From addaf91cbaa07d9cd10f16d36122c0e9670e878f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gustavo Delerue <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 19:56:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] PR: Irreducible solve hints and print hint

This PR introduces two new features:

- Irreducible hints:
This features allows the introduction of the "irreducible" keyword
between "hint" and "exact" or "solve" (e.g. "hint irreducible exact") in
order to disable reduction of the hinted expression when auto-solving

- Print hint:
This introduces the following commands:
"print hint" - prints all hints in the current scope
"print hint simplify" - same but only for simplify hints
"print hint solve" - same but only for solve hints
"print hint rewrite" - same but only for rewrite hints
 src/                         | 169 ++++++++++++----------
 src/                     |   6 +
 src/                              |  75 +++++++---
 src/ecEnv.mli                             |  16 +-
 src/ecLexer.mll                           |   1 +
 src/                          |  33 +++--
 src/ecLowGoal.mli                         |   7 +-
 src/                             |  41 ++++++
 src/ecParser.mly                          |  27 +++-
 src/                        |  16 +-
 src/                         |  86 +++++++++--
 src/                            |  10 +-
 src/                          |  45 +++---
 src/                            |   5 +-
 src/                           |   9 +-
 src/ecTheory.mli                          |   9 +-
 src/                     |  12 +-
 tests/ |  21 +++
 tests/   |  21 +++
 19 files changed, 438 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/
 create mode 100644 tests/

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6b0e8f4fad..264c99c28a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -255,6 +255,83 @@ module HiPrinting = struct
               fmt (goal, `One sz)
+  let pr_axioms (fmt : Format.formatter) (env : EcEnv.env) =
+    let ax  = EcEnv.Ax.all ~check:(fun _ ax -> EcDecl.is_axiom ax.ax_kind) env in
+    let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
+    EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 (EcPrinting.pp_axiom) fmt ax  
+  let pr_hint_solve (fmt : Format.formatter) (env : EcEnv.env) =
+    let hint_solve = EcEnv.Auto.all env in
+    let hint_solve = (fun (p, mode) ->
+      let ax = EcEnv.Ax.by_path p env in
+      (p, (ax, mode))
+    ) hint_solve in 
+    let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
+    let pp_hint_solve ppe fmt = (fun (p, (ax, mode)) ->
+      let mode =
+        match mode with
+        | `Default -> ""
+        | `Rigid -> "(rigid)" in
+        Format.fprintf fmt "%a %s" (EcPrinting.pp_axiom ppe) (p, ax) mode
+      )
+    in
+    EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe pp_hint_solve fmt hint_solve    
+  let pr_hint_rewrite (fmt : Format.formatter) (env : EcEnv.env) =
+    let hint_rewrite = EcEnv.BaseRw.all env in
+    let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
+    let pp_hint_rewrite _ppe fmt = (fun (p,  sp) ->
+      let elems = EcPath.Sp.ntr_elements sp in
+      if List.is_empty elems then
+        Format.fprintf fmt "%s (empty)@." (EcPath.tostring p)
+      else
+        Format.fprintf fmt "%s = @.@[<b 2>%a@]@." (EcPath.tostring p) 
+          (EcPrinting.pp_list "@." (fun fmt p -> 
+            Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (EcPath.tostring p)))
+          (EcPath.Sp.ntr_elements sp)
+      )
+    in
+    EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe pp_hint_rewrite fmt hint_rewrite
+  let pr_hint_simplify (fmt : Format.formatter) (env : EcEnv.env) =
+    let open EcTheory in
+    let (hint_simplify: (EcEnv.Reduction.topsym * rule list) list) = EcEnv.Reduction.all env in
+    let hint_simplify = List.filter_map (fun (ts, rl) -> 
+      match ts with
+      | `Path p -> Some (p, rl) 
+      | _ -> None
+    ) hint_simplify 
+    in
+    let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
+    let pp_hint_simplify ppe fmt = (fun (p,  (rls : rule list)) ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%s:@.@[<b 2>%a@]" (EcPath.tostring p) 
+        (EcPrinting.pp_list "@." (fun fmt rl ->
+          Format.fprintf fmt "Conditions: %a@.Target: %a@.Pattern: %a@."
