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505 lines (443 loc) · 14.4 KB

File metadata and controls

505 lines (443 loc) · 14.4 KB

C# API For EZCode

The API for EZCode is supposed to be as straightforward as possible and easy to incorporate into your project. You'll need to add the nuget package to your project, or clone the repository and add it as a dependency to your project.

dotnet add package EZCode

To include it in the file, use, using EZCodeLanguage.

Example Project

using EZCodeLanguage;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var code = """
            include main

            int x new : 50
            int y new : 100

            print '(x * y)'
        // outputs 5000


This class is the easiest way to add EZCode to your project.

  • // Run and execute EZCode file  
  • // Run EZCode file with the 'main' package automatically included 
  • // Debug an EZCode file by adding breakpoints with: Debug.Breakpoint[] 
    // new Parser.Line("line_content", NUMBER, "file");
    // var line = parser.TokenWithLines[1]; // assuming 'parser' is instance of Parser
    EZCode.DebugFile([new Breakpoint(line)], "path/to/file.ezcode")
  • // Run code without a file
    // 'path' is optional parameter
    EZCode.RunCode("code", path:"Running from inside program")
  • // Run code with the 'main' package automatically included 
    // 'path' is optional parameter
    EZCode.RunCodeWithMain("code", path:"Running from inside program")
  • // Debug an EZCode code by adding breakpoints with: Debug.Breakpoint[] 
    // new Parser.Line("line_content", NUMBER, "file");
    // var line = parser.TokenWithLines[1]; // assuming 'parser' is instance of Parser
    // 'path' is optional parameter
    EZCode.DebugCode([new Breakpoint(line)], "path/to/file.ezcode", path:"Running from inside program")
  • // Run and execute a Project
    // input path and directory into function
    // You can use: EZCode.RunProject(path, Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
    EZCode.RunProject("directory/project.json", "directory/")
  • // Debug an EZCode Project by adding breakpoints with: Debug.Breakpoint[] 
    // input breakpoints, path, and directory into function
    // You can use: EZCode.DebugProject(breakpoints, path, Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
    EZCode.DebugProject(breakpoints, "path/to/file.ezcode", path:"Running from inside program")


Static class used for debugging in the interpreter

var interpreter = /*Interpreter Class*/;
var line = interpreter.CurrentLine;
var breakpoints = [
    new Breakpoint(line)

// Check if Breakpoint is hit.
// Returns boolean depending on if hit or not
IsHit(line, breakpoints, interpreter)


public class Breakpoint
    // Required:
    public Line Line { get; set; }
    // Optional:
    public bool Enabled { get; set; }
    public bool DisableWhenHit { get; set; }
    public string? EZCodeConditionToHit { get; set; }
    public string? EZCodeActionWhenHit { get; set; }
    public Breakpoint? EnabledWhenBreakpointIsHit { get; set; }
    public bool Hit { get; set; }
    // Constructor:
    public Breakpoint(Line line, bool enabled = true, bool disableWhenHit = false,
        string? ezcodeConditionToHit = null, string? ezcodeActionWhenHit = null, 
        Breakpoint? enabledWhenBreakpointIsHit = null)
        Line = line;
        Enabled = enabled;
        DisableWhenHit = disableWhenHit;
        EZCodeConditionToHit = ezcodeConditionToHit;
        EZCodeActionWhenHit = ezcodeActionWhenHit;
        EnabledWhenBreakpointIsHit = enabledWhenBreakpointIsHit;


This class is used to interpret parsed EZCode.

new Interpreter(parser, /*optional for debugging:*/ breakpoints)

Setting it up

var parser = /*set up parser*/;
var interpreter = new Interpreter(parser);
/* Set up Input Type (Optional):
 * interpreter.InputType = EZInputType.Console; // default
 * //                    = EZInputType.InputMethod; // needs SetInput()
 * // SetInput("input") // Input for 'input' method 


  • // Instance of EZCode used with EZHelp
    public static Interpreter Instance { get; private set; }
  • public string[] Output; // Console output from execution
  • public enum EZInputType { Console, InputMethod } // Type of input
    public EZInputType InputType { get; set; } = EZInputType.Console; // Input type, sets default to Console
  • // For debugging. Used to continue when a break point is hit. Set it to true for that
    public bool ContinuedForBreakpoint = false;
  • // The Parser used in the interpreting
    public Parser parser { get; private set; }
  • public EZHelp EZHelp { get; private set; } // The EZHelp instance
  • // Don't mess with.
    // Used for including EZCode Packages that have custom dll
    public CustomAssemblyLoadContext[] LoadedAssemblies = []; 
  • public Stack<string> StackTrace { get; private set; } // Stacktrace
  • public Exception[] Errors { get; private set; } = []; // Errors that have occured in the script
  • public Var[] Vars { get; set; } = []; // Array of variables that are in the scope of the current line in the interpreter
  • public Method[] Methods { get; set; } = []; // Array of methods that are in the scope of the current line in the interpreter
  • public Class[] Classes { get; set; } = []; // Array of classes that are in the scope of the current line in the interpreter
  • public Debug.Breakpoint[]? Breakpoints { get; set; } // Debug Breakpoints for the interpreter
  • public Line CurrentLine { get; private set; } // current line being executed in the interpreter

