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File metadata and controls

157 lines (126 loc) · 8.25 KB

EP class-list-formatter

This script is intended to reformat school class data exports into a format that can be automatically processed easier processed by Education Perfect.

What is included

File Purpose
EPProcess.ps1 Script that handles all the re-formatting
config/classCodes.csv Class codes to be included and what their description is
config/config.ps1 How to process your school's export file and any other configuration options required
config/rejects.csv Class codes to be excluded, these are usually non-academic classes such as form rooms and study periods


PowerShell This is included on all recent versions of Microsoft Windows and versions are avaliable for Linux, MacOS and ARM. EP is unable to provide support for installation of PowerShell.


Download the repo and place anywhere on your machine.

Before running for the first time, you will need to modify all files within config folder for your school's particular set up.


Copy your school's export file into the same folder you extracted the repo (default name is export.csv), open a PowerShell terminal and run:

$ .\EPProcess.ps1

Depending on what is in the configuration files, you will usually find the following files have been created once the script has run (please note that larger files may require few minutes to run, depending on your system):

File Purpose
students.csv Processed student data
teachers.csv Processed teacher data
rejects.csv Lines that have been rejected according to config/rejects.csv
unknown.csv Lines that have no matching class code in config/classCodes.csv

The first two files can usually be sent to EP or used in a Self Service Upload. The last two files may need to be checked for classes that should have been included.



This file defines how to read your school's export format and any other processing particular to your school. This can be edited in any plain text editor, but using Windows inbuilt PowerShell editor ISE is highly recommended.


This defines the input, output and required confguration file locations/names. All file locations are relative to the main script.

Variable Usage Required
rejectsFile This is the file location that contains a list of Regular Expressions to reject class codes by Yes
classCodesFile This is the file location that contains a list of codes to accept and name classes by Yes
inputFile This is the name of the file that will be processed. This will usually be export.csv or relationships.csv At this time only CSV files are supported Yes
studentOutFile CSV file where student data will be placed No
teacherOutFile CSV file where teacher data will be placed No
rejectsOutFile CSV file where rejected data will be placed No
unknownOutFile CSV file where unknown data will be placed No

Please use "" to suppress creation of unrequired files

These file locations can be temporarily overwritten by providing the same variable and a file location when running .\EPProcess.sp1 in PowerShell. See get-help .\EPProcess.ps1 -Full for a list of these parameters.


This defines how the script will read data pertaining to teachers. Each variable matches to named column in your school's export file.

Variable Usage Required
forename Teacher forename Yes
surname Teacher surname. If both forename and surname are contained in one column, name that column in forename and leave this field blank. No
email Teacher email address Required to create new accounts and highly recommended
lti Teacher LTI Identifier. Can be the same as if your LTI identifier is the same. No
sso Teacher SSO Identifier. Can be the same as if your SSO identifier is the same. No
code Teacher code No

Please use "" for any fields that are not required, for example, lti if your school does not have a LTI integration with EP.


This defines how the script will read data pertaining to students. Each variable matches to a named column in your school's export file.

Variable Usage Required
forename Student forename Yes
surname Student surname Yes
studentID Student ID Sometimes
email Student email address Sometimes
lti Student LTI Identifier. Can be the same as if your LTI identifier is the same. No
sso Student SSO Identifier. Can be the same as if your SSO identifier is the same. No
UID Unique Identifer for each student. Can be the same as or student.studentID and must be on every single line Yes

Please use "" for any fields that are not required, for example under lti if your school does not have a LTI integration with EP


This defines how the script will read data pertaining to classes. Each variable matches to a named column in your school's export file.

Variable Usage Required
prepend Column to prepend to final class names No
classCode Class Code Yes
regEx1,2,3 Regular expressions to apply to classes.classCode At least 1 of 3

Please use "" for any fields that are not required

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions to be applied to classes.classCode For example: (?i)^(?'Year'\d+)(?'Code'[A-Z]{3})(?'Modifier'[A-z0-9]*)$ which will match codes like the following:

  • 7ENG1
  • 12CHE10
  • 08BIO2
  • 7MATH (Stream H of MAT class, not MATH)

Avaliable named capture fields are:

Name Purpose Required
Campus Code to prepend to start of final class name after [Current Year] No
Year Academic year No
Modifier Class modifier or stream code No
Code Class code used for look up in files.classCodes Yes

A final class name is generated on EP using the following formula:

[Current Year ][regEx.Campus ][classes.prepend ]Year [regEx.Year][.regEx.Modifier] [Class Description] ([Class Code]) - [Teacher/s Surnames]

[Current Year ] and [Teacher/s Surnames] are added automatically at EP's end.


This list is used as a look up for year levels. For example, a class code of XENG2, the 'X' will become 'Year 10'


Set this value to true to have a small summary output when the script is completed


This file contains a list of Regular Expressions to reject class codes by. For example:

code Description Human readable
^(\d+STU) Study periods Any class starting with a number then STU (this is so Business Studies will still pass)
^(\d+ASS) Assembly Remove Assembly classes (number included so that PASS wont be rejected


This file contains a list of class codes and their human readable descriptions. Included is an example of the more common codes used by schools, but each school will have a few different codes.

For example:

code Description
SCI Science
DSI Double Science

Any codes not on this list will be sent to files.unknown

If there are any codes that you do not want to send to EP, for example, if only Languages is being purchased, then all others can be removed to stop them from being added to files.studentOutfile

Only one description is avaliable per code (if more than one is found, the first will be used), so for example your school uses 9MAT for Mathematics 1 and 10MAT for Mathematics 2, you would need to add MAT once with the description Mathematics to cover both cases.

PreProcess and PostProcess

If these functions are included, they will run before and after processing respectively