+          (EcPrinting.pp_list "," (EcPrinting.pp_form ppe)) rl.rl_cond
+          (EcPrinting.pp_form ppe) rl.rl_tg
+          (EcPrinting.pp_rule_pattern ppe) rl.rl_ptn
+        ))
+        rls
+      )
+    in
+    EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe pp_hint_simplify fmt hint_simplify
+  let pr_hints (fmt : Format.formatter) (env : EcEnv.env) =
+    let ax  = EcEnv.Ax.all ~check:(fun _ ax -> EcDecl.is_axiom ax.ax_kind) env in
+    let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
+    EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 (EcPrinting.pp_axiom) fmt ax    
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -280,6 +357,23 @@ let process_pr fmt scope p =
   | Pr_glob pm -> HiPrinting.pr_glob fmt env pm
   | Pr_goal n  -> HiPrinting.pr_goal fmt scope n
+  | Pr_axioms -> HiPrinting.pr_axioms fmt env
+  | Pr_hint (Some `Simplify) -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_simplify fmt env
+  | Pr_hint (Some `Solve) -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_solve fmt env
+  | Pr_hint (Some `Rewrite) -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_rewrite fmt env
+  | Pr_hint None ->
+    let printers = [
+      ("Solve"   , (fun fmt -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_solve fmt env));
+      ("Simplify", (fun fmt -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_simplify fmt env));
+      ("Rewrite" , (fun fmt -> HiPrinting.pr_hint_rewrite fmt env));
+    ] in
+    List.iter (fun (header, printer) ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%s hints:@.%t@." header printer
+    ) printers
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let check_opname_validity (scope : EcScope.scope) (x : string) =
   if EcIo.is_binop x = `Invalid then
@@ -293,80 +387,6 @@ let check_opname_validity (scope : EcScope.scope) (x : string) =
 let process_print scope p =
   process_pr Format.std_formatter scope p
-(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let process_print_ax (scope : EcScope.scope) =
-  let env = EcScope.env scope in
-  let ax  = EcEnv.Ax.all ~check:(fun _ ax -> EcDecl.is_axiom ax.ax_kind) env in
-  let module Trie : sig
-    type ('a, 'b) t
-    val empty : ('a, 'b) t
-    val add : 'a list -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
-    val iter : ('a list -> 'b list -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
-  end = struct
-    module Map = BatMap
-    type ('a, 'b) t =
-      { children : ('a, ('a, 'b) t) Map.t
-      ; value    : 'b list }
-    let empty : ('a, 'b) t =
-      { value = []; children = Map.empty; }
-    let add (path : 'a list) (value : 'b) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
-      let rec doit (path : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
-        match path with
-        | [] ->
-          { t with value = value :: t.value }
-        | v :: path ->
-          let children =
-            t.children |> Map.update_stdlib v (fun children ->
-              let subtrie = Option.value ~default:empty children in
-              Some (doit path subtrie)
-            )
-          in { t with children }
-      in doit path t
-    let iter (f : 'a list -> 'b list -> unit) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
-      let rec doit (prefix : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
-        if not (List.is_empty t.value) then
-          f prefix t.value;
-        Map.iter (fun k v -> doit (k :: prefix) v) t.children
-      in
-      doit [] t
-  end in
-  let ax =
-    List.fold_left (fun axs ((p, _) as ax) ->
-      Trie.add (EcPath.tolist (oget (EcPath.prefix p))) ax axs
-    ) Trie.empty ax in
-  let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
-  let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
-  let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
-  Trie.iter (fun prefix axs ->
-    let thpath =
-      match prefix with
-      | [] -> assert false
-      | name :: prefix -> (List.rev prefix, name) in
-    let thpath = EcPath.fromqsymbol thpath in
-    let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.enter_theory ppe0 thpath in
-    Format.fprintf fmt
-      "@.========== %a ==========@.@." (EcPrinting.pp_thname ppe0) thpath;
-    List.iter (fun ax ->
-      Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_axiom ppe) ax
-    ) axs
-  ) ax;
-  EcScope.notify scope `Warning "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 exception Pragma of [`Reset | `Restart]
@@ -734,7 +754,6 @@ and process (ld : Loader.loader) (scope : EcScope.scope) g =
       | GsctOpen     name -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_sct_open   scope  name)
       | GsctClose    name -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_sct_close  scope  name)
       | Gprint       p    -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_print      scope  p; scope)
-      | Gpaxiom           -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_print_ax   scope; scope)
       | Gsearch      qs   -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_search     scope  qs; scope)
       | Glocate      x    -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_locate     scope  x; scope)
       | Gtactics     t    -> `Fct   (fun scope -> process_tactics    scope  t)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a8187a70e0..23948f1e92 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -98,6 +98,12 @@ module type PrinterAPI = sig