Methods and Functions

  • // This would be used if the environment that EZCode is running on does not have a console.
    // This could be used in a method that gets called when a user types the input somewhere and clicks send
    // It would call this method with the input like this:
    /* public Send_Clicked() 
     * {
     *     SetInput(InputTextBox.Text);
     * }
    // Used for the EZCode method 'input' in the main package
    public void SetInput(string input, EZInputType inputType = EZInputType.InputMethod)
  • // Start Interpreting  
    public void Interperate() 
  • // Start Interpreting with custom LineWithToken array and not the parser.LinesWithTokens
    public void Interperate(LineWithTokens[] LineTokens) 
  • // InvokeMethod is a function that invokes a method from the 'methodPath' and 'parameters'
    // var methodPath = "System.Console.WriteLine";
    // var parameters = ["Hello World"];
    // Interpreter.InvokeMethod(methodPath, parameters, new EZHelp(), out _)
    public static object? InvokeMethod(string methodPath, object[] parameters, EZHelp e, out CustomAssemblyLoadContext? assemblyContext)


  • // This event gets called when the output is wrote to with the Output property
    public event EventHandler OutputWrote;
  • // This event gets called when the output is cleared
    public event EventHandler OutputCleared;


Empty class used for EZCode Packages that include custom dll's

public class CustomAssemblyLoadContext: AssemblyLoadContext
    public CustomAssemblyLoadContext() : base(isCollectible: true) { }
    protected override Assembly Load(AssemblyName assemblyName) => null;


This class is used to Parse from string EZCode to LineWithToken[]

new Parser(code, filePath)

Setting it up

With a FileInfo Instance

// create FileInfo
var file = "C:/file.ezcode";
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);

// set up parser
var parser = new Parser(fileInfo);

With code and filepath

// set up path and code
var path = "C:/file.ezcode";
var code = "print Hello World";

// set up parser
var parser = new Parser(code, path);


  • // seperating chars that seperate tokens
    public static char[] Delimeters = [' ', '{', '}', '@', ':', ',', '?', '!'];
  • // the code property that gets parsed
    public string Code { get; private set; }
  • // the filepath property that goes with the Lines
    public string FilePath { get; set; }
  • // the list of classes found in the code property
    public List<Class> Classes = [];
  • // the list of methods found in the code property
    public List<Method> Methods = [];
  • // the list of line with tokens found in the code property
    public List<LineWithTokens> LinesWithTokens = [];


The Enum for Token Types that are all the available types

  • public enum TokenType
        None, Null, Comment, Comma, QuestionMark, Colon, Arrow, DataType,
        OpenCurlyBracket, CloseCurlyBracket, New, If, Else, Elif, Loop, Try, Fail,
        Argument, Identifier, Undefined, Class, Explicit, Alias, Watch, Params,
        TypeOf, NoCol, Method, Match, Break, Yield, Return, Get, And, Not, Or, Make,
        RunExec, EZCodeDataType, Include, Exclude, Global, True, False, Throw, Dispose, 



The class for tokens

public class Token
    public TokenType Type { get; set; }
    public object Value { get; set; }
    public string StringValue { get; set; }
    public Token(TokenType type, object value, string stringValue)
        Type = type;
        Value = value;
        StringValue = stringValue;


The class for lines

public class Line
    public string Value { get; set; }
    public int CodeLine { get; set; }
    public string FilePath { get; set; }
    public Line(string value, int codeLine, string file)
        FilePath = file;
        Value = value;
        CodeLine = codeLine;

There are many others, they can be found in EZCode/Parser.cs

Here is a list,

  • LineWithTokens
  • Argument
  • Statement
  • DataType
  • ExplicitWatch
  • ExplicitParams
  • RunMethod
  • GetValueMethod
  • Class
  • Var
  • CSharpMethod
  • CSharpDataType


This is the equivelent for the JSON package

public class PackageClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string[] Files { get; set; }
    public Config? Configuration { get; set; }
    public class Config
        public string? LibraryDirectory { get; set; }
        public string[]? GlobalPackages { get; set; }


This is a static class for Packages

  • // Where the Package Directory is located:
    // C:\Users\%USER%\EZCodeLanguage\Packages\
    public static string PackagesDirectory;
  • // This adds an EZCode Package into the Execution directory (used for importing dll into program). 
    public static void AddPackageToExecutionDirectory(PackageClass project, string executionDirectory)
  • // This removes an EZCode Package from the Execution directory (used for removing imported dll from program). 
    public static void RemovePackageFromExecutionDirectory(PackageClass project, string executionDirectory)
  • // This removes all EZCode Package from the Execution directory (used for removing imported dll from program). 
    public static void RemoveAllPackagesFromExecutionDirectory(string executionDirectory)
  • // Gets package directory from a package name
    public static string GetPackageDirectory(string package_name)
  • // Gets package file from a package name
    public static string GetPackageFile(string package_name)
  • // Gets package from package name
    public static PackageClass GetPackageAsProject(string package_name)
  • // Gets parser from package name
    public static Parser GetPackageAsParser(string package_name)
  • // Returns a parser with packages:
    // parser = /*Parser Instance*/;
    // parser = Parser.ReturnParserWithPackages(parser, ["main", "time"])
    public static Parser ReturnParserWithPackages(Parser parser, string[] package_names)
  • // Removes a parser from a parser
    public static Parser RemovePackageFromParser(Parser main_parser, Parser remove)
  • // Combines parsers into a single parser
    public static Parser CombineParsers(Parser[] parsers) 
    // Combines parsers into a single parser
    public static Parser CombineParsers(Parser parser, Parser p2)


This is the equivelent for the JSON Project

public class ProjectClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string[] Files { get; set; }
    public string[]? GlobalPackages { get; set; }


This is a static class for Projects

  • // Returns a project from a file
    public static ProjectClass GetProjectFromPath(string path)
  • // Returns a parser from a project
    public static Parser GetParserFromProject(ProjectClass project, string directory)
  • // Returns a parser that includes a the global packages in the project
    public static Parser IncludeGlobalPackages(Parser parser, ProjectClass project)
  • // Runs and executes the EZCode Project
    public static void Run(ProjectClass project, string directory)


The Api for making a package is in the package docs