --tags LightNode

//deploy lightNode implementation on makalu network
npx hardhat deploy --tags LightNode --network makalu

//deploy lightNode proxy 
npx hardhat deploy --tags Proxy

//deploy lightNode proxy on makalu network
npx hardhat deploy --tags Proxy --network makalu

// upgrade 
npx hardhat deploy --tags Upgrade --network makalu

Main interfaces explanation

The file LightNode.sol implements the main logic of eth2.0 PoS light client. Here are some important public interfaces.

  • Below 2 functions are used for contract initialization. The scripts in /deploy get the light client bootstrap information based on the trusted block root through beacon chain RPC, also the scripts get some other necessary information, and then call these 2 functions to initialize the light client.
    function initialize(
    uint64 _chainId,
    address _controller,
    address _mptVerify,
    BeaconBlockHeader memory _finalizedBeaconHeader,
    uint256 _finalizedExeHeaderNumber,
    bytes32 _finalizedExeHeaderHash,
    bytes memory _curSyncCommitteeAggPubKey,
    bytes memory _nextSyncCommitteeAggPubKey,
    bytes32[] memory _syncCommitteePubkeyHashes,
    bool _verifyUpdate
) public initializer;

    function initSyncCommitteePubkey(bytes memory _syncCommitteePubkeyPart) public;
  • An off-chain program called maintainer will get the update information through beacon chain RPC and execution layer blockchain RPC periodically, and call the below interface to update the light client. The light client will verify the update information and save them if verification is passed.
    function updateLightClient(bytes memory _data) external override whenNotPaused;
  • Everytime the maintainer calls the above interface to update the light client successfully, the finalized beacon header number and finalized execution layer header number are updated. There is a gap between the latest finalized execution layer header and the previous finalized header. The maintainer should call below method to update the block headers one or more times, and the light client will verify the validity of the block headers and store the hashes for further proof verification. The maintainer could not do the next light client update util the gap is filled.
    function updateBlockHeader(bytes memory _blockHeader) external override whenNotPaused;
  • Below interface verifyProofData can verify the validity of the receipt in ethereum execution layer block if it's hash has already been stored in the light client through the above interface updateBlockHeader.
    function verifyProofData(bytes memory _receiptProof)
    returns (
        bool success,
        string memory message,
        bytes memory logs
  • Below interface verifiableHeaderRange returns the range of the execution layer block header number between which you can verify the proof through the above interface verifyProofData.
    function verifiableHeaderRange() external view returns (uint256, uint256);
  • When the maintainer starts, it should call first get the public state clientState() which tells if the latest execution layer headers' gap is filled. If not, the maintainer should first call updateBlockHeader to fill the gap. Then call below interface headerHeight to get the latest finalized slot of the light client. So that it can decide whether to retrieve the period update information or the latest finality update information, and then call updateLightClient to update the light client.
    function clientState() external view override returns(bytes memory);

    function headerHeight() external view override returns (uint256);

More reference

more details about hardhat-deploy are available

makalu faucet