   val pp_hyps : PPEnv.t -> EcEnv.LDecl.hyps pp
   val pp_goal : PPEnv.t -> prpo_display -> ppgoal pp
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  val pp_by_theory : PPEnv.t -> (PPEnv.t -> (EcPath.path * 'a) pp) -> ((EcPath.path * 'a) list) pp  
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  val pp_rule_pattern : PPEnv.t -> EcTheory.rule_pattern pp  
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   module ObjectInfo : sig
     type db = [`Rewrite of qsymbol | `Solve of symbol]
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 34662c4b04..bcb4593cb4 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ type preenv = {
   env_tci      : ((ty_params * ty) * tcinstance) list;
   env_tc       : TC.graph;
   env_rwbase   : Sp.t Mip.t;
-  env_atbase   : (path list Mint.t) Msym.t;
+  env_atbase   : atbase Msym.t;
   env_redbase  : mredinfo;
   env_ntbase   : ntbase Mop.t;
   env_modlcs   : Sid.t;                 (* declared modules *)
@@ -221,6 +221,10 @@ and env_notation = ty_params * EcDecl.notation
 and ntbase = (path * env_notation) list
+and atbase0 = path * [`Rigid | `Default]
+and atbase = atbase0 list Mint.t
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 type env = preenv
@@ -1444,6 +1448,13 @@ module BaseRw = struct
             (omap (fun s -> List.fold_left (fun s r -> Sp.add r s) s l))
             (IPPath p) env.env_rwbase;
         env_item = mkitem import (Th_addrw (p, l, lc)) :: env.env_item; }
+  let all env =
+    List.filter_map (fun (ip, sp) -> 
+      match ip with
+      | IPPath p -> Some (p, sp)
+      | _ -> None) @@
+    Mip.bindings env.env_rwbase
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1496,45 +1507,65 @@ module Reduction = struct
     Mrd.find_opt p env.env_redbase
     |> omap (fun x -> Lazy.force x.ri_list)
     |> odfl []
+  (* FIXME: handle other cases, right now only used for print hint *)
+  let all (env : env) = 
+ (fun (ts, mr) -> 
+      (ts, Lazy.force mr.ri_list))
+    (Mrd.bindings env.env_redbase) 
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 module Auto = struct
+  type base0 = path * [`Rigid | `Default]
   let dname : symbol = ""
-  let updatedb ~level ?base (ps : path list) (db : (path list Mint.t) Msym.t) =
+  let updatedb
+    ~(level : int)
+    ?(base  : symbol option)
+     (ps    : atbase0 list)
+     (db    : atbase Msym.t)
+  =
     let nbase = (odfl dname base) in
-    let ps' = Msym.find_def Mint.empty nbase db in
-    let ps' =
+    let base = Msym.find_def Mint.empty nbase db in
+    let levels =
       let doit x = Some (ofold (fun x ps -> ps @ x) ps x) in
-      Mint.change doit level ps' in
-    Msym.add nbase ps' db
-  let add ?(import = import0) ~level ?base (ps : path list) lc (env : env) =
+      Mint.change doit level base in
+    Msym.add nbase levels db
+  let add
+    ?(import   = import0)
+    ~(level    : int)
+    ?(base     : symbol option)
+     (axioms   : atbase0 list)
+     (locality : is_local)
+     (env      : env)
+  =
     let env =
       if import.im_immediate then
         { env with
-            env_atbase = updatedb ?base ~level ps env.env_atbase; }
+            env_atbase = updatedb ?base ~level axioms env.env_atbase; }
       else env
       { env with env_item = mkitem import
-         (Th_auto (level, base, ps, lc)) :: env.env_item; }
+         (Th_auto { level; base; axioms; locality; }) :: env.env_item; }
-  let add1 ?import ~level ?base (p : path) lc (env : env) =
+  let add1 ?import ~level ?base (p : atbase0) lc (env : env) =
     add ?import ?base ~level [p] lc env
   let get_core ?base (env : env) =
     Msym.find_def Mint.empty (odfl dname base) env.env_atbase
-  let flatten_db (db : path list Mint.t) =
+  let flatten_db (db : atbase) =
     Mint.fold_left (fun ps _ ps' -> ps @ ps') [] db
   let get ?base (env : env) =
     flatten_db (get_core ?base env)
-  let getall (bases : symbol list) (env : env) =
+  let getall (bases : symbol list) (env : env) : atbase0 list =
     let dbs = (fun base -> get_core ~base env) bases in
-    let dbs =
+    let dbs = 
       List.fold_left (fun db mi ->
         Mint.union (fun _ sp1 sp2 -> Some (sp1 @ sp2)) db mi)
         Mint.empty dbs
@@ -1543,6 +1574,9 @@ module Auto = struct
   let getx (base : symbol) (env : env) =
     let db = Msym.find_def Mint.empty base env.env_atbase in
     Mint.bindings db
+  let all (env : env) : atbase0 list =
+    Msym.values env.env_atbase |> flatten_db |> List.flatten
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -2932,8 +2966,8 @@ module Theory = struct
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   let bind_at_th =
     let for1 _path db = function
-      | Th_auto (level, base, ps, _) ->
-         Some (Auto.updatedb ?base ~level ps db)
+      | Th_auto {level; base; axioms; _} ->
+         Some (Auto.updatedb ?base ~level axioms db)
       | _ -> None
     in bind_base_th for1
@@ -3106,9 +3140,12 @@ module Theory = struct
             let ps = List.filter ((not) |- inclear |- oget |- EcPath.prefix) ps in
             if List.is_empty ps then None else Some (Th_addrw (p, ps,lc))
-        | Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc) ->
-            let ps = List.filter ((not) |- inclear |- oget |- EcPath.prefix) ps in
-            if List.is_empty ps then None else Some (Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc))
+        | Th_auto ({ axioms } as auto_rl) ->
+            let axioms = List.filter (fun (p, _) ->
+              let p = oget (EcPath.prefix p) in
+              not (inclear p)
+            ) axioms in
+            if List.is_empty axioms then None else Some (Th_auto {auto_rl with axioms})
         | (Th_export (p, _)) as item ->
             if Sp.mem p cleared then None else Some item
diff --git a/src/ecEnv.mli b/src/ecEnv.mli
index 0e8712174a..c3dad555ab 100644
--- a/src/ecEnv.mli
+++ b/src/ecEnv.mli
@@ -398,6 +398,8 @@ module BaseRw : sig
   val add   : ?import:import -> symbol -> is_local -> env -> env
   val addto : ?import:import -> path -> path list -> is_local -> env -> env
+  val all : env -> (path * Sp.t) list 
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -405,6 +407,7 @@ module Reduction : sig
   type rule   = EcTheory.rule
   type topsym = [ `Path of path | `Tuple | `Proj of int]
+  val all : env -> (topsym * rule list) list
   val add1 : path * rule_option * rule option -> env -> env
   val add  : ?import:import -> (path * rule_option * rule option) list -> env -> env
   val get  : topsym -> env -> rule list
@@ -412,12 +415,15 @@ end
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 module Auto : sig
+  type base0 = path * [`Rigid | `Default]
   val dname  : symbol
-  val add1   : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> path -> is_local -> env -> env
-  val add    : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> path list -> is_local -> env -> env
-  val get    : ?base:symbol -> env -> path list
-  val getall : symbol list -> env -> path list
-  val getx   : symbol -> env ->  (int * path list) list
+  val add1   : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> base0 -> is_local -> env -> env
+  val add    : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> base0 list -> is_local -> env -> env
+  val get    : ?base:symbol -> env -> base0 list
+  val getall : symbol list -> env -> base0 list
+  val getx   : symbol -> env -> (int * base0 list) list
+  val all    : env -> base0 list
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/ecLexer.mll b/src/ecLexer.mll
index c1225b0720..b977371a04 100644
--- a/src/ecLexer.mll
+++ b/src/ecLexer.mll
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
     "local"       , LOCAL      ;        (* KW: global *)
     "declare"     , DECLARE    ;        (* KW: global *)
     "hint"        , HINT       ;        (* KW: global *)
+    "rigid"       , RIGID      ;        (* KW: global *)
     "module"      , MODULE     ;        (* KW: global *)
     "of"          , OF         ;        (* KW: global *)
     "const"       , CONST      ;        (* KW: global *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 003bf07a9a..3c6cf8cf8d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ module Apply = struct
   exception NoInstance of (bool * reason * PT.pt_env * (form * form))
-  let t_apply_bwd_r ?(mode = fmdelta) ?(canview = true) pt (tc : tcenv1) =
+  let t_apply_bwd_r ?(ri = EcReduction.full_compat) ?(mode = fmdelta) ?(canview = true) pt (tc : tcenv1) =
     let ((hyps, concl), pterr) = (FApi.tc1_flat tc, PT.copy pt.ptev_env) in
     let noinstance ?(dpe = false) reason =
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ module Apply = struct
       match istop && PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env with
       | true ->
           let ax = PT.concretize_form pt.PT.ptev_env pt.PT.ptev_ax in
-          if   EcReduction.is_conv ~ri:EcReduction.full_compat hyps ax concl
+          if   EcReduction.is_conv ~ri hyps ax concl
           then pt
           else instantiate canview false pt
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ module Apply = struct
               noinstance `IncompleteInference;
           with EcMatching.MatchFailure ->
-            match TTC.destruct_product hyps pt.PT.ptev_ax with
+            match TTC.destruct_product ~reduce:(mode.fm_conv) hyps pt.PT.ptev_ax with
             | Some _ ->
                 (* FIXME: add internal marker *)
                 instantiate canview false (PT.apply_pterm_to_hole pt)
@@ -800,15 +800,15 @@ module Apply = struct
     t_apply pt tc
-  let t_apply_bwd ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) =
+  let t_apply_bwd ?(ri : EcReduction.reduction_info option) ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) =
     let hyps   = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
     let pt, ax = LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc)) in
     let ptenv  = ptenv_of_penv hyps !!tc in
     let pt     = { ptev_env = ptenv; ptev_pt = pt; ptev_ax = ax; } in
-    t_apply_bwd_r ?mode ?canview pt tc
+    t_apply_bwd_r ?ri ?mode ?canview pt tc
-  let t_apply_bwd_hi ?(dpe = true) ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) =
-    try  t_apply_bwd ?mode ?canview pt tc
+  let t_apply_bwd_hi ?(ri : EcReduction.reduction_info option) ?(dpe = true) ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) =
+    try  t_apply_bwd ?ri ?mode ?canview pt tc
     with (NoInstance (_, r, pt, f)) ->
       tc_error_exn !!tc (NoInstance (dpe, r, pt, f))
@@ -2506,22 +2506,27 @@ let t_coq
 let t_solve ?(canfail = true) ?(bases = [EcEnv.Auto.dname]) ?(mode = fmdelta) ?(depth = 1) (tc : tcenv1) =
   let bases = EcEnv.Auto.getall bases (FApi.tc1_env tc) in
-  let t_apply1 p tc =
+  let t_apply1 ((p, rigid): Auto.base0) tc =
+    let ri, mode =
+      match rigid with
+      | `Rigid   -> EcReduction.no_red, fmsearch
+      | `Default -> EcReduction.full_compat, mode in
     let pt = PT.pt_of_uglobal !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) p in
-      Apply.t_apply_bwd_r ~mode ~canview:false pt tc
-    with Apply.NoInstance _ -> t_fail tc in
+      Apply.t_apply_bwd_r ~ri ~mode ~canview:false pt tc
+    with Apply.NoInstance _ -> 
+      t_fail tc 
+  in
-  let rec t_apply ctn p tc =
+  let rec t_apply ctn ip tc =
     if   ctn > depth
     then t_fail tc
-    else (t_apply1 p @! t_trivial @! t_solve (ctn + 1) bases) tc
+    else (t_apply1 ip @! t_trivial @! t_solve (ctn + 1) bases) tc
   and t_solve ctn bases tc =
     match bases with
     | [] -> t_abort tc
-    | p::bases -> (FApi.t_or (t_apply ctn p) (t_solve ctn bases)) tc in
+    | ip::bases -> (FApi.t_or (t_apply ctn ip) (t_solve ctn bases)) tc in
   let t = t_solve 0 bases in
   let t = if canfail then FApi.t_try t else t in
diff --git a/src/ecLowGoal.mli b/src/ecLowGoal.mli
index 093f144240..b9107b8dca 100644
--- a/src/ecLowGoal.mli
+++ b/src/ecLowGoal.mli
@@ -134,14 +134,13 @@ module Apply : sig
   exception NoInstance of (bool * reason * pt_env * (form * form))
   val t_apply_bwd_r :
-    ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool -> pt_ev -> FApi.backward
+    ?ri:EcReduction.reduction_info -> ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool -> pt_ev -> FApi.backward
   val t_apply_bwd :
-    ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool -> proofterm -> FApi.backward
+    ?ri:EcReduction.reduction_info -> ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool -> proofterm -> FApi.backward
   val t_apply_bwd_hi:
-       ?dpe:bool -> ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool
-    -> proofterm -> FApi.backward
+     ?ri:EcReduction.reduction_info -> ?dpe:bool -> ?mode:fmoptions -> ?canview:bool -> proofterm -> FApi.backward
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b06579abcc..61609a19d1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -148,3 +148,44 @@ module Hdint = EHashtbl.Make(DInt)
 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------*)
 module Mstr = Map.Make(String)
 module Sstr = Set.MakeOfMap(Mstr)
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+module Trie : sig
+  type ('a, 'b) t
+  val empty : ('a, 'b) t
+  val add : 'a list -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
+  val iter : ('a list -> 'b list -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
+end = struct
+  module Map = BatMap
+  type ('a, 'b) t =
+    { children : ('a, ('a, 'b) t) Map.t
+    ; value    : 'b list }
+  let empty : ('a, 'b) t =
+    { value = []; children = Map.empty; }
+  let add (path : 'a list) (value : 'b) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
+    let rec doit (path : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
+      match path with
+      | [] ->
+        { t with value = value :: t.value }
+      | v :: path ->
+        let children =
+          t.children |> Map.update_stdlib v (fun children ->
+            let subtrie = Option.value ~default:empty children in
+            Some (doit path subtrie)
+          )
+        in { t with children }
+    in doit path t
+  let iter (f : 'a list -> 'b list -> unit) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
+    let rec doit (prefix : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
+      if not (List.is_empty t.value) then
+        f prefix t.value;
+      Map.iter (fun k v -> doit (k :: prefix) v) t.children
+    in
+    doit [] t
diff --git a/src/ecParser.mly b/src/ecParser.mly
index 71dfbc9b26..6837b7578c 100644
--- a/src/ecParser.mly
+++ b/src/ecParser.mly
@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@
 %token RETURN
 %token REWRITE
 %token RIGHT
+%token RIGID
 %token RND
 %token RNDSEM
 %token RPAREN
@@ -3747,6 +3748,11 @@ realize:
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Printing                                                             *)
+| SIMPLIFY { `Simplify }
+| SOLVE    { `Solve    }
+| REWRITE  { `Rewrite  }
 |             qs=qoident         { Pr_any  qs            }
 | STAR        qs=qoident         { Pr_any  qs            }
@@ -3762,10 +3768,12 @@ print:
 | GOAL        n=sword            { Pr_goal n             }
 | REWRITE     qs=qident          { Pr_db   (`Rewrite qs) }
 | SOLVE       qs=ident           { Pr_db   (`Solve   qs) }
+| AXIOM                          { Pr_axioms             }
+| HINT        p=phint?           { Pr_hint p             }
 |           { None }
-| CHECK    { Some EcProvers.Check }
+| CHECK     { Some EcProvers.Check }
 | EDIT      { Some EcProvers.Edit }
 | FIX       { Some EcProvers.Fix }
@@ -3817,14 +3825,22 @@ addrw:
 | local=is_local HINT REWRITE p=lqident COLON l=lqident*
     { (local, p, l) }
+| RIGID { (true, `Rigid) } 
+%inline hintoptions:
+| xs=bracket(hintoption+) { xs } 
-| local=is_local HINT EXACT base=lident? COLON l=qident*
+| local=is_local HINT opts=ioption(hintoptions) EXACT base=lident? COLON l=qident*
     { { ht_local = local; ht_prio  = 0;
-        ht_base  = base ; ht_names = l; } }
+        ht_base  = base ; ht_names = l; 
+        ht_options = odfl [] opts;      } }
-| local=is_local HINT SOLVE i=word base=lident? COLON l=qident*
+| local=is_local HINT opts=ioption(hintoptions) SOLVE i=word base=lident? COLON l=qident*
     { { ht_local = local; ht_prio  = i;
-        ht_base  = base ; ht_names = l; } }
+        ht_base  = base ; ht_names = l; 
+        ht_options = odfl [] opts;      } }
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* User reduction                                                       *)
@@ -3887,7 +3903,6 @@ global_action:
 | hint             { Ghint        $1 }
 | x=loc(proofend)  { Gsave        x  }
 | PRINT p=print    { Gprint       p  }
-| PRINT AXIOM      { Gpaxiom         }
 | SEARCH x=search+ { Gsearch      x  }
 | LOCATE x=qident  { Glocate      x  }
 | WHY3 x=STRING    { GdumpWhy3    x  }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 53eda26b84..43cd31a144 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1122,6 +1122,8 @@ type pprint =
   | Pr_glob of pmsymbol located
   | Pr_goal of int
   | Pr_db   of [`Rewrite of pqsymbol | `Solve of psymbol]
+  | Pr_axioms
+  | Pr_hint of [`Simplify | `Rewrite | `Solve] option
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 type renaming_kind =
@@ -1228,12 +1230,17 @@ type save = [ `Qed | `Admit | `Abort ]
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 type theory_clear = (pqsymbol option) list
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type phintoption = [ `Rigid ]
+type phintoptions = (bool * phintoption) list
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 type phint = {
-  ht_local : is_local;
-  ht_prio  : int;
-  ht_base  : psymbol option;
-  ht_names : pqsymbol list;
+  ht_local   : is_local;
+  ht_prio    : int;
+  ht_base    : psymbol option;
+  ht_names   : pqsymbol list;
+  ht_options : phintoptions;
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1263,7 +1270,6 @@ type global_action =
   | Greduction   of puserred
   | Ghint        of phint
   | Gprint       of pprint
-  | Gpaxiom
   | Gsearch      of pformula list
   | Glocate      of pqsymbol
   | GthOpen      of (is_local * bool * psymbol)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9b5232c5b7..d4f98ea4a9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -476,6 +476,13 @@ let pp_rwname ppe fmt p =
 let pp_axname ppe fmt p =
   Format.fprintf fmt "%a" EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol (PPEnv.ax_symb ppe p)
+let pp_axhnt ppe fmt (p, b) =
+  let b =
+    match b with
+    | `Default -> ""
+    | `Rigid -> " (rigid)" in
+  Format.fprintf fmt "%a%s" (pp_axname ppe) p b
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let pp_thname ppe fmt p =
   EcSymbols.pp_qsymbol fmt (PPEnv.th_symb ppe p)
@@ -2890,23 +2897,31 @@ let pp_rwbase ppe fmt (p, rws) =
     (pp_rwname ppe) p (pp_list ", " (pp_axname ppe)) (Sp.elements rws)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-let pp_solvedb ppe fmt db =
+let pp_solvedb ppe fmt (db: (int * (P.path * _) list) list) =
   List.iter (fun (lvl, ps) ->
     Format.fprintf fmt "[%3d] %a\n%!"
-      lvl (pp_list ", " (pp_axname ppe)) ps)
+      lvl 
+      (pp_list ", " (pp_axhnt ppe))
+      ps)
   let lemmas = List.flatten ( snd db) in
-  let lemmas = List.pmap (fun p ->
+  let lemmas = List.pmap (fun (p, ir) ->
       let ax = EcEnv.Ax.by_path_opt p ppe.PPEnv.ppe_env in
-      (omap (fun ax -> (p, ax)) ax))
-    lemmas
+      (omap (fun ax -> (ir, (p, ax))) ax)
+    ) lemmas
   if not (List.is_empty lemmas) then begin
     Format.fprintf fmt "\n%!";
-      (fun ax -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n\n%!" (pp_axiom ppe) ax)
+      (fun (ir, ax) ->
+        let ir =
+          match ir with
+          | `Default -> ""
+          | `Rigid -> " (rigid)" in
+        Format.fprintf fmt "%a%s\n\n%!" (pp_axiom ppe) ax ir)
@@ -3391,11 +3406,11 @@ let rec pp_theory ppe (fmt : Format.formatter) (path, cth) =
       (* FIXME: section we should add the lemma in the reduction *)
       Format.fprintf fmt "hint simplify."
-  | EcTheory.Th_auto (lvl, base, p, lc) ->
+  | EcTheory.Th_auto { level; base; axioms; locality; } ->
       Format.fprintf fmt "%ahint solve %d %s : %a."
-        pp_locality lc
-        lvl (odfl "" base)
-        (pp_list "@ " (pp_axname ppe)) p
+        pp_locality locality
+        level (odfl "" base)
+        (pp_list "@ " (pp_axhnt ppe)) axioms
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let pp_stmt_with_nums (ppe : PPEnv.t) fmt stmt =
@@ -3407,6 +3422,57 @@ let pp_stmt_with_nums (ppe : PPEnv.t) fmt stmt =
 let pp_stmt ?(lineno = false) =
   if lineno then pp_stmt_with_nums else pp_stmt
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let pp_by_theory
+  (ppe0 : PPEnv.t)
+  (pp   : PPEnv.t -> (EcPath.path * 'a) pp)
+  (fmt  : Format.formatter)
+  (xs   : (EcPath.path * 'a) list)
+  let tr =
+    List.fold_left (fun tr ((p, _) as x) ->
+      Trie.add (EcPath.tolist (oget (EcPath.prefix p))) x tr
+    ) Trie.empty xs
+  in
+  Trie.iter (fun prefix xs ->
+    let thpath =
+      match prefix with
+      | [] -> assert false
+      | name :: prefix -> (List.rev prefix, name) in
+    let thpath = EcPath.fromqsymbol thpath in
+    let ppe = PPEnv.enter_theory ppe0 thpath in
+    Format.fprintf fmt
+      "@.========== %a ==========@.@." (pp_thname ppe0) thpath;
+    List.iter (fun x ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (pp ppe) x
+    ) xs
+  ) tr
+let rec pp_rule_pattern ppe fmt (rl_pt: EcTheory.rule_pattern) =
+  match rl_pt with
+  | Rule (trp, rp_list) -> pp_rule ppe fmt trp rp_list 
+  | Int z -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (EcBigInt.to_string z)
+  | Var v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ( v)
+and pp_rule_patterns ppe fmt (rl_pts: EcTheory.rule_pattern list) =
+  match rl_pts with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | rl_pts -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_list "," (pp_rule_pattern ppe)) rl_pts
+and pp_rule ppe fmt trp rl_pts =
+  match trp with
+  | `Tuple -> Format.fprintf fmt "tuple%a" (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts
+  | `Op (p, _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a" (pp_opname ppe) p (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts
+  | `Proj i -> if List.is_empty rl_pts then () else
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%a`%d" (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts i
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 module ObjectInfo = struct
   exception NoObject
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b17295a4d5..ac3ce3439d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ module Auto = struct
     let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_addrw (base, l, local)) in
     { scope with sc_env =  EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }
-  let bind_hint scope ~local ~level ?base names =
-    let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_auto (level, base, names, local)) in
+  let bind_hint scope ~local ~level ?base axioms =
+    let item = EcTheory.mkitem EcTheory.import0 (Th_auto { level; base; axioms; locality=local} ) in
     { scope with sc_env = EcSection.add_item item scope.sc_env }
   let add_hint scope hint =
@@ -806,6 +806,8 @@ module Auto = struct
     let names =
       (fun l -> EcEnv.Ax.lookup_path (unloc l) env)
       hint.ht_names in
+    let mode = if List.mem (true, `Rigid) hint.ht_options then `Rigid else `Default in
+    let names = (fun p -> (p, mode)) names in
     bind_hint scope ~local:hint.ht_local ~level:hint.ht_prio ?base names
@@ -1287,7 +1289,9 @@ module Op = struct
         (fun scope base ->
-            Auto.bind_hint ~local:(local_of_locality lc) ~level:0 ~base scope [axpath])
+            Auto.bind_hint
+              ~local:(local_of_locality lc) ~level:0 ~base scope
+              [(axpath, `Default)])
         scope bases
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 127040f6b1..3c8257547c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1016,12 +1016,16 @@ let generalize_addrw to_gen (p, ps, lc) =
 let generalize_reduction to_gen _rl = to_gen, None
-let generalize_auto to_gen (n,s,ps,lc) =
-  if lc = `Local then to_gen, None
+let generalize_auto to_gen auto_rl =
+  if auto_rl.locality = `Local then
+    to_gen, None
-    let ps = List.filter (fun p -> to_keep to_gen (`Ax p)) ps in
-    if ps = [] then to_gen, None
-    else to_gen, Some (Th_auto (n,s,ps,lc))
+    let axioms =
+      List.filter (fun (p, _) -> to_keep to_gen (`Ax p)) auto_rl.axioms in
+    if List.is_empty axioms then
+      to_gen, None
+    else
+      to_gen, Some (Th_auto {auto_rl with axioms})
 (* --------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 let get_locality scenv = scenv.sc_loca
@@ -1046,7 +1050,7 @@ let rec set_local_item item =
     | Th_baserw       (s,lc) -> Th_baserw    (s, set_local lc)
     | Th_addrw     (p,ps,lc) -> Th_addrw     (p, ps, set_local lc)
     | Th_reduction       r   -> Th_reduction r
-    | Th_auto     (i,s,p,lc) -> Th_auto      (i, s, p, set_local lc)
+    | Th_auto       auto_rl  -> Th_auto      {auto_rl with locality=set_local auto_rl.locality}
   in { item with ti_item = lcitem }
@@ -1337,19 +1341,20 @@ let add_item_ (item : theory_item) (scenv:scenv) =
   let env = scenv.sc_env in
   let env =
     match item.ti_item with
-    | Th_type    (s,tyd) -> EcEnv.Ty.bind s tyd env
-    | Th_operator (s,op) -> EcEnv.Op.bind s op env
-    | Th_axiom   (s, ax) -> EcEnv.Ax.bind s ax env
-    | Th_modtype (s, ms) -> EcEnv.ModTy.bind s ms env
-    | Th_module       me -> EcEnv.Mod.bind me.tme_expr.me_name me env
-    | Th_typeclass(s,tc) -> EcEnv.TypeClass.bind s tc env
-    | Th_export  (p, lc) -> EcEnv.Theory.export p lc env
+    | Th_type    (s,tyd)     -> EcEnv.Ty.bind s tyd env
+    | Th_operator (s,op)     -> EcEnv.Op.bind s op env
+    | Th_axiom   (s, ax)     -> EcEnv.Ax.bind s ax env
+    | Th_modtype (s, ms)     -> EcEnv.ModTy.bind s ms env
+    | Th_module       me     -> EcEnv.Mod.bind me.tme_expr.me_name me env
+    | Th_typeclass(s,tc)     -> EcEnv.TypeClass.bind s tc env
+    | Th_export  (p, lc)     -> EcEnv.Theory.export p lc env
     | Th_instance (tys,i,lc) -> EcEnv.TypeClass.add_instance tys i lc env
-    | Th_baserw   (s,lc) -> EcEnv.BaseRw.add s lc env
-    | Th_addrw (p,ps,lc) -> EcEnv.BaseRw.addto p ps lc env
-    | Th_auto (level, base, ps, lc) -> EcEnv.Auto.add ~level ?base ps lc env
-    | Th_reduction r     -> EcEnv.Reduction.add r env
-    | _                  -> assert false
+    | Th_baserw   (s,lc)     -> EcEnv.BaseRw.add s lc env
+    | Th_addrw (p,ps,lc)     -> EcEnv.BaseRw.addto p ps lc env
+    | Th_auto auto           -> EcEnv.Auto.add ~level:auto.level ?base:auto.base
+                                  auto.axioms auto.locality env
+    | Th_reduction r         -> EcEnv.Reduction.add r env
+    | _                      -> assert false
   { scenv with
     sc_env = env;
@@ -1493,8 +1498,8 @@ let check_item scenv item =
   | Th_addrw (_,_,lc) ->
     if (lc = `Local && not scenv.sc_insec) then
       hierror "local hint rewrite can only be declared inside section";
-  | Th_auto (_, _, _, lc) ->
-    if (lc = `Local && not scenv.sc_insec) then
+  | Th_auto { locality } ->
+    if (locality = `Local && not scenv.sc_insec) then
       hierror "local hint can only be declared inside section";
   | Th_reduction _ -> ()
   | Th_theory  _   -> assert false
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 977f7e3657..d1b24f4f6f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1075,8 +1075,9 @@ let rec subst_theory_item_r (s : subst) (item : theory_item_r) = (fun (p, opts, _) -> (subst_path s p, opts, None)) rules
       in Th_reduction rules
-  | Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc) ->
-      Th_auto (lvl, base, (subst_path s) ps, lc)
+  | Th_auto ({ axioms } as auto_rl) ->
+      Th_auto { auto_rl with axioms =
+ (fst_map (subst_path s)) axioms }
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 and subst_theory (s : subst) (items : theory) =
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0d39c8d21d..a329d9318d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ and theory_item_r =
   | Th_baserw    of symbol * is_local
   | Th_addrw     of EcPath.path * EcPath.path list * is_local
   | Th_reduction of (EcPath.path * rule_option * rule option) list
-  | Th_auto      of (int * symbol option * path list * is_local)
+  | Th_auto      of auto_rule
 and thsource = {
   ths_base : EcPath.path;
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ and rule_option = {
   ur_eqtrue : bool;
+and auto_rule = {
+  level    : int;
+  base     : symbol option;
+  axioms   : (path * [`Rigid | `Default]) list;
+  locality : is_local;
 let mkitem (import : import) (item : theory_item_r) =
   { ti_import = import; ti_item = item; }
diff --git a/src/ecTheory.mli b/src/ecTheory.mli
index 472928561f..fb63e85447 100644
--- a/src/ecTheory.mli
+++ b/src/ecTheory.mli
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ and theory_item_r =
   | Th_addrw     of EcPath.path * EcPath.path list * is_local
   (* reduction rule does not survive to section so no locality *)
   | Th_reduction of (EcPath.path * rule_option * rule option) list
-  | Th_auto      of (int * symbol option * path list * is_local)
+  | Th_auto      of auto_rule
 and thsource = {
   ths_base : EcPath.path;
@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ and rule_option = {
   ur_eqtrue : bool;
+and auto_rule = {
+  level    : int;
+  base     : symbol option;
+  axioms   : (path * [`Rigid | `Default]) list;
+  locality : is_local;
 val mkitem : import -> theory_item_r -> theory_item
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 227aaee341..0b122511bf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -825,12 +825,12 @@ and replay_addrw
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 and replay_auto
-  (ove : _ ovrenv) (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (import, lvl, base, ps, lc)
+  (ove : _ ovrenv) (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (import, at_base)
   let env = EcSection.env (ove.ovre_hooks.henv scope) in
-  let ps = (EcSubst.subst_path subst) ps in
-  let ps = List.filter (fun p -> Option.is_some (EcEnv.Ax.by_path_opt p env)) ps in
-  let scope = ove.ovre_hooks.hadd_item scope import (Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc)) in
+  let axioms = (fst_map (EcSubst.subst_path subst)) at_base.axioms in
+  let axioms = List.filter (fun (p, _) -> Option.is_some (EcEnv.Ax.by_path_opt p env)) axioms in
+  let scope = ove.ovre_hooks.hadd_item scope import (Th_auto { at_base with axioms }) in
   (subst, ops, proofs, scope)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -981,8 +981,8 @@ and replay1 (ove : _ ovrenv) (subst, ops, proofs, scope) item =
   | Th_reduction rules ->
      replay_reduction ove (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (item.ti_import, rules)
-  | Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc) ->
-     replay_auto ove (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (item.ti_import, lvl, base, ps, lc)
+  | Th_auto at_base ->
+     replay_auto ove (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (item.ti_import, at_base)
   | Th_typeclass (x, tc) ->
      replay_typeclass ove (subst, ops, proofs, scope) (item.ti_import, x, tc)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a00d6a3178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require import AllCore List IntDiv.
+lemma iteri_red n (opr: int -> 'a -> 'a) x :
+    0 < n => iteri n opr x = opr (n-1) (iteri (n-1) opr x).
+    proof.
+      smt (iteriS).
+    qed.
+hint simplify iteri_red.
+lemma ge0_test: 0 < 2^512.
+    proof. by auto. qed.
+hint [rigid] exact : ge0_test.
+timeout 1.
+lemma foo (l : int list) (x : int) :
+   [x] = x :: l.
+by done.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d97cdb9dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+require import AllCore List IntDiv.
+lemma iteri_red n (opr: int -> 'a -> 'a) x :
+    0 < n => iteri n opr x = opr (n-1) (iteri (n-1) opr x).
+    proof.
+      smt (iteriS).
+    qed.
+hint simplify iteri_red.
+lemma ge0_test: 0 < 2^512.
+    proof. by auto. qed.
+hint exact : ge0_test.
+timeout 1.
+lemma foo (l : int list) (x : int) :
+   [x] = x :: l.
+by